et ýa tha"5a 0( s*nSmd .. IlIrp a J4 sin reg i te re, w ill b . M î O r L C. ]VL-WhoI. b. 112 lck, Kont- Stret, indsay. Liverpool and London 'ix'e-&- ýoph - 27 FreeOmnI~iusto and romt-le Carsaud Béate. L1mu5?-5, ÂTdR1N-àÂ-LÂw, - - ]OLula mPPSY Chancery Notai-y Public 192-t ,Linîdsa'y, è. W.. Lindaay, Mareh 1, TTÂVI]- itenio pidto Chancery ta 'Bsiess. -'Street . Blockc, Kent Street-. TKrWI'ITe) ~)~IRTlN - -- -Lindsay, turîcs-t'LiW,&C, &C. '. .BOYN'XTON -bgs t- nfoun the-iniLAbl- fuir tAc 0ýftaiQ timik. V aixts of -the Oounty ot rlm indsur- PE gr*ocli1Kent teê Lindsay. rouwm4tog Counlt'esthtt W' has opeosi ýtb P. S. Motel ýon william St-rfft, latIely occupied by JL C3i - 237-tf. jtýwett, anid as ho lias had it -itteti and fùrnih-m rai patro, ed ini tirst style, riait-ors willfihud everY conveiui- 3 yers, ~ L L.B.,Barîstr, Jou. ien-e.WinesLiquo)rg anti Cigars of t-be best prompîtîy. Lttrný' lasOpened a Laiw ult b aor A lbert-, la M- An ait-nt-tveostr 1usùatedneg-est prices. LindsayT, Dec. 1j6, 1814..229-t-f )ppo- Prince Albert Ofice- ___ el. Over Mr. Holdez's--- Office. - S S I Rt>, ARlSIi~Sil A"-(ZTE NORTU: AMEICÀN> q AT.LAW, Soliitors in Chan-- A7>~~,fORHP. li d ouveyl'tcerg, &c. &C. -- i .BODE Prpieo - LÂ'41) fotôpm preto - ~ OprîcEIN M MsWî.o*N%5B.o 524f- - - -CHAR1LES. . 13:110, lluiiujigs Çet tnct Ltntv, 4CW. -1 ~BLlifI~ BLtWt-'hiCl,,ai'isi-er-4 anti At-- #ij l-lc t 'u a lilck, rs intt-ue. Liidsa, an. 8u,.- 31i Cj'eiur inai cxîet'îY na- totnd 5Not-amy 1ue cck, 0opptîstè Itno1l1iiil & (iîisol's. fi s op 22,b' MG 1 i,7) 2g-t .tî-,. ,,xurire i'ij <t t-iiît,<i --i i RIs foite îlot-lhaVitîg eén lateiy comi- plie onentOi, att'ords t-ue be6t-of ae- cammod.atiùon- for travieIlbr anti the public grieralty. >IYnder prosent- manatgemuent- nu efflort-, wili be Spancti t-ltt 'Wil condatce t-ot-fie Tiio'lu ,csl- of Lxnt niCigars: The subscrlbIxgu t-o aunoaii'o tIt-t i elias lecI liteubo'r oekl, whicdi 1bas3ieen fitrnîsb- iet il itt-cl 11p t-hnotrgiitt- iiithe, bqi- of style- ,7xouc but t-lhe i tctlii;O5andi CigarS wil b.t kept i t-liebarnnil i ltablr wiil beturn ist- ecI wvitli[Il liedcot'f ot-le seasoul. it CGur4uii anitiobiiting (bt-ios ahirys lu W M ttt-h. K t11, M j '1 M i'. eaî'e K nupt'îj 11S, NIA UTIN &îIl tiIM AN 1)u'g tO -,01otii'Y »un alRestaurant, bhe iniltant l Lùi da isiurntt- -C Tj BST R EE~1T. iunS cîîtsmtry iial, t tht3 but i u 'iic- -~- uî- î'rhpfor thbe î'civ i'ut lvut-'« h l 'nfci--es uI1. (oppasite St- James' cat-heduitfi lIlts. Cha~rgesitniutw * -OTteî-la thle Buii--Coltaj.rc, haek of'th Dnimu1rn11(.' ti-psttwev a irt l -hdt-cbuech, wuli inliaSnoi - ~ JE. ML"FIN, M t- hock - -E,,-A. M.I D.I(if. llcStp er- crtalbu-. W ts Lalic Strgeon i iLtic, Auux'iltAnîy îîurt c.,<f i ct xat aUslui'Yt ,utt~ It 183-5. - 22-J>. -J<ICN SMIT1II, Prolutotr, - - , ~ - - - (Late dlî ou I ic .) 1, 17 IZ Fr I rlJtE, T ýijiitor 'fh n Street-, -Toronto, Mav,.1864. 2i3-ly :ll' ti1tt li\te -ûy't living is'.Ail c- sTF 'SiQT-EL C.t Vuu:î1 :otiii; i. * - -111 'lt - i -" un lîî \iîurt--------------------- V'A I N(G',1 e a ie lieiît'heî'eiL-cuown ceti- ý i-r:i I tl-for- ru ternio it ufyer, x dhîn- fi 1iutl: he :b ir l i-t tai - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Po1ý of f'n ý-teu1v-iîu1 ti'. 