CHEAPSCf . 009O8 AND MO>iICE goy,& BObetaOfi', opp osite Nct#û.axa & 00.8, Ke nt St. L1ndsey, Auguat i1185 R~EQUISITION THOS, KEENAN9 -Esq., W EJ, the undersigned rpsidentta of the Town e toi indsay, reç4"i.*ttfully request that Youi wilI be.plcasd to proclirn Monday, -the 214t day of.Auguat, 'wat1 n tc limits of saad Town. T. l>ohuenyý M. Myles Tlî(Nas W Jushn Jolinst S. & 0. Iligr David lrowi -G. IL. Keeru- F.raiis it Moivee ILî .WJ. w (lu) W.J. Robinson GoDorraert LBaker -t~n- John îiaiuiIcy ilhn Chas.. MeCartliy iiA .Wrighit loey Richard Wilson - fee. Smart -Iow% chbas. Jewett- n, I)ob*,nn A Nilolck A.' Cadot-té 1r James-Lenihân The above .cl.:bis bJte atii furiher postponed - n~tiI- holiday, 219t 0f Augnet,1U At the sau.e heur ted place, when Jt will b. sold without resegve. HENRy Huô BU, Liadeay, J 1yIs4 1M &8.i0 InsoIveint &Act '086 r. fHE -Conditor of the ndevuigned aonoti-. c4ie to meet at the Law Ofice of Mesars MAVKAY k& REAP, la the towa of Lindsay, ti the County of Victoria. on Weilnesday,, the Tw#ettbird'day of A agnst, 1865,at -the lieur of Eleven o'clock, i ilthefurenoon, -for the purpome of recoiving statem~enu of bis atFlirs,. a-nd- na- Wng an Assigne. te whorbwn iemay niake au Aksignment iîndier the abovo Act. Dated at theTownof !.indsay,,in the County- of Victoria, tbis 2nd day cf Aug4st, A. ». I8Ùe. AêDAM LINK,, AlosidingatAbe Town of Lfiidsey, in the' County cf Victoriaý. Solicitor fu-r laseirent. 30942 Lludsay, A uigst 2, 1805. FARX FOR SALàE.. r119 Ea,>t lialf of lot No. , ln the 5th con- jcession, Township of Fetielon. Tiis lot, whkch is alil.good hbardwood i and, ia Seven m.riles- froni LliýDSAY,.on the cleared, andwel-atrd ya beauitifuil spring. A rare chance given fur pfayinint. ýFor furthcr particùlars, apply periûonally,. letter, <pe-pi t T. H I. LEfIANE,ý or *T. 1). COLLIANS. Davneyvile, July 19, 18635. 36i-4t i CW STRDq AYED4 rvrrIIAYSD r~ eîtom LT.T.- -l C 1 g àywil 110,w ie City Coun-~ tid forly-two mutes. n b. Inowtt 0 ed ot ute Waliir. WAFER R toute, Iluarsenes WATERS ns lnu tue Chet. WAFl ES -fia ,und Tonls WAF'ERS inTen Minutes. WlA FEIS id Constitutions. eaKers,. I , ~i taule. rt t . tie taste.- WEF RS astlng enures. ~u'ery ose 'Iiict l;. i éfii Twtitr ttt- cruts - lnowsnu & ireo. - --.Brit*n- -i -.»...-.-J 1Ekh' ~IS ole ro 'rtorRorh#ster Jame Wa .ouu Gillies & LaIncashtre ofMyIit .W!EOW fl 'urTrîî ant I u uanNcw-asîe, ..Wmj TniXI hos.11.Adai -a p4irtion of one ot thue loruis oral Xw.t~for thétii' (îsds--od .C.BUdRobert Spier -baka bvý(Ic1 Hal ; EhiMrriîvt&GeoyjJonCili C luoiton &Du dA ny persôn givitig such inforation as g l Mediîul iai!, l~ A. ~ow~0ak C Bcekct Roiuisnmd uis *il tead tu ber reeovci'y wil bc suitu- hotu (Gordll, M <ilila ; A %1iutf;, t, ~ ~ ~ ~ XL Ounî-,cd i thr2L-27 RILLBRO&rK, Juiy 19,lnO EATRP N 11 f E ternisYlb.rûc-boleiInsolveit Act of 18,64. ir Jauelq <'tn1rk'a