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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Aug 1865, p. 1

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r,, ~ s - x -*~ -~i ~: ~ -'t '-4 Vo.L YL-Wbb INeSm AL, AV 'C.W., TIONANIFAI! )AY AGâT~1, 85 c, uo"e emr n len4maumd Wr................ * ~~peeU~, afMd m nubo C*o. Fànlmm ma1 toloijasnî, doper amm.u KIerchamui " ehorce coe, fersa <.IUb apowith the prtilgsébtviag meW vilm af, aià.ioee yè"threêrn..tkaon (avoimblei... U.DsP1j.ad ~nauusar e mau4red brOa KIMAdftaaeaowgmmmaWMass *** noo esmma PU~-w aui~i af in *dW»ee. Marchani wMbe uzpoci go jS'~< Ciders for muoiwa.detacttm ia ~ j Wtbsgt*b.wafue PmhSher wtl t! 01be t'i uns- IGo stable sud èwimataeo. d, sa tt. I tiv< 05110faiWym s ati uC. I Pm~ Omnibus. to and tà" bgoaras md «tu Liad aq, Marck 101% 8. 192 il7. BOYNTON bega to. dtm*the aai WV tantuofli. einty feticrisau> ur rouadlng Omoiw4atha~ltIho bas opeffld htri Rel.&oVI o1upid by ee courent- 31 esce Wlaes, ]LiquWI andCigaro cf the bout o F&n- p a t mien lun of es E. Al. 116 1z Icii.l flý, . . -coin th le Antericam Army. 1&3 302- ]y. Y. Tailler, William Striet, *ments ama ,e îup in the bout west. living rates. AiU or- ispi attentit#4, na agood - 279.17 C JI 1 U URIRT Latcly Laerican Ârniv. Offie- W 270 surgen De- rutokope oeds storeKent tl Er(giieer andt Provincial or, lZusseil Street. Il-tf Englîeer anrd Povincial or. office inINI M. Keliiit's PORT ANDI.îEWS, Surgeon, Accoucheau, &c. Thonma sWalces- - LITLr.BRITAIN. v*GI~ ru,.,' ye -etlOt *lwaysinlaattendsance. c. 16 1~4 ~229-4f - LL4TE NBcT= A.EIcâN> AT- WALTOVN STICET> PORT HOPE. %an- f118avoritp. Boit1 having been liately cern- T ple'9teiy renovat<l, aforda Ithe best et, ac- comr5i9<atiofl' fr tlivelleri and, the public geue'aUly. Uùder ?reseat managIeet ne Law, offerts wi>1 ho apsredthm.t will cunduCe te thie Brick comorut cf giiesta U TRie bestotf Lkuer sd Olgarýs. 14.11 247 1y 1 At- Rn- eV erfIO-Use B I A JFER TON. The suascriber beggito anno un". Ihat ho bas d tesdhie Above hreteý srhirh,-bas been furnisi- lau> etludfitted tup tlrogdanutiluthie best -of style. ne M W one btitthie cloicest .IqUO5 sd ,Cgns will ho kept in thie bar, sudhietable will tac furniîh- ý_f ediwith ali e delicaces of the seasen. Ubtl Carfttiesd eblziîîg Osîlers always in Gilattendance.- W.PARUIN, i'roprjeetr. Boavertcu, an. 6tb,, 1165.28 ON TAlI <1. Dinizig Hallsmd-Rsauat (opposite St. Janties'iCa thedrai, *Dinners fren atf bif-past tweive ho tbre LunchesSutppers, kc., at ahiboutrs. -Wines, Liyiors, &c., cfthie besti t»ads JOtI SMTRProprietor, Toronto, fay', 1864. 264-1>' S TE IL -Il-0 TEL . (Laie Dehenià> Corner et Kent an« William ÉSireets, Lindsay'. JOHN-S;tEELE, Proprietor. HJ AVING lease4; the above well-knoWn cen- tl rai Motel fou a teri of. et ars, and hay- ing thoroîtgily refitteti and ti rariubed the ýamo,- lhe pro,îrftur IlR tacgladta t ave.a cal fron, the, travelling pubilic. T 4e Bar lu furiiis.lt- cd h vtUIle best i wîmîculique' aînd cigars: Plcnty of shied reim- anti exttisive.stabling u n- tien tic charge cf good lostlcus.- 278-bf VIE OAK WO 0D HOTEL, Main Street,,Oakwood, C.W., iNA- TI'l£ NL£ -YEREX,. Propritr 'J'îlE Prop rieten d-esires ho inimnate le bis F frienis andthLe public ibat havinugi pur- clissedth le uew hotel Intel>' cuceiîueti b>'Chas. lotigeon. ho i8 P-repaàreti le tfferthie most comn. fortable accommodtton teail who Ma>' favor, bina with a a L . . Tic besh t fLiquoris, Beer anti Cigars. K13 Gea, rÀtmo . 