I .~. ~-. t ~TL~ I eb w g )m S flbM ,.te.med as heo SOU&~L"est .pSdit lm jLha~$ loy4tb, iO rn cmeptouw Iig ruk c eie far thfse tOM- w. dul0fsarAIG"o plait.Orders are, 0u!5b15 in truMedicine .1 z iii"P !! ,îo. Dealeirs, in aIl part& off uhe country for furhher ad.Uu &Iels t if_ uplioS, and iach leÏ!iY 4g astW tbi. usiVerial Ji fmoineimaim f &tdtib*lt Veir - uittin' t jivet bs '»sOmd&Palmin Datroetut nver aillale nd tms u inesthi*gIiiiipo4*t relief.Ail Medicins e lee tcei ll ih W ouitir keep lt. P4yielaits oss't antinualt lanti ne f.pmky -viii b witbout adt.'eone 15ip1 l wen th" ushaIbilita> Pireronly,4 etsPrbot lIle oceosadff#4Itml 411ordep aboud bi4lsresed te in Caiine and -Ne'4et goTUROP'à -LYMN, id Mari, 4j1 w 4&auu:,11 jewcaatl 0 . W. wnw ia ragedy of G l i e a l i . A. ovs ui-fii i neqr q.Oma te OakirotitiCe. ugasmatia;-A. Wyaît, .I m.-. , -i! 71u --The bgMssilHeraÏlG aye nt'la llnuun ae*w ur&ly vsiy regret tha4 Ifooih 1SIpuiskhuivet qua net of thut pistilsand gi.iig har- TiE GREAT N ~F S E Y thqàfat I h.-t vng vistwjh- n. uati1g Of Sir JaunS lrU' .lertain oueeh'f.1Jie0brd poqCE LE enAT £'0 fL1PLL 8 the comufni àai2p cf ttcrimes, au tie tilla :Insg wiliih Wu baveallai, UWOterMi.know- This luvaltiable miedicine -la unfalling in thé, iuag, and Vu h i iât'ielaly o' teioM imtpur- eures etail thlose painful asti dangerous tiseams aus..au la alwg fWit crme. incident W lihe femae constîtutlion -It. moderatos ail excesseli and, relnes mai l - struetioma, frein whatever canes, sd %,Ëpeèdy Dxtn!rit Ar&t.,tL.-A iiquem ut asboeld effmay ha isîlet obu'. -in Atilalit Towlimiip, on itie--2nî instaft, up- TQ KARINI LADIE on Ile hs4Y ut M.ry A tiltPierce, aged tIses tsponirysit4 tlin lu4p hoc timel yeara. T e ite e vast Io " iltathes B Yeatas s. k.d uv- tvo itît,,hc dresini.thle.brlutaon lie moutily perioti viii segu1arity- hous,andl imited a uigliboua. - Mersep.,- CUI pa way beule houns, ale relutned horne, ThelsihoUlti net ho taken hyftmies Pila nd-une ûf ler olamlren bururtodBh aus. uen n agtoFluTTIR À verdict of(acidentai datit by lie vas e-MONIHS, as tlime)! a urs -brinIg on.,1îerà tumezd. nage; bat aI eveéry -etier time, ant Inlu oery i otiter case,, they sre perfeetly ats.-Afetos lui ail î,agmesotNervoulaSId. Spillal Arcto Pain lin is.Bgtik antiLiuîubs, flenvineas, F14- s aI N igue on siigit e xertionl, Palp)tittlion-of lb. hearti 'VU < Levuess of Blis yseioSok Hetaclrit,1 - -Whiteu, -sutail iother -palotas1 digeuses occasion-1 eti by a timurdreti systeul, tiese Pilla vali affect 11Ltaoa.WATS PîLu. -The aj;e la not nier. 40- a cure when ail other unemnu have fkiketi.- cemlauhanew settlm4C.u.i Lian is thimu wQ1derm' Full directions in tht nanphlet aruanti cd tiui mediciate wvlc ;t*,tres i ara pidity aiîtlOer- a4aCe, wiicb shalt b.carefallv preserveti. tinty &II - îlse - debiitattiusg utectione outhlie -A hotus ouutalalmag 50 j.iM4;aÏd encircled, Stolu«Ill ad the bewvels, wids jîaralyeinidus.-vit, thuGovernmnt. samp of GretO Bila in t in qnhelibiy regions. 0,eailha sent. post ifee fer -$l and 6 ,postage Bold i t the maifaQtorLs¾NO 80 Mate-i Lait., - talipa. New York, aud N o- 244 Stantd, Lonidon ; aud by Pet gaie by,?rbrthrop k Lynin. Newcastle, all druggisa. If uthe reader of ' notice" cannoh C.' W.,"en.1 Agents for lÈe canadas. - Sod gel a boiç of l-ills or Ointnent. froin te Jrag in Lidntsay y Brittn, Knowl-«un & Gregory, stoe iis plaue, lut hit Write le- me, 80 Ma- sud aht tht e ici *alll; Le. A. aes,, Oak- itien Lane, encloisig the amuat, ani Witt mail voltid; (le". Duglasu., Manilia; A. yatt, Cmi- alsulsrnue Me lany g464s1 iimnu inittnBo G.lchriït & Cauneéron,-Wootvil.le; 'T. keel . uy neuicines ou band bItosue tiey cau- lIpteliett, OYUCIpee, anti mliemedicineodealenos. nul make as m nuilipro_1 as ou, othoer peraous' 271 mie. 2.