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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 21 Apr 1865, p. 1

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Itj~ 4 A; o -'4' t ~I~ ALIT EURY em 71O - 277 iy, )lotary Publie ,.W. paid to Chiantesy ic, Kent Street ARRiSTER, ANDI Re in Clan- ctunls. OrrICV.-Ili Esy, c .. 2 1; r, Attorney.t4Sw, 1'l,e-Keenns Brick suty, C.W. * 114-if , Barnislrs andi At- ioit-ors hinCIa ncery, icens, &ce. lc., Lind- Gro, JAS. WELLER rrsfor the Onitario JBank. ýa's Bi1oek, Kent treet,I, LIIndsny 11. ~P, S. an. 23 4-If 1:ucIati jnaoiveîicy, Noiary Sovnriue, in iMlornelis new .Poïte ltruiughall k Giuit's. 22, 18642i-l [MPT1, C. %I,1,1Ot-dkinte of McGill *Mdei.Referee t thle ri- lhnlisb aud Mercantile .IniiriiiiE, Oficlu Mr. lcou-go Kviinpt's indistim. UETaior, Wiltîalli Stct-, Gaîriuiti Ila le up ii the best t1ie lo\Vt-st iiaugrules. Ait or- al Ilot-el, Lhiudsaiy. inP Aleaild: ýo îruuaptly a tttndeu to R, M. 1.,1 SURGEON, PIIYSI- ANI) 1GGCIh . i4tteky t-le AniericauaArny.Oj e WKF, Surgeýon Dentist, L)- )eh-, opposite l Pgio rvlb Goods Civil Er.giiitr attud I'romincial uri-eyor, luisît-h Street. îM KtTFFA~NArchiteci.. 1-4 onie Iliai, Torlonto-Sirûct Ttroulto. 25 0- lt- Suîrveyon~ iilia Mv. Kena isý ,nt Street,Lius. C . i3-t D'E A L L, .q,- C'oroei 'm Ritc thVCTtILItA TALL, îti ut ý. WtrtI~'s Storsu, KeuiStreet April 114. 4 1-il il\lIT(late Orgnisl of .Trin-. irclu talt,). Teicher ot the iPianuo- elicOultt!idtnlce ai Mn, BVilton's, ut Cir lz. . Williams' Inproved icnl1~ton. (Jr"aulis. GA. LON, LICESKD MJC- ER, Linata1y, C.W'. pamilular ai- il t hIiifnt-r v ai oîier Land Siles. -1J. Mackavy, Barrisier; Jaiesc IlJWtller,uifo. ; Mesrs. 1attersoii al1' I Xusrs. Camneroil, McMicuatel Iliîte-n, 'routio. 1 C l'5\ omImty Auctioncer, IDi- Court, hes ami Gàwl tAgont. t-ltd ati lreluiraisproinptly îMadue .-Peel Stre-et, Linudsay, V. \W. 2434f MNOITLTON, Caietmakhlîr, Uphol- andi Undertaker. , o-N 0 - t i d e cd, '(Rai End)> Wondvile. 1 15-tf JVI ,Central Agent and iÀ- Àilclioneer, C -inilge Street, , ind- -si soliciteuh- 25r r' 1-t>fl!I Arc a..iit-c-tand B nuid. SENT STREET, LINI>SÂy. Gond ethble and .bed .Lhacbedo' andiau att-en- Uv. ost4ew iways la attendfince. Froc, Ouaaihpa 1 aiud- ron thbe cars and Bhala. Lindsay, Marcli 10. 1863. 192-t t Ia "M lbe la"ab- VVtantesof theCttot, Victoia and sur-- roundilrg Vousilea, lIaI lie ias,6pented the ilot-el >on wutamt.nStreet, lately -De upied by .Iovett, andi as eh ls i.a tIlfit-tedand fnrnish- cd in firal style, visitons wil flud eiery,1 nveni- ence, Wtaes, Liquura aànd Cigarof tho- beat qtallhy. Ant attentive ostier àlwasys in attendance. Lindsay, Dec. Wi 1864. 