- hiisay, Auguit 4.10n8. -t ial Weaer,............$1F I Hayn WpOr&4 ................. I~f~4 Fat, per brih.. ......... 0 .0 o eueo ,eae pu 10 bus - et/ :0 heh n lo ffay peon.peu000 Foram per b.,' Frea Bit'w, pe b.. 08"2 O 01 <Jorwo, per e4r ......... 0 "'O00 ony Nefg, pe 100b . .........g117 9r* ýVea 1,m. per qI0 0 0 TaaportPer ofon co11od er <3 ........ro oEl. 0o . jwe"1é .........10 26 'IN 0l-0 - bly rwarded Lrch of St. Peter, int es' O'Briell uuied T.1 d tite b4eid aid lres- Mi&# IRe.Slatteriv,J OUitl year of ber af111. tni ew up asi i were iu n iiSavannuah1 .lfiîg thein fur eiglit À u.Lectfre Will «b. delivered - IN THE NEW - TOWN HALL, _- I ýflehIt , on the 2901 .u1t., the wiIle oïl ECockburn, Esq, Reero of Elion, "y>' on Tuesdat, Au-gst lIs, the- i. Thsomas Sadler, cf a son. ' DED. ;ay, 01 the 3th ut, Jcseph, m of Mr. John Lyotis, aged -1 eiief in Ten Milites, 'S PULMONIC IWAFERS. ndcicEstahilishieil i 1737,a1nd ailotn~ >umeie Wafrs rs arey l'le gweniie cau be& knowol by ~ANbeng stamped on the %Vafer. X'S INJLMONMC WAFIRI5 Ls,ColsSreTrisoats, Hoarsene ss ing of BI.*od, lPans in the chest. \,S PUCLMONIC wAFERS ýatihm c'f the Vufla ind Tois N-S PULXIOSIC WAFERS ici e Complaijts in'Ica Minuttes. N'S 1>1 LMOM)C WAFERS fo~ al l lý,'.ýsand Constitutio ns, -N-Sl' 4OtWAFFlZS N's l'I~ WAFEIS dc oi i nd peasnt bt(, û otasfc. ç¾ PIA(V IWIA PERS 1 forun arnd pleasaIIt tu the ta-te N"s PULMOMNGWAFERIS ee but Clt - astt gcure.5, NS UMOI WA.FF.IRS cri te g etîsaet to every cone 1lV slhold b1 witlinnt a fnrof on Moday vnn neit, by- thse Re.PROF. BURNS, »Dt cf KuD ollgTune StjeteCanada, Present and Fiure."- Neit MoDeougall, Esq., Se rit of thie Couni>', Tickets to ad rittwoj ýctU.- single ticket$, 15 ets. LeIeta ýàCO lmce at 8 'Clocki. Lindsay, August 3rd.t18635. Inslvnt ctof 1864-ý 'TIEB Creditors.ofitue underýsigned are notiý g ied to rneet aitheii Law Office of NMssrs.1 MACKAY &- HEAP, in the town- of, Lindsay,1 in the Counity or victoria. on Welne-,day, the T-wentytiid day ofAug ut,1865,at the hout of' Eleven o àlel the forenoaita, for the purî>cuc of receiving statenients ofbs far, and sa- 1ming an Assiguee whom lie nay anako ult* Assigument alr iaoc-At *Dated at the. Town of!4indsaty, b thlie-Cour.ty of Victoria, this 2ndý da'y cf Augst, A!. ». l865- ADAM LINK, Resid iug rt lie-Towno f Lindeayi . b te County of Victo0ria., O. J. MACKAY, Iiiudsay, Solicittîr for Insolvent. 309-2 Lindsay, Aigust 1, 1865. UIEMAINING in the L:-ýNiS&POSt Office 13t: Angust, 180fr. Alley. Mns' Jenmes- Kelly John Arci er, iRobert .