f itonti eW Ve * adttroe", Raid he had fnd hnihiaItj:ýan aigwtnever lTéLUt Editor af SA <Ià"m Plut: , iu mre nole#ui -'in trel .Ho fourrai hie Sia,-Havioe* mMade emaslight acçui-G1RS&PZI i< z $ toounrymcn )ful d fàI* notions, Theîr ~ SU7l~BO f E\I T f ried* that wrow e t ho -fromBostona4 hiaym~r suîs î&ga «*4irr * e5 r.tti Fwhi anideaMel gvmMw1icamcipounxlusi î Sha.O flLn>h titi exist j. thuwr imaginiations to% itiw crret. 'il - luks. , m pigin ot te 0the - "mdu o ogeté. aîfonp r ho wsnlbwotb aî. h.slbteithef ro>m the 41 îgiven 1 r ~ 5A L *x.uUv bordlo , .so.d noalyai ho di ciiicized bill, speech most klrfew _Fpelms .dd4ldtenie fMNLS td.AK1SNw ~ 1111XIMPeL P*h.ewi ofUf.e4.9 oui, Pofuwhndmlmhcariai blebouo the'malte ;mtridh xecuIivehe iardiMr. D. Mihttye, uue or t w ail.Camlboit muet bead.duVted the.-n ya 7.1a Medne ndwi fr e'r.* or More t~I i. fthMer." Poa*f 3-ads eit. abut e att9 o ir hiarîeis l fekn o nî' avbe achooe ngih C hanu o da' i:<~ îtsay# oda n eniwa a 1SU lite Ms~ yî,a o J!lls w.b,%~ - ,n f t.*khe aio», b.îofw dne cf h h Jatl d<iand i8 a i al o ie tingoet , 1ihwcrelsr. u Ž.\x ~ ' hal 1 .-IrIx«etç,Mr on's roir rtara f* tWl ':t' um Tit, i .P ad f7t a, r. ih e llwn- r IIIEI A !Y(!<~'kr ~~ ~~R u£fà Ie0w ntu Ira t* I f'il.Tu tev Mr.T>attrsîiw ipeh(D.j to 1 pbl'rtnl heIsbava1 i* on tfI fiiSn ~T -4,)nCàg.,oADI it a tin al e pý~ îrtttC4icaPrsyera soe i psIaainu QnS it ' Irel fL34' pira RÊaeing o .g Ocu4 à% 1f4h,..eosee&4i.ItJi"ta'out;Churel ou Sabbah n.fî,)u lLcli oiA"*futa"p~Inro~ <, îc8n"~.~r> (eas intori, Ore t4e C a fnlttley.4 11o 'le ft.lil ~ ~ am'bay, et-* anpoit1a ils IL ro Lp md i-raof auwtne. Piishîminon"L. ~ ~ ~yet ath o' koh 1 opo uthd the ,.Mî Giah.uIt, * ahail bthetadu hiCf-Lu dlb i .4n ltW hsbs IIdI ~ Il, nC diizlth etr~ t1f.%uIjrs" ', s~î wsInted hwas aroh1.îragh rn"y iY t- e bmardr t7.1Bar sof h the ewhaaa~-<irei t ai~ iku ~~,h,'ie M i correct~ bv or,îte Lir-î .îv7l.; ta Refera qIW'L p II sbeft'r i 'ptli oe ithIle 1fl ehii in i. I L . '4 \AII > " I ~fl~fÏi & cf WPliamsîreeh âvhre anaddrejf vllda laheuthed ntI " t btlir tou, C.,i uâryPO~-.A am e inlive t b the tfulltv u on V dars B,,th kn, Ca B. ntfe ai , ofthpe h WA14m ri b ep r eilord ot :1i r-lSIlleUNS t Canad.- a e reyeia i pLENNEi r fiay. o&n, wehumt n r sch- ùll a-ceeng f b . Assooia tiun ordd- t the I -o-o tîswerst'>W.h 1rounin *vuieIm p- Oaî.v. ,-4.'k. t ,4 Camj% $b raykn, and arrie alrad th cow, n e , y nu The " .-"-Tite altmi pro ôtedre rs. t r ,I e r. at 14 '. 'C fls 4,> ' th ordvl m marto& lol.41c,'b soffl 1rte- 1 * 10< lî.n__ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ o ie £istoroftl e £'u&cow;an Put: e.