or à117 kmt are en by W là r.- ls pecket. rer ,et LXMONIC .1 urtIiiu M5tiul christ &Vaite mee, asid al M ~ htAFER ¶"tw 'pt.. au, neIsenee eeptate té. wderate m'a %VAFES fflme to lb*.ieucvsl fetd usa ln the boat. '1<rsot'tThe ÇierIoal Cisub*ii4 SE ý iutend Tonis Nuasber XX1Lfor AW8aiUU*Uat . 1tn-M mies C'RT CWffl nAS. AsOUItVO'*w id Coneîtl.Utlos.i <-. t BUh1t1'f %viune t*à. Pl~ieilbeakers. MR. JORNTAR.$I1 AND THE SEBr'. imU. ii li tate -LL..I) WA'~JS -àse.SKETCHES IN!iiE DESER?.E ls R saut W , . 5. JuitTVImT? WAFERS * TUT RUCEN. 8y A.,.GAie L 1astireg curas. r(Wilh an lUwsroiitos) 1VAFERS 1 KIi-LE .UeA hONAmONiT13E L'AFERS. REIISEOSFA OL OSHE I CETO.BY: ie 1ev. PEacD ARY ut -a sppîy of 'JACKSON. tAE$ LADIS'WORK 1*4 A COVNýTRY PARIMI. AQSO D %voilAe lu 5ltUsubuu.. t e gire for MADE ~TWINSMg7Y UKA TII. I'AFERS i LEG . EDS AND DEVIC S' (0F ENGLIaZI * m.ilN . . *iîh ,Uau-ru& nrasg. to, orsete.A PîUA IISTORY 01 TRE SYGLISli mni, NewcîuxléeBILE. caîntdas Soid Cliapter X.-n"730ieyi. orl.on k Gre-gory OUfýt VLERICAL C. R.By seEmot. 111; K W i-vatt,' LecIc's lflàtorti -of R uinhs- rW uivri,'o ndvI, e Wa1 r Pla to à nd tte îut uê'or Sorrafes other nmedicine, -.Il's E-canptia,' llaniiltôn-Tlit Loin- 21-247, doti 1sm'~lSsîn-A Bàisîch etNew i ~ ~ n R lEV. h Doc trine loit pultr Th'ttigy.. tE P 1 t L S VN0 Jnras bic & s.TRO îg'traus diqeases oh.VALIJALE ROPERTYI e, And a i1eedy ahLuYA T~TZ8U~ d L 1 n.W arlvtumfe.. Tt will. tin R short tAr lli n m[ A j i ]b lie notlly icr lîid %with regîlitrty. CAUTION. Ë Y AVc 710Y. -shoni t hie t'%ken bY feutaleg îryu-4t. lring thre FUISr rllFER Thse ujdersigtied wn ut!rrfor OaIe by t a( ex'ery msier tfin, it tidin'every le T 1J'IX iC A 1C 0 ON thev pre -prfcrtIYql. oi:disgu,%dcr ces'sf t'rvolts a11ni- "iimalhÀAfecti"ns, oiti t~u1,o ie Ra-Saia Latii , , liý»,Ieiqviîuea, Fa- SATURDAY, (9th Auguat,.- 1865, glt .,a, iotx , r; inlo t e kn t.1 I. - ITsýrc.Srl'.u'ph' t Il oco' ari.'rtwo desiable ifrdeIr'd sytPui, .PPIi.- w hI effeci BUIL DINIIG LO TS, m-lti-î la- îlie'aanplef tr4l,nd rnaýlu*biing nuni' iers i<ni 4,twu soulthu f Ritaspîl î'1,'-rhl iiiti1 ha- qaî' l; .eaavF.i.nreî iir, wî; là atronsL,.a. tf 7 ifeef ,eaceb uiiy c intiitg 5fi141 - idîl . .