--t - - --*~i. -~ 1~PrteduWi t et u Au. .aoiiliy kise ils MW* uin 4'iuÏ lssmomy I A e'e h.e aé, bis ateipi '1Ieart d iOW ben]Jsou Iîgin ; td tit for tihe wortd apîtosi bas t tlethim ini. TIVATE 'rÂSTE IN THEE -YOUNG. et gmet importane. timt thi yoiin' ti e*coisvaged in thse pursuït of ùh. vblter 'of instiucîioa or amw hiheb Wsulacerdane i ic taguo.: Ifir fing ho entouràgedtilth mlis mu>' h.expected i ith vil deP. m frou i t. Ioisg atiy coarse or 1il. d incliation, and ill i gyea-àet. ,d enlig Iened bia.s Io their mind-. gprvement of teste seems to h rless connected witiî every grood hoedsposition. 13z gi'iss fre- ,errise to aii thse tender and humn Sihs, a, Cul tivated tastit increase> îty, yet, ait the- pse lime, it tend> et) thse. roorviolent amtd aigu>' ei» sièpereiso. of life demonstrates 1aý lar ad systemativ husintiesaiessen. thse bealis, bapupitiess, conteenta efoue-sa ofman.- Withioug lh ie rilin et-tled misetable and wretched sires have no fixed alu, his' ambitile h andi nobleenduts, 'He is -the speui it:ii&' dreams andi idie fânc1es..-ý on whe. e ailare 11uy -1a moper il titi ok' ent rpaise andi latiur.1 mve tise lot of tise foeôle anmd ball1 ly'it wee leua to be Jeploreti ;'buii rkaur thse doouanà*d oure or.ts' ao thse powert t do wmtisoît thse wi- andi wbo îeed thai ptality. -whie su mai>' otisera, lbat tis as va sss.s'ces them .- the quality f Y 1, mlution. SAM SLICK ON ME\'IORY. Tie is sometling ver>' cuelums about Wemoq. I don't itik the.re ias ueisa ting 1As total fergettoînesc..Nleinory ha-. mse>' olils. Sous.e oftiseraain't used mcasnd dut andi cobvebs get arotinti ulus, andi pi ean't tell1,vhtcse the iig. is, or. caa't -taml>' diâceris the secret - priait -but open ih at once, and wiatever issowed *way theersit is safe and soîand as evor.- 1 liaveir-g" 4man>' capital tonies pokod ava-y itheêss olubby isoles thbit-I cant, ila my> bauds oni wien t waust to, but non and îls*ns when s ookin- for souething cIsc, I.1tumI-- tbem b>' Scclerif. Tel y.. %*h4 as for .gtîn a thirig teelu. tait>'> 1 dolit Iieve tiere i3 iîach a tin, in nuature. -- ILEWÂRtI FOR.- A HU MANE AC DT. iaoig tise numbe-rless s? ormes fteatimg it thei Univeraities il mie, fUunded 6nr of the man trime tad 1tise ntaor une te a boy front drownn-. ,A barnale" ,rgraduate % vas 0one du y. takîug tau> titutijnal' in the 4irecaioî of tise ii -nien he s'mw-a lad out ý of -N4 depih ,gfiig violent!>', anti evideaitly on îthe ýt of siisking. lra th is -lsltiaoug-hilea inconsiderate insoner Ire plu-get in.,. river is nîot rery deep-cnîi"hat bld oi un ippçy lutile wretch, andi b-ouglit im bore. Thisa e-ening lie went t be n Ti-us, ivtiiislid knelv what vai ne .y thi tf t I kI'à ebenSos'Ui Wtka maiicourage. [AiTD st a bird Whs leepqa uponibe tas sud t.o Ccupy fthe r-.bed-1? que .UoliuPtig elergytsan, at the. Mar. 0of adeâf and duinb, couple, iil>' PAÂ, Siid a ýfala . nably. cd.ucated far. "k daugte r-" Pa, if I aboutld uirry a. nerwhàt bWlldo wiîh myTfrenclîl all the clsickent, fletiii tidl the vhick. )x À LiNL4-" [ fonýt L:ke tu ratronise lin(,," naid acuIprit tu a- baugman. h,'never mind this once," waslte.,r*,- ~it eut SOU suspeod lis operatltm*"'ý DàxGfiott.