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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 7 Apr 1865, p. 1

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vf4!~Y Y e ~.4 J -~ r' t f ':.rN t t- I~r' *n4li~i ~t. - v r-roc LINDAY, .W. PJrMuBOU DIRE TO, 11<. twr $dn"sic hibýMibeaty f YWe bb*#&aeuia8 publie s.,Ily, hhaî O44!oP44 t 4<yigmahht ein- Uiw athe mtei-tbo u 266tf j im y, e et .*'lnn Glgo. JAS. WELL» 13 1-tf atou saiAttorbey-al- in Ohanoery, Ifotary Kent-Str5pt, Lindssll. x et Street, Lindsay, - 23tý Ma KEWNTUWi TLINDSAY. Goo stable and ehed a11fl; ,&ùd *à st te«- mre Otnnibus tô and i-Oui the Cars sd Bota. Lludeay, lMarci1h 80 -192-t ma LvTzoreWitouI 'y 117K.BoYNTON begmte inf4rif e in,-dabi- rwV ta nts of the Caunn>'of Vietoria& anti sur- - ntding Ceo>nties, hit ho bas openeti thel --Hatel on Williara Staet, iately ,Oceupled y jewett, anti as ho la4 >ad il fitteti anti furnbth- lu in it style, visit on-l s ild everyconveni- once W-mo, LiquoQrs and Cigare oft he best quality. An attentive oatier ulways la attendance. *Lindsay, Dec. 18164. 229-tf [lato vidow MeCanquadales',] liii Bri- M. MARl TIND.gLEi Praprietor MIS- This bouse b[as recently been refitted tor, the flar uppluiedwîth the atiicesitiquora. -246-6> rWS, couceurn, hc. Omca-in ns a. [<tk, Lindsay, opposite the- A. Lacûurse. 243-3mt (LA=OR*C a » RICAMI ~YTaler wiiia~~ WALTMN STEE T, PORT HOPE. ngts umade ap ia the. bot ]ROBERT DRODIE. Prepriier. ovost living ratés. Al r ,lrS favori. Iotlth a-in g- been lateiy com- -oap atten tion, and ,g""d lpiotoly' reaêvsted, a$Ords lhé hast off ac- - . 2T9-Iycommdion 4Olfor twf*wu sud . ie ulc 1 N, generally.- Under present managemeint ne and Office-Brick coltage, effrts wiil e spareti that wyul cond uceo t thc Lindsay. : 9t o omfoht of guesta. _________________ KIThe beat of Liquiors andi Cigare. - SD., Physiin. Surgeon, 2 41-ly. lur. Off--fa rnier's Que-O M ER IL OLES .onptly attendedté.O Frten> tBya:Statt a, D., SURGEON, PHYSI-_ Khin street, Torontû, ACCOUCOHEUR. -Lately An-erican Aniny. Offce- Fit Doiar West o! Wfesleyan Bookt Room, W. 20(ONflUCTED according te Briish Practice, * w iii such modificationms suited ta the nre- Surgeon Dontt, licion- quinqmeuts of lhe business com11munilyéct North ýpposite ;ligelow's Dry Goos>9 Amet les.- Lindsay. 29Ù - DRSTGN-Youg men. tboraugbly prepared for fthe tities ot the, coîaning hanse and for il Ergîseer n -d Provincial pricrai business. _'...1. 1 .-1 or, R3ussell Street. Thse course of instructIon eubraces'Xercan- i i-tf ile Bocï-keeping, Bautd.Booek-ceeing. Maney Anciitee. - Brokers'Boks,Commeréial Calcuisticus, Coin- UFFMANN, Aciet 14 nierial Law, (Commereial Cornspendence, all, Toronto-Street Toronto, (includîng the r pnineles cf English Composi- -251-ly tion>, Business Pennmanahip, Teélegrupliy and Englacer anti P.ovincial r.Office li Mr. Kemp's &uff Teachers and Lecture"s. ýet, Lindsay. C,W. 168-tf M. DA Y, Iustruchor lu the Science of -Ac- ___________________cotante, Commercial Caluettiatos, sud Co0m-ý A. L'L, Es Q.,Coroner. mondiaI Correspondence, and-Lecturer un Rosi- o VICTORIA HALL, tbree -ness Costotus. Wattîon's Store-, Kent Street M. R. SUL.vÀz, M.A, Barfihter, Leclurer on q94. 12414If Commercial Law.. Mr. Béi. B. Tovz, Chie£ operalor in Mon treai H1T, (ile Organi6t of Trin- Telegrapi Oompauy'îi Office, Torunto, Insintue- al,> Tes cher of the< Piano- -lot- laTelegrapby. Residence ai lMr. rito's, Mn- W. B. TaUuPo; Instnucor la Phunu- T. - ;aphy R. S' Williaus Impraveti - - iui.2C5 bri Ogas.Mr. DAY haie much pleasiare. ln referring ho -te fol}eQwing gentlemen :-Rev. H. J. Grasset .ON, LICENSED AIUC.. Alei. Murray, Xsq., cf 1offatt Mcrray.,h C.; day, C.W. Paticular at- A. R. oeate, s. f MeMa sIen h .kBrther; ancery and otiier Landi Sales. George Miclhi -C David- Buctan, Esq., Bur- T ackay, Barniaten; James sar tUniversity-,J. Lesalie, Es.q,' Postutaster; eller, de.; Messrs. P@at terson W. Fiitch, Esq., cf Howland, h Fitot; AÏ;d;m senu. Cameron, UMlichael & lJrooks,-Esq., QO,.A-LLD;L. W. Smith, orsi Taranto. 