* s.. "i A LITElIARI, F - - - VoJ VL -W)ioI~o' N9 296 -XE%,T STRET, LiNDSAY. Ood stable andti abe s4altansid au alida- -~~~ liWol e w in atîcudance. Pro., Ommibuas 0sd-fromlte Cars and Boatu. çêa&ry Pubuei. Bo"ÂD OaDOLXp58 DAY. 91. c- y Li-say r. Chncr LnsaMarch 10,.1863. 12t KM i 4ît L,ý eut BSet. eri n C han- I(AE3W T'. &c kt, . BOYNTON ,p -ipfxu bmlLai 3T!ER, AND ed inl first style, visitons wtli find cvery convemi- rar n Cha- nce Wines, L!qur& sd'Cigare f the. best W. 25 IA atntv stler aIways ini attendance. Lin 1dssy, -Dec. 16,19.6 4. - 229-tfl c. £tlc~Keii*"sBrick I 14-Ui Gp. Jas. WELUMJ s-sy, Jain. 1862. 11t )SEII MRIN, Altornilys-at-LSa, &. &c. Soiitrrfor the (torio Bank- n Kéeuaam Block, K;e tStreet, Liuts y. HUDSPT11.P. S. MÂnTN. 237-tf IRG-E DJMR Atrfey-q t-La. w, SOi- or iu chant ery sud [mivelnccy, Nota-ny k C&c O'aC' in lu co inelis new Block, opposite Bruiugbail à GirnOsn' ýsa>, Sep) 22ý, 1864 -. 25-tf W.KFhPT, C. N.,- Gra duste Of MeGll muierst>': cd cui Rterce te tbe Bni- SourlthItrii-shatid .5ertintiie lusurauce ames. office in Mr.George -Kempt's Blocek, Lisd-satY. 239-tf ItERT LUKEY,- 'faid4 William Street, $a .Gý,Imnîots na-ce up in the: best slaut 'ailtht owest living rates. Alilun- rii recive lrompit tetiil,-ami a good- rateurd. -279-ly t.M A RTI71. N Sitesiditlce mmd Office-Brick cottage, ugla sreo, iiî~ay - 289-t f. CIdINDELL, M. D ' ,Phy2iciuîn. Surgeon,. ai n Aeuiea. (ufilce-Fourniier's tQuec- M.în 'reumi Ilobid, Liuidsay. e.2P Al cails »rufe&siou prolui>liy at-temded t . - LATE NORT ME EX CAN WALTO2N S7WET FOR TIOPF. Apetely ren ovated, affords the bestt cf se- Co.rnOdatîofl for tra velers and the- public gemirally. .Under' present mana gefltmimi n effcdrts will be.spared that w-il coaduce te thé comfort cf gueâss 0-3 The ýbest cf Liquors ami, Cigars. Revel1re H UOUle BILI VERTON. -Tht Èubseriber tiegs te sunounce ibsi ho bas leased thc above botel, whichbhas becix furnlsb- ed and fitled up tbronghont ln the besi cf style. -Noue but the choicesi Liqoors, aud Cigars w-il be kept lu the -bar, sud hu-ta.blc -fil be furnià-h- cd with all the delicaçies of: thc sesson. r-r Careful and cbigig Ostiers alwftys, in attendsimce. W P UA lTT.X I , ronrr BeaWeX.on, JaII, tbp1865.!280 -ONTARIO Dining 'MUlland, .Restaralit, (opposite St. james' Cathedrat, Dinners frea il f ia Iafý-aà.ttwetve tO three Leiqîurs, &o.', uQftheb besit bra nds. 1, M.D., SV RGEON, PIIYSI- - (Laie.bjoni Holel.) Atm CCOUCHIEUR. LitteIy Toronto, Mai . 86.-264-t>' the Aierican Arut>'. Offic- ri, (XW. 240 S, -44 É'S H QTJLT WKSurgeon Dentist, MçDoii' ck, opp osite- l3mgcelow'e Dry Gouds Corner or Keml ntid Williaia Sircets, Lindsay' ;e-et' idsêv'. - 23JOHN S T.EËLË,a Pro Pritor. Civil Et.ginecr and Provmncil41AVINO easei'tihealhove well-known cen- li've.vo, ftlsseill Street. -IjIalI uel fora -terini tf vear4, and ham v. - ~ i ng tilirolghly reflied. ami refjtinîished - rthe __________- - - '-ame, 1thepr %%ni ll itbe chlailte haves Wcull KAt'MAN. Acht f. ron. ti)e travelling puiblic. TeBrifnai'i c flall, Toriitu-Street Toronito. ed wiih lime hesi wme s, liquors an-J cigars: 2 ' Y îPFent>'f lidr'forn and' i etensivel stabl ing. usn C;il aul Pnovinahu dertlie charge f'good fllosbers. 278-if tdiuigl lit Sti u, 'Liludsîvy.C~ -18t B E A131, LL, EF, Coroner.' oFn% k- mai il,,, V Tm)UIA ALL, 't-ree ,'s'N ' ,ulMi tatuns tooKentlS-reet tuidmi Ainl I-,~i~ '24 1-tf Ulls l m. iii. (itîte 0reaniiel of Tris- i' --uî-mli ar Chich'Itmcher t euePiano- te a w Mcitdotus. Rueýîdmc1LiaI Mr.Brnit.tuut'-sz [lr*I-rt-et Lipstv. i- Agenort ý'f-un . 8Williams' Imiîrved odCO nti \ermu ('1rm 1-M CALLON, 1LVýE;SED AUC- 'tli\ h..1î loi. i \I , larticmlar at-1 p1a 1 p kilu t ;ieî' i ii -ther LandSaîles, ~'-,'~<t M t~ftr itîrm.iter ; James ~ t-o.i~ 1 Weti'î'iii- lessr.s. Puttersuti ~~rIî mnaINh'~a~i iu.uiruMv;M'uimael&.- Iliit 4 ', t ('lioi amciner i- i ivi-î t- hut it-"- GkcrumiAgent, 4l-cic---.--'it' St'e'l.- lusay' C. W. 24 f - -rur-r :îi'l l'ailtmltic'r ShupNo 11t1sidu' tirS-if t- 'i )-lt ~uI'i tt-ir'rl Igent anal Li-- su~ ~~~a il ttt tuii mbrige Street,-Lilid- r, .t tutI - 1 25-rf 11,F i't12 nX-itect and Biilder, tmitî,iv 4 W W,r,int plans c-aiftlly ed ~ ~ ~ :0 Xiiitut t uttitrframes madel 'rr NIM A l AC 1.it IIauJ Ageli ni aIso Timîber Agf il t'or Canadutmta ormpaliu>fr uIlle iî' f V 'tiu i.