> ceuts, .62J cents, anti $1 perbo;. 102,- Tu Voçat..>T$, $'sAài'JRs, &Çi.- Asu ---IITE, - vor andssit htst a re muck:taxeil, and(liesu AILindsay, on tigeZOtlm ultime,,lire vite cf ce meS ott-tf irder by u(u4g"lu Ids 8w., liv a Mr. George Workmaziu, 4tie daughier. ,qux(i t Bun'cPuliunu iWters, esly 2 w ii Tvsipîsof Peselon, -ou the. 2611t ceri abc;. A>il o vl fMr. JttuMotye f a ofiemwsu Canad la between 50 anti 80 ssihjiiitutIoll<iss>a isuce nujirmailittile saincertsiniy, -but sie dots mtct >e thus withaout haviug- soittetaiiutg to îhrw fo'r it - lucre i heWlln Caa.teGaid tin a wytW5ll8 - - DIED. At Fingai, on Taesdauy, lime iSt i >,hit, Soph ia. the beioved vite ofýt lime tv. IV. E.- Walkcr. Weile> an iaister, ageti 28 )!earsý. Decaseti vas ùau tre n un icel fRsy r7oo rniles, a-malast, Itoigi ot lettel, is *- 1~ ,ueea "Ca n4itaii t1¼iîîDetitroyer,- whlohm for the - -atd pleimisy paisns in iiie buckmut sie, LINDSAY MARKETS. uswtq:, brmiSC3 ade ot, fs'ot-biles, &C., .... FRijAYM 11y-5-1855. eti. pur botte, There lias bee4 jitle doing in th.e rnarkot for - __________ evtral days. Potatees ai d gga re comnissg lu lirelt tredy. ýA gooti deal tif veai oiffering. iii ef i n X»ato. Butter ,qtgree.. .,Time aient . market ba& beu. Relief - po~~orly suppiliéd for gaverai veshm-slhr 9RYAN1'S PULMOINIC %WAFERS, flsdiuu g-it 'ipossible. te gel ssim:lzî fitlta kili. Tîme followusmg are tht raliug priceila ite odnal diciine Etailihedin 1737,and iFali Wieat,...............i$100.to10 Pb< a rtiel» of Ikiuîictriardtied ut Speuîîg Wheat........... 90 0~ 95 0 [laine or"', l-~al!tîiic WVafers," in thià or auj ais, lier buish........... o 00 OG lier riamtr -il tlier Pulmîio Wvaters are jotatoes, lie rt us..........O035 0 O40 tinhtefeits. Thae gcnsthie- eostit ,kiowui by Bae,per bulsh.........e 60 0 llàiiise BfiSAN btliig.sua uietida it Wafr. P,,, rI jenbsl.......... 0 O0tO " 0 no - 1RYi-'~V UL.MON(C %WAFFR - .Hay, prta.............13 (0 15,00 lieve GuI>olsoeh Iopts i t lemtroaesFlu, per kai............... 4 0 4 50 BR.YAN'Is PUTIA.(SIC NW'.0ERs- -Fsesh Butte., pcv lb......... 15 " O 00 14.,.ô Spitiiing cf llloud, Patins in lie -Chest. E555, prdes..........08-'. O 0<> BRtYAX ýPCM() CW.-AFERS Strav, perleaad....... 3 00 e -900 Baeper 100 Ibe....... 3 50 1 4 50, eieve- Ii'itatiop ofethie Urula - antiTonis B-11 r Ilerqr..... O0'i uoo - -ilLYA1NSPIULNMUNIC W.NFERS -Tailow, jenl1b...... .0..8OOS ý O0f0 sllN~eIhealmvetim,iuaiasls lnTen Minutes. Cnw 1d pu cri..... il, Q" . 01 BRsNSPU14\1flIC AFFRS CGaese,eaoh......... 25 "I 0 00 re ablesiumg toaahi laîties and oietilations. 0 ules a>b...... 40 " t' 45 BIIY.ANS PlL%'IN-C WAFEIIS lous, 1pet 100 i.b....... 50 "l5à ra atapleti for Vocalis1- mid Public Speýakers. - ~--- - - llI«AN'S lUL.