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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 28 Apr 1865, p. 1

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,A NEW FÂKC Y GOSS LtGIEMS3ÂGERi'ý Keenan's Block't' ent Itret, L'hdiy. .A SPLENDID ST'OCK..0F BEAU«rIFUL..GOGODS. Just Reeeived, a lrge quatity Ofuev tyesWall Paper, uitae frr.DnlU< ooms B 1 Rooma, parlor,, Halls, &c.. 41ofwhichviiib. sold a6t & sasi ua.o oolm; PppecWdo ld, Lookine Glazses, &ne Lookint Glae Platée Plç traises $04fXaat1» (OUIflIta Il .ILDREN' CÂABS AN4D C 9,#JA F. SI Engli.sh Glue, Waklng Sticks,, Canes, &o. The"L«ers ef (o ffee<5 will find the best Tobaocos in great-variety; P'm ips&ýÇ tis ataa pwrds; Olgars of the best brands, a ndOigar Cases ini every stle. Ladies Will find a rvaried stock of Rends, Braids, Tatiu Cttn. eln olJewtllery, Wedding RZings. and Fancy Cntlery; Dressinag CombsloJltmSoaPerfmry sUd Hair Ol. Violins, Violin Strings and Bows. Cj$- &ausping tô order. Lindsay, 4th .April,1,18C5. DRY GOODS FAMTLY GROGE RIE,&. c MÂG AT k aprsters, Âttorat7s, &c- K£eT.STUKET, LLNSly. O>oeOvVl'eihan" and ONeWls 8tome,, Keispt*s ade âc] 10 M Streewt, Lintdsay. Goo@&stable and shed aitached, and an atten. Agesîcy of 1h Liverpool and London Pire à& live Ostletlwfys là ttendance. ILife Insauce Comupay- ~ . ..-.RD'l, BatRisTiBr, ATTC)RNExY-AT-L*v, F ree Omnibus te and rro m the.-Carsi and Reas. P oi itrin. Chaneery, Notary Publice ~ a x oLuPUDY .Conveyancer, &c., Lindsav,C. W. Ionl(NC>LRaDY ,,;:r specoal attention paid te- Chancery1 Lindsay, Msrch ý10, 1863.12- Busiess. 0evîic-Iul WiIson' lck et te t fl AMERCI ODBARRISTERS, k&.AT- LT rlr'. 'j -;EYS-A-LAW, Solicitûrs ln Oba. - -coqlI Notaries and ConveyancOOY, &c. &c. L INDS>A Y,. )f P . OYNTON hegste infûraithe in'abi a - , e i u , K . I 8 I' an ts o h p iy -of V ict ora and sur- HECTOR CAMERON, rouiidag Connues, .tiat b. bas opened the 5,.1f C_11ARLES. B. ORDE, Bote! on William Street, latélly.oeopied by Jevoît, aad as h. bas hlldlit- flttd and furnish- fi ACMM KhA Y BARRISTER,, AND> ed in flsst style, visiters %wll find every conveni- 'J >aster and DpivitZ1f<fi¼oc Wus iuurs and Cigarscftebt or fthle Conintrof'Nricteria. 0V11cE-lquality. Kenxpt'a Brizkk $olt,Lild5sý, C W. 25 An attentliveostier alwvays luattendance, ________________________________Lindsay, Dec. t-84.2-f A L.AcOURSL-EBarrister, Attorfley-atLaws £1.Conveyahtcet;&.Of, ~ e~» e>iding~s, Kent strtet, Linatit, QN'~ 11441 (GrÂTE NORTxE ÂMRIC AN) 9 VeL" rF, z-, 018T H01.E TLLE11îtBR0TllEz,Ba!rriters and At- WLJO 'ET O TD P WVtortieyVsftt-Lý-wlSolicttor-n iii(iancery, RE !IýýT BO IPr'pri-etor. NoiresIiîdlic, Uonveyanucers, &c; &c > Lind- T118fvrt i4lh~igbeenlateycoi -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C Wu.Olc wen~S iok ettet pletely renovate4,a affords the best of aa> C. A, AS- WELRRBcomnaodatifl ýfo -r trav.eillei'% and the public 131tf generally. fader present management no efforts will be spared th, %Uwill cenorduce te thle -1 UDSPIETII & NMTNlss i t Âtorney.at~LtW,&c ke. o.nfort. of ziie * - oli-Uos fr tte jat5ritýig- Thil, bent. f Liqaiers and Cigars. Saliilorsfr th O)tarv. -Batk. 247-ly. 1(fliz-e in- Keenatl'5 lok, 1ent. .trect,,Liîndsi1y - AuuUDsEr!.