î, l o a nd li ini ru- f. rutdu'na-uf ith uuy Buitd-- R. NIUR ýAY9 lJIoppietb Market, Kent Sîrect, Lind- tsaLy.wbere ho is preparied lu make up Gar- mentsintri te iitest style aiîd at veiy 'reasontble charges-. Ctuîting ,dose cheàla mi o the -shoyrt- est notice Januay, '865.280-tf UYpbolsteriug.- " I 'E Subscriber begs te announce te the pnb- Jlic thiat he Is ýredy te receive orders 'for 4JAIIRA *, RIMMIXG and UPIÏOLSTER-- *rNG Work performed with neatuiess anmd dess.th, uJon mnderate murais. KÇol-a.thoe ddes- i:rodorsSbuth of Workman's Livery Wab eWst side« Jroad- wily. t'dmdsay, ~liay 5, 1864. 4.1>'.K HENfAY HUGHESr i NSED ALC - buse fami Commnision- - 'Agent. 1sn'c X- - ent Sîrç.et, Lindsay,, C. W. It3-Orderi teft ri the Office cf 'the Canadiiir POS-t will receirg pronupt attention. Lindsay, July ' tt..1864. 255-f j MES Wî-NTES, -Houle!Sig anadiOrna- . -Mental Painiitèr,* G.lazier, Paperfliangti, and Wht-aslwr.- Ail o!dcra-carefullifildj on moderai e tenums. :Sbop oni William treeL. Lids»- < 6h Abril 1 R65- 1292.1 lit IL - 'ti, L I- B, BsmrisrCvn~U 1 l1-cte, huaseîiied a Lamw L5ALijLuV Warehuouse lu wc ibiruimraddiium h ~Dewn with Iligh Pr-i es!! if O ppu-- irce Albert Office- V'Pie sb ibe h g ti....t...i b)i a t hluît tierM r. 1l0' leu's I.of'i)Iiuultamid strruunding counry tti Ie I office. hfi i1teîy 0 iened -omut a large and varia- t fteck. - ~ut Chaire~, 1k-J Ste-ail, tîtra-cus, ite and,. miî W. B lOWVN. - olh't lntLuiu lss,&e rii ut rti:1vlu um.îruî ia .hltiamms lr ave liereltofure b en atked in Lindsaty. J ii v e blt-dus in ailits iranii- [ 1E' Faune-rails Frihed Ju bing -i e t-ev-i îi, \WiiiuuiuSl,hre Ilie bopes rcvpronîpt attention. a~ woutiiîmduî Sîtr-tict attentioîn.! .- W>r HITE,. -' lneu'l it a ut fp11Lv'îuage snd Oluponite Crown Landsi fie. ILimdsayv, Febriiar>', 1865. 128 4 wîuî To be So, d 'a Bargain1.. tlanf iti iur'a I-lin aeaiih hatf fc Lt No. 18, in tuie 13ffi e toweuy luimb fui timaf. eissi -1-) exerine at odeas wt-t iitîti m ofia 'tw-hiich aîmi- 7i V)acres aàrteleitrdand. un- al mes ih ilc - niyder oulkivaimn; il le e1vlifetocd, lis a g.aoaI in ilu,'LAvai' l"ru n ~ad iMo1>-- log antd tilsru a Fraie Dweting hoimueand a munis ' 233- - niail Barn and S table thereen ;-tmr sai- waysa gond saittîuy otspl)ng walun on the lot., NDE TAIING iTinte will tic ives fort-be greter liant- f Ilime )RRSON, CABINETMAKER sud T'Ple indispulable. For penti.cularu andl le RN1E1, hegs lu aunmnce liat lue lbas trçat, appty on the. preaises i. the-Propnieter, acouîirtootnen f COFFIs at -GEO R GEL A XE, eroan,' îiaîh'igesîreet, Li-nds.i, ai or te Mbessrs. MACKAY h, HEAýPl nut, CSlac. Mafrý-t SqUare. -I20t ids k.éps'a llearsî, mand trusts by mrndOiatej--~--________________ aumnd iitttntion to mértentsbr-o Kr Se .ý" ine n oh .01 »and è ay for 1:' - - 14 ycîr paper if Yeaeu n et dmieseyet. -, '- :ir'~i' >r- t'9-rstr'e - - - nif::o't- O, t ' ' t - i- - -k'.- '~ - UNDSAYI C.W., I 74 O UP,18111 l»T >XO26, (PON. la 4inctet, pki1>of Feuloui Counlty o 'Victoria,, of hch are Blxty Acres çleàag- ed Und andet ficmA%$iV"U-This liaa4 wilbe eo Id la twoope4gt etsif desred, to sait tib. ptircbaser. Th~e -.%Rt paitt aine 1-00 aeres,. of 'wlieh 10 are ,leared and à Iog 'bouse Ibere- ov.and will b* c s parately if desired. _. Also Lot Ne 52, soutb side of Portage Roadt tuýwflshq>of ldOX, -OuayVictor'm. For Paftkculars aFiPTly t1 JMt ZMNP, Solicitor. Lindsay, Sept. 1, 1864» 64 BOUT30,0ô'aresof and in-Enniskillee anltar owsip,«icheneiglibou»- bîîod of the OitBoegie», lu the Counties of LAuti- 1un anti KeII4 C. w-il b.soid -by public Anet ion, on- ?UURSDAY, tlhe FUR cf) MAY net, eAi ÂxR~nticc>s IbidSainia, terme, cash in ffull at- the tme of sale, wîtbout con1di- Gorge of settlemuei Lists of the lts fàor Ws a e s.seen a f the 1kgistry, au&Post -Offies in lb. Counties, or Lad oinapplicatint ,lte D"prtment. A. OAMI>BEEM4, N.uaytoLoÀ w mi o w' ~1~ mu ci - Q s~C ~ ~* -a' ~ ~ 'e o 5~ -~ = - - The Liverpool & LOUd :on .Globe 111IILI LII INSI3RMICE 1CMPKNY. nvoste4 FTuwIs, - - $»,Owo,0 Daily Income of t-he Company, S1200-. Vie Pire Premiums receiited by titis Con:i- ,Pan> during lte year 1863 exceed those of an* - oîher CJompany in Grrat Brîtaji iby'£0>ou Sterli g. nsurances on cvery descriptionw of iroperu'y etThettd ai the iowest refInuneraÉive rates.. Losses pakd :mniedialtel' on proof. - Ageptfor Lindsayt) Office ini Kenipt'as Briçck Block. \LDWEL-L'S ALE, in kegs,.qularter bris., hait 4ris., and bris. Àiso XX:«Aie :ap- Porter ie- bottes. 