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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Jun 1865, p. 3

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..-~ ~-*~ A C ~Sn paltation th r eart, Oparl*t *aefi Sick Noater ail o4ýb"fdsofs oea8lon iderd sygkm, thefe PUw&etfbI ail otlites u.an bave 6faied. ltis in Ïb. e mpt t ô1iideach dChaW 8004b@ c4tefudly Prêetved. ctiiitg 50 ipUis, and emiirlei vrninent stalp f p e-t êt614i, post tree -for $1 and, 6,posýtÂge odui tWi dboiulBl ce me. tiXebs yu.i~N'Ot* lu M~î', h ith edrC.W.ryes fA tIe naa.Sold pr.mf;htu. ýlsge f in Jinsq IqC. çtmKuawiîofl& Gregr rearéil si fTaweIl nad0 VW * i ep SAJiIz and4 faur imwjrou*s. were anlu;G1t~t~aeo odilt;T the tiaee whu oColuumusnted tIe t"Pd <1 ~~.IcIIeftt~ 1. ani eu bnn. Tlie itj1ý.res ite'otn,- ~ajiik1tutl o. Seak -8 Ii 0"î Among th.eU*st iportate Otn ,1011, Qilîd jarus Ltt.e. -Sulitpier Médical dII.dICI'1 ; standislte CANADIAN tut.PAIN DUSTRV)YER. As a Fantily Meiciue, il 19'well antl lhvet- A il UUMG£ N RICUM<»W. itbly.kUGwi5, relie.i. o,,. -oAs f ront pains in the Sî# e, kik auti Headi, Cougbs, Co1ds, Soe L orrpofldeflt of ilue Boston- îouufaL Ttroat, Sinhs, BpulsesCrRw intto)a h 1tue rlloivîn; îctùlîm:Ciera Morbtti, Dysen;ry, Rowel -CouLtiii lui Pinfaid Ipjiua., Pres Laq a correspon- r. idFothe .,t lt e-ii11 te e xcelletit leierg ie tndiwPain Destroyecr bas now bet-É .J. Morris Cfieser. -,He im .a tai, stout, bf9 t 1ube urè%nie CIr fJt i l) sîg àuc. 1jt a of nhtieis a iwkinsttencea tigive ,)ermllunt irelief wh 'enirnely ~ "tn o tCn g . s1 , h u sed, andyswutl 'ye uever known a single case' ili ilitu cp~srshair ad4une<d ltiùolOfwlere the directions. have j o lie seakr. dek. etel > ~irbeen properly fiallhied, but on lte conitrar ail ati11 bet n parole4 emttered thie muon. * are êeliglz.d with lis .9Operations, and apeuk in orn on ut oftheie, Voit, blek- cu, .!»tih igisest terms of Lis Virtues and. Magical pe t haeye-t, calnily mur-- andi 'vt.t (in vitlt hie wril- e, or 1111 knock yurbtn bellowt<, pooriug out a t! tet mnie. The i. 1er !p.ta suiehimu by tmcl mtaf tumblhn.r hoela ovor SMt luct a i tmig asif i ficer. 8pri t. Hutchii the flo'heart ouit!" said le. ; 1 guess not.I1wnuld *-net le, uy pmo for arly suelh pmrpose. t t; figlit M. Chiester, 1 wilt clear e ;i-milee tii yoç have fair;.. et me tell-voti »t ou wil get a. filbe >toy, Whwh tl fully cofrrnlett hy Uapt. 11iiippened ini Riehnond, in ttle hall Cwrresw for seioypoiti4asmin. iiters, wonen.anid ull blieve iliat colored1 mn haveti o rights whicli a whiite ma j" b .ftwl 10 respect. Whatî a sacritege it * was for NMr; (Chester ti ceuter thqe capitol-. trie fhaii- ati iî irinhat chair wh..ru eJefi' 1h;vi- u;at wlieu lie visited thte Seiate ! Thes incdenit shows how -fastt and limw faLr xe ,]ave* udv4îîwtel towaids tuniveisal hurnan * brolleihlood duarin±.r the tour yeà..oI the war. A proclaniation ini Sarurdlay'u Ga.zele fsirrnaiv pu he itpaulii&ment tilt Ille The Dtib'in Inmternitional Exhibition waq <p),,ed Uy Cite Prince et Wales on ;he 9th * ùot. ThIýe Ihee. ati grouinda occu0y near- ). i 16 aî'l 'he hmilitiêhg is ieuded te. e- niil t 1 %il ibeelltaied to aflhtd corn- inod~îïtn t, mil al the vaiIetitýs (A am- Usrr(tl-f"id a a et iy. î' n qte4uon of'lte fuot thut. ut iut donbubefaru:silisig CI iiiu t irece l(out feilers lit tiiq,.tl fi '.e -..