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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 19 May 1865, p. 3

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-t ~ 4.~. - AI 8LIqua9r5,£ large~~~" saivi iel4 sowtngta Ib*0 grait 4eomw la ds ve blv aslara* dlqals7, I &SHES ULIUGAND LiquOSt mdv haes be&talo lu.ayegth&t ms. boum ail, ttrade -.cosTrELLO & C. rER oip SgTAPLE &srFNCY ho h.,l DOW. prepare to te o ethe Public a hoace àqgo(nietbeti. bove ni ntlonet bneeMis stock conjis is prt uf: Ail WçW, Union an&d CutinnTweice, lMhaf-r Cxt ting-., FancyFlannels Gnefls'nd Ladies' Collars and Tes, RbosFahrFoes Shawlp, MuntIee., Dret' Qoîods in reat va riety, Gents' SV.iw and FitHat'g,Ladies' Slraw H lats - s~dUnaes-tiînnedandi 1 . eirà WLA.THEGREAT ENGÇLTSI{ ftEMEDY. Ili&i Prints, Factory Cottll, Stealnloom, ElStri.,t Shirting, cheok do., Tlcking, &c., his custoners, M'LEAN, -1 ili fiati teyond çoàu,,t:tittlqn, )buSh in qt;al*i>'asd- Prive CELEUIATID fEMALE PI1L.L3 ES US ES COFFEE, - COFFEE, ý.COFFEEi re an weUd- This Iuvaluable indicine la unfailing in tlhe SUGARt, -SUGAItý * acola miur- cure of ail those painftil and dangeroui-diseases SPICES. SPICESS Phis resttWg incident to the, femnale constitution. ci ril is ey It[i oderatos ail excesies aud remnoves ail oli- PICKLESI PIC K LESIý' PICK LES,- vi truotions, fron whittever cause, anda àspýeesi S*CI , AUCES, SAUCES, Vaemthu ue aybc relied on. * &~ ýiidtu 201. TO KAIRMINULÂDIES: ert irict *fi t l hpetuit' a siteul. If vili, in a shortt e A ai.otieent o! Crotkiery kept cousian ti> on baud. - Buolli. Tisebring on ithe a>ontbiy periu)dwititrcquhUittýr. lus Stock of Ra>-uweClothing, and Bootsand Shoes villi ho sold at cosi ViC, being de- it4 obligation cA'&o< irous o!retirinig friun thuýc.ines of.businffl. Me y.is dense luese Pills should nerit hc taliexihy feniales *AG SALV AND FIELD PLASTER FORSL. keci! 'Thait ilit are prognarît,-durisug the,FI.ST. TIIIIEE Ilans, Butter and E-- 'in ny qua ntity taken in exclhainge for. gouds. Iii>' 011@U&a MON'XTlS, asthey au. sure to bting ou -Miseair- - Bo e t pi , 110,t *u i 0 age ; but nti every- other ilne, and la everyr i II) I1*5other ca@ they are perféctly sa11fe. ConrSor dmgBled:,. Kent Street, Lindsay. li dito greut In ail vsie of Nervous sud Sjinàl Affetions, 8 <if Buui bu Pain laI the Back and Linîilegvins Fa- boat receiyed Lowneàà of Spirits. Iyeerie.., Sicl.c leadscle,- qru -mesi wttie Wlite,ad al otber îîaintNuél diseases ocirasai- i pnie visti ak..d by a diàordeped syieî4i, these ills *;-Il effeu.t e t wtt isevr ~ OW~ vi o th aler M'ennî have efsied. "'X- is crimee mwty FUt aoIns hi the iamphlet arunid each çh ubeiurshpyt aet none ucneto ii h n fRerod-h su"age4 whiçh shoald hoe Larefaiiy preser.ved. Tetb ncneto ihteflo iho 4v~lhuiq*- AhotIe containbli 50 1ilL, and encireled sedrotb oianistlhe flig4t ni Jett.DaJvls, and (lic coideutly hjc)thc Wat dm. vt-ithe 6Gover ~u iap of Gre.àt hritaln, end of thc war-utht ri~mr. bttun <iî h. autpt :re *r,$1 sud Q p ostaîgej I flot J,<5<7iEiSi,,dt5.