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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 28 Apr 1865, p. 3

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to;nLN ontiin 0 Marîutu, Aril 7<<, $i5. 2i~-tt* aecs~aIl«f tt lst .viett v S landl. abouit Gu il ctus f wIl re'eleati ilsitulai tcd onth 1.1 A U TIt 1%-T hatik of, 1,p Riel-, il ood ti can- leetVr1 iîud tru <"lt dir(cti.4uî front the Cotunty Towal of fu .'i-tmi, t' .1 t1iu' S )liiimai, <il I .e~given iînMù1iedi:î , ilcî h î~<t.ni f,:iç~i3îi. l1 ý 'i te 2<1<1 . i ltteiulk1îîhl.- l'i'! 't Chtr (ilthu 210 !I (I A j 1. u ude -siu d F.' I ,-t-<ui iv, t ~ t' 1<4< <-s W e rî- ~<' i Il ".i~-i~ il it< Ititisvrt Ura t:dv l~~i-,¶îiîw'I"' I Outînte. 'i -- I - j.~îî>i ~ii-VT1lAM. F<ps. -Airil 14, î~oz, I ROYAL CeLLEGE CF SURGEONS, Lic,nitint in Ti-Iwifory (ýf thc- 7Royal C -Goleee oai, "en, n1tmd etc', cte., 03 (hildiiehh.t » Svî ge'r!1.- lidu'ifvriî rvd - Jh'îî,nforMe tilî Sutrgeotfin 11cr - -.aI<jtif/~ S< <i î e lin thé, cîi-ntea - To SELL0OR Eff 1.j-~.ay ~4<~< t hw-eIl .iTpt~l f,' a stork! or 't RIlh A g nt vi11l bo i iey iiitl. ?,,I-aî, X1r~ 4-1. - B<irs'x-ul or.', -~c. 16 'u< , Ifi~ I tMix Tiliaus ;kI\ li c' 1i ~ u!o' 1 <6-ii'. \t 1lil lo,'c v vury Tiiîtu's'h Alto, 'fou' n i e a frst oinqs PIs liing Mach int, to ut 11 e, for hll its valu-T.» M. ýS. -LISTI 0f' UT777. 4h )i. 1 N.t\P'G in the LA >. tOffice, t IX A piul, 1 î; \-,u-. rt,,' itinJ.hu~rn.MiMtrv 'A. ,ii, l, l Ibot 'r M6' iie hbîrti 1't. ti hiIliîîh .1 -!Ikluit .1,, iCievoruîgc 2 1D«gi3 b -.k1. 'r. ?h'îag D I.& . 2 in- irui, i.'6 c1 gu John . I tin 'eîrgo Mi:'îî. l hex 4~-hen lits.l'irltik-r A le. i .Ms't u, n-a iî'ld i, i enry l'ê'-a,îis îu o uiletuoe îu-t il please RAs . OG LA, NOTIC=E. Thei Court of 1tvision for the uiipnty of- 1, LA XTON ANI) DI1G BY v -tut ru 4wasdfd retPrîre 1aithe .griitural - K. K, PNCES fl< l:o iiformn his Fricîia-l tht flePl'lic' I~~~~I IV Il lif.rt Il î (Ifse i' rtu<litug Ilim~ il% î't'u tc, iti>- oîi<t ;îerîfî'rt iuouot; r ailior- d4.' ii-s l'îhxd i t- Ii l îîa b- fatvort-hIe ling l-î-'~iiil.-4i4't<i;<t l h,. tlt tiil h'îî T t<li ii 't' i.- ' Iluy t<îe î, iî iri<ie tal 1< g uîd t'lgt. 'tla- tî:owiiti i u'.' tn. ltie, nr<îre' ik-i-.aaa t~ ~ ~ ~ ~~IL lut. )liit oif . iif i- t!, îrialîIilul;1,-siiwîh'Mr. Franris itiC:f !~Ta--- -:t1- hi-tî'i i a t I lhuit r--i i î lor-'c. Iluthlui brtitifil alrt. - zti-t t -v lregu-iqrdt tabis Iheing ahie ho îfl ( c îl h tîg aplid. - - -ýý.-1-. TON, c'a SAVi~PAY, tie l3th Day ol? May, neit, ~Ifl a'rlu ei~, J~ ~I., cf ~ hh rît parmies inte- ~.ted ~ L~iNl ta te xe uot:ce and goveru enuaeii~~S. a ~LoIdiXigly. DUNCAN' G1LLF~SPTE, - Tuumship Clnk. Laiton, April 3rd, ~ 292-3t Xouey to ~~oan* B >~ri ~r i -a"- .~n ~ t~m - -~ ~ C~ o. -~ - -. 