4' 4 - i --yt- s-I .o fut A LITERAI FA-- Y, VoL VL-I.1Nom [E ~3 l~65. UTorma PJI~5 lu Aawm~oe. . yen' Ah.'v isseeei la.. muub.......Ib..... ...........Z *i immeuu, *#3f« sx MM" to~ ydads'nhsmew* arie iaasby. seud lad »guleiamrttd uOak** m1W. lgdeO1m*S-Wiithe excpcc eCisOb a q ;o*lerwm t4 lb. F1.r uti n«lMqiiti ,4 10 to l Cbantary ik, KeutStreei. L. B,, r. lias Iii ~U ister, Attlnrnsy-at-Law, Offce-Keenan's Brick Lindsay, .W. 114-t l[E R, Barrisleres ad At- ,Sobiiton in u Chsncery, ýyncers, &c. &ç, Linti- lilick, Ient Streel. - r.Ja*s. 14 5LLBil - 13 1-tf- 1864 -. 265-tf Medcal 1eree to the Bri- sh and Mercantile Insirance e cilMr. GeLorglJ Kcwpt kHEiII lzl.NAN beg te iiotify ls Of ilnýdsity aud gsrrolîud& qjey htNe eintere.d into part- LctiecCof their Profcesioa ilu Caie I)rinptly attuded to ât <"s noderate, 1311w Cottige' ba.ck of the il Welhtgtun Street. i-, E.MATITCICN . 14 .IIHURIMAN, M. D., rgeon la dt e4mericainAriny. lY, Tai1or, William Street, arinetits iâidc UP ill thQ bez;t jow,ýt lbviny tates. AUl or- 'rompt attelltit>8, auda good * 27a-ly A n~ T-1 N lenueat fieBikctae lit, M1). P K':ON, PItYSI- ACC)~. tOUtUtVUL Latcly t1i iliunrican A\rnIV. 011f re L4.W I% rgeon 'IleI- 'sDry GCocds store, Kf it NEI Civil lErgieer aniProvincial Civil Enginuer and P.uvinecial ,VNl>OPRT ANDREWS, t Mr. Trhomas VIies LITTLE~BIAN IIEALL, Esia., Coroler. tt th I[OU ALL., three .Mr. Va~ns top-i Kent Strceet tril 18901. .211-if1 gGi,(laie 0rganst of Trin- Gait,> '1 îa ber of the Piano- con.i Residence at Nli ritton's, fcr R.V.tlvu Implroveti V ictoria Organe. ILLON, LliUe\SED AU"-, l.nsa.. tarticulai' ai- ( aanerni1otlier Lai iSales. J. Mackiv, Barrister; James j. Wý'efer,do. ;3Messrs. lattersn Messrs. Catieron, k-chel ristxr, 'Itoroîtito. 270 xâiww -t Ui KETSTU, LI, 0% #ntimable and sbdslci4 m nate- Free Ountaius lu mmfron thlb.Caresud Boata. Bossu Oui poL "gs t'eu DaY. Linta, mrh 10 mi63 192-t, id 1T . BOUNTON< begs ta'ipfonth b- of t-t i b Go mlY fVi .wýi ua rounding Couàtici,' - t h.has oeecth te Notai On William Street, lately ecctipicd -y Jewett, and as he.k bail. It fitteti ami furish- cd ln frat style, visitore wili land every couvenI- ence Wines, Liqeurs and -Cigare ef thebeet Ant attentive ostier alvay in, aite udance. Lindsay, Dcc. 163 18h4 229-tf IVALTON ST£ET,> PORT HOPE. ]ROBERT MILRODIEg Pro prietor. 7g'lHI8rvori. IbId lîavi-g beeu iately coni- A pletel y neilovittd, affYonus tha ei estnae- ,,,oatiotfo fr travelerO anidtih1e public generallyr' Utile-r presemt nagement ne efforts iililie e0 ct a- vi cnnetolt comfort <of guta-se - TùIt cdofLiquers ani Cigare. 247-1y. Reverflu, Thf. sUbsériber begs to anipoànce that he bas Jeased the abov a hotel, Whiëh lise beeu furnish- ed and itted Up throiihout in thê best ofstyle. None but theo hoioc't Liquors and Cigare w111 b. kept In e i araI li ýâta tble will be furni.- cd Wit, ai 1 the4eiicieli cf tiu etason. P:? CarcfuilanoligngOât1ers alwtiYini attenidance. WU-P XRKlCN, Proirietor.- Beaverton, Jan..fth 18115. 26Q. ONTAR3IO DinngHall and Restaurant, (poS1tC jSt. a-M Es~CTbe Dinners from 1Udf ba f-past twelve to three Lunches, S perst &C.atail heure. Wines, Liqîîor ý"tbc , te bt~rn JOHN SMI'fl, Propre NIv 1864.,, r.. ~ '~Lt . 