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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Jun 1865, p. 4

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ri'ygoa mid seen a growa savs. Voltaire tto, be suzge. thes bheof th e oin tihe Yact nec vaaskesi1 1 whene, one, saiti 1, anti ut it 1 wcunt.-I1inanageti fo get my amu1in arouâid ber .waiýt> and ila srugglin-g to freeb lerseif, sltë u1set a ga,11 ( t- t cwpêrreëCuy con 1-ý >fove Caosneyer S80f. e cse..udprint- Titis & *oe.uii for a B-- îret. ea pretty white c ringarentu ù - -be basemeet. and -Iwas rilO long lu airia LR.I ig the discovery that the aféresiid col., mtry11 Ie, wit.h the rose.shitla4a- iv*4o, conU ýoer in tained an inmat-a £uwer wbnse béant>' o7pthone tiet cof tire roýses t4taIclhisrered io sinaill rdiitheé windqw. Site was the belle Of -sr r' the vilage. Uer utile*wusMary. Ihv up fei - a pasion for tirecaine of Mary. It iras a beautifal animper mornitîgiand 1 i md raised the window to. admit lire e, bree frein the flower.decked fieids, and, sartCit was n4t long ère 1 percelived tire coll age window iriso hoised, and sireet littie M'ary, a t otsittig batsil>' ngaged with hbe néeetle,. 1 itOi 1worked but liUIle thâa oni y eyeî& h.htr.coiislantiy wandered toaward thé cottage toi'7 ]3il, irbére Mary sut, aud ail sort àcf f.ntastic, "Wbén no-fions whirled ibrough mw> braini, anti I eeer. theY begaueta think I feit the light touclt of what Uic jtoetscal loveIying in cne corner rylu an cier god famil>' ra to.kinitobis.spelling ýy Says he, IIdon't ee ti4 tht spel1iig tesson Sun- ,regid the Testam*ent week mtoments when lte two tlily and the spiritkil, Swep~ kh othrrand ihen eat l! bjyi cigbt toucir eacb ocher tiobserved to a learned, ty thé other day, ltaI the rhisers ýwas uiprofessional. ied lts frieîid, a aiwyer borefaced." ed to, sa>, tire most accora- f using, books, is tW serve peoaple do lords- .Ieaîu their ibag of tire r acquaintance. ifor -ry beedbg country," aroey cntactor.to Gênerai Sol yon eught you Spcoundrel," an, efot noibody lias bled ese- cfthe mosl effetite tig married.. Many a mati o mniroiii' before lac meil le is about. - insrvéaring the -péac aga nist iren, concluded: " Tiré ont>' ,hil drenvire siraws meuéany real my> yoangest son, tamry, for hé es me irben l'es down."ý le thtlirty >ears olti befar- be She d tbotaghts cf bis fartune,-, pleted bcfore ire is tht>'. In ýe alis a building, andi by thé ,e is rcady> for rQoIoig in hé ýjN irN, Ilad 1ut tup atan ed inatire mrigbavlie bac lla mi," rephd Donaldti; ~l etier,.but I wtts-nmuckle1 a tha bug, for de'll aie- ' an e'è the- hale- nielt."' TOUIT.' -A fi-iend aofmaluëiaIs ifiits upon 114h every sFeacOn r thrée imfense ev,,i,îiragpartf-. At ft hose partios, lie arvas staucn in laa orlorti condition, leaniiig -ig'inst the tey-piece, %vlien a gentleman, coiîn g him saJ, ' Sir, ais luitlier of us tire inteé i Itre. T tlîinalcwe haibel ter -o- guiieti PbYSIei-a' sir lien-ry y Itint sudsl is lis Conviction of a-I inflclie eof cen s iIt lier- s, th-at hentle patient capnot e Of scene, change of mata nS t-atae---nty, éven ceiang-'oif Cthare cannot lbe ciranger 'of G. Il. Lovos - r ~tiga 'T.h~nx-Youas1---iNever ai Tt is better ho suffr than ta sup- andi askiriga. - asor,èeen from- arrst frid, or pur n caecal relat- nly a mai -'fortii of supplication. 