270 Esq. Banistar, D.G.L., Toroto; Hon. Isaa Buchunnan, LiP P - AR JUSOn, sq., Adamn NT, CoutyAcîneaDi Brown, Esq., Ia!îitlan; Duncan M, Esq, Estâte sud (loueral Agent. Motreal; W. Trent, Esq.,-Xewmaket; 1ev. kad returas pramuplly "dte Dr. Green, Wellington Square, *Chairman 'of Lret' Lindisay, C. W. 1841f County Board uf Publie Instruction, Ballon. TON, Qebinetmaker, U o- Forterms atidresa post-paiti (ou alsiîg letter dertaker. Shop-No.ýth ide aus 3 " st End)> Woodville, 135-t - z" y S, Generai Agent anti Li- 280> . Fornaenly cf London, Englani. .eer, Carmbridge Street, Linti-fo ted. -- 125-rf ipt dF rn.ae - ,Arciteet and Builder, The subseiher offers for sale Lot No. 21, It 7. Working plaun carefuliy concession Township cf Bidon,- consisting. cf Sash and Daar frames mtade 200 acres. The solis gooti, ant ihtire are 75 acres andoî cultlvation. GoM-dffwelïng*,Bouse rouabo, 1864. 2 72-tf jBanandi ther ot-buÜiings "onthie promises. - Teitai etpayanu, viiebl iii ho tnd, vry ,H,Laad Agent ,atso Tmber' Iberal, madie kuaoui 0a ppXttatin te, Le Canada Company for the1 ELMCOAD is Oario and iDurham. Niii M ON hi pomse Df-vet ofthtei.Counly rlfllti,.IOn the,186 20-mie L.L. B.,Barrister, voun- leyl hae apenedi:a Law Oirt, lna ddition te hie P rince Albert Offe.- Over Mrt. Holden'a Offie. - ORURcÈl.er STRieT'. (Qppoaite St. Jamùes'Cathédr8!, -Dian.rs frein Rait hau-pasîtvelve to'tbre Lunceos, Suer,& C., Man ab ourm. WInel, Lijuoua, ho.,U e7 .beat brande. l Oux ËMITR, Propretor ____ 186&______264-ly Itf t N E T FW ý1 a &TURIiERbegsto auinoacue that bbas ie. stock a complet. e Sontaaez of COFFINS at lài- Wre réar~amrge -stkeet, i4ntieay, a "y J. A. keepe a Bearset, ui Itetoe bY ihoberate D- ehugs atistic ato to merita #bar* of Spatronage,. auenaanoe. BnvrtouiJ I~opd5tor. Pr I 0-i Us!. whtie utentsin l tetu eharges. Cttlng1 edt notice. - 18.tf CAI~R~ÂQING and 4UPHOLSTER- INO. ork perforiýd wit*i. neataos and degpatch, andi on moderat terrae. NXotéi ho dre - dbe-oors Sonth of Workms Livery Stables, West side1, Broad- Lindo&yi, My 5, 1864. 245.1..- Tue souh haIml fLtN.1,ltt11 concession of Mariposia, containing 100 a cres, of whieh eboutITO acres are cleaiïod and un. der cultivation; k le weU l eaced, lbas &gc log andi aie a Frai,.' 1Dwling houre,. and a emnali Barn and Stable thereon; there is a&- ways à good supp}y et apring water on the lot, Tinie willIb #î gen ontr the. grea ter part of the ppcaernoney. Titre, ind ispûta bl e, Fer pArsticlars.and ta treat, applY on the premleealo the Proprietor, ORr'oRan LAKE', ortomesegmuACK-Ay kHEAP, 2804tf Lindsay NOTICE. For sale, -rery cheap, three extra suitable for Seol lonsce, a, *ula, h. Aie-aa large lot of Cookillg Stoves, .Box -and.Parior to b. sold at1ële1wi t ire for osaib uort thefrtofMarcb, atthe S TO VE dND TIN1 8H01>, WILLIAM ST. ýBe8t C.aI Oùl, .011 cans, ho, &c. at lkwest retail pices. Cash'iaid for Sboep akhas, Calf skins,, old EDH$RD MFE EL Y. William Street,, Tind2ay, vana. 2 6, 146S.. 484 NOTICE TOL V SOOOL EAOKfse Thi eei-anal EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS, f îr Lindsay District will (D.V.