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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 31 Mar 1865, p. 4

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lt o us owe yat*Paeo ituo 0.*<October. Apply W.J.?HRKLL lie ~ 10: -J r--- B I d of. T'6 MCame t hé pre b wboréth * W LrvRà or pemitëi'c* t hM ibs oelï ri 4« hed*e à wom. tbstiW#flAs4niea a ai4I ý "-1 Îht t isa SraceIlxman ucire 10Oiuncaaloe u tl of Bootsw alob timy al Ê>.. tcêai1iw tbai îeymcbd mFor ietmes Cambwy-duak wiu aacR Nt iPr10 C V1 w o îcýtion th damnsog'. je ithe damascefl 4L0 Eance Qt A urntýdtty" ,rô MDamietta- 64eW1q 'ÇordwiW qr'<crdtan' frn- Cord- .Y Up I spt.s'~fOiI fi~ S~ . .AI NG WLL4 IP jFS1W LRGESIY>CI 0F -or O1W2AT A SACRWICE.- ,g~èatr-' fs»Xap' fSe a ~~1>3 ±ulpItîo'~ in exie-'pIch . i hosisw»paohaao wu tiii.r«a47Cash, 1he fuiowlng articles I' )xUint ment' frein Pergtlmo-the 'bezazg-te' z *Uam blnsayc ~n aLas .omoewt li alpso fe n menatiouad -i onur ltMyur, . . 1iMK T E PR l E zai- reinByzantium being iattliflC t~ gld cin-~e 'Ginea' ibt itwas rig-~ s air Sud Uakets at $2,40 pe air * fait« Flaiels w*tb 't.6d. gev sold for 2.6d. se d- dlyLoiaed (in 1iWS>of goM brou-" ' ou l kt a!vo) Undu Coat*worth $5 00, suid £1 $3 00. Pl fIa 6thefArx$2n00 pet pa.r. 0w Coats -Il$6 00,1 3.5 on1 his ~Cam1ei>t liai 1V was wo.Vlenu, ai .*31âný404 Uau. 6d. per yard Pâlit& wortib $3 00, given awfty nt $2 00. . repoes last art f it ften çaelgbair pa4Idwwul deuil. 8l*wla worth $5 06, & domea Fur Cap& sacrificed for 3x. 9d. ,eoês a~ ar o tfrm alil' II'~. ivaavy n$3 GO0IXBNGRATIS. plucked To 'BEEC' OiNOT To Bu.-wA smill Maiesugusii Cobouri ai le. per 0 o.Nc crst .gvasst u. by -his piivait îwith fo;tX &iîjý Wa i laving 'o d.»~ haesfe u hre on b~c~d sois hive o< beu~ wa ?tt.t (batfreeeiof) charge. ofnc on brdsonraTie h ai( 11ey, mand.s. Pd8~>6IV ~ «CHEÀP GROCERIES.N of the p<ail kioda) boni 'leu., nd. ep.Good. Hyson Teas fro. 2s. 6d. per. lb. up 1)y ive bundred saenantisoldiers. Tua<i ol o i o ret . $o 35. 0Ibo. of Rice. or $1 00, As soon asibth~e or oame akrngside s12*14.t a oas Yrk - pi, uedTaccofor auate dLthalsin the ereW o4 ihe . erivlIatrnoderi rntéd. WÂN lisassthe riggiu v ' uerh .ve and*verm dli7 ietl broken hre hmdw pon the deck o'-- the galsIey1 Tbe.,Trkst aqtonîàe e Sit rem- v i i oe! "ode of"Wià*r, sud uis4P hi at oce, able to d efead-themselves froui thme Go at- onde as -ho lâtends te moU off hbu large stock (ai those prices) in a couple ut veeks. ar, and gsofthu n 0e es1sf~ 0..Elgtl la ihFUu7bs ,atisfled he will pWofrm what la promised, by' uelliag as oheap* SW'terrled that Me hugtoIotlgaM1 detle.RMEMRER THE PLACE- ' but ho10ece their fury hl r oiw ofie0t1* ess!,dçen- 1 !7KNOWLSON'S BLOCX, KENT ST. r' their enemxes, .word îinband - sud Motcaptuied the vessel1t alosiWithot-À YI A T _W R H K OWNm remis anS. ., Dur»g h onfusion te fon occswano s Ofir Peas15ante mbld4a ai sen a *L f I teSwbu«, ntrngthankatj theuir frisdo:and