d on hAa4and la Olot1tq al fwinld C anadian sud '~t. vel% RK Cob eDilnLineuns,. Caadà 'glng,,Sbir CLUtRIN<i>RÂlDE TO OIRDIR taulise uat foablees t ~L ~mAPERFECT P]2' WARD Tb eandrd-ttbe DryUOdoda vl be soId aî cosýi M ,atm .iii.isin i, f"torailesta live yeavs, reg, 8pr cent per AmsUII pan ha bad immediately, on] aiisfactory titi. 1Issara nce, virt Led at modera te rate&. Alto, cm f Vauable lard rorble ferm. For furtber par- (if LI lettey, pre-paid> to Enneois. Ieach. Lre ti Mesrs. ng an As- isigamecnt1 )vu of Liadsay, in the 4Ooitnty of Victoria.1 1 Qfit forbi aay aigi6 Nho 1Jhvld Tma-- oni tleise ât 16, in the. ops, in the rtïgage as mr te tise.Canada Pernia- Savings S oiloy (,n the saad- WILLIAM £ACKSON', ANNE JACKSON'. leu. 0- TO LETI1 Stha Ttfýi«lBDLClueared Fr m, 0 acres, fruowuas Lot No.' 13, »ncession of Ernily, ouhy "i ellés crore Mttftionl of thé l'art Hope Railraad, aud in thse irmmedifte good achooL. There are about Led ; gaod <rhari; franie dwe4- br, ad a neve-fttiling Icell. Pel1 watered. fimmediat paes- ibemtio la aultutbetenantt. letter prepttii, t QHI SCU'LY, Omemee P-0. a14, 185. 0- paly mpsiag chargeg ad alliag t mcm away. - . E.11.iLBORY, * Lot 3, -itCon. Feueoos. Peelut My 29th, 18aiS. Steaurboat Ntie 18 5 The Steamxer ]MIMiA& ber regular trips on Mondaty, leuving Iiidgenorth 0o1 Mont- Ys aad F idays ut i- A.Ju, re- e Lindsay on Tuesdays,'Thurs- 'tinys. ai-9.15 aam. calling nt. 1Feuelon Fal ls. lestve Petci'huro eftcb moring ,sauy. articulars as to Feeight, kc, JAS. WALL[Sý PE & PETERRORO' ie 23u)d of MAY, tht Peterborà' 'unasu fuiIowei MAIL. ata.......... ... 9Sam. ý(rnha ....... 1215 p-m <igh at..... .0p.m. lope ai ........... 5.55p.. ZilAt ............ 1O.h )peat .......... ifnm eti........... ... 300 p.mi 'g ............. 5.30 p.M. Li JOHM FOWLER, et Mqiagi D irect or. goy, 1865. 31t ;T TO 1LOAN. "RsS11-AVE PRIVATE ab" Iprored Fi rp WLQck. Kenti iEtet, Ltndsty.- àl Act of ' 1064. ASI ALD TAYLOR4 of Use 1.uotceit aenoift.d v.a4e su' aseiguneatof- his to,underï the abibve, Act--4o ig fwda sfor**"ss1 f. Me. pnîeu, ie ot i Zabnd te keei> .aey more Thê e ?l.l ahP6al4 fotgood q1eil. Caeb lso paid for Stvt. c nrd;t giveir A. CADVOTTE je UOSTELLO. CO. Beg toer noiunce the comIletion of their Spring Stock, eonËisting of Ilendyemade'- Clothing, Bout n Our soc f DrY GGOdiaSI very large and *eII ssrt*,and owIng tte .grat eecline ln the. price of Cotton$s, v are enatbledto offcr greati indacements to ii<rchasers. ln Cuu.4iau and Scotch Tweeda we have a large display. GROCERIES, BOOTS & SFIQES, CLOTRINO, AND LIQUORS,I %&xsua1, veceive Our attea&ion, and webave nô hesitattion in saying.that ne bhouse in the trade vii e#casundr4usCfashis what vo vant, and QC~FOR CA-#suWM. -IvIE»ý SAMAINSS D Aut inspection of out stocèk ii &Il we ask : The Gonde and Prics vil speak fOr thermg-elvcS. Sroduce (for wbitch tue Iighest price wiI hogircii) ta en uin exe ange. J. COStELLO &.'Co.