I s 4. e s- n'y readers are desirousn g thse appearauce ofasome 1library favourites, tl ey rthe dirt and fly markse hily damrp' cioll, and then 1% uvers over with a .small ig dipped i glaire,. and )e Sirpised tand pleased aprovement iu their ap-L Th9e ianothiereîTsploy-I laire wbich la even more te household. Wh1en thse r .ing season cornes on ty of.proeurîng sknrn tyiug dcown tlie -pots Oft n exp)eienced. If, how- et, of rough is irous paper ired on bob si-des and the pot, . it slirnus and it dries, and' fo ms a layer,î impervious as, and faliy1 ladder, provided. île pre- e kept, as Uie'y 1 aluways ina dià f glaire t. ilte .1 prepar r, or mnel compoi On, one ýemist. \V îe prc.pa 011 ofc ýe for ,w f' whitei înstafltly tîus pre .i and sa, e of wii lire nx, sôluitioLn 1, and, ýtcles ith Ille liqu lS7 up 1< n-uli ali for ie d n sci Âmc "soti f of nufi Ta FyuuýL Tus?,-4wotby pld IuiahmêN. vas ~ .1i that bis wîfe w" vey i alke. iy to die. Profondtj prieved: ,t the. infoïmàtioni ho hasteried to ier bed-ý sideo asoetainthe progeu 8cf-tbe diease, and in bis own wgy to înake a diagnosis. He first wiped the tu- bâceo from hi&1li ps and gave ber an affectionate smack. "ýOch! ble the powers," s9id lie, "sund sure lier mouth ta -as cold as thé kay-hole of a jail doore Ils FilIing his cob pipe he a down by the. fire and -eogi1ated. -A thouglit struclc hlm5 and ie.rosle andc offered his pipe Ithe icsick wQmanbegging her to take à whifl7 or IWO. She moaned a refusai,- and th rown man~ again Pat down. The Pipe was soon fiished, and the canteen oef ld Irishi whiskey was-btught down; ai'-; ter a gen,_ro)us draàuàht,hesWeeetefled a. itle for his companion. As before she shook her heàd,. and seemned 'ut- 't 'nly incapable. of appreciatiflg her usual luxuries. Tlie good rnan',s heart failed litn, andi às lie drained the toddy which s4he refused, lie ex élaimed- "Och1 Bridget,,dean, and Yees ga-ý in' to lave mie intirely ! YellI nither smoke nor dtiniikl, and. sure Ilhin ye 'Ir'nt long for this worold, at ail, at, al! IAnd, sure çnoughý, site did die. rem-eriher- once 'there. were four ships of us ]y ing windbond in a lit [e basin of a harbour at the western -xtreniety of Bass 'Srait and, al bound ista IlQbart Town, in Vandie- man'-, Land. Amoxîg the- numben was a Clasgow ship calied théc Cal- ëdonia-a regular mualle, command- ed- by Gaptain Aréhie- Macgriggor, wliio -tîçiglit lier about one ofithe fan- ciest crafis that ever float.ed, -1: We were alaxlu 0get mblo H-obart Town ebefore the Queen's b thda ,wlicNvas 10 be au -extra1 igo1day.v. So ont wv ilé en n rnorning, andà af.erbangiing aw -a y at . S. E, gaie a couple of days, -;vé gat -a start, and tlhree of us rail mnto port Lwo days alieaid.of the, QiAeen's