etatemet fur diesy*r. laeos,40000 kus 1h. 'ehusaioîi .11th*makng up f s. oma fSm i>be to Jo a .v bad to e takoi of the il. mm toe immtb% anud tioseo f the tweve BMouth wers ew oI ending Jhee MUII 86. Thei ependttuze Gmiseu q forIb 'ý,wi« moneuh tiin th JîUM il8d lIe>' o - *, PS,- C.i4*L fllý IýO ue t taldhce V6061a4%. $15r, by 1. > Io $4MM'For the year past the revenue.a"cm MI.-s w O:t ezWaditu*e ty $713,397 by Mîr. -(- 4 Imo "tulu whoh ps h. n- Tbt te, 401111104 Ir to eom e.xtentby excejitional adoptd.- cire%1up, te île"1.6Ipon Arn.- 'secondi 1 riies e, oeaseqint apen 'h.elpreci- No. 104 If tioti , U.S. Ourrency, Wu'-.s "810%000 é theo 2~ St Alans raid frîiuOàà, for oàýh relandud4p mat ul 5m,,; 0-;o,bOWfer voltintoor servies fCrrý4 un extion4l kind; pamtnnt of airears seod fil duo the Granit Trurik for postal services, CouCCIl. $14TlG; iqudatot'cf inkng and$3a,-id by Mr. M3, though this last -item sâhoulti be.l olti sas tePutpc Sçurrntoexpenae qutea, muoi atine a - rvie mont of interest, esepecI&lly *hena luaw Yearo 1. -bonds iarecontinually Iazg ii l Bin.admeènt to the ObtaIMP Ao. T!Ii.C * t w *uîmi lt Yes u t lt GIoù$e ducoti bis xnoasare to impose a amali t ,l,, upon otes f thevalue of $100and. over, untt and in theofihstfisca yearof ilslri1al he ' lý Scoipte from lis soU0uréIw ttled 1W the Gaco,:6 lar-g sum of 8119,000 As many parties, Mni - trange sa it mai apoaaý have, suught té avod Ibis petty impoat by using *18 tmps;, èTeIré anti dividing notes for $190 ennfiler $20DeaiO, 8 inlo îwo parts, so sIallot4çnoe to lbo hCh under the arniunt apeocifiod 10 be. stampedth e »",' the Finance Miniter propoest vyatx->1 of le. on ail notes unader $25; 2b. on notes' wih.-i Sabove that anti under $0; -anti e.ý on ali ..Mdel note& above $50 1anti Under $100. Ti. <Joestand d vil! be ant improvemnent on the eld Ilaw, anti càam c- n ,".t anv farthe tm,,.iniow ith ithe -wes A- b .tied b'. târ>'n ><r. LthUMe-1 TIt ln.gun d M exf> ay-Lawe hë AM me i n u w - f the a-bel, movedY.Mr 1 M Nlàuy, sOcund- r.sprett&flut 1 B'44 w No. 104, for ow f Wsig the tomof $2,4w týî ot thie expen4ilwe- cf the pemt SS, be noirx1b & lt ird time, anti mpothe * b suzdhrU - 'ou iil met aM Medy evmeug Pu- Mayor, and *st. Bro*vnK 13Usiio sfephe.sOo, &Bd spratt. Abset- Igell, probay. Iieuey, sud Mitth-ý 'le miauof.theformer Meeting agi and appffaed. loyei by lr sseoo&l ly Mri Stephensen, That if Ce.taWb. atMoied l . e wsigî.*e âm *ogheut ithe Tô*n id a eneW6st e- f repair, forth- cl.rùd. MOe4Iy Mr. Ica-nDe, ad by Mfr. SprattThat 1hl Cotil IAdouimed l Ito-morrea- night.- LThe Ceuaidl t"eaadjournod. Ne ap, tut the fracn 911 Ocîcluor aoluy .îk 1 ewu bound to e t< 1' fat the Mathîeg that Mr. hum sRi be sgt... t ecolwet "sait a ted by: tht, foaMp d, thal dme oiuu~pM tow fo olImI1~WMta Mônd bi àftM4W*i of abseees for ea» '"Bk, cure -a preper saibttte.:( W, direct île attention ket. gafdenors, huckstersi ft that a -ane* Matet RI inte opetationn svili bei to the pocedinw ofth - 1 ainother coiuma. ýAil Pet tae ldispom id an is t1< finst 'go teta îe Ma" pl I tIn cesssry lot N i ci -1 js la a, uh idiot' fa by in mtr: edi i u l- Oe r - ia ny hu lappoitd do eu. lnuroeed Éle mfe tehe a Méemded ,by Mr. ye lieQnted pr mw ,e_. pro-, I4a e l y the of Cme d.jlraz p.ooeidedbu l *le Mnon h aud mte rbLm o t aaee . and eerencye" harges,-and irk al Criv d * Whoc a nty p me stamp ML Qui4r. E t alSo prpose te in- .,jThe Conuul i t en Tta y evening, 5th other reppdoteteo M IlY *ith the provisi 8, os otieîîypaîI~ ~.. tump taprwhtî'listl Sopemb.r,-putsvmit to .djournuen. t.