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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 21 Jul 1865, p. 2

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* - .b.ii ag -4. sMiL and ted lb agre.. Im homim4, g9« on b4ard S.immd on ber ti ý Meget lb. tart ut s. bia wus oit boanr ded mt fthe .xcussinIt'ý' pinta»dvith thoir trip, e rain which (.11 at inter- 'wgam.dB Dstton ai 1,On Uslrday !W ansof cricket was e.W C.playeti bs*we l. auigtthei av j tor clobsi, "t thegmued of the. ltter, a Uitile ýoa. south of the. ov. Mr. 3eLauchlitl', mange. t j"Pe tThe grouail wu w.ll decorato4wiih ae Iandti iitewus ulargo number ofo pectaortt [le .. en.-Thé w.ehç Vria ll îIiX coulti ______ b. eui ad- ooling bveu prevailing1 ______ îlroughouî ith. day. Ti. friat hninge watts Ievetiy piayeti>butt. e"cor d rhe!in teil. titfeat tof Be *Vertna y '5A4 ni -Thé ftdigof Cannington was gond, and! tue bôwlibg of Nelms andC. Maybeewas much admired. The. fielding on tbu eaW rta ide %vas splendid, but theyJaeedmuch -in tw Britieh 'bowling. Àfter the <arn.,w"sover.they at Deroit, adjouiiedt 10Mr. Parkint - "Rêver. iliuse," neuio nwbere th.y paitotýk of -an' excellen dinner. Fjtctpro.ity After .evérai toasalied beffn drank and va- but mt ani iouiiýsnpg i ven, the Cs.aLtironlS star- in rompe-I teni for home, Weil ploaed wiMth ahir da.y's b. .Uighteut arnsment. Thi e ttarn mdatth is Io be t h exit- playeni on the first Satur4alu Augit. TThe luence. aay foliowring is the score: U. S. Uov BAVRTON.-FR8T INNINGS. <1,-ide te W Gover b GMatybeei.......... J lls b0r.yvaih.ng... ,.......14 s rvatigW Hogob W G. elu.......... 0 iev c he D.I SKMorri8on b (C Maý'<.......*....... 1 teiÎt. ci the (jOÂndersgon b Vsaybe*anud IIDure.'i. lL.fI~ XJ CIIo!gob ~......... i.....y aiboiatwith P J)MoArthu. b Nelmu. ... . 2, ing the vi- A MiiWs bG Maybte.,........... H E UD1not out............. hiaibstien, W Parkin b Nem .......... B~!yea.........................i ranferred a 4 Convi'onl table t tfindt iîîg how tii. Trealy ge t» bIli counte, colonies during.- the d thikutliooatIl (lie- Crown. The. Hon. mona ati Courne aa ,. Nuch indignution nd nt of Mr. Putter, a., vireaddress.uI an trymen laiilthehall of %de building, -telligig tionl tlitCaîiat!ianus de- peoluceui a leti-cr front )tren! Tele-raiplh Corn- aI peuseai asqerted iliaI rof nuion vit thes Re- gnund l in lliats of thie W.ocd la a-aiivc-bomn 'mently l duaitfieul ta ailinug sentirnerit boe, Je sane ts il lias beetu ie.e aeut few guumbiiîg ree-tiet'e utiwnys varia aî'-je as littie regardent 'e' It la gratify ing th. t'a renank8 e e r. rpu- tés, andt al - thuonul>' 'eh will' probably have- Consaul wilI be appoint!d amont. -- -4 T Dite cand bJ foiun......1 T. Cluson b JCluson.................2 JEmnylJClnon..... .........i W ineGaskasti c Morrison b Cluson».' ......i1 iWONouas b j Il egsn o W Glover-...18 ti eur>' Maybeb f ,,dg son....... jG Maybee b J Cuot......... jT -Paiittar b J 1lIndsncMonison......2 j Hlo a n b J Hlodgsnn......... ...7 Il Dure btd c J}ogo. ..... J Dure uîu....