Ivy <OODSI rLEMIN: ffl% .&o, ksTRA&w HÀTSr. t SGiUie. COLLAIIS, -P 'G IMSQN, W7i4Y, ApFU m24 le. -Our Agnt UIK;'zt HALZ, nMutee, 18 OeI' iizeul agent, andt wil rectire tub- aniltake Orles l'or job prit:tirng tieing for the CANADIWÀW POuT, ini t'p. of Eiiy andtul lais. T. ubeSrib.rs. r aibscribaris in ossessin o!fte irîg iurabers of the C 1 AèNAm.IA< w1 l tblige by' fer a.aduîg them S office, Vi.: NO. -255, 276, 284, 288. i CANADJA C0LONIZATI0ON le ta-ltis Excellency the Governonr- are ia course' of s'nature, pa>iig ,xeilellcy %viIl be paeised ta cie- medatduliviasionci hie uexpetd-- Ce fîri pre voug ;apprpapttiai5,ý ië $102,481, betireen tlite dIff'er-ý ýes ini Upper Can.(aa io at-e L'e- ,U# ba ar 6ady been dino wiîh tlie dinig ainounts -reedat the Kaune 1lune r Canada, anti that ie expeuîditur'e ,d rnrey be f.ihith prcecededI the -constructionî andti inpnuve- te roads already surveyeci, and herco îiectiing roade il, the sevela! ae will teintter thre unsuld crowvu ~o! accemm, andi bri, tfem unduir. w&a fromi¶.ýýIr Lnlnsei'hlence tSami Coînmittee on Entigna- Ccdoiz.atioii for 1864. that illcre nixpe'îded balance. of ppropria- VTippr Canauda aof $MO2,48.16 rabo'te 1date t-Vo aller appropria-- ro been mnade for tihe. same abi'- t; 61, aîourltinê Ioa$6.2,500 for ecdi lte Provinice, and0aire (u'ril-t t son of -Pai liarnent. ")0 tItlat ai ,ent limiete -crut shrcuýlu ie Tira e Tiiruiks D Du,L Atcs avaîlaUbe ttaexpenitue- unitte -10lii' za-- stof Upper Ctiaa We should like l!het 'hatu becomne or thus murisgy! ùnis granîed fior a like punpoid i il mnada have been reguntiury expeutti-, year, whie ili -Ujper Cauada 'se t seeri the fitst cIlrd tf-ithe uiout'y houid, lonîg,ýere nnw havie beeli lait1 bat lias becuneOf te money ? ettlers' ilil Il let. b!clç îoivirt-ipc -leMoutr lesfromcrthe effe(st es laiit mî.tuion, ahontleee<of crps, ýil of' employnet wiioneby uhey rit motie Morley Io taule tîter irer t anvet. -W. kiowlle allis is in ota on icouiry andt a is tire iianly C.4*Iittes. 'lTe petiure,1 200,000 voir d ire a g-eit Wu ol s9f oîr uetlena ; and wie li-um huit let vii toSP unt-ilite in iitrtueMutrg tlcîmmzalo Roati Comiiiusiuuer tu c ntiracii so that the sehlers %whof e i * Il ire compelledt ta eave the ý, paQrIapýifor goc'4, naylba enubloîl i ai hoon, anti earosîielrifor ýrt of themttettes anti fainilà"g uttil &L1 WifEA COlItieA ') loo~k r- y wett ail over fC îsuntolily. %heti Ivile a fet ilmyg aga, we trot h'ed la ain thîe beut lokiîg a&tell by us ihis Iii-s lime t) meic-.11ti4!epirsl1Itsfruh look f ahviua l artn oitlby ttirt ,nfiefilai vîm'ilnty o vravu ni i3 tiost gratifyingÏ rt-sultiis. Ile l1ias t&ti < f bttimi a mtwis e-SU,!etii Th Sh'a usinmber of iris prîpular pet- iadical urtahis à minme o!fiuterestîatg m-ut er f(or th lafo -dies, anl. lu ah'ctmpattueîl ivttt Itt#roum ~Co'Ioureci Fasiintit Plateb, e!teguanlt mheigtts for