9t (LATE NOIITE ANEACAN) VA LTON S TEEMl POR T HOPE IWBErIR T lRODIB, Proprietor. ~~I~HTSfvv oit lil aying been lat-ely cemr- '.peeyrenôyateti, affords t-lie heat of Ae- cOMînodItion for travrellAI and îlie public- ~',eat.IUnder prëscnt-mnitgement -nu elt'ort', ivili bu sianreti tint vil0iiodule tuo île couafort- O!guçsts 11The best- o! L1iors anid Cigare. Revere fHlous, 'T il sîbcrilier heg 1 9tôanaucnce that ha lias leusedth îe abuve bolt, 4whieh bas been furnusil- e,1d aun, fittei up.,throîighýut- n. lite lest o! style. t<one but t-le choiceai Liqors and Cigare viii, b. kept iii t-le bar, anti bi table wili be furnisi- edl with al l le delleacies of t-hoseason. D3- Cu;trful anti obliglng Ostiens. always ini tM. PRKINPropnelot Beaet-ct-n, Jarn. (Gt35 * 280 n O)NTARIUO Dining Hall. and Ies.tauralit, lnnors fro-tui liaI! ýblfi-pàst-twIvie t-tiroer tAquns, Ir., ttle Lest brandt. JO;NSSITII, iPropiior, <laie .Albion Hotel.> Toronto, )May, 18634. 264-l1'e là. IR R A Y (IlOP opposite ie Ma rkçet,,Ketit'St recet'.i-nd- wC ay here Lbis prepaj-ed t ho makup (Inn- mnents in tic lat-est ntI ud ait veny reisotualeÉ change3. CÙuiiug=dncceapîînd on îleshoirt- e it notice. ý-arriage Trtmmirg and, 1'1 ' l uhîfnier legs t untoli - leth îe pub- -lie thaqt he h neaily to et-vive îîrltr4foi e .XRitlA<K fl' iiMMINf43 îid lVL1]l.LTEIm- 1 NG. %Wouk i1uertbnncd with, îaueaand uit.îipniCb, a fnili ruirtte> tins. Noie tue ,ýîlduesîý,:-'lhrce uoorg South of Wý%oukîîmaîs Liî-eryStamîdes, W'est.sîde, road- D. I)TISi', LhLids:y, May- 5, 18.G-4. .2 45. 1v. HENRY 'HUGHES, - Mouise and Cuuiniissuun Agent. b111!~ C /> ent 'Street,. Liuîdeay, flOrrdIes left Atthbie Office, or the Canadi Post ýiïll receve proulptatte-ution. LidsyJuy 3ti18(;.2554i REOYAL COLLEGE 0F ,SUXGEOIS,. Licentiate in 'Midifery %cf theBQoyaàl College cf Surgoui, Englandt etéw,: etc., etc. &'oldMe isinSgrAldîe. d Mledicinie, .former/V Surgeon ln Her Mlajeslys Service in the Crinmea duri-ng tie Rsseian lar,: - 272-itf ROS to iniforni île inhabitîtnts o! LindsÀy Miad neig-Ilbourluood,, iat lie iae j .îtst. rrv ;aso Tituber ed ffoili Engliuuti, ant iba s cenunnced phractice ipan>' for tle lare, warne lie iMay le cona.sulteti upon lIl dis- Dunani. ex.es. Tiare persenls inîle country desiroîîls ouxity Bili- o! Drý. Masonis attendançe viii kindly hîing 11cm .owa horsea. nister, Caun- Lindsay, 'Mardi ,8th, 1865.: 288-tf ition to bis Ofie>Furuiture .Warehouse!, r. Ho01den'5 t itlRiglî ,,hPrices! lice,'l'lie subscriber legs.ta hfojruat-le inlunitants o'jf Listy nid slîirrou nduuîg cetintry lhiti lit - bjhus ii Iopeneti eut a&ilange and van*d stoc 13EGS RE, o! Clirs, lied Steands, Breauis, Dre ssing uint ,Iiebit.o.nts of othar stands, Iqokiiig Gksses,ý&c., adi of tl1mb lie bas wbich le vili seali ni unch lowcr rates Abun ii it-abranicli- lave bert-ioforo leeiasiet inluLîisay. boere ho hopea chairs and Soýf4s in flair Cloth. net-~~ ~~ ateboi~~ neAhs FînistIied. Jobbing viii ne- teoango anti rcuive promipt attention, WITE 260-t-!Opposite Oronova Lanu. Uffie. R, -Williamebur,14. nr bile libenal 1 thpst-14 Tob SodaBr in whcb le may antiTh aiMn- btemuti balf'cf Lot' No. 18j, l lus15tb &da ,O-sconcessiona