) '*1 1, Ow otber bey bave thenbe that ex-, s-I minis- bad not avedi the rit, and~ ïIed not his heari vengeflce èe. ilinks ail ideas.' peedings 1 becauhe oas' hath 1. tactical lii weak, as of alU ýots. were t the streain arçe. out ,of ar t the. moulu who is inean heur of triali de magnapi- w,.-Tbe ab- )f swearing is the fbllowing aud bis imps : one fnorniing set of ren- otiler of liars, c. At even-' the meoth of don axroe bis- t conuîranded i. The subject tr was -the iMaiesty'a îbéy" were eglofl anid àion la bis Lsbouid b. t only reil- Lt ibey isa re value. ln >ei@rto lte are mnereiy Itemicailin. ,er.ý aounces; .starch, oo- rhttse ma- ried before e by pas a etiarse a tightly' ast'a slice xgt a suceè . e- mIOR sith anothei' plute, and [afiug-dish o<f coals' for t mintes. Stir it uitil m ày it> upon the 'hread,î witi a salaumander. lU- STICW.-Takeoitf mue front the best end a poitlonad etit il into cho i alkm M é s bEM .sAItbey ahould lm. unxY'*versal. =>%u. the~ mest -effeotfr mehods »'p Vieijravages àt e M. .g Qf ibe maths duuing, thfso Rue sprhag uIogElRS1wbickli w4w lQI4S hy easrnai e e- tounIys the --, Clh~ ip wigs wberever îhey aemn dt witu a sharp instrument and- rfl thews4 Nurseries giay thuta be clear- ed of tbem. Shea ndmi--a kuife, wlth basket in whioh to' lace -te rwig, and a. ladder, ae io quip- ments uecessary for Iiisimportant work. Let it bis doue this Imontht as farmers bave mnoreè line -10 attendý to it, and besidès it is klo adp1 santer wowk than after àhe eggs ien liatvhed intc, devouing Woemns, foi. then is aseed-time press.tng ith.itî mnultarious- detandu fit laboi Not only ipple treet4, but ail. sh wild cherry treç-s, ou sallaabout t~ farmi preiïraýe, shtmIlé be :omoibly diligently and MnS t çàwetully scarch- ed, thlat hi$ cvii May be *prevented li is embryonic stat,-4oato3 Cwt- tic pains or ae Ie iypain w*0 would stifonglyrecoammend tjing a- hot bag fa ,placcd upùn t&e suf- ferig part. We bave known acute pain to bt~e. as*lly removed by one 1appl ication. only, îtbotigb it is well worthy a pare e4ng î ri4l,-Masn. ANucw UsE yo icirPERoLEum.-, Galignami says -that DPr., Dedl*asne, of Antwverp, anriounces that lîcit may be cured instantaneously by in applying, withoutrQbbngi pet- leum to thé. parts. aflcted. The emnanatitipg-of that oil are sufficient- to d isinfecit the patient'sj clothes and, Dr. Dec"aistne adds-,tbat alothér parasites oýf the 'hurnan body mnay be destroyed i mmaediately by -the sarüne ~1 ¶ TRim SiimOmTeS? WAY.. - Some tweive years agoi Napoleon lnd.,was oelebrated fôr îwo-thing*, one for the caroi.ising pro pensitie s-cf its citizene, another for thé great aumber of cross roads in ils vici City, -It appcaxslbat an ea stem,-colieôtor had qtopped üt Dayton tâ gel sumo information.rela- 1 ive tabis future course. - During 1 be eveaing 1iw became açquaintecI -withb an 01dmmoer, who- appeared weil posted as to ltho1gvgraphy.of the country, and the coJlector îloughthe zight as weil -iiquire i regardto thes bestrte té .Adifferent points, t which blm- vas estined.. 