WAIEU il t.~tv. te. LI&msay, lut. 24, iNI, 811 TO T 0àz.-LLOYD'8 * 10GII,T TO;AXzPIUCÀL RAIL.1 ,AND C~OOIITY WMOA? 0! U OOTLÂND, IELAJVD ANI AL8-S8M fffl , ntueauriedd »;ý oei4100, c"7 »ov ge< b mouo là,tw $sti/ Canm1ronWOVilW. h-àm 1!b 58e.»tà &%a Il Ote medIels. *a4d ,t .ooo m s md te, and io a=il:s 221-24sof Wg i*>W& M artl gpdW Tui. fes (18mtIio ad, 1w- ho M t utkml.h IBfet, m"difrOM' D FIMA ,LE PILUS àý 1l M lyown enor land Zotopaphor, US1 of ng"t i. untama . ~ i the m rpr.d7 tamal Oltasupor loued AI andi dangono o s u e~pl.vsiepwdn eolurebd le cousîltutloa. rblyin e.uae,îostid -snd vrn, hd icecses andi nemoves aIl Ob Pao 8fllnis esbslïq($2). No Map aI$20 teyer cause, andpti y aa=antéthl& 1140:ni ugbo.nta n. - - capital %Do go t. adga.Chicago;,Cianinattl, MEID LADRES3- Nova seotia, Xolev-Bm-avici, East and Wet d. It wiii,,ln à short timas - -ldes, Auialaîafad Cailfornla, la open -ca& y poriud -wîit nretanirty. c«. OammakeIbafrtune vbol emaling titis and AMTION. ---other m&ps ho subagentr Elgiîty tbousand , not b taltea by Nflai 9"of ls iP VOIS Uhtýfo.l lng-eý urlug thie IRETT 'RER Our &ra&' I*U ftU n, - . 5 hie.m hPew b re sure 10 brtng on Mcar- un. s. To av up.no ylother ime, and la every J.TtLOD penecty safe. J T.LOYD, vousl and Spinal Affections, N.2, otAminlBetta N 4a Pubîsie1 ad Llnibs, Reavlneas, Fa-t o 3 otad re. .YadN,1 -- ~ ~ -IStrandi, London, """ i- àA etch 1 eirct aI- Brifain, 6potg meud lredicitie dealerts 4i mong the inuit important ot Modern bietici ruk'neastands tbe UANADIAN PAINIiiTlOEt AsastFtamiil Miýiciie, il la well aud téyor- ably kuow,,eii, vu. thotisantis froin pains la 'the SitteItack atmI ilettd, (Jighs, Qolda, Soe (hltera Mor-bu-a, l>ysctry, Loweb Gompainlts, - uSaldi, Frost'bitcs, &o., &C. 'rhe (iarti I'R in Destroyer bas -uow been kwforo teé pub)lie fora letigltof thue, sud wher- * ever used h'iisùI 11k cd,-never- fiiling in a single * in.tanceto give permnient relief w tri ley lt'isei, aud #wu haiive uever lcown a singe case of diistWa.ictioa, wlivre te directions bave been pruîîerly fotliotret, butt on ti e o ntrary ail are deliilit(ettwith -its peutenandi spea-k lu the highest trws f-ils Virtues andi Magicai ec&cta. 1Wê spcak fi-cm expei-iencein luiii; Malter, baving tstid il horoujdly, fsn4 therefore tose - who are osuifte:ing roinia-ny cf lbhecomplaints -for wlri it iî recoînt9îendedý may depensi upon il heing a. ov Reigu lvdy The~loWîiîgefficncy oet tiîCanadian Pain Destrd'yier,-inî clriingthe fsassor tritii l recoininewieîî, a od itq wotidtrfiil suoceas in sti-i (l- hing the itorturiogpîditns tof Rcuxatsi, and' ln relicvitig Neýrvo)ti8 A flibetion8, entitlc, it te a higit rankinltthe- isl-ofnemtedic tfor tes. coi- plaints. riors are coming in froin Medicin Deuaient, hq aIl pîrr-ts of tii. ou rdry for lbrther - - tipjIiés., And ciel, ftetifying iW<o te unit-ersal Tle Cidi~nl'a-m t>eqtroyer neyer ails te vo i,,.au oe.Ail Medcindneaiers -kleep it. boryieaa îder and ti ii l and no fp-nit ivilbe, withoiit after oce 4ryiug-il. l>rroonly2. iii ît4 per boutle. - All orders Shoiil iici&ed to SOICI1 1110 &l' M~ Newvcastle, C. W. SoM l in Liiiole.v -vC.