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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 14 Apr 1865, p. 1

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la iii 5<1 'N tii il ci hi ol i-i G L 1] s "I i c ai J d I I I t'- -c ncery Regitras~ ta v nan- dOdu. aayrC W. - 2 r, Abtoraey-Sl44t~' pce~Koenaa'ID~'kl lsay, 0.1V. - ll4pt n.. ~*..s itou At- - 5~ - iuorney-~-.î-Lawkc.kc. feirt-~ rit!,u-(u Baak. - - lllock, iCeul sîrqet,- Lisitisi I îaacery anti tnaat-t'eItoy, s~ouiny Owrîciî, in Mdfloanells nov 1505118 Brongliail & Ghnîon's. - 22, 1864 - 265-tf MPT, C. iT.,~GraehaabcofMCGili - Medîcal Refence -ta the Bei- tritisit anti Mei'cantile inruramîce Office lu -Mn. (lcor~e Knmpt's ixdsay-. - - 239-tf UKE'I 'r.e-itor, Wiliiaîtit Street, - Garmetîls ina-le up lu ihe hest be luwtist livi-er~ rates. AI-rt or- ~ i~ro~~< 'attention, aitd a goût) 2 RTIN-I L1.ce - anti (rifice-Brîcis cotinge revt, !isad~ay. - - 2ti9-îf. ~RLL, NI. 1)., t>laysicirtn. hîta'geon et-juche -r'. o.pict-Fuîsnîîiens t~ esc i-i 11où1, Liod~ay il." A-Il cmli --.,-- --I A LtI~EKA~Y~, '9 N.. -- '-I 4- IL ~ ~uwE~~s ~o ~INT~T~IT~ LDIDSÂY. 11re, Omnibus ta ~aLfro tise Gara anti BOutS. Giiel ~ eati*ud'1h50hed, 8541 SPA#Sa.¶ 'ti'. USIsO ai raye ta at~it45flWt >êaa. Osa Douàa w~ Dix. * - Llnds4~r, Mercis 10,180. ' - U34 ~c?~W89 IE~1agd. BQ~ITON b.*s isLaM- ~ ~lSt5~O<iCiiPhd by Jevetl anti as lis lias hU<litItlsd anti fureiah- ~dm Prit style, visitoi'5 s'il VISa-O erty oeuveefl Wimte,, Liqunti aad Wgacs of tii. qmîalilY. An ableutitit oetler alwayS la aîteàdaisae. Lîads.Y1 Dec. 16, 1864. - 222-tf (LÂTL NO-WIE AJLEEICAN) W4LIY2?N S'I'EET, PORT HOPE. S*D~E.a1T DMQDI*, Proprietor. ruBIS farcinite 11.1.1 havima been lately coul- - .1 plebely rernorateti, a-fonds lie boit of a-c. oomtnodatiosi for Inavellens anti tise public g.notaily. - Under preselit nia-nagement 90 efforts viii ho aipared lita-I viii candaîce la the cuuîfant.Ot1UE5t5 ~ Tise besl pI Liquars and Cîgars. !247-ly. Revere House, LIRA VERTOX. - Tht -suiscriben hegs te ai anounce litaI he bus - leaseti tii. ebove hotel, which bas been furnish- - cd anti Ilîteti up througbont lu the best of style. None but lie choicest. Liquors and Cigurs vil) h. lcepl in tit. bar, anti hi, table 'vil) h. farnLsh- eti 'vitit ah tIi. delicacies cf tue season. KJ Careful anti abhiging fJstlerS a-iiveys hi - attendance. - - WM. PARRIN, Pi~upr'sctor. Beaverten, Jars. 61h. 1865. 280 - ONTARL<.-) Dining~ Hall and Restaurant, OHtIIICH- STRJET. (opposite St. James' Calhedr~î, - 4 Distnens front liaif lsalf-Qast tw.4ve W thnec dock. - Lunches, Suppens, &e., ast ail heurs. Wines, ~ I Lb~nors, ko., o! the boul bru tîdi. - -s -Ml)., St'IIG L'ON, - PRis'- hie Auaaeeicaa Army. Q~icr- r-r- C W - - 2m0 VKB, Sùrgî'on 1)etî~ir&t, Mci)on- ~k, iq>jteîtiie -tiigtr-loiih lis-y' Got.d~ -eCI, Liîîdrsîi-y. Civil Eugineoi and Provisi$i îeveyor, UusseiL - li-tI' KAUFF~iiANN,. ArcIî'îtevct. - 14 z luth, Tunoulo-SlreetTOrOtiSO. - 250-1v Uit-il Enugitaren- anti Povincial. invevut. (illico iii Mn. Kî'înpfs St4eet., Liuds~y. CW. lti84f BJ~'~LL, -Es~, Coroner. il- tîse VICTORIA llM.t-~, Ilîrce Mr~ Watsuu'~ Store-r K~ttt Street - ,nil1g04. -- - 241-tf h, - Gaît,) Tea-cher cil' ibe Plîtîmo. -ilcon. iiesjdsence ut Mn. l3rui-tuus, - JOlIS ~'-Il'?H, Propnietor, - (Letc .*lbios HoteL) Tocante, Muy, 1864.. . - 264-ly H. MUE RAY ~ HO? opposite the Mai k' r. Kent Sti-eet, Lind- sri~-, 'vitere be îspreî~.î I lu ma-ke u~î Gar- inettis tut ilie lii ted style tiuil ut ver>' reasotiable c*aîrrges. - Cî'ttii~ done-~ La pnnd un the short- et-nutice - Jaîîuary, ~865. - 28q-tf ~arriage Trùuming aid Upbo1sterin~. I '115 Subsoniben bega t' innounce t~the pub- j lic ttnît he i. neady t~ receire onelers ior - CAIIIIIAGE 'sRIMMIV anti UPIIULSTF.R- [SU. Wurk perforînet ~vith uecbness sud dospa~ aud on înodtra te tenus. South cf Wo;kman's Livcny Stables, West side, Broati- v. v r Rili. Lindiuy, May 5, 1864. 