> tae place as foltows t THURSDAY, JUNE F.RST,-foi -Canidi- dates for first cie... certificate@. FRIDAY, JUNE SECOND -forCandidates for seci)nd-.ar.d hird nias. ertificates. JOHN VICARS, A.,B.,t Cliairma. L!ndsayi.March 1, 18b. 287.td. TlEsiabacnuber begs to anaunce to the rosi- deZnts of COBOCONIC sud vici nity, that lie bas thie 4ay sold bis estiré stock lu tru7dé, aud also his A ceounts and Boolc ta ED WARD (JJRL, wbo il carry on tho Business sund cal- leet ail Aceuuts, ke. Al .partie indebtei to, the nsndesigned wili gaver theuislv5s accordlagly. 1.CRY Cob*couk, Xarch 2ud, 1865. 289-4f. The fmlbfcribr bp tinhm rwthinhfabltaMtt of Lind&y andti uoendng cou"a that ho bas la»ey ý e0nA 4W .andTe ried oc etuwitands, Lookog-01mi u ailof vhich ho viitmu, A404 loves, rat" thon have beratooe beeusks4 1» Lisda3y. C$airs and &Be4eàt SC1o4. KI uuemIdi'ui.jobbuà viir.- Liada y, Frusr1 2868. 4 h 11 h otsldrr la tmta goem .Who strevour Maahoqd'spathwith foyers And "'rOneawUiauçch eY'oa.boverg 'As Reaven iànd leah d th asc-arco dteeever., ÂAnd shanld l.bt tssne rv Oqrp.Uet $0 Ie rlt t4 fglOty Oh J. Man 'tie 0thm esa W t Te 1v WIll shed Its purest bewms befgrp tbee. Wboe walk biasidé' sud ,Cé4stgn t ,cbeer Us tbroughthls w'ate oflnand wa.ter,. Am i, *lirumnibe oé4 tizýtar .ThaV.b4.s.b~Buveumn bghter.. Lindsa M&rei'io THE DEC ENCIES 0.F LITtRATURE. The liteiaWore'ôf an age is the record of ita moral conditions, aud its inielWetaal gifts mesmber how faiîhfuily literature represenied te age in, which. it hbad its, birth. -We-are too apt ta .aeekoq it thé oulgrow thi of a few mids that were quite 1ike ta b. aheadL of thélir age, or: ta have nu sympathy with .it. But lirorary men- write for living eyes. They mnay dreamà of famé ýand trust fo;r iii.bet- ter appreciatian oéfà betteriége, but*tho spirit of their own dîne inive4ti them a a an They gpeai islan.ffage, they selveaie maere f hir age isaa model and, ci.aste age, they will write nia- destly andi chastély. If the age lae s -bose age, tbeyý will wrââ, loos4sy. The Pen is ,htke a:steed_ IbaL thé age. ride, andit kitowts well tvhen it1 may wander anti wantan,. and It i8 suppometi by many gèoedpeuple, that tbe ýworld>je every day- 1growing ,woree, andi espeootaly that thée gruer larma of sensuat- ity are bçouwag mo tisimoî. prevalent -na , 1il trughs i be, whole publie mm(le. rW ang mou andi more uiletn. Far.suait ppie oknow of uothuig Ihat woU1d h*..a better, corrective thau a. gottd long -dip in what -s calIed, by courtesy, ttae -eSpecialor, which is rémarkably pure for i4, lime, andt hey wilJ fRad stuff which 11u modern essayest would write w1th- out a oerl-ainty of losing social ciste on ac- c bd c is nastiness& Shakespeare bas constanto 0 hoexpurgarotito:be rendereti fit for modem ,use, ytthe age .for which Shakeapçsre wrote swa1lowed everythinghel -Wrùtéè; and notlîing *w«îha mure gusto thant bis fils h.- Fielding would now b. hiauét out of decent society. AntitiLamrence Sterue-tîheclergyman- the pieachar "anti pbrisher.cf sernuws-tue man of morais at sentiments- what was ho but a prince cof ribaidry. and i scnity t "Tfe Life andi Opinions of Tristram Shan- dy," is a work et' gemius, written by a i man a1.raie iearning, great wit, andi a delicate ap- precia lieu of that which is boautifui ithse, eharactor *1a- mant,. even if hliegr.ïirdcd wo- mnat withécatemp; 'but- ilis aiea Ithe work, of a teast. Ho*w-a man could stand. in a pul pit .aoceptably .auj. try honestly lu cont- mendth te -religion et Jeuà,.Christ te the worid, anti aIthe sarne limé utter such an iùgeniuity of nastiness, such graose obsenity,, snch a weàlth of sunt as Tristrain Shanti is -beyond the comprWehensian of any man liviniii he présent. age, àand in sympathy with i$ spiriti. Stene'.caultempt for wilners muetý have -been equal la that of EiderRim- bal, amongthe Lattér Day ýSainte, Who cal balls thein in priblit bie 491ew." a main w-Tiing TaetrarnShsndy to-day,-andiin .Anerica, woold riot,.b. able 10 findà a tiecerit publiaher.