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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Jun 1865, p. 1

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w'~. 4 a kLITEItAUT,' ýWesme., 51yet WS, 9 t.on ISS iRi(l, Attony-àt-I sartaey anti lagovent. .- Grvto4 lniMcDo'ý mtahe Brougaii àl 10 12% 1864- (1? )i , Graduaie ý Uuiaa Referee te rilfati afiti Mrcantile Offie ln -Mr. George KEY, Tailer, Willla tGsrments mtîeU1 rP I Olourost living rates proapt Attention, a5 e and cOe-.-BricI cil, Lindsay. ttL «. fD, Pbvs!iium dsr*sU'Me 5uof wrw r% sOnto&d frena tb*Oars and Be. mWas Brcki Eoàav-on OLtàx pss Div. - -1-tLindsay,-Msick 1 .1924 *rs and At- 3 m ? 1 1I~9! I~ Ckan., .uz"fATN Ai. Wm.LIuaBONT begmi e tfo rutlb. nLabi-. 13 1tf lWU tsBO acOoit* eitoria sud sur- .LwS1---rotudng ceautiea, -Ibatt b. bas openedth ie -Law, Sol otel on Wllam Strer t, isily occupi-od 4by cy, Notany Jeweht, sud as s ud ilfitteciand furili- imelai aew e< in uIitstyle visiters wilifluti evt'ec ouvenl- inmson's. once -WInu, tiqut -viudCigars Of the bea t An attentive cier aiwic-nstenaice. - ý6Ofý indasyDcc. le, 1864. .229-tf co thé Bri-_________ - 39-tf - LATE w nOSiT MEIC in tee, W 4I)SE7' OTHOPE. lu the best -. Al or- uti sa god 289-tf.- .Suirgeon, î >1 - a 0luy (es-' 2 7f DBE,IO, îvl Estgiiieer and Proiv*kncial Land Stirieyir, Russetll Street. 5, Isu. i -tf II1l1civil Rugineer and P.cineiai- :hag, Kent Street, Lindsay. C .W. 168tf 'ILLAIf KAUFFMAN'N, Arcliitect. 14 Sistoaie Hall, Toronito.Strcet Toronto . J. DAVRYPORT ANDREWS, Susrgeon, Accoucheur, &c. LGK -'At Mr. Thomias Wallace's, Lfl'TLr. BRITAIS. tlvciat the VICTORIA HAMLL, tluree W'et of.Nlr. Wtation's Storfc, Kent Stret wd'oay, April lAh9. 2414f NfF E$ H KNIGHlT, (late Qcizanit of Trin- iy tjhiirch, Glalt,) Teacber of the Piano- aint Melodeon. Llesidenze aht àr. Britton'q, ROBfER1T BRODIE, Proprietor, 1H!favoritit Hôtel ltaving been I&tely coin- lTHTaetel y nenevateti, offords thiebest of nt- cooatitio fu fr travellers sud the- publie, -generailly. TiaÀèier.eset management ne efforts vili b. spaned huit vifl' Condaýe te lte -ceafnt. c f guestu -K The beet cf liquers sud. Cigare. 247-Iy- Revere -nouse., Ti -subacniber hega e nnnorice thAnt lue b1 leaseti the abovýe Intel, vhietu bas been fuuenisia- ed sud ittet ib îr6onilituthle best cf style. .;oône but the choiceet Li-qiors- and Cigare wilI- hoê keph ln the blunsd î i table wili héfnrnish- e'! wih ll the dolîcscies of the se a-son. - 'Caneful andi obliging 0Ostlers ulways u- n attendance. - W.M. ,PARNIN, Preprietor. fBeavuvon, Jan, Oftil .280 - Dinig XaUl and Restaurant, - i $ opst t. Jameés' Cathédral, Dianers frona i1lf Iifepurt$t tweci ete tlare Liquora, ikc-e. f:the test branuls. torOnto, Ma>', 181 14. - 2i4-ly Corner of Kent rind- William Sirets, lAndsay.. JOHNSTEIIrpit. L'AVINO lease'l the hbove wel-known cen- tral Hlotél fora terni of ymrs, and bav- illg thoroiighly: refitted,,-and refrnisied ie saine, the pronirielto.r will e glad to harou a call fron. the travelling public.. 'lihe Bar is furnish- Pd itith the-beet win'- IIçrîýrs and cigars: Ilenty of4hed room aud extensive stahiliug tn- der the charge of good Ilostier a. '278 -tf siflOop Posite tuie Miarket EKvnt S;trept,, ind- J sy. whore lieis lirei)ttred t(> make up Gn;,r- ' ments in the 1at.eàst 3y1e àantIat icry reastynahle charges. Cutting done-cheap and on the short- eit notice. HENRY HUGHES,ý i- Ti, NEl ,Land, A Agent. Ilaliossesým ent Street, Lindoft.Y, riOtriers left a C the Office of th-"tite naian Posi will recive.prompt attention. ,indaay, July i3th. 18G4. 