- c1f atin B-la aac sed.f tePartis fond ii cei~Orf111n~t' efeeta!pu 'to asuob Ietty sntHi. Wouip the -Mayor, alm Msr. fa>ifrtinf saiB-awyl ,v eter-.i tcthPelavcen>' as tliaIeospluuied <> of.r-ne enGaç, tpemtad prceçute iacordbng te law. The fullow-' al changes inu MthelhAsot- osns el, oen ing articles vii b.exempt (rom tolus,i to revie eld turmeib Thé. &tiant.C Oble. M.n',aniSrt M ab r.VL leaFnvetHdsuîdSis r the cry thut Mr. Brown 1ooeadS t oe y1.r ulèa* hiuslf e i, Dr. Rusteehl'a ofiléial.ditar> cf m tenîpt Browme, seoondmd b'. lMr. Mitchell, Tiat re sake of office. The le la 'theAtMla.uCaboontansagahetstedrc o Milbb.ccpefoTi. atChn . »-rellyan Annexa- accoulIt cf what trai spired i on-ý board tise laying the aide-vafisa up Waverley Avenue W. ai1re informeti that te ahanes, in. No. ý -ofesedlly advocotig e Grcat zasbtêrxîduring the~ paying out cf tise dIee.tM.1*ais',ibinl. 139, 3cnoy-Fat'm, Vonang"o Coùrity, Penn- ,f tCauda-aidedl by' the. cable, ils 'breakage, and the subsequent et- llet niIla i e lepr .ue iaslvieia, eofi'rod for saie b>' Mn. Francis ., ~~~~. ?.~~~~11 ~~~~ (aras Adelaide Street, an-d four feet abepn hllyotss en r alipstio.-i tti etCoreterupts te fish if up. Th& tr ain détails are$ o io aates'wCVih* oet yM. ley cepàtion araur. i'hos a-Of itt ry- sheetin Gat, are the b.*èyer, familiar teu mort efcoir readers. Ife h ane, so.uaoodsd h>' . Drcawe Thl îl inv of, Oursmaî a o weouireiiai. nimtod, suti-Confedera- The laieet noms te le eetI littic ne Inn-ng as np te bornantle fe êfrtà o tete lOd anti New WonIde Chef Constable.b. eSpoeeo te ropair an> enterpseto ace fa-i lnt sprung swlUb, at- nilnxt ea. ide-vwalks reqairing Uhe saine, aid prent doubted-wili age. cessit>' forimarne- iks cf 11the>'elelniyoiil- b mdu nti nxt the lbaccouai of the expendiure te ýFinance a.'ppctintl.lesefîllad i thr i)0Ido Sp r.-Cyrus.sField'ilud hi. coleagues are de-,ptcin ii mucl suecess, as tisey tormineti not te give up-tw despair; sudComle is1dl>.~CaVe Mv-__________ lierrislves iii proposmua tthoglitise es te theni by tise reent- >'M. ra-e eauun 'iura OITtALTv iheduatFumgesuner ue b.imetse; lthe>' el conieta eTisaI By-a . 06 .iteuced and-.Foet<xsa.-We have e ceivcd tram Mr. C., , therdabilitànage1 usuccessfully imecarry et a fi m e, amennBy-Àw No. 95 T.' Pahagrave a. nea-spécimueni boek of types, ous.Tît, ahlesrierôlating te tle Mxket.-Car*ed. Movéd'cus &c. mauuaoàtumcd-.ani for sale .atisjcî sis on wcld . ti. eatlon ispetforentrpnse.A uew abl ~by M.Broyae, uendod b>' Ms-.Mitchell, tyepe.founr>ry-iniMntrent, anti ah hie ageno>' fareur of indapnen4te be rmadQ aI once, and -e hope that 1866 TaB-a e 0,bralatrtlm i ooio ievreisc eiî n xisI a retan-te tié good M ilnocs îleaccrnlehen t bi omi tcfhe vole Couni, * sW u1r graplo"types a rre of great beaùty-;soFfl ~ae aisanrut. Was nihy neraisg - ssi tieK iIn t.he i.Ctre i ing erkale for. delicacy, and otltrs lY