*1I . th inay 1h4vu For sale bV Nortlî1op fh Lyimanc tn, cLst t- 8(V.' Ull gi tCoJ rd forgireile a C. %N., geasc-al Affents for file canailfts.- Soid hiâ ilitmoy. in Lindsay b>' C. Ihriton. Knowlion Gregory, and that bis stock cf SNI'W SE ASONAL 9ODSi now ver>' compJt, oprisig ï w1tie .iies ïn£ at-thie Mcd.ai Hall;- E.'Blowés, Oak- I- gnrlssrmatc i shail neTer vood; Geo.ouls,>lnh;.WytCin -i îeash', r-nigon; ithn4 Cmrc, olvl1; .DRESS GOODS1 MANTLES, f ivIAW "ighv h Mtiit, mme, u a edcne dacr7 RNETS, PARASOLS, RIBBONS, a foyer, tii. ses-niai >of ale kiwu.in:h I r- LAittong the' MostImportant ot Modern ,11; but if tue IdignanSt *dical discveriev stands. the CANA D UN 1a burUld rver vomit PAIUN UESTIIu)YR .- ir reoéasgoi, and il te- As &,iansil>' nedir.ine, it is wr-l sud favor- I I.-aî&tiii ,hurjia frlpSeMO aby ly iowil, rutiievilig ihiousàhndi frortipaiis in m i, -lett ilfai wuzds iii. tSide, Baadîleatl, Cacuglus, Colde, (ire aises titered bu. earvemd TrapaisBuie,'ansiituSou a2,ger, or tell th ià- Ch4iera Merlius, tlysentry, Iiowel Cutai,).iaut:i Tihe Cauadian l'aitaDn i nlias nov hecai liefore ithe public for ut lentaif line, natl ier. ever Uied la veli liê(t, nvr ilgiia siigle LE &AiOWtCj. itistaiace to give ernuornt rûlief wheh tiiiieIlr tmsOî, snd ive hilye nover ktiof*wîal) ingle cse lerivitchi, the eldestgoI o! dissatisfucîion, wiere tIhe directionîs>liaive iuàksia, and lhei, lu o Ibeen properîy fclnved,bhu.it outhe contrary al ýs bort, ut St. Ptîteshutg jare dllghtod ,ith ite opc-uýaioiils, and suak lu niary, 1845, anduitld mt the highest. ternis of Its Virtur-s and Magiûaul nrty. Ho froid a higla effet. ~Ij5tîai army, th4u-lutî We speak fron t e-ine lu ttis malter, ýy htonouaaiy, *att liehad h"1"9 gtenýted It hradlan heehethuie part limiltuyuKeci sjvîro are siiLe. bug frartiva usy of the coniaints; âwtc-ua c -ls for vîicli it le rscomuiinuaet tala>-del end tion- eii ti t fnre rsu iibeiig a 'îOverjîilu i leidy le uva f ît er-ut The aitoni.linit-i f-cy nItheCanatdian Pain ravJfea'it aucher DestroYer, ibu eurïlug teds-ssfor vhich itl leâ of Jksso-artd hidi reeommeiided, audîils W'Underftil jsuecese bnsib-. Vôuli aMIîd;lI a t tas 8 uiug the tortiiritagpains of(ai Reuiîaatism, n, d s naserîbeiî Â Aout ilu rlieving Nervos fetuss0e t cIo 0a go ho li e 4 lit te uc h hrsgk iiinthe lst Of, reanediezî for thèese rom- viiiil-Nipii Novgn,(rud pla ints. Orders are coVi irin foin Il;dieine b -fro hphîysbici4iua supplies, and ah tesîtifý-1Ig as te theL-utriversal at o f Nive., whitîer j il 'atii l its iit ta (lie, lie vae îauely The tJau>diitn Pain -Destroyer nover fa ils te ice.sra Daginar, of 'Dont- give inanidiate relif I M-iiek reait, ut tte ereitar' ~eekeep ik. Pii-sici4t*ns order: ttiuilise it - id Do ~djîj, eood1 et o!ti m tîy naît bc wiviotentafter once tryiagi k hoinir o tutid4n te Ho r Ce oni>25 dents luor houtle, heir o th thrlllit) Ail eideras sîouid ho nddroae,_ýd t Lo Vladimr i01nue1et Iiti -*OTIIOt&LYMANt q fRtImés-l, Ille laiît Czar NivasîleC. %V. id ii *SoYid in Lîndcla>'b>' C. *Btton, Ktuowîsot & Gregoiry, and ai the Medlct iti a l R. A, lovwes, ,vcg-Theo Nor'- FWeaier,, Oakwomi ; GUo. Dotai.aîssm, Nianhihu ;. A-N Wytt, ihs a tnailiesto.futtnmm ia.he Cîlltubugteuî ; Uilebirist & Camàero)n, Wood-ville: bes, staiing t&aroy md sent i 'loutas latrljett,ou-et-, au i al -Medicine. u> Ille INIlasettri t li dealers. 