- ....3 Byes .......... ................. BEA VE PTO-SE COND - INNENS. D) N Morriaon b snd c G Maybee......4 IVfltiso rn mt....'~" C Aerso b Nels.....i'................. J il odgaon b Niesý...... ..... i uson b G Mayb......... ......... 7 A M<i.zes rui otit... ......... -W G 1L) v e r b CrMayheeç,. il........o P 1) Mac'-tarutb N s......... Ep u0Dý:-I Imt out................... 211d îtd inlgs............... -24 11lnt'ng*. .......... Gra nd total....... 7 .j Einfuy b J Uiodeso)n.... ...........6 W McCanskeUl b J (flui;on ..............i Hl 'Mà yee b J odÏgon............ G Mftýýbee b J 01luson................ 1 W Cr Nelus b J tfuo..............o0 T Dur6 b J Illdg.onc W GIlover.........3 J o lnbodgton c Glover. .. ..19 T Pait1(r b jCIUSoii........ .... Il Dure b J Cluson.............. 6 T Cluson bJ Cluson ( Grover ...........7 j D>ure not Out. .............. Byes 6; Wides I ........... 2nt In 77.......... 5 - Grm~d ýtotal, 28ý 1ev.3. A Daidson. Stb proximo, -Tih is lnx n erI ka-sevai lrougfliot [ nov agi tai- -Canada ns a papnlar anti cloquent lecturen, efiniiel>' met- w-lji ,hoit-ty vis-it tbis nei;hbounlîoed. lie liasa been se- ptîapises dlelivering lecçtures un Catlilor.ia: reé, we oaa vbiee h as reaitieti for sevenal yens., anaî sect ion view as te -subject i-n oneofo! mach iateot, iNve ly than tbey expect liait a largenmbe ro aioua- peple ivili ean timte we attend te lotia n uch vaiuîable information. asiters iatend kFrorn a laIe cap>' af-uc Saut Franeatsô Er- Conieteration a ngel we- exrset the floig - .are luiis is dune -ad Iu know that 1eo.. Davitisen proposes - toth toi bis trip -ethe at,-to deliver ai series of -e u he WOlectures -upon Calafonutaý . î is aubjeci uswe rssêming upon %vwiiich tîîe.peopie tiee,lusve ver>' in' e, Covernwmont perlect infornnation, mô liai mami> are, cornm îoay -are, k'c u i#til ohis itay totalfy - igorant of ita po- périal Gcvern- htaraceiii ob.- alete ho gîv< f fortificationir, climate, uatualraiaoer>'y, and, ppuple, one y Couupny"s uai bave traveilet!in the State ex tensively. i tell the ta!*, Teeat» on h,- aeag ac i a ~ ~ cutithon -roîun te t e à Clloi.Such nouanté - --owiniz tg th.e euiar chîrauer i the couai -try,. mst b. Itipe 1Kct amli ideoriu s triai i ,ruatbfuai. But Bre. Dcvkfsonbas ira vellt d tva- prizea, Iexteuaveiy tîrougi h> eSite, s oth ani t soiîh, easî anîd vest, gaiiag a vaut tloci ij for the thwoof a ittfur<nation 'in ai-tat pemtilitteCat'ifor. beipucýca IWac -nias, and imusaib cni ypreparet! iÛ. se Jnitti State.. far: it ;si bfulpand ltvely piotures cf Calfoniý essrs. Redpatm uni-ICalillrnia iW. Ahitébpitumà cos bù relied upon a Uom.a o! comuom peusi Zjdg5 trllier tiân fana>'. -Wu r.jok. tô kîîw iba >.jA salbiritted. cuti Eaterp friends are gqina 1"be , tre ýboe, forinterl ty ai PPo!Ilnit~~t e iéîfi'md wl awald t he oldOu r.