Motvfay, ý2lst: day of August5. Ina -Ac nilr of SILAS SMITH,. of Kirk- SA TE D fEM AL.E PIILLS aVbi ludyndeus ha ra . fi<.td, an Ipuro1vent. -riuuI l l e suao. .j titat I Hie Wuüîiut, .S oed, cf tle T. KEEA' Town 4f Li .4sv)-, een il po'uuuul (FFI - Mavor CIAL ASSIGNE tof bis tEtc 'suai'ts rtsail 03t-ieiiad rremo'veq -Uohi- I1iidî ,Algisî, 1,965 .3'IO-2 andi they, arc e tiiued tIo d li u e tot haî-c tiwe, <andtÀ sprcdy 1 __________ ithia nu-cl uAii, e ,shrtVe Io'în.0' < aiT) 1ho p rôsitcM . frç n iîdate, tlheir eti ns itn.the sail Fs i ('iwwr - si,à uh l thankfiul for the lihe-; tate lnl-r îuurth, s eCI f i 19 ' ie setcuriuv hey, u'-îuuîthh pele.. wth egiictity -rl--suurî,st u' eanwedon Infr the PASh Ijiltiif a[ y, sud the va*lue ,or' il; and.ifnoe CA VTION, y'rbg o uyfuttrkstil r1. udb sahn h-fcwiu~îules i f uipln o ils- r1hoilil inot bu Re bv ~forrile., pu-nt'nty u?'celtie-111 ilres.tuti 1whîlî-hhoayscilîun *Vusut, <lcnius the F01 IfEEh 'ruod ets -tyles atnd unt the low- i; C. 1OD ic evr% cU i-r tit un luVc ry ------ ----- -Lindsay, j ily 19, 1R05. Ibr ar ptrfe-ti ~ifi'f Lst Off Letters---j jia t' H 1 L i, iciîuus~ 1 u-1) EMAT\ING -in <ifheÀVItTO' Post Office dur,., iî ,î 1 u, > îîu'h- r î(I: \uu.14îs180 5. a aî,%fgeU r (-ç!F i3jereb given thrt le Mutn -ial: Ilîuf *~-~îauuti mus-eceov'iuî- ati,îîs ll îti Nelson T'ik 'îninas \Nu iei ,f- P vil eflctLAXT0 ANDD1GB' inu unthe ia,-uavuîîuliî t ar cu-i i ccli îneiu,.AgîMnij, iobt.yl taet on hocLrý1lI lu -loî, u otîlvîrs'--d4anblfo'. Miail< ilSATURDAY, 26th of AUGIJST, 1865, veriuur'nt 4tuiii cf ~ - ~ , taunjheli Douîgiuid-A. Met'iIuig01. îet IsJtoc for SIîîid Feei bh -,, Missa nn of? a.siti pt Ge (lh'ltrist, Ncilet - ebue, l)Donad T8iu 4-a* sai - uil et MeLc , '.,llie oniti- -A . LINI]K )VU Â bY N<-uu'duu-cijî k I1rq ai Ne-wrasl, 4îkrii,É - - Taga .I b.. t m.g >oi o ) 1, dand' 13 ila Oie Ni4th 't -Agî-ît tlor th. uaifluuu. .. i rulî ini t - d-truih1crCi. t . ee$sion of Laxton ia lieu of the Nintru(1otà. M. liéI I dl I. Jtic , ;îk-Small, Iul1 -- lhuutlî... ¶a-nl!î A W'att ('u- Person, Hillng fi-r thle ahiove wili picuise àsk -(1rk 't'u--u.d 'ni rn ood-lle;T. for- x#veSîit;ed letterS. LxoJd i5b 85 0l4 'u.t-si .îtudsItle-CANADI-AN U 'f- Fit.EAtTNOin- tlielý-,ît§g l'est (>fie,13thl OIC is hieu-t.y given that thle MUSICI- niît'i Mi-dat mre, it i,% veli and f4ar- RUAiu-t 8< NTC PAL -COVNCIL. of i rt-eu-lu.' tuouismts ron tlits Jal)Alley, Mrs Joà'î Ie el oaL X Qi&D G3' wk un ltad Coigis Cods Soej.Ai-c-lir, Jtubert. linig, Mus .Elien. u toi uu~u ~ i;t. t~ e : tre-tw ' , M -&. a unE . 