î~Ilt>Iresîdenit .hltvvzfolr * t ,n1v aintýV.jnii;iv minu r fh.r fli Alt4m. tt' t1 I e u""ls wIul pè.al fi! ~t. -ahfoCand Sai lLic. --' it î i l111 1' 1c o i e i ' l, JOt -tn i *' ttu tI i IlI C i s 1il!, -a s i i N 'a"îîý u Pi \ 1 t tý (iL-îtk.u i t Lt Imn s %We Spqak feront experkerne linthis malter, baving tested it ( îtpomupAy, anti îerefore those Whou are gafé,iiug fre-ouanj Of-thec mpwltas fur' which Rite oee4dmay depend upep It being a Sove tigao dy The astoniabii, u- eflicacy of the Canadian Pain Diestroyer, in cvi gi be d4iacases for which-iliia recosmended> imnd its ontiertul success in sub- diug the. tortigp*M flboRheuuna 1jismnsd in relRaing Ner -ous -Affection, entite ilt toa F Iigis rankim tje. e ist ofreuxedies for these Coin. plaints. Ordert are emtgR rr fdcn Dealerlu ai parts cf the Comntry for further supplies, an a eelutestlfying asto the univemsI satisfaction il givesï The Canadia n Paiw Destroyer nerer fAitt give immnediate relief.AiU Medicine îeaîers keep t. Ptysiiins-order and use It and no famîtly wîlt be ýwitbout atter, once trying iL. Price only 25 Cellis Pei hotti Ail orders uhold be tddrssed te *NOÙRT1IRqp d&LYMAjx, -Newcastle, 0. W. Sold in Llndsa-y by C. -Britton, É,nowison &' Gregoy,and a; Îîhf-Medical -Hall ;ý E. A. I$owes, O:îkwnood; Oeo. J)ouglass, Manilla; A. Wyatt,. -Cannin-ton; Gilîet&Cinmeron woodvile; ThomîasMthe, Omeince, and al mtedicine( dealers. 271 LINDSAY-MARRETS. FalWheat ....... ........ $1 20 t0 $1 nlo Sprin Whea,.i110" 0- Q0 'Qats, per huâh..... ...O»0 "O 00 ottes, per bnîri ......... .O4 0 O40 Ba l'ef7jper bus;î ........ .0 70 ()00 Pease, er bush .. 0. 70 "cf 001 Hay, per tei»........13 00"15 00 F:Iour, per brl...........550' 6fi00 1 Fi'esh Butter, pr 0 a.....O14 0 O15 ' Eggsý, petr 0......O ' 81 Straw, pet itati............. oo O0> Bei'. 'per 100 Ilu)....... 3 ü 4 50 eiierlb. per itr......... 5 0-"061o -Hîmnuper lb........ ....O 10 (t O00 -Tallin,lper lh .............t O " 60 cordwooci, per crd0io 0o0i Geieseeach ........... ..O25 'O0(y Tîîrleys. ncdi...........0 40 0 t'4-5 JIogsý, per 100 ls......... 4 50 ri 0 1SCI001 00K uANDl STATIO :NE P.Y WAPi E - 1. JU c T H E Members the P9maucil OCuu by requ st l fîthe CILopr-I la yull nieet at- u~g,-j)as the purpose of equalzluc f.ur. WOOdesac tiouniy Clerk's Office, 300-1 THE -OAKINOQ.-IOTELe NATHANiÈL YER.X, PIoreieIor.. f[HE.Pro4* esimà b intirnate to hi8 friends and.tê pblie that having pur- obage h y4q ed1YCbs fodgson. aýii l O tCom- fortable a# Su wsw t Whoiay favor lm wîha *. Th. bmt t fJNO4ý eeYÏud Ciga rs. ~ Goe~skLiWo ~5 00.ly, t t- $Îveu tbuaI the flrm et ,& à;ODOlTEb'as be.û b1jday 4iaç&T taadNtes for or &gain#t the flrm will be keittied byA . cedott., Lo!t" lIEMAY7 AiVGLrTtSUCADOTT. above tue subscriber tâtes this opportun ity to 'thank big frIend o'theï- pes that they viii ontinute t'n rivé him a liberal sharecf their cmstom. li as a larîe 4ock of Ik A»YmMA DE CLOT-HING, on ha nd -end AT VERY LO1WPRES lu cîaîisy701 Will tndna' jQdisa amiScotch TweNizt Cags' meres, 'îtk Mitures, Ioeskuns', Biýud Cnths keO"killîmigu Ltiens, Canada B.tgging, Shirtings, &è,.,, t. îï A it i i Qit a â tý <imo e m the j'remisea. ct.urmNQ MDTiiO RDElt i-Ihe rnost ft4jhiQna jé ulvles and iaIt vry ressonable prices. @:IF A PERPECT FIT WUlRANTED. C: Th* remainder of the Dry Gaods wvII.be sotd attost, as he dnes not inîeud,10 kepp any more Thé Tighest r-ic la aash pnitd for goo0,d dean vwool. ýCash also paid for Butter. 