lie. Ten dlays, afterward> in. carie the r4d GIa.sgow tub,. taggrcning , under every înc liaf canvass. -Captain Mac- gri ggor rau lier slap up iuto the mud .tli slie broag.ht up, and then leaping uponi ile wharf, .lie slappd and pat- .ted lier affectiona'tely, sihging,-out, "IWCeI doon3 me noble, CahŽdoiia !" et wuthe Iimisio ttu4esfiSO, «W bat id 8amsm qn<* do?" jks on tiptoesto aser-, St came6 the ep1y, giv. Spwc4iseneu and w wmaous accenti HéB mug the Phiisiaanad I ysituation. -An- . TEEGAH PEIING' SCOTCHT. is wrth erneu- Getpl Ilra d. ay s -Tls best antidote Io the Ferg'Us C'o'stiffitiofl, of rriday, in alion of CPP"T, uiving the details ofihlle rtii reury, as it forma .nndrw'sa, u i utnd;s with these ofh o iig,-on the.- r-iu oceasion - a -weil- f ydî da, sat lect of teie- ,as lectttrilig Iabis! s .,hav ing bée*n eXd hang ed.by _théi iraI ions of înrcuiry j elph -eciîîe aliv took a dranght! va ig ofGu-iIan Fr rnronîgusubimateigus, nquiry after the heaitit ~~ter,~~~ foîut aof the "Sons" l teir respecieb oi egg wa ~ j cai lle ic es-sage being e érs ed iun toierabie joric. A neiglîbour rdrank- ropiously - readinga,the accoulit Ioan, aid Scotch- vNted h a elf e ten woman, gave tetlga as prit vedC-r lîslf.e d, in Scottishi vernacular, at Nvliieli te of e lu iarn the old latIyilholding ýup lier bauds, ,ed wi.A sallqturidin luastonisliment, e, c aimed; Pres,,er-. .ed xvitesau îubi d -A-ve 'S, sirs, can ise tîl.egraph q,)-ak coaglaia wen l -Scotch ? 1 neyer ken't labeoe entangling alilthe ~mu i no.mr? at cause the turbid, aid briglit- and clear - WÂID BEElàHER' PEA8.. 0 le surface iu tle leury -«rd Beecher, asked' Park - ofen dd-Benijamýin,- the pead-.îîdumourist, cof egg is oinad why lie never camne ver to Brookilyn ýarify theni. In this to ljear liiiii preacli.- Benjamin ne- ation is caused by. plied. &"Why Beec1er, he fact la, I ,vine,and heat is not have conscienit -ioùs scruples against Il c.ases wherc eggs goingbIo places: of publie amàusement' clarîfying,t][e whsite o'n.Suuidays.",- sed, as thc oHl of thse materially. wihhl-e - - A- ENGLisu ELoPEmËET.-Tle iquid to, be fined.- English papers bnng details of a n humble -elopeneut from a "i -ll market town r shoûl uid 'eus, on the bordera af Hampshlire." One ever permit even ic- Uic parties wvas a yocung gentemaný 'Uaeils. - ~ciostly related -t-0.a Royal personage- at Catntain Jofin.ia student a a military acadcmy, re- are, a Presbyterian, celving tIc usual edulcation.affonrded ted by thiw Sultan ta ta0 cadets-. This yoýung ,persan be- ,d office of LordlAd- [Came cnarnioured of a ru-stie :beauty, )f le Turkish Navy, . poor but re4pec'table. TLhere-were sam- icing h is religid-uslcial and parental obstacles ta a mar.-J v iny - i n eonement was -decided. wîdwsarecalin jon.