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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 14 Jul 1865, p. 1

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I. ~~~iLfk. VO- \4AG'IA iLtrrtsf, Attorneya, te - ~~fltneOCet ~ eab ue -.t iatf4edsahre Zete'l'S Iaik tck, Kenut 5S ,1ardy Ag rCY i te Liverpol ad Lemdol'im à yi tmstrice Copan . 277 solcitor lni ciumicer>', i<otary Publie Corvyau'ccr c4.;,- Cs~y . W. - K1~Cialattentlion- pai t 10Citamceri t3,c-In W~ilàoin'O Bick.KentStreet. Attr'f- l av k,, te. ofie lit0 e t ilucit, Ke uent tl tsu Àpsmrhtl5f1'U.P. 8. MARIrN. 237-4. ()GtNE, L. L. is., Barristr1Colin S. ty Crwn ttornteyi has opened a Law Oùfcllae-it prince Albiert, iltuadidition te lits WhiËtby Office. Whitb (>fi.ê-O pI rinace Albert Office- ait B.iIlack's Btel. J-O f ie. Iodu t i UiB>I)F4 AUBe ARRNSTERE, & AT. V ~ Soliritors li Ch.en- Ge:>' ,uatinias andti ouveyanfcers, kc. &c. L-tN!DBA Y. irJ OrS -s iiiMt. W,,osiiz.ocx. 11 EC TO R CA M E IZON,- - C11AILES. B. ORDE, ALACOt)RSE, ariser, Att wney-ai-La, iaili tugs, Kent stifeel, Linidsary, 0,.V t. ' r., -18 t;1. 114-tf -W EL-EU& itfOTllEIZ, Iarristers and At-_ ti>rtiey4;-at-ltai isolicitors in Ctaalicery, "lolaraes Public,- Colivvacrs, &c. &c., Liia<t- sa .O li!Keelltai'*hBock, KenStret. CAI %Vi.cRa, îG. -O. JAS. MW aLLEn Lîidaa.î, Jan,1G. - 13 t-tf - ( t-i)t-G fl>itNIEIAttîamncy.ait-L21%W, Soli- GI citonii tClanuecrç alin snlvencY, Ntary - PtituiI(,A c &c &C OFrI'i, l il Nlto tltuells lieu-. Br13ick Iosk.opiuttBrougliait à Giiisona's. LindtYii, Sel) 22,_1864 265-tf R VI M. KEW-tT, C, M., Gradauatte oi>McGili il muversity. Nelieatt Reft'ree ta. the lin- tàla, .t,1 VOI thri; ii andiMercaïntile Insaura nce Consamaîes. office i în. (lGeeor.reKemnpt7s, 1inckL~lck tIÀwlsaiy. 4t RS MAaR h'T1- iELIiANeg t i maif;, teili umutaitýtmît3 o-f Liwîlsaîayid surroumui- il,'1 a at- %,v lit iletae v e i a e r ( i't i ito pait- -a r-laaup tas' tht.. tatctiaî if iatir t'roféssion ila 4k-iftt---It Uith litit- Cotage, lia-ch uof Lit. Muethôdi>t clilbe, WeILlîgt4oîa Street. l',ýA 1' Il m im As, m. 1) -Lino Strgeoi n atlw m eriratn Armt.ý i.ina ýeijumies 1a,>1I8;5., 1)0 BERT I t.tiKîTiilor, Williamna Strict, il, Liîdsîty. G-rmeiaLtsilitai .0 uap ili the besu #1yle, trii-u t h e Iii..iuiîm--t liviig ratos. Ait or- alîttwiiltt rVcc-uî-e jprompt îîtteutlim alltiltagîaid 1tgaîtnammt!Lti' - 2 79-1 C' M.]1R .N'*1., St' h.ikAiN, PH-YSI- I 't ~ it'i> A 'CCLUCltEUh,7t. Lnttiy 'oil m inal te Atiti ii As'ay. ,ie-- 'ifri itI Crsa C.W'. -con ell ~ i.W i ViKE.,Suigeao Ou-- Lite lila' lrv udots store , Kenît -tE'NCiv'il Eaginaeer m 1 roincial jj L.atîuu Saîx"ur, U ts-i treet. 1 l BU )V, C'iil Eîgiter iauia l 1.oincial 'S tî ilSrvevu' % . î')ic cin Mtr. Iei-t Btiliti, Kell, Stra'ct, tiÀ1ids.aY, C, %. 168-0f IL 1v: .N V E >1 1t011T ,\N pE W S, - - - Sîrg'ni. ?ccotcIleoau, &c. - - - - L1ATT141 ttI A J 110 S. 13EA.,L, EýsQ.,Co¾nùi. Omc lrc itilt, V~IC"(fTOR IA I;1,1tu ti-uru-4 ii ui t\Vla tt ,u'is tus'e, KImntst auue u~îa'i.mî ,'a~ il 't0t -241-il A mII K'a Il N l' 1 T(,li I I- of>raui.u tt" i a t artnuu t, l iXtcaer a-ttî i lti i' fi a al'ai'haloim Im-uî a$ie.t Mx% 'îttas i A"-it f-ar la "S. Wilttîaîs' Iniîao--c G XtS{ALLON, LIENE)AUC-- J t'a aNF'ik, ttîalîi,(1W' i'tniiaamnmt- t 'itati a- a tt t titi v usl itai b matlSaes. -~ ~ ~ ~~ o P:0'îa1'0 tJN kilai utrr Itualt * l. , a lu ai is a tIti. l,t.mu 'daru ~. I in-a u atl ~'-u r ltiai'îît cIa.h t, LÂUY, ciner ofWmn ,7IU e 7 , I OJoe-1 64 s 1 Mii ! - Eiwë STRUIT LINDSAY. Gued stable and $W s ites t nd a ai llen- Free Omnibus te m rotlte Oa'rusud BeIs Linay>, IMrchi 10, 1863.-: 192-t (LÂTE aiWpýT'S.