'Ma rvi, lsu cS atu rd ay , th e 2 6 th o f:A ug Us t,' 18 6 5 , 'i -,Fr. 1~lr-uM'-' ae Pat-,E ii lba e-toe lias no e eun li-fr -1l l ..ra ltof 1iuuu, anti(j lier- il tisu.a-e-u in R i ingle C jw-ruîusnrtî relitf? wlien iauely -,l- îî-,-tk, notu ia singlre ras -ith ~. ;îîou'aiî., itnspelia 'n14, e-t' l-s utes und Mîugicai- roun experent e un tliis natter,. il î, and. thecefuare those usg'- firom n cntof t-be cxpainrts IvCoe(ýiii- -t t onmy êeed uasn ,rviKi It-nîi(ý1'V. vii> .l'- c- f due (anadian Pain. rInur i --uu frwIticb if le- -itniut- ut-îti-tflil siîccess in sluh- )i-oi1o un o? iuuimnti:sn ,anti -rS lir ce ttîitrgluifrcm eiie jl-ut tf- of Illue )iîitry t-fo- fuitîer -'I ~ ~ ~ fi t-utds f tga-t ieuniru--rsal -t-n Piain Destroer nevrrfail jt(- tf, relie-f AI, Mei dcino elu-irs -kiîusortier andtiluse it ancd no t' itlruolt ffer once- tryiuug i. Clotiiiliit n Mr.l-aunaliTotii, Thounes ltyPtrickTw ii,1 Fïtzi,-aond, 1tlartholoune.w Wilslon, . John Greenile, Win'. -Pexsoits callitîg fan ilia above wili 1dease ask futr adrertîsei ietteu-- T. R. ADAM, P.M. - Insolvent. Act. of .186 4. In1 thAe m aller of ARCIIALD TAVLO, if th-e .Esi tf~don, (in Iniso)l**elt. T ol H-(rec'uocf f lie IÉsolvmn r ciit t-t, 'lue lits nuigidea ausignîent'of lis. Sstat.îan, Effe ti uler lte tubre-Ait-ht> lb tth e isgliteid A-.'u'au-end they are nequir.. jed te o rt tmne'vit inuivto. manths fr-rus tiis - date wiffi t-i-r cliiu, S'Peeifiing t-lie secuunitV t-bey bel, if cuiy, ail t te- vt'aite efif. andi if nuone, stilting llu-fituct.'Fi loettldun dec e-dbi witlut-be o iii support cf sutel Wooclvîle, Elttînort-y oif victoria, this JO\N ONISy, MONEYTOLOA N iT ATIGtlT' PER CENT.- A PLY to G. OM ) Lladsay, Sept, 22, l1803 2>5, A WIL. in Le., i-ba,, makes tht. ailles of PPMp.icol lari dai117.ý at the boîir of 10 îî'eluck A. M., for ti.e pi.irpo,5e ~îasinga B-L hto onhinsuet-i CAMERON ROGAD!' aeroseLot No.-o né nlu lite Il thbCon, ti? Laxtuin t-o thte Btindary line betwepnjLaxton & .Bexleyý insteaud of the plestint rond ho lte loth conces- sienlin. - XUNscAW xGILLESPIE.- L9sxton, Judly In ('1<5*. illi, 1805. --307-4t Cautioni.-Nc *tes., I'l[Sî,Stbscriber cautions flic public aaiuat, - ugotiatiUsg orrtain Notes cf hîtînt nante l'y hilm ho one Datvidcl logaboom, or ilearer., o? tlue Township -of Steiîelbe,'in l thé ('-ounîy of Vcrifortthe fîlOwinpý sums,:-$2)0,tiue OC- - lober 186-)a; $20 dtue (k'tober- 186q~; $20 duce (Jctober 1867,, $20 dise October 1968-11e va- lue hva bocu -eceiyutd for tise saie.. SAMUEL CAMIPBELL. -Stephienson,-JUi.v 1, 1865. 8- ramilT-Grocerieti &C., AT CADWfT RETLS-IY. ( ONFECTtOI?>RY, SWbelrhçats, Fguits,* pipes.- 'c, iRai. Ni........ ....... $ 20to$uq~ bh.# ............ 0" ebush.00. I r bnh. ....... . 10 "o O5W0 r buh........' .5?0 a000ý .00 L10 0 100 peL........ 1$'" 0 14 b.perq .....&BU006 1b,.........DSU 0 00. pe.l..........09"00op il. ma *oi ls m atib rw 1 V10=4 W- 4 this Smm r iefbw I, md M'a *» *buashpke ein" . thtma"abSrwd Wot.mû;Ma nn &Buld wleaqw vt tl Po 1erajm*mqpeutS the follewing P RICE LSTot'e cdugitl1 dIsprah YOUr Terdtct,. wticb w$hiNt doibt W1li ha foea......M. ji*Oer arlrhLincuS-'<.1 yd. vide) frein la 0<1. Up Aabý,Ur priets (1ast Ceeloured> 7,,.perIl- jàFine Chaniber Tovel -9for.,. 