- The partieslcft ile village -byi M iruar aln tise train and :ent -northward. It tivetings witls reference wa s a day or two before the truants L of Mas,;sachunseits vit-were foiud, and tIen they were dis- mai pesua~du~ -i overed lu a smali 1cottage before a ý home- market, wsthout turf fic, ai breakfast, and married. IA compromie ws effected, and -the take~~~~~ tieeeg. 0tefîer cf tise gentlema-n,- a clergymanj -you don't gel ninepence in a hi'gh position - in the Cîsjurcli of g tuern ba'ck. Tommy Englaud, at fitret highly indignant at îectecd and carne- bock hi son, ,ultimnate1lr relented, and con- !otber, let. mue alone for a sented Io pay tseïr passage Io Aus- ýy ail tried Io get 'ems for tralia, if tley vwouldagreee to expiate mt 1 sciewed lemt dowu their foily by that. s pecies ofel. B.". - -. The newly-rnarnied eoqpie accepteéd * ames Gordon, en-the offer- and. the .atonemeni, and' '*1 ÂNÂDnNflST I E asevery moderii re.. quisitefo KT cBliT, tISA AND EXPED.ITIOUS PIRINTING 0F AIL K INDS* WINT~$-TOCK U~OT JS V'W 0.9I LE TE. k NSmLLS IiiH .Iocu$s yDmrak kFoley a Hrd*ar Store. Termamo&tei. Posiion gvean the lmt or Octobe. Apply to W. J. THIRKELL, Medical Hall MONEYTO1864 A4T EIGIIT PMRCENT. ja.re l'eu hs delo ntt G. DOÈMER, Lindisay, Sept, 22, 1863 2e5-tff A WORDA WELL SPRING 0F HOPE TOYOUNG MEN. FO IL. man whe would prefer osne dollar toi woldbycommon cnetbfo voted, " E FOJD IN, are hundreds of Young. me a working for. a 'ga_ l.ary of Twe Hundred Dollars;, snd even less Who might by devotiug a few xnontlîs to 01,- HOILLOW AY FPEIL L pênse, fit themiselves for situations wliere their, services would command îwie or. thirice tlî,t; amount. The place wbere sucli an educaiion! eau beý obtaiued at a eheaper raté thdri auNy-; -%wliere else in this Province, . BEOFGOOI) CIIEF.R,.TUE SENEING, MAY ITHE LOSÇION COMRCIAL COLLEGE. B AE YTEUEU 1- Ite woîi!d direct particular attention io their great i ariety of Consîstuxg in part of Lace Nubias, Sutherland and. Ga 'ribaldiý Jacekets;, Ladies' a.nd Children,"s Woolen Skirts,1 Skating Ho6ods,, and Woolean Sha%%ls ini great, vartety. Gentlemn uwilî find choice lot ofFîancy Tweeds aid Doeskins.ofthe best quîdlit3' and latest styles.- Aà usîtal, his Stock of QmSories, Crockery, iand Gîussware will ho found well assorted. 11e wotuld direct speci#AiatteutiO to bis Lairge 7and Véry Superior Stock of Toast 4.B EST -COTTON Y ARN K EPT CONSTANTLY ON 1HAND. _U~ -DAVID, TUO0MAS. FUR-NITURE! FU2NIITý%-RE Ir- ery JDescil8plUo mt «J rjiIHE SUJBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE, ..Selected. Stock of PARLOUR,DININO, AND KITI LOUR, DININGI ANDKV] HAIT BUREAIJL & CUCHEAS,& O N QUALITI&ES, .AR SOFA COMMON BEDSTEADS, FOOTSTOOLS, &C-, Wilsoi's ockKent' SO T -TH£E IGWE$t .Fil C.' AU ser S rejWaLY ottnded g. 0>. O- ]Remuubr-ADJOINING TÉE Feinale Cornîti;Lint-;i.M'omis ofail ki'.lS Ir the render of tItis "ioté"danînoti - tho-tutif'PUIS or (l!