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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 7 Apr 1865, p. 2

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i ~ usuels t..'-- -t-'. inn, be i-. tees have ban ibn 01 country rtir,.. ueeko ty have beoin c> of $65 each. c at the Jeut day paA tire. 1, moi or' les' .idsay and va- eoftire Lakei&. ety by tiere u- ae bas - causeti Raehoale-r and uiooianics andi s inibe progpect- ther Summer. ai a emaaiiiv of m. J. B. -E. * vihi, irecies (Mr'. Watson) ofthtie tuild-- St. AndeW's Chunrliheps tire eeipi of $12 25, béipag lectures delivereti by Mr. spa atîIdBrock, gad 50 ais. adiay. Mrn. Main iras itir- e ioùaihe ncistd about $70 det one the Chrre. -Nrquested toeteli tai te *Pauait. Chancir on Esaten appliedtdiefray theex- oir. Tire- foléwing. mwalc dl fur tire occasion - 'cRc."Christ euPaus- :Umpiri&; " Gloria Patin:," ld; "Te Deum," iBrcisat Whiifeld ut E; " ymna ter Hlymn; Hyna98,"1 Laàngdeaa u'Cari- .terhin A, D lu's in C.. ýAntiremn, Avison "ymna r, 1865. lp e ft fTlne-j rmnuiee. h vas seonde 4 by bMi. ai o e t. Finanice exepi trat paru Àddtiona amount lu rit Collectr.- Lant. asten ut andcau- division :-Yea&-- Sthphensou anuti, l, Bieurno and Du- ~ISo. aeoed ieib> o tire Tourar us a* audtisot of tire C&AA IL*nos st- LA W. ruer of LàdoaY, ad W Mr. Lag;lb-e6ndetiby Me. Tirai tIis Bu", tak ino caupdera- Z.otioae pusd aitira P«e gof theo Protosant FMehbnékIMs d eideof tris soitool Section b.Ia eToWmay 2&uII lcb, lads ~-1 Mbeaerg on the abrgatioaoftie y schol rat* on pupie alendw tir pSéhol clptrm.t-Carrud Lpng MoYed a certain resoltilur, se- iyMt. A4ma. Tirechair-amuné- a put tire sid remuriation anJ vaeated id by Mr.' WeoJ, ucot. y Tirai Mr. Ad*ma do tae -tire chair- Adain reuood t. tale the chair. j. Vitanshaying roamameul tb.chiri MOT.bi Mtived by Mre. Wood,. senold by -Rev. A. Edurars, Tirai lte obsirus -teucqUe- e d lu write tu th-ireCiif'Sffperintmadent ao Edncaiaou, rqardw i,0 . ieali4miy Ofabfft auiigth" uiothly rate, and îathe evmit 9 eceiving an asur .atiang lirai suciram -et willbeIep'al, mt he calaeti-a'mng 0 this Bosd fo th& puroe 'f rWtiDding ti oegolutian fixing te aid rt-Carritd. Muved- by Mi. LaDg, aecOadedbY .Mr Adama, That aui i w sn o ebabe tir nuiiber t e tanirs may:be-d*miniabeddu- rintg ibis year;i i se Xpedie uitr a bill b. abrogaiod,. lé , rdqïr shat thbm attend asies may b. itlon*»W Sed dthé. eaci.rs moug fully nlye-o. Moved by Mu.: Adame , ecededby hMi Latig. Tuaiin tieurýof cnony,,tIt.. Singinl cia". of the. Union Schoeil b. diacontinueti a *tire teninationa -olihO p«ssetqsragUtr-Car yeg.-Ajt%0. dvmàs, AÈ aTkiukel and Wo-. - Nay-DliowdU, M1aguite, Mattbie' an Dumkia 'sAMt inth. xunwIc imlti.> A correspondtent tarmerus výiti tire teoi how'uug lisI t saýuniçipaibies uriersun Dîti kinae'-Act of 1864 hat: beoane lau., uith tlt majorities.ifat msa unt. fialirand 100- Cramahe las Smtithr SouthbiMoiagirar Hope M9 Cavasi 19 Vsnuattn 14 Clark 205 Maniers .126 Fuee -5 Dartinagtof iiowmaarille- 57. Brucir - 5 Pickering KIiouss 5 Garafraxa 11 Wawasaesh 12 Montag a. Io: Iieveniy 90 Front Mof ge 80 M Cirmiha27fC Tp. MKingtea.64 Ashfield 1 Crourband SallIset 91 Oxfod 17 Lobe.i -Ancaster , 1- 0 Breike Aldborughl . NPE".t Mopteal1 Ssult ar Reciect T. oiwing ae ir ntben eofnmunicipe ie aecirCournlY WlachýbavO. passet) Hahtosa Coaaty Pigueuboro iVent pertir Victoria Weliugtea Huronsa I Noubhambiliand KAon Lem"s Welland aooi for msossai GIL ANAHR .umilmteit. ùw iuI_ e ~.