\4NINIUWAFEjIIS SIIYAN'S UMINÙWAFEWSUW .tIvl t rn lu a- iipiè tormnantdi.leasaxt tte etaste. r UAYS Wiîjl o -ttlaaFESat I. â1 F a rlxi for.,Sa le.' ýt -nlv ,.lieve.but effect.laatinoe cures. - -URY NSPUL W.I A FERS Anae warrantedt legir. satistfaction b every oua »R Nrae pI JOB l M WUHJ. moiti ti A i u N i. vil 4p Pr,' Ine eof pil. the. ing0 in Bui taii NDEII1 James ILLA lk the( i2 oWclock atI nige situate, ap of penchap, rvinceeosui ilt OUR ALi part- tf thet R '.i_ l -he &at ip cf Fenelcua ied as tuilai -raý a; loisil ( JU th tiBoulli r~ 112 féet a o inme, iii.r - aide lina aI% a lin. paralle tie cerner of wmlat v ith t anuig; toget aIt valua hie a rerms nd utf ntuappliý ay41m 85 ç~aEAT si~8iN0 rn~MBEu!! KIBLOCL1 FRAJK LESLXSS~*~U~, - fràpefl, ~ GODETS 1s-4'DY~~~1~,, ~,Âms,. MADAME DEKOR~Su . -. anti al lateal UB X, gW*itOs, Peiludi- cala &asti N>vIIl*115 theday st gi. LNSYDKSOE ent st LindayMstrh ~, ISL -290. f['KEOTO.~, TBTE C OURT OP foris TOW N. 0F LIS DIS AY )f aPoyeretsl letieuture liy vay &ip' ot Fenelua,.un Wi o e fia lst Part, 0 place, Ta-none. et Iouriahumig qLMBRAY, te by ~TtON, *Obof Xay, ahsy, in oe slot vie ing aud lieing in time Tovtu- Cou Cn ty ot Victoria, à odl tg coutalasg y adser- SHtalf et lie SEat haIt uotLot ittesoion of the saut Town- nd uta y e kuownu anti d- tht itu say :-Conmenc-. the éoueesgion line, 11l2etc utcorneruofait lot,,thptice mg lte çonçeàssiosu lina tu a N'el au ua in, airaiiel vwiti à tu a pointtbe', thon South. taUte eoncesionline 1Il ftas rock'& lut, thon Eàit in ma liii. aide lisette Ilàce'ut be-. r witia the Fraise Stures anti 4 The"e pesmises ametise iusnesastangls li il,.viidage- lier -paitieuli a ay lie ob- AT k IIEAP,, Xn,. Ob!.a Y IIAVIN.'G renteti a PIANOla tis aeirons cfO- talcing pupils athber:resideuice, Ruueil streel. o»* Ternis made kuovua on application. Lind«sY, ,185---261 ('ow Stray2d. TRAYED triasW. bberiher>s premises a "' SALL RED C0<W, uno white, .iim umorai crooketd bo nis. Amiy one giving s:cb infurna- dion as8vii1 lendt teber reroveryorbun c bmck. ýwill ha suitabý ces' ardeti. C. BLACKETTRO1cl. Lida laMmy,18.- 0#'EALOYTilt LATE flES3IDET LIOOLN* _ýEE HARPEWS AND PRANKLISLE' ,~llutraedPapera. l- A second large supply bat receareti. Ail-the FASIHION BOOKS -FOR MAY' EVEilYTHlNG NW at H.AY'B #QOK STORE, Kent. Stree. Lakes Bimco ad Coohîohing. 'tSteatmer KMXILY ILIT leaves Bell t Ivart tvery la-wtul day on lime arrivai et thc Mail Train from- Torositte anti- c4ils.ail Bsaerton evei'y %onde-y, Wedmesd ay anti Fkt-.' aàyl, at 3 o'clock, p-mandmu evtry Tntgday,ý Thurstiay- anti Saturtiay, atIZ12 ccloçkt, neoni, returuing te Bell SvaLrtis ligne tW conuect with the diebtg train for Toronte or calhlagvcu. TiceRsaily My cails dail.y ai J&ckson'. Poiný t, lerley, Orillia, and tuicer lâcet, vioere ahe tsàaally- stops. At Orillia, passait- gens eau takee is teamer iry for ibe llsait- ka settltmt, and the Severn- Rivet. ,---1 Fanes.moderate. lsaant rcfreshments o board. -- May bIh, 1865. 296 l'ON!I sioU t OMC WLtFlO E Soz ON TIURSDAY, OX' I~U~O.lCWAFR~. { nitlist of Letters' li tehou"e. The Tiret da ê f Jinne nxtN i i. ETITSPu ler should lyt without a supply of-tJwttsioe, ntef May I 8, 1865, TON 1'L~iJNG WYER IT OI.N 0 L ./Y 1 D Y,8Irennan Miebltel -MeRa. John bers n i Carrcket Ae»iDucan Mcliae Farquhgr eroîa ~i.euruljut to ive for &y 12 O'CLOCK 05 - Cnpbl . . QtoMRa oalir .YON'S PvLJMNlNC WAFERS Ninety-Eight Acres, composeil ofIiroken, front mpel.ohR Pttan. Twéty-Cfýe cets. ef Lut nàrmber.Three iinbhéeeenth çaoesi. Iaimpb n4üRew Rinsa Mis Mar OSE.S, Sole Proari I or, Roche ster. cf b.Jousto ugli Robinson Alexsadr l by Northrop andisl yma, Neveagite, TJohlI ofEdo ~ Knstned DIlti, hln m lierai Agtlits for the Calladas Soltid Me < iureay William - ilott Peter y bI' C ,r1itto(n Krtiowlb>ouIêeGregory i teCûtiiy of. Vietria, under a power O0 calmDgP hr e.Am lMedgi ll; E.YA. Bowes, Oak- m-ie containet in .