300-1>' 18Q94. 241-t1 - - _______ G. IT, (laboe Organist çf7Triai- OC EI' IO E lt,>'acber oft bbc Piano- # EP~T', n. Rsdnea 1.Iitu', Nelson lstreet,. To onto, 1l. S~Williamss' ImpuevediAoeKn îet ga __ns_: 1IIIF Suiscribc'r lbgs tg. intitanhte te bis tienis- LO)N, LICENýSED AUC-! an&d the pîstlif, tint haigleasQedt ti.at- radiy, Uv,.'.W. Particilar at- -ove central promWss fo r ni of yeaus b.lias aueery anti otier Landi Sales-, refitteti ant i refurnisiedthbuugbatt, antihe will .Niîckayt, Barulter; James - be gladt t have a cailfroa bite travelling ci- Keller, do: ; Messrs. Pâttea-son mitu~ity.- ssurs .eitnaeron, la tcaui 1- Excellent. anti, extensive Sta-bhing. tenu, Ttlroiito. ,270 JAMES C ROCKER, UsT, Cotnt~y Aaactioneer, Di- nd reltrus poptiAet treet. Lindisay>, Ç. W. Z6I(4tf tS,~~~~ enrlAelatL i- O oppos le Market, Kent Street, Linti- eCaimbridieSta'et, L.ind-; sa>', whare lac lu prepareti te make up Gar- te:-125-rf m1ents in tihLtest styleand. utvery reasonable --*chang-e-. C iltt ing do3nc ebena aud on tie short- 'AN, Arcliibect anti Bailîdru, eit notice. V. WVouk-iingplans cnxeflly iJanurn>'18t;5 280-t Sasb sud Door trames made î-,eunber, I1,3G4. 272-t HENRY, HUGHES,. - ---- ~-I OE SS E D C- ~flLad get also TithaR,er ~ -~LTONEXERý, Lanti le Canada Coxupan>' for the f - ouse anti Comuhaaisiou a, Ontanie andi Durfianîn. Agn. lsime ,)u weý; t f te Gomiuy ouit- Kent Street, Lindua>' - 113Orders lefI mt thc Office ef the Caaadia't O.N, T.AILOR, Wilianry Post wilrece.ivc p-rompt attenition. 5f sîAy, taunkfîtifo r tic iberail Lindsay, JaRy 13th. 1864. fi n Ii ftw he pUc ast 14 imat iela till îropaired le Iorîh-rs uvula uu-iich im e nay S, iese $guanti Orna- rGlazivr 'Paatr larmîgu', AIl eck earetuilly liii cl 3 hop c.a 'Yill mailretl %ý-jjjjM cha n Streete iîiitryt ifrmta Çcrgy- Ins.îG (owns ant i Suie I anal. tlu riant Orders t'es- hoi sallufiiotton guaranteeti. 18a>5.301-tf Dewa itlt HighP rires!! The Silbsc,-ilwr 1hege t, jiaforM-tire iuhabitants of hLbîsîaadis-ruiindtig ,couîntry'that lie ha,;s 1tuatel voieied out a largýeandi varietistock otf amr, tdSeI, îrîts Drcssing anti othcr stands, ILomkungý Glàsses,' &c, al. o wltich li eil selIntai muc.il oiver rates Lhanu hamve laretofore been aeket inluLindsay'. Chairs anîd S6fies la 1lair ('luth. -13Fuchais Furnisiact. Jo bbin g* wifl ne- reeîve prompt atýen ion W. WUITE, Optposite tjrown Land Office. Lindsay', Febrîaary, 1865. 284 ING M W. BROWN. t ERGIJANT TAIILOR, & c.BESRE- I'MAKERspeettîml'te inforîn tic ...habita"nls ot ce ibaut -b. bas Lindsaày anti sttt'ou n dng cotir)tu>' that he bas ()ftCOFFINS at vommneti the abrývebtina,,in lual itsiran'ch-, reet, Lindsay, a cs iii Doitmny's block, Wij.jamSt.,W.heree i pes 1 te.b>' firt-clasu weukmansfiip, ati strict attention ista by nioderate te business, ho- nerih a, siare, fpton n mout a sbare cf support.c arng n 21 Linduzu>'Alguith 18,1f4 260-tf be est ag8i Nw~ mg of[ tumaai BM4y WW9 n hImugl, eth$ lat. R0derlek MXe- Tho béauy h, jiet týite emth4 w Tour 1uu~. Stone t The. treaurmhau, Tour brov *btdoouinuà, Wliero wiedoim la uncbecked 'YTour eyes wme wondtOus briibt They gittered with a light Thàt atrook upon, the Sigbt, 14ik.that wbicb dewe raflect. Oh jy b.oulte Wing T es .oyefetwhjch 1 .ing Shhyt bodthe KX,ls lig aMy foremost care FrBeave. te prepare, D.