'No crédit givesl. A, OAI)OTTF. Re* f à âffýO.* be Completion af their Soring Stock, consistg of Rc.ridymmade* ClotltiýngBÔoots anti Liri&qay. April 12, 1864. 236-tf Ield Sod,-i Watca' Fflom Tifs FOUNTAÎN, At ùadwell'is Bakery Oue door West f Jewetta if tel. MRS. WINSLDW'S SOOINIG YU whicb is a fine tlîigýwhea ued -ini con setîoný ,with the Soda FQuntain. Linda~, ay l$h.18m5 297-4 r IAINTED. WHEAT! BUTTER!. POTATOES! PORK! i Yl1NG reatedit PIANO lu desirotis Žf lakIug pupi6s at ber. residen êe, Russel etmet. 1 U lenma madtIekuova en app!Ication.ý O PFERS TO rHÈ ru ié CA T TfIIr LOW- est living yreethteiees"-electiotn of. Tu be louetiacyw!berc in thie county. FLOUR, INDFAN "MF-AL, FEED* A»D t«A CA1LL SOLICITED. Sh )s, Liquors, c wf ay the 0 Ieee:v nasriet i cluîding V.andForeig ~taii~ Ontstoc cf Dy Gooa ëvri hrgc and a 'Il .issortedl, and Owing te tbe gre at-deeline j T, tPiei ~a~ CtiadLnsaeG"i.Stattîry. &c M i o tr t.,thelirice cf CotIong, tee are en îhled ta offcrgre ît nd ticenents to purcîtasers. &cA-oleovgt.er-refrînai ln Canadian and Scotch Tweeds tee- ha ve a larg iply for Whcat, Butter, Potatoes, Pork, &c., deliver- gr or ui ite exhibition. (Oir Cktstalogn iib ed at my store ou Williajm streeL * sent tbr any addres.; an receipt-ef urp NDRR' .<êm< t thePosinnter GROCERIES, BOOTS,&.SiIQES, CLOTIN,AN LIUR ]?enra>w#i*,*eitedaIQtase utl i ual, receive oaurttention' and te have ohstto usyn ia i os u~prices . betuof c0tebe o! a vey o* e ohstto n1ýigta t hu ntetrade L AE.T li i LU S oonon 1KER. ýVw tre the f#rst ta introduee these mb lb.th FRIDAT ~~~~~ 34th 0F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~u1il or can undersell us. Cash is w ta we want, and LindsyM.y1C, 85 . 284lLe Sieat ierauat'r tmes for lte convè;ance ofBer Xa.estyis's il, on FOR CASH W . SIVE M ~qoantiries in great t-ariov, r:înging in, price: IlN ÏNfroMtin 0 eets ta 0 CZICI. or AL8ruNS 1ave .proposed Contract fur Four. Yeare, sjtnts Au inspectîon of our stock 1aim s isthe (iaadâ and Pricca will Qpeak foi'thernl tes ptalion of hein,- smwnirnltutyia per w-eek each way, between ih ti c ie) a-n nechne FENELON FALS & LINDS(for whuc ie10etîewt i i>tknin xhne.p - ~a us ~ TIi eil ho set by FENE.O. FALLS & LENTS1'J mrUtfrcil, on receuit cf irk-e. freinlb. ut ofÂ~zgst tirt. . > 'rEai ,0 & .' .5 i)I 1 '141 l~ Fine Albums NHide te Order,. Conveyuoe.t Le mai, onltor'eack n0ls8 ock, oppositeIfcLeîinaît's.lIardiéare Stere, Kent St., Lindsay. CR Cneault em lo 1oreaceitter, Wagon,'tor SleiglAt theojttioin t the iuarded.Frst Prizd iteAg clurai ' . P Il07106R.4p Hs. cenrator.~'Our Catalaigte now cnlrace.; orrflre iÀ6u-ý The Mils fo leave Lindusay daily (Stindats ex- EhltoLrda.sndl'rn hbet(1wiiîadîinar ceptt!) t Ta.nwaêote Fnetti Flis. mu~ fl --yp o J c'outlnai!yheitg n of.tc) irtraits of Emi- .dback lte sanie ay: Taeiuca <iu j u 'sIj~~ L 4 ~ N A ett'eîcn.&. i. bu Momdays, Wednedays, and Frid.ays 1from pLU IR' A. 100,c eiîfr lsFied ndtePubi -A ui cerl,4 L'indsaay Ioe PenIon Fails na i] k b tin .t-ftor the' pot pose of cnabling imnsc-if titni1Ii Let(c,îri.VO()le direqt roal ves'a QameroD;aud on,,Tles- IIOTEF - ( a xet. nt etprfc ane i o- fRcersz- . 5 Navy (>ticeru-,; 510 Shi tesmn, Liîîd- EROF IAPLtE &FANCTY des î'iît eiicl tc ms't ' iasI.130 Ditines, 12-3 Authors, 40 rtis, 125 -A Y.