26 l (Laie Dohtnb's,) . orner of Kent ami william _Streets. >Lindeay. JOuiN STLELEI, !ropr-ietor. Vitail Ilotel- for a term of ycarc, ai hav- ing thorolighly rëfitted anti refurnishcd the saie, the prol)rietor wii be glati to have. a call fron. thé travelling public. Vie Bafr iHfurniehi- miiil itheUcb est winesi *liq iors and- cigare: PIlnty ofeht ol n xesv stabling uin- der the charge of gcod Ilostlers. 278-t' 1'I'oppoie cMarket..Kent Street, Lind- ~tn~iwhere 6e H priipai'ed te on 1 eý nthe latest syeaut teryrosonable ec3t notice. January, ~6.20t H4ENRY I4UGHES, iliuse aad icommission L7. 7-Poast výiii (receeftterompt afftentionbi. c'â' - Lidsay, Suiy131h. 1884. 255 -If f 'AN, Arhiteci. and Iu-îder, t urniture W areh =8Qe %. Working 1, , ns aifuUyL. Dowis will& ig/i PqW ! oveniber,1864.- 2 721 t The. subscriber begî taoInform ic einhabità%nts Qf L4edeey anditierroundng country th&t~ i ýCH,Latid Agent,;lso Tiniber bas ae.yo4 peneti eut e large aà d va ricd stock te Canada Copiay fùr the eof Chairs, Bcd Steadà, Burcaus, Dressing-anti ,rià, Ontario aud Durhami. ther stands, Lookieg Gaeee c., alof 0.or wenqt of-the ÇoUIty Buti- wviieho v iii sedI at rmuch lover rite, tian have heretafore beetiaektd tn Lîndsay. Chir and go j4 nhir Cloth. T TAILOR,, &c.,1 BEGS 1RE- t ýr FUcerais Furnisiied. . Joiging vilire o tfor lie .taitauIt8 eeivprompt attention, -ouitding ountry tUat hh bs .- W.W IE boye business in sUite brandih- *Opposte eGrave Land Office. r)kWihliat ,hreýh eiLiudeay, Februsry , 1865. 2 84ý kmitnshin. aand trict attention et 18, 1864. ~nge.ant William J MES WINTERS-, Bouse, Sign. and Orna- meantal Painter, laie, aper Hangcî and White-vasher..ýAl edee arefuly filhdâ on noderate terme.. ,Sop on Wtill iamtreet. Linds&y, 616 April, 1805. 9 92 imforthue. pasi 14. oe ettfl prepareti te Te be B l a Drgm*lf.' rs wsitit vhiclthe nay STLBW, mnd et MOD- The iouth>l baif of Lot No.. le, tan1h 1516 - . 289-tf conc4uesion-of &ripos, ontatning 100 acres, of et vhha 4a { arsare ciareti mnd un- & X N . der oultivato: ; t oweiîfenced, "àa good - ml Bara asti Stable tbem~n;there je mi- fNETM~1R ad wme a g~4 sppiy ée ping. ater on the lot. »uaee tht le bas Tisse ylh. given for lbCgeater part ufthle tat of COFFINS at purebhs46 mny.. ge &treo, Lilndgaya TWelindisputiblc. For p&i!ticaiars mmd te i3quare. trt pply ou the, promwntg te Propr!etozt-, cd trusts by moiteiatc GO LÂK8 om te merit char c r te se"ru. MOKY& EP 24 280-tf Lindsay Beatertos day, aI -~ TiSustiai returiiliig tise- lAIE Fa boae Ma.y o -w oe s.' n o à"sW ,, ht and Pdf8 v Ier. ess moderato., iduaapdsreiuhnems on rd. 131AC MAY, Mcseer.ý cia 0 H a00 ~ .g0>U o Q t-I o T he Liverpo1 & London' nvuedO tun*s, - - UO00000. Datly Inconie ofthte Company, $12,000. jThe Fire Preilua recelved by titis Cot- pany durieg the yeat 1863 exceeti those'Of ny- éther Gontpi.ny in Great Britam by £2002000 Sterli!,g.* Insuratitîoeo very description or property, . ffectedat the IôWestremunetiiate rates.* - AgentfOrLthdsfty. Offie la Kerupts Brick Block. L5ands fer Sale in -mrer-. vIlle mai Eelle'y. I 'fi SVBSCR1BKR OFFERS FOR S. L E4 at prices varyiag from $.! to $4 peMr açce the foll.owving lad In SomervUleLo 4, 4nlu th Con. 200 acres. «4 iltit îcon. 21) ç 5 in l0th Con' W0 16 Oin itI C on.» 1 26~ '18 in 3rd Con. 200" In Nlxlcy 1 ~68 on (luIl River, ~ 28 89 Nortlà-west Bay "-17I130 * 271112 " Stock wilîl 6e takeaneit part payîî ent., For *ftntI~tie pàrtkçuiaTs apply (if by:letter, poàt paid) te G G.J. F.