'Foe sale b>' DUBSUN à; NIBLOCK. Lands for Bele ii Somaer-i ville anid Bex'ey- FII~E- SUBSCRIUËR OFFERS FO)R- SALE Iat prices va rying from ' 1ta$3.,per acre,, the following lands". lu Somiervill-Lot 4, iii 9tb Con., 200 acres. "4- i loth Con. 20Ô «5 in1 t h, Con. ~-m _6 tin 10tb .Cr-. 2 OU"' y «16-in Tth-con. 1i 26.1 "-18 in &rd Con. 200 Il"> TI 'exley '<26 in 68 ,'I ,h Gull River, "2889 < N-rth-west Bay «1-7 1 00 Stock will be taken ae part payn eunt. F or fartiter parliculars, appi>' (if b>' letter,i post paiti) le - G J. F *PEARCE, Rielmonid llill P. O Richmrondhill, May 11, 1864- 258-tf - <Vne"y go Loa»', H E UNDEftS1G NED IlS P REPAIRED to lend moitey <btlùngumag te priva-tu mdi-« vidutals) iNs- sUMS 0or2o0 DOLLARS And upwards, froin three te five yen 1s, Raýte. of Iteireg4- 8 per cene Pe.r Annutà. It, The&money cari le hîîd ,iinrnicdiately, ou production of sarisftmtory titll. fnS.ir&n ce, Fire - and Life, eteted at ludrt ae.Also, 30,000 *croiso-f valuaàble Land for sale ou aorbeteoFor further par- ticulars applif QIb>' letti.r, pre-r>tiul ta Epsomi, July-6, IRG4. 2.. Dr, MASON xciàuiO or vTUE ROYA<L, CLLEGE 01P 8tILEONSI OV LONDaON<, SSOLANO,. I4cýitiat,,% inXilwifery -of the Roy Colleg e <-Strgeon, Enlg land. etc., etc., etc.- Gold Med4Iiat fins rgerly, Midunifery. ewd Mediine, formeriu Surgeon un1fr Majeàiy"g Service in the Crfmecs - darmg h eRuaia it W ar, . Offrp-4a4aySt, two dcOakàtg llh c. f M. , es rd euve Fliee wvas Dark w-ai ,Osa ïlabor' Trembiedi iperil w-Ai Lover tk 'Wtin.ofNtý -Whmwdsath tîe Ligh Jeasidel'rer i Core thou te me; SOèMou thrty voyl Thonw-ben Uic Storm hox' ~ - ---t '4. .t j-';: . -. -. 5~~~ ~ --q -- . -J. J TIOAL,ÂNDFAMILY JURAL.» ,j -DA - , dm, *hich aferwards fouad ia plat. iù lii. Dayîd Maion, had sa% ed a uitile money Ir dïriig lhie ctptiv.iîy, by odd jobs ind work ~OîLholidays. -He g«t a passge tu Maliý. . bil~r w hure h., bought ia nice. hawl fur bis wif, .; - and a wach toi uiioh of làW boys. H. ilion1 Willn ti te qùay,, whe.r. ahAinericau shipï z was Iyilg jusi reéady te sail for Boston. 3 :A nos iltit firsnnmanhli saw ou beard wai Pe1atiala Liàni.wliO> sid ruwed lhim(Ioa,1 ttie nPoit ieuvun vears before. Bie funli tha h~ 'd eihbr dd etknow ing itw-v.changeéd was h. -Witht hi* long busard auJ, bloori6h dres», Whereupou, witîîmuit tellingà * isîmlaine, hlie igau te; nut qtweqtions abouti - 1 rather ihitik 1 do," aaid Pelatiab'; tof ugts, "sî:&s Uly ,ife.1î 4,Yuur wjife!"- cried le. ther; "4she i' -mille beloru G( dx aud ma.n. 1 amn Dàvid ý Maisoni, and s h e h moîher. of rny chil-1 agù ~ drAil:1 ine, t100," said Pelatiah; I lefi of eath% her wth-a baby in lier. arme. If you ale )Y Dàirid iMaisoi., veur right to'her iioutlWnd,;1 .Trub, ala any rate isite is min e, àauJ lunsot the nai e - i--~ - gU(sull auî*~ us DAVID* MA'IXON 1 aty J?. C. WHITTilà. Whsî of .my young friend iavë read'thie scrrowfil slory of 1"-Encch iArden," seô iWt ly n simply told by the greai Eng- ih:s , p laiit e u'iury of mnwu w-cul tioca, leaviug" bebind -hin a sweel Younig wifc anîd a 11111e dau.gte'r. .He-as tast'iuway ou a -de *ert jularm, >ere ht e- inred se .voral, yearsl, w 1bon, bo' vas discov- eroi-sand takma. off by a passitig wsziel.Co- i .nîng back-lu bis native.town,,e, crumd bis wife ma-xriedto ait clii playînýatea good, lMaui, rich and boniored, amîd w'Miîhkonm be -was living tiappily. -The p1rnau ni- 1ing< te caaae bertain at prlx dre-1 veti 501.10 muake hiîm f norwn tu lier,. anid livcd. and.ilied aioet.- The: puecahas remindet i dec"a veqy si- mitai, iîory of my cwil New-E.iilatid neigh- *brhood, which I have oftun huard, aa:d w4icb 1I will.try te teil1, notiùlupoetry, like -Alired Téaýau ,but in my uwn puer p 1rose" Icti. ur my ree, that iii ils main parlîculara, il mi atru tale. Qmut:bright tsu rn otnin,,MOre titan ihacé-s e-eears-ago, David Mîon'witl: bis yuu11É wife suid bil,1w-o lealthy, bare- toout. boys, sîlot du the batik ocftieu river tear iheir dwielhmii, Thuy w-cru waitiig- tllet-ur fo.elaii 'urtis tocorneroutd Imeï pui t t w itm* bis w " erry, mand take lime buat art.1 lfuther tu 'tue port a filw uiies beloîv. 