o! Maripos,c6ontiul100 acue of!wich labout- 70 aîcres are cberet adisud,,.u tden mmtivatiiu-i h la el fencoti, las a gond 10&oganti aiso a Framne »biWg ions., anti a san11 Duara anti Stable iber eonu; thére ila1a-ý an vays a gooti qupply o! apnn; wter on tle lot-. Time viil be giron for t-legrat part oftht-e that lie bas -purdliase moneyr. OOPTýFINS At 'Viti s indisput-Abte. Fan parlouisi and ta. 4 Lidsy, trest, appI.on lInpremises 10 lis Proprietor, a bymnodera te ERELANS, a , han oumf 1 or la Messn.-MACKAY kàIIEA?,. .TIONAI,ÂDFANt )AY,.APRIL 21, 1865. il,'- At ASPLENDID STOCK OF' BEAU UL GOODDS. just Rocelveti a Iar# tmeaUty of uýw styles Walt Paper, e"l tRooens, Bcd Rooms, parlora, He11s,bo l Uo W*bio0411l bssetti t &sa U a LvvASoi ;Paper WWdow Blia, LoOta GSIs ~i ~P ~~ le» iaicw r Pi'BISPC*ê Ornamenla. ~wae.L.era t tor eh* vwiii flnd lb. lest Tobaoeos ia grest varxty, Piý.pes trou a nd, sud upwarda; Cigarî of!'the boi t- brade, and i Ogar Cases in ,very style. La iesyl fnd a va ried stio Bad, raite, Tatting Gct1»on, Berlin, Wools, Jewellery, Wedding riau udgny q Presinug C oeis, Tbile Soap, Fertumry aud flair Oit. Violinu, Viela Stuigwsud Bows. . Saminpg o odr. Linsa, th 2ad Doôr-West of the Jewe-t.t:HouS'e. Lind&yi4thApril, 18U1. GOODS FAMILY GROCEIS &: c HE S 1SUBSCUI1 BER bas ou handi a complele and veil-assûrteti Staei o! STAPLE* DRY (1 OOD:ý, YRESH GROCER[ES, CROtIKERY, BOOTS.AND SHJOEIS, Ac., Ir.,Al utf which he ei viiilU 4tle Lowct Living Prices<for Cash. Rure h aucefrHueeepers! CO0NS IGNNENT of $2,000 'worih 0001) TEAS-this season's mpettion-will ho ufed'fon' sale ini Lot-a of 51bs. andi 10l11e; for Cash,:at a dis-ount, on kltolesale prices; comanàenciaf Nov. st-b, anti vil continue for foutt-oiidays anly. THE UUSCIBERbî~o le!e to rquest liai il PartiesI'debtetitaid m forthe -last tva or tbree jeans vôtuldt corne up ta bih aaSiStanOei sud auiy parly t-bat *an satis!y hlm .tbnt they ire tbe pïor-luopa y, vil rcal andi gel a receipt., Parties not taking ativantage oft t-is opportn- niiWta set-le U*iii île Subacriber may regret IL. AU oi-staiiding book, accoenli anti notes of harud viii le htitiieti over for coiilectiao*noni le-Final day o!flecenmber, 1864, anti cuits iilil e ila- currcd .thoreafler.. LidaOct. 27th, 1804. eOUNTY-OF ICTORIA. TuIE UNDERSIGNEED IlI-' S UST I.ET NDfot tho atr aktu prepaLretilu ooffen W lthePublie %Uant!n-mîA:lCd chouce lu ;-!U t-ho lateautylS Cýanti fabnues ut t i wculdespecially calattendtio lih uni' lylarge anti aplondid stock uf BI ACK f IIBROAIYCLOTHS, SCOTCH, F,NGhISH, AND CANADIAN TWIýEDS, DOE$1KiJ1'S, FULL- -ÇLOII,1 e., I&c., au inspection o! viidli e voulti respoct-fuly saieu. His Dresst3oode, Shawl and Mantde sud Faucy Gooda ,Deoartments comprise all the Qualities and f.tYleS that a'CUStomeZ:could' require. lu"T REçCEIVED, a Large. Luto! f WHITE- BLUE, AND BROWN. BLANKETS, jwhich ho vii dispose of ciucap. PR ESTM G R OCOERT E S. A RWIVIN G EVERY DA ,asd soid:tiaa aîl Advrnce for lCASIh OR PRODITCE. SAL'U~SA LT SLT. 3ulast Received, 300 Bags Coare and Fine Salt. A liber-1 Dise ut allowed to -Parties Purchasing W-hglesale.. -.ROBERT .SPIERF. Corner Store, Adams' Block. Kent St., Lindsa eindsay, Oct. 26, 1864.