-~P.S î~ Ievere fous, F MEOW(IOflkR, Attorniey.*t.Lftw sSoli- BEA VER TON%. * Tcitor lit Cia acery ailll nîî~us ,NoaY- 1'aîbti~ &c.,k& 0 la litMlotelscw Thit stbscriedsgate no il lce tlint lie bias I. îcrBoc, ppsiIlc ahfil ti~iii's. leaseld the above hIotel, silihlas licen fliriisli- . l'iidsa , 'S j> 21, 16ft d aiid fitted -up throtiglî(il iinithé e tst uor style. Liiî~a>.S~p 2, -804Noue but tise dîicest Liitors anîd Cig:is will M M IM'T; C ýM., (r1ti't 1),dtî h ettilthe 4bar;.a nal luis table iwvillIlle t\rish-: Iftniàiliv edieal tefereco to the Blii1:cd, %ith il the delicieeSofet tise isoi tiuaîaî.it, \Sortit lriîish asLn \veatitile tnsirafl<c LI . retuî nal obIîi iigJStler5 al WiyS in * .itfli tniO 1 Olhc ili _Nir. George lKuiiiilt ' tatnane iliik Iluc186.hî1îi5.::-- >1280x 011 IT 1,11)k EY, Wertil, fn. tlî, 6Stîn etur R l IUIIe Ilt 'ra la, Willil tIL lL ,------ iia a t w -' iv iiag atos. li. 1iiiý d',ine~~ roptaItedouaid toad inzi Hll and Restaurant, ft gaI trâLlaiat--. -i'I CURHSI~ j> f,* P\1 N (paa3ieS.Jaunes' Cathediral, xe'ocleu.(>bvî--otrir5 s e Lllim'-lQCs, SîparSc., aîal il rs., Wines, ý le& tai'ei l Lnsa. Al calis Laurx. t n is-baas in u praeiisufl romiptly attended -J lNSMT1 Porîtr ~>C'1 P1, MD., -RFNPli YSI' *(La/e d1iout Iotei.) . '. IL ciÀs, - aiA(UIiUI.L tAyTeronto, May, '134. 2v;4- ly Sîiigouîi itIi lle inericauias.tlie l1 ai.Civil E.giiîear- andiPrviii<l.IAVN eaai lthe' aîbawc alno'ic- - -. -î - l~ i-tf îa g Iti rtail~thlv talie a l it-I - il at'h ile f NMI s1nie, lIte uo1ailpY i' l - . T l it'~ac [liTi iL t i, ' ï<V t irN , t tjîC. 4, faon te.'.1ý ja' I tbrh aaha 'N~ ao t al,'luii o-"i ~t'luinl .j2- l trîlli tue 1 1 *1 - li i v.1i il a - C1? ij ( . I h 1, 1S II ", Caa'i,i - tieu -il evlTlt- lAijac QI101' a Iaa I' uat tue Xl i î ( -eA~ hot, f.'ind- Iiail tIi»\tau-il tI. r,,- -ive o-rtele i*fa-- a C. ai.-. V; t-t 5, a Stila Frily Groceries,&. --Y7' STREET, LINDSIIY. ~J a~tCdfeC, huice Tubaccos and Fançy. Pipes. (,iga:rso d ii best lBra nd. I call s ay t C adwell's 1 i - tn taiA ihoiey (buIingîng to prvaie indý- IN 8 Lr3 IS0F 200 DOLLARS~ j1(utpof qtJ-erst, S Iper cent -per Allnsm.. 1! I nife, #uEh c 1 id w etely, on Ar.rp-. of VaIuabIe La:d nn f~ùb1eterins. For fairther. par- ticulars appfy (if by licIter, tr-ai)o Ipso i, ech. i psoni, July 6, '86-t. 25 ImIe Liverpool & London (I & GIo'-ýe I4 tvesteLId 1'uzds, - *15,000,000. P'aily Ineome of the Company, $,12,000 u Th Fie ?rmiiuu.s receivpd by this-Coîsa-ý an ,i «atiy do!rîng the ycar l8L.3 exceed. those ofaay ther Comnpany la(ire.,t Uritain by £20000t) e- nsancel on eve?3' descriP~tÎou-of Property_ efft.cted aithte lowest reniuaerativè rates.. L~asus1,jduxmdi'.tiYon proof. JAMES 1IIEAP, A geut for Lindsay. 1 0 Mce iin inep t'a Brick .BIûcký TUE NOTIE. ý-e , HECOURT- OF REVIS[ON illi-for UthetTnîted Townships cof al LUTTERWURTI fANSON .AND; HIRDEU, jow il be held at tbv e 111e Of Mr. JohnBuck, he GU aI iver Bridge, in the- Tô*nship Det Anse; on Mocdaiy,ý to one Firat day of Xay next, commetioing ,t.tte heur of 16 > oek a MI.,,of wlîich ail parties interested,*iii -please take !