ele poi.n 0 d Orga<>~~ eiofHrnCllge -Te 13>"Lav* wa"IlonsosI sc nim fone,. hletic peirens et bordere -in, Committee of " w vIce Coar'il. Meo-.ati cocnerso, anddef, other eonarnelital ai- inn as a traitor,.teprobate, Oh Êiday last tise. nesv Churcis of Eng- et by Mr. Grace, Seeprided b>' Mn. Stephea- juncit t îleler-presai ae prs, ote ie 1er ver>' expressive forma. landiColng£ziwto hisettute ai TLondoni %vns for- son, TisaI By-Law No. 105 ameading ýBy- re ferli ay-of invention and fineuess of , he aaIn-ui55Oralpntby thée Lord Bisehup of Huroni, a"No. 95 relaling te thse- Market bu Jtow st-wishaeea epoyiluhep- o- i a-tic tha getle a aisted by Arcleacon IHeilthti. Tise read a thirdi trne.and passet and lise dutociiswlue lf faithleve te t11080 Pruîci- buildingis de'tescribèt as Ieiîîg comnplote in 'Corporation seal affixedt tereto.-Carried. the undaunteti-advecate' of every respect. Tise anea comprise'1 aithiu Mored ylt rwe eodt yM.-ESÂE RMGo.-w rieaîa rîty~~~~~~~~~~~~ -em.Wl o ielt ici stnars ih a.iiltneGrace, 'l'iatlMr. Michael Dan's applica- mend'.Richardisontmatietheir escape froin- -ihe the reis cf poýer are in 'foanhain sé ali1ca pond iu the centré. tien for tle vaca îein tîMre ul-go nWdedyoesn en o e ati lay aaideflr aý Itt lesaid tîsat thlis ititutiotl is fat ali-ead Oof ing h.- accopledl, andthtiai ho shahpay te last. L ersttto hset'inlg Vhseý sus feelings cf cplictling -thioe at Rtgby, Huirrov,, £ton anti othser thi corporation $12 pet snunm for saiîd of- we left alerte i.tise gaol-yard forat' a thernee! es oarnesîly o' h iepublic se.thols lu Eniglatsd, su fan as spaci- fiee; rent- payab>l aîf 3yealy.--'arÊied. imômn4nts-.:4he gate being lltI penf..Taking -1<1*3W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~r anigottaCn--QSSS nicmotg.Tesyeo n oeib'M.Grace, seconded by Mn. adranlage of thisstise>' ent inta tise outer t>tnea iihResteaeietrei-ts îdr Waee a'b itelsel, That leave of ebeiebegrantei ard, clitnbed tise a-odént a-ail anrat < fnor il aille an equaly site o pinions fiseldi neganding lte necescit>' for le James B. Knaow.son for ta-o weks, pro- tiiW a-ocdes. Tie>'were p.uedsrnatter aie stl i l iail. g eat .e rection --t a second Episcopal olhige in- vided hefRuds a subtituto te discliarge thie Iby, the gaoler -aud thers,> but ne trace c1 uitc-te foderate, paîilia tIis Piovînce, i slklnoéhsttlron dte tCekaa{g iesilîm.Cr- icnla u endcuvered. Tht, Ricah -ee t-e great advanîlagesCoilego is an establisheti tact, liant it wîilied. -Mo-ed b>' Mr. firowo, secondeti by - atisons weré inicarcenaîed -a a charge cf nu titis-course; sud are quitee..oo be ac 'orded a iseartyr supprt front boilm higis Mr. Deanei Thaî 100- copies efthtie fllewing laroon>'. ior questions 1etf mpobuàce andi il .chïurohinlçl. Thre followiat t-noie be printed and ipostoti p in d ie nits [il tle nd n iewismarks Ln Qtise Bisisop we find iliiithe Loin- coneuus5plaese itetuaasand country : Ac,aaaGLEDGUZNT.