- The 1AtL"atic Would .b. ahut agai4-him, andi any door imte. which the AlEc enýtr would b. against hlm. Not a decent woman wndcnett holti a 1 en's association.wîh-the. inthor. Yet1 upon Tistrai Shady, more' than upon any oth er bock, sud ail other produc- ùiens, dues i.tme *of Stes et. Amdi l letueta neàrly aU th&gifted wrilors of.lbis, age -andci the <tntuies immedi8woy pre- ceding, -oiestuck tbuough with oensualîty. Their writinges Wt l"e reatiwithhut per- ceivirîg îh* they ived un rejoaced in a son- anal amospiiere. * hir vnt alU tended- ta 111h. l as mpssible. tbat mnhu liv ing sdwrlg'ehùuld. have any resqpect fur vu- man, andil :was impossi .ble that Wumffen, pe'r-, rnltting themealve.1to associate -With such mon, or te read ant pi1. hirwrtb -ge, eoldrepcttamened W a nn oo m'U~r int. the pmma ib Ii6th p.mie,*t. ib cm- st Who bmryia4ptfr)ioad, or -ashé .DO &h* o i Yp» rmin b ry. 1a 11e oiee Vs siiotis landi 'Ibrating, hivgareobh4, "*àunabrof dinityp- vaded his piaule persan. ne:astti4l Ww*ti . st vs.delîcatet grw rbt byl açb«w lvin lsug y hà 4î O<f esna Aoeusaod i rOna his outbtote mîly exer- 1 ciaeho *aeboid.horimlan;andae sup.. 9 rte Wth aupnîvabus .andi fatigues.I tatedatli se i;us, bis. hhh a anul wekeaoJby excese et lab. o??n by excees cf imiure Ne~rîaei#sou wooccasions, once as 4(it4ova aad thon atTbques, ho li a narrous attack, vhich watt erruneoaly1 thoaglt e b .ple.y.HoPald partieular attelutitu ta is persan, sbaied witli care, nor hati the haire ýplucked out; ho brought for-9 ward gàtistcaly lthéhaitre he tii rntf et 1 hezd -andt ia; inile S eadvancm go serveti teopql bLis bit1es Mevwflropeproocht vthe iii.affecton of1 scraîching biiea lwith aniy une inger for1 tear et dtal gighie haïr. His. dresa vas. waragl with, exquisiîe ,taste. Hi. gavu ,was generally boidered with-,the iacticilam, ornanments& -with tringes ota he banda, and ,w«s banti .rou!nd thé. loins by a sagh ioosely1 kagitd-a fashion - which diottinguisheti the. eiegatanti effeminate youlh otie priodt. But Scylla.was niot dece.iveti-by Ihias how 'ar ftivoity, -,andi hé was -vaut tg- récarmend1 that peupîle shouiti-have an eyo on that young man watt tdi.s ovWng sash. He hati-aate ,[ir picttwna, statues and genl;-anti ho ai- ways vo. :isliger, linomory a li otigin% ,a ring on, which vas eugrvedthe figureoftan armediVeaps.. -Ta soin up, ther. were fount.inl Coeear, phyicutîy'anti uaorally, t*o natueswlich aru rarely cotubineti in the sanie porion. We-j oiuetiaristocratie tastîdiouuanes utf ppr-- son ltu ie vigoron.. teruperanient cf the sul-. <ier; thts gracea af îmind i te pralnndity of thought; lte love et î-uzury anti cf tihe arts A a psinfor mlitsry life lu ail ites im- Plièity unît rudeness. ru a word, hejoiniet thocelegance ut, matiner whïcU seduces to the energy of character whicli commande.- Sncb wma Coesar at the age ut eightteen. when Scylla pùosesd himaecf of the Dia- tatorsltip, Me hati already attracteti the at- ballon utcfia.RetaEnusby hie naine, bis wit, hie enga#giùaagmnns, .whtich were se Piea- sing te ainen, anti, stili1 more su, perlhape, l WHAT 15 AN ARBITRATOR?. (From the LTjper Canada Lawe Journal.) te'n arbitmratile- agent and il clitae of ihie persan iwie naines hum te setile a dis- pute, employed to preteat anti Ionier. the lun- teresauthis èli-nî, or as ho a Judgre-bouud uhnor,anti conscience to decide impa rtialy anid - righteousy, vithout *fear favor or