à_ notice and goeler thernselves aecordimgly. stitable for SCbIOo lflouses, Hialls, L&e.AIea lange loi, e! C.ookitiîgStoves, Box auîd PIa'Ior lo be sou aftt Use leset figure for cash, bt-fre thee rsi (if March, at lite STOVE q-,D TI.v SIIop, WLL) T Bot Co 1 Ou, 011 Cans, &-e. L'e..ah levestt notai! prces. Cash pad orSheep skias, Cati! skiais, oh.! CopperEDIVARD lMeFE fLiE- William Strset, Lindsayl Jan-. 26, 18635. 48-t GREAT SPRING NUMBERS!!I FRANK LESLIE'S LADYS 1AG-1 ZINE, MÇADAME IDENIOREST, ENGLI$U1WOMAN'S MAGAZINE, - for Mar-rh,: Peierson, La dy's Friend,- Le Bon Ton, anti ail thlye latest Mîaioa.Proa cals'anti Neavspapcers of the daiy nat the LNSX uNSulKaIs M:HA Y/ LirisiY, Matrda 24,"1865. - -20 A 1tory ChristMàs AND ~1IPY Nevevv ï,a r K~~~~~~"~~ TIL eae'n i hnafor. the 1lihern 1 X~- sîpon extnalei bia viil)labusinlea, e! varions sires, nsud pnor qtalily. -Pnivae Parties,;Tes eetings sud Soirées suppliad on t-be shortest notice, &A QUn lte atost foiaiIetenais t2P' Splendid Oysters,.regnulanly rec.eivet GEORUE GREGORY. Idsayy Deci 22,1864 277-tf 4NOTICE, T) BSVOOL TEC RS Tie Sem!-&Intl EXAMVNATION 0f TEÂCHE.RS fur Lindsay Distict vilIi (D.V.) take place as THURSDAY, juNiZ FIRSTl for. Candi- dates for irsies Ia '-rîfiaes. FRIDAY, JIUNE SECOND -fer Candidates fur seoand arnd third class cenificales. - JOhN *LJVICARS, A. R., -Chairnta n.' -ndsay. arei i 6b.1 237-td. ACES RBIN LOT NO 26, CON. 4,- Vc or, f which its re e.tixity Acres clear- cd andd coder culivstleu.* Titis landi vil!L e eold lu, tWo sepa&rate lots if desired, t-e suit the purcbas".TheTIi. atlPart cutains 1100 acres, f wih 10 ae cleareti suda lg hue hee- . sud viiw b, soîtisepsu'ftly if desired. AieLtNo 52, uoutb gaidé of Portage, Roada TcvnshiP e o df , oueyvlctoria. ]Por partCi' ampp>y te r a 8bc uiaWlair ~oSt ~. And1318 te =" -F , P ~ Wh"w hme ,beescS o L vkà-i .iÎuIgivetk'U DAO* ,- oEie pW Md ,1 règ*tted utwiâ.bc itmf waIRM O SUBSCRePTIOK*- *nadvma-; eOif Paut vithin 1 llyesr; 18 W ot 0 m C. IM~31fD '-s À HTRAR. POITIAL.EIT vo1Vle~h1 N LIND)SAY, (Wii~Y PII2,16.[em:*J i «ac * ~ - - - - a I IW L. ~ .m..a...loi,* .. TH'LE SUUSCRIIIFR bas en band a complete and w%ýell-assorteal Stock cf STAPLE DRY' GtQoD$,ý FR1ES11 GttOCERIES, CROCKErY, BOOTS _ÀND SHQES, &C., &C., all et %t-icia he wiii seni at the Lowent Living Frices fot Cash. - - are Ohauce for Housekeepexs! CONSC'.NENTof $2,000 worth GO)OD T1EAS-thiaseason's imortatious-wil l.e offencd for s&ieii)t q Lotfet5lbs. and -lOîhs. for Cash, aI a 4is'count on viholesai. prices; 'cemrnancing Nov.- Sîa, and wiii continue for fourteexi tinya oniy. SipIlcial Notice4 THE SUBSCRJBER b"ýgs lenve te request that alt Parties indebteti te hîm for thse lasI tare or . turee years -wvoial corne up te lu.s assistance, andi any party that cen satisfy hii tuaI ulay lire tua i -or te pay, viII cal! andi gea receipt. -Parties net takisîg advaatage o! tis olppolt-ý tit te 5--t de villa the Sabscniber may regret IL . Ail out-staading boek accottnts' anti ote f lanaîti vii be Wauded uven for coileotiuo l. teF'rât day ef Daucouber, 1804, andi cests %vili be la- - catîteI thereuftct. Linsmx, eltltt, 804 - -JAffl WATSON. 