paites MRer pue, Qu~m vabor, di u I ubsy.aasur, oveg al, Ob- sa speedy short lime, niuarity. sIra E every mnvouis adSie1Affections, aud lhabs, Bosvisiess, Fa- Àon1 Palpitationi of tule leart, ,Hysterios, -Sick iHadtche, sy tsi hs UsW'1 efect et Menus liave falîrd t tise naupiet arouud eacis catsid be carefuliy preuerved. ning 50 pills, ami encircied et stiimp oif Gre.t liritai*, tree for $1 ami 6 postage lhmop -& Lyss, Newcastle, ,eta for thse Canadals. Sold rxtuKuowlson & (ýrCgI i', al Halt; E. 'I. Baves, O.-1 ass, Msuilla ; A-.Wyatt, Can- St~ & (Jamerc,, oodvile; T, ansd al medicine dealers. Most important ut Modern es stands tile CANJLDIAN dicine' lt is vel and-tuivor- ing thousauds (rom Paius lu id Head, Co.tghs, - Coids, Sure. ruiSesCr4iups in the 8toma Ch' )ysentry, Bovel Comîl)Iaists, plîin Detroyer lias nov hbeen &)r a leugtîl s ps ime, and wher- iket, never fiiling lu a single ertnànent relief wisen inelY e never known a single case visere thse directius bav(- o*'ed, but ou lb.e contrlery al h its opeations, and speak ini -utf its Vrtuci -sud Nagiosil eexperient~e ln tfis matter hruhyand thlerefore thase fron jny ofthle cosuplainUt ounei'Ldsay depend upeat Danadian Paini for which 1it la sUiccess inisub- eumatism, atid entiteit to a for fltse coin- front Medcine ry for further 0 the universal D.bpaa. ?ON te apliea of he »*tlUg MdJ0o, Fitgprald, Lanai CalIsghan James lln Joh M15ke,,aod the. id plainti&,and 1h ap- . y ai fflavits and depoaltlons tha 4"dWIec,,the salé 4e(sdaurý John we» t.ryeuger1 aambe h-Sound la suilt IL à or4esqd, tbattiseé ld id l4 1Wishi hupJao deepbe e. tu où of , ,ftqtt re Anseor dmurtothe &&d b1IL . Ând 1115 ormted th*t a copy of tbis ordet, together witbý lb notice - required Wy the General'Orders OU tuis Court, b. pullaishd 4n "Pffl DÂJLY.Gios eucç.a wook, and ln Tom ÇAA . A P aPsT, ýpub. lisbe4-i ths ?owi ot LlWCsASylub. CbùntY of Victoria, for -tbe ight ve4is nexi preeeding the. raid tititday 0f Se1tmbit neit. A&âd it is turther adred, 'bat a r e.of e!thisorder, andi au office icepy o!f be- said bil,'b. served eu. John Oweens theekder, ltb. ftter Of t4 14:~ai Zfenhdant. Entered, A.MRNT,. JOHN OWE-NIS THE YO(UiNGER, 1'TAKE NOTICEftaht if yeu do nta s 1swen or denier to the. Bi, puirsu9ant tu -the. ahae order, il1e Plitf oea bti an order ta .take the. Bill as contessedà againit *you, aud the Court Muay grant the. Plaitif such relief a,% h. May be entitled ta on bis -avu ,howing,. sud 3 ou - ii not receive any furtiier notice ut the future pmueeedik-gâ in tbis cause.. Da ted ti -5ti 44 oflâne, A.D. 1865. TataStre-et, Tarontii, - Plaint iolcitors. Toronto, Jurne'15, 1865.' 