> %j aXM OIINTON begs toinfbrmT the inl>aàbi- ,V tarais af te.cotnt>' o!Victoria anti sur- roîndiigComnuiathat, lie lias. openedtihe 1-let on William tr îeet itely ocouprieti bY Je-wellt, and is.lie bliaIad Iit tti anal fnrnah- * d iu final style, visions ll final evtr>' canyeni- once 'aVies, Liquons.anti Cigaelofthe best. quai>Y. -.n atte-ntivC -ostier-al.wayd in.attendance. Linadsay, Dec.*16, 1864. -29t - LATIt NORTE AMMECANI IVAL TON S TF.T, P.OR T HOPE. RR#SIT BàOD][El FVoprietor 0,11111s <aarôi.eii lotel lîaving boisa lateiy-cam- A K itetel y rieno.vaoti§, fifudslime besl t fae- cntotiiatlon for inameller a andti hémepublié genenaht>. Under prisse nt managemnent. nc e-fforts mili bi s sîred ltat miii oce teluthe. comfort oaf guests - Tho a t fLiquors 8and, Cîgarg. 24>1-ly. - ~ F 'A MVERTOMx Titiitbseu'iber btg s ta ainmaxce that ho llaa leau sed iIe aubove liai-l, whichî bas heon firni3li t'ai nutilfititdimia blrouigitutinthe lest. of stYla' \mite but tlie choîcëtt Liqîtors andi Cigmurs ýwii - iLe kept iii tlie bair, atid lais tableavilil ie furîilu etb3 Cannful arnd obliïitig, Oatlereaiways ii- a itena.nce~. Bitaron, Jan. eGli, 1805, -.280 Dining Hall and. R6ftaurant) N (oppuosite St.- Jatnes' Catliedmrali Dianent front hhumi-f j laIf.îat twelve ho iilt Lunchies*, Sipperst,&c. ait al laoursa. ines. Liqtaane, &c., of lihe best linaaîds. -JiilN SM[Tli, Propitor. Toronto .lMay, 18G4.1-23- S'yTj1 1 HI 0 UTI. Corner of Kenttand %Willitim trpets, Lindsayv JOI11Y S7ieFLr, Propria for. Il ~ ~ ~ h KAiOIas1fa Ihove %vell-known ceai iltril titrI for' àtern otf yenrqa atlav inîg îiîovoigitly .refttut aai afîîvhie la 4anue, Ithe gar' iitur %iII hbuoinirilula a ici foa.the, tr.avel iligpi ubic. "r t is firsaisla- u-{t withtIie liiîc. 1a n it-smtcigaràs linat vtof -ahel rmtnianti extelsiy-e rtatliîg Iui dule lt rgeti f kood Ilitîstirs. 27n8-tf Si 11011> oppositê lite-.Market, Kenît Street, Lind- }Say'îv' herqc he i îprepa rëe u nake Ùupja i- neittin Iillte la -t tle md dvey reaisotuali- 1îgv.C ttiatg dunie ilcap anuothea short- HENRY- HUGHES, 1 CE "S k, Aue "t IiT ÏON EFi'R, Lanîd, * , H1omase aand ComnMISSIon. Agent;. lit3auNçt- :ent treet,. Lindsay, C2. -. tlOrciers left aI ibe Ofice outhéiteCanadirn, Po>st wili receie prum'pt attention. Lindsay JulyI3tlî 1 864. Furnit.ure.Wareho.use! Doite,, wWs ig> P rires!! The subscrituer bcgs t. iii -form lte nitabitants of Lindsay mistruîinenr iand. 1e 1' rti iou- n'uton toujor-t r- atuias Iits liyaîaenod ou4tilalamrge- aud var'ied stock - - J of' Chairs, Bed Steadus) luurcains, ressing anti JOHINSON, TAU..OR,. Williatm k1lt.er 8tiaids, Lnokiioîg Gît sses,' &c.'. aIl of r, .antsra, banktîlWrliis ibrtl wlicii lue vilt selIat matchiuwer ratestfitan -iî-uoavtiasi hsu-fr lai ltus 1 -bave lhenetotore beennekotdinlaLindtsay>. -ta, eZaývtlitt laie s till p i)caaed lu, Chairs andiSofus fi unir CloiIu. ticat onte-mawithli iicl lire May 1 t:r Finerats fuiisbi. Jobbiag n'ili ne- .iilime LA-rFts r SvTa-, andti ît totu-icei'e promapt attention, crs. -.:.-I0. W11. WHITE, OppositeiOrova Lanad Offiee: WvINr.tES, IHouse, Sign anal0 *nma- Lindasay', Februiary, 18657. - 284 al i';xiiit-r, tizier, hPalier lilaget,- ,-%vtsltar, Ait orders caef~'ily fliiiA W. 1BROeWN$ tde terni. -Sirop oui Witt janitreet.. E Bl C H AN T TAILORl, &c., BEGS RE- thr Aisnil, 1865. -29 supecfullty ta infonni tbe ..haabitants ot - ~ - -- Uirusày ai surrouaadîug ciiaatry ltaIb.bas LIARRIS, Tmisait; Williant Street, otaeodlieaveuinsliailsbrn- riJay.Miit~i>' tnftauiî, Cerg.es li )oitoay's blaacic, WtaamSt.,Where he bapes Iîuîîe liat i.(.38anag Xutrwukant ino- b>' itat-c aewrmasi1,udticateio maadtii p te ortler. i - o l>iieïs, ai'itnit.mi sitane uft anage and- g etaaeïan dI uanet. naers no-su tppor't. - illt'te(a-udsalisfauction giaranîeeal. t Lindisay' Aliiust-18. 