't! I Tor sae very cbeap,:thnec extrta W. BRO0WN1 ,- wIilîllh i ! ssII at 1iaaach ltwer a' teà titai lITE ii < .11 t-ULOI, ~ p, ISrE- a vo Itretute bŽ-aast-va allia LiiAî-. ~I~~trnuv toinforni t1ic- .haboitants o '"r I$ofa,v -a .laiJ .. - I ittlUV insîrroanaineUutr3 t 'l e bas, r->-'Funorals Fairnislaed. j bb;iig wl r ii'tk'ICOltioe ahox'e ba i;al i ils~bi'aniî ell ire prom ipt attentlin. ,~O Y ~1~esblc, 'ilaiiSt.Wl '0Pîîc- i WMN. WHTITE, ba tt.. cîas ~,rk-tatShi, aad tric atenton ppositc Cown . d tffice .tLutvi teuen;t a ",lareo etplitronaIg(Oana'mday ebîary, 1865. 8 - ~~~ul Aîa£Iglla5t 18Sl~. - 20t ~ - ~-_ JOPJINOITA LOR, Wil liatn To -be S c1 aargainUl îtnktîl :! 4or thlieri TIie soitIi .bîlf ýof LotNo.' 18, in the 15È 1,11 rw 1 ~a bstoýW'Od tr i imfior the1ivt 14 CiOSiu f .MNLri,-.an, eaanaijaiig lai)acrai r'taira ae ta, uayIat hIIQ -ttii lprepaI)i't'i teof wieiiali-eat70 alt'its are cieatra±d and tit Pruaîîtv xotte -l oden tt) hici h m)'der eatialii ls Ut el fnced, hisa g"6' -efavered, in ithe L4'Tr tfYL; ,and aitNloD- Io., and aIse a Fr.% naeo Dwallitig hbouse, anal littril uons. - 239-tf-sîi'all Baîrta andiSalaotht-at-oa ; there (i t WayVs aia 0àSUllilul f spring Sa'atcr on til f TIDERTAKIN G be given fo)r tue g r.eater pairt o i ANDERSOTilleABndETMAKEaband or Particulars ad Ç--ADPRON BlTaiK ebasJ treat, apily on the preamiseýs te proprietor- laîrk ctm4a~e.-$otent of COFFINS lit GEORE LA KE tiWarerooua, Cambridge- street, Lindsay, A or to Messrs. M4C KAy & IIEAp, - :little North of lte Market Square. ynd~t ~ - eauhtect Lindsi A, -. .keeps a iteat, and trusts bd amtd psy sharges &nrI strict attention i 1t it & are eBe f vo he net den se e fi (peteBoystou's aotel) o FERS TO TUE PUBLIC: &T THE LOW- Feslt living priers, iii. ehoiceat select-ion O! FamiUy Greceries To be foui auywhere lu the county. ]FLOURt, INDIAIX 'MEAL. ýFEEO AND VEGETABLES. - Liudsay, -A.pril 12, 186L.2 6t TH UND ERS-IGNEI> is nov pre pared lend $50,OO (helonging topriv ate individuals), Fur FIVE. VEARS, tun imprved Farats, in large or amail amounts to suit appiica nts, at, a LOW RATE OF INTEIEST.. Frfurther particulars apply te JAMES HOLDEN, Prince Albert. .Also, 30,000 acres-of Land for t4tle in the Couta tiens of Ontario, Peterborough, Victoria, l4ambton, Kent, Essex, Grey, Middlesex, Perth, and other Cotinties. j IMSURANCES effectedat.moderatè rates. Prince Albert. March 10, 1864. 19oney! oney! Xoney! lAINEY to invst on imaproyed Faim Pro- -I.pryiism f$300 and upwtNards, at reasonable. rates of intercst.. Loains effécted in a few daysafter thé titles are investigated and the papers apè çeompletcd. Apply, if by lette- pre-paid to G .RCE Lindsaiy, April I3, 1S!,4. ON E '<sY TLIIMS IUNEY TO Io"N AT 8PER. EN PPiiart cul.aru alipily lu - Solicitor,, Liidsi'. Lind;sly, J'an 21, 186-1.2' -t MOINEY TO LOANl. E.-l SWItSCIIIIERSS hÂVE PElIVATE jFiaivtt iliaîest 01 uit lnalat"d 1lai iî rup- crtv'~ al a on-îrattCetf inerest. - NMAelAY & 3iUxŽ a)X Wilva)iia's iocit, Ken, it Sreea, Iiaidvaay. r STrtA1DBOAT - NOTICE, Tite J ti ailingw no -Sita er CAPTAIN GI1EENVJIIoIa, Narcl 27 th-, 18 5, tutiti! fiai tltar notice-As ft'lluaaa -' EVERY MONiDAY, ýWEDNESDAY ANOý Leaving Part Ilolpe - - a ut t . Au Ctabair, - - 1034,AM. direct fur Rocliester, arriv-iiig thiere ia timte te connaret vîtîs the NewavYork (7eit: i atriu t'on Now Yvork, PlI1aiolaliat mellarc, W'atsla- iagltoî, Syracause, illo, CLticag-o, atiuttIoer pioints