p -r-. - ofGll5f lo wsu piouf Goi h. CASH, d lotibra ---- --- --- i cat o.1tflail aller KVgê* "5iWïW BRYÂN' PIULMOQN10 1APERS elleve ~àGoko1sU.oe Theal., lýoaisuUà5 B IRYÂIPULUOMIo wÂFR8 E S# piWaIg of Bhu, ai, 'us ltb. b BRYAWIS PULMONIC-WÂFBRà Ji1telivIrritation of thO uvulaun*ù'T6ins HRYAWIS PULXQ>NIÎVÀ Re1jev the above Oo»bla auin' tu ERY ANS8 ULMQGIO WÀFS àma.twblosilg 1te 11 Iflle*"ua4 Oastatatos BRYAYS PULMONIO WAPERSý Are adaptaêforYahW4'bCS.1r. f JlLYAIVS IPUJ.>OIjD QWAh Are inj &npl ore "d10Ortto lGt44tý BURYAWS PULIÎO1UC WÂFERS SNt oniy reliure, but. egect lslng cures -BRYAN'S PIULMO)NIQ WAIPERS 'A" warranted to give sisifàast 0""evr ffr t No Family ihoI4 b.evlîboita, sBox cf ,U!IyTOys 8PILNONIC WAFERS. ttailuei ipoke. tthat No ppesnrns Wl1 cn obt te gÉire t6r Il the. BBTON'S PULMONIO WAFERS -Tise Twen ty-frre enlta. their .JOB M0$£S Soe ProptrR«À,eder. I4any For sal, by Nathrop Anti Lyman, Ncvcaati 1e, e andi 0. N., Gtuerai A.gen«ts*foi tie Canadas. Soldi çanly la LindEmay by C. lri-tton, Knoviion & Gregory ti intant atire.Mdlcal Hll;!. . -Bowe, O fire.- vooti; AdiamGordion, )Maila; A. Wyatt, niions Canningtûn; Gilcibrial a à aeron, NWoodville; rather It MatobettI, Omàemee, sud all 1ter. medicine eable dealers.2224 911m' fTHE GR.EAT ENGLISHRREM1EDY. .ecipal d.W U<Uu*u 'i Be. Aibtu Resv~ Denlu c Go H. picei j mi KI la th A tswo th*e od. bhie style, &sud price. A LOVELY DRESSXcIo0 y5ds 13enetta la *taI v#iey, >là mit W11OS p I.A cartoon ofý V'LS lo e b. acrficeti. Au Imense 1u antity. Of STRÂW GOODS, ~doe oi <ct Btter asud 91W- la exîébsaie t,G@Odiutt t be bve wu!i air Far ~&1e. Mail Contiact. T £EDERS' addressed to- the Pstrasterl General, vilUbe receiveti at Quebec until FRIATTE2" OrFj'UlmD for the, conveyance cf Hormajesty'a mailson a proostiConîraet for Four Yeara,. six time Pei veek eàci way, lxiv -en FENELON FALLS& LINDSAY, frona h. lut of August next. Conveyance tl e b.made -ou iorsgebaek, la a culter, W1iagon, or Siigi, at lhe option of tnt Tii.Mails ta leave Lindsay dally (Runtinys ex- ,ceptei) at 'y a.m. anti go.te Fenelon Falls .anti backtlie sarnaedy.: Traçielling on, Mondays, Wetinesdays anti Frithsys fwm Liudsay le Fenelon Falls andi back by tire direct rond . r(lanneron-, anti oonTues- dayé., Thund&ys and Saturtisys from u Lindi- say té; Caurbray, tience te Islay. thence toe Fénelon Falls, -hience,,lu Cameron, andi thepee to Lindsay. Pzîn.teti notices couiainin g further, informa. lien as e Conditions of proposeti Contraet mny, I e mcci,- anti blank tonus of 'i entier mray lic obtaineet itie Post-offioes of-Fenelon Fulls and Lindsay.