-. K ing, MIrs. Elleri- B3rown, Mrs. Ann E. ýMatrrin, Isaae I$reaw, NMrv Jaoc Pisyter, IEh bUrna,' Jailes 1 . Smbnth, Samunel cîagh-ao, C- t1irine Taylor Mavy Cottiingin m r.lliiunalh TeddTihoras flUCY, ',atrick ý. Twochy, D Fitriniotid, Burtholome W ilsonk, Jobn Grecenlee, %Vn. Pvirsonis cahhing for the aibove will please aek for advertiseil letters. - laiu~.i~u~c - IT. R. ADAM, P ou ihi -i I1oi~ A suîaplv of I TI O\C WFEtS* aution-.Notes. iii lois pwket. wîl b-y- jcutaio give for MJIE Snbsrriluer cautions thb. pubýlic ai PUAER T;iNl negotiaiug critain Noîtes of Iland-. Cet.i ve etsý. * b>' ibm to on(, Daavid Ilogahloom, rorlien r1 suieP aurdcRoch ester. the Towoislip c f Sepiu nl he Cout I L~aaNe-csreVict<îrià, for Ille f8 : $ urs 20 du Oterfo t ber 18(7 $c0 due Octcer I ita ýc lthuoIl kuu1zssao& Gr-egory ],lue lavung heeu rocceivcd fortise samne. rall E.~il A. hoies, Uk - * SAMUEL CAMI'BE] .orcn M1iniiLia A.\W-Itt, aViCtXind!rulolhuer nmthcîue j ~ -- - ~ ----lusoventAct oéf 18 1' ~ ~11E lCbrI RMcY -r~~ ('reators 0cf tue unaers wned nare ~as.xis Ck lisliol tb m-et ât hIe Lam-r (lliceo f Mu E 9 FE MA LE PI L L MSA&IAbs u uri~ i e i-d-iuae k aiibing bu t!lue day aAu(d st1815,at1lie 1hour caElëent.u il e-s ad rér.nie-ces -ahi oh sigisa' u %ln i bo mrayi> ake.ai ss uViaiat vrCuisa ti'-ascud anrer the ihovla Act. Mlttýf a- . *I ted thte 0'oriofLînalsar, in the C ATI-IED LAof VScf~btiaia, t1is 'T Weilty.Secnd Lu>'of (~-flu-' esiing at Élie towil-of ,lodu-ay, - - ~-Cciuto fVcu ut dii lu' t il SP II î~hF. - - obtrfor hfil et ai-alCi 3-aai1t-eai- rua i sai'- iun1111 clon ra-u l tit a -Tc't, i -l tli lial ATi-- ii 12-< e;siai-- VIIhcÉt sciai0 s'i ~~ c1 cre s Te itArs day of 3fure n ()f Lot-c- fur - I tirhé élt rthlOF ~-athrp& srs Nstidh 71QIY'Y F--of 1.N dIllS' 1-i SIt-pc ia u Cau & .re Aar N nîk lîî a d, oNrav i O. c iokl1 a-t ,i1 & ï t 'ara--att 'Ni arid rut(ailr f hcl 3; T.ül n , iii îua'1 rll) l)de-ierS. i jTeo nulivaiTér osf i ôon e ý1 1I ml pI,ýr fdtan in0< tis T e aTuv a l-sbu o urdo un t ail hciînî'Iis'lilts wt! arî i i gade at fwîih b lîîeladi ti Ieni îau~a vli.~scue Aplodye &m& 5cPbyrOf orü (, ai cil o t!iuidl, j the sanie hoû I )vm uil1a nîî-. aulia~ii t seineT sce alis dornd nt I aau-s a;îi-lecase Monday, 3rd day cf JIys ~i w<a~ ~ f <t ter , , at the sasse lueur aud pIs ce. i-h gii L indayre sle-ia eer'ie~otp Il,- ofdthe Chn 24at mai m i îrin ues tg satr Ile- e ýt ticao eur an p ard po aiîg-tiain uso f 1--conM'aut :.-oiuuaihe ii ~ eîauduoi nalsay, nly C Of i ùgutt ig clisa of et-ic CaforIaien Pain ttesm eradpâe hni r.are corring l-tfroni Mdicýine oditl utrsr-e-- parts cf the. canntry- for furîhger IIENýRI HUG Il! îvli teuluf.. ng ns ttQ eic univirSrAlI - Lndsa,,v. TillyV 281h, 1 guinst I rer, ofl th of le OC- tdue no Va-- euuioti. in As.. I4TLLBI100 watered by a avilb. gWussý aculire, Q~ d), to 3074t el Due ot the homo adtg ber m~s rç v ik bc suit-, JOHN mQORtE. Insoivent A.t of184 I1 the m aîts f L SM TH,4-f Kiml- HE ceditr.qof the IibisnWeit are natifled Town ofLisusay. hsvebeen appointed OFFI'- CIAL ASSIONES of hIS Istate and Eeéts, and, they are requbred te produce.,.before me TJJO .WOO1ITILV- from tbis date, thse r daims upon thse said ýEs- tate onder coath, spéecifyirg the sectority. they Iod îf ary, and the value o it; and if nouý, stating tbe fact, with vonchequ in Support -of Lidsay,,July 19, 1865 S Woffcii/)SgC