7bat- yoa trant by yotiir owni ons, or --àwit bout L. Tier. y in penury, nno itterhow dj Iith itidependletice, tirai rt -ainedt irougli tre granto aR.-v THcuQHTs.--To cc 1wtt hpnesis la mist tfor tire. endi. -Yeu miglit ue tîiat a ki-ife and fork wou n apîx)etite. Thé stralltc 'rat another confe-ra morei thie biggcst comnpiment wv Ives ! MosIt fashioas are nà oé te ebliged te tumble inita tô aroid nmppeawiug aiIi more the badge cf unai dedi e is maorc abject, induient ofa fav- taie titi uld giv- utenasure i-4iulouý the ridi- a ridictu ntqr Il cerse -disciplin( me-of th uainy o# of uty beart. A feva. d;ys passed away, nrtýd chance maeme acquaiafed vid, Mary,.Obh! she ,vas a sireet crea*ture-- shel-id. a forr thiat would alrould sirame lte lamons.dc NI'tédici, a cireek tiret outfitîshed thle richest peacir, an a litaI iroulti have tempted a bee from jts hire on -a frosty ýmonmng. thougirt as I gazed en lier, in mute admr. ation, tirat:I bati neyer looketi. on one se exqiuiitely beautiful. Sie. seemed, an c m. irodiment of everytling loveçl>'and beïwitchi- iug. Mreli, lime pagused ci and iMary cx-ý presseti a désire to 'siit tUic prin.ing officie G-ccd. tirougt 1, %iial a chance!l'Il bavé a hiss tbere-yeso there in thé ver>' midst of thre implern e nts of' mine art--why sboul't 1 ?, Love in a printing office! Oh ! tirere -mas soonething, original in that. 1 wili try il t.albzrs Well, Mary came into the offlce, and I explainedti-lier tire use of, hue Varjous. iniplenments of thé Ilack- ar..tbe prés,, thé reier, thre inir, nid thé stands, anti the boxes of thre A B C's. 1 look an aopport. Unt ûsnaLtch her, pratty white banti;sue drwit back a nd knockcd a Stic.k.f a 1 ll c mnt te i j'o" nie Ma invst have, n.kiss for IbsI, u>y' preit>' w'H -J- - mAirlhslibeJ N5ew yerkl. r descr iption of -ou n. aer., ex *4ha TTLE STITCJI ni' R..tEL, ant as perýýctsein9 [al, freinLeather r1t-ccttoa,4Iucn 1 inher. - }Iaving -neidier CAM tes' COG-WHIEE-L, and the least possible friction, it rai as smooh as I.sasaachno 1 t equirea ITT FPU CENT. lesu paver to drive it than amy_ ether Machine iiin maniet. A ÉWr of twel'rp yeuas 01asecaaviwk ita"duy, witbaut fatigue or injuni tte heallt. -Ita strength and monderfulsi un t O q% of Wrer, and l is uliffTrED 6yI1*¶Leoe4 panytogivecantire uullefsaction.. si.re Inésupp>' thenems fth Ita supenlor arti- cle,, tocail and-élaiske Ibis UNRIVALE1) Mil CHINE, Buai 6Umspécial mannerdo - weslctthe pafr6nageb'f- Merckrnst Tailon, -IDrus Makes, Coach& Maker.ICôrset Makersi HoopkirMa*lfacKre# j.Gaier iters, 2tsir aund Boasus Mdukr.soIldr, Vest and Panaocn Makera. lzReligious. mand Charitable Institutions *ill be tiberally dealt with. pIOE 0F MACHINES, COMPLETE. NO. 1. anily' Machine, 'evitIx Henanier- -, No ,compl-té........... ........ $60 00 No ,Sinaîl Manufacturing, mith Exten- sion Table .......... -..... 