255-tf utut for R. S. Williamus' lmîtrove'! anti Victoria Orgttns.- GALLON, LIC ENSED AUC- 1ER, Lidsay, C0W. rartierlar nt- il te Clascey and'oCher landsurieq- . J:Msclrny, tsritr Jamnes ;.,,. Wer, tdo. ; vieu'. -atteceen an'! %essrs. Citneroni, IMeMichittri & 1, nrrLîhers, Toron te).- jr s NUGEl 1r, Corat vAlctioneec< Di.r (JoetE~u,~ iaitGcitral Agent. ýlocteti and p-iurais prcniptly matieî -Peel Stucet, Litîlsny, C. W. 264tf ri and1 d-takN, hoaelake, liol- ',et ant nd)ao .S'kop13 th ll cuîTAGene-rnl Agnt and Li- Atictitiee-, Ua'mbritige iStreet,bLein- ces soliçited. --125-rf ýE BRY'S, Archiletetnid Buubder, ay, C.W. Wt'rkiuag plans cauefully Winutuv-Sasi and I oue fraiuies madte ,3ed 1;6ember, 1814. -272-tmt 'ET!! & MARTIN, - - - Âtorneys-at iaw, kc, Ac. icilort for i-lt OntîarOio nk. Keemans ioek .iKent street,' Lindsay DguzrL-i - 1'. S. MART tîS -237-tf. - ,e Canada Coupa-ny for thé t uiu ew aruo s a,- Ontario mand Dwrham. -- r wet-ofIt&Coiîîuty iluilti.Datses wilh Hi gl prirea! - iThe suhscniber be gs ho infoni thInnhitanhe NÈ, L. L, B., Barristsr, ,ounu- of Lindayanti sncrounuhtg, counutry tlath-lie torney, lias nenea nLaw tbas iaýtelyopeneti o»t n a rge anti varie'! stock Aberti, iaddition t biscf Chiairs, lied Stead,Bu, l)ressiug and. other ,tands,, Leokiaug a 1es k .1 -oi f ýpo j Prince Abert GOffce- Iwblicla b. vili oeilat >maich lever î*tei han il. Over Mn. IIe1den's- have henetofore becu amlced lisaLlndmay.ý offiles. -Chararid&>fcs inFair <'Ioth. BROWN, tl* Punerals Furnislieti. jobbimag viii re- rTAILOR, k-, 13F05 RF- tcelve Promnpt attention infore - titc -hablaitn t f WM.WRITE undin g coutcy titat hmohla pioieC euLnd 3(ffce. ovebuinssbuai ia raaci-Lindsay, Febrîary , 186G5. 284 ugnat 18, 1864.--- 260-ti W', a; PIMS WNTESIlonse, sign andi Orna- mental Palottr, Cdauier, l'ep' fiamget d White-washor.AlI o-tiers càrebiîly flls4 mod2rato tertns. Shep oen Wil-lamreel. qsay, euh Anl 16.29-2 fcr the libers I th pest 14 To be Sold a gain. wihtie ema3y The.soutb -haîf cf.L, o 8 i itt md ai on- cncessO f Ma ilposa, Conairiig - 100 acres, 239-tf oft miaclaabolit 10 acrel ate cleared sud l1nu- der4cuiivsilou; 1h Is veli fonce'!, bas a good; ING loug sud Rateca Prime Dîeiiigug ue, sud à arnail Bara sud Stable ihe1reomu; itera lae al- <AUER aud - aYà à god appîy of aîring Waten on the lot. D bht lie lias 'fiais*11Ceb.gion for the greAler part cf 'the r COFFIýS at puanhase-mcuùey. et, Lindsay, a Tit. lndla4utab1e. Pot particulana and teý tisat, apply on the .tprmius oise.t b.prepeo rby uodeata 010110L AKE,- erit asams of or te Mem. MÂCRÂT k4 I? A - Them **,Mi, hoar& Ah >SAY, a the ar al of wusa daê- i very Tusy, t cuuot«I at Jacksou's for tb. NuaKMO- 'I ~ 'g ~o '~ ~ 1'.~ e' o The L1v4 Plute F DalIy Incoame 44 cg zg o*- lobe $1,0000 Comany $2,000 The Fire Pcemitmiu7 receivoti hy ttsCo011- pany during the yeair 18i63 excëecd flose ofiiy- r>ther,Comp)any in GIreat. Britain by £200,000 Thuranees on eiy description of property efftcted at the lowest rernuineratiye rates. Losses paidrimedititi4y on, proof. * ANL'S IIAP, office.in Kemnpt's Brick Block., Lauls for Saie in Borner- ville and Bexley* ri '1-1E SUBSCRIBER OFFEIS FOR1$ALE jat prices varying froi $,' to $2i per acre, the Ibliig lands In Somerrillc--140t 4, iii 9th Con, 2010 acres, "4 in 10th; Con. 200 " "5 in 1th Cï%n, . ýCO" 6'4 in 10th10,%'n. 2 ClO 1 6 in tdî Con. 121) "18 in 3rd Con. 200 In Bexleri. 