-I Fi (;... . pa.ld ltu ancery S. lccir Kent Strocd. ;Iock, Kft treeta w'l uup ,.L.BBaristtr, C( ruyhas opbenel a1 Albert, i addition to po Prince.Albert Offi IOver ?Mr. I-lbi Office. F, BARPISTERS, & T-LAW, Soicitors in CI Coareyafleerz$, .8. ND 8AY. HECTOR CA MElON, CHUARLES. B. ORDE, .F- - Law- 3ns AIT- Lan- 13av,. Kel -strept,, Lirtdhi3av, Cu. rt)TitIIIR, Rarristers arid At- teei-.iSoititors iu Ohalicery, 'ubic, CLiuvea.crs, kc. &c., Lind- e lu Keena nS Block, Kent Street. Jeu. US62 ,131-tf A -R C ttorneyv-at-Law, Soli- Chaceu'aitl nslx~nryNotary 8e. Ou in iiiMo)ouxuell4 Dov, , opposte Brpugail & Glrmsuu'c. Sep22 '5 1864 .,-(;5-tf KEM~PT, C. M., Ora.duate of MCGil eitv. Nl(leitl Referee te t-he -Ln- .t Brifilh andutMercinutile Insuranct *office lxv Mr. George Xelnr Vs- ,Lidsay. 29t -LUKIEy, Tailor, William- Street, ~~~y.M1,; . arnasmdup- iu the boit st flue- ,w liing ratu,. Ut or-- reuc riuiitattentionî, anra in900d ,eed. y 7-> ~iE Ct-d ugutee nsut ProVinrial a iïirvejor, It ttuseli Street. E~Cvl ingin2er anud provinceial- ,Surve,.or,. 0fficee iii Mfr. inpt SugoxAceuluehseuir, . I'- -- ATTT.E BRITAIN. tlM. »W, srgeost, Ppya!iâ sia d ceouclucuî. suly rgeo mIfue Vruuv. iuffl~-1obeag4-oe.W. BE LL 5 , ooer S i o , KE JA'$ LOK .181K. 241-t T(iate lrgulli8t of Tria- 'I' ericher a. te Piaino-l Ucecidenre at Mr. lrtos riîOr'aus. NLENE Al- Veule, na Measr <'irai tanieron, h E'IIT Couanty Au l~-.~te inu'V bon '<uti ru tiurns P~' ~ mccl Lnîdsav. r ~.Workurg plans e: $j-uit tud 1>oorfrauux Oe mMand àeâsat t.b4d nai it. e aIalu o Li I0. Pmo Omnibus to i*ad fronithe Cr sdbosa. Bou O pu Dr D,. Liady-r Xaroh 19, 1863. - 192-th or Vfictonrla andl sur- x.à -ha i15BdA lte orsoill finit aen>'coenU-ei ta and -Cigats of the beet Au attentive @,i iy5 s iýtendnce. Linday, eo. 8, 164.229-tf (LÂTE JICTx ,ààEcmAX) W.IL7ON ST£ET,,PORTIHOPE.- ]RRgT DOIProprl.t.er T f~av i aff hol' be tftA ly COfl commiodatlenfu fr1 tr .vlellers sdthre publie geerali>'. Urider- plreset management ne efrorta -yl hospared tha I i .W11conduce. to the couifort oetgucs VS, Thé Tue ot of Liqtiors aud Cigaýre. * 247-1:y, Mevert fouset, Tihe subscriber bega lu sunonce Ihat lie bas ieased the above hotel, which bua been furnisit- cd anud fitted up tbiDughOÜith Ve hoat of Étylé. N~one but the choicest Liquore -snd Cigare ill b. kept- li the bar , and bis table wll be furnii- ed it Llal tIre delicacil utf the Besson. K'careful andiobiging .Osiers AI-ways in iXtteWM. PARKI , Proprie tor. Corner of IKent and Willhun Strects, Lindsay. - JOHN' STERLE, Propietor. lI g (; 1 ilhe iaaboie well-knoWillcen-, il1tral Ilotel for a terra of -Y arsind ha y- inig titcrolighly refittedý and refurnisheif the saint,,fthe pru prîetor wMl be glad te have a ral frtxum the travelliag pnllitc. The Barisefiurtii!sh- ed with the, best wines, liquorsansd cigars: Plenty of shed4l mm-and exteniveYO tabling uin- (ter the Charge of goild HoSti ers. 278-tf THE QAKÇYOQD MO HTEL,ý main Street. O""WOOdC.W.I NATMA4NIE L YER EX, ProPrietor. TI E Proprietor esiresq ta intimâte to hie j ' frietids and the publi that having fur- cilage(' the new itotel Iately occnpied*b.V Chas., lifodgson. lie A prepared tuo aTer the mi;st CoMn- (ottabls accommiodiffon to ai*ho ay favor Ilise il. aI Thre begLtof LiquoursIer lad Cigars. IC~ euiSi~sLus. ~ 300-lIy '(LÀTEIPLATT9S,) JeliOn a, e t, Tornt r iit i sbeiwr hegs to intIuuate to hie friends a.adtw ie. lie, tirai having leaqed te ah- ove cent-l r 'la ems sfût nterniof Yearshbe bas refitted aud rtinished titrougitout., and lie will bc gW ln o ar eaU (rom te trayélling couu- wunily. il?.