245.1v. NENRY HUGHES, -r *flflt~C¶flfl *?Tfl Iii~t'L4&t ~ . - - f il Con il. S. Williani5' Impraveti -\ ~ .# L~ TIONEER, Lunti, aid I ictores Orgttuss. - - - ~- - buse anti Commassson WLO\ LWENSED AUC- - - - -. Agent. REstaîsaca I - 1<cuat Si-reet, Lintisay, 1,4' la,. riccrv et att) otiser Lanti Sabis. - -t> J lIeu' îy, llarnistu'n; Jainît's K3'1>u-iiers lefI at bbc Office of Ilie. Ca,îadia" LI J '.1 ihi~î rit>. M"srs. Patterson- Pus-t 'viii recel-vo prompt attention. - titi Nie-rr-t (»,.uîsî'i-oîa,>lcMk'hutCl & - Liudsay, July 131h. 18t34. 255-tf 1lirrr4î'rs forotito. - - -271> - I lit Ni Lurtnty Aiîctioueer, Di- ~ r . ~ A B O N tint .tai-u anti Gui-i 'r il Agent *vîî"l 'tai4 relu-rus. î ioiuptly tai mIe MIWnER os nus -Peî'l btneet Llndsîtv. <i NI . 2t4tf I ~ - ------- ROYAL 9OLLEOE Mail. I TII'> <Jabisi Il nk - jas m.ozanoe<, ENGL.ttYO, - .uîd I itîli rt sk-er. Shctp Nu.ilî - joli Licont~ate ii~ Nidwife"' o! the Rai tel (h tr-i- Lad) W-ouds-ilit'~ 135-tf -~ Oy it t.î t~ e~,caîeraî .t~ent tutti -~ - - College o! SurgeousEugland, I - .~a LO ilu --~'r'i t guitare' Oo ,~, a sais, belote 011 O~~t Oasis paiti.for S * Copper, ku. d WIlltarn 81*.6% L TU 8CKO~ Tii EXAMINÂT flic Liudsa-y Dista'd fullova THURSDÀIT1 dates for tiret ;,t.hi Je'. ~a1fui~ina, aid PJkTEEL 86, 1865. 484 ~ACHERS take place a-s -for Ca-adi- FIIIDAY, JUNE SECOtND -fpr Cenditiaies fut second az4 thirti cia-sa e.rtiflcatea. jO~11~ VICARS, A. B., Chairmiman. Lindsay, Marais 1, lOb. 287-îd. - - Farrnê~rs Attu-aitioti ! ! CuBA? The subsoniher douces ta bilan tise - onstamena oîtlielatsflr5tof Keils & LovelI, 10.888 A Juil Recoureti a largE <' parlo~s, Halls, ka., ail 9 Le4khig (Uasse, pî4 lvu wi1>~1 bran Wed [4zid 1?' whum an! s'il~ tii, n re i*y an L 8' T t, a 'veR as lite puerai publie tisaI h~ il 90W n .rrying on hie Moirneas aisti Sadeiiory busines b lely ors -bis ova as*naat, hi the olti stand ail- ining Ihe store o! 1Y~ - 11. Mitchell 4' Ca-., lIlium Sîre~t Lindsity. viiere lie wili be gluel have a visit front -evcryotîe -iii wn-utt aI any- - un't la bis une. - W~,nking cioaely ut lise business lîlinseif, anti n~îiuying noue uit expe1'ten~ed wurkîness, anel ayitîg hi. mabenial -for caslt;he la prepareti lu !er die folioviauug pnica liai for the cansidera- on of iutesîding percha-sers: - '1 ood heu vy Shont=Tuj Ha a-non vu-h haavy Hantes..............$18 CO ,usrsg..Tug do - de - do de 24> 015 [uokHarflOSS..................14100 et a! lîglît ainglo lIa s-noms, viti a-aised anti traces, round BueS, - hsp.a-trsp, a.d~yBuidte-.............180<> gond senviceahie double sel of ana rse- - llncs,.(seî'itahle- fut n bîiggV on ligîsI îvonk) 'vilhs cneipper anti up-aIra uo, round listes -anti fancy Jirteile.25 titi md everything. la proportion. - ltcpaining ciecuteti zseaily, pnamptiy an') beaply. - - W iai~.s, Lasiaus, Seroin-gles, Bnitiles, - Hali-emie, ~nusbes, Cî,tnbs, ko. &c.,- kei~t OonStaUtly "~ au4 anti solti very vhs-a-p. - Ail ki-istia e! Carnage muid CuIter Tsimming ono a: lb. loveit prices. L~' A cati -lp respd4ttldly sai7acited I - - 3A~!ES LOVELL. ~indsay, Doeetmibe~ 21, 1864. 278-il UND$AY ANtI MANIU.A STAGE UNE, [T N T I L FUR'rHER NOTICE A STAGE 'vihi bave Fonrnie?î Ilotel. Lîsdsayevery awful moraisig ât 6 o~clotk, reaclêiîîg Ma-ulliai mi hase lu caassseel 'vils the stage for Oshitîva, l~'hilhy anti Beavert9a. Returiting-learea ~'entou's liotel, MuniRa, aller lb. arrivai of -the Stage. Inoiti Oshava, Wîîilby anti Beaverton, mnniving ut Liatisai' ~i 8 è'çtock ta Ibe evenmg. ~are5 reasofiable. Tue- proprio i-or «III nul ho responsible fer p rosis or baggage usileas bock- id anti perd fer. - - GEQRG~ CR&NDELL, Pro p-net or Lindsay, April 1, 18414. 