26 in 68 On Gul i iver, tlt 28 89 * North-west Lay Il 17 130 *"27-'112 Stock will bc taken as part-pitywn t *For farther particulars apply.(if by lettcr,, post paid) "G . .PERE Iiclsmond 1HillP. O Riclrmondhull, May 1l, 1864.- 258-tf ouPonear Io L#an. Ti Il EUNDEUSIGNED 18 PRPARIEI vidualq) -INS UMS 0F 200 DOLLARS. And tipwards, frum thbrce to, live, yea's, Raie of Intereot, 8 per ceài etr Ann'un. nL1 Thîemoney tana b.baildimmediitelyr on production ofsatûsfactorytfitkè. Insurance, Fire and Life, efteted af uoderttte*rates. Aiso, 309000 Actes of ValuableLand for sale on favorabe terrnis. For further par- ticulars apjly.fby letter, pre-,paiI) to S. Je HOLDONW Epsoin, Reac. Epsaun, July 6. 1864. 255-ay -FOIR SALE. Tbefollowing vahsable. is ofleredfor sale on sYM advantageous ternis, The South Waf of lot number twenty-two initIi. *WkthConcesuuion of b An exelet 4 cf 100 seres nacreor leas, Oie greater parto<#b&eb la undergood cultivation. ¶ ber. b a fru» 4wMlng bouse: with atont cellar and kitcobaa#tlacbed, &IIlu good repair. For furtber and füll psrticulars -apply tô the Commnissioneui Trust and Loua (Jopeuy of Cajaada, Kingson; orsto 090, DORMIR, Dec. 141h, 1884 77t G"ENFCT1IONU*Y, SW@*taea*, Fruits, -Il Teas, <Cofe,Ohoice TQbeSu, *1 fany Cigarsof the but Brand. Yom it dwe' 'AT 8 PEU CE"<1. F R patcu au1 t' Loay a LI~ Ob, 'lis aUtou~ lie Whom bam o ne Who ba MOUem And h. Who . -. lie Who blu nuon Andi he whb basw -And ho vb& hWi NIL!JOU RN AL. iyiig lnbut;ý 1. ii-hâ hand, and the frail ~ 81.11 yl crusbl* to pca nishow to al Sit ta fifled wit 1 lod f is ricte. TOn llex useM14ltiteneP, for puîting to "tee We-do notknow eac p~ c*hrs' ucret-tb wirderer of the yêung WW mâti we borieti.aéq nay b. aaonl us, jpbe UimonIY the g~tbdfaietrial-the £ .nanceat Vil ..éW . .ordeal ulîbarm- ~dd" MYv rnor mai. . ne#er; taw a sOWe 0tenar.ee, nor a ~~~inoe in M* 111102 binnhr< a eei Moi fis. nlq< bo a. èet i Howbo bau meyle» trase about, -j Lnid li, ihpkas nouseaop ithot. le.,vhs 4o meuegy eau -hocoamas K b. iii, uAd ho who bas xsone ceamahb. coarser atili. - Re vbo basa nouy eu gaI oyter ieasi, And hoév*ho bas noute b abI iea ot. leé Whobebas aneney stau.drink ,foneigu'wiiae, tutt e who bas nouie with thegeut *Îiii net Pineý le. wblas money lb. cash muaItïpay, &nd.-h. who bac. noue mays, "Obirgit Prayl, àe Whe bas naeney keeps a& tigiflie Piesse, And. lie who bas noue lis net treubîedl with fleat. le vite bas Money Must die ene day, And ho 'wbo bas mione MuatItgO the sanle wsyr »I, flis ail one te Me, ail one, Vhetiier rveieouey or irbetlie r Ive tnone. TIHE FATAL -EÇGG 9Oit> T wE M Ue RESBi'.8.TEST.ý Iwâs fondcf the (sci.ince of plî,yàiognomny. 'rom rny jeuuli p, fI irasnote'! for my -pro- ciriîy fer, reading the character. cf a mt from his face*- andi 1 finalty became sucb an depu in lte art, liat 'i coaîldoccasiôtially. -oeFse t ho-ughýts cf thre in-diyidonl wlos coantenatice I vas.ahui4u.- Saaaerthe goli fe ver broke out, I weni IoCalifornia ; -andti iere I.