1 %vish tlu go te Greenfleld "said i the oîllector; ýi1nîo, wiich 1lathe shortest %way:;?" had better go lu Napleo, and. take' the road ieading néary Nr-îhî -The traveller noted -it dowvn, "W614- air, if 1. wjshtu gu to -Edin, burg;", - "he gotoNapoleon anci iakc the toad west?" tiWeIl, if I wish logo le Vernon?"- cGo.tu Na&poleon *aud-take -the road soutb.wes8t. ---"Or lu Ind ianapois >?" acded 'the collecte?, eyeinîgfhP-drover elosely, and tbinking bel 'vas beig ilmpoued &'Go 10 Naipoleon ,aiïd take the ro.d uorth-weet." --The collecterioaok-ed et his noie book ; every direction hacî Napoledn- on il ; he 1began-te bfel bis mettle 711, and, h. îurned once more to the, drover with-. «Supps, i,wapted 10 go 10 1 is Satani Pesyr 1.The . droyer. never- srni1ed, but 1scraiched his head,- and gfier a-me tment's besitation said: "Well, xny deéar si,, 1 doù't know -of any shorter road yeni could- take :titan te go-to Nap*Ieon." - r OE à U DY A lady condeminiflg 4t wearifng Of nui aches, deliaredi.: "Lt.-lu oee of the fashions lI st zuY facý esl To prevenotektce4 fm cokig,3kep servas iwhei beau oestsebeofneVRD. It~~~~~~& 8 adta hr .skipper.iii tibj city ho lias cwosed Lake On- tarlo Dooften thohebe kuowu eveiy Iwave ysgl DEPSEDr &ziTis1z. -The smallI tl gedean' who ndàIged s. fre.iy ra in bi.ting sàrc.sm, ha. iàutak 0sWal. Of llOasEFLRDJI1 banquets are, al Ibis ýrd; go in ihe Frenéhu capital. Every set epieUre in con se.qu efce, ýhasEa bU in t-'o' Iis meut h-Pick, and the f a D>ps: Hook once. saw an xor ini pompons manwaling in a istrt I London, whom hel Immediately .sec- costed îbus -'ýSir, nmay1I enquire if youareanbody luparticular?' ýHo- 'obu wrealkd ff wilibout waitingfor 1 a reply. ew- eqNTERMSTINO ýEvmuwrs,' are occa-. tup sions wben a nurse takesabsoluep ru-band bas te sleep 'on t. sofa. Babies unil are the tyrants Md Ilm. wrhlThe, loue, Emupetor must ,waik .toftly--bal>y hola gleepe. Moart Most bugh bis Maso-, w-to. -ont "qi.bmyssPo. 'Phidi's ibsd.ouestha'unM mmdcbisl,- a I I ~IJ H a, ti-' a' s"'- C T- - - a- t's' - t ..t,~,tt--' - -J - A -'t - v n' t- r-- -- a. t i - -" - RINTU{G BTASU*IM~N5 lsevery mode nir quii~efor IRA?> CURAI AN» EXPEDITJ.Ouf PUNTING OT AL KIDS. rji SUB"S1IBER -OFFERS :FOR SALE TH.E LARGEST AND' BeT -- Il- - - '; 'ai t Wih~~~Oi' ok tY 'r q - a - '-e-'-N n'u T011STREET NOW fflcup4I Dr"*e àFoiey sa aHardware pi"e -utodS e u ooaaon given on W. J. TmIRKELI. u t 22 , 1864. 261- .tf. . 