RIDAY, AUGU8T 11, 1865. le Xi8try.- il criait, nuaed- by lbhela' )f Sir E. P. tache, is-over. Belleau ha. been appuinted ne-y Receive: Geneuraund te-otPremnier. lion.JohinA. raîetted Minister of Mi!iitia in late.Sir E. P. Tache; and th-i iýougxiI has lhad I erustedt l o-fedeutianal afthre iniUp- nr every chier respect, maltere l117' la conîpriseti as follo'ws.- wral and Premcier-siç N. P. ieral West and Miniâterlof-..iîl] Kau-IJn.George E.ý -Alon. A,. T. Galt. r of-Àgriuhttre-lot). T. D. MGo îslunr of Crown Land-Hou.J,, nt of Couu'nml-fon. George Browno. ster Gsier*i-llotn Wi -P. Huwla iid. cil' erretary indilMinister cf Educa- st Jn . Cockbuirn. stIl-oitn. I .. 1c .8à,Pemimylvania. ltg Ile -mimerous riutors ut veies in va-touS parts otf ) large imeasut'. ot sue-ces ontat mislkillen andi Boh- lity, atleIaat, a gren eal o-f réste in te lb tWells-aituat- 'vek, iPen. The followiuir eciqa lew ofthîe partiew tan itoera iii searcho1i u ' e cerreapoadotnue atf the Part li Canada is <vll repruseuteti aînung lire Caruidian sptecu - r. R. W. Pgtterson & Co., 'ever, -with smre Wall 'St. r York. Thie firma of Mur- g, surveyore, of Miitbrook ýle, are bure tioin'a fine busi- ir staff are Candiaima; ike>' 1 intîeir pirufesian, beng so .reçu llrey are- quit. e piiai Dmiua uperalurg, andisoi gen- ýr business relations, tirai îhey vrte. wiîb ail wlrom 11e> L Tbey take mue-b paina luo sccrrnortable, and put themi inding vimploymsent, (f lhiak i recative thre mppoinlrent cf t) Ot-c ourése,- ait Whto corne eritployrnunl, aa the arrivais hait 400 daiIy.. Puterboro, ers sud Cavant bave aIl tsent nong tbos. whom I have met 6atti ic,Thom paon andi Work- nt;Pleaamn4 Bltake- A8nd Graig orimail- ea bave uail inerest inking-onIyja fow ber of gen- t AleTaggait iri8atIAuder-. -Culi'rdi wemO ,E .,J.P., aimia>' Morii- ra-Seivos "sud- Robertmt c- xa-3 fiieti $10' 5 anti oasis a pest lth. me l-me, was irie. «hualbas wuie" for els. PFer- tue a joke,1 fi iu furi-edt lirat tbe ra- th-eb Canimingon andt une off last Saturday, Io dent -of theii. ore uanera.- cirsapindt inati ateuipi Party' otrdes- Wbv.îtm@ W ide,so..d.dlby 4 W-mr Mi. O'ui»,"'%àthl b « ve bis eider :ehumberî O.à,Camu la 10 r -mR th etfseW'ur w b. amnofet in -avi Parut cf m. ffl r bui lin a ride ero - » i mnbgol*qp 4qisttre Counit ihtbig ohi êGn ta"h@- 71b 0r iai; als te bo'lnj ý lLWI*o wa- e- e an od te. 4wi fr 5 paid by oti1w commeand, Legia- iita ci isura... en, the Town Hall ;.andi lative ÂAssembly, HOM tb.igte- wbrÎ* 14uaji'af$4615, approprice9! by sembli, ,i. was dyvuplW .d to C Aa t helaut n"eingi 0of Uf4iopen the ful uu %P* ighth Paris-a.i dont taxes due on part oft lb. outh bal cOfmnt ofý the Proiaoe-ai Canadae, with the t U4 No; 17 in the 8 c6uoausîon ofthIis towa- folowing Spe.oh *qêVTbtuoi- -J shi, ~ ~M- eeg4~. po4i gteionopraUe elemf te g idim agreeçnpt by Mr. K itq bis Couneil- berti- ~ ~ ~ .~ by whthdu.wathe suigranii snd hereby're -: qui.. idîuh~rIetbe lêhtaotiy e' n- conformity w iUt usitn4t'ncai>n , CMMISSiore*rii pp444 te texponti tlime whieh 1-mdete y ettboenoi f iii.IMM saie thât the rnduey 18 wihdrawn*'an tholtir tSâssî of Ialiamnt,«<*puaiaB hfothelb ipjoIniment as cemr aIanerO ïi. hsîsby an Caitadian Mni YP etWd tolaLoqdoute- - --. -conter witffle *sty'h GoemmneM. oni rtulled, andt l.aî the Clei là ta ueby authoor uaîn f amp*tta*ee te the- Province.I izM< and ri.uested toask and ddrnud pay- a nweil. i qhýu 1e *>i.t ment froin -Mr. Davt Kniii-of the- nnr-eai-cotyeniont =aien~t îAe, the.retuin ti. doent taxes tdue npon part ofite south hait 4dePttion iortiai thai yen may îooeive thé, tif Lot No. -17 4n the $th tociession et thts. ! cf-tier . ' 1 1 euplte1h importa nt business whieh ait te ouneIusiott toýsiamioineIn ialle ô$46 7e, as th.eoftheb luî-Seain wu -loti nuflniÉheud saeÉsbuen paid be' Ibiîs c rporation le have dirëett t t he c, etresptoulQne s( teCounty Troasur4r. A ndti 11Cou nai ringtote b.niusion to,£ngland shah bc coin- ot 50 or b,-munteate ta tiyen fot-yFour ccingideration.. her.by- apprupriates e mm - o $0 .fr the hpiriei*ofh-ii t hc -iIp0oyet of etthe boundaay linO -belwoen for i.1a totyaspealed in &bs Uti.. Mariposa anti Eldan, andi that Donald Jâck- - ted Statua ot Azneruc,-oannot fai 1 te exerc ise - a beneficillinfluence an thbe otunercisand soa~Esq, cupuy-rsv-set ldo, h voa. ndustrial intereslsa[e the Province, anti we -miaiuofer ta expenti the same. ay trust that the re-..ttabiahnent tof pe*ce Moved by Mr. Duirdas, aecontded by 14r.«ili l1usd to-a cotitatyincoasing Iëvelop- Cullis, That By,-Law No..