îI'h*rsdaysaud Sattirda3s front I i-i efavt'red-h t~,5 ruitn ue,0 Pri sày ta (Janibray, thenee to îsIay.îctc0i made Ihnacelf thoroytuglaq-uainîtitt il tie5 rmnn oe,10Poi Feneton Falls, the-uce tu Catteron, aud T U 1 ~ ~ Ci > l U.'N' IChl npoVetsigi i h-ar: ail ng fent Forvig.t Portraits. Ibece a indtsy 57 AS'- .MýP-xEYIO S»-' G R O5.2MUE5IE uîie ihlt is mînas !rncV,, 3. 000 Copies of Woiks of art, Printed notices pettainiuug firrîluer ifrma..bc ehottes lu î.rodu ie Cred-JiU uia ucîîgî1uoutosfionost celtbrated îi~n a tocouiîionsfpropaed <'otrueti.l &c', &c., is note îreîared teo ofer ttthe Pu.bliechotrice a-ssortinent in Ilie-above mJnîlotnedUgeteclec snymd uiî rvne nruuîs anugSau~ c aa igeen, and blapisfrsc ne y e.hake.1i tckcntt t <f-fTte Gallery isstacins anîd fayoraiy it iàated lo)gruies sent on -reëeipt of Stuip. An orderf r obtined at tb. Pust-oes of eneio iaîls and At 7 * d(~ VM 2 ~ F l in regard ta tigrlit,, alid is éproaouien ri-jndgus One Dctzeu il>ctures front omît Catalogue Niii tLe Llnd1,A11 Wo.l Unionand oio. wi<<,c(l, om- ;, Fancy Fl *' s 1to.be remn rkaliy tell a dapîdfrlt upsefle ulteceip of $i.80 aud sent by fliuiI P . Gerils'tnd'L-tdî,>s' Collats and Tlies, Riblions, Feutiier.s, Flowver of making correct lîkenei.ýse-Q. Fft Il. O. Inspectarj. Suws Mrîls Des odej r-t aiî ens 11Pos-itive v no pictures-w-ut te let out cf; lito&raiblirs anfi atliers orderîng goods C. post Office Inspect<ur's aOtr .te al-v iI rdft. *0 . lD. wil 1lie renmit nventy-fiveper cent. cf Toteno, lth Ma, t u~-3Straw- adFeit liais, 1La1die S' Sîrtw lats~&if~îo gut»i rse. th mtint vwiih their arîler. C an-1one --E.r, & ii-I,ýti'11, T. AN'rHONY 00. uîîlîmm'.- Testiinon !ah,. 50 ' ~ itOtiel, 'w Y& lus Cftan,~--, i it'Siîiring.Cc-ck , bi~~tsîoiers We invutriabis sîpyM.Francis wih lite jt Teî.;sr toa-, ai'f Our goode eaur- mi-ll lcyon co pvltiai, bttuiii 1uaityant1rIe. itrst i lbest cheunir-als Otiat can be aitt -cdte t nfau tu Si îf 292-1 y. --and bhr'ieî'e iuntto 4e titcuhyaqan TE S..T EATIEASi witb bis beanlifiti nrt._ COFFEE, COFFEEF,-COFFEEI'XOLSN& REOY" Farîiic*s Altefflioti! ~I ai Contaet.SUG A9 s UG:Ai, S[1R,1 Ihave nunch, îlen~srîrci ein gtc, Mr. ES, TSPIC 1-:s I, SPICES, Jrran<ls .4aiiuiit.iin raýgîrd toIÀýi iw -i.iak- o res3ewillbuiisivdtnebeoustil - (Iakrm I KLPIIC K1E.S, PIC.K LES, ukgotjotg'îls... 1 elai. ivil'lS bc S, "T1ved a L Qu .'tb2s lir, lt NtTr SAUCES, t fI , i L~~A~CL5Y ~ ~ '-ire MrF~AY 4h U Caain;Egi4.?-d Ai )rïieun-S'clol fortilue ecn1V-yance of her Mis jes1y's Mn ils, ou b'ak.ske;t n ock -aiypuredîus-d 10 -roptseuicuttracl for Fttutr Yeairs, six limelts ut I-lY~ ReIKTOR;» OI3AY 'ON %"I) lxN)A , - Cm~Pid ftrhutio gî'tntri ui ordrrrJ5rion trie.ti t-ug Itîe. Ôiu /ùue-rîbc- èrm. I'iùr -iuneuurn- 'invva 1-1alî obe itde-in a% W-mruîî.:Ctur> titrr,*e- Dnu'y b ie a miorer S1u / tsserîges iei-Iinmi sin 'ste boo é et.-it'aiu: Il lin t, tIl - I 14i i K Ut1. b iiàday daily (Smmdays Aeepteti) i Ai-rive/ai BnJait s Dît a- uesîîc F vint ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i itti t L' -0It i iIi trîi- t11A1 V'S BOO.K .s1'okE, Lrv iîr'l2,u nitii'ucu-- ., rjt-, ut tIf i Sjx 1 t- itniiSu'e.Ariven at [Lisrduîtty -ai 7p.uM.