* PEARCE, Richmond 1IL11P.. O iohmaondhill, Miay 11, 1864. 2z8-tf. ME . EUNDERSIGNED IS PREPAÈME -T te lend moln.y (belongiug to Private indi- INîS UA11I P0F2M0 DOLLARS' And upwvardsi, from Ahree telir1e Yea-3,ý fai of terest, 8 per cent per Annum. Lt-~ The xrte c eauhohad imnmediately, on production of satisfaetorytitle; Insurance, Fire andý Life, effected at 4ùoderate rates. Mgso, 30,000 Âcres of Naluable Land for sale on favorable terms. For furîher par- ticulars apply (if hy letter, pre-paid) te- S. J. HOLDOL i Spsom, Beac. EpoJuly 6, 1864. 25l F8 SALE. The fol.wing valiuoble ?ARM PROPRTY. le offcred for-sale on yvery advantageotis termes The South haf o ot umber twent.X-two ie the, eighIk econçeen eoftthe Au excellet fanl ig aeremoreor lese, the rater paý.t 6Ç wki *nund good cultivatto.n., ieri a tramé dweIlg boute vitit atone cller-and kitchen atacheeali i goot repair. For furiber &nd fitil part4 îulare apply ta the -Contmsiers tuit andmatm La . oiany of. Canada, IKingston;o to t inds Y,CW flae. 14Ml. 1864. 2'1'4f KENT S=1EET, LINDSigY., GONFECTIONRY, Sw.elniealsý Fruits,. Pipes. Ci<aru et lb flhd. Ld.esy, 2lOt oafr, 1684. ~~5~R TOCEN J e W~~s~mbl~Iiesma*we I a bor" &I Oh, Laura, lae oobhied te Ye," maid MUu.. oMu1hd14 &WCaR 110r go forIl<'Îlersî,ani. Lamu stop >I hesber friosit'apaie Ant t illey tati haJI ueo Florian.. 1 cleek, v rdly Plg ov machi sille, w 74 l me w a ed of i".,,had to.ihak ferStbI t idup m o.in. 44 à@ a ara ;lit in. soekinti of Bâl- oe. aeur hIe! dEllen "h.diacery d~~~k ~~~~ u<dd li~~~~~eufrenflyas Missteryst a nii~ tdvi.fllln ce tub bdades-_%<h bskton ber ttfe ienteMiai"ou frieol4i Mad no me iswst t e1Iam nud a biaievo! it avisclose ove lte ever keev ltefpec1.mau er htte b r. a vel l w. '.<«Site oweo me thre.coatemplated ** atoibtweoir Floriai -Rich bat lroù14 1sollips ,eeal ý dolla r <"lironse.an d thore ajo seven ley and LautgpAveey -urne frogc.,o~ ~~u iii maso,. dol ôet lh tiiacotnt that site lias never Thero are Isae ine ii a imI hing h rn àp» T Id m e. -- wn revartl in tts w ed a dthe icao .act Wbl*s-,imarmura; iteil? T"" do1ai l'il coleet il, nover foa," of. kindneùlied swved Lama Avm m fro woo CO .les ýicrw tll' 4" gkas site disappredt vbule, the stp titat woulk W-vo ?eeipipod lier Oces'. fret Mon? Sil l h unsiqmea Iifetime -d1 uéery. -~~~~ ~ ~ ~ birgit presonce <fhr *-"~ ;'-' Îltalr é*-ne mwarly dusk when miss Avery- me beauty fimu&bW brliegr Il 1Death ? suamonitig np.ai ber resoîntîcen, ascended Anierica is saiti toe te landi of big liotels. idst $hou 1.a tii. vid dmaitn,. <lie bro*e atone &tepseut the Richiey Man- Thome sharp-wittcd anti sarcastic correspon-. n4 tiy brid t hom [ncorai cave, - iù and angtheb<l..dents ot Exiglish papotà have oach antiail chu ~ ~ ~ ~ 41 ansbrlciyopan"la M. ]Eichley t aI hn. VI noticedth iis feature, andi exposeti ils. incon- fl 1N Wa vauquImbsd by lite vayeWha's Fouir business .viit Mre. -Ricb- vetiettceaad but vcry taidily -aokticw-, Wbit dt huel ionvitaer, uilnrrtgShelleyt se lt evuissiiosy :ldged the benehitas outho systssm. Tlmeyt Wundsttliu rom Ooans serts on'~ lie litsete sert, ias cieti.yLaura i oQiplali of the inhospitable vasiness cf the . bit bier lp. This mariner front servants vas1 diting-room, the vearisome corridors, and1 3EIl~D TEE8OE ES.