af- féetion," asd-aocordiug ta the. tt afthe Case, vkhout roference.ta ts boing adyeràe ër fareurable te thè person. appointing hl? Soine may acmli, ah lthe simplieity vbhich asiîch a question. Ail' oprigit anti in- telligent mon wilt auver thut tii. I4tter de- 'finition alune desenbibe the arbirator properr anti that thi. former only suite thé ignarant or dishoaicet man. appointed tu -e. dut>' fan wiiclhe i. Wholly unfit. We blier. that b>' thé rsa of out Peu-. ple, the true position ýof ana arbitrator le ut- toly misunteratood. The comun.n-mode ot iitiitig a ýdispîute is 1to ,baove Ah to ruen."Eaclidisputant appointe"his. tienV' wham -he Iuillyexpela t lokvwhaly, toe*is ite;ettaobjeett everything that bêer again .lst uni, and te consent tu no.tiing tt muay prejudicehim, anti the fieuti so Il~ poiled Usgeterally tee ýready ta do alt1 aotfaihuily Hie apponent dues ju.-tt ho same, sud.inayead eftw*o neat mon sittlag down tae<ecide upighîl1y and impartially ou .the fatts, vithout neferenco te the-parties jï have two adaccates sacitstriving witl i uÉh and mmta stand by the man who -amred hini,, nti *itiu ne cehance cof making an avard excepi by calang in jmatir pr sanuat inereaseti expense, tu hum the sac#e inu favon et auè or thé. allir. Now, aînoat universal as .his le id pa- tice, it is, to say the lene.t -ut il a ménstro.us Perversion et plain daty. An arbitraat, nu malter by wharn1 appinted, leto al latent-s. andt p= ossa. jud ge, anti if ho be au houëst man an k*-bis duty, hoesheniti clias mnuchshocked 'at, l.nicg ta anesîske or h aillier, or fhvoaning ene man abave*tii. ather,1 as he oulon bah if bo saw a jutige in court exhibitiag faveur .or pantialit>'. Bat thii, the OiaJy -Iue antihoneet uiew oftan arbitre.- Is.un th -pe ti ha uumss weI I.wlahich heie utnp vas takeai. rat=tiehi- am of MOeae ae occ4rrnngdeyl>' huoug- o thil oesr. ~ e *Jh,ý tÎot lu tluotelvoo. Sfte oqenceS, l inmany ýIk f coite -lu thé' tes atte or il. ut s.> realiy *eoét*ý:, e elh i mre igo. f -imb , rn w bis neistlng payaient,, to ative hard ta meince thQ aMoubt te tthe emalber»t surnD or torosis! it éltowehr. Thé * ffri1 m faire e t aictserions kiàdt, andi anyofen vi.eau suceetin au uràcting pbiatotion tait will de.eve.ltethanka cf ail. As a lar&e prtion of the evil resuits froinm mlcocptaun, t so nly necessary, sO fanus enat mdis concerned ho explain thtrie;:Mpositofuthle case. .lue begisia- tare lacojnsamntiy pnavitiing for the seule- netadiputes by arbitrahion, and ti ofu the- higiiest importance that mon: shoulti cli4mt, litt that ho is a-jatige, beundt t de- C'de ith ngii impartiality, and that if he tavaur ee idermore than unother, oriineti iesssy houp expe nses on eithen party te the rofeenee, ha dues fot. mn 1 h. part -ot.an honegl mai. DULL -TIMES. The, présent le unquesîionabiy a bati busi- nesyear lu Canada. Sal s are ligter tha usual ;. paymnts are'elover, anti profits are boa.is,,unies. lu exceptioual.cases. TIhe ail- are of last seaaun.'s crop, ,ina 1addition tha the> p.atial failure ofthet pastfov year s, is nu doubi, Ihe great cause of this depressien. In Iumubritîg districîs -lieunuproitableneEs cf shippiug bomber ta the United Stites huelun-. treasedthéicpressure. The circaalxo f a, nun-legai tender coïnage has ititerfered inl al parts of the Province, - il- th e-net cash cunvontabie roceipte of ethue Tracts-. The The stîngena>' of lie'Banrks, andth leitrne- doced lbrieà of mercantile accomnmodation, Ilrerented I ronapt paymenh of iia.biitieî bv parties who hadti t reduce their disconnt'g, andte t-ho"raide" and Il"raiders," with the wan rumeurs which the)- occasioted, leuîdingi la tie curlaiiriaeual