* Po~ i§i Office Inspeceo T'oronto, 18th Ma. -P.,O. Inspecter. res Office, Y, 16.i33 - *,>. a 0 C. AMail Cotitraote I ENfE RS' add1ressed le lie Postruaster Cen- eral, ylb. received atQuiet cuntil XNuon, 1:ON YRIDAY, 24tb. JUES. for lie-conveynce of Ber Majest's- Mails, on a'proposcd Conüa~ct for Four Years, six times per wveek eacb way, betw'een BOBCAYGEO0NI AND, LINDSÀýY, fioin tii. IstAugustpett. a CItr Oonveyaune. to b. ma-de ina Wagoi,,uter Coutraç 1tor e The- Mails Io Leuve Lind,3ay daily -(Suncinys excepited). a 7 a.m, Arrive.ai Bobeaycreon " VUi11oo1. Leave Bobeay-eon ai 2 p.m. Arrive sit Lindey at 7 p.rh.. t; b IL Printeti nelices c ontaiffng, frtter intO'rnia- ,on -as lu conditions utfjrposeti Centnact'may ) scen, anti blank forma o! Tender m.ay lic oh- zine t uthe PosI Offces utfi3obcaygeen anti indaay. PoIOffie Xaspetor'a Office, Tô,routo, i Sah 3ay, 1865.303 Igoney! oney! loey!t T HU ndersigneti bas atvis fom is .cor- responden.to, et awiling luvesturen on Choice, Improved - Parais, iq lthe OLD SETrTLEP. TOWNSHIPS or", * n th le adjoininutiefs. As part et lhi mciii b.loicng leprivatei irdnais, lbans eaub. negoîlate I l%! FROM TEN TO FiFTEN DAYS after tins applications are maie, provtied. lte, 'tles arenet lqusnafly compieatei. - AppIi if ly-lutterpreý-palal, toi G. m. ROCHE. Lindsay, -Apffl, 26, 1865., 295w t. etwaiîth~lb e atch Tuis- Ai 11a ~uMew -q"-- - - ý ck and bineand red enuigns CEULEBRAtED EMAI.E PILLS usin ILet oi Fee res. Thtis injvaluable mieicine ta unfailing in the MINALS.-Th 'cerreapoatderr cueteof ail tlie paînful anti dangetolia diseases ts :--The Pope han conferred incident lu tii.female constituùtion. A à ric cf Westminaster pon: Dr. ILinoderates al excesses anti removes al eh- as you witl rernember, was structions, frein vi.tever cause, anti a specdy acuin the Churob of Eng- cure may i. relieti on., einiment wililnot gir. per- TO, IXÂEBED LADIES. i te tihe Roman Catholic il l-petiiatly suileti. Il ivill, ln a short time, at thii country, lthough their brin-g ou tie moiihly perioti wilh regularity. in- unquestioable bediqncp AUIN s t Rorne wiJI prevenit any These Pilus shoilitinet be. taken b 1y feaiet Li truiZu. The Cardinial'a h4 tira I are pregnant, durinrg the F[IX 11T TFiIRE E - d apon Dr. Talbot, n mrrnaber MONTUIS, as they are sire in -brinWe-(n Miar-. e ShFcwsburY familY. hlit i nage ; but 'at éery" otirer liie, and in icvery itention of lie heads of th.e ther case,, they ar perf ectly su t.. etuate a line of Englibs C'ar- In al rases ot Nerrous and Spinal Affections,J Pain lu ti.Bacek anti Linilis, llerviness, Fa- Ligue on slight exertion, Palpitation eft theart, AN »DICLEOATs.-The Queen Lowness ef spirits._ 1lsteries, Sick Heirdache, Bnckiinghari 'Palace ou the Wiites, anti aIl other jrainfid, îdiseases occasion. ida therc wu -a larg;e anad cd by à disordereti systein, thése Pilla will effect c assenbia,e. Amnon- thse a cure vient al othergrierios haye tailed.c tacnne-bos. f tse anajiti Full du-cotiolin tho namphlet arounti eaci. 