~~iyJ4qo.#iaofor exti o- t y at ; o TÉE MAIS ET Te ASIa.tn and no W h.dai ae nlpg z o' ~1 bu iii ,1.a. g W ta.â' bock &nu: &ù ~ 1 We W ;Île lint4TS p " e ^ S e g t f S I s eu h m ir . t , o f B o b - t h . . . - > C a r r o pYmim b 1W.lte *i w. o- ÇCourt of Revisia - J.b. Kluwlson. de. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - noua0f Ygudatea*-4. Wo.t-fRàiaJouée.1 4llpi THE CURmgMCT QUESTION. Photographié Maorhast ~Ow.-E- . H.T. el of An& Mthony &a Cnw f.>o vain i.iburouW or oelhGovul e w F.iieyGod-.Geaaoua whprois 14 bd t ol.iswbere. -la -Lisi of Lio-T mtin mohntiieheI 0t~ <soB 0fCor fReioaA. xMi trio i. êasl ~ la ifl e t Courtinajo vainen ie4eaute. îBuit w-. end copper COt Founti-ýTcmuni Tremvon. igo, tiiqu"if f«"e. in aamuetail ta- Seurdon c iwiitmi s etm th1e 5til:: C '-as itr.tl dilfou n a-nt very .puai, but in sorni. ut Ci-Du. J. Davopo ti ea's.. . tire Statue of Germny tuere in a duluence:Tbs kaPp .&-.Gnsar *f 265o 50 par e4 ;yet when leRallaxedb, i c lrenomta i r ail naomnal.vsIuo. -t» Laid pst î«. tauou j li.lvm u 1mâ vo had nroosivier coint urinai w' u.smpa#I7 aIçatender., Bi- - V sm -f iornid s tWety4>W fcents te thé b.iuar Jintg -ai itheuew par ç4 exchange. To mae M r1 iver etan%% a desiratl cunu.îacy,. -îI4t 4 nauia ant mua,; LA wfre e a iq<d tender, -otherurisi ______________ luuri ti ibevitably te anwer lb. enti-of çoinoît money, othichi latihe' fieidaion of i LldsmyfriayeApuil7.16M. du*1>a i te eoart ry virere sà éet , ilAut_________________ kf . là& .w .ïmani e , n#i of esfuW<i. Aineru1iema 1 slri titis i. utr.l fvmeseothis po@4tiot;theI n atffl te auceptit inpayn therefute, when ih ieta aomean, i *!IutioW tioù. _J981 .t- Mtii ow *jô a &lthe bmfermagneim te dîrectly or iiidiitiiye P i- batike, îireY bet-ure titit Scredilois, bt ireY retus - lepi r4bt ta -do, tu S.... A mericasilver, thresiàa *e laý oth auds, muiety a Bu. xparlt.frouathem col g Aatheisacausillwr cai eau1 St yonk City, froua4 tla1Il oui.ed go - litmuai the r bue op.aiou tg)limport lth Ct p iatmone ibsu the e w id ut. profits fitua the coitro tu Ouiôt irigil e.o DANKING AND TMUE Tr.year bas '.wuaxl j- fluciuainag value ofMrio of..Etaiad, ilu. prilo W cent.W 41, thre Pr "lteuiad es, l a ti.' Baok rate la fixd by 'acéla.beea, andid tas cial depremusuofetI tansurer. Our printap bau Sdens-at tire rate of 8 iwithPme-vidi-foées L i&rgetilii maj all be .poibut It oiherwsim Sdoubtuti urietirer at Peu t u atisflmd wvuit? * ' mdt i e rieeboyers w>uarehon«te r.eupia ili issn;or, xhigi Ipet cent. eser iM Cas j ing lire rate oliaioroai 6,outi, frmu te s 17- I if~ disconaît. isbe amlul, k paper t voua yietditg au doubt baire a rilgitlot0 bultue publie ia Caa& mi-rat- lrailaactsahly ho the -th. batis, taiier t1te nc otir tisry Iaw.-Ie 2 QIFXAT 1IRE 2 s- T lh. lutis Relu" i court Moflip 4hflatiai 2 on ofthe popI.S .&.d.ade...a fr. tuea titanei WHAT MAKES à BUSSiEL. atti md lnq 7b Me » dit"r of LA. Candia*i Post, adîo pouante te a huchel uso iv î ' cerrn.ct*y ai #d hu Éolowiuig li»t corret, andi by pnbtiattangià iMam Yeu ra l ut ofor s laver omeaay f 'you:r IsAmiWb restieus. - Yaupa-tgusiv W aruwuu i Canadican qtaddaWd ffe<ght Of a-.Busadlibe GRAIN. amaxil. O55 .Wheat 6b-lvrBu 01,tS l Pues 60 FIa SOO& 5 ssé plasa00 Tlw.fs"d- 48 but tinues Cora à4Hom- S 44 es uet=-ma14 doua. a liarley 48, 0 1bThpOMM e .:"an 1 Ugkuirat 48 Wan. Orm - a 4mse9 s. unîi~ * den«"sà Ew~sI he ~a*lens10 41R e. gsta veniugi tir. 1kJai. e orne items el la ah. Ibonwa broght by îhisatauel I'. Oiîsuï ofr . dfoal orflb. C.nfeera. »Oishm»o n Easurick bbi reehi *qlan, bol licwitotiacomment froua it Wblic Joural.. Ton COLOWIAL & AvÀDSFENCE IILL. ou tié. 161h l b. House ai commons wenf Mto Commibtes upou ibis Bill. r.