750 No.' 3, Large - ci , " ci, 85 00 No. 4, Large, for Leather........... 10 00* CABINETS 19 E1V>ERY VARIETY., 1Vewdnt agents for all touas in, the Ual-ted States, Canada, Cuba, Mexico, Central and South America, wxe-re Agencies.ar 'e'iaotâlrceady establisheti,. ta mitera aliberal disceutattwill ha givnbut ire make no eenuigntnents. - Order may lie set trugh te 'rient .2jdvertsfag .4geacy, 3M9 RroadwAy, New Tor JI. T. MeARTIiuR & CO-. 5361 Broadway, New York. Tie Dutcih Flag R evived4 NOW IS THIE TIME suhsoelw WOs invite i*atteatimof buS eutl9'iiiMand publie 101hi$ dcioo ws ia, 4114 spçior quàllT-. - »m itPartms, Tea MetiiPA ndS' EWe ttppllh on the shorIcsteaoic, and on lte "Most1 favourabga terni& caiesiO, (Iradma, rBiuis-4c. &e,'whole. sale and i'etail. 9U! 8plendid Oysters regaIirly receiVed Sdurinsagthe seaâoni. À callinvite&i Lia4.sy, Dec. 2, 18"t 7~t IX-P----------- ha té lat Oa. o!fla TOWNSHIP0FM'ARA;- CO. ONTAýýRIOi Sit&te Inthecentre af-a ood .settleient, and Sitatti iilit mthîn 3 mile$cf THRE.I SAW MILLS AN!).AGltl -T- MILL. Thé Propertyilaapproached by goodRi-ads, and is mithia i of a mile Of the Tii. Lani lM of fte BEST QUALITY, andtiith Titis. indsputsbl. Application may b. imade te BIdon Vtlla, Balsoyer P. u or ta the praprietor0o the prémises, -DONALD MoRA-E, Talbot River,Ma. MaIaJuana2. 1804 - 250tf. A E0O» rWAuM Tom SALE Iilatctowilsh'ip Of Fenelon, County of Victo, f which '.hcve areSi-xty Acres elear- éd alti ùnader cultivation. This landti miii ho soli h tw searate lote if de'rd, ta suit thé. puechaser, 'Thée eîtt part cout* tus.100 ars cf- which 10 arc clared and s log hanse there- on. andtill Ibe solti sepa-riuely rif'deésireti. Alaio.Lot -No 52, south side of.Portage Roai,. Townshjip af E(lt oOunrY Victoria. For particularsapply taW - JAMES lIIAP, oictr ýiandsay, Sept. 1, 1864. 22t NOTICE.b For sale,, Very cheap, i tre extra suital cfor Sciîool flouises, lals, &c.3Aisoa ý large lot u'- Co~k'ugStoves, )3x atiil Pa rloýr ta ýl e suldAtathue iaawcst figure for :cash, lefure the firt of Marcb, at tbe S TbVE .4iD T EX .SfII0o', WL 1.4 à 1S T ]Best- Goal O, Oil Cans, &.&.a oefrelqii p)rices. Cash, pa.id fer .Siacc li skias, SIAt',sine, old )ÈDW1RD Mk ElL' williaw Street, Liudsay, Jain. 126, 1OI. 484 Noe, to ,Loan.- I 4 q lAS ABRI V~D, oomprisilig ail the Lateat Styles of LADIES', GENTS' MISSES' Bf SPRING AND SUMMÉR STOCK 0f and CHILDREN'S.WEARi which jill be founil VERVYCOMPLÉF,,and at rtclrATeto sdrcé et -X R M LDE' , GOTAN PR EL , -GRESS, AND CIIILDREN'IS ANCY BALMORALS. - -W- Ji WEBSTEE FURNITURE! FURNIT.- RE! ri PALOUR, INNG AND KITCHN lAIR SOFA, - OUCe »D LOUNGEN BSUREAUL-&M'B>IOARDS.: QUALITIES, --SOFA, - COMMN BEDTEADS,- FOO'î'0NTBEST('iL, &.,&c !IrHE . OFFEIIS F011 -IF,,RFR SALE- THE LARG;EST AND) BEST SulecCHAIStcPARf TABLES, sAT(1DSrE (lF A D,-- SOD T .11 t!W ST ý8.' Fa 1-ûWEST'ý FICD;. Fi RVtl ýýl 1 A, AUordera c. refuly au~icdi 4 ta C fj Caa1 i'o i i. : tc>-i al RcncnbCr.~Al)JOlNING 'l'îE. ENCU.sl'ilf '1 NE Wý FÂNGY GODS!Y At- For pec IatoflZ PHE NDELUSIGNED isno prpared -'ogn Qtiestîork. F r!p lu 'ato Notliiii gtanted, I tuade at lier a.Ylln. TITITADCGte a-diester 11< lo 'his timco I-was. nilre suicéessful fo)r I ob..N Iiis _,ninndninenotigh 'leftar ilte ti.u 1I',.