0 DO*4(iidg# .) .......l1d. ' /DpUUSQ4>ÇDS of 4*w-ashade, styIe, aieS price. A LO'VELY 'DRESS. of. inyards Benetta th flb fr '<. ML i~nS great lvariety,., wbe sold withôut profit. A- cartoon e? MNLE8 and SRWL te lie sacrificed. An.immense.quantityof STRÂW 000DS, trwtmend ced untr 1jdah wedotcyaiu hb yr pleass ';Si&_ d7. Flncormte, abl Cotha, Parasls, CaaNekTies ra lbon, Flow r.,infect eery. tAin4' po nea REGAR- 19O0E THIiii IF&CT t No vigve tho gwest Pr!ée for gpol 3ladI lu exceoge tor Goodie t tue'aboie. Lindiây, Jane #th, 180-. -301-tf DISSOLUTMON -O? PARTNSRSIII. 110tIE is bh1ereby gii-en that tbe fire of LEMAY. k (ADOTTE ba&. been Ibis day dissolved .IàyuutuAl cousent. 1:'A counts and Notes for or, against tho fin v*ii le settled by A. Cadette. LOUIS'LEMAY. AUQUSTUS CADOTTB., Lindsay, Junc 2, 1865. lu referè.ce te the above the sabscriber takes this eottethaurk'bis'friends for Iheir past fàoers and lie hopes that thcy will confirutuie tri give hlm a liberal sbare -o? theircuateni. Re lias a large tockof RPEÂDYMMA'DE .CLOTmHING on£. hand and, AT VERY 10W "PRICES. In Cluithset will find Qanaidian and Scotch T*reeds, Cassinieres, Silk M4ixture@, Doeskin s Proad CIoth% &c., Drîllingî, Linîéus, Canadla llagging, Shirtings., &c. SAtI Ais Glolhing i. made on (4e premiies.. OLUIING AD T ORI't un the most elîshioiiable styles and at very reauon4bl pices. >-A PERF£CT FIT WARRANTED. jr:o The rernainder'of the Dry (bwods.will be sldat cost, as. hedoesnot-inteid te keep &qy morei pafter-this Beàson.. Thse Iligbest Price in Cash paidl for good cleanw-vook -titb aise paid.for Butter. No credit given. A,.- CAI)OTTE J.4 -COSTELLý-O & CO* 1kg tû ann ounce -the comple.tion of their Spring Stock-, consisting of Itcdym1e nS -igBoots andi> bsil.)eS, Liquors, e Our stock. of Dry' Gp (là L ve ry large ii weIll assôrted, a n. owing tu the great decline in tlie priceo f Cottouse, ve an to,tri oflr.gre:tt iinducc,ýneluts-tri prchlasers. la Canadiai Sc(,$otch Tv-étcs, we have a large ditgi . GROCERILS, BOO'rS & SHOES, CLOTHING, AND* LIQVORS, as usutal; receive oir îttention, anud weha v e nou1 hesitation in-Fiv ing that uîe bouse in the trade - wilio tindcru.lI us. Cash is wlîat wr w.înt, and C1>)4-,--.I E. ARfAfï .- Ali ifisp eti Ocf Otur stock is tillivwe usk cThe floods and Prices will sjpek for themeirues. Ukr l'roduec (for wiiic.uthée igiîesrprkce will b Urc guhdl)takelu un exèlhnoge. «.CSTELLO & Ç,, lilqou'B!océk,-opposite McLe.n4an's HardwareStoreý, Kent St., Linrtay. FURNITU,." Yf U.Rý'iTUR E' fii- UUSCRIBLRt OF'FERS- FOR. SALE THE LARGEST AND,BÈST MiitLOIJ)R, DÎNING, r.. ITIIN ChIMRS,- PAR- LOUII, DI NI NGA ND KIT CFHN TABLES, IIAR OFSCOUeHtESi,-.LOUNGES, SIDE-BOARDS, BUREAUL &CUPBOARDS. MATRESSES 0f VARIGUS qUALITIES> SOFA, COMMON BEDSTEADS, FOOTSTÔ)OLS, &è." &ci Artie.les of