30'3-Id B, Charles Davis, Stsan DAvis sud Mat- i thaUDavis,; of t le Towasbîip utOp$, eake I «miiiafldt>iY ibM ie f.1i. i'ii ate-ue5,5 ra'llîy ou 11, L4e preseuce(- cf Mm. .Jatmes teevin and ail,- ers, naitiely, that Mrs. Thomas Crowley, ofthtie saine ,lace, bad neleer beenà marnled, hadl hadc tvo eidren, wàsu bronghitup onre in a meet- ing about a drue, that ýtue dressu vas taken. fruni ber, sud htt shâe bal risenaa uug nan -- wo- pairs ot socks*, iMfalse àitdtntrue,and was reportel by gs eitbout just causo. or pro- - - - CHIARLES DAVIS, bis >q mark., SUYSAN DAVIS, liherm><.mark. MARTI& *DAVIS, ler>< mark. Svorn before me, ah ]Lindsay, this i7th day oftJtne, 1865-;- nsud I do hereby certity, tsahie aborve affidavit is limaI read cnet by me ta the Iabove-named Charles, Davis, -8ýsaa Davis sud \ManiaDais su 1felthey eemed pertectiy ta ou derstanud lie mre, atinmade their marks sny reseince- -N.B.-If -any uôhher persan 'or pergans shahl -lubel or siander mse, by Irifing with my clîarac- ter, I viii prosecute 14m, aci.ordig tolai.: I il s t InsolventAtof1 4 HIE Crcditoru oftise- undersigqed are noli- T lid o meet aItise Lew (ilhlce of Messrs., MA&C KliY & *IjE-A?, luthe tavu of Lindsay, iru thse Camîty of Victoria, on Priday. tise 28th day oftJu lT, 1865, &t h, houtof Eleven o'clock" in lu tisef-re uio, tom ,tho purpase of receiviug -statements orl.ies0'ttirs and of narning au As-ý si gme. to whom liii ,mke ana.-auAssiguximnt -unuder tise-above Aç.- - ated attise town of Lindsay, b tise Cosînty of Victoria, Ibhis Twesty-seCoud day utr I-une iA.D. 1865. MÂTTHEW BLAKELEY, a~iinga the toswn of Lin dsay, in tii. County ut Victra JAMES H EAP, Lindsayr, Solicitor for Insolveutj. 303 Leton t -- . - Canadianj Pain Destroyer never fails ta egmediate relief., Ail Medicine iealers T('i sbfy1 ve ta1f41rian 1.physicians order and , X use i bril gveatand orndon Swil'bc withokit after once tryiqg ft- N person or perspmnS from'puirchasitig a Mort. oilly 25 cents per laottle. ga gennade by mie -and. my wife-1to David Tra- ordezs shàuld bc addressed to vi- of -the. Tô,nsltip of Mariposa.. on the BautE NOURRJ & LYMAN, part o! th,. North hato o o 6 nte( Newcastjej C. w 7th concession of the Township of Ops, in. the d in Lindsay by C. Brtton, KsÙawlson & County' of Vicioria, ns tii.said Xrtgage -was r, and lt the Medical H1all; B. A. lÈewes, rmalle bj nie sud wife:' to secure and indenitiy oodà; Qeo. Douglass, Manlla ;A. Wya'tt, the said Travis agaifet A'-certain Mortgage ýiugLton'; CbrsamerQn, X0"dVUte -m ade by me -and vife ta theý Canada Perma-. a.s a-tcett .Oneme, su 'al meielenet Building, -ad 4Savings Society rou thé. aid - - ----------- ---------WILLIAM, JACKSON" A N~JACKSON, Commercial. mariposa, may 29..t865.30- LINDSAY 1MARKETS. FR IFmoÂvI, lune 23.. 1865. LED __ T LE Whea, ..... 20 -t&-$1 "0 TEE StTBSCRTBER desires to 1;t fer a: terni ...... 0 m of Yenr 8that ital.Cerd-Pfi ý1 erbub .......... 050 0 0 on:aining 160 acres known aslot No. 13, ,teper hu i..... . 