143-tf Celebra*e4 Bittera. A - <~~~ver G9uuitIalM, anti and for ail diseuses atssmg train. tiuimorticreti alalo o! ti~eBlaod.- -- 8oldb~'tbepini. - - - A. W. IIROW&, - Praprietar. PrepareJ-~ad salit by - W. J. THIRK~LL, - r.A~ - - Medical Hall, k AN» FAMILY ~UICY 4GOW)S! sire UE$~JÂQE R'$'>~ whi '1 hock. Keiit Stro0t, Uidqê~y. ______________ - 1884 STOCK 0F R~ÀUTIFUI(GO0DS. but o gfnew ityIe~ WaU P&poe, muitable f<~r Dining Rooims~ Bcd Roorna,~ ~ b vil b. sold ai £ b11 aêvuce on cosi; Paper Window Blin4s, Glss Plat.; P18iw~ Framp au~d Manil. Ornainsuts. 1»' - W~77 M lb. boss t.b..csaIS pont vsfipI7~ Pipes frein s cent, and upw.~ds; Cigars of 1h. beit i da, and Ciga? Ommué lt~r~tf styl. Ladies viii find a varied stock of Beade, Braîds, Tatting Cotton, B.~Iin Wool,, Jewellery, ding Rings, andFaiicy Cutlery; D~wg Cumbs, 1 oflet Soap, I~erfumery and flair Oli. ~, 41h 2id Door West ol the Jewett Ilouse. April, 1865. DRY GOODS, FAMIIJY GRÔCERIES, &C., &C. FIE SUBSCRTBER hua on h~nd a ~omplete arid weIl.aqsorted Stock of STAPLE DRY GOOD'S, FRESH GROCERIES, CROCKEIIY, BUOTS .&ND SItUES, o~c., &c.,.aU of ~h ho wi1l s..ll atthe Lowest Li~'iug Pi'ices for Cu~h. Rare Chance for Housekeepers! <&GNMENT of $2,000 wortlx GOOD TEAS-this season's importations-will be offered for i.n LuU of 511>s. muid 101h.. for Cash, ~t a dis onnt 011 whole~a1e pricee; commencing Nov. and viii contiuuo for fourteen day& only. * Special Notice. E SUBSCRIBER b"gs bave te request that ail Paîties indebted b hlm for the lasî or tbree years w~wld corne n'p w bis assistance, and any J.arty thaV Ca4I satisfv hlm that they wo pore to puy, wiIl citil and gel a roccipt. 1>nrties not taking adrantage of Ibis opportil- * ta seule 'witlî the Subseriber m~iy regret il. AI! ~>ut~sîandîîî~ book' accounts and notes ot' d will h. hauded over for collection on tho First day of December, 1864, and cosîs viii be la- * curred thcre~tfter. indsay Oct. 27th, 1864. COUNTY 0F VICTORIA E UNDERSIGNEED LIAVING JUST RETURNED fom tha Eastern Marketa, I~repared to offer lu the Public au unri~allcd choice lu ail bbc Iatest st~lcs and fabrica of YANt~Y AN1~ ~APLK 1~RY ~OOB~ ~3 TE would especially cmli attellt.on 10 Ns unasually large and splendid stock of BLA~T I I BROADCLUTHS, SCOTCh, ENOLISI!, A~D CANADIAN TWEEDS, DOESKIFS, FtTLL- ~LOTHS, &c., kc., an inspection ofwhich lie wQuid rcsjiecîfutly sulicil. Bis Dreas Gooda, Shawl and Nantie and.Fancy Goods Delartmeuts ~ompriao ail tiio Qu~Utie& and ~ tyles that a Cuat ornez coulci require. J F UST RECE!VED, a- Large Loi o! WHITE, BLUE, AND flRO N N BLANKETS, vhich b. ivili dispose cf cbea-p. 'R~S11 CR0 OFIRTES ABUIVINGEVERYDAT, antisoldata smahiÂtirance for - CASH OR PRUDUCE. -.-~----- - SA LT! SALI"! S AIT! Just Received, 800 Bags Coarse and Fine Sait. A Liberal Diacount allowed to Parties Purchasi.ug Wko1osale. ROBERT SPIER. -~oruar Store, idama' Block, Keazt St., Lindsa Lji ,..,~.. r~.. .,~ ~0~î - 270-tf CHEÂP DRY GOODS! CROCERIES, Ready-Made GIothÎn~~ Liquors, Boots ~c. JOHN COSTELLO & CO'Y TI AVE JUS RECEIVED AT THEIR STORE, AN» ARE NOW OPENING OUT A Il lange aad wohl-aelccted stock of I NCLIXDING a splendid lot of plain and fauey Dress Gooda, Shavis, Gloves, llosiery and I. Cottons. Tho cheapesl Frints in lova, Steaxniooms, Muslins. In Canadian Tweeds, Fui! Cloilis, Satinetta, Broad Clotbs, Overcoatinga, Englîsh anti scotch TWecdb, Flannels, Mats and (~,*a and Si'ftVfa w~ PÀnnat be boaL Omir stock is larve anti cheap, and vo oniy esk a caîl (rani y theinselve, of the truth of amie atatemeat. ti,'ntvr, UunbridgcStrcct, Lînd- OtC.~ U110., CLU. iiito»ciiug purcba&~ra in order thal tbey uiay satisi ~ ,<41 (iuZd Me&tlist in Sargcry, Midunfe pj, and 1,uu1'U RY AN,- Arehîterct aud l~uilder~ Medicine,. furnterhi Surgeon la lIer t'.W. ~V~urkmn,~ ~ ~,ti<ftlly i .l'I(~e8tys Service in tue Crimea ~ ~ <~r~LC> luw Sasis ~ûî.1 i>uor frunes made dur' hie Ruuiaa- ~ ~ We keep a. large assorbmcntofslaplcs. IVe seli a t. *. 