êr fridi1,1 l'i tt yon thore To Join uldesa love. sy AMSM'CARROLL-* Mien morning bUilda a jcwelled heap otsands and sea-sbells on the shoe. We brothers àf the purpie de.p,- Aroused froin, sléep,. Band te !the silver dippisg car. And te cor joyous.mat1.n'song. That eéha answers far iand-widç,' A livinig.sudea sadcwed throarg We sweep al ong, IÙ doublç glory V'er the tidÇ. Tilliggatherint, up each netted.fold In wbich our shining treasure lies, We s3em te draw frein dUpths tintold A, web of gold, Shot -withi a thosand brillant dyes.ý And. thugs30xlle glide the bourg away, We gaily.bleapthe sunny §poils That flah thro'ughout thé.live*long da3yi As ýthough tbey lay, Atangledrainbow inlu oiwtoils. TII lburied in bis crimscn urn, The st»iprocla ims 'Our: la.beurs der, -And ioyously dur eyes we turh, To. those that burn, Beaide our far off cottage door. rar eugi mptly oui priet. 1.b'lte ut la stil prepat'ed 10. with whiah Re May rIes and aI the Icw- Metzrdedfflni Prizs .5tA.AgriMitura Ezkiiios, Lindsay. ba i nd udtie Public te exc thle inost pé*cl mnuet, a&II or-ý ders witbwbich b. ms-y Re fâYored-be bas made bh*imself tlaerotighly acquainted with ael the late lauprevements in bis art; aud being, supplied with the. best maarials, cheinical,kc., i. hopes to produce the Carte dle VsUle lu as gçeat excellence as any ruade in ttis provincie. The Gm llir> laspaélosîsand favorablyiiuslaated iu regard le light, and la pronouncod b>' jndges ho be reiarkably welladapLed for et prpr cf makiug corr( ect likenesses. U--" Positivell no piet ures will be le ut cf. the Galler>' liipaiti for. 41'Wo invariabI>' suppi>' Mu. Fra'neis.witi the pnrest sud busth lemicals hhat eau b eoblained, andi beieve bin ho b. hhorcu.gly acquainleti with bis beauhlful art. KNOWLSON kGREGORY.") ha baermuch pleasure le certifying, ho Mu. Franis'Ws abilinl regard te hibei ;ble to, make g9ootipiolgrapha. - The pictures takea b> Mn. Francis, c#f Lindi- say', are as good as 1 b&ve'seon frontm1 ni e the best'Usîîeries.au W ..t~TTtTI ., .conside tl as good anadas le England, Lui M. lmI,JOLN2Ni." -aplia et Mu. Fraucia fyl fhave ever secu en some cf thse fines.t. AIlES B. MXUIR" 292 I CHAMBER v- C. SPRAGGE. Xonday the Tv.aty-ubuzth day of NXay, In the twçiity-slgiith yar cf the neige of !Heu Majesty', Qua 'leitoria, sud luhie, ear ot eut' Lord, 1865. CHIARLES BERTRAM aRDEe, flnintiff, JOHN. OWENS lie younger, e a îý » Ô' laintil, n Duo U hearZnperad th e. a fildai t s cf houiaa Fitzgerald; Ha.nnah Callaghan, James GaJlln, John.Clarke, and ilie said plaintifi and it ap- peaing by the said affda'vits and depositions. tint after du. diligoaoe, thie said defendant, JOhbu O.mwens the p'unger, canfiot bc found toô beserved with an office copy -of the. bil lanthis, suit. It i!A ordered,that *the said defenat John ýOweusthe- yo>inger, do, on or before tthe Thirtieth <Imy êSetember neit, Answer or demur to the.eAid bill. And it la ordered tint a copy ofthiis order, tdeether with the notice requi'çd by thie General Orders.*cf this Oourt, be published in Tiia Dý1).Ly GCoEE once a week, and lu Tu rMàNAiîÀsPosr, pub-, lised a ti.Tows of-li4i~say, in -the Coixnty etf Victoria, for lb. eight weeks, next precedîng the said thirtieth day of Septemnbor next. And it is fartber ordered, tRiaL a ropy of tuis ordeér, and an office copy oft h said bill, b. sorved -on .,ohxi Owens the. eideri the. fatiier 'of the, uaid defeudnt. Entered, -A. GRANT, Registrar. 