of inavekenîs ilthie coiný- .ry, compehte. the liet ofevils und er wi' tie caunlry has booétstiis yetr snfflting 1'iae prompt and ti-sinued action ot the Goveru- moisiiilil hopeti, preveiited i lte rocurrec oft l Jter ou*rages.The lu m ber Iraderil Je lnroewiih the prospects ofthe war beli_-~ ended ' -The surplus silver currency cati be remeciieti by hie people tiheinseivéedoing -as the>' il in".Endaîtiti andi Fiance, nefUsirigtuo accept, uiess.at.the broker s office,àail coins but tneir owvn, uand ttie Banks, -wbalo live by 1hier ccaulaion, vili ho 8lad ta extenti again- when waînttit ddsui. The ene grvfat depeience ot Canadai.then, for reliet frcum the pre4ent euabarraesîueaîî is thie cning crop. .Ifthie- people eultivate jutdiciousiy-, nal leauing toau muci apon wiaeat, lanti PrO- vidence grant but a tavourablo: seasan, the country may aertaiufly again rejoice in the, returu ut usuai prospeiy.- 714e Mercluzg-, DEATH 0F THE PRESIDENT 0F THE WESLEYAN CONFERENCE. We cap>' th. followtuug, vhicls vwiiibe read w ith regret by mauiy cf or rotie'rsz, tram the Hamiltan Times.. Ci The Bey. Wn. -L.. Tiiornton, M., A., vituse sutiden deaîh wvo annieunetinluy-s- lerday's issue, vas eueetf he mist di-sini- guisiieti and honored: nanin:islers et tic Meth- odist Chuchinidthle wveU. In tie -more. yeuîhlfut part cf hie mirtîsterial lite te vas une ufthte .ciaAsical totons ini lie Wesleyan -Tieubogicai Institution, andI on the death ot the Rer. George Cubît, vas eloctet editet- of the Weiseeyun Methedist -Magzie-a chair 'whicli ho filledi vitlamankeci abiîity aUp ta hi& denilse. At fie Britsh Co nter- once oft 1863 h. vuas- appointeti the-in1Re- proacutàtive ltô t.egeneral Couference uf the Mothodit Episcopal -Churcth, wviciai as heldthe -ti.City uf Pltiladelphie., 1iMay, 1864. Hie sermions, addcresses anti epeechz. os belere that venenablo amseni b' atuned Wfoin 'l univorsal acknoviedgeînentî cf su- porion ministenial mbiiy -,wltile hie gen- tlemunly anti Chistian aourtesy von the hearîs cf ail xujo came juto *the cirole -cf ie ucquainhance.. Ha- presidoti, according toa appoit ot uthie avu Conférence, ut tho Int Confereuce oft hie lesbeyan Me- tiodiât Church lu Canada,. b>' vise memi- bora te viii long be,,ield.ian gratefulanti affoctionate -memory. Ho aisa pnesidea at lie'Confereu.ce of Eastern Britisha Arnenicu', wiere ho vas nat lois esteemeti anti laved. On >lhis velta Ezoagillandi hé vas aiats nnanîmaousiy chosen Presid.ent of lire Pa- rent Cenference,,ani, - notîwithstanding lte fatigues- cf extensive travel, andtihte con- sumitigmcuresana labons uofu4llce for more titan ta 'mants, a§ Iiepresentative andi Preadent, ho Achargedthe .lie pouasible dutyo efihs position v ith vend rotas cergy, an t theii.unqualifled satisfaction ot hie brethreri. He vas in- lie thirty-sixlth year d taie mi-aistr', And vo suppose al mne' tian fifty-flvc an fitfty-six years et age. No luemben cf the Bitishi Contéence vas evcr ancre boaded villa hanura b> is bretren.] muid noecher, ire venture la assent, vore honore more meekl uidsrvedy BONNETS. On "epeniig day" ahtii. tashionabie rail- linonse', anl t aal lie up-taxvni"Nov York" eesti!im1mente 1tiore vas a grand, rash for "slovesot b.onets," v hobly' inrespective cf cas., Tiie ahane ofthle hats t hie- seaàun doos. ne .ieeuiallv differfrin tihose ,intreduceti lia ist ama, villa liis except ion, liat tioy' - ame enialer,andi slow: tie bain to b. tanct folie, vaxai Tih. bat ha& no curlaira, a baud- wit4ra bey .cf* narrow nii>bon croxsing the loutre of the -W çlfàallon a tali ut lace -anti foesaven t.e treoninsteati. Tbere as eulai î o'u i uof tbostly imate- riak itieh cttsist chioefly cf patine tiuit ozao. hl alteis d ava~.Feathemrsue- ual pùuci sea, but devers anti lace ppedon- $20.tb $100--wbich ýare Idbyto.ha 4avemma.mou.y itan bruila na.Bth caoeau-n ual expect ta oal te guodti iug. - TERNS 0F Mi VER TISINýG. 