14 . t>ite 1 ocWsaon of Emily, oniy 7 miles éy,.ja.r bush..... ..0 70"0O00 )f -orn the. Oueuée, z5tation. ofthe Port hope :e lier bush........ .. 0 70 0 00. and uidsayRaýilroai, and In'tii. imediate pzton............... 13 0 15 00> vicinity of a goc,- d e&,. There are about r, per bri ...... 5 50 6 0 0 100 sures cleared;7 gnod orchard; trame del- k prli..... O l" .4ling and log barri, ai'd a- never-tai1ing weJ4. ~s e o............ 013 0 ..os68 The tarin is -well watcred. Iminediate pcssesm, Pw;per load,............ :1 0 1Sion. Terras liberal t a a snitable tenant. fper 100 hoS..>......~.. 50" 4 5() À I pa lb pe~qtr...... .~ 4 . pply, if by letter prepaid, t nt per lb ........... Q 0 1 0 0 0 ly, i SCULLY, Qmemee 1P.0. loprl ....... . 068 0 00 Em l une 14'86G5. 0- -wood, per cord........ i00 O 00 te, e&c . .,. . 25 0 00KWO)GAMRS OL eyeah....-.......... 0"05 O__ s, per 100 ha......... 4 50 5 50 TUIIION -FI. County ýwili b. )a Friday, JLIIW Sth> -1865) ef ha tTwe ive occk.k W. J. TLU[qKELL, Sec. ZstvaYCattle pwu %May 25h14 18631. Ai doe» 0.01 mon Itinil C.ou 1-Cali saDe. t parti 8 1 delq, KAISers Calter Trismlug, ES LOVELÉL que S. EGS t Shahil eýpent B. Coi! et Kt pted by t, and vu id at Mr. rL'e's ofti visits-as1 eact Mn cee tisa s"te lis Rn- ây- aud aurouaditi patrenage vile Ys- d asq. stste tisaI ha ,fi ebi carge otfl*. ut with Dr. Daty, Den- isisse>s viii be éon-, ýe nd style'ut sel on lte last a Bd kuovîs so th. prufée ive Satisfactiona. M~ ott may he "ife lu n.. d r. fa- inel'tw 14u lt ne ostef.ritî Tliursdssy utn oeeesk, wi eb Ifm fpiq 2 N la 'I a s g -j I g ~1 r r. s Drî. Martin, .Andrewa seuisen aud-- ogan, - ?Ji Dnnstord, -Salicitor, J. Gallon, DeputySber-; ifF, Geo, Keuspt,, T. Keenaig, J. Dundas, I. Leni-, Mm. Cor4t voul -efthte falloving letter. oaf -recuedaion fr*uDr. DyDetiat, -ut Kingoton, sud inadditin te folloviutrfder- suces. « t81aving a- good kriowlenge-eoM.C.H Corbett duriug hieastîîdies vith me, 1I cieerPulY, recommxnu bisa le the public as a Deutistf both Surgital and lSechalcal. - S. W. DAY, M.D. - Deulîti. lngston. Rsi~tSiS-4~5.F,,ler, StrAnge sudý Brownu, Sir Henry Smillh, Sberif Corbett, James OYelly, Esq., lIen. J.' Gemly, Rev. Mm. Clark-ý stan, Kingston;i Mr. LaCourae, G. Do rmes sud G. J. Welleri Solicitors, Lladsay. Lind- ay, Noy. 1Itb, 1864. 273-tt In.olvenft Act of -18640 fa tse naertel Ofhqkbert James Susttonan N TICE is hreby given hat on te FIRT ODAY of JULY 1865, at Elenen o'clock in the foreneen, i>y urier ofthe Judge of! lb* County Court of the Coîuty ut Victoria, al tii. Insolnut's rl<lsnté Lussebold preinises, hieing g ompoe.