~. ~eM nL ~onv u1~onotlh repr serît- ai1II~ ~ w~ttHot~ e, hy tarl',' F urnier?.mohtm u1mt o ar Ban -d tup o the to rdaii r of thé -Br i1 1i amrtiyb) trt ha .d b. :0 gil foffcait')irvedtaisenî !%.Ir.ît f r g vc ihY *u of ti.4> 4111 ,i *'bîî Î401% waq éirme, m m ho Pricipal treety hechédp-ethé-ralt dnta b. report th e sa>y t"fo ndsre gael ra- ma.eni 15huî f .Ilruoî. of William far as hohcon - ofîe A4.-The ti pî of. té Secde-ire lu fuItae xin lie p îtsaiîd tieti ite a.\bu.~i- 4 '4"y I. .- ,ett udr. in&poveùgaý r rin usei i 1eclitîival- -LE ve~~~errmb1e ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ itihankethe'BOn ou i bc of h wis panner aid rr ja of Aîuthe e a f ueîii -Associationh.ne ta vs a e m î,w lin) eîiutfva nreitixaie 11 ,- ' -1ý'n* p. , corato.àinpelled -atîl evengreers; aaad' 111 preresidingtôi tW ert m.1h"t1M Th beirt5"4. _n î î, ' ~nI îl iitî a. a. air. îîuI'i 'iîn~tîîg-u i WC <'I 'c: amp 1 C u eiio . I l e pr*5by epa at ii ag a nd S ein tt by e mus c n deurthe 'I'iîe st fs rot he lutile peieiî'of beiei jC. . n î, oorruruîîees blIte stuuelI« Titioaiéît. -t e f' thf ~ îe eî fgrayheÉtne yt e sm - J.fol , -'[met ai dfte le sscii on~îh Mr inoi c ora g s t>.o mnoedaIyd 4111 the i îd f thi e e a lig e cii îw have ie oua'oo ,eîs, erO ic~î.y reîurîed eîin~ et'e gave to:.s.îuidi aar jîloc îîc iîî fu- attend a mmthesiua. i.utî efrYoung"î,anu hie" c- - ' c " " . --'1-a ail fl.andai-J tLhàlinc.,Vtil or diitf. . .u4ic2. '11t es8a.d-l 'ive con' 1 ge-t-Cn etoI à.lll't iv riofth rph jett- îoe' Mu e pssrRe toi "àh ToltLn, t 'as fienentmt Ieforltittutebr, etri ie ticeo , i lfl"' t. h is Imue ItîithI .-. - . s at il fflt iétBviii HttP*-ë, thispetit hould b thbyoia adBitsîAnrcaiS a le ,--dVintgeXC siorîiIl,, who seumei Dougtaspprovalm;it'iI'iiicale, 1> 2) :î-weo "44441 the o,îîý s-h hiCth. . ...-n-l e.- -. 4 f .d .tt~ un el le m ads c al y t a numidmer of clîoî e sa'tsd. Pays Suýoi. i eilBAî'Csîh. . t'u cuiu -lC- lu our u opriv aug!>éroitionT e eo rar hereby requu 's o ledt c o ir .i ha a1cl-4iu ieîîl ula tîîe are iîî sî Ieofî- aut Pt.'i t- ui îF 1. -- lessan-soialpary b keuplI-a iaad t ta pa'aorithebusnemia plcl cît- f i H yîI1;ý mevNerhe' M. R19z î,-bu14i nai'isne îd leiuui ii . I " 1 ,y la ly he ten ul cornu up ueg t 6a couatntFeoeinthe A-4nd.!inïseerl lud lîerb dfutureg îîarioe ainvitflte-xanani- ,<Jue al4i Itfatone.iur colîali nlsre eia ls % we nrýCc ' ofe i-ý(s ' ie cctso ie t ' t n r hatIr.GîI'o eltllîei-n o - - -- 4- î' d ta thedtht'th1ll lC t" di e loft uîdotieXto'C ti.i '-t ket ii* of'. '.tiless î----file------ - visîiîm ira d, bt o:rg l aa fr orfuchIoed veriThe-u nde il nueil 444elo )leoslsren S<~hooI Pic.Nic - - theac ideal ha e n.nclnr Ucm moale lefh i 4l;ii 4C iiliintaîeuieet cie.im ia cîc4;-tca-to-ftit .