'ne Tirnea say :-" Previolus package, iç lci ~ould lie carefully peeserved-. < > treceptioi, the Right lion. A botile. contaiïiing 50 plits, and td elet ;ll. Sricretary Of.stale for the witi the Gdvernment stamp ut .Gre.it B3ritain, rraIt aiaiori J.A. uedan-ciaho entpoî ice- for $1 antid potg We. atets-ha.Go For sale by Northrop &Lvm4n, Newcastle, s Huil. Ale.xéu4ub!0ÉGli, wliuo CW., e=nl1lî1freIts for Ihe anadas. Sold Mr~ isagfe arsysu LiwUlay b.VCo. Britton. lnowlion & Gregory, ,e eytamiir ée was a Court rIItI eialIai .A.Bws ~ ave, anrd anoi, those whilu wood ; Uo >Iga Manilira; A. Wyatt, (lai- of 'b)_ pre Seut vwre tlie . cnon; Gîchnist & Canricrmi, -oodville; T. 1 1 l I}OUah -MtLIt înmeae, and al Medicine dealers. OF PvAŽI'u - OFF ~TIc PUBLIC 1t:- Amon 1g lie rost-important oet erer sGoriun Benuiet, Editor of tIle Nedical dsoei- stands the QANADIAN. rli~ as pruoused anad corni- PAIN DElWEfltt. rryirg outiut a plan for fil As aFaaxtdy iý;edicine, il is Weiliani tarer- .. natioiani debi of thè Utlited abîy known, relievi ng thousaîrds il-oLn pains in.' ~f ucossii, illflo orîythîe ide, Ilack anti FHead, Couchai,- Colds, Sore laï nam-e, bui oJer a substaai- roaSpr ais, ]Bnuiics,Cranrî>s nla te Stomach, iisecoUrtry. It isnuîhrg e oeaMorbus, DYsentry, Bowel Comlainlaj li- euiauiiesFun of re1îtBrnala roat-bitesd , &.,&d. - - illas b. pivai tsan The. Crinudian PainàDestroyer bas nowv been allas by priatesabscriptiola, befure lire ipublic for)a leigth oftimre, anti vier- te 1buud olr ori-ever uei sweîlketi, nevet taillag in a single iil'eu-q of dqllars are alreadly instance tô .give permanent relief tvhentimicly id thire whefitave taken aIll used, and we-ha.Ve neyer krrown a single case d1 a~par ïcanguine Of sucece9ad- et dissitistraction, viiere the directions have tise einlire arasowt ii i s sort been properly-followed, but an lte contrary ail - are deiligihtedtiihh ls-operrtions, and spt.ak in the. higlieslt trniscfils Virtuus ani i agç v -Âta-JEF.DAvis ?-Nou fees ais- loouk residet H aneoick, W. speak ti-eni expei-ien(e*laIb:tis Matter, lenat. of Cougnetsa, they did net having- testeti il thoraa- yatitreeur yrs )uý.It h au as a 1igger rebel wlcr are- siitre,.-Iig tru any.of thte compîrin ta is, because lie vas un unir- for whichelz t s reconlmmudcti may depcnd upon, Vahago.Adtmar, Frnkliin, ri- ein)g à Spvcraigni Retnedy. 1oliins of equal note, were ail Theastonishing efficacy efthtie Canadian'Palin but h.ad thse Britiili laken- riy Destroyer, lu cuùrïirg the diseases for -which la hs would they have been ilang.dc? recommrrend .ed, ant i ils vonderful successa llgsab- em. hai a.rbeiloa vtladuing thre lçrtting p Iains ef Rieumatiana, anti as figelïa ti fr One'a Culiîry iu reiieving Nervous Affectionz, entiuee 1110 s ter rebels-' Kingston WhV/igo rg rntl iels fremediesfor tire.cer- -- plaints. Oi-dlers are .eomàng in fremi edcre OýUTA.