-Yr. Jamès.Elis,ci e- Nôtce- 'lite catit - ita Vi ha- 1 Extremîes sMay LQ I aston Fq e Pres "oic- ea ake y.iw tighe Lindsav K itchen Garden, haa sent ur ese abu ueoîriog r m iLondslip mefemed h éli engi et -boots passe4 b> th. Municipal Council et &rne splendid Cauhiflowei', e hus oa Ibis il-nat>fr ~ wonderthhut psesd'srfi, ceolectingtisaI ihé Tea-usof Linidsay>,-notice ihrbgvngrua-tisfer. -hicS aur thanks are due._Mr Librsipairtybt-ae r6 j eyears since, a-heu hoieflitst cama tlistait any perseo i ergoits aring articles cf E. asthe repuisuien of being. one oetIi, le Lbrlpxî btwgr bplis te griati tapon miicis lise noble In.-hs.ý peupe ~ wui ah. t ie- ttutiop seuootdmscovervid b> a dense forest. produce toledispose of-t thte sait T... v iare' béat, i t lt e tigardonien mn -this e. sco 3.eoae b wu iableyite d The iwalk9 îhanugh tose a-oode wenepllea,,atx; equ ire4 i'te iret go the Markot anti lucre-ut tise counaty;, and front a.-bat 1a-e.oursel bit haid nere-r oecurred ta any oent tem pytenee*r olaadtison»adn aese o i utue eatol a h s a4dthe elié -les Jabors o -i tisatli elitu of ane m*iniscS a change outiil lsd.cea>'il~adcags niii av un tlscltraossut a i -bhave t.ahemspla 0... Tisa abject ofthtie Instilu- every other respeýCt.oOiilly ith lie Mar- jhi. réputation. ln deservedi> eartied. W, mfdeato ls It ~ ennton isei 4I ft tm e ae ee ion was ta give thse isinggenemation a genen- lot' By-iaw Iately passeti. Persons found. have . !1 se te îiank Mr. Win. Brook,- o soti85mat>'penant e. lseplaes f ise. .sang ma', ndhe euguilly af a nfridaction of the saiti By-,iaw Ne w-casile, for several brace of -ild pigeoni Lower Provinces seuh romain sure thiat, i-biisGi-lis blessiîag.tise objectth ie>' -ilie prosecieti ccordiuigte o a.(Signi- fuiy belheve that theo union hist n viewwould bb atained Tise pupils ed) Tiuo%.K naMr"Ori e -(;.on.>Wuzsfer Sàpternber.-SlraSan mipated la-in de easen.AbloeIembiait-of contribuig tlutheasu e dcs t by Mn. CGse., .eended b>' Mr. Mitchell,1jCe., Publisisers, Lutigate 11h1, London.-Th v11eilitittauice- b British and advalitCmenl thie Uung but ising That 100 ce'oi f îthe riseti Markot E>" curnent nifmbeofet tiis excellent fanai!>' fis l'lsc5î cace>' c ountry. Tri tiseboys lh o-uId se>' that tish s--N. 0 tned o -irjain. aie o itetblei ii illedl te eph et Insante bud bteu osignated for th w N;1eae rntdfo ligood.aie è e ur 0 ah <e.;bat ime*W ioopIt aas ute d te fit tem fortsepace ie'Carri ed. Movêti b>'-Mr. Grace, seoundeti le -hvuthénemeut entertaining anti instmv unr~ha jatenfi&s h taybt îoccup.Y inmue, &sud lis ut stnive te in- b>'Mr. Brwne, ThUathel.Town Bell ho i#*ere iorne. "llHo.ert, tise tat of tb f*ocve thé opporturrit!05 affurded., a histirnelâô lte nteTwnHladta- rpr nla, e-tl oniué n îh u vewulti accrue Iote hnby 'ch iil oruios vetOattalmable, as u obad iat ntoT-i al u htapoe Egii,>a 11 otnei m si-a ustn> wih ors pt su 'T m u cui 0 .~t uedc-fire alaini b. attecineul heteto-carried eeodiog instment he'ghtens tiseies-est 'eut~~~~ etCnrdraln a-s- <~sueitas they' aould -redoive. Lu bis da>' Tise Ceurcil thon aurjuuttttd. - thés* gcahnse.' Tbereare &lieawell-wiitli ,u<lmtien a-a b> tere. a.tcorporoal puisis- sketches cèf oasei- t l ii.MoLanmd, e Scellaansd New. Brunswick, mn iemaused e ormiug instuiction n Ss'eio 0'CôAI gc,-ie re 2 .at ubr *àrtie frein thon. teaves ittle -leciîrl.Btl bi nttto ia -udToroto Police cemmissioriers-the May ~ ____________ tunttine4peope .tises-oare b-nis tb ae, oç' f ibom*t suasionbaniPOié ig$tao-unmaKICpti aYna,<pî"Tî.alrc thitigit tise 'deigis et arbi- (~u4 a ppialiso ioni lte1b ppis.) -Titis bcing prince liIefmt ti.' Waaao a.csre se *ho koul1d sink inte iineir se, ià a-muid becorne a malter 0f hur Witis tishanthe, i;tste * laite ilîi*tatti ontkfoi' the litte . iywre-eConfetlration a ej. by!'a t site e ieaes-in thlie pîsi e M .