&a Sirtgage mat1 b Aia-.McDalum DougN Shapedie Jou" -11a.Godn, t1lilla; ÀA WYati aildehtvFtlyen and i vie, tu Janps Mlldhter' cFachern Mi les ra Woodi William ton Giclridk. amron Wedvlle son of the Townîshiîpof Eldun, FEsqire;, h.le >llilan l 8aml Weeket Permis, to- 221447 Bll; retribate of culîmsin erm/crb. I d ayMu clit, Orjnmte, aniail other niedicine geae îar f iei ltareti andiin a.-Sood Prn,.lhgfriebé ;a t A. LACITIISE, for advertuse4 1te a ag.teumoi:uuiortniornu'rrl ~ ril29î~, -~D. CÂMERoe>, P. X_ 1*4T<IVli th,65. 296-td - eter 'utnilY Mtlcie, It is well andi fAvor- -I__________ -ListOf Iet >n, rtlisving uioqn(st romi pains ln 1 &e >EMAlNIYG hin- the luwàv AyPott l Oie, liaer niliesi,Coî'glis, CliSore, »lfJryIR4 ..iihly 4tli, LI65. prauts, Iruies,Craniiiiin the 8toina ch, -Aslcew Mns. T. E. Jeffrey George MruDysemtry, llowei Coilplaintâ fITHE et.ibatCrber offt-ri4 fbr salé TW() BEAR jBgnMr. Joncs Snrah ~uis, st-ite, k., e. CU I (ale afld fernAle>aged fkrm ith.îrock Wm.Kelly ThOMuas ,sunia Pain DAtoer h~ as nov licen For te Misli>jily $0 BrOgan James 1 1 nsaeny W. le pliblic fr a 1lngth oflime, sudnti ir- -ALEX. LCICKIE. r M. aue ao Lvee ià wel l iketi, nover tailin.g ina &sngle William Mtreet Rtiler Matllev -MNa Wa r Ma vgarot, te givC perluýnent rtlief when timyey Lnu~ 3rd Ma 80.~Catry Franci4 Morrison John Al we liavi iîever 4iAQwn, a sngle cage -- _______ iagi bicbl MoCabe k tisf&cti,2Duwheitk oect ba INve u ove t A tof 18 . ottig: WmiJr. KodeaLd m n. )peri'y folu ivei, b' n.the counXtry P- lVôo Henry . MoFadyeà Coliq bled with it,> o en,tkti, jand d.î>ak In NEt '1KCreditors f l m. Deînt a nîfes~ vid Johà - Reeds Thom.-*$ iest teoma, of isvîw$uesandi MArgital j 14metat t le L*w îfIUe of P. A. HUi. D I05l.or iURoberts W0m. in UMt Tgil f Lhibd.uaylun 'he omînùty cf Vie. og Q erge RebiafflMUi. Mrga peak front expériencutel I i m,ttt, torta, on Tuftdaby,the 23r4 iay of 7May, A« . t FI&aNg ma ha este t 1$thoron lly, andt hrefèr. Ibosei as O ra74"v Wcitltkmen, fer île p eo. ttîlleOIi.Dsli tnWi siiffe.lng from suj-of th çompu)lRnti 9 o eevng the tatemn-uuîut bit 4mf4aIruýand Gasiet wmL2 - Wuolàt D. ta t i.4 reounelua-y dépend stéon»ofnaming arnAuuiguse tovbo,'eM>auy mike lauitanies. E4v*PdT&ykrJames a %everpign hetemeit. -s n.gnHauti, h hv dll MVshaeu Wluw ilberi tcsishing eniIcaey of tbeetadlii Pain,- J4)4flWNDRIM. ý '> ~~ wr, la eti ring the dlise& frvblcb It la p à UD es. elugfrl.aioe.1 lmsa iende4, and tsoiede rfnl succtS Intub- - BRD'cteerso4nscll~igfreaevlýýff SATwIwaa&Y il.t oSki ooi 'àt. AU*-- Ti-r-- 0. --v - -- B Tho ulserbes, oet'nam& Woets' .el- btei014 ByeTùddy anMd Plain WhIs- D011804 k NIBLOCK Y. nIy ro-ern-e, &. fo te 186le5; v i a e> ed thé bTOWN CM>WELLISS AKERY, ~ .~KENT. STREE T, LINDSJ Y. Y.dnada, li FlONFECIONERY, Sweetments. Fruits. le taeslabo 6cousiderationuayilcielpcats that 1 ssa b.maie gauas l. ~st8S1ittfa- tt eau, Cofles, OlCicToba"cou, asFa nc Ma u aeumi o s C r 1i a Otêl'ithedis ips éA T. AWY~~Y4 O.. ~ -~ __ Liuduay, 201h October, 1664. 75)stidOJOeqOîltgoîd, 51t0 Fam r Ate in !! * ~' A ~ ",- ~ ~6,000 sets ladies'jeveîry7-caiiis, poari. etc., ROYAL CLLEGE P SU~.EON8, O ___O :1H'> 10,0W 0G-aid Peau, Silter extensonhoer Liesaia.