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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 31 Mar 1865, p. 1

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I. tir 7 i -~ *-.- --I in Wrn W lm pcàue ts le di - Miolr - e ot ri i e s J. ad E u V. a l t sut ijdê sbed40flla Mauê Sspmh 10, 1843. 19-t Fou.;diog ou 1Wlest t at e u o d he Mrel on iuslu uStret lte l. Osesd boat Lindsy, M.sch1, 186.19- à. la y1.8 l-AL3N 1910103 its Th!,, boese bs rieontly bees refittet for lthe 19-tf accomutodatiln iet~a Bar supplied i iw . cLauce iquors. 246-6 leur, atollsOil11 s là l Liadssy, op e the 1 I ira Mm USTmL, ailer, Willanm streety 4X N9 T OI 0l ta ma1de Ut> hithe s4 t£g ir T Uao#l$. . pooe.r. iving uses.. Ml I *fý-"tRU e1 -279-17 .1eti7renovatet,îi. aIloote _______________ omodtion fer tmrtvelers suad, tie public * geuvaIiy. Utider'present. managemenut no >offc-]kiok cottage, eefrts vil be spaoseti tiaI iiconduc o tes Sa. 289.sf. -comfort utfgiiesta- ____________ Kr UThée beut t fLiquorandi Cigars. Pbysiciân. Surgeon, 4.7 rîfic-Foutanse Qus- uidusy, ~ U- lcais B omâmElRCIAL COLLE OF ly stonde4 to. jURGEN, ?YS- (F-ornserly et Brykt, Stratten i Dayi, 70rwitU!!IL 1.&i.v King $Ifreetg.Toroittoe 1, Surgeon Dentlkt, XcDen- opposite Bigelov'sDry Goodi ,Lind.y. -2901 ýv lFtgineer anti Provincial tyor, Rlusselli Streêt. IUFF.MAiN,~ Arobteci. 14 all, ToontoStreet Toronto. il Baginleer sud '.evlu-cial ýyn. offc i l r. Kempt's ,eut, LinUsay. ,W. 168-tf he VICTORIA HALL, tie WastsontStoe, Kent Street 1994. 241-tf GRT, lt. Organist of Trin- ýslt, Tes cicr êf the. Piano- ,. Reaidence at Mr. Uitten'4, My. .R. S. Williams, lIsproyed ieria-Organe. rLON.T TMIRENED AUC 1864. y4 L. E. Ispit ou Firgt Dor west o. WsrIeyau Book Raom,0 1014IUCTED) ace6rding to British Practice, U with sncb modifications siiteti- lu the r.- quirqnset a he business commtulty ot North Db;SIG1<.-Young m-ien tlsoaughlyprepared for tIse dutiesof thle. eeu-ntinxg ouas sund for punerai business. 'rlie course et Instruction embraes Merean.. tile Book-keeplng, Baitd Boôk-keeping. Mouiey Brokers'Boousa Commnercist Calculahions, Cous- mnerdai Law, Com mrial Corréspoadence, (includlng ithe principlesetEgsiom u- tien), Business Pen=usuhlp, 'Telegrapby aud. Phonoga'aphy. SltBof C/eSadLcre. countstaConsuerolal Calcuhasttions,, sud Comé- mercial Correspondence, ati Lecturer on Busi- -r IL R SutLivAr, #.A, Rarnltetr,Lectwer on . Commercial: Law M,Bi. IL B.TorsCt ie!01:er loi lunIlontreal T.legraph (Jompany's f010e, Tero.ite, lintruc- 1 tor n luTegrphy. 3r. W. B. -TuoxaSox, Instruotet la P!rono-1 grsphy. fr;. DAY bas inuçi peîssure lu refering taO the. tolovlug guiae:-li .J.- Grasset Ae. Muitrray',. Esq.oet Morti Murany- &Co; A. R. NeMate sq, d!Uct ater & Brother; George bMucuse L Ca;David Buchan, 'Sq., Bur- at Uunisy; J. Lesatie, EÈaq' Postanater;- WV. Fitch, Esq., of! tilaut &à Fitch; ain Cracks, Esq.,-4- AL. .D. W. Smth, Esq. Barrlstar, D.