1864. -26<1-tf, 7Jine 9, 1865a. 31t FDEITAR1NG. FUNK begs tle lifort»her-friands anti t .hie public ltaIite hart. rsmteti p6seion, FRSON, CABINETMAKER anideoflte Nurtb Amnerican-Hotwllately ' eupieti NtEl,beugi la isanounce fla hebohas - y>'Scit,& - iacoÔnàli, it icisite hl i tti up coin plete aisortment ofCi OFF1I-NS ut as a Fitat-clas saloon ant i ltard Roôont.. 'OiumT, Camubrdge treet, Lindaya> iebs iuos VueAe niCgr t1 afth it lareî Square. - onstanhI>'on uîn . *epa a. Iles-re, amui trusts b>' moderate i4snicstlnIla t tentai uioe u' Mr. Arthuir Rle>'bi charge of lteé Bar-- LU w.- b» ar*Ival et eaU, ai raadP4. coard. ISAC MAY, Master.. X.u.nny t. Loae ré:- s,. Q gh'I "4 o s- m - -< Phe Liverpool London n'vested Puuds - - *1,000,00 Da1ly Iticome of the COmpany, $ 12,000. Thte Fire Preîium5, roceived by Iais Co aii- many dtlrinag ite year 186$3 exceed îliosn' oÇfil,.% iliter GCunqpally in Great Britaiju by £2a0 ,0(lî0 atiîtiares <on ever ilescriptiun of property 'ffcted at the iruweail rernuierative rates. ilasses jgid itmenlty cm îwuf. * JAMP48$ IIEAP, C¶cen K. Agaaatfr Lidwiv. Cfie i Kept'a Bricklhock. .#,nev la Loan. I11£ UNI»ERSIGNED IS PRIEPARED eiduais) IN S UMS OF* 2W0 DQIL.41US Anîd up)ward*s, fmux tirelu * fi-ve yeaýs,- Rr- <ut Jntciest, 8 per cent p.r. Annu»rt. r-'The mon is an bho lîad innediatel Yi oîa tint hLef, eU'actuallai nuae ranats so 30,000 Acres -Of Vainable.Lar 4 -r s île.oii t i ible term.5. Fur fnmrter ipar- _El ipoo m. Il18a1'a4 EjfatJil>' G 1804. 25e - AT KEl N TRE liT, L INDSI - i(I ONFECTtONVIZY, Saveeîmeats. Fruits, _j1 Te-as, uffles, Ù,ir('icc oseoand Fanxt Cigars of thbst balra nd. Gal' at Oàdwell'is! Linadsay, 201hi October, 1664. - NON EY TO LOAN AT ~ EJT. onparticulars apply to Lindsay, Jan 21,1864 234-Itf To be 8ld.a argain.: The aqatit balf-of Lot No. 1,lu li 5tb concessiünonretI4atiM*, comtaniitîg 00 acr6q, of wtticm about 70acres- are cieared and un- dien cul tirs-lion é 1 e nwell fencod, bats s gond toi and also a FrNuue Dieling bouse, ai -al siasli Barritand Stable thiereon-; thre je ai- ways' a gooti mpply of spring Wrater on lte lot. Timie wAllthe gi'ew lfor, lte grtaler p1art cf the purrhase ttiontey.-- Tille indisîpituable. For padtculiru anud' to trea ti-appiy amn the pre ilses te tueý Proprietort, or tu Mesase. ?4ACKA? & 'HE p, OFFKRS TO THilPUBICO AT THE LOW- est livring prices, lte choiceat selection of -Ta le foiiad anywhere inta im-corai>. - FLOUR, INDI AN -MEAL, _FEEgDA VWE~TABLES. * A CALL SOLICIT Én.4> LW@tday.,A-pril 12, 1#64. 25641f OTonor sbout thte 1 Sth ofetqa>iat, a j. romsçýy, ote agaimat large! shep- parti, of Bexlymin> a-favor ofthlie Subscrimer, dated-lte 15th tit>' of JIormber, 1364, andt payale -aintweirs uot*,ut roaitate. Ai, ate are.hereli>'. orbid purchàuing or negotîla=a he - noteau ia - haye seoived a Value fear thesaiue, - Lot 21, St OuM. Cardea.ý 'TONAIL, N'D,*-FAMILY JOU RNAL. Ll~y ga*~'ps AM ho. T~ daims £& LtuI. Qu4ey &tAadi#a ba*, eue.p(ta Jh~ Wam tlres»Ont b1ais Sutowfdrop meaniy fkiuted - bSuçO'1te rMnt n'a And wvemt miia>', btforet Pet.>danieti vif h Dari nose wilim violet; Sili>' Daly iétt in love Witm prett>' Mbigaxonett -And wiete hé .dàec. n They - ent data e bahs Aad essai iad a laite or, Wiih dow n tab*tteron1 AndAU ah Ore dressealta -BefQre time set of sua; Anti Li!'y aiil "Qd b> AÀhies ta every eue.