- .2 70-tf j-Ready-Made UIot1Iin , LiquOrs, Bo-ots c JOHN- COSTEL1L()& Co'Y A vEH JUST -rýEIYRD AT TiIEIiISTORE, AND ARE NOW -I'ENING large auiud Weil-select-e ttock O! OUT AI N NCLITI>NG a slendîçd lot -o! plain anti fauey Dres A ad, Sialavs, Gloves, Tlsicry andi I <Jticn'.Theebhea"et Pnints.la town, St . om s Milins. ,la Canadian YNweeds FUI) Cl atIsSuetbs, iroad Ciotîs, O rcaigE a uds at Scut-el Tweedm, Flarinels, Hïut andi Caps~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~u aniÉn~ ocrnth ei tir ok is large andi ebeap, anti vo only ask a-rail froua iUtuindii g puniihascrs inonder tint bheéy may satisfy thenîseive*s o! lIe trutl o! Ouret-atemeat. We kccp a lange assnuiment of staples We sell a gooti Tes at 2s. 64 per lb., sud everytbilxg else ia lie lin. equaliy cheap. We bave on baud over wbicb wbaeretiased 20 per cn-npnice, ila orden bilaI wenia>' lie able te dean timnaillbut as w luend ivig-uýtha brach f Ou buines. N ueseliug off aurstock o! Crocker>' et cs;call eary nd>' u are sr- ogel gréât barganin at-his e n 3éts- and ShoeacheaperWthan ever. LIQUQRtS-We veuiti réminti hose vIa are net teelot-alers tea oai iokep tbiesoul su clImespest stockc of hiquors in beva. 0. OOS ELI.O ' 00«C - Wilsoa'a Block, opptsaileMCLIm*UOWl'S ardware Store, gentiSi tintisa>', 14mb October, 1864. NOTICE* THE COURT OF REVISION. for t-be United Townshipsofo LU1TRW0I 1U AlUN A HIINDEN, trîli be helti at bbenoe of Mt. Joi Bnck, GuIl R» .,r Bridge, ianbile Tovnabip cf Auson, on Moay, The Tint day of May iizt, commencing t thle boni cd 10 o'elack a mn., of which- all parties iîtemted vil plisse taie notice and, gavera lbouuselves & a.ccodugly. Clerk'a office, .Azo, Marccl 241hs 1865. -261 --Te suscriber 4d~essto 11fünm lus ~iri sud the public that be coat !uish bu eep lb. 48%a bonas., nAatg"and ~4Muos oéfrt4b»e c4rr!geM ami buemh onstaa bl!oband >~ Tenus çzfruulj di*. 1T H E UNDERSIGNE-D IS PREPARED le lentimono>'(bolouýging te Priv ate imdi- liN SUM9 O0F 200 DOLLARS Andi UPvars tro bltes -tue v. Rat ofltert,8 per ce i-pe.r imnt. U3 .-Ts mney eau le lad irmeèdiately, un production o( uailufact-ry tille. Insurance, Fr. and &ifele eMd st motionste rates. Akso,ý teeai o hêtbto tenu.s.For flu'mher, è ticuarsapp y fb'letteré -ptt)ta X o,3a~e,1864.