2~I~-tl - î-ng IVar, 0F pET~R80R0', - in 1h. une equally clseap. ncighbourbood, tuaI ho bas jusl N~enher, BRUS bu infurrn lIte inhabitants of Lj~~ BE~~ b rettitti ltitsiacere- thattka ta lie la- - One Huudred aid t-~V'1l;L:ii~F eti frt>m Eughixîd, and hascommenceti practice babibauts et Liudis~ anti sùrrounding ~r 11w t'aiada. *'ioiipiul~ fr». ~ - btrv, whero lie ma,~' ho contulte4 upon *~ ~ country f~r tue e:teneive patronage wbile Vj5" whi-cli w'. have reduced 20 per cent la price, in o elorit, thdami> anti DWiuîî; ~ rhflsC îer~îîîa in bbc cnuntry de4rous îtng nie place, anti ~ouId ulso state liaI f0 as weiulendgi!ing upbhat brahcb ofour busines t dj,'r west ut Uic t »uiId- - tif Dr Mns'n'~s ~itte~dgnce wUl kiîîdly bring (~ H. Corbet, r office la charge of3lr. - - eoaî; ciill earl~ muid you are sure t' their owmi h.uses - aa.pSwltb Dr. Day, Dca- busiuess wîll b. con- * Boots - aid Shees ci llt~NE, t. i ut i çîîsî Liioitay, Mârcli 8tb, 18&t, 2S8.tl ducted by undE~1iOii8Wi. aad style LIQUORS-We would rewiad those who ai o'DONW~ELL h CURIE'!?. chea paît stock ofliquors la bow~. tiC t, ~ i~0L~ Purukure Warehouse! Ail oper~Uon~ peifbrwod ou tIi. laseat and -t~>po- Prlni.c 'Jbert Office- moat seieatUio pripidp-Iew katmwm te tii. profes- * Wilmoss'a hock, oppo~ it-utel. Qi er Mr IboIden'.s. 1>uwii witk Jiigh Prirea!! Sion, &nê wai'ratilOé tOpre Eftt4iLP~IOD. Lindsay, 14h1 October, 1864. -UntiL ftwtber noul~, Ijr. O~rb#% jna~' b. Ut1we~ Tic subs~ribcr legs-to injuria ihe inbahitants fA~uud et Mr. Keenaa's~Oo, la îêî. .< ~lr. Lw w. SRO-W N.. * bas latelyoî'ened ouI a large anti varieti stock îiisvisiîs as menai, via: ômt tii. t.rst Thurstiay - IN T TMLOR, kc, IWCiS as- 0~ Clînira, lied Stead~, Bureaus, Dressing anti in cacit eiuath anti zauia18 amp week, wheu b. lu * infirm th# te block, WiIliarn~t ___________________ Lind'~qandsarm~uundingcomintryth:hhe CouNe~soffioei Mc. trlsomfrli vU colt' iiiîe TUE CO~T UF R~ON rorkîu~o6hip, anti strict attention r~ Funeraîs Fîîrnisli0d. Jobhi.ng viii r~ Dru. ~1artlu, AutirPWt, Besson muid Cogan, nient a s1iavi~ af roçive vrumîul t&ttoiitioii, M. Dunsford, SiAiêl10r 1.-Galion, Deputy Sher- J. LeaL. ugu't 1~s I R64. -. * t Opposite OrowaLaadOffice. : ~ ~ Tii. 71z4 b.y cf X~r ue~t, itNSO~N TAILOR, William Lîndiay, February, 18t5 ~54 L. A. Gati 4,Wd.1lt~ 5mqs. t4t~itl~Ai, thankt'd 'for tbc liberal - ~Ir. COTb0~ wrnM~ o#.~ tise <UOIWIOg lelter commeireing ai lb. hoizs~ aI 14> o'aiock a 14 To be SoId ~, Rowmoeoj~ e! reeoiniueidatiOa *I>10 Bt. D~Y I)mi~, ~~' ~~î~h sa-parure .ia10rested viii pie... uireîîared to - ____ KinguIns, mati ta .~4ltIi$ii 5h. foflovin~ retbr- molico aud gavera thomisolves accordingly. eut e 'tii or<Drs vîtit -wlii~h liC iiifty The seuth liaif. of Lot No. 18, la the l5th ~ - * WM. *YKELVET, I i t"e LÂ'i~5<ST~LE5, anti aI Mur>- *~~ceesion of Mari~osa, coubaialng 100 acres, ~ a. gW4~mow 2394f of wuicu &buul îu ares are. cleared eus un-, Conhettduirlngti'is ~,, I5SP~k*OW Aoson, .5 241h> 1065. ~' -, w~t~ 'ne, I -cheemfuliy Cierk's.oflloe, Mrch don cultivatioti ~ it is well fenced, has a good ~ ~ log andalsô a Franie Dwciling bouse, and a reO~III~4~ bisi ~e t1hp publIa 85 5. nirr'~7.,~.ILt.7 ~ - sriîall Bar~i sud $tab~e thereon; Ibere ie aî~ bath SUT51C8~ sit4MfhhsWCaî. '- 'I SON, CARINETMAKEIt lind 'vA7, a goa&SiippiY of~pning vatar ôn the lot. B. W, DAY, M.fl., - R~bega la aaaeuucc Ihat ha uts Timo vu h. given for hq greater part aI lb. "DIL*IS5, Kiuus#.q.' ~ g>.~gajser d*sires te iafotm hi. friendi rupleteiissortmC~t of UtIFFINS .d purchase iuoney. For anti - RmuwemS V . Sirsuga sul asti tise publIc dut b. eOIittniies ta keeP lb.. Oumbruige gtroet, I~,in4saj-, a Tilie Ind~p~tabîe. parbicalara te Erown, S 1.uyUreit&, BberiEOqgb.uJsmogs bemi ho nsate~t sud mcmi aomfattabh~ treat, apply ou the prentises te tise Proprielor, o'a.il~~ ~ m~v.L G.uly, a.