NOTWGEO JýTOT1CE. la bereby gives thit thse Mucicipal Countéilof LAXTON AND DI-GBY'ý vill meet on SATUR DAY, 26th of AUGIJSTY 1865,ý a t the heur.cf 10 o'clock, AS~., for the- pitrpose of pa ssng a ly-Law ta establishl through Lot.; Nos. 111, -12and 13 in the XInth Concession of Laxtuu in lieu cf the. Nituth cxi. Ille. Laxton, Johy V DUTNCAN GILI;LESPIE, 5th, 18G5. - 3074t- NOTICE., NCTICEý is hereby given tiatihe MU'NCI- LN PAL C017NaCIL cf - iii meeo c Saturday, the. 26th of August, 1865t uthe heur cf 10 o'eloec A. M., for. tise purpese passing a T-Law to continue th.. AM E-RO0N RO0AIV. acrosa oà o one bn tise 1-TIt Con. of Laxton to'the Botînda(lry Une between-Laxîon .& Jexle-y inst'ad juf tie present road to the. Oti- conces-; Sion, Ilic. DUNCAN< GILLESPIE. Laiton, .inly iStis, 1865. 307-4t A Lt percOns inuebted te the Estate of Ille haute jolin Migit. atLindsa y, by Note cf lRiut or Book A ccount, are luereby requuired te ut. notice that thîejy villfind thair Noies'anaL- Ilook -Acraaun.ts lin the bands cf P.-A.: HURI>, Sohic.itor, Liaudet>'. who is etittlcie.d to recebvèe avetgra nt dîscharges, and arrange -with paurtie..; ge-oeraily. An immeldiale settie;meiitl Acting Execultor. bu-T s i o~ness Ialeiy carried on Ib> the sate mr. mi-là, at Linçisayv, wMin l futur-e he co>ndîcteilbIy Mr ilaiscy-, heretofcre Artbng as* F rùm;an buntue saila isisne5.ztfrrtii. Iste Jiabon ihiglat. A Wi,erai pa-tronage freinni od Cis.t-otu- èrs as reelpectfaîhly Solicitod bu bis heiaîf. Si, -- r :TIIE SUBSORtiBER LIVING CONXCL . DED TO' Retire fontBusiness l AT CÙST PRICE, 4ý ,-u people in wa»t Ce B06o4 and eboseud do velltoca» ull, the aodswil be sold at prieem'*hich wiIUetonLlà tdmebuyer. Wil3.WEBSTIER-1 FURNITURZ PFURNITURE v EverpîrDescr8îulw us9 , *fnd .115 P-'ces. , HR -SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SL.TELARGEST AND BEST .L suiected Stock of PARLOLTR, eDINING, AND KITCHENM CHAIRS,'PAR- LIJR, DINING, AND, KITCFHN, TABLES, JIAIR 9OFAS, COUCHES. à LOUNqES, S IDE -BOARDS, BURÉAUL LI CUPBOARDS. MAtRÉSSÉS 0F VARIQUS QU'ALITIE$, SOFA,. COMMON BEUSTEAflS, FOOTSTOOLS, &c, &e. Articles of tie best and ne.west -design&al-iways kept on band, and will b. AT T ELOWESL FISPIE me.,AR! ùn Stock. leber-ADJOINTNG THE.EN LII1 CILd. l. HLTOTtF, C ArI\rTMA~KER NEW-.FÂNICY GOODS' At GEMSJAGER'S Keenéian's Blockt. Kn Sre, i ay. ASPL E NDID, STO0C K 0 F BKA UT ifU L QGOOD S. Jua .t Received a arge qn1antity of now v s qwall Paper, suiitable fc.r Dining Rois, fed Roomcs, 'parlers, Hlalls, &J.: ml of whiéh wil e eold at'a sonil adrantc n cotj Paper WVindow Blinds* Looinge(Glasses, and 1,oiking Glass Plate;.Picture Frantes and Mantie Ornamients. ÇIL R.E.N'S C:ABS1ý AND, C.ARRIAGES. ngibGlne Walkiùg Sticks, Cane ,&c. The "oyers oir Mie weed" wii fnd is bet obacoin grat vrarcty, iPpes fuom a cent, enond ;Ciar f the besi bra.nds, and Cîgar CaSes in everY' slyle. ladies mIlil fld a varied stock û ,f Beads, flraids, Tatting