the publie for the liberal supporte!x ,snhrýgiatzpldbe1Meu» . gu.f i .tomansomeuirgbusiness ia Lindsay', beg to ennounoS tho heliue c0ithé pai Miniâte. oft1.1 Ur w IIIaShaving i~in cmloyedÏ-1 ai '<-- R toa f hi adware Es'ablshment to L-I-quence o 1iisudeîem ýfoieir 3l MF rned -the design, ordered the servants,1 b'Dg TUWI £t5OE, [tdln of his bec-hives, and throw thert in the - thatErni middle of the furiozls mb The eif- 3I<D.,I 1 r' L[il)A9 ' iïaay f ei ws watmigt b ~~ectd~wber they wil b.glad -luhtve aàvisit hum nold eustomers and intending purthasere. ParticuleaM sttsa-iyaofa asked to Uic following F.fCTS - bc V -. FPIM No.19 ThatDRAKE OLEY have on hand the best -fielerted sand largei'1 anxious îbey were- immediatly ut o libt, K: At tbeir and happy to .escape._WiStuflg.. - , tocli; uft Hear>' sud Sheif Hardware in.the Cuunty zf Victoria. P.ACTN.. S That DRAKE & FOLEY offer ev.ory articei hi isa ue hc r bas is- a T DPçPI'leanot b.e undersuid. le of the VD "~..Y,&CT No. t That DRAKE& FOLET can show a ipiendid lutoutSxàTis in e 5Yt t agin I CfBUGS.-4If an.y pf yourreadenAm.D styinl,. aareamimn ag Brad- e ucrueyfbdtus hyFACT No.: 4 That DRiAKE &FOLEY bave ooustninskalag sotft B:rde 10 ca havse mea . i en us , heyueo a'i isVanmePutti, Glass, Brushes, k&o raddt can have minhesomc vibermse th one -FV o htDA .k&fOLEY'5 là the sot orTable snd Pckeît Ctitlery of o thiiB-roulesevv ve îirlwit ve. li~ tile expense. Tbey have ouy1 0 FC No. 6 That DêAKE & FOLEY have a largequantity of lion, Spring u sigla ash with sait and water, filling the .si&ew~Sol Hores Na ils, Axes, Baado ings, Batchcts, ~ttst Armenia. ak hchUe rqieiwi sl JATN.T Thar PAKE &FOL1BY cati %nish v: rylhing susU>' &hm IyCrs ndi you may look in -vain. for -theOt0isnrw. -tra dterfacltè i to Mo- lt serin anmical t6hedým-bugs, and idogpsrîMteapic. .- pprndthtey will not irai! -th.ough:il. 1 îhink 3'Oa OlsdColO1aup n Gass haveIe- it preferable Io al! 'ou umenîs' anti DRAK.& KatSie., IUd T.Aebuyer requires go cerificate atoi0~ 'O1Y is genu ixenes.-MJràI4. __C. e chief of Yàe.l ni lias a Bxwo CLOCK'A correspond est 7 & JIl 1 - M A eoencilia- of the Scipiitifie Mxnerican- says îhai t lac, ud omonbres ocs rta b den-118 T *ZitN4 EECONPLETION Oir BIS FALL STOOt 0OF Susisis in Pmar iwo.tirde of the ýenet-watia -. - - ~our ~4to ls 1eldauickLly as -- ýrmPaiaad lentiug h stand, any trn, idyen.- UR IU Iz Fu iîL natter bu5 wiii have good buttur la twe.or Jpve* a.. a Pbe 4 beg4jîng îhirty minutes. if yen have lm or ci --. -s tene.a6 to eas crearp, <ivideacc0tdlaly[ad--. ~ o aa ton.TheO if yen put 100 ranch cf 1h.jer-7"la 1 utilcil nibpto . - - lt I1UG AI> IT~1 HAM% PAIR- ~n~cri Î11lIneyer separata o h CV~-"-LOUR VIN IN G, N TFgNT8E~ e deaf and 0 0,1t~OSV~ xrred aiite A DiaLiclous 5otrw-reea aen LVNE, BY~JAI ou àpe~ Lune- slos six large- oiloOssix peldceet- - - -MTEUS0 ÀIO ÎZ;-ýn, xarrois, sudfow tu;fqII1rnu1 - .tongh lI'l* a p'und of butter, andPôqc ti - aum ùUER t~m four equa ts.CEboWsg s.ie -of .Th - -,à*. Io re- Toast a criaI of hiiati as brv« sAd 1* ltw ar bd as possible, buta o umM__ and put in, due oueohssu bee* wb e amisit #~~S.SI~~7~7 ' Ldt0>g.ci GDQ1XE~ Z2~ 1863 SOhCiI~~C - 4.W .a.pt. 