~ ~ ~h -hI.hc .belleved 10te lite$e masse rl,#Wmnq bolb.colocier ihai hag eapm.od daagag bis ptiaanuntaye ýlôui«us£19m Duwaring Stîtl ira.pos awq, Mud ïa eusystero44udbeeai inîo ài. wbi#hait loft lte colonie& a bardanaan .uibsrasijiit upoua htotehmer tarly ,alk attiCO ot danger and weaktnusinlimi i- wau'. l'h rocent uixanapie of tht Canatia Voluieers.,sta owedhow- exceint a feini tervaded i or colonoea, andi il wa* turpreii tha:t s houlti be 0on1y.n.ow that a blti shoul be prpsd1 aepwer 10t t Colonies t p vio eaoas nt avai volitateers fi heir oil eec. Ho th'ouglit the bill wî une whlich nellec"edthe 'higl'ettred it utipi h# Seuetary for thé.- Coloýtues,' and lit lia DO dtoubtI t would*prove Mo.-t beàefii*ia. bot tu tiis-Countîry iaaadthé cehuiies. -(lie& hcar.) 1 Mr.. Matsit, -ns a culont-t, aiso expresse ies thaniksa to the right lion. geutleiuan fi oist eut ablemtasure. Mt. Cavr*-uboghit w» sa very propi thiig, tprovide-lor the neceptaiuce o-f au resel vhach any co'ony iil ut ffer, but É rnight remark that. sncb an aier was actua Imade t'y uofur West mtiiaCokinit 4. tias old Frenrch war. Mr. Canivrel acknowledg<idthlie exproi aionis of rupproval with whivlîth iis biHlu;i been recevtki. 'he abject of ltherueasii wu tueextento lte colojaies tiie beileli.s ,kth iinv .ai Nauiv. Reeerve, andti u enal r*"H*ïvtay. sé;tÉ ae.d eai the rrtated niembranýes of îbe. godip kW M MMOad. b e Mis L 1Ord _ atOiflCh 974 the, kw l& Wv ile th, x e i .b.j Cb *«-lt Tuoyte hm Vwiarnew vîgo<,. IIaivviavie.aown ms# goha ' Sold st the matuftori.s,No 80 a sL n, - ,o< Ua'"ntag of Mhas owUNew York, and NO. l" B8tnd,Londos mil- by gS a, « f]Fll o iitte bis -htd - sud n ai=à- n u M g'ru'iwr~ laivey' talitwhich la ides LUne, encloing baot>4mg.,j 1vorthman yth I.m 4ds ipoards. The leam- a box free f expese. M4any dealers ipUi o i e.j u44didl c Wd te ettquary as 10 the aI- kecp My. medicinie on haid becie t yca. W lsd macy l e b adbelre thre presiding flot make s much profit a nohrpo, Iq4g~ ~fp ap t- itting .4 of'libm Court of iSk. 5ontî4 624,ents, anid $1 ur box. o GIreuY lui Neoro,ad lts b. iried by Rle nT lnta ijary% under *0be b"neer 1 -ct Of 1"ases- tf -i e jni« Mr. Harey id welJ known in his own * ILONdWFRs. neihh.rhod ad a mnypants of the The original niedicine Bsalihed n1 counlry; aand , its01d m w lI probsbl be on e firt article f tre kýjd e ier ntro u e n , of ~ I1eB.rpsnUgtt~the name Of " Pimonic Wafusi" in. o the qets ofother country; atilihr Pulnruan.uc aeia - io k Smh plidfrts ipjî-cu ti.Tht genmun.cte b. known by rneifoîheommtte; M. J D.Edgî- p..the naine RRYA.N1 being stamped ou thè e Watf apaedfow r. B arveyad opposti .- BRYAN'S PULMOI4C WAFER M ~Globe. j- Rieve C ughsicoldasoreThu eau- Hoarenm, Ta a ? . àTNu;"Ju FA.L"--.The Ro- Relieve Spitting of JlIooà, pains inUicthe eheubi li ais.the fuflowing n reliaon BRYANSI PULMONIC WMElgS - a suicide- rît NIaguta ali - A gen- R 'ev rratloofte LTuha und ois jIlma ra fia a 1%iiinafonne us that aj BRANSPULNMONIC WAFERS trag trdy o:courrle i hit village u n MàMurau Relievet r bùte CoruplaiIts ii Ten 3linuge8. of se h a nature a '10 cauttecoit.4 derabie B Y M r U M N O W F R SOititin. Awoaanabou 2. yors u .