Cotton, Berlin Wools, Jewtllery, WXcdding Rlings. and Fancy Citey Dressing Conhs'oltSaefmr n li Vioiins Violin Stuingsaradlows. * j.Staimjping tao rder. 2uîd Dooir Vest of the ewett. H-ouse. Lindsay, 4th ApVril, .1865.: The Sifbs"cir happy to bave te nrionode, i connection wth ie fali of Richnsond -tb, surrendcr cf duc rehel armies, the ilhgit of Jf.bi-s n(he confidently'hopes) the end of the wat-ýtlhat- E7 Cotitons .have Fallen 00o itld that is stao etRMW sr SON VBTE GOODS îk noir vvry>compýlote, cemprisang a geuicral assortmeuit of ai. Tue-vniscriber deiires to info)rmi bis fpienda Is DRESS GOODS, 'MANTLES,-SIW , ad , lleite1uihie- thînt he continues to ke.tP 308.2 btstorses, ii.atest admin int comnfortalie - N ' carriages anid 1Suggies, eunstantly on bau-d for BOP ASLR BNS lire -tRIBB07NS, FE ATIIERS, FLOWERS, Terrs ext rem4el Moderale. - - - il. - .WO 1KMAN GLOVES, 1 ASH SERY, MI SLIS PITWHITE CTO S - S COTCh1 AND CANADIAN TWEED S,. BRU.,D CLOTHS, J. O'Donnelt Dé* B., - --READY-MNADE CLOTIIING,.- 0F PEËTERBRR0, -and an -asotitc i Gtoretaurri usta-sncere tus te h in. L tO R I S iliabba,ýnts of Lindsay an suarroniding- tVcounutry for ilac extcnsi-ve patronage wlailv vvis- I'1ý51 1L1 btb'ue1ac- and wotfl4.aIso staSe that.lue aII cf wbicliîlue otTers.for sale CHFIEdP FOR C1sil, or iiiechan ge for'preduce, cf wiiich bn- lt îewu-'at' pîerniaxieut ofce inichar-go cf M.-er4iaîg pusnciasers wilh pleaso i asd satisfy thscseh-ve8. i.fnont C. IL. Citt, te Las-Scint.%rith Dr. Da.y, bDen- ti fRi*ugnuton. Vise businesss riiil o cn--b -cJtO ted b>' uder tb. name and styhu f JAMES -LENILIAN, O'DONNELL CwRBE&. - ,wer of Ail e1auiaticnl5 perforwsed on tlb. iatest and N.--Thîe slip inior riualitiles cf tii.Lindziay Beer are n!ow gcn-erali>' admitted, uhici fact A k, ki- mo(jtsseienutifbe prirfvl)IsOSknownto the prufes- should be acksiowlcdgedhbu an ainudment te >ski Tpracct 'c Ph er- s ianl Arr tepoiv ~satisiî.teon. aMSLNH N e; th' nrl further naliee, Mrt. Corbeit may. 29-3m goond fiuIl aI %Ir. Keenan's <offie, in <~ Lindsay, 11lth May 1865. Cotir.ýsîs cic". Mr. '>utne-b w il ebir.!' iuae--- his vit5 as miaVix:: entise irst Thlîriajr - u etci i îoth and remain one week, wlien h A1D IGIý. U O K OO OTEL, M I U :--X 111l10, indu. - AI.- ail Streat,.OakiiO8, C.W.? )~itdi -EXRA~ TETI WTIOUIlia.Crosbfe Brady ATU IE EREX, Proprielor. - RP!8IESt ITAVING- rented a PIANO is desireus cf 1Drs. Maribn, Andrews, Bonson.ati& Ctgan, i aia uph irrS-idence, IRussel'Prlg Propnielo esuste intimateîêtee bis M. assfLr4 SlbetôiJ. Gallon, Depoty Étier-StetfiniadthPulcbt hangr- 11 , Gae. Keilipt, T. Kueugn, ,J. Dma J. î - tretn3frt-demudte ly ub hi habugCpur. n.ext, Disudas, -ea-Ternis Made known on application. chased thie new botel laty cupe!yChs La, . A. Rdoin, . . eig; Reazo. Gae, iday a-,1.296-ly - ijdgsbn- Ise is preparcd huoeffet the inoiît coul-7 L.A honw. J. A Wiht, 3. R . oloW 3rc,-Lnsy lyfortabie accommuodatbonl te al who niay' fuvor. - unil