0 -~ r~ ~ ~ cuti - - cu -~ ~ ., n ~cu * - I-a 6 ~ ~ e -~ ~ -' r- -1 ~ m.4 - ~ ~"-'~Q -~ ~ ~ s, - c~ ~ ~ ~ * .~ o I..- t- ~ ~ ~<'~ ~ o ~-t ~ mV t.-;~. - ~ ~:t*'~ * -. --*' (1.1 List of, Letters E) .MAININ(; i t ht avasroTGX Post Officb IXAlril lst,185 Iirow.n, Iobert Turner, Willia m1 Bruce, Robert White, Davidi Caînern, Aiigus Wull, Peter' CoiJoli,, Iills, Edwftrd- Catiieroni, Peter 2- Wesýtcoutt, MNiàs Ehiza Cider,:Ihîbert . Mellin, Farqufia i- Cainîcron, ('apt. James MîonIMrs- Nelli CumpbelI, D ii ic a n ilDoiugh, blsil.> .1fuphiî,Jaes-A. McDonagh, T. J. Cam nphell, A lexanuder ÀMirEiiclàeiiitCharlottt 2. .Dmicett, rDavid ,McEtLelier,,,lames Gilahrist, Peter NfcEacher.,. Mss. C..eh. Gtiîsford, John * elittesil, Jýoha - Qillespie, Arcluibald 2 a Mihlau, lc Graxn!, John -* MMiln<Hugli G 1i hhetî, J. *MNI$an, icmel, Gratha&ni, Ditncan MçNabb, Aidr, Cardeit ILntigis, John blc.\abl), Dunicn Muuray, Wiliam *. ellt, Cdîmin Wm. linîrotWiliam MoRe, oli,, Mra 2 3lraAngui * Moue, John B.-IL Nlaybee, Nýrs. Mnria Niceae, Alexanderl 3lotuîgt>rmery. Ali. Md3lehieM1urtiu l'a rkhIll, John Iciac Jo 11: Sharp, J-ohn foPersed calt the arl pe s FT AR TANt>SÂ, A PUGeeFT 130K :on- ~%taining unie money. Theë owner cuti oh- tainthile ramne br pplîng to tht uiàdeisigned, én Lot No 20 i- the- 1 1û, Çnces4op, bMarpos8, THlOMAS TREi EAV M MioaAPrk l ih 1965. 2. N ~otice. ~T OnICE, sl ereby givyen, tluat tht'partnership - N Xhrtfr enishhug betweern the undersign- ed ns Mereiîantsftand lothitrsit PortHoi,e atid Litîd.4ny, îuitierthle name an tuisYle Of " IUDGE 1& piI"I'$)" w"-sthis day l)îissoulvOdby nix tual consenit. - AI eu,,t he llaté firm et f- DGEA P)ITTS," nt port Hope, are te ho paidt teJ' WVright, Bolieithor, andi ait debta d ue the. sait filvms etLindsay to e l iaidt eE Buig0.- - - --ED-WART> IIUDGE, - - TIIOS. N. PIITS. Wtts --J. M. 14.r Port Hope, 13th March, 1865. 29l-4in T THE COURT OiF REVISIOdN- LUTTERWORTN, ANSON AND ) WNDEN, will bpelielti aèt tiehont ofetMr,- John Mitck, Guil River Bridge, ina the Town3hup et Anson., -on- Mouty1 The Pirit day of May net ccimmencinî ait he ur of ~&les tc tvhIich -ail portiel $ateréeteti Witt please take nlotice anti govern themnsl'vei e.cettinugly. 1- WM dMKELVEY, -Clerk's oficr, &nsorr, Matcb Z4t'0-. 27 AT -- KET STREE T, LINDi 4y- COINFECTIONERY, Sweet meats, Fruits. j 1Teas, Çoffecs, Girice Tuba ccos, anti Paùc.ý CigarsOf.the bet Dra flt. Causl it Cad*OUl'#!, - J. F. IMSON." T'le t suucrihber deý,irm,' hoinform .-big frientis 1 iirk,.s tîkrru hy Mr.