'iloBrifru.Ilt- L.z u wI_ ;L1 r Ieiacig ts- w .s i1tîr o ias Flen 'c htî K' h l to 'u iV tVi u ii 1 Ji --f 1 1 y d .'L- -,N - -- 'lu ~- ~,-- r Xti-~ jt li'î~-îi'~ - Main stre4t ùOakwooà MX., ,,hlts-i'. koa'- tti !, i'syt,.lý;I1NIJL.4I-' EtX P'pi'r -di J h \l'. i-u>11' cNltU t~ T HlE, ot-ttît i~i t o hlxi tiuint,'to lis - '-A Mtrîi i ut C-caîîtxtte t ita tt sty it- Il S, U A 1-1~ 1,, 1-. s , (ii' o ,r. hUni tt'nitli a cit-. k: al,-tt ut-No. 's, tiE .NS jL C I TIl(-,bst of Lýiiîi n, l't'r (lat ' iau - t~îîtS-t i' , TI. - 1 I i ý' Got> reti-',OOh U it tM l'. si\ tri1 h'PuI. - 1 --t i-011t- . - rý~J t to lxsii îo l1-e tutttti t et lsfieitînuls il t ' - ' lii a 'laiti'i'- lht, glati t-o ha-ve ýx eau- t'otn t-le travelinug tuai- & - t'. i t- 'I--:- I-oi --t,>IM;'îat' i' IP -<rç-lct-ant %etensive Stabltng. ll'tt >- i; î.uaT, '7uA-x 2j AMS RC1 I tius't, 1h 'ut-t: e: i IxutilA itt"': -,A -ttn-rDI Too u'Ji>'8tt. 'i f 0 'AtS iî< G,A, ul-et ilA'. uu 1 il~l!i '1 hotlxîeî ji' tNlëMail tetRu-t reV0 [1able J «'tk-d - Vu-t et Caiit'uixigz~xr.'uiLiii- k sua wb n (lt ~ ite ilt ti10 ike stilt i-, l' MOni ïtu-t.t i-- 1 -l utuit bx'tlut tl tiîtvt'nc 'xttl' tft-l~.i, tu.iNe -tt1't, '- - 22--tHENRY H UGHES, - XX7M ii BI'\411 i,î~ Cxi :teThibu1-j bTIONSER, 'Laiid, ~4-A 'ux lt lt tiia, t'.iutututyfoi. t-lt'- -otu-e anti Qîïnuuissitou ~'i-t t'! t' Vix-îlai t il x i: uiiaî.-- Agent-. Trs s -t j <tiuN IIINSO, 'fILOIl Wahiau. ~Cti-. "a~ xi'.-, hltu1 lt'ii uflth(.n1i'uct u - Vu'aît-'b t- t-t' : l ~t'h-r S tu-uIt- li i ic :u 1 kit~î, . itu Lî 'k.ul S Vt5~, -tutt l-tAit1 Vi tt ilu t'lut. ît-- t t t' (1î-)FI N' -S i J.i--ltandstms xxi 'n -i ti - Sit a U il¶sl1 $ fatou,-Wit-tî i St e , 4-m iie - )iIîut. 24m-us Cu'y it2J~')rîo13 . it 11 tlict, o! the L'a fi Wvi Furniture Warehouse! Dou in. hMIIiPir'! of liIdsay and sr:mîgcomIntry Ithat lie h la u W ntNi o(u 1 a 1 I rge a na-varhsd swk othe ~ Oki!t. Ua~s, c., al ,of wld itv il eI Atsdi i [cli lower rates than liv lui eretofore been ashed In Lindsaiy. ,-7j- îîncrds Fr!lislld. Jcibbing w iii re- ML M.WIITE, Opt1cCrown Lanîd Office. Mindsaiiy, 1ar.,i8 4 .284 F Wikr, ______ ____i es in Uoliony's h< ,.ilimS.wîcehopes 1by lirt-el a - wO'rlzla ub and strict attention to binsine3s~, tp ierit asar fpt nead JLid ýLy .Au gust 18, 1 A4. 260-tf WON ýkUlg pupils,4t ber r lerme made 1kU*wnu Mays> 888. MER ANIE krou's old stoe») > h&a mage bestowed on 1 begs to auy tbat he hs execute ail orders v ied, ii the latuit stylc twarae jirs rrD,...: n B ECS ta iinfg -iujis Fiienfl: [)ti àt -fo)r tU epur iosr <f ta exccut-e, la t-be most perfet' drrs ,wiflh wbîch lie nîay be. matic himsielf thoioliglui leq lie liopes te'lirotince t-he <Ciî grûaut- exceJIeucei&s fiy mutdec The G-a-lery is s~eoîua-ndl tl iii regard t-o iglit,. ut-itiispio to be. i'eiiarkaibly wotaat ofni tiiig oaxt ie',-s t-e Gàiiery t-l-I ;aid for. _y $lifcti n -il-en'fin - ,'Csti sno ai f .'*W'e invariaibly' pyNf-. îîurest- anibe3t cLeueai la i anti tîlieve buiato be 1î01rcu wit bi liatiîfii irt. Francis suîiliuy la regard to 1 Suay, tire. as, güluIxas 1 ive -( 0 t-uebsttulr"î il con skier t-e lie' lo't<cra l'lis as bot atidas tru-eas- att> 1 in EuigIa d, tunti1Ibave See-ags LidaApnîl7thb, I1865.