j'. s a ntsd y.Uow, hW d m4 *, 4 Mlts, gavsj hamasrd md sr.i e evy tog0 an lsto Wd li.m«d*d, bsitod, boog ht, and moli, Sto«, bonow'd, oqnndrd, dloI.d, SpSum'db>' "heyoug, haggd-by "I . ad To tb. 'voy Yuig.of the dIIUoIK7UI4 a Gl1 G4Id 1 ol 1 d! Good or W as tomaad fold 1 flow videly itas gsncles vry- somy to-to ruis-to ours-tobeSs-ý Ne Mmvsttp.d wfth the unago of Go<qc Qocon Bou, An Ân4 ow of aBIWny Mary! »NDREW JQHN#ON. Our' 1the ablie. ý flot Doz- jsas kit is a' great ifle when 1Imw byhim :When a10W, sir, we :Good for SI H- a tM'11 y dollars, an( idollarsý, tbe» lars, hwmue ransaction'? flfteen, dollar ïs) can yuLI said the ýaper in giv prent uce, up-distr ýast'-Ilet' y' Hunt' o stick and -der' wbviic sh your l er. and< the eared up.1 you thi] who wasc ")s Ngturai ie Iaws oc, ýould you il atch on t]i k" answei eciou.s lue, id a blael as -t.hey fl [use '1 can red skippei bat Potupe ut to, close -Min ded -Ii Say$ "Ple Li-eten tolen 1 lecovit the beggar- ,00,000 'isels d especially ý bhch at eputat ion to 1 bridegrooril hemn the slip- y 'refuse' the L Vice-President -of the United Sttes-wbo noW,,by the provisons of the Constitution, becomes Presi- dent-was born' - AÏ_Raleigh N. C., December 29, 1808. At thé age of four, he o bl hs tther; ýat ten hc was apprenticed ta a -tailoir, w.hom b. served seven years. hie1eýrn- ing 'bis -trade, healso erd to read and la emphatieally, as Wae bis la- mented predecessor, -a .oelf-taught. man, and of plebwanoriàgin, Il, 1824 he went tlu Laurezs. Court Hionse, S. C.,_ where ie 'Worked nearly Iwo years. 'ln, May 1826,'he.returned to R.aieigh, where' h e remained until Sepleiïber,, wben, hearemoved -.o Greenville Ternu. Thre.firs t office bc ever held was.tha:tof Alder man of the village. e w as- re-efecteà twicle, and, in. 1830 was .elected rnay'or. In 1835 he was elecied Io the 'Legtsature, ini 18S7 was defeated, and in 1839 was re-elected. la 1840 'lie served as Preuidential elector, and canvassed tbestates for the Dem- ocratiç ticketi-. làu 1841 hf. waselec- ted, td the State Senatel, and in 1843' 'Was sent to the Congres, where he served nîii 18563i. lu- that yeoer bc was elected..Goôvernor of Tenie.,Se-e1 .and again in 1855..i He vwas in 1851 chosen United States Senator for the Jlit te'rm ending March- 4, 1863. When Nashivillewas 'taken by oui forces in the Spring of 1862, 'lie was made Military Governor by the Pre- sident, November 8,. 