Mn. Corhett wctuWd offÇrthe b folloving leiter -klauswtîi a cal. cf rec onmendatioli fiem D5, Day, .Deltis-t, é~F. M & O iRTg The' bez3t f Liquers, Beorý and. Cigars. Kiuigstou, ani dd itiotl ie féllowing r e.:er -________ 30-l FIES, - -<'Kinga*n. , &Clip.y Oineer, 1-1aving a good' ksowlenge cf lMr. C.AT am l rceis c 3a.Jl 1Id Cobe'tt durbng bis stindie* sisme, 1 hetl. I (OpositeByt AT ouu'-s Ilotel)à steuî oini nmt 'hepblea aDeutias ~îigpricce, tii. ciciceu election fà et ~ ~ Z A~EY W~1~Y liK ENT STR-ÊEET', LINDSdY. Doalist, Kin p*ton.l G o cr RCffe , hoit.T aa, dFancy T efndany*wberd in tie. connty. - flONFECTIONERY wemas ris 185,-Rsnuc -D;W is tbue uîLORIND FMAýp'EED -ANDU Teàs, Cfe BowtÎ SuiI.ecy Smith, PEObet ies OPipeMEA, . O'Reilyi Esq-, RevJ Ç B e!. Mr. Clark- - -VEGETABLE»9ý iePOuteves. --Bri -sto ilegso r. Oéý,0.DAt C daLLOLIV1TgD. iaec ie et-lad s ton Ktngte~;, Q. uatinr su Weller. SoUictu1 Linansy. fW at jwelR .l~ Lina«.a' Nos'. Tti, 184. 273-f Lnsy pil1,1.- 5tf Ma t 0 I <l.tl 1 rl" .- GIREAT FUR.RE b e NOTICE is brby siven-that th e firm, of LEMAY CADTTE bas been tIhia day dLul-ved. D'ý Al Accounts and Notez for or agaiast the firin will ho settled by A. Cadette- LOUIS LEMAY. AUGUSTU.4 CADOTTE. Lindsay, June 2 18G5. In reference te the 6abo0ve the subseriber takies this eppertunity te tbank bis friends fer theig paat favors and bie bopes that they wil continue tr> give him a liberal siiere cf'thei.r Custoza Hle bas a large stock of REÂY-M DECLOTHI-eNG> on h.and anad AT VERY'LOV"Wgý PRICES. In Cioths you1 will flnd Can-tdtian and Scotch Tweeds, Casiimeres, Silk Mfixtures, ,Doeskinao Broad. Cloths. &c., Drillingz, Linens, (aajd,î gging. Shirtin ,&c.,'&c. ~~Ailith~iing is made oi t Me pre i ises. ICL JHN ADE TO ORDER lu ,the- most fashionabIe style3. and at, rery resuonabl. prices. C:j A PERFECT FIT Il1.RRANTED. -.: Therernainder of th(c Dry ,Gjou wil ha sold rit cost, as h. does net intend te keep aty: more after tbis setsýon. The. Highiest Price in Chpnid for good dlean wooh. Cash aise paid for Botter. Ne credit given. A. CADOTTýrE j. COSTIELL O & C Be g-to announce the completion of beir Spring, Stock, consisting of Hcid-made CIotIiing-Boots n SitesLiquors,. &c. I.Our stock of DyGoli s very large antl-wehi assorted, and owing te thé great decUne la, the price of Cottans, we are enabied tu offlr great in4 'i cemeots te- purchasers. In Canadian and Scotelh Tweeds %ve have a large dk1dlav. GROCERIES, BOOTS &SlIOES, CLOTIIING, AND LIQUORS, as'usual, réecire our attention, and wve lhave lie hesitation- in savinog that ne house in theéîx'ade .,tvlor cao unders l us Cash us what we want, and ~ FO CAH'WE CG1ivi 9ARGAINSO An inspection.cf or stock is aIl, ie sk: The Good.s niid Prices will speak for themnqelves. 'r3 rodu 1ce (fur wbîeh the highest price will be gîre.n).taken linexchae.ge. J.