~ Royl ~ 'UR Sibsculies ar lstlruced t tu,Oold esmo odmoueihodnThe.subscnuher desires tominfonut the custaois ]UmIt. Mwfm O i Ry - 'E ûÉrbr r nsrce osl 5,000 goimi pent anti gaitiextension boîtiers, of the late brin ot Collae Of Surgeo,E u. j~fd~ or.I lemte building tommerly occa- 61tu 10 dols. I eIs & I o e î pie astheOffice of time Cuaadiua Pott, on 5,000o sucer goblea anti drinking cups, 5 tu e t04 e *.9Linesay Streèt. It l eladaptedf on aiitore 50 dols. GOdd Madaiut is a rg"ry, idwifomy asd or dvelling. and Nii lie soit very eheap. 3,000 silverýcaii;toi'5, làa te 50 dols. Mdc aforamer1v Surgeon s e er Apuly ho- MCA k200s ne rit anticake basketi, 20 to 50 vi a ie eea pbiàtmthol&o s. KAY A BAP, dols. carrying on thme Harutesa anti Saddlery b-uineg M!ajelif)#ca tse urùea ~ Ms . T k H GiverÂN k Co, 116 Broati- àolelyu lbis ov.o assount,in the- uld âsaud ad- durn lteRusin VaLindsay, Apnil 14, 1865. - 9 w ay, Nlew York, extensiv e mniufactulrerg and» joining thme store of W. H. Ndtellel ES CO., St-wod r orhofMimportera af ail lhe lestding anti most tfasiion- sll~ it r ne vda.erye ie il! hfa glat St. tv dota orhm e M.NOTICE able styles of, WATCHES A»D JEW- to bave a vii aneeyfemiv-m ta 'Danél es!mdsay -SOHOTL EBY, desiring ta illerea"e timéir business ta tiing in Iiis line. IT S R TEACHER a n unlimited extent, liave resulved upon a great Woirkitig, doseiy at lime business iimself, andl .1Ivn ea £0 O<II I Gft Distribution, subject ta the regulations toi- empiuyiuig nomme I-tut experiemicet worksiuen,,antl, Tii. Seni-anûsl, Iowuug: byui aissmterial for casi, he i3 preî.arcd tu -IICanlifleales, nmn each article and ti a offen tIsefollowing price lizit for the, considera- j (bluntng a pivaI siili - ~Linmay istict lEA ERS lime.are I cé nSevlei Euvteloap's;atid etiton cf in'aaim 1ueaea lu lesiti eut)! - ~mixei. tUneOfu these envelopes wmll h ti Good ieavy Shori-Tumg Harness vitlr '1'lon I U llS11ituNgDin g tuAinTdl.0F ksent b> heavy iRames .............. 10 or Lail sa Disrictkilliarne. ts..plac.in.............$19-00> Nsu3ts.i0F 200aO0LLA.RS THE RtEW SCIIO3L HOUgE, UNOS Y I AU arlides sd ol m ueDoUar cacA, wilit. Long-Tlig doi du do da -20 G upvet, so tre Wfie easas follovsOnrcitfteCrliat nviiseha Set of liglit. single Hmrnes, with.mniet Andtirds round unes, fiv yanti, ui ygar lu Wp. Rate, qj iltreat, S per cent perAnÀura - THURSDAY, JUNaZ FIRST,-for Candi- yen are.tuingto bave, anti thon it is ait yoir anitrac r iita.......... i <> dlitm fibr firmti cla certificaiteu. option to send the dollar and take the article-Agaisriebedul e feare tX"T eM n vo n eh d iý ei y, on or no . , Purob&serâsitiay- hum ohbtan a GoitiA flu er,(viaM oble s et o f a v rsliim ~ bnnyeub mt nmda FR IIAY , J-UNE SECOND -for Candidat« ietutbefr ibg: - ih proucton faùtiémiâttnotile. titrlee. reIan ut.anceati Firlrea Watchat,' iamutiRig, r a)Rintogewory vare'>visetraupefsui li;'elrps muid Lite, eS*oted at mode:rato rates. Also, N.Bj C ddiscmngi fe 2dlcýo ur liaitfutoeedol mur, andi-le au case tan round linsaanti tancy Britte ...... 25 0 N. B-Cadidtescomng n aien12 'clok lley gel less han oue dallars vorti, as ticre Andieverytuumg iuî proportion. 300Aàrj of Valuable land vil-Ic ietfuseti admission, are nu blanks. Teic ie ai Certificaltes us as R~ann xctt ety rmu) ia forsaleoné a rbÏe.termls. or fîtrîlmer an- JOHN VICARS A. B., toîlov ticulan if nre-paidtud> 10N I-1C lAaîRS A. - fr twenlty-five cents; 1ve -for eue dollar; eheaibl. tiuasapjly (fby ettei p1~10< j fr dl ne-oWilsips, Lasmea. Surcingles, Bidtles, Hallets, J.Lndsa xc.U194.eeeortodla, hty fo f. dolas; iuslies, Comb.3, kc. Ac.,, kept causlantiy ont - psuns, Reacim. sxty-five fur ten dollars; oue huadreti ten fit b anai anti sold xcry clîeap. Epeou ud ,86. 