* 111f ton, Knowiicqn - - (~-rutt~ nt i tlir Me IaIIfî A tws <liioo le. Itgiass, Manilla ;A. Wýi-tt -Iiltiiîl ; G iIchris.t k arwWooôdvilie; 'iiatMa telit, Uîneliu, a id* alilMedicine * ~ Iia.!rt. - 271 Further Postponed, * Lot No. 2 South li tsell Street, nol-having been disposeti cf aI the sale by 17,1IL IC A Tic rxo N! on Wedneuuiay lait, will h. soid on SATUR DAY, 26th of' Aigust,1 ut i., at-Mrs. Ftunlcss Itel. à vinsy Aigml t2 I 5885, THIOMAS NICENT, 1 1 fuctioieer. b, 1t. - 31.2 1>1 O'L E.- --- for inu iieestin - "inVi 1>, i(d CrkCorniplatnten-Townaifhip, j t u di tuk -~inte abovue elerated terril ~ tb o ti tit-tit irty-serond (1-32) ,of titu wtîîkîui' ,O¶vruet imn LuascNo.. 139, situated ton i ~tht trai Tiia %weli is airendy 100 'Yelt Down, -ai i oil vl 14 1 -(),I t tnt froin the ne# colo- -hm-dNo. 19i Wuit mi t4le 1ilnitien Farin, wi h Ii Vi14 lndy 0on fire, and la ttftW CI nWhtIG 30 ln h.r SA STEAMBOAT NOTICE., »aily communication WITÉ ROCHESTER. Tihe staaanch Seagolng Steam er ROCHESTE~R J--WILL 'LEÂVE OOLBORNS ..aiga uuuo.e -o.uaij And Portflope aL.........9 30 i.m. direct for Charlotte, eoaunecting titere witit af- lernoon trais fox Rotoster.. -IIETURNING, WILL LEAVU CHARLOTTE. every algbt a l I lrect Co Morne, Cobo utig antiPrt hoe.D Fer freigt or pa-a ppy. 10J. Keeler, -Colà. borae; Charles.EltiotI, Ce .urg; A. Cochrane, Port Hope, or taélte Captaiu on board.- Cobourg, AligusI lat- 1865. 81-lt. Liit Of Letters. RE-MAININO lu t tht EsÂvaTON Posi Aug. 2adi-1-865. Oifice1 Aderson, Johib. Grab&am, iss Mary Adams, John Neson. Gisâ, Thomas. Bluchanan .Nli GlIlies, N. Camemqn ugus Morisen, R'b'. Colas., Ï. bilis, SusAn Campbell, Dou'Id., MCaugh, Finlay Campbefl, Dougald A. -UcCuâig; D. ' Frencht, Joli , McLéod, Miss Aun Cilcitriat, Janet Mcltlanu, Donald Gilebrist,, Nil MeBa., Donald Glichrist,,Ellet. MciTaggart, Rob't. qraham, James MTai-, Peter GrahatnWlla Snl, sa Persons calling fôr tue above *11l pleame aok D,. CAMERO,p>. M. AND OTIR -ÂumitICÀk I<5wspAPES. ENGUSII AMD AMERÇA m MAGAZINES8 orders recei-ved ansd subscibers promptiy<ur- CHEAP. SOHOO.0L BOOKS: AND at Mo RI 11,1H..Y'S IIDOO1-S TORF, - opposite MeCLennian & Co.'s, Kent St. Lindsay, August11h18. AMALGAM BELLS *AMALGAM BELLs; AMIALGAM J3ELLS,. AMALGAM BELL.S, A T prices wlthiu 1he neacit cf eveny Churéh, :School, Cemnetery, Factory, or -Fànm in, the land. Thteln use, lbnoughout. thelUnited Statesana.d CanadasfMr lte past -six yeans bas pro-yen Ijicin tê co6mbine uPinost valuabie quali- lies. Amongwhieb are TONE, 5TtE£4GTII, âONOn- *ouaxss, a n4 DU1ABILITY Or ViBUATION, unequal-e led by any other maniufacture. Sizes freux. 