40OHN'OW!NS THIE YOUNGER, TAKE NOTICE, that if yen do not ans.wer 'or demür-to th\eBill, pursuant te tthe above ordcr, the, Plaintiff may tbtain an enter te take t-the Bill as ceufessed against yç>u, and the. C~ourt aygrant tbheilaintiff sucb relief as he may o entitle« te. on his own s*Rowing,, anud you' will sot recéive any further noticeoetthe future proceedings in this cause. Dm ted this l1ith day of Jue, A.D. 18e5. Yô.ùis, &c., CAMERON & SMART, T~oronto Street, Torento, Plaintff'ss o.licitori.. Toronto, June 15, 1865. 303-td The subseriber desiresto iuform in iefriendF and Lite publie that lh. continues te keep the* best. hormes, neatest and meat tënfortabIe carniages And~ buggies, conuantly onU bad% for bit'.. -i Tar tem lyraauMt>derate. H- WOR1KMÂN MrONEY TQ -Lo.,N AT COIT? PER clFINT-. ~PPLýY to - G. DORMER, Ptcha , 2 i ota 10 25t r Notary Public m.d4 te Gbancery ,k. Kent Street. SHALL WE -HAVE liT? Meurs.à Ut aid-Howvland,.wio wuvOnti h WVashington hast uveek ou- buaints omtmeted wjit tRhe Reeiptoc.ity Trusty, havre relurtieti. Their vis.i..was:a very -short eue, anti il as difficinlti o conceive tint -tiey oaa haveetac- ctplislietimucta. Thie>'pacedtheIaseves in communication wili Sir Frederic-k Bruce, ânti, ire puegurne heft I ira plon titull>'asuça- pliletiwiîi tacts anti figures tu fàvo ethle Tuent>'. l1s lte 'rreaty tlobe allowedt te lpae befro aewnegocinîleais nue ceminencetl? But. et hat more hereafter. l I is said tintt he Seca.ehary'cf tie -Trea- sur>', Mr. McCullôch, te witoge departmtent tie question, we presumne, .naîually belouaga, 4ina ete& eti iatater, te a Commission uI commercial men, ýwhici an Acu tfat Con- gresascuenteti, forIie. purp)ose*cf repcrlin lien lie delà, ariff.. axation, imùposts, urv- onU9, &o., andI whose labnrs invo been bomne lti. lnepreguese ia New Te' k. This cern- masie(n, we believe, lu coinposeti et some- tiiug boss liait haIt a dozen'cf able, punach- cal, anti xpeîeu etim . 'Muci i s iped b>' 4eading financiers of t.ti Un led States as tei the resuit -ot their investigation as te lie best.anti meut efficient,-mode -et rnanagig anti ueducinfr 1he finanlal burtiens cf lil peoipRe. Te subjectotfetRicipuocit>' naturni- ly ccinea wîtÉin *. e cope oft theji Ibois, an- nas tlaey are -practical moen, and. look aisnob 'maltera- front a comimercial unîherý than - po- ilical poiteof viewy we-anlicipate lise hesî rebuh1ta fiçm tie: refereuce cf. the question tQ tiet. 0f course tieir tdecisiou wili net be final-, btitiîurepot u -aocf leTreat>' canot .fail -te 'have a poweriul influencé tc.m. wards its îene'wnl. We.happen te know tint, se far ais Mr. McCullochislucencea-n- eti, ho is outirci>'iïorantoft tic opération of ilie Tuent>', it hniring neveur coane wît4in- ais Province tb consider il whille an ffiiaIet iegovenment, anti silice he lana been a cabi net minIliee hit i tbours h ave býe6n sa olerouts as ai course. te puocl1ude au>' inqUi1y upon thle subjeel. Ho, tee, is far mare pricticat tin polîticali lu bis temden. oies, héic ili doubtlessa ho1 largel>' guid-etib>' the. report ethIis Commission, mand 1wilh take a ceorn iseec ie4v fie.subjeo.et. If lie,. but does liis, ho caneraItail ta favur a renew- ai oRflte Traai. _As f'auras this view is Coii- ceunet, we t