N - -~ - * . end I.before 4b ecr iyse instaince used, ain Bpittaogo e«o gt dille; T. f- ,e, and ailrediciSI e l*uS. Ie l" important ot Mwderui lus "~ua&the wNÂL Sdc t ls welI a"d fivor- req4 vinibosans foua painl id HWI, Coughi, Cue,'soreth 3ruistiLdramiiiS »tbCst"Uýa0boh t) Dyflýr, BeefComplainte,4 Paip Destroyet'bas now been- for a lcngth oflie, adwher rp n ever.knûWfl a single, ca se 1 , wkere the directions bave *whicc towWd, but on thc contrary**1ý's i it$ bOI)ratiofl3, anti speak in ile of lia Virtuegazad MagIcalF W.Výpeak from. experienein Ii matter, . A~I pri. having teted h tirnroia, bly, and therefoe fhoer pap nt. rw wbai,»&:mgfrouajo i or by le for whbýit islarecommande4 mai! deVeoLd uo it being a Sovreigi' Reeff4y..or \ h . tonibing eriàfhOtL(y<tbC Pai~n;n Destroyer, in cusing tbse dLscasesforwehichiti as one'il Iy recomiuWndd, anid its-wouderfiil succeas in sub-j rý duing the tortarng paius of Rheumatiss, c"d " COw 8 in relicving Nerous -Affections5, entitil ittoa I iWb rank. uthie ILit o? rernedies for these romi F0 This 1lot, d? la "Sven teredbya nUl bqiven ýVar,, apply 3074t ami? a dthai esIIp1lats. Ortiers -are ctmfiflg iin rOMAutfuuîvîwiin! gOI-bott F tathave heaid themn as dis- Dealers, lis al parts of 1ie ,country for further o a bu i.1i~f ~TheywereevidentltY0eîsuppie, Bdoach testJYhig as.to the universaifl ~ o n'o I.1ou 0 'me secruel ati, oowardlY Te ndinlanDestroyer .uerer failleob tegvnguhîftrain swl -pmioae cbifl, tat 1give lîmodiate relief- ilMediefre ieae êdmwalla ehe rO- f»g>ài.56*Ofbl' ekeep it. lPbysicialks daJt¶. and use 1* and n yo axyWi ça uia Site hasneta b4 éae. 1Ii a fma1y wIll ho witb).t nfber once îrying it. joeardd.- insvit lier." SIte. dropped lrice only 25 cents per 7'ottle. 0 uI 9 8, All~ aetil uhnox AUorderai sbould Ile addressed t I %s> _______ly1%185. 30ý4, ud as -1 shR eilIleer foet. NNewcastRP & leMA le ewee. Mold o[I Newcast&le, -: CI' olven At o f,18648 fili vi eavsery S- oiin Lindsay by B. ritten, Knoiso àI 'Was a fniend et Mto. Stirratt, Gréîgranttd a ttl.ue Id1ical HiaIll B. AÀ, 1.ns l tAe psnater of SILAS SM) TII, qf Kîrk- yp.yfGrbrapa. Oskwood. Geo. Do".igi ss, liatnila; A. Wyatt, field, an Insolvent. . nyp -r e pGa. annaingl on; Gicr aeoWovle TB rdibors of the Inisolvent are',notified. TsoNas atchettOýc, anid ail medicine. that I the undcrsigned, S. C. Woo&. ofrc[ sMoi isR.-On tire eveniig dealers. . 271 To'aof Lindsay. bave becii appointed OFFI,- h eale child was tud - - - 'A__----- IASSINE-f.bWEtate and Beffdt ea.t lot on Ile Kingstoii Mud, an~d they are reu to o produice before Me ~'been deseîledlbythose %wtu col .U'Ca ithia Lkeut cale of il. DetectIve -- ai; proved imai-elf very effi- LINDS.V MARKETS y (letctive-, look itho case Ill I :rm., Jii17 2 tý1)865. 