- COSTELLO &Co.,) Wilsn'sDluk, ppoiteMcLn nu IIe rdware Store, KeëtiSt, Lindsay, ROBERT SPIlER, EMPORTER 0F, STAPLE'& FANCY DRY GýOODýS 4GR6CERIES- kc. kc., is n.ir aýçpàred teo, ffrr b the F'saiaiicom-e ariýortment in-the &boxe nm-ntionedc bratichues. 1Lisstock ecnst,intluart f;- Ait WI, LT non andCotton Tweeds, Mohiair Cuaîgs, Fancy antce G.ns' and Ladies' Collars.anid Ties, Ribbonis, Featlhcr,,-FId;wers,- Shawlv I,anlitle"s, Dfcss G-oiôds-in greà~t varietv, Gente. - Siaw ntiFuhlli1ailsi Ladies' S*zraw Hais - and Bonnris-tritiîmed and - uatrimîmcd., TsTrinr actory Cotton, Stearulooni. Stnipes! Shirting, Clseck do., Tickbalg, kc.,bbe .*istomers- irî ud byn oîttbtuiii qumilty arqalînice. TEAS, COFFEE, -SUGAR, -SPICES, - PICKLES,> SAI!CE S, TE AS, COFFEE, - ,SUG»Ait,- -SPiCES, PICKLES, S, A-CES, COFFEE,- SUGAR, - -PICES,, -SAUCES, An asortien. cfCro ker et coostantly on band. 1Ti~Stok c Rer1ymuiOCIthilgnulBoot-i ad 'S10es Viîlibe sold at cost price, being d6- ssrous 1 f retiritog frulit thse uineî of 1butsiness. BAG SAL'AN» FIELD LSTR FOR. SALE. 4OaMi Butter and Eggs iwn. î% qislantbty taken in exciange for goods- Eobort pier, Corner Store Adains'. Illock, Kent Street, Lindaay. DOBSON &NBOK hnole8and. Dealers. in- GENEAL ROCRIES,- TEAS, TOBACCOS, F SSGR WIN ES, BRANDIES, RUMIS,. OLI) O AND VOLLND GIs, CIIIPPEWAMALT, OLD RYE, AND, -COMMNON WHISKIES,&. &c. -C ~rTaIflm TifIUI AILUIUT The subseriberis am' deterrninrd,?Ls beretofore to-,$PPlY aW a w n t fit bu-this Town, b>'1 keep ing éonatanîI - on b a d tise-buet braisI-SOf IMP@i'Id WUq" au: Liquors, Ales and Porter, al of-which wsil b. Sol atLowestPossible Pif MOST UwrALELLBDBXCITFIMENT prevailg ini conséquence of the .traOfdinr7loy Pre Au plsI cotionh, and other Goods, are now disposed of Hfaving pm~baed> bis goods this -Sprng for CASHT, and at a time when the prices of GgWbk .were Lt.tbeir lowest ebb. He is. now enabled to offer such that are sure to bdag every -mma, veman and child in h e Gonny to deal witkh hm-. At the w nrarte WWM 1 the gooda aretsiow leavixpg, fie expects ta have bis shelÏes empty in lest thac a moth. For exam plo perua the follwing PRICE LIST of a few leadlng articles,- and then.pronùounce yýouz verdict, wbich without doubtwill b.ý !IIURYM IND FI [CARTEl!1 OTayrey ObItons for....... A. per .yardilish Linens (l yd. wide) from i's Od. up --shton-Prints (fastcoloured) 7lyd. " Fîie (hamber Towels for.. .*. rd. Hevy Striped oitiu.. ...d. ' Sp1e*àddSummerTweedsfiom ls lod. up .Cloth for 'ta. M. MUSLTNS ini great varicty, te b. sold witbeut profit, A cartoon of MANTLES apd SEIAWLSto be sacrificed. AÀn imense qpantity of, STItAW ,GOODý! trimmed and uIntrimmed, sbnvtal off a t any price the Wiyer pleases. Fêlt Bats. Flanssels. Silk Randkerr1iiefj, Corsets. TaUlé CIothâs,-Paraadlg. Hlogiery, CWollra, Neck Ties. S/irs, R-ibbons, Flowers, infaet every thing~ yosu aeed REFGARD- LESS 0F cos T" NO, TE19THIS -FAOTI Be will give the Higbest Puice for good.Butter and Egsi icaefoiGo t.habe LindayJuit 9tl 165.301-tf B1SSOLWIî DO? PARTNBRSHIP.l *are 5- ee a UU5! '. It iaý I