ý Relif iToûjfinut~- ~ 183. ritet iaic. ceîtuininig farlter informa-, toscla aitiosof propcvsed Contract tuy i BRI A -S îULMOtC l"AEII'S .. (iti~pa~ ib-' s-rîtatud itfî< atrns ÇoiTeuîder unay be oit- taipü tIi le->ost Otices of Balea>ygeon andti 7 ln e fOd i n i.iee lieîu'odtred îi.iŽ Ahut or pritù rtti ~tn a Mori iai.,- ~ lEE --ta tec "]'iintti IVr t'r i -,rt . t iéjî,î-tvmi ti0 i . . nspcc.e, r utiil. g gé Imilo1 v 'Q tild n) t%,%ifé ri to tih f r-j- Post.Office 1ilnsicctou9s 0Office,. .'::"tfît Tii' 'iiio Ci u Iîr kîot'h t> j s1rt orIlite No i-h tîtif of lu)t Ntol 13 thle* ý ~D t- a lt'V N tiî.t~s a tut î.ed utî i Il W'uI'.j tl .îfcr i ll f îe Tnrtinn l- otî p f il, :1ti ite j- iit-IYt NS 'hibMuuNit'WA1-'lR 4 G itttiv Ille ild r, t s lc urs a i 1 cgu -s i t \"s 1. 11 lmu 1îtl WA F r1 ksi-tie sa:ltTraîmie ira lust a'cî.- l fl tu-tgî g t lîîc -* i ltnn ' 0,e~ î. Clî î tt îeIi1ic a0dî'i'r IliTtn anaila Petin- lD il N -~ ~trîx~ w~ ~ j n-uitWui iît n-i Sii ugaViàc oieîyimn usid P~ecmcluiitatitt tf I,- IUvula. u.îîuêlTcnis WILA 'JKON i~i' v~ ~ ViONI W4FP~$ - -ANYE JACKO.-M uleiee tie alore Cotîîtuits ntslTen 'iuites. jMipOa a>mu 16. - 0- ri. t blesnug te a Il Classes andi Consti:ilionz .1 - j L of 809A-L ITrUL'D1TN B1I'IANS PtULM0Nlt' WAFE:RS . is le tA to 8 4 W ~ I~VJ >re n.dapted tfor' iocalîsîr a id Public SpeaIrrirs. I- BRY.hVAN'Ri'1LMONI1C WAPEIhS . - 1ie Credil:orý1 àrthelb. ndersugtîed are noui- D th la R Ase. jea -siitple foi-ni mud pLeasuuttn thie ttate. IT ld te mMcl t the office oi'Nfessrg.iltiti- The g LI BRX A>O;S PUIAMONIC WAFERS spetti & Martin, rtTLinday, oit Tîursla>, thie chFa Re i d A-rc in a simple fornri andi pleasaùt to the tate.. 4&t l ayc .ri 1865, ril.len a'clock lu t . NOW IS THE TIME-ai -RYA'SUtMNU -AFthîe f<oennon. fur t tepîrposé of re'etinig Ilstate- F r tlur feivbtefc utng cures-. en Iolts aifu I5 aS-nti f naming an nssi;gnee jjv fi itm Not eni relie., bute&uît asl m-. thoin he umusy nake an assignmn-inîuntler BRYA'N'-S PULMýONIC WÀFEIIS ficAboet.- - Linsa vOTWITHSTArNNG tbe bard limes'there war~aîd tgiv saisfctIn tevry nt ixuisa', ay 01h 18N.mUst ho monmetsmen enonghn tet un th NoFaiy soudbewihli BxofBW ATRD VEBITC H.N' ~ ' ~e tuLI soutii*wthui aBiX nADAM llrnarFImu - Icoutryt>'wbo anec vsllug tê'iuvest their capital BTYNý uL tIi. 10WAF1RS. i .soIicitalr f'r noîet 302to atvantage, andt tete itercsigneti ad- Inth ouse. M-___ _ _-2j iîresues binisef wbe» ho luferins Ihens that h. shou N oTravello.r salould 4b. itîtout&l sppîy l i'1-- lu determinedte 1rei-u tthlie olticountry, andi "R4NS rULMONIuîî; -rt.iS Spe ï-.- 5U 1Vi . herefore vishLeto tispose of bis foio*ing val- Li in bis pociet. Uglelaprorperty qhoulit .be-at a tarifice : No- persons wiilevet objeet bo give for iJUR. PNK lbegu itt'orm bfo er frientis antid .t tt~bik nicr rm ou. the ubli fhàt Èjé ])ta rst- an pusing09oit oeelot, aa nu e eue Io a±erylarge ý BRYON~ PUMONI WAFRS of the Npublic a site a e dlosui frame bouse on'aiothtw lot adjoiniug; ail vei Tventy4-i,.ve cents. -lt ot rircnbeilty oceupied i flisheti, vjth eery aecckimod4îionand ipies.> JOB MOSL', Soie Proprreir, Rodi ester,-> csî& a -aî, whchsie.sfte Punl içtt nN$e tet ictjo. ua,;aFirsl-cla',ss 8.rioott and Biilliard Boom. Bmtlitne dn w a boet Stiee, ieu Io e For sale b>'o- îrhfo-p andi Lyuîan, Newcastle, Tihe 4t Llors, inru MesaheiCigae frarketuilbng se. p se,line) o C, W., rt eu'aiAgents for the Canadas Solti const9ýr>'ennid.sloryrtaebidn so n wllni in Lipsay by C, Eiton, Knoisoit &-6regor-v 1 Kent Street, aI presexit occupieti hy iimseif, a'- and tiahie NMeliraîl Hall: j", 'A. IJuvi-s, (Jak- j Mr. Arthur Ri'y a hrec a-a gooi-garden andi barn altacheti, with ee> wooti ; AdainG(ordon, . Manilas A W'uIt, riffitient. g1kara ruehi .I tseif .lIt Ievetyt-hing 1convoulencesber a business man. huG Canningttu --; iic-ris-kCamerout, ood ville' wvil 1be gelt ipi, :t5tifacôrystyle. 