1trous tliîsdate, titeir daims. ispon thse s4îdE.s à considerable amoultt 1........... S 2 o$ tate under oatb., specifing the security tliey chineg the counîtry fo i. ~F rn. be..........0n hold if'ary,_itnd ihe viue o? lb;-RAdifno-ne, nil~her veseda o lngp 1 Os~~rbuh........< ~-( tatintise fact, witls vonobers in support cif i lage of 8parta, Pnh.p ot-a bs............. .eaims. iu rrýne 4 1rJi 1iscta rie, u0..........0 o0(1 ,S. C. oflIuie i Rarlev,.................... 7 ( 1là' I ~ ~ ~ ~ i, va dulald&el ttper ton ý...... ....... 13 00l ýmau i-li E brouélht betofe F1,u r, per brl........5 fA (; 6 0 - pst eeea aMwstrates Fresh Bumtter, lier lit........O 2 0' 14 INOT lUE. ay u Leýýievilil. -lobe of Egs;, per doz......... u ~ Straiw, porion-O,... .........3o2 '0 o0oVRià lîcreby given tr lb-e bIeMuici ________________ li er 11)00 tS.... ....... 3 )0 IL 4 rO, \OT V (m - V liper Il). z)er qtr.. 0.005 0 N Cyinill of , îuceily suqulic sot.ine po Pl auw 1ber............. & OR O0C 0(,oe o î1 iiich tt s ai or lith totwotper cord ........ 1i L 5vl on. !0reBot -ssW ~~e ai....... 25 o SATIJRDAY, 26th of AUGUST, 1865, .~ita SkI015Weîs'.aY cy, ac..........4!)- (r< 4 5a t the, bour of 10 o'clock, À.M., for the purpose m ie, for file surit of '45,OUt. I ogs, per 10O Iba.......... 4 50 5 50, of passing a By,-L;tw to establiali i irs We.1 brjiin - oit 1NE(1' Q I ýe learsl ut Ile fuuîueof Ille oh irtguLtsNs l Xail1 i it &la a-s. I is utubptîtumf ~ W _Concession o? Lixton in lieu of the.Ninth Coi. 1 la ild (itApoouun' ed- uD T TEr DUNCAýN GILLESPIE, n.eeu t t tlitt.~ ~~8 URfiEOýN TO THE. <7.-IOL, and LaýxtOnJuly i50h~1,d5307-4t ~pstsof ît! ie *veîsuo ha';LINDSAY 7 3Q-.tf N '1C qia usoio lu.ol, h.' woleisierel)y given fInit tIseýMVNiCT-, ij,-Utithilut tstl,.,OIiti CMUhQCato .N te1N>TE 5PL LN(IL o? lfîwh. u -hurevxt THE 511 Snh)ýcr;1-r cstf~ie Put-lie "ust ,- u is -.u,îues ov<r ) y lihi sto (iue 1);tiil llgabooU, (r ia r rifSaudathe 26tà of' AL'qs, 165,i; tie Tuiwis!ili cf Sc4îîsinu, ]nu tise Uoîîatv cf etuI arouî'.ud for sorne 1(10Vctuîslî tt t>lo ngSris ri ueO tbIlle liciar o 1) o'clock A fMo'r îhfs prIosc Iit-~q ~hnuiîteycub tbe ln);~'-l ue (k.~IQVo! 3 2' he a.Ii aB-Lwto continuethe ithila îlir usi ii questîti. 2lue -cÀhr1u 2,,Ydue 04tul(erIlS<NnoVa- CA ) w~-Qy~ec erctry. lue î.68« M. E Ri 0ve for<lu0 A 'l)- -- t CAMPELL. nross Lot No. one liIle 1 lihiCori, o? Laxton 1sion- ot Ile eonsesui nIlof l t 141duyhebtwepLxo.