- 4ithé-'- ' trrl. T e rceir- eec- tot the etamer " 0gerîae of heywire wua- ind y; r-linanimal utît iui'hicili"thle du hint aiinith ast e ( 1~iijecvs u[irrcî', l; X'.45 -3ac p 1rbaIth o um u Seol o ie h cu O~urvsl s p nt iver .,;étii"-he-' .I -11 -1 0 Nr. Tc"lcr, ý .. e! relu3 of ' te e B a d 'eru. o-aa-en iglenaue thM nýeaIo faisiîy ed~ vry pe-.. .A L 6X atrie r td oli.o s; h iyo ,etti,-t 1,1 rut c<>n. t i u t c i ulita hh ofin. le abkow u Inn), 1at uit. e;i~r.uste --~-ii i-- . h layilby teiv'cr tCutily iuidiitti4 ë., a d saa3 l le ii.: I>o.ii 441 J Bure 1, G " i-ti,-tcv- Ihe s.i-tey cfrt:ti t-b u itli t*,-Bau r t i i he s of p Ipe l4 4. y , i5 or-ia i t ln .; -1 a ic - m .iof" occision wcuo etile Ved ay t il rip ih NlltuuWelevan Tras MgaznewhiS . eituebyti Mr. M r o e3hv n b eiR f -l a terO ne- pich te,. ul Ti s Principal- tif IV .daoa i-idiby îni 1 v. Mr soinard(if' lorease] lus ' ~riidnt tif heD oei t d of T iJ all r opears oart:litWrains" Rive tosiie(>VQ- "Otof sseptI t7.senîg,-Ic.îs i. esa bu a hsitpulla] uat the'" Ct-' .' - B.hairaphe.» 'I'Iae reverfor geniieman spoice - ae;d ristrt i e-Ga ià ,sh u itt - lit~ .ii, lcît assi II tel er ~o~ Esq., Wof dSi f Alotmario r a ed witha-îtatîon, e a i'e o a i -fo ttheniso I onaisa le eherrttirouiXVi4i dcnneit ad aiv b.ri -.1- - 4 j l n . --- - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p -iY n o f r al ru esiv , t it.uslaied i- 'c- of pain'ane fi't bt u i- , 't .,t-t-'4 1 cjisrmat pr let. T e ol' 4l a -e.letiii nuIo heicuer-' 9scivedDib uesapr eîtayeThusiav ;îaIkio nlu li l lti' r 'pel-s* 1,e- - a IV c o i li. l e f a s takl. i i [lt -ut .c - - i c iai ao 1ito era corv0 ot Illeegî n a-rahigIîi di e a1I a q d poiloryardthées, op tarih- an q *y.te th9h oitadiil aS i: ln tu i ii ok il i ) s 1 l. s Io rec l >t îteeyl4, -ît oitve, lpoit ethiot&à.,ti&ô.,veailicofoa Crespectable ' le'- 4 4 --~' "-- 4 - a..'b it c a-ltllie iy importat resuhlauoloue vic0er auJ tom. S ut. iili odereofimu'rt.aFlim a I' - ' upt'. -Piunes "etitPrioef the or4 ihn te-Ilion. Ji I aîiIi-"Wu muevi neltluconicilia.]ia laIoir Vie'taiic tlui. ii.y ea-.-ca'i. tî1> .4 ' t- un-- àth f ilvou able o reipa othritybd..8 ma l j00-', menlt -tes "fille '<r.t-eV' I 'a' lity -1 . m S ngl et i i su-al ld ,n- u ' 'ai a- Th -i onttt1 pta .îUîe nages r ty N ,.. al'-i sér'iiiee. by 'Mr 1Wfie . s 'e- I h.a~É"11ajth Tsnhej t 'iinia vee,-l, ad vhid theveu hy latttldu iîî' . tk h lwn hrI -r.,of- i i. l".g.c.i.'.iicrîof. - jen l 'oi--e', *-' ex- i'-- 4 'n '- - Icriltu e he beerbvs tut a Titer. asthe u o nenr. 1etheeta mi a e a-yt aul:-edly-th itg- J i- iwi ha t4oie I ftiltteilalurGd-Si. -O Ie iitGE1, trust tII ilatîiarai 1ert ort uwîiibIll Lis lttlf %Vhéhvéioladlyraur ied 1 . îta'aw e' Vai-cisobriq an Â~ciaionproprIy ouîdîcîe1, fr hi ad'arîemen ant pr..