&of theq Norti IF'.t Lot N4um- *ber ELIHV1N,8South ëf BONI>l STREET in-the TOWN "LNSAY iV, tise DWUIL-' ING monZlese, suit ject -lae be. Cuve- nausîs sud conditionà ofthtie Lçase, wiilb. sold by PUBIC AICION, a. i xay 0111ce at- the COURT,'HUO sPE, inthe. sad TOWY 0F ILIXDSAY. A-sd aise at the tlie sud plaçe a.toresad, wiilbt jold lie foilovsug Goona juan CUAris Lg ftishie Ieh., th isa t éla sy:-60 yards of CampeI, l Cookibg Stan., 2 Tables, -2 Wshstnds, 12 CIrs -iokiCupboord, 1 lounge, 1 pic-tura, 4 viudov-sides, sud Ive trames. - .1 LindiaY, Jue 14ôtb, 1865. LI ST OF LETe"o R MAIN«ING int fb AXILLA Fait Office,14th Joue, 186b. Brown. William léarkbftm, George 2 Broad, John Mcltnis, Archd Boie Mrs Mary Etabar, E Campbell, Alex Rsq 3 McLean,_ John 2 Campbell Duncan, McLean Colin Cîmeron, fBugh Mctüeati Margret crawford, 4ie Puterbaugh, Sami Conwa7 LRURobertson , D B King, Jamues 8uflivanB -, Xay, AMdraW. Tren en boa Laveýofi, Jamet ifasn personssangfer t'ho above vi! pie ak fcv dvergs&Iêtters. lit. DOXIGL)ÂS% iaitMtressa 1lngof -by , \ byý : 9 j IA sCHO()L will commencer ON MO etD4Y,.-AIJGUS T14.- ra PUPilifrosu the To'wn b.up viii 1be admh Sam fr for therema'inder a! liiiesar.> ThoS. trOM arotber township wili b. charged $.20.( h per '004board eaui b. had, by calle- iý 11, ou hb H ed Master, at 51.25 per vec. IHa!'Un be4 7 engaged iîn Teaclting fbr . . il ward If eigt tYeats, 1im r seaed to gua- racle. Satisfactioni ta thos.e'parents Whoemasay entrust me wili tii.e luçcasu> efthfeir .1e ren. Pupils Prep)ared for Matriculation . at 1 GiioUGI.YOUNO, B.A., Oakvood, luneIltb, 186. . 3t 7IWo FMÂLI TBAusits W-AMDE1 Pa iIfor àro. 2&Sction',KT lrNlIP GJr MOR àdèomisrn, PuES OSsa "tu mu p«4040as o * i b. meeto.Par:lament en to e kg11ise t oli,- rpocatton of lhe couxty ty Tlssu.qa4 Dellars. Étssed a By.latvio raise ntt,'rousand Dollars.' titi.mla Dy.La* tarais. y Theueaas Dollars M, entltuled a IE-Law 10 or~~q N<lte.Thon. D.ekiss m ued iraer ,ors o! said DOeAUS a. (1. WOOD, clÇhk and Tresnrer- ,= t' ter i 1a!47s ja f00~ &ui lersel Sien-r --r 'v- er son et, Master Lpil, lso1 day.;« TOR 29S PO] L.eai Amn Lesl éami Leal Arn Les' by i Ti cue DAY- X. ROCK£. 295-tf. t ai Mas iet$ , theb &T 12 OOLoolt zom, rwnsablp eff £am.u cot-y of viet*, laIsr a Power e! lé -a imaebî Âhx- tue. Tovashîp of BdesEsuiretuh rpart Of W"ic* 5 eiaftsd sud , 1 god rf cuitiln. ewm sfamorauil.- ii t6 Iîjis 14cpbergon, or -Lindsay. 19, 1865.296td T6eaoe~ei aoriled until Aiy, &ad day 0of ynet saMt héausd pla ce. REB- UGHES, ~v. ane . 185. * 301 td' ~te~mhoat Notice. 1805116 Tii.Steamer riMmence. ber. regutar tripe oïl Mon«day, May, 1.,eisg ridgenorth on M on. Wednesdays and fridays *at ý10 e.e ag rili .1eave Liedsay-o. TuesdaysThirs- 1ind~t~spy ait 9.15 sm., cailing ai aygeou anid, Penelon Falls. gstage vi i- eav.e.Pe'serbumueach rmomn.inj .zn. p onctally. - f4uriber pîartieul-4rs as to Freiîght, &c. o- JAKS. WALLL iii Offiee. aSMART,- ACTIVE, LAI 15 ta 17 >ears, of age. lu jearn hi tiug b usineo!i. Apély imrnediately. A good.,Eu .gli4h .oratiostis ei «T. HOPE & PETERBOR( 1 .RA MIWAY ; ud iafer the 22nd e tA ,lb. Peterlion -MAIL. ,e Port Hope at........... 9.55 S,1 ie Ait Pe:erbarough ai........125 pc, ve Peterborough a. ....3.30 plc ,e alz Pocrtjlope a.......55 P.1 t i o o e I. r.hay gises 11.1 lie flan o! LIMÂT ~ C4DOTTI hs~ bess 4sy d~vel flhBI~jO. t, AI A...