&leis ut.srilsg-theut î-ereIsru~rît ul eluenunî,Jnly1, IdS:>u8-4 jns§tca'1 of tî1re ent rond ta> tise 11 oc , - -u l'i____ _____- fion Une. hinî&tr-e presu, wro îau. LUNC A N GILLESPIE, r1def-sItltie Cburch of ,~ irk cilTo 1, t Ae of 18 . cr fo-sfIiussss(.1105~Lixton, JuIy 1Mbt, L805 307-4111 H ' duo- of tj i 111 er- d lire isti- i ie < setat Illie I co or, M ssrs. T O iMW- & IÂlll'À, in t. tetnrwîtl I ndsatv, 1r 01T CF if ini Ten .1î at.3. t11Itie Uun3of?,Vie orua, c011 Tueoîay1%. Il ).tis h.U PULMîONLO 'IVAIERS d<l;ktf ttiglist r45,4 ite hotul ir surol --k MILb ersons iideitc-d btoIsle Estate. of thej st" ori ',, fr tise hOn - f -1( rýeciu 11gc la te.lJ bit Mtbt Lindsay, bv Note o? 1P, . nr iioz Ar.. , .l . r <tlie V ) rt'niîiret'-te i igjjj ~ t, it . ~ SPRINGANDI)sUMMER MRt :OF 14AS AÀt«vfl.D, 4mpWitaIl tiUthe7't ttSbWa fL;AP S',GENTS'.MrS SES' BOYS: a'CUDRiN',S WEAR, whiWh wil befon lRVCML7EaudI 4T -TRE ELY L PICFIS. 1 ~teon.g~ t e ~ ,AND PRCNELLA, CON-1 i GES5ANDc'.ZLtkIRNP It'CY BALMORIALS. G. , p1-B ~. 3 ETR. FUNTRE! FURNITURE!. 0, y Dscr 0**ut. 4dnd . AieI rices rjýH£ SUBSCREIff OFFERS FOR SALE THE.LARGEST AND BEST PAIRLOUI1, UNING A~ND KITrCHFN-CHAIRS, PAR-ý «f 4ÂUR, DINING%AN'DKIFCFHN TABLES, 11* OjAS, CCHE-ffs; &LOUN<ES, SD-ORS BUREWL & CUPBO4RDS. MA. 1ý1TRESSES 0F VAR10OUS QIJAITISJ I ISOFA,. CQIMON BEDSTEA1)S,. FOOTSTOOLS,&c,&. Articles of thebest and newest deins aiways kept oli hand, anu i lil be SOLO T THE' LOWEST FIGME. Fort cA! gO:S Al o rders caefully attended Io- 0:>-C'offins of ail size kcpt conslantiy Reoembe-ADJOINING TII EEG LISI? CHCRC LV CMAINET 'I KFII -- ---- DISSObUTiII% 0.fPARTNERSII ip MOTICE ie lhereb gicaen that thec 5cm of LE'uT zlY CAIXITTE Las been this day dis- Ied ;N byut t:-Ail Accoýint6 and N\otes fýr or against the firus wiIl he aettled by A. Cedotte. t - LOUIS LEMAY.. AGSTUS CADOTT. Lindsay, June 21865 1h reference to the above the subscriber takc3 titis opportuaiby to, bhank bhis friends for U.ieîr pftst fiiyor§ and lie lopes that they will continue Pi give bina a liberalsisare of thtir custom. -He bas a ilarge stock of IIE-ADY-MAUE CLOTHING ou hand.and AT VERY LO -; PRIC ES. làI otsiu vi fii 1 ida 'uScotch Tweed,,Cassimcrcs, Silk Mixtures, D9eakitte Broad l tlis oiinç eus, Can 1ada BLgging, Shlirtiug,&c., &c. CLOTrIING MADE, T O RJIER iii the mosttuiobe styles and aitvery ressonable price. SAPERÎECT FIT -117RRANTED. Tlié erneainder of t l) rç 4' will be soli ait cast, as lie does isot intenil to keep) any- more ftfter tliis eso. !Tihé Higbiest l'ricela Và ,là pa it for gorid cean uc s -ii also paid for- Butter. N;o creditgiven. A .