-Y ained aij~ tW5asve n.adtn country arcwilliixg to invest thPié. Capital (lni gtopr0 e, dituf .1 a ittie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t wie oei ieaîuy;~ tadva lt ga~t hs ~undersigçnecdfad- For FI V EALI.01 iroved Fiis ula littslc vlitch f*hré he ; ri e them hatlieclarge or smnall am01Ui t 1 igtit a~licaill, af a Loo' rer screamed once.: , ut as 1I raised is dtriicoretiirn to the.old country, aal .<>W vRAIS i0E TNTBJ1ST.,C siteIifed er herlorewises a dsaet)f his folltywing val- Fur further particulars. apîIy ta rit I:sro ers, delicated- e table property shonhuiItbe at a sacrifice JVSBLE, littie band and gave me a box aon thé -ear Onc t-)o story brick, and one framnehou1S.e).- Prinec Albert. standing Ona one lot, anaone -twTo st ory, lare jqo, 30.000 fi ëi tz f Land 1 forSale in the t'ât nmade ic .sec more stars Illin 1vare frarnlehlonse on ano4het lotadjoiniflg; al tell. '611 ' i' o innlPeterborough, Victoriai, ey vtre l i yHersell.il throu,,iîhis big ifi l ed! Nîtliieverýy accommnodationl, and pica- !LAMItôn, Kent, EsvGrey, Middlescx, Perth, teetcp. o'y b ni y- aItl itaeil On Mirket Sr'tiret ant othe'r Coutties..wl nctted.j,~itc he aewMarkt huse Als, oe to ISU!bXNCLES elIrcted at moderate rate. cheek srnarting- witilîpâin, 1 again sci7ed story framL building (shco"and dwelling) .o~1pPrince AIbeeti March 10, 1 18". lier wrist,anud said - ,týp - " 1'Cfp dbvitm_-fa rloo(i ar(den ant i irattacil, withi evcry C" %Veil, if youz.élou t like it,tt.. ak e onvliece for a butsiness mran'. back the kis.' Andtinlaview f bisdetermination, Vite euh-. ~he ade depe~ac s.ruglt',nndas I;~er r hzQince.aced to sel ofr isentiesS E ! B__ ,h lie dfoo yambr o t'c otrý-r iilglep-and ta-prove tItis the jpublic AT NOTICIE arrv elirtee4t o wi ail p to thaeL tieýlye jpet ai dover«it we irt. A te r est cti ari.takevew.Va ami in( ovv, T ulsiin e ta «îl 3whrelie hms ou exhihition sp)cchniens of goods el ai 1 e eitra srnlelo 1flac loo)r, iices înarkedin lapiiinfigures, sâ thal Ler féot slippéd, aýnd skle: feU ilauJ-, wIi . u c un lay satisfy themnelves inpdn the cÂîi.UN GRIEN XVO), sustain hcse1f, ber nwritüÉoth, article. Astrttcash .busine.3 Is Wd tunîgtRoctt r Ce uin oSo pIýae brinig the cash -with yoaa. ber hly wliite hand..-tlie.sime iiuleband v.ntil fiirther notice tlhe nshrlicr ill ein- fa h27h 16 tht ami? cnac Wtl ry a....( 1 tiie to carry on the.Watch rkitig busne~sîTh atheetfu'e t wic o asadfdUý bau nti1 further notice-As lollo*s. horrible ! vas strick up thie , dbow intifull ait of Jga. i isg.. iacriîîtiofls fipfl EVERY MONDA WEDNESDAY U n -1 Shades cf Franklino.'St iwylivaoia ~opae~Cfiîits okF!t dIrew h froin the keg drippin« with rnl, andi Cari1 Staspa.wil hbc éctnted f0 order ia su- -ýaigPr oe tqý . Islzcd iwhat use I Mati offhiit tar. h f ,ero sYa. &bu 10 30, A.M. .G. I. KEVEColbourile, 12 0,M gali n ta (l seriîollsly aiaraped, aui ajo1og- Kent St., West. dretfor Rochester,.arrivitig-thcre ini tinte tri lZed ili Iliv.best iaa -ercou!zl,and, 4o-my Lnsy a 3d 83 9-3i connect