-A shorî tirns. aO Deaiers, in ail parts ôf.lte coantty for turhther. ,eiired of a rlrons clxara'c- supplies, anti cdi estulyig as lôeui.uiversal aseriiea the reprobation of-ail satisfkttion 'i ires. Dsrye ee fst ýieîy. Qti'. igu itely, as Mr. .TeC dâ aiiDstoe ee a-sI tad, a, peacefulanci innofonivegîerueiteelf. ilMdin eaes itiw~sntie aeigabohoo o!keep il.physiciaus ore and use il anti ne gcrth as fir ei 8.1 b,)ia by on fanriily - i ii. ýçvitîreut ater once tryimg t.. ,e, goii w fied t hin b anPrice o111Y 25 cents pIer-boltie. y, ai[ Ivo hullets lotiged in hi, Ail ors boult i -atidressedt t y. ne bouis wére broken oc an),- -NIIITIIROP & LYMAN, Vourrid irneýrred, but 1he aulenpt .Nwatc .W it of coi-bloodeti iurder on thre SoIt in 1indsay.by C. Blritton, Eniovîson k: perpetralor. Suspicion as yei, G regory,,an t ttire Medieal RailJ; E. A. Bo-ves, rests-on no one,, as Mr. SutUer- Oakwood;- Geoô.'Danglasi;,1Manila; A. Wyat, j ,?.nt Of ever having, injureti siiy- Cannlingt6on; Gi1liaisi & Cameron, Woodville; b Ottùier. Thromas Matciett, Onieme, nialmdcn dealerts. - 2711meicn NO Tl TrxàcHuns-Aruong lte '-----'-'-------'------'------ reet' ssued hbyf-lue (ouncilo Office, n T. R. .ADAM. P. Y. THE 0OAKWOOID HOTEL, NAT#ANJEZ VEREX,Popior diresi 1W Inthate te his T *b &d te b*icthaving pur.e tb. neW boWt. 5100! ccpietiby Citas. l lttgaco . sIo uuudtOOtbtotO fotabIa-Oo aMP !<>u xbO ay Mvot bh Iavcal I I sou ON T115RSAY T>e Irint day of Juno nest, a t Mns. rwik's otel, in the T Nil an soi Ljïit .f lattera R EXAN iii l the LàNDIÂt post Bain Jas. rly Abrahai Bell Thou. --Juwett Ties. Briýay*John.: - Jacks'on Wm.L Buler Jais Jackson John BurgeesJaim s KaUîtan Josepl Ciabetiain T. W.-O'Beirne P. Hà. Omsutrd Ja. malaBarh.s. *4NmoW, 11. F 1it ,Jarues1 Qmbsiaf»&b iiryý .8s fot suppre8s cans. of! hb ec. ilsaýLtia] ring verni andl S0 lizde-n Lune, ondton ; andi hi 4notice" Cannol ---LINDSAY MAklETS'. "Pull Wci...........i 0 o te$1 (0*- Sr-rg Whes.t,........ 10 0 O90 -Oats, per busi......... 50 c o oý P'otatffl, periui...... 40' ' '4 1qo Pense, pet bini....... 70 "0 o0o .iltty, els...... 13 00 'C15 Do. F 9 i -tper brl....... .. 5' 6 00 Pirei Butter, perls... -û012 "O1't Eggs, per dez............. 4.9OS 0 os9 Strair, per. osti,---------- o- cO *Beef, Per Où bo.....50" 45ý40 Veul pet lb.ert qlr.........o0 0" 0'0 Ham perli..... .1.........0 10" 00o C ortivootipercrd........ o 0, o00 y eec......... 25 "%) do, Tuteyeah.........40 " 045 9 ogs, peri0Dbff*- - -4Ô -50 a isOffice, A SMARt, ACTnyeLA a -rom 15 to 17 y>ears cf are,.oi.u1ftlht ý2 Pintng udafliAýPy smuaediaaily. Id .Ago agihLaiuini eard hour; tu~'iXTL-HARIUiS, TAiLO% ,William 8Streu, Ad se villa W Llnstuy. l lary Unifomu, lergy- ,p à corgi, mens" ,6Coileeanti Dresing Gova niSo >oz wilcure iking Capsimatie aP te tirder. a bui t AU lljC6thing cleaneti an ti ret. Orders trés- peelfnily sold aistsutingaatei ine tl 3l n Lt 2W.NOPFL)JVD.S.91 Y, AT 12 0>01.00E NOOnI ëty..Erght AÀcres, co*mposed cf broýkeul front .t, nuiuber Threc in tbe eleveatir çonces aon ofte* Towsipof Eldon) àe CoaantY of -Victiria, under a power.cf contained in a Morîgage ruade- by- Alex- lr* cFadyen and i wfe, le James. Me.Pher- c f lb. Townsnxpe! Eldon, Esqtuire; lhe ater part oft vhkh is -cleareti audila a good te of cultivaion. Terw sfîauorole ýpply t0 James >tePberson, or- Lindsay. ril, 29, l8,65. --29ai-tt Tino abave salé is dertini >unday, &d day of 1Ily uext eý 0am hour and pilace. IIENRY HUGIHES, dsuy, Jue 6 , 1865. 