1864, hc was elect.ed Vice-P-residetit, sudsuccee.l- ed to the Presidency by thé deatho] President Lin-olin,.Apri* 15, 1865., ýA.CONTRAST. etioi5t I Whi le' the world lendures, flhCfl 0! ltiorla' ail nations vil read witlu glistening =VYiCtiQfl eyes and ihrobbing hearts the narr a- tive of!the105ofo the Birkenhead in Savannah Table Bmy-how when it was known ed upon a that the WOmnen and 'ehidren -on. iltiary ab- board could onily be. sâ,ed7 ,by thej rant. "Il Britisht ere wand regiment sacrifi c' .ltwon 'i in- tliemselves, 1the -grand seif-sacri- General! fiee vasaepe'w a cakim hero- la crsz, lîsm never ViaId.Te drtims ihe was tea1, the troops *dre.it up on deck i n stIand by solid colu in, arrncd and acciintred, herman. the cet.\vdtvoîed thetuseives tb se- Sells bis cure Il1î. safc'uyof!Ille %vorne n and id u jsitchildren ; andtdheln he last boat de- 'li oes e tig in l1er fume wvent down, and die- It looks as i1 .rl ig py i l deil, there. -, but hie: arose f-tom thatJ heriole columun- a peel- 'tei howing elleer, and with âne instinct, ere- the waters clused, every gun was- 9 raised, and' a v4d vollr.y saluîe'd printer cf dieaîh. S ý iiar heroism markied the tingdirec- Isby fire, ! . f . US. Bomhay, "Put Ilhe :nd liasheen ' evinced a flosand. lie .g'aleYs imes by Britislh scamien and. troops ri'hute thei-t i"l'ke cases of sudden and ,teérrible up a Ellei couragexwhiehaver-efromsrf-t iiniers' isesequal toevy ctrergency, gives a Dut of Ille cool brain and.càlm .p!ise in direc t 1 conclUde danger, recognizes the dâIîy of Ille h 1- began nent, and las not: a thcîug-ht for, hiands and selfunuit-thiat is donc. Similar dis- en see -that asters on -board 'American xessels .'i') have betn characterizt'd by pianic nk,1 now) ' Ji (ldeploi'abIe eefls; lite leading> exaunig teature froru the Catastrophe of the Li Thioy Aretic 1Io tliat. o!the General Ly. [cause suid w-as that tlite-,,ome'f andi chuIldren t inic if yo.u Were left to pe 1r isil, .while the înen- lie street'?", druwned one anogther in ttheir frantié red a stud- efforts-to save themselves. Tihis Js Cky fel'Iow" tue-contrast betlveen an emotionai . k-Sig, and an undemotional1 people ; thé one k îwvar.d is. maddened by dang,î the other i 41 in With a calred.-O tue frive. hundred pass- wi.ili YOi engers on board the, Genéral Lyon, forme to de ýnot thirly are known t10 be Saved.1 n>l write." The captainü1 cificeris, and- part of the r -M nlied) crew were-the firsteto'qieze thue boat S ,ey dictaied. and abandon the burning.vessel with 1P Ille let- - t fre ioht o! life; but crâzed wit h mlrn timt Le fear; l'haîr.boa ts drifted under the .ese ' .-t ~èrn, and.%eresiinik by the serew. 0f thirty wornen. .and -twenty-five c ent donkey .children, al perished, li ihout an at- o le ma-teMpt lbeing iaebsave îhem.. 