-80 *te provide formn t rody ie6nabîeU orpeu-- the ounaris e Seool ectonsant lere-pie andi the citizens ot the- great Repuptii. th Tits cire f ghWuimstp@aaeeste liîreridereti il ne- peall other liy-Iawva iaconaistet or con éart pce otinfti vtner jtraTy theteto, bu *read a fIrat îine.-.Carried. muilifi a o e t u rvinoo titi pemetient duty, * Mev etib>' Mr. Cull,, 'qeconied b>' Mr ria"imgcelauui toe iEti îe.tore h as bti -~ D~d TI B-I N 80reealled, andi 1 ha-eyto-e xpressa my feelinigs nM eDna, Tîaà >-alw. o. 80b. read a ai satiisfae-tiofl ut the readjuiesus witb whÎch e second lime 4 oiiteo h hi~-t huy remptinded te ti.eact. fduty, aud the 0 arid genierql good condiut whinh the>' uxlibtd, - By-1 , m No. 80 read- u Mmuîte r. aduring thbe çeriod ofthtir ir ervice. m> W hitesi de i .1h. 1 chair. Cumrrdtee ruse anit ~aemw,en of th. e gistaLù' Ameu l1- reportuti. By-law Ne.ý 80 to pass wibhoul it bave directed that the estimnateq for the -amendment%. carrent year, and ihe stalemnent of the tx- '. ovei b 1~r~ ulls, ecodut byMrpeîrtitu-re wliîelih as been iiaéirruui charge-m meved by-M. Culijksablead gaMr.st thé vote cfferedit ofut s sson, DuutdaR, Thtil IBy-law nu. 1 ÉObu now' read aliahîb ld before yon. You wiI finti with. . s third lime andi pasâed.- Carried.- referçieno lubotti, luit ecoiootrq as beun Moved by, Mr.' Whiteside, second et by comrbiuiea with a due regard Le eMo'ençy. Mr. Dunfla, That By-,aw No'. 81 lu raipe by aS.agameat cri île réal and personai pro- perby ofthIis loNnship, -tire sumof six ibm>- sandi nineo humirelmu anti sixty dollars and, fty-erne cents for the 'current year, bu read. a firot tre.- Cmi rieît. - The ahove 'By-law %as rend a secondl anti thir lim tnad pssm Mrlyed b>' Mr. Whit--ide, aericed- b>' Mfr. Crlliç, .Tlîai «homess the Truxteus -of Union$dehooI Section No. 17ehave applieni te tbil Courueil te mise 'he sum of $612 52 o11 gaid section for.île pr.esent year.-Rs,lveul _;hat By-iLtw No. 82 lu raise by asse-siment,, for SC-boul par Poses, or jit prescrit year ini sait seciioti, ho ruait a-firaIt me.-Carried. By-law Na.. 82'wi read a, second and third tin-e and pasieti. - Moveti b>' Mî. hitu-iie, aëcurrdott b>' Mr. Dundtas, ThaItheii Reuve give hi& ordlor - ont the Trea.,4rer hi favar efS rin s. for $25Y for tWCpýWàqiu pîrepPlrttby Ili iluà.,fr Scooci Sectionsmib is TtbNrimsip; also the suin of twunty ntollars lu -J. F. Cunnitîgg, for s rap prepardby him ol t-is Towns-hip, foi the use o fltInsCaci.Cri'. býloveti by »M. Culls, secondlt luuu wMr. DnaThatt.liÙis .Couneil adjâirn tili tire frst Mo-n-da .'ry t ober nx.-Crid -Teaohor's -Conventio., -On Tmisday, 8!b, ot Augîmal, accor-uing te aninoûiireetent,ttulie' folawirig teaubers 'Mtet at their r arachool flouse, -LiîdIsay, te- engage in thé propoýed teaelrer's ecanvemtion for Ù1e - count>'out Victoria aMs-'.G.: YugJ. J., Brown, M. O'Neill, J. Me- Sweyn, A. MKtnnJ euriJ. Rus- sel,-F. Vliaaley, Saîntiel Coreriil, Missq. DuntirS nd tbmco otiher-ladies. C, B. ltebinison, :Esil., pmpriciý,of ai the CAN.,A)IAN Poàt - wes cailetiI lie chair, anti Mr. M. W'Neilli rquestld otie nt as sucretar>'. Aficr sume prelimimiar> romnamis. lrom the chairman, Mm. YYoung andi chiera; res-peelinîg- Ille object oý te riecting, It wasrn ov"u b>' J. S.I c<en eoii cd ru> Angus MoIinnit-'Tiat, itnthe opi- of u- n ii nbers manti the) i. toiiteet mrin.:- fesîcd tiinaliers su .0 iitîmatel>' coiieclei Siih te profèosiuny.b>' tire ioaclturs «lie coulul bave, 1ttended -tie couve nhion, justifies ihose -«ho-1 orgaiized -the conventioni, ant:idt ail État «as casent1ial te ils succes@,, iMî-de- c4tring tle conv.irtiuiî adjourueti aine die. -Carrieti unanimouuî>'. J, S. MCSvoyn moved, secondeti lu>'D, B. MeQuaîri -Tlat lbo thanks of ti n ie- i n- are (lut oMr. Robi nson, of thie CNl Pesr,'and Mr. E. D. Il1anni, of the Littisay, Adirpeale.for the ~er> support flue>' have given ius la ' carefforts ho brin a teaîcirem's convenition î iiithîs C-unly, â a tfiIe anme bu~~~t evutihothe sait ei-eniib'M.M . O'Neilli, liosececlar>' cf tiis mreetiîîg-.- Car- EditoriaI Itemes. Tux Argus cMaiesIbat lime populartio,1i ai Albany te 02,825proa Tdia icoun-l on Americafi Invoicgsa ailie Canadiai Crto-Lô-luniaes for itire week sud- ing- Auîgust ISis ,e30 per cent. AFATAL cas-c- ut gunuinîe Asiaie choIera is ruported -ii Gruýve street, -Jersey City.- Tiro. viçîlun wasse>'oong l a1dy.