-Frîsncis, o«1flnt- Ind tise 1pubic tiat tut cintinues te kêeci'tho Llsy,0h cWr164 kgidtl& 1lha ve seen froi-ou ma o r 1f e-t ho1 e uatest iii tiui mth comfortçtble __________-------___________ Iteries. - c srnages buggies, conrtantly on hantifo Win. ?e>NE L." tire. iGREAT SPRING NUMBERSý!! a-rtii piîttrîpsof M. -ranecis TrtaeteayMorte-- tasz t rue as uuy 1t have' ever seen --i;WRRIN RANELtSLIW8 LADY'5 MAGAZINE, alla 1- have sveeuîsoutle- of thet anest. ___________________________- forÀApri, pi-il'11h,1865 ' 29 A î GObEY'S L.&t>YS forOOKl JAIlIslJ Mlii a GOOP FA:nm iloùR tLE - - -1 MAA RFS, RE1qo lOT NO 26,<CON. 4, DAME DEM ïor-T in ~luthe tow.nship, of Fenelon, Couinty ot ENLII:OAM' MGZTE RN 'OUSALES Victorii, of whieh Utré a"e Sixty Acrescea r.. - -fr 8ih ed ad uner cltivtiomThisl"& iwill b UBýS(IIBE'R offrersfor sale, 001,soltii-te eaaelots if desireti, os, tishe P on Lady'* Frit 7,LeBo % om alantita&U the Itnt Magazines, Peni*di- - il l <c ttV'uist hililf cf the hat pîrclastr : e ot part Cutains 100 acres,# t >T -2-7, 7'fIl , CN(<FýSl01OtF of whirch 10 are -cleareti antis. log bouse there- - calsa nd Newspaperu <of tht day - wilti 'l2 illes.cf the floiirtslutiiK otb anti wiIl le ..saisIselaraty if desireti. #theb IANDSAY 800K STORE, Kent ex. Jutiay auu-the Bubeayga-en oa<. Aise O t No 57, sentit sMe of Portage fload,--- ,AY about .44) acres, leard, and wxell Township of Elti, <iouuAxy Victoia. fLnd"I,I.wth 2,-1 6518. 200. he soU l s day, and wel watered. For particulars-appîy te ' 4 o the o1Wner, nt>the penxles, - J M SHEA?& , Qoliitoè. ~ ~ a. k ; w al îa *M ai fwer -~~~~~t JOUNEÂTEOIf. vn.su,. .h&»i iset. Ad1 A*u Y et. r I. r, Aie,_Aie. A LDELLS AE, n kgsquarter brs ai. Wbris., at b. AiseXX' Aie au DoOX XN&IBLOCE 1 r GRE.AT GIFTDISTRIBUTION,4. ýWATC1HESI CýHAINS, UlkMO#D IINGS$1 te., &c, worth over ON E M 1LLION DOOL LA RS, Alil t1o ie sold for one Dollar Each! 1wu4 làbe Pîiid uattil.yoit. 4nuw tOtai yôv are lbý SPLENDID LIST Or ARTICLES. Ail lu o soid for $1,00 Edc'h. 250 loGen tel. GoUl Uuni g -Case Watees 2~ Ldis'GolIdandi Enameleti Case Wa."tche»s, $ to $70. 500, GentsiuigCacSleWahs 35 te$70 f200 Diàmonti Rings, $50 te$10 20OGolti Vest aud. Neck Chiains, $15te 30 dols. 3,00 Goïiolti Be!and Bracelet,, 4 ho 9 dols. 5,00 Casc GotiBrocelets, a to 10 dols. 2,000 Chat,ýlgine Chuins anti guard chuiins, 5 to 26 dols. 7,00 ~1iair dgold'brooches, .4- te 10 2,000 Lava md ,Florentine Brooches, 4 te 6 us LltOf Lotters ý-T)KAIM iwthe. Liseay PotOffice,, ArmoIdCtheriné McDoald, J. L. wEbVlo Inm S. MCallob, WM. byrn, Patrik bMeKinoua, Alez C owen, Mary . igù - ?lcit e Crawfrt, Sarah B. MoLennen, Kennetb, Conneli,Thomas McGrath Terrence Graluam, Fredri* MllGrutgli, Michael, Gnrham, John& Marial' fiat,, John. Biartigrave, Wm. P-îmyter, Waerman Hatlon, Thomnas PI*yter, Ehi Leasten Hugb Fugue, Samnuel te,-ani.B. ana'htine, Cyrenus Lu~ieA .,LWalsh, Paseick Meaghe, Wm. WardelMisa EUs Morrison, John Wynn, Robert Morrison, James Persons cailin-g fcor theabove will please aak for