ë5-y --DMO$ ~LC y TBE~PECTRAL ÂRMY. A EC$BÔRL conle. uh.c hnem Dna i wil4i pririe, Anad a countlesi host o! foot-t, As the saa is -b1sa Andt beu'bolbow "U t'bey lshare, And t, he gaôtiy pmuousvayaaluti la lie chili mida-ight air. A rom inband' an1irnem ate, Burto whuto a fror taabist, Speai cfa-speetral bout. Prom thé.red bauks of!theIt apidan, Whîere yet t-le vultre stroops, Frou t-be accurseti Wilderness, * Throng on those ghastiy tmoops.. Érom the dark tie no! Petersburg, Wbere ttc braves unnumbereti sleep, Froua tle san plain of the Fair Oa ks, Where jet.tbbc ilt flowers veep. Frorà althe.many carnage, fids, Are gathered aailthe lain, A n d t-her gliezly chargere as o! jore, -Champ on the tigtened reign. Ever from eaorth nwaY, lie manshilatler in that coiti ligili, As heret-ofore in day. Arid Nrtiern in, anti Soutîeru men, Defite like brot-bens pasti Uit-il thi spectral tr'rupeter3 Soundi on the marning bast. Antd tîten 'thiey 'rnish as-a dream, At tbat vilti reveilie, An,, tue whte noon-beams as before, Sleep.an t-he prairie Th'/e I>ck' A S3ILE. Asmille-*ho viil refuse a suaile, Tlhe sorroiWing hearIta ebceer, And- tùrn tlu love, the lhenni of gpile And check -the falling tear ? 'À !leiant imile for every face, 0, 'lis a blessed tbing; lu ivil hli nes o! care. erase, And spoti of beauty briimg., Xrs SÂKowmaz at the Calei show, WiVili you believe itl? Tii. JorticulItui bd, the; Càaile-yard a violent tempest. cal on, and we wu.e drenchedt lthle akin, wbh île ligrtaenirig wasa at'ful. £My dearSlo%,. man,' I.aaid (lnial wa af2ectionate ini a îîundertîrm)-' MY uXC. est husbanti Jet ns go bac-k.' And back vovent as fae s ui ler coult carry us, thîe pasiry-eook,'s in. liii êt-reet, where vo found aur Keziai a young Bulloci lu inte, long room beliind i shop, with a lot of others as merry ýas .r arounti a table cavered wviii chopa, a steaks, and sausage rails, drinkirg Allsopl pâleeale-in long gbasses, and taking sixte ta the dozen Il vas atlbitlunderinig ant bncI not.a heart lu scoidthe girl, who intit did seern. overjoyeto hasec nus, andi ki.si me again and again, and vîtispered sat. b a secret ta bu m-re. Now, if 1 have a we point it la lu hear.a Lecret-1 -lbelieve il were flglting a deadly duel with broi awrs, mnt x adverar hispered i had a-secret to tel une, 1 s alId throw do- my airmsai l once. ,SolI smiled, at Kezi auJ said tlie. voulti be time enough tînt by-azid-by. 'For cone shaulti nover1 teon te a secret direcbly. Waiting mal one s mout-ilwater. wheh'er ima sfoi curna or kiss-es, aud 1 eati tell you lb le much ni lao put a sec ret off for a ile, like ra bel *whiici alwaya carry in îny a pron pue for an heur before opening. Down ri Iat -a ti beyan toi eah, for .1i tastent hing al day, andtihe beafsteý were doue Ia a tum; anti ancil baketi pc lacs, for. ail the world tike sruowbailsin lu papers. Siommrun hati been ont of the ro witiltînt yeuig BuJlIoOk, andinowcame bm a.!oking more cheerful ta wben le la Iegacy lefi uni. 1 cwn it-exasperatei tu see hlm 8se hna.n. d glivo with i Young feilow, andi I vwas preparin. to, semethuîng #ery.biing lu the. yaung se 1ax trime ooketi as if huther would ilet melt hia nmoth, wheu ire al know Armru cheese vwould nçl choke hln,- wimen ai once otr Keziai xlamd 'Whi fathier, do yen know yen bave.1 -Buflock'apurs. sîuck- lu jour vaait pocliet 7" SIoktman iront im'imediately -as reti ai l1obster. 