with the NY or eLa aîoi srrsitse scemed noIbpese rm for New York, Philadelphiia,, Baitiniore,Wa- surpise mor 1acasd inton Syrcns, ltifflo. Clicago, and other an btthere was alkn viliii- lier Stearriioat Notice. points Exst and West. I th ass' >rg .m flc hest-va'Grand Triiilk F y e, that toid me tl*çre srveyiing th Iiack -BiRoad,UtkCth-SWaeratCoou coerg n ie hiniscar bl he to suli t froin the, E st itke the Steamier ,at -G ol- tre trauiretIi ho~ Ileturning.the steam'er -will icave Rochester she qikiy raised.i n i-rteSe ierOf veryTiesday, Thursday, and Saturday, attSi81 itdoç, eslpy nmy higael d BeýruhtTh1éurno'loclA. M., for ftie above mtetionedi places-i it~C w1 30 tkesaponmMcAe.Be rX èo'n4ecting with the Grand Triiink.aiiway foi- eould recovrrfrorn My sqrpri-se,,the lime -& en1îîelerrgla ns 'oîîv Upoints East ant W est. IilMe hnnd eueendd ari lefî.ils iky îi er rss e ua g rldgtrips, on ona, F.Or*riher informnation; enqu ire of A. Coch- 1 lfle and.descide ýan Ief ilsi ay 1865), edS avn igeriora tho an 1., muec, Port Ihope; Charles Elliott, Cobourg, or d&.sWedieday ad ri-ýtài't.in .m.,re- KeleCoibourne., onp nt 1.My t r cheek. tîîrnîzg wnul leave Lindsay on TuesdasTliaars- 0obourg, March l0th, 18C5. 2904f. 1libcaygeon and Feaelon Falls, 1are yoti about."roiet l'li Te stftzewi1h1eve peterhoroCeach,,morning 1I think.you1 toid me you rlei- y t9 aT. ul ituat~lly. , th fac of he frm,"she eplid wih a For fnrtlher partieulars as loi Frcight,,uc., ýt 1eud laIl handi agrainber band, lit U 0,1rme 9>Ctf ba4.-JAS.M7WÀL L Ls ; LINDSAY AND MANILLA STAGE LINEt. ...takingmre a broadelap upon ýtliemiddle.- TT N T IL FIJRTnER 'NOTICE AB STAGR j -of mv coun te nane, Most M Urul e. )Wileavie Fourni&s 1oieL. LitiîLsay,every sy i awiul miorningat 6 o'eiack, rekeiîing Manilia daub iig îny eYes....t î a..a...n. i tim ,t connect w ith t.hé stage for i eh açvi, ea ery pai .01 Iugltej, sbti skéid JPORT HOPE & rT1 RBORQ' Whitby land Beaverton. Retürning-leaYes lia Fehton's Hotel Manila,-afttr the a rrivai -of the Ethrougb the dooir. Sbie twrneti hak Wlen., ' IL W YStages freoshwa Wibyani iavtrton, ho~ cl eac, ad br rguih fce ansftrth22»OfMY, hoPterro ariig ut Lindsay at ilo'clck an flicevenin g n N a.30 W >'th 2 (ojM Y,) PPtc bo o1 ares ry a onabie. .Th e 1roprietor will not bc - pee ilig threugh the doouway, gliouted runwWSl sflos epnible for parcela r baggagc unless book- 441ie, Charlcy, wlxat kinti of a rjilet AL dat ùtdfr 'l Le 0Po al GEORGE CRANDELL, does1a bnd rmake VaVe Prt Hoe. t ......-.5i.. o lilY ~Arrive at PeteXboough at.. ..... 21 .. LnsyArl1 84 43-tf UCb"sald. i«you tak ée omhink ave Péter«et . . .3.0pm "la!ha!"ab Iuged" cl, on-Arrive at p9rt Hope at ..... ....... 5.55 P.ni. MIXED K i. bye, Charle>', thet's iSy impression." jr ceave Peterborough at.......m0an on-ey K ney I oney Iwent t li gass, and surveyed -mry. Arv tPr op t.... B15ar.TB esigned has advices fiain hi& cor- hesl o .oln - LeAve Port Inp ut.... .... ,00 p.m. TI onet.,c -sef fr amomntand I verily believe~Arv tPtroôg....