~1inityof te rane eaut of ie -jacIldth detcatetp LangfAiES .G-UN I' 'Hi E -COU-ofuthe' Utc o'vo-litionC Ithet t. - ne- - -' - -bel te roiug th o rtsh- engav d mi Ibi e) tut.LfIl1.s-o' - Lut le sîguar punly o utcouîa-le, k . 1 I~i- e ava eath nt bxîficai cwtty ~tiiiî boe n ahes ck ow- pteinBo i n ri i n, w ed alin àu-te lhe au- 1l ;1cl4 ii lleO a0F FeilON .-,-- lîîii n -. - *X'l- i 'ie -o b r o - n Y - theumra iocksequ fie leased -iCh iOSUt' UI W'04 i- L ' - f - jets o b.Z2 j 4l4, ad 9i"- si tc .ts-t -s., a i -------- i" -i-iO -b t Tiiie f l e pr fi a l*(;d4d .; '3 H .i '.'i ' compiiiiir wieh anuîncer ofIehgee isInrOC, nîeviliigsdart.,"R,-ey-reqstl-'6tetri1,g eiese p'-- 1)Ihad fliccestamu luita muar- vie nd-oitos ling. andti adot m uth.îyia -cnfeeîanaî!y mpr.ssiig ai Tbi éuîn-îsmansi a l al tiîtd bruiat,bs taie 4lt ar atiitebsýle, f C>1 i e r et*ttl a ýe f," - t'- -o% sF iiiis aid ieý Ici rocriddy -plesipt'-onby %11 Blconin(.ash-alumîty attd e piasio8n-ai'il tvas nolh',iil. * - ID~~. ', ~4 4r ii-j i Ii it bc iiert coi- -.~i ~-~H.4 -..c ifrs cnenio it b hetiit ii is tifero hiveale tue uidFlont uaishe te-e, and iin- elle im as rceaiîy le %iîi ,i o - -' - - cistinirLitwe dey, but r; -g -o. an or our muih iz) '. 'V'0rs l; yýcau tkeI tî.-.)CR . e - mO- nemnim a Tedate St cbyileteai t î h lareett héatî - -Aller sîrg- i:t e -ém tyase Ihe opst vi ce saa*. )111t lt il ..o1 :ai%)ý !t-lt miiitht atearer Ohor',tneyer*w sh-- welu- lit' i iiiit. O . r 'T :t ,-cc -.-. I clio, hta thresis- atyIru ennetaaa e-r Q - v Se tnc.ili e llraof b lettu couleupl) 14e riverec-,' .4tu>.lle trulli of -' Ciii .a..,v- e --- îiay tof-ea-idgli Ira pleaarît tîraitahiafl purit cf sul detvedssrertitonrom tht. havrn î'ofeii-ed toue-fa igvii-il ilaie --* . . ..-~. a... c u.pibre.trn iin flihn tr iir44'î-î-t tt -iiVtait 0tI'-ti'îtt' i;p-cil >.-î-trit, il t "li ' o i'i- .- il r à a .nd cOu pie-ltri in ô1e a Lggroae . At-by '? Tl lo iî'it'- uA Dve y M a k l %-i',I-clto ,'tc. tt1îr-i ieig Cc t q î?4 . lc îuu. tt iut u . .-Sci vn . Y .;- - '.V \ - n e u am~ ii aoi uIo ncs- c' u< lie neabr f tîe tlaci ge h, hee' .w ui w-t el ulyitbe-- iî -i l '4 ~i f i i ' a 'o- eoudtiti.-- -~.. i. r~-u4r te e~n rnveAd of 86-E u. gusî talie t~tibe o sxt'sut cOw ilttgit oaglt uira~i l> o atrc îucn, ~ .. I.-î Xi. .1' h Y4~ -Ci4 5'iiO'ltt E4ti' ..'t'..ti-a.îcs f Llaiu XaciiIll'.. î -- el. - - '"- it ecîalu w e magatrat es uICP a . a psut heo ' c wa-- .. t-' Cnu cili athect. at.l e'CatICI1:4 Lie îuof c /ti cen 'c-cl.î" - *-d- 114 Y Ay uii % l Ilpm'irciILeIll1-ciey n r ir r R i , Rîdr oueo , lleloistC iirl v i t -ey byet Widr. s ic ci iitic'ri loiit>iti- ;vs'th~ ~a t lehi t s onimu ai 1.