'Yea., my dear,'l he said, heaitatinig, looking at me.- 14The fne aci,, 1may as i out wfth it, 1 lest every penny 1 hati play at carda iu tbe train with- a lot- of bles iapes'Nul Ihat Stowmtnatuemployeti terni blessedi,' but if youtunder8tand in y1 may guesa wfluat ho usoti, 1'ami Euhl hèe. bai -been ýkind enough 10 offer d'No,- Mr. Slôwvmun,' 1 interrupted, . t ling lishort a» 1 laid deo"myknifel fbh.sdrose Aih dignity. ' Nover sl itkb b.dsisi yevrebeholen té tît- 1piusedi to give il eiphaiia-' la liai-6- bleimu. since, Mr. sloam, yopu uil a ome forgatubting, anti are beoming rhilhlas .neèt lo be: capable ôf-takipg c of jour ruon.y hl voufi e t -have a *ife whow&puffl. i. at your dip Ta4 it/ 1 nid, imutatmgaaU earas1Ioc acék tains paclet, sol got il again vitbout the Round& td a loa cëf a single penny pioce, for îwhich yen me niay k. sure I was thankful. enough torne- wlhun s-W larfrite ba mmbr u y raers-net that -1 csred so repoît cf the Miniater of Agriculture »ta aymueil for île money as fl'te ultile gilI vinecltato inCadascedig miP, thimble which lad belongeti te my gt. very weli. A vinoyard. la mentianed as tin- motlorsanluveti aibeen givon having been osiablisheti at Claire House, an ions b b rWru' couéin-vwhen sh vas a child* Mn. Park&s propert, near Cooksvilîe, U- C., ai in tile mumpi,mtn .1 as been an heirlo'nmi n and under skilied profoasionai direction, it ,ij the fainily ever un-ce. doing remanktably well, iid several planta- Mr. 0f course, hon. wias ongtulation h- tilonain tbe neîghbourbecd of Q ebec ave coat îween, us ai. . Ton, voulti have làta.ien tilt ben producing vneforous rapes,_f rom - pastry, cook's silop for the Honssa of P'arlia- icivr ot ieh bnrae e a imont in debate, tilere was snobh a jabber; There las every- reason bo believe, the report and 1 aun-glt mysef, gosipping itil ai east tells us, tît we are within wvitl is called andi six people .at once without knowingun f the iine-beariug ret'ion. Woîl themn, anti siaking. banda With Youiifg Bul- Tobacco gruwing la alieso auwhal of a. ring look foi hui good*àervice, hefore 1 vas aware re agricultural pursuit un Canada. The sscd of wtratt1I wao doing. 1 could not but b. Amerluan war bas giron a new, impulseto ibth gratefùl to h m you knawr.. Ho and. Slow- its cullivaliori, eiaiy in Lower' Oanati, roiy mani thon 1eRt us te, go before the magistrale8 -whene it bu. taken çimparatively an impor- ccl or somo nthing, ind they tell me 1 shall my- tant position. The conclusion arrivai et by r to, self hae toe ppear as açit-eMswhn those - teM . .-f Wçiur itht iilt-fingereti gentry are. brouglit foi trial. 