ativertisei letters. T. R. ADAM, P. M. B&.11 T. AIZTRONYv& 00.7 Mfanufacturr# ofJP-kograpaic Matriezl. WHOLEBALU AND ItETAIL SOI SROADWAY, N. Y. N addition te our maiin bsiness of photo- eMM , i Mieriai,, we are Heatquarters fer the follnwing, vie, Stereocopes and &lereoscopic tew. f these we have an immense assorment, in- clnding War Scenes, AmericanL andi Foreign Cities sd an tniseso,G.roups, S'tatnary, &e, Ac. Aise, pevolvng Stereescope, for .pubiC or privaýte ei.hibiion. O r Catalogue wilI b. seat te ay atidresa o receipt.cf staup. PHOTOGRAPIITC ALBUSIS. We werê tlefirt te- introdue these intb the tTnited Ste tes, ande manufacture i'nmense, qnntiesfgrat xety, ranging in, price .frm*x 50 cents toi$0eah Our ALBUMS 'îave the rep4tion ofbeing superior iu beauy ad drability teany other., The> " will be sen t by mail,.frec, on receipt f price. FlneAc bunu made te Order, C A RD P Il 0TO.(;RAPHS. Our- Catalogue now uîrceovrfive th.ou- sand diil'rcncsnhiec ,ts (to; whih additions are. 'Continually beig made) of Prats f Emi- 100 njo-Ganerls,20 Brig-GentraIs, 25 Coloiàels!, 14)oLieut -Colonels, 250 (ier Officern 75 Navy Ollicers, 55') Statesuien, 130 Di'.ut, 12-i Autchor;, 40 Artist, 125 Stage, 50 Prnmineit Women, 150 Promi- neni t reigt Portraits. 3,000 Copiea of Workç of art, inluinig reprodii tions f itht most celebrated en Mmvigq, P in i k tau e,& . Cata- logiies snton receipt uf Stamp. An ortie- f 'r 'Ont >1) zcou Pictures fi u-n otîr Catalogué will be .tillcd n the reccipt of $ 1.80 andi sent by mail fre. phoograpllers andi otlîerg ordering goods C. t.. will1 îdese remit tvety-five per cent. of- the amouitwith their ordèr. E.11-, T. ,INTTONY&-00.1. Maîufactun'r qPhotqripic Materials, bot B1Soàl>WÀY, NEW YoaK'. * r"The prices andi qualiy of our gootis a- tot f'ait to sahisfy. 9 -y - Farmers Atteiition !!1 Tht subsciiber desires ta inform tht customers of the late tii-m cf as well as tht i general publie tîtat he is novw cam-ring ain thec Harness anti Sadiilerybusineq - oi<e'I 0u1 lis Owut ui%<iuitt, i tite «d stand ad- j iii b g <t e stor(t if 1 V * -fi. cl- l Ca , WiiliainStreet,,Liiideay, isitere lit '.vill lie glati 1 ave il vLi,ifrr'm everycu1e inî%vautt of anny* ti ing in i ilite Wý'<rkiîrg olosvîy a itui s hlimseIf, andi emplîayiîtg noue -ut ex1-rienced wcu-kmeut, andl btiiig Iiinîuiteriiel for ceush, lie, is preparedti o ofk-r the followixîg hmice lis.t fur tht- considera- tien cf inutending turchasens:.1 .Goudt1 heav.v 8 ilort-Tig lu-me.ss with - hîtîvy HMes ..... 1........... $ 18 oi.ong-Tiig - do do do do 20 04) 1H oc(k Harnesas . ...... ... ..... 1 0( Set of higiit single fiaîness, ýw.ith raiseti traces, roîir.d iu.s, and htp-stu'ap, anid fmncy tiihle ..... .........18 e-01 A gond serîsiceablle double set f ceai-se- - fines, (mitahie for.a bugev on ight 'tyotk) with crupper andi hip-strajîs, round lines and fancy Briie. . 