-53 .n oicoulti have passed 'for,,& GUinea nigLger; .R KIMBALL, - JOHM YPOWLER, A 0 UUS0 O E 4ifcniy."An s," ~~ I wpriateisdesi*. Mar*ging Dsrecer. aWaiting jwiettonOboice, TImproued Stmysef,; this is lt>ie "ss rtingocilCAI Peterborough, , 1,1865.31-f arn,»th le The Det iOtiiV"g whek:he edilor came S_7ED T WNHP e t@the offiee, 1Ikimigwé hé efownd ti hngs a M0NrýY TO LO.AN1q.- t Conte. i vdAlspt ofù h ttle topsy.tnrvy.however,thatmdele pavteinivduiS bsa dIe aetomfr id m d ee o. I AV ~-can b.inegotiated la: ifr~Jj...4 I oftha mcPl FftO)4TEN TO'FIFTEEN DAYS yih.1bore te l.u o teoep,1Fundii4 î r IIpOV Fam >r t mauy a day,, sud new, whenever!1,sec ertY, at a 10, ri-u- W ft«r'~~pbW~r ~se rvddt Âply, if 41 lutter pre-ld, te, Kecüaf's Block, Kent Street,Licay A SPIEND-I1) STOC K OF .jBy'ýtYjI'Ll" lh ,oo)s. rîîr, Iull, il..ît e w hii II aa~alt atai;-iai! ala hI aaii -.- -a- aperu. C n lasGa 15 AN )CAiLLd x -' TiRe "LorC's o- lc Jcd" R I fi d t l les ,t'ob acr o, a tr x l e v i r î '11-ad Iii tûianil rCa Xs-s iai a-t-QrvsI. Ladies cili fluaia aid~t<i . 'il.' ai-% T -fo nP - 2id I) oor %i- et .o IeI jeý' At flot], indsay, 4th Apa-il. 1a:. ry(, C{fPY,~ lac5aiî~i~iaa'islaaî,aýI) h ' a 1 î .1 011 anlie a i s'a a I Iý, :Tl i l- . -. k £WZUONY& Cê 7fIIESTR(,ON hi \T STPFIEIthe 1sf of Octoilrr. .11 o- '. J. TIIi" a Aaa-aist 22. I 1 2I -1. O. EYTol 0 pi 1, ENA A T e1.Y Iî [T i-aiaN.'t. RAYS W.CI.L GLtGE 1 aa'ia-n;ilPraat icl n 1a .aa Mr ta.u.i al. ,-, t: a- ionE-l a - a ,-"a--aaaa.'al'ici 1 -la..--- -a Ta ~ a . t a ,1z i I -*'- T i 'l P .i t'a i! i a' laaa'h. I <i \ I a I U' otoii hveFalleit too!_{ geaia.-Ili î4oi'ttllcnlof BONNÉTS, LIBONESi MIfU.S LNS-, N T RF li il) S SCOTCH AND) (AN ADI XN TWEEDS,. BR U)LOTIHS, 1W ADY-AlEC TING haati au t'. nuit att of ail of wrhichlhé offtars for slëe <i'E.111 FOR ('.ISII,or ilu- excie Crpr»ie.tfwilcan-y'.?LXNS teadiflg pareaasere iiill jaicase cuýIilaad s!ti.sfy fltaacve.Ph NO f ' lY JA7"IS LENIAN, a - OK-KE P NG, 11'Axaof keiiatS, Lnsca.ARFlIl I ML'It .1Tlxcsuptrior qîaaiiies ot thte LindsaiyB' e*are, now geauealydnti'lwa- at- àio làbé aà1oknowledgd:ilan a illecadmenit lu >an lî Teaaapcra l'ec Acf. '8ic /ia 1 ?if.e Mhail ti'/i' that y .a -JAMES LENJIIN. rtae w/m n theay bcome e Mn. Thbe s ubsenibea' désires tu inform bhis fri.enid, -anti the public that he conitinuets ta>l:eel) tlue hest borses, neategt andi ma'stcu, orall .carriages and buggies, constaraîly on luanti for hire. - Truasc.traaaalyMob-rata'. il. WORCMAN THE OAKWOOD HOTEL, Min aStret,Oakwod, C.W.,l rNATHANIE L EREX Proprieler- rPRE Proprieter desires te aItimnatetlai- 1 jfnieids anti thé publie tit hsavig pur- - s chsth ie sexe' otel lateIy occupîed by Cas Bodgoii.hé a prparteloffer thé ]mo-et-corn- tetablé acèetnnneodu ti e ai wtt>may fairor iaim 'witha eaUl .. -.' 1 .. 1 - Tlt .béat cf Liquw, USr ad ir- NEW YORK CE ÎTRAL RAILROAD. ,N a id a fter tlic lzt ins, ant, anti aintil farther notice Trains wll leave Rochester as fol- lows: GoiaxG Es-- .G 5j, .30, 735, 9.311 and 10,15 àý.~Indnat1.00, 3.50, (,.,*0 and 9.00 m GoYN.WEST.