-- INNCi AMBUI V. C., SPRAGGIi. ,monday-the Twenty-nint] lu1 t-le t--enty-eighbh ear ort] of o»ur Lord1 Is6Gl. -AND, JOIEN OWEN'S\ tlî yonngîe U p ,N the appjdîçtlir)n of tIl Uhcaring rt-aid t-be affia F-it-zgeraul, flriahal uagi jthin(lure anrd iie siid 0ai lîiéuliz It-ie sait afidavit-: t da-a'-i intiee c le-i j(jîtu %irons t~Ie youaiger, catil Jui ( G vel wt au t-lue k:u erco q Thirtieth day of Septe Aits«xv! r ut 'nurm ro thle s:àit IorderetitIt a copy of> tLiýs ord thetc otice ri-qîduin ' tte i ulis Courli i 1 pbisw tIlinTi once ti wu in, a ud hi'l' N Ce lieîtueilinn t-le - ow n of Lindsia, te saiti thirtittîli day if S-2epti ~l. s itntiir orîcr I,-tliat iac tî i a <ice colpy cf' t-be id .1jjj ûIt Oejs t-e eier, thle fi doefeuidatt. -.CAL.- FA-- - cor efafl *s TER LfS Ô AD VER Ti$ING.- ren iiieiand und.......e ... A bave tel) illes, fimfninefiol, pr IIh» ..... E a h ,a .e u n t iiiirtio n . ... . . ~Z*Profcssional Inu tf]É"1ns carda, six.lin" Mmd tod ten ae, 08 PC r anun 113- Merchants and ti iers eau ennlract for i0&" $pare, wilh the privilegi ofltavuxg n naeu*etd ai the end o f evey îhme ionîhu, on favoiabltow~ I )isp!at-ed advertisemenutsaîmo«ord by $Câle Of sowi NOËpuuei.1, andica ,Iu.sred umii fbrlta, andharged fful (l tene.. ~%No cam'Éad cveri!amentg înaeried annItUi &WMb iD l, aâilce. bMerchnnts wil 1* e ipectedi te, pay qx- leha y. wrtiit, ýîer thc FtâbIi3her wdlnox b. rlin OUI DSAY, ci W., 1FRIDAY,.AUGUST 25, 1S65. Fenn:*L5, inÂavA"C, .B9cetRiwl E. R ftt~?i1t ~4tUOUD calei 1 wines oly ati or .îua;~ THE DULES Ffriends-situat ionls at tkO prosent. timé daMs L E Rt-noe.triic wii idan eruýee n cet ~fot easily'obtained. The returnea roldieps GAOL, and -ne Lotbepk téaonzô airh n donn hefiSî ie, ha&.the'followring: have filled iip many >vacar'cies, uand in &sou* - MIn the INB RTph»HÂTB. WOldtt y down as oca, ities thee have the preferencG oiet a&U 308-tf ~~~~~ ~~ ~~ siou of the passengers and crew as we wentafudneaipncpelxfz*ihntatoirsS.Lus, eethtraewmm O?~OTOTE ~plnin mdi 'a lstucio,Ë teendi in view ah.nldbe bouse f ma1I trich cd±sarranged, by the var, i5 just flOW - haifa mil froi thé uif, home oarmgor rom ch1r1uacoimfortable, lirable. Wej cotning back oilodpotoaticn- Bern to a better birtli, i wavea we çouid di5tinctiy hear. The cap- a i-bebcuetle.resmnyhih unymn hrsewilefon-1h. Bn.dy Swa thed fila 'virgii Rhiontidtain hall frankIy told us of his inabiiity le though han<lo.yfrihd aederlwihcnant l ourd iiChcao.I.wm As twin aboaurnt frtb guide us throsengarh ta wiel rilnu befo ed respe ail tIe r1i desrou of Fson afihny WtC.Uthe perilous Passage, and iii the extreme, andi the very thoughlt makes -is rmar hsd roi epin alýk re~idxiveRussei We.we<euttery.helle.and hoeloassomeone shuilder. Othescaptîvate us by- their M 1lsip ite nt.t>wsbt:e t 1 Atlan.a o'g O'1 epng toi nrrl raywtha g6n ieueque appearance, andi we are inclineti Loisa amiNew# Orleans. appicaion Brathu~ brttbr'sbitht-n inens fo nteraoo.Woren ageytowards them; but one mornent' peep in- IlWNe