~zelInt uJ. êtentiv* Stab lu». JAMES, OROCKER, To-nato, July 1865.ý 305-tf Jar tt- Sales. H. XU RAY huael loi, opposite te Market, Kent Street., Lind- * 270 kl 5ft7 where he is prepared to iake up Gar- ments in te hiteSt style An at.very reisonable eer, Di- chargef. Cutti ng 4oze heeazd ov the, sbort- Agent.erntie m uade e',nu.ary, ~'2804tf 264tf HËNRYV lMUGHES,'- î n4 ýLi - E Nil SEED ALCO- Lind- <LITIONHER, Land,- Il - Ken StretLindi.aY, as made nOrdlers left at 'the, Offlec of . the Cuadian 27-tPost will receive prompt attention. Lindsay, Jiily l3th. 1864. 255-tf 1,,LapaiAgent ;tsoTumber Canadn. Comupany for tIre tîriturioanduu4 urtamii.1 weiit of rie Ceutut Buiid- N - TAILOR, Williaam u, thankfi for the lieral f on hlmii foitii. prat14 itrt he le stitU prepareid o 1 orders ivitit vhticir le ma>' iras r STYLEnS, sud at moi)- i, louse, Signà aud Orna- r,(hazier, PaPér faxiger, Al orders carefuly illv.d Shiop on Wjl l aintreel. 1 6.-292 TÂrLOuL Williatm Streel PU r iture Wrehouse! Dowm sitAHfig'l Pricesu Tbeubseiber be gao informi the inhabîtants of Lindsay and surrounding countrytha t lie Las latel>' operied out a large sud varied rtock of Chàdrs, lied Stéads, Epreaus, Dressing. and olivr sadLokn ias e-. , ahof which lie wil sel aIt 'uch. lower rates than have heretofore bçen akdiLnuy Chirs aud Scfas ia Heinclotk., U- Funerals Ptirnished. Jobbing wi111 re- rze!sre prompt atterto, WM. WHITE, [LirdSy, Oppotte Jrowla Land Office.- Piby ehrua ry, 1865. -284 W.BRowNj L.peatfuliy te inforas-tise .' habitants cf Lindisay 'and s nnirounding euuty hoabahs comnwusee4 tise labor business l UIta branchi- es lu Doben3"s block, WillllmSl.,when e i opes bY flràt.clsiEs'#orkmnàusip, and strict attention lu Oll.Ji __.e e- - aarsor a . -Aeu support. Lindîs>' Aiug it 18, 1864. 204 andi as MGNýEY.;TO LO-AN >18 at - T ZICIIT Eza CENT. ~ PPL-Y te G. DORMIR orale 268-olator, 8f art of Lindsay, Sept, 22, 1843 25t MION, A NSIIO opposite31r. - Ifts . y- -1 eful for thse libe- ut for thse pat TJAVINQG Veentda PUNMO lhsdeaousuOf util prepared to -I taking pplsa t b«r resdence, RUMUaa h wbhithho nia>'atreet. A at tu l oy- a" Ternis mt uvso plctni Lindsy, May 3, 1865.26-> p te eecte,- lite dor vus vhicis Mxade' hamitlb irt regard Vu Iigi lo*be rémarkab' of making cui "l Positivel the Gahler' 1111 O> saisfacl purest and besi, sdbellèeo iii ih Iis beautu A4. andth te Public. of enabling hbummeif et manner, al or- je &voed-be ias uoqxrinted witlh at as art; snd beln lis, Chenmica,8. 'aias de ailua onunieed by judgei ted for thre purposo s. s3wili bolkt oui of F. Francis with the ýroughly acquai lcd hhGRRGORY." 1I have mucli pleasure la certifying le. Mr. Fraociës absilt>' lu regard -aehie beiug ableo. make geod phuIcÉrapha. J. F. GIMSON." <Tire pictamns takeet b> Mr. Francis, ofiud-à say', -areý as. good as 1 have seen from 'many etJ the hest flalaies Wm. MeDO.*NlELL.' "icousider tire plheIogaphs of Mr. Francis as good anud-as true sas su>'1 have ever seen lu Englaud, sud I bave seen soin. of ire finesl. Lindsay, April 7t, 1865.29 IN CUAUBERS. V. C.SPRAGGE-, Nouday thre Twenty-ninth day of Xay, Mrjesty, queen Vitoria, and iu the yeutr of ourLord, 11865. CHARLES .1ERTRAM OIRFl, AND» JOHN OWEINS Vira youzuger, Plainitifi Distendant. TPO?tNtbe applidation pl1ntigV, ftd. on1 U eailng read thre a, tt f hnn Fitzgerald,. l~nb~laha n I melGln John Clarker, and Lie sid Piaintitr anid it ap- pe&2ring by he said affidavita, and dttPositl>ng that. ýfter. due