-At 3.40, 5.20I, 7.25:10û4Q> a. rn,12m. andi 6.15, andt 9.35 P.Mi General Superintentient. .Rochaester, a,86.0-f mrs- Croebie. Brady' ~Âgrente a PANO le desirOuS nO taking p aisstber residenee, Russell I: TSmmde ilWo*n a pplication. a a èla a vervieqnýtt eforî~" hi- amIn1 Double EnfrvaScihif' ,a--: Forira-î n elaaa. Forraaa - . Ii*uif it nM.aIii aîit-i ruîi n i1uaZ- i cliiitîgiie C ýingle ta1>otile f nîn' - Tweaaf'a--t1XC dollars. .Tl~,aa i nclStattion.(,'yVfo)r fial tite-r-a-- Tlaa' aciait iiuncesDepatîtaîli1 tarPlt ed wiaiu fn-o Banks i wtl a acapitl toSIaaaa Conuilcita ounflue satine 1amiciple fas Car fia.caMr- ha-c l-hîîkiîig lIMuses..- A areull"nlniaf or Wlaolesi-le EstablishmenCft cnta~iflitig NiW îales ot'all kîtutsof rcadieRal55uC froun irliela the Studlent2;- enterifig liaisdepasr. -nient manke their firet parchatsi. -The u>' kept in the> Emporiumn, by thc Stildetizlaare eiglit iu atumiber, five ai which Rarc Book"s-of Original Entry anti they are cuntiucted On~ the, plan of the principal Wholesale flouses an nCe clty. This departmnuil under thé charge of I t'Teachit' -ho bas huati a lon1g experience un bu:i Ine4 sufficient- guaralhtee 1 pifC .orkirig. Senti for opeéUlc rt8 a~ clrcular cotaifing (ail iwbnmflSon Àed&" Ir 219 -MUSGROVE h WRIGHT, PreoOfý' RI rr7 1 1 1: Paz 1 LOWý,,PRI.C E S! Stoves, AND ýC -ý-G -E , ý2 Il L D WE N S.- "ý!- ý ý >ý- '1ýi Wili'l'17. COTTO'N'S, myl ith MaY, ManufacItrers of Pliqographic Muaterji - WHOLUILAN RIii TAIL .501 BROADWAY, N., Y. iTN addition tb aur main businemu-of Photo-. 1 gropic MateiWI, we are.Headquarters fur the. folloQwing, vi- MereSopesand Slereoscopic viws. O f these we have an immense assortient, in- cluding War Scenes, Araerican and Foreign. Citles andi Landacapes, Groups, StatuaryA&C, k.Also, Rlevolving Stereoscopes, for laublil or privaté eitibitioa. Our Catal ogue will be sent to any atidresan receij£t of staunp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUelS. #' ,T We werc the firat ta introduce these int.> the Unitedi States, and we Manufacture iemeris Atquantities ln great yarkty, ranging in prite from 5Ô cents ta $50 eacii. Our ALB(Xe. 1aavt Dithe reputitition i fbeingsuli)eri-)r ln bcauty n drabilty to any others. T -î-i 3vii lac sent hy * mail, jkee, on receijîf of price. VinWle Album@ 1Made to Ordeir, iCARD P IlI0TO(6RA PS- Our Cataiog ue now embraces overlrë'taou- Isaaad différent subjects (ta w1ickLaddition r.. ar contiiiiially hciaîg îuhde) of Portraits, of' luti- nent .Ainericans , &tv'viz.:i about i 10 MjorGeaeral~,2'Y') 1rig -(I acris 275 Colracs, 00Lieut -Caîlont-Is, 'z230 -Otîlear (iflicers. 75 Nax-v (if'- - re. 33a $aesMen' 13 iivillcs, k-* '. - - - Stage, 50 PronaiocIut %,ia.-. JPmrk nent Farcigu i' ýortraiîs. t ,000Ç opies of Works of art, \iaxluding reproduc.tions of the Most -tIirtt ýEngraIvinjs, Paintings, Statiief, &ce. Catit- logues sent. on recel-o f tamp. An order f -r ýONj-One Dorcu Picturuas frmo ar,Catalague.owiIfti illeti un the rcceipt of L8 and sentI- tuai!; free.- Photogrîhesaai uthera orderlbg gcae t). 1). n-I please rcvtîifxnntx'-fiv-c'per- e~, ~ theamoînu iitlaih ir ortier.' F ran~.&. . ATI -Y& '. P'Tiae îr-ts>arîd qîuita of oaar gainis rta- not fail! to, ati4fy.-

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