21 cana wuu!d iake a treitty ~ -- __ rert <ibiu oun ite saine eo--a r liad bexa.rceeved, nom s cuaidera kmîewii. The at 4000 1'wau-tiors" frottai lJ N mîeI ru te juin the. Dakota aid ' VVE±1A i-i îlot rnake -poace, alil blood in Minieiolatq.t. E T t h. great ecartauy utt Litiett, i. eR I B UTTER!ýi from the Hu.tsoîa'it Ba). POýTATOES! lo or whiat, snd ditnibut- PORK! mîtt1in.- Nâaàatauwatt~ I i iiipsty the a - * a ihs Pric uCa G LOVES, MUSL[NS,. PE ATHE.RS, RlATS; FLOWERS, LIOSIERY) WiII TFCOTTOxS, SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDIS.BII-OAD CLOTIIS, Rt:AJ)Y-MNADE CLOTHliNG, ail if vichle frs for sale CH .0 FR C'.Ior la e«Change for ptoduce, etrvwhich.li- JAMES LFNIHANI .Foot of Kecnt Sircet, Lindszy. - N RTt-The stul>rornqualitieg of' thb Lindsay ileer are DQwgeneraîl>' admnitted, vhich facet slîouid bliacknvv,ýledged iin amdmendiat te lÏtukiu" Temperance Acet. L udsa'y,. 11th Maý, 18 63. LAMESLEII' - £97-3m. DOBSON- & NIBLOCK,. Itopàritrs aad eu1ekrs fi GE'NýER.AýL GRoCERIES, TEAS, TOBA&.CCOS, C-OFFEES, SU GÀR, 'VNS, BRANDIES, RUMNS, OLI> TOM ANI) JIOLLANU, GINS) CIPPEWA NALT, OLD, RYE, AN coMN lxwHISKIES, & .&c. ITac AT AL TIMlE XTIisIYE .-Ali!COMPLT. The stibacriWrii are deierriined ýas heretoforc bo suppl atln fet u hs owby keping t.onsttnily oun band the best :brandi of lm orted Wines ind L iqtor*, Ales 4n4 POiu-, ail uf wlich mwill hé Soli at Loiweat PO&Sib1ePricp or Cash. DOBSON &NIBLOÇK. 296-tf Lindsay, May '4th,,ISel. seliol as peno -u bIi r ~% etiitur, relatoea, roric,-&e., deliver- md ai L >' store-on '.1illlAgn Street. atlenisnt, on Ste ltail, U- ~ >75 cheat !Tst i oda e> e of Mr. A. W, Ros, fornseriy t opri t » era. ey.o nail Celege'bôy."- . C. L. 9ÀAKER. A IlRI.Lindsay', N>ikjthj, 1865. : 2984 Curry, Esq., of a danghter. SITuI' N ic 1860The wl DSAY ArtKET8.-' W anaMayi1865lU. The Stea mer .......... 000 I .<h.... . 3., 40. - t iii comimencec er regular tripe on bMonda>y, ......... :.,. 000 *" Do00 iIîMsy, 1865, îeavimtg Beidg.unontb au Mati- ...... 0 o ~dais, We4ueéadays snd Frida>', Ai 10 a.t. C ......... . "-0 1<00tiaruhijg iii loeaye da' nredssnu ........4 0 - 50 *a&nit -aturdaya At 9.15 smuaigat er lb .......... 14 0 15 bo lusu Tn oi ala .......; . I 0Oao basWIl~~-ahoa ......... ,0 000At 9&-' uiauctugayi, ........... 3 4 .e Fr.furter a i trsaetoTr.ig .et .......0os'<-0e«epply enboa th .*~~s" 0* J<-tfJÂ WLIS .......... 4l0O todb..... .. 450 g (VIS Bîrth.dly! PUBLIC 1hOLIDAY' eU itu ra*rita Steamer '81for a intime to ailou' visitors te see the 14l1 Dr(ed.lcrobal valI&th tii.&e stho iver belo the. FaDe. Danlcing -Mueic %mitIlbe provide.d. Single- Tickets 60 cents; Lady ýand OGentital 75 cents. TheConitte o!fManagement viii spare no effort, tumake ibis Excursion tbe piessat- est éeorsot up !