'rie Livoly fürtle w-as about tuluiait on à voy.age lu Spai ri;aud Daviîd w-as.,lu go iil, beru: a ruai, WmTh andu~..l lAuA y l 'nxua-aîng u-sliiti o. alki iig cicuafu l l bottaîd' oimbeen iaiar eaouagh, you.could iiae Seetiuleas iai AaîriaMaisoiàai b liee ev, luir site. luvud lber i:u!band, afJ kneîvýhe-re w-at aiwaylidetigtr. on lthe ses. Aamd Da.- vid'u bhatl, chery viaice tiejuiblul a limte uoau atithema, for the hoaw,-l s,ýilor uive, i ti6 .a ug tionie ouibethe berrirnack, will th e deai' wvitoaiau ber prehiy boyr. 'But, paeSemtly .hie cturyvame aluaigaile, auJ UDav i.1%v,iu' ut nitepli:iaýr ite - t, wiheui le turaaed bacte l Lies hus' wile aatad- children oonce mure.- lu.wih ùu sid 1ela:iaîh Cur: foîries wleu t liti e i .", A [Iraqth uiey pin-ted. Asa andauJ hel boys w-eit -back lu luacir hu;an ad D'avud tu blé- Port, îýv heiace lae, aild off -iii lie Liv*ely 'Tua[tIe.. And >.nîhais passed ; auutumio- Iowed, lt.e-auinme .r, ar wi;ler the autuma:l, ai idt1éi) thî ptriiig' calno$ auJ aimon il w-as sulitmer 0ouIle river. side,muid hlie didii4;toi cojrne'back. And anotmer passed, ai: i iheia tiaý 1h1 ëailirs aiîl istiernmutt .stioo)k liacir -hu-ads -soletmunîy., asud sait Ilie Lavely Tu.rie w-as a' lust iaip, ait(],woumul novero-me back ërt.: Ard.pouA ita bail fier bombazine. gow ,i dyed btaa ailier siraw boataauîtîiiii Med iii: mouaaming. ritbuss.-, ait([thencefurîb slae- ya.skiaowm ty as lthe Widlev Matson. Atid hmwl àas il ai ti liewtii DaYid Na, yo mîstknow t balthei Mahîniane- dan people. of Algiers, sud "iupli, and Mu- gadure-aJSallue, cnmi thuBarbur>' casau, hâad 1cr à lig tumebeen i n thelimabit of flghlitig cur galle»s and araned bul'tat seize. upout 'lthe murchatil v.8esaittîof'Umnaia natii, éuld maku silaves ci Ibeir ccw .aui(pa!ou go .rljust a cicalimîg -themselvsaChris. liatis ltA-tnuaia'a, w-re setid.iuig ves.seta lIo -e Aital catch buack slaves for their plaikta; lunr. *Tue ýLýiviti>' Trtke feu iiau the hutîdw ut cite.cf tîtese roviu:g soa-.rubbuçaà, and'the, cîw ais talion- to Agiers, araid aold i-n the MaîJ4ket-place as lilavesl, puer David Maîso:: -arnomg lthe, rest., 1Wtuem sboy h. biail learetbeih*'tde ol ai ahip-carpeite- w-tltis f-allier 0:1 the Mer- tin-iuck"; simd now hliras: setltel urk ililie a kiud anas, id riotoverwa-rk hirm. -He had~ da.ily bis Ibre. boaves c fbread, andti whiu'a hie clotllaiag' wîts wo ril "ut, ils plae'wam sjfidby,'Ihe ooarse'cèloih cf w-o1 sud1 c- mekér's hair wo'enby bcBarbaa-y w-omemi- Three heurs bufore buiset hi),was rele'afflI from- work;.ssd Friclay, 'wbicb w-ax thb. Mo hatmmedasii Sabbatb, w-as a day cof etmire i-et. Or-ce àayeur, -at the. seaomi called Ra- 'nraclan,' bu w-se lofî:ai leisure foi a whule week. Su urne went cit-tiys, w-coks, ;moiitlis audycrs."Il; dmrk hair btcame c grey. lie still dreamed of lus old i hme otathe èMv'rri- fiiaek, aati ut bis àgocdAtia, audmiiitht: burlYs. Nie Womlitred -vihe tîiheY yeî livet!, wliat lhey iugh.t of bisa, saimd ,w-liai ihey Wem' doat."%e hope cf ever eigîhrngi faiaater auJ faiaîter, andamt a ilrly dieu ouit; and tac resign i.ied iseif tu lie fatas b lave for lifèe - flot omuneday .; handeornme, mu(dne- get geliteianan, àut4eictrou of utn-c uf his cwr cuumulymc, îtea.tilby a great oftwar ni 1 4Gc-d isgreat !"1 otaid pouer David Mats<>n, 1 unconscîoualy rejeating thé famniliar worls i o 8Isem submissipt - . "icval .dre 1 loved ier, but i shahl neyer sec her again.a Gîve tiheme, with my bleasumge le the good I wumnan auJ the bY@."0 1Auid ie ha:idud ovei with a @%ig-h thée bil l bonie êcumtaiing the gifls for bis, wifà and a chitdren.- Heu shotik'bands'witb bis rival.à 6' "ielatiah," hi said, looking back as b. i lef t the ship, "b. kiud. te Auna and myJ di Ay, ay, sir,"- respérndeti the sailor,, ina ' carelestue. He waiched the pour mans pas"i" g low ly up the arrow s ree util out f ÉihtîP "tî'sa ard case for »avidj,"hob s said, helpiag bimself 10 a fresb quid outbo-ý bacco, 6"but lniglati lve seen the lasi cf t -When Pelatiali Curtis. reached home, hec told Auna the slory of ber husband asti laid hi& gui ts ini ber Iap. She*did miel bhriek nor faimt, for she was- a. ealthy, womaa with strong serves ; bi butsestle a.way by ber- self simd wept biîterly. 