- A, jiersori- w Io "as In rhli would rîriture on -On oru-çnge," e ci '-, I hn u, bkIstol TH cle '. 'Ob eic bif IW ife t a bt" siel Pi Col to >tagbt up by a 'rmeir> und ac-.isedý eaïm, 1 ducks' Tir fariner sakd lie shouil aow thmq nnywhc'rej, ad uweni -ait :o de Iibe timeir pecu 1ta.ritio-s. Why,"sui te counsel (or ibe prisoser, t tbey'caril c uch à. rare breed. I have some ives ke thellu in m.Iy yard." <1 hat'a ver ýkly,>s-aid t'he fermer, tirese ar e rit lie oral>' duks of-the sort- 1 have ha LolSf laIe'>'." - NG WÂTEP.-« ,Dectar "said a.isari okm cstuertie e lerday*1 a ph;i ica u8n1 fÊioaubed wiîb a dep)res$li M 1înea-rWks: Itout tise l-reasf. XVIxtti )U supiu'e thema-ter isV'1 t6 Ail: veiy c.a>ily accutitcd fer," ýa a l lsiÏ,iamu. "Yciu have iter on tl ~~ur! com.e, tlhat îv'ull pass vi w11(u,,h foi' a jr-t, but buî)v could I g V-et on Mny çitîst-, wlen I iîaven'î teua:h -trop cf wam-er for n-e;-e thtan fifie 'r 1E R F.us 11,3'art or science too diffici for tidistry tb attun tW. *Itl is thie guit i gYue, ,and. tnake a mnan ùnnleigtood à Valued n io-n î nd b' ail AnmtLI]m .t-is tale pluisuit)Iier'àtone whicm tumras ~ea" udelven*:Sttones, loto, goldi,1 aufl'drs pot Weut Io break:iito itsdwelljî t ii thme north-wcvst paqsloge,' thit brii the mercliants skips to aa s1ua cau des-ire. làa»atvord',i.istry conqlu ail eue-mnies,, auJ maktes-fortulne ilscif T.IE BAFFLED LW YER. 'y St ôt Y- il, ied 'id ai and l pai At a late Sitttng-ai.the CorlcAssizeq, a cçaswu broughelt before the icouI t in whicli tue principa Wîne&ss for tie. defence aras a tanner, it .11 kuorn. in, Ile surreîînrlinz country lty thes soubu iqtet of '«Craz>' Pat."1 - Ujmn Craz>'-Pat beirig al:ed upon for hva evi4le-nee, ttic attoribey fur the -prosce- (Il lot; eeitotl to the utiuot 'exteiît lis kno'vedgccf leul cu Yaier n ho 'en.' leavour lu force, thw t'itiesi it.osome sligt utjatonsistenry-li P -n wtich hienîiglmî i ..aî. ..x..n *but le.ws xes--l. n ;his, gratitudievasafotiinoyéd te in <'u Cus'Pat'$ evidence l". of îhc inter-view lie ex. - S consistenit atoyetheî.. ih...Whîlcb wvigr-atîfitd...!f e - - fglat acute questioning fiitlèd t.lemayi'a healt i a -1olINS -Of Pofogk tItîerw. Theo errd te anrswc-r. b4 purpOs3e, the discipeofCk and- Biriebsone beto'k imse!f to, thât rn u va s îtalled a% thse friend otaie tcesu eoreo ayr il>'. Tihe lueyiasved frotî idiue rn§- ccrisîantly iii vaut af some- ia1tdJyouS1 l .rnm a r,. aîndit m'as *the obi'i d!ut>'y la i o 'a ornm a ho, by prloonisinbs ifo, ad bc-enqulrèd.ippanitl>.. 