înl encit1 32 eet au d lyin .tttt~i;ut~;it'PGtJ6 NEARLY OPPOSIIE1H OTR BN cen t i tcx fo fauliet, C adaus. lt iissrlu t t ltruu KliruwPl"i & Gmg-uat., t tht iehl i l - : . flvi", (tuik- 1)e '5îxl.n~nhu .,vm t atC n- unfilvi'îut ~t unatn io'rl T. nost impîortatlift 0mni't-enx si loist l i te Ct 'tfi t2'Tii' P-AItii'n nd size or: Utese Lots ren- -al co-aeîtictîf fn Ci ME',.CU~NfrS and PIZO- F'-SSONAI. MIN. Fu p-nîarLivulars t.ppIly - .rio T' 11f0 uoo1îv Nitklça ieitti,; o' nm i tror- Liîîdsàv, Aitg'us 144li, 186j". t l tî'cp~ in D f,- t 'lt erlni ottj- n - s w-11 ikril neit'r fxiluuugi inn fitugp-le ~'I S IN A I I t'. git e teriniiii(ant rolitf w1imii tititelr ini good repîîin, on reaÀsînu1able teruts. mi, iii . e uerrknown n siutc!' omse p;a t u.' fd ti r taii. 1ta nti.uî, axid stin -hi *î.1il It ternis o ts h Xirties and Mgcl. . ... i i-riri ta eý,pniîtl p in tilns unitt'r tesî to tl i l t, r bI i '\tn l.t! irpfa -ire iut si- ç'z1frot tu-g fr 's (tn ,<f the --î,liu tch etuim'oa'lnuii vîeleuil iitpon S il l7it iiu Affi't -i i ite "tgu itnPi-. 'tr ft etur' of fluir a~' fn î'.hîm cil-u lin Ri è,i 1s-li ,' itp i t i ' rflî'nntu iun.ixi,r .4. N rou -,Afiuetîun-, tie u:e it Iqilu -t P- ti-t0 in m'Drics-fr i, et Ph%- 'e r rnuati i l t iIlliriot -tut, lie - ill. nc-ryag rdfer-s s!outlluI heaud su u - ~ c~stla.C. W G 1lus Iuua' Kîouioi 1 AM4BAT NOTICE.r romu~ration- rý'p1 JROCHIESTER. ta.mnhuResgorgSteamer C-APAIN J. >ATsvR', uoborg ..............6 il:1. iiii-e ut ......... 930 ia mi fil- Atcleîi'r. WII '1.LEA VE CIIAI'IOTTIE, M.dirve fCoIburaue, Cubutirg igt' POIL lhope.'- rpaiassagcajsply lxJ Keeler, col- ks Litliotr, laotîaîirg;A. Uoçiiirue, ug Iýt s 1ii,. i1 uS.31-tU. nit: Act of 188-M. tonS of tc ituden.t-gned are nuti- lk't Lt thei' aîîv office (I .Messrsi. liv. at lit tll -Vit tf 'l.îday. tf. 'je.a jt uixt i.ru fuu d aiic" i< > . x li e itr tut . i ou tuus tIL t . ir S iid (t i uîuhmig .iI its i elt uxi' tiAsâi-glm- tev abuve Act: ae' towlrî i uîd r iitleCoft lnut th le ril1lige ut Eiiii.iIen, ruty of tU.wîiiîtital boturier.,fur- riixug t tulirai -uf i<iudskiý-,il, ty of ulr' s andi tusen iry jolue.1zi tif lil-keeper.- iAP, Lajsd'ay,- 'ticitur fur luiuteenl. - i.inuiay, i îîguisr lui, 5'<'.mi. alt. mMAL.XNI BEALES, AN A.LG7AM- BELLS, Tpricpoi witÏit he rI nActtifexry rs liClie, i Schaîm', C ntor-v . Foi trv, r Fa rutiin State iît-d C.ii ol' f týt i uviruns bas antîr- lni ti cuminue ni-till, i hrqi-ali- A N.'i i iiniiutj- O iA rs, so ;et- nn% lie xEoî,e Sl'c't feun« r) 9 or,0Il)-,, CriStiîxg lE h ben iotihera nv'liî, or 25 icetits pa.r,(nn'iuun l if t, p ve. irait' ti.etît twle%( lantsiut ld1)mh muti takei i uss~mmîae.or ts'git frircas. Seitulfor ia cincl rtah ntsi te fnl - i.,cuu No. 31; Di Ni Rlv rwV~ Lsl<t()f Pricou. Il'eiga'd'. 