5h. hyi rnany yar ter, but could iever bu pe rsuaded t w-a I p;etîy sha.w1 wbieh the busbanti of hier youlh had sent as his farewull gtfa. There la, however, a tition ltat inîaccor- dancu' w-ihhbert dying wish, il was wrapped about ber p:our el , dzhüulders in the coffin anti burîed Wîîb ber. Thé litî.e nid -büll'a eye. watch, vwhich ia.i stili ini the poesm-ession of orie of ber grand-. childfi i' noamiIl i:at ,remaines tu loti of Duvd Mîse-lMe iman. 1 IRI S HGENJROS[VT. --T! e olt i countlry jounualsa are at present fii,.i wih n accu.it-uth é meliberality' sud g(ouaess u"f onuman. Renjawill: Lee.Gui-tl 11eusai lime céiebratèed B';ewet, oh'Dblin. AIt lis omra expeîust lit h:s r-bui* Si. Pairick's; Caîl edral,- iii. okle-st ant ilaaw the most be;iitmiI -ailiedralinlai helaîid. About'ihe >e.ar A.D. 4t1> Ihe fi it S1.ý Paîrick's Cliurcli wilàuts o 7t b- iUlof the. wel In wlii: tueé goal sainmt b.-piimed a iat coîaveibs.. Aboýiiut file year 1101> a >.plefl:didl eaîhed i al, Yçat built ('11Lihe site of hisrimua.jl lsîçî, 4îuil i16.5, 1 .1,:. Guiiaituu.t rebuili t'ais'c'althe- iri fatmn ritefoultidIztîoia tu ite tip-aiiost paim- aiiae leaviii-, il ettaci'>' liie marne us iit ood 700 yearn imgt. 'fie,üo..t out lis wiak Was etiaarmus -750,,00dollars ! Btau limegene- a osiîtof thir;priiicely i-isluanaî det- nul ip hure., lielias- plilaiutltaopie plans to carry oi. --wee.pimîg awa'y dilapidàteu l oi sreels mn tuie ieglibouariiotdnf the c-âtliral, anti ereetang ParàksamI f'aveiuuus îumtheir -place, 'iiliet will cîmiail a fur1hier expeiise ut pr haps a quarter of a. ililion.-of - (oi lrs. Su tirai àii-ail, MIr. Guiniae;, ibue modesil uaas- siîiing b'ruwer cf IDublM iail Ihave spent a- tilause ."public, wuiks the large suàm of GEN. I3URr-msmo UN AiNDREW JouIItSO'Z.- Genmaas Buriasimie w-as receatily askcd "Cali w-e Iusi Aaiauew- Johnasoan'? 18 hean tirukardl, as lias bu ta asaid.V-7' -The Geimeral repIied.;-"I kt.ow- Mr. Jubhnson w-el]. -Ne w-as military goverutor of- East Tennesee. %te-itoIcmnmaatled lu the West. Für soine lié eiw-as ji Louis-ville Cliii .Ciriciam)nah, wb-r e tI Iini at ah lueurs of ihe day antd mgiàhl, asIdi muet impuorant iocuaoins, àt.d -1 va:: say ikual inever saw- liiu tacts I- quior cf auiy knd, and scier saw- laimu w-etm Il îhoaîgh iebubai dt:std.lbquor, He w-as-mno airuimkarti' Ihem.iîn In y-opiuioii, li e sa lrrn-, lo)yalm uid taîented slaioaaeaiî; Wsicontu.--" >PaPa ibl &tuc eb he," said rîmauTmia lu ber tîr-ee year ciii boy', "am %y-hlast cas Gt4prgey ýdo u u elcome -bimmi 11 Amid -lite inothiet'gaaitîlati lime chiid'e plsay- ttimiigai, iViich- Iay scaîîe'red in wild clittu- "Make Utheroun.ea," -repliud the briicht hiIbl.u ~ ~ th cieWmiesauuagîa ak, anti aI onc bgian tmgIngadber Iistuysjute a bas- "6Whist more cas w-e i.6do e elcerne paQa?ý amkedi uîmmma, wlmeri aathing w-as w-atitîîmmmt lu lime seattsutmthe l.rm. "Bt: lappy te MAm u*hen Ae: cores !11 cried i tt e ar ihtle fellou, jutmpinlg amp anti (ow ivuwbt c a«trneàs, au4 ho wahched aI the w-imd'w for his faihcr's cusnmae. Naîw--a'e a1itlme dbt'iiomary maker. ivill îusîf y- i 'le v r.y balta>give coga)(i efi i- îiunam, tibut mi uîut liflit:George>' rive iah. ver>' smb.tuucl' a tee.uiuue ?- Be happy.- - 1 uim wmem iecornes." tjo'- Thé Markliam Ecorionki.A tlt'arns that il yotrmguan tinarneut Jamies iaiàt'>', livig ini tf e 431h cuaîesàioaa of-tPickerng. îisapiearet'l ISuddutm:y troms îb;aieoig i)tbtl-houmd Oi ui oda>' aiîi ILis suspecicîl ltaib* t-us beéta aiudrî,as a book wbaiei lauievumekntowril to-hliie hbail ulis jxussessima v lmen u i'.t seta: w-a.s fuutd u Mwinamiy.moraing lyiimg ,rouithe toud, ueured vs ili:blooi. COAM. OIL DisOovRiuEs.-'Tha Guîpp Adéertuer odys ilImiial nij. lias beemi di.