-nouai c onfeas,ý muag îvhaî -else 1 f4und'! te îtreet me, I ad a grand. opportutiity of oxencising Lmv 4kilt upon -a(isorts cf faces, ceeu under ail ,ircumstancees, faorn the. higicat triumpli ot uceess tte eieettepi fluue i-si ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ilryhoka igigglimyself but sooni tire'! ofii, andI believitg 1- coulti ruake monçy l'aster anti witlh becs labeur, I peniet a kmnti of groceiy anti provisio, store,' nti wetitregulanrly -inte du. bbusinessi cf tra-.,; boyig moat cf îny articles in Sacrament, ýettiag them, iau letaleMY qalrantidis- iosing cf.t.heul ah a fait aYhvnce'Obthe tainers sudotilers. - -My store, s1 dignifleti uvy place of, intde, consise.lof a rude elteleteti acfpoles4, wi li al suffRciency cf cheap meiud.a eterthema a'! pinnetid wn lIoftue carda.,,anti was. stocketi with.onty lb. most salcable articles, of which fleur, puck ndtiwikey. bo.nidue.a most ready nmaritet, e.'icCially whlisLey,. In- tha dry sensoali ir as very sAhruslýy, anul every. botfy cecieta l be dry wiiîh thlîs hwiih noce ivurrîould net qruenr'h.. If a uman was: Ieucce-ectl, h.lie aumîtdwhiékey teobrinq his bodiy up t0 the altitude tof lus spirils; if. unsue,-eslui, ho wnuîtti w%%iaisuey 10 hiing 1i8 spiriteUplelte alltiude cf hiebody; if it chanîeet i ate C.0a1colihowanteti îvhiskeyý id warm hFi; if il wraeveu-y lot ho %arnutet witiisey ho cool m lenecedtiwhiskey uam the'i-mning te make Iimi br11,igîtanti ative; lie neeledýwluikeY at nigýht leà resl him, anti uanke.ir hlm !oep iru-I; lie wa.itct lwîen lho 'yugt tnti when he o sdiwhen hoe won anti who:n h. lost; , when lue clti ndpatd w*hen lue ont down ; - in short,' wlir-key was the geeat -reguiior cf ail]l-humait feelting-ti. Zeuiqe elixïr rita-ud, consequently, f did, an immense busi.nesio.in îviiskey. Now this, ý - hougi eouaewhst irnelevant, biirtgs Mé le My story. My store beiug thelaearlqpauher eof that Iocality for. whiskey anti provislens, iU wax brouglit ini'contact vila aearîy everir speci- men of the getu hoethnt ventorot inu tîn regien: an'! such anoîetr coiglornaeratiau of wltite, black, anti roi-such aneiher mhix- lue cf gentlemen, baboroinu, mouuîlairîeers, gam blocs, tlIeres, and asaýsinse-it would li ard -te fintioutide the 1,ie its cf Califlor- tuia.. 0f course]I hati a chante tb stutiy aU serte -et Inees lemy beant's -content, but har- ing, asJI have sa id, becoeentept ila the. art;: an ordmnsary ceurîtenance, or n mati geverned ,by ondinary passiono, arliethergzentle or brut- bah,, dl'! fot .inlerest me. 1I vante'!taete bol'! cf wjaat i.4 hencetia - chanuicter- or u ne whose etiemal voaI'!cive no indication of bis itatemnal ban y one, but a onno ssieur- on one Ibat wouldti eatly puzzle- yen ta tell wluat_ te thinli ef hlm. Amiong, the many, sucb a joue 1 at leng4h At fratId i'clot açîce bhisa. - At acasual glcethene wasnptg t ling ngIioirhirz fro tu ho'!.Mecame in quiet îy, unob. hnuaivlyi prarchaseti a quantity of-porkfour -and. tes, paid. f.r the saitsi lu ustit andi vent eut about. bid. bueiiess. le repeated bis risite ai different intenvals, 'ponhape lia .If- a doze>tn, betoe e atracied.i my Ues- ticu te athing peculiar la hic appearance, anti lhen 1i hoult have been aIat àlosete say I esheah oulr, I. uoss sn 'go.e nom id ma rimt.Somne took ah Mme a.tai rned ai ighhiyv, ed otiight.- But-eon at r*Wd riearer th Oe mana " 1L eidc0»lti s mta di kvor"lips w«e b2 » ît Ï »94 lu*.... on wi.46P"a" ' 1ghvh uw~ D h m u W "a vtia u teu i. a *cale O<soNdlrulpwrl .u epd U MvAi .ou.m iiuwis lerIy. wrtn.oberwue <liv Pub1ister m<!IJ l t flS(o ing nobles of lte faoeily of that Gusmarulwb. àasessinateti Williati th.-SiI.nt Devereux, the ma-a mita acîally atabbWr the unarmned -and illreaiaeing WaIleal.