ît.Are a Uessitng to ail Claszses aud CousU utions. w rnt to the brdge Ce-itc tiaag Guat Islaa.d B1i AN'tPùL N1C *t wiî hthe An-.ritan se.ore, want i rew îherse~ IL e I:W F R int th w a er Sie as utco rse i is Antly pie forV lj ts -isud Pu I,,ic Speak r . bontt ewitlY through thorapiti'an(I over SiV Y I tNIC WA FERS 1)r~ m ucaaL u. T t wUua-' 1 Are in a'isimple fOraniauti pleasant to tie taule. 't ~C BRYANS PULMUNIC AEI ti wife of aidan wh ij wa» in th e a tfly, but A t, in a simple for m, anti piessant t e t Lste. [- . c -a iîsg ail uthlt tt rsidtflg aiie RY NSPlTLMO.M C WA FEiS Fata taud. engagud in tth aoi-k.bursuaeî.Io nyrleebtefe ai5crs teSie lufita olnd-a hit .gýiL The caus-'- o ýOl.eli-e u eetls.ü uel that Iaducd bher u ecoaxinît ie at ot self- JBRYAn'S PULM(>IC WAFERS dvarucionarqn~ poiuiulyknwîî thu~! JArt warranied to give satisfactionteeyOî atributed lb th t îmhappy d t t 'e ller dorne - 2 -Pfiys o.db ih u aB xO of fç *tftci7as Miit: be expecteti ru resutt roini oFml hudb ih aBx tihe coure sMe atlprsueti.,Sie was eeSt BRY4>NS PUL.Mo NIO W .&FERS. g g .l usbr-2 y a.person u uttbue kiie$v andi avowetl ber purpote, iat she waa No f ravefler shouid be wihout aap? f ig ai *tcaudite tui uj a allowed luj go n her BRY.ONS PIMONIC WAFEiS tud ày1 ebrùtus1 in his peeket.- Lu ay de:rsctju.»No persons will ever objert tco give for, r H&arBNr<aï sor Sr'aaua.-The fràg, hav'e BRO' U2INCWFR uà gi e W e ite ed u their im usie lasî w nt-tv n s d f!-ant almoâ . irrnagineti ourselveg JOB MOSES, Soie Proi-riet ',Rot'eer. th laonow~d waith a serenade. by, a biass baud For sale b>' Northrop and LTrhani e~s~ ~., cî>m ose 'u tromboneus, a-,.the tnelodi'ws C. W.. 0, n'r 1 Agents for tleCan d "s. ~ ku.upko-ruinp,1» Waam îtfed 1 cin I.ndsîy lv .Britton, Ktiowliùz &n e(n .<d eveniiig izeyhyrfi-o u a rie.ghb i agpu xid1e. and t ith~ e dùal lai; E. A, Boi es!, 'a g h r gis a donesiic aiiSai t'iîd reains w u ;Aiz ud n, M îi1a vu fi) te "fiont& f c Ctiliatiot lieon aGiiertt Caeron, Woods-ille; le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P5 th an&fiiaaiu;ltiarpî-'.3nàmt mne~atialilother medir-lile ous n lie nature, " ion uM ~221-247 iywatet, ati therefore guap tht laute-al ro'i- - ittey miiiI v-elited, ilehtDuakin .Z3uLI. lhei tZ .m.gthe iuost imporant <'t nmu l - ho ewaIks "L»e soe ilWiîh a junp, andi lias 10Io iialdiscoveries 6stands the CA NADIAN stand, up wir he siîad î-wll ; being i ..a PAIN EI)F*;TiPYý!R.. u &t e m esth gi res fr.' o e t, nIfril- A a Fz ni!y>' Medi(cine, il is wel dfa-vr- es ninu e t tat ty-e~d w!ueu brîai ablv1-itown>,relïeving iliomnnd front jft4i ni Itd in-. .sually tucard ini a l-,oI; andi lie 1îbý siîde,Ba' and Ilcati, Cotigliis, Coulds, re Ire is an j 40t thnaitnot t) r;tnalieItr) Dsen-,ra ps nte tlvla ,i eton a gridiru-'ride Godsnlii.