ý CADOTTE NEAFNCY G OODS!1 ,JCSTLLO&C. At. Kednu's 1oc~ Ket SteetLindsay.ý SPLNID TOCK 0F, BEAUTIFUL G-00DG8. Jusb 11teveivi'd-a largo aiitity o? new syls Vil Pisper, sitat a-lnusg poonsa, EUcu Iootîsa, part'sn, 1<0 c. li lî b eul oold a t a sinuuuli adi-ai 4-vun iv .-1 'a pet Vîdw ln Lookùl <ise. dluknG'sSae*Iit eFtýanü s nA Maiit'e Ornarnus. C Il18DJR1.NS ACBUS: AND CAIR I AGESI Engisi LUseWkiîîg Stick,(ans c Tite, Lorers otfhe tWeed-9 ii riud lte hest To1u -'ds iig i r îuy ipùiji< t i>m- ', tl -Cigrs*of lte best bratis> ansd Ciga-r ('nus lu ver' stv lu., I.disisii in- a-utiîlàîuk ?iod E)à lh-.î Plitu iugtC -4 . ierlin Woole, Jew-lIleiry, Weddiug !ings andhvtuy Cîalery -i)resasi il Conti. 'I oilcýt S u;. rfiauery us1tAc' unir Ou. vin" Nii shttinîs a nd l;oms. S5a ni rer 2md 0001 N~eS< ol ue .Je~vt lu Bedy-Inade. Clothing Boots aud Our - ~ Lquors, c tise 9touck oln s vrv lrg eSuir. i a orted, and i o ngta>tie gret décline in teprce XCottInSh -Icelbzdt fc rýt nueet opurelasera. ln Canadiaus and eco c d -dss ec have a large display. GROCERIES,- BOOTS & SIIOES, CLOTIIINXG, ýND LIQUORS, as usual, redoivre osir rOtes<O:4 atc We bave us10Iesiaton ti sQaving tht iuo bouse lanbbctraie xil or (-u s nderseil us , asi i-liat we, want, and -niiinspedctionl cf nau- s.tckis àal we ask :.The (,oods and Prices will spoals-or themfel-res. irp 'roduce (for w-iueliIlc igiest lîrico seUl lbc given) taken ui exc.ange. -J. COSTELLO & Co., 11Ïliso ns bLcopposite 4lcLeiiiaiz's lia rdina re More, 'Kent -St., Lindsayt. O~ DM't I IRO BERTSPIER. 'P1~ ,,~u'ul<ru- ha buhae l no ecun o u îrn w<u 1 lii ? tcuînr. -ueII Ml>OR'i FR 0F SIAPLF & F NCY Viet ittis ri,,-,,i.-;ii 'tl ha e t - 1111'01 t -~~--; ( t-î1hI l ,an U i o s À. ; t i iirs utt01usn I li.an. u nn r t iuu """"lul;iv , -ý, - kunI i- uu'nî "--î isal r sg c a su ori- Insi a A-lgnii-u t le n bcO tiaI <les -i ii1U d lîi N te u iaîtres crofhe th lfriiS,-tutilg it oSf 111. f tt twarn"1l11îî ..te y, x jlt ~ i ~~ ~.~~ 'X e t -t <lues- (f Lao, ti- î('rulSolicitor, Lindsal w h0o b s, ltutri7-dt10 ce-decI m"1u '--- rtuî'5 *~ î~--~ 1)-v Il # utTî-utes 1 d(1-of c'ule îayinenbs, gri. daarges, and larrange sviths li uIîtu c it'o t1U.Ad8.D i parties ;gelerllý13-. Ai&nimedhs.toetelemenit lifit h a<av'- -u--1100l -uq . J I 'îlli aLl e t usntof V i t he Acting F.xeçu-bor. -VIALOI( W 'l lAdS - - -N.B.-tiuebusinesslateiy carricilon - thejDESGOS ATEfSlIA W 1S, -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~J 1 r«,l>ýs t Ii-§hst 1%ME lite Mc. luighut-, ttLinday, 3wi1ll infutusre se LIMJ CWAiilo unduted:l i rIlfaisley, heretolfore actint! asaB(N ,-PRSL$ 111OS ut Ite sta suuil uni .i.nusauy,~ - , iForeria- intbe sti buinu'is3 for tise lateJohn: 1- "1, ,rlp to i efotoI u o -> sut 'lun ~ - RbBIONSal- I EATHERS,-F WES t5h<LMt~~.