1e sucil bardsipi, toýq "1y Folkcs eu me Crazy Put- bt-" T he otler children lind, tilet C rzyPat, e.i1 A very cutphorîjou* 1 thse haud whicla bad saved oeew mîe. qute romantic, eh 1> itter of course, called po- to Ilomantie, or net, sif, it vud't be -a t. An ad dition vas inide te had idt;a if ise, Parament:wud give iLte 6 md who so proper as iisi un yurself, autlentveme',to chose ontier."l to gire the tne n'ecessary t This cauaed a silight lai ghithie cour t. m,ther'. s trength in hr frime îaom, and tthé. presidlng jude e -eped over 1 Till thse bour of bis depar. hiq sspectacles at -the aut trn.ey , îa much aï D l3fiveruity the wellImeuning tri Say, 4Ye-u lave pur match nott.") i neter fret fi cm .fre*h cati%, de And visa? did, yen s'»Yyonir trade bho registereti a vow that if w ss P,ý centioup 1d-the discsnorted barrister a saw a boy drowning, b. vitis an angry look at th ise vlDee. bs walk'.lto-aaoter dirtc,.' il'u anner,eur.", EFINIS". doit su, "A tnne, eh Ai liw log d yo tink it -WQuuij tako 100 te.tanan oz, bie l1 "WeI, Sr, tisat'a itiiel>' owifl, 10cir- 4 :Di:t o vrtan t4sbdecf ias1j nAusam !'Net suri but if Yeu'I i d oirs tihe, lauel affserf- he C000, l'Il - - . c .~ . la IlLoRIotI, NEKWâ TIIO Duit h Fl.ag Reviv ed NoW IS1 THE TIME i'o~4pcuItion! N4 TWITIISTA.NIING ie ha4rd limes th7ereý' must becsuonied mien enorugh lefti *in the country NVhO a-re. wiilin.g to inVeî leir C-aliial to advaintage, andul thoge tJetndersigîîcd ail-1 drtesses hiini-elf wae.n lie i1iftoin1 thern 41t ielui ig determnred to retuiraa to the cld coaauaitry, allil 'hcrcefore wisheR to eisposeofIlis fll va. at- uable property sl-ould it. be nt-,% sacrifice :- ()ne tn o story ýbrick, a iid one fuine bouse, sîau4ding on ore lut, sueo one two story large. fraime liotse on another lot ujaun;aIl well finilhod, with eiery iccomnnda t<lu, and, lu- santuy situatiod on Ni.lrkei Sireeýt,. direct l>'op- poite the new Market bioise. Algo, one o story framenbuiding (sbolp and tlwellitig). on Kenit Street. ai present hyc .edwliiins-clf, a1 good ggarden a Q d ba r I -a tta chcd , Wit. ecry ranVenience for- a business hmainý. And in view of las dletermination, tuie -sutb- seierIas emirmetcd ta selI off 1 . i3entirè: stock of, 8H01' GOODS ai:t cost prie- ,verytliinig .esp-and to prove tlîis the public aire respiectfilly rüqneseedý to %ulk up to the -west end and take a view of lus sample wîindow,ý whiere he. bas ou exIiibit ion spjc iniens cf gaodýs wviîh prices. marked- iu plain figureq, su thai evrer>' one mn>' satisfy t1ieinse ves..iimpun the~ merits of thse article. A strict cuisli business 1 sý dore, sto lenese bring the ca,4iî wth tivoit. * Until ftirtîrer notice the wa1,eihcrhicon)- tinnt 0carry o-n the Vtlmrig.jale~ as ~ ~ t beeooe 0whieb lie. hlis a., Ide c a tiful art of- Engruaving. Ti uscriptimis upoil Rirgs~VtcesDtworîdiles, Ctfihplaýte.. Forks, SipooDS, Signets, Xelrsp.îper Ci "t., Ar, Baa'sjss Card' Stisuitîs, vil--be exccuîed t*O urder j» stl. [perior stylo. LndsaYi a'-3rd ý -G-Il. KEVESu:Ft Steamuboat N>ltiCe.' 1885 1865. -Thse Steamer atilI eommence her regniar trips n onodfty, 151h MaX, 1865, -eaving,13ridgetlort.liou Mon - - riys, We.,di'usansd Fritisys -at 10 um.nir tC tîriîug i eave Liandsay on Tiieslaiî,Tliiirs- daYS asnd e4tturda.yg,'at 9 1,5 am., cîllîng ai Bobesygeon and f enion PFa Ils.' ý.v The stage wM lenove.Peerbrotich msorniug at9 a.n. puniotuiil>. - Fo urt hier particulara as te Freîgbtl,&kc., appt>'-ohi bord. 99-t - - JAS.WALLIS te be sold-at the iowreit figure. for a sl, -befcare the first of Mardi, at the STO rE,.1AND T IN 8110FP, WILLIAM ST OlCana, &c.