25-) een dollars i id o anag4a ~Cutter Triinmisig N9oue !i'.oney' Xouey! 0Affenta viii be ailoe est -cents ont evcny dont-,aIlte lowest p rces. _____________________ Y ___rîlficateoertered by tieznupnovided ltsé-un ne- ][3- A cml is-epecfullyeoiiitedt oofiect 5cents for eerecertilleale, anti remit. j A MES: LUVELL. - ssiindetset 5 cntslaus, éther in cash tir postage stamsap Lindsay, Decemben 21, J8634. 2T8-tt B xey Aîi U SC O iITT. k Il. GACOHAN C> 'Vn 11 UBO IRROFESFR -aingiuvestntfiit on Crmie upoei 216 1 rawy e ok 1 ALR - Farnv ina,-n Clie - -**Pçer iin xineton wli bs ee rae ite8 I alîiees ýaýry>imgfùm iS.ta ,$3 lier' acre, -Ô PaTL O TO NI4PpOi ers ii in ix a insyeri fia'ei 01ime SET LEOlOW SMing eSatdzi<tt5s Is ne r W i - t 4, il%, Ohm C ou. 200 acres. O - ~4 in lQUih Cou. 20? 46i- n uiia 1 b 'u. 200', t' "16 in -.î1b Con. I2 a' 18 in arai Con. 200 di lun Bexiey "24; ip - -68 " Olu GuIl River, Id -28 9 9 '-' North-wesl Bay " 17 130 I Stop-k vilI ha laicen as part pay 'eut. For tiîrther particulars. apply (if by letter, post paidtiQJ . ER .Riclon&it iiP. G Richmandhlb, mv 1l, 1864. 25I baif bris, and bris. Aie Aie aW Porter in bottins. Fur aie by tf3Ial LUIAtY Dai. lyc e lc m ip5i, t1l00 - Tii. Fins Premiums receiveti by tis Ccii- panigring- làee. er 1863 eaoed thone of uit-y - othen onmpany ia Qisat Bliitnlay£200,0M),> .isurauceaon ever)! tiescriprwiof etpropcrty effect, i ut l. lv'atreuueative rates. Loua.s palti mu.datiîy On preet. Agestt>r Lindsaby. W Rompr k a'sBrickBliick. -1 u(ey to -g - t,.. ~tlu1~ i.,. c <A w.0 'ir limthe manles ieiong ta lîrivate intilviduails, boans eau ho uegotiateti in FRONI TEN TO FIET EEN DAYSI aftthlie applications are matie, provideil the VTiles are not uniàuauly- complicate., Appt)!, ifthy ler pre-paiti, ta. G. MROCHNE., -Lindisay, April 26, 186. 295-tf.- NOTI CE. Tii. Court of 8qeviuion . for thé Municipality of LAXTON, AND DIG9BY, viilha béoi t a Hefa Laike Seimolgouse, LAI- - 'PNM .. ATITRflAY The:lSth Da* of Nayr, next, ah le. o'clock, A. M., cf*biim ail Parties mine-, resteti are requestedt t taie notice anti goversa titenseives aceortiingly. - - DUNCAN GILLESPIE, -Toua aiip Ctnk. -Laiton, April 3rd, 186.22- TOWnsIÙp of Feul. NT OTICE s.hriy iven tha a By-lav iii SeN bintroducet.i t lime nexî mting cf tii Muniial 'Conil -et -lb. TOWNSHIP 0F- FENELON, -wiebVIh boIt lon the XOaiday, >th day of May$ 1S65t 1 anti22in the Otit concession oethle sait Town- I Mhp etf enelon.- By- eider orthte Canseil. No ICE *. NOTczICE abernehy givea liaI the COURTOf lE ISION i T WXSHIP 0F: FENELON 1 viii hda tia PO0DGEWjS HOTEL, PULON PALL-Sf MONDApàt, MAT 29th, 186U, at 10 oÏcloek, A«.M., of viici ail parties ie-- rasted i vi l ie e is notice, andti oeru -WILLIAM FIELDING, Fa'nelott, 20.tb Aprul, 1865, 295-4t. AT. 8 PER CENT. FOR artctaaniapply tW LACOL'RSE kD)IMA Setoru, Liuduay. j . . AvEMnPT Al.D1IEWbS, OFFIE ~At X. Toma Walli LITTL. BmRI'fAIN 0.0 Ud - «M# $0 ctila a"i sfer PHOTO I~R.