stV" ~ ~-!~ 5~ t- t-'- -- - a- un ut r octD«ýNOe M~WIDY G. ON 4- tiER 1JU0~ ~ .fre I~w tus du.a.~ <r a' e- ~- - s,.. e hlnîs as I bell you re-the cnit- lwith 1 Pow- )move- r thus coustituted w1lIj )f two hundred years, oolks )f the prescRit Ne'havo been inforrti )- Faraday is a 1elie kripoeiti6fl of paper. É; Aliq of'one of-1ht liners rufning 10 Pù far the tru-h ofthefol qr eoncerning a sturdy an w-ho came over in bis ship but returt thome trip. Pat hac ighing in the 'Green 1! s lie inferred froi i v DIe lo us as a peo>ple. t you are going home hecaptain, 'yota cou Id iich of 1jhe.couutry di ys you were in port.' ee'd eiiough of it,' qui Lup towfl in Portland1 ade up nme mincihat' ere loo blamed Iazy the shop. TV ,' thi. morn i,' "i.d &i ecent Who w vaaM1Y- d4aoolS oalb bm on îhs o ~Centrel P-004. [nives, tforty 0f 'cm Bellor te& il A m*mr] idf <be ÀArk.tpsaLegis- latur.,in a ebats m ite qSftion o( the restoration Of th, Union, madea b hin6,aour 01iti, wiiich -Ilioea- ~1dd by sayhng Ibat 'it would ohm-. ing. ttebarren 4 n$ 1, b fullfùlal GOLDEN- MERÂÀNIE -t a 1- - - --1 )nI popi-- .cept- friends -th n4bu 00 prea g1gprd, c<nsi4er Werway msi a" b. vral- vise..ý'H'e beoomeéth poor tut dea. ,heval leh wtha slaik a-iu thé hand of lhe diligentmakethtich.' gesion iRm&-*-ruoErý-% h ' nee-diligent taow h tl s h [s nov alocks, andi Iobk weI lé thy hrs g pv POrnALJY.-He. that lo6veth cfpap- please e or 1sfport) shali be apoo itik up man -he that loveth *ine and.cil Iilbte shall not be ricVs'- redtice - ~fleblnei 1a "Y an alomination tnté t4seIondi,'- He- ted thal ever in thal by usury and Ù#jusl- gain ior- aseîh bis subsbance ie substance, ho e n-shah gather il ibi hMrathat w-ltpity le Eg- he poor.'- 'brtlafld, LAsiS xoWEAL¶'.-'Wealth got- >llowing ten by vanily shail be 'diminished, y~ young but he thal gatherelh by labour ehall to th!s rr-p incre- 1 ne-ver SIC', and erere flot S80 O111 'ut havé ring the S'Faiih ioth Pat) but oUce V- people y « t put n wheels were not, e Io be living amnong. Àf Bacchus stepped at by the etovi Ly (hie) miste r, >od taverfi, (hi use (hic) hw ,er cistern thar fTIEGOOSE- scuse- a goosè Even a barr nstinct and atta hâdits more l I'UNCTU .ALIT-&SSy not 10 thy ne-, jghbonr, go mxiii corne again, and..tQ- mrnow 1_ viii, _ whe.n: hou. hast il by tbee.' ENIwÔ. AsToIq-He thbat le eurety for a stranger shall smart for il, and and b. Ibat hatelli sureîyship lu sre..' 'Be flot one:oîeatatsriebands4 or of them thal- are surety for debtu.' - - BuzAÂLrr>y-'ýHonmur. the Lord with thy_ substance and with the first fruits àf alil tly iincrease, s0 shal] tly barns 16 filed: with plenty.', CONTENiTIIT.-tLibcUr fBot te0 h rich.' 'Hie thal Aas*etls 10be ricli hath an evil eye, and considereth ual that poverty shahi corne upon hi,' ;mnt the Lit haif an -GIvE lM A TitA]D.-A good ,gout and trade is a good à_î ,andlil seem,# 10o îe house. us t hata, wise parent, while securing e, he ex- for hies son -a good edlucalicin, wîl this may ais-o e -ncourage habits of labour and% lec) but 1 industry, and place him in a éitua- s got a îîonwhére he can learn a,-good trade.