30tAndti view o? bis dtermiuation, the ub- T. Ntatchett, t}»enee, anti ail ottwçr tedicitre j scribr bas commecéd emi1 alL off bis ntir deaieru - 2-21-247 j~- stock ef SH01 tGOOIS at cost prie-- T'4 D ~evetlbing e$eap-4ad tb prove Il-is tb. publie. THIE GItE&'I"ENGLISH RE.IEDY. - M~So ofLeers are respesutfuiily -rmtpeaei te walk ,Up telte Sir James ClatrW'g 7D EMAINING R h.iauy- s 01 est endi anti take aTlëw ofhts saràple wijdà - j-:-lhejl xRÀ ost e, hteh$ sopetiullu pecimens of goois CEILEBftATED FEMAI.E'P ILLS - - uuewith pîtes mazisedin ai an figures, 8se ta - [Bin as. Iarley btaham evety one m*Y. satiay tbietselves upon tht This i jauhble medicine la unfailing In the Bc ue.JwctTos uerits -of thetcle. Altri ccash business la cure of al îose painftil and dilngeroms disea'ses iîhher &,Co. Jackson Herc oe epes igleos ihyn incidetlte. .t erntatconstitution. Brady John Jackson Wm. - 1U til rtiser wotite ecubaurtb.r viii con- Itrùtoderties ail excesses anietaotes al ci,- Ruler John Jak1 Pnmetecryo h àtbaigbsns stra 1 ttîns, fron whÈLtevër causeC, andi a speeti.>'BurgesJames Knoitouiotpe carrryto on tIh e tuas akineg bbu-ess cuemy> eit i.Chamberlain T. _W. lo~Binoe ph 6 eç0ý Owihb a de-b enïf Craewford Jaled o. «irthP.a1-H. jtiful art ofEurtaawg. ,Inscriptions Upe ~L TOMRIDLDE Cafr a mitf ai6aRinÏii.IVateh P ~epssCffipats OUs TO ARIE LA12 - Douglas W. L TitJms eus geta ews"aer Cal, 'Buins it la pecu'aly sulteti. -Il will, in a short lune, G Natt FedTrueîh at>' nu 8 Grahitm Pr,811 Tlanipeh4Xaii -An.Î recuteti Pordengnr brIng oun te moutll' jeriod villi regularity. 1~Ct G :KEu Pl-'caoýns al'Z- rfor lh.above viii Pleutesi Theae Pilasiteolti net ho talien by females for ativertisetjIletters. -- Kent S&W., Ws L iblit, are preZnant, duriiig the FrnfýT TH REE - .R DM.P l iday, May 2W-t, 1865. . 299-Sm An a oeîîrta'iof kc 'kejît consti-îtlv n baud. lJi-i Stock of fleridm-inli' clo- cti-iiinl )titrnd Si,ç es viii ire (ilidtaIcost 1-ri".Cbcing de- B IG SALi' A'1) .k'ICLD I>LASTJJR F01R SALE. 1le i But l. t-r t i ]-: E - aIl;iailv îi t ciî lu. exi'iuiwt tor gautis, RoIhIei'3 n'ier-I Cerner Store Ada i)tsBlcC Kent StreLui sy - oi f%- Suis critber hi3îaptpy t10 have to inomttice, nut ciiaeeion w-t lui e fuli of -Richmiondi -le etirrenider, (f tintrebl-i riiic-s, tln fiilit tf Jeti'. 1iv~ ui(Lic coîîl:dq:uîtiy huîîs> flic ~CotEonSêbave FaIVi o!yj andt Ihat t-is stock of NECESNIL . OODS is noîtvcr opce comprisiug a 'geuerul,,,sarttucrit of RES S GOODS, PARA~SOLS, jFE ATHERS, HATS,-- 11113BON S, -F LOIVERIS, HOSIERY, 9 WITIE COTTONS, SCOTCHý AND CANADIANX TWEEDS, I3ROAD .CLOTHS, READYMADE -CLOTHIN,- aud an assortment of -~~j p iq* 1~gj-1s f-4-iu n .'ijsua(si' ai' mhicit lie o1féfor 8 1 sal e CE. FOR 015,IS or i i e xcbaùge for predmuce, of wbicb in- iingpturi>~5r~ '1Rt pIe&seecih1,ni dsa 1is4 bensetrves. JAMES LrNIHAN, 1 1,0faiKmi Si-reet, Lindsly>. N.B.