25 00 AnI evenythng ini proportion. Repaiing executei neatly, promptly andi THE, [las, eve-ry modem re-1 quiitefor AND ESTBLI$H ENTLînadsay. Ajiril 12.184 'ESTABLSHMENT NOTleIvrvCEp he xr euitable for Schoc)l llouses, Halls, te. Âl» a large lot of CookiigStoves, - Bo'x and Parl'or Stoves, ho Le sold at tile lowest figmre-for cash, hefÔe j the firstof Mmrcb, ah tht STOVE AVD TIN SHOP, WILLL.4M1 ST ]BOst coal (>ii OU Cau4s, &c. &c. ah lowest-retail 'trices.. Cash raid f >r Shiecp ztkins, Caif skias, old EDTILIR-D McFEEL Y. f Wiiiiarn Strpet; Lindsay, Jan. 2G. 211865. 484 Xouey, te Loau. IT E1NDE-,SIGNEI) is now prepared lFor LOý Cou Lair aid IT. kp ~~,O0Q CaI P1and Emerai Boce, ruhsCtîs &.&..kept constantly oitI 8,0 Moslaic e, aaaniForsio a ana anti solti very chîeap- 7,Sto CusaI, Je, avan EaôreuiD r,-anntth anti Cutter Tl -id fCýigrimming -db,) CrlOplan-Emeraldti iEk, A cail is rez'pectfully soliciteti. Io6 dols. 4,000 California- Diamond flreast Pins ý2 50- JAMESLOEL 10 dols. -Lnsy eone 1 Si.2~t 3,000 GâdM Pub anti Vest Wa.tch Keys 2 50 4,000OFob-.andi Vest lkibb-en Sli-des, 3Ste VY ~* 6 0Sets of Solitaire Sîtevo Buttons, Stitis,EXD I O S ta. St 8 dols. ~C1YRTAlIN CUTIR FOR' BTITOUS- 3,tî0 Go'i titrîles pci, etc., 4 to 7 dols. NS, Lieer Compl-tint, anti fysîtepsia, 4,-00,Muiaur Lookets, mtigid sp)ritg, 3 te state of thtelloiid- fc I du15 - $old by the pint. te 3,00<> (<bld -toohhpicks9, crosses, etc., ý2 -ho,8 W. BROWN, o,000 -plain golti rinigs, 4 te 10 dois. Prepared aftd Ria 5<000 chaý,etd goMtirings, 4 ta 10 do13. W.-.- MTRed L Hîî fr, lo0,o>g6ld set anti signet rings 2.5,0 te 10 lbia Hl. ls.-- Lindsay, l7thhjne, 1894. l000Cifortia- Disamond.rinsi 2 te 0 R N T N 751sesladies' jewetry-j<t andi gcld , 5 te DeuT$ I Y- tW 15 dol. T Ihjwjil I .là 0xx0 Gold FPens, SBilver extension helderam '~ V AL'I ~ . ird î,ienciis, 4 te 10. dols.- 0 EE R ' 10,00 oli' ous ati oll nmtetaderB, EGS te rehurra bis sincere tbanks ho the .ln- ant glt etesuon boîtiers, habitants of Lin'dsay anti snirrotuin 5M(00rfoltl pensadgl xe countr'y for tht extensive patronage whule vur 5,000o silver goblets anti trinklng en-ps, , té~ iting the place3 andi would aIse to lm i (Itils. iVcr cators 15te 5 dol, bs openeti a permanent office in cha rge cf âMr. 50 dois. VH. Cerbet, late asýsistant with Dr. Daty, Den- 000 Bilveir fruit anti cake- basketg, 20 te 50 tit, cf I'ing,.to.n. Thet business *iIl l e con-- & i GUoR * ducteti ýýrentier the Dame anti style ofr Xsr.T &HGu A týCo., 11,8 Tlroml- o'DÔNNILL '86OORBETT. F U' A L K IN DS <'iN'w Yoirk, exteniv' matuf.utturermsanti imtottrs cf till the leatlitg auti math faihio u- Ai paID n performeti