- Ln it can This. will be -.a, sure,,esource bo him in afteÏ life. Other pursuite and. -It is a callinge inay fait a Man, but a good ë of be inoe trade, neyer, if a mnan lse dispoeed'to, ,é goose labour at il. - $ Nalter if a yôuth ia ,chruent; tQ oflse5 a oeompetefloy,"yet give hlmn loselv ob a trade ;il ýWillbe, weillfor, him li beni t hrough lf. freverses cone, h i general wil 1* able 10ý fail back.on bis 'trade, iless. at and cap'. battie with lemporary wanî. has been, Ini a certain sense, a persn with a. îly *s en-trade canalways be ijidpendent. yiOP self- [rie.over The Hon.-.JohnHowe, One 6f the 1 defy you Most promnel t lesmen of Nova ..As for Scetia, le about 10 relugrn 10 pu blic so diffim A book eutî;itled The J.85i1 is nov *Their creating -n iÏmmense sensation iii id îiell- paris, la -COAsequeilce of. lls extra- e ; inde- Jordiuary diselýsures affectung- the Ppear Ioi Roman Catholie Church. csaje, a- mn weni cre, and- began ti ,e., (There had L il he- aid, 'ii "A telegmmr from Meibounne, Aus-: trnlia, dated. Januairy 26th,sys:'à tfine cornet le visible iii-the aothest.' III is supposed teobe îhat of 184Spre-1 4dicted, by Heroeheil as. returnable ini '21 -years 0 The- dedicatioti of the volume cf 'Coesar' b M. Thiers by.the Emnper- ror Napoleon was in 1 te followize i words ,-.&Tô.the -grtndest histoiiabi o f niiodern limes, from hie :admirer.'. rl at lte Gen. McClellan, is at preient lu cliow or Rogne, ' Tbe Gpera,' sayse acôr- gles, set resp ondent' ofîthe Timu, ' has cei- si ml de-. n'y rno pepeiltion,0f a speedy tenl six head natiot cf lb . WS hich in no<w:0 1h.OQU. staiîng bii unhappy counlrye. the isS Asolu of Dr. Livigotone ,theAfi- mmenting an explret wo vas kidnapped. wni sa thé amy smre tltù m o. lwagUken prîsouer recontly. bi<he- ~ Co~fômî.sin Virginia. eatafl IAmr>LTP WUIL b- ekài. î,oft cov lMbh old, tb e rle Wti1nrn -~ y, pi r~ l-~~¼--------- -,a. --e-~-~-- -- - IIKTING I vvA*rI-Ni quiîite (or. ISA?~ CIRAI ÂND EXPEDITIOU S flINTtNe 0F Ai INI AI Pl et «4 1 w LI b -- 8N'0W COMPLETE Partionler attentioni is 411r.t.d te lIbo stock Of ~JIWWJNTM BOOTS & SLIPPERS ¶I.mlq~u ca alo t any style.t of ots aWiich»tey mAy.ask fo. w zo BE NG OFF M1 ARGE E >CWK Of GOODS. AT A SACRIF>CE fl~ ÔW garatees bgthose purchase ith lie ready Cash, thc followInÉ atices Ne isechalaige.anymerhan inLidsayita-compete w-th bhlm.n, fl-t Ine Vi kri ti GIo1 1 I et MARK THE PRICES! Faney Flannela wôrtb 3a.6d. now aold for 2s.6~ aisGoe WBInketi at $2 50 per pair . erue Blankets (al!wo) worth i7l 4,fS,$2 00per pair. ,*ool $edsonel et lu. 6d. per yard ndi wol ouleShawla ivorth $& 003 given away etr $3 00 mEaglish 4obourgsutUI. ýper yard. nceyi, (heavy) ouly 9d. kt$ <.faut coloured) ouly 9a. p ie hrtlngfor bd. ttles (all kinds) from la. 6d. up wed <mil oofor the' low .pie ai 28. Gd.. pce nGey Ctton sbov e t ogçYork. tinder Coûts worth $5 00, soId at $3 00. Over Coûts "$600, $3 50 pants worth $3 00, given away ut $2 00. 