î, secured , beside other reýwadsa gol4den ch*tp nf honour! Geràldutie was madie a ctant. rSomne noted Entgiiih assassins were ges.Ie: men. Antony Babing-ton, wheo ploutedi the mortier of Quecu Ehziabctb, was -sigentte- man of goodfumily, and mach aboo, t"s ordutuary meu .of bis claie in alt maniy qiasti- hieu.' Sir Ererard. Digby, thé tao" diuan- guishedfti ife Guisipowder Mlottera, b.loog- etI te a reuowned aristoratie "-mly, -am %vas a rma of u iinest talèntaand the nient Almoi ali th&. Partis., ote .Gonpoido 'Plot were gentlei^een, men <i ti iais and anc" 1tlIneg.,and wboain " oeuiuà affa~ihbo. e U w re Cbhwwgematir and inblemid top"ai.-'sCl. by. 80* " W .i:4»Iý .sk the. gout eof iat ,M« -wss a dart o»e. A- 'Ila your turn,.now,' I sard, at length, i~ntiohrsnoi J1.hedhmseli tb -niIfe4m eémse ove roiq-satrange s oold, s k 'vo > athe first gentleman nm the world, dth titri1 l M ailolk à au. electric 'Mine?': ho answered, wua ghasîly at -wuloîtilook him et his own estimatio>ofin- rliok-IMa Ssii ýNrIO slhoatd of dtead. ternpt at ml.'ty y--hudisl;andi yet hé was ia.parei easeau- No wnderi b. nethee aI te ueodihM -ake il ? Poor Wiltton was ni) frieid.' natli, plots tlhat were directeiaihtt. beibre ; th. maw iLd .b... ýweating an im- 'Let h-.nveseuow,1 sidi. 'I]lire cf Wlia L 'heplot namei roa penetrible mask. es aretpo you.. TaIre the. ordeal sent by Grand val, in wlh ie cechMiiseh inow W.dthé bey c h mamyte hira, Heae ddpoeyurim emei1ouwr ocne and that of George Barclay anid I used it. -He was interestid la supeisati- cas.' ai James 1IL, thoni in exile, was alSaa tioma-waa Superstitions- himself. Why? Ne glanceti huiriedly arounti. AIl eyes paîty te those plots, which hadth Oe urder Gooti mmn-inàmy b. supertitios-badmen ,wore iradeed utport' him, and with looks~ of oe Ilus uephew and won-in-iaw ,for their resali àlways are, .becautte thèy carry a bell within awakened Suspicion, he madie 1one desperate The mri who killied. Guatavua 1I11., was a them. Thugt il was, with ti- is4ai, as 1 effort ho b. al lie ezt heftte~ gentleman andi of noble a. They ee could-ses by -bis eye, ànd 1 madie hia..fancies vrith t rbling handsi. T e-xtmnut nobleent and gentfexuen who murderel work upon him.- I told hic tories of aorcery, il was -croshedt leatoins, î- d his lhantis were. Czar Patul, ef Russia. Gentlemenl -weM witeherafi, aud rmagic- of gbosts, bobgmob 1 Ils wet and etai edasi f w ith hti man ore. ceonrnvetiun aliiiest.ait. l plots that were anidi ýdevils--ti1Iliehobocame pale witih fear, A wild joll horst .freint . e erowdI forrmel against the tifscf Napoleon L Wa. breaîhed with ccmpreseed lips, and iremnbied A despairing elirieki carne ftomnthe lips of. nolt Colt Orsini, who a»ought tii. life; of iii spte of bis great noc!. atid akili. the guilly wretch, aund tL4lfing raher than Napoleoit 1[IL, a gentleman?1 Hie narie If goodth on, as 1 have saidi,-are somehéimes eitikîr.g down upcmn his kireýes, Île crieuj out: takes us backito the uih-ti'ue cf modema snplerstititietls. by,1 yen say,tiid 1 think this 'Gt have mercy, forgivieme ddk !t history, belongiirg as il dos .'là an aàcient mn auperatitieusaBrso? First, f answor..e ddklI!n! o iegi!0i e lo', IRoman hIouse. *We delude c'urselveq wlte be- Idwe argue that a mn cainot be an alsa-si cause 1 hart accidentalîthrown him off-hie cursel oti!Oh o l eaven foîgî,e be arue hi a gnman If lacta are te 1guard mand read lis col; sand a.condly, b. me!' ea.eh.sagntea.I àt