- .VOLVtNTrtR.'oitfiaers muaI qualify before the lt of Ju;y>, 1866i' Afler Ihal datIe tiîéy «illit ottîlctA ideo bu aliâwed tî0 relta ntheim' TutA rc eipis ut Northem R ailway ai Canadta for -week undifig Juhy 29, 1866, SaR Jam-es Hlope arriyed. in Qubc _01 Satuldnuy eveniug about six oe oioe .k. Short- 1>' after thuStyx dro-ppeti ber anuiter, a sa- - lute oif fifteen guns- <ers fititrut îe ia- lmnurable Gentlemeun and Getleuten- 1 bave trot laiied- tutransumit lu the Secre- tai'>'o, et Sthe fuir thre Coloniie, tor preseniatien ho ie Majisy, the atdresses ta «hichluyou a .m.theum r il agt sessiouen hifavuîur. of a -eea Union oif thre Colonies cf Britisht Noîrtht Ainertea. 1lhave degiroti that the ré-_ piy of the Secretury et Siale shah b. cora- -nuaicated lu you. sud 1 trusit that mature exaeinritalion oftthe projedt il, - sic og duce' ne 1,uigislatures cf ithe ether Proviii-ý ces lui conicur with yen tin givIi thoir iianc- - --ion to a mea-sure wiiihas beea adop)tedas a gr ealfeatmu etf r pe rral peliey, umîtd lias betn twioino~tied %itI approbation la Hem- Maj-uty't3 Speeches freinte Thrue.7 -PERSON L.-We -aregla tal noice Ihbat île frieuids aiMr. Uugh-Cameràn, laieofthlie -Port flops Britil& Qauadian, ontertained, hint ut a.dinuer on Fniday, 4tir August, on tbe ove of his ti.yaruro lu Mon treal..The diiinur was guI up ini excellent style b> ' Mr. Hastiîgr'e.; and tht 0Gi4e saya that th. parry L;rt7ir, o.u;CÀnnt.-Ae nuiouîîced tle 11ev. Dr. Durais deli-vereti a vory inleresling lecture on "lCanada, Presunit and-Future," uiMoù.day .venirt- last.- The attendanice, two reg-ret. ta Say' %ras amaI. Steri Mc- Dut-ugali occupiedtiheb.chair. Tho learnedl- leottirors -preluctiori «M lirierued ti tu itt at- tention, ai lis 'was frequemtly applauideti. RAiI.NWAy GUw.-We bave recuivéti front the ký'peCIaior Office, lHamilton, a aP.oaly priiud platnpliîlel ceniainiîug the fuiletit in- formation as te wue#-îofut he railways in ICair-. adan andilte NortbernirUuted tai ia, but es- 1,imel:al> ai lthe Great- Westerrof Catrada «t lItis,contraiction in thie îigibaring coun- tmy. It is cluveri> ciorn' leti, pmritteul Wjiiiî mucliraste, ant iisaued MuîîQiily,.as is"cari- temùplated il w0lIfurtil, ta -usufuU mediUým fer ativeiitirintg.- S-r. ANDREtL-aCmIRvxCI.-l'ha Rov. Wmà. Aken «iII D.V ) preaelj in the aboyaehure-b, on Sabbath tfira, tihe I3îb August, aI il o'clock in thieforenneej, and 6.30 tri île even- iîg. - Mr. Aje lîighiy spuken ai as apopu-- lar pre.àcher ; adt utgli Uiiy a four monîhis ftrain Scotlani, lire aroceiveul sterai cais front ver>' intefigouit eougregyations.ta tlis Prav itice. We tet la6surud that ticaune gdo- iuîg lu St. Audrw>s, çb-erh,os it t fr will be tiisappointtal,le soinuwlîut resenni bIcs the fumous Mr. Spurguon l in inîe and tie nou bas fataQu.5Dr. Normaiau Mebd PuB-Luc UcLinA.- Iii'retereneeta ti vextisemrn4. in. unothet columa itwl1 be scen itirst -Monda>', 2Isî inai., by prolama&- t at the Mayor, -ahu a sn et apami- as a public- holiday, :Ho* ùmpopu«II pta their tGme ba& aot yeltucon ulcideti One «woulî like a.trip dotentire -«tem, aimtier «oeu Id piefer guiug Io Port Bp.wlioa; tîrird ativocatles an excursion tu Peiterburo. A gond many are in tavov ef au excursion aid pic-niie o he Il Suunmit ;" and «o un- tlerslti dtrial liii.Railwa>' authrritiesliai'. offréd thIe imet avourabie lenmq. A mieut- lj-g &,boulti b. held aud a cernimittio sétruck lu- makete mefecesaly arruni monta. Sun AccD£N1r-We leanfrom the Globe that on Monda>' la st «hile Dr. éDean ut-o Ciftteu, C.W., was.ahcwiîiag -a lateul revol- ver te- a yOi Loch part, Ou lte Pistai wa the bail ente XVe a"-~ infari BeavurLutm, C S. Bi at. threir Store l otiinw M ta Lindsa, li#ta anti'- Tey bave *l q tg Roc mis TZL - The steatuer C aï..I eri NclU bua. sadyla trnme -her trlpa -bu- Gulc bhaid et ipo andt harlotte aboutthis tt Cigt* . D#z mt, lia "metiite thé t'd I nam"à . ui-tninhtr lae I ,Iwud ni naruetiDuimageo f ciharges expluded wh«le baudd aiD uimaga, anti doctor's breast neur tbe lookeut upon as certain. thre Doci ir-Dean above ut to Mr. Dean,e-a- d formeri>' a resideut of citly.- î4ull S.atssue -le show iLiset, tire meat eiegauî id Jac keté ever biought ý asbeautitil ùBonnets, uaut in ret - vàriol>'. o -k e r, the ést r. rkd Twedoalw.ys $on' -0 01 Rusine vr'6- idé b ave u.