4 dozea Fur Cape sacrtflced for 3&. 9d. GiVEN GRATIS. 30 doz Neck Scarfs ta be given away to pur chsesfree of charge., OHEAP GROCERIES. GoodHyson Teas from 2s. 6d. per lb-. np 30 Ibs. of Ricetfor $1 400 12 plugs of Good Tobacco for a quattg 12 Ibs. good bright sugar for $1. IF,-TOU WANT. at inténds te Bell off bis large stock .(at thase prices) la a couple of x-ceks. Mng tia lit t you satisfied he viii perform-viat la pronuised, by selliug as chi b. dretiss EMEMBER THE PLACE-, - çp4"'KNOWLSON'S BLOCR, KEN T ST. A 7KW YAU~T~ WORTH KNOWINGI Tbe Subsc Mra returning. thankg to their. fr ienda and-the"plàblic for the liberal suPPort' t.nddte them in-cecommencing business ta Lindsay, beg toarnounce the r- Remvalof hei FIrd~areEst abli hment to ýReva'V-aý.ià the r.U WEST veN . S0Iîs w-e . teè ill hi glad ta hlve a v-lit from a-Id.eustomens sud intendngpurchasets.' Purticular attention lu aSked ta the follow in 9'.dC TS FAG'fýNo. 1 - That DRANEF.& EOLEY have ou h4nd the beSt aelerted . ad largest &toek of Heavy amd- SIc-If hardare lu tie: Countv .of Victoria. FACT No2 That DIRKE & FOLEY aller eYery at-ticle lu the*iir line ai prioes wîtich ca&nuot ha undersold. FACT Ne. a. That DRAKE & FOLEY can show a splendid lot'ef,.SXATIs in cve ry FACTN. That i)RAKE & FOLEY have cufni in stock a lange assortaient cf Peints. Oils, Varuishes, Putty, Glass, Bruahea, So.- FACT No. 5 Tint tDRAKE & FOLEY'IS la tii. pot Ïor Table and Pooket Cutiery-of- everv varielv. FAC No G That.1DRAKE & FOLEY bave a large quantity of lion, Spring and Sîigi Steel, lions. NaiI9, Axes, ,Bern dopr .linges, Haîchets, Butt 8, - - erv, Bava; Sleigh IîBlS, &c., &Ç. A &T No. That DRAKE& FOLEY a-an furnish everything usu.taliy fouud lina - ta cla èsa Hardware Store, and titeir facilities fur buying entable them ta uffer goodsa t bMont ceaI pnices. 'Cai 011 and Coul cii Lampsa amiGlitases. c q ~ ~~ 1%" W" AL VjLE Xv Junu.ry 1865 Kent Streci, Lindsay' DAIDTHMýA.S. Whicb ýha--be selected withgret carie, sud vill be found comùplete5 in every depatqmient. If.e would direct partieular attention t tlieir great variety Of onil g lu part of Lae uas Sutherland and, Gâribaldi Jackets, Ladies' and Children's Wole klkaing H~adWoolen hwul ra variety. -Gnlmnwsll find a choice lot of lancy Tweeds'aud Doeskins of the. beet quality and la test styles. Âms nuaI, bis Stock of Grqeeries, Crockery, anli Glassware will be found well assorted. 'He voul= 1 qs secial attention ta- bis Larg madVeréSprior Stok ofTes am BE ffoxTNYARN KEPT COSANTLY ON HAND. ~ Li~diBY, l9th Octohuir, 1864. DAVID TIIOMAS, Keenan'm Brick Block, Kent Street, lindaay FURNITURE! FURNITURE' SC EROFFERS F0OR SALE THE LARGEST AND BUST, PAR5LOURD INN SM) ICHNCHISfPR PALOUR, DINING, AND KITCHN -CHAIRS ', m LoÉ,.DNIQ SAND,- CUCTS,& PHNES TABES BUâAL &clursoAR. , MÂTRESSES OF VAjRIOUý COMON BDTE-S FOOTSTOOLS> &c.e &C. SStii Aofte TIIJw ST fflRIFN*A! b~~~~~~~~~~à 41#r aeflyaemcdl.