~ e ei-,lar buenre.oired Iron the publsher eft] thistuidieâ. -' Wbeaïsat bomfrtoeugi tritod 0sgsloit a ie c intise mao i<ii ~l meuolîni, v frrn ' - Atitntie Ment bi>, Mesars.Tiekuor & Fik g ongsepra-ti iset, b. stili osied e a tettePie W.<iub' t his meaderfully adaptoti te the capacti ng fô a-ait a llffie longe b-land and Englattit',homne," P(cheens) ho ei"dsowed- rîeire 't 48 toël a nmWaffle wmmcli rcblcacau Hlimutis liteplate a-bre h. aag 1oiOMgSiIatitsih rpruiet theieclan fW ahic1 -4 ta esigneda edcae& aagnet sucisA place as Ibis bu the èdraft eoia Mi te, mend thé réotltignof. mneea u isr~t as teei e aci mmaas.B rqe ta lo-atca 'u4 nrdottiePri.etit xuotreil la asnuali>tgs-o aaeug Leoer-lu~ tsé w uhda-rthley11lie pacaisrih a-dan ier at oar ittie Mayr Mc--i laa.a bV le sot - 5tOUOt. Befor" ca a- t.oimeaugatteeuBi mes haunttj-eqa aliy &à -o w jyg~a trpiS and LAMEMAIT.We hve nt în a ptmonoi n.fosr eeithtteC itegs m d T' imoll avetjuihbeer»eel -W Del te norattelawom t ruqeeethussc u a- esal .nhsaai u ti ao h e uc aaia weslt- ou~ux< Ary.- ite lin. mi îsllor is a -ek. TR e P à<t h So« at <>hâ )e M nto duceît nto a 'tyrint <iffl n v Ws t s-iei a f iays. us ai , .ay 'ho raitdl ro,i.____________sppaipd oI4g Ctvofcf u seo _____________ g~~~~~~ t l.ehn«Ortn bu y vuplassurathic fithapplarace be tI. P non gsAL-UBle tiianspiosu cfli ae Bilec!th ra Brez a 4g icU4 ocIl bu vca fr -Choafer aseeine e ras Clîréist BIus À Obst, . îe aKtoimpokCru i e n1 s ieTo boI1 insa', o i ilpnpî no -l"gwlatuml'0): enn e vtietetutoac .Tsskgvig 'en lote be an tof HS iU tý ban ». - ê be.Bea iyiaTots-w fer lb. i 'U P tU7y' .- wêoa-I oJ.etaiILur 4iuta. I .*4u .hall 'prie. ino'5e PB 0to ~ht >~ i wmcoetflllv AP*i,....tîo1s ea eeiuCnoCra des~g-er re ainetiunder a o d until l184, ing niLhI. and think se sihi, bt aier bo im:::it -tnin-bs- 't 'O *lieu îhey were again blrouglit out under morebringigi V:vr'n eo ni ta l:~ inIon'. Tui -~a~i f faiýourabe a spices. Mn. Brcwn a-as presen t ng the l1iemfbersý for s potî i t io plail- IU O W5 b rr r-i 1r f' t- and aintestify le the trutis ef this statornent, ly .lA&i ttIt iiteStttt te a.tuaar-nl i M) l' c t * andi bis character for trutli aud hOliur a-OUld le is coucerued about, bu i- li;spitvd ie l, uhi~ !, grain. h ho markclowered indeed by as-cmpanison ambition, andtho mi w w o vuldd (Ioilese i'A o:hr iaiîî tiIIe .<u; ot r. a-itb Mr.- A dani anti bis respectule ltnewol îaii.ta t Toi -I.w bia~ngl 1.Crawfor, 1, Lt- I -t- seunt intelligent asseoiates. Nom, Mn. Edi- a caml" t-miiYiaaWWÎ r -Ilr,-iî~,ude oi vstie~m~cite- tpri here le à directîproof tisat M. Adamstate- o ieuee onclnntu enîî ot Ii a-nc'tUalatu i)C.- St m nt aewihhouttouudatio,thathinelftin o r rîl,'u. flal li t. fur 1uz' f i avh~ . n à tf biis respectables are caugt' in tieir ca-n net; Yugtuyeý fFi i àtand lotnse add a-ith ;t ittle empliasis li here- JOIIN (UIIB. iacotl-ayr, <1!miof.SKu tise aortliyof macionspr.ey t 't( cv.aii eiernent. *ftt' te w flytrio stand convicted. Ops, Augouust 31, 186. wv adrsiir o Q ua ~- - 1. s lander-&- crime a-bich bas been defined by.