ë.L., Torone;é, lss Buchanuau, M.I>P.; IL Jèmon, Esq4., Adsm Bron, Esq., Hamltion; 1Duca$11, 'Sq., Motue; W. TrntEm .8wNevm îniti~v. hDr. . Green, Wel ni go8Uars, Chaiman of Cousty Board eofPulic Iustmuln, laiton. Fo -eruaddrem pq*pàl< («sllu i eter -- eticaà AeeoutaulTorUte ne A Wnuélbe UfrsaeLt Se. si, 'iii l00 *ams. e ilisgol uvtne a acrues u ulyto.4 wflges C. T. IO»OIO,PRPITE am ]ROMltlo &bd ecimrt to t tuait ood udbIu< noma&Uary1 1,1 -Cq« *0 u«fl'OL , R- IN&. Vomi peUt é4 I$%155 4 5 do.sp*tob *n oiu4 «Wte sme Snote tbaa sdsmw-?beeom - So( Warklusu's Llvey 7u1u1m% VmWes #de, Irod- Lhdssy, May 5, Md. 24 1y To -be Bo a >rené The. mat blf«Lt o.19, la the itb conession of uemarlpon~ctalulnit 00 ames, cf wlnch &bout ,D 1 uv are eéred andn- dirculttùvsll; I ellsws1Vaued, baisa good log, sMd abo,& a rsàDvlliii hous,, sud amali Bara "ud atâbl. thereois; tiiere ih ai- way7. a loo4i*Spplyotpr7i<ég water outhé blot. Time *111 i li ve for, 1egeter part-of ti ritt inlipiiLb e.-Fr partlcu3Irs aud to treat, spply om the pmim tte Peroprkn*o,- OBOIC -ULAKB, 280-IfLlua NOTIClog Fer sale, very chcapthbree extra aitable for School Hom.,.,galo, Oc. Aisea large w of ,Cookinu Stoves, Box and Psirlor * be ont of Mabr at thé s STOV.END 7WTURop, WJL Lu*M 1309~t Ceai 011, oht Caus, ho . a mloeset reti prices. Cash ppid for Shoeep siua, Cal! ukins, Xo041d Copper, &o. &c. * EDW4RD )sfcELY. William Strt, Lndsay, Jan. 2,85.ý 484 NO2ICE TO: BOHOOL TEAIERS. Tise Semi-nnuai EÉXAMINATION OF TEACHERS for Lindaay District vil (D.V.) laie place as' toiows - THURSDAY,- JUNE FIRST,-for Cani- dats ifr§ral ais o.titiott. FRIDAY, JUN<E SECOND -fer Candidates for-s soud aid tbird plama eet4fites. * JOHN VICARSIl . LlndsaY,-Matois 1, 58. 3"7-4d. NOTICE. .he bas týi day scid bis entire- stock -iiimatie, anti ais. ýis A ceeuuasand Bocks te o >.R C.*RL, vho viii earry onuthe.Busisseuaticoi- ei alAccouais, teh; . .- Al parties indebtd ei tiste andensiguei vi Oobcoak, ars da, 1860. 2»64t. BommerVhl, cmor M& t fr he mu Fesin Fils, mi ýt ise unatersgu- asaing à Note of Ir oh bl el,oa- .iti at Feànoi lue for thée . và4 I NEVB Auc-1 t Lldmay, Ju ONT- - - m ll é" pop sS ass'Otmrt, e ç MVI ~ ~ s -' ~ versa' s. ON, k'Sq, IRBSY MI ML$ TAUL , Tl LI FMffREÜ NOTI3 A STAGC UwlU bavea ourle'uHotel. Llnsayery laWo miit 5e*a l.s-ecbu ail îu lime 10côeati ithii ostage for Oshava, F.noui1001l BiiIDha fistheb.arrivali ofgi SBtigesfi. diSswa, *li*y sIBe4m o Fera uspoealu~Thoproprletoe wtt net b. ed sud pa4Md6 GEORGE OUt&N lue A CECRTAIN C UREFOR BILIOUS- -NSS, LIver Compilt, anA Dyspepasa, &II'ta diie4 i«Wg trousas dimodereti .W BROWN, Prepriolor. - - - W. J. THII1KEILI, Mted"I MAl a c'aily OOie, &o Lindisay, tb Otoe", 1664. Ai" *0» aEU FOI SATIN I CR1S, REI" LOT NO 26, CON. 4j lu 'm't étewnshxofp eu eelonCOeUBtY et' Viotoris,of *içil h E UeaoSxyAce lsr cd andti ndor aultivion. Tua laui iI sold lu two sepais te lots if- désired, te suit théý purchaer. Tii. eutat contai»e 100 acres, ef whicbi 10 are cleareti sndsa log bousethere- on. aid iii h soIt separately if de#ireti. Aise Lot No 52, scuili ide of Portage Rosd,. Townuabip of, Elden, Counsy victoria. For partieulars applY to JAMES HEA>, solicitor. LindéaY, Sept. 1,1X864- - 10-tf * * 01o A, 221 hà St Patal fxv55?sn pubs, $1,6,00 DbF4PSiT FU» ICAXAI>A, soeao 5OI~.MW M" , G ogoC . p fwy for isContydo! iec , làa red toelet e diréilpton abti- sà LIol- errnceml in'ioestrae onsstent with stcuutt7. Prospecuehi may b. bad en aplcain AMSL N ? ~f ~" Ut 54Is.Y5~ S WUW7 ~> W i!mi1~ ~mg bse~Uge Siehisp-ssé-wmgle6dsé - 'e.