Èo uizea ke>,t cOMMMUtY 3.311bese3W8I.Un-11WTUE CÂBINIT MARRE T~~~~~i II#MJlfllNE&I EFRED x uI m (Megu agle uiate&&Wi-o Aad nw~p . trm liea t lysy*'5 »Wegve ffrsqa*, e er. For Aer par K~ ~'iieneuy ea h Eps m s e .n l Epom, ujX -189 . J. HLDO tj I AWELL SPRINXG 0F HOPP, FOR AL& -CAN- BE FOUND IN BREOFGOOD CiREK, TEE Sr-KING Â el. BAVED5BT >TRI: t 0 Holloway's - ,Ointmient, ,PENMANSIfl, TELEGRAPHIG PHONYOGRAPIIY, BOOK-KEEPINGS k ARlTIIMETICY COPRRESPONDENCE. pa tio *en tAqy become Men."p Tii . oliegîLte course of tuis Institution iu- cludes et-eryîthiig requlsite for a thorough and practical. Business Education; Book-keeping adapted te every- kind of business, by Single and Dýouble Eutry; Steamboatiug, Banking, ForeigichaUzbonge. Feirwardiug and Conmis- sion Business, Xanu&fcturing, Minîng, and eboýngn Sngl t Double Rntry. U» Ofsoholripo, Urnie unlimited, Twny-fIre dollars U-Bôok~s nBt&toUbery for full course $10. Tii.actupi -BualinmeaiDpatmut nturniai- id with tue Ihuke ulti a eQilal of I,M;0OOO conducted 6n thie ea 1e* 'ileu our fayour- itt Banking ni uses. A Murohauas Emporiumn Or Wholeaale Bstab1ýâbiueat contaiulng sain- pleoa klnds ofebaulse% , ta Esuit,. trou whuai tii. tu4euls, eubering tue .depart. umtfflaketbet, i ebases. Tii.Booko, ~kopt in tse Empenna'b thse St.dmt4aar miglt-la aUMbue; l»f vw h are Bock# of Origi nalEtay, aud'Ibey &*- ooodoted on the plans of lise=maiiolpiwbels mou= in lafi lrlb.wbw emha&**àg à book- p m ~ «t"ua t gnI itipraotirn remue g.senai fa, ime set veluSm a"i circulai contabdlffmmàiag- kl4 tel NSGEO1 &'~RTProprietoeh. I 1- S- i 't box of Pilla or Ointmenit from ~ed!gsî~: his place, ýlet him write to me, -nchosing Ù0e amount, and 1 will mail a box freé of espelse Manj dealers w-ill net keep m y .nm .î,ines c'1 band because .they cannot make as miicb pril .is on other persoas make. SNone are genineu uniess the .word3 ~Hi~ .vvY, New 'Yrktind Londlon," are-di ereable ai t.uWater-lr4-:r in every leaf of the book- f di *ections arotind eaeh tox:ib1e s5tflC aY e lainly seen by holding tne Ieaf do the izht. À - ýMa42.ame reward willho givcý en a u-voneI t lermnF; such, information as may lead te the de- iectic r. of any party or p)arties c0jntr&iing thie niedicines or vcnding the aime, awc .hem th be apiurtons. 0. -Sold at Illc, nanufactory -of Prefreslo 3O!LOWAY, 80 hMai-den Lmue, New ert "and by ail respectablêdraggists and deale~' -ffedicine throughuut the laited States 5,Id tb divîlized world, in boxis1 et25 cents 62 ce", ,and. $1, dach . I There la a coeiderable savingl kn ti.laýrger aizes7 4HINT, To THE W0RT0y ICITIZENS 0F CANAV1A- ALL pa . ties purehasing my pilîs and il Sment for their several -coplaiflta are pectfully warned againat raeale i.e Pilla or Ojimtient purportint M o YprP ations that have a Ulnited States stavmP aruI the. boxes or p9ts -There is neoTWtf belwef, .tkie Peploo f the BSesu d tbe JlonB GO 1ment, therefore *nAmerCie StAulP 1doCa flt pro Seat my PreparatioO9. Tberxe &M n.s110 upomi y Canïadimsýtyle of Fpisaorinwp coming from tii. United Bts tes. 1'rel! enIy h ýfr p t eo* é -O5 the w ter m ark in t . book : <4iretgoS8aruum4 eacli lbox ipol. Befof'101 purchstboe se. battChao*r :5 atheeOf ill rOaie -il TRU WEST END -STORE, cil murs lr La an ýy' a p ilffl TO ÀINNOVNCE TIIE COMPLETIOlli OF" IIIS FALL STOCK E 0 Le" . 