0 1.qE y TOLO0A N AT KIGUT PER CENT. A 0 MIe . lOMER, liadoÎy, Sept 22i,1863 5tf À WORD TOYOUNG- MEN-8 r -t. .fre 1'Wns *8 .1gony~ I r r e "I Lladusy 111h October, 1804. FRiiNITURE l FURNITý"RE! prerv Descrliption* e, di WidUPr5es PAUtLOUIR, DININGe AND KITOHEN CHAIRS, PAR-; RURouAue &1C0UNOARS)S SATE.ý.»0F ARO QVALIT UPOSS SOFA COMMON BEDSTEADS SO11 AT' Tnit LfWUT FIBIRFOI; kft! 1 ~.UIy~sr carfuUgUePiik P4 f a #izca kx$ toaautZ -M - -A o l o TIRS asL maLW U O URGU. TELEG RA PIINCG, - 110K-K EPING, COBSPO Dt CE. -"eads you-r Sous t/uit w/lirA tley - practice u'/en tkey tuecoiieen."1 1 C r'iu, Let 1a t '- "t1 laîi *-l trd.f ilt- bc '- -i - taüië ' of-, ihi rr lina' 'Y t or 'àt. .futi ut-t-t ira'1 I r1t a i -z hurl ir -a,' lat 'i .i- a 01a - 4id Ini<-~~rî, b'xezu lt 2 . practieat Buisines E4catlon; Book-keeuiuag <eire i- adapted te every kindi cf buâiness, by Single- awiî IOloe Entrt S9,balaJiukA - 4HINT T'O V(IE w I lI Foreigaî Excliange. Forwarding and Commis-I sien bulieiiantifasctiriug, Miling uî1 CITIZENS OP'X-jAPý l changhtng Shigle to Double Entry. i Pt'ice cf Stilas i ias uniiited, I W UND1N t} Twut5iedcIliii. j-ilBE WAI .ED !-l- "3'Boo'ks and Staticuenrv for fuati course ,$10. Theactual hislneàss itîrtnent Fs f uruFshi *-Ia- ed wîth twoaBiinks with a. caprital of,1800,000 tALL pat,-Cî tîtl a- candrîcted on the' saune principle as crin faveur- t1~tvî sxn,-Iair---- lt. lanking. Mt uses. A Merliant's EnîpnîmIPi nOuuîut - îa~ or Vhleani.'Esabisnetcoiîtainiuîg sain-atrustitîr-et 'tiSa'- Trom-t whiehthe students,eutering this dopant- thePeopl fileSae§ad'i i'l ment inake thelir frst puihase.. TheBouks, met,îe f ue ates aat-it' ta nuti' I;ttu- ktept in thé Emporiuim, by-the Studentz, îare e n, .herefoo1n cni<a»T8î ittr eîiglt iun utuber, five cf which aire Boks-o atc v ù na a'ntit > of Till,4 ar o ttniel" Origilua u d t-bey ar cnute-lu i he Pfit-i heUnited Statùs 1 t ne1>(lul eTa ë the principal Wholesale Iluses ip the rTteto.o tewtr u ki This departmueit i4 nader thecharge of r f directio$ ou te er mabuX rk >t,1; -i r Teacberaw lio as had a long e xpe ience bîbrisu;i p1 n ease th ém 'ettatlit)r uu - tali ut-s a suficient, ghiarnteeof ltS practuc'aI 1upon thfi e Bo f Puis or, Ointiient.L rIL - working. 'Seud for specinen uf writiïug and Jlune thit have tS.stamp-r oI-v eircauar eoutuining fut-ltîifoiiuuatio-., Addrea - T. HIf LLOW A T. i8 1, MUSOROVE & WaIGKT, oieton s. it-id., ia lte ru or *ý iý AWELL-SPIRING 0F HOPE FOR ALL-. two, would by cômmon consent bo voted CAN BE FOUND IN. A inatit and vold of good sense. Yst there an bhundredaf y-ong mert workig eas- et wof £IOH1undred Dollar, .an& evçn less, jd wha>Mlgbt by devoing a flew montlib to Ob. OLO VZA ~tIng a B.Usiness Education, at a smali