Embru'iuîery, fPatcla-,oikl, &r.,- and a great vatiely (i! PMterns.. -Tlt suclà a Iarz, atrnutilori re'uiiing, and s u mflu i htsîtraticr.n, fauWon plateq, &c., c-atibe itit- 15sie4 <ir lit tmal stiui p.0 perttauni if aneiof tetînrvisis of the ieitteteeilhcent- igiry' The .g~in my bordiered int bit. Bea-k, No. 8, - Kueisn5 bock, wlao i. aeifuir Viciuto Cuily. a.mC,&c., *tiituibl n.,trad~eo coc ,ôda, onpeRibbufts, ShaSis!, Jêmante, S&W. am bu pgit.hU.d large- le w," LIN AND WAHING«TON. - WM £aO X EB.Already il in o#&iM -a 1àisi *hioh lime tIoc w~il wWiubWmly reecoguît. nom W uLTL A? 2 1 It' Sute p~~ ecod e. . té 7- Washinugton in A moiean histry. No#bdm, Maa'of hie u.lu, eMay Co1ideu4* SUtIÂTT MW TO BElIN XON EAL.fiiileo c.s tetv Aayt - this great and gecut ma-bss besa cal isd«a boit &c. tyrant. Ntusr *wmthere a greater perVer- - ISiun orfiagugem, De vas an Irtly Inaai Nzw '?«X,* pril '.-fi fte epet i.rurso tyrant, <bat lie more -#uetti ng%ûno'aq"Y ra tmoenyset'Ur. jitd mlsignal illustration of th.e uiity edl b~a i f esrmt naikrceth4t ob-,:f tij4 wrog- mUdedpervu<sty mcih ,aboîI tained by Joitnrsoi. - lion -rteed bW *ituglit foir,.tn tha"t ils abettori Ma>..OLHa~uo~kporh1hOMSrlaUbave c#aîjes iît-gSoh. Never') since Our of Mor'.by'a men> have. strndere,t ,inedu- grea t drarnaist Penned the. littes which ie ding riearly, or qit. ail cf the offceraeXcaptt r bua 0 unehvhey bad in h i -%or Moseby hioesslf "iosi f MQ@nib- Otvn s ritIio~ty. plcaia eliaà men are huntieg for a tard of 2,000 offited ý been ,, iven lteM the i dastardty aCi of for lhim by G0a. Ilanceaek, whu baâ bossa di-,'; lnsasa.utî rected teoestatblish hie headquarlers ai Waah'- -. Rath borne bis fat% îtiss go ieek, batt been Sao clear in.ii great otefe, that bis virtus <~ Yar, prfl~.-CrcUi8tStd5WiliIpleadlikeangob#trimetotUd55m hitcoe t. <othe knowledge of- the The deep manoll f is takminof- Govm1ttrment vtbiQh tender it. near]ly certia nAnd pity, like a ev bûmtbabe ubat EBoê'shersefeu v. .itti hinn on Friday Stridiig the blaet, or' beavett's chettibim, ho st causing a îrctaej îon the 8ightiess ' ewks of the air,. niht ti.IthhtsWai t'- l.Shah blov the boM d .ed in every eya, of-one of bis lep. b I a ett thtat he That tears shall 4row'a taewiaid." h~,diesedim.lohiSOUtac e. Ti.-hé mi imes.ut likeo#so of Booth. nuhhtd un Harpera .9 *ee7y is said'to be coireot. AIMLESS MURDER. NEW iaL£ÂAN, April 4&-lt le. reported Ithat Gen- Kiby -Smith i laisbanding hic ar Ilad Mr. Uine In beets a suvereign, ee tai>', and that hieýtMops are renuriitg t telr cising lioéperial pover, hiia deaih tnight hai, homies. - 'haine more impo i-ant reiliulttu, for it w-oui A, good uran>'of Le'. old o fficiers déclare riehngaftdyaiybuteasai iliat tbey cati' nover live -in-Nor th or SouitbI nto iti he aitaeeetdL anti that îme-y slaili ei.her go ta Europe or lte Poop.e cidet a writ;ein Conaitutio 'altt Mexico, lliougrhitbe-y1 avw hbs puovide4 for evr' omb matl tr fur te eMonfe roetlteîine oui te lat-: c'otla-ti-îey of dealh,carnpraduÔe nu anc 1cr.