6 j±. f Far,,lot i. .SIas ha!Sclinl huse, S/ r.ui kaci-l Bell. 20 îL a12..5() . - a 18 75 -.50 ai ~2 non 2 loO " 20ta 37.50 Lise OIc,,icdem1î. sieStamba pire clirm, e' larl els c/ ~ricula rs a.; to 37 M P A - 1,fn D 450 f4 J12 M-I t 9_5 OC 137 oC 600 31 1 fo, 0) en04fuiiwîou 75à 41) 19880. l 2 1V(1<>- 446 250 0on 4' OU 2 iàO 12M -49 3.10 0ni) ai0 341ou- 14n0 -5m 3V04) 000 4à on V4uto 152 41n On â4 OÔ 454 C04 iqoo- '55 450 ll i 0). 510 <O. 25 o r. t' A Ô,, 01)Q'> . 07 O 3tu» 6 70OC 13 00' 83'1 0, .511 6 815 tCno O 9;2o$ 4,f~ z 6 Oi>0 el, 0)<ut i 1 0n 4.'M0> 72 01125 n La11m£lq 1238 0m). 12501) - ~so0f), _125 00 37S 00 ILirger Sizehw made to ôrde, .a 25 eta. perpoundl. GuAIAN-ra-Al Bels Biai lite.àbnve prictes wrutlmgie hi'Akuxge bv foair nîigîrîg f,-n tw !!r - î/ r n ittena-fDuîr- eihuaiug. $iulsi uI e a-lwill b. gtvit l»'yreb'triti-g 1lite bruk.c,:tnue. - (rtlere may isl e nt titra uiglthe: A~,XE j<A AnvxnîixoAQs£cy 3S Broadway, e Yoîrk. lu -case a 1Bellhrelakq after -the einîiratlon of thle %%"rraute,! lui mP pre fur the -GId metal.- JOHNB.RB'SN Iîî-îy. 9j Dey, 8teetN.Y Mt7, the 'ia*er9gu onKenneya D a hFkley I.?Y. ewettl G.A . Keeve Fr*neis Whalley- morceilia! wl . .Wdbmxew At 14t ë ii.Tv g Id Taîxyt, J. Robinsou of A"mgut, 4 ffibloé 'botai, -. 1; te i.Knowuso)n atrego.y Ufrtse Jau'nes Wis.. .OU .&,tsnamir Nvm. J. Thirkit Tbogs. R. Adam *.C.Rddca Robiert Spler Joba Chislaolm Cluxton hDeàdgs C. 1Iek4 Robtin$* In 'ompliance vii t theterms of tue abovr Requi'ti~îni ereby proclaiu Monday, 21at day -of August, a Pu:bliçc HokidtqV atnd reqneut tisat if t MAY le ôbserved as auch wstbiti the boundu of - 4s Cor- I~ hfldSAV IOth Aiigtnif. IQIW T. KEENA 'J, Ma,î'<r,. 310-2 Ltof Letters, SIM E ~ 1 O inte BAynutTO' P.Oi omEet Aniders, . ohn .Graham, Misu Mary Adanua, Joheln Nelson G(li,.Thompas BuihPan. Ne;l Gillits, N.. Collinis, -M M.11,4Skussi Cii mi boll, Dîîît-d. eighFila tJn DehFogagid A,.M ec tunaig, > Frenteb,;Juliu M kod isa n ( ritJainet M l ôti. onld (ihruNeil >c~u.Donala CItchrist, Ellen. MeTnggarî, flîîbt.. Gra haM, Jasmes M T ivishî, Peter éerkonrs caUlinlg f'r the above -VYI lîpleàse ask far adv-ertisedk-ftters. D. CÂ.NIE RUS, P. m. LIST OF LfTTF- * > EMMXlSG lhi theL tceSkvPoàt Offieei3ti Aller. Mr aI-4 I jllv .nn llrî'wn, Ms.fi Z. %fMuh * E,,le-x n Buten. Jams $nîSh. luei, Piz2momh. Barfholoimew Wilson, JohD Gr..eilee, \V111. 1> rsuns callingýfr tlhe.abeve Will.rîcase a sk T, R. ADAM,-P.N. Insolvent Act of 1864. In e motterrofARCIJIJALD TA YLOR, (flhe 'flîwship <f >dm.. n inolvent.