àa .indsay, anitit i ea onfidenti ekpected that. àslarge number viliiavaijhm- selves of this meibod o! speudi g the ýnatal day of uur Queeu. On bebaîf of the management. C )HARLES, JEWETT, Luay, it a,185 QO AVE IE QUEEN. &nsUBt£1 IQ Fam cAombl.eBra4y Kth Nay*. Il î&u"gpupi ie& 8 RaeEnu"t vha.'fT« =hIhsy-~? aasude umseaplisI .~.4vOlau~ve ads, ~19*7 061 i No. 1. Fînily M1achie, witlîh I1mamcrý sion Table ....... .........73 00 XNo. P, arge'- 5 Oî No. 4, Large,_for Leather............ 100 00 * CAB1NET-S1 IN- E V E PY V A RI FT.Y. We vattagents for ail towns ln the Unitîed Stts CandaCuba, Mexico, suth ad Suutb tacia where Agencies are not.ilreanly e4tablishud ell' éw1tia la heral i i-cnuut wiIilieb gilven, bunt ve aiake no consiguuienîs. Or1ers.t3 ia' le sent.iha-oligla the jis--a Adveirtsiég .'lgeny, >99 liroadwav, New Yorli. T.. J. -Mc Irthur &Coï, - 533Broa.vayNew vYort. List ol Letters Ask.w * lrs. T.E. Jeffre>' Georgre uiaiiîr. Jones ;îrall *Bi-ock Wià. * Kelly Tliannas BrogaliJamas *Lunassetiv %Wm.- llîrait San iaitwel Mason Lawrence ('a nluy Fraucia Mt>srrkon Johin Calagliaaichilael Mccal)e 8 &T1. CùînhaaIiai Jr. %]rDnôsiald Afex. J C4milnfHerry MlgFadven Colini DuiÂVs Juhti Reedi Thos. 2 Douglas George Rol iinson Mmi. -Margaret Je , 4i Wm Sioan Wm.- Gillespie iDonald* Stutt Wî. (i Wnaim. 2 * SnfrD ]familtati Mrs. EdwmrdTay-li.r Janmes .Lall Vhalen Wîiu in.ohert P-rsons calling fo)r the.above will please, a A for aolvertised lvuters. T.4.A DAM; P. M. NOTICE is hereby given that the COURT ýof REVISION! for thte TOWNSHIP.0F FENELON! - vili he hield ai GIIÂT MPR(WEMENTS 1.M EMPIRE Pattled Februttry 14tb, 18*30. igakaroms 530: Broadway, Newi York. Thla Machine'la c.'nstructed on in entirely ,4wi principle of ineCbanizm, pos«Usng mac>, rare audvaluaebilftprovements, havin.g beeî usà:*ined .bY the -muât rofbund. experts, and uned ta e " afpi 4-Yand perfection com- The. folowing art lb. principal cbjectionz. I. Excesive labor te the operator. 2.* Liàbility ta get out cf order. 3. Expeuse, treuble, end lojis of time In te. 4. àeapaityta seiw every description> cf 5«. Digreeable noise wbile ini operatog. TIteEmjireSewn~'Machine fi E..rernpt * jro ail tAseeQbec:tioaflL It has a -str.aigbt n.eèdle,, perpendicular a r- tI4n,makm the' LOCK or $HUTTLE SfITCb wbicb iil YITIER RIP nor R/I VEL, and is aJIke on.both sides; perfonmi perfect sewiag où every description of niaterial, front Leather to the4fnest aso ula with cet ton, linen, or.silk-thiread, frutu, tlb. Çoarsest ta the. finest Hatîilinelthev C.IK nos ,0.IYG.HEEl, and îb..ei possible friction, it ruas as smroutb as glas ud- jg Emphatioslly a Noiseles'aMXachkge It requires FIFTY PER CENT. 