$-u~; ..1 arEf for cale, 0-o ilCl- .o ua.t aut.ubtrb-t LVES1 HA - -' Il illWuI h sod Speakers.JSLNS PRIN7S ~ 'i. wIITE COTTONXS,' 'CI NONW WrFR~s» OIýCHAi D CANAIAN TWEEDS, imOAD. COIS or d w j 'ei-ant t'à the t aste fi The Pirst dayofJ nene. F PE-TERBOR0, - AfDY .ADEasormTIt of "B EGS Lu retuirn blis aincure thkitià,tothe in- 'a tt -F1R3 IMcas. Ptu k'S Il>itel, ils tIseélhabitants of Lindsay and surrouundingadaz4srw - ît tust 1a t lr lVes -',-r PUI MONIU ýT J (J L, -D 1 Icountcy fur thee xtensive -patronage wiie vis- --4~ gI~'> . ris's iVXtOF Ltdt D S. Yovor on sng tise 1dace; aind wo-uld aIso state FRt u -r-, -RO>ÉC E['[ 14>9 l1eý-iltA cr- ei)comoscul f(J. CIl Corbet, ltte .ssistant withDr. Diy, Den- aliSof W hîclî leoUWersr sale CRE.4P F0R ('fl!Iti cexlnge fur tr odceowshî- Nitsty-Eght f brken i-ot lisopeKnd aperanet ofic iiichage ? M; -and satisfyhIuseVs utitild ~ o li eshotta -l'otnumlber Tlutc iiin the eleventls con so it ?Kugton. -The business irtl be con- hezitisg purebasersw iaecl heueiO lisdivhsutus. -- t* ~ ttuet~ u uner Se amç~J* IJAMES LE NIHAN, mf- be oFvis-'l)Sor -LN CRB-T. 'V of Kent.Sirct, Lindsay. 'uc iesiîstasiqqîiy o -cf; i >ofEdoO'DONNELL &CRET VULIONIO AF1 c i l ouussiy of -ibiuiIrauoero i pctous performed on tise latest aud- - - 1 gi-efo -ale contu-uieul i t t gage unde hv A ex- noàsi centific principleg known o. tlie profès- N.B-T bo sueericr, qulitîma îf te indsayl er re now geiierally admittçil, w hii itfa t ,ill oer obtt o v f. oie~rtLMcadyen l ife, 1, iJ.Imes -Veiher- shon, and warra ntèd to give satisfarction. feotd oakowl-edged intnu ,mendmet tho Dunlkiu*s Tetpeéra nce Act. PUIJMONIC ' wAES - orî ut tIse TuaNitp ifRtAus, Eýsqjire:;- the Untit ftirtberi notice, Mr. Corbect may b. AMSLENIH AN. - cîy-ieecnts.- - greater pa ri of w.li l eac uu i ud fua tMr. Keenan'5 of i e r ti *f Mr. La- 9-m Soie PropriefoRchese.fStLCo thfct'1T ru c'ot~.Cottrèe's office. Mr, O'Ponneli wNIl ont-sauteIL'nay tiMa,865- t-lrop and iLywan, Newcas.ule, A-<l t uîc illerson, or - i isita as usual, vis c on tise trat Thursday Lgcit fc-tseUan4sol<id inaCUSB s each nîonth and retalaite weelc, w-ieu hé B1 iio, Kniow1soft Gregory 1 Jritr 4cjA DB~~tO at'H all ; E, . M Oaek-I,- - 1inul-ay. EXTRACT TEEjIN WITHDU F PAI14M SC- U i iurdu~ M4uihtt; A Wvat, Aril,29, 18 6. 24-d clursu Canern1 outvile: - .