~,whWr~e-. ' nntvS of odm riors orl sst ion; ans d if THE CARJ.>EN COAL GIL F1ErLt>S. tth e ilnîfurt unrate.te : a l.ttttC NI. CiC r:I. t cisaracler tsimore sacred than lîfe, tise m e isjaac n tI'î r: ' wh. mietraduces itla eno better ISsu ho a-be spilîs notis Eitaieftie Cusai<onPs!:- tise bleud ofîthe innocent. Tth itrpteeadùnPs:-lie-lire vans the act of auir :,' I rn. Editor, 1 amn trespasing tee much Dr411Sas-l Sele by t tPu h lat the I.4îl-Oeut' Wrder. e n your indulgence, und for thse present a-lu sa y gentlemen a-cnt home net satisfied- svitls Cie close. Oltin mathcrs in -connexion vilis Ibis their discovenies in tho Peleum ýfielda ut the na- subject I hall iitended hi, rpaer tw, but 1 îunnorth last Wednesdar; Th ýy differ in fitr 1?1R-' IA G E 1INrIl-1. 1 I'JL -ih sleathing from it, as it le a sickening thing eipinlen frent tise racital éxploi'ers of 1erxu- e inves 1tigate 4.pravity, -sud noue more disW yva, hms 1 . smicssirac iîk -'m slalsi Enz1i4s jpatcus a-e eari t le- gusting than defâmation. Agiotra o l -in in l sternut Cneek and Tabot River.,a ad'Gvn'tiiin Mîr l yu;C: th temaed-Letter Office camuet*oc&em, sIhàve [thè vicinity etofulsover, as lsfound in it Untlot o.llae f the Dîîke ii of u'-t thse ceaisclous pide f having dàtt my duty, Creek, Pennsylvania-siilt as hey catît st»p has îuit- benr arrie-I tora n.l-tne.- 'ne- an'à tisa-I Cannet ho squelcbed by tise vile in- sione; gril stotte, aud many otiser sIgfas tliat - oieb-oet Vc vi-ilth1 i aio. sinuifatiene et tise DopatyPostusastr aud bis havebeen tornicit ieoÛt>'natureo t Ilie va- yua aoit von-atlt encronles, misiciscalinot -ean day-Iight investi- 'ter. A Profe,"sor of Geologyfront the-eh a-elle uahd vr o-u nlul'sii't ga %eu y dbw 4fall cana only lie effected. .by' of Enniskillei was bore asee. Rie situael us b Icv me mJdnits"î'ti':t etc.> aîburnetirjnesad the debaslement ë ette l me indications of Petreleurn asthe for- t ous sunià of rmoàevf! h v-Icr. noblestanrJurîsl chn se rlig fmnomer explorers titi tested the cme colours eo n ~vain. Thse laid belongs Ita : riil"tuter natue',thee being thle 'neut*1olectieneeriug ts aaer d t h ie i-idicah* o uS .lî' tealo . y va% on iotactici of lise parte- reterred te and tiseïr aux- watertdlobergnuine Petrohouru. Bealiegave ho roplieti, " When siran-trers ask tfiet, llans. -il s bi opnnthat no gentlemnan would hoca-hem thetown of 1Hudiert.tir'd beonti, itC- D.ka; For tise information ef Mn. Adam andtstaIa any njsk of lusmnàg lb iveling money in a- can et aay il beiongs t i- adrt. 't ltse lie May, haie a full ides of tise senl, 1. may steat e a i iimi> fBhoer. When a Cern-brot fetitgieîenairatm:Y liaI 1 bad just now a a afrein a privaI. erit- pai forlàed ti a etlea sred 0soee efor îhe ]and a,4 a-eul! cover tne tis.- tie air, ) n. W . NMcDonSi ll, a-b u je t p e e t take a hea r>' hare las a-CI. Pro pe t , li n t e Q sa eiutîf:,~ ties enjoying la thecdalrnrepose ef retirement tisas. ?ETROLEUNI. îhou place.thetu edg"tCay,. ?" l is perhimîl 1 an soul-stirriiug tensatidàs a-iih alasys accom- - oîsaver Sept.4 16.