&PH8. tiwardcd Frat Prize ai the Agricultural E:i bitiom, Lindsay. -o- IEGS. te inforîn hmà Frientis and thme Public Jtm t-6 h pui pose cf. eaabling imseît te axecîste, un the Mont peeu-tmanner, ail or- doms vit wluich ho, inay lie favoredi-be imas nante tisiseit. thorouîghly acquAiateul wiIîail lime laie improvements in bis art;, andi ieing. suppliet viii the lieut matanials,cimiac. b. bopes te -prodace thea Carte dei l'sne in as grett excellence *as aony matit in, ibis province. The Giallery it.spaclous anti f4vomubly situmateti iu regard te higmu.andtis apronound hyb>juidges ta ha reanarkm biy veilladapted for the puirpose et mnaking correct likeneassa- 13- Positive y no pictures viiili cet1. out of the. Galler.y ijil paiti for. - :> Satisfactioa givra in e very case. ,~ aWe invaniabis mupply Mr. Franeisvith lime p -etanti tesl chemicalslbl atn le obt.aineti, mutd lelieve bin teaho ethorongbly acquainteti vila bis beautiful art. KNGWLSOxi k GREGORY."ý e 4i have muçh ploasure in eertifyiug te lii.* Ft:amncisalility( in re adte bis baing aile te mlake gond ihctograPl "Thepictutes ta-ehey Mr. Ffancis, ot Lindt- say, are as gond as I haýve seen front man)! of thWin. M üaONNELL." "I c*nsider the. p1otoZraphs et Mr'. Franeis 'Asjsodati 1 as tmçaay 1 bave ccci rseen in Rugis ot, anti 1 bave een some f thme fisest. Lindsay, APril 71h, 1865. 292 F 0.111 Ug A~u. Àà PARMIPOBT is ofered fer sale ou very adrantagkeotra ternis, Th« South- half of lot number twebtY-wO itee eghtb co cetsio cthei -An excellent W f 10et Oees more or Ies, fhe iliereï 4s frame ,dweliing bouse wib stone cettar and kitchen attached, al in good repali. For furiher and full particulars tpplv to the Comuninet Trstandi L.oua Company of Canada, Kingston; or ta GEO. DOR31ER, &icitins, êw., Lindsay, C.W. Dee. 14th 6. 2-" CA VTI[C 14LL poisons are heroby eantibuedi against I)tr.haiug or negoliaitsg tvo-Promu- meorYN-i<4. drea. by Richard Soiuit'r, ef Opu, laifkloureOf JAunes Southaun, dateti ir, March, 18tA, amd falliiug due, nontu te luth 0' February, 18664, andth thioler on thé 201h of- Tebruary, 1867 .-Thi es eswteid1 . obert Graudy, PoStmuater, Omim. A NESS, Lîlver CompA m-, t, aud Lyîas anti for al di-eases aris.ing frein a disondiei itale oft tiBlood.- Soit by the. pint. AW.BROWN, - Propnietor. Prepzrart aolit b W. J. THIRKEIL, medical Hall. u indmay, 111h lUne, IRR4. BEGS te neturn bis sincere thasakitoe le - imhabitants ot lindsay -ut s ur -ontiing-. country tfor the extiCnsi'e pattrona ge -viile vms- iting lime place, anti voulti aIse stasle that ho lias openeti a permanent officp in charge ut Mi. H.1. Corbet, bute asoistast ivith Dr. Dot-y, Peu. tii f Kingston- Tii. b>usiness vil--be cea-ý- ducte dey u teename antisd ea O'DONNELL 5 CRBET Ail operations pertoninetiounlte iales"nud Miost scientific pincîpies ku ovn te tthe profes. msien, anti vannanteùt glre satisf;action. S Until fütuther notice, Mn. - Côricît may te founi at Mn. Keenànls office, i ree§ i otMn. La- Courée's office. Mr. tYPonucît w Il irontiili e bis uisits as tîsual, riz t-'-on tise trst Tbusrsdiy in ca-ch mouil anti romain, eue wepek, vhez ha vil-i EXTRCT M RTI!wimlIUIPAIN. - N[EFERENCESt Drs. Martin, &aàurrw!î, Benson andt Cogan, M. Dunsford, Solicitor, J. Gall-li, Deprty -Sher- i ff. Gea. Kemimi, T. Keenasu, J. Duindas, J. Loni- han, W. J. Rohinson. J. B. KovsuW. Gac L. A. Cadweil, A. Wnighit, F.sqsg.ý lin. C onhett voulti offer the foiiov*,.ng leIter of recommendlation fromt Dr. Day, Denutist, ef Kingston; mut là addition 1h. following refer- suces. * "Haing sgootikaov ein o.. . rec~mmen gont d ta tie sbigeas Dnias. I bath Sugciat lecinical. B. W. DAVIO- D Lentist.Kgso. Rstsuecss:-Ds. ovier, Strange, and Prowà, Sir IUenrv S-umthi, SîerîLf( rbt-t,-Jxmo sien, KitiZston; 3r. LaCirse, G. Donner sat- ,. J. weller. Soliiîto'rs, intisar. . Lnt ay, Noy.t?1864. 