-The up -rior quaiities ' 1 he Linduta>' Beer. are noew gener.ili>'adiliteti, whie-h fac"t uldib. arknowledgedilu au amentiment ta Dîtakin*sTempecance*Act. if MES L50 MIAY Pdsay, uIt Ms>,1865 _,DODBSON & NIBLOCK9, Jnpbtersand. Deaters: du ýENERAL:GROCER1ES, TEAS,..TORA.CCOS, COFFEES, SUGAR, WIfNES, -BRANDIES, RUMS, OLD: TOM ANDHOLLAND_ GiS, CIPP)EWA: MALT, OLD RE N COMMON WHISKIES., &C. &C. The subseribers are deierrnincd.as fierciofore to.saipply à, waant long ltin IbisTou b>' keeping 1conse ' ahi>' -ýou at h e l l est brands o? ImportetilWines anti ,urs.*les anti Porter,alo!bchwilu Boldat Lowest Possible ,Prceos for Csh DOBSON 4N 113LOÇK. ataaiy 4th, W8 __ LI tutl, ., "5 -ie stb;cr"er lesires Io iuî.orithe custoýmers Ille je;st Galietlecs. cin ie i pKelzIs i à. &w nLovéil, ilsg,ýd ; ld istr-oè as rt" ft tai o eý ý-S 111le lEngla i, Iî Laî'e ren sal:e pf Ès ls uwdins th general public tiSat li Inw- :r, iuiî cn the Ilarnessu ant i ldierr ' ie JAMS h .MIi.~ 1 f Mt,'isosv n aont,in Ulite ad sttîi t LidaApril tth , .2y2 : -r i'sIre cf w I-'I. iJdr'h.Il 4- :Co., lU '..ut '-t -.iindsauv, u'lere lie vi lic glati GItEKr ,IMPIIOVEM-nXTS I1,"' ttxaii--lfi-fiieroel v tI f t- t~et,»g V ~chies !'z tin 1 ttC1ne t , ,i'enoi oie ain- rtîtseif, ar ).n~m t - x rî(ncvd i"cm r' nt] E i,1> RF ia unt te ifori e '-41? he lu prepare t t ~~Jflm17 ~0 CJJ 1 - t-i ii rice list for te oiisidera- IL à ,j J fl ufi'i.eid't r 11îtirasers P.îcîtndFeurt:îy 111, i3-. J i "-vi'S'at-cî arness with i ti Iii es .................. *$iS O0 Salsroui, 36Hhîa~'a, ru1%- it I d oi do do 20 0,)!. -a-'~lu'mp .....................lr,;on? ,fiisMa chine ke1s 011 n3 itait c1tn t iVSt ii I -ruih:ruc5t', wl hru miemew lril!ciple of nneaut îý0ý ri~itv( it l es, anti Lt:-strap, rare and4 via»lc imprai .mnmep-haS.~i gtLmn 1't - ' ' ' 'dl-e............... 64 exaiuninedî-ilclt nthé ofttî-iî4 ept r -iA gij reeidaînhîe et cf citnt- i irontîorird tci inlc/ya .:f tit cÈw, uu-'iterthiefr -a lt,'ý r Llt 5ii-q. . i!i î.c: ier andi ltpstra11nS, The foiiow'ing zare the Iriirii ob l î Ci' or-J in'esa A & finc> hlPA»i. 25 0 mrged ti fgijnt ewjmdo at'huîi-'s A-nu . -'ro~i hîg ut apuomi. t. Excî-ssivo lau Io tc i.lyertor. -in xcidnedtrmiyai 3 E.'ni11e, t anty :id lns«t :Imm. ctulzt, u Paîiig. ;à ' k. t' 'i - qtf &e.. ken 4. lîtcapa c.ty te sicw-crt'm- dcriptFctn cf - ilt nm'v chr'p- maeteritîl. .1Ail Lin 1-fY('î-niagc anid Curter Trimmiutg t. l)Wgrrcable ne 9 ile 1 eeai'n în i(rvi : r:e 7Yue Empire Sewing Mm-barine #i .; nt AE LOEL J roi al ihiseobjctios. Lhdsav, Dccemler Z2I1,64. 28t It bas a striigltnueed .peri'endu cnirn- - is alike.on bath sides; p.Wtfo;'ms ïterfet -wserngAril iiNIHRRPurId.iat E~ IT Y an cicr>' description 6f litritî!dî, fr'tiut I.aýilliirj ODo n l 1> S. le lhe inesi. Nansook MIlistireniJit cintra,. i irt.nB., or silk îhread, frira the' coaràesto th ue 1OF-i PETERIORO', nuttiber. Ilarig neituerCf! nn r'O-H'IJ-1?J j~EiS 1 ri, u-l]lis sine-re thuks te te la, ani tet sierCti. oilcut a s-mothr > utiitarnts of t.ind-ssv nudtd -irroundint asdtelatpsil rcin trn co nry nfin the extenrsiv'e pat rona ge w1 ie Yi glass, a-îîd~iu:iug tite plaîce. and i vaniti isoqtInte thal h- E:up&ti~ 8 a oiseleOsMichine! i i-îitseied a 1 p'ruîuuîîiait tîtliin i harge ci' Mr; lt requires F[F¶'Y PER CEýNT. lesut pomcto (10 . ltnrl.ttaussaî mIt!'