15 tô 5,000 Ibs., eostig r'wo-Tni us Latitan- other ruetal, on 25 centa per "pouud, at wliich prictr1ianrané.thein twelve mothi. Old*bell inetlt takon la excliauge, or bongitî for cash. used for a erecular le lite manufacturer,- *No. go- Dia 8tIÉ!iT, NEw Yous Liait of Pricea, - Wighta, and Sizea of -Farm, lnt e-, Steambott, &hol-tou, - Shop, and F tory Bel. These e lls are fiîted with-.Yoki, Staudard'à Crank and Bot, comploe. for lise'. <fBeLl sud Diamiter 1 Coqt of Bell sud I Ilitgiligs eromplete. -~ i 1 T lches S3, 75 2,) ai 11 . 5-00ý 35' 10" 875 50 -12 ' 12:250 160 là875 150 " 20 ' 3750 200 122Il '5ô où 250 -" 24 S 62-50 -List of Acaderny tabaî ieaam Churc ýY ,,-wiiA pariulrs a c * lu#VeilstPru, pafrel4ian,, SiSceker Rosis stil tnuura-vu. The ' a s., 5'3? i4 govttl tittt 50 sOOp as ih(eeroda il ' wn tîhîîîji, îhuî,el-wîI i tenbe hé la rg- a zig &.! le worisi litt-au3 vent teinterout nov- w u>i- qmî1o wilii doubtedly b. vorth tehn 225 Io,-2in $56 00 I$18 0$71-00 i ro t. Also te 1-32 lun1ease Na. 132 275 - 29 69 no - 18 00 '87 00) i5ik firii, , flUumna few roda of lte for- 375 32 -400 22 00)11 60 0.- Ili' tli n-s hse me1-32 ltas beea ce- 450, 84 112.00> 2506) 137 00) lItgtnit îi4o oes and ethe fisteriaI, 80 o 15 < 004 8 < (of wîorimg liell, ase.qqments 15o 40 - 188- OÙ '85 00)'225 0<) 1Yh maie ndifor tiie wafges. Also, the 00 1 - 0) 4Z 00)292 00) mking iotut n eaIase. No. 3, Reynolds 100- 48 3Q 00 0) 45o 9 U < Wu'Il f>lu ti lt- own 'lu lte tiepth utf 140 50 350 o0<) -00 oo 400 00) Thi mître s %N-itliii80 rôda of te . Sa 400) 4OU 54S i7ied 'Sit,ei Weti, a-ndiflI excllent. 1800 52 450<0 640 0145410 0 ~ ~ iî lov , tî18e lmI-It ag 00 58 4500 0) OÔ00 1 02 00 1)iYii4 %vant. uisjoaid fnr te privil- 2000 - 6<) 500 0<) 72 60 '56270<) imkmt- m. ti Tms~1-trtiluera-s3000 63 160 0Oô 83 0OÔ J8U5 0< r»t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~30 66 t-i ieit r-otI 10,wib 30> 8 875 0no 87 00 962.00 ' sont n li l ic oe raisemhbly.4t)00 6F -1000i 60o- oo 1 0 O ] 11on00 < oigr tai 14 10'E ei 4500 72 1125 _06j 113 00) 1238 0<) 5 000 75 1250O 00- 125 0<) 1375 0<) alorýIhirvs lieŽ n-el akpn iii)lIn ten diait te t1w t o eiurree-e elmim- agrSxsMd ôadiaM 1.ppon.t -iiýht (of rt ta ning tic -ii,,tcrnuts filhisLugo8mesteterda20i.prcnd 11W, a.s he foeis conmidett of. beiug abi. - GuÂNTIB,-Afl1 Beis sold aI tite atove t!> fidnert le n.at aai dvatîceaprices warranted -uagainal breakage iyfair IlIseveri bîiiinred., aitiin one week inging, for itW eleMonls rom ttintecfpun- àt tinte. - penations bor driiiing arc -citaalag. PB itii ue fail a a#v -bell yuil be. rnuniienced on-flicte l iff lter. interests, givén b>' returutng lte brokea eae. Wole li-s ie udriva in about ton veeks. Ordero may be sont lthrough te AxanîcÂAN il mu 131) will te dom-n lu about 21 days. AnvuntîsmaG xâoir, 38f9 oadway, Noew ipticu book wiltei ised on lItSep- York.- Iténc, the uecusqity cf gsnb3cribng early la case a Bell breaàks afin lite expir ation cf distpuiunin-t . lte 'Warnaýte4o, I sw -lw!priesfor the oils - --FRANCIS WITALLEY. hse liai m Ashton Pt H.é wiil give tise 11gb. pricet Lindsay, JUDO liii, 180 id o"u Go0di, iiienov 4me 1il tue Im fer .CAM , Ud utel0 v e .primos et Qoods su, mmm daM l h.Omuls'~1vilshlm. At, b sud lion pronoune. VA i-. Pienr Ilshire (, hWie omslas.04- p" 7jd." IFin habTovel ..