diligenc,CI fi aid defendant, john ()%*ens5 the youirger, eannot-be fûund to ho served ,til Et U OfhkEl eePY of the bill in hs- uit. It le oraCrûi, itht hesaid defenat Johin Ownus the yoang-ý. do, on or beforeo thé Thiztieth day of Set 41 mber leit, Au .swer or demur te thc said bi.'1 And it is ordered thet a eopy of titis order toýcther witit the -notice m red Lîy thr e n al(j -dern of tItis Court, ho published Iu Ttira DÂÎLY Gi 'BE 1once a week, and In Tua (CANàAD1AN pos.;%pub- lished in tte Townu of JOdsay, n l ire Cou.ty of Victoria4 for the eigbit weeks uext preccding, the nag tthirtieth day o(Septeumber set.And it 113 turtbex ordertd, that &a eopy of this -order, aud'a ofigce copy of te rAid bill, be servedon John Oweens±tu eider, thre fater af t.saidà defedant. JOHN OWENS TUE YOUNGERt, TAKE NOTICE, that if you do flot &iswer or demar to ite Bill, puroýuant Vo the above order, the Plaintif mav obtain au order te take thé BUti. ag eonfésseà against ytis, sand fIxe Court maygrn the 1>altiff snob relief as ho may be entitled o onIis own - Qhoning. -and you -wil flot reccive riny ftirther notice of the futurel proeeediiàgs l inti8 cause. Dated hs lVhi day of June, À£D. 1865.. Toronto Street,1 Toronto, Pi nifsSolleltors. Toýronto0, June 15, 1865-. 303-Id The subscriber.desfres to inforni hM. friends and the publie tiret ie continues to keep%ý Utc beslt homses, neatest and moatteomfortable carriages sund buggies, couaîtantly onIbaud for KWORKMÂN Famity *roneies, &. CAO WELL!8 AKERY, KENT STREET, >MNDSf-Y. C ONFECTION.ERY, Sveetmeats, rpts j.Tens o$ oes, <Ch"ieTohaecos, ad fàney Pipes. Cigars oflthe bes Brand. 0.1at CadWeU's Iiàdsay,2ûIb Octoher, 1664. InsIve~t UAt of 1s"4 Couty of'YVictoria, ou lte Ifitisday of Sef loi. ber 18âjAIrt the ur otBleven o'cloek n tise férnucu, for the. purpmofetreceiniag alate- mente et is i sr, Anditoef uaming au ataijgube te he ioMay maIre au atuigmnt unden thse abaq-e Set. Dateat tb. T.onetLindsy, i tla 1h eunI> .-tf. mtoria, Itbtirteentirdajr Of Auguut, residhesg La tbo n Towmhip of Mamnera, l-b.e{hounty cf Victoia.l HouItPL fur-vgw- -- 213-2 fi 1~** TII VI Midw., N S, EPTEMJBER 8, 1865%' US RÛME. ~s sud oId, bm.om lb. woId, rs&onthytold abame. aSid lt. rockài Wbs.lb rwn WUl sauWtheb.fox Watolus tise S a tswu atten d o*$a; TeshgrxPtkor # Ad ee n er feet An cu mad ui n te imbé répeat Oureyes ire véry' lesvy, sudouer bearta :Srnis for Vii>' coniag *heus tbe light departs AI eveniuing uu homeé. Thre darknesa gathers. Tbrough the glonm ne Biscs to guide us. We bave ýwandened fnr,-... ýWilhout'Thy lamp Iro kzow net where we. are;. At eveuing biug us. home. Thre clouldseare round un,-sud the snow drifts thicken, O thon, doar Shepherd! leave us nOltto sicken lthe vaste night, or tard>' foitstepe quice eu * .8 vening brîng us home. An Ameicau Ladya Ides. l àt I The.toltowing interesting latter tror tire. vire t Dr A-,ot Rochester, N.Y., u takéiu t trmthre Ro.chester Uasi. It la ex - cee dingi>' graphie andt interesting,',and coti- firmathe fayenrable impressions tiret foretgn- OrN receive lu niaiting tire metropolisutfIrse My lait letter' wai writtte luyuu fro.n Portsmoutht, in tire: iitao f -a chillinese etý iilmospitere wiih we tound ne fires.suili- dcent Vo subdue; but troin tire date- f ltat lelter te veather Iras citangeti, an&ti it bieak wiuds cf March gave place ltoa warn,. afti, balrnj air, elgar antid-sumni-lîke as an A mearican Juin,. Uninlerrbpted .sanphiine has atlended use every day ince tliiî'uugital ounrwarrderingà. NoVr and tlien