* otitlyito exerincete eryotlio cf the filtby pools of nsbace ,spit hintthe smok-1 tort mu et poor Elien bave entitreti il. grot. Te faurbypcrele Four' o'clooh, sd nôe ln yodWhat- I bave calied to bring home a driseltai id omc ocyEgii n i detain'hbot mo-Se hiai je ueually more was fiisieti for her," se.saiti in a lune of -sheutegeii-le I~ ppcaeihat utrlydeprecate hugo itotelé with al h L u aceya om liwhich Laura quie digity.yee vell, I a'pose you'd besl ileeifudr hve n o.' nile wa iin-e.teramagfuifi m-it .àl-Wakiny :Mhrnhlingetlomatclà. lnzare pro" Th evitcnlotdhrupsarpt aiysiucli- veti in Englanti for their *o iih d mraperi fe t ubiride W dlace. e- va.cod td b rup m ie e endearieg associaionns atfor tfeir practical Pou Ele»» stemurmured, idiflruly rorc sitting rout, or boudoirvir n use., At thi. inn door frienti vas vont u liows ave b@.erord iit1itis voriZi Riébly, a portly dam. of abolît fifty y.ars, vecm ret ylt unln alcah parents diet- mtheir vwealt ilirrsirievably. drosSetin crimeon- siik, îvad sitting luinlier atimaya ea as tîroppeianti a sigit and Îbe tua prend ta accept 1a cent titat-easy chlir inifront of a giewingfire. Laur and tîa-wny ateprtnhmbiwaith bas ~ ~ e. ne aeroul an.Oh, doa! sîvardygaof ha w gs a who îlip cràckot, andi a cloud of dusltalitt velu- Laura siglis'tiamn, just as tii. cleckes b60cm ihgbld, partiéularly. wten she übý,erî-%- .at ri1iiot iiI I aemn id voico chined <bthlait hotr. cd that Mr'. Floriant Rie0bley iias lounging e .i in i,"1 says Sitakespeare. Pacte 9She tioen.' c ,ee" uoliloquzeti the puz-. on a velvet sofa in one of lte îindow re- haVejustly epaketo6f lte ho6spitàiily cf an i itle daiéel.. tTherelssou»thing.liticeàss.Mr. RWiey looketi up as the ser- inn: Shesîoie hld the, warnînosh elcee 1er. Penbaps .6e is iok --,ye, site 'Venit tsher.d an tie ccv corner, i-an in olimll rwmany a figure et b. siek i l'il senti James 4.o inquire- , "Well, young Woman,wbah déo nwn frein the furuitur e o f an inn, at oneh ['ilgo ysef. aurm's cheek tingeti at the lune-of carse speiîally Mentions lefoe ilitesentenqe vwas eut oetlher lipeisinsolence ini wbich ah. vas atidressed,, but "8 'ec tbg tteinhle il e va*s up in ierbo e ra utadjustueg a soit ah. cummnandeti herseif-te reply meekly:» prd vfound, temn ake li ýy h awl ovor lier black siik dirossaund y- "Ihave -brouglit homne yaur dres, Mis. Ania u ue older than tlteir aie vent the aringra cf'a quiet littie biou Velvet Rioble "--rundu." net, vhseac nnenrose eo t "~ ris Mis4Waymli "' (Tan.O'Slîaner" cites ils birth tlthe rrigeof cmeri1d mesu vas net uîlike "Slite ~il. exeqivc social alluraements ut au Inn; andi bloom ut h r wn chee . Very ve-li, lay dowu thte drese;i il je air et uaie.icMcîîadaen yn 'I dan'tthinn u ttreestoîngkr eronov "asitelyrig fil" I.