-i ie' w u liic 4i -it- X. -ý 4 c c' 4- --'- B. lio flc llî r ul. %co hîiU ti r5lits I ~ ne nimOr Sc ool andetters. OtSHallla11')I . -t ..y.parts-C.litî7d.i îýit - eiiit-i i 11v 4:e na- to c -k' 01 IIS bn. .-44 M;.-I' ' ' pion, Es lie Qu eti"-"Theof-ni-tcu ai«Vcdes tît.] - i- '-i- îî i I .444 ciJu- AitI htCItICkitîtv 1- ai i- pc 'iu.ee tii a~ o.'- r - - ~ ~vpar1e e - itet. hcxt-isiatt ror., b tititlsinpp eci3 eda i - - - - --S s. U i ft., a ss.\ i ' i poilth elat b u ,in t î~ î'; aa u u t .~ h " - r î - Z - -c'se ra une' 4 -%I l .122 ar er Tve andg.w îîuus, ips iru ra t .8 av g .- nrî u aîoraiW llaiate e ad o o e areteiles, po a r t - 1;T.\!io a rivi4 - - '-4- -il rea et u a l elu l n t e - r 'r t--,t iat i ti i ;ait e- t Ii $203 tsu 1iree yecIrst iu a c e - t.y itn . - -V C r-h 'Uî4 juil %*a l. S xa Ceve tsri n i liiceMitertc)v - &c., &c., ai'm centrespect$ble -for <ie;var ut li cU 3 icioa i bC h.tn O't-u. In-"" ofice, w s osloneceitvh siot>tte thui yu teb- isljcbteaaiaib>. iaarticle in-u ira-ti'u.'tutagesi ueont c - '-il-t.'fias Tilt* - . -i - - '4 W eeln eth ort ira r oh frconl hl' u .13 tbis. i'pcCI11 ari- cm s Ioe fT- SutuyM aaue frt oan t h utVftut tin îsîînliie ia c Dc u iuis.aui.aiti je rcis t.i-4 h4"the -.I - .' n' -'cnIc~.-3 (mailles. outil, 0.l tiie Tawmht îe r la ~ ~ t L r \v k C'a a h ir fr a n iN r. Dl e k 's sm ate rn e ta a b o u t -ca sts- is -il! th e [a cley cvu . V i!l C cr , X Iuc ' i i ~ U4 v ~ 4.. ' ~~ I - Derby, publitibedioui scsue, was ' etet . io -h a 'île au -o a ilt" i uî~ - fui i u i inu .uiaiaî-iii 'viii Iîy ha.] ne - i L-. îu .ay c C a .- ..tie.ik e iiii- wiîh lis perversion of fata n d receive . -elit ail s . angî a4tý _l Î_,ti n ii-i& .'-, .I ci -' - 'f 'i- ' 4- e ch r ' e'C' enY a etl' f o '- inEi-Afier a aeofîthatks tteechaîrman anud 'izî.,anti serves lu show thle peophefe*how atiress lis pp1,"E! Ie.îîl. -3-i~XI--iX. 5 c .4 , who pîo iit-i05 lbCoime ait oeisicnIal >"cevet lits Owl Inaie. L tuA ,Jl t,185 ertr o h m unet dsearr . e sit,le shm- cmeut are wie ueti mbi ribîi&urt f.the coltain4soIlîn CÂNAXumÂN t- .1ropo it iuahofB. - e. L 'Diteuie au eresred ucaustesciit - extra-I-- c.; WttrDisti icit Master. (Clacete.) UITeTeachars' îraeiiùg,ýsas inouraceti, dtiei.of Chair office, lte.nc?.ing: atijoamin.] 'cor mr. Bthk I eptaecsset~ MrpsJl 2 S33 tiil T e l y t e t f A .u u s t it 9 o c to c k . o rd ti a r l t &- u e are ei e t n tër e r-iiis aX '- . - - nlly 1 2 :a i4 c - - M.Wimtr îspî~îdiniiea ai eech..-wshi iai.GarmrSbotHne teoa f ,1î :aylIte excitemett of ime tinte, outlu Mi .B. 1utlg1 .lo)se leNIrh ieorgre Ynit, Esq., B.AX., Wvas ieted - jdit-i-ch etiiblie ;latiaa mafrin lte quie-'ira at Ar.AC R MXrs . 1 . fu P4.-.4-tttiq '. I i' ;-.- Uàit..