bia a soft sllow.r laillen turiug the 'nigirt, ]«Ying- te dýuel, iqtimualaîing.negetaltion rapudly, andt mtsking puir varions- railway rides ttrogî(Ili :te rural districts lui Englaruti erfectly ehrin.Thre nginig of tha: lark, in the cdear blue sky, te green. award umîter our feet, starreti with daisies whorever we xvwalk'; thre voice of tîc cuckoo greeling one's. car ut eneyr>' mm; aid he ceaseless.sozug fthVie. nightingale ail ruglit, iii'thie ruagnificenit greçnery aronutiUs, remulud Us thalt wVe are iu Europe.. The weslher during urtaryl Lonidon was etîperb, althougih decidedcUy hkt Heino mucir do 1 wish Ihat -ever>' American. who amoutls Vo anylhing côniti nisit London, Ob,wa a world of -magnificenuce andi glory of tirat vistt liaq been te nca s a avel and -a historyevrc ince. but I have ceeu iV agau, an&i bey'ord al conccption vaster, more grand, more glorious far..t-hat-îhei-it fille mry inid anrd meuror>'nov. lTse whole limea wetiere ltera turing aur wàkiuîg lueurs v.e were in attaleof bewiIderruient. Dr.-'A., wyas Cenîplcltely absorbeti by tire ricirness, Vit vsîeue o lteevr-reurrugwonderM. I abýiaitattempt ne generai iescriplion. .One !hing truck.us..us uÙiqtie' on,,our entering LentSiw e lravellad by -ailvay.-for -miles OV9re lteL:ps (if heuses anti abone tire chiru- neya Xien her areundrgrundrail wvays virer. yotu tranel !or miles by gl it b>' day as veul as ',Y nig"4t.2rThere are nto streel- cars in London-bti,, tiré omnibuis syslem les a dmirable; oacI> bugs etieà -tîïetve ilucide and fourleen outia; ines Of carri;.es.are perpetutly moing up one aide cf lte steet. vud'dw avste oller, tIrer. is ne cortéusin- not-perfeet order -prenait. lu thre 'tru,;tsp notwiitstauîding tIhe dense crowds,; th& rondst- sud sidewaya are kept inu fine order-; 'e ïvere suep risei ai their eleanlines ln titis, glatt ciV>'yau mu>' waik antivahk natal you reweary, yeu may tien takre acon veyanus anti rideon- for miles, snd aili 1 noeant isl Yia3ible, Stili tire labytinthiin. streteh awray Vo.lte.nortit,-Ésetit, easl anrd west et you, asii- ycu .sk 3yourself, '<iJ istere iùdeed: no enàti ;"But te population of Loëndou lt Tretternbered,nnmbers îhree millions of soutel. la i1t, thieeore, v'onderful- that ils ,cilent smieema10b. lirnilleas? Then lh-e parka are muagifiicent. Regoni'st1 Park, with ils seven- hundreti acres cf beautiful Cgr& . éndmuajes- tic Old treel, sOutRs te b. in thre ner>' centre of -Lontdon. Yous vander oveï titiRaIs, nel- etturf under tihe lunes inhale tir. ean, pure airsand. heur tire birdaeluin as f tire vwers ne' rigit>' dity *rôund y«ou;ielegatt carriages roil paat on a rs4ays, beauti- tut ~ ~ inÈéýP cii0e-potl r upe.Wy*here and you pursue ypur walk sud: ascenti aie, manusiona, p4 acansd stall>'buildings W_- cos iible betwéeneu rtres andi you féel titat tire papitstig ieart Out tIeirest itit> l beating seqrwhaep. (Vide Poalun39, xii.,, W. nviaitetamong Otiier placoes tRfoutes ef Paliament. TIre>'are elegant, spanions sdceuvenient. - IDPqurdfer JOhnBright's pIsa in threRoute e ofCons, ascertaitret whrelite. lmented Cobdien sut, te ad -vas amuseit ai thee ,aivet pillow stuffl d ili vooL-or Wooi aak, tb eatof tis e rdeCiai- ,coller ilu-the Route.0f Lords. TIrethro n u ths-latter houte lasaBIdsoie, but I have seen many chaisintIePalpita of.Aunia churohea tuil>' at radame d fan .,more oOùnuVJtaWe l ook'ug.Tire.ar mgificent oolossalpaintiogaGo i e watts ut cIdour . sand balle in -the Perlisuwbuldings; ee superçir-patiag det misecomiug davis fra om' WaU f ethonMajWey'o