ex- pense, et thénmselves for ituations - where their services wolid command t'wice -or thrice that ----- O I amount. The plAoe wbere sueli an education eau heO btained. At a eoeaper - rte thaxil BE F OO aTE , u SyIN A IN E R -~ ~where else inthis Province,la B1E SAVD BY TUE USE OF I8 .NOW CO.MUPE TEt. NEwêDm CMECAl.CI.EE _______________TME SYSTEX OF INSTRUCTION i'rnstEDI) IXTU£ Puricla atenio j di.eedtethestcko Ctual Businefis Department Ho w y 's O n et la practised nowhiere-e l ï. yitiesent lit] L'± Itt ahe stil( f The hiiitory cf t iec g ratrem, i h~ i ii I I1 tiIS&elvery ktdübî eus tai.a loii Ie-hall oliý-'4 u ià eeniu the tine rectitired by any other mneans. The wtit'l ias txvr kew n. [ ,lÀr't ________________________ preprietor bas deerriincd to extend tU i l e - I~~O -tti fçt UA dil,-ùz e, rn 11w ~t any tyleeT iootswhictheyn~ayask or. advntags cuoyedle'those enitering befrtc Yre! ialPOtrndi-ex.ti, hft- GeteoC"n ae Lt D tl f ot hihte a o.the tst of April, tu those w110 enter driring tiein.,searehcgadhate .tjtri~< niontha-iso.. Theretfore al persons PURC ,A>_ jpUis are ftuVy equal 'o ùilsî. e'naicr, Fnko r r, ING SCAOLAISIIIPS bc-eteFRTo u ht wî i htnutr i VAYi wilt ho pri'sciicd wirh1a oiplete spt nf SI1EG?1A1 M .iA>Ji ] TETad 1,N BOOKS fAr file ENTIRE IELi oYL1\AKND. rx vi rn ru ~~~~~~~~ COURSE, (Cash price Seven Dollars), or fr Ti sfltahsory wrïtntyîn ',, ~ ..< . L~~ adxtinnl, afuitsuppl cf or'k-and Sta- i hi i<t a h~Li st~ ~ JCi~IF. VI (j ~ ~~~~~~~~tionery., FOItinstructions lu Phonograi'hy. t o 't ,a e,îiiilt!c, rrt: i Drawing, Painting aud Telerpi' sgvntese î vr ,YIi' t tIL - at a very Iow rate. ori; fic ik ut fwiIlia lar7 otI-r 1. W ïVQ SE,4NQ OF IlSLAR6E 27VCK 0F GOODS AT A S.CRJICLg Good *board cabuobtained for Two Dollars k "ee ifa-rruahîae1'*.r 2X D Ose tlrlI~wt terad ahte filawing artic e nlîýtek. n r ie hn (.M.N ý ENOW guarantees to gvethaseWhoinsrucirs ae ivc whn dsir'],heie readyh-gan. 1'i< Steetreme Iow prices narned. (,withouit extra chargtcrin a flitl lesicti' ' ttt l11~USW aL;K \N Us iaoeba esUL&Dy Marchant iniLindsay to tcompete with hum.qiirc<I tci ubtain p. 1,-:r t CusCertificate f'i. NulL)tItll t'\LtN 1WAIRK T-.1H E 11>11W FS du du -'Ladies ..2 d-il Q par 1Go BTeunkets at $2.),5n per pair Faney F1a.uti wrl.d n ntd fo r 2s.Cd.- I eay ceserng s osi"i' tt'zr a( t a H ore Blankets a! a t . U nder Courts worth $S5 04, sok a t $3 00. -res fte eu ->liqwlïo would lke te rereiv itoth w tld ilite 1i Il 'at :ii I- Uvt'il 1-- wothli 6, oi$2001 pet pair.. O(ver-Co:uts "$600, $-0Ouïr circrtlar, wi1ftifrwrrrfaili in-arîtin Ai:.l e odflanueIlt a. sied. peryrdPants wrorth $13 00, gIvuuï awav at $2 00. easing and rf[Tl-f 1 texn ueltseç.d id !l fa lUa: t edptesenh enrVighet.lî giren lt*ak or $5 Q iVE-N GRATIS.' sonrce ut etyneitan rofit. rh îakteni Ille lra,'t u tle c"iai Fine EnilghhOcouir«si au. per yard 300 doz. Neck.Scarfs.ta be given away to pur- Fur' circuiar -or other jiflLîion.l ~'dress, dia.r'ivir.