1:en l a d unde .......... .... 15e. ,Psaonafand lBusinecs Cari4 six fine* a4 x1MerChant:aand others cau cont r ab se.fl aiMCe, wiih lte priiçîtege ôfharilir ' ew maudisu.iu, ~P'DspIyudadvertiseineits aie imeared bys RJ,àAdemtueuenî sent witi ul tleu iEl5ltl1ue p Inserled autlt Çrl)d t and charged for fivIlimue.: î ý IflStftBJlee.ertlsa InéclL ed tem r sYai fu V*. Orderz for digeontjnui ng adIertisemtnt% munst b. la writmnt, gUberwiâe the Pub , 6her Îll nox u iesj xI-R -C. E"kett Rob~ian TUE DIUBLIN EXIBITWN.. Trie. Rureau of Agriculture engugoinl prepring- for the Dablin EÎ ibitioiî, wbich lakes, place in Ma*. Fuondis> ofv %r!tt 1Aced in the. hands of the Bord ~o giureof Upper and'LQwerCana- da altd-the foards f Arts of cuclisect km. T1>0 Geological -Soýrvey has aiorereived monçy to prepare a collection of. Canad tau itineralso. Some specia.1,collections.,, ai wcods, furs, and Indiîtn works, wifl be pro- oured through other agenci .g. The- grant of,85,000 by Parhiamenî vas uiditr t.he cir- cumt.tanc'es of the country, getierous, but for the ob*ect intinded it will haveta b. CwaeCtiy u.bandedi Nearly alilth.e tti-. celes ta o exlutibited will havé lu b. pur- cýhàisd. T1)il, together with cetL of attil>- g;n "' imtal tatioh and prosert'ig, ill greatly- encroach en the fund.w t in reported'that Mr. McCGee tintends -being 'present. at the 1.Exibiion-Globe. ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE PrOVIN- CIAL EXHIBITION 0F 1865.,- The memubers of the Board of 'Agricul- tune of Upperý Canada inet un this cîîy yes- terday, ut the Teciamseth Hotue, le Iranis- act tie business connected. wîîla the Pro- vincial Agrtiojîtural Association), andtu t ar- range for the corning Exhibition in Lon- don next-Falla There were prescrit. con-- pising the Board: Hon. D. Christie, M.LC., Brantford, Vice-President, lnu hue chair; Hon.- G. Alexander, ML.C., - Woôdsrock ; len., A.A. Burnham, M.L.G., Cobourg; Hî.H. Ruttan, M.L.C., -Cobourg; Dr. Ruihmond, Gananoque.; R. L. Dentaison, Toron to; ý.. C. Rykert, St. Catharînes ; Dr. Beaity, HI.C.ý i Thom*pei, Secretary. Jaq. Johnson, Eq utf sunny-sîde. anti A. Dotaltison, Esq., were aise in attehdance. - 1h was nttaîtimoiimiy* reso1vcd that tho Aninual Proviinciai Exhibitiou a hl.ô-oun mence i»anier titan usual, na-nreiy,- on Mon- day, the 1Stit day"bf Septelziber next.. * The Board-then adjourned.-Londoe-Free Preis. EXTRAORDINtARY PROLIFic tev.-Mýr. John Caîatinv of lte 31d Cont. otfXWest 0'<fordl*te the owner of a cow whîc-h has riven h:rth ta n lie calves. in fisree years ! t l-te ae of three years sie gave bu114rte twe ; a:t four years st ae birIl tt iemure ; the fifth year she vra-9 a farrow; 'and tite nizhlt laet- week-not quire six years olti-she -gave birth tofive pemectly formedl healthy !ook- iuug calves "l'le weghtof hlargest cf- -tslot xa Gb..tesrais p Ille tota! weir!ut ni the five %vas 5 l7ths. l'iae calves djed shorI1y airer t!ei b1' irth. 'f1le ew, we rnay mention, le of ihie Du.1ar! breed. If iluere le aniother cew In Càtaîaad that cna beat this ote of Nlr .iCannoiî's, we shouxld like tu hear it.-Ingerso'l Ch i-onïcte.' IST. PATR.ICIs DAY.-Thie Nationufil rinniver- -ary %vas néver nMore -quaet!y- Cev4rated i. Toronto. There wts naieiietiluî.