~i g -eu'1 hire. Mr. Lintuola iras melhër -Thea Tt)uun e aàWa shington e pet ial sa ys ililittaiCSz-ar n a D'4tunysius,. utor even go nrany pàrulèt rebel pmiirns iave arrivet iu aoeu. q iprtr ruce there, their f6àtÉreplatce of residertce, IIat a! hie United S*tes. 11iHleath, althoug te Goveitmeilît will ltave lu take &Grn a niational:c;ila-4ty, avaitsl:i; igta thcs ~actionl ta îid thecity of tleià praâstce. who ivere easpeaféed azatitl tira politici - Nzw OlLjEtia, Aril 18.-lt repurtedt haï,syiten,anti the iconutltution attul lairs ie r iel. Davi,- crmsad the. Mis.isipi.rier t plëeti wyl surviv'e-hie death. AîîIôIr inan ieeted by the saine parly, .ayow.i Tiiier'a Benti, winh.lî asoccupicti byîl'et Texats Cairat-r>', eecapiiag irle tabservatli ofu iesm ricpCt ldeit L a Ta:ute coteitu-lie fîliwia ii fpolicy, with miore lItitews, mure viguni itaal ored.j i-probubly fat, xmure utreleting ýin.I Tie7ic. tLi&tefolwn nre- 1Pa.,t<iOivii sUîr&ee hiM--tia1d f lie wl tatiomu te the suri-eîder of Mbl --ei a ~asttWit . wottd .1111 b. t e saute.. Catiby e:,labliLihed hi-s hîeaîdquamitIn. tlh Dfi rcilFr'csPresg.-- - - Cuqiomni tluB0. Gusiegal GràiatgerIcnmattde tlle depatmitt, Gen. Veîc mniarids ~ î ICIN~A1 thre. post.TH LICL AM Y. Nuaecultctn as burned, as il AN-as said iltit r iclia- n hsiice Il Geu. trân~etwuucl onitri cîy llt c- terrible îight ofau uha.d ba& requiti lîtît %ver- but ieu. hIfIi s intdtu toa ihe uteliimcnuti Dcuet»r -Stîrt i u ain À),00 tG30,O00baiesof cuttaiî erti capte-n phîy.ieian. Ca ii obr iC t1 la td ini the C iîy. Lartýe qtîaîtities of pitc1 prîe îmef in a inaiiien that ha ah uti have alsjo beau en.ew'ed.. - ctanidxh pect', 1ail, d ed. il1 The city je quiiet ancd anderly., Maiîyçcit- ry paby o! al il iIohave seen 1i sa ~zes ae aarrus o ls1~ tie cîh i algi- hi-t father's death deatlt. Bitt thu ycxiltgm a ce, and are -lat obe releasâeti fi-ont rehelso,îTun.a'Mr mi-l lwyea so,-I inon jq al rule. h.îmt-in unconu-abe. -lie iVeulLtFui)f Tire Mayoru f Mubnle fôrtnaliy slut reur tien- 'trexi>-tsprîlptîLfalev th'e ciiy a-4 _t3 oü'cioCk ciithe 1l2th îZt-S.t Ing, b'ut itott-eliliing 'Our AmÉrican Couhii ie'eigthe serviceof IlIte piloté lu bring hj i Mtec awa.y tii GnitvL_-0mii'e e t >o e si letÉatily up tOf eil>. -wîiregazii Tlilt-e itutîdred: guns 1uti gond C0n(liLioiî, d,'-ainiit.c mtctacle, lLae -boy hleri lte t arîdl a larg_(e auitto!f mt:uet-tLr nunCeiet -hc'dm iiuîil - ,oaptaneci. twel%e hîxrîtred priscrines, sic-k, 'lici Wthan ng'iiulsfîikl'il tsl anail .sîr;uggie.-s v'ere fuotinul un te î'iîy, 1tut: roi-i lite 'hursè, anîdiras -sourît ina thîiut eiuutimmg 2.50 office.. 411 veto sentlui Ship -rin ta Iis i-; iîrg tparenit. 1Hua rt.r-stricI ialatid. jili0- reltjîseil osee is- .andd. ailier,l R UFFALO Apri 24. niciaiei tlicwho'eiig'ct iliiagolty, Yest, At- a meeii of citizen1.