> An'- "liùa poputa a £s., lie o - -in alfaWI7 vt,04-,tq . dedtilueSecond % -à-- b' D -i b, r .0 TaF.itimiand! Tru' The Playga-ouis of îvulingýhurnself tlutiruep ractice-Qf mo4hiine ;gutute a rebeîllioia for- isoveltiluow, pruvi-let[ iuîty e!ijoy t ivlteenipaltanas-nl 10 t. - - urope-k- History of -Coqet-&euoes,*in To our nuxîteroue roe-la-vrs: in-Tièàlt-qiudMa- 1'-4vG theaaa a iestupl> iin ueafai a acîiiib'Mn eat'Au-aa- ttat-- aaîar:i. atfa tecog'uiZu'ltutre fullyIlle Pumicipîus ereferita! Ta'acliei, O4 k vw t .mnmai rotîtat li Mici t i (litIa-'sîrd-anthtAN Direiors.---Mar-na e he «i orareuit ile Dr as gea- h. But if, ouitlitas cotila-a>,ri was lias av- tie ilai..faran wv.aoîlx-dthaé Mcv.Me--. AaF.aîv3lhiie ij v-!auIit -nagle- Noies liiTovn suat! Count.ry--Tho liam Weilt voriliu>' -of illuair écnfidumuçot, anal wed objeci tu"set tlaeuui aside, sal ugitaore Bu ine, fGîiy, Luize, -Wilsoit, KoylAst- îi a Fiiiii.v Iline. thîaaas fOIi or ...- .. ~ ~ ~ hi14profes i n. 'tiheindivitiqa ofigalsailarge pomit u tt ksanat!ihiîp. Afiur spemxiii a ltost a--îî illA ~anda4l i, coatiréria ('ld. i Suuîset rliuu"hus. -- weli iii ~~~~eotitniytnùn, soloiniv decliareal tu be etal réeaabîc aftiraootl, 11 compauy. tti-.pers .aîatSa.ialrissCanî uheSaa wuîî h-.t! iiosasloatg and piatientaut ar, bou '-uk vstn hî-vr'Si"'jiCiln obi.Dsnr.br ~aiŽa TaE &o'sFaeua.Tba avurteofT 'fiEDUXKILi,ý,fOIt [<kW 1-1W IN in gant i ninauitealtaii adit~u, nmmun a ahît tedltsuueret tfaso ysIariStttFas-ic~ e.& t Ihe ldies 1ad, ci iii il Augus nuunbr Ia -iiîn:lu ieuiwriailia. ouglit lu tutier ait purt oit. w. Ilci.1, £sq ,Supcniitelt. i, -beft;re the 1aîîhticfora lenath itu'.îi-v- with a beautiul steel olgrsVing caltentT L.EciorothwCaaedinPil cP tiati petaàtétll aicîîeîitu> t i n-a Vely l1t>erous ;Va.Oiee J~r- ci-er tuseaiis weiltiiieda- haver fiiiti i i n 44 Grandria's Darlitjai..tefic ftcont- . .-Oic-ueuf nasu u il ear-,be n -jiastanêe mn give parinaneaitrelief ,. lieautlia Saa,-î uose. a-y mrï ssue ou mie:1ta an- uleia,-ii u he lias moitI iti andte-u-- aaynta e luiievar knutw-tî. a -7 leaùn, îiih ils deep, thrughtful eyeî, stikes statitl ltat Yott rte ltjued publisb ihfg ornmu i ï, 'liabie sources uf iîatrr l'Oam n pologYi, _COTTON -SUr'Lv.--The hinsenirffaa.%itaicay tîtfîlaft tIete i'datlaa. us s aituu{ntyhu. mogMa fimiet lIta & ftîiWs- I o ne itr ft uuh ir ie ue-imsi y as wru;Ilt, cal-i .b cîitat îaw enggsté ulcale-ib-n uroî*rly f-i4l w',litaaOiu-ii- of th .1051 Fahiffl Plate, ve note a Bridali .tch to bleuitBltagoi nle-8ib. tdeforbitun but simh ei %viii app>lyu lionii iiiadli luestnua ii up> r eiie!aiiisoerîas ta :' Drea vmy hale ntiprlty 'iit alier1 f thuepreseml e uh; amuias sonne mitgb htie grtates, crimirtai vimose narinui>'be 'of Cottoii' i cetaiuylaarr s-imaqas-lte ighest ternis-of ils'Xiniues andi ».ag essver cast ad pety. i i labaur otider Ilii Ipreseiot iait 1Idrew crie j-~teileutthre colls of emm. Mis tleu'tistien. andti wa opi. uTî rt wiliibe stîleýti isjaîlifute -t'ec it en-ravings ttil nt0rar,"ToC ct i-the duturiti piolure» tô whicii yen itltidit, hOsgraietual itsibe lakeaisaslte indox 1 orîy-.ai an>'ratie.the people o ait îata lu ýe spek frontexperient e ilu îttis ant non n rt! h Raiti-dnaps,"' I' Jacket