- Aud belon. lime mon, ori -Lily amdall ht er luttle frîti Were.fatt asleep-in lia "Father- NIIIal ave doue Clairniley to'-aaght, won' ho iittIe Tonm Howada1 h i father's breakfast,. whir h1lim at 114 workeyery mo6n "Hé sait[ lie haped lthe o -lie,.Jdowi-to.tàigl," answer 'aati tiiatl'l b. a finle aiglut the eiudin.' of Iluose grega-cl -isky; lhy faliaer' a.to e blast baîju 'em lu giv. a, shoutM 1('flm aitiTomi. thn Aai coruliuuet Il eil eà rigbt, aweare tla i -rm ai,t go hlo thie cau -ar dirmtrsatu penîtiail t 'ho wtisuln." -"H!irtalit " crieit Tain al bhiS place. of wank, as irn omie hband ]and cme brel ilis mot her sîooa ai the, li.,a, aas lae aw-cntiniernil>- avi -1reet, aatd.illiile ilttibau Iatter li ars aqeivpg 1l, anid îvurk Fe Was elg il i alait tutglt its sure re.fage, îumîl il)> hcsan110!guidleher Incast Trn, îs'tit ligi rni, pur his ýfithea, autiulavitlainah wveiil ta hl.a oavn wotk ahief latuie iit te evainina? os ,,e n'eiltrouu ti ta se§u liow 'eugoi. *Jamneg 'H-owrard, a. iunrbqr ufohewrken iîag 01uuue cf uso ver>' lufI>'et iitaou'r gre-m aantifacraiî ing toi ial> té p'acecf otherari Ptie cýli mney vvas oneu ft rouaIý tapermg thal Ima'] eu aia s i'amor, sladiiighlis cye iig:ty rf Illu hae ttiaug SuIn, I top i s-e.inch tti 11.is fui ber, Il -etll u- wiîluin laina ai the iij 'hescafful.d;ig 'xwiil aitos t mien aI-the, b)ioot»reemno beannis ani f potes.: Tomla fai on th.euîap. BHe laok-ed al Iliat evenythiiag 'as righit, an laie hiatilai the air, tir e n »ai a lolud, cheer, littho Tg Iteartily .-as any o et la.A aie'] away thsiy huard, a venî. -a, cry of alamatienqr "Thernope! ithe trepu1" :'Th notait', and, coiled upoat uas nope, 1 hîich, -beftoe . eel m»oveti sbuiud have- belm- ciominey.for 71'om'n fatlierti Tho scailotdciing liatibeei4 tari out thoir'reuiénnbering tg ta% Tite rewnas adead-ailenc. il- n'atimpossibi. to 11mevil enlough, or skillfaily eomoulg top of - the cbiani.ey ; or ifi hadi>' have beeu afesT40Vi l.ent"disna>', unable le <hv thinkn f an mesans of safety And' Tom'a'.failier?1H anti rouandithe lutt icrai-:iI seempet eveny momnent te gn anad the soliti eariîfti uher ai bit». lu the sutiden pamia sence eofini, anti lis ése hum. Hil. aut-i ey«s-be nei moment. ha muet bd'-di on the g!ott#d beneonil. Thte.day had paffl. &S8 usai wiîh TUER'à imother W55, eways bueit>' empto>' b"and îwdhildroui in joMe. and te-day th. ýbail bea titan oiàai, getîing readY 'for etrr' .-Site hat AI fni I~ttfug. "Mthe! ôt.r!hacauaeidowi "jPRESERVATION OF THETETI "Who, lad ? Thy faUer?'8Pl1 orc Wsaliry-"Us lttebmo I"TipY'v.fe 4 ie l ava himthe mp» Palum twice or ilhrice in a week, no bigizer answred om hiliac;relyahi.b spak.than baif your naïf, till illias ail.dissolved in ittes air],r. y ruck. nr mouîh, and, ihen ispîl il out. This has stood fer am,ta ilrnetaif prlzd; u rs-firtifited. my teeîh, that. they. are sîron- as lte uai lerhadaovrle fc s f1 su ren of Juinitis. 1 leartied il of Mrot. Groave- the.terrible pic*î m ad rwi nor, wha hiad not a lapeck in lier teenh i iil her i l~~u Goci for 4lil *hsé eru shedout xof:tle bouse. lad st e r ieyobir rtate tue gum « When site reached the plaée wber ,her adasVear1iky tirttli.gum huaaadwaaaI orga oo~v ha coîece&Iand injure the etiaruel. Avù tuaoo frequent roundl lte fo« of the. etlney, andi slpod use uof tact!'. puxdêr, and bO very caul ious the. qit.~op with f<tOs- whaî kiti youl buy, as maray are prepareti fullt <f sorrow. witli deotructivit acids. Those who br-uish i Lite "B. ay.lie!!îhrw 'ex tiloir te -icarefully, and thoroughly vithiî clainîud Ihey'às Mrs oad aeutepid water arti oîhîh(Ùid mater1 dt ~Hel@ go inkMo ihrow himself down." .jo iîd ot be.u6eti, Lar it- chilis and injuresJ 8 bot, Thee mûmana* du Iliat,'1 cl.ied the ~i0 the nerve»~ have no occasion Iuoi ew powder. lite thet nîina .do that. Wait -a bit, takIr -off Should arty hîuîcisain artar) nppear ~~-Not. îhy atocking, lad, andi unravel -il and Jet u h ie ra h akc h eîîwîc ttown the Ilireati with a. bit of mortir. Dost lns and very ofîpn the-coiîs4ant entiîîg of 7the lCar me, Jem. V É sTveeîmo,*s, f(ýuit, atld made di.