-&c.uit l-vweatretaml ]aices.r Cashpatet f'r t"e~ SaaClf sis l Coppt, &c. &c EDIVARIJ Mci FLY. William Strpet, Lindsaîy, Juan. 2*,, 85.484' ýXoney -te.Loan. 1 9HE 'UNDERSIGNED is nov preparedl (belonging 10 private irîividnjils), UFor -FIVE - Pon lrnproved Farmnîl i arge or oiiall ,aa.tt) suit applIicants, ai a L()W RA' TE OUNTE PST. i brier partaicala.irs aipply-to. JA E IOlDEN, PrinceAlet Alo 0,hO » nvis of Land foi-Sl in the c() .anties cof tIaIaiO, Peterborolaghi, Victorial lmltaKent, Essýex, ry Middlesex, 'pertili an n et r rc i naat tes. 1N~URNcESeffecie ait moderite ruae Prinace 'cîbeet,: Maich 109 18U4. STEAlVIOAT NOTI 0 T/efSIt' iling new ta ilamer.- '1 A.'. L PORT HOP'E. PETERBORO' RIAlILWAY OI n d after the 22nd of MAY, the Peterbr' MAIL. Leave Port HopeAt........5a im.- Arrive atPe -erborotigha t.....12. 15.pan Leave Peterborough at.......3.0pm Arri',.-e at Port Hope at ..........5p-. MIXED.. Leà,ve eterborough at............ 4.10sam. Arrive At Port Ilope. -...........e a.m. IAave Port Hlope Ata.............. 00 ' Arrive at Peerbooutgh ........1.5.30 pi.zA B.R. I*IALLI JOHM FOWÂE, SupoeaUedist. mUflgilg IN tor. Peterborough, My, 1865. 301tf MONUY TO ýLOAN. 1"S 9 $ UIORIBSKR8 HAVE PRIVÀTE j Poodail@ kwst onIt mpeoved FimY rp lily,At ai ae of inter-ut.. MÂOKÂY &MMIfoN J WEDSTEII'S 1~ AND Iappy New Vear .14th,1M.Vw mpport extended h i ile la busines, adSal n, M6 *ri.sAy, New 0. , r. lIstsber W*ud laelte the attention of bis eustômers and public te bis Tii. aehnqis c"ssa&uctted enou t utely' neMWIpi. 0<ofuechasuiam, poassslng Man> rare *bd ma1sabl ~e oveeat, ring becuo!vaies and auperW rqualit>'. exalmiaed b>' the mcat profound- experts, sud Priaaie Parties, Tes Meetings and soirees pun«cd to be iutpUekt ad perf.cum c0 M-ý elied on lIme*sortest notice, and on the most - ~ùw.. fvoura bic terms Tuetoivlqame 9h.Pejittipàl beiOgama 0-adies, Oraelzers, Bisculits, ko. &c., vbole-, urgeags les ,"% Cbmes -slalsd rets i'.. i. xoesve-wb~'toii.oprator. lI' Splendid, Oysters reg.lorly receive 2. Liatility to get ont0of rder-. during tho -ea4on. A caiineiteql. 81 Expena., trouble, sud lbas of time in ie- .;GEORGE GREGORY. parmg. -- -Lindsayi hec. 22, 1864. ý217-tf. A.: lueapacity tb sev -Pery desciption '1 _______________ 5. D4sagreeable noise wbfle iu operation. L P O E 7%eERjnpr.ufr<inMacine isE,.rempt O A E jrom ail Mest .êjectio.u. F0R S it bas -a itraigmI isude, perpendicular se- H-j tioemakes the L 0CKor SIIWTTL.E &'i'vrcîi j SBCTIIRof frSale LtNo. 9j which WtiLNf'E IPurRVE, and a h s o.0 h la alike ont boôhaides; perfùo.ms perfect sewng O NHP F-AICO. OINTAMIt> on. ever>' descrptiov f mater-l, froin Lenther, Situattd iiilte centre of agood settleent,tsud to the finest ";in ook li., ill côfton, linenIl 't-ithin 3 mites of or sik tîhread, fram-the coarîesît 1 tht F nest -IIlEE SAW MIL LS AND, A GRI T MILL. number.