é14ed a dofiaitt cau- ttil&i-, and oa oaIy ogtainobedience 16 , t t s prisig thate it ieuhi ric- îewedfrpa Ibis &tand-poni4 Mr. Denel' & t ie m .aa o fiioaa y ie e it;lI - ëat i *attrte erot lt*aa citUed ii illing rne taie court hiniii. nianner ilu «hieh l ha dette. Whaî-would b. ihougttcf' liu prowesof an atblom wi holilchat- enjpa otwtber to.a trial et tigt uad akili, atà tramméll hbina ithoItd(itio na «hichluhb >uld not Ïaee -, Ri3W incviity wouldi ldu- cuitlylee - tioud Juelsein Ibis iii-1 i4'ne, liih en's, iîhwhere'a, andtihie 'hem, &t., are 1 éqtouhenoaI p- lo tli, uer anycothèr m&et nul t mner if lte counecit My poition- as a prïvat. WbdividîiaI sciinfg me front-a seât in c'au,- oses7 wbero ai the iepligt daus ad, and te.frorns se. î-iî couit, maires kappaiirett hat hie Co mMtni%:,tiàit, tn thi tra he lbasp ut ti4in me-, hunco àb,,- Buïf Mr. Meine if sirtooe tibs de-ire te iaeuss t-be course; whichlh. has - pursueti, and te motives- wbi I ehWu ated bita "as pubbîco mati on tUai questio (or any. othur), throu .ph îthemedlUn of et. ti.l'sT 1 hope ie tilt Jase ù ne i aad4musing A- e proper Mrties ; thoy are vrell kooi t tûhrm. i .udb. luatiÉedim i e.'ta ismssn tse matter> altoge 'thur, but- as Xr* Duaneý proftessnhdeisire puhlati, a'îdasi t i- ~.II known- tobitnthât ha lost-my con fi-. dlire as a pubièman in1S6u. I have rio objections tbu give lb, reasuis for the failli baât ls tinme. - - It is a faci that Ur. Deane Was fi'ràt ele'Cteu n'1862, by buie Lut <yard t'0 represutit tlîurt ru the mniiçlialiiy eofuday It, is a taet Iluat lie «as -re-ejleed in 163. Il is a flad -latIllre potwy « ie lva-tý1.)er) tie cause <if tsu ah dsosîtandtdiffeir- enc. 91 opinion a ;onget hIe rilepayer4 me- oelved it'a btthti1hiis, couiuil utîder the, ffile ut the sale ut lausu lots. Rt.is a factîthat rio affuetiiînate. faîbi-m, nt edrmnother ev.er n 1utseil thi-ir o fif-p, ii4g «t more ýassiduous car m d id Mfm ýDeatie Ibis 1bantlinig.- It le a fact tlab in - ibis form il - rontaied «tîlîh1ti*nitself the g erma of ils own d:i.sofuitii onsequetly il proved att ut*Mer.failume. ht if a fact ibat owug lu) tire cupîduty c Romé anthIe ava, ice >f others, the oliey itl self graineti streaigth turing tiisperioui. It.1- istctthat Mm.,I)caiie %as agatixi reý elected iii. 1864. Sil is a-tacrt t -aI hi this timai te repeatel diuusiotm aising7out of Ibis- policy liad Meadue Mr. DteAtie u ary. Il is-a tart,,lrai ho :aççepjth ie Reeve- Ship tfre-a Party lhe Nvoulîi have sbelie li ias in sbîuuug oppatittilon 10. Iltas a tacitrit thut party cpeak 4f thg apr-oimitment'as lieinir traimmelled witb con. it is a tact thuàt the ptulicy of 1863 «as jr. trcd-uood in the COunicil1 of 1864 iut ue'v hb iliruents "very eustîy ilis Iru,3-lnômatîte for that. bbthe'uen %vas pay masler, the-en( Shaut te b aîataiîîed. li ii a fmcfthib the kyIwt provite ilig new tsbhimmîtswasplaetibeltee Le poèu pie for Ibeir appro'ai. - Il is a tact thal Mr. Deané erJed.làdir . vute gitc l fl is a flthct Iitheme earc over cana hundrec 1voteýsi the east.«ardi. It li a fauMr.. Deane about, lis lini boastell ho c. oultil.cuntrol nuuety o! Ihieu 1New I'v amitte knio.v .hoîv mas-y of thesg uinsty votes hie brouglit tt hé .Poi luIovot It is a tarct Ib ot heday ut poling Iup braiutedhan «tilh dimelection tor dut>. It is aà fle ad tirte test lime ho ops nexions measure is'aailis introducion, ii council. 'BY> a réferetice te my lourhb aé it <*ill be scen ltow Mmr.- Dtane'«,%as emptoy oui ai li*ibrni.- The eanler eau ponc-oyar these tair anddj aw bis own-contcluisions. -Now> Mr. Edîlor> 1 ttaik yeu cordiai for thue f-qeou space, iviilsi I reýiiaii$ 1. . .otimi i-ctiliy, JAMES A DAM. - Lindsay..ugust, 1865. -CRtOPS IN tILY-. The WaHder confirm ite goul accuum «hicW «e hadi p revioUsý - eceived. (f tb grain prospe cts in this oId and weaitiuy aWý h, ip 0c cnlenmpurary anys:"Te it inthis uegirborlîooid are uven- beyon ilt mus-t sangaîne expeclatiaî. Vie fliîl «he is neuily alcut -nd .- Inused; ý anti spi ii crups bave, ciriceflie late raina, improveti apidi>' thaîL excellent crom a Tae nuw âlm n Wage,ànait-Jlie rouit -crept aiso promisie abunuiaiit yielti. ,Aceouris frura uther pu DISAS9TROI7'S ýFIRE, - The Globe cfTout&ýa>contairta aacolt a dtietcive treflie indutook'place ini 1 rente on Monda>' tiglir, wtaereby,,tue ganei offcesutlit G T. H. Ca., I-Ianloi% > Hot anti adjacent buildings *weru tutally destru edi. ,Luùes sitraed aiabodut $15,000.- ' ire was fir-et discovutreti b>'Mr._Bell, itouý keeper etthe GaadTrwîtk oûffies, at abi 11.35. Thre fire «as ai that lime issiîtg at.