-t~ [c0'oisi i uar Ediain -s in time ttuvriaship of Eramnos-4a, ar.d-lime fithas causetf coraesiaiera- bic exewituremat in thamt ne ,ig.hborhaLud.. - Spe- oisetî f -petrudeura halve bei se:aiu lo ronto e fr aslyi The Goîluricb signal sys itl peînpo frlimai Pl ace are ,i ie ove'r Iafexiu m ciiriernauqueice uf lte -diçgco- dere forî&W BoSirîg,>f a teat-ivanl iav# been as$ked for, suaon malute-iihib-c procoleded *Îih a tc' TaxtGRaaND-TitvNx cartar question is thfo e 8i. illîeru Court of Metr.ai, en tÎ% petitio OFAtéme7tf*"'5tM BOUSES. OrTHE £VNG&ISHI-N INDIA. We have ne be1l, s,"me- door-lockt, no car- -"Ill*, hall (îls'ughL about lwenty servants,) 110 garrPts. negas, nu ousenuaiide, lau ndry-1 mnatti, d)ry.iisele., etc. I COUhI g1 ivé 700h -ilffl ti rlist oeteeteras 4 but,est lapacit isavgu f.,I4r1mu;-t proceed. id ONx.plain how fîbe are made up for,.lu- r iteàà cf bollrtw , weuir êwn goud voice; iiiii 1here, are au î11iany servate ll îat 0onu u Ultu lututt u P 86 swUirn ýswe cu ul 'U Boy' boy' of Ibreescoreauti te.l. ln.stteatt o>1 door-ýlooks, there are boitîS and soinetuanes otily books and eyes. As the lu d uu glhut very clo,6e viwiiee. it'iý.;eotivCliiC1t11 foi letiig coui thenusk-rats, asi ftuurîd hlabt I:tight Ill iny rooru. Ut feeiare bu lhot ai- réady', witimut capnt; ls do rnuch lbel- ler. ýEver3yt'ii=~ugOn the wafls is a e- 1 fuge for rnusqtàitoa.5s, 15 curtaitie are superflu- ous'eece le, of c'turse. miusquitq ecwtuiic, wiîlîouî -which ive ahnuld b. calen up bdy li would bu dreadful b., ti.ink üf a blazùîw I hearth or a warrn fireside here ;,sc grates, chbiieys, chimney pieces, and fire-ecreensI are unknown in Bonibav. Just ltoxat the plan of the ous o.iand you wil àee lhovW eil u ýne cati do wîthout a house-door, remiember- ng that a verandali rune before the blouee, md tbure is always-a maniin intgt il doingc iltifwhose duty it je to iaoieuiCc visil- èire. 1; tead of pasages, lb.,romrn ail openi mbt each other and icIbth vemandali. This, like- tnaiy other good bouses bere, fias no second ficor, ait itieru are ne. &tairs. As fer housemaidsi and a.1l'sorts cf maids, their work idone by varions sorts of in; is very wl done tue, and not like John, who succeeded euol iii milking Tilly, in the bold song. A servants' hall for servants' meaIs tiaire rannot be. where no0 two. of. the ser- vante will mess- together: they, are of -ail catets, and -live apari,, soïne having their wî,i'es on the prelni6es. MODERN. LOVE LETTERS. That chivaîrous idolatr'y ut womau-that délicate recogtionm o1 er daimis as *m'other, irife and siser-tlat idealiza'tiots cf ber - w-eel quaiies amati attractive virtus, w-hec ehine CouasPICouus un ev-ery page ut their eIderpoce, atad-'ifuimed a certain grace and tenderues mto thé spirit cf the agu, bas Pi- tifully decayed, sud men tuof'iemi speak cf womnanhod witli irrevereni freedomi -hl uiaîoutneglecitu assent *ber ow-u pure digynity. And as 1lucre cati Lbe no- love w-lure there is.uic respect, the relations belîreeu the 6exes.are daîly -giowînîg les rânkamd g- amal, aaîtia laji: 1iiag ut sau amat persiti ge me u.urpiuit; he place oftIlle cou rteous aliu.t decoruîus wpvechin lai tîch our aticestors grimeteai the maiuteiâIley w-oued, or, the ivivfes they lauittteil- f 4o. liaI îhi-ak i hat ti cati ho fur the good cf eociet th i îîiuk iluaI mlhaaly vi'-ueus are nouislied b> woi- aaaigaces, amattilmaI the diguly i0i womun1 Leat amui ltaiotr, Iiemi, nweep mway thte ltuve- letters iniieili )yuung and happy fleuris ex- l>VOn tjoi lia~iiuaa~tiatWîiickll-)Iludinla iru>tinfpimls 'ive uteaanCe tu iei' ttu'-t. Stai-lcuiiuuite, u% lrmetk(l. îu ttiink lily Ara- boita a peeriesà lady, sud ilt ioui, Arabui là,tu- believo îity.Fraiak. tu boa loyl1 uJg=ueou kit . »enu -iîoît .as-med ucf 1hy Ilave, bii w-Inta agea c ofgr t ece lter tianes ex- 441 holti il truc, vr:te'er befl l, .1 leel i wbtii ,sroliOW anc-il 'Tas lacter lu have Ilu ct d muobe S '114rit Tiever le have -Iuved ai â1.' 1a1 thms, your 1 ï _olîIen- primu,." cultivate ail moble aand tenmde'r feelings, ail g rierous set- timeit's, ;a.i lulght andmihu1Iit l'miuitN .'. that, mua aftrymril 1 1 yt e tok-e11s'oi a valn- a5hued jlve sbuuulîL once mure f'aI limîo your 1 lltlZiu !)-ou n IS>'lotk, ai thean w-.tlu huiwsî - pide, amiotwatlm bitter.re-grt-; uti -tIiloturs anid blushes, astemindiliiagyu cf'wc.mkness aaad flly, muid humnait errur, but w-ahi gaze uauîlhachimig if sorrowfIul, as recuiliaug lb. biighmt love-mîrealimme ut youir )outit, when 1youn lucart beat wilithe test amanli.es aui purest affechhuie, iatd Hope auJ Fa th w-ere theb gimaidiai angels cf yummr seuls.-Loondtrn A PLEASANT PRAÉCTICE. 