- The Prolberty la aIproacIied bjy gâod Rt-ads, 1-lavug uithe CIMnor OG-WEELilud1. withiu 1 of a. mile cf the and beleast poltiie friction, ilruns asSmout 1 5- i D as glass., sud ii lie Land isutif e BEST QUA LITY, sud th. ERmphaticsaIy a Noiselosi Xacbinel Title- bu indisput.ake. It.reqîures FIFTY PER CENT. bs ,power.t Apiaiooayb niet drive ttan auy other Machinei Market. À - -DIA, MRÀ, s. girl eftwielve jeurs of sgte u Work 1: steadil>', or t h îoreo oa'epeasa 'wit bou t fatigue or initr>' to It-aIjh. t h DoritronAD thIe,rmie Ils tr-r.gî su woderft snplcityof ou-Talbot River, M!aià structioin render italoeost implossible to gel out - âmea2.16 et orderandila GUAIANTEolî b>'the cQm- ps.uyhto give entirle satisfact ion. -_______- ______ We respecthl'iuinvte allAbose who ny>'dc- Aa 00 » PAUlU FO RelSALE sire te suluply. theniselveà %vitli a superior arti- ciet te alsnd- examirne tiis VNRIV4LED CR? BEING LOT NO 26, CON. 4,: MjIIIIi± Bu~t in a more special manner doû lI n îa atsî fFnln o ye WC Solicit the batronage of - Victoriar, ofNi'hic t-aeliSki>' Acres clear-1 MVrceh-ni - ailors',- 1DressaMakera, ed'aand ranaler' eltîvation. Tiais. land, wil bel Coach MùA x - - CoretMakers, seld ira two separate, lots-if de.sired, m suit'lte aser.TIféeas t p rtains 10ars rHoop$kirlazýIu ntacitarara j1<*ierFÏtirs, aciae.Teasprt- 10ces Shiri and Üo" a kers 1 S&oe d'inderi - of' wl, eh 10 ai e cleairet ana log lious tlhere- : on. and wili be s aletseprac-v 1'deed. Vest id P4ztafon Malera.Also.lýot No 52, souPh side ut PortageRod I~ elaina C& haritable IiiýstitntionS TowVnS-hip of Eldon, Counxy Victoria. wil b liberal1 deaIt vithi PRICE' OF U1NfQi~ES, CONIPLETE. - Frrriuas pyh No.1. anîI>' Mchie, itbIleme JAMES IIEAP, Solicitor. eoîut.. ........ $r0 00 Lindsay) Sep)tý.,, 1864. 262-tf No, 2, Smailt Mufa.turlng, -wth Exten- ___ - Sion Tabe.............. 75 e X No 3,Li rp tg " 85 00 N4Largp, for Leatbti .......... i0 0 UK CJ. 2i CABINETS EN EVERT VARIETY. W. war*t agents for al l ovas.lu tb.-United- For sale, ver>' cheap, three extra States,- Canada, Cuba, llexico!,- Central and nel~ Wj souili Amerlos, wisere .Igencies.are îotairead.y Lu,.Lt y éstabliied, te wi.om a liberal dLzoout will bc àu,.-,tble for, School Houecs, Hall 1, &.Algo a 5fgiven, but we niake no consigamnts. large lot of, Ordersnmay' ho sent tbrough the .rra ~ n tv s Id 44fvrtng ig0aqt, 3m9 tBroadway, New York. Oi - J. T. McARTHUR & GO,-B aid P ro d-- 536 Broadway, Ne* York.Bo d 1a r 'StovS -HAS AicRIV4û>, comprîsiîng ail the Laie-t Styles of, LAD131F.Su' GENN' SESBOY~S' audCHILDREN'S WEAR, which wiIl bc louunti VE~R V COMPLE7DL,asud ai Pirticular atienhion-i.directed to -the LADIES' KID, GOATe AND PRVNIMLA, - GRESS AND CHILDREN'S FANCY BALMORALS. CON- W.J. WEJ3rýTER* FURNITURE FUNITURE Ever»: DescrjèUo *9 .lnd _e/lit -PJrces* rjISUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE TuIE.LARGEST r .1ND BEST PARtLOIJR,-DINING,, .,ýND. KITCHEN CHAIt:, PAR- LOUR, 'DINI.NG, AND KITCF.HN TABLI 4 HAIR SOFAS,- COUCHES, & LOUNGES, BUREAUL & CtPBOARDS.'