-u ut - ~ J i~luI Z!, ~ 'lut" -T--t a 4' -sh .m bka& ebehdijohl IWU-*Y7ý.WfSO X01e4 Or ý bt m s.tise ol uvw chïï dmaly ais lfe of ïwgumlliam n dil% but htm*r13 Uary JRMMeY, <atuidos'et Uo. lie o bU RuueY) via* al0A1 d ie Iis lif gon 'w abopli b'sut day sfjaiary,105 o thse sawl Inant&DhdeorgevUMuy* Datait Lindsay lbe. Naidsy of Karoth G WRG E NEY, @eu., by-P.*A.. Sie4, is . Ateo Primeri A ttention ! Tbý àwXjhQr rdoers te, hufornthé cualorers ofe lt iéii l rnaof fi, &Lov el, asi-l salth e ersi publie iatI ins n ov cerryiug on lin Harman sd Saddiery busines aolely onbis uVA310suý00ft ntht oIdstand d- h e Minsore cf w . . . Co~ y~ 1Vimatrcet. Liudsay, vint, l ii gîa tà bav'e à vi kfotueveryeu -lu vaut of any. Worlng closely at tw se iness himif, sud empiuysg noue lbut cxperiene"d verimon, sud buy sg blamaterisi for caslIh o s reedl oRthe hofoiloving 'price Rat fer hOcosidra tien of tnarparcisabers.: GO bav lams..............itb LongTtïg«d d0 d d-20 00 kfans............ ...... 1le001 Set.6 e1 ght ingle Havuou,. ' s sLsd traces, round Unes, sud hi"4rp sud fsney aindle............. . 18 00 À gooti servieahle double set ofemarse-- fiues, (suitable for a bgyor ligIs werk) vithi or r sud hps"ap, mi round Uin"eana anci ie ..3501 Anieve t Ihbin uproportion. baim& .ad sWtom w ua k" ofd.etCark4aeasd Cater Trtmming Kr~ A caulla respecfally souici"edi JAMES LOVELL. Lindssy, Deceauber21, 1864. 29i BG EG laanneunce te htbeir.cussomers snd thî 1) erait publhiu lb. arrivi et a veli bougbt h.dCar.faly-:.lected 8tookp Consistlng (ln part> of- FRESH TL4 ,AS, COFFEES, SUG.*R$,1c B Oots and Shots ln guest variOty, At m amau Mysm. a GoaL villSaiml uesise _ Whisn apmions and adullerated stuif lu oiti1 noionr the above insti, s sincle examinalion isi requested to tut the genensof Iheir Brand# in pale&s-ud anbrandy. Sherry sud Port W ine s , H o l l a u d G i n, ( B d R y e , W i n d s o r s d - faworebte Srwi, Osaridian and laupoiled AIeâ sud botti etiPortet CROCIERY à GLASSWARE lu the luisit styles sud si varions prices. Fleour, Oulsesi sud Comrul kept cgpsist- iy on baud. Tii. bgheslpi!i for Porr, Polatoos,. Buter, suid ewery dascniplion et Farnu Protince ireY Au nyeau lRisresiietfully requesled. OUISOLX kEoRill, Llusay lOis ov.m1 s »«k. WRIE lsnderi»« bit Ibanks for tin liberal VVsupport extouded hlm ville in. butines, l.the sonboebe irotaitinvite -the attention of bit onstommers sud publlp ta bhW Of varions iss, &ud superlor qmabty. Itriiïtte Parties, T«s Muelhigs aud Soirées 1snpled on lthesortunotice, sud on lb. usout Kr8dsndld Oylers regula l r"evet IIII<lis 550.Amsluv1d *NBflMS~~0WUPAMY~ -~ ~ -. ~mly lusse c! lis Oempauy113,OOO, 1~p 714 ~"jaive4 1t7lb~s pagy dusiuq ~is ye.r 18 esseet t~. of~ ethar Copp~ ha GrumI ~eltals by £3oÇ SsnW~. lut~sane* q. ev«~ OsobrIpticu et popent y * I AGuiNPrm jPebmà. 