1 I àNESGND novr prep&red The history of these great reiedies islb. moat vouderfali nedicat revelation . that lt4 -world huasever knowu. Rt e.8t&blishes lie ail.' - important fàt tht vherever, andin wlta. (beloôning te prilvate individuals), e-ver Ïhalie internai diseae-eizattý thse 4iinfecr rFIVEg YZAR, en 1lmproved Fermas, in ixtg, searching and healImg propetties af the or, gmaîl p#m4 stes flanis plîmts, atta PIlaare, ftlly equal tb il îbjecîionýan>d cure, ~.RATIK OF ilT=kS. and that, withthe Oiatmenti they are - Von; further panticuilars apply te TIVE GIIEAT 'AMBASSADORS OF~ - JrAMES IIOLDEN, HEA'LTHTO ALL MANKID. Prince Albert. This is flot a hbistory weitteu by ofit io Aie,3,00aces cf Land for Saleél te even derived from the ex periences of eT,,,: - >uutiesu ut Ontario, ]Peterborougb, Victoria, tcnsista of a compila Cion of testinoni&1,,,,~ ,mbtoà, Kent, Essex, Grey, Middlesex, Perth,, tes f evycountry-an unirapeahiýb, nd otier Countiea. - record, thé like of wbich bas never Yei. INSURÂN-CES eD&cted at moderate ratMs. dniced in favoeur of any discovery or ivni priuce .&lbentMarci îo10,1864. -sîcelm ean h, MicHTï IIEALERS,,WORLI) KNOWN M Mnrgav to eÀdTIIED, AIIeA. DUXTQVN ', LY.E~.F~~.JJThe want of a sterling medih-inal ta meèl the ON REAL EST.&TE, lls an eeste tf lie auiffl-ritig îirtier. -(f W amm of POO or tpuards,ai 7 per cent. humanity, and one entireiy frfe frein, minerai Principal aud luterest paable within tep and other dicleterio'îs particles, was sevtrlv tasrs, at sucs lirais as suit the bornoywer. feit liilli hi ail powcrttul uiedicine was ushered ppyta b inote wl;l~IunsInvaltiable Pilla îi 0 . J. MÂCKAY, Barrister; become the llou.ehold ltemedy of ail nati '-a. -or, NEIL RAY, Lidsay. Teratiuel 1 rvn -d s 10 e-,: 238-tf thev attack the radix Or mot of t:-îc comlIaint, ----and fluai, l'y reinovîng the hidden c.ause cf ~oney.]Rolley t None 1 du-se, re-invigorate and rfftore îLe drioling energies of théc ayatem, assisting niat:;re in lier. 01f NEY to inveat on imnproved Farmn Pro- akfvtladfnciarrermL. j.perty iu suma .of $300 and upwards, ai DISORDERS 0F THE ST0O1Ae+I reasonable rates* of interest. -Loatns effected in Are the sources of the deadileaýt nialadies. The;- a few daysaftertie titIesare investigated and, efiect la 10 vitiàtc -111 the filuids Of the body, amdi the Pa pers am e completéd. .Appiy, if by letter to rend a ooîc streamn ibroiigl aIl the cLati- prc-paid te ada of Giretulation. -Now, what - la t copermL- G. 3. ROCHE. ino ePilTe las eho-lre- Lindsay, April 13, 1864. gulate the liver, 17)ng -e el:.milr rr ___________________________________________ tùTùmnach ido a natritl crnd î'n, i. a t r.: M 0 J-&N EY TOlU LUtN. ibrï>tgli the secretive e'r9anS îil;ou lhe l,-i 1szelf. change the strate oif tle -tafin. Il E.