on thse lattest anti- a4ele styles of 'WATCHES AID .TEW- ms eeuii ~iep knowî, t'O the profès- LR.dirin z ho increiLi' their business ho sien, anti war-mintcd te give satifaction. an urnliteti exeènt, biaye i'tolved upoea gret until' futrtl ntictîe, ,Mr. Corbett may he uftisrib -o, u.tc othe r eglatiens foi- fonndt".Ilr. leenan's office, lut tet - <î<lir. ,a- .CertiRicates, naming e«Ch-article andi it Yva..lis visits as9iska!,Vii::on, the- fr4 Ttiurida* usar plce it S1<ld -Eieope*,anti eflIni each month aâtiromain -one week, wheu bho nî,xeti. one' ofthese envelopes will b.amutb -- tiî ni ilte mcv addr&'ss.on-rciytCt of 25 cents.EXRACT TEETH WITIOU( PAINU AU rtcle sli al m 0 114 llr acki m -- __là;._____ sud egad l value.- tdw yen- are Roinug tobe hOant i ti it lt at yeîtr 31< fliiestord, Solicihor, J. Gallen, Depuhy, Sher- Ophii t tÔend tht dollar andti1take th. article UV. G-to. Rem pt, T. Keenan, J. Dundits J. Leni- ®r net. Ptirebasrs msyý thus obtajn £a Gad, han, W. J-. 1obinion, J. B. Knowlqon' kGrame, Wa'hDaoni Ring, 0< Uniy et of Jeiwel ' L. A. Cadweel, A. Wright, Esqs. co r uI-ist.for ont dot-arv ant in lueM ýe 1,r. Corbehi 'wmxld offer the. follow'ing letter --a they get lesm tb ui enade11.triiwortb, ai thtre oe, recommeuidation fionuDr. Day,' Denhist, et are.-ne blaa. The pri.oeof Certificates 's as igseanidin.addition thé following refer- - nç fùr îw.nhy-ê!mLo dollar Rfi-tn ti en for two ollars; thirty fri ve dollars faré,-Rinig a gïoti knowlenge cf Mr. 0. TN. siby-4ve iir un dollars ; (t huMttdfor fit- Gorbetit iuring bii$ stuitls with me, I; chéerfülly tien dollars. il-recmmeut bimt ho the publie- as a Debtiat. A geis i1Ibe allowtitoni *ihon Uwry both Surgical: andi Mechaniieai. oerffmiate ordereti by ibeut, protidet oir re- ---B.'W. DAY, M.0 nutt&nte ainoumtoiteone dollar,. Agents wiU "Deùtist, KingîonY cehlcI 5-ctghsfbr e7very teocteanti remit :-r.ge miW lo ' D i r j~~ ~ us otheina 0-uh.r postagecaP.,u/~l8rlc~tSi h amsU iC ~ ~ Cl T. & - GAOJIA.Q. Reily, Esq.,, Roi. J. GemIy, Refv. 1r. Clark- 2914 lu r.aWAY, New Irk. Kaao~ ILaC rse, G. Dorer anud etise vlb.eilieit.$1n erPtw. LU4£7 -v Tb -e or znutaIl arnniS te Snit appuyaRnts ah )w RATrE (iF TNTEBEST. - For fartlier partkc"lars- apiy te J ESHOLDEN, * Prince Albert. Algo, a0,000 .oActes-eT Lanti for 'l in thei =,tics 'of fJn*riu, Peterbhorough, Victoria, Lmbhon, Kent. F.sex, Grey, Midd lesex, Perth, NSUAN eS çected aah motierate rate!R. 'r ci. Albert, Marci 10, 1864. ýTEAX-JBOjm& NOTICE Tite. fast scnling risse Steamer -CAPTAIN GREF.NWOOD,ý il commenee rnrining te Rochester, on blarch 27th,1815, .-umjil f-:rthcr notice;-As fî r VERY 1 UirmAYs WEDK<IESý-AY AND) FRIDAY MRIG .e-t., 'n t flope -ah 9 ',0, A.. i'oct for I'ochiester. arrnving there in >rîue to o' ect wita sthe NeV York Centzal Railroad r Ne vYork, PhIilatigi-hua. Bautimore. Wasiî- rgton. Syracuse, Buff'slo, Chicago, and i oher )i_..