ÊI.àe ha et agaissêli. tria viii b. u~sê by A. Cadette. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b fmsr is~ÂGJt REÂDYUAE LT onuha"d sid AT VERY LOW PRICES. In*1bawy" vWU ud OadiasMd Scotch Tweeds, Cassimeresi 811k xbt Erusd~ & Clts Drillinàs, Linens, Canada Bggiftg, Shiiings, à., k. bw Ai . Cstié ta .on s.tu Ispeis OLOTRINO 1MAD)E TO ORDE R in the nit efahionabe styles am&INd t vm eryr , APERFECt FIT-'.WARRANTE». ÇI Tis sunaînder of the Dry G>ods vili b. sold at coot, ss h. does Dot. intend tok T1o Wibce"'c 14~ Cash pald for good clean vool. Cash also psid for Blutter. N J. UOS¶U!ELLO & B Be Wg to announce the compietion of ibeir:SPring Stoc, oniiingOf ~3T c ileaymmade -Clob ,Bootfi and shoes, Liquors,&. the. price ot Cotons, we are enabled to ofk~r gre4t iàtducuents to purchaser. lu Canadiin sud Scotch Tweeds w. have s large dîsplay. oç RCEIES, BOOTS & SHOES, CLOTHING, AND) LIQIJORSe as usual, receive ont attention, and ve lhave no hesitation in saying tisat no houa. ln the trade wiii or can nuderseli us. Cash is wbat we vint, sud An inspection at our stock ls ail ve ask: Tbe Goodsand Prices will speak for thesnselveo. K? troduce (fo r which the highe4t.price wili be giv en) eu n excitange. Wilson', Wok, oppSuit McL.inan"a Hardweare Store, Keni St., Lindsay. ROBERT SPIER9 IMPORTER 0F STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODSI GROC ERJES c. , 15 nov pepfred to offer ta the.Public s ch îeasrmn uti boe .mntioncd branches. liie stock consisU. supart ut- h-Il WooI,. Union ad Collr>nTweed.;,. Mohair CoatingqFnyFanl GilnWs' and La4iand Coto ndT, ibnsFarsFlàers, * Shawls' adsColes anGd es bb great aret, Fens, ShWS.îra n Fei Hares, ad ige t rHlGns -.ra and UetatLie' trldand1 a4 Ant-etrimdan filP ine, scuqQaton Seamoo, tri e*ditnCeItd. iku,à.,li csoe MI. ýveaPeror iHopeah............ 8.15aur. n'e.i Prt Hpe...... . 300&.m. ive-at Peterborough..........30 p.. e R. KIUBALLI 'JOHN FQWL4ER, ýetenborough, Ms.j, 186. 301-tf - B. FNIbegs t ta erniherM'trends sud libe puà'blictii&t aie bas tes urmed pôssession heN tiAvàerican iRatel, lately occupied Scot à Mac4ona*ld, %*hich she bas fitted up a Plrst-classsatoÔ. aidi uUwd Room. The bet Liquors, Wiues, Aies sud Cigars' stantly ou baudl. - ilcint itaeif . that everyt 1bgotupi ua satisfactory style. ea 1t, 'ntroACIBL ALR ing Of thse Totmwip Of Eldon m s&c rE C redit ors of thlislent are notified T tbat be has::ade ac assig»mneut .of bis xStat ànd:Biffcts- inÂct- -o the underuîiued Assignéet and they are requit- ed to tuib- ii vtia Tva iothâ frei tuis date witb their