- -' 'ÎL Creditors of thse rosoiý'nt are notified Itlut t Whias ni.ade Rnau ttugim ent cf lies Fetate ami Eiferts - urider. the abre Airf-to .thle indeisigiied Asignf e, a.nd tiaey are reqîîir vil to ftrtiili l e %' itltin Two miur.fljitfriut tIie <lu te wîflî their cafvspec'ifviuigthé Secrity they hold, if nny. aixd thie value f, t'iluîd. if: iitne, stàt tir g lte fatct. The whole attesî.ed un- der oit l with the vpuelers iik support of sntch clu uns. Woodvilie, Fl.nn, Couniy.cf Victoria$ tîis 3ibday t>f Ma 19.I 65e JON Mo nl.o, FVar in farM'ale. Wililte sold ON TIIWRSpAY, .The. First day of lune. nezt, a t birs. Punk'sRa itel, in fthe TOWX OF LI1 AD S.iY3 AT 12 O'CLOE oGN, Nîndety-£ighf Acre@, ccsnposi ef brolen front ofLot nuiniber Türee in thue eleventh concession of thec Townqh1t) of Elioxn, iithe Cotinty of Vict>)rls,tinder -a power of Sale enntsileii' n a Nlorttggoixmade by..Ahezm angler NtéFadjen and 'uife, to Jaumes YcPher.î atmn oithOe Ttewnsip of Eidon. 9Esqitire; ti.. greater.part of whichtiscleared and i&, à good state of cnltiatici, - Termis favoraiid. Apîly.te James McPiserson, or. The a bor isale ii adjourn'ed until X-oRday, &4 tIay of JaIy aext, xt the-sanie bour andi plo ce. The abore sale l&S ben further postponed utitil Monday, the 24th ma.t.,I a t the «Mae ho4r andplace.. SE N RY fHU>GHES, ~ I~~J~ ILmIDEXCITEM EN? reT isluif 1~ucgthe e osary 1& ~iIoeti oodi, Ore aw4audo pui*~a,*,<odaIbi 8pwg or AS, and at a time prhea tii. price of Good th* a" a M&Vr fiIN, vomaà and échlld Latbe lCoiînty ,te 'f&ai *ltï. hlm. At ltée ~eg~ie peruse the following PRICE LIST of a few i'eatding erticie ,anti enprh oui, Your Verit'îet kich trithbet doubt wil be VI~~~~~~u ES,11 11.&93 Ail t&TY R4sfy Grey Cotfonstt o. -..- 6M. per yu*irdIrisb Linens (1 yd. wide) froin lsCd.. up. As*ApnPrlntà,«<fat coloumut> 7id. " liamberT awcfo . d. 4 Deiff it indig bie).....« O1d. * î9~~O S i ryubedc, style, and priice. A LOVELIP DÉS of 111 yards Benerfta Clulb foi<b..Od. MULX8ld in great variety, tg. be soid witthout profit., A cartoonoS(f ATI.4 ndqRH.% WJM to be sacri-ficetL Ain immense quantity, of STRAW GOODS, tyimmcd ud î stil, hve ffoa#j anyprice fthelinver plea.%es, F4tR~u,~ Lauils..2,k /ankerrhiefs; Crseta. 1we ~Ciot hs. ParaitoLs#. IJosse co<j NckTP. sIir flbo>, Flowera, i*fae -ery thîng you needRw * 'NO TE TRIS FAOCT! ne, wIi gve tise Ulgielt 1rice for.good Butter and Egga in .xcbangs forGocoda ai' the -tbove prices- Lihsay, Jutî* Gtfi, î65, 301-tf ~TTIE a erbygientht icfrm oLEMAY k -DOTTE lias been thi d ay'di.«;Iledù j by iîtual cousent. Zr 411 Accuatâ aud4 Nt# fà or &gainst the frir li 1b. settled by A. Vadotte. LOUIS ILEMAV. AUTGUSrtU$ CADOTTI- Lindsay, .sne 2. 