- 4 10ti. " lplenditinM.rv Wdrocis ld. up-" ry sbade Style, aniprice.. A'LOVELIr -DRUS' ef 10 yaida -Benot ULIIIé la ' great vanlety, %o. ' sol i vithhot Wpii. -À canrtoon"f A.WLS to 1b. .acl d.An -iimmnste quatlty Of STRAW G ,OODS, imedi shoed Of ah&amy prie. tii bayer pleabes.- !Silklamsdkrd.iefaOr.a,-lxboothaParoaota oaby 6irs, Ribbouua FL tus ifosi »"ryt4i*g pou nedR'IWARD-- I(OTE TEll FACIl bt Pnioe forgooti Butter and I ggso la «ee4brg8ood t teai b. i 15 301-tf DSSOLUTI O 0PARTNERSIUIPO. OTICE la hereby g<is nthat lie l taofLMAY h CADOTtE ýhb bà asday dissoivesi U-ymrni oen. Al Accouats ati Notea for or agaush min ii b . Ulesettieti by.A. Cadottç.. LOUIS LEMA!. - UGU8TuS ,cÂDOTTU. Lladeay,-3uaei, 1885. la refioncefo the aboe t hesigbuenibejr takes'ibis opportuaily lu thank bis fiende for their past favori ad ihohop". liaI îbey yulcontinue lu give hlm a liberal ahane of, Ilicotlom.. bi as a large stock Of READY-MADE CLOTHING - - i hand and laCbtiiAT VERY 10W. PRICESB. laClts ouwllfidCanadiau and Scotch Tweeds, CUassitneresi, Silk Mixtretosi Bnoad Cohs,.&c rillinga, Linena, Canada Bqçglng, Shintings, te., &c. AU. h1 i# Ck>t/b* gis madèon i/&e prtmîaa tvr esoai re CLOTHING MADE 'T0 GRDE Il tii. most fashionabie styles, and tyý pis. 0:) A PERPECT FIT WARRANTE». g The remainder of tthe Dry Gooda wiit b. sold at cost, as h., does flot iqtend lu keep any mori after this season. The Higiiest Price.in Cash paid for good elesan wo. ,Cash aIma paid for Butter. No credit given. A. CADOTTE J. COSTE]LLO &CU Beg to announeç the com letion 0< their Spring -Stock, COn istïrng of Ready-made Clothig o, ts andj Shoes, Liquorsý, &ce. Our stock of Dry Goods la very large sud weit assôrted, and ùwiug to te great decline iu lte orc f Cottimk,-we arc enabled to offor greatinduicemnus to purchasena. ,In C-iadian a-nd Scotch Twaeds we bave a large dispiay' GROCERIES, BOOTS -& SHOMS, CLOTHING, AN.T) LQUORS, as msal, neceiveounr attention, and w. hay'eno besilalion lu saying taI ne bouge ia 1h. Inade willorchnu ndenseti us. Cash is wat we waut, and O'2r FOR CASH WE -.BIVE.DRANS =' An inspection of uer stock is ait we ask: The gqods and Pnicés wiil speak for themielvas. U31 Produce (for wbich the hîgbùtstprice wiliib. given) lke iiecag. J.COSTELLO &Co-* WilS.om' a lk,-opoit ca»Lenats'#a ardwareStore, Km . inlsay. rE RNITUREF UmRNTURE! E'verv DescriËgioit. edd diraCes SUBCRIEROF'FERS FOR SALE -THE LARGEST AND' BESTý PARLOTJRIING, >AND K[TCHEN CHiAIRS, PAR- LOUR, DINING, ANDKTCHNTBLES flAIR SOFAS, .COUCHES, &LOUNGES, IEBORS BUREAUL'.& U1BOARDS.-AT ÈS O VU ; QUALITIES, . SOFIA, ARSE 0 VR commOm BEDStE ADS,: - F00TSTOULSY c, Articles of the. best. àand newest.desigus aiwaYs kep t oni baudac Wili b. nSi AT T HE LOWEST PeuRE FOI CASH!W e> AI orders «srefulLy aUei.ded to :.. 