. QUALITES, SFA, COMMONBEDSTEADS, FOOTSTJOLs, &c.,&c SIDE-1, \RDS, LIATRESSES O(- VARIOUS Articles of the besi and uewiest dsgsahrays kejit on ltand, anJ %wtltli Sot AT.hELGWEST IIUIPE FORflt.R-U (C ..y1 orders carefully attended to. G4 c ç offlis of aitsizes ke-o constant in Stock. -Remcmber-ADJOINING TIIE ENGLISII IRC. ~~I.CaUPU earlcci - H. E-OLTOPF, C.API"ET M lJ 501 BROADWAY, N. y. !'IE STORIE (PN KEST !ýTftEET NryW jOCCaI<ied bv Drake ii Fclüva> it l4ii;iv are th s.of OoÂ>àer. Apply to WJ. H-.R J>L -AuZust 22, -1,k4. - AT EIG.41T PR crN-,r. -sau. a . '~~~~'A oÂ' COELIU 01 LE (rormerly (£ Br ai. r.iù .&la-- Kin - st eet i ToronIl(> Liie! Door ',st of litYsieyarnBakRwa 'ER jv tasrlatau '.iaa- tu *-i, qiiairq»nltr-t (if iialaa tar i'cîah- -Ja, - fo "nraIiai;a w sTr an-a "'r'--ar - - At" GMJ4E' Keua'sBlock, Kent Street Lindsay- Xf Tn-ur;ûrYs«flulLectu'r, ri. A S PL EN\DI1D S TO C K,0F BE A UTI F UL GOODS. -aeCiaiC-rîesppli-."n , jilst r.eceivéd ai large qllantity ofiews.t.%tes i ' rall Put uer, 5uitSilief..r lar tnt-a, Ieet BOrain, M- l att'\M..l.rie.L a: j a~~,Iladîs, &c.. 4n1l of wl icltit!1.)e' sold alta.stial iilaraca aon C ni : '-a ir dw lue . C-au -ri I jLoâkluC Gasses, sud Loukling Glass Plate, Pictitie Fianite.Sand Muimage eO ,Uc:rn; 1S.r r.1»h f '.- 4ND CA GMr.Tleg id. a . eu. TJ.aaztruta. . -Englusta Glue, Walkirug Stichs, Caneti, &c. Mr ' " -ti2~ 'grrilay. - tl T e Lot'ek.s or fLhe r L i clà.ýi1 7vM Ttit, a, ' a u'a il ~ fl - Wii illa adte bé.stTohaccos i greataiit i 'sfom acrarl-vaautheCt r- l -; ' \ - M - t!a: r _M - j lediinf Rings. atdari auuyCiitler>; Dre -rirg:Cou.bý:-L ilt't arr .- -urrrIary no ai r irl. ..ai ria-aiv1Irs.N- e ~.Siarping to urdcr. --ita'a ( ..a.1.k- 2t(ID let oIl iauect1BrNiu.inuî a Ml 1 . Jr"i Liridsui, 4th A1rfl, 18C$ D r. lrr' - 'S'-uSaar-i 1t'eu.P uiaft alacr:r liar W ii cou r t-aiimg to Rochiester, on IY[rch.27thi, 18C,5 uuitl farti a nlic '., ~ . itThte Subirii.er i. soruriter of LVEftY -MONDAY, WEDNFSDAY fNO i Lcuivig Port Ilope -- ut A:, .ti C ~< Cot,,iraa, - - 2 la.M - ial dthat hisa direct for tahsairriî'ing ilucre iiitinte ltot cutjetwiî lie Netw Yrk ît- 1 ailodr f'r N',e v YorkIiiralfir, Bailtimruae. Wuislu' DRESS MO juagtun S ri is, ia tt a, .ira go. an iirae1-ra lic-lts Eist uiîd t-t.0-N NETSI - lhis-aeîgî'rs fth le l'î'est va rie G rr'T-tnk r lsloeWiilt taite titae Slt nv tii Cobo (auarg.UU O S feui te, Fasi villi tuke île S'ýtineor.a* aI ô- Retiarnitiz the steinu-r w illîJeaver ,rca C,îe r LVES,- uclock. "A. m., fuorI-ethe )iÇC mentielaai >1aes îrNUSLI.S,, ccoîanectiiug.witla the (haîuand Truuîk Itailwaîy f*ou* vil points Baîsi and. Wî'si. - Fuor fiatler iaotirton qiecf A. Coch-i rane, -port lloli6;Cluarles Etluitt, cobé nrg, -or J.Kco.Coihumrne. -- Cuouurg,.NMatchlu th, 1865. 290-tf. ýINDAY AND MAND.LA ST AUE LNE, U T '1 1 L FURTIIER NOTIer.A -STA-GE !awul noringat t6'cloek, reacing .inilla in.tine.to con ncct with the stagpe6fr Oshawa, Whitby and Beaverton. Reuriing--lcaves Fentuois flotel, Maalla, after the a rrivai of.