heard maDomrplaint f du11 tintes, or ~9.y Lsprint unsom, thewomo. a._ Ye prig ramth wob o dath Cuad dthei iei r eir'bn, n ihuaad nus diTpels every wish of tje kind. They want Al aei Ilibnu"cindmon- i~~~~~~>Te 416 1. hy ~~hp odigtoehr Tecpai todare meditt nal, the roorns are so low, tJark, ey pienty.. These farts are patent taall, mié nku or p ie - r.' ~ ~ c heir wyivea tQther. Theomapihiltanda smail, and a .mshreo akescoripared with t-he st-ae of matterai Canada bita for Itle past Btyw-- wkndee itewheasse yoee h sn.pervades the %wýléi. w-r I rit wconclu-i.n, ic-ç1 are ne1 <~ Wlcoie t-e ind o you birh. ens, vainly edaonn ta ihold out ro t-h. The duji style of furnishing il ieeeyaiwaysfp ual oCad e h a it-h Wicii icXDIV Oe asur-bint-hday pang, -is aC iid e nl vnyefr hudoher fortinof duliness, is, very comon.- -ctnay or otais,-as the Globe es ad a t Music- Twin om o sagcns r rv rutlswie ih tandeeiTeprevailingtiiits are Arabi, oak,-and a prasee, thge- is no use denying î-l% faci, o fM u t ei ce t h i g y r e . td -ea nn ehge t -is s a niga m a t s a n o h Smnot-e on your cars toget-ber. at ok tdepili aet hog h dnyrt.Toes uehnness about itLIx,î aycfo I exn, mièrchan, n t - blinding stormi upcn the craggy rocks, that, Theliidghiy polised ound-tab!e universalî r av oe ahii nealia1t-han co- -One faint .murxured sigh irteAh hei r " ) Tl orcfyour birtbi-throiés er,-ten br .,.î,ou fs.z~sad~i temdl ft.rowth per- l'îw1ion, oune ar!uineli1 beoing diatwh! Pecft,~ ny ,water, àndzipo . i which ihey expeet-ed every haps om wax flow%,ers-generaily waten- co . federattori w-outvl oraiy gilie saine 3,00M, * Weet-h crsta rietspou. mmen talieda~hedto ece. hes under a glass case-in the centre; or 4ueO of a Population, annexation would add gaze on as fenzyhad eganta cim dwnficeaybe,a bit aineedlework antibeade ifona 3,jO~thus giving a market t-en tilpe Agr'cutuialYe g las n r f s s ýiiers ac sber, a e tpreparation for the doom . 1a mpshae ai ni-L, andi a tali ]anky glas$ langer t-han colid 'be)aobtained by a nexation ~say. Singng yoîîr Fthiers grace,- whiclî awaied hem, there carne frcmihe for flowers by dlay. A few well-bound fit speakiîig thu ,wc' umenteiet Ye tune jour liamps the wbile. tate-rom a fair crieature, over whase : book s are pla"ed iupari the table at eqjuI> 1dis- c - ivey iie ifea that we fa 1out anne atio n. ROIS Smtigo afse Ïs-fair YO-Unýg h'a eM -al-t'o-siixîen scummers had -tances, aldatigf tb eî .TeWa-lwe a-J ance is t-he genracncsin js andth te Ptblît -. Fush our brows oý rday; -iit& h a fm dun hihat apti rfo evpteaon a reci groincl amived t by ail who travel in t-be States in eun.lînghIlîkei Ee~es f gldîxas lissaPfa itras the lily of hon Nu hr limne. %whih is asd a k t.ntan Ii uti ng lrt ncjr itena ' vest, -nul 1he ubject taanilor- Lips whene thcy dare flotstt:y.,Site liati doaneti6a dress <if î1e&ntbiack 1"ufle Se fa.)c,ýý.f vocd-he liasVhieh are aiso red with strpes no, flowers <of b"-,- à@pubc ali, ou2ghtta b.publicly anti 1u: t-id wif mthal Lîeii'tty firstliorn, Gra-re! whiea ca f ri f heieseI'PilOts brown andi nabv. The sofa and atm-char a.t îcse ittu aeu -.b~ ar a~ erg Gîon s it nrs o