0::)..Co i a laie.kËicouatl Ieesbr-ADOINI.IG THE ENGLISI!HRCH. CABINET KR NEW FÂ?4CY GOODS. At GEMISJAGER'-ý.IS* lXeenaa's Mock*, lent Stireet, '.lind8yi A SPLENDIf STOCK 0F BEAUTIFUL GOODS.ý. J ul Receiveda lange quantity of nev -styles Wall Paper, juitable fer Dining Roams, Besi RScus, Panirp, H alls, &C., ail ofwhiçh t'ii h. solti at a smail adance uon côst; Papir Wintiuw Blinda, Looking Glesses, andi Lookingg ÇI&1a Plate, Fictre Frames ai Nantie (>nancntu. CH-ILD-RE-N'S -CABS A4ND î.C ÀBRR1IAQE S: EngliisbGlue, Walking Sîeki, -Canes) -ke. TAc "LEwers 0f <ke Weeul"- vilI lad hie bes Tbaucos la great vaniet>'; Pipes frinu a cent, anti upwmrçIa; Cigars et lie besl bramda,-and Cigar Case in ever>' style. [0- FINI 017? CIEWING TQeC>BAOQO SPLENDID QUALITT WHT WNEVNEÂ Ladies vil la' a va ried taock of BeadaBalu aiigCaltaib. Boailla Woois, Jevýelmr>', W*eddiau Rium. sud rv at.v hnWa,,tv0 Ir, - - le,.s*~am.Penflimen! sud Bain Oul. asti I ttrdr. ~ws. DorWett the Jewett Hue S&VEYOUR'MORE£V T.H SUBSORIBER HAVINQ OONCLtTDED TO Retire (o uies -iIsiibslarge sud varied stock of pr.uwhifl astonisthle buyer. .JW BTR -DOBS-ON &NIBLUCK, Importer@ amet .Dealers lut GE-NERAL. GROCE RIES, TEAS, TOBACCOS, COFFEES, SUGAR WINES, BRANDIES, RUMS, OLD TOM ANDHOLIJAND GINS, CHIPPEWA- MALT, OLD RYE* AND COMMON WHISKIES, &-ç. &c. The subscribers are determined as, heretofore to -supply a *ant long bilt in tiuià,town, by keeping constantly on band lte bet brandi of Imùported :Wînes and LîquorAies and Porter, al of which will b. SÔ1ld at Lowest Possible P: Lindliy, Ray 4h, 18s65. The Dutch Flag. Zevived NOW IS THE TIME For peculation!0 N OTWITffSTAMNG liGthe bard limestiiene ýmuaIt e monied men -enougli let inl the- country witoare villing le luveal Item capitli toadvantage, and le litose lte undersigned ad-, dressés bimself viten ho infoirngtem taI ho is detenxniued lo-netuto blte ols countnyk sud thèrefore visites tà dispose cf bis following val- natte lînoperty sbonld Il be aI n a acrifice: -Onu tao stolly brick, and- cone trame housû,_ standing on oue lot,. ana cule -îwo story lar.ge fraîne-house on anter lot a.djpining; al -veli fiisbed, viit every accommodation, and i pca- santly isituated' on Market Stret, directly pp- pobite ihe.new: Market bouse. Also, one Ivo .stery ramebuilding (sitop aud dwelljng) onl Kent Street, aI preseaI occupied ty inseif, a goosi ganden sud tarn. attachesi, with overy, convenience ton a business inu. And lu view cf bis détermination, lte 2b- seniber. bas- commenced ta sou off bis entine stock of SHOP GOODS atq cost pice-1 evenytiig ceep-aud ta, prove ibis thte public are respectfully, requested ta walk tmp tte i * vOt end sud take a viow of bis sample vin dow, arbore ho ha on exhibition apecimens of gends wîtb -pnices manked Iin plain figures, se that evéry . one -Ma y sàtisty titeiiselves upen lb. méritacf lte article. A sotrict cash business la -donc, s0 please tning te cash witit you. LTCUi furtiter notîce lte subscriber wiii -cou- ia-uc tecarry on the Watcbmakinig business as beretofore, te viticit ho bas aàdesi tue beau- htiful art of Eugnaving. Inàrniplions upon RingaWaches, Doorplate; Coffinplâtes. Forks, Spoongs, Signets, Ne*spaper.Cuts, or Business Card 'Stamps, yl ho executed ho order. lu sur perler style.