-thet Stages froui Oshtawa) Wi;lby *nd Bleavertoni, arriving at Linidsay a 8 o' elock in the eveaing. fares reasonable. The proprietor wllflot be resplonsible for parcels or bagg'ge Ulei.s book- ed auJ paid for.. -Liudsay, April 1, Proprset.r 1864.143-f 1~ D1~~ --t>- Jîrn-s-7. ~iy, i'rt h ar r' 2S0 1' uta, i~' a f L~rr i. a. Er - is bapp 1t.Iavpto 10 la u'arritC an ieetiotî wuah tlan f. il rfj craid-r- of tie rebel ainrkc5 ttc itigriUf JcIr. L>aths%, ali- ýii.e-i a-l b-tyt.- i c1lt turwi )tt.oiS-b ha.e aýem ou! stock of NEWV SEÂSrlNABîLE t ¶)CDS P OeaW t'crt'c omnpicte, coin: risiîig a ODS, MATESIIWLS-N -- iPARASOLS, - - RIBBONS, FEATS HATS, Il aîl of which lie offer. tending*purcliosers *11,B-The super:, shîutd tue acknowled Lindsay,.11 th May, The. subsceiber tde aud- the publie.that béat- hcirSe cte carnages sud bugg Xoney! oney! Xne y ! ie IR iE undersigncd bas advices f.01n 'bis cor-i - erra : Irespondepts, Of LAIRGIM sumso VO aluiigivestunlea onc.:oice, unreedTH :O X awaittflg Farms,-ln tiseTH O OLO SErTTLEO -TlOWNSHIPS Uantreel of this andi the ttdjoiwlig Counties. As part of NA THANlEL lte m oiesbabong to private ludiriduals, Iuans- Zain h. sotiatued linf IE:Proprietori -FROM TEN TO fIFTEEN DAY-S içxnds and th after the applications are made#'proided, the; lidgson. lie is prep Titiea ame Dot unuwl>compïieted. fortable accoràinodi AppI>', if by lette pre-paid, te, - ithe itb IL calt ERS, F LO VE R S, IlOSI ERYI PRiNTS, AWIITE COI'TOXS, AND -CANADIAYN TVEED)S.,ROAD.CLOII1'IS,ý READY-MA)E GLO VHING and an assortment of rs for sale CHJiXUP FOR C.dSJJ, or iii cichan ge for ýproduiI, of wlaich luE- ANSIIP will please caland satisfy theëmselves. i TELEGUAPING J A ME1 'S LE,'N.IFAN, o 1 I:1 ,l-'cý Ii.ut cf Kenat Strect, Lindsay., A 11 1'l'"1 l-'1'C or quilities of: the Lindsas Beer art, now -gen erallY gadînitted,.N-lîich fact it edged iii an amendment to »ntnkins Tempera lce Aet. "7ahY0our rst< hnht/y J4MES 1, IN-p0ic dintky m're Me n."1 1885. . 297-3m.- chrudes everyîiiig re( savfora a practiral Business Fdîacation:l adapted te!every lùnd of baîtiaac'-; and Double Entry; Steaîmboatingba".e pare t ifom iefrens aForeign Excha*uge.*Forwairdiing atid ' n!.ý it he.continues te keep th' NMW YQRK- CE --TRAL RAILHOAD. sonBina, nfcurtg Mrag.:d est nd mst cmforablechanging Single> tg Double Eia trvý gis ac o st yo bn forb ( N and ater the l14 instant n ani uî e Ï- Price of Schiolarshzlis. îtiim ' aa ~ae, cnstnîl onbau fo ()notice Train watt leu ve .ltuelester -ais fei- Twcn.ty-fivr.dollars.» lows: lL Bos and Stationerv f(rf rernety Modera*e. (MOEÂST-At 1.65j ..0 7.35, 9.30 Aiîad '141w atual Business Detarinii aa:. 10 3â a.ni., and 1.00, 3.50, h30 ani 9.00> p.n. ed ivith twoBanks with a capitai l,~~ H. WORRMAN GeIso WU9T«.