4t * 9ot a e ed inA ovtvjro*im, opeo yen and i»;, *broi"ues lb btmes ndeus. ma*, uywalad abers bis feilov, Ot forgats bisc1011vi thon; Masters,. urlam tIs.iremember, That yoor meanesi blud are an 'ieu by laber, meu by feeling, Mu by Ibougbluad Mmbyfbm, Clalmusg equal rsgb. te sunasue Tinte are fomesumbr*idered 008610# There are littieweed-clad ris,à Tinte aan feeble intb-hlgh saplingut Tonere cedart ou lue bals; Qed, -who counta by soula Bet stations, T'oves sud pros oyn aud ime, A»e-as pebiseslia tise »&s T o$ing bauabcealoeteuilderu Or * naionswosaltj or fami., *Tâied lazinevé le pauenae, 1 ed,'sud f&lisud on tise s Dy ibe syeet ou t el forbeads, Living euij rezjoice, Wbiie the poor mma u'seuraged freedea VaiAuýIWW fedupIi svoice. Trutb andi justice are eternal,> Bora. witb lovelines sud l git. Secret vrougs shall never prSper, Wbile there it a. suany rlght; Go,~neworld-heard volcet suaning B udiesu love te youuantime SiAks oppressionwith ils sities, As -the pebbles in the. ses. THE. GQVERNORk'S SPEECH. ethIree. o'c1ock, on Satnrday, Hie Ex- cellenef Cloued the session with the folios'- ing Speech t - e&s. ognen qtf thse Lebiudat6ve, Cos- dl, GintLem e f .&ie Legi Motive Asam"y. lu rei .easing you, for thse prese nt, htm fur- ther attendance in. Panlia.Ment, 1 believe that [ am able te congratulate >YOD Upen hsving laid lhe foundalot a or sue. jtimnat nion- of Ba au bd&*y% cfIîýBu"s tbhd~ te0na Yom bavea q9ed hN" boom oala ulsted te pauvthe si.ceri: asd earuoetnewitis which yod. adwreete -the policy * f Ber Majsy in relation to for- olg contressudyour readiness lu pous «ny rueusree'whisih uay bc fonnd neces- mar foi the. enforcment of liat polic-y vithin the, Province. GeèntLemen of tie Legaiative ASSeMêlY 1 îhank YODu 1er lthéii.provision yeu have ruade for carrying ounthe. publie service of the Province. Thei.ura whuch ha been inîrusted to -the go verament by yeur - vote, for t"a permanent defence uofibn Province, canne fmil to b. received by our fehlow euh- jects in Englànd as an usrnesl suas Catia- dàmamar ready te accepi the. respousibility, %wls hey claiemtlie dvsag.s eofBritish Mous. Geniteman ss.Genutemeus:-4t bus -beur considereti adisable thas a depotation. from . t oue of eCanada should pro- coud teLno ecufer wis-l, Ber Maimty's uInuisters on questions of groat importance te the coloMy. Whesa lies, getleMen shahl have returned, I shali lose no ein iiagin availing myself cf your counsels, snd layuag belt.e Yodenii.rosuri t fheir, miséion. UEPARATE .SCHQOLS. It l bii iN o soifr Cathi o endetstand at once liai îbey eau counil for ne qSypathy troua Conservativesina- the freinaglaiteon aby ai riWing in sesfrenc o -leSparate Hithenia msny Ceaiservatve jour- uais-the Reporter among otier-,-l'ave etood tise brut aftins battle eou viat ihey ooosldsred ti* riglils of therCabolc teles- citibens in Upper Cadada, sud bave inma mesure oppoiod . teac«hings>ot their ovu se i n dokng som