*-- indsay, Ma>' 2Srd, 1M, Kent 15t., iWesI.. 5. 299-6m l NOTICE- A Lpensons-indebted tô lt- Estabe of lte Jute John- MightI, at-Lindsay, by Note cof Hand or Bock Accenut, are bereby required te take notice liaI lbey will finteire Notes and Bock Account u inte bauds cf P., A. HUTRD, Solicilor, Lin-day>, wbo la authbotiged le neceive paymeuts, grant. dîsobargos, and arrange.wilb parties geuerallyr. An huâmediaté &et tierent- la requested. - AULMG , Acting Erecutor, ..-The buainess lateIy cçiried'ou byte iate Mxt. Migh,4 Lt Lindsay wiul ini future ho condueted by Mn. laisiey, Lorelofore acliixg as Forentan l *the. said business fox th. late John MigitI. A liberai patironage runi 91d cuta.- ors le respectarly'solicitted ta bis bbiaIt. Juii. 30,:1865. -305-m Insolvent Act of MAI64 is M/e-mater ofSILAS SM) T of Xirlc- field, aan hsalwst. EH oeditons of i. qetharm netlfied T ltat 1 theunduminsad, . 0Wood, oftble Town cfLindaay. havebeea appohxted OFFI, CIAL ASSIGN'E&, afbis stte aad Ebcts, sud they are required lu prodace. betore me frein Ibis date, thein cîhimaupan lthe saisi Es- tate under oalh, sp-ecifysîg lte seourity bbey itolti if r. ,t eyvaue ot i; and if none, injacýwith vourchers a usupport. of Liadma>', luI>' 1% l885~ - S.C. WOOD, FOR -SALE!. Apply ho J. RO uIE OPgINs, 'rces for Cash. DOBSON &NIBLOCK. Farmeirs Attion ! The subscrîber desires te înform the customer. of thie late firm of Keis &,Lýoveil, as well as the general public tah h now ca.rrying ou lte Ilarnesâ and Saddlerv busines soleiy ou Liis owu assounit, in the otd îtand ade- joinîng the store of IV..mitchell 4r Co., William Street, Lin dsay, wbere he wlli be gioa to bave a visit froint eryone in wanl cf any. thing in bis liue.: Workîng ciesàI.>' aI the business lîimaelfi and employing none but experienced wkorkmen, and b uyirig bis materiai for cash, he la prepared t» offer the fullowing price list for the condidera- tion cf intending *punchs sers: Good heavy Short-Tug Ilarucîs with. beavy ilamej ........ ......... .$l8 00 Long-Tug.da do do - d do 20 00 Ilolit Ilarnes ........-------------. 16 OU Set of lîghl singellarness, witliî rai.4ed traces, round Unes, a nd hip-strapi and fancyrýBridie....... ........ 180 A ood servicc.abie double. set of coarse- fitiez, (suita-bIe for a bliggy or light work) w l-h crupper andtihip-strapî, roun lins an f ~ ....Bi ..e25 00 And ùver-thing iii proportion. Repairing executed ieatly, promptly, antl Wlîlps, Lashes, Surcingles, Bridies, Haltera, -sinusites, Comibe, &c. &. kept coustantly on band and sold-very cheap. Ail kinds cf.Carniage and CuIter Trlnîiiiîg doue at the iowest pnices. 93» A cati is respectfuiiv soiicited 1 JAMIES LOVELL. Lindsay, Deceuiber 21,. 