-hes cf)Ijaan- tTkhe man made à bign- of aéseut, for 1 i in-g acides, 'xii cause. put a littie magaiesia t.seents h.e ud net fspeak ; and,ý faking fonT your br-u.h, anti afwer lwu or titree appli- his attcking usiratelled the, wursîedtl hread cat I rmvi. hion lraîitîgon 15 ever, row aller row. The people stooti rouid .,itn cr Iteteh he aasbeto rs 10 sup, breitthlesa silence a ntis uspeii.e, W( -n the higlts rnora tutthé.ewh have hoe-ck, ~ o' %tV allb tîat yoîgfaniies, and ils tact every uee ho ofý and whly, elle sent lim in. such haste for wilzhes ta presetxe îhé.ni, 1 beg to remnitid my- go aay he îùpe:ers bil u twne.rendèrs that as the period generaliy occupied "Le4 down omne endi of lte :hread wvilli a hy sleep is cal ullated "lu, be (t l ea i ~x r-111 and Save bit of stuaaan, andi keep fast bold of the otie," turâ out o1Ihe îwenîiy-fou;r, il would grteallyj cried she lu lier hlisband. .pornt1h eaitlmaaîniteo h à single star, -The Little thread came wavilig down the piee~pat loels rdcys tà1r!echimîiiey,. biown hâiher and thither by g:'eatiy iîlllueiieus aur appearatice atuJ ourl md; ~~the. wind, but aila-silitreticliedth te out-stree-crfri x eel .bi.îahbto d. eti laamk thai were waiting fur it. Tom-lheit 4cuL laaiguîrnwîia oihsl before gGing tb bet. Tile smalltparticleà of! tue hall of strilug whilehis niother ît* 0 ouieigag h urs tapd cru 1in TOC~INU end of it luthe worstedt hread. " N'iw;poU i euen naaraa: ar ' aLIafect u à up slowly," crict elle lu fier husband, aand brLeat!i.Tiiiîik,of an ainaiga.aîÀiofu ilhw gratlually. uîwuuîîtl the strîog a-4 ber t eeFe, fiet, s weettr.naî, fruit, &C., lta e %ith the greint hns!and Idietvil up, I t stoppedl-the sta nhg latlfdc4p-iin eaaiigwde miuther-1> 1 liaitreacieti lier huýi.indl. ilNow hoid i lt!.-beî'een aur 1t.eetlhfor six <'r seveat lours; *tnod ivaitiai~ sirin faltanîd "pull il Up," anti the asrivg our ý1-3ôyeîhovwfew ev.er laàke itue.trouble teatatenrd eh lie eara jed u rw heavy and hardt!t pull, for Tom antitd hsms eljicaù~u otahds. in.hie mî6ther had fasienethie thick rope lu il coloration,, andi decây,ý andtiheb crawîiz g. oaifiliaî woidThey -waî<*hëd il- giaduaiîy and slowly un - uurrfîete ýreti hie niotiter, ciing fruau die grt4nd as the u gta ___________ fur -I r;ever lik, drawn higher.POT FIC MEC TRE tiînîne3.s, il-eg Tiacre tvas but one cati left. lit at! reach- tl up." e) ld ei 61 "Thanik God! liaank God P_ 'ae haïe nove iiiCaniala some.2,250 port- id que hirni, ani,--claimed the W1fe. She hid lier face, il offices.; nai itIi ese appoint nient% oulr 'o V - afore lie corne., ir a nii siletit prayer, and itrembliaî rretbs vneiaai4îerneta! attenîtion ta the waipîsof tIl e our.ta.v. Alt rejniced. The rope, ias up. The iroitlu his muther, i ii Wiiei iit ouiti hav4:beeni fasitened was there te preselit lime, îtLe district whern a. pus- oiricîr la not of' easy accels um re ndii be hayei a .au f m' o ilk glt bat %wotld b rhusband be able ciiiiaîin.,ja.feS l-t abr lutitr3, and. gakie an.i.ke lise"of thet» ?-.Woulîi nulite terror.of ttil-eie te o ins eoi h lh. (lay antoicz1sthe pasi hour have san uunerved hilm 'a10 -Y ICO tflcesa1( iew offices hase been operied during Ihe~ is o rn offla urs fr liiowm sae! ? he ii nit kwws.x moi:ths of the. preseait yea, is a pro ai i i ii îlc oter. extcisd ovnhin. Se dii fot no he -ints of awitiely exter.dedpoplation.Bu ~leaîtfasî ia'! i eidn il%,.,ndthe Lgrwîgchljs t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~hl * fu1îir-dlat aneihiuit o'a a ipp'reei-liîi.aoi,y te subrnitill bu the i îL Nvigsin".jnoeliioc, onv ytlea han sune pan ai trealis e i lo fîefaîil loilai~antin ci i taii rt.vîet ngî o i i lie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o pricit oi*ctydo hoka irtu aat h rleo nl iio it e îe bmitailîo th- turcs. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ilit l eiî ht~ . aîdtire h~ r p ateuaî nt wetlera J. ll:-(11t1 lti ovetthc , nd coveeantiinsori pi ini lus b:ea, i.tiaî,o anyfsou ?aillii owlicitartiioni-gevietesat evppaa st~eiat :hwvvh~m 1~~tlî me Iopa tiaed-by .1avil th eeiioi of lle es la Il iffeoui, list ed r shen n I erbu ( lo r e a uJ Shë :o -o te Pr:iîean a nd if) She otki o Jti du neoîithirgmre for je sm1rt :te ntei r1orab rp buai ee baili-r~seJonhlmasoa a oc. lters padpesîc aleie'iti eîîs of tton- i.s, vii doie, 0inyaso and;eat sî rtt hon, sai.~aîswe~,anyaae ea-oîJ leuurl bauy. ' 'î1 * hsei fi, ay, aitbr u-oe tiarAniliti o rne w iîîcî i a at m is lee %,viosmem'pthuneiurrytid1 tan ial'e nteaIrs t etr~401 ~Iee, as~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~o ftheh hat bu t u aycua ltsea,~îdn t îaa ivice, t and:i.'alonclse ,nokti uplu he f te s rong aernn u irIuaat ad ja~aar taelh ln deay rai ra hyatg il pro- ~as ear almst ieti lir ,sie uld ltiai-emorle f urthëi nietuiiaan.avoiag nip. i- bad bidaî bc ia etioeohmas be r. te cse s lit. tHictea, iil sivelufe-o Dîlier tuot alnie ter, ielt tay shouldrai d . 'iitTi take laca o speHIng:-A1u.. All1i 1 arTadto clonne . Ati lu il ieuM apy"hsme they Ans-Acini, Mact Ilt'yalt,l oral aît A- baudr, Laiîcrtslirr Buton, Buarmae.;Butlaîra iaweudlîm y als tus.s.ilianJ Ieir iîapymore togetlier fla Lretne. La ret oGrf lot, (la ait; Hllce>, Lasio the voîce_ abuat i frl,"Btlaoacris uit e l an haiMto r n Pin tae, tue ive ls , u; ~~~acý and arentuund drotgyilitheu aelli Go. AntisbbuholiaI1 lok1hdnot.tei thenttrluoked ofahe? *sband Vii n tilhoHir.ugî;e iy N br <round lay lte- ii>ciig as u-WORD PAINTING.. fasteaed, 10 the , l %iras the close of August: the weat!aer corneclown by! a lu-taii' say, il %,ras ver ryat *kndw with- veay id.usty, for an ani winit ha'] beeni bmw- ra.,hetpe. up iliîgfrem. t» héeast ibisnmath past: very1 Theyail neit o uffleas, tue, Ihougb a pale haze, stationany he opeup igbin the.aanosphere, seemned lu rob of aIl depib h lea- reacli the ofîeonetheblueofheaveîa, of ait freshuseas, il oui! t he verdure oaf earth, -and of ail giew the in. st:od mnÏs-hlgt of day. B.ut th*ere caine a day wlhen vo any hehp. or the. wînd * coaetite mobi ah the entteria gable y. of-lte.roer>, antd ai lthe ormel i wndow of swalked rounfd th'e curcl. iti 1cou like ai man'g ho dizzy height baud aau1-e1 in 1 te wosl guste tram the 0ow Mare fearfu!l, saute qu artertdlroyeil on, anmd spread il witui1 mnd f urtlier from wel Pat empest prevailed a wbie.-wben h. -loe bis pt*e- t1hat was over, 1the sui broke eut genially, ls aiment faile' eaven regaimaed il& azure, 'andi carîhits-1I ta fuît as- if thé green ;tbhe 1livid choIlera-liai lad vaîtiabed mhdte pieces flota.the fae of analu éte blil ls rasclean rou4d lte horizon, absol-vadti frm eimat pale1 indutiouaty e malaria-haze. Iknow the pleasanteati q4 horne. She spaîn I know wbene.we could gel ramis in rad fer lier hue- nuttit-tinï-ë;: 1 knoîvw tren.wild -suawb.r.v b va>' or other; ries abound; 1 kùmw certain Ion4aly, quiet,* harder al wurk. uitrtmden glades, carpetoti wiîli ah-ange tuosses, semQ yellow as if-gildedioutea I sW a th eliday - ste r >,au on e green. 1 know . îho ai lir P.-groupa of treea itas ravish lt. oye w.th their te trea losîmly perfecut,.p ut-ik fei;rutilaoak, dtihi r.tehm., and for cate bircli, glomy 'beecah, clu4tirea ini ca ný. uuuu ~~~ To ' n- trait; atiJ A4h-îraea sîstai> ua atsmnen -i&Wètjtd# iiîi snperiutituaited wtîanat-gýiitti ~ aad.h. w lad : d a bglisltsoud1 of - avy.-.CI&arioité miitvule.Amnugs ui? epeated inaes aie,1 -Ayliinen , OblaNva, ataul il3'mur, Elgin , Fuit %Viiliam, Lakle Sup,ýnior, atidFo.