%ilysia that lte slefetdeparteti peets Ïderd; loking aiti-the: ray, traunig BtLanr toibrgent ain. Maty have fouri. -'W. bave U nuiitein atsoduwo ie efe yftte ît Ms Wyal oat hkCb oe Aninrica; fie square, spacieus, practical véai. IlAt iany rate, Is&hallk vcry to'.night,, madam-wseveri dollars au the aidhtlse e.rnaiînunnithboy 0Y ~~ ~~~~~~~~~accounrt andtlhrea for ibis tirons."1loesatyt eaiiusnad'h à ue site came thrugb th. softly, carpeted- "lt in net conven'ient îo-night." waflaaptreflN ctd net y1h. bed in-hust tibgle a servant approaceed lier. "Bat, Mmé. RiclileYý' Mies Waymail i sne' atiî. N uiosfIuelsinp 'A note. M isse aýi . .l4came filve m ,i-. anti needethe môney," persisteti. Laun.m.. attoritetsnge vit-lerer's teye, a n ne s h e tsao1 "There,- PIoine," Raid Ms scI e nnyght-head h ama tlt Mrs.RioileyMail caach. kh!!thi rose vans geveral sitados in lb. etlenitiy, addresingý the yaung7 man i __ krouund no , as aa Avry broke pent the Tukhi dre@sing,gown anc-elabouratlY DEAT I 10F TIIE CHAMPION OF EXG, seentaitiseai, anti gianceti uver the d<li- arrangei hair, -1 Itoid yen jusl how il voutIdIAD te cream,-coioured ebeet, vitit à bright be.11> If-sàpprcssed muile dimpblitig <heo cornes W lîat the douce it he m natter nov-m a ssnc n on é ber.utouth. Yet the note vas-a veî'y alun- nappisitly -aeked Floriant, for the firsit Tetlerpeoredyssneanocc caof tr ail:- ondeacending te vince any 1intcresî iinnhtfle di'ath vof Sir H. !Dymoàke,Àhe Ç hampiion vita ai E vg an . A n E g lù is p per alluding te, Lv E MseÀvuv'.)fy!prmic J"55, onl. ' tt vnt eays :'_ggl t seeme-a sîrange lhtng. lte piseure o? aceompanyiig vou ta he&r "vhy, thèse imnertîineut drei-makîcng obrofuîdet c'ltChmonf m*ffr %e' Ingki? rneus 1I. receive a peôlyIS are- always ciamnournig for rconcy, Eî~ui'NvrheesItteetla c imàage le furbiti mIe, 1 vii -cqhI for vou ah just when yen l'avedraineti me cf My ]lat f-pat seen. Tourmos1dcvted cen." ualieceUired thraugli lte decease of the FLOttlàN RiRcaLEN. "' Lot 'éraclameor thon, ttat's my ai. vie ,, H n Sile y D n k ,Ba ,cf ci'l- tailla instinctiveiysipedl 'b. tote mb sa aitiM.iFiorian, vithotit takcicglte trouble a Srt iioisîe vt oe b ecn ýr bosom . as if feanfiz1tint ltevery pictures e mr e hie beau at illo -nd 1teiie, o s ovu e tr-S r tid th. wall stouli catch sigtit ot the elegant 1"Juet gv eb ck ltCln olr b h ampeilo'n iof' Ei-le cf 'iHe itelry G rn X onteFlarian," iurgeti hie mether:-"You catCamou 'Enlti'ihicdbhi irogiaphy,. anti pnrsued -ber waydvte front lte Lords Marmiotu of ScriveIsby,- 1He nony, et reelt 1jith.yés bt.. lsaw the murky vat il to-nightl,." nosphere ttrbugharaiant glew (cf cou- " lBut!1 do waut it, il iapenà,,".saidFie- 0' -ichrgd thîi fie érat h.biqut eoolls~. - Westmfiinster Hall l on th oeîlo f Kinm ui' dé rose. t'iaII; George IW. The duly is te ride,,jatote e Melatïime, lta gray Octobei llght vas "Voitare jut going to fritter it away iihi ' htcvdwîi z, ujiileglvedefying, ing away fi'om a.droary, roont nu îthelbird some e tflites. Waràbing places or drink your- tec m a y p moi3 w d n th fl )or of a hanse situatoti an oui. et those aide self Sttu ti aaifl,î' Ireted Mm.. Richlev. t cmaayrenisîîthe wu defthahie rels ii'hore detlént respeetabiiity, mîntiveg, Its tbu aut, gelting my money awav frocn' re9tîant mouîîhj h ain ue fli nillu tani, ithii. gim ssalan wat.me Uit tainçnîg ii tosehonitiha it'kngdoin. As te furi of thte office had Si&ngularly ent ut keepifig viti thet. abby Why den't ybn eam xnmoney for yonurself?" beom îwlatiionrusuliepe Id ovety5 .tr ckn apecoithelitleapat "Easy. Mamuta, easy,"5 aidthe lb. ' lsent day and % vas open wlu u uch ridicule, il .d pwenystrclce aspcto lit utie aani-dutîulbas ince.been disconinua~; and i tlun-~ Lnt, ias a inowly finisheti dross of lustrons son, Jazily tiragging bumraecif te a Sittintg 905-,?orotihati.lecamoneeie i irpie-siik, b.4gbý as the, dyés. uf Tyre, ibal ture. IlDon'tl lsé your temper. for il is*nt brouec ru odMloro i14 y toided onlte'îable-b.sidc îhlwîuidow vot-wile. This tan-dollar bill is geîng 1scet a an er flt Iyen couId-me. the cea - toe ll ebpta Make my frtune. It sitall taire- ensie ai o n bi s f i taier vaivty s crogit tîmsinj-a wdborder oi purple velvet flb. lovcly Lanra.te lb. opera lo-uigbt." aprarnbsofc a e aesyscrn Igei o ehbenaid viit fi!'rg u vile "Nosene; iti fie siere ~î f~htien. 7hie ceremony %vas aise omitted wtru Jýëdon ilhr sde wth fljin of hit onen"; ths fne ctenouilicfaiî'eWilliam IV. vas crowîied. Sir HenryiDy- oint- lace,.For poer Elle i, Waymahi vas ii t.epan just ike the t'est.of y- mo. asbruli 101heiasmaridb othing Morte irn~aut. than a, itard1-working iniflte air. 56e ivon'.t have yoi . asilae as rin 18b1 it tvast liebt ilut i-addes-mkr O esevli yiceuosmm heur, il seemelta- titÏs ancient lheredtar' She lay PD a lifle viite b.d ji the -cornetrnia; vail sud- see. I1 shall'bing ber te lie ofcp uIuwbcmeetnî i er e whovitetccheék prssed close aginet point pret oe inli a e I idathie rcsidexucein London nter 1w. o piilov, ant ieronsiendr' figure pr AIyl te mou sy vih intereet eut of rmy I l tayyluiese-frorntiiptliera" ivered i lviià nCoarse piaidued sale itvIbag etcIiciiiers" hile lte occasional involu.ntary ontmeclion IlAnti vnul leave .aoff you r gâmnbinir BETWEEN THE BLANKIETS. lier torehaibr vteethie an iehabits?'OFlorian, îhoy vili hé the -tin- ne incekly sufforng. ou ye." - Sanie people alwnys take theu ,Carez an( As anc or lwo quiet teurs oscaped-frout hon " 1Perlaps, anitt perliapeneot," reîurned te troubles le bet vair tema. Ilis a b.dplar [oued eyclidé, ant iept sàftty down lier youîmtain indolonlly. "4Thal vibi b. vciy. foo- îhey arc diabalicai bedl-fellwfi. - Evei [tecék, a Iiit stop sounded tio .ue andiig muceàsI ~pase." -- i "6tirt-dNature's eveet îeslarerl" vhîpsîhi utsito, anti a knoo.k came 'geritly ta the Bo tlh. motion anti erhôpeful son biau spirit offt th ie midst of ils repiniogs ani i' amteo hilsii len uridl ia englrely fergotîcu tthe proscunce cf lte youug itoebodiigs, ltera 'isnuneconffort for il. thore 44 away lite teais. "lti ri iv poshl-ilvb a tnin ntetusysao Ofîthe hast sali vaking Ihougiit, are berri visi r 1 erg erg It w W là 1 d l . a, titi Lié A B 9 e oi Itt . Éli lo th tu 1 J 10 ýtr !a nt Ili ai a y ýd ýo 10 cc w oi n .. al b4l - h - al -k it eir the ré. afl ,d int le e the *rs ea- 11, hat. ILe, do ?C- ie, yil' von iay 0f La, iz y- anp. Is the fa' i;'lier fairy fcee, And like winids in the acpipwr sighing, IIer voice is bu' andi sweot, And sbc's a, the world to mes, &nd for boniiie Annie Laurie, jVd >ay = down. &r-,#-die, frn m verim te verse, there vas no jeting among 'he opn-l a hushed aes if Sby, thit slence f dIeath. lMany a lip trern- bled, and very few eyes bot vere et with' the tears of spotareous pty- andi compassion. When finishing the. taît verse he- miwa slight pàuqiei gazed with a mearching, long- inZe.xpre5ss;of about the rcom, u, e h Hn ~lwy iropetandhisedbcwadoo biacker, the white temp!es whiter, :U the lustrous eyed t slwlyclose with inssxP< OS- isible ani torturinlg anguish. There was a long and sole muî p;Lus&,Oae 0glanced 'at atiother-all seoinetiawe'struok -tmi -the ladyi.w-hohatiurged him, tesing laid hc-r iîand gent1v upon hi-e shoulder, say- ing: "hre! Charles!"