inktere à hahe.of a faîr con- sideoration of.flie subject andth le probabi hut>' o7t a favorable issue. But etler influences are aI wenk, antd enci daydtevelops, especialhy -iu lIte political1 ehe- muent, new* besîllil>' ta lhe Tuent>'. Stce thie Detroit Convention lte question has been ver), whtely diseusseti b>'lte preus et the UnitedSînles; andti tsenumberandi n"u- suce of the, journals tint have opposeti th. Tuet>' indicato a -wide spuenti anti ver>' pwerful opposition te il. Tua é ppesition, talion lu conîection wilh tiie la.rge majouit>' whichinlubath Flouses -of Ceugrossa vobetifor ti vctice cf ahuo.4Ïloin-tihiiut>'-eagainul eighî int theo Upper Houa., antioee hundreti againut thiri>'iii the Loweu ,House,-indi- catëei ow much is yetiote.due te effeet a, rêeid.oflet l. easure. Agamn, we are far fromi,.being aisfiet ttthe, polie>'ofethle ýUnitoti Sa tes Governent ilnt aurot'. Mata>' indicatliopint -in au- Opposite diuec- lieu., Mn. S.waud cenîti netbhave -been. lu- nor ant et the. vva et bis Co"su-Gea'a bers PMr.s F o g',o te objui;t lhl*a- H aie»ta dome eCouveaOtien freinfavor. lug14 b.Trust,. Doa mmv One supose that -O&a persasion would have-bain granteti theqviews wer* Opposasilt. ýtii Polacy of- govuimeait? Certaiy net.-. The vsry tact bhat Îti.soice. wua gi'en le abrogae, te:.ty tI ia tiuce moriganaied fitem _Mr %metohliman bethle Sonate Cors- initieehonFoeigu- Relationsu, kuown t b Ma cloaieerd with -Mr. Seward's view's, : s iridiosti gu*oeë6tnta W great ohaage bu t. b.e efected in the polioy of the Gb;Y-, erciueqt. bofiÜ il'--beo Muei favorable leoits aeneqé'a. -OtbU.lOÉ liyd v -ve vn ««wOMA " MéAillashmma%. De- boi, l anthe iportant consideralion. W. feun t ler. net only opposition front sections dOritin; tha grentost benefit from- tie lr.aby;,. anti trom sections nffected lu neitlaer cile way: Lot'the.allier, the opposilion was equally, stueng. W. had gead and able tuienda in tie Convention ; tuer. %Fera: pro- sent. miun witi large and compreicusive iews,twho looketi- beyond the day hicherandi wioe hatiat ibeart tia inleitesof the cou âlry ratier tun a section, and theïse were. witi us. 'But we hid net. tié majority cf lieue presént';. anti if that heody iàtiicatd tbe views anti feelings off ils constîitenîs,,the commerial cmuiyc the UnîedtiSalés ire tea alargo extent ep- posedt te- eaty. We aýre thug relocîanly compehledt'at ad- mnita ahostility frora a *large. portion cf tie pus., tfram lhe twe Houses et Congres, ap-. paueuhy trointii h Goverument, and inferen- tielly' fromn aninfluential portion ut the coin- meucial elementofet he ccmmunity. Wiat- ei'et' influences mnay fayorth le Tuenîy, how- ever au -hônest, uanpujudiceti considération annny oônimend il tethie, people oftheii United States, wiaîever pressuré mny ho bueugilý by tie Imperia! Governîmeul le procure.ils rene wal, ant iàrever favorable mn>' e h.te resuli,%va-caniiot gel aroundtheicfact et a préent antitieteunsineti upposition, anti fren vet'> influenial quarters. le il -wise, ln view eft tiis condition cf things, lb stili uehey un lteé meue probabilily cil a renewal çt thé Tbeaby? Ratier lot us, puepare fu its totni abrogation; aI any rate presurne tint peuhaps n-yenu mny pass with- eut ils reewaly.ati endeavor lu meet iih îdific.ullysq uarely in the face. Let us cuii-_ gide.