'Lean. - Itioar b.in g to privais iadi 34- ipwa4 S, hum hreft tg 6ve yea'1, 1- ?beztomeau be hd immaie'Yioy. on hs*b o*hhtrytiti. Insurince, Pire Lit>, ba"hd* meratO tti.s. Aim», àAot*. of 'Vain"b uùd àaIe ffb7 , YE5I.tm. ç ibrpar- aeo iBacf AWET.4LSPRNO OF}io-pE FOR ÂLL CAN. BE FOUND EN ÉxBoFGOOD CHEER, THE SNRXINq MA? -BE SAVED*BY THE USE OF Hlolloway's Otnt ment. The fltryu these great r*emedies la îb., Un U'bTERIGNED> la novr'prepard moal vnde 1 lnedic&i revelation ijiat tilt te world has ever known. h t.establialea îthes&U jinportant tact that aberever, and ln what. Len& 85 ý1» 4ever shape iternal disease exista, the disivn&rt. L naing, aearching and bealing properîtes nttl (blngig tepriate ndiiduas), Pis are fully çqual lu ils subjection and cure r VVE YEARS, en Impru'ved Farina, in sud that with the O0intaient, lhey are Me 0asa ast aluit appilenta, at a1 THE GREAT AINMBASSADGILS or' W RATE 0F INTEBREST."- -H A TIT L A Rlb For trher particulars apply-to H L F OAL A II.b JAMES HIO LDEN, This is-1nul a history lwriiteik -by one mmc Price ibet. ven derved froi thje experiences ef une uniftu ho,30000 ace> ef an f r Sinc er~ t eonssi ,ý of a co milatin of testimoniAls frim' lles ut Ontario, Peterborough, YVictoria;_ the sick - of every- cOuutr.>-5u unimpetalIt abtn, ent EsexGre'Middles" -Prt'record, the lik-e uofwhir'h bas *neer bet~a È d ther Couffties. doced in favour uf a ny discueo rvtI INSURANCES elfected ai modera te ra t meslie ega. hee R IGHITY HEALÈRS, WOflLD K.ÔWX, AM rince Albrt, Mtch 0, . WORLD TRIBED, ARE A BOON TO TIII. M on y o en--The want of a sterling medicinâl to me h Jy Ms and uecessitilcs cf te suffering portion c. ON REAL ESTAITE, humanity, and one e-tiirely free fruin* minerai and other dù!etkric.us particles, wis seeveiev ms.of $200 gr wbards,41 7 Per cet. feit tili ibis aill .owerfl. nedicine was ushereà Principal and interest payable. vithin ten into the world: Hlollowav'slInvaluabIePills avi tas, ai ach limes as suit the borrower. become the Household Reigedy of.aIl na ticxls Apply to Their att .ribute is te pre«ent As w edl as te C re; -0. J. CKY lrstr they attack the radix or rootof the cniphtin. or, NEIL RAIY, Lindsay. aud titus, hy -rcnioving the bilden cau$e ef 238-tf disease, re-invigorate and restore Ut e drooiing - --- - energies f te sytem, assisting itre ir~h oaieyo e Xney! taskof vitalaud fuctionary reforipation. y DISORDEPlS 0F THE STOMACH [?E teietonipoeFarPo-Are th- sources f te deidiiest maladies Their inetyl suins ut $300 an .daupwards, a'lt efleci isluvitiateail ltie fiids urhe bodraiid sonablertsteitreiLas fetd nlsend. a poisoiied streain through aillthe chan- rw days after the titles are inveetigated and nel5 ut circulain. Nu*, whai is tie opera. epaliers arteom>ipleted. Apply, if by lette: tienout heiPils? Theyeenrse thebowel.