-àone tihe <oodertotables iki irof ut1 row ut seven brick - uaèufronting on E sitreet. -Aitleugl lire alarm «att given 11:40 b>' lue Bav' sruet bell il «tais Bat u 1î«enty mýimults afier, tîtat ouie of the sIca ors güuI ln work iit iiorre'rand i baill th silt catit-directeil oulii lireflorn. - By'lis ti fie ire halmauecoisiuerable eiî Taiîd theHtimes, hiekiiig itUe eave toiThs the. réar etitîe row lv le «hloe iliide er GraitTru îk oll 1 ffice-i alidti te înujutiiî i_(ýr uletce of Dr. Antrîns «cre îvrut iiuILîau l1Vhufiremet, tuîîuh.er te cutniltrutîtoniCi -Engimîfeer Astufieici,oni le £Cil>' Fîre 1Depr ment, final ver> fr>Isil rected te <vu on theu(4rand,'Iranlc offices an the buî-' andi alreamuty -«ci -burti elables, leavmîîg1 nadjcent ouses tIo thé mercy -f the flani Hauioon's -lotel ivas ~ilo a total wruck, à th1e flanras «ure rapîully* feeling tlieir i aliug lte rouisi fMe. W. F. . Matei'.4,î a vacant ittîmse laîeîy accupiet b>' Mr. D, ais 'McCarrolil, lien,- ibreugrte exerti, et Mr. A lexr. Ïanuinig, the brawcbmen t- n'ruered te play' on Mr. Melastér'îl bot andti aithe. time -we write, 2:45 à, tire.bot alit hotîgha emewhal gulitwfile butter off it ifbrmad tow-A mani, w«bi aying su ftziihuru, lial nee e! bislegis badîy imju Tu-we i8 nu utoubt 1lIat lte âire <vas ie ot an iaîendtiiary, as te lait-e in' rear ot offices 'vas the rmorl t faIl thc d6iirepl Te ft TiimÀrAraae-$ioe lhemn, ses son ti *ilh pepper auda,8 anti ry l lu botbuter tltsy are greeni,.dtp ibemu ia flour after bu mesoneil. To Cure Rbeuintisi.44îleý pa&rts sfeclti «11ih Lb.Canubdian PauDin ti e(to- be hau lt aI sas'urmgiss) u'rn veil «111 tbe palm4qf 1he-band, sud 'insel cases lakê 60 drap)s , o ne tipe.ifil, uteuasa, uon a.nud lgb ; l l ase g f40. g~,eIp b~t art,-ar Â2ýLD T XNGSTON. ..ptiioeth.deqptêi ktdmet W4t-g~ B R ATS A G IS y a~en a.the *rU ta lOvt eri - Ii"bau 1tlYi d e' r ot asindividuais, ~~ d1ç~U~ffEDEIÂ?ION, D aL u»r,9 OU te bigh cmed-F L M O IA I) S P#J*UB~AJW*h,$SPZWII<R. i.lke in- cjh Canada andthé ~àBritmh _North - Af op~eimiesw e k F iW#. Thoy G Jk L wir on a.uJouI and 4.ired, WU is Kid.aor.-IIeu"voa segt by a firot-01aA..power ta confer 4t*Sue O~ S*i4y, ~ v.~d, ~ aor-WiIha DsI- jas pber.[Cheeras.] Mr. 0W FFER the ba1*l fcewne atm 13 b' wt aisyo.AtrrlrigN tothe î11ted dOM Sino tretCo.Tce, r. Mctiméjl n, uinidai louti eheera, alludet tî 4TCBT Maconad eferédw is o l.Tachsî e, Mr.gte hoinour .confëruti on himsel.f person- SHÂWLS at cnat prie land, be innihg witth 1e important qetîo al yteUi.slyu xodtedg. DRESS GOODS, atoit pie of îhe.defence c4 this countrý. The E i j4è ' of 'D*. Ltsblue.ribbon, in tact, of TS~MATE tcoîpis mîmdi ho mid, h.uIbeerna iinpvernsad wiîl tthe Uiest.~sws ap n ru 0 M1LLINERY GOOD S at cost price. boe f ihatCaÎâdawes ioapabie of defence,C0lY »fItaheCfgtUitfl0[U -G TSBT kAS bu i it nlàk ae lagt ds rii~orce àmanner.. andi on @o-pub! ic -occamin as GN1 HT&CPatcnet pri that opinion.. Ho weuld Dot cult, -ïuty n ~tiL b~hi erettv id tg -JUST TO EBAN>, 4LLOT or uthe qu iOtto , hbt refer themn to thé depaîch e1thor utîiwtored. The horour, however' a tr,;o i of M. Cr~lel).'l'. tme cl te dlegaes hê>did iifot take as-.a personal hotiour: the a~i~ined y he mpeialgosrneîî bdegiee was conferoed more' te pay a Iligh ver.y good at44i. per yard. montandeoî,er iîh 11c, ~ua~ h r*omplime-nt To Canada, and-tu show tire high occty SupWI during the iseveW i onaide ratioin which thal greal seat of learu-G'ceyDpaitn , isu of thquestions sria- iiiz astor thig countiry. The compliment cMassALu t*I in~ontet ii. CeteerUoases-e anirais pait! ta himfself -as beitug ire -senior in m f -te-C -W "à n'mre'mfet ut the deputation. Mr. Macdonarld ~FML EESRE net one adjinument hbiatt-ken placé except aan ei FAIMîh NkeEdi rnny gIEtSme uhal Irio Mietili1 four ta slow the gentlemvn sen for1 ilth h e Ilre marplio n îhemeang-~ 'GV S4c:L!~.' Of tbe Engliih deputaltir 1.tego te thoe pila- P nn u h eryfcpinle a - e IE-U AUL -ce ii te lose of Coiimons. hoers in'Yei him, autt sat down amidât loud G[LIE & AN ASHRE Canada the -questàofaiC6nfederation had 1EN.ANSM. We_ 'ft. -4d1 - . lock been fully dîecmasded.for"the spacof ci wa Kent,.dm, lo monihis in ail iie-bearittg&. Txýe public can'tîKentSt., Lindsay releivo'fait information en thé tauliect u il I h e~n fNwVr aejs ed Lindsay, Atng. il, 1865. the necestiary verbal explanations are given i 8ia j~tecrw a sa.ai whetlParliament mneets. Tie Corfedera-1,DSEA -T MPT. tien scheta a nu l nil' . Silice the 1the cumîdu,î urde .Tire oaim t h c ES lEA1'MTT iOOT A ydéputation rettursed dospatches had bgen re - casion î ib s sà poken of by tiie New ýYurIk ceived, anti Etglanid had again repoatte.tlier Pnet Ma[ehornTudyadepata- exprsi esir luscea efectVe uiioi ofiil j Thiis adiress wte ind teb utrfi. o4fs(re'fr t lier NrhAmerican cotunies speediiy miiilt lu SiONl ro. LuûI!Aa . broglî aout Emiad wulddeent evryotyped lirade,, 1kw saine everiasitng retlwat- oulasf No. 13 in h, su to epeak, 1 of this çouuîiry,' but thée tal a iwroîgâs, mir.gled Iwjtbîthe-astral