-We ba-ve te îhanik Mr. Richard .ThC r Rtb s4i c1tat ieMrh-~tuisi ecpif f~r a-ue Iemt nîovic-e ini aritirne ic cati -Peatit a-s rcig.îî" Iiz sl415. )ce'u-cu'vn ii ci rt a-ï.t. .- ~ ~i*V.aiue areQU~'iUbr5Iil t.s of Lîîtthay, reîm m aterbga C hairma4 pai Ci it.ii4iCe i'4e 4 ii.iX gardonu. Tiho largest wasaboutsix iiiches rlu-sbîie;s 0î o, an. lte Ilable - Mi. M. 05Neil was appoiinted Secretuiy KG.inM nra.cdeuttsa itbesetb elrmc-t ltemmaesc iCtonaî liey4d'. XiiIrtiti4.i41 c-'. -in Moû 4n i . They wero grow tu anthe o e nt r ri u thieî ydisplayed -iii calveiii g - The. m inutes of las-I m eeting we e réa l a ud1it4Je k s o T à b.u diy o w i h À ie it a i41ktW ) ! u lM IPretty'goud fortitiss htyierboeaai uùi 1- i b a atitsaIthopbic.'heCouay fforued - Ootn arialolMe.Mc e, u iasnit îogtiimg a eqiue eaîmin.tii.acia wemPetuyu .itutaîr, hrlte.t-c.a- iliili- , t'" î i - ' ---- ou _ _ _ _ k n a td1cainaou ab ru fte Thée. hailtWan explan ed ihe aubjéctto be .at the statîun'by a nu mrbet of lis fie'tds îiî!y be a l t ciial eî I o r r th resinpau ol l .i i rfI lle-s Whî sbed i ieu în>'Ii r- B- t .. -t-'tubahi> W lîilsofa trei-I up a inietv lsiit'g. a datm] mtttp Ille itg c uh W e i 'ii l'I .it I.> '- 'ij ;î:4. c. - i c'- 't c L L a t e ~ u c - D i ~ l i g l o is , ur at oî o t r ai c e n , - u. m î pI s - d i l b b o u h , t d r o a s drWi n a i î o p e e -h c n u t e ll iîm t a h is h o u s eü in lutjo m t- - Lam eeting.the-D %ro :ncy Placer onsh.ératioothe rasentdre cowdsrby -his istoiune î firite.î excite sYI pathy ira Chr chr i i ..i thî ier.plaee. i e e.- y cu bi, aigtl'Barri, the popotty vof -Mr.nJo;ît Litdsn, îmur 4'Iicîîuîs (Heur, ticar.) r - - lcehTefodilu-ast af thé raleptayers. hIlthere was aiPth pue-.] tuits u- d.esiit Tr lA tut-- .- 2 î--X c ahiel, Fenelori, Nwaï otally destriîycd u M..J. Robinson raiiMNr. Foley rsIMvdb~owMSarO eoddb teepeeldthr ire ad ugn - a le.a(itkepiglaish bidegp)t-o- r. ; lice abbvoiitanite !uiate euet'eI tut-*yI .c- .~ Wt.ilave ruceive i ian particulars. w otprethiien:. pndu.] oh bcitaiof fthe merchaitsti. Mr. Hetîry Fows--Thaat w oîuet.a-Thomarn oeaa- ee.;gqiewiy -s hça iel eerei.Mors,-u imeluhiyutequiuetlthaVi-t w1-Cin'y tc'."c .:-ia i ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ýttn he various vears ruai priîated anmi circuà- th.eanalag-eus ludissuade thenaf-uiIci el'r îî: \-iLv..*t .- c Rabinison, iin tie, course ouflit's nearaksai ~- pit-'ga delegatetaheTornîdnven- < on i,-Wlteéuncelgaeril i4laiu gni25lt rtpuyria eaî urî,<.Tenangr, îivm , aI--Vyo -,'.'.i iutr. j4I ' i furluiiitta ivegntet-oiit.Canventoa-h iniMt ougapaet tlr l filaw-oiinmeilaiaud .conmiituteils 'greel Sîrupiy. becwuse lie îa.tteà lu keep thêt hîured tuîheirr tesolttti, antd] i. aam- îi u iteti-.in-v i -.