îtit'.let'ttfrotti the druitîtr aniotint, anti1t xVilitMail a ltx rec Oft --- Iltiat bccai1selte'.' e- nor lit.,e s,ît.i as on olher î'.eî'-oîi' uake..- N-ot are genitiueleWt;is _the $rd, l4 £ IVtr-maîrki e-erx- -leaf of rte Ilt-k .t' - ecorsarotnni e, h bl, tIllte t4itOt't P E~ M«, A NSIIIP, laint) secîtix l i tutg iifl'.!ttî h< hA c . TELEGUAPIII G insii e.r xilI.e e-i-ien t.'> tnt t-lit PIIO < ) ilA Pl yt tnu tich tnttî:rition ats iuî'y uiOto lu it the r.edicinvwj t- ' etîdit ie Sa lu e, k t x AR rt<M EI'C, i them to tu' spttrtoiuS. CO iIUtLSPt)iN DENCE .'SalId ' tteitiiiintîfictuix'ut of '~ C4 TeOC» ypur ;ons tirai. zdiie'h tîîey tvU iéld ly tilt rt'l-etid rizss ttIt ! ~t kletiiettlrtugh<xirtthe Unite'd zlille.atl-i-, 1~>ractice when tire!, btxon.e ~ ~ tvtSi. 'wlit. ttbxl't2 cns ;~~ - . . 41(-rzlces-ct ractietl IuS ne -.' Edtkication ; B ook-keep tîg g .r-i THE LARGEST AND BEST 'adaptei to eveî'y lind of busliness, by siile. and bouible Eîîtrvz Steamboatînificr'tîking, 4 HINT TO TITE ;îrOR7J-ly i'orefga Excitauge. Furwarding aînd Commiis CTZ N FC 'CHEN CHAIR.S, ýPAR-- Sion uhiness',M-11iiifactunirg Mining, and~- .'IIE S0FCY4~ rCFHN TABLES, n: Pkicpf Scholarships, time: unlirnited - - 1IM Twntv-fvedollars. E w A R N-q D ix T1 'GES, SIflE-BOARDS, Brk ai .Statinnery for fîtîl course $10o, MATRESSES 0F VARIOL' The actial -Buisinees Departufent îs tumu-iisti- A LL paîties purchasiltg.mY piis man e di'ittw'olBanka with a capital of $I,,eti.0 -ment fo'r tiîeir severai comuplaft r i condîîctcd on the sanie p rineiple as our fit 'our- i -Aee'ulîy warned agaimîst purchasing cit..Cr ie. *s19nking 11Muses. A Merchant'sEmporium, pifs r juînut ptin'lO o myrIn. Ior Wholesale Establishînent conutaining Saim-1 ations that have a United States stitniP Arouni tyb bftd en ban(,'and wîil - pies ôà'alikinds of Meichandise, Reat Eatate,&c. , teboxes or pots Therais- no TrcatY ftweerl froin -rhièh th* studentsenîriîrg this depart- t-ePopeu NSoe adteHme Goveru- m nent mit ke titeir first -lunehases. The Books, thmeutPierefre atesîcatl Stthedoos not r- kE FOR" CSHI! mnteeoeaÀ rCUSapdD tnp kept ia the Bmpoi'iumn, by the Studeuts, are teot îny preparatious. TiieTe arenusafP Cojfia of ail siea kept consta niy eight in nusaher, five of '#hich are Books of lîpoa My canadien style of l'ilor intu'1 Origlinal Entry, and tlîey are eonducted on the coming froni the United States. 