the be,,t and nevest désignes aiwa.ys kept on hand, and will. 1ie S 4D T THElOWEST FGf~FRCAsH!! e:4- ýAl Orders carefally att#ended (o. t:>. Oý' Cotfins of al sizes kepi consiantly iRemneniberADJOINTING TIIE ENGLISY CUJRCII, H.HOLTORF, CABINET MAKER At G E MSJAG ER'S Keena's lock9 Kent Steet, Lindeay - 4 A SPLENDID ýSTOCK 0OF BEAU TI PJUL G 0OOI1S. Jîust hieceivrd- a large cptaatitv o?, new styles Wall Paper, suilable'-fcr Dining Roonis, Be c ots Pare6rs, h1alls, 5ce .ail icf bicli wiWlbe aold st a amali advaîce on 1cost; Puper MWiadov l»Ends, Lookinig Glasses, anti Louking (Glas lte 'a-ieT ascdanI0raet. IWLR EN'--S CAB.S A N C)RR i-A GE9S 'X Egiiilu (w, Welng Sticks, Canes, A&c. w-UI firid t-be bout Tobaccos ln g reat vrey Pipes froni a ceât, and-upa-ards; Cigars of tuheaet braruda, and Cigarc(ases un every- style.- -Ladies wili finti a va ried stock o! Beade, Braidu, Tcutig Cotton, Berlin obJvluy WedingRins. nd Faricy Cntlery; D*sl > ad ibiSaPrfmrycl airOil. -Viollae. Violin Stringsanad 1Boys. - - 2d üu~W~tlt the Jewet Iouse. 'e - -~ - - .-.-.- SÂVYI TOUR MORE Y. 4.,. * ~. ~k TIM, SUBSORIBER HAVINGX( CONXCLIJDÎD TO R..etire (rouiBmn~! 80iii Soii large and varied stock of *AT COST PIRJE. 4 ~PeI eola Win at of Boots and Shees would do wefl te vcIll5 as Ail te gds viii le sold at prcswhicb Wiln asoniututhe bayer.' W. J. WEI8TER DOBSN &NIBLOCK, GENERAL GROCERIRS, TEAS, TOBACCOS, COFFEES, SUGAR WIES BANDIES, RUMS, OLD-TOM 11)D-HOLLANU GENS, CHIPPEWA MAÏ1tLT, OLD RYE, AND COMMON WHISKIES, &c. &C. Tlle subseribers are determîied as heretofore to supply a-w-ant long felt in tis Town, by keeping- constantly on hand the best brands of Imported Wînes -and Liquors, Aies and Porter> all of wbich wil l be Lowest Possible, Prices for.Cash±. Lindsay, 3fcv 4th, 186 5. The Dutch Flag. RLevived' NOW IS THE TIME For Specul.ation l WJOTWIHSTAý N DIN( cOunu-y ruvîto ar-e willisîg tri advaiitage, and<ite)ult dresses liiinuselI' w-hen lie is dictennuinet t retuurn i( thecrefoeowislies it> dizpoo naIble î.ropCrLy shouId it. (<nýe t-u o st.brylîriék, a -Statiduing ouo-ne lot, anc franueliouseon anoîher 1, finisited, ruvitb tŽvery acco iSantiy Situîa'-ed ou Mari- osit.ethe noir Marh-et1 str rnie- buildinig (s Kent Street, at presouit, jgootl ggsurden and inr Iconecuuieiice for a buxdu And iniiiiew cf luis i luîhrias commenced Fîock tif- 5.1101C(' cerytiiîg eieap.-ndi are- resjiectfîul-Iyreqiest west enud andl ue a nev n-lure lie - ' ilexhihut ru-rth lances iirwd la nierits of thée article. - vdr, so lilt-tie ibrin gr li ntlfcurther ntc - tinue te carry on tlie N as ieretofou-re. te wlicoh - tiut-ti art cf Engrati' Stoons, Siguets, NcwSpý pierlor style,. Lindsay, X-tyý 23rti, 186' OAKWQOD GRAI TUITIOIN T iE -nexti Session of tl MAR SCHOOL w ON 31O-DA Y G- the liard hune-s tere run enouugh ieft in the, t i-uîvsest tueur capital S> theuindersigneti d- infuîurms them that lie io thse oltidcountry, andl .e of luis fo;lbiowîtg -iai- li ta sacu-itice and o-neframnelieuse, 1-(ne two: story -large- eot adijgiîïiing;al] woîif DOBSON &NIBLOCK. (Opposit.e Bo1pitou's Hatel) ýOFFERS TO THIE P17BLIC AT THIE LOW- . est living price.s, thte hoicest set«tion uf P ma ey roceries To lie found mnywhere in the couintu. FLOUR, I2NIYANrM?