-I1jiLon Ir>ubt.IsnrBweCoVliî, île I 'T he . ( na î;an lfi e t o4 r tas no -1m een us u~actIy tht ne- f OUZ AgoBt. fOltiiipeÀt tht di3." lof lire 'h us»n AL-h aîi~o efore tW- public fîîr a Iength of turj nesd Wr- une is ait> lugal obli- Cmwn.1t, urulti, hh fipé e buthe feitda- correapt<eîe ts&tnle d r~'eî cd is ieelt uiketi never.fting in a single ment*fadébi, and, Ma. n*aiLEs iLa, OmOuae.,ç1 Our thon of a naval force maiîtahied hi the tuer- . " ctosaepety otiNcoa,~iîtae ' ieprnnn eifilritn-' te exctyiile-o err. bét pI atecf te t .w-ý re-a hga juetd. an-i We haïe neyer kitown-a single case ha of IIdaly auto iae tard w r ce pi nb- g y nt a t t e ditit onies, ho n-aelmh e "ofk hng idisitisacton, wliere the direction:§ li-e lconîn'ille - >cyoa, stïrj<f rîîùg mîtrga! iu aubeadiinl h 5~ day orltwo tig.e. W'-%$wa s herprïerv oh-ailbu n It eîtts i ad h*1 ucy, rf ery Rileced butcnuiptionsr iti vrISa ils-face in, but- ani avOgttuing fr 1h. CÀBÎDIA-19Pua; inn 0baI dtit54en -. chapad becisug ghaly huaIi dietiprelly hard. idebeditesè, ani tire tourasii i nti y' V.rnlail. .b rl ieapunmdtuogîCmnte Nexi day 1j as calledti o witelb alltherar eiheIihitoeaio-,as pvkn cutfihe ntryl *Eaiyexecutiot, ltat of .hîmes Kelly, oà thet67(bjtehigettra NaVrue niMgc ia efihe -~Pe ..ii4yl-vaii ,a Vol.agca i ~ îstefcs s. trougir the THE. QUESTION IN A -NUTS'HELL. j Wc ,HeMa ro. Nespeuîk- rorn eer;ený e in titis malter, a the. gueal pblie O L EO~Â ?N'8 h Tht riui ha u-houaithose *ho edeacîèt ta tsheaving testcd hîoruJdxdtîc -'et 1hc,ý 0.a h y h v ,a Thé Q iebte Càréaiiass tlus tç orne p t e re- an ud ang lias-t'awho desert o te r 15 f. o r e tiieh ht la r om n a e c t q.iý àts tp. lut th e bto have 10 NgiYCI?ID 81 M PuNO U&?I i lteExecu'thour.are oraly oo piusasty. Thereis on 1wfore ii i sffe.i rot * Jliltc. apilo tore ebs IG~UD uesîhmofdefeatee, andi places the isse, as band- a large numrber ef deseters who have 1 ut 1heing a Stiverveilr-lte gretir. atm- ue bmcoeaj u are bure evem aIn li Canada, will place siot been -Iieti; tire ruajority of lisent are Tbe astonishîing elicacv 6o' the câniftian Pain recogniedtsdy'tet FDUALS IN POSSESSION. i.Me rîn umrelnuto u oetivgati u4yCndnî.vh r nic et<yr ncrn u i.tsfrahcs~ msiderations t icli'GRANT IN . PURSUIT Caf LEE.- cita 'million dollars, tuwalds lthe permansent CLle,> tlt onti t i l)t' &etndtra 1 -her" ni n he torti1ended a in s oef Rhseies. ini oie quesions, 0111(1défonice of tht country, il says: The -en- der -tat.Geai. Graltý ha& tîssuedl a simniiir in re!ieving Nervous Afrectione, entinet t o a purrobauein luNe*w CImvPOuNT, Apni 3. Il a. là. tr usinwiihmsesh are lu dt-cide I rchesr, whih b h.,as ea yi uneddsr t iprii r.«L in ie ipi ndres fur titeecm peuMSi.ao Sec.- .i.a -Geuus.*intigsasd iesTovs 'tiblf nto*hi I 1"lainîts. sre~are cuminig in froa in iî suurir poit- .M....., ec inEagu.ztreove taif-in mgt S 1i tjm- l ekalerst. in- ail Parts of the, country ffurîe e goliver jato Cana.- Weritïelléraphem easfl loui:W e okErgautys r',iutotad d rth ie Mr. Charles Gavait t)nffy, ex-mnemn1ber etisupillies, andi eachi testibyigi- to thse uuivarsul , if i ith pi cai- rucaonia&1 ias1ran. capitaret sitof Canada, aslitem i rour run!erP-trtiameiut auut' x-i-eiel, bas reisîrietit ai.îîto ic -ygns.'TheiNimy oit ergréa h-e..EUn2anaiti rom n -tralÏi. lie ernigrateci to 1 Thre canartian Paini Destrover never rails tay Il nierai, a t a r any pn.Tr aeyleiingeiiab.as erôouafrouilun? Many-Wu erit, in the aî.qiraslu- loine, and iehireîirta W i i le ; î ivein'e, ucre1e. i- Mdi cille daierc laket vau, hoi, city so ie r le"aç. aîna-t j1-iv ele-Al-M age é iih us eey~atfn apr lc.lnmk vent uf the UU.ted States atinerLptiusg luii- unle good-luaugin at h lape of a peaî.ion of ikCph.PI-sician-3 oti' and use it: and ni,- seqrrer.--TAe mer- ,fliro put il. Ont. -rse,' a l-ouavade n aHe served a afanî-ilv v-II t ' wîiiont afier out tîrNing t. - - Tire peopie uritin ~~~ng yvideCanada, upou, tieir funin t eisel~ hmradpud ~ea.frtut î&a rc n~2 eu >~bu reev s tuisc acO face w.