Bat ve. msst candadly cSm thaivt e t g tiredof Ibis neyer- endngSeper afl I gitaao.Wien hoi 1ati Bil-pop;àlatly kuova as 4S&ou'#% Bilpl"-wau paaaod duting the reigu ofthle aI Refom sAdmiàiulrmonil vaswuurgodby ât. supportons thiai vu. to bus a ty, and t ai ieCatiof etUpr Cadm wossld becotaent with thse &s. Sume isdate ave jeans bave uot5 .oand . talady afr.6ha . tatm on tissu uummua ubu andtb ý c( 5W <i>itu <lt IW aiic Chtmam are mleady u vonAlg t prve tuat lhoy did.t imcepi1Mr. Scti'. B1ilas a latlythm psviugithe. yfoa &rosi OP-msue fise mieh"quiie t.y k2 ýviiib. v»if thé Cosorve,. Ss qupsa -isqueston. Ltt t.edifi- e iybe. sat thabsoulttLM mafara " =eCtbll"tssweoa b.ane parti t s reeh.spms pios mtaim. ott teiud tmw liaimm 'mmbesa iQ tlo ', ogtru twti leu . M" - a n lii ~ m*0m ImmtlaSlb5l a nUp- lev dsem an ailt rdesud qt .ushr ~ ~ WA mo rsa aiaie meu pp and ussneli. d iii t g Tiu Nnw TAXzs - It ioq evidenitinht the Covernment Wbahd rie distinctive finan-- cial policy this seesio,-the. poitlponr.reni of federation and the torre of the. debato on the defence question in the, Hou"e of Lords have evidenty iad a very importt nu- luenace on Mr. Gait. Bis proposition au parliamer.t la grant eue million turt permla- nenh defénces and tue millions for ürdinary expeudilure, without fnrnishing thé' xusat estimases, clesrly indacate the -sudtleuueoe of his resolution, and thse atèred couditioC - eft hinge since tice pening ef Pariiantent. Thiis large grant fVwagotherexpendiîare, wvilh the certainty of cus;ms revenue de- creased by one-third, point toana inevitable increase in d ut-jes, and tiaItes@ large exteni. -The alteied policy cf, Mr. Gaît, and ah. exteut and sâddfenneis ut his demande, im- plies a speedy action in levying liset. duties; sud whauwvo laitweei thougit wa.poba- ble on] y mre nonths ience, vo nov ahik,- may toliow in a tes' dava. The trade gen- erally vili loek with anxioty-for Mn.*Gali's arnouncements.-lb. PlACE Paospcs.-IftheticSale- Idete' reboihion la net ini a veri advmmce--etage et decompositien, then aIl signe fail, and hiatoy- la a huge, consistent imposture. W.e aU ail mou te vwitness-thai the Jending article. ofthli Rinod journal@ have for mom@ wveois I e icmeut ssistatoy and uxhi- sratusg mattor that Unioniais çou Id nyshere flnd te reud. Tisepropheeimof eRobbolt Ui amplis at hand, S o antantly fuaisafied ; thse stupendou as ofe vry 0000ta ars, s'iiti nobody obeys, am CàytterousgIvP* ioet o! înfo~alousienrrai1yw âhinld, viniçi nover came 1sate glit; tise for~lin tiens-sud pve ipmhents of hia oK-. olais as ioom fiut r in ctumd, iu rus- iq ibbibeadlong to n a; tie daily objurgations eofthli provalet despo.. deucy» aspsillanimoaff 40d 'Uncaliodfr; lb. dmeuuimiiocf COs g8esý p in Po of dangor-that i%,l uitlipg'otir osveral orne;, tw quit.. tes ver negro tumtng, oeue portion. oiàW- iug taIthe caus muaI fait unie..a-ibed by egubayonet, audtin o citbe iMsae tisai, wthelieffurOce Mmo ante, it a. lest ef course ns"fCioclaznoring forXxmor meý,m-reuindispesssbl. ti" uins, witb "quaNd tIsretortingsai tino..alite Ai li4 ru an uaMother be Mtauorcladi- itas volsoment rueagpia"SbII lu-h»do a sut a »*m $dé a to e cu, m W.tien em wla4 Wiucllac - 4Wihliem oliub ~- ~n 'Â~21L -q'- - ~-, j I - -il E~ 'tIir,* & Tu 1~ ~. ;* be b.goi- rster sind Atteruey-at- lui Cbaaosiy, Nolary ka, RfCfSl uk. ýk, KCeat street, lndsay. - .S, MistS.V L 1 -17 suîdm tat*F#41 P. -,Y! a ý f, A JUD O ffMou,é1 I I = b-.