1 quîckness evinced rn eorting emv o- ut- have, howrever, mie op my mîàd to, be in tries, la-proof of thé active int.lhgera[ eour andi bedthaltIdaywith.a ick headache or soine- rural population. ;hall thing infectious, even if I haveto drink . .'Imastard ant. vaeteproduce ih. The bvr- W. egr 1 vr.mueli ehp that ie taflr fe- istens shahI ,noeethave, an opportuuity faifjoytfMe arie .J o rate plaYing off their tricks oS meswiîh sérMnolu,!tWa iilehWidi tLI [SO 'N ovW, M e. S loitian, ap sa kaeb.j ry b M Y VO burniid Eo . Uon uday.v ung cave maq bpar yo' o -,RiMmb@f en az ý 4*u<. 7h.10ois 1 siUie' e W~ i usl rr Mssflwoeio ib.awerqW lidk What Ma a meing emx4r, a M 'M~* usd *hiw, aud badgau.db. messm ev a im j"- oe e bu e5 ~ ~~t. apae 5n z JAM 'WAT-Mlli * -ww - ý >*Crmàr, "1 auWnru--. mots bo C.*8po uila u u ~"XereaaIa sd otboUWU" fnfSt raid ci;etrt ut ibm ui .<eeryâmees uoimb., omMyo bondI*in My As rapi< ode ourt" Mdtown ui *sMuVil- Igy Cnwijçe 1 thoght hv crme h euiout ai wi*oui ntfY.Mijthe. gineBO -IUpneYamiù we.ountba tmyd ertod imli onrda nverarge, ualuit. aleta ha I ectwt m StliAa* N lief.iuBoimn*uie. Idun L4 4*,Pf"t ià u Ip bb e t;adNh a J ~Me rle app wlyia.Be rpCibapsY qu-er, MY ur» r4Dlo tY wet m -bndsandý atern rydien thousandeaeurens..u o i what a wePcbseita row. u retolt 'lh miueheswmeh aidos rowlegardtco ntry a d w f.-, M . * drptthee w. n#big i it raie heaved noie tad.thecrihbats cfh to»ük a h iat n ov e outd th.hamiree on ae nanaeao a111 leta d w te eut and th a harp i&strue t, and ythoof aco unr it ricnoti' Qe t i et fon d eyew . Wlel,' e sor'of a etaanaglier, *asetaied,that tcwn peeptle are caméal- asabu therapau -bd;us ami th e aount, ag te ie aeasf nure, ta leria poWch enlme caiê thelrg hikers placDr. nxcof ecinuii-,h ol iue aticn a atohlh.woù.tholv din pakewspap f ervehowsilr a lu elgun ent, rpe4ngo bee: ihi.t h e mn m ue li w me he lad nly rw btween îeny an îwenty-fI e dow n thi e r ami tàriaee. i esadyuof age, dbe.ut eg ven o egbt y ar tooknp is ht, mi cvedb te chmne nierhnnrd d ierseami recru.in beawhomb g'assond. leial h sor of ay, randte esrd bsw~ ecpil h a# was bou topas l, us nt f te roni ihu ihe incr e a er èg oure, bot-amahl. tsoheduta, tharuilieamotas e i y scriepts rilrfci ougmnIývn j~~~ hemgthv1se .ypre hc .-ho U niesttty y or taenfrtt e -ea My god woan' leawreasganl erwrhay icrae ntclyi red hed wa rayen talking about? jlthe wliole of France, for renewiàeg the_imperial oreaureinsne? ho dde, wvin haarînies, is found ta be five feut three inches hand to' Keziah. îolet hirm go b. and a haif. Were it no t-that t he Frenchi You ay imagine how I feit. 'Dovônmen say' deanddal are.very accùrate in. these mattera, une might Do yé inen tusay, I dmanal, nost doubi whether the.average wàs 80 aghstathi iprudenc,'htw i.fo low. '.Only one, French I odier la forty i1- travel togetber in the.anme carrnage this above five fleet eight liigh ; zany of them rnorning?' barely reacli fivo feet. It ia the. opinina He tapped his foreheati significantlYt look- aimy surgeons that thie mainitelianceof large ing round on the others and ahaking bis head standing armies tends to lessen the average (thé scou ndrel! heiglit. of: the populalionof a