'er crps and. a' Il ef, 'and AN ExAMPLE 0F PEiRSEERANcE. i 1 uet lastac. -Edward'Livinstone, afier.a labour o! two yearq, had Prepared for the May sLeglisitureof Louis ana a coruiplete th the kitten code ofecri inpl laws in bath English lier int- aud Frencda lauguages. Onme night loie retired, after sitting Up laie 10 put lurt pus>;tW" tttouchiouhis ork A .lar îd ethe 1wrk randie." o!f fre-awoko im and.'le rushied to. his study to finid alil lis labouir re- yo sould -duced tb asiles.. He, vas si xty years 0 iZforehthey of age, but -ibe nexkt nrornig, noth.ing. rendered b-' dad byn bs act -mlslap, b. Bat tht>.ý I-h clw o recommence hia 'work. In )nid$pspn twoyears more ibterdcion was* ýnile' f cotittxmpltée-a phonxc hthad n ia $ully - -been destroyed, aiadian A ese y ag ber of the i aibtnt fHlf x Il- *tIU~, fA El STASLISHUEN1 Les every modern Ti quisiýtefo IR?,CUR3 AND' EXPED1111OUS PIINTING. OF1 ALL TUNID -w-w- EoEce- E STJCTOIAq IKTD fom the dsL MarÀicets, is 0 the ja le*t, sêyl« *aud f*lwaes of AIT fias aàvw nd spI.ndid stock.of BLACX- >WIAN4DO>( ÂDÂT DS, DOESKIFS, FULL- sww ~ m mtise az 4 aucy Goods Deuartments. ~ al b.ljlthsMad -F ty..thst a 'Custome! could * ~api*~' aii~BLU, A]> ROWNBLANKETS, - dmb à* vii di.q.. or *m.p. __ lIE~ ~~~ ý.M B ~EEl ETN VERY DAT, ând sold st asm1=1l Adraýnce for S4LTII SALT! SALT. I*Oau'~,101 U1,0 san4 ln. sait. A Liberal Discount. ROBERT ,SPIER.. Cor rStore, .Iams'-Block; Kent S.,Linda Yp 01. 1, 184. * 210l-tf WEBSTER' g8 rosr1 ion )s. g.. J Wr FiA ~uut Uadp *1 4 'J' B- L 's 3* 641 AI FI "9. pi M. 'c (7 ai '1~ c 'i ci 'I IF YOTJ 4ANT- i ho advertisee-EEBE.!ACL- D'AE.vI1 TUPAC-1 BEGS TO ANNOMXNGE TIM COMiPLET-ION or, flTs \!.Y, sllci: 1 -ov ~T~P~ANI)I -ANi,.fYY le Woul>id direct particular, attenthu ta the!r.great va.î '<yçj Copaiminn inipart, of Lace Nublas, Sntlierliind 'ii r CJ k L 'idClI ie Woolen SftkaI loods, and , l oe>n S<imls ;nf. g't'a :r. îv. <Gnttleineuivili hnd à -boite lot of Fancy Tweeda and 1)ueskins Qft the hast quaLiity 111d(Ila c~si les. Asuul is Stock of' GroeerieS, Grockery, and Olasswarz wltlbp fuundmwCe1 a-ýsürted.- Ht, rould direetapci attention te i Lare ad Yery ,.Sup3rioar Sto-cliof Teas. È. EST COTTON YARN. KEPT CONSTA<NTL-Y ON IAD .t V'A y VIIl IOM FURNITURTZl__FU«"âNIT. RE! fr'eM DescripUeîbt, .alitaE .111 pè'jce r1¶ HE. SUBSCRIB ER, OFFERSc FOR. SALIE T UE LARGE;SI N BEST Slected stock of PAR L<UR' DINING, .%Nl) KITCHEFN LOUR19 DINING, AND KI'UCFHN T ABLES, BAIl S-OFAS, COUIllES, &- LOUNGES, SD-IARS BUREAUL &CUPBOARDS., 9 MATRESSES 0F VA le b QUA1TI~SCOMMON BEDSTEADS, FO0TgT,)0LS, &o.,*&o. Artols e' l..bee ad nwaet dasignu a wa*kept on had,.and will b., ~. o~.,,..carqwayaitewdd ~<~ ~Co1In.of ai es kepi oeiudty - a..mbr~AJolINGTHEE-NGLISB" GHURCH.: ue oeiaeplie p.-.