litier- l'he p i iicpaf actor in this Case is Mloses B. 9colonis nius do their share,.Il was entire- a.;ni tt~ei.a. aîgoiBba~-Adi±e ~4, arare fNotfild jîg. Ti.onî pia~.bî aenapjea. sto tuiNew haiiphire, ad reisîg i t Nu. 2)2, Iy ot c th qustio tht Eglad cuki e- emie rsutt difuet trot theabuî 'EastasIFourteergh l ieel, Who is employe- LI .ndIl er ulinis, f setwoud ;illy.are'èai tend ailhml aifE', *taIe ld c=teooîedays, js this eXr4Ct a car driver. It appears that Mra. Duugiags go sattered:that iglard i, wiliirg o charge hersel witk hall the expertses 0e. d - The position ltat. 1 etrspy ini the Fenian was, formerly the wife of Aidritigei, alid mmn< irigsothe mua ai he anduniu. ie1 Brotherlîoo isone that ertableâ me, niay, of years agu tire latter was arrestedi fo trîem. reso wy onedrain idflt ue wihie cesbily, cumrpels me, to have a-kirowledge mi-sion of a- burgiary1n -ehe te of Rh6d. I nieate suhyCcneds er thetfailisnminrils ls religth, ils -tiepes,, ,Is:and. He was trie , convictedaî colnie mt théy rnighit -e swai ledoperanid. ils- prospects ; anîd 1 could teyl îoh e~ ualem~ rpisneîi ~ tc <ie it bu iiali ed0Pthat Nvouid cheer every ,ruelrisîh heart anîd sia-_4prison. bytelargerole twi also attribil able. il vancetlùe catue witîî :1w Cold anidu[ L~r les rud r. nga~(h fi locl jalosi (ad lcalamitin.hen oigaitîzationebt tw, 1Nr.Aidridge) sidIorai o bata fedurat i v fhadreeev e las clî e c a i u y a f lt be ailoe i mp u deîî.l t , crirri al in nie te i ol divoice front lier fhsi rd, Iien iii pr Il hOuuthi Uite Satatketmaur fi). $0 s, 'dithee1 tour pliemy are luuîatcidanîd stiba,ýqoently marr-ied.Nr. D li~er ch.-ck.IIodraev ypirs di ihereîslong lia îas rî o!li ~.de.t ffrtsollauanopen, lie p- are aboul éveil Iliithis very presenfi hubatid. Titi.s actiuti (Or Ile rtîîof illlueit. y u i helir èonstitutiôn anîd vîly, perhaps i tus, iry crowd. Atid 'Ile ayseel aedugA l eu by îuimîglueh hoiigii 1er pres retelid To.seur it ail reàson, anl on Tuesday Dilgîllfie cal-ed our os nIlBruîîb e uiliuiij,iWCwere et,I -r abl~ a rae cnsiîuio tr ~iis An-ibmoeniIauî u the Vïitish Gai'- at Mis. Dou.,lassà'à resideuîce, and aske ( has ddleta flaopianconsttutinlfor. British Ame *etra, Which, wouid mn.et îlîu fui I arppoîval tof errnneita àveiy d sn prio'o t teclier. lwaS showfl 1<> idtoiroum- lier MR' 1 "l'ho *** 'utio ftor âbbc is be i'luirar lie trunblii-,of where Mrs. D. ia. lmnùe(iately Onenter- -. (t18-r y-<>t u tiue siari uhat i i.shaiîatIit Ol eF.tio the ing tle tontahe diew a leadeti rvo!ver, ati raisfeil wotîid .ean i pasIsaitiay ; lucre W ;s ai- . te t ai h viîîlfbh.tlirrir is auî .rad agra 'ne inii lxenidsninin Thle liDkIrtsa e aswe are a i-Mrs. I rzls eized fila, a..d, beitig ýuÎIe ini the 1LuîvCtr Proviinees.'Aid new tat. [lefTheTiares ad -" Pc hap f M~jeîy, îrouh er irt-trsde i lite dîîil iiinout hearing loir we liave nul iair athictie womaril pre . .11imiru s -thal we Must surrenoe-r tli er, that wk.,i e '*t discuveied Ili mlî îte~uî iî hepso.Am4deprt îul tire feeling- wlîia'h vihirule ini N x rn la sWsael e tei h ûl;bt, uaed, Mrs. D. tatitilin.ffor. lier i~ i -wick anîd Nova Scotia: They tuok a Short 1e uh eaîe,-l andniIhl 1ieipoî! hi .t u a ho.and * '~ way with thlequestion of deferice in E1iîtgInd eorm 14 IS p alid ite lhrk beingr vlrienll aelydirnre u iihra ' aa il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Teweeetrelc leesdoe~eS haken? Haw tmg îe-Bîrsiovuîe Whiliet$rug2lewas ifllon 'ieefiýeý d. frein a littie colpniy. MNr. Car'iwell devoted cait êaîîd nuder saa slakiiig, il is flotltr îîite t twu le rhose ran îîote.rea himseif to the subject, and, the cabinet eleet i1 US lu guess. NWe wàitt-e.alarinkîîg mressa- relt~~fie .tr tteEgîenhPe :eil fouir oft:tidir:nio,.->teminei t mem-four o u. 'l'ludsui -niu erAiu ie -o, îicr i,.ediielyrni hît' î ii F4iion te Canada and1 four of England aalround. elealreI Nedtires Wrd, u keo 'teofile mn.itl ant i pî i bo;rdl--Mr. Cardwell, 'Mr. Glitdsitdîx, Eart Mwetu f1werh'îk.o î.rn h am un i aîe~~rg li de Grey, Ssrelary of State for %Var, anîd the -gîg i e~dAdigdaîidtta 'IDtke of Somsriset,'on behalfolt tle Ailnir- 1 THE GoVRO% 1 ()F -NIrw BRC- anîd conveyed, hlm bthtIlle- sacn-;'ue in aiîy Thy sle~îus ay lle day an in~ ~Tweniy-wsecond street, %where he <va., tt.hain- eld. for Ille niglul. Yesterdai rnrhi!!gb the mt f trienidly spliril, ail acluahtib hivsariîe bfeJîee DA.