îehtr-ir' L - Winceys.(heaývy) ouiy c 9i re fcag. . V OE, 1e1.ee,(fIlesýIl1 Fruts fkt clouta onyd.5 r.. c Cha re Fprincpal LndmCommi)ercial COlr' e f il I ad, iiat~ t-an Striped Shfrtiàïgf«old. 292 -Ln-oC.W îî %V.-<' uESTrM\' * Matles (AU kinds) ram 7l, .. uP God Ilyson Teas front 91 1. d.er lb.:up -- . *~ Tweed& ai oo)fie the low prrce 61124t.- Gd. 30 tbs. cf Rice for $1 00 - Arac t-h'bQt' 10 presQryCttpsJevdoff ai one York 12 pliage of Grîod Tobaécc> for a quïarter DA ' CO MERCIAL COLL 'r 1 . s ett L'-t!..fil; ' rd.-12.ltâe'-g-' brigi sugar fur $1 ahillng etyar.- 1 s.od bit sia 1r (Fornîerly of lryant, Stratton Ila .t ,Nw xatî * ~IF YOU WANT ..in treet* Toron toi I,~tt1~ I" li- in1,w .F irt Donrxw est of [ie feyaa BOck R<oï, t tîvrîit, aII,' a!t~ 3a' (L)\ [Z)U CTET) ncctlir g te L'ritiII- r " tit'g'h a"t w ah uJ nc rl licetions sujued t l&; 11w n i'- h ut. cei1 'i a.L' i i tpf ~ t GoatneealieintedS oselnffbslage s.rïik (t-)se priées) in a oîït.lu of weekq. qirqments of the btLsiness conïmuuity ofNti e-a'l"î'a'yXuixti î i neagiislt vîttuye m be -satisfied he wVitl perfîlren what is, îroUilI-cd, by selliïig as cheap AInferirau t'enii l'U ay la ' n-a AS hr.drertiaes. 1>E~~~DsItIN-ýYnting men thorongh!y pru'rared 1 I a "AL.~, îfrl REMEMBER TIl£ PLACE- for thïe duties of t-he coustiug bonite and furI h--r'l:ad-i-r' 1 ' a-- e-ru "attir. siless. , ~ ,- -î~ -a <3E"KNOWLSON'S BLOCK, KENT ST. T pi e 4terf in-tuto embraces NMerrar.- -.i n""ut-a- file Bril-t-:eiing, Band Býouk-keeiing 'y , '-arl,' t'i li' meca .a , 'u,îri l C rrol,', i v, Kt.i r.~I-: a.aUt- 'L~IW17 ~"tif~fIL I"i~fUAIA~l.k -nc.di.nLîthue Iriî:c»i[rles of FEnglisli Crue:-, i- '1c .î a ' Sr~AW 11LIItJVVJ.,o"uI try' Butîes Peuîuîmjanslit', Tt'tcgra -lz î.tl -r- lt'rfr'tI- .h .. Siaf o.f Teachers and Lccurer.;- ,' 't a The Sub,3"ibèrs, retu.rning thanku .ta -their friendrs andi tht pu'lti fr the IberrtI supportCx- Mn. lDA Y, ta.strircti-,r la in, Aii'r t'A- ,, t-î tended La tlïm iLce coinmeuciig I.iuàie;uesli Liudsa irgl i auiC lccrtt '.raî-î 1(v' i. aa tCa- i*:a - n' -ïIneflcii 'a aapa. lot-,îïiLeIt zilt',~îîîIS jfii.,- -------- ReIv l i ità' H ardîware --a )i.l iei 0Bri-t.u Telf-ridi aCompeny's 0tJriice, Tornito, iîîtc a-l a. j . Z:I: 7 .lI L 9 ton ira Tetrgrapîhy. ii-i uaat i -a.- wheeehe e ihela thaea stfmeetrcsannrsnd ieninphrcasntdPrtiulîn MnrWc1. asiiesNlushut o ii tiîu- ia " -a--a, '- grai býgladt. ha@-a asit -o- Qd cus uiiiz .CREFER-ENCES. - attention à uaked te the folin, > -C. FATNo. 