1865. -o-- ln retoïence.fo tue-above thesulthqribe.r fsti 'i ortiiiv tn ttlnbis ;fiends for, their platI faivorsanad lbe ho pes that thsey"WilI cof lite tA-Z i fgire l bI.beral oshare of their custom . -lie lbas a large îtock of ItEAD-MA E t~6T"UING on Ilitudd and lueeîsAT VERY LOd"l PRICES.M li ltsyon will fict! andinaiScôtch Tipeds, 1fta5îrnqreq, 51k 3ixtur, ,DoeskLs Bruîd Clèthis. &c., lrliîa ies C-uaalfgrn;Sîirti mugs, k &Cc. fiZ. il i.ci/Àing" i sd-e (M thcer-"nisea. CLoTINOMADE TO OltlEit t i:the 4> t fshioa lsies ani at rery ressonable prices.ýj, SA PeRPECT F 17- WARRANTE». 4< The remindero the Dry Gpodj wiil be soIJ mt cout. m lie does net intend to keep any tmorti *fer i sîuon. The Iligbest Price in Ciash paid fur goe>d ean Wool. Casli aiso paid fur Batter. No cr edit given N. CAI)OTTE Bgou nn e ecounple i t f t fe:ir -S )r i aStoriek, r'xisting (if siiotsotiqsorand-, 41 l i o<f D:-. di i ni sva~ytC r-.ni w ll aiorteil i irgt ithî ra dcïe li tCanitilian aîîd -mc.,ucli Tweeds ire bavue à large thîsplIay. ýGIIOCERIEs,' BOOTS & .SL-(>ES- ,1CLOFIIING, AND LIQUORS, tsiuutai, reccire (unr attention, ainel igire haro nuleitation in stxyiîrg luatto "bouse in flic fritde Wilor c ii xsxileriell tus Cutli ils.wltît we w.xn1t, and (~F01; CAS1 We CIVE DARII l,~~ Anusueuiîour stock as ahI w au The Goods aînd P>r 3cev 1 lleak fur them.îeîtes. a- eroduce (fur -ibhthehighesr urice will bu giveai) tziken iti cxçbitiîge. .1J. C()SI'ELLO & Co., - lj*so'. Bl ock, opposite McLeanaa Ilatrdw.tre Sitre, Keu:t St., Unidsay. FURNITUR! --FUirITL-,RE' Evry ýDescrepue é , .1uaia.611 prices, 1 1HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS1FOR SALE THE LARGEST AND 'B'~ A Seél etudStock (dEf IL(URf DINI.N G AND KITCFIIN c HAI1R.s PARt- HAIR SOFIAS, COUC.HES, &. LOUNGES, SIDE-B'ARDS, BUIIAUL CUP0ARD. . MATRESUS 0F VARIOLJS QVALITIES, SOFA, .CO0MMON BEDý5TEADS, FOOTSTOOLS, &c. Articles of the. hst and îseurest desiguHs" Ilwayà kepî-on band, and wili b. SO'DAT T Il WiSTFB -EFOR CASI! 0- A11 crdera caref44llatended to. C> . ojns failazskp osatZ Remlember-DJOINÎLNG TIIE EXNGLISTI CfiL'nç. IR. HOLTO1RF. NEW FÀNCY GOODS' At (~ EMSJAGER'S KeilLenaaB hock, t> mStreetLnsy A SPéLENDID STrOCK,0F BEAUTIFUL GÔODS.- Juat Received a large quauîity of tew styles Wail i Pater, suitable f4r Tliing Rootis, Iled linôm-, Par-oreRAU, .~, aIoetwl-udt mli l sali t t a aMatI fladruce on casf; Paper Window Bliids, Looklng. Glaies, a0t4 !a-igGliassPlaLte;ý PictUx ues and.lIantle Ornaments. DWIL FEN S 1C A BS AN D, C AJ<iit A GE.S Englai î.