- WiIas'aJ~ok~opo.ie cleimWIarHrdwarC are-, K6AIt&, Liddaay ROBERT SPIER- AMPORTER 0F STAPLE,& F&NCY DUR.Y GOODS-19GROÇERIES &C. hc., is nov rpeparcd- to offéer to'the Public-a choîce at-sortntnt inla te abutýe mto branches. lis stock conpsista la part o:. 411 WooI, Uniorn and Coltn'nTýveeds, Mtohair, Coatings, Fancy Flannels, - -Genti-'l and ýLadies',Collars anid.Ties; Ribbn!s, Featlier,., F1owverà, - ShwlsManucsDres Goos bgre4 t varieiv, Genîs'. Strùw and ,Feitfliais, Ladies' Slra* Bills - -and Bonnets-trinmed alid untrirnred., JUS prints, Factory Cotton , Steaxulooni, Striped Sliring, C bockcdo., Tirkiag, &c., bis. cust .ornera wiii find beyodcompétition, bôth in -quatity and pance. TEAS, COFF'EL, SUGAR, splCE.S,* PICKLE-S>, * SAUCES, TEAS, SUGAIt SPIC ES, - i 1CK LES,. SAUCES, TEAS, COFFEEI -SPICES, PICKLES, SAUCES, Au assortmcnt of Crockery kept conetanti>' on n d-. liii stock of Ready-made Clothiug, sud Boots andi Situ0es wvIiibc- solti at cost price, beiug de- sirous pi retirià-g firurnthose unes oi businie. -BA SA L 7eA ND FIELD PLASTE1R FOR SA LE. IlIsse, Butter and Eggi nlu yquîbity taken lu exclhatge fur gQods. * Corner Store Adans'a Block, gent etreet, Lindiay. DORSON & NIRLOCK,.- leporters <'ç eti in l GENERAL GCROCERIES, TEAS, TOBDACCOS, COFFES,.:SUGAR, WINES, BRANDIES, RUMS,,OLD'TONI AND IIOLLAND IGINS, CHIPPEWAMALT, OLD RYEI AND COMMON WHISKIES, &c. &c. 1781 TILI MIS: IEXTIIIn AUCOuPL .1i The sub seribers-arte dete rmined as heretofore to 8lpply ;I want -JIOngý fel l i is, Town, by heeping e co tutInti onhand the best bra-nds of 1iported' %'Vlnes d Liquors, Aies and,'Porter, all of wbich ivifii b Bold ,at:Lowest Possible Prices for Cash-, DOBSON & NIBLOCK. 290-tf Lindsa~, May 4bh, 1805. WllAT-'18 Il AB&IOU T mWSUNiPA tgeiWED EXCITEM EXT previl in consequence o? the etaodur o A pces which cetoos, And other Goodaac1îwdsof-o tbiss fbr thse E Mmi ýwhflAin bh orvav1ou*sftuuji sudsupertor quality.ý. privwe .ô1~ a i nd Sdees iupple#eou obsltnôati*, and on the moat iavome& .,, Oandbs,4»ssclu.BIoéita, &. &..whoe- douilng 1hlWsiln"i Àcail mvated. GEORGE GREGORY. IROVKU FME IIIIE SUBSrRIBER offers for Sale Lof Nu. Q inh!li et)n. of the, .T,,OWNSgIP, OFMAÏA, CO. -ONTA'It<1 ditititdiii theC enteSor a gs-8Mment, end %V thin milles nt 'T!RESJW MLL-AND A GRI -T MILL. ie Propberty is ;rohcby gond tadi,, sand iii vth0 fa ie TheLatnd 1; othelIE.SQtTAITY, and tUn' 'ie hiindisplitaHe. A p p l ic a i n a . m a d e t or to the proprietor 0on he lremises, Talbot River, à1ai a. Mas,.Tu 2 16 2~mf GOOb rau1r FOSALE * AIES, M lEIA OTNO 2q, CON. 4, 4:in- the township of Yeueloh, fJouty cf ,victoria, of wliceh tht-e a-e Sig-ty Acreselear- ed and undkr cultivation, This land wiii ,bc soRd in two separate lots if tlesired, to sait the î>rba sern The east pat r