~.. g1,. .~. "" cuiter', coustaatly ou baud for the ~,tarkeb Sqruire. QFIIRGE LAKE,' * stos Kîept4 ~- K~. LaQonis., G. bornai' sud - Ca tIO-9,r59, anti trutAbyUOlIOi'ateI bite. ~l.t1~t ittentiog tu Ùicrit a sitar. oi' or t~ MeNtI. M&CKAY k JIEAP, G. I. weiie~-. -8olic~teys,-Liuday: * Terin* rstremeiy Yo~krete~. ~4 Lindsay *Lind.ay, Nov. l'iti~ 1864. 2T3-< - u. - ~ X1IXNX~. good 'i'ca at 2.. Gd per lb., and everything eue We have onhaud over Pifty Overcoats rder that vo rney be ahi. te clear them mil ont s. We are selling off unr stock of Crockery £1 o gel great bargains la thia lino. ieaper than ever. re net teetotalers that vo atm keep 1h. lest as~t J. COSTELLO & CO. siWAkLennoi'D liardware Store, K~ni St - 2 i~8 ?Ienev te Louis. ~ Il E UNDERSIGNED 15 PREPARETI 'I to ieud money (lclonging ta pri~ate hidi- viduals) JN SUMS 0F 200 DOLL1RS .And up~rards, from dires te five yoa'5, Rs~t~ of lniere*,- 8 pcv cent per AnnUIa .~ ., fl The money eau le b.d jrnm.diatel7, O~ production ofmasisfactory titie. Insurauçe, ïirm and Life, lfectod at moderato rates. .Xlso, 80,000 Acres of Valuable La~id sale on favarable terins. For further par tactaars apply (il by 1~tter, j>ee.paid) ta ~. J. IJULDUN, Epsoni, R.ach. ~l)uouI, JuIy 6, 1864. 265.17 'MoNEY TO LOAN AT 8 PEU CENT. P parhicularsapplyto k ~)RNIR, 8oUdtora,- Liadsa~ Lindsay, Jan2l, 1864 - - -~ muonal Go 'eramneul liter.. A smali police Faral-Fanislt .. Its. lita phrase fonce oppos~d Item on thoîn -arriva!, ivisesi an lita seilsO ofkr ai jowefier. îitnee cf ihe latter vere k~lled, anti tIi. de- Tito dîffere articles, whieh paî.trnent Isaudeti aven ta the neîv Govera- fiîîî-.it Eacla h. muaI te wtth similar jesaiti lU YIW. Blo~dsh~J le et a litho look j~i lies la tise maLt. - Forces have been sent bu other places îitoronghly fia' ~h word la a- expecteti. r e tica ce muut b. mesfIo~ a-ad cure- ~veryîtîflg is quiel la Panama. fuily pronounceti. Tus 'viii umica reading boîhpioa.amil a-ad saidibie. Ca-refui pralina- DÂBOLL'S Fou Tamrnvuv FOa- Nov.t Sca- cînliuiI ta mare impatIent than isoise. Some na -Mr. Daboli, the Itiventot ot ihe fog limne aigu I Isearti a persan ma-k. a speech iii wbstle, or trumpet, ha-a neceiveti eaiers n laîge bail; h. spoke drstinetlv, a-adi hearti Item tii. Lighthouae. De~artmenb o! Nova ove- t'y word ; unfurbanulaly, b. becasmia ~ Scotîn for twa trumpels, .oI the large.i clase. iii bis subjeet, anti a~ok. iuuday ais't ener- la b. Isirnisheti nn~i sent to Hablai danîng - geticaliY, amui immnedaatoîy ha speech ~ the present summer: Mn. Hendniek. tho came air imîa.rticrila-t~ noise. i~ocoiaily-Do Sapenîntiîsdeflt o! Lighî-k'ouses iii Nova net dmp tha vole. ni tire <nid cf lb. sentence. -Scçîia, 'va-s un New York a lew tiare sinon - Simple as tisis rate ma-y saoul, il la aise ne- ta examina ttc fag Inuspet apparatua vliick cessary te emiferce. if tise vitale ai a semi- I Mn Di>bnll hua nesviy campletetti for Eug. tance h. audible excepI tise ocîsclasmoîs, ut. la-ad amîti S~atlaîed, anti tris 50 'veli antis- jiassage rend becorwaa dsîicotitttiiit~U-, a sommes 'fmi 'vitit tise sam~ thal h. anthanîsoti Mr. aI inielligibie portions wtts~aperecd i'-ilh Daboli ta ma-k. twu aI ut. largeat classe blatîke. Confus.ron, et necessîty, attaches anti aerîd te Ha-litai, i. that Mn. Dabail cw.sId au tise visai.. Tbitdiy-Always cea-si f rom ~ on bis .ir.q frein Englanti anti sapa-t'. a fuil cheat. Tise ceadmit voie'e ahoald a-b- listent1 their erecîleil ai lite Ii<ht-houis~s 'va-y' le a complete vote di ptto; anti lb. aiea-r that barbait.. - c-lieut, wltich la t.uiy tIse wiud-ehest of tise - ______________________ harnais, orqams, shoulti nover b. exhanatoti. I - This la as imnotant for the speaker as tii. Siitiu.