robing r, ws Ise sLi~. oîhe. pctue xeeawedme Mc .a hyam illastrative . of the progr eus of Engind, in her manoIr toward1h. «mat"e g«xd end tih. true., Thre.wuasthe signing oft 1h. Maq%&a Charla, thre dpapitatiouu of Chrarles La. sdCromwell*s iarned- commen-' tary on thée event ; a giorsous picture of lte y1ctery of Waterloo, thefigures li Iife-s*ize and portraits; also the, famous etubarkation ot he. pilgtime at Delfehauen. Appropos:of Ibslatter pictiue w e ade ýa sp ceial visa- Vo Delfenagen, on reaching. Holland, to try 10o trace out, if possible, the identicai -seene . of *thre embarkation. &ftt»r journeying. round cormdxal we ramne Vo tIre »pot whith wus the bld. haven, aîa mùSî t'biie lc. ' *Mayflower lay some distance out ini the river whîle one ofhler boats took Virq *i'rîms from tàe shore. - The boat ini the. picture, if ypu reunember, lias the namo "Mayflower" on its Stara.- Itwas an interestiug experience lu us, la bc qi is ai ti *To go baek freur i tis episodle, toitbe Roncet of Parliauncrît, 1 -ju-stwish lu, say t1iratte c .età of tire îwrhe thixg je lthe crypt-a most 2eaul.tul and inlcreuiincg rentortion ; it ile coeval wità Wesitmi.nster Abbey, wbicityuEn -kno,nearly adjoins tire. Parliarnont Houses. Thtis iddu, old chapel lisetof ond gothic archi- :tec ture, some lhirty or fort>' foot in.eier Vh, ,round, sud te work ut is reatoration le ùearly corpièed. Oh,_ how beautituil it le i the rot latii. most gorgeoushly elabouratti eovering L have ever seen. St. Psu Vs Ca- Liiedral la warmed, s0 ini viaiting lit wé cold'. keep cornfortabie. W. attended service ý there une Suuday evenfing. Services verei hlh under te'dorsié. "Isioulti thiaklen. thouund porsons were present. The. offeci wa. ine .piring, lbut .1 arn sorte e Ia ie are painting tire- inte'ri of ltat1 stately struc- t ure wiit feocs gilding the cernuces, &c. 1 like lit col. 1 préfer le see te line-àtaint- un c muandtViedtimoperspect',ve throuaih tire greyr arches., But te Crystal Palace us one of the lovehicait places in London to visit -uis a.perfeet Faiiyland.-w0rds or,,ruine are tee feeble by haiftVo deser ibe it. Th. treeuÀ of .very -iropic, are growing thefra; li the Soi F, lovly' flowers of every clima blossoin everywhctre; elegant andi fantastic biide of every lune anrd every land utter tieîr sweet song, or their wiid jargon in tViose _sta'teiy1 jtalacuitafle; -music frein ail qua rters of te buil1ding floait tiugir and. about lte hxl Amost deliciouty, e tint you fain wonl ,d stih your breaitet, drink.in the enciranlment. [It je im possible to say which divisionu is muai -notewortity. Tire Moorishrsection coutain-m i ing exact represen talions of lte Alhtambralis 'ý beauifuul CNeeedingly." -Su is the Paru- poli divisionx. The illustraîlous of thé d 'iffe- retraces'of.mén are inteneeitîg- they are represented wxitit their impleneuls or war, with the iriîna xd*vegetable- productions of tire reg?*on,ý thtey-unhabit, &cý., &c. Thel Lords. of tie Admirally itatiloauxed lu thej Crystal Palace Direetora for a abori time. a piece of houx plaling, sucit as is iiaw manu-, wbich hati been used as a tet -pl t-av- ingl be .en sîxibjectéd Vo lte ire of 62 picunders- fom an Armstronxg gun. Tut onu instance thre bailliati goure counptely titrotglu the plate-lu 'se 'veral places tltÇP 1.indetationïs .