-, Then rame a hh, a thril of horror crept :throigh ey faim, the podor îried hearthad ceased tqbiia Charli, the leve-betrayei, vas dead. ciW iii you givo me a. glass of ale, -a you please V' askqd a rather eediyish-leoking person , with an old hbut -welibasedcoat. andi a mnoat too shiny hal. Il was produc'ed by the bar-teader, cream- ing ever lte edge of the tumbier., "Thaik .ye," said tlie. recipient , as ho 9placed ilte bihs lips.. Ravin- finibed it at a swaliow, ho smacked hii s and saiti. "This is vet:yfini aie, very. Wmbasltr, il t je Dawaon's aIele diAh! Dawson's, eh?,W igve us another glass <of itl" Il was do ne ,and honlding, il i-é te tthe light and iouOkng through il, the oannoaseer said, "' Pcn r> word, itris superb aie-a uperb --cisdar.a ,Miadira. 1 muét havé sont. more of tltat. Give mer a w.ug of lt."l Thei ug"it'as furnisheci, but orepitting it tehie lips,.lte imbiber»eid, "/i ae.did you-smy titis wV', "Dawboa's,"l reéoatçd the. bar-teoder. The ing-aâ -exhausteti, and "atse ti vqo»aia011 praise, and -il only remaineti fo.r the appreciative geadlmanto say, as hte wjppd his moutit and, vent towardtlu dmo, "Dawson's .ale, ià, it ýý kmw D1avreon very wvolt. Im@hailtse hirnR eam, andi wili soIt! With him feIr the. tva glassa andi * mug. of his incomparable bre*. Good -annberof years aga, cae o Wiuti&t<o Fureace, and mseing there, . fut init-tie a arof snu1fFm, h. aa.ked, c'What's <hem for", idTosnuffhoCaKtdle."Thcfl jual thân needi attention, aïst Adamvitisil bui thumb andi finger P nohod O41h.uif, F .id <arefui ly poka 1istmO o'b». ufr.N MY- "weIlno ,thwsh.d'i l'.Word am.cade " i i~ ZÎÏ& te' t:. -rw~V l 1 If j.r it n- vu 1 1 ý 1 1 . 1 1ha loveiy eau*, admirod tite vend oer fr <hbe miti enpiieity et of orj-à4il ou e wlar a , Î. .elady, Iha. sey receirtied alupta ot Nplny by th ~ folonngicidn, d te lua easant parl, advrtty chaini andughig, vii..a tanly.u mmaea- ced, viow epeculWiar lanad a&r uwtn raned afttutien. He un vuy talev bhat clair, vitid ezm*l exu., tairid consancptives bve. -HRi» lecis -m . black as. »,ad bcp eonai 14Ma uqwewhit.ml?, M.ý-ue ar An pàta4 batbsvsé a-ra pool shouM. have. But for a osetain wanderingr look, a casual observer vreuld- have pronOUeed him a young- man of un- commeil intciiecttwsl .pivera. -.The.vortis, 4Cpour fellow," and I'"boysndhé, leoke," went the rounds as ho Came fôrivartl, boweti tu the. arty, and took his seat. Dite or two, thaughîlcss girls ]aughod as Iheý wviispereti that he tras 11I*v-rce,1 but tha, reet treateti hire 'vith respecifu! deférénoe. Lt was laIe ini the evenin? vlien sin-ieg was proposeti, and Io. ask him le Bing "lAýnnie Lu ieras a task cf unceomman dolicaýcy. One.song afier another vassuug; at laât titis'ane vas named. At its mention te young man grew dahty paie, but tiid uiot speak ; lieseemedto, te hutnsantiy lest in reverie. I"The