-The w.athérfor ao day. pasi hearers, anti ki' tise hcarrs as forth. sepea-k- ha. been v*ry open anti milti, anti- -every- et'. The roses is deilvereti 'viii ense, anti titmg seenis t, -bu akasi au early sipritu;. lYs ,becornes agreethle. Singer. knaw «.11 ah. leerned -tram a gentleman who bas passeti suaporiance, suileeti tise saeeesaîiy et ta-kiîsg i thfhugh tii. not~1wnpi'.tiou .1 il>. cau,1try breath et prupei' place.. Tite sa-me thisa îs - la-st w.ek,-Jhst lis. wheat biaisa aplusidîti, important foi rondin, a largo buih.ffbg lutte, lItait 's' headene for snany yoass. Thia whore attention malter ia indispeams.~ nimiat b. graiifymng te farines'. vie have .uf- b!..-2'~~ D.ma cf £ly, ut tA. EagUs~&- f.sred frein poorcrop. toc several years. W, wan's l1f0&OZtIit. hope theit oxpecta-ticias ai' a boontitul bar- Vn1 WtiI ho mow tisait t'eal~.C~"~~ Nortit Eaathope lias declaréti, by a rote Baauwr. - - takete cii the 22d sud 23rd uIt., lis 6-ver et' - Dsinca-a'a Bu. by 226 yeas te 87 uayr The Lord ChaMelier 5'll keoirs *iii minti __________________ the necessit! for a new îippliaig aci. lie OîL Ix Màrn'riL-Lîx.-Tho indications ,>< ha, just aiinousîced up lhteutloas Xi) p~OPO50 dat a-allons shah miel b. brougisb-im5 cuuîity itutroleosu ou I<na'htouliss Iplesal have ~i~- <scerta "for ibis .0058 ut' aIe or uther LquoD r.~uoed phitius I. app1y k~igIrAa tocarrljco~m.diaapub1lc~bousd." on s.phràtIo~. tbaue. tic Si i i., it f 'îrs 1<~I "tii l'si <ht-e [ii.î.'r k~s 11.1 fi il itil - i il îsv't 55 t -i ~ ~~I1Uh -. f~uua1r w. ~ * "-- - - ~ - -. * 2~LRM9 &>JDVlf*2"1~i1~~d. ienlznasand umie,..........~* '5e -- Aboie te,1 Mii.', 8r.t~ .50 W'.~ .~ mi E~ch smboeqOCiit inuirton. ~.... - - - ~ Pn<àssaculI aad Bua~uB Caeds, mis Uses ami puer. 4 pr anomal, ~ztir six sionihi- Fuiqsumz~ w - -'-i . .* - ~p-Neâama and ofiieri cas coiit?~e5 fr 'k b~Wb - ofi qiese, waih t~ avint' nelV natteriSIOJtmi -- - - *g~IBailh', onhSUU~ K~ fiiqIave .*v.riim.uemtS s'. uuemmewud bye ICSI. oS moUd Nospereil, mnd cbargcd accordi*gt~r. - w e. uV V~ 8raT * lW-&~vp t meut wîthout wsiuteI i*WÎSCISO8%... in Udie'.. Merchanti val te .zpecsed to 9ei~ quai- toely. - r diaeontiniiiaff advertsem~nU USi te AU Vel6hir vil ent £Toems: bfl~ lu Â<vauoe ~ E~F~.t -~ AN EXCII~EMAN e. SqUEUlIIE W' leurs. ~P4WfI~~SIA~IdSîN et exten- Coesar Otway toila a tory cf a cauragecua 14- i Scutchsng ~N(s1l(at ~ SPd bla dapper exciseman, via 'anlerd t~me- ,, liPYS j~up~ ~~ mata, singla-handed, te seize a fat Jady wha usefai diti a gaod business in emu~ing French ~ silks sud laces. Ho mat lb. cenbrebatidlit for hita lOlifli in a nanow pas., and came upon her, if I ce- ~ O? day '~ on aimable; mpoeber rigiti, une*pectedly b.huti'L a rock. -- of tii. t~o The lady, 'vito vas very largo sud fat, va. cla~ is be5t. ridiug on a pillion behin4 e servant boy. ~nd-Fa1l ploogMug su preferable I. tii. -Aîîhough taken by surprise, site p:ow~d ber-' 195> Japil *ouI.d SP omit. SuaI i. fr~ s. self more than a match fo'r the excise aiBoor. Sabla froin woeda, ausamner aras., &c;; 'I shail îhenk yen, ma'arn,' said ho, lakiug tite hoe.byth.bri<lIO,' îodiamouilt.' '1>i.- ~ 1 au-EaU ~--ôoiil4 b. c~Ili- mount! Arrah! whut for, air?' aaked bhe~ atiinsprimg and thos~ooghIy isarroveti lady. 'i arn an ofiteer iii hec- Majessy's I rollati pinv~xi 10 mwing.-Seed ultonid service, ma'am, anti bave renoua te bolier. ev0nly sow-ed sud liaureveti i. with a that you lit harrow. Sud Jand pleughed voîl j» votir have cûntrabaod property about 1, ihoroughly hariawed anti roîI~~ bofore person, or beneath the aaddl-s o! lb. - wîng la eanaiclered ~ but horse.' Fortunate for the côntrabantiuut, site id çan genuratty b. p~ ~ sîmbhle had none cf hon gonds about ber persan ; thoy iota fus Lx; but whatever boîter <~<>» we"e ail siotreti away beiieitth tue pillioli-Of n canîot «et 11w surfano ~ ~ ~ ~ saddle on whieh she sat. 