1864.,2,78-ti je. ODonnell, fD. S.,9 OF PETERBGR'Y, .B FGS to return bis siucere thanks a t:e im habitants of Lindsay aud. surrotunding country for lte exrtensive patronage w-hile vis iting the place, and would aise state ltaIito basa opened a permanent office in cha rge cf Mr. C.H. Corbet, late assistant wiIh Dr. Day,.Den- tist,,cf Kingaston. The business will be co&- ducted by under lte name-aud style cf O'DONNELL _& CORBETT. Ail opera tiens performed on the Iatest and most scientiflc prîneciples kuewn to the profes- sion,1 and wa rraulcd 10 give satisfaction. TUntil furîher notice, Mn. Corbett may le fouud at Mn. Keenau's office, in ýreai of Mr. La- Course's office. Mn. ODonne'ltiIl sont nuei bis visita as usual, viz : ounlte firat Th tirsday. la encit montît and renain* ono xeek,l wheu bu wili EXTRACT lUTH WIATHOUIPAIN, RE FER E NCES : Drs. liartiin, - Aàdrews, Benson andi Cogan, - M. DUnsfoard, Soicitor, ll. Gallon, Deputy Siter- if, Geo. Kempt, T. Keenant- J. Dundai, J. Lent- bau, W. J. Robiuson, J. B.,Knowlaoù, W. Grace, L. A. Cadwell, A. -Wright, Esqi. Mn. Corbett would . cifen tle following letton of recommendation froum Dr. Day, Dentist, et Kiagston, sud in addition i te folowing rober- - - "Iingston. - 't ing a good kuovienge .cf Mr. C. Il. Cpr-betldunighiatudio, witli me,1 cheefully rexemîmend hlm ltulte 'Pubie as a Dentist, botit Sungical andi Mecianical. B. 'W. DAY, MD. tgDeutiat, Kingston.' RzVrzKNCes :-Drs. Fw.,Strange ,andi Brown, Sir Henry Smitit, Sheriff Corbett, Ja mes O'Reily, Esq.,-Rov. J. Gemly, Rev. Mr. Clark- sIe, Kngaen'Mr. LaCourse,, 0. Dornier sud G. J. Weiler, Soliioma,Lindsay. i -LutLayNov.111, 164.2713-tf Fa&mnely Groceries, &c. rENTSTREET, LITDSAY. G tONFECTIONERY, Sweetmeats, Fru .its, VTeas, Colo., Cho ice.Tobaccos, andi Faney Pipes. Cigara of liste Brana-d. Ciii at Oadwefl's! b" Nv thelb. ime to muhacibe rthe I Par a btenewvovlumn ee'nmences lu a Isovenàt Aet of 1804 T rig Creditors eoflie updersiged arn loti- .f lie l meet at lie Law Offmc ofMei. MACKAY h RE AP, theb. ova ofLindsay, hiqte Coanty cf Victoria, on Satuar-y, the 11h day of September, 1865, aMtle houx of Elerea o'clockilte fenn, for tlie -purpose of ne- eeîving atateinents.-of bla affairsand of amg an Assigne. to- whom he inay make an Aoslgn- meut under lte abéve Act. Dated atuthlit ova ofLindaY. iFlie conty of Victoria, t ix* ~jeuth day et Auguai, A.D.18.- JOHN MITCHBLL, »W ruiding at1h. village etf Enmiake, in lb. 0onnty of ýDurbaLt, labourer,- for. q.riy residingadthe-tovu of Lindaay,*la the Oounty of Victoria, and t»m «Mzring *on the-busimessot Inn-kmer. JAMES HEAP, Lindsay, Linduay, Anguat ltbp 1885. 31141 The Lverp l &London Daily Income of the Company, $12,000. The Fire Pçemimsa rectived by tht, Coin- pany during the year 1863 exceed those of any other Company in, Great Britainý by,£200,0O4> Sterliwg. Insurances on every descrition- of property effected at the lowest remunerative rates. Losses liaid immediatfly on prooLf -JAMES HEAP, Agent for Lindsay. - .office iniKelmpt's Brick Blook.. To hoe Sold- a Bargain. The soutb haîf of -Lot No, 18," in the i5th. concession -of Mariposa, containing 10e acres, of wliiclh about 70 acres are dreared and un.