-' TI BELl. SI 1111 Y1"I 8T~ ON'ICET STRUT NOW . ccnpied b.y Drakte à Foiey ab a Hardware Str.Ters= inoderate. Posesion giTa. n 0o ih. lit of ctbr..ppl7 te W. J. THIRKELL, MedicultHall ust2,16.tG-f M ONEY rTO .LO AN AT BIGI1T PER VENT. - A PPL;Y to G. DORMER, - S9oicitor, &c. Lin~sa, Spt,22, 1863 25~f A WORD TO0 VOUNO MENS T lIE man who would prefer one dollar to g.two, would i>y consmon consent nc voted a lunatic and void of good sen se. Yet there .are hundr eds ad yeupg men iorkinig ltR a a-- Iaryùf Two Hugidre& Dollar;s, kd even less, who migbt by devoting a few montha to ob- taining a.Busiliesa Education, at a. amall ex- a c '1 P~reTou in .<IoRky? A WELL SPRING 0F HOPE. FOR AUL CAM. BE*FOUNDI-N- HOLLOWAY P1 mount. -The lphice_ where such an. education an ha obtaied at a cheaper rate thah a iEFGO IIETU lKIG-' where cOsein tbis 'Province, i LOsOD-IIETF N THtE SYSTEX OF 1\STRÙCTION -PrrtsVEYS DIXTil1 Ictual Business Dprmeti0 oliays (i1tn .. -OF TaHis COLLEGE, 's pra.ctisd nowhere çlbe -and L.y it the -student 1 C"n obtain a-tborôugbIY Prartti, KAouoledge of The bi5toT f thceegrrea t eniedieS ,; iii every kindof business t nae IiU o'et- mot'vunerfl edical rmvi:lti(ii A . t tlithu theý tinse required by any other, meaus: The world bas eyv9r kntw n.. Il el lti6 1*~i Proprietor bas deterinined tu extendilhe spatial - prtant fti.et that nV.ercxé, e tii advlitage., uoydby those enter:!îg N'foi vrshpiîkt1dea, X9ttht9-l. the 1 st of April, to 1tiose'w ho e -ecu i nfg that 1i ng, searching and l.tn ~uei~. ING SC.\OLA SIiSbfr lcFUT~ alid ttail,-w'ith the. Uin!tii, iltev ait %IA Y: Nil, 4c pri".en ied wi th aà Corntdr'tcO set of.j~ 9pl <IBr-~ICfS TEYTarnd- BLANK IBOOKS for liý- ENTIIIE N COUlSE (ah. Price Seven Pollar4) or for I AE LTi I1'Ii IL F, 1M)lN . $3 adduiuuîa a fosuppiy 'of B-)o<k nd Stii- Thî~i sfot : itr : c:h'x ticnery. Fiffl instruction~s iin. phoityr.iIhy. 'i ii d :ie III 11,1,.I9 1. ut.a very luw vrite. th< ie ik of' evur C' :r-î v... Gtjud 'bard eau lié obtaiàcd for Two D llars rc ort ' i(et wl 'h . In . F IA I instrIictior.s a e g-f hln l 4 r l s i t !: tii w ai . T (withoutextra charge)>inall' t e trmEltAri I I~~ L î; F '.- Ilum.i Vxiw quireil to obtain aà First Clziss iCIcrIUtieofi,,* u IJ'1 L ..A.lt, 'teaclingýcoun seoul. . 0.CR T4, l w -do -du L'adis... do iSI.1i'~ -lj'-:1. 13'To any one sendling us po t paîd, the ad- a:nt oiwrd. î I v.. o .c dress of-tell pers;yls v Leudlke o ieî'. e jl41: 1 ': 9 ! ..:< 1. our circular, x~wlmii furward foullillstrill iti lto Itle w 'hu iiI, .t~ ..1:. in one ut' the most Pje.agiliz an' "fu Jtso'he.:eîl i cliUne 'it :: the qiresent agce; one w~hich'nlb.a 9XiIO[hi :,.i i .. nt.-wl.. source <(J enjoyment and protit. ,îe uttIl'!:.