-th eo rtanrslvi -, - yea-raandti sder ail Act, .whuicîn as non tt re~stut eadcsd expiessions >of lu itiare n,"tug ira Our lei*eiice, aftve. le i abte OItTiIItUL.P à LYM AN, - ol 'AW&dfiertthîii ne.1atunutiaitrlew!à[ t at de tiCW LAWS a1Grant sia.rtd ar ibis m 'lu todefenti tacftsinch- tif grou d. at a svad ~<1 et e ntii XNwcsîe C theoeriiig*ta ttht f thtEr -ulLindsa the pC.-Brittoni Kno wwtn'rà ~~ablyit illso h nrthre armay owaas te 1rnvilb nid, PurNoo o,0tepîsutie ure C @1110E1ae 1 have !îam,14. Fartmore- tfortuinale isGreOry, in inda u edci la! E .liv aey in uthat BanthectofL eteli osbli. - paeat ourdirapusal. if i shoild Grn.asf.-itî uuMaiei ni ,satn h a eo r,ad. aitti ute de iss a-ti; ..If tirs ImpertiGuversuureut iot mld t- -" ë Re.tmînuî u:or i hritiMu±h 14t sintrrGels.t&t'eroW1di ýme uigeal fom 10 Présideant Lincoln u asgne te thre front PI, yerd, crriui-e wiilui tlltier, nu h - d iw i ht ,reftnt Quotahi.nu bn ihuas gaiiieid ren<a-at htalestalegz, 1TTits %Iâticbctt, thýànree, aniti &a il meicne resosai itotabiar hy T. S. BO WElle A. A. G. riaates, titat we aie realy It. deitbe ai on _ nCr c h iob.dae a'ountryuhor. tir altIenrei, audlanthe tiefence utfti urhr aor.iuntrya ÂsaNTN Aprhe4-'omtheo dAtfi teiaiallrre rw. -V EmpireT IS aîr--le o etLI i 7 pu:r I.frura CitY l'itaS staSe ltai Les bas diitrided .40 If tthelîinperiai Governiment abouldte- veêtuneaut are about refeviaîgd;e thhrny curi- ! Ii:9711aqmn1 eegiiita coni th. reman of iris aruny, andin leretre-îtiiîg ply nô, if ihte Wei ire ytitaItht colte- Ipapnes aof vulurteeris ut lte rouiier b>' nwvuru- 1 ir oartx cribouian uwo eamati colorns, ries are abuirdu a ~gauc frd ty-utealier cupanies, tvelle of wlîi<h are -- Dur ai uroohi s e w~~~~ould glailly tdhsemnbarnasu..herself, wuto lucorne-(aiUprCrtd.Trtto an AEPR NIES à. declare divi- pui rsorteus a 01yeterday exceed si viîî- aval1 ourWevea furor u reply tu heu,, uîton, Belle.-ille, P;ciol, Oatatv;a, S:ialtar, fl--eenntlck en teîliis péri celi., htogeirer 2.0. -ol tire weds rof au eoIt nuerber of Parlia- Gliathanim, St.i' rn. s ttiLncn ui lOpoireei'sI;w-f7c'tço K.nLaStre, Lit sortiedot. riseatlateraîy taer.us.tescuitioti <Mn. nti the tei heu tSorieo. AccicLier, &r 1, antti meeting Goftin T.e..i4îotOpoel nie ment,I. Druînrnouil nd l e[ e sbtiived, fu-nisi the nuanîter.-F Oc-î r bnn sWa>~. V~ hi circulaionnas tiraitarder truse cin-çumîtances, thre butai -uhO.-- 1. Toa jàoiiattitouat ie Sag.santiisetthé ieevn h e' a Miere.ameking of our imlitary Tîedîyuvenanalan rebrut hrke omtuutîithefroni QA.M 10 _N. M.on tintamnutl h r-aettiai. FI-Ata-ulai-.stc2hl11 lNiBrt~t AtnLnecia>'T..sa s'.h my aiCyou' Of rirai wussanticipaut. nIfo'i i;utOfu, Ly L'Tasepaî ii- Li- Prrnary &ttuol boilli t %vas' en- let ettyyof eu.baftks --li-on~, if nt'ceasary, ratir9r ltaunaeîcifice Our. tirtly desar<ycrd. he'lire rus dt;tbtltetts-;~ ~ ui.%%ij- g utwecautils accom- Hracousau1tr iotïlubrt-y. Tht'.' igl teý,ok fan -i.etta. Oner twio rius. &dvam-eg are,-lua or PiAcîg-Tre N. àyHcrald be frth ighthr t worhallireauiay ir ~ ~ w fully in e4 Yr o m . : V iai tlims me ati e tter pri ta i, it eiuve. pr a'vri u ay -bee na é n tire secuily .1 says-Wç eve iy 'poiiÏelY anitoLIsc- leadsîs nete mn.Weese In il, on thteamade te burn:it.