- der cultivation; it is well feliced, bas a 1good log -and also &,Prame Dweling bouse, and a. sinali Bara and' Stable there~op; there la al- ways a good supply- of spring water on the let. Tizýe will be given for the greter part" of the putchase money. Title indisputable. For particulars a.nd -to treat, appt.> on the promises to the Proprietor, on Msas.GEORGE LAKE, ér-t Mesrs.MAC A IKEAP, 280-tf Lindsay, Xgoneyto .Lo=* RHE UNDERSIGNED lanqw prepa Md :,Iend $50,000. (belonging*to private individuals), For PIVE 'Y EARS, on lmproived Farmi, la large ýor smati amiounts to suit applicants, at a LOW RATE 0F INTEREST. For furthier particulars apply Luté JfljES HOLDEN, Prince Albert. AIso, 30,000 actes cf Land for Sale intb Gounties of Ontailo, Peterborough, Victoria, Lambton, Kent, Essor, Grey, Middlesex, Perth, and other Counties. INSURANCES effeted at moderate rate«. Prince Albert, March M, 1864. IXPROVE»PAB FOR SAL E. j I1IE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale. Lot No. 9 in the lst Con. of the TOWNSHIP OF MAIIA, CO. ONTAR1(I Sitixated ia.the centre of a. good settement, and within 3 miles of TITREE.SA'W MILLS- AND 4, GRIST MILL. The Property is approacbed by good Brada, and is witbin-1 of a mile of.tbe c iE N T R_ 9- R0àAD. The Land is cof the BEST- QUALITY; and thé. .Titie là indisputable. Application may be made to. DUNCAN XcRAE, Esq., Eldon Mutas,,Balsover P. t or to the prýoprietoer on tbe promises, DiONALD MCRA,i Talbot River, Marai Mfarit, June 2. 1864 20f xMoney! Eoney! xoney! T 1Eundersigned bas advices fiom bis' cor- Tlrespondents, of LARGE * UM 01r- ONUY awaiting investinent. on -Choice, -Iinproved Farins, in the. ,OLD S£TTLED- TOWNSHIPS of this and the adjoiping Counties. As part of- the monies belong to private individuals lbans can be negotiated in FROM TEN .Tb. FIFTEEN DAYS_ atter lte applications are made, provided -te Tities ame fot. nnusually cotnplicated. *Apply, if by le tter pre-paid, te G.X. ROCHE. Lindsay, Aprit 26, 1865. 295-tf. Penton'5 Hotel, iMaiiUta, after the arrivatof the Stages from Oshawa, M'itby and Beayveto, -amving at Landsay al 8.o'ciock i n ite eveang. Fares reasonabie. Trhe proprieter wii net h iesponsible for parcels or baggage uaies book- edan 1ai fr. GEiORGE CRANDELL, Pro pri Sur Lindsay, A Prit 1- 18"4- 143et< PORT HOPE& PETERBOROI RAILEWAY ON and after the 22nd uof MÂ&Yithe. Peterboro' Trains ill rtas follows: MAIL. Leave Port Hope at-----------..5a,. Arrive st Peterborough ah-------....12.15 p.. Lest-e Peterborough ah.. ......... 3.30 Pm-. Arrive at Port Hoe...--------... P.W. Leave Peter-boroughit ......10a. Arrive ai Porl Hope à'-------.,1 55 Leav o Port g oel» 5t.......... ....... 0 Arrive atPîLerboroOgb------5....- B.Ri.XIBL, JHFOLR saprwatmi*W. IMaqùg iNreetor. MONEYTO LOAN AT EKOSIT P&I Ci APLY t - lIT. G. D~IRUR Soliciter~ iLe. 1-- , - ': , *