31 1~ ~-.1 dl List Of letters. R EtAINING iv the $Ua&VsuToroxPsI Office Jurre ýrd, 1865, é Brewn Jaimep, Bro& iffaliieson DougalI.d (-Ùîneron Jaanes2 Z Montgomery,Mc Ray Co' Cary ie John NMeDenaiti Mrs. GCathierine Campbell Alex.MFkson NMeDougaliDanu au )arapbeiî À.,. MeGreger )Miss Elizabeth Campbell Arci. - linnis John a - Fru3er Niisi Jane Itoinlyte Mass Sarai Ira i Wul~m~- UK@Cbnie Mlalceip ÇBilrlisl Neil, Mtsrt Meflae Diaixt Gilelîrisl Jamies MeRre Margaret - Fordon Mfr. M1, Ross DonnaI, c&'rle:ater Sloriioa Robert - Speedie Williasm luryWilliafn Waiscott Eh - Pensons caliag for the. abovevii I euse ask 'o.r adycrîti letten. D. CAMeRO -P. M P RT HOPE &PETZRBÙRO' C)Nanti attert tie22üçd of MAY, lie Petcr.btrû.' Tr ins i i xan as MAIL.' Lea-ve Prt Hope u....... 55 ail Arrive a.t Pe.erbnrough ut......ý*.115 P.1 Leave Peterborough at ... ....... .30 P.1 Arrime t cl ope a5 ............ . . AIL LeaTe Peterborouigh at .......6.10 a.m. Art-ive ut Port Hope At.........815 a.m. Leuve PorI Hope at ..............3.00 p.M. Arrive ua eecrtag. . . 53-p.în. B~X.KIMBALLr OMFO LR SuperinaleuI - .Mnaging Director. .Peterboroig,4i9Y, 2 .3 ,t NEW YORK CEN'ITRAL RAILRUAD -N anti atter lb. Isti nstant, anti until urtier O notice Traiwns yul leave Rochester as foi-1 GG eEASrT--t 1.65, 5.30, 7.35, 9.30 anti 10.95 amu, andi 1.00, 3 50. >6.30, anti 9.00 p.ni. GOINte WEST.-At 3.40, S.20, 7-25, 10 40 . ni., 12 in., and 6.15, anti 9.35 .n C. VIBAI>,i - - - -Gencral Siaperiatendent. Rochesteray~, 1865. 31t lnsô1veut Act of 1864. Ira Ithe maller ofAMWHIBALD TAYLOR, of the Tow.nshidpof Eld~Mma SSle ItCrtiutors cf thereosirentar efit T t l haoli as matie an amignmeut of- is Esîste anti Effects- indter lie ab'îre Aci-ta ibe undersignet Asâignee, sud liey -are reqit- rd to furnsalime 'vithirr Tvo nmoutht fràei bis date witi thleu- cloisisspuclfýing the muoutity thcy hold, if agy.anâthe valu of lt, ant iIf ane,sating tina ot Tiioe atteitediun- ,dler onh i ih the,-vouchers in support'cf sncb Woiville, Wdtou Couahy of Tictoria,fni 30 th day of My AÂ-. 1#l6t. 301-tf - . .us. Cfl801con L ëof the fS t lft s te ireuaogu aj th à, &~Martinin laLindisay, *Cà Thuaui 14lb Iiiieenhnday of Jane 18U, a st .10i* hW the fetecooci, fur the parpase etfreesiving stats- inenia of hils aflairs anti tf nannlng aau gm te ho viera .may paake- salgamus a adus tie above Act.. Lind&py, Ilay f301 l6. to â c fr Insolvent. 