cntains 100 acres, of which 10 are- cleared and a log bouse there- on.and viii be sold separatelyif desired.,: .Alsé Lot No 52, sout h aide of Portage Road,, Township oif Eldon, Couuîty Victoria. For particulars apply to JAME IIEI~,Solicitor. -Lindsity, sept. -1. lSt. 202-tf NOTICE. For sale, very cheap, three extra wuitabio for Sohool fBouses,,IBalle, &c. Also a large lot of .Box aiid.Parr Sto ýS, ta bt mioid at ti4 lowest figure for cash, Uciore 'the firSt of Mareh, at the 8 TO IE q2b WTIS fIO P, IULU.IST B. ctCoa Ô011 011 Cans, &c. &c. ai lowest retn il prices.d Cash paid for Shecp skiaq,' Calf skins,, old Coppe C &c. CEwqDMFELl MWillli&Stroet, Lindsay, Jan. 26, 186.5. 4841 -Igoneyto Loan. iVRE UNDEPSIGNEI) à ovpïeparcd Fo belonging ton pravate ind4vidlials), ForF1VE Y KA 1S, on lniproved Farms, in j large or siail arnounts to suit apilicants, at a j LUW _RATE OF INTRIEST. Fer further particulas tà 4ply ta JflIE.SHOLDEN, 30,00 ames f LîndPrince Albert. Ais, 3,00: te.es.f Lndfur haîle in, the j Ctm~es i UùîmoPeterboroaxgh, Victoria, Lanihtuù Kent,:Esffl, Grey.M~iddlesex, Perth, INiA&N vîeffected at moderftte rates. STEAlVBOA&T :NOTIC~E, Tl/ e fr ai ling iaew Steamer CAPrAN Pr.WOOD, Wilcomniniic ratiniing to Rorchester, on Xarch 27 th, 18*5., imii frLer otré- q iblrt i~ N1s ~ - SRSGAND. SUMMER STOCK 0F BIAS ARiRIVI;D, comprising ail the Litest S iqof LADI ES', GENTS' MISSES' BOY S and CIIILDREN'S WEAR, whieih wiIl be foud fVÈR ICOMPLETE, and at ,AT EXTI .IE I.LY LOW. P kIC ES! Particulat -attention iâ: directel ta thc LADIÉS' .KID'o GOAT, AND PRUNE LLA, CON GRES-S AND CIIILDi'EN%'S FANCY BALMORALS. FURNITUR! FLNITURE! Pr.ces. .iVIIF. SIJBSCRIBE.R OFFP-Rý5FUR SAUE TUF. - LARG£ST DBEST -'Seiecied Stock.of' PARL()UlR, INING, .AND KITCH-EN LOURDINING, AND KirCFHiN CHAIRS, PA.R-- TABLES, HAIR SOFAS., COUCHES,i;& LOUNGES, IEBeRS * BUREAUL& CUPBOARDýS. MATRESSES 0F VARIOUIS QUALITIES, 'SOFA, COMMNON BEDSTEADS, - . FOOTSTOOILS, &c., &è. Article' of llië best and newest tîîeis awy eto auad wil hoý SMLDAT OÎPHE LGWEST -Fifiu'efFOR 1CkS 1, g>. AU orders: Carefuily attended ta. C0- J- Cnýffins f all sizes- kepi cuntItyý ià Stock. Ruuember-ADJOIXN-G TIIE NG(LISTI C IIWhCIT. -CABINET MA KEE NEW FÂ q NCY- GO-ODS At * KecnaWs Block, Kent- S1treet, LindBy S SPL ENI)DID STOCK 0F B E AUTI F UL GOODS. just Rcceiu'ed fa large qunniti!Y of ne%,rst.yle, WiinlPa ver, smita h1e fvr Dun io .le us., -ý par*ors, iluils, &c.. %il oi whici t'tilI lec slii mail arlvtice tm > cst ; 1aî*eu'Winadoyr lin. Looking Giagses, sund 1Louking Gasi'atPicbmuiie Fa:.a- aa~cOn ns C L.LD R E*4N'S.CAB3S I.Igliih Glue, Walkinig Stickt5, Ca ors, it c. AN D. C A-I R 1A G E S The 'Lorers or the".,Iéeil9- will find the bcstTohbaeàs in grc'it v.ey1 ~ tma~ .'ti p ~d Cgr t u es, lirands, aiid Cigar Cases, in every stvyle, Ladies willI ind a variedstock ~edBridi, iTa t i otét. Irl WoolIeNvi-CWller, - Wedding Ilingis. and Faàcy -Ciflery DoigCu>las' iot Son p, Ir.ner adl iirti. Violis.intlinl St> iauss and BOWvs. SSt4,mipbmg Io order. 