- Fazt mcd We"h. Pas-zenzers ffom thte West via Grand trttnk Iailroati. will take the Steamner at Cobourg, -cmr the Eýash will take the Steamer ah Col- Returr.irr the. .rénmer cril eave"-Rochcster 'rery Tue-tiiy, T1îtr'-dutY, andi Saturdar, at 84 D' c1cl. A. , for the abové e mttioned placeq coi' ntctingvwi 1 th te(' ratd TrunIk Railway, for Ill points East, anti West. For forthe r ipforni'tiOli, enq uire, of A.,Ccbi- mn-e, Portiiore. Ch'.rles Elliu.th, Cola ýu"g, or J. Keeler, Cý,s1bourne. .CÇbourg.. Maich 1ith, 1i%5. 290-tf.. UNI)SAY AN!) MA-NLA S-TAGE LINFI N T 1L FTÎTIIER NOTICF A STAÇE 16will 1cm vo Fournier'S Hotel.IidaVr <i wful inorning t h6 coc.rý'aéIiug Mietilla in tinte te caiinur't with.ftue stuge for (-shutwa, tVhithy antdiY1'oruertofl. pehurning'lCIeVt' F'eniton*s l,,Io'elarillaý. afrter the arriva j cf tbe ,Staget-frenom hwWih at eetn ar riving SLha at nio 8 o'ck in the evening. Fmi-es rPutipflale. 'lie propre'or wil! net be responlsible foi- parcûls, or-bage. ge unies- book. eti and paiti for. GOG I~NEL Preprietor 1LrndsrtvAr 1 84*3h 1qONEY TO LOAN ON EABY TERM. - .Appiy ho NKONEY' rTO OA AT 8 PER. CENT. . ORpar'icul ars apruir ho 1Lindseay, Jgn 21, 1964 24t 11~C!BEf5 hVE - PRIVATE - F n S t i nv t t o n l tulr v d F a rm P r OP - 1 ert nds at uvrate (if iuteft5t. 1November, 83 1 Zip 1- GANÂBIAN POST" - JOB PRINTING eý ý- A erry Grsta Happy New year* ~XifLtenderinlg*bis 1thanks'forlhe liberftl w~ support extended hlm wlîile id basines, the subscriber would invite the Attention of hW# customers ad publie te ii ofvarious sizes, andi sfflrior.qnahity. Privae Parties, Te&a-Meetings and SOiret . snjvplîed onthie slortest noti-e, andontht mo favouralile terms. Candies, Craciers,.Biscuits, At. ke.,, whe-' sale. and retait. ' Spleùdid Oysters regalhrly 'received- during the seamon. À rai invited. GLOtRGE GREGORY. Lindsay,Der. 22,1W4. 2Tt F011SALE. T HIESuBSriflhlTTrocers for SI& Lot X a. 9 in-the lst Con. of the TOWNSHIP 0F MARA, CO. ONTAIO( Situatediin tht cntre of agood ettlemnt,itnd * within 3 miles of THRE SAW.%IILLS AND A GRI -T M[L The. Property. h approaclied by gond R<tadu, and isj within j tif a mile of the The tand is of the BEST-QUALITY, andi th . Titie is indisputable. Appicti1on may be made- te Eldon 3Milkq, Balser . t>0 or to the propriptor on the preises, DONALD loIIAF, - - Talbot Rieet, Xm. Mars, Jtlne ?Y. 1864 20f H.Umphreyi 0 rF ErISTO THE PUBLIC AT TUE LOW- j est living rries, the choicet selectionof To be foirati anywbere ii the county. FLOIR, INMAN MEA. FEED- AND VEGETABLES.* (~A CALL .SOLIClTED. 4 1

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