r- catume. he waa net naturallv nervosanti Anti ovnîariy-before hm'dradi go for anytlainLv, their being entiemenýweu!.d credulous Fear culti oniy arise from iithe[1 - seer-ra.hr1-o ake.in faveurcf the chare" efý-convieted.knowiedge cf a past wicked -Threc! tlree! (Ii, Geti of mercy, fir- aaiuîst the rebels abave-iacned, îhély being deed Thi maa wa evn Ibmi animnal.giv me. *,entlemen, an I assassination being gentlo- But, let me htasten. alofig .teo t.e denoue- There wao anether wtlti yell, or- rather melli's crime, wliercti;rit reéàembles_ treason, vin.howloüf fury-a rush hUr-e wolves on their wich lias ofteuter been comînitted by gmut. 1t hreed that w iÎ ther poison was pre- prcy-and the pour wretch wa* seizeti, al- peýrsotie tha-i by your commun ýfolk. gent when Iis conversation* cecurred- abeêtit .most bm lîmb frera irùb, -andti raged furi- -- -_ __ the superstitions fanéies of men, anridsesotOLbsly wT. as w. wero intercuaipted by the entrance cf , 1Ies thailtelon iintes.fî-om hie contes.- PTIC' OT anthr usomrmn drkViitr ef s rne ion, lie -was langlin gfrom aà ueighbouring A gentlemran 'viie farorsns witlî Qome ce- vihai abruptly., Aftec thal hé did. not corne tue.e, awillgrig by illc ueck. * iunoscences respecting the eatly Settlements a- fleu as edi efr, n\ esrrue-* diedth th nurd el, whose namo 1 bave 1[of luis place- formerly oliI)errvfield-re- ed the conversation that hait! soagitated i Fil, suppresset,. beca:t.ie lic hallre chul ates.lte foilowiuîg,, anecdc.te:- anti neyer, in facti erîtereti- mb uafty other friends irlinaie stifi living. Vhen nmy*grîataher resided -ai -Goffs- tîmat he couti possibly avoiti. 1 kept MY -I wili onflyaddt, thaï believing tuas guilty, towrî, or Derryfieltil 2un settîleti by ibis Irish, thouc;hti te mysel f, but maee.:Brne casuai 1i batiprevîousl!y piepareti the. eggt, putting j lte hiret il uit ort t4n lrishm«n le work q rairesaba.ot hih, snd learneti that ho hati icti coloring maller lis if,-expecIing tOe sechie nilssfarmn. Ote day eo-in afterhis arriva, een 0e fortunite as te, secure a capital 'tond,' crush 1:iolu his superstitions féans of a Ihe o tuttu, l take thé bridle and jg. out, tu rroc mcli, with hiq paTtrneri another youulg supernatorai diarovery. Ttiey proisietl.me Itlie ield. aticauclittie black co!Lt "Doma't man% ho vus hakiuug out goltI in qunthtes Othe revard'for the detection cf the -murderer corne bau.k %ithotit Jjj0,ll saidi the oltigea thtproistteurcibohanitabîl -bnt ibis Ideclimti. Ju*ticewas ail Ihat Itleina4î. P.-îrýiek-ýýtau-ted, ati was gotenie s liait the. gooti wilI anti esteoun of alilw.11 son-liti, andt Iis 1 luati obtaiuîed. Ie but a' last retorneti minus. thé brile, kuaew theuin. -witi~t face andi hands hatily acratcheti, ai. one iaAk:BiOOD, a0ut ASSeor tIrNS.k liougli hh ad riceiveti bati treatnient. afber Ibis, 1 was étartled firem my sle "Wîhy, Patrick what la the mate-what ivili prolongeti shrieks, anmi cries cf 1'Mur- N IEtINO ~p.Ao ETE lieiv oniti ails-you?" - ,der!-Mnrder! itelp! belp',"An' lri's me, youtr honor, tiat 1 jurepeti Upseize'! my reVrlVerý, ami ~never'll1 cati h iie old Mbaek colt again?9 1b.d -tiarted oral mb othe open air. The. cries anti ukt i .-Ar lditle albtsrth meceama s tili contil'uet ,ceming froc ýthe F?