-tt3.41) IÔ,~5 1 40 ai. onditeted on the saine princjli n a r ni., j2 rm., and 6.15, aud e 35 p.M'. ieEnig<ue.AMrlaant's aio .: WOOD OTELC. VIIBMRD, or Wholesale Estabhisl'rent couataiîing ,WO DGeHOT -erai Sperititendent. pies ofalkiuds ofMer«chandi.se, lI'enlt tt ,OkWoodCW., Rchster, MAY, 1865.o-f front wbirh, the students, enteriagtasd VEREX, Popvidor.ment make their flirsi purchlases. TI. le î YERE , prpHelr. - keptlan the Emporium, by the Sîude1.ta' :a - MI~IeIt~-AND t INS3fIN1, eigrit in n4mber, five of which are bh desires th intime te, bis elI I II& IVUUs. iia wYatàyaecp et0 ipublieC t ving Iplan of the priâcipat WWholes4le Bouses iii . tllel cuidbyChas. M ai. Cr08 ]Bradycil>'. This dPartwant idiudertiheclt.rge- ared. te offer the Most ootn-, TY~ eîdaPAOi eioso Teacher who bas hid &'lurig"explerie ti c b latigu to ail wbo may ifavor sa!i pp t br esideuice, Rusl nesntsufficient guaranie ofJis çae -a - - - -. ~~~working. Send for specine fartn i1 1 SpRI.NG AND, SUMMER STOCK 0F- 4'raphic Mteils e are leu dqua rters-fer, the foltowing, vis. Stereoscopes and St ereosco *1e views. Of these we have au imîserse assortmentira cluding War SeeneN Axuericaiax anet Fo.re-agi Cities sud Landicapegs, Groups, Stalîi.arv, &C &c. AIso, t'evalving Sterec-scopes, for-. ýîbi, or- priivate eadiiiion.- OntrCataloguýe wal be sent te nauyddress Oaa receipt of ýraamr.. PIIOTOCIRAPIIIC, ALBUMTS. W.e wvere the first i itrodracé ihese iaIýî-tf.~ quaittities9 in grea atitv, -t.raflging -in jfrom 50> :ents 10 5.54>ea cî t. i r A ratus la5, the repidation of bei»-: stîta-rirn lotouhy aid. diurîîbility t t .y eturs. Tlie3 Wili tue senti y mail,free, QJi receiit-f price. -Fine Aiburnis Maiet Order, CARD I110TOrRA pliS j UtrC.italuýgue nowemr'e overfit-t'/oli- s-id .iflr'reUuî tjects (to iwhich addiiitonze co)iitaflly beiiig mâ'le) of P'îrtrait2 ut a. 1nent Anericaînez, &c.,.viz.: about 1>0~la3a--Gee'rl~,2'>.,Brig -Generabz, ?-.5 i 'ourest fi lia.u c olns sut 50 f,, r I olticer-. -75 Nv-(fies 5>Satsa- I 1iDi% 2:) 2aAutiira, -40 Ariiii 1-2à j tzý Si 4,)< Prcanituenî Women, 5)rexi nat l-cirr-îga Portramits.- - 000Copies of Works of art, Iinclîîding reprodu ion:;of te xost ccit'braiîed jEngravings, t'uantimng-, Statre:s &û.c. ala.- - lgues Senti.0o1 re'eipr c f, Stauîtp. A n or br f r One Doxcu. l-iettres froni cr CataIhagrue w iii e fllled ou the receipit of $1.80 ansud Ci by xn..ut free. Photragrapluers aud otiaers crering grsC_ 0. D. w:îjaermit t.enty-flve pèr celi j the L iori -ih tLear 'arder. - F., IL. T. ATOY&C. 1 Th,, prires aud quality of pur g-~ .. jnut to alb~ isfy. 21-r oj ý ý, 1'. ~VAWIE Aus.." Iwsh to knaw. i oti calVed une un as s t" os, sir, J qnlifid iL" "Ad! sr, you qual-à A it, did you! Tle Isetter fasr yaau, SIr; 1-jura>' how did yout. tualify î r' "I c Id )ou were un ss er.-< but Ihe En"said a cuttonier'-Whe: 1)1a'd just, icliaed a boUle of liotîrben fromn a ja>- ýs. aiotheciiiy, "ri YOU tell mne why.ni> always cornes. ipes," replied -the myûundetr et PUIS. SCeM EONE tells ùus ihut a MÀIis BuChalA îouce rlysga-braveo soldier- on blu wafge, said -'Noav, Capla n - doc )U reali>'mean 10 tell mue you cati wall. to a cannoià,"'i înouth ivlîâtitout tear vé' as -thé prompt replyl, or aB saat's, eitber." Anhd d U it. MAizRçë.GàGAME-A tmanwas recently