- whist are the héat. means lu do willtuut il; what new puoductA auan hcultivatt.d wiat uew marketa soughl ;-aii nut paît of quil ,thie Vénilh hour, bie preparatiomas fu a great change luin u cemueicial Condtioun. -MômuWreal. 7?ade Reaiew. RLÔMANCE IN- REAL LIFE. Ourgood Mayor. has becu cahleti upen le aid in.a most diressing case, ueccnîhy, and liie manuer in wihich. ho las dischaugedth le duties which he.teck upun imffself, tihoulti %vin fer.lîirn lte* hihest oconiuns frein.all geeti cili7ets., A day ou îwo since, a ,ycung, ratlier pueti>' anti quite an inhehlgaut young lady,. camne le iim and claimedti tehavoe been deseuleti by heur-insbani. ',Si., waa, a nativeocf Canada, anti hat beenéeducated i houa in a cenveul, wioue he saw heu. -1V. présume il was a c ase cf love uat first siglil, inas.mucli. ns tiey woe emarrieti (agalaîsl bite will oftlber friendi) an tire ays attar the acquain tance begatu. Slarbing uittheir bridai tour, te>' 'ett t Saratoga,..Newport,' Niagau, -anti a11the - tashueiable pla-es> living it style.,Ho sport- * et a hanttsome wauduobe andi lots ot moue>', and cf couuse Il.ali weuli merry as- a mua rri age bell." Arfivetdin-u N'ew Yorà, lteé,young wile thought.sic sawtiometl-diin luehebus- baàtd'u conduact tint gsavotueti et wrong doing. Site (enreti i. lutemîdedta lUieseutliher, atnd ld lim so, uvheu .ho mad booti absent longer 1ian nsaa,. If thie-stor> cf lte lady b.lrune, amti %eive e aue e ena lli6 is- i sead, for hem sic instened -le Ibis cil>'anti swthe P.M.', a 1crhba.vimg laid heu case he- foie the Mayou. Suée enouigi a lettur.came front the ruant, *ordeuiug is -letteus le b. sent to, acerbausiaddtress lu New Yorha. Si. recognizedthle ltter as is, anti resolvedti t accemüpany the, dotective back le New Youk te, funtihim.-Whilc bore esic stayed tia.,a private boarting-ouse, wiore she wns very kiatth> îea1t. The.stops sho tecklu in te mather betrayeti an intelligence anti rendu- ns té meel distresing emergencies beonti wbat la uùsuafh>' fetntdi n young Bho-g,1irîs. Ou Thurada>- cveniaagsite loft the db> $orj New :Yurk. Whnh she wil do. witli the truant Wnhen site fanda bimaremainibo b o ld. on the- wbohe lie affair is quit. sensatienal, and inleresting. -. Sncb a scountre deeuves lihe most se"eve puniairnent, ani we ho' e h ilgli.W tution il is ! The, nuser'y. anti poeparatory cîsive sentences, witionî a qualificaîî, or..A scheol Of lie affections and, moral sentain- disagrceable thià-g le distinguisiet Ifrcin an, ebîs cf Ounature--wiaî incalequhnbhc ùiflu-, impertinene wiihit fen elosel1y resemn- once iL brings te bearu tpon thie develoix-ment lSbics, by certa 1in marks. In the ilyst place, of eur' hesi capabulities!. Toie. fer exam- an imaperlmnoncew6 neeti net stand, but i plIe, the relation Ot chiltren- te parents ; sub- etici we cflen must, aware lit it is the. re,. mission te rigit auîieriîy; trust in n higier sul t certain conditions of oui ffietd's rmmd, wisdom a Ùd a sîronget poWer -tn their which, as we cannot hope te alFi e r o ubt ouvu love answerirg te love, meeting lt resigu tourseives te. Au impriec a somtetimues as n mDonitor, somnetimes as a' or may not ho trueý-iha miain - desi-,noe pînymaàte,, aatd uncensciously'beeomning as- p-,r.dent et truti, les, more or 'le@s, te iat. similatedti;Let isi possible te-conceive an It is cf lie essence ot n disagreeabla' tiung nîmospiceemore'nirablyadapied ho quick-1 Ihat il shonld bo true-trueli tseif, ortlune on n yur eul th inato ermof thbnîmoràl as repuesenti4g lhe speakero atale utfeelinig. and epirituaR lita -wbich-is deaitëdInt find tÈ1-s Aid yet an unpaiatable aruth is net ieeohri- higiest objoct'in the disclos. tes ho f the cally a disagréonhhe îhing ar. oeia i faîheuhooti ef God ?We -fette* apeak cf lie iprtinence, îhough, etfcurse, the. being sauctities of home. Literàlly, ns well a s tolti l as anunupleasanu operaion. Tt la ne.