-here o aiturlday j1:iy asa wll-kutiolwm Senaliîr eî.hvreii. evellilig, lu make aà,rangennetts for lire full- jWilite flouse -he-vas mnet hy ihe once bc cru o~ectte.- cf Pr*ritInts Littlti, il'sas] l enins lad, whuicîîri : *Olit ran3 proakosed tuu itivitethie Goveinîtor-:Gueria 1 tejfilrie 'uai inuy dear tailler hlaitever idi Catil o tîben h*,igh olicials ôa lIte prin-m tpttliat inait to Ipçke hl ihoot lait dueaul !cipal Caîiadiailt'Chies, ---- -- ----- -MONTREAÂL, Apri 194. ..ri-..t;. u -There amr rmoors aboýut iite reb'l tSSS mris beiimglic-ne. - it ir ai Ltt arrt ;Cme on iVli-ua' it etls tgi 'l'ie itamne. i lte Sauthe nier lin wicelus lie aeisee ilietîitri(ýled . Thenaiclens1 uisah;ttge<l ut Toioîta Were Itere lasi 'seek. -Globe Cer. BlAINI<K -TURNS. The Btko oirati t-the Onîtario to icari that ieolîrri a o o 6î cii, Tct«uhip ofPik'ia. tirm e'ttglas ,abolt itieu'cc 'ri j t-ltaiin u.o tc Mr. iI n. n u 'sas uest.iyed tr 'tinwilh iil its coliitet Tbei firé i.s sîpposWt i luve oigiîaateclfr aqt.aitity of lî>ne depc)-itcdtireuai t'me preyimus Iol4 rire. Wë erluni terC a etriatl i iîuranceon titheb~idn.-l latik bave l111usd tteirMoItiiiy staleffieits for --Ac ncrn .-& yon2man -naned -i ~1aeh i lluili A~liar eien-l.Tlru-y COul.,met.,ill, an accident'hilNt c.ouplîig.t'a lut-e tU lt.luiw wnî Ib rinrnfor.lte pre;- Wltitb)'Station. on Fi iaylaihywtc rions nnoiîlb t -lo luri hl Ieg- o mis,-ei bsfootîigatt EAXK 0F MUNTRIlAL. otrwt iî îecr, aea'the Cane; I Feb. NMarch. iitg pae,îeîlaveêr Lis ble, jtiîst a'o thé ki Dicor.s $i0,84iii576 $1 l.5'I3,33O Itewa envedt tToronto l-iythe eut Spci - 1,65q,359 1,985,4.58 tranj-e re--th-e 1mb 'sas amrpttatted by C.clln 2,50t,393 2,371,29 ilHaîït'ptt ( i.T l'is caîtial provei act mtel Depsit - ,92,68 9,35,80iihm, and li-e <11* on thte folioawii9g:d <gITARIU SAS£.I Ibid. Fer.Mach -IDzATM FJl4M- S&A LDlJKC.Of Thita Di-unîtts $3 57.21 3,84,92 Iafteemnion last, ateilyI a ciii of Mr.:Joj Spe-i540,b2 - 14074I cLeait.of this luwfl, tv a.4sesatiet iiif Circultionu - 8-29161 745726 annitir a euse deaîlh A wu inl Dep isilii 14751,793 1,7.98b1617.1 i- - -avui .tt- pai cf hffil iint.% These I-mu taee'inà eYprobabf y uti- u1i. .-iemci'it -îuuiia c dic'iii the policy o iôt est (il lte Baiks, 1anme itoLatîs, tln ciM i l! l -vmJ- Ajiill mtceaA.elit I -.eg-tnt s. *d5 lu 'e o i er sdit-t c -cnp-te(l (fff u'xpu'uto-h wht'til %g'mt'tt vteart, îd' Ieut eli'aid' mas ep'rOCtircd, bt - îyllel thmmi a il pu saati. icil ias ie- iS esra ~eurî- to ii rie tiu~ o a iuc:îi it lir INso. The CQiiio.F;t ree iig c i-uwl ionIl ahrul a mu-t ut id ahter ne-cesîryi u1 iis t ihau urlil î auitl inneaciu Ie pçieune.Th;dpoil -. Is pu1b , l e.xatii 8, - îLei fl - Illeî);g aler4 ai l ruuirAIteyrn ur- î 1y anesA. 