BaE.iýtîndMW' est. Y ' as~seligr5 frot ie West vin Grandl Trtink -R.a.tot-aiavil theflac Sîanier atColeag fiani lte i3ast waI m.11 tac eSteamner at Coi- Iettairng frthe' steamier -tll icae ouietei etery Tueai lay, Thawa .y, atid Sei.ztl , at-S] J o 'c o k , A . I ., fias't l ee uto v at ii al ti,)I neI 1l a c 0e coa:nectiiag ili thte' Gratd1ruutk Roiway li nlt point, haiîaad \et Foar'fi'tl'i'ristia o, engaire cf A. Cach- -aa l'a lopaîe ; Chaînes E1luitaLi, Cobourg, orý J. lieiî'r, ilaa tt' LiLAYANDl MANILLA STAGE. LIN'EI STN T [Il FI'IITIIEI'I NOTICE A STAGE W*l i'iile axItaveFtrsiîeu's hIlti. Iiiulaaatrv in tite ta i ott tua tL.e -stago fat Lia-Iaa~. X'ihitlax' qu(L BIhsivrton. tinnglavt F-ntonis Hle!, MNtilla, iRfter te arrivi ft'the Sýta g-a" fraan Osbawa, XVlibdy atii t'avurtonl, ari -ii tIiaiLinuleaa-%t ,ît 8 ta'eaa-k an tii'extai Fuîi'c3 rcaaoliatlie. 'rite îro'ieiaar avilI xaollie resîîonsilîle foar arceil eor baggage tiiess b ook- s.O anà pv.atfaor. LadaaA pnil 1,1864. - 13t IN~FROVE JFAP COR A LE. o J 'LIE SUBsCRII3EII ofrers tbr Sale LotNo. 9 _iliitheistIci. ofthtIe ioNsiliIP OF fMARA, CC>. ONT A E 10 sitntt!inlathe centre f a1 gaîc settiemunt, ana ta'Nvlthiui 3 milles oft VIRPErE S.AW 3iILLS AN.ý*D A ýGlU T MILL. -Tbe Proiarmty ir approtichiedîîy giioti'd andtiis-it bitaattofaaumile ut the C EýN TRE - R AD. - The Lanad is ot the [lEST QUALI-TY, andtiht* Title is iaîstlbc Appîlicatiou xnay lue madtil Ridon 3 l9 Balsov ër P. U or tu the prelunietor uw.the premises, DONALD MOI-XF gana, Jtu 2. 1864. '250tf. The: Court of Revision f'on the Muxsiicipal!ltY et UEXLEY, vilîlbie'hehd in the School House, Section 3 et saiti Tova-. stiip, ou SgATUrRDA Y, the 20e/ day of MA Y.netrt, Conamenciug aI 10 o'eloek 4k. M., ovih i parties interested viii please take uoliae".anti go-venu themselves accet'dingiy.- - JAMES HUMPHREYS, Fhe. ateuerczUIe eu TERMS 0F &D TFERTlIÇ Ten 'me andtuel. ~*.. eenOefttst tnçe !Lv'u, jpeflaak.. ... esubsequent i è ttii ...........2 ?3Pre(.usionaN,.td feIuess Ci rdi, àa ines 4Sl Éndr, pjajam43fot dix mOI4JsS-, Fsuu *&.i e tu leu IÎiUt fl > ' - DZPMcWrcbnl. amfôiherý. capi eoatra~irt u eem 17, tpliayed advertisemçai.4 are Dmea&.Urvd 1 4'a bcale of .iINonpaa tili, ana hgrgeai sccordinigly. ituerteal mitil îorilid, .nti charàed foiful l iane. 00. No ca6tiaIverj8meiti bwerted uulçs" paid fot iadvance. erchanlait d ecpcîdwp>q cru g îl e oîe P b e sh e a ite t urj y aý * Onlers; for dibosiuin kfadyrievnem C. Blackeft Ro-binson, Puhhbher and 1'cuprsior in Toronto alo ne'ainountin- to $25,OOQ ;and bo)tk~thO.Grtat Wester naxd Grand Trunk The, xnost ab.orbiog topie of conversation amiong mercantile, m- Just nov, is lte (qe- t raI Condit ion and roipets-of Tradése- Every- eune adanits that te .Paît few MsOM4 T e- va ] < wituesed .a very ioerai-.depmwksi01 0 every commercial siren aIl il. -essntty,-0 that nuruerOUs- failurehaye oceuneq,, any of them revealing a ucat uiisatigfaciycou--t dition of the rétait itrade, Aud- a few . md- ed with circwmtsum .of a v-ery saispiciou-. Character. -Tii. endeacy of a ltus Lbu beeni 1.0cause ithe Merch"-A M sdbnkera net oniy rnaterially tu cositt8a thoir- opera- tiens, but to serioualy reloci a ta th. sataty and sol vency cf the,'great