4-- wlictpassed -between, the 1resident and tlie-Britisb Mini5ter, -but the ibOlloîirag is- coutil t o the intervieW, comrmuimicaltà -bV the Nasiingtuî correspondenit cf the Ciii- ciatmiati Gazette, imcol interesiinag anti suig- gesli,'e:-Sir F:-ederick Bruice's. interview. %vutlîPrcsident liohnstomî to-day wmas as in- formai ati unidiplumatie, as. Presud'ent Lin- ceira tbiiself coulti bave made it.' The. aeif - ninisler dade his -appearance w-it 411 bis stars and decQraiams on, pneeenled bis cre- ieteuials, aud fornaîlly read bis speech. .Mr. Joimistou replied, saytng tht hew-arn gladt t sec hhs, andt te velcmîme le ther -capital a represeaîtative cf Great Britaiti, anti thea added :"14Bat -sir, 1 arn miel unuch acquaint- ed %vith ihie.diplornâb'c furmalities crmstouli'.ry 011 stc'h occa'sienis. lMy idea i.,s iasply -bat tvo -reat nations eughlt lo cotiduct.their re- 1atîoums very mu.chia.as 1w-c eighbourq wlie x.uîceiy desire pt.aco and god feliowship beîîeem.thîcùnselves %ould do,- and ihituie less trero formaltiies: ab ut iluthe bttr. "I64 assurevxou, Mc.pi -sdnt -iaîîe'-rupted Sir- Fredeick; poî[ituituiz io hie ,uniftrm ara!de- coratuuus, " iliat t1.houiîll eed ver>' rmurli usure ai eas iwuliuui îLiese tli'iu- dim - - ihean." 'fTlue re.ruarl w-au se tliùroughly -Etighisl, and ut È e same titnetuo )conîsouant .tu Amerwva.u pr-u t ivc agait ifîms and ta- tlîos,thuaI lihe Pesidiemt auJ id aisiter b.- ceaine f-unI fuieids at once, and cal duwit.for a chat. 'Sir l-redi-ick. aiked about Sher- miari.' Presitieut Joîlm;mton e.xplined the 1peiioli. .6Wlîal chiance iha ilium-e for Mr. Davis, ither. ?"as Led Sir Fredetickz 66"Oh4 a's.,nàul Ipu,ît'i i i; JuubtliesFlis escape aeross the suuîr,~ aiad the Preideul. Ve,"repiied lime M'auîster, in an luquir- un, loune, 1 tiuuid itilimok 11maI M1r. Davis ii :ui a Iw'(Ifau Lrsutis crabiet îrouid tind il w-el I te r-la it preîty soon ?."If .hey k-iuxv.whztti for tlmeir. tawn iiers," ne- .spuded the Presideu lltie-r giimely,',th.y' h.îd bettei tujce nuolime about. i. ,'-Tlie harle 1has <-e"he àa idJt - vitiitraitons muât l)e tilîl t ÉaIt iiey aie c 1rirnituals. The c-uuntry tas clerly_ accole uplius-mitid ou tlimai point, au itlicaitiud nomere carnest aentut i -iltianti yel1." '1'bc"c s'as Viaeil a reiiew-al oftifh-e mutuài Promnise to îaik uver ami ' dilliculties îitmal ghta arise be- îîv'eeu Ga 1eat Britaii and tjie îid States- like iwo neightaturs siticeneily dosiious of î'goud erius wmîlî each 'oltr, a V ite n- ceryie% ued AN ENGLI.11 CURL FOR DRtJNKEN- .Monsieur L-'-,the fandions scese pit 'ES br, bad a faie-y tîtat li e oold cure ail ,iis-ý cases, -ad aecortiuaigly prezcrhbedl liberailly Tiere is a prescrition i use-in En. an lor -ils fiiemiis ,ai utherî wiîlimmg tu 'cerne 'for lIre cure 0f druiîkenuiîess, by'wbmc tou-, umder lbiis bauds. A .peronmiuohgreal tmitl tmP- ntîuuds are .ýàtîmlà uhave betai a_,sisted lu res- plied b trfiait for thte cure cf a ver>' bad coid, cuvèu'riiig tucn.ýýis. 1ice tC'cpt vaine 1t1- ami Moiiu -sadvice %vas- to autonici>' thiougli lte ellorts uof.Julîum Vinte DO YOyua c -,ane, cari vun like Io drinik -Hall, coimîmmalen of Ile Great Lashurul bran mca ?" -,l Iluîil. le îidfaf Ititl utusîMichhabituai llraidv,"1 neplied îheruabîeml, nothiiig lottm iruit-zeiumevi't, hit iifls umosI eartàe4 etivris lte te fiads o j;alaîableiu nemlvi e hli.tedl, im s lie rmiî .ut l. rv m nav*amlilutg.- Ai tMagmi led, "'cerît;ii1y, I bave 1u bjuctmuu :1.oa I11ith lite suilt Iu dlc f m euie - t W pia.sicaui.w-hog've bim aprsrpIf " Vydet, sidL-.u, "bran-tua Le lite vvlueîm lie tuifo ted. faatmilly' 1er sevren very thing fer yuum. Take- troc, lutus-em uiis, ai jae.tllee uaf utitat lime halliluest four-ceups cf it aPthoi as. you r nsoop- ail atsire for iquor, âah.11 h iehart ieemi gnOd, big Iuacupje te breakfat." f', r înml1 y veuai: led- captive by ame e W hait, sir!" a.sked rite patieul, rather basillag ajppote. amnazemi -, "w-thout vraIer M. Til C ecempt, wIlîmcli lie afiaatrwarti pubtiih- "Videolvatei:!" said L--, «"val de ycu o,,aiuti by % iiil esuai . aly olier druukardi uienu1-Nô murre vaLCI thauji u tht: bratn-- have been a.sci.ta±d lu retousi, is as follows:à tua' wbm mue Tk la ougli.