c an lîî jtqce lu nyef roi! epctul e- u fIlis t eeiiî;s andthé epuru'o Ye oi ,hveat lteUl i rvtrugaspply fo i t teVt lhlaraa it atiittii-.t deaux(fron ant back ~ "B -qne.l tat youwiutîv bs, hi s a andi whiciî W r maîtampteut crullY tait! tr--ie"'adiuîPiuDtre" t2cs.wuaesulaiagfmtn'ftecoal îe), ounta, n talenreit c ih asfor wlirit hil recommen-ieail may depeuttu deatx(ron am bak ve*)"-1Wîointâ,vi apI. e y the.lâtas lte>' <ocurret!, age atuti<ity,î airîy eclipe, hole f C iglaperbrle I tut-lti. hemàismneUr-al, ilbeing a Soyena'igu Remedy. - Li GOa-ilemmiant SIiifl, wido'ly circtIlcteit jaunial. _-,'it! Nero, and sober lIaitury ylyet p iiva oasa'usfronlt tht Ysbean dIrectly, Tîierstonishl)g eliccy oftitcCautgdiaaa1 ri Braoes.<itott and batik vies')," "14GimpOuh.j On SS naaatiuihu JtGere lka l etaJii mrsero leNneae-i-raaaple!. _____ ________Dutoe, ucuigti isaei o wîc n trnla1t Watea Si Luaked orte nti a w k0... iuotk5 -cn lahmRZRYUG TDA ÂRT. hgi raak luie laianditremdefo us 1aOlgt,&eflio, ii b , an1 gly1, 85 mielti .-'-. PTER 11 eul*etra8.1inta ai sule atuiir a- le ba S L «b - o-a* délieg, w, adjournet! tte aCul: ea.IJi AYPSAa~Tiat u> 185 lin Odenpar-sofe countfrforM mit-yVscs e'-i ~ ~ ~ ~~ rt ~ - 12 o$ 1 supplies, antieach îestifaring asIth le nil lu if I-r letit, eul nd WAS iO!IUNAU 4. nih I.prit of lhf.-Ag-a hhtco.dnion e n thett. -asei SievtV orll4a osds ed w1lich conîinued fur 'want of thm suppM otbi in fill ',tu Tory coun:y like. ,Siineog, -one.would na-ý SjtitS8lly xpecttu e ieteii4d tote paty --T FeitmW, É.q.> M.»., .1 F*Wmo owkw. bim t t.FoicePbaw MO MidkmM, ain urCesa Glycinies" by Mis bo.ly ;"My Dilemz li-0--- .hl u or tua," by L.efl. WaIt.r; "iwitîig, - by whIm-1-wat .oeKakeù by the crowd and Mrî. Tache-) lDvak TaiciesP "byF. E . ; ausasled by twu redies b b ie mUlof "Sureaor" Ài1,bRnrcCoo'aidy I*afiilt m  f STom,-I auberlaifl sdý na;<'clionn Wo0g" y K~ f<>~*bel. ote 1 il gel onut of lte waY 1 got boU na; l Caifoma woing'11 y UaeUllStbl' k . d ,*dreeiid .overal ÏtThe twes!e .e b y Mma. non otel indigtgiisfront *o..rnLi*IY eowdI 'Colaeh," by Mrs- Bitchie. Éditoriale. Th..coà0aable, Rob.rt luint, ohi4î Fàthiàn,,Receipts &o. Pri'e $2.50a ; <Sitby i" wbule amaetn aPaOtiY by h.name of Wyie, à disorVy obatautoir 2 copires $4.00. Tathosedesiirotnofai aking.fo h ac or boni.h at!Io re- up clubs, OLtpe ien nambbfts il be sent fu l lease tea <ve himmif trou, fturie ifdy. 15 ets. Addre4us Iacon & Peterson, .319 an..Bjk' , wu-seyrely beaten by Waait tree4 philsephia. gev-«al of ibe Bobeaygeonjowdies whohati. _____________ nodoubt been-àsturliod 1>Ntui. pPSO Lsrr Ovies. -Qwsig te the l .anoa ewuigsaug u a e.M.Georg of.$pucei' taken qpby the LandCTau Sale an 1other flW advo*U5Si, we are obliged 0litrii h vnighqi nofeasW liai e r ill U**e * eaverl .dderiaiu am nwudTmitte Ve r OfwuU CUtI lb. ~eU.r af ~' mddkiokd t<u sgb uuuWià at Uth usmsu lb, ehsacters thllt BIlaw lFpio Pctt ON3s: u P.wos tient wi1e EW OP fiART 14it.i2 o! a en0i01 ' évtr eusig u~1 of .W Tch, lie ýo wh én ceu it sathaie uin Bih mmox »h w*, b I roulife!2 ATE i!JCES-Nw8 a 14s fihi bt n! e enbld aI o pcaygo a* onf kad se. wekiog 4< ou#eaoiik.g ~~~1th santajî4ethe a ilait at toouué *hI1po ftes 10 tera-wiwhis s. t4eal. hers * w EgistCto an o.9ad1) wbiiiuvryr.icuuadud.si wuJ4*tla i.