malority of the re- tnilers Who distribule to consumera the Forty* Millions ($40,00,000) o! goodu annuali> im- portedth iis country. lu fusic au perica! as ve are just passing, through, eartbardly fai!. te impair general confidence; and' h is net surprising, nay, it is most gratifying, thnt - an unusual degree of caution is being mani- feÉteti iii every depariment of comnmerce. Therecertainly would be.goodgrounc for anxiety ti as te lte present and the future, Nov ail these circumstances cannet fal > speedi1, restore ease, but especially sa ini iew cf the. vas:ly d ecreased - importatiotis f the- present Spring., The returus fiom the CustomRn Hase show a deèlitie of, neariy one-half for the firs ttree -mentha of ti>. 'ear; and. thougit the. future lochs hriglîî bhere. l aGi adisposition on-elvery handta t pras4iaeeconomy,in this respect. The re- qnirem.,î. for daty and chargea have besen raich leu &tan for eeveral previens years'- a cireffluance giently M, faveur of Import,. ers, who haveensployed the. hait million- isually thus Iocked up ln aiding théir eu&- tornera tacarry fer*ard Iheir paymenîs. Tiie purchases by retailers iuntthis andi other, mar- kets have been most aparitig, andi have been ruainly confined to.staples, and lthe absolute neceities of lite. Tittis iront every point ef vievhheie art indicaions that thii iortune-a aud (allie& vwhich %villm'take the firstpart of 1865 memnorable for comnrcial dept ession, are bèing replaced by a better and happer con- ditioni cf thiuge. Otur piesent conditior lias been brottghti A paper'wbieh ve need.not-name charac- abou' b tii - nusul c~b~ntie cf ermes the. assasination of President Lincoln a number cf circumstanees. - auy one of ib e following langumage:- which would hat'e been suflcient te have- 'Preéident Lincolh diýe 1 at Washiintoii crealeti troubleilai'commercial circles.'Thus h tetitac fieiablycfyrrs wve had a short crop of, grain, Whiehrealize(i tethe assasâin's-weapon." lew pnices ;-we had affmail expert cf, awn It woùld be valu lb point out 10 the papez luruber wih a los$ te shippers, and a "lock in question, or tu the dangereuis secessioil ap"l et capital ini a stock et tiraber and, lum- clique in Ibis city, that numuan ever deserv.- ber msore thansufficient for an entire year's ed the cisaracter eft yrantlies tataithe late expcrt. In the face ef these niisforîunes, in-, Presidejt. dica ting a great decase in the <'debt..paying He delayeiroednagas teres- polI'er"lte peeple, we liait unnisuafly wbhad tregtlerously aiezeàt ie rpeî heavy imnports, impiying a largcly itîcreazseti efthe Unitedi Stateý.nil hya'ulyfr iiabiliiY, vhwhuiIe couîatry tvas totally un- 1oq the nationial flag; at fuit SuruPter. Was able te ,:tand. la il any wontier, initier thie t tiis lyrany? cireurmvtaaces, that commercial tiepressioni He souglit le conciiale the slav-held i.iig anti anxieîy fellovedthhat atîit a deelining, siales which hati net quite. secedeti, by er- mnarket for im'porta1gots at a generalj ery concession >n bispov-,enterm - pressure for meîaey, that failures eccuri'et, in- an able and successiuLgetieral like Fr. andti lt what avas roitên anad wi>eküd in the - mont. %Vas fiais tyrany ? tratie of thecounitay tuheuld have becoine lie