't neally ca~flOt -riz~d bcfurc sawîng. fiuelY pul- corne dovît,' saiti the large tat vornan. 3rd-The seeti shuuld be dean - 'Bot really ma'am. you muaS,' saiti tha e have found tha Nonlh River pitre .ced. enurageous litîle mati, !noking up lu tlîe better lhPdl Riga, as the treed she mosîntain. 'The~.if F do~ air, yoa muai i hi~s îîut generally yielded ~<> Riga wiîh help mn~.' 'Wih the grentei't of pica5UT~ iv as as 'vol) iii 54515<1. ~ saiti tue minattire excîsemafi, lmold~' eS.niY tlw tirst o! May il possible, ing up bis .harnls le aesi-b ber. The la<~' irIy sawillg gives tho mest salisfaclofy ro- ichi, came 'down hy î'~e rau,' pnpped iota muta. 70 lu 75mb. i. vital 've 50W pen acre. his arma with a wei.tht anti velociîy which 4bh-Weediug fiai as praetîsed la 1h. oki threw him on li~ back j» lite rond, ~vl~el' munUy wiII nul pay iii ibis. There-ianuihum.g she heM hlm pinned benealh ber.' 'Ratio h. d"ne lu ihe crop aftcr sowing saitil the aW;IV mv hochai.' saiti she, in Irish iurnhitg [t round her heati ta the servant-boy 'lb'. nie Stb..-.Fîax 15 rîPO viteit the lirai capsules the .'ent!ernalt wantF, anti flot veti. 'Let th plamît taras yeilowiah brown, 'sud tue me - m~îîam,' roareti tii-e excisemafi. wericaves faïia~jd .~îouId thon h. pulleti. 'Oh dean me. air, win.bai fmight you gave i a heulthy good gruWîlî uf liai bite stalk m.-'!' sîi~l sIte lady. rn!iing her~e~f l'ei~iîireIY I bite plar.l as il appruaclIm~ rpieflUSS turus i att" anti I declare that bby hai rjdu off ~itit whitash ~i±1IOw, atid you Ca~1tîol fail la i îhe'horse!' now ivhen h is ready lut ~arves;~ng; bat I __________________ mn poor-gruwth lite staik remailîs ~r~fl DUNKIN'S BILL IN CAVAN~ ,n" aber th. capsuiesali tara broya. Fla.\ ' - - kjuid be pullatf befure it gels su ripe that ~ bite Acf carne hitO farCe Iii thet îe ctipbules mako a rt~sîling sousîti ~5 you TownsSiP it<> notice a'ared to be'takeîî cf ~a~k union; il. fith-lî bnauld h. bound u buudos îhree the violnti~~'l cf it, onîd làtely. AIl tIse whilu - r four luches lu diameter under dia baud hoyevor p~afti; ivitre b.îagconcertod for pua.- ept - vemi. aI tire buti eiîd and set la ruun.~ iahing lite guilîy panîie~ At lemîgth a nain- hocks ut ten bu bwelva burmdles eaç'b, atîti ber of deaters. have been brought u~1 ct Uri di on thu grouîad util sulil'tieîîlly -dry for - about to ho, anti adeternhinatiou bo hure tlt~ iîraahiîîg. ilioti boumîd iri lage buîidles con- laîv respectes-I iS 51.0W evineti. Titis iS Just renient for handuing, tînul la as soon as as il shuld be, eitber carry ont the law or nfficienUy dry, as long comatinueal wet repeal il. Il iras îh.r cry of ilS ojipouetîtu- s'eather înay lmjara il. lii case of tvet I thal il wutîld b. a deati biter, anti henre the renîlmer ke&'p fiai 'veli set - up, 'sud sec use!essnesa cf pasaing il. moi' al~.o as.ert-- bat lite seeti antis 'b nul "et ciozsely maîted cd that il' they believeti that il 'voulti be on- u~elher anti mou~d. foiceti îhey ivoalti support il. Lob item nul - - ;îh-Tha best mode of îhraslîing la 'viîb oJer opposition 11.0W ta ihose whc 'voaid te titrashin; toilera, whiclt ivili ivitti a cern- cari-V ont iltat 'viaicit îhey shemielves a-c- nets tour hormis pow.r ilirasit four-to six acres kflu~~îe<îged necesaaany. Sorne di~graceful e~' day. Titrasit as enniy lu the seasaît as &CIS itave beau emmacteti la Millbrook bècauso ~au canbecnuse eatiy notîlsagis înaoe qnick- of tii. etT')ntS to suluÎ-,reas tht liquor truffie, y donc, anti lite veuliser mure to h. depenti- aueh as etfi;Y bunui-imsg. Sueir acta aaly t'en- rd upomi tisait il eau b. laie iii di. season. tier the abject cf their sculu bite mure WS ~oiil4 nul spneadulax laier litait iii. l3îh ta-ions, îhey rnay injure ihe gooti na-me of Clctaber. the place, but tbev cat;iOb injure the naines Stit-.