'lesi power ta driveit tban mny'other Machine in ïnirke. A girl cf twçlve yearu of aga can work itste&dity, vithout faitigt.e oci lnjury to 'elIh. .Its. strengt h and wuinderfuit simpllicity cf co'n- strucetion- render it almost imrpossible tô get out cf order, and is OUA RANTEED by thle corn- pany to give ct itire sateti6n M'a reipeetfufly invite al ibose who may dv-à site ta sîîpply then'sclves *i4l1 -a, suverior a rli- dte, to cilI and examine this UVR! V./LED xAC11IINE.1 Butinu a more spchtl mannertlo -we soli.cit t'ha patronage of -Mrrchk nt i ora, . es Mkes Hc(ekirrlufticturers 1I (itner Fitt-ers, Shirt and RosoritMoirers 1 Shoe dinderà, Vest and Pantitoe-i Makv'ra. i Rd igi, cus and. Charitable Institutions will e iberall V deait with. '1 PODGEWS H0T~EL~ FENL~01Ç PALLS, ,,t 190 coc , Ai . M ., o ! vhicli a l parties iiite-, irsted vwili please tke niotice, and goveru teNiselvesMAcordbug1865 *WILLlÂM FIELDING, R.-~ J. DAVEYPOPIT ANDREWS, 1/ Stirgeon,.Accoticheiir, &c. OFFICE e-7At Mr. TIo ma, Willacc's, Ul'rTLi. BRIT.AI. ItOPE'L'-WA LKINGjr FENJONFLY Arope is t b e0 ete, aroethe river belon' ibm fails frein batik te bauk aud -the "Hero of the Ccuulty," i to vlk on W EDNESDAY the, 24th of MAY) 18 rATTWO' 'CLQCK.PJ. The subscriher is te erceci the.lnc, for the pivpose-, aud A cll is' hte h. takeni up te lie aîupiid te big use on Gull River waters. JUD)AH CRONKHITE. ] épeIrt, Ma>' 10Uh, 1865. Insolvent Act- of 1864. ' IECreditors of theétnderigned are noti- .fedte ineet at tii. Lan Office o! GEORGE t>ORMEII, Esq , in the Town of Lindsa>'. in the. Counity cf Vcci, Thumsday, the First day t!f Juîue nexl, at three o'clock lu the aftèr- of. hi, a ffxirs, 9a4d cf.naming an assign.ee, -te vÉhom bhoalina> ake au assignSnutunder the aboe .Act. Datced at i Kaktiela, the,8tb May', 186.. BISLASSMI TII,- * rcsiding ai Kirkfleld, lthe Ceuni>' of Victoria. »OM~,Lts»s.év, GEORGE SoIicator fur Iaisolvent. 2')74 Insynt Ai; of M1864.: las Ike matter of JOHN MA TTIE, As hîaolcest. TJHE Credilers of ithIi. Insolvent are notifie,! 9 that a meeting of the Creditors for the pub- lie examina tien cof ibe Insolvent vîli take place sà mn> officéeon W.due*day the 3 1 si day of 166, u it Wa 4oclock p'.m., ln accordanze. viii"lusîven Ado! 1864," Section 10. S.C.0 O'di 11 Bekiudenugh tqcaui lIa Md: psy fa. MRS. W1NSLDWS SOUTH ING SYRU?, abclhi a a flue thinmg wIî» sd l cneution I. indsai May ilOtît, 18133. 297-4 Farmers Attetion ! tg-ILP i-ARNESS 1 The suliscriber desires te iufornm the cust(omers. To S ho lTeachlers, oftliclateItirmuf > OT1ICish f)vieti.tlesernli-afi. K eIls & L oveIl, wel as the penerai piulili t h is nor carvinf on the lia metss anad Saddlery busines will i Il.'%l %\WIeNi. car3n llis own a soint, an the nidst-and adi jtaîngîlestore of W i. Il. itchei-l 4 Co., iV1LLAGU or, OAKWOOI,\Vil iaxn Sirel, Lindsa'y, wlere lie vil be laut ONtohavea visît ffom evervolni- li a at cf anT. SATURDAY, MAY 2701, 1865, wt)rking cloz-LIy as the i hself, and Ciuacigat 7 o'clock, A. M.-*e~ytguOi u xi(iiCF okan u Coîmenbngbuving l1k material for 4ca,.lie ih repared te R. F. WIIITESIDE, oIicèr tla~ bic pg rice cil-t ,hr 'the c(iùsidera- Chui,,wu. ion of! itetnding pacasr Oakvood, 2th April, 18(5Q%)(1 aîvSlort-Tug ilarnesà wiýh ('Idroeuste coîy~) lac. Ilaties .......... $8O lontg-Tiig ddo J, ,deode 20o.)