î WViiia!ua, Ptstiao;MilonShffodan'] Milton,FI-li- 1>114 Phiilipnabur,,§ MNissisqn0iai, ati lmîllP baîr, 'Waterloo; Richmuonîd, iihiin6und coua- t>', anti Ri.hîruiîi, Catîleton coutiv v St. Jolatas, St. Johuns county, and si. -Juhîus, %Vol- landti; Harrnaglun, Oxford, -anI&BnHgriigloin, Arguenteuil W'aaterloo~, ShetTor'],Waterloo. Fnoitte lac, anti Waterloo, Wmî.erloo courut>'. lit th. Frenh artnes, Ste. Anime: ocours 6 imes-;. 'l. Français, 5, S. Gatoage, 3e st. Jean#, 7; St. Pierre, 3 i St. Roch, *3;-,beside v er>' maxiy cases et dubule naines, la Brt- tain a']l te United tiSatos, tie rinaof courffies on States are. unai ly. anal diailuctive- iy added Ithie post-aflice;.,but iii Caua tite narnes ofthlie coutimbes are Ipso famiiianriy known'an'] used as ioppgraphicai divisiions. if- the oltl titlus cannnt calaveaii.ntly b. chuge'], cite miglit centàitî!y be taken to obriate thein lau frequetit occurrence in the. - uarbut a great effort aboutd b. dé ta re-aniaiuge pact-office uiomenCitaure.6-Mmo- r'efWilness. A most respectable woavetVua brutali>' ilk-retteti iay a iu:nbér eof '"l10al Ameri<,an ladies," at Indiauola, Iowa, la st week, for g uspeuted t aJ laltyv.- ler -ciotheil werej ueaily ii tnu i ir, an-d ln thiat co4tt'iorî .-sht witâ:force'] ta paradte the luu-u, wiata19 tlag 4 itu thue ai-au-1keHr littie tîitaahta:, I1J y'ears of aie, n'as beatlias n brutami by te TERNS 0F .tD ER TISING., tia 'mes sitmdea ...................... lui. >J,.Y.te. lunesirait insertion. perime. Each sutaoequeaaitmçaaprlu ................. 0 3.Proleqsiomalans uit uîeds CIrds-ax lisàes -mm uiiZr,5per amien,$3 fer six iititthjS.FU=r.S w :1mertbantas ait nhers ocext or eur .vin specet wh the. ptiviiage or bavlaîg iew miatu.rlnom.ie at the endi of cvery ilîra. montlu, ofsvoabl. e e*o I:rDipla-ead iv'nmemeatts ara mcssured y àbftrted Mnil *arbld, iànd hargs:io utrn. - *% No OmUSimlt 1 giseî i fui!tatiuîs pli o *t neValc. s hasiiipîtda pm qàat terly. --1VTt.t.iAtih Wflttl5.glqs publh6e, wili fieltac kaUt WtM C. Blaekett lPobinsoa,- WHO WASJEPHTHAH. The laie Mn. Augt îu nptar--one. of iNev ewilveit', celebiîies-Nwasvery rwadest- ini re-ard totahie acompiisbment - atîi whle engageti upon thae wark'-tf Jephthali and tais - .Daughter, (wla cii now forme a porltion uf thed art collection an i ruibutl li!allety, le Col- lege,) tac kepI Itimself closetet inla has ioomn, aitti jislaboura secret. FPersoiiacaling up- on tai receivedti nu inifomation, -for he.alaI. ways ateppedt caf bis room, andcomivereet wîth tbet» in the halI-way. -- Thas lte inquisitir-e irnt away nta -misert than lb.>' rame. * Ano-ng îliua who aere oarticuîarly f"exercised' a n regard tlu Mm. aAu2ur'e my4ieriaunq conduct, waa Dencoi ý- 1'zere,â o u.>t cairmammea,) wîio upon the scaitptor's comiiig intu ban stoie une lay.i iaîerugaîed h lut1 soine:iug after the kflloilg manuer 1a x ay, Mn. Auxlgun,.-Whatare yen adn.ing cýoope] up ini yuur .ruumn there ? Luks ra- ther suepicioas. Ain'î tnnakiî' coutteifeit moiiey, are yotu 7' - Mn. Augur, on being called iodpÏilediy' tu account, rep je'] Veii, -as 1I]lave ai.most fitiisbed my work, -andiîuî' knowa as il neoti be a secret a.-y .1 ongtsr,1 stuppesd that I is ay as well teil you 1I have beea i mîakîi.g a place of slatuary,. '.hic!a 1-caîllJ1-phiah aand bis Daughter- n uiîdeauakiuîg wha..th o4l îveqîabjected- naMe bu niîdiieule at the Cuttýi."l lh'ia !a culpta-r, e "ecamt h tIL-acoai. Letanmeî'oaagratulate you. In- iteeti1 am surp- ise].- RBut wirbîsî-is flhe eub- ject taken fimWht s id'Jpbnii and ' ,Whàt!t"burttfurtiltlleëulptnaitiasbun- isiameuit, 4"a deacont uf Ille Church, am'] nI know uvhoJephluahl aad-Lis draughter rn! &iOh', yes !"'cj tculattAtLe deacoît, as if i hadti>u iay tuct.ureti totri. 