*ère miade, reaching neari y îluiroug,1h te iron ;,ài a ixdtlu lweplaceslte baIllihad lod-ed in te p!ate, being firmly wedgect fast in the iren 1 ital gooti, thon, is te corne of, iroin-. clatie? N e nueanly a. day drinkiný, in tb. won do.r of titis palace of ýbeauty. Sc, nas t is tir e ptce and r-o varietlie objectes of interest la be seen, tal while tiroucatids may be within te valîs there iqnover lthe feeling of a ctrowd. ti.iV l staîed tat aroxîuudA tIre grat organ witicit stands in the contre o te -Palace is art acre of stalle auti sittings. TliaV-giv!38 a litle idea of te apace.. Thâun the groui id s,,,uisie are ïo chajiuut1g, wivth ries ail fiowers inti lakes' andi founlaitu.. Titere is. onea uOirlîe utolare preseultC world before the io, i"reall te nedi iinu ianimais knowri te lte geologiFtl-are ta be sceeri, uin.grotesque fori andi a'titude. lIn visiting urne'of tire hospitals -nlDcrnop,- :ton, urear Loutiçu, aste vusitor's Luuk .%,Cas placei before us for Dr. A. le regictr ti nAmo théerein, lte Surge.en wluo waG Vo shîow. nS roîtuti the inalituÜtion renrarked: Wa huat au imtereiting vister yasterday you see,"1 and turuing bock the~ leaf containaing the en- Irle for lte prenious day ve aaw thei auto-, grapir Victoria R., show ing that Vte Queen Irat been there. Osur guide lutformeil us tal Rer maieniy 1was ver>' mucir interestet inl nliîing suchplaces. . Ln isiting Madain Tusssud's Exhibition cf Wax Workr amouîg tire, group of grandaes anti uctabilities- of ail ages ipd courntrieo,an.d stit tire splendid coitunus ùotail nations antd tachions, we no- auzoug them instausti>', itVIrentha.viunglu roter lu our guideboek, for we siunullsneonsiy .xciidl'Mr., Lincoîn," andtilt-vasIre iii citizmn'. dresa, sud standing jost opposite laIo hlm was Je£f &i- presumne s life-likea- nsa ai9àS. Tire, ethera lus thée grop were MoClelsu ati ShldeIL One-vord jusregard-lu Esuglisit euevpap- en.Smtise duùt>' bas been titrowu off, Ihir circulation Nuas ineressetiincredibl>'. TIeLuon papera, monmtrous sheets ef -elgirIpages,. am mrad inlevery, uook anti cor- qr dail>'. Tho- -Dàiiy Tefrgrpli' thre greal »sepaper oft tie *go, la le ire toUud enery- ver.le ixcuiàon excees ofhatt i *10 Londoti oeong pap1erput togeti. li ail ouI'm pny or Ivo Anserca omis, auJ *f«r: eWla,=yaycoepndc, Nrisles Of gosa.tai laarui u ho&laWt t~t A LITERARI, '.5. V.L -VIL-Wh.i* No 814 'r. You will Sýitake luatude %Vit, a foel, lIte Bowmanïiilhae Staiesusa'n- nter'.tire -Or hisa straitiger." iteati of 4'Animais vs. -Insecte,'! alks lthne ta ils readutrs :-i" B> the Part Hope Guide -1101V THEII- . YERS CAME BY. w-learur tint on Tuee;dayetf lwl week a TULI~ PA RON SAINT, cricket imatéh .-aspJaed inlutiat town, be- Tlll,:Itt114TRO.ltwqeen eleven Il"mino-tail roarers" andi eleNei "active tl1*as," %vhiclîhresulted in a vicier>' Andt now, because 1 atur s-peaking-of petti- for thte "ix-a! by seven wickets. Tire, fogers, givo une leuve 10 tell! yen a sior>' I tas though lire ly cotriti o bang, le tire met with inleiri lived-ti iiRomle. I"Gousiia grnwtirhsainieînacit str rnO,- Lats*,an dcem;sequentlty wvoNhanted, cîcar to -Romnane 1W Csec orneantiquleîy.s. lies shv- of ltexvînniuxg poitnt. Tire ra me vaq wil- etd me a cîrapeil dedieated làt one 'St. Erona, nesseti b>' tnati)y afflue î of~~ thtiowu3 la layer of Brittanutie, ivio said Ilh an andi wlta u tt11 it-al, Rameitcuiren ticpop tagiv Vit i w- ' uas" and ti bs,', lte>' iatiquilis au sut- yer l- r:luii a-patron. to xvluch lue.repilied - "that lieknew of nc> sainit .but .vital iras FA ~w .M.GOrg Criwt dîsposeti oftla otiter professions.' At w huit tîlabin ustiaienctl u î i u o clienftotahie va!ue of 8$.5, ailo Evona %as very sad, andi onruîesily begd ltïe wiuielt %vas erowuî duriuxg the pent seasox, Pope Vo tlink of aie for luitm. At ha>t tire Ifroin a s5111410 Libiel Of idax cset.