~ I- RF5RNCi n 5. oeb~ BaVTise. stibscriber désires to infôrta bis friends 4tue aJ Ier arediclsi The a4uovt- l aajuns util iDa atn -Andrew, - bèiison ansd Cogan' -adts ibitttocniusl epts e -ie -I' 11 ol i tle Wà d.j n. of u lyn,- .D nfod SUctr . aln Up yBie.-Ç AVING rented a PIANO is désirous o a oaa naeb n imst cornfortabie Moda, ..4 OfJr.a ÙX iff, Geo. KemfptT. 'eenan,..Ditadas-,,J. Lent, lH taiting pýuspilg at her residence, Russell caria'ges and buggies, constàtstly on baud, foi ahtiesaeboî dplacqe. ban, W. J. Robinso:n, J. B.,UnowleoUl IV, Cr8.Ce, sre.b-re. rEN;M~lIBMED. Ib.A. lJadweIl, A. Wright, Esqi. -"7 T! mcq qa napplication.- - Lid2964lY Terins extreet'ely Rodiratil. ska»ett clarlks 'iT h v aelu en a-nr otoc&utl Mr. Corbebbwould ofr lte follo-wlug louer Lnsy a ,J~5 E ~ EM LE I tS Xoda, he24h ~t.> -o? re:omnrendatit~on rom D. -Do ntit, of --H. WORKMAN le m dicinle is sunaîtnf. i n t h tse mehurtndplc. cvs.-- --1 1 S painfui tundl datgerodi 11;0- ETH Aaes OT L ltLdBSr3, JuIy ~IiENRY ùciii.er. ý,-àlçving a g«od Icnowlengeo f M..C. H.IL" ' ~ ~ H AK O D H TL cnst lee usttttioi. -Lin sa ,31)ý, 18 -1 tl C orbett during bis studies '<ils m e, 1- c isocfullyA4 e ng tr e.x î t- S e ti O k od C W , I.! ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ecomjnrrend him ho thse publie as a Denhist, 'I ~ h utmt absfinaNTAILYRX rpitr mut.fW.f D and the pmp4lctisaI having leased ibe ah- "flentiADESAtKigMon" Decetrl pe1 for i<terni of yearsl,hi% bas rr BE Proprietor desires' ho lntirnate ho i&i uited. I whl, ind aofAgut i6,short&lr îane adt eftednreitpfhe hrougboub, and lie wîll 1 îfrund adbie btbat baving T- b. glpe io 1 d t e has e a ilaU froin thtie travelling o n'- c iased be ew b te l l c u i d - y C as. nti e-e ibregularituy.At héesu.e iour and la ëï, -whén il wîl ho Brown, Sir Henry Smith, Shériff Clobett, James Ial e1 C-tUTI..Nsoîs i eihut reaerre. -«n ny.Hogoi.ho lapreparodto1o«br tise Mot-c- - I- -O'Rily Es., eV.J. eny,.Rer11r CUrk- Excellent and exttensive Stabling. onablaeomIidatô oal *ho uuay favor. ,oul no hotakn b fealé - ENR BLGUE, Mon, Kingston; Mr~ LaCourse;, G. Dormier an,-JME RUKR bhlm witis a cail.- Lnt, during the -FIIST THREE -Lindsayiuer. . J Weten Soictors, Lindsay. * i -- -- hi best-ofLiqui Beenaand Cigare. tuYhiua iscar- daJr Sh 85 0 idaNov. 1flth, 1164. 213-If t~tUO ny16'--~~ -G 4 01 DRY G'OODSt <IRUUICIIIi &c. &c t ., îs no . %v relar.ý,l sct uuter ti e Public a clipcc assortisent in tie aboee mentioned - lbranches.- lis stock conssisail part of:- AilU Wol nion auJ C 011011 Tweeds, Mohatir Cýoatingq,- Fancy Fianneis, G enîs' an-d L-adies tollars and Ties, Ribbons, Featieirs, Flowers, ShaisM~nIes I)ess (Coods in great variety, Gens' 'StIr-a and FeA lat',Ladiesý' Straw lials and Boninets-tflifltfed and uintrimmîed. -lis Prints, Factocv Cottcun. Stealullounl.