- h -- c c-a a -gid eoe. etie : I,,tw sarîme utject, liai of.ptittilig tire c-ost on sie-h The 'ariou.n' eons and fr uoar- resPect- te a gironnd that thereio-uld berixo dispu-e liere. i" utie (>ove riour.Slup ut' tht-s Puvnî cornrnitîed hizn tu prison Sfortrial 'in îYfduýt idalter. At ait ilieir mneetinîgs the Càauai.ii ohla- beeii tîlloat for sorine lime inc'3000$IU bai. -N. Y. Wurld. (el ae! izever faiied te imnp-ess on thosea papbe set uit rs ya lîîeiii wilii C EuîIaîdth; t Câanada ia always readv-ani w-e.aie eîîabied lu mîakte.autîrîutvely-.The T10VlîglnFudv ocoo]b dc ýn:dta adiiere tu B!iihColi ieclian Gohc.e et'Giove îir (ul l1o1. nng waa aller- Mr. At.dwBm ooe, lr, î~bin and Britishi rulu ; lu spe LI ler last mnîîand cd l i s, Eelleiicytho Lieuteniant ,Gover- cd on Thwseday înuruîirig. -Ail the mac:îtin- lier lai shilihog ini déeècueof ber deterrni- nuY of- lis Proviuice zsan!e moinlhsr agi, atid- ery <vas Iust. Tite fic iSs ufposed tii 'iaviî nation. (Loud cheeric.) . e requ t,) 1 %vasacied by friin. This acceltaleice wiîc beeri lieý work of air îîceurdiary. 1d ho 'iifurrnud. liaiiy if Canada could i îiir gatlîiward %iv davîfrraus hei f w aefo pae~ oîaitîeUa 1piion be: defended or 1 6 u,ýîîîgat Ile'a persîînuiii i aittio. l.e appoiuitnieiil was dfiesamîl luhîeLudrru s ame lime that Canada was. capabTh etf 10 theni otfored tu Sir Iliichard AMeDoileli, Ille de -e'timns NiihIl ete a r>.fece, and that vhaî ive wanted ivas an iý Li.euteîaitî(,uveriituur of NoVa seti., h pFt fuîth %wiîh ;eg: l le dîtra Se &ienl defeie, au that we might hotu Dur -a cei.fi. i xeiu. Ii rbit býv e Lane IQet.Sfiei usacîa ie Iown. in-the evt t fthe cou::lrv beiii inivad-! as.sume u- i:new duisiit aîil nriv day. iro n iu:ea .ain v r iai o: Jed ; but ihat we didîlot expect thern tl(le- Excel!eiic-y LiC t-u, uî oeîu t al irfrnel ieeiu:alos Lt-- ~ ~ ~ ci fedvyfoto aad.îhc as jII rvii uliwvrpoe. t h<.dla:4 lui îied out lu be îrue.-ciobs., as ip.~ble al ùdefeiid evcry f. ett if Est -, Oil 1 . ieo~e . i ii ueN--H AHLi-U TIE-m lid. Tite defencu colmui(n al, .headied tuw welI - ouit k lu enabie Hîis Lxceli- t. uletîrikes iin Par is mentîiont;l t A Ryhc -oyal Htghrîeës thie Prince ut Can-' lenicv tu be ritried in inarîîa-ctte l adyIoelle ut bacliors;, tu the number o axi s-bu fls- Let bridge, and wtîotd bythie delegates for. Cati- . ivlitoiilie ji,4alIjaiîced-iho ee.l d giti,er atàîd.,whthave taken ci o athn-ver lt(ri;- V y- da lie epjiish eicd ý.ea'inibiv rma-, I S 1J a etv-u.K...Bsabe~euîil a criaiir_,e lakesfpaice in lire mani.e;s- isure ut deteîîce, îhivh 1wag jcCilpltj ed, e-iîilf tbe greaî:ýy plig<.Of wilî ladies bath in drée santid~ lme rI8 cauewe thtiulth Il te bcthe besl uhiog for! tît u-uîîry au heaue w kie~aillia RMARKABLE Oý CCURENCLL t MoRt COAL OrL.-P04iiive ,ni:iiii 'b. ~Y aread sia~d îîaîEiîaîa cuid - -jtoucli dnd stneil, olco)al oil have tieen f:i ly defetided. W-abe1f d a il irough- 4 s un :iyi.;iï,viGeRi; NA it e roèks en tire iver bani, ean iite B <he Ment, er rsctiitia sycilem.aid Ilie LAYSg1,40NEI pI.vekhe iiiîîo t ea; tl. tl. fac-t l iii îweîrly-lou .r Itoursevery iwi 41Paiii ICcatio pak. Ivu ihe couîttry ca abl fbi nr. arm A cuuld A-itlm n iii w i ývi ecr v r n h ie e î'icîus a u k r. capable in.arinanplace vry1Peterborough Review. be procuieà Io stand kip il) ils. defence. ýreliaie tie tiler day reiated tt us, île foi (Çheers.) Tre i,,on uditon ti regard tW low ig iitîgiar ocurrtc iOne tday la-a A Presbyteriait ehnrch m in r.~ sea-, omany te- cunsiruct .ceriajii!elegratpli covereil thee anake, wiciiîil rdaoi iGvrirliîti ot rai mlre Eîtwarut lines Ilîrougi ibid cumîtiitry, t lîne- lu escape, guI be tween thie gairniernts, and &ce1i1iand h îza-.btxleb(friodo eOut etàntiin - tit the Co mipaniy should poosesà worked itse[f Up tu hIle ivaist uiîfeit by the not lie hitnseff hardiy sgern , te know ; Lot - out, tiàirty -iles square o aireh se 1te tlueu lime, par-ty. Sire stijtes tUai severat lumes during 1Monck, Gaverittior enral of C;lltaja, us1-' lire îvhuch wouki iîîctude.nucittIle goid urines thée(ta), and eveîîirg site felt a sort ofgi pay avisit tole Euîgatid iinrediately after tec ayand minri. o hlregion, wu aid giVe Pluîgeî tonabut br0odbu d]cacy session. I'staweii enougliknou i al uW iltgW us - icave us to seule the HIud-oi's Bay inî compalli> coîîstraîtlied ier lu bear it rallier ernor Gerdoti's recali is owing to bis havilie at Copany' daim." Weasket tbem10 tia tiluipi loasceîlaiîlirtie cause. 