-EALe FEED AND 'VFGETABLES. Ù5-A CALL SOLICITEP. ~ Lindsay, April 12, 1804. 26t Friîiners Aiteitjioni1 The subscriber dcsires te inforn. the custorsr of the la!e firun of üîpnodation. and puce- as w-cii as the gearal public Ibet Uc e -now r1t -Streüt. dkrectiy OP- carnr-in(yon the Iens nt a1iri isue lieuse. Ais.>, eue two saiciy on bis ownuassouint, a h -Adstnd&d he p a àid .dweliug) ou i jainingts toec l. 1 t ol stand ., uceuul ed bh inself. à . William Street, Lind.say, where he w-l be giad I attaclird, with eveu-y jte have a1 visit front rrueryené lut w-aul of ani'. ess ma. thing in bis Une. leterminatica, tUe suhe Worlkiug clesely- ahthe business hintself, andi tri sei off' bis enire employing noune but experienedt work-meu, endi ODS at cost Priée-huuliug--bis nrnuerial for cash, ih " reae4t te povet!ui thIb'U offer thle t'olowiag price iist foli the ceis;ijera.. L>i te îuIlk 11tii-the tion ofointeuîding pureliesers.: çr cf bus ssunPewiîîdow. ood liearuv ShZlort-Tutg Ilarnes witb Loni speclunus cf gootis i eai-y lantes......... ........ $'18 00 plain figures, 50o ILoag-Tug d do do do:-2> 4 z hu iup th the I "P01 loouA Harness.... .. ...............160 itt-ict ca'sh bu tes sSt flî ! njgle Ilurniecýss n ith raiseti ie ca-la ai-ub yen. îraCeIs,mxuud Hues, andti bp-streip, he, zniu cruhue1r will Ciii- nti fanci- Bridie ............... us t 1 -rteiniciu~busineýs -IA gooti seni-iceable doriblesetcf cogrsve- - lie ltî4 'idUd the beau- j7 fine>', (sîtitable for a buggy or ligit g. tisriptions "Pou ork) witb crupper aud bip-sîraps, tesC. ffiipate.s. Forks. rounîd lnes anti fancy BEddie... 26 00 xipierCate, r Busiersyî=ing lu proportion. eeue oorder in su- -Rping execùteti nealu promptly. sud Cbeaply. o.i.KEEVE, SEN, Whips, L.hes, SîurciugleQ, Enidies, Rlhirs, Kenut-St., NWest. Bruîshu-s, CorUst:.&., e îConsaîy o h9-u aud anti colti ery cheap. Ail kinils of Carniage and C*tîtte:.Triuiiig - OOII donc a t the iowest prices. - ~MAR CHUO PJ"A icalisrespect-fu7 solicite-t! NFREE. - JAIJES LOVELL. heOAWOO GfA~îLindsay, Deceunler 21, 1864.ý 278-Ù A UG VS T 14. DENT Pupils front the Towçn.hip will 'be adrùitted ft fer the reniainder of thiei vear. Those' pet qqarter.- Good board eau be ha d, by cll- PIig on the lle<ad M*ster, at $1.25 per week. Having en engfaged* in Teachilig -for up- wards o? eight years, 1, am preîîarcd to gui- rantee satisfaction to those parents whe mar entrust inie witlt the educition of their .hiij- ren. l'opUs prcîlare& for Matriculation kt eilher of the Provincial nvrii. GEORGE YOuxa, B.A., Principal. Oakwood, Ja ne 13th, 1865. 