2734 XONEY TO LOAN. ON EMS5TETtRMO. Lindsay. Match, 1804. NOTriICE., The Court of. Revision .for the fm t i patity of RE X L KY , wiilbW h l t in the Sehool Houas, Seoion 3 t 5b' @W SA TURDA Y, t. he Mdsz&qp q A VaiR&S c0mencifgl f)O*clock A. v., of whic Il- parties iutOmted wih .plcaft take 001105 an"_ goeathialls Iaccardinly. oeC clip - ý ai 1 . 7 ý ,ý -, , m -e, , - - i ý 1 - 1 >' M ao"sacl oue 1" bte.dIowsQ DoLAREacbIirtio AU tethefoilefor OIf thbese vu SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLUS. cluding Wa% AlIlQ e »W lfor $telEAch. Cities sud 1 25o Gouta' Golti Uuatici C(ais W S cke. AIse,]1 $160 so . .*1' . ý1 or private e 250 Ladies'Goitimat and uâelsd Cam suit W any Watcbes,$35 te $Sm~ m0e Gals' UamS igCame Baver Watcbo P H O T c SU5 W.$70. We vert 200 Diamond I RNg,$%0 te $104, -uni" eSI It %~0 0 Goiti Vee t i dSelaCha., $15, W quaniies ih SQOe..- ý.'ý1from 50eoSn 3,000 LIolti Geai Sand Bracelets, 4 to Il del&. the repuitati 5,000 ChamGoI Baraceleb6ts, in te dos. durabiliy t 2,409 lia~el1a GhinaSSI patichais mail, fre, g 7,00;Solitaire andi golà broSçbes,. 4 te î 10 e lois 2,00 ava anti Plereutlse Brobed, 4 to 81 CA R los.unr Cala 5sO8 "ralm, Opa i94tiEmeraldi Brooches, and differel 4ta, os coutinisally ,,oo Mes4ie, jet,'Lava sudi Flosatine Bar nemit Amern irps, 4W M ?4dols. 10Majo 7,500 Corai, Opal andi Ensermiti Bar Drops, Coloe 4 te 6 dots. I4.000- Galiforna- Diaunonti reast Pins 2 se l130 1D tletiol. -Stage, d rU obt Pl andi Test Wateb Xeys 2 50 Dent F te 8 doIol ,0 4,000 Poli and t Rstbubon Billes, a te 0 ucudng dols.g avn $, R,0 ets e olitaire siefe sBatioo, Stutis, Enr'iSs*n, etc.t, a1 Bdole. Onie. Dseti 3,000 Goiti-thumbles, peu cls, etc., 4 to.7 dols jie-D oncuû 10000 miuia lure Lecets,2-50 to-s dots.* onti 4, 00 Miniature Lockets, magie prlag, 3 te; free. au dos. Pbotogr 3,000 'lid tootmpiclas, crosses, etc., 2 teSO . 8 .wih 5.000- plain goit rings, 41ta 10 doils nu -y 5 OMJehased goît rings, 4 ta 10) dols.. 10,00golti set andsignet rings, 2.50 to, 10 U i dois.UT 10.00 ClifoniaDiaunoadi rings4 , 2te 0 aIo ill mte.oouimaisbuasea Waterîalawe are timeiBum foi Mt, vi. pes msd ereojdcimt-f h ave aune4m.seasotpe*4 s r 14ees, Anicricau aBd Fore4W -- ehiihition. Our CatAlOguS vilbd addreas on remcpt of S'tap. >IGRAPIIIC ALBUÎIS. the fit te introduce theie.iut.> the« ts, and ve manufacture impm»s à great Yariety, ranging inu pe nts te $5W cath., Our AL*t MS 'iYe ioncf beingmguperior in heauty andi toany otbers. 'Tlî4vi leunb mn receipt of price. Ibusmu Made to.Order, nO. D PRO TOURA.PffS., alogue nov embraceq overjfve MAou- Mt suýbitèts (to vhih additions are being made)-ot P!>rtraits of Emiý ICilfl, &c.1 ViL. about or-Generals., 2'x) Brig -Generala, 273, eIs, 10<> Lieut -Colonels, 250 Other s75 Nayy Officers, 5"'> Stateumnu, )itines, 125.Authors, 40 Artisis,125 , 50 Promifteut Women, 130 Promi-. oeigu P6r-trais. 0. Copies of Worki of un.t reprodu ition* of the moat cé1ebrau4 gs, paintinge, Statue@, kt. Cata.. ion eelept of Butep. An ordW er uPlectures fr.pn t rCatalo)gue vil l e he reccipt of $1.80 and, ment by-nmil rapherà adothers ordering gooda C. ïIeplase remit twenty-five pr cent. of ut with their ordler. L. Il. T-. ANTIUNY k CO., flctuTtTs of Phofoczrapic Mattrt, OtBRO-DADWy, NEW YORK. àe rimesandIquzilityof oUr gioods -ean- satif.292-17y. il . 1 11 P. FIELDING, Clerk. 290 -4 1 àjoan-