-S n Pope proposedt t St. Evena s fl lie sltûuld - sula neau 5Sley ioucu- uti', nî siiïd etiuuuuiate oilers iratu ir ,goc rouind the Ciuroit of St. Julhn de Laterauî guwui of tIulut r(p. Tlirequutity et lant. bilidlalkded, andi aller lire bai saiti sa many on wvîic.i tuis %vas nrovtuiiras less titan lial A re M.iarias, that lte firsI saint lile layd an acre, andiun a litx darrip iualîiot. Mr. liulti of sioult i ulà itou, which the ood, Car'ow vféees so - eLicouriaïed, b> tiis.restl that next yetr graw fi.or.sîi olt lawrt vilin,-ly uudertook ;anti attirt he arce. (ffax. e have cince ruceiveti trou-' end. ot hies.hnc MrÎ'a lie stopI t tSt. Micit- .Mr. Lewis Butand, of, Southr Douro,wbo put ePsaltzrxverelie14t hîticf /ledI ~i I lîseti Mr. Carlows tia. a epecimen of tirý s' aine afler ýcu-uclinL-, and ýfuuud il af excel under St. Miel's feet, autti ed àot,et'luusre'V iy-ptrboJeut. is aur 1saint -let hlm lie o patroi 1'su-e U- *<n ___-_ ing nblîndfoltted,, aurd seeiiru--wliat a patron lrMPR '.-n urîfortunate rui ired liad ciroseni lie went ta luis idinzt'O thee narn of ot tulti O'taiaurin, of Etoity' j .s f'jurd eariy titis unouiuug -il Mr. lHen dejected, thatinl a fe.w uuo:utiius afLClxva1ru'4;lie t Inur rdul dediý,fue i a dieti."ounît la;dilv bwsrcegruuusd for biood an,- bruisez, lis Oves buuuged up. 'andi hair a" ,A, MAIttD Man, iWre watt ont at a wlIZt iut atted ti iîuil. Atfrtieouialo wite li prpoct gingiroie, no anc utuar lhuitu, tîtil c*,nsttbiu5Arnotlais, parY,' e épooe'gi onw 61it1 of1bita1 anduuti uIhlm waited, wvii urgea t sta>' aliîîiilu 01tur "W b"e rc- van -.acertaîned h-rtu ishmnef, ilua. fit c0_ plied, "perliapa I mn>'as n-cl; su>' ile deliriumrn.trenies n lc etitie sore urn- probabi>.'ylinas mati'as eie. eau b..'> rleg on iris iteatib>' saine Menuisciotirer -Paeerborouegh Ret . - -T oMoaR, lte poat, use.l te tell a, good, CasCE A LMENT OF BIS"u, &c.-Ciras. er- cier>' of a grentleman wi-ha, vison lte> as gan, a WVest f udiail mulatto, cosmnguineé- short of moue>', andtisierelatives n-ena ding>' anslireatedte tarespecable 1peupleaittis 1andte rtrctor>, tsed ,te fiareatŽîs his faanily t ton, vWs arrested, anti' paced in Lus g l ber. 1Yestsrtiayl chirgeti viti t L.every srbs fi. wit i the publication of Iris peeea. Thirn- lte hiaîî ucaeitt>bt variable andti mmédiate re1 anît n-s mucit body et an infant, witcIhir e cay s canl asluewaned.borui. Thre motter utf-te cidbeiiig icill ituveil, ira% tet bson COiunmitted. Sua »Où EnuTsiÂLas sir ecau bho-rnoved ifrom lier- Presalat-re- ED'ofatLSOMuWaS.-Be an editor; ltsidience, lier tesiMon -it ho uskeui. Jus- tire~ ~~ detbCatn O Y c y; ait don te.ho ices King and. MeMallin, et Olficuu write an article, and get tvre rthrc.sentes- ustitdthebis sno 25. l.RtT x aufOAuguS 5 ces doue; tson let an acquaintance. drop i A - ----j----fle.t tr L aaâd, begin lu lu tel you atoine s u s A Dtn d aà à estu the aLu. -ý ut the, towfl ;andt imrsil anai-ait. anti ail,--au it é,Datn hti ii ai TIrI i 1h qickst a>'w.Can Jl.uk of tixore luas noe t bems anaeigthé240AW )pSe- 4 ý hat s te qncket wa la pise aaingle case te trY, and. the judges haoe. u tego xavitsg, dusracted tuati.been r.dgeed te fkiui&in eider te hlM i ie. -CAL, JEN TBR lIS OF VMRTISNG reliunesrai wr*cu.. ... .............