3002 FUK egs 1oinfibri er friezd ud& of the North .Ami4' *1,181, atslg ocupu n PIiM »St~ >y Scott k xIbduaM v hies b* là 0. »d,, as a Firt- t aoo -nd llUard Room.: The besé lq4Orii, VUUlan . XdsOrosie j conüats*ty on band. ~fPuSPki u<sles Mr. Arltur Rhl.y bas chr othe r ~ ~ kouo eufficeat parant.. laim Uthat *év 012 &inau iHlitibU. viii h g9tuq la aatistscwoY tyla. 3"LIiUB'Y 3, 3l6.26 N0T13 h us.I livs t)at ti LUÂTà&CÂDOTTIbas bout,tbs dai dt"oiu ÂUG~IUS CADOm. Llndua - _, s lu~ ~ tb xÀrss1 to vq lb.oe, iIbert..ibqi quto Ua *ak bis *IMMd r hi paiu Lia7o"s ma b. ope. that tbey wm 6fl "Vw.oaIu É W bau Jral abats f ir ustoma leu bas a larip stock o REÂDYMADE LOHIG oba" à,"n AT VERY LOW PRIGES. lu îcli ~. viifiea "I:<uaiï Abd.1Scotch Tweeds, Caaiume, Silk Ulxtures, DSekIns Bruid Clothk., Lo Drillivga, Lieus, Vnada B&gging, ShirtIng, &c., h. j.Ai! his daii*g <amode r i e premi sm- 7de. GLOTEXNe MÂDB TO OftDBR ii lie moat faà?ionaý>Ie -styles ant k very reauable rcs ~4.A PERPEÇT FIT ýWARRA&NTE)>. 44 The. reuisinder of thç Dry Gùoodi vi b. sBad At coStb as ho dm, net inten4 lo keep a&nYýmore afte; tis ketssou, Tii Rigibest Price la Cash 'p*eu tht good.cleAs yod. Cash.aisepaid for Butter. No eredit givezi.. ACADOTTE- 'Beg.to annonnce the completioez Of their SMP9 Stoc-k, 1omsIstig o 0-tead y-made 'ltio Boots and Our socke DryGooti s luvery large anti vel assortetandtig ovi te.egreat.dedains lu the price.ofcf ottons, we-are. euabled teo ffer great iriducemeutats lu rchasor. In Canaiian àadt Scotch 'tweeds we bave s. large dilsplay. GROCERIES, BOOTS k, SHOES, CLOTHINXG, ANL IQUORS, as usual, receite eut attention, anti ve have no.hetitation iu saying liatilro bouse lutle trade wîllor-eauandereell,,uo. Cash is viatlw.vau, anti An inspection cf ont stock la ail wve assi: Tiie Goôdu anti Prices wfll speak for lieuasei <e.. P 1rodnce (for wielitie ihest price will b. giren) taienln exchange. J. COSTIELLo'& CO., Wilsor's ace, oposte, McL.nnan'a Hardipare Store, leéW si., Ling=#*. ROBERT SPIERY - IMPORTER 0F STAPLE & FANCY DRY, GQODS., GROCEIRIEýS &c. &c., la nov preparei b effe tte i Pblic s cirice a-"orrment lit lie above mentonca - branches. -isI stock consihls in part otf- FAli WooI, *Uuion and Cotton Tweeds, Mohair'. Coatiùgs, Fancy flannels, Gent s' and Ladies' Collers and Tics, Ri bbons, Feathers, Flowers, Shawl s, Maniler, Di-ess Goods in great vaa-îeiy, Gents' Straw~ and Feit Hate, Ladies' Strùwý Hats and Bonnets-trimnimed and4 untîrimaned., Bfis PriaIs, F'actory Clotton, eteamieoxrrStnipeti Shirting, Check dti., Ticking, &c., is cnslomîer will finti bevonti comnpehitioli, bIth la quaiity &ad iprice. TEAS,' COFFYEI. - -SUGAR,. SPICES, F-ICKLES, - SAUCES, COFFEE, SPICES, PICKLES, Is COFFEE, SUGAR,, SPICES, - AUCES, Aaassertnel of Cre-kery kept constanliT ou baud. Hi4 Stock.et Ready-madc Ciôthing, anti Boots anti Shoes vill b. sold ti cost prÇe, bgl.ge sirous et retiring frum lioe. Unes -of business. -BAG ;,SLT AND> FIEL) PL.4STWR FOR SALE.