.DtD- drive il tuiait tquny ther liaclite iii tnat t t; t - Att;î. rft Eluir-on. Tthe l,tsiicýs vil be con. girI l fwmelve year«a of ulge can work i, S_ cadit t, tittett i'tîr uenîi rn tl vithotrfge o ijîy ah-aîi.J ONNEL-& C R E~ li rru.gît a nde.d-f(IIsimplici t' o a sîrjîclion tender jr. alinostim npossili -oge I AIV ou erailm peîfîimd on the, laIesiand of eider, sudi lu>G 1 RANTEED tlie xIsut. ciutd priille kîi vata lteprofe*â- pany le give entires tsftiou. stin anti w'.rr Ille(',te gîre satisfactiQn. Wé rcapectftully invile ait those whoma y de- tî fuuiftrît'r ýi:uiçiic,MN.',('onheétt may 4t sire te sîîpply theu-rselt-cs wi tu a su 1t1erior arîkfti-ý ini aitMn.Kcat~ office, iiin e.'ik i Mr. Lua- cie, le cuilanti examine titis, ViUILI oturseir w in~ c t'tnu là I out umis MAntCHINE. But un a more spierial manuier dec ii lt s iitil. vnz : ion the ft .ITirsda>' Ve solicit.lte patronage <f !lt ctio ii . Iïli anti rrin o-ne weekt wvI ie . Merc/<nst Tale, .I Dress..Makers, Jvi COach Makers f Corsi-L1Makers, EXTRACT TEETH WITI-OIJT PAIN. HonpSkirtMonu faturers lit-miter Fille rs,- Shirt and RÔsmnsMulers I.S'hoe dinders, REFERENCES: Vest arnd PantalonMakers. -Drs. MriAdes csnat oai ~1Religieuts anti Charitable Institutions JM D'insfintt, Jicttr . Giie, epul>' Sîttu-. wHl b. libetaîlly deai. vitti. Rfi, fio. K.-r lt, T., Keenan-, J. D Undas,- J. LeuRi- MRC O"ýAClINXE.S, COMPLETE., lian' W. J. 'lRttntrJ.I.Kvlo3W.Gae PuC 0FL. A. Ca adV CI, A. %V rilt, B"q. - Ne. 1. Famit>' Machine, witb Iflemnui n tutetwtI eftlt tdelgcti ;'ir.piete..............e....5'30 let00e No. 2, Sinal Manufacturlng, with Exten- of tecommenduttion frein Dr. flav, BDetist. cf sion Table.............. là 0o Kingston, and lu addition the follôving refr-ý No. 3, Large --" -' 5.00 ence3, No. 4,-La'rge, fur Leahher ..... ...... 1n. (O e Knstn -CABINETS IN, EvERY vArLETY - 'ilising a goiti 'kuowieuge- of Mer. C._1 %Ve aut ageul fr ail to*ns la tue (ontel rritg issiîdeawîh 1ue!.he»fli Statpq, Canada, Cuba. -Mexico, Celîrrati aIt rý)nnd Itn Itllte puibliCa pet, lth Surira ie ad ebiduh Sotuth America, vitere Agencies Are uo i-i .n~ .. etlhseti, to mehosua aliberil discoiurt- vijil . 'etut igli. given. bt teeniaie ut'oertasigumentls. (e, jng n Octit-rs, mn>'bc sent tiiiotugluite - hr irç-s .Jrs. Pmuwiler, Slt, A measd 3,(9 Eiqo;-1ler xJ. Ceunl>, Rer.-Ur. Clark- - .JMeAr'tbur k -faS iotn:M.LCtre .Dotmer andi 536 Broadway, -Xe uor ."M'Wtritr, Soicilors, Lindsay'. - Linti a>, Nov. 17tix, 1064..11- S te amboat -Noticc' 18M.~ O %wilI commence lier regular trire on Monday, It Mtay, lXlesving Bridgeaorth ocm eon- dzuýlv3, Wednesd ays ad ,Fridt.is at 10. *.m., re- turning will lewve Lindsny on Tuesèà3ysTlu- iday ànd ':iturdlay 9 a? 9.1.5 a.M., caiulng At Bubct geon -Ln;lFenclotn Falts. The stage will leave Petboroeachi morulug ta .m. î>uctually. For I urtiier particulari as,* to rreiglit, &a app1y on botad. JAS~. WALL[Aý Money! Noney! oney! "IIE undersiiei lias aIvices f.OM bis cor- awaitir.g inveslrreft on &'hoice, !Improired Farms, ilte 010 SETTLEO TOWNS-HIPS the renues belon- t,) riv-a te iinl i ilitai . bans c;tfl le nt'gotiatted ili FROM TE N TO IFTEEN UAYS after tie. aplications aremradý, rrovlIddte Titles are flot t uîsrallV raminiliratéd. Apply, if liv letter t'-epid Gl. m. RocHEi. 'Lindsay, April 26, 1865. 295-tf. ]M & H.T. ANTRMONY &'Ca. ManufacIumrers of Pholographic Mtâterial 501 BROADWAY, N. Y.. add&itionte.)our main businks of PhoWe e follitowîng, vîz. Sf ereoscopes and Stereoscbpie views. .1 ,)NNETS, MONS; LOV'ES, US.LINSI., JAMES LENIHAN. 1

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