2 (1 D<()OI' NX'est olt11w.Jcliv'e1t IloUNe. Lindsiay, 4th ApraliS*1851 7-O The Suh,,criher i3 EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY fAND srictrc FIL1DIAYMONG, Le avin g TortHopeat .9 à0,A.M% . tL V) 3'), A.M.. Cîtbo;;n, - il>oî . and thtbt direct for'Roçiiestr,' arriving tîteme -in ttne to connecbth tl'the New vý'îYrk Cc t. tilrosid fo Nv or, >hiade1aai, iatinoe,'ah.DRESS GOI iugôuSyrcus, liitati~Chicamgo, andad BO NETS points Eitst ,mudi iest. OME S i'as;4en gers fromt lite 1Xest via 41ra nd Trtuki Railroafi, Niii take thle Steamer nt C(i ilu'.RBOS fr&tn Ialeca viF tkîeSt(yitner attCol- Rébo rtn1,1~ the steamer wilî lbave %chîester G LOVES, eýery Tue y Thurs-day, andti Sîttrmay at 8' - ocloc Iit.A. M., or bhe aboî'e metiti-onet tesiMfU S LI NS ai p int st and West. For.flrr ifotion, coquire uof A. Coch- j rane, Port Hoe; Charké Ellýutt, (Oubourg, or LIMOS AY.AMD MAMILLA STAGE UNE, - tT TI L FURTHFJR Nî wiii lentre Faumier'sThi ~"'~ oei .~ b aulnuomuiing ai a o'ciocl ___ %- -' q t ttusto couDettc i th te - -'- Whtby andi Beaerton. Ilaistng pr haadlit gonds thtis Slirinr fur QSiand at a tdîne :hen tllo prices of Gotis'Peuto IHoe, Manilla, arte '-iere a- thiir loweat ebb. lie as nov wenabied 4i t afr uchSàesfoi-0hwWî Stakigesfrnit3- a vaWî Fares reasonablé.- The pVoI ,respousIbifa* parceis or bal that are sure to briýage mrf itu- ômsn4 ,aund chu in thec oa'tny to <e I withcd ndpaidt,*the wnen4..im4rate hish the 9Ôdd're nýAev1avla, uexeto havbis siielves empty i'*.a thn onth. Lidsy l 16 For exampit' Perîzc tjifàgà*lu*tE LIS fafwe j'atR'verdldtwhich vithout dout i Vbes~ o R.awy Grey 061tomu W .pryr rs iee 1yUP&~t ~ àd"n rinte(fast coouid> ý-7ïd. * CabrTuesfr<. Li~Sum Beawy fStriped Shrtlmg...... genid8iimrm"'«#"r> avaltingo lat W. o Denitn3 is 'digo bu)... 14 BIot-for~1î.64. M~S'éinA LOYELY IuRESS of 10yards BenettW L %rLO *sit .Itats< Faus«8i14 q4' i lïike the b4y 5I.r i fIii ik'FOUrcHaft&Cosets. Cotfr, Parasol.a esi b. ,oI <CWia.,c eJk Tiés, Jtiriat, Rée,tc 1f cnad ve rjt$king yo à W i CAZ- PO NT L&EýýS OP COST41!-o flaeM J~~EJHISPIFAÀtCT 1 1 K>>Y.ttqeplo tiUiOl.he glw i 1>uie or got u.~ g ~ ~ a p,~o P TICE A STAGE tsie. Li-ndàay,every l4 reaclking Manilla gttièfor Oshawa, Retnirig-iea tes- lertti arrivai 6f the tby :m4d - I*avertou, 40c& in 14esvenin g. c>irie4 i' ydillnet bue igia Uteds book- liupp no :ve to unninicc in conucection- with llte fuittcf P c-hmr rd - of the rebel a rmies, tl e tiit u -of d. Jvmau., 'te hi-.,~unî L ho'.') bte cutof iubte Nar-liat 4tosh-a ve Fall.en- too lf stoclk Of sw14AJMBE (1001M ir noiwvtri rom~ae'cmrena )D, -MANTLES, PAR.ASOLSI, FEATHERS, PRISTS, SHAWLS, FLOi1W0ERiS, IIOSIERY, WHITE COTrTONS, 