ight. was bttfonel tChlivarount ier l 1îixtom aetesmetaicvrn Thor sn-t I~ o ra ii u'! àlàt"ta scare the II, chpicas,î' B orn ci tue brenilg Re i -alengae o ttilteualLacadt-1; nfirt slkbnnr ftmti:eiafo îe;sv 'tez e rteias Arelte siiser jaîîtps ofnîglît-. Ferfaeb-a a __i in this îîn'viilce. -tairway, andi w iii hi iseele Y iren repa etilimutes on each aide - ~vrriurriiatd Clottds, re t-liightntngs home. t-li vind, ihr exciairnet, ir. a voie which a hfn.Oefeo asi~~îi or AN ALABA MA iCOURr SCE-NE. otnnecî by jutiges 'hygeanx whilent-he il, areren; ti ort- pri>ose PBightest is tc.n a aïfoairn wîaasieîosofaîl! lv - ie Nv-tut feuin neinedtoy w , ad serse L zte fle-s are ail hos ntw Wliten lêbtoWs rage isfent.*sar of depression seent-o tcone ai-ar one afer i~soe iecut~sii- aii a ~'ii h le- Pnne frrn he eeds dcay "Iknowv some 1*ru ufthls Lai-hine rap.d. afw m nue. L is e.sentalv duil anti Wàveet§snf goni grain anti wil uSOliy ,,,t-deav-ours b toiiadeadrab--espectable, certainly, but. painfullv 0si(iîn ptaoo aijak),s r'reyçac.~Shiflniei iii fading dlay, lo,-i1o~ env f~~ ie d0ean was t,roawn open, andi #ome twelve As a laie on western vtraant u.ll ~< v1~ _______________or tli' 0111 poniilluus iook îng personagea Yra wtth Chtnn fdn siwr-- ioetani slîP s cs pd- i . i -y me. a,, A CANIADIAN 0ON THE U.IED W- aLtt Ili tc Cd barn. twaa- -cai le ot-ine, liiiht~s twnc to lfi'- it.whetl .,.ct.'ore-t iîvoe ]i. e î ilîoSTATES. ut- 1 a")( . andi ail tit- *'man nisicg hati een ughaiy le. finteî E-R ati bruw3iw-cdke- ta hilif, 'nfilel Wh MI-urei b as1kigshwer Witit the sweetesrt oonn> rit- Si th113b ¶-d o' ~T* avi'terîrli EEto t lie ]3izvx ite Er-ira T'a.' z '-t< ata v tt & -GEGOY."i ak s ' irongli tll;a oubled b a izbicen u:i; a x'LittI Soril nniuenil.statt- T ' - , ~-iNt vit-nesme,,and. Lif' s fîlledii Deti, ~-u 1' a'îg~--~îi~ùi~ ~ î'îi.~ i-C--i21îcd w'âitn a',wthe onecase.thth cae.ha t , iv't, o 1r Fra 1è ni blcis ta snai AsP' 'ii i '-i sÀ0no f lb tier iatcli as v.far paalt ii anl'ln re ian cruoS"" (lo t. -ieiî l z:m utt aS ~ ~ I% dr. oî-n"~~½ yefweepaeio r fon -terieii; IIha Buî-xa--~tti t-tlt iSti'iiotiti poit a t-attrts ira the's ir' n na a -huh Ilift-iur iîe wn3e~ascbaiitr ~ L.fa-71tt:ý,i cÀurs r -'v0 _tuiý (JrMStîessltatm oso ît ar.;Itr ~ ~ ~ - boysutiwaitrs, wih a VtŽW a b'catîô i anI. s ift ~'~ 'u-;of h- lt-~I~~tt ni't<t taLne Tlieraw'vear refse t folow.rrn f 'z", kan ,atir) .prno- eutyyci- {o atibotn veu lt itet iUi -tcs y:: I Q)j 2¶Ct rns3e c a un l as-td i n on 'ja.Tlere '-alisl-r dyat The. St bv- I Mo hatrunupaîddxxa~Tea lm5,whc f P - i.Tc aert îCnast h ihfa.e -bt ath a1t a.îtr i"a -"-i - rti movbo ai -o E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~a Iparoçxouru bu -loeiewertpet~d ile1 -i 'onx ,- i-i ii atie wheuhnla-n nr ic;-în.o ar(, bolear là u- ]ceti t w bo - lati iturt and -ho w-t- ep 1e sc lita-g. pr f ti arc-a n made at theX 'h , spvecaa:t 4;a r wukt- ropliebotinIitIi-pn rck -n éîli .fL fi ati ,w---' ;adSasli a r.eady t b,~: pnarcl- re- iîe- w il bin ti;ev t-o lcekviion tboar f actien.[rll'irt'-dili,ý?