- flgurativelY, -Oui characterization of il is rune1;1 cessary for us notuv-andt ten le hear upala- for il is lier. liat tics. affectionts are fiuet table anti nuwelcorue truths ; but adisagree- elcttexerciseti, andi expandedi whic-h, in al'ligi ee oa eesl-îl due~~~~~~~ jie niuls pre*db vi wili: spoen te relieve the speakeu'a mmdii, ftot o be.fihled ii tie fullness thnt glowS. froin profil the hearcu. to au FIARLES. B. UUUJt, riston, Âterney-at-I . qffiee-Keenan's E Lindisay, C.W. H,'UER, Baristers and~ rSolicitors ina Cianc 'eytnc.us,, &c. &c., L 'as lack, Kent Street. Gao. Jàs. MWa Attea'i)ey-at-Law, 1, and i ntohveucy, Not ca, ln McDonnellsi Irouiginl kGianson's t 265. M ., Gra d ua te et M c ical Reterte ho.lthe ad Mecantile TnguT, n Mr. George -Ken .r~ w. r -At Mu. . f- ughî hemnhi S- the Uncreated Sur", and tuat waU cmati- f4teOur:nublnw ltewhos the péent in 8, um:eig0--coq ldiesm. ou romance insnob pribut tiie ci e-ýasenje Wpeflttioq ia l td . w iidom . bid bo rr k w h u ts . al h gh e l d ai relationaip Eveq._Sa mgmg prococleus Urthingpfrimetslity beis it tiin' fue r himil ~~ ~ ~ ewre blove iecguUoof i rih . oms, i he h b. À irftg epbIioes uher~cseigfqdhoer'a !5ceptbiit of owgna- hahil; whn tii. uof esW d:fintpreihioflove .whnain foral- Juvnal-.P, wat o teesfigresand owtthhe uil. re, wvi.Py s ri.bu Pa-Wby tba *y *tb. na e h i fomohstrutitity e iii ihte firt are Jaiuben, t-e, the new bou t e nath, w.héntîî i eysbtain tsb itsheJnu Wa cs htJctgi of relrig. - ma, b"h l'awahR f'Jeu-w *Uittmy sn, hiese"Ao.LGeRIN W DVG ueMq markhe rn aethhe ud, stand l. Moeisb laiesoae usuallymai ao Juvenile-Don'î itu kdew hafilueans? beorteagie. -T hree;,ndI ay f ifor-t u laeaNeyer miàkOndh douîe b. tee qui- m to ene curionthsesrim ulat rs barEngbus ativetd e .. ladywho w prset i ene temt'@ Juvenîle-Wea -1 anyhw, (b outteya, whi aea, ntutth hemilyon bt iebeing et tfii.b butbor in lb. pon fie,59 lat d mesant e hihelMoi i Te on ld a, be as nny man la îb. îonhip, adter snuni LgERffl te uwads et i- piterk ount v. iltr'houî oey ne y mngwe eo yifrm- ~ btn tha ce n.fe renh ladies, rouuded hrie bi-ider hunidlieD ta tsasaeta:ynat e a g few hora -ant'd r-1 te ber f ttidn't pay for y~~~ou paper. I dochie' bus?, huehoeherelè eerci, y1. fe sameevery ime I ontak up étoit pape moîbrne terin a!. fuied flie ,bidnEgoor andve landoyfiiulyi ene c Thoo chuld eeng binefthe« asr.e pleies WeI uswt eand hew yeu keep the - dress Ie, amiîl y o ,twberaeing thet prin teot fi(des [ hopenwthatbe, he.r shewa cmmaTti OMley for lalk' autfil, y'llbpnhae c- ouslfT e upnldies erohe rge1 et i wi :fl pa ~ Ye onit e ae ie vedrcffeecaes ndc1f0topryYhii. rese ndnt turketerpay mteresand' Moverish des ome et oflies a e y ber Johab ip utc t ou.an 'a wr cee onted in all te uwron f sira- gone au hemr.Win h rtwneipandooketi es. lwcihon nio-thi uc pte years yeunge asho n rrneyans wife long pkuwJaichexte mnfrmnteandea boter ha akethePsme. rtefrka et- re nch les tr ae port cfoie- upod scoTre ad omhpe:hiug inYauianc.whscheatic s . îases laceiu e di a a.lim Joluirè iesulthat nigaiha ht o iii. eutc whae.chouadytok a nohfulwh for shUtaîeee, ( i jh e awyntaieu cat ed m ber nd.ral wutlt as-agittohe mdeoîb -andtidn tlo gh the a1 yir by eapnrs rTe o ld teber igerelgibor. thn. prnt *sace-inia thoe-cknges. 