-.rSont',4w1.1@" W" onn11cr. il&iNs nd81kMiHr60PTe age tck> hà 5fWI 0 tCIisb"» 'r... uiy a in- t ut b. ornIWESSE >OWie,-.Tb t he w ita, puld Who mm river Kmwthepi.. ah. vaStqskya aYureetotfOlyntçyw te. g maa ihtig .*. 8.5=0. BOTSan SlOES i oa pk suid sa*0 ni* uaof elwSm, mv WO! s eredane, ustinh:e s.ofphi*.wortche- GE (rees a2gi.fras a foritlwas Ille-eau." of ' I thé ruommaty ondutt .qàsý once *liei-gru tre. ont"le.Velslansaud eyy15,C hcap. Sw l h ,wirvit i a.ad tl a-Tle htq(. gr oea quest on thee, 14 rowho ir. wall e Skoîflr.6 L 1aJIyqj "qibispaithb o oKàdpesd-iToa eau, Esq., Çoelam ronerle hoRhi want eu au iaaiiTeedll -_______________________________ ietl. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ trc ooutb M ase.ddb ta t9,y.Roenie'Ar, . a h f edi h uih atîuatue on wr eksuPpt 1 oxrid h . 1c'arwfes, . - - - ft to sfont P per#». T<'qui îaaîry â.u eard p uini. tient13123%e s a b ifoelcfo. - - 4,6"eORNan 2 oltor fsad our885mb.-n"v setuu ýpiitt pei.a.- lWm. thie wat.- t~t ewa1sti.waf .ui.Daîs 1whtruechrn,,ua FoIA, r ct mt gowh o 3we >yiai Mr. Mr. by , M- bous,4 tr5'd .poim teit!eufthesi hevoýrewer;rm ic rndy ?o aa bi fi! fuetequsijis bui 6e ifori1 ., Ia.vails tat wîî w hil up- Atrcennte1ahjauat hwf -C. ar !anMd i ent, osalsgolvet!, c m&, muid;u - ise t we ice-,atveyveyduJrdAMS J Ue peoj>e-utm- . 110t.upo. tir1w A1MRR1 . ihe tBr a. -, a i~ -nstuforthCasI h. -Twis i tii Roveili 55*e.tbK. waire thm a, rWUStoWeî m5@ o I'ut the il erl i cUai,' av- et15, Ou .p18i65a!.lIlrfar -M .sr. Jorman,,GILL.E. . A-SlM.F -1110emiliatnalaatsvB m1wt,- lparm hi ]tiltits'fraio tellement, and rch, e.teTHRBUder IlerrO.XE. M oe ud orté êhoesitolvin us T he s anief ws hldreterod bfu e emtaeveita tu aiy ne. tua acreîîavua _ b.~~~~~~~~~~ înhrzdi tk rceîug _ 1a ant o uth oe a hmia Ob Sei,-Tie-ylutiiruw isat upesi tio wi ratsit Sa-lleit i sy u a so!i- fru 0f Reay Jlye i e L mttîpaiy enwea adpasi.C4-Thom'" Be ta: n ult i a! u fle l sua i adpu!mpso.:îuyw kpeartii ,Ihu owt o: int a. 301h id gJuaiuli. B YAfor~UNi VA Di a not matie y sai.IRuthorfrd, hi avoua vlet. Mr T lim radc.an id's fi--,ôrta a itublief rateattii sura iîy i o-pr Vt ase myta ~ua yote o rfiexis MuoipaUby Mr . J)ow- b gj uj - X, tut iter fuita>waaug chuaIle3aue rit" srp.'14 0Xdeliri Estnlxl3shed . ~osederstofrteatifleti iat lieihae! are -the, Is ednazioi' 1 bjcet cfidugroiuîsh wirl supportd 1n ruai..ofuaa mletr, f 186 honor ea andp o.- MÎWal o iw ài tf î â . p tjice peouliai' lu each. vý' wii s ot 31ii , uaareei w- i es. .