seught by t ' le leasî lbrcible means a ad mallrest ? thîe smallcv-t possible arnotnt et change, 'lu -But now a]ltlthe circurrstances te 'nhich fulfil bis swern obligain e' anas ie we may atîribute our mnisfbrtunes are being ol inand. enfonce the. i w. vasttis tyr- ieverseti. Glwory as lte lut few rnonths asy ? have beeti, airingiont as the pres"re is ai, hbna l e C, n tsu ce eleWi ,hs preseùut, alixiaaus as the taext menth or lwroasa-rmeauai!atrahiieda'< grain crop. which i.act poarwàvs a great lau- e ierrleiSae.~ a-hsîrn ure, th îs yî'ar poanises Io ba most aburaiant. j 1k ailoweil maîay palers a.3lte New Noes- beWloiaus waîîter 'a l'uiotgio York JimrId, tu abuse hlm. xviî!a apersevcî'- Canadla West pleseattetI sucli anaappearanca" incg rancour anduttnscrupulousuiess ihat anui i meut sectioins quîite a, mueli, if net àulet t wrtprirIitii Catntda, audt lt more 1hait the uattaI quaiiv, has beei suniij isstrousg langùage WIaz, tiis ta'raa.av? Sotd cly is tItis the case, but- the earl.%: When the ro wîinxaa s su-duetl irian', L r~i .as oliabled. fariraîrs Io commnce Siate 'lic sov-hi ta éeneiliatte at-l i iran t xvoik ila-.i' 1 V Iiruce w'ecks befoure'thcy cern- lbaak- williigly ittalihe ftiloni. %Vas this %inel iik- last year ;antLi ve have lte !i tV v? best' reasera te kisoîv itilt o13' avililte, When the rebelien taas finaPiy crasheai Spaitïgf Grains be aZoî ist itte îTround under lie sent a aihale army et' iraito&5 aw.ay çeaice- the mest favourable circumstances, butl le1fully te Iheir lioni"s, and Lueld. Ullit e.eli'it ani utnuéual.extenit. Wie siteuld net be surr- bransch te tîsose avho vicee ot able t-o cuaaîead iiatley erop, if teavii atiularra 1slaujni ' - t' ytiaSn taea'eaase it tlie yieldl lv- at r easî one-liaif ver la-st yc'or. YSia1'Vt1ta1. 0>Žt,.,,~s atid rotI rops.atill !so ea it- providience %vi'l! a'nîuchsat'e gtiaaa aaiather aan ta protection tramn insect, ave înay cmai lenat- ly liope-lor a very abunatrit hiana'eit. -l'The IiCceassiiC5 o1 fananers and itJae ceîtteimplatedi ra'peai efthlie Reh'aprecily 'Leaty next Sprniî, aa'îli catUse very. largre telîa'enics cai::ila the Autùann ;forpraclictally tiecloet'of ulav-- tiila %'ill close lte Anitericat m'ar-et teus ta-los neoeiaitions are, sucpsil for a ne- j iial eofthtécTrealy la the niantn.'îaa.c We are certain. tlieh-fore ef a largoeîroluce mé eine nt inlte, Anturan, theresit o aviiamust be le restexe easeaandtip rous1etiily au leuast for iii. lime being.... - But -we have another oau!s$r hope etf re-. lief, andt tit teocat-hicit will be-mene imme- diately: efleci.'ve. The. large amouni -ot Sauvn-.Lumber.held by Cauadi.an deaiers, ailI fiid a very ready andi profitatble manket aut once among our (iemR4I.on thleehlier aide -et die lilat. The great bulk 0.1 lite present stock o( Lumben could have been ehippeti w-îyetraiîta profit, at geldai ai180, but wvlaen it reaciedi 50 ant evon 2ffl, utip- mneûla implied a a usi. St icavno, viit geli au 130, lîserc is eveiy probat>ility o! a geot proifit. %W. gère eI'.where semrevi's &uP- on lte lumber trad@ý whicie judicate the pro- baiity etf a very.:active deieand for ait Canada eau spar, andi ve uay With oves-y cert aintyexpect au- egrY, Fturi Of lie large as,lnt ncf capitallac ked tp lu Luit>ber. 4jnly sbsprnezts. 