1P-nnr ( rt-mai ,-a cuiiut ii cri)aitortAtild fui-1 shwi irei ti ulu.ub t-9suiWl' lit irliieh h.i b Iyitiantitpr ail rhi î liemtta.4 t4uit a eiCvtutie TamRnv Mt. aucnCharmitioh he 0 . ii e .vd Caieci A.ablPheniiy in teeyuliek. -ttriwPo-r.Htcteîofitie aterpat Tnt S~trso Asizasfor lb Cauny of -uary-lse tioa* ha' ae acqiaune itîst., iso Iîr lite Holtu. Adait Wlo. h . leliHoi otLfttcMU-y & and l'ei thath otu. Sy ld S M thQ. C., ii u aiik hn& % -t 9iî-ttefataagnew - - .~. ~ ~ ,~ ~ kde oleta a Iedluitteils Cotitit vanii lon t jun'te uusîtvn _o. for whtii ~uin aiîntyLw--p a.LoTlclàLo.&.,c6, aie receivlng a he!ï'y tite e.tsn ary.-'Otiro Osmvru.rî-C t IT Wtought wê ave de»s ~e ~?iI&flaa~ aê 1od.THE LUMBER TKADE. 1885 188k h from eiperience in thiff ter bae ôoiré a~tpyf hè Ui.te O ay fe4 item If exprt ta the United Uf EU NATSwvho ae ufing from n"Y or the complaints We averèei*d aocfur whiêh iW la recatnlended 1wav depn R~aU1~ --~ om1*i.s.mta 8woij nberalid Lumbèr. 111.1863 the thigaSvrinRoev -Ién ueçon f <tÎçkm in îhe iseiglbbuar. VaýOe of hipmmits fooiedupfto 'rwf)i and a ~ udby itmhat.Mllon f ddIars. Nt)twithstaitdiwg Li, he ateOS &in eLaUCGSbhelO i. hèW dr4=ct be yBare no . 0 talithe fols, tDestroyer, in curing the« tiisCftor ain t~ )ar~eincrase w the anufature dur openi <wC o <reoamaended, and -is ionderfui Suc"in sui- .rWe Fom$-are W il lithe early part of!11864, the î,x portA 4 ti.a t i; Goodis, viz.:.4igtetruigpiso hua~ n W.nedà~ 4e aiv.dw4fl~ t> fi.year werel con4iiierabty .slhort of 1863, T Adu~it 4ii e ing trt9ous affions, ttt ~ and Eea..ry as M0 it *96 i8eiltinied4 etsouritit prhaps l'o1ýne unit a flai Mi -_ Ft -sR U high raik in th elittof rerie ifrthesetom..a tha berthW u îd -the iàe*W nffl Sorel, . dfot !dUi.T: almg<f as enirely re .sS til chenal du'Maille welle. ubinUeit Aitb u'ig tu the làigh, talé of ftid iliileIit îiea bons , .Im t ~Ousamle~~ Dealers, in ail parts of the -couîntry forfrtr Benierîtey a, who a d, the b&ke'r'I. ateid -ho(aet thaît pricel cof Iumbter hall DroI3 G000 ShàwliBnad1 ,ppies n btsicé lStOtf t ~r s h P a . i g a i 'rw t r u w ê l i f e e 4 p e l t d h . u e p o o t u . T h e a t ' i m u .si0 ~ r a t iý.d a c t i o n i t g i v e s . The Canadian Pain Desrdver tiCTer faithet &W. aru~~their relief, heastd by tth. c:irnequetmce %%as that the stock cariied aver *The s'nI. .a3tPain, Hosier Rlcnehieu Company, S5%, aid tIebo n. r. wavery liie. t o eis r.11,* iv mc.ue eie illeiie ienj Atmiosg,$S. E.L.Arsttog my, êi thtie -..ent nmoment ,irO4"keep il. 1hysiciaits order uîîd uei Mn ng1with.ta.itîig i$. e hired a boaýt, auJ Canlada Thret Mi1li0ons' of Dollars wouhIfilorfTogether witha lirgesoko aïvvl ewtotairoc r.n r u rt ,î~~?a~i ~rr~ Utlumber and tiinber puepart 1%r7 25 tdI ~ A ~G~ ).&îo cets.ldper1)tié hiorîng,îh~Ruhete9 Cnp.uy Stie~-în;eket.This isa v..ry <Prce nl 25c-ts niie placed nume othe' ia,6WsaZh ipsiU"uepiaau'i ! ~lhI t±isCf-tOUR CLOTII DEPARTM1ENT - ~ ITlR~ LMANj -à( the people iurel80 a ecuiderable uui triale io thé e utirali mtrnigveîîc)'or môi'iéy .