'Altô- 1 pposcd tflic mperial plc tCneea ýntii1 celle the t.ouniry ho- Cartada ; and i! «e thitik' gether, il «aLs a itosi reînarkable occurretnce, tien; and il mu-iy bW laken for graithed that m-liriper ito buy ntïlthée tidsonls ay o niwr eulwi-euai itd îvit-h te J Governuir D1 ds)reordiiEî~'î i heir prany, Engiaid ill etiitarq Ounr biii for il.. prties «e sltoîld bluemieitfitied tu ceu'sa er !,plaitt ile lie ofcoîttînt he ha. -îr'eueJ ne(Loud cieiiîg -flie Wcuuid mîw tke Oc- il <ily a e- snike tr"bu as ib iswe Ca" itu lIte same suîbjeet. Lu>rd NMo.uii ili-t acaeïoto 8peutk of atier malters*. The an- iuruclisafé for ut Iei-truc e tteletler.- 1icourse, f urîler Cotntederiti>n Uv very Icziri- uîneXatiîi-iS, lie said. like> olli f uitrdlinî, 'Ilu.nliigdorut(Ç, E.> J-ourna.l. - materm -anq tn bts -power. The lyripcir i hie iit heti i~'l1yLt-acet tiiti'r rîîtud~ JGuvertimentit k gmving evidénce oait, sdéter- esi- tUeP 1 lehl Lriaîdcutned CANADIAN..MIANUFAC*17URES. -initial luu-th iiune m4t il& corniiind id. hueînm.)If ihcze. are aîty Ilef, if any moire iii lavor of the prjected unîion an 1îln prevefli tesuhairasst ts(alul)tly ii The increa"ed price at which. ail matn- îms eaet secmet-lvartingý the toticv il ar-hv l ih 1wi.fo u ind «ll nul gIve. facitur.d n: e articles aire fluW held in the Stie-4 desreste carry oit., i tlie-stiip. Anîy EniIthîroverimelit bled mît-g ~ ~ ~ _ «olitn rvu it bopino atuaperm i n mavy :uodts nofCatadian m.tmuifac- G D IN'TukE EAsTrFiiTowx.HrPs~.-StiliP. j inàrwold ift peviàbofCand itre l toee i urcesfnlly 'ai the present rucent dsot tgOld inilother pario l>w-. .y the Urited- St;tefq «uid lue turiied oï ytime,ýw-lth 's-e- natte.anti used nia Ile "Ilerlte.- E.Ntern Townsipq, are sait te' bW vet iu~. th e p oln ~ o r. T e uîl cI side -Hotu.. Malcolm Cameroru callud alen- important, anid iikely tu attraet attetntion att aîdîg -îgand î ntvro lierhutîgo in in ulîs at Dutoit andi Spoke parlir-ular- an. early day. Ye are, i.îtotrneul tttat fion way -Caiada, tutti ode hîns ésie w is viikmg h> jPutl y of wo>den «are 4as a s.pecies ut îndueîry a peint lit t e oa,- hr niies'above Shèrl)vui'ke- and' ai Our disposai, and, to spcnd, ail rite re- inî«bic-h Cauîiatiamns excelled, atid coU uld n the river Magotg, gold bas beier fôiid 'et, -un- gourées of bbc empire. if true lu ourselvesq, rivalIllc esi ,_tprtlucte of unr n1 îuum.miles up itue t.îreami bath in quartz art1 i ins .,ii-cenr ay yet risc te a cottdituumt of A read,pruoof- t hcotreciimeos su, Istate- teuri w mrcncmpariesarni ,e~egrotuea a whih « hae- îlti cocepiOnment is fouid.ltri the fLsd that a New York reauîv ai work. mîyi~leiymira at reen. Te rel ouî n homidafirm bas juRl cent an erder -ta a îotse in -Port -«ti aouab1r ls tîes trtoguII "',e, of theh. m-bers of tho goverinent ef Enle Stanley for.600 dozen of Ihickory- axe hbo-is. sît he)- ieveïr saw bette; ixlicaliilus ii han [andi was in regard ba ý utrpriipe (le fence- Thisa urder can bu fil W _ aiiw ay, anti Calljuniua. We were sjru<n speceuults vf ore The Amrican war and our overflense uofiii ilI doubîles -bu toloweil by olirersà of a goild îuund by Mr. J. Niciiols, f 11t-inth, red. scuiriiy -i n iequence aiil had pasei more extens .iv8 ki nd.-Lunda re8 P-tes. in le district, awd whwichi «ere taken trum 'ok way,-andi if reinareti for Ls taeetrua e Iothwsw yhi i at.T. e thc oursemve%, and Engla:nd w0uld. lavish ber -wa4d b iinapal h s i tre ith andi ber mney ou Canada-no yIAn-lng- the rebuls whou, iebuthe termina- Iappeitredte -ohave. been abuîndaut 1W. ibe -t -limprove.the country, nul for someboduyý lion ai the war have iètt for £urope' anti ta- quantîty' panneti . We hear IbsI ail ite ' eaebt for orev s; mney at.Engelih -n up teraoe-n aaa aJh .piorurs have reitirneti «cli catis-ied, ai hhrlat andti lt-e tCaariian rate. Lot us then.b. MasontUrmryP ~Seaofo igimia, steps .wiiI hbc taken toorgaie~rtî emtrue -19 aur. 6* n ilrests, truc lu aur aliegi- ,and during theuwar, or aince.hoe-wak reteas- parties. 0Qu olihe abo-ve 1u.tianed Coin-- una et . us stand- b 1t4. country, by Eng-eti frotu Fort Warren, the accrediîed Coin- paît-mes bas liah 1,2W acres ut land on tire te nlb )Cp la:d will stand by ls- to the -msae r eif. Dav*uain 1Lndon..1 ua3on i.ver M agOg. ItLA î . h pt bt wil eoy- eur Of t ehapgie. (Cheers.) il issii is. now resiîding9 wiî,h-h$ hily ai-yutSt. Catih- vig svcry tacility to privale entsrprise-o:î Orpectniaryihtuea 11epart individuals andCl ompaîei, th rIt s hictsoréUtryIJI end car u estô o, dvrunn vinesato.aris ucPu nng ~ ~ ~ ~ : latii iourdtiy Satu. Meêoit na u' atb mi~> ~te I la bout zma'God long bieis, auid 'ave. (Loud i'Profane mwoarig ia'seud to*ii'a P - . al wrhae argi trarts cf the. Minerai în jro rieti ont parfit '~~~ti*~~ iher.)ldd ac.sl ai:sîu et toir wharireu aenda= y ipry of theUUfl ereau uà.a; iiIo j -a, ix iq m. uCm~ ia .eal.GZ