'rlOi! plan. TIt-th e p rtin p l ent s a e th 1e harg e a for Wu e o r M t h e w àtcr .'0ark l i te t.Ook EKGLSH BURU. lan.f This dpinlWhis ae ues charge î of diectious.arDÙnd each bcx orpOt. Beforé y<> h1W~~pal!c. -- ~Teacher who bas had a long experience in biti-' purchasetîhemsec that thora re no L..sa mess a suffietent.guarantee of ira practuetil upon the Box of Pil or OintDMent. Prchale HO~ OIPwokiu. endforspcimn f writing and!- noie that hae t.Si 8stampe8 on. i. Annmu~ ,..,cirotlar conttinn full infofflation. Ades T. HOLLOWÇAY.- . - -1 - ý i td * Lrne 4. .3 I ?RINTING knife in cold waten, and let it dry. rî oo~a.Tk dfted yellox c orn- ,oonful of lard, and wprk al welI -te- in cakes the size of .inch thick.- To bc :)utter-, molasses, or .-thas been dis- ,rinding Ica in 'the coffee, before- infu- of exhilarating fluid- ýy double. t'ic 0F Eos.-The ýaten up so1 as to de- are, forma lte glaire ýer,' with. w\%hich lie ;appearnce tAothe STABLIS4MENT 1 ý ý. MoNýEY- TO LOAN, Pmrtecular attent ion is directed to the stock of Actual Business Dopartment; Il ol Ioway 's >itme . Q ~1 Is praclistd al iIte e, and )j it the student nJjjJ'j j~ a obtain a thl(rou',-ghly Prueliriîl Kno*lwtcdge uf Tbe hlstorv of theze great rellnedies 15t£ ex.ry kind of Ibnsio"s trail actiùils i lit -haflmxo-st 'wonde rful liiedical revelai.iofl that Ill<e tute time rettire t 1 hy any other ineans. The world bas ever known. It estatdhîýhes lte ail ___________Proîprietor bas dleîtitned tu extensd the specitil il portant faet i4at %%herever. n n lt Gentemucan lmo auystyl offoot wlicbtheymayasicfor ~ dvanage eujtv, 1wthose entering beforei ever shape internai ieae'I-s le d.ne got tue Isi. ut ~ofA prit. lu thos e oetr dru tanng ercîg d Ilwaling, prollerties (,f tme niontlilo. TL;erefore allter,,on-s PUIIf AS- Pilù are fiît'.'11ii-1 Io its, st'liectiitîand c;e .l'rices Per 7.GW INO SAtLI,iSiIIPS before the FIU'ST of' uth, witli the Oinitiment, they ýare- TENT and Bl'ANK BOOKýS for thec ENTIRE i ELI OALM NI~ -r;' -ii~~i- A1 r'I"~ X7 j $3 adtitioiial, a full supply of Boieks and Sta- . Thiis i;lot a h~ov'vitnl n.ia,' p.. ~ * ~ .J £1. .& IIl [1l/ <Iijtery.. Fui! i irtructiIîn-, in Phonography. ,even derivitid from ttm xj.erititces ( 0n f o cn, I rwig. ynl an.TlegraphingiS given iIt econsit ti emîtt.tftsxunafr< 18~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OF I AG 7JK0 GOSA ÎRFC t a veylwrate. tht sîuk -c' vry çoir.îry-an uijatit NOW SELLINU jGood board cani be obtaliuc',ior Two4Dllrsretord, tdu hke iof wliil' lias îerbna- prdtieed in favour of any riv ;evor inve.t:ÀýN. IE NQW guarantees to-give ttidie wlsho purchase "th the r'ady Cash; i olwn rils Fî ntutosaegvn when, desireîl, since tinte hegan. These leat . e a {1 witlo,,titextra cha rge) m in 1l tht i rinches re- M iG iTY IEAL EJS, W 4 îlP l) KN4i îW , N D l Meaiechlenges any tuerchant ila Lindàay to comupete wil ia 1ielt btatît ilFirst Claszs Criie.fr W)DTRE, EABtN i: aea..ing. 1 $30 in aeltnol.Tite xiva t (f a sterlîtin u licinal to ,i-t lti ~I R K T H Il E P uR JC I Li1Shlrsi o ens..