-uphate of iroii, tibe graine ; mugnesia, iTake four lariré, very large coupes betwcemi ten ris pepperincaît valer, elevcu breakfast analdiater; ai4 iyen >'eu tiii a drachuma; spiril tof-tltn ,eedahn rchanige for butter or erse, coeetu <ie. - twice a dri>. Thuis prepanatioli acta s a . SThe: faitwo hslie patienat w-a*great, amati 50 ioiie and stiflauajt, andi eo uiaIly supplies w-as bis sw"l*ow. 9 iri ie dîys ie atuck te the place of lte ceîume d ilqaur,,sand-pro-, ilwaleia to ui liw-as Ille- peTrscrîp(biam of tIll e It hat abUlute pli% suea aaad orat p-us- aimir-WYaq, of course, drummk ail tIay-a1idl 1 tràttumoi titat fu.lovv, a sullema 7bneakiu.g off aI tht:cîl ou f lu.iexeniiomis Ir, tIris r foin i;i e w i t shimtî!alý,:g dttnii. w-av, lie caune lu L-, fiul mi t~iu ' i an qite uneu, Moî.sîor4 rillnt3iiay iilt a Sýiaker Societ>' in Pemmrmyl- said bue; "inover iiiua,iied brUmatuly -asu ven anl aecuml t liii succuess wîîh Cois> leïe a cure; I loch quime ubiget." j 'Tue e W d2U x40 fuLet lad Lberi "Omyec" sL, "Ivn uei I.î- ughlaed deepiy the previu.' auluommi. li %-ouil c.Ule yru--yu feu l ol adi he s , riLi hi ta 'ihho-ploughrirîgi, allen ,iiui >'cuw-cm mxkiig ii~~>î;.' nu ri-I ev- itJ liree hOrsc Ilîils oft-fume uld i aialmn Coul !" said le tien; - nP i-te* e0slpu-:uicOl, mad :hurotighly batrowed r .cly coul. I w-as rallier hu.Zwuiris .10ia îtb-'wstmmcvrei-U tr, Fmnat ,cda iiriiak a quii t f pir-iti mmm a fie- be-miuies Jeepwiy 1 w-sbinuV u uluoi 1h k'a- eauI- t eel ivas soiyniiin is 14 iitehes apart, simd Spirits lt" saiti 1, rallher asbonshed. l*ý.--tese à hi -VI déee is nu epit'ýii t eamatie co' brati, oeI Asomia tu selwatph. sare." i r w-ah a mixture of tb-0 .Tea maude cf brama 1" said i ls fniemid. 1 r.1 plic'ation vv.ms repicated tlmree lime" lu vrais' btmdy 1drI i Am 1-p:1- 1IdumiLiîg ltariy'Pari Of 1m'meoseasoai. Ti ai:, cf course, fullowed-bhe geîutlermaî, czfll.hc( nýej n imuiver, w-as curoti. e amn v -en ua. fui$>' fiocu 'ath eJt:,a -wl'emi as lar soeeîanb le -r MOMIY ~'D TiE have~b ther J têjamaedtv o inchitsla: 140 romw.'lir" lý-oiz xr irati.-hirebo h hei vaue.su t %as30 [buai-hèc5 >uf large criions, eqasal ,He làtoI mnmks bil mse - t'tht: one w-h] mu>about 1,00-J baîshels lu ieer rmake gouose cf duc ot'er. I îurist "Il bm PuNi-bJd det5iiibah ralifliif Jidp itùoa) o with diea1..- f lmeraiders.à- -- p y" ubc. 277Â~: -T--IL [.1 KM ~4 !aiasuni n e4nd adet .......76 *fime$8erSlsa ee uidof cvery hçce uý fM P 4IC fe i .id NOiUPMM..tanld harsed odnI,4 1I) dertiia ernft *itl«wg4ffwr"lu M7 füude~itrLiii. aaid thargédfirffltimUrne * *No ciual ma~rismaSiiiidsIi it, advaie. iMerchlaiis wilUi .rexpetd 1 FOY t BONAPAR E AR E LY' POVERTY. NI. Thier.4, i the lîiitory of the Cnaae recite bumevery sifange and previouàly 1 iIkÂiôW.iIpartiiulitrs u.p the ti.early fifu and peti.ury >f Npojl.on Bonaparte. It appear.-t lat after' he liàal btained a euh - aitle. 'scomm-issýion m i, he£rench service, hi. is kill'atid darig at Tou!on, lie lived sontmeiii Parilà ini bsciûru loJ2giàg, aud nsUCI enreffe puverty thlt 110 W-as oficai wvitiotîit he rneaî:s of',ayîîag ten sous for bià iliimer, aud- friequenîýly weiit without anY at al, [lie W uIi detti a n .01 yofborrow- fig - .ls -,a eenW:n oui cloi.ie&, ,n rs hsaeq tamintancès t 114-ud&it( iâbrout- er Louis, aXLUrWad$ King o-tf llollaîhd. bail at one time C 4-,i bm;ýÀ it -ht fie broLilerslcu I ni et out îter.J ii:svlue and îirûe about. At t 1Jii.ic! iýis l't chief bcnefactor of the ..tu.eL- Lij)ewor aliJ coilquerlor, .. t khoile- Iuïii.ît1y naine lie %world grew pal,"was 1 ie w 1cr T Wn.,~ln> offîcil avu him fond iUd 111cric'y. NIàieu'lce, aliei.%arda zýq 4àned 1lur it clac.eia! nul,rwas tiuritig :hîpcrWd lof starývat!îm, lia -bh and -acoeîuar 11h, inmnare fige biuu,,:ît uwian uiipIea>-amt anduîigu~ catafceous diieae, of type sa virulentaia mi guarit, ttmat il look ait tht: skill and assàii'y ot*lbis accompibhled phy- sician, Curvisart, lu e'xpel- il, aftcer a duratiom oiMore-îhan.ten years.' The squialid -beggar,- then, the splendid, EmpLerur-ah'erwvads-the th readbare- habili- mente and iinperiaI maitle-the hovel and .lie palace-tim meagre foodand tlb. gor. geousrbanquet-,Ihe friendship of a poot actor,- the humage- aud, terror o'the w.Orld-au ex- ile and a prisner. Such reth us nd dowrrs ci Ihis change- fui life, such are lte lighti and et îdows o the great and mighty. PRESI DENT JOIENS ON AND THE, BRiTISU M INISTER. 1.1 . 1 .1. t-t.*ffl, - - ý