-b - *0zîvho -p n m n h d h urh n a- ani aril arotiftnd ltehit themitesth: heat(Ji-ilt-loo eti coii,1antilite witd biee litsefustevtar m dutv. O iirurn 1s __ t-h I o i tei t o n s sk ' )s'; !i I I-j r n dande s's peed art: - y e rn c t o va'-y i c )-et q m r - Viaiiitf i. xvere s i bîttti t.g 01are ior-. "trc-" îuu Cr- lu a a L ttn r,1- li e w'h i ai n locl r;"a, an ti u-in 'Èbr' : lin fo r cri ~ i' d '-l t .e cî -a tt i w -n ic paiotsa tt -h )li o fial îerînlatiù nf or - cie- Dt'fey.aut. - t - et e itnilpr awno n hi trit ma fa-I * . oulîcV î~ bidit~ tu " ivetiîatksle îju w-tare;onnrd un t tas onîne-c;tî .11 C 1'12u l iie hîld a goinoysuurnd doa , tilt-,'I -. e % 'uYitT oneot ranvchc: t lt aitnot!i ic i îd Atounie t lt c rninlîte 0it u:iu eb, a-letofiCanaa, but w en a f-,-ner st-,,)x !man - -tr- t 1rc-ý1 o al or ,, uiaih e e S' te,àis at uit e but pre;î ct r am * zjJi e: 5iî :i u- n, .Taînys fadiotu, liter - Ajoutis - xi t erî- l n, t!; l:tw - Ii.alt'ie aI ne i- Lirîtju, uuîlit- a ~î i-u ot miestiti ut>~acîîu'etrea we earn'd ier h:stîî-y -Sitîw'acut. inucthe i Canda ;it my i- tonMd mre --cev s ati î'psttcrs rtîtCctt auxelwt-lOi ruî-eîd tauuht-r f tt' ncniux'î wlo one t-a u on cse ita tu olue. -OII ta"" nW zI the- -fi!' a. - t'i. in d',ýw elai i wea dt x i - saîdulc'oidaîî-, t auîo!t iipus;bt t guide he out- ut ai. thueai bats cue <( xvta't steiaul vus- sv- oticxi er~ îîuch a lt' îi~aî'eo'tIîeCa- 'flu !:f": ~u t n-'ntte-pevf>tsy,î iant mot ho fîtrîi to xhie tlict-1id oflîtt-Jiatie tc rou,- er- etifro rin. lie n-oluc- le-Iw'hn se itiiai fi-nens N l ' suglethhîl isb <0 -týux-The,- .f -e *r.L>' t;q,-o- utrng t-be l'. ibiih luie i1_ titin .L 1 c nin 1 3 I ~ sati iefadmtît rile t tsa h4te tNon w-e-e et-t-~ho assd.1wnu a ititiant lir faitcn hti l~ilcdt-iin.î'ti h-31ic3îcn Stî'5l'L cr'isneof-f -the ;-it 7fe'l, t'i eheix- r -iver1 uuiiI nd s ou ft st îonttctutt h le nt tlw-d trtoa-1outavfref-onal eeteiui nibiestiy di'- dry Irt:su phd yo a ileliatli<tu-ianaritti unneit v ci erut1-p"'- - - - - - - - - - - - -- emnber next~ bîiii. A11,41, i Gcienn:l Où,li'rl(if ae D>Ât-Y Gt-uituu AD IAN Pont, îuuîb- ty, in tu e C-uiuiîty hai -'lxt juýrecetiiaig cinbt'r i.ucxt. Anid copy ottiis buter, 1bih, 1'.besehxet i tut tlier at tle sait- 1011IN OW}NS TIIW YOUNG'ER,ý TAKE. NOTICFP, tljat if you do not niwcNr or deinur ta the RiliI pursuîant~ to the alov-eorder, trie Pu9iDtiffý1may 4ob1tain a-n order to tùike tile I:1 asconfesseti againjit 'you, ai e th 'C ur May grant the lPItdntiff $uciî relief as j1eay b)e'entîtled ta ui, bis (mnsh hgand ,youl wintreceive Miytutirntc ftt uurc 1rcehlSin this cmse. Dted thiq s 5tliday of june, AD. 18f,5. yours, &C,. TornUsStrt-tTorontri, SPlailiiffs ,Solicitors. Torivi,-Julie- 1, 18 6 5. 33t Tie subscriber 4esirets t'i inform h*is friends, apilth Ibri ubiu that lhe coltillues to kùeejr thle bcstIorseei, neatest ati-iMost conitùrtable [carri.ges ancl buggie, coujstantiy.on bund for Tertis ext rein elh Moerate. il- WOflIKM M-ON E Y rTi0 LOA N &kT }E!GIT PEr, CENT. LinCsay, ept, 22, 1863 Sohidit-or, &c. but- a î!tt-i i a-estanli evpen, w-it l.a ecu- ordinary Ittt u-ttti-e e.xiiied an ai. gnudge, w-lîînlu. once cîýr îwîcee led ta blov's w-torittiey lut cto ith cacltoti te"v.