~TIkUStcks, Canes, &c.. TAO "Levers afir heWed viii fiud thi esat Tubaeccusil:grea: varie-y-, Pipi e froni acent, sud upwar&~; Cîga ofet te bëst - brùýanimd igof Ut~ is'âcueaC,> tYle. Tbe abor. sale bas, bea .1111furtlicr ptnd 'Ladies i 11 Ind a varisud totk uyt Beads, Brait, ýT*ttiiigCotton. Berlis Woois, je*tllery, utif lWedîg inrgosud Fane>' t.utery; Druaitig Combe, Aollet tdoa ?sdP«mcy sadnti ar tal. MrlaY, 21it of Augi, 85 violinf. i. oin $1itanandti uWS. At the Kan e hoeur and place, wbep. it v*ili bg. t 1 HE1fYuveGRtB% j-2m1Pu r 1 ctuttee.t iu t u 1) 0 IleHo $Â ORMOR E Y.a TU14 SL'BSCRrnER H1AVING CNcLtDEDTO Retire froin, Business! nuil selit hwI.arge and raried stock of AT COST'IPRICE. .t~ 33. P"oplin lu vnt ot Boots and Shoes ýwould do wel te ca w a ail the gootis vilil be soid ut pIrICes whichsWit as<onish le buyeir. W J, WBeJSTER. DOBRSON &NIBLOCK Imparfers and Deuleèr. in G.E'NERAL, GROCERIES, TE AýS, TOBACCOS,> COFFRES, SUGAR .WljINS.,, IIRANIE-S, RUMS, OL.DiTOM AND HOLLAN'ID GINS, CHIPPEWA MAýLT, OLD RYE, AND ýCOMMfON wlVHsISlES, &c. &c. The qnà.r-oqar d nî< l tereiofore to qýjup1y a Want long fet in tInse Town, li k2e.,ulig contzi :ýil3n haud the best brandi of Imîîorted wineg and ïLiquorg, AIes aud Purter," tdld wh.icli w'iI be SoId'at LGawest Possible Prices. for, Cash, DOBSON &NIBLOCK. Linxdsay, 'May 4ttî, ie<5. Farint lrs Att po L 4 EA H ARNESSI1 le sui Quriber desires taii uform the cuatomers of the 1atc brin ut P TORKO, 1K.18 & LoveII, 7 is Weil as tile general rublie' that lie i& now T~eDu-IRV P vced rryîng onthe Harness and Saddlery oie ilThe ût hev va l)ely On ii v oqu .Ssouint, iin the old stand ad- - W IS THE 't ME ýjni f-liC store <of 1V.H. Pîtcell -4rCo.$ Nt %, iliatuStreet. Lindsay, where lie wilIl be glati F or a i(>% tu liave a vi4t fom everoe ini want f fe Working clOstAyv at thie business bimself, -and TOTWM'ISTANDING Ille ha-il tnes thtn'em~*igfOl i x ~And wrnea mî 11th< i en cou lei n ,It .yý1sin iamit tcàlfr-. lie i,% rrepared te conIntry tV110 are ivilling taii tîe~t licir ca.il uffcr'tlîe fb1lawinug Irice lizs' fur the conasiderA- tt),atlva'nt.iie, anid t'Otho;se tIlleun Icr-irîiedad- tun rf.!lcdî ep -asr diresses i imlt wi %lien lie itifi<mrnstIni tliàt Ih(' ood heavy Stiùr*-i'ug 1arnaswt Us determiîîsrrlto retturux tiithe iild o ?)