country, by va- 'Poor thing, shte ouglit 10 be confined in an rili direct and' indirect agencies. Mr.i asylum. Never saw i er in ny life be fore, Cowell, one of the factor inspecto s rtme 'porinmy bonor.' asaginea ured as well. as weig-hod A suspicion instantly darted"into my mind. nimany ot-the faetory.operative-s ai VSrione 1'It ia my bolief,' you villian, you lookthe ages ; but a» Lancashire milk-foik are very purse yoiurself,' I called, eut. prone to wooden ahoes of formaibable thick- He Ma1%de no repty, but tried ta push by n-eas, and as it is not baiaed whether Mr.* keziaÉ. I was determined lie should not Cowei.l included or tixcluded tliose subatan-; escape if ho had ben a Hercules and 1 a tal under tndîigai nyb el1 a mnidge- sol I caught ho!d of his shoulder, heki over tF.is tabulation unnoticed. Younig.men mny breath, and ciung like a leech. When ini a good station in life arc ralie.r taller Iha.~. ho e fund hie could not shake me- off ie call- those who have morè privations toboa. '",M ed for the mistres of the. shap, and wsked in eighty Carnbridgeo. studetite, betweer. ei gkt- a lordly mannermrhothor sile did ual know- teen, and twenty-three years uf age, t-hoeaâ r- the name of Captain Blackbal, at ibe-sanme age heiglit waa over five feet niin'e. -1ap7, - . -imothrowing down, a card, as if lie were peara Io be pretty certain, front 1e £agep the champion at the Queu;a corouation. lIe of a, large number of instancethu.t fi .e.1ei * wanied1 tuo know whether sile caiiçd lier ru- remnaille constant only front abo'uat t'mp.gf fresh ment room. respectable.. Heaked thirty tuo tliI of. fiftY ; a Bliglt am;er èAegrowtba irl what aie mneant by it, and dclared ho bad until the former lirait, a.light av empg dui-. . b been grosaly insultel, and that hé would inutian aller the latter.- Arn >zg an te me prosecute that 'ernale' (merùaniing myself), adults of ail classes meni red ltFM .(uete- ll and al wliu aided and abeled lier, wit tle -let, le found thaït fully qalevelo3d; and! wli utn*oý! rigor .of the laI. me h opwoman formed womnen varied f romn four fet seve t s cunaed and4,raid sloe was sure elle diii not five feet eigl, ih ~ lag cLaoi know iny of 1 1 ~'t hatsaie vas peî'fecîyfv etto *~tondedai ay femaiàl accusinga captain M ie aa:~ ai ciaegnni in heauy.At hesaie>~oiufl age- Y ini hmore %veak .and slow titan: short tieman and la04 rame ont of the b-ok roont efralexrlîshuo bdat ùd. uirv If men of lîigh stature are prefurroti, fer their ndthée-gentleman calling oui in a light, ineapaac,î h bd-ur fpies hto she pasd Go-y, abfw u the service of eninient persans, they . shall Be you to-night ai the. park-,' and tinau ethen hiemotnbuino b , Iga. pi apparently aurpr.iacd- t the sceîîe. are certait",; Oh, maa I cnied ta lb. lady, ,hom I Most tsctiiv;b .2aedcl, add reoo nize aionc' by er at,-did -e ..t .iv ,.liîle ron ho eP fr lvii, and l d

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