îy ut Inhi tt' f i. tadc i t daa-,iant auie eîw en10t y.tueiu Ile xila: P naty o Ile ,irakae tl îfer a son. Cdarrili. , oed M Jr danhe uoffendpd.o fn; eyer noîtheaiiive r ihk at woutd ()Iatile ft Azaiealuîi»aiie, i! Sil*14 a.e iii 3 w. wýilI oi- 9 . ote wif<.'iiir Y I î1C u1îoî~1%ar ternis" wiî4uoui îhîakaaag loi tuaI16 o lai o 9 W 1a.uiiiy e i gawtOà. liiiai% t tN iiî fourosphalk bis anti n m ; he aways liÏt! on ie 8rfkottriio ues io itîdiir ý-e tpensii,- or 21 u A. :auîo te 12 nsant, he wde chg,é , i ki S r e nthere, tmenipthe iarserseii a oiieJ u atoB uademî 1j li lnahM tîr atjîr 8 elot3 %Vwrwîhfou- o . .l3iYN4PLM )i A em Jor d d a on .t" n uis«i.s.ar efui ll ierthte lu ex petit!w t suprt'> nThrd'%, h Ghtrs.,te iec r i feqaenty- o ùin;.a fe adm. ii- ui l ca-ma n rat îiaiiaiuaal e-aIea - tîa uy 6 w. BluiX&a., -'m-Mthe1C XVAIlEor t!ra fre u iiity, resuri ii. ia!ansu mtt fr t a I ,a-ùor gît hews agcod wiim er Ato a.tu . pise uait Î wuutlcuîauit iî.a mi r ate y o A .it .Mii6 .iAut!rv iaR-Rtee jitu i EDotiau l leC:~ puroso. MoNlvt! y M. oeeadrmlseodt!o"nsi rainilie ry brughîi vict Iwii, alube, aneti o e§ierdmnTteibis uumîof 1rea. ograW istLi of.-7 a., 2a. l'6 W.i- îiY Nt>LI:4WAES ri( Mr. Jottde n-Thi ifor Tr.eatureA che an- iii suthe aeceeasefw4lorwze:-teat 1he deceasetï lu-île-ut!ve puiicysa ulaiteknatlàionsu- a.wti, i ian L a 57a ~ ç~PLOJUWFî- he-onet y a comd1:l tem te abalant!# Paîm-ikl3rady, aiket! t!liberatey iota ti disgraaelul.la t h, 3 Iax ý> theaiuni2 - .o h' lo ciT h bv on1:ht i t j- an ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ii ehyoînyTrsoerfr- i êtays-~Scîo Rie dpe ildwa Ille. h Ngosufae C oai p dreet aervs onasagria r qultx2 .oftepaI al Chî:pYAlexander MurrC v, Es - Hiramc teglboAllenw l ionlimletohneuuroi.r o G.sbssiLrOiNG. ofLinsayUttS;nl>huI, ) MWAF.oad ei tcon ninc.a-ardu ~e ti ha iby lynth erc ord rgs(s lifenset Ule 1t h we oalla. *tcijetluI f iteo . - . I o . lei ui6> r dat r oaitaîitit'>-t'- te oon ii.buuidar bewee Fenlenmd u Luîdsv C viil s beuieui odeiii Yn tu o fgrÀvttat Rpublt4ican aîqutie Opa,-HJnly 15,th165. Arasouin o ' i Ra eiaefri Ta e -1 ' '-o .~ com isionr oreoft!igtiesmn.-C b pv isI-onz! pavdS kir fr on hobisi î l-13,r -iu xecseoeapht l in partIleAiiioitI rb-o 1et. Rtherford ucllecin, eaoont jtmt! atea >iraalFeaher, F o fr,-.th an a it i nea, a nt i iol Ti b e !a e triIe D-TR H'C VET fte01 oIoi-. IX~ P~M Na ~ -J- - fonmuos ut ls dlemîe, hve ben, atti re ,Are irraiîetitOirb esi tuîctissut- n- of p noteMade by sM Rutherord inanci T -ded las 'loioî ale forety cavi sit-aveti oflt'sr Te a >rresprna Li td îî yoltierianui<nmodes ~ ~ ~ iîi -~- leMod) iMc KezeA lev- cie suit wrrale! warirol-t wich ma t h e ru ýi s euscuti teatii winbati spor e orhuîearly threIlleurs. O lla a We <~~irect- - the ahtent0oando!4ocrore idethe fore- ar i e u ielpeli ôe, sut jud iîgIrourit s eeureuladbygmerlcusal dN i-li er htla -e w;,a LAa at!eîîsa entofîe fiurclrnn'sMag- onak-neFergnoce n'aCe tiatefrotie Huard wul ba i e uiatasýth i Pluabandi l a nd icl /S spe, 14ofîe n W itio 1-iii atuar te-it II-,>ÇM<N< r irauclive ta wiiîfu'rttLsleed.him tp Sipposcalhan Fieratof I ati n t10 am spr ihe lard i etenlu t -e.ciaugei in 6 si w.,r wewmii ane Frslet ar~r'nl xuao oaa- Cluairman, Secretarn,,nati upsreurea dent. I afirmaôtieve, atttillouggi aouisan exprussèt6 eve iîhw. oi e als %iepr oi behtra. C i- îea gitsitI. -a aa i'min ., ha ettwb 1 IIitélaionLiar-e-tv l trnitq' l'nrheaaîn tlene g, ai .nw.ase. f. - Win. Jreatcrn bea o iiah sio tt. M us Ij -l l~ ii aoneirtetavibi r. at a .lpeff a i' gi i egtard ;lu h AW mt'm'ata ota ae l i ua I .