îi p dSiirting, Check do... Ticking, c. li. cusbomera wvlli und bcyoisd conipectýitions botis in quality ausd price. COFFEE, SU GARz SPIC ES,' PICKLES, COFFEE,- SPICES, PICKLESi SAUCES, SUGA R, PICKLESY SAUCES, -AJn as3ortmleutt ofcockery kept.cons tasstly on band- t-li'4sti to lcd-iud('ohitsigi and Boots aind Shos vilI ho soldat-cost ptice, egd- si.rous o? rutirinsg froitauulcîse uines ofustes B.À( SALT' A\D.,FIELD PLAS TE R FOR SALE. 1 ama, litttet- and lEgtr-in aany qiant;tY taken la exciange for good. Corner .Sttlre .4dawb's Bloc-k, Kent Street.. Liatiaay. DOBRSON &NJBLOUCK, Imàporlfers andl Dealers -it GENERAL. GROCERIES, TEA4S, TOBACCOS, COFFEES, SUGAR, WJNEËS, BRANDIES, PUlMSI OLD TOM AND HIOLL«ANýD GINS, CIIIPPEWA MALT, OLD RY-E. AND - - - COMON WHISKIES, &c. &c. The subseribeae determined_ as heretofore to suppyauatln feIt in tius Tow n ,' b y k ee in ;tàs ntly o u a u d lie hst b rnd i of m îto ted W in« anau I Liquors, Ales and Perler, &il c? which '<il ho 5%Gat. LaMayMy 4tit, 1845, Lowoot Possible for C-. ni t tue tub <iii lue N t-i 1<1 K o ~51 la h -RTISIAUAOT NBO1TIMNNT preain consequence of thse extraordinary low ple vwbicIÇottoe, and other Goodo, are, now 4ispoel of fl&vigpicbad» %eoo 82his SrftASH, and at à Urne wheu thc prites of Gooa Vrre &tt heir loveat eb o a w enld too fèr mnh tha.t aue sure to, bring e"ry man, vomasx and child Wn the Ciunty.ta, deal with im.At' tho wondeiful rate whieWh e goodsaiar ow 1e6ving, he expetts to have Ie sheies emty _aXi than a ront. For examplep.e'hi1osgPRC LIST of a few leading erticles,, Md then pronoçpct Yotir.verdictwheb without doubt willbeo lieavy Grey Caltons for. 6Gd. per yardiéih Linens (1 yd.wî!de) froSn la cd. up" AshtonPrints (fastcoloured> 71d.Il" Fine Chaînher Towels for.... G. " j.leav Rt.lpd Slrtng.... IÔd "~ lendidSinsmerTieeds,frotu Is îO.up Deninis (indigo bIuc) ......10d. DIESS GOODS of everysbe.tye a price. A LOVELY DRESS of 10 yards Benetta Ch(ith for 7s. 6'& MUSLINS in great variefy, wt be sold witbout prlÎflL A cartoon of MANTES nd SAWL b h sarif iAn immense quantity of STRAW 0001)8, triinnedand untrimmed, sboved off at anv pricethe bïiverpl6ases.. FeU lais. Flannls, Siik !Iandke,-ch iifa, Corsets,. Tale Cioths, Parasols, Hose, Coliars, Neck Ties, ;kirto, Riblions, Flowers, infaèt every tlng you ,ieed REJGARD- ILESS OFOCOST!! NOTE THIS FAOT! f lic wîil give the H ighest Prieefor good Butter and Eggsi in cxcbiange fur Gôod_à at theabove prices. - jLinduay, June 9t.1i, 1865. 1-