- jIlook [Harness. ...........letu ri iBS R 0". cEL fiy aI'Set cf liîlit silule Har-ness,,W1111 aised - O - traies. rounîd lnes, anîd hip-st:sp, Il TuInhr.?andl lancv !Bidle ............5O * lp r y9 A good servicelle double set et c *' ýrse-_ (Opposile Bv!ltiuiS Hel) -tie.z, (siî:îb-le for a!tiîge v or Iiglit 0 FFPRS TO T UIE PUBLIC &T, TIIE f 0%V- w rk) willi crupper anc hi.ra , 'jtst liioîg ies, dtecIi:cn lct iLcu of rouind lines ani fa n-cv lriule ...25 00 Eamdy Gr cerie8 lepairiig execut.d mailyprompt1>' alta To lie fbund anyýwilere biîeeon . Wipsi, Lashies. Surcingle', BridlesZ, flaltervs FLOUR INI[AN EAL, EU) ND rrushe, , ke&c,tkitconstauti>' un FLUR VEG[Ai EAL, E LD. A D antCandi soid verv cebeap. Ail kilids of Carniage and Cutter Trimming ù(> A CALL SOLIC1TED. done at the iowest pricvs. U-.- A Cali s reisîccctfully solicitîd! Lindsay. April, 12.-18034. 25 Gtf *- JAMES LUVELL. - - - - * a y, Deceniber 21, 'SG4..2St List of Letters REMAENING-in the, BEAVEUTN PûSt . Ma 1st' s-5. OffiýCe,l Cranim ichaa'el îtcJohna Fr'î Canmal JDunscan ieh-ae FDona r. Cîlnaphull Jouii IL I'iiuî.aai Z. jnhias tun liaugli lit liot .Ixa'l Kýeattdy [)oialld Su'î:iwrlà Wd~a.. - MeCtthinni lîngail SIantNlrns. Auna ,iclit:anritd Nirns. Nel *51eedie J-lin MecEaclietnr Miss Fiera Wuctd W illiama MMhaîSaii.atael WLksFnal M4ema>- Moîaaday- rr àdie-rtised lettera. D. CAMER0OX, P. M. LIST OF IaTTRS EI 1EM N 1 \G in the 'NIAXILLA POfit OffiCe, 9th IBrown Rlobert MeDougrail Donald Broad Jaînts >cCLCSBArcli. Proud John - ileLeianl)onald Carneron, Dan. 2 Meheanctor 2. Cavailimah John MeKiti n ~n C.inîpeli lIlector 2 %IcKiiiioit Lacfilin Calil bel IDun. Mc Phail Malcotu ('aîbilAlx:3 I1ehd Noah En rhart Cliristià-n Smith A lcx. -MNce nes A rcliba'd W haler Jamnes 31counaltr Donald 'feren d cid forettes. e il las s fur-ade-ùtiedM.etDOUGLAS, M.DUGS, hsrs PIIOTOGltÂPIiS. M37RI TTY. J. ODo nuell, D.'S., OF PI>ERIJORO', - 1)EGS te return bisi sineere t:Ianke te the in- habitants cf L ind;say and suiiro tudi.ng (ýmtyfor tuie extemtiv-e pa1rurage 'n-tale vis- *-,i:g iLe place, aid would aso'stante that ho I i 1-'. îerusaîaettofice-ii charge cf . Ciltbot, late assistaînt witti Dr' D.y, Doen- ti fKiangstouî T' eue i.nesgvil lie- ce- ducted hi Un .der the name atn'.stylëe o! 0'DONNELL & ORBETT.> Ahi ojtertloai5 perfurmed'on th'e latesi sud- os scientit p ritîuipk- s.1, ute i.profès.- a îî.d w-aýrranted toe ive satisfaction. iitil -futa-tiaur ntoîk, -Mn. Corbett nay- be ftîîndl at- NIr. Keei-nan's office, in e.. id .fa Couirees cic-. Nln.-tInnc w il (ria-ntuuOj h is visits aqs isuai1, Viz o (n tîle tirt Tlitanada>'y lu ecdi nonth and reniain.omie week, viies he EXTRACT. TEETH WITHOU I PAIN. REFERENCES: Dr.Martin, AndrewS itrsen ad Cega.: NiDMns ord, hîcîtor J- J.-aîlonm, Deputy Sher- j btl Gco. Ketopt,' T . Keenan., J. Dundas, J. Leni- han, WN'. J. Robbiason, J. B. Enowlison. W. Grace, L. A. Cadweil, A. Wright, Esqs. Mnj. Conhett wculd ýo&lr the following letter o! necûmaîendatidri froinaDr. Day, flentist, c! Kiatgstlon, sud lu addition the follovbng refeu- e n Cts..- tnsOl c lavinx s good kuovieage 'cf %In. iC. Conliett during bis stuldies yul'nie', 1 cheerfCUlII rect)ninîer"d hian te suie pi,*blic- as as Denti3t,- boîh Surgical aad Mechanical. ýB. NV. DAY, XMD., "Deutiat,'Kington., tiz4caics .