>nt'edless for us te slate, tuaIt tse baro'net l e pay Ba II-ern*d otorle7 e ots a_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _clinei pacn hem "edga ys" a. h oltise slnmogeM tmannier hatnlg Lily cenneetim u'h*lw t'Hlleiie, pas- a-ils Mr.,Âdarn's cerrspondene and gave me S& IOUSLY l.UIE.-*regret te îlearn owership et tise- ttaWn et Htad ir 111ied ex- -tie mue't olema-asgurance tisaI i. lad neither Ihat Mn.-Wti.Taylor of titis town get -thrwîtoRafee and te-a -è %en SaJy' set er part bn tise eonlest, or truth or f&1siey of frem inis buggy. y aù,er« iin;ttred, whesta tl Geîeie Sr..';'à td' thbe atatements. The uittrnthful non ofthisbuf- nearLitsdsay lest week. 'o Re as. rîn imb- fie oaa be atteited, if net b>' Mn.:Aa ihi.- a lna *team-his bggyimasho e ti dute fteh1 "el' toler it n, e Adam ~~ buggy S<tn~'1c, ho. unier nierbtutl me n t sel fb>' M . B reo wn ,,p e c e s a d lie lo ft e tî msee o n tise stre e t. a t a t v a n , w s Q e n o ' e t t -a n sud . -~~ Youn Ts inhuittat causer of the accident drove alatv anaasQcno ett Itt W. M. DEÂNE. off andi 1.11 Mc. Taylor in that ssWicondition. wl'ington tounasamn. Prince potl. ;bitt-w o tas.- t a ha nless advetuaergreally W. uueeY tle11 wec io aas dmired lher appeanance. Fotne jflCti Tied. T ts 11ent»mapretty goti soneabout g911, 3 spiceo ihua ity nay 1)0tien lias dealt tendenly ivitl baelli uthos n'Pm fo im î teno, hood of Lindsay.- ThLebreuglit te ïqYOrOp aPhmenl for euch 'à bu, perisaps, eos tIe wlibte, the Du .hvess.' Grey fiaowing oi g 5 tee, but unl[ike écrne o e-sd> c. 1MyGzte Mure ho be envieti than i .leErPerol'. lb. ote thers, ibis euel is nid to ho a (mt. A ~ gntemn hoti~aleng tise batik oft he Tusitz stinstant a-asthe'67th annivensary L ive t iek>b.i'ML, a-bldfolu mb t teé@f thse baile-of the Né. 'Five Britishu veto- LîuiT 'acu laîsce aitthe colnoalgrdurf dock. watr. semroblg fer 111e couiti sSu iJing i-ans a-ho -werocnigaged tih iofgsis u-the two Britieli inarities, thaltiof tile State a11 of u~ bu horiuga nose ear b. eigecf vveviz, Admirai Sir J. odnK.C.Biat beho ngitig t4ecitizenF Iiîtetr OlJ lie treuuile urnti aades bugisudIlin muisipmanif, nuw Govarner of Green- notais of the. globe. Woe taLe the fgr' îitî~~~~~~~~~~~nc tir ~ fo ~tatfwheug~ ilHospital-, CaptinJ.ForbestW a ri-since inereaseti. ef 18657:-NumbTet sl-83 Ca ai J e fl pe "unll-ingBil I 5p460; steani (lU.,- 6;ti -bird, lin fact had neanly cempleth le opea- siwu;CPtat '~ iIp,~ ii 5;8 a-;latter 'wl t<~ r "- o ship. sa, .atainILuI. Cd[ààt.thon.mri- oT efre 4 t55i084-to en- Sut' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '' îwoai la î g iita;dFTtLeooatoScbI,59,TT4 Ions- urthe isurposeio eutcf1h coekr' mui l-.Auo ~ W ~u.ttacf is-pe**,pooinchant'fleet, thiore isls at(41 of 326e35581r d~oeitor. . -f any kinti having effllvj; edhm n'uebfhiiemly, =. 13. addflg ta. boa - by. - ' this ihrzo, by naval reeru ihît, 0AO> - n.Flnt.olr,. >* b3 . n; 'f~j ~~mn e iepaof0oolî-g etofthemuilitari é M q h" nWr In, towltg <'- DfU iin 0wak Om les i aym t'dett5n marinO, 'ae gel 396,366'0àýfarnl m 4b tu:ati gans1aKms u, OOoputedit, itheul counting- thse coa.4t>gnaule. ~ 4d'ig gýryint te cafl e amý,ad atKigoW,,accouiplislthe iiS ak ini goti power ever Sud at ia lssPusal sueh afr- , :i, >- 1 _ kIr- __ Il- a Mý" frah-m..hhable fnee in mnaar-Ji nateiâ- PrrR. S, 1661 a XE. ODPutK sAmHECONY AR Nf>, BARGAINS,BARAN ~~ià.