501RRO IWVMAI.L y '-Naddition to our ien busies a of phý><t Maierlowîn, - e eare lieadquartersi Stereogcope8and St ereoftopsc viewg 'f these ve havean immense ft55or nte *iling War S~eAmneric*nan Iities an'd LandL-;catws, Groups, Stntîiotr k c.Aira, I evolving Stereos.rOPe. for Pb; c private c..ibition. O(lu! CAtaitg,,,, Vi j 2a& to any address un receipt Qf-lan' P HOTOCGR A P 11-1C A LIIB W e vere the lir et to mintrollce î ti f)~ nitedSints. analwe mhntifiicîutre i lattesin grr.il varity,' raniag»r uni 50 ,ents té $y) ealch;. Un1r e replitation, ni hein,- superior in î,. miai,frée, on receiî.t cf price. Fine Ai-hunis Xadc. b Ordec, C ARD PIIO07'Q Q RAP ILS 0iur Caitalogiie now embra«ce.s oCvtrflre F4 tii dilh'erent subhjects (to whai <a Htlnult & lilbg madie) o ort.; .j, 11103iaj'r-euerLs.2'Pi B rig-(.tneras ('ln-lse, Io()1 Lielt-li~ n*. Qfficer:ý, 75 Ni-i(t>ler., 55tj Sr t * 3< lîmuc,12: Authurr 40 Xrlî ' Staze, 54> l'ruli!,cnt WanIL ,, nentFrig >rri.- 3, 000 Copieg of, Worka of' art, tluding rep)r(-Pdu -ionm of. the nst .Ingraîiaugs, I>itngz, tatlne:, &C. pies sent on re'eîjtt f uiSt;nip. Ai;nMérd.t lie-D)uzen Picturius frt.m.Olr <' %%<'<: Oýl -Ied on the receipt of $1,80 a d seint 1,. Photograpliers anl ti ters ordering <n<<c 1.D. wil l îe;se remit tweii-- !ie aminnt %wi th thear oalerr E. & IL. TA 14'1,~t Mauufwtnrrs j Pctozr1, , l!ýr 'Tic prives adY>ilty res,)u v ,Kdý K t fatit b fi) t #Iii Oflice. a S MART, ACTIVE L.\li rm15 bu 17 N r-of amgt, lu.1 hM :e 'ai;img bsias5.Appiy immnet'ýiate!v. -Ip- AITood En g1i,.h Eucalltions ru~ IMON L TO. O. AT EIGIIT _ptt-C E s . >_\ I..Y ta .!o~f LîndsaSe1t22. iztA 2f )AY'S COMME RCI1AL.COLLU -E Kilt- tiet, Toronto, First Daor %Vest of ffl..rcynuî BouL iz (LIOX'DUVTEI) aecerditig t if) h ý witi stctî odafl<'alion-, stit 0>oli,ý7 qxîîirqmcnItso«ithcbusines' nta, Xt~f t Irv the ibies of the coIIItiî' h! >aild f gocnerail buA.nesz. The couzrse n nsrof, ndrT~M nuercrialLawt, .'nnuwria i <'t-u'i.il (incliiding itue priniîiýesufE~ii ' tian). Bltsine-.s Pen i ma nutuil , T-X %ià' Pli'onogrâ phy. Staff of 77eachers ani Lectur r. Mr.-I>AV, lInstrtictor Î81 11w Sç'ienec couints. CommnercialI< aCrq oS f i>' mercis I Corresponlence, andi Lectirrer oz . nesa u-tns » -NI. l.SIeî'mN A arrister. lcectiirr r: .acmmercial11w 'Mr. hBaN. B. iî,,t.(ia 2'-aOt trin tlutegrn:.h.'t'. M r. W. K it.Tmr 1 i rstruc'tûr :n ', Mr.D.~X hus jR clF rI. .actr.mr'r:- Alex.* Murray', Et-q ., ci1 n Mt 1Jîi rt . A, P,. NcMaster, Esq , of3c~a~r r George liiehie & (,n.. i)avi;lBui'iur. E. tar Uaivetr4iy 'J. IetiEc. cr ,- %V. Fitch', Ez-j.. <fli iat .' ;I A1n Crouks, Esq., Q L. Mt . 1: .L .r.t *Esq. 1-rit , tC.!..Totr, iuti H -ichanna n. 31 . ..JnnE...1" i'nown, Esq., *Ilanilto; Iî tt >, - motreai ; . ý. , q:.Noi ît.?