-Drs. Foier, Stramip and Broîro, Sir lenr Snmith, Sîteriffocîbett, Jmea Mie cilv, Esq-, Rey. J. Geiisly, Reî. 31r. Clark- 1ý*----- e r G- Lindsay. A4warded Frst Prize ai( the Agricultural. G. .Wler oii ex4ibitioa, Liindsay. Lndao.17t B G einform his Frieiids and the Public thAt-fýr -the pui pose of enabling himàelf to exeçtite, in the most perfectt manner, all or- ders with whiclth. may be farored -he has made bimself- thoronghly acquainted wiî h al the late -improvements lin bis art; and beibg ON I upplied with the beatmaterials, chemicaTles,&c.,d h. hopes to pccduoe the Casrte rIs iàteiti asB great excellence as any made tu this province. >at Jewett Tbit GallerY ilaspeciona and fàvorably situa ted In regaril to light, and la pronouned by indges TO1'V to h remarkably *ela.dapted fur the: purpose &T 12 of ma ki ng correcet l1kenesss. D13 Positiýe y Do pktinui, wlil b. lut ou -t of NipetyEight A ores, the Gallery ili p.aid for. of Loi number Tbret o>' &Uiisfactioa give,.fs in c..< T wth Testituon IalffJ w t. doulity o! Vi purestand béat chemkials ihat eà b. isbw Ie on cif thé TovUSbl and ipblieve bî te b. 1hoiC«Ml aquiat'd icOa.wr partiO! WbIc with bis beautiful art. 8g ioluain KNOW4GNh GIG0R." 4»! toJampo XM "I baie maebh otmï0 u 0À110 t Frnts.abhiy ijér b ïiua b4o te h, 1864.234 Ibe solà! ,y of Jun.e. ext, â' Hotul, ta the. )F. -L IJ.NDS8AYi &tCLOCI KO ON, * coinose'1 o oeiifrolIt - in theeevcth concewsofl of hof IO l --*riuderasiowler c sd o vie James MeFlier- r ass Da e a**, I "i or 597 ~ Pu~lsWatrs ane LI. sab kuovu by 4 ml»Ps4 en lbe Wafer. 101(10 WAYERi am*TbiOat, Hl«nemS 101(1 WAVERS paSASTesauls tomeC WATER-s fII_ 'n.' PýceIî.rc.3 tah.?nly 4r. l'ran ci-, &f Lind say. are_ as good asil Lave eaufrcm n MAfY Gc V 1L.J2l >M 'E l1f the bcst Galieries. - - NLLe I~I~T or lt tl~ buluîn ~ IWm. McDONNLL TIIE 3ubscr bîsaeitstted to e u11 1cons.ider the plictoraphs of Mr. PranCii ,o,, etthobuldngformerly oc-as good and a, true a3 -any I haVe ever aSon pied as the Office of -the Caitadi nPat, on I ala nîd aîzd 1 have sca ils<me of 1h1efllest Linday îreo. I isveR daped or a6toe . JAMES B. 3H-TIR.' qr cdwelling. and wll bo sod ver>' cheap. ida' pi t,16.Zl AppI>' te - - _____________r865. Barrusters, 4c. B.L& lf. T- ANTRON YI& ilsay, April 14, l865S. 9 Manufacturera oJ PliotograFh ic MfaUIW t' *NOTICE ÉWUOLE5ALE ANI) EETSIL- addition, te <airmain bu5zi ,;s vi. The.Somi-annutal 1irgraph ic Muteria!,s, wcale a aqu -te EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS the fllowillg,.'diz or Lindsay District vil (D.V.) take place in reocopesadSeesoi ea Of these we hav-e an inense cîsortinent, 14- THE NEW SROIL HOUS U L01080.ilclwl.ng War $ce-nes, Americ an .and- Foreign as follows : Cities andLadce. Groupe, Statuary, kc, TRRSAY UN FRS,&C. As, Peoling StereoAcopes, for publ THRSAY JN~FIST-for Candi- or priv'ate exhibition. Oui; Catalogue vil lte dntes for ljirat 013.8-qcartiicateea, . sent te an>' address on receipt of stfttfp. FRlOAYV,JIJE SECOND -for Candidate& for Second mal d iird elass certiljcates. P H OT OGOR A P 1HGA LB U I S. N. .