î , > ~ ~~Newaî-,C iber owhpW" ata eri-iuer ta relieve dis- Its autvemgetît lu a market ratnioOtlait theri- Ias usual C Brition, 'nÔWî;ûti &rythig i ftigesa.-Biàs -1ailsis îad been sbas- fore la i mpart eaele. lruîately. file P.- tth Gont to'vrbich we invite Le a tteutiiut of Gregory, andt ýi MeJîidiça fl, "WE A If Èyvtrs. IOkod e.1OpiS,~..,laA peideti, b1 ' ~joainghlbsip.cs of a s ôd deaia it îIa profitaublepie f" auei ael re.I'.cion '(bakwwingt. »o îlliîas %jeon illet lte dute t> al>'uf he ouss.At 2 Iq'ckkthe are elçoeleiutt, îlot atow t 1th.e Iow tali iM e rnenThe aviatlînOuimeo uc ai 'edr sain e day the aa me.àste1or.t0ok provisiofs iti rgol'itàô%îo plevaililiibut tuction iii CottonGoodSuliettT0r dealeand ail ontad m reeehlUief of IhMe of which ithe fellowing-are the lprittipal: 'nfie <id. ier yad3 ÀTàfdaes on board, an p tieieail *uftéring frein te flood atChenal du Mujîts. Fir,t.-lt, la wellh 1knowii that ll TUE GB.CEAT ENGLISU RE.NlieIyard far a b'y oldraniigas to bu tueeaqiern .aketu of tire Uisited tit.'e?. O~PWEtTCGHS!,ADJPI8 a e seen but wvair. The pourhall-abanduned oeeilied froln Càanada*; the remnaiîuler heiuig M ELEBR aes FE.MA kEnPIL dtheir hufilésherg %bey had neither fire nur. priflcipally fro - Pen iscv ltia and Micllai-E1FM LE iL bîea, àîd ad4ko~arefge <tf ciereôrd n, with snail quantities frm Maine aniCockery a.nd Boots andi ShoeL.Ti n~îîd ~'iiei o,'?a L Fe -h minoua.Efnboe the wr 'Die w York. cure o.4 l tk.e infit a. atîr'sdtac foby illets pp er 1 lliories 0 îi Scn.!Ih upyiidaes'jatsWANT1 »!iiiittbîutcnl <itttoi houstes, ene oýi themn.aving as rftaflY aé 0 hogau e w aJî~ e î~aî Wantied, (Ii ek,50di)zeLî gi.lcirnt oeeriail ersc nirîoe U0 tepesell Id a5 ii.-Lîed r t tge. .New Jérsey, Pttn.sNvani. andi far- GLIS&LACSsR, tîcin, fromWttee asadaset w a s t t fe e t oud r w a te r, i el eti l e i ti l - l e r S o u h . is n tp re te d e i ite d y n a ll -fie c r a u r 'i d o .- ue ori». Ou Wed neffiayr about naun tige cure mai, Lrva. Airnebingni Wst31lai *idftonB. sky W citit uecâill bd. (.eleoh Ibe AI miBlock. &tUa iaîd ~~it It rsietutteonyecepin ti suenKt i tL, Lindasy. - O ARaIED LADIE ~ iceleuCo~a%~Mr Ss:eane, ~ig Thru.-rhe recetit flouils in, Penn Ppd~,Ap12,16.- èai uel nIttliy .-1 od -iti yulr, btrig awa y srgiil the fitmilies andaiiiajùl,- :i'd ready-inaille liambet-, aild. o ditn-'l Tî ~.J .MTwill (D. V>'lX vr lei is hul .t bIUkn t ;.ahevoud *a threnulotge. 1 av Mill - -4ari.tiarus lti i 1li î;i' ttetîc Tà Rat arcu; Piirugttantl, tutt i l St )Y-a reaady uuuýrset0 but belote auy of îî f ptyf.î'i VIùrn'-."Ort tnJLoIlx 1I-aven WOlSt01i)St utr ESlucho fîdbclt ortcwP. on]ite oi x. f"Irr uP ics l v xn . "r.lc: n ti ?