daims, specifyshi 1b Uw.arity they heMd, ifsny, ami lb. value of id, dil tioe, stating i-tact. iThe Whou attested un- der oath vitithé i. ouchers là support of s»Ch Woodville,.Eldon, Connty obt Victoria, this jO>HN MORISON, 3- tf dsin (odspit owoa!Hôtel)> O )FPERS TO TEPURLIC AT .THELOW- est living pri ct, lb. hoicet selection o. FLOUR, INDIAN MEAL, ÊEED As£ VEGETABLES. LdsyÂpril 1,16.264 Litof tterB REMÂ&INING la i tbeDSamTOS Pot.05 Bmwn Jameisk, is MllseDu¶Id Vorie oh Ucoaid àm r. .Caîberisq CaupbeIlAIà.MSSOD KoflugmU »ua4s OapeiArela. la oaS Fraer4iisJne kltyeM aa Glchit .Neil, Mars Du8 hyaa oi cbiit Jimesm 5 a~rt lardon Mr. X. RUS Donnaicaipmst Mcorison Rosbeet spota i iliamýn Peranscslia<for t*.absna 'irM lum »Ae for edveatiud IW I~~ys D. I. UU. viii fiud bèeoul compe tioDi,1 bolhinluqtual!ty sua d price. -SUGARi SPICES, PICKLES, S-AU CES, COFFEE, PICKLES, - AUCE$, TESUGAR., SPIES, PICKLES, SAUCES, - - An assortm eut ut Crockery kept constantly on hand. Hi Soc o Rad-rade Clathinig, and Boots sud Shoes will b. sold at cuit price, beiug de- itnsusut ret-iring frunituose lines ut business. ÙAG Ui d7T AND FIELD. PLAS7'ER FOR -SALE. PHOTOGRAPH& Ascaydsd Pat Prize aI tise Agri~~iltUWGI £xlsibitioa, Liudsq. -O- E. K FRANGES 1) EGS 10 inforsa bis Frienda sud tue Publls J.> thah-.for lb. pin posa cf euabliug hisuseif ta exeeute, in 1h. niait perfect manfler, aIl et- suds for tisr dens vill which,ie asbe- favored-he bas 5f entoro.made hunseif thoroughly acqnainted wili Ail the. 1sfivaprovemeuts in bis art ;.sud being, NG supplied vi tiste beat mitertals, chemicals,&;c.g he hopes to produce thse Vart eVst u getexcellence as any madetlu teu»s prov"ince.. The Gallery -la spaciaus and favorebly situa ted in regard th llght sud i. pronouiei by .>udges ta be emarkabiy.vell adapted foi lie purposa of making çorrect Iilienesses. U- Positivey no pictures viiibeaet ao ares, Doeskins thse Gallery tli paid for. $ aitfction givenùs ee cas&. -P "We invariables sppl.y Mr. Fraucis.vith lb. keepr auy more nu et and best chemicals thal eau b. obtaiuoëd, - a nd believe imob tab laerngly aaquaÎited eith his beautiful art. go credit given. KIXOWLSOT< à GREGertY.' )TTE- 1 hm avnmcii pleasume ln certifying ta 1Mr. Fra ncises ability in regard'ta. his betng abis to mskegood photographe., Te pietures taken by Mi. Prantxu, of LIud-ý V are"Ti as-gooas 'ilhave sees n mmaWel 1I congider the phetégrapbs or Mm. Fràuda as good and as true al any I have elrèr seefi je Exigland, sud I hayeseen same ,o tielini. Lindsay, April Ith,- 1865. 292 The Duts.h FiagRe"ived - NOW IS.TIIE TIME For s 1 iltiôn! TOTWITfiIST - * . r hnstiert LN must be'mrnc ti l-.