~ . Eac ~ubequeninftDn................2 " -pfofe s o wd àsnd B u àil 5 C a la,îi lie m ud. >pe anxuzm, $$forams itmabiPrm IS to ton lutes, #8 per suIU.' d3 errehmuts n isam *0ecam offlul heg&g"9" apcwt he prival Oge b*Vla< 50 w moeias'tid m he l-2 of every thrce muostha, s vu00W~ No Adcsua detimiWalaiout wr*tea"w Y I i I R N AI. iiiadvaaree. àlerchalitswdwi te expectad le pay quaiw *.1;ders for discontunt g , .vo-tffC lB U h l l[Term5: 8LtervvuithzAP.Udva ici ntU cfe*i upersor Wanything now pb. ed-JAPAN. 7wiceaweek le published an extra sheet as rg e as the .'Uiok nd dëtér m Toei popc faW nt m rpplîid o the readers free of charge. Oe The Tycoon Iras demanddlfon omPrince e wrorth Vte mmcey. The 1'Thuriderer' is by te European rpresent"tv" . inee- [ite eclipsed by tire'4 Daily Telegrapit.- nity for te himonosaki affar. He refuses neaincete have said wheisI the demiy l lter.e. a rpidjr ellng po temenu hete-rySubabaseti00,0 or tthshe inîîomaertibn forhe. ha e- ptryolice, .. hver ha nin titu of iritywith;tIeepy aiIwýs o%1 OPea kisoe eglayou, yoru .Pa idpicsaccstanggauuurg ak untam th abe s mg uninon a on eae ato h î à doe., a iuth éL à rpidlrifes. wýflot tubwhù'e aridof h- tas utY, ou funl, aldfmShow "thafor Euey er Wetoksri eîhful terpea goral V -o frt reon thof Ieliad thmtigof tiae ,fux'staIeh, wyon-k wtîî tiThea tacked t*1 otage nd int ePtrun sef ptte' coànstbua ýr>' Iraenerd, bra iih ùpanddow th nvr. he'%macr f netoc prpawi nds witr sto eandi be Cl Oi fre l> Uofhua. OnthM a proenV my1bo ein.hg tenptide oltdcarEd iheir cutîîn hesivie wrs ago hn frfetreo hr ligtososocr opertion . hesel four s is ons accu se aiouslat rtione unortahly wouned. i rer. rivr> ive1 o e n Qpôeunrai;mg ore the srea geat andb ny awn eniboa iseVthe brid es. 'W h t onif nt Nork fm a usied.iou theof o narbttiic i h e fir tccaso An~~~~~~ atiigEr-fth eteri and . joi&te a dîort e woà hers itn drf thpyare! Wi f esmnsterUirige r tgiiy rent it i h2rly ew. But iiigli go n ,arn o t ïtis..ear cn inc ae n filescoliny ii wie i lt I hot-il ads iLct be.! ad r ag uibro ieay e.Aog asd whcn i1 uséet,baveis a s1ith ii l aro -1 em IrtieCance10TIN r fhExeheguen ce o havey b (id er. 1hoe Iuè,wrn s neon oneriJ.erar Sai-I yo ci1 sath s asiu ter N:îtAt onlt al ceonm nîstheIsrahai ýtbj.rend he ruoeisanow ba lae couned OFl b Oa UaR Alt.CESURSy.-OBut if a n, in thcoe CA. w.of okingîreThe puaoliej Sml oto fUERSaITIOuS. tseve aI f e in ume r Lay ard lte exoruer onand asTourd wmn ;" r. Olihaon, trt The Moo.-If ayou sihe nexv moon (*I afor- 1 henm a a 'irul maux, athean abelpoiial eco-ô thee ie.loime r nd gass, on hr îhro.îthe uîo undr; - peore Boyer, th e Cisa treeâ pl uiae ht youpgmrggxvt8se iii be utîfr- .trasby fr. Teoliceh, autiror o * ifo of ujceu nribsgids aSir ondh tnate ;buIf ne sOi oeteigh hu1 t Wàagi«IPgoardn W. dpat f e. iC. they , ture m iii front, that yotu ihe .1. aure*,..aligantmro man Itchnïzand.-ith)Lactho r it orabl A Swux ýo.the reai tohea.t-ofc titolesk ouin i re.Thenuty t tele owd nes a e aythIotaoeut you oii spcuutfront> Isiae .. o i eelRsanemalprel a, th tir ie"o p.rsen duit tle-,-.cekwhlithe rngfron ne but thbade ltery d, brek- rîglît ey lhi u nagîî~uxii yt ieadrmcuid acan woe l. it -hsmaind.> if Vt le fî, e n 'a tIis ruî R t aon is fona rmeurieyt o eto l re wo th el bac O u ng mra, ru fore aillr1apesn a biga ot~îte dotlares.lie fuoischariy forwre An ~ or -so hui dthsolla, aid ot 40 -oe nt irpotags - t vhingatm.Potale t iW_1ltsl te h rr. an.T he lt lue t as ow ta show re hperon e 1 ofgt t haot ra n pil soti CJ a-t fied. eabr'u itof C orbu s th ùîwerîee.-tai- A if lit no E c -r I iift. ea iel ad Ud Bc ey aeoûn.rs-thndrl irid aarîî by hu'oniàluiLodangeri it ci -i ý t 11 aueution t . 1