- 'fT-at mu. fui-g wlieu pagbit-gonc aeltehal- or, fit-y ttoti, togeiliten att lite îx'iîeel, -hn owing t-o thu l Etg ciimt of lite xx- -en, andth -le eIiausteti streilgnih of hlm .w-ha hadt- uitieti-us al nrigitione spok ofait-le- W.heul Èsiippetý -0ro1tIiLs hatlant ileîani> caused iau accidenit- cf a retty &eioua lieurc This annîoycils éOluIpaniûii aitl ltanti w-unis had passed i écterîthem, since whid, i ltnot esulen r4lenè e lia-d bepen. presorveti. IVlten a0a-utttva r 'S i e'nab !es ubv lte Lucli lit, a4pulc, i.tî ofwilie riLglg aloft gave wuuy anti t-ho niIit- plot. mouim11t-edtitle ut-potdock .witdbà aidlei',,atui uatîemPteit te take it- ht. Tilewilad Iew îiërcutlyjLnd wiile-6èxent-iiig ail bis stnengtiî t-o stay hie rmise-Itief, ha Inuit bi t-i at1 il, ti, ieladdeir cuunuîîig, toievt'i di -ect-iy o 1110ii l.eî c ar goveniîneiti ail, wontîiin, iiat very sevettl1y. 0ot pausiuî4 t-o lt.uuk ai lise tn'cluief,, hoeseiied. the -utîfont ullIat-éiai 1moîtpn humiru t-engýthu,îf ii~aoet-he.boat- railing. The c)t-ier qîîîekly guxesi-eil lis rneaning, antid -uthtgbns anrs areuntI lIle n.ock otf lus compaiia, thtey felI tugeiher ilt-ot-hie boi1!tng fout-I be]ow. We lowvenéd the lfé-boats -as qtI-icas. possible, i-opus wene, thrown out -lani ever'Y effort ptlt tort-h t ae 1them, bat- nram.Tley roge to t ho wat-en will1 ocked in. eaeh at-ier's arms, anti Bank fîurn our vueW forvr. - The boat noir i-ii-led. on, eorrni.iag inr the friglilful rapid, wluiltî terror-struck faces wre arourîd ut thiethuughît-hait lieniaster ba was nleaiffiirouit tthé dirk-pz',3b.-_ io.Thé scéee vitich w-e bai just boeen Iiiijiin ut ttcbouati vt l % h;-:thliewax <aptain. 13v dt¶ re teiusoauiieacquita:1uted iitht -every berid. it lat lîuîtiuiri ver, 'n'ilo -!y t-o bier ée'.Sk w-as o cit'onler xt'av le visut soulte fuiclds in Qt'cto!e, uhrlier Otfa- t-ber prup(;seti joîutîuug Itier'toe -xrd lte v A gentitenen artist sketcheil bier likeness otn a leaf of bis, pont-fç,IIP a-;shstei-ol rut-t-le %vie -bc ,-rappcsi in the pilWs coai, tv ith lher glass in lier hand - and' ier fuiIl]ength -'por- triut-st-il gracos igulir of art-s in Moit- -real,1. Maîîy a rouîngbh iand lgi'aspeutieisnawy fiia-61rars t'. puring, nnd' many a blesÏti> çrovrt-ed t-latt noble lueti. A magnificent diamuonti brace-let; beaniutg, upoin the lilt-m plat-e to itmu ot i t.vessel anid dat-e3f Illte -ocu rniite, -'m'as pi*îesenled to line, abount aboutI a-twé-iç aut fl lier-arrivai in <ittbee b .y thc pasFeuuurîrs -trih w-etreaon btorrd at the lime, wile kutîl ttitnurptu w- vere.the pmuises bitt btlto eeut-s cf a.,fit)nd pal-cnt, cfltitiuoie caut(titut o f the frail but fearles aime whîo hi-tsibtaveil lite dangers be-- fore wiiièh st-out bt-arts anti strang ferma bail tîuaihî'î; «And w-bat- beramie a hier afirvads 1 enquiteti.- Sho maî'ii-1snaf.icer ïin-Qtîebec, ant iber ebiltiren still fire there. One is ntoble boy, ai-rat-ler a Mian now, andi plows thei ocean ln oneof Ile battie elijîs af Engiit." Two n-ion, strangera to.a eclatlienrt-etoeue da: andt ipoire itaèach otherii m iStak- ,Oaa ofthemlhappening ta hoan frusbman, madie bi&-apology li t-i manriert- Oh, b. Gorrahu, lisait aàrnist-ake! i tbotght- it whe yaui, ,anti yoîî thonglit it was me, but it'is i o fl-t ! iuus.! :ic~uui-k - f i:.c'tness. i.