1hp hatbmo re htenîwheomndledwo leçpwfo andio ofunriawehin a sighlrfreh. ,and NDBAC'S CRu- I tem e. -dIm.cfet caks andnf.be ateoprwhile hei John êIppe.dýceremeny cf deasedina be c onm-cncedE- Au oefr ri S t e o u e and nasta- ry ldy pest anand. on -ed l takne smea with~î recdea. Te giht ma, nmedmlong piah friend's tenised un pltieuoe Liiidbacka uter aa n strmcf Sieao nimnenme'flt.îossjt par h an skth rve of Waermnind, aies- _, ptywinch er lonreblack artasdfviedw irh .terand ota nicl oed atendolre&a popuariabond tre mnov e nd cfvotad on u la redatind A ometingmin anc oxua Heu fae slas hon enee data str c wealh, ho eardti t bs boseivng ot olef ixedneach ad hek as wethl as o doid sudenBoly tat icovrei tht I dbrcihé i ndc oe osc bee pesond b areni, aminsîee n te nespendis were anghtround he nek lie Comunaiin richp hebeisfied Ammueresin uieuna1.horzw namnoide > en, roiohha bce logIni reh e t e wbret; mdwichb re o ttevili,.lit'sng eiz topàiblnd oxiiingt isessre e sne nls.hee e nuwas afe reevn1b omuin bu h mef loh-ef-iler, wihn theusuat ias. same ime,~vasaisefouni temv, een i loff; andai ea sort- et cre fia- poisued. H rec-erd, uthybisevi!-mend ws on hewtohetiai. By w lu îhe deuc ittho apearti tiatbismoter atimnyofaI wau rd>-mecd.E t'c Abeen muiereti iiStotholmsainesan nr a'tiwpry apnrewe it wse fnsigsteoke w&orpe ofmnltupite. iiri ae inatiat isi - t porthinibys igrtnt downeroe,n velti4t pi. det..iic a man adns ate- mwhacih ue n t oonted tiI nl an- Lersen, rasliteane.ase; anf Sit wla ofnimm'en se e mtsberlusband1 ati thoeýn ,h pee brodvinteafar back ns hW 62 net ih I n - lc atw s iiewt years bo', n s frgondhe aret an ouadaigirl At we 'cho thetslae ntrofoduci- whr ePabtirethA eti ed.matrhant o stie- ieraeoina honudsprnetyoubcanda eteeno lyieathter gho ing e t is latte avcipt gd ecd in ae gay silek proaselyË son pide.l lit exceptio cf ta ier and hRi and tenopf l hich th, RWofd biea marchn, t rseie, drath f oe nthefiast alsq cnduced e n other, 'nd, the Com murdeion part is ese.Amiiery poo, etn rop tsewae unt the rde's fimAdeo euly paupers.ati eeaslon cn lbrauhdberhich tic brdgrootu tira ofnt sel lb tblgsed iPaisîang te i aties.the izraod, n g uidt i teHer 'nouîh, at aTer revn-e c ndrüusen, Utabot ho asehdrkilupahihtewe - uwu~~~~~ ~~~ cae-ofa ihi oin sirrwn emîî pr.housi ed man nt wife, àmud smte etrme, Vshaloi, ougi tether 505.lin tcownpandearto orio da * ett He asto e ledbu, ba1 d8evgue. etnbe ed.-y W i F persiten aonsucas a uesyou bis part UrnNWELCOME Tas rUyadt'hos. o .bini myeredin te*ble Linback isprewhnth in con-toe upt mne aI CaulstadFt, her.ietig atlinlte- Se t e ole, u -net lhewa er-nued, conim thsuicde. J6ofwmaterrbe eNlssoP eapt t cie eaet eir opneation îvithaor cf past foainiesry ca eus and w tce elimi bau, sneo erul cfaflaod thon - ---- --- _____ astfao has a was et sayinetdisagrehon. -f4'aýsumçf noovwhih hd eve * eau in wh serhandbitmu tac.Ht, les. M. Whaî a hasimple, beauhfufpeutmilch eol aenoe po%11ffA hrecca

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