3() f f ALL persons lndebted to e Esta te ofthe Uns nd or-Book Account, are hereby required.to1 utake notice thoit they.vill flndtheir Notes And Book Accounitin the bands of P. A. IWRI), Solicitor, Lindsay. who, is anthorized to receive paynients, grant discharges, and arrange with_ nerally. An inimediate settlment is requested. SME ÎLT Acting.Exoeutor-. j N.B.-The býusineqs lately carried on by the1 late Mr. M.%ight, at Lindsay, will lun future be1 céonduc.ted-by Mr liaisley, hereteforé actingmn Foregnan in the said business, for the lute John Mliglit. iea ptoaefroi 014. custom- cer9 ju reepeetfniliy solicited in bis lichali. Jane 30, 10.353 Tho subseriber deuireste inforso bis friendi. ind the, publie tht he centipues to keep the :Sot homse, eateet oàd,-"tesScomfor#âble carnages Î al buggies, comstly en hand for J. 0 Oomell . e or 0FPETERBORO', B )EGS t-o return lui% pincer. thanlis t-o t-be ini- habitants. e-f Lindsay andi surrerund c courutry fer the extensiFe- patronu ge wbie- vis- iting t-le place, andi wouid aise sicte iliat b. lias pelned a permanent ofice in chiarge of NMc. C. Il. Cachet, hale assistaatwitb Dr. -Day; Den- îtt, of Kungstea The businesse wili b. con-. duuted b>' itider the-name and sty le of O'DON1iELL1 & CORDIM. Ail ouerîiona per'formed -on the la test anuî most scilentifie principIts kuovate lte protes- sia, anti warranfed ho give-satisfaction. Untýl fuî-thei notice, -3c.,Çerbett may b. fontitkt Mn. Kernan's office, ln resu i oM)r. LTa- 'Coucs&,s office. Me,. Ofl)onelî a Il coent 1une lus visits as usîtal, riz : on the first Thursd&y lin ecdimeut-han'd- emain o ne weekl, wbeu b. XTA TTEH WITOIJ IN TDrs. Martin, Andrews,' Bensonnd e ngant M. Dunsford, -iciter, .. ,Gallon, DeépQty Sqher- iff, Gea. Keuept$ T. KeeanU, J. DUeas,ý J. Leni- han, WiV J. Rýobiiusàp, J. B. Knowlsou. WG-race, L. A. Cadvell, A. Wnigbt, Esq.1 Mi. Corbét oult- ffer the following letter Of réoouinouds.ton. frora' Dr. Da Y, Dentist, or Kingston, s"d luacdeithe lbfollowiug refer- i anga good knowlenge OfMc(. L. Corbett ruuring bis stîudlee a-t-bme, I clmerfully recemmeud ËIb*ite e h pubic aS &ent4 beth,$.urg<cal ad M.cbaniel. Rap Es-u 5. lw evier, Stragop a :&OWt i snr 17Smi, SbeifCorbett, Jaum 0'R1eily, Esq., P-er. J; GeM1y, Ro«. Xr. C".rk »ton, Kiegiton; lir. LaCoums, G. Dorner êu<t i~ ~ ~ ~~L nL"Ni.1t,1S . 2~s niai, alftt Per cccl...... 'é 00,> .LàG~RU apietio,.eh.........0,W '04 Mpent of ~per1 b.....4 50 13914 lee. The>bo- - s l Iodjouzwed, nili ft~Wrd ff~iitf5ItttD. Uoxi8aye &4 a4 fot uIy UXty ~~~ng~a GR1 Dr cithe came bou 'an lae.- r(n je ý,Thiae Weabe ute d )ut rm - &ND OHR n A ficà al# PI e. " Ef-fftI Nli ANO AMERICAN MAGAZINES- at the saine hr and place. GJ8 404)00 relx1 ve sýuborlbeis prtgbl tue' I N IL"sf Linî4sy, JuIy e lS 6, M td 1 ç- »"P u