à vy îmanes.............. o tlierehore wisliei t t .liuot) i flw t;gri- J ong-Tiig ida t. doed do o0fi n Alable proî'ertv sîîouili it Lie î a a -cvin - fnu laniiess,.............. i......le 0(y 011 tto sst rv brick. and dune fr tni. 11:- s. Set <of lîglit sigl Invwibrid qtandieing aiti aile lot, alla mne tWo tlrg traces, routnd hues, and bîp-s6trap, fraine liotts.e un tn!'tl)er lot îidjoinin-: a Il -teP and f.ancv Bridi*........8o finsqlied, witlî erery iccommitI.itiohfi. iî;d jle- A gond serriiclile doîiblç set cf coarse. santly situated on Nlrkiît trc t. d r,-Ctl'Y o'- i fine. ,(siiitziblefor abugi- or Iight p0osire thejnew .3l4rket bouse. Also. fileic W .r' wiîh -rup:erand hip-srtra;l, storv fnîîne liild [le (sltp and tlwvliitlg ni noiliriies anpd fa ucy firiule. 2«À Ou Keie t Street. at îîe<it ncîî1ied 1w iîim.eif. :1 1Aîrd everything îi.i proportion. gamg îod gardon aÏi l birar aclied, wiilî tx' RcptairiDg cxecu.ted neatîr, prompuly ai cotivelilcutfor a 1h'isiliesà tn. ?iatr Aud iii vekîir of bis (leternîifiaiôntL U li., Lashes. Surcingiellrïdlcs I scrber lias com.n;,nced lit. ei ll 1Ylis etic tîsieCols &.,I'le, ert&c. ckcpt cotiîtaîtiy on gwock. of SîIo OUDS at etisi Iic- ianoaid sold verw c'heap. everN-tbing ehea.-p-.ar.d to, prove AIl kiinds tif Carriû.,e and Cutter Trim'iinï arereîcfly reqîmste' ta, waîk il",t the doî;e at the IGwest pries. "-st etyd andtake. a vw -of Lis saîtnlile wildom - IZ?' A call i3 respecFtully% eolicited! w~here lie ha3 uienion anîitscod wîîî îrks narkd e painfgîre, s 'iaiLiJAME S LUVELL. every zone mny satiel îonîenviiDcrnc 1 86.28t nierits of tlie*artiefe .-A st*rict cash ibiî;îiezss is . - dore, co Ieaýe hrinlg the cash with oion Untl firiie ntice tht- subseiber ill con-j fti iie ta ecarry on the acnîkigbasiness T n a aii Iirfoo ta whiclu lie lias added ftlic Ibeau- ti J. 0 D5Jirmel, DeJ. *y ptit art of EnZjra ring. Inscriptions 1purI1(jiFpPE'J'ERBORQ', Rins.jto - 's i1or .es r siness EGS to retura bis sitncere tiîauL-s to the in-ý Sjt.ns Siuies, ewsîupr (tif, o Bu iness habitants of Lindsay- audi urroundiîîg Caird ttîi vi be exectited ta order in su-1 leror* îîî cuntryv for the extensive patronage irlile ris.ý Ladsay, May 23rd,1861 G.l1. KEEV E. n' Kent St., West. 5. ' 291>-Gm lias oîîcned a -1aeriiiaiuent office-ini chârge «af31t. C. IL Curbet, late assistant xsitb Dr. Dmiy. Den- t isr. of !Kiigoton. The busincrss vîli BKe'cou. rJO IC <ucWte -Y inder thUsean lýye et O'DONNELL & COREETT. LT1 persris indebted to the Fbfate of fhlue All oper.itions, perfortret! on the lateqt and i imte Jçthn Migbt, a-t 1indsay.1 by Noti-eof uîî-scienitt rnf'e nx nf h 'Raind r llOtbk .Atcouunt, are hIwrebyr reqîired fi,in - n ar tidt gv ati4cin take notice finit fhev mil flimul tein Notes and soi nimr- c 0gr aifcin 1B4uok Accouuafs in tlue Ilixtis <f P. luIt, Until futnhcr ntice, Mr Corbeir niay b. illi.foirijl at Mn. Kecnau*s office,'ini x.e.sý e n-4 a- Ssicitox. Li-ndsmti. irbo h ftborized in re-cu-ve Cîîur:e'!;offici' i.VIoieuwi o. ll paynuientq, griant dischiarges, andi arran ge -it lUi his visits us usuaî, riz .ocrtthe t.r.t. Ti tursàu v potaties jgcnerally. Au: inimxediale settleiment is iiicaci mnontit ai renoutin ceue week, ialîco be requsteu. - AU'L rcIMlIT. ActU g Eecir. EXIRACI TEETH WITHOU f PAIN. .