-Cndda escomling in after i2 oclock We vere the first te iintroduice these int>) thé *will lie refused admission. United Sitates, and we mantufacture imnmense JOHIN VICAR S, A. B., quantiunes in -great vafi-ty, ranging l u price iJharrnrn. fron 50 eents to $50 ench. Our ALBUMS 'JAVA ChàirmiL ».the repuatation of being supcrior in beauty and Lindaay.. March 1, l86aa. 2874td. durability to au>- others. The) vili ho sent bY mail . frec, on rcceflpt cf lyric(o. Ioney! Koneày! floney! Fine Al.buiD3Made le Order, I BEunerige h~ 'licsLon isco- CA-RD P HOTO GR.A PHS. respûndent, cf Our C âtalogne now embrsceq over.five thon- LA&RGE SUM0 IrIlq jlnllî tanul difféeet siiIijects (to which &a'dditions Art awaiift inesîenton î,î,rvcdcontinualy becbg made) of Portraits o! Erâi- awaitng inesimet on hoie, *i noedtent A nIeaicatwF, &c.i viz. :ab)out Fu>0 Major- inulthe2100 lrig -Generaîr, 2745 OLO ET L O O NS-IP olonelz,, 100 Liç-iii-Coltinels, 250 Vther ofth is and the îtdjiing CotnnUes. As part cf O[Iicers., 75 Navy tHleers, 550 $Stftesinen, th;e moules b elong to private iniiulans .134 i es 125 Authors, 45 AÀrtîsti, 125, eau h ùegtiatd buStale, ?ýI) Prpriient W'tumen,.IW Plroml- FRO TE TOFITEE Dti ent lôreigz Portrtits. aý aftr te aîpieahnsar nide.pr-ried he 3000 Copi of Works o? art, Titles are tnt uiStitiullv conqilicated. -nidn erd tiu ftcms c rte Appy, fh loter1îe-pidteEtgrsv iî'g', PaItin[grz, Stata,ý, & c a- Applyi.fbyk-tte pre-laigeo sent on rececli t o Stnrnp. Au ord.er fýr G.M. ROCHE: -Une Dû2enIl'ictuires frointour Catalogue ivill Le *Lindsay, April 2c, 18G5. 295-tf. fille&'on the r'cceît 0f $1'.2z) aîd seut hy :mai _____ _--_ __ re e. l',hotographers snddoù-lx.rs orderîng goédi C. leed iSod ,%'ý ater O. 1). will 1leas'e remit , - at-five ppr cent. of, IceuI ouIat te moutijt with udr FROM TIE FOUSTAI. E. k il. T. ANtIY C O, > At-cad'well's Ba ery, MLufcrrsf htriP&Mtrla One dor Wst, of JevettCià Hlttl. ~- The prices asng1ualify ofour goodî dau- net fail to atis!>'. 292-I y. ui i Ilereplb s. uiu.~ uoe~ R DRY ami. Artea fevewits4UPsane rot .xok Arn a edupée foam Md phwessasI te.tate. An Ain lassimple foraiandi pIsefasîlo tii.ste. IIRYAM' PULMOXIlC WATECRS Net NI aly reltire, but ~. tlaitn crs ouhl BRYWNS TULIIO.NI10-WAYSRS m i, Ane vamate4 te gise sa&tiaotiQ u.vr n . NOFsMIy ubuld wihbot la 3oz of dey pRO< uLinNic WATERS. erm lu thé houfe, gara1 Ne Trarsiler should bu, iwithont 16 auppi>'O! iu is pochet. No perme l vao ~u bemt bgl*e for jurge .Tweîty.ifive Cti , ý. joB >$ S, ot 1preor, Rock eter. For saleby Iiorthrop and y~aNewcastle, a C. W, G ueral Agepts fer tii. OAnadas* Sold * la Linday by C. Itmitton, Esuion & Gregory et,,8 and et tie Mediclall I; , A. Mtoyeu, Oak- e. 1 vood; Adai o4l t Mtaila- A Wytt ffiorn Cainalstw;i ~Giblt h&CO*nemn, ood;ille; 1>0W T,>claobeUt, Om Àùd , &U, ai aier -nedicine Duvet lsur ai 10 The curi t-si eie an(1 n anenutil . il -,but \Vu !a>iuoiproi Ijim nat IF TU tFe rm Ir! 1 1 . 1 1 1 -1 l AISO, roi, ,aý v kt , or

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