-a a- tue m at rasonbi.. erni. baeat'ont! lausi B . of ne year writen on S uitica i tiou t a eu jaonai onale. 'il'h car iOly . latiiu epesoî iei! (.uît' i e ot &(painian diea-la - - First Glassasuer he afdsrmfor"he p.slias fiieecimswileuthi yajdfo tuf rîc6as iW.uîpnoiiyconeean i eiaugv 1 Machet Cfîîmeg ud ioU-ranaha establialietijouConscorejury s titis inek verdit ~ analtri la u ut ii li awir aatl eaat ve-eu eati ait A I (11-Ifi'Tittn (f LUla ui lENI 11. a ne an! egcn-drss.. î cetais suna Iltigon, aq. Reve f M ripsacom lacalhisprioneinstitu>'tionsrticfee-swiatlîaart itena buasîvlîah tr is a'raara- - Si. Jofes('imeK - btye!cMriglu Fi lJua.-Th d n-as i aalaatdethhelru. /ti- bi lIac iiau uvrr Iiae iUa2lulte au nn fh- -i i na edloia atile si! goitepluneafe in is e>'a vy, O ast! *: Tt he ai aspedi Itu» usgarst-îergtvreapieo auit-ch u'ofsyijaly ai Hu1tasix11 tre %etL 1 ln i rL iil5 . il 1>'4cirinnedtaimn~-et le T'ctacrpt coîpains o th prvalnc cfeen iaîaiîs onîeîts - ' a 't tai l-e u lt o4 a -'l'ofL -t.a-lta -a- anth-Cti- -Tras- -or ilmoo l egrlo! msuff Liarage îIi reh u i îoisje'tiaati i pro Ial l l . Aca as iun.!rt wi I .Af:,a- cout!tanou i -atcti i etepnîe ani .TsTsrsÀL-M. ebei âsn M nandst alaasa oniio Ia al ea rt tilmg aa lu siîsoflicautsec faC aeleavLer 6-0c bis b a ue vo trus matiip ifrta mybi gu of i4s"nk a le Jren.lu!i p rbale!eqai ; ia t ay6r eina' 6b-Poaîe, aefiildr l)o9n', 'Ar tny cf ngto MaRi . UE bo aucesafl. T thoe ofop readrs t- ~<>iOîî ~ ~ wiîh ~ uteir reauar wii celaiuiinalenablarag ln, :ghbItumis.. Habw eluiri, h <i lt iiita' -aaatî- oiu d i'laiv 'ut-I. i xx 'a.r MriùuesscnuntlM.Mc exi,- S.,n0eserv fplie b>' ti altarehowt t i ua l farîtrn ua itlan i aeturaiIyGo xe~it ult 25 5-7S.,i n 6 w.k 90 sî f1i~ Ii stai i e ctinled"S tiathua, a ofdIon d t a ira lt e insM ftit tion fo p léanio t er jamt 1ialeit -aleru tivet! fn WeIil o- ï, eluca, utmimaî bIls Ii now einguhisiét in is olumus. ha . sna ~ hi gaienaî~u! B~'Ibisava ~ein Waaaas ase:îbîy- qutuin aarufurofifites lait iifi>-r.î.ý d: - lt o-- are, anal iieve bru-ltt -e uiexi p 0e, u hte caeut %Vi lit lisia. Amrle -tir ~,hc ax1i A FE areî - to i they an lfl i i f Be etow - i ncncrlll> eonnet u -i ers a e crihat raiuaîldlulattoti4. haai MIIolo CHiiAELtrab Natsutapp. e BaIl YaÀ. N' a-' --- nI S--NA- a W. . iuwet&Co, -hemîeri.n~ub 'Theprpretr s n xpaninct!caotr a i. icm U"f'it-a titlepu aatfor iluG-at- i uke eeae, a-ruel.a t't-ti A e îiC 'a simplîe forni- and- ~z-: i-a to opejn tm ntebu,'ouns aeyt bcltweoni uen cati,.iand.aatIou-eLitraclsay,.ai.àumwe#1l1 lim faea, aaîl l Bona-et&, gaaisa . t - 15,18a65,a crat um er t a nt. 1uamand luimimgu e sinmfo ll. S ar ai au!l i.hIt utwGvniîutIymir ele vleetu. u setl -s mI !t a i '--- . l. 