-e~h ft in the, cotitryvii"are willineg.uw lrcel ;ti:er capital to adraântage, and ta tantet1je sisdersig -ned ad- dreses hîniself viien'ho infu.rnis -Thie that ho. is determined ta retiiru ta thse ald country, sud therefore wisie3ta dispose of bis folioiig val- -uable property should àt bc at a& sacrifice : . One ta ostory brick, sud coné tarae hanse, sitanidingon aise.lot, ana one tva stary large trame bouse on suother lot adjoiuing; aIl vell finished, with every accomnusodation, sud pIes- SRaVtly Situated On Maniiet Street, directly op- posite the uew %lamkethions.. Aiso, one tvu 1 stûry frasie building (shop sud dweiiug) On Kenit Street,- ah prese'ut occçupied by himueif, a- 1 goodl gardèn and baru sttached, viii every, cossvenience lot a ibusiness mait. .And in.view of bis détermninations, the su'b- iscriber lias. coummesiced to ssI off his entiri stock of SH0PO? 001)8at' coul pnce- everything cheàl-nnd ta prve titis thse publia are respectfully requeste-i ta wglIt Ùp ta the. weat end snd tkikea view of lis saîpvn o where he has on exhiibitîin sp*çinens of gouda with price.s mamked un plain figures, su that every ans Ma y satisfy thesonselves upon tho r8 menite of the. sttiele. A strict eash business la dore, sa plesse bfingthe cash wiîh yoi. Cntil fartier notice the ssbseriber uil con- tinise to carry on the. Watchinaking business as herecifore, ho which h. bas addd le beau- tiful art of Engraving-. -Iscriptions upon Rings,WVutche.,- Doorpiaites, Cofflnplates. Farks, Spoons, Siguets, Newupaper Ctits, or Businu Card .Stamps. viilbe exccuted thoerder ln au- perior stylo~. GRE4Ken IMRVEETS INe GEAIMPRO VldckTSilse -. EoQbortSpor 8EMPIRE Corner Store Adam'a Block, Kent Siret#, Linday.T1f EÏ1I Pateàted Febtuaty 141h, 1860.- Salesraomn, 536 Broadway, Neao York. ThuîlMachine is coustrinted ona&à, eiely D O SO N - & N IB LO C K 9 lewv prisicille of meclsanisin,,possesaiug., meny DOBrare and valseilile ius'provemeuts, iisning been a wh - xasinied by tise Most ptotound experts, aud haep rue s Llu ,ea. rs 5 -prouounced*tQ b. simplidjty and perfection cons- bin,'d.. - GENERAL GROCERIES, TEAS. TOBACCOS, COFFEES, SUGAR, Tb*e follawirg arc the Principal objectilous WINES, BRANDIERUMS L)~O ND) IOLLAND ureigint wng ahns- LT OL 1 RÈ, AN 1.-Excessi Ve labor ta tise operator. GINS, CHIPPEWA MAL, LURE AN 2. Liability ta gei out of order. COMMON WHISKIES, &C. 7&ç. 3. Expeuse, trouble, and. las&aoutlime la ro- - paiing, 4. liicapacity ta geev eem description ot DMIEUIIDU materistl. ýIIrJi5i . Disa grenable, noise vile inoperatioiu. Itl is a staigist needie, perpendieular se- Thé subscribers are determined as ereof to supiply a want long -tgtheLi CK OtHTTLE STITCH feit Iis-Tovn, by lkeepi - cousIs ntli ou baud lise best bçands, of Imported Wimes sud - cXWi EIhE RPnr . EL, sud Liquors, Aes and Parr a a hchvi .i lt ubtl ie;-pranspretsv et on every ocscription f, maril, fromu Leather 1GMta o ih fiwîst Nasak ifus1li, wvu ctton, fiuen, or silt tbreed, frzamtue coarsest ta the finssi -nunuber. DOBSON &NIBLOCK. llaving neitiset V, 1fnom COG-W1-HE.EL Llnttsy, M(ai l, 165. -. 