<-'gH Dr.. < io, W liru Sqiiîaru'. C' ý-ým-in ff CouintyBhoard o ni lieIctr 'Iaý-. Ftý tc in3 mrps t7.i ,"n,1os Pi'c'i:îiAc"'uît:tr.T, . iSO l,,~Frillera-tv ut Ltadî'î'. l.g SCOCH ND AN ADIAN TWEES, BROAI) COIS READY-M.NADE CLO'T'HING, andi an assortincnt of alo hihleofi'ers.for sale (JHE.IlP'FOR'C.fS, or nexhage for produce, ai wlich in EMNS-r tendîn*g iurcliasers viR pîaease cali anti satisfy thieniselves.&.TLG'PIN PlI-ON(WGitA l'fiY, JAMES LENIHAN, B0OK-KEýEt>ING.- f ' lto ent Strètt, Lieedsay. - A IiI Ni I, CORRESPONDENCE. N.B.-i-The superior qualities e? the Lindsay Ber are taow. generaliy admitted, which fact shouldb' acnouoletgedtinl an amendment to l),n kiu's Temperance Act. 1 dsyith maly, 1865.. -- y '-0 1~, n- u'esires ta inform bis friends 143-f ~the. Public -that h.e eutinues ta keep the 'Uthories, neateit 'sud - mOst omfôrtable e&niges sund buggies, cotistaauly on bd for r1H XonfvR]b9as Ghdo, uarodTHP, OAKWOOD.-HOTFL TO N HPI Eia St rut Oak .wood CAW, natis.As partet' NX4TWANlEL -YEREX, Prt.prieor. te in4ividQual an.,ý ated iu fru. rpetar deires to iniste to bis 'TEENDAYSr -Vftia!nds wnd the publie that having PUr- ,~ .~ ~ eb&sd the. sew boxale ateiy eccumpiedby Chas. We,ý.tOyiedthê, f-idgsoé. ho ls.prepared to offor themoat coin.' MP.Peak6s. b1e taccosemodatlot 10 aIl who May: favot 41Ii heto<ldqare Beer snd Cigans.- JAMES LENIHAI. "TeacArInt Sous% . thai wkirh tlîey e> praclice wâeauthey.become Me n." *Trhc collegiate coursce, of bhi Instituitit>n iW ciludeqeverything equisite for a thorouigh ani -- 1OL iadapted «te ever5ý kind of busines, osiIg. - - . --' dudDouble Ibatry; Steamboatinï. Balkini. - Foregu Ercange. Fomwarding and C'ofl111 NE XGRC R AM t RAIL &A. sion Business, 3lauaettîring, . Nining, 5and ehangiaîg Single to D)ouble Ety r N and aftér tUW 1st inatant, an ti ntil further ~ Pkt(~ aie renîntI .1nobie Trainî*ill leave Rochester als fi- Twentyfive doTl.ars.' Iowa: isnryfo oGn I4Ç'Ât 1-65, &-M1, 7.35, 9.3b sud The actuel Bueiness Department is tr"h 10,33 a.M, *d 1,00, 3.59, 6.30 -and 9.00 P.m. cil vfh two BAnt with a capital of $1,90,00 GSSe îsT.-'At 3.40, 5.20, -1.25,.l10440. a.eomdacted on the sa me prineipbe aaur kveUf me.,12 m., &tdÎ16145, and 9 35 ]O.iI. - 11. Bnking Ha uses. A -Merchainfa EuIPO1iu' O. VIBBARD,' -or Wboimesalg st&bliebmeuütentai!iiun' Geuu<aiM nqbWateudent. pies ofsii kiuds oferchadse, Real EgtUtte Raçlestu~ My~ 865 . ~ l frein wbieh the aslte, entering ibisl (1Oe 1toçbs*É' ayý 165.. 0 1 ient maire tieir lirai purchases. The BO keptiniratbheiuom1 bmb biCtfel' e ight in ainm4hr, lite ai! whieh are pûOa>ks !"- t IOrg" " l K an d tbey are cond.cted on ~~ ~ ida of the paiuiit whoeee ouses 0 VN rntld ia PlNt) ludesirous o 4l femabalssbogem ils il Atakitg pupilt.ai ber résidence, Ruea 'eli- - &UUUs P-BWandli -, - - ~workfrg u4b s1ui odau'ntU êLnade.ay, Kty lem M85.0.712 MUSGROVE h& WRIGIIT, ?r1~ Every Descripities. dAnd *lit, GEMSJAGER'S il e 1. 1 1 ,vll X72 1 ý .. Il