-Pdyrt «ope(ird.j' Jj t lA 't1 . ulOSi, nt aCON5* eut (ro 'Wasiringlou tirai Seretary Seurard mcoirai y, a. piedge te proseiY iecr ocaESTE3I.tuuu G.-Tlis iilan nil La asîti Io meuciants l . . B Psenta-tiLiaci u ot ya, -out of liteswork, il vOa d îmaltruie aying, anil eqtli'tieitile wrdFr riaaiheArcUrI ttue.au frômCai ailiIl a anDsryr'wl n i ~àiemateCity poinit for corration. We have tirst efecit iet lurwan halO asaa1 C audîaPinthe.ryer wil ntuk ai th acr cssfrdm-as eteaino ir eotcntieiaaeanty amilionof dollars tuiributeui by pan o fun tire body>, auJ dcres HBeart a- jEhbtoLitsd5suy.- inui cael pr dsr.anri esîra un of. theiert cotai - Erglssdmua rgstlie eooenTt u1 plaints, Toh Atitt Ahe,1e, Sp'4rari' - ausue _ pet dett by Our govenriment willeyentBrc'ist.s t onrta uyligcs îcr bi local purp-O9ered P-oe 25cent.& Bttle -exiaqnaîte ortnt taa5are mou ian , Mgies. fur a corifeureaice lakexiiue Vathe peuple. We rnay sav aira! e')I*GSie 25centsa Butld.l retsndst î. exctramatio ibetreaGusri GatatiLeia a-duria ng eyeai. yeara -mare titan 30.010 n__________________________ uccmooat o cu is' bustna pn-uii stio <f familm.t le be maaiiueîby lit lb r - )air., 0tmî ofni ftb!c hirni iL-ms Tire ilaoiks, teuqaredrtier lîatfartficataosas. lmdu'td, if fNoticues. deru with whj(ý4t ire imâlyire fztvorrd-hC haasl na e t e r ' t ,e m ý -o o i i i sca lin '-- a- . 'W u s lu a.afla t ter t ir ....- t---- - 'of nmad et hin seif thutro ig hl> ucquaintc-d w ;n i a ugt w o n thé peuple s'. coulti romise fiurtume ethc laite i povmn<in his art, «tnqt tbing i& 0r pahd i oney te i . UN ION SCHOOL"BOARD. - ouiouqaren,<usaaons narn wo kme BrJsnaCakssnjidwit-sr etuaelts hrjanC iaiial fimectart t - ~ -anti day-laborers et ail kitids. W. <dun<ùot C ac ielitopes ilui producé the Cerrte ade Pisite un as Dd'eckatumsa.A meigwtii n uit ws ld uta eaIu tirairit rtir e al, nric)tiniti mh ~ATtU*EM ' .LS ra ietnea n'mtei ii tTfC - - îtriet friitaOuis strtht - -Tht Gillery'is s5iclous Aanti fvorably ..itlit tl the evefing of '#Wtdù!eml*y iait. We tuok attixans twhile iTna nanal edcn i naingiuteluraur a tgiat a rni yct i rdea A UTA. notes with ibhelutentioca M pu iiihing tletia hbs unn. nit lto t eatnutilitii ht od.,uss-ubenr-abu eil aduipletifor the*lltOiOûs - - cur~~~~~~~~e aill t tahe fpanfuil a titd-inruseicsat-iernîraî ISMAI ÀAI>KV. eai la dla);but swing te its lIellehI < TH-MGAINS..1uoderates ail excessesa 1r2- P iîu,-o aaiîg corect linesses. 1 -ou D and.tck ot tien lrou i y meriig,',as TétMiGonNE, jfroni batever cause, andi a I)ee4y l)Ps-ie oîiiutes wiie letOIt ti~'miid - ritr - trution, -the GaIlt-ce iti pi id f-ar. give. ctie a-" as t te nn 0eiappereunalilis its A,"-a ibuî' BxM..AGAzIne. Philadtl hia ci e r 'r o -.x»LDE >Sisfcougitreercs. T e tire bui .oFuabedis q - hina' T vs irea,% n urr e r i uv nztawe boudlie 1 . .Arin kCa.$ 0 e an il a>i pecu 1iarîv suiteil. 1îtwill, in a short lime, it aitd uaaýtoubt--da.W.u m bia sohtltlke ao.brittag o eon ntritphieiuîhgutlt.'st Liti<ni1lé et. enhuy hiegil er atc.tehvevn'AuudM.Wod ire - ' e othis useful pri- a 1"We invariabiss atllMi. Frgit nuts.