-SUBSCIRIERS HAVE PIRIVATE whlesorne effrct 111on, l li itý, parr înd fri-,**,- jFunds ta livest on Imfpnoved Farma Pr0lp- WMN~ALJE~-îFuU: erty, at a îow rate of interest. sividtle.h rflainai. * ~~MACKAY & MÂCKINNON, I es of>t'dth teSt les e4trlan i-iro~~ Baristers, &c., J0C If h~iamis -l~fTie inre-i r- - Wilaan'a Block, Kent iStreet, Lindsay. élon. Attemuc gothe nai.s tia r<ovember, 1863. 226-tf ?fiaesse neue l ndcritical changes, tePuis nml ~: positive safeguardW agâîrst cail Ç.î~n.N1!uc XUNLX TO LOA~~ Tli«vr-lso confidentlv r~':ed- , AT 18 PER CENT. speeftfle i dsre 0wic eck FOR paticîtars ap 1ply to eclubively sbet LÂCOURSE &D'3RMETI, That tIc- above- statemnenls cariaital :. SQlicitors, Linds. i-e verîiied i0Y the written t.lst:iýoly (xcu Liuday, an 2, 184 1244f hrough n quarter of a century) of tens of tL". ______________________________________ ands of ,îniniiilacable iîuesses.. j[ l !V O LO NBILIOUS MAlAI>IES. ýtc. c In whfflever forai diseuse ai-ks the I:f, ON EASY- TERMS. fit is repclled and exteiminated by this starcr,- Apply t~~11 , ailes. and irresi_;able cuirat -. n- ROBERT L A i. ios rcrmuteîuîs, bilim'is puvgiug,;anîd ai ler Lindsay. Maieh, 1864. - d2-iuinary disordera of the orgian. indicaird !y - pain iu the riil trile n'rd heîuroenr. es L 1uds &ya an ai obcay -con eile, Svelown-9sof îe v iles Of il e ees, weaa- v'ess anid debiliîy, &c , are relieved, and :- lfjoved hy the r(-tredy, with a c-dl-aux-wbi-h Imm :t~rsten;shes fi-estitT-rers itýd îlîèeir friends- Let the sick,1 whon the facility laue abandrîued, R o ai M al tareçcrt- uliconfidence to 1-~poern -Y ~~hlictis a geut, a il n restoration ta heulti mià The subscruber beýg9 ta annonnce fIat durin, ctvt iib i ncrigrsi. he wîntr monti.s thc aiove *ta eiIira s!YSPEPSA DARRHcA, WEAKNESS, k.c- followat dne i j'an l)irbc Lea ve l-iudsay cvcrvTuesday,Th-ursqdav an- d -larircrize ibareisua are.aiý once auiîa Saturday ut 9O &clock a.m., and arii i,- iVîePl.Darhecntpto iadh. Bobaygeo at i o*clotk p,.u. î< urnitig -1wil 1 l'y cýai1 prostration, ueroans treflior, hot ý - leave- Boiccygeon eveny Mouday, MWednesdav, " arr.actes,f h i. .,la1 Frdye 9oelc, echn.Lnsa thoids or pi1es, aui, ia faet, ail intkrnal un-. andidy - 9bc-aî ealin-Lidaya Itnt-. froili wlitever cause arising, giev Y' 1 o'clocklîî.m. naftere the salutary inf1tierrce, of Ibis extracr'ý . Fair Reasoeioble, Bagage and parcele ai m1rv r ncdy. As a. speecrue for-dvsVpp&a,â. the risk of aunerauni'ea booked and pid fur. jcdiodr connacted i -tl il, or growtiai - H. ORKMA, oftlePi4s are alavs lo be relied o-n as'. .Liudsày,,29thi Der., 1864. --Proprietor evrv otiien ricdiclue aui mode of treaînu,ý* bits ltterly fiite. ______________________ qo.LO %AYS PiLl. ARE T1T-Tt ESTPFMEY ET Y K.\OWN IN TUF WORLD FtRT17 oelConaplains, Indigestion, Coughs, Influenza,. Chest Diseusex,- lunard %Vexiiiiee, oestiveness, - Liver Compîlaiis. Dy -spepsia, Lowness of Spîirits, - Drop5y, Stone and crai-ci. Debilîty, . . -Se-condarv S\ î1, Feyer and Agite, - Venerci-l i-crea - t Ppen~i l mplaints. Wormsof aIEkdC el el ot 1 - 1 ý'. 1 1