296-tf and tie leass-tpssible fiction, it ru s sas amooth au glass, and lu EmphaticaillY saNoiselesa [9,Ckaie !t requires FIFTY PER CENT. leus paer-o drive it îlsan'avy otiier Machine iunumarket Aý 4 Y T girl of twel ve yers ut ge eau vorkit shesdy., 9 without fatigue or iujstry ho iical.ti. W ULU S u L 44 a U T ~ Ias strength sand voudetfti1 simphicity d!Gca- nstradtiof metier il aluna st; impossible ta gel-out of order, an'd is GIARANTEED by' the corn- Pa ny ta ýgve entire satisfaction. GREATI1I0ROIW XV. tespec* fîilv invite ail ilsose vWho ma.-Y de. sire ta su'ytisive s w iith a superiot arui- xOST UNPAR.ALLLID EXCITIMENT prevails iu consequence ufthle extraordisay low cie, tg cail and- examine îlîis -UNRIUidLEP 1)ieAevblcl Col nsd etier Goodot are nov disposed ul. of! .But in a more specialimuanSir-d ~ '31" ~ k ~' ~ u&. ~ 91" ~ ~ Merch'nt Tioa rs aea Coack Mfakers Co0rstMaka rs, ""mn psea t i dbis iscpmsgfor CASH,and alIs lime vien e rices ut GOOHod krMnfCirr#J(rtritr - s - "-Pl Iavst ebb. nlà sno* euabied 10e ofer stid . $irt and B*om MoieraISAeIi.i, ~ -. Vest and ai.alo ré.kg ~ ?Rtigions 'ud Charitable sllltena Dé, wil b. lioçraly deait viti. hase sure îo brlng every am, van: bd ciild Isu lbCIà.ty oua d«<fI vithil hum. At tiie PRICE. 0F MACHINES, COMPLET£. je veUdJertl rate vic i ite go ulu are. o v .les v.ugi b. expe es toa ive is " Vos emp y l s 1. Family, -Machine, with-Hemmer col.iet................. $0Q mei tia a mentit.LSNo. 2, Smail Maunufactuiriug, wîth Exten-. -For euqQiel-petUS5 th5 t elfERdICE <,<th Vkbu 'sdftb tles, sprýuce - Table ..............7oQ yeur*rdct, abii wl1a~ loit vii . N.,%, Large No. 4, Large, for Leaties...... 100 O0 *LRhIflhI CABINET$ IN lVU.~VREY *rd, righ i basWe vaut agents for aIl. toWus in -the United Ihevy nsyIJeto 'd Ps. Omsuer avea f.. 6d-~ Sitates, Canada, Cuba, -Mexico,ý Central sud Fine Chamm TieIe 0> Ii South Amheica, viére Ageucies aro e 1oaltnd eeI-UkImUh.... d..tti > jpeuIiýd&=uUlTw eed.%ftttli .-Id.up> estahlsseine à aliberai diwoutwili bu Dalublisbetl. ta0w. sIt RZ~OAiObBet ud pies A OVEY DIESSa! 0 yrdsBenttagiven, but ve make ne 6onsiuuestu. * Da GU IDSof l%& , syleandprî . A LOM , REM f 1 yads.Bentta O sers May b. seul urougi tb..45Skmf ClatTSLfor in gral Va t , te o l 94 w lb ot profit. A crtun Of Mseri t di-frmey, 1 flyodw y, Jeu' o* . 1'L'e nd51SBAW L4S % e b. a S d.s .!'a »ms n uaity ofSTR ÂW GO O)DS, -T >o. mt U s nuoki 1,611mud o r îtet iay psiels1un& S l~ y b 'T n g.g~hmué.0.5 M agsi e bCrsut - Para» olsuiety __________ ,aeE REUriuBARRS,. an uloW. 0WRIiMt 85t 7~~~~kn Pa made uam/el **. pe.W 01,V'ý%1**1rbt àýf O %« ,iXp » a * ob tto -TduIfhml dt» NOTE TEl P&U«!4 * -1 0îa h 1 ru Uc 1 0. WOOD. ý - "71ý ýT. N AýT%1%qw"v -- 1 Gè2 w - oui 1 - i,ý 1 ý 1 - 1 1 Lind3ay, May 2