*tstI I di500tveredthel. tie e prîitiaaasu iiS~ vst o a al. ne protajCAUTION. p. r i a ibetcàis thialstir eau ie ohuuied, ieaadsg -danger. - i iri5aibiar speretahe..Theconeri at Tiese Pin. sehoutt net be.taken by fernales- -anti believe hu m to ire iborcuglht>' acquaiutea s to tept tht nerve uof ecellt<adtitt urss Vmuy geinmal oct-valed uhand effing, Sevtual enLnravaigs .tiaat are prégnant, duriungthe FIUST THIZEE e-fhbls beitunifut at. - yuiaglay btadeo idafirrsuusof *chW, llaets frem De- - OTS s hyaeBreibring on Msar-K OWLSON & GflEGOIIT' - toant~~afh' mebelisr tu nauabu. nge;but 'at every - other lime, and iniaeve r> moirt. AI; ilth tue tebsrliat & un ltt mibg of the opfs e mus for lirepiano romle e aalir ase,îe'a trfcysfe. - O hemuSpesr ucrh>-n li veuheu, scS '~' rMard la aothmrçlaan or Iuitt .ti~ v lbe adduiie4 -.la ail i.aisaf Nervouad S!tiAAffctonts, -Francis*àa iiity ia regard le bis beîng ami 1<> lai wa sUcuivtr ai fnul prociedffasmsrecorild!byllue Painin tire Back and LnbilaiisFa- make good 1jihutgralilis. F.GSO' Ieminlpaut, couduoti- y iii hofi.- be ame"sicSoimts.anti Stocrotil vit -yul huaseta, inttent~U1 (C.n' v's LA1>yýbBuuim-._Phutlauelphia.- L. igue-Onstigrtýextitien, Palpitationcf tirbIea tJ"htpilreitke b, ii il aenistïîitb hit Of a - aàb!«ail otiierthe tuif'Super-d1 eaGeMa occa àion- sther, are as ig nd ars a boudes 1have freenf rnarty -y eamuu ae ut intentent, tie Bè«frd bave docaotileresondGoey émliikeepe abean of ail :compéitboni. cd j a disorderedlsyseni, tute Pileudt effet the besl Gatteries. i-miuiha~tate aorberpy(oa1.citSpr .Gdy 30>aya.î~n;so prtiylrîa ikledce r rt- fbfd - eusltlon,-Pamaet a a récent, IeWi!lgi, Tire.April aout berc .ontano- i n tMaàsîtil arm- a cer en ait other means have faileti. -Win. %1-, NEL 4.1 It D of citeyoung the te ulldirections in tire namîmhiet around ctrh, cnutrIepro3rpse r rfC ait.ucsde na as .îaliln1-%wrae'al l vii o raisitber uai sangraviarge, ptheeuraro, ionsof Mh.uFran adomitbit ,itgmv eauanly àa laise mjit U"o! tino , rtwilig istn,&W.~ h i-pcae c . crntlypered . s gaîcti anîd as truc as an>'1 have evcr seen wMd uidig ffy vith.reau Ittita. - d1181114Th lt bel oitt i 0pils, aud 1le 1nEnlad ar4Ihave seen some ofthte fine61. INi, -vi roI te___________ railupu nétuwpt b mtr Ley<iit he OovervmCIit stamâp of Great Brita an, everi 50 listi mrk 1ftli iwyams ofire-ynrt~eau ire-dent posi mut for $1 and 6 postage -JAE B. Ml~ Fe lot Of ttsit- - '~ ireumkeepsu ul1oold bave a copy of mp1 » -Cl NwokaLiads>,Aprilth, 1865.29 heveven aFor.osité a-s-le, anwtniiid »bW iliet ie Iwogtlgursf TuE ezBLusnwciMl'Domg&icMAO,&- C. W., geneemiA, isfor-%lie Cnds ul nohiy, u he bbowi etÊltsinLindisay' by Ç- cailloiu. Konoîn & Gregory, .ie ilefà or yru Qp«1 Pa au asotis-9 215Efor lMareit,-for urinoir vo art indebteti -and ai thé, Médical Hait; E. A_ Bowes, Oak- vîrrete sM.Beu iud have lest-voi be.Du a,,Mnla;A. Wyatt, Ciai- attk'd w»oçr tiewwee M& f iott u igion; Qilnlt à cmmo,.Woodvitle; T.1 INe"Tire w.enttit- 6" e00G<iutm*- fibMchet, Ouateanaimedicine dealers. l etiayht cstgtl, 110 s*te ki m ia ~ <,p.rb Il fflber, and a marvlet obeapars. i ngàw 1 hm tu a.. : ntnd tio ns Up . c na a s itt b1n ir m sisae ue s -obi t. t e Wbmlut .u* uêuad -ot ni ~ GTW nuuo auhlnebtg ienliraihhethe -Pr? s d,, U < ldi ttes. têti tata GOV«40"Mqatmmue t>< n« m- j<aw ,boW NT.ison fr te Toiasip Of ELD O14, u1 baM 4vl m0I Tr mmsmia npprS$ ~LIBY 4 OKT50 o- bébell ai Woodiile, On of Judo811111iws > 4eîoiol . bu" toT ha aunerP taisl NohlaTUE.SDÀ.Y- THE 25a.IfST., etJetu«11114 the sua.ifc~aEs.. . h b 1.natersiged, $« bsramr ' aw o »*pvi.Ws oo t* m n vu oirltOi c s-d10 ol«tk iLof ic tigo11tIi-P~ f«~ Pro.ua am laslsuia 1iw1u~ ~ai 7Ca8 t i 0.estdsW4pri S 1Ue W id Mw a db - àmi, mso" .-lle -

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