-ithe leBostoit Traveller lc An'l ! u'dî&fle aillutascrto benùd-of tlieriver abouît. a huandreti yard.4.bou- Tiureare îuatiy persans of.unidouSteti 1-y îs u tyrto' ,i lihatu! A fimbuhas my 16W. In- a munule 1T was jolutetihy ive ot li - hro cantiot be made le believd that Il e aer - te1 ou., ! ors,,al w*ehl armed,and tozether w e ran asiucharge b.otught agaîuust Mes&rs. DaviS, * libaie-airhe esne liard as we pollitOlteplace fronti -which Thompsen. Clayr, Cleary, SanIers andTi'uck-Nhr ehcbai? the alr drcedt. Vhen we aniveti er cf havingbr icocriti- hrssu - " Ai' its tiedi tu the îrcqý lie le, thO bý sure, there, at, least-thirty men vwere cellected i ii iaion plJot, le wrel foundeti; enti they say your lionor."1 anti arýnund lIte lent of tire dark mnan I have that Goveruarn.etit. lire been imped tapojn. e all followed Patick to the spot te gel. been describin, and ie himneoif il was who Tinsdisheuf icheuilt of *lie j a soluiotn cf thé duiiculty. antireaching tho, Rounded the alarc. His partner and! coin- itamed ist based oni the cirourstance thatî rhey filId ne loun]d, t- our ov'asiunple amirse- paion ha'! bren.munred and robbed, a I regn ln, a7il ittlicrefore they are melttah liai been chaigayun h. limaef ba be i ilhtlù n across the incapable (if the conduiet attributedti t therui. ba1 ba, Iih lIa' ceedia fa'c andi gaurbet on thé left-ari, andi iefias TîrecfIle accuseti have ýasserted ilir ainaller a ureat deal of rough usag aIl exciternent, limeit.nug lus dearest.friendi, innocence, andtihave offorezi tu coe-têtîns oib i ilsa-ilatuàally tici wlih a britile anid vowing vengeance againat the assassin. couritrat stand*their trial, iftheyshall,10 an -o-Iduuee. Bruin iras kept for a long: Il was soteltime before he get ai the partie- be asrei th lliviiiiîioun? hheld on trre n vsee fekona arc$ ulars, and thon vi'e imarnedt tat bâllr had -ither charges, whiclî us su fàr iii ileir laveur, iet. aee feknnna arc' béen aleePing sie'by sute, when the un- But as tu, the 14 etitleina!tly" -argument',ut, i- known ruobber liad crawled under the light ainfouaîste otug anti fur iuhs sîngular andi 'iEIGO ~.o~4t V.LNT!. cauryasstahdon ethe iieart, sud takeèn very co mmon fact, Ontha.many assasserot have O E1ON I WLIGO. awav a lebngof ot iesne i egnlmn, îîioiur rntneu aveI4tie Colcnial-otfice iii Doýyning-streeu, in hd.Witlui bis lherwas esaping, when been parîe, te as.sassinîzt-ioîuplots. <Uen tif aaalw.lrgroIeDk iW ig seiet hm he iglet tath&t Sic rdîn Xeesley i a'! Lord the present narrrator ;awo-ke antid ieihc h igis akkug.salesîran, inoble s, ou aiiglbeeh.ecerve atreceivoti the woundis wbich bai cern- general, anditi s-fo)rth-hehei sans peied lm oreeas bi hol. igu w r r h.inspirers. of assassirratuuuî, liaimosi e e teouyhmei-terlie.1Vl pe-lediiofreeheishwoîld.hteerei liflg>on kiiew Nelsoni trorn lilapivures. Lord broug*ht,1 anti there, sure enough, wras teé every ageofh.wrd Nelson diltiont know the duke. but was sa bloody comfirmalioii of ail ho liai relateti, Most oet Iose immortal Gru.eks who dis- strack- rilluieoîerao ht uespei 1- rhall maire no.attemfpt te petray the. in- tinguiîihetithet-nselves astyrant-killers weîe ont of the rouin tu én'-,ui'-e wfeho lewns. tense eiteitrett, the wild race- anti con- ur the class Ihal' ansivere'd tu Ille modem- i j Titere is a lfluepriintcf î'.is mocliuir ofEn,- sternation. Every mari felt tlit'if the a- classe cf gentlemeti. So we'reth le Romail 1 1 wo~rauS-hee.MrCuin- sasinesapd iout hie juàt punishmenta .is.*0 hLbniaîo ilt * lie .weuld rno longrer b. seenrity for any cecI, il net ail,.