cname of ithe youn-g lady whîo trealed i timbadlywuasAnae e, aid a lady whispering ta a new gueé;i-"I but oh! [vwist he woultId ing it, nobody else canido il justice." "Ne one tiare. sing Ântt'ie Launie beforo yen Charce," saiti an eIderly lady;. "would il b toc much Ie asic yen tée ivor <ho com-e pany with 0iL%?"e. added, timidly. lie diti1 not reffly for a mrntent-bfis lips qiitv-. ereti a ittle, anti then,_ Jooking up as ti 6e vras a spiritual pretielce, h. began. Every sounti vas hiusheti-ît seometi as if hie voico were the voice-of an angel'. TIi. toues vi- brted thrGugh nerve, audpise, ata heart, andi madie one sth'ver iiht'tho pathos of hie feeling;-,neY'er vas heard melody in a bu- man voice like that-so. plaintive, se soulfi -se tetideranti earnest. He sat wiîh his headti hrovu baek, hiq- cyce hait closet-the leke of his- dark hait %wlisteuiing azauist -bhi. Iae toele, hie Uande lîghîl ylodeti belore him-; andi ai h. sang -througzh ii.followirg stanzas lie secmn- 'cd tu shake fpon beat Io fourt ihlisatrt- ronduin- emotioat ilaxwelton's bisea are bannie, wheie early fals lthe dcv Anti 'twas there that Anie Lauris. ,Cave mue ber promise, truc- -Gave nie her promise truc:- Andi ne er forget a-I1, . - But fer bannie A-ntie Landie, ld lmy me dovn anti di. mer brou'i3. like the snow, drift, lier throah H ik fe, the ewan, lier feàtnrer are the fairest, That e'er the sunt shone on- That e'er the suri ahane on, An ddark bIneis ber 'e,, j Andi for bannie lcnne Laurie, - I'd lay nie down anti die. i fa. <i paied orptzity Sudcmy a l ii otu tii.weaktest je-m migliiy inistrimenl whW L>igi xettif sé«ee st ike ber. vili. Mts. Richiey sank back aghast ït "Laime akeIbi drus hmoElls ~"1h.cnaucnd esy-ciat. .fairty brouglt into. pl ay. ii exciaimnedt.('The. vmik vilIl bé jult Flenian made une'deporate effort tb n.- whtIneed , 1 Icati elau a D1)4. eotrieve bis -e otune, U even la lte moment A 'CUTz Boy.-A 'cutlook- gboyi lt v baik and o@rd thoitein. for yen. etsor dfoat ldscmio.lurg tinome htwsrol Yetg wi1 nover ho sInong unie.. yo aeset ci mtaver 1 sory -.awkwPtl mistake- caIot as a vl os l ie ple or rourw up aliffl . - Y ù wm et me lqejts, -opffi111alw , meauN-evanYoonk, heiiNwnYorewfe t iovung dialogueue e.lhbste.aMment. - <unee."d~'~~ "Nu but la ut malte, if >ou pleae, "I equin.ne .! Iaaation, air,» as do yota ko hsl4 o,(ok NeIl" lmgito Laa. hg leu-g e fod <h IaursMuied reply, "se -e ititdreW trom roguiohly at hia huaient, and-'hai' u "d aZiUs loto lit tile bskt;. asotibeaanhiagit tly ail unapfooabhe ied. No yer donlt,-jude' Jd upot lte bI.bemde . <Whe jr1< ~ . a tate.(indignatly).-" 'Wba&do fy emaü- go ?" - Stuc~~eh harried.hemevards hitrogitthe,- lui-that .airt tAnsvrm ~pto.D - I ToMnae. Uichhoy' lalion r eet. WhYi liglil Qàt<s, ulît a bumnkn eheek and, a t#à,% Brown'. %: oy < Ze tl apculiar vial LUiaubth le matterPbmlin hmad it ms aaary darit trtn >-",«No yer doa'ti jutio"Jug(m a fauttuiâ,i ii. <r -on m e te tréd' Mioi Wamuall'a IlAnsver me, vyex yoqng rulias, ori 1tï iqkv«Ol. 1 Il r Woee llictlby th ant lobofethe comm ItynecnemptutoouitDy vas i 'eme Am the em . buow <he &ow BQ h~p ie is h bhu sti* uruoi a - Ï'6é eel7bis 'Inprê"Ye mg m th e 004 6 ,4 # à 7 W utumI hui Ei ne. ~uUbê U.4IsL~MYeUcan 1, il li ad