*re- e-pai5 lu gulate the liver, bxîrng tbe relaxed or irita ic G.M OHE. somach idto a nriiural onditýoi, and, acir. .indsay, AprUl 13, 1864. through tbe secretive: î'rgaas upün flle bkod i.seilff change the siate of the systeul froi iCk. MONEY TO LOAN-. wholesome effr ct Upon ai luFrt and fuetios- B E SUBSCRIBERS HAVE pRrvAtE la irivited so test tlie regtiating and restorav Funds tlu invest un Improved Patin Prop- pow ers cf iis hiarrnicess but effective pr(:r aa -y, aIsà low rate uf intereal. lion. At th, 1 eok e ie a-i~ l 3IACKAy & MAKNO, eaesytmuergu!s the mot irUr1far Barristers, &c., and critical changes. the Pili --wi]ll roirt a., -WtÏsunWs Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. positive safegnkird aguins vl usqua, 'vembor, 1863. 226-tf Tbey are aIso cortident.lv recomunendtd ai r, spe-cific in evçry disQ.rder tci whizh eiucar ecuve suhje ci. Xvu.m y . TO Y RBE LT UNDEP.STOOD, AT 8PER ENT.That the abovc statenients ean &t &l i tmela A T 8 P R CI e verified liv the ivritten esti mny (extnd irg r'OR particularm a pply to îhrofiglîa qatro eu >)o ta ti:. LÂCORSE DORER, ands cf uninîpeachable witnesses. Solicitors, Lindsay, BIL10US MALADIESL &. Lindsay, JAn2l, 1864 2344tf In %whu lever firrni di3ea5e attacks tbehe ier, It is repelled a rd exiermina.ted h-r ibis searcs MONEY TO LOAN ing, painless, and irresistab!e curatives. 13-- iolis reîteli*,s.bilions piiging, sud <I]the. C'- 'IHEsubseriber is prepared to negotiate loante dinary dizorders c-f îLe orgav, ifldirât-d lv (u gond real estitte sectirity- at moderate - inithe rigit zidîe and blenteýoi iies from il onelu te r, years t th e p ilo t e r -Ci W t~ f t C hiC tfh e s , eak- >rruwer. i4ess and dcbiTîjc, &c , are rtdieied and.rm- J. B. K\OWLSON. be the reni¾ily, wiba celeritv wl-ich L nd aY ., O ctobrr16 , 1861.120 ,n ved t he suffre rs u h i fin s fe 4 ck whop te Uicfctilt.liaueab del LOA] resrt ith confidonce to ibtis povrerftil r- KONEY TO LOAN bilins ge-nt,and asenuaiO i ei. os EASY TERMS. act wyrillbe tUic u- ing rezt,.t. ApplyROBET LAG DYPEPSIA, DIARRIIe WEA»%KNESS 1 T.inssy.Mar~, 184. 28-fi The ter-ribe bdily aînd mental pan s -B*:c tiharacin>rize Dyspepsia are ai once nîiigti Lin si nd obèy~ea Iv the Pîhis. D. rrhoee, cons.t;pation, heaus- - pbysical ~Prosr.tiOfl, ervois Ie Or bt - s~ paMs, aufi.cir,5ofit he kîdueyva k'î.ý iî,àop OSpýIes, dinifa cti. a!!internai belints, f1juil w-lhtever rcuLse ari.iilg, give -w't n a fore Ithe salianrNi infl!enCe of this- extrar-1 Co lthe disorder connectèd with it,or g rig, The subseriber begs te announcetthai durÎnr j viv otlier-imcd iCise ~Ad modç uf treat ,' fie wvinter montha the ébv tage viii rua 85listteî ied - Le ave Lindsay evry-Tuescday, Tursay-and qOLL0WAY'S PILL ARE THFEEST IEM* Saurday at 9 u'ýclck a.0à., and arriving ai EDY Z\QOWS N-TIE WORLD FvV.,TIIE1 Bobesygeon at 1i eock p.m. Rtturning9 vili FýOLLOWI.XG DISEASES: [cive Bobcayvgeon everyiionâay, Wednes.day, j Asthrda, Headacl'e, a it Friday, at .9 elock, reaciagS Lindsay at -Birdl Complaine, Indigest -ion,, Cclds, l-t1fuefiamain Custivemcas, Liver Cumpélaints, - Dyspepsia, Lo&nen otSpirits, Diarrhea, Piles, Dropsy, Stume sd Grave!, Debi >lity, secoadary SvmptomI-. Feyer sd .