~ t . . - ~ : i ""ow.'Laretuheiy >1fod ekiîi itleity, uI e c-att be itrauri fîatî 'a')'!he an éti trs wa caie r.aw y eailiuptSellu ititO7 I oi A'tirety l Lese- iye IA.tislM., arlt l. an hor2.3Q ;o n là buga l, 'Vss l i %-tit e -î- ci- fi: , 0î.rî irI îtlý<,vir.a'ît,.q .1 * Jt e w, it't W t ie f;S - t Bell e.i(t'ayoUrdligo tiipIliiii ,li4. but!w tui ut îî' , I e' p t-ftc"i' I I.' ,car, ii t. At.inwyslait)!î,lIt i er e we mer ms M4ýie a ie ite iwas w i Yuii titlI î!aîrv Iplit a ',<sl. 1tntlitibtic îiad dut Uri a"e ou L'l le del r.u'e ; fil,.- ii-iii[ttrasio'.rlud, ilfr. i .1 uî,ba th e t ut Ar. 9te0 v.11 . . A c i.t'!, nt-,td'ahi !t 1uA 0,eii iel ovrîre, ut ie cîîrus ce-- aî ptf.o ro k pna i.'to lc ii i ila li t arCttI3 prisr i le lîy tlt )IIe: r utiîri ilyirît tîit ()i STaIe ;u lifll.tlcotr. 1)-orri e,-Ae lie ~ gr "ît cra î îtc $it\î'k. P m., Illee f -'n .:-e. t rr.' e>"lo Ikeit u li-st Cr t tlie duc4ue lt wa- l1-tii i u Ilt. ',l. ?'. r"'!' - n ' cB'- v.tu- îtii l ~ î.ea ; : rti. Kti;' t'.'- c e v m-e'e repraiIeit byliie'"rmen ait..uat ftAep avtr, i~ail îvniî pecîpla I );î ;-îîît b :proli.1r -ti' led il Ile -cil,- ' s r.t, %Vi eu llei' mt i tid 1 e.-i trîg;idîI"v tii .0nir.vt hetîîi ; itîtiîîuî~~~r -feîg orwtiii ttî"-pet woea t-' r irtt st irolk p i .hed it i :,i tea ~ "~ .at l'5 tîr'îu. Nîgit caliti .,, a-il ~ ui1itJ t'i<'!i .îftî.î,lyL-~c; n-' l-fi iti-litt Iii et i .'.1 'ien ;i'>;î l ir.Il î:erî -) l cltall leýw aep it kî -c'.r- -i,-il'fil pr t v.tIN 111 E, hi-' R.v. I V 1S rt-0 Tirks.-- RATa-2 v-is ~n . itil it utris taihtei'THÉ F't'5tTvi') %V. RA[.t-F1, ý1ýS 1fil I r t : .-- il f'iiaîî i f M rthe , iii Ihe b e it ireaUti Metî, (ut10 uît ici o ttr'e.-bu'its:y--.tti --î i t. iI. -.'iii ; - -- -~4 T , .~ sîeaîcl i posibiyle Jby ier io i'h',aîhit i s; îta -'i .-t . :aîîn L tt td.-. le. jîjî'k up tll.aise eiiesI o i a e d..ruiil ti t e ins t!c aî it i it lo ch t"ae;u. ,oi _r ti"î't n li c or h t I ll- es. lin - t.îîF'It i .întri i w î r it l 1 -oea du 1ic t- ti a t. --- ; -.t ;-.I;,t:c-i ilr fagOtie i. iir is fie r » zeI t l întm--i lhn c.reî A aît i" m ~ '~'I i i titIi:' V tr lIIý a- - . a t.a.(' [1daiu 't -e Bloohe, rwheofîoiikwLia-ril A w!iic4rI wi acliIî Illen nl i te hrt ua -j c tpÀK~a.&' oti" r- .-a t.- -oîiig Vof Îec 111; biltroc si f ît- î o îr . - îcî '>mS'l'abe îik ii u e uyy.- vol! -J i i- fria î-t avil. t r:'i I al' a .tîîV:he. llr d itî l t. ii tI iii. i tt e ot,,a C xi î;taiyîîîgce rtl iIii iet', i i-uit-.îsiaueutsttV L A E F Ot-7 of itr'.i: -Iof'tligtt tn- i t etilie., Iîll urtr e er le crvheïhoh! îsi-r i uj.'ri t ciatruoaiisii h o" .1 i e~fii-i~ 11~3 o1ake orait (>luidt aetî t h Jai.ttenpc, the i, id ha\ ci i ut.ttiti A I'.R AV X f. îe- en.. -sar t twrsa i PU)it l i 't'u'.uai ii ii anoil rfi., Ii1tt i p-cci ,(xk, li' laslt, reorg N An;lçtt V I, e r.i In .'R t' the S 1'- -Io- cid . " SucI xýIt-i5 )ih t mî i-l o fl i 't vi ci;C.,- lî'- ;~ tt~ -'- 4 ~~~ ~ f i cle f te iîii--rtttii--- :. 'r - ". ., - ut.'rîigînui. AStSp-t tiliai i'-- ti tvasth' :uitt hhV --t.'