10 Bntata frein Itie large, ,s ocks cf Tituber vinteredove".ini Quebie and up til e Oitawai cannol fait to bni.qg about thie saine rosaitJ. - -Again: anettor mon.lu will witness -te circulation et aI Icast twa millions cf dollars -for tie purcba£enef.tie Woo-tlip, ivitClavilîl b. ra'ady-ton the market turing th* lattes part ofNIay.Titisatap! bas increaseti aiti great rapiituyli, ie la<ýt year or, Ivo, and uuless the prospect of- spèeety peace greatl y dtiEteataprited, our farmera raay expert t rea lize a good retint ffro Ibis source. In lte maritimeo the faItlun ed bas hadtia- etiect ef largely increasiug the . ntsac-lieaaa bttweenlte United S%àtes aàdCanada ; anad the. quantity otouey. wh k t fs orma tae tüi. country in the. pant evw, sekafrcI sheepiiOreI., aud other tlrnags, -hmia bel"' !~'Y Ir~.'W. knnew of ou.seofcIl Tyrants never go to public places WAMUîfe attendants, elîhereopenor tiis-u'zed, or b-ti arnt! if Presiak'nt Lincoln liad been .L tyrat- lie W~ have hiailssaune cne waîteiag ov'e- hlm, ant isis 1s. atotitav ae been saved,;* ,but luintecect"ui'ousness of seekingthe gaoai. Of ea'cry iiîrnauî beiag iin tiaetSta.ea, lie fet mie fear. Vas thîs îyraaay ? - At thc lime -of lthe a esX ~ atit'i- lo ,was resistiri a large secîcua -c6f lis cava par- ty wh'o tiaprecated -bis uialit t--leiiilv. -WAVL titis iyrany ? Nay, lthe patter la qutioin, et which n'as -have copiedti îe opoiisîg ,paaagaaphll, pays ltae> iolloavig e-.-.traordinaàry ta ibuta .ie- the Imerciful ;anid beig:i charactci' et tha oi v rnau wtom il accuse:- - di-e believe il wili b. proveth-llat the bu- let tiat slew Liicein, sud [lie tda-er daltt stabbed Sewaraj, were direted by tL e nxre- muis cf th. Republican pary, viea ci;LnIea Lincoln surd Sewuàrd with tsacrdiciaig their inteirests by undase c6ncess-iois te [lie rebels.*" We neeti net say the above cuaplauiatieut ef te Presiîlent's tiath 1%jus! like that vihici attnibuteth te tie bunuaiuagr oflie New- York hoteil tiehegoverument at aI iotn If tier. Le any caiitidpersonsjstlal dcciv-- .eI by the distortea nccu tis hey coiutinuaýlly sec of titis Aniericancontii, aili îheir-eyes ct b. opeiied by thé séarcely coucealed axS ultatieaê etftthé accession organs over a crime uhal rnakeg the 'vend shutider? JOKES 0F TUE DAY.- A moral tiobatiîng sùcieîy eut ,Veals, i3 cii-. -agedtiniidi6cueipglthe foîlowing quetio "IÎf a luébasd desent hig wite, whiich iî the mote abanidotsod, the mani or thewornan M» Can yen muake a IhorougibrFdog huai a lune No ;~ but il la easy te utnake a, iorîid ncur-s-ing. Ttîat WSas an, excei!erg reply of Totaser's ta i customer ivubnibe eut on ithe chi-.Ton- son ~ ~ _ amietwtaeaJlt ushtamer sit- Iigrunîlysaijr'..That - riJ -drink ?" .'Yes, sir," saidTonor, "itfl uos uaske su iâces tireatiful tendejr." -Pick. A bajrrnoll'wari*d to s icarneti brother, -a coud. thi.e tber day, liaItheiweariîi- Of .vhiskers w» . un)prfsionali. &"Rigbt," ne- eljed bis fin-ui "'a lawyer canot b. toc 'tONALANID FAMILY JOURNAL I Stle aarba,~Gusran&Worts'cel- j)tI-ttetsd i- Taedly attl Plain Wbisý - DoBSfIý.N ILK > ý,Pplv to ROBERT LANG. . -1-ý ý 1 for April,. 1 a - Imm

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