-' a ~1fl ter, oic- W. Moite aex»"« ~ sud a I-- -- re-.1 .c smu.,.é the a instuionu-cuiisag and pppnt- "othn le principie bs pteofaesu mmadthir demcedantî1us mYU -der agra- eins providence, have the oppemty cf, rising tu degrees of peîitial gnWaeuo, Um- tesral puotperi:y, intellIetueladl diterurya- Isinmeul, re."gieut, educational sud aaosal ,rpoeand reflaement et taste, andinsu- neswich cannot be reacheildnsasal W - '<uthe other iand, «"Ttbe perpetuation of ithe present maled condition of tiePtovince.- and ricb as es is in material benef&lt, asudproRperous vila- in the. limita zhich imali communitie. meËii ata ,-yefvw naguubeaak ina trengh, uequlte the devolopemona t lier cvii m-, soreunable te turnish te her sans pro-. lsonieducation, or te reluin at hoie be *erpnisiug yeutb. se.bis littl. pethIW the future bèenod a dwarfed. exitnem sd' nltitàsate absorption iutte eneighborusg r.- 'A MwanusCu3à.s.-Tbs m tal aimet of duties received during thse menthaJea - ary mmi Febrs4ry ut the six principa ot oe h.Province, shows a- wery -mart -Je- creasse as compared willa tie eorreepoedlut menti-s tf1laiyar Te'lgawmessadtu: -184, 66,053; 186&, *458ý,774 ;--de- treuse, 8206,278-aiowing à. decIue cf thirty-obne per cent. duning «the-lr&i îIwo mentie oftis-year. Thé -port cf Quebe gives 3,28agaïnet *123forcos- pording menthe et 1864, beiug -s decrs.c thirty-six Per cent. Montres Fyielde $33%> 250 against$476,666for cerrcspending meontis.- of 1864, being a decrease etimny-two par cenl.-Kingswun shows a decreése tofely twenty p~er cent., the ameuts beîng *6,39£ for thé-et vo months et this eur giu $7,946 for sne peiod u 86.Tereuo shows a faling e f ft f,y-femr pt cent., the figures being $41 »8U<>ths 7eav, againat $74,58-2 for eame- period last year. là.- itou v ery uearly holds ils own., tho docline being only abaut Ivo pev cent.. IThe fgres stand for tfiirst îwo motiths ef pemest yeur, 833,85,aginst $34,479 for orrespuudig penfIfdet184. Landau,'on tai eother baud, s awsnuincrease equal te Oi pet bpujL., l amants standing- shus s'.rtIw nopaIt. eft te pmwsmtyeur *18,161, agmnt 810,095 for msneperiod e611864, thisfe- euce being $5,066, repre-sentang*abotwexw- ty -i.Q reousand dollars vortb cf goods. W. (esr, hiowever, tint thii, inceso in tho iný- ports ef Londen.isa auributable in a large de- grec te lie qxIensive'laes flby Or. vbich have occurred ý r that city. Tic total amenit oftduties collected at the above-menIiooed - Oive ports durin- thc 'ast tvo menthis, fal four pet cer,î& onýthetl amount receavet at the port of Montreal alone, Nnrin9hl i ral two montis of 1864.-Trade Rev4w;. Mr 1 -moit

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