't-wtct >% te 5h c n., h Re be< aiih uohrc.m .' itsfuu îioi î upwho arlItîaiy es etturq ai i icac at c msia -oni ier wforepid t he il ages e nýti- T h ve receuve t s oîluer en ou iedth e I eq..... oflaî'u l ..c..... c taa . yn i vaus tIVt ' - ~ a taS -nient - more a Ilan 1 tion i a ua> ta- itocat dbp1ttatiarTy, HE __________________ bCONaaauaiuitg5i1-Ihl-vur- iusîrai oncil e n -easIj ondonaS'cie àktelîne jf lèîg l, e ar ut lworsuut101h~lbr> i>jlt ~ h o~iapi-NC- nlcta attc o Iat mh>'ebaeeal frolu are.,; 1C. . -i. & Go. FI!ratioî o - or reder anoben iualicton. . -iatte r er l~ ut elipai t i oi o .liait aicrtid spol.éfona?. t turi fle sv tur uIit. am tt teMadi-i iait - E ¶a - pait f tain~~~thy G-vpitiiTie :aiai- usto, bconedptuartioltt eais lat laiseilu auI iai'3iuhabveest---h aad a îs.ul6-f10xalGaa' Daîi-- Mi ill ;A vnTfd ~VIuexe hah We G ?-r-aul Malt ii Paris PaaoaàL- r att nion ba la at i j tîj t uat , I xo vis t ait! Illu Ir paaao- eau infu t iy oieb iaup-n igitflcuUt.(hraî,Waaait -moienati Sclalthosypaua o ngiiBearyeimsl tIeautiwhr notsd- decaîi!ruit nlrsîî.-tauel aaU ut.au -aîisî'rspovae! iaeuu. 't,îi-ttiiaîae i iln-Ic':'l-ir Fa mit e noy i i ty r, a d os l 'ii v i J r bush. .. . . -.. 5 « O 0 &T le anadian P ai Destroyer neer failui';t Y. Te.lsrsuo~puy er ois - 1 Patate.., pet buh..... 40 0 O401giTe hamediate relief. Ai117eicine deal-'re 1. A 'lfa - 1 1atoah 5lWi Hre' prbs......O o' keepit. Physieians arderanti tise i tuIi "i IlMme)Pease, per bush -........... 0 70" o o0 family vil! be vîtkt iafler ocetrni WhmlgretI.ydisturbs her repose, a Ha',pertotan............1300> 15.00, F'rice ouI> 25 cents peM bottie. ~4 ..(a14,) eO Fid ii.vaies f x~'Iuza pu ttti..........550 "6-00> Ait arders shoulil be addreggid teh *1 56.yan X Mgs baii< Bttrperi.E....... 012" 0 1-. . 'LI. d tii, 'hsen! y's n utue o ~Bj pr 10011,.. ..~. .. 514 - - SMd ln Lindsay by C. Brittuua, Knowis ai & t »eNged3ateiesbighbsendyol iemn oth.Poft . 0l.pei.....4 rgry, and iatthe Medicali Hall:; E. AA. 'f y.. *lXpeoigcl rcpmj 1m per lb..........O10 '« O0 0Oakwaod; Gea.D gisNanilla: A. Wat PAIi6YVréHfp K. "............ e"oo'Cuinln icn.i~CmeuWoht = Hî as iw Thîoaeas Matqée-,hOmWee, ana &H1imeàirat TOUTASCi TU, -~-<~~ (le, eaci.,........O25" 00tdealems - 2> Tou 74,t,* T:£,t, ýwre-rtokeyeaah.*.......... 4< 05 sw'a~ ee ttdwh:bxo rc' i et m100 1w ..........4 50"si5 50. Surca lthe.days of Lord Bacon Englapai Itb".ugWee tutedfoeeohtDIED. thiibil 1no Chstiol<whou puiit>' lm of i b. é« niuse riaiu iBbagoon tise UOtIsnstmt, Biai besa auspeWtt, ltise casooieprea0t~ O5I45andmiS - ua10 ii. nSdaflthe FJme thueMa> MGll Tq ~ 95 015 p box. 1~ flvw~wmaeîI ~, Memelor- hneircie o..h ulc heir li ti.e vit Illte me y confi( loved,1 Mfaine1 liape tn s of Ille. reen u 1 il 1 - a - t t 1. s- i r i - a- --a a-a - -i c A ru r- a il "a-t-'- t a-a-. att a. t la r- tai: - axa- a t--a -~i a -a - -ta-. a t a~ a-. lia tati. a: l'ail a i ta i tati!- - Sa t fa 1 l'o ait- hi-i t ni tata- ttSSî

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