- 'Itazs, Butter anti Eggs lnaniy quantity taken ùIn exciange for, gouda. .Robert Spier, Corner Stops A.dam's Bleur, Kent 'Street, Linsacy. The Subscriber is hiappy 1to have tu aannouAce ini connectieu viti the. fail of Richmnond -the sutrender of tie rebel armies, the flgit of Jeif. Davii, andi Che confidently hapes) the. Qnd of thé ua-that LE~Cotton@ have Fallen too.i-M andi that his stock of NEW SEÂSONABLE GOODS is Dow very complets, comprlins a perai assorimenl of DRESS GOODS1, BONNETS,' G LOVES,* MUSULNS,)ý PARASOLS - FPATUERS, PRINTS,9 RIBBONS, FLOWERS, WHITE COTTIN S, ANXl) CANADIAN TWEEDS% BROAD CLOTHS, READY-MA>E ýCLOTHING, andi &4 assnrtaent of FRI4ejS-H GROC ERlES, teding purciaiers VUIi pliast cali sudua14tlthermslres. -JAMES 'ýLENIHANI5 FoiOtf Kan* irut,, Làtday. N.B.-Tieuperior qualillu daithe. Lindsn Ber are inov geierally dmittid, viicisfe .mieulti be anckowletiged inlau anneud.mt l:ukjun.Tempeauce Act.- JAMES LENIHAN. Lindsiy, 11h May, 1965. --273m DOBSON &NlLOCK,' Iwapriers. ansd ealeras.n- GENERAL GROCERIES, TEAS,l TOBACCO:S,ý COFFEES, SUGAR, - WI-Si. BRANDIES, RIJMS ' OLD TOM N OLN GINS, CRIPPEWA .MALT, 0OL» ýRYE, AND,': Énnuxwaf'Av TwU1Viffl.' r ay, are as goo.4 asi 1haveaem frein mauly1, the best Galleries. MCONLP !l consider tii. photograpba of îr. Fra-ncis as ood atid as true as anyI have ever feen iw celand, anti I have seen Borne of the flnest. JAMES BrIR-11 L;4ndsay1April 7à, 1865.-29 The Dutch Flag Revivedi qOWl IS THEVTM E For Speculation 1 N 0TWITITSAND L\G tic hard limes- ther. mN muitb. monied mea enoengli left -ina tie .country Wie &re willing le inveat their ca4ittal te ativantage, antt li e. ti ndersigneti ad- dresses hiruself vien lhe informaitbem tiraI ie i4 determinet l returu te the old country, snd tierefore visies le dispose of bis following val- ule propcrty shoulit lb. at a âacrifiçe t- SOne t o slery brick, anti Oe frame bouse, standing ou one lot, ano one Ivo slcry largg frarne honse on anolier lot adjoinini; all veli finisieti. w4th every accommodation, anti plea- 1santly situaleti on Markret Street, diredflij op- psite the. new Market bouse. Aise, ant two story frame building (sbep andi &welli.ng) on Kent Street, at present occupieti by hinaself, a 1gbod garden anti barn attaciet, with every convenience tor a business man., AnC lin view of is detcrminatIon, tie sub- seniber huas commeneed, te seilloce bis ent.ir.: stock of> SMOP GOODS ut] cest price- evcrytîig chea p-andfo, prove- Ibistic publie are,. respectfully requésted. te walkup te thé west end anti take, a viev -ofis saruple Windowr, wheï,e he bas on exhibition Epecimens cf gooda vîipricce rarkédtin uplain figures,.se that every on. xnay satisfy thielcves .apuratie nxerits cf-tie article. A strict cash business la dure, se pIeuse brin g lie cash wiii you'. Urntil further notice thé, subscriber will eon- tiane le carry on thé. Watzoakirg business es5 heret6fore, te whieh lie bias -adUetheti beau- tîful art. of Engraving. inscripions upen RingsWatcies, Doorplates,-Coffluplalea. Ferks, Spoons, Signets,-Newspaper Cuti,'or Business, (lard Siamps, vill be. eieeti 10t order lua su- perler. style. Kent lit299-Gm Coun t of Victoria SCHOOL BOOR AND STATIOýNERY WARB- RIOUSE AND~ NEWS ,DEPOT.! Canadin, Enghish, and 4meriran &kool Bàiokà kepI ira stock or pr*aed tb order at IYBOOK, TOR E. Careful attention g-freàte' lual ordera for Books. 