ît e u al" othe farmier. lut Canîada, .hiiu ýi- tat'1 Litv ,- tt.its--< u tîit-rp is a ]aw agaiinst-the g rrutth cf 0 titlt-tel. -- ute petýti femous w'eeds are allowetl t-o gr ienl ':i --iI: e nIhmcn and veret-atu iii utattuti îat tel':-,rut n-s'able, -tbu-- t-ie:tseu!ft tltinug -but carplul ou- pretit lufrriu L et mikc~:. W - - 'us utI !ýat u~,lue t&d <ar arne, o-i ut this iii a stjUSlg tî!:.e tnt-dc u: . i~ -:î--adl lot at-xttownilhip--oliie rs do ltit duti!i a -x'tte'>ti:"2 aa-t iîîg tiowuu 80 vle.a piague,' andti L e %b1alA1 o!si'1ott ti iaa tuutua the' betten for t-le cuntry. Soîncof tirecieg-nuu ut --is:îs,;-d sîret-,Is tBnokvilo are just-mnwiru a dis-j éée huri sia-iitrji. g.-aceful sua.te w*itl htlte. We litpotilt,' ")uohiŽt .stelsatrc - - . deoîsiori of the cotutt. Mayor, or t-le Roati Corntnt:c, wili attti - 1lv i rl- îî -t -t1,vaitt a le t-Le malter at- once, if lt-lienot to hlale îo a kilI the. seed, for the-o lreset- viîar. At ait -elcs!'tuiîtieadaîkiftox'n âg th!ste thst-ios ouglit-t-o be eutdcxvii adt nl< h..g, -i 1- oms~frtodfn dest-i-od. In langer citiçi-, wagcs. aIpro- tat ct -i- ,tx apuit.a sent- are p.etty h-gît-, but boad scîua 1 inn i ee cctîse îN't .oi alite au.!vlueti a higyit. lICiticngo the w-ales of rwecinxnics emtri cl v 1ii range ,ofront $3 tae Pe.r Cday, board luuiig aauIIkîo'yuty--ei 1ret~ fi-un $t6 lu $15 pur Nvcek, accaii'to accu- l m odationri and styleo tf îuetiiliîg. I ouse rt& info- iel edtýut p;tu cd di u- at laýi alane. aNcratgev~'y ihî, nsuuil htunu s-itab -For me tLu o u d bè ut-ouiya %ast#3 alai iailcx ii a ite, auit1autinSuIt- d.oynen- for a runcliiiutrettitigfo r.about ,$2 1)0per f m î l iti 'tbuti Orpel- mnoi.i w-ile iiuîs iabtter.c ~sranil " cb-i-utnn fi-oru 10111 t-r mîîi'ith ap lu te nîos- f.îhîiuus -auy ctlien juîýz-tI1, îii btInlay djxviithe, riles ci law, btut here 1 knaow prices. Boardîng i orne tuf ilîk 3 b tt-heaebeirei suit niwî-t class bouses range s ru-an $20 la $30 peruutrtoî uà aout u nibbi xveek, Sugar W-as $-25 ceut-s ler pouni; a ubehueo os u-Iic bf Ica $l3i 2..30 pet lb. ; butiher meut-, 15 i th- prt itu1 tî uupriaa t-o 25 cents per lb.; butter, 20 lt030 en-pe diiitorfiatî ieotitnrnî-ric 14;oaai, s$12 t-o$15 pr tan; cord wood, $ 10 i ea- yu-mta ilt rutianid bc tutiful ta $112 per card, with i%2,7'2per cord for rut-- ajt' tepeof1irce. judà, 1 titg ; potatos, PO cents t-o $1 per bushel.- have a boule of prime a!idloaî 'nifal Clothinîg la aise very higlî-a suit t-bat waînld my pociret ; fan t-ie resecét ber yor eia- cost abogt- $1.4 in Brockville w-ut-titicast $501 at.,lovmu - at o i prut cf i.- in Chicago, boots anti shoos are antire suitne < Verdit-t lor.. t-t!l dchuiin !saii the P refficarnen-t A porisan*ln Canadia with juthP. - ~400 or $500 pet year cari lire butter t-han he cotild un Chicago with $11,100 or $ 1,21>0. I he beatîtiful- trekSses ai Young ladies are, One fact wu desaru t-O mprefs tapon aurj now called beau-elring.- -'i «Whlthy Uttice-4 whiLby Qtle-o site Blaeks flot U O RSiul,1tON& CefoaviS s 1 ý