-gut, -Ver.ereal 'Affections, Female CoiitallnL' i orais ut li kin-, - if the reader of thii "I&nceice" dannot get a box of PLU1s or Gintment from, Uic drug irCr bis Place, let Liai writetIo nme, enclosiig z' imount, and 1 wil mai! a box free of eXj e:'e Maiiy dealers %vill iiet keep iny mediciee -' baud because the'y Cannet malse as sts on otiier persons' make. - None are genuine unless the. -ordà aa, îew Yorkaa-d Loeoaed~cnt a Water.rar!k lu every leuf of the bookJ 0d moetions: around each box ; Uic sarnelvy blainly seen by holding Mue Ifaf t hé îg Iandeome rewýard will b. given to sny bne Lering such informationl as may leadiv t Ui iectliof utany party or parties coitesg-"D ihe-.Lfedicine or vcýidiug the saine, k--i 1 em lu b. sarions. 0. -Sold at the mauu~torV of P re If 01~ ,1O!.LOWAY,,80 Maiden Lsie, Ne, 1i ýk -ied by al espectable druggists and des1e"la . Nedicino throughçÂt the United States &n 1.1De 1.tvilized world, in boxes, ait j5 cent5, 6-cr iY' There la a oousidertible saving- by the )arger ises. 4 INT TO-THE WORTH Y CITIZENS 0FC4YM .8 M WARBED:-IN T 1>1E A LL paiies Pinatg , F1s d Oý-~ rnen fort her several. cuiplaitts ire ree . pectfaify warnd against lurcbisirg. eitber ;FUs or Osutien t purpoting to em y Prep5. allons that have a UJnited States stsuîp srou'd' the boxes or pots Thee la nu Treity betien tii. Peuple ufthe cStatos sud the H-ume Guvtrn' 1tct My ptep= ît4IiS.Thexte am Do stgif up en My Calli disu style oft-p ls o inm c comtiig from tlie Unimd tatec,- i1rely ll fot protectii-S On fe vats trk Ite 11book if âriciOsI 1 émd sscli.box u«PO ot- Y"" OI , urcastb5Oi. me tht Ues ae ýn uU.S. gat*i - 0thate B" o S gt-«aFaso* the risk of ovuers, unleàs booked and paid fo. - - il. WORKMAN, iindsay, 29th Dec., 1864. PruprWeor The subscrilberdesires lulo tru ls frieuds and the publie ihat he continues lu keep the begi bomes, nqatest sandmoet covnfortable sleighmsud cutters, constaatly on hand for - Tenus eatremuly Moeeraie. .e ld ýRy T C, Plain Wbis- - - ~U8Oç &NILOCK FA ýUBR FO1&»I Bale,!i hai utLOT. 27i MTECONCEMSOX 0F OpSI and within 2 Miles of tha Iourishing T«wa of oinduy, and 11*boBosygoon Ruad. TIer are about 40 arsoerd and weil -fus.Tbo91i.sU @a, and vailwatere. &ppio luheb. vuereth nisecehoa opa 14h -Tuae, 136-4. 5* LM& fr seuoer- at prie" svaryugfrmt o 3 per acre, *ils wi flolglaude-- In gouevili-Lot 4ý,'le 511 Oua. 200a cres. a, uoth'coq. 200 "Il a-xlot oua. 200"4 -4 "14 à* th-Co. 126" oua ex le~~ 1l poat pati4) te UUSI bbat r na are end. letcher people works hifin. I m

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