%verethey now living, wo j hm luheftoi1 "hianihocke Lonti i rates tneehietoquiet anti peaceful valley, be cnidec- etlmnc h iricns i ooi eicla, iuivs.t aue incrh eer, elee f h is lss-,t iih au1ý l i erk on th~es:eabltshment andi colemu caill e erc aken, Ie bang the Se lias il be en ini modern ttue.Mauîy of Fflt ui fiea oestHns wretch, if feuni, Ùuner the. irearest tirée. the Most netet assabsi-:s cf the sixucenuth 1'1When I tirst came te Ibis bùiidirîg,'esaid the. A. larg e rard waà offered fer bisc dulec- an.d Seventeutit enturîeý, whîch %vere Ithe cck wsiiOehbto oigfra .tien, anti overt gambier that -ever hati bren groldeln age of aesassinatien, wete cf thre bese t Imrivati,spa.r&-i4aval otficerwith oiaî ceea abou t here, was more or lçss suspecteti, bîotd ir(!d lighest tank in Europe. frein em- citm enter the vestibn: le a.il Î mart stop, and 1 1leve ha'any -man. been arreiteti On iperors an ;ti ig".tIo barons andi captai ils. aneiuaretlet o ir .niatJoe h lte foliowing -day, ho weouli h ave been Il.urng Philip IL w ivas oI - Oie Austro -Burgiutiteaul iand roaedirces f oie qAt!irale, insrte final anti trie'! afterwattds. 1 saîi lesthan . euse, tire mosi powerflil rinîgf-umiy I cf l ktng i sat oth é uaeranl eo, nti an , rI had my ewn suspicion-., andtie tc orîldIas amati raveen o tv nivieu li V itinure te take, the.a ôh aemntc coatriret Muy plot lu seoret, anti made a cou- mnet lireobloc] oft hie htapsbutgs, Ile Valôls, lt ie.Heîun ri iuesaka fwient of n ne. -tieAvises, d'e Plaiiîag-etietA, anti other royal Pe sery stoat I ?(eail figureéiwhhooka TI. urer'!young mani was as decent- lilles. i hfieltefrs tlOt t SaS ehoeorugta fiotway; but I ceazed Io iy hunii as tttrmrri-ndiiiat. circumuttances sins ef bis time, and! eausel inny persans wonder wahon 1 heard Oint the thima, frail Of- wotalil permit, and'i my superatiti6ns tu, periru bvlte lianîts of asisassinîs, wltile lie f iéeras n other uthati Lord Nelsoni,wbo ai- freigrew tmora imoèdy, hbgrief, - ne- escalelvs fod s.Teliue fuays toek,"- coraintcd.tho minforant, 4"th@a *frise'! ho woik hisetJ*5d' any more, andi po- Guise was troiiposel oet gcntICCOla, and ti 3Lrtearest way Ie the place ho waniet t go îe.'1 j: po-ueci selliuîg oft -his stock and.tMl , nii unieitirrthan eue assassin, or patîuî - a uittiuug the country altogethen. I hhink lie cf assassin. A POiuliCîA-, .4A»VeCZ.-About t1frea *woulti have gobe aiL-once, iraiIht I toli beleueof Valois lia'!high daims tea îcayugmn oiî-tal m r hl thi i wold nt bb wIl e ave be.conitiereti a gentiecnlyrc -at port uneti Secretarv Corwin fer a clfecrk'uhip. withhut au effort btilseoven h eiiethehels mmrh ttaiue enryL, 'v ýass -ît Çocwin ndv.iel hlm teo iv l essrepeuple mighft b.- malicious eugh oeeof the -Most- successftil- arganizers cf a squah. bruir I a clW veikàfr - tesay that he kué ewsomehhing cf Ihoenmaltter, grand anti auccesslul assassinatienplot. t lat lsun aTk pltiian tieulie lAfe-, -and isoget - fiefit*fùl.li und y-i:lvdo'ta ltwl -I etecepi a clerkeship liere, anti pua cîaîk ai. once very ?aie, auti tela-eti he.o welti ay a cordjer cf Henjrycf Guise. I - wili -larIly ailtxuî.lped.icîe ; your.enorgy becemes re- r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ý, , ..i b-ha mse..col' .ieve ,boa'!t _tFednat ,.E.poteret - e-- - a.iyo reufiteiinafe'yer iss 1hbo pn m e oin~~ the mre-dsowed by tho mieo u ev'u~,~ I d l ,ut a l u, I u 'i a i o a e, o ? ï,; d ak jO-K .f o Y U E'

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