îauu,ïo, t- itiv kird except the religi-4 t-reiuaesi i the rhurc-hes. Ex-en the pulie rerlauiinv ini regrard to riuugîng thle beit wa sîpr-t oun accouttorttie iîaausridouls %veatiier. la tic oveuîiing, a Mr. MrIern-liý)ront New Yerk, ciliveredtoluanteuie. an dienecu eftiliberniaris.. who veri traùitatcafly eigj gtitereat,' a àlecture which ecan onily be teirnod a stale Mixtuare c f reti republ:carns:m. r-lin- mcansni andi Yankee blague. r Mich.ael M u p h a s e S t o o t u i o t e l i -e i th s u tI r e l a n t i aod prurnise.l tbîiy îluousaîi lmeni forthe great i v.sion. Th:s army m-outi euitethe seaker t', ie peut 'cf generalissimond.-Mr- DisditAcnFVrL 1C T 0-4 tcill, mn g The paseengers in oneeoet the Gieat We*- tterr cars t rom liainiltoua on iue-sday ruigit, vere turce(t. to bear tiesgi,It cf a tiic'sl lis- 2 usiurîg exhibition nadae by a party fcfboiiiii j.tmes-on a couple ot abandoîued %vomen. who accornpanied hemn. Not cnly was their bchavlonr Most iiTdeCxutlt,un t t-ir u agae tiyadb!aspluemuaum. amU the vert et Al witi auî!ierily tlethek iîe:n. vîiluît ing ilie présence of several ladies. Sýoue gentlemena trom very slamne vere compelled te leuve-tiie.catrs. A surgical o penation. of a remankable character, was penlormeti on t1he persoui'of Miss IN 'ary vLandreth, et Bîenheim, ona the iret intsant, by Dr. Bell ef Ayr, asaisti5dL by 1)r., Merrit t Ayr, anti Dr. Phillipse af Gait, Capàda West. T4e operahion consiet- ed iii reînoving fromut hie-abdomnen ufthle patient 1anu oyaran cyst, xeighîîîg, witli contenlts, fiftyýtwo poutais. The patient at the Last ativices iras doing velI. A'4 GRtAVE" Pu.-T%,rôeaùcicatestudentcq, net a iundred miles frein Barrie,. on ne- cetily exhuming a.£' sabjeet" trom ils nanr- nov beinluacertain brig icpîlit IlPori thie wirerug boly; «but, On -disco#7erý- ing the tact, cone causaled thc otlacr wth the assurance Ahat thie ipi.itake, tugia a g><aîe oute. diti net deprive tijern uta gouti subject, and hence they iugged it home.- Barrîc Exraminer. A gentiemu *an, prailng the peraonal cha.rmae eto a very plain wornan. lu the preseluce CU. Facho, the latter saitjIl"And why don' ye 1.ayc aim 1tu suai au aceemplishedi beluaîy V" lewîtat- igit have 1I olu ér ?" c1 xe laimeti the gentleàiran-. Every iglal. by the lav et nations," repiieti Fade ; "very niglit,,as. tlie. iret discoverer." An nndler-grunîate of CaM.bràlde beirg exainlei for -his &-'i e 2uDfatigu- every rubject tapon vilci lho vas t-led, coMpi1aluseti-tint lie hatl nulbeeti questionreci upon the thimys whieh hoe kraev Upon %Vhich -the examuning 'teacher fore off an .inch of paper, andl pusutigît towards hlm, desired hlm tle write upon il ail ho knèw. The population oet Louten le 3,0I.1ff4l, ut Liverpoo, 46.378, oflNMauchester 461,763,- tif ;laFgow 4-.13.729, ýf BirminL-ham 3-27,842, of Dublin 251.80S; of Leedse 22l4,O'5;o tdinl- burgh 171,108, and Bristol 171,809. Ail of these dities have overfiovedtiheir crrrt limaits, anti k le propoeseti 'u extei their bountiariesp. - -Olti Fruaicis, late cf Chinut-street Now- 1York, n as a vag. a-nat oncer-in Washingtou vien cari>' peas were o~n tie table, ho-cmp- l ied the contente et hie snuff-.d over th cm. ý-' Frncis, Franrie!". they erclaimeti, "viat are yen abMu?t> 'il lika theni that way vas telie t i ir." Re ut ecur - tati the dish luto inseit, anti ien hehadý conclutiei, l"Yen thouzl - t it, vas ennif, iti you? Noîluing but black peppen" - A. man vas recentliy hartged i~n a nelgh- honing State, andi ho cotifessel upon tli>e ga, love tilat his fina otiecinliii rm anti villany vas thai of stopping s ntw&pa,, pet- witboi4t.paya!.g far itL AND avern, C. EAWKE, hlock, op Street,I RI, Civi ANM KA[ F, civil eatI SIree BEA t lin, April 1q 1 KINIGI rel, Gi

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