- - l w eetat er titi njt tf ail lih li 1 4Vo f- c u s X - t h - .- I ' 4~ l'lo i P îarP0 c îseh aî t u al eei lc a re c e lv e îa ' e î a -n d -t a t iifl u en t ia l bl f i r g .-- C a r i d . # Q nyc.1ttu-> w î ithî' e Nii 4 U fi it -nlu u e ,d ,i o f ite lüai " (y s Iussdur m e ft em * ne- .B c o n eurd. r ý I 11 d h 4 vii lateea nu desigu, what nte-es;ity existe.] ai Ibis Tuic HaN. G'roRkGNBkON.v-a-h aaa. -iai4.1bîî îî .; "i'iI:huiiu-Cuuty Treu-suuir ; but tsu suoti aaâ atriomeiciai uosmvhe i 1 doe cone ta-; Mocved by W. 1.SaeaeD.e y S ' eas u alelr uîîî upaaeli evie ursahîetp h L4lt ic P's s't' e1 e11 i- eIrui-. ' <.1w. lm- achei-imay ;ely ltat twilgihrcitliis .COuthtit. Hpuhope. teir:McS iae-That th. fî!Io-inldrattc.a Wafdthseliti or.oyfl- ' - el proiuumptlyreat a ritalbetfi cnsiutonbsilutîb M. dugecut our. eifrts là escuwre Canada lte art- t tetomship'eftre the public, as tiO -ty cava:-,s t 1.satifîtura h;ki~u- -- îiittii~î. '~"" ~ -fla larger sud 4-Re-hrjer immu- 4 essetîc cfnmuaîieipal punthy tvhea W>itafer! Itauis wiîh this nt'turnet dete"ate 041 Thars-îiae'u' antî-wcî.îî 14-4 tuoiu cîc(.4.t7i TisicCotuaty Curieilof Sîiucoettîw e î s ioic .tnig'.O.grloa sa~u utrappreOi'.Mt f trefirn- nt-e otIiet' towntship counicils were' oanrupdy gtlast, on 1tlis a lhtiîu rt Ie vs o a ecs eyi-Uic.-Cwi urn iu S dth i su îa -cf pu 1c -a npt i th l tie t ur C a& Ld iration:- course n oe rb t Uatpta e l' at nf >'d- he a rs He I a rn tt.] h i dtë- .4 a By-Law, untler the, pitvisicras u'-of o l mot f ueÇoonesatdlie t isO).Ol tuactiveg indecîl tilt ar t fàl.e StatLs woiil lend1 ta entiove mistiuderstand- -seconded by J. Russell, ibe coritition vya aiecuuy rd nlt om fGatvr ttacmisoto vl ni yIaec.upemst .fasl uîce v l-yi -inul--ttAt-i i WexfMWnhe la plain and taoruehf lu Jlaewnenito hi alr gOtling ventilationa, other tavela- his ruîtdy face, for lhe seems t1uIs tcît ~ lue.l O' V4iiC-4. baieof biti ai, ligxod apanadtuhu taeei fti at tii ânuu. -Tiz JyLawas e ie ab- (Ceen.) le Mt.R.).a1A1119 1 .-Âi A siaion-shah b.éfcc Allanîon.iis Id0 wiýis h iave liîn ay rube.ui iîh -actile.] fan b)- lifte repic tliiciteh v rstît uî -cc ine c4 ~ f 'i duy'-teii 4f gitisitc ille ftof tiis youcradupt k i--'at at puitv ham îhe- e rpi"dte teaiti. liseyiYbc uo, &e.of J. Thrrkel aliL ndaay.amaraisecapitalunorm a inl ]eMunce about, becgviiiningcra.idta! dHethe othert i - Tht. atal leeiny-us *w.i andlfith-I lt - erotyja litubthse or bee e base ,a vl sacuh 5tb fsto. osauiia. u a L biet kaowtls 1tutti 'e y v GAnsuon ,um 1w -i i. ,wihth.hil hi rtisi ahines forth usi1868. ad ier c.. aab~ l or i nllui n ia .h thIk l allefa aler f M. etf lys pp e -ti. e h cf Mr P.il êT . betfti rreGee