\t:.tt':. ic FPor cireu routa' r4 in"ouîaiofl .îdress. 1 n tt i.'.el:<c .>. .î 4.,' l ,I.i ~ - ' '!.'S 1 ' 'z Kin- -zzi'et, I ,.'ta iFirst Duî'r W..1 ia flLI#y4IJ R'."9. : -a. 9 '9' ' M9 I l"1 foId'icuu the ie cutliitdli. l:9.l: I., t The ii'ral' ' .oi, A 110 I1r~k'î,'liu1- C c1 , C9'! ltti'9l .I9 CoI, I *l9 t:_I . t 9- Mdr. WAX . :.le.9.II 9 P \Y Ol ('.' ('j99i.t c'. i, u'. . 7. 9I h 1 Ip L 4 W. Fie' q T i n t9 9 i'j'19(.kS, L 'I'lQ . hO I X 9 ta'.h 4.rîta " 19.lu i.i 2~) i' 9 9,' 9~~9 9 99" 9 9~ ~. '9 .. 999- 9-" e t 999 4' : *99~9~ 9 9 9 '9 99 9 9- '9 -9 999 I .' . 99 '.1' ~ 99 99 9999 - 9 99 9 999 '9 ' 9' 99 9 9 9 9 9 ' 9 9 9 9 '9 9 9 ' .9'.'. 9 :9 - 9 9'991 ' 9. -9 9 "99ci 0 s j à The c le 9%e cors' O ttpslur'i"iionil - è1daped toiiîvei t.'. ofit'inSi 9 lv si!1,l 1 . H~9 ' INTT H.-TV'1-7. ,ca li Sitgi'" Dube*nty. f9 0944 Jl.s." X lE D 19 N -T 1 TwE ntM NST .î:!îî* ft .' , 19 edwiht o 1n swthàcIla fi . . 1 plut 4(9 GO mentB for'ON!) EN (' E. 9 tRit Thehe-lboxestorcoures fhthis sn no Tten it91 1),4t %V,9Il merntica use licttu ; 19t<k-ec' t heIig ' fIle-.it3 r lIl Iaaied t vry inî t u siness, 1 T0' os,î ~e nt, i '- - - -rii-- - - - dwsu(;r -kedt Donhe EnprSethtium,, Ftîîî: t, 4-ce7<T<> 'iJE J0~i Forctin Exniberfieo whicg arelL'91 siontluaîîe.~, laîufîîturng, Miuog, and CýtI;tIZEn stylef (MES.or Y )D chagim n iryngl ud ule Ery.i pliu 'o th ri n cptularships, timeu nisin -hiîiý -e-ý le ý iiid ýt tSd1 r,ý Týcued bon ths ad ae rincip rne in Qu btusl:î-' i re hm e tlurS9"'tereareoi U.S tAî Pi jîleot'Ikin ds ofutêreanime ei fa ing and .tc. ton -o't or p ia re is u tri.!t'19! frn Sbe tesetle, eubmer n ls 4Addrt- 'tm a', ;.som s0 niet akathir irt prea.ss. TuaBuks, Ui Peil ofheSî T , , n'dLe 1919' ,4' kep luUteEnportro b îîe Siicens, nint t't'i'frc nX ei~c:i1SSmI<î'.-o.tr F1TER: STOCK-FB OOTS. is mmeW CO.M4pLE TE. I>articoli!r atte tion is drected t ie stock o u- oentilàtit eau alito get anv sty-le of Boots lI hu hè linaxw a S for. . Fries Tery Loir,. P1 F M'C AI*TR NOW SELLINU OFF 1115 LA4RGE STCK OF, GQ(JDSAT.1 1.LCIF L tý thre extrèrne low prices nallcd.: e i allenges any îîaerchant lW Lindsay tocôînipete with Lim. MARKTHEPRIVE «Horse Blankets (:xl! -v'nui) wa'th 17s WGo, S 2 00 19e'plair. ]j wool mcd fiannel atis.U p îer viard ilen Îl wol doule S1IIi;i 5w îliV t0 #ïVen a wsay fo r,$ I ine- Engil!iCobo:urgs ai Lt. peryatrd Pr!t; (fast ccluuired) O'lY d. " ripedSh.irtiîzg for 10'.i. "" "c (a"lkinIs) tioni <7s. 6d. 111 'weeds (aitol)foi thé iow pice cf 2s. -6q1. 00 piece e3 C oto -'cdal (une Yî SliintiaPer ya rd. M4é d w9.: Si:guru - i I'9 Si y% 4. (t -.l s. y Imo C1.*'lo s mço i nfcci 'Keenan's Brieli. Block, Ecnt Street, Lindsay RINTINO