îC s-COU!t-i tirii'SAd'rV mîe. pu Lu atce aueltîte tjIl ', t 'ilmf J aI - '. Mi lied usulî eîm tli 4 î>, 11 BI;et t'S îgs.e-i.'--r- L; t;-. b.:î,ea -( $-111.4'; 1cuit!.Uni-- aC ue uei toil uitC<it;aitttîrîoînnbi POGaut-OIE >' cl Laallalisîîcl upait t- u,,m'g ci.k 'r lGîEaT i zc-ur A A sii.Hi IU'iN'SplNMi2i \Lr0S - N.îrE. A ta- t'utt041.1bandd11tire utd_ i aiW~î bv he suinii nui wat4r. 'uîî ~.f mtip.imti~e-The Aio Ists nvclia -v t i ';. îiî~ton-'~i ~-- sdy- r'ta *~pltt. ~'tae ttiît a-h 'iert - i :t i le ai asg-o- c, Iebeta u i -u>efI-a-O ti' iei -IB1 e' UM i litF S .t ieic~ttîtx i - ng leietIt-,ttil aI l vit e., I 'îtr;-L L Lut aving tested it thorouidîlv, ftlid therefore tbosg - such ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e wr iîî>"-L- raiy httt-tai"'tire nit'i'-i WA E ),a(-Pl St.lie tmn-, ierr o eBeg'-riî4l, 1 aiti 44 SU lIlletitlos t n t lt -n.- hlite n [1tlU 1tN-A- i a ut!efr Iî tt -tîîii1 h ttt- arr te~ "jiixn ie -tt J - 'riiatl iré Pino ta. iI lti' Vtmfettvyit'ti i et-r r rl pût i'tA ' >LL INI'X .Fît iiîe ît îo oa-;' ~cai ievJi atPi-r- P-'rie s îioî'ie,. li hîî-it o î' itz ietigalroiuiar-et.t ItY tl L.'.0-- i J 'i"A FF !.S <j." A YSi CotteI, au-tr isptCtr.,rt-i.thei,, i appl ica<t-'i tinetv ratd c gvesditii U c-I-r'r l S t . :M ;Urt le o t etrzel'îit. Ehia r ita it anc.' ; îtr tt h i- -'h-peS Ilt1 sit u cl t-n i n NOTICB - -Tl iii P sili- fo r Oi) itiî Iuaii 'a >1Piere*hab; cti t I i .-l'e earii.!reil v- etlIic. o-nIttrsititt-lto r i'lN Futlî'liih lewthttnP.-of -,e eut'- te ytreitaislii- aso stileeuaretth' iTiisi- h itt i'.tl <f ' -aiti iîl&rS lt'\uJNC AFUS. -T ) CHci' &Vi - lttith v crtitd -i tie f) iuk o t f.-i a i'm .in a sin l li cdit ue ltuni.e. llt-1 î t.ieAi' j' ni ileter ,r i th e dht tct atWr ut i -ý1 e i î eii r t Itiiîlsle c t E l itii ova-sîiit mn«ktif.- tt.il - t iiiuc it., ic l i e 1 i % etl)siiieml - 'ire l ie l ' irle;clDti'i-ti' iiire RitNtx'~t 3tNL. ~- T E N - C O L H~ S, U~ E~65. -trrearanl ltW o em3 lo U .'(mi -IlmpktI *î lat lî.*.i lz- l -m i itii tî f e : t»r.. - 1 i le- ô ~ I A S 0. aI rniianul aydivi ls va -Bell tiNeaIthei Spitî Stoklo-Stt pI amîl autadeoIer anti- Fw t ;h e lr.'ptin oWserîi 221-24t- - ('it il' et~ of atIte laes. 'I'h fe -ely iai ' 'iïi &c.3tint 1 y ji4i Att3 s'lm.eil aUtili iia j0 Aning temcC iî.crirt ti..rtum ________E__ wiî ani iîviingas he itîht eai th IPîtt a'irîu sti s t eut Dý- l nicc -T imi on- e i e i- shfl;td Ile *tati, ong is, îl, ý'e T . o rt o e ii with stoks or er ntiv elrne iiiSone wha ai th 'ù,ecli to lu -r onrtgîo hhDe' mi.b'S-P, IlaNittr3 UI( u otjiits o ieM;iipîiyo E LY iIt-iii Il-- ttiWlbk, ar, t)elâleriii- -l c N ler s o s w l iev1 er ft;l i ttg iii r ifor duiyof hst vuskutil o! fnceswereMumireaiwi1ha hoeassrterla i JOAfi's eS cCloi Pr te Iie d, irecti f S be o.-entexsl'8aorig- tt"tii.,Iýeti L'y- the Xe t r c etai d V1rtuesand MacalTf URSD Y. lUth, îrFiý5. 2111i 1 -