$0lavneits and! ,,efees4ties of tte scitèiî ,,anu 30 oodBlnkes R $ 50perpar jFî nc F1îîeI~worh is.çi.n<tx 1do do Ladies .. . $20 do hmn.y adoteextrlv free lfonti- Ii;l.' rc1t 30plsGo lneta 2 e paianr llnA othi,0 n>vaold for r-1-... TIt any one 7entling lis pnot iti Ithe as(12and other ileleter;itsriî!es xxàs te-îim-V 60 " " Rorse Blanket tl oo)in c oats worth $ I' t , ot 3 0 .dre s of tell wh<î vul like ti, recteive felt tilt ilit al! POxvrfl;] t itn tî -te 78rh s6d4, foi. $2 00 per pair. jOivèr Coats "$6 j1î, $ 0 ou r cireultir, we wiil fr;dfi istructiorcs into the wortlHloùw. v.x )uvtrllîtbie îPi1.have AIl wool red fBonnet at là. 6d. per yard iPants wortlî S3 001, gix'en a.aty aitZ-12 00. inù1eofthîe Most Pier laiZ (if ouI.~t. f bcîete}oî îl imd tal nt< Splendid wooî. double Sbawls wortli $5 00, 4 dlozen Fur Caps sarrticed fur 3s. 9u1. îtepeettg:oewhc iIbacuinnTitir attnihute is t ci revt-lt tiý well a-s l> cir given away for $3 0001VEthe Tpre jsore ot e one and prîtft.W olthionak'.î ai o u fth otd Fine uglis Coburga t lu par ard100 (loi. Neck Srlarts to be given a w ay.t ur For cireultir or otîter and ato adcs, tiintthi,.renti tu" t liehliddtn càitils-to"f Pr-intes (acoou) only d. «.tJeW JlES iiet5qt',re-iu.igoratt alid restore the ru eha.sî'rs frue of cha-'e çnrïsutte < n ;t--!tuttr i e Wriaes (tlue ) only d. Il . . .-fIleszcin Striped- Shirting for bW. , UI-.\IlR01fl.. PitcjdLu'onlti C'oaillercitl ('o/tt'e', tîku v:l'oifîc" rrtrîttî Mandles (al kinds) from i7s O d. iUp nTeSi f pon lb2 1I 292ttLondon, U C.tEW..OM\(' t w eeds (a ll ool) ' tli lo pIice et . CdT. fr i i G o.t c tïd' I Vl;~a 1l -t ,~; i t ~ L 100 pieces Grey Cotton ahoved off at one York 12 plup o f CGond lo.bacco fora quarter DYSCM ECA OLG~ :? .itt. ii11 ii.u l- Shilling per yad 2os yul lgisiarfr $.î. yard. . ~~~~~îî~~~,ar ~(Fornierly (cf 1,i-vant. Siratt<n kt& ltî,) '!4f<-r-ttin. ui.wttiHct «ANT . ~' Kiîî~ ~i i'eet, Toroîl b, if b 'ti& î it-anse th (T-t,.,- IFFaU ' r-t Door Wstrceti 'r-q<or(;il<.4 lionKî of gtiIt telvr 'dg<on.ae RE EM I R I P A E-f r ue iti f t tt-ýý UU î ittOtttt hu;;ý ai f1,;N I ie. -; . 1;-! ýv t t ' ;- r ..¶:I ~ .-t gt-iîeral busilt~~r i* . t ~~ BLOCK RIEN 'J' ST. ~Tite course f ir'. ltnitra -. ýMçcd t n- itiu. 'AtI a1 i-<flf-i w! . Bro.kers Books ,',îtrii(ttwain ' ~ ; r' ' i;;~..the ' lis a-thi! À.t ~~~ m~-nercial Law, <'ttnptî'e-;itl I'-no--u i<~' i'~.îl I c;<tltt. eut o. .ua.m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~(iclidng lte 1jniîiitdvs .;of E GIn-î 't; - -!