1Foreign Bokimiporte& to order on favorable trm.TU-esarne aita- lion wilt alu-ays be given b au order for a single'book as for a quanU ty, atI H1S BOOK STOIW. Subseri bers nmres received for thse net' tan sar of "nlswmna)Qn.j Magazuse,"I or any oVermagazinc, aIi la 's BOOK s TORE, gent SireM.' Lindsay, let June, 1865. Steamboat Notice. Tie Steamer viii commence ber reguanr trips on Mondny, 14th 3lny,_ 1 ffl, leoving Britigenorth on Mon- days, W%"etnestiays anti fritinys ai 10 a.m-, r.- lunning wii leave Lindisay on Tuesdays,Thurs- tiays and Satlrdays aI 9.15 a.m., calling- at Bobcaygeen anti Foelon Fafts.- The s7age vii evPlnoostnmoring ata.m. puntuslIi. For furtier particuLaf au to reigil, kc., apply on boardi. 259-tf JAS. WALLL[S WANT ED". WHIEAT!, BTTEÈR! POTATOES!" PORK! 1Ilwul pay tht KigestPrice m Cash for Wbeat, B!utter, Potatoci, Pork, bc, delirer- cd u t ay- store ou William street; tr 75 chesti o!t'eltt ho sold t v I rer l pricea - gaget rnde 1T me and myvile1 aiiT~ M IsT! tbTovssb$p o!f atlpO0on Ob >? En ubscribers are determuned as ht1ofr t wntlngpaicf i.nSorl b oofIhe Cae. lw"D < fetin tuIise Town by keeplsg coattlY On u â tW uh a' bpraiWl 1d CeunI f! icloriB, as lb.urg- and tgap.va Liqurar. AI..&UAàPrter, 8a1 of vlsiiiob. beadaese suý d i<oecrmaladni Ibu ~d inravhlasnt Ca c MOrctaP Bol'4Lowest PoibAn land. WILLîÂi JACKSON, DOBSO ~ NILOCE.ANNE JAMBO0N. - 14545, lVOY 411, lis.srpIrM P2. 85 Y NADIA !il a Ituilau liii ithu -t B - LTILE ài Unîtl Plre,-i. Ma, iie n, and. ýbis;1 -ut th ese otl cious age oci i-h (le Of rocý oif Pe v'n part lippil: -oue. w eve, i ign<rr Pertha BEGStla Iziorusbit pFrie nd i nlttbe i tu mexute, i n'the inoslperfec t Maunae, .11 et tiers with wvii c h nry be favored-hP li, as, madte biruself thoroughly acquainteti W14 il 81 the- late iniprovements ln bis- art;- sud eiG9 supplied i tthi est usturias, cemicai8,kCr i. opes lu produce .the. Cartede viWin laas great'excellenc, as any madeinlu li pro-vince. Tie Gallery is spaeious andi faïorably siÏtset ia regard té light, and' h ptrooace by jmdges lob. remarkabtyy veR ada pIed for-theu prpose cf makinrg correct likenesses. U- Positive!y ne pictites-vill be 1.1,out of the. Gallery till pa id for. ~'Wi invTariabis supply Mfr. Fraucis witi tii. Purest and bs icat cieis thit can b. obtainedi, andi believe him. Io b. îiorcugily acqui iteti with ia sbeuutiful art. KNOWtLSON £4 GREGORY." "1 macineh pleasure lu certifving to Mr- Fra nçis's -ability la regard t is beinzale tQ make good piotogrnpbu. .. "Ti piturs tkenby t. rnIMS Kf1Liti . . ý ý; ai 4--ëiý ý i04 ,4 - 'ý oi l ý ' m ý Pb 0 0 Oh ---------- -m- .. 1 1 - 1 . 1 1 ý 1 Liiidsay, May #rd, 186, 1 : -, Vindsay, uiy jy.tliý 1865.