'q recul- leîShern, Ilam, .Jepbîimah. Cerlainlyi Jepl*tki-uii wa-z one of Nuaii's sans."' MnI. Augur IaugbFed heatlIily, and enjoyei the deacana', ai a ifitmre exceedingly. - '.iu~i -u "broke fbth ihue.déecn 1111'i bel that Deacon ýuuamiisga- near neigibmur> tion'l -kuowa tliîugmûre. about it thau 1I tii>."- - And out ai ah. uloor hie sathieitQ tet- lthe trull of bah12 -ueafa: iowei by M. Au- gur. %Vlltlout sioppingj for breath lie inquirei: aV ho %vas J e.p hîh&h ?e' '-Jpthali ? Jeplitltah ?- Let miee e." f "DonIaîka.o%ivito Jeplîthali r inatler- 1 ruiptei Ileacua i No. 1, ta taa uch. ofca- 'Ye-Ju'phlab irad ûc-nooaNapolevui'à PUT TIIE FIRE OUT ON SUNDAY. A short lime agi, 1 %ras visitin1g saune faientis iivic- aii. heitou Jletri-ts of, Eng- land]. As 'c veuetirlnetarniît, fronu church, on Sab>batli eveiir,, 1 obser'e a fire 'anti smuk-e i.uing frein the taii cilimnies af the foîtitninis. 1 ak-m if theavork iras camaI- tieti ti. raugyithe Sabbatîs, anti was tuld that it ai-as fuot; bu! lluey werv oliiget ta pievýeal tîte -ire froani gaag op.', as ilt i-uld take - nrebltan tiru tînyà la "gl il Up" if il - aerti aibowe ta go out. May wil ut leun a lst-uaas aiue 'ucamuu aI rimne. and socia.' evil rhuicii îhnuaîens to 1bunst forahlu in ur -r t aitiesi -?Tihe li.e whicii rages lunflis baaraalill,,gînour aia" 15 Ijuacîpally feti by Ille (il L-lias el titese3 be edaseti aI 1Cri-'t (ni the Sabbai. If moh:gMore tItan iscari be alne, îve-shail s,,ii have îlte vol- c ans i~îîh~rani~~t é ~-al it tii-a flane, raas-jiu~is ècostornatIiefl0o1 îhe day ai-ti il uguoaly rcceivee ils làagst aupplv 'ii1 dLe du%'sii su loav, thiat the avaiYek aill te far ada'aiiced Lefolet il'a reeo ver ilsiitensîby. TIUE. IIU.AN EVYE. 1 thoaanuaeof Le.eye la rery bard. ta cota iterfeît. l'ou cai read ira lhe eyus -of - 'aur canapanioia, wuievoatal, rethier îor arg-ument bits himrt ith- his tur.apue aval! nul caîifé:s ii. Tielze is a l,4ok by- which a nma'î howsm lac alie uag1tasay' a '-0(1titlîiag, anad]a -lôok -w lientihe iuru-maiti if- Vain aid forgotten are a! the fie olficesý of ir.spitaliuy if tbere le ni holiday iii tthe 1',iîotiîgh di.Ssembletl'-by tîhe. lip,! A an camnei awayf-m a canmpauiy ; ho iasa heannI v) himporta ni remank, but il in syni- pa!tfIy wiîlu ube soc,-ety .he.'is caguîizanl of salia -treani of 1lfd as bas been !lowiîug to laistl tfaro>gh Cie eyee. There -'are u'yes. %v-bicha gia'e nu mare admissioni tô them It'all Nackberr:es ; thuers are liquiti anti deep ivells that, mfen nnighl fali irisa; andl"ottsrs are ~ an .pr.srgia]dearourng. and] ale tua iHucha aotice. 'lhete aine- isking eves, amuI assertntg'yeyee, an'] prowqiaig atyes, ant']eyes fuli faf faitah-some af gc>al ait'] sona of sia- PAPA.L STATISTICS. The Hol>' Faîher has jusît çonnpleîed bis 74tb year, anti ou the ithl Jutue he 'xiii en- ter tapon the twetitîyear-et bis pontifiat. 0f the 2.59 Popes irbo have occupied the Ronriu Se., ciglit oly bave accmpied il for' a ton.geî penioti than ivweuay years, nanne.y., Sylvester, -wbo waa Pope t ramn 314 ta 336, Lea X., Adriaua I., AIlexa adter 111., I.rbaa VjII.,- Clemnent IX., Plus VI., anti hl& sact- cesaor Plus ViI.The. lavà latt$ enid theb tomugesi-ihie isî24 and. ticu eun4 23. yoa«rs. Cathullo papessay 'that, -a-cordiig ha te adagê -" Omainne trium penfectut»,'-', Plusq IX. 'xii le the third Pope uhose reign n'as of te loor-tuS-dnr&tiun, uspeaOlly as 9 ia the square uf thte yinibo-lutunubtr 3. waouid e..»fret» l h â tua lae ,paperM i quassliotuhave borroWesithe logic nWatt a04 r - 't.,- Àii'~.L -'t- - t -.-- - ý 1 1-

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