- lt eal a , <<. .tt 'r'îo :1.d The Sub&cT Sberlio n )Y, s ltttri n t<' t.h"ne < A l t- ittIci t; leltuttu i. t:àa A totlteir -. public for the Iiberof.supportand.Ler1turers; TUIESI4 P -Te'.usé.iésf rtunrett ans e ler fiinganje ubiefanhekierl otfriendi andIhee Leaii %v i<,tviiil i' t n d cd t o t lerh s in é e c o n itu eu îin g b u s in e ss iii L in d sa y , b g t u a r n o tn e e (If c u. ts ( orîtr ct i- i a ! 't l î u ' s tt'tih e0 R enoval of'tIer i d vr .s t abliilreliît to M.R $'tîvs A.iia*itt'r. L.et-zrcr t îttvonuu-.tt.t.t't TUE WCST END ni , -Cônimltrcii l aw. 1 î~I.I- v tataiiiii " M r.tisa il.Tov~ (ut i tn!txT.a n iltur, tt . tnt attntiontttIl s.asked to the foltowing K C,-gtjtv !,r - ' l 't-N FATNu hat DRAKE& EOLEY hiave on liant! the best s r-eetcd(7aarc large sck-of lleavv n dshielf llttrtlîVare lu the Coiity ýof 'i et (iria.ý &'FOLY oo.t'2eery article in theirl1ine at pr u lïlitt uiuiggNti. 1t :Uv l ..h. -il,-ý. .o ý. î.t FATN.2 That DRAKE.&FLYele.\ yllt-lAv.-e' cir. ut' s., f ont ttrv,. , cantiot lie underzold.A IL. LNr 1last't'. ESq, if l.1tliI>ater . hît.t r- x 1, .h-n~ i' FACT No7.3 That DRAKE & FOILEY c-zn shzlow a splendid lot cf SKATES ifl Ciery Geo>rge .1Micie '. >atittuta.iq.V* - c- s sur t'iiiversi.tv tJ. î...,I;, l'ti'it ix xxx!i-tt t:xi'iv tt. FACT No. 4 'Ta RK OE aecutantly in etoc'k a large asioNient IW. FitoL '. fIovai&i-iti:\!t;h\ Âi'<< N~ ' of laiîrts, Oils, Varnishies, Putty, Glass, rthCs. .rooks, E.q., Qi. .~.L.L.). L . W. SýI1 ,,l, ttriiît' tt; tt FACT No. 5 That DRAKE:& FOLEY'S is tlîe-spot for Table. and Poeket Cutlery Of E ita.1 (L.Tttrc, :1h.B.11011tït p. '%ilt( it - t t:!11 O I elrery varictv. !ttîx tîi, . RI . I.Jtt.E1.A-a i FACT No. 6k That, D àAK E à .OLEY have a large qan0t fliron, Sprin,; and iIl\- Eql!înlo gli- e l!, - xthe iil. l1'it; nlIi'e 'î'it ii' ie. tsîcigli Steel, lloî'se Naiils. Axes, Baira door linges,, atchets, Blitis, jMtntre;t I: W.t'-nE0 -î;.tiI ix.t1nîltt'.< v < -1tt- Serexxs, Sa-',SeighliBelli, & c_, kc. -Mi. teen, Wellinîgton. î';iCh l-a' t"'~~"~ î,~tu. i<K..- e first e ss ttarclivxre Store, and thieir facilities for buyingenable tlieui Fortertas addressput1tt(.e!ti.t" lttt ,tttw.tii . t-t te offer gonds ant tîouîreal lîrices. stînp - t.u,.t h . lts il fotr!t~.i-tt "7 -Ciai Qil and Coal Oil amsand Glasses. nuJxmtsrtt.'. A-t ".%IttVi itoix. tt-S U- DRAKE & ~'OLEY, Practi'al A ocottut' iuti ttttiit. o îeti.i5ar it o iib-reî4tn xx- ' Janua-ry 1805. 80) Kent Street, Linthay 0 o'trl !Lidti t& t'oteîîcitt-anîîu -ft.tt' I %s.. î.O..e<v tSUIIISE .'< E BS DÂVID TIIOMÂS'ýýF!l. D A V 1 -D T l'fi A I *~i-ii "'"t - ,hc aebc eetdwt ra ae u wl ofudcmlt ueeydpriet I>o,,.-îuesd<T;' FANO'r b- uonitirts D'. --t.:; î Linasay, lq.th October; 1864. ,xeenan'a Brick Block, Kent Sireet, Lindsay 1 -