-ýThé businiessiafxely carri *ed on hy the R.!FERENÇES . laie àIn. !tight. 'at Lindsay, yl in.'fuiture be Dsqatn Ades eicu nid Coga . rundteteti by MrIn Iluisley. Iberetofbie arting ais M. Dunsford, Solicifor. J. Galloxn, Depotity Sber. Foneutan.un the saxd biusnes, fir the late' Johln ifl, Geo. Kemp't, T. Kecuan, J. Dundas, J. Lermi- 'Nigif..'A ibltenatr aionage fnout old keustulu; ban, NW. J. Robîison, J. 1B. l<uewlzou, W. G ra ce, ers, is re.uîetfuxlhy sulîcitei un bis licitaif L A., Cildweli, A. Wright, Esqs.- June 30,. 1865. 305-_3In f Mr. Cori) *tt wciusr offen the 1fohlowing letter of recouixuendfatiôa fa-tam Dr. Dar, Lientisi, etf Insolvent -A et o 1864.linugston, aud un addition the folio*'g refer-, ences. la the mou71er !f> MAIS S311TH, of Kirk. .1 1 Kingston. fudas n hi sal . - Il Haring a good knowlenge Çif Mn. C. TT. 'ié.,creedilons<of lime IlailvenÏ are notifice ,r t inigbiis tiidies ia. me,!1 cbeerfully iiat Iflhe nnderscigused, S. C. WVoody of ,ie recoutuxmend hlm to the ubi as a Dectist, -Town (of Linditay. baive bean ixlîpoumtcd OFF?- bU ugciadMechainici .. CIAL AsSIGNE sf hIa Estateanusd Etrecte, B., I. DA Y, m.. .8-i. t!xey 'aie required te produce befure mie * "Oeztisî.. Kingston.'$ withlsifasitestDs oweSri and T F#Oo «MO'vl#* ÀWS 13 tic, Sir Heusry Smith, Slriil'Corbcr,, Jamtes Re'tiiy, EQq., Il - J. Geni , Rer. Mr. Clark- frotn thià date, tlieir chaimus upon t a sii Es- 1smon, Kingston; lIr. LaCo>U î", C. Dorer n id talc undtn oalh, sprec*ifying the securirtu eY 1 G. J. Welicr, Solictimors, I..itusay. bold if '<y, andti he value a. it; anad if nlee,: - Lasd ay, Nov. 7tîh, 1864-- 23t sîmtuogthet tact, witb vouc4çz# .la spport of1 pabçliflS. C. WOOD, F i lm. Fa mi.v.Groperina&z., Lîndia>', Jul>' 19'. 1.885. s.~prcmas fi flî gnce. Caution t~1e&. thse Township det spbes nso the l.Cousny of Victoria, for the foliowing wmus- $30 due Oc. 'lober 1863; $20 due Oétober j 866;- $in due October 1l7it8 20 duxe October 18U8-no va- lue bavaag bein recelved f« Ito. umet. a - S4MM CAMPBELL. Si.b.aon Jily 16. 0- ZENT JRAET, l1gwilr <1OXFEICTIONVEiY7.Swoetae.ta. Frits, Ol at Cadwouls - .Noue' Aii' t . l ma.ubuoeib.f«, ascT the .new ivolesn.ru <USBI s f.w*ireelt. >f 41 1--