1. That DRA IE'& EOI.EY have ciond the bs plctdaudlrgs M.I l iis iurch Ijlt-aî:.iii-i nt'eti -- ajt lt '- ~, FÂCT NO. 2 Ta DRAKE & OlEY offi'r e'..-y artic le, ii thuir line at prioes which Alex.Mray q u . u,' 'î.t.Niirreiuy âzCo~r.: t t.-a-tr a', ' CAttO - t ndersoll. A. 1, ilaeE qc M N:~ e .chelcr ntar »ai~ a ' ta~ - l - u FACT N. $ -That DR4KE & FOLEY cati ahow a splendil. lot ofSE f l OVei' -Geigî lýiclrie &Cm, Dauvid Buicluain.Esq., ,r- îitîî t îîî' a t-iiar- , u i -ANo hiatDRAKIE &'FOLEY have Cenataîultly ini stock a latre ge asetmellt W'. Fitch, EztI:, rf Howtauid Fitchi XîA (111i -0 'cfPaints, -Oit,;, Varuîiqhes, Putty?, ùass, Bt-nates, &c. Crocks, Esq., Q.C.,M..L.LD. ; L. W. z4tii. ~ ~ hli\tUv\ ' N 't FAcT No. 5 ThatDRAKE & FOLEYS isthe.spot-for'.Table andi ocket Cutter)' f Esq. Ilaînistàr, D.C.L,, Tuneto;Hu». h,.îac "'nit'ut1rtriaat tr t' ' Brulïnuîîi M.P.P.ý R. Juson, Esrj, Atùrta v h'Ii1 lI i Ot-<ai a. -ever variety.1 vIl 'ls T.CNo. <f - That DIAXE à FOLEY bave.a large quautity eofIron, Spring and b'row'e, EE-'., Hamilton ; -Dîniczt»lir-el, E1.»( ial 'ottitItfIcrrr~it-"- Steigh Steel, lorâe Nis xs Barn door Ilinges, Untchiets- nts Montreal,; NV. Trent, Esq., Newmarket ; Iev. ls-ir Xà1s A le, uteSp)s It" i l ls 't ti tt'f 'l î r ScrewR, Saws, Steigh Belis, âc., &C. Dr. Gï'etn, W'ellinguoan Sruare, Charin ci hîil ak-plt--' u inil t1;1 ~ -- - & eau furnish eve'rything usua'y foua1iti a, S Coîîti'i otur of Public Instruction, Italiirna. f-tîî-a'-. ' i&CT Né. 7 That, DRAKE ýl FOLEY n uns eeyhg ualfj ý71tii l - fira-t el sa Iardware Store, ad tlieir facilities forbu ubletïm Frtriaslrs oIpil e~~e~Ittr r la'e h'1 vri toffer gonds a t-ontreat prie-es. - stamjï.__'ï"r-it'1, - mm Cai 011 And CeaI Ou Lampea and CGltissesý,J msE a. DRAKE 280 ~~~~~~~Praeliîcaul Acceîtttt, I laI,tftl c ît!rî't>îiI .rlitre -tt-~ t.' D I I 1F Ryý1 280Fonmerly of' Lond-ona, Enl~ale -r'il .lar ma'ailtlI - ' at t aaay 180. --~O Kent Strcet, Luïdsay l ittn ar t l -y~~ - EUt-h'KStWN 1.T I t<,1)trIT lEGS TO ANNOUà*Cl I MTl OMPJ.ETION 0F MIS FALL STOCK OF terLs, utat' - ZaPýLH. "AND' YANGY 3IRT fnoO WILL b es beeu eleted with get, care, aRmi wIlI ho fOund coMplete in every depa rtmcnt. 5. ulks4 drec pStIc1M .ttntûn te thir great varlety of Conmmtl* paitc< Lace Nùbist, Stutherland and Ggribaldi Jac'le(ts,- Ladies' and Vlàilitren's Wciolen- gUrf,ts.lkating. Hoode, and'Woolen Sliawls in gre.st variety. Gentlemen willI find a Ch"ie lot Of Falbey Tweeds and Doeskins of the best quality ani la test styles. As,uisapbIa Stock of Oioeeries, CrocIkeryani Glas8ware will be fowid well assorted. Ile *ouddiret specdal AttéetIop -h i& Lare ad Vry SUprior Stoc1 of Teas. ~' B T OI'IIYARN-.KEPT CON4STANTLY ON UAND. DA.,VID'THiOMlAS. 1 1 keena«ýds Brick Mock, Eent Stiýýeet, Lladsay