-Spread your flux juat fainit' ta coverr of parties engaged j» thu laudabie effort ta sha graumati on short grass un yonr level litai. iltiprove the mura-la cf bite caYUi5fltîttil7.~PC Be particular ta apreati eveaxly; when the terboro Examiner. ttax je neaa-Iy natteti il shouiti b. turaîcti antI - _______________________ [cli unîji ready lu lifI, ibis rendcrs tIi. fiax cf- UPPER CANADA BIBLE SOC1~T'~'. ,îixitur:n cobci'. la case cf earlv- spîeadug amati iret wesrher the grass ;ruwa rapidiv Tue London Adcerti*clcat'flS that aI n nrsd the liai îaearly dicappear. iii such car-es meeting of the Dire~bou< 'îf lite Upper Cana- toisa tii.' flux eamii~r, as ilisapl toxîîuuldarîd tîn, Bible Sorieîv. hebd in Torunt.' on Tue,- bu imtjured. day, iba Rev. Titomas Gildsmuth, af tise ~it-Flax is atifficieîsîly roUnd viters îhc MdtbdLîir-b NCW Connexion boely was e!ect- glutin or drieti jale. of îis~ plantis der-îruyed eti Travelling Agent, inîhe roôm ot the Rer. 'sud dir-appeani", anti bise libre '5 releastiti Lat-itîlti Taylor, D. 1).. resigneti. The ap- liant lite ~'uaIy part. This cati h. easily polîtatient is eue litai 'vil) giva geflefal sa-t- s.centaiued uy exassîiua-tion ai :h.s fiai. Tii., i.faclion. ~en.I wiIl b. espeeially pleasinî~r lu sîretagali of the titre is sîcl injureti by t'ottitag Mc. Gî~ldemîth'~ masny irseistis ru 1-lamailcu. ta~lji Ibe glusin is de~lrayeJ. Aller thai lite Cumiîîg afior se cloquent sud popuhtr a rattima; procesa auneka :1w flb' e 'sud the fi ix sîe-aka~ as tir. Tay'or. Mr Goldamilli'a ef- is isîjrired eveny heur il -lies expused ta tue f 'rIs viii b. made the stîbjecb et kean anti- 'vea-tiier. Shu~lil il b. 'vet anti «aria cism, but, bard as i-be test w1i h., ha w iii anti your fiai is long enougit oit lite nul suifer from il We arn sala in - predici- gronisti. îift iînl:hough weî anti sot it an enti iaig that Mn. Guldamiili viii- flot be loti g iii tsi amali itantifuls iii shape ofa. funnel; Iliji yjaînîtig laurels buSh né an aloquent plattontu i.îops the noltin" procesa in "'renter mensare. speaker and au ettergeblo sud iiirccasîfiil When dri' huî~ lu bunti les ut a soie ihat can agent of the So3îety-~LL~Ii1iUOii Tîntes. h. boatriti «itit a ticuble baud ut fiai, kcap- ina the liai ovea at lita buttêa-li~ays. . A QUIC~LY ÂCCOMPLISHED REVOLU- luis atiswers your lîsqures as much mn - TION. - detasi as 'v. cen, sud 'viii gire yen ~ - ta 'sel upon lu dia manageînesît et fiai. In regard la 'vitat rnay fairiy b. expacieti frora . Nîtw Youx, April 5. a-n. average acre ut liai va voulti sa-y on fair Panama papers ta uta 2lst nît., have booTs lanti iii pnoper tildi, wilh a gooti seesan, teceiveti. - Qim tite aveuiîîg af îhc91h, 1h. 300 île ai liaI, 'varth $6 per 100 - lbs, anti 12 long-laoked-for îevoiaition teck place, anti bashels of seeti, worth 81.25 pet buehel, total iii. gevertîment 'vas quielly oventurnati. - $33,- 'may fairly ba ex~Ct~l. W. have The I>reaident abandaned- hi, place, anti raised enlire anti Iar~ê fielde ut fiai thaf have îook refuge in the Uniîed States Consulat., much exceeded titis amount anti Surmena anti ericapeti ai miduiglit ors board the Uniteti have raiseti crapa vilit us t-lsa~ have yielded States steamship St. Mary. Four or Ilvu over 700 p9unti~ per acre with lIse saine pro- soldiers 'vere- kiltoti. The ~tar 4- Ilerald portion of seeti. Succesa lu flux gl'awing saysîî 'vas the mail peaceahie niai hananless tiepentis as muet uposi tise condilicît aI lita caîpsizi.sg of a goverameut îhcy aven - iteard t lasiti as upon 1h. afier managemeul cf dia o!. Seison Caluarzee, tha revuiutioîîist, 'vaa crop. daly sworn la as Preaidelit. On Fnîdav lasI an armeti force 'vas de- TIIREE RULES--FOE GOGI) EEADING. spatcheti tJAspin~81l te astiblisis a i'rovi-

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