~JJIO pIUO dIOi. ÂGiCICULTURAL SOCîIErY. &Ul s ety a$ ok.iio fh iadï PsETAiLL iMpOI1TATIoXs-it mie$ Ah , 0( îthai Md rffu The tjf srew o f Mr. J.. Molmres- obqo inkidha agbfl u tos upon109 doings. of; the U<ounî ilis&iL ac h ~.. Ae I~ww1S ~jg~u1~raI SO<IV t a t last, Meeting, vo-~ FE TEBLAC ga~tihg $10)ton ollrs set apart. Io the SmurSok4 OT I~ ~ CAUSI Cxrw.-Appy îw~deegtes wbo were appointe t battend ti, e o aon ondn, C. W.,ntmoî,S WL rc ds of caueio"s in lhe.wa±r, and in are mae ini very bad taste, both on account DRS GO0 DS dat eost price.. w houp4,â * lsUfoilnoas sdudnw- .et his own ansieedet, andi the part lhe toli k TI-SSsU&S ANtLES t cot price. mgan a~~iWjltdisppm .Cncentrat- lu the very Wqipn i e odemus u tond ly. 2ILLIE RYVGOODS at cstprime. lys ul aswe 0 *jf~fl7 ~>'fj~5* N k.otBedeh~all ben part -of hi*ONS IT&CA ltotpj nature,'ne -,ol a btiidfrorn sue -- - - - - course of precedure ; it ec n orm y auJJgi O .D xSUiZ SÎ.s.-n atuda 1h lthrerencbmnent had always been uppermot i.,j an extensivesale of horse, catt ie, ik jsmid, i&pr*tede I zeal for the i"'-FA T R muig ioplemens seh l untre, ors f ti.sciety rnight haile been palli- 'U L~ t wifI take placeé1. i ,on the fnaof atod; but poei'iouti 1hom poulbter than vry good a t 7.1 per yard. Hhaus »en, n1 con Feneen. ~ werdsald, the present casis je wse than ail. OrDprmn Elareti ith thé hnourot being a tW,egate jGocr teis.amilton- lasI-year, and hayiil g uhée x" LLTI pectatio!l that ho would be selecttal agean, ERzuevà:. laO (rAWA,.-Pabamt j. b. actualiy moyed (himi>uilf) ihat ibis tell.!.-Y NEtSAl! rpectod te close, ils siuir,'gs un. the 2thdollais lie givon: lu pay the railwày'fare; but being tlisappoitite(t'iW hii.hopeis lie fV ,U _A A L lt., udit e asog1~Ithal h. aepsrtients lsîîaoti<uandi etultiiei hi ow ac, then Eu C L . vo brnanelfied10 risar-for the rerne- dewîounces the Society for - suppoi.ting ,hie GLiS&L N AIIE ai te thé.w aitlim eiately after-the motion.- Nothing humifiated 1by tiisVote,WetSop .da'D-. and tit eagetu be bièe in thé Lirue ca- Ken t St. 114«i- ________________appontei, bu~putùg te £ciey n an Lindsay, Septeniber, 9, i1SGj. Armrui A uaaiza.-The Assizes for Vi- awkward poiion by unn power îhey - --- naConty illI open in this tewn on Fri - ed.BtteBgd~ THE PRCES PAît> FOR MNAPS BV 111E: îy 1. 21h ay t Otebr nxt.Theposed rthit, believiîg, it would be prestimp- C tion te usurp the prîviItgee whicn i. j<>. AIPSATWPro-OINCL leu. the Chi.f Justice of Uppr Canada vicial Sociey poeees.ed. The Coulûy f T h dtro h aai. o vill peide Victoria lad grisait.reason te ho satietied w iàT h .io.fteCtaie ot M R.opkiàs laâ-year. Whle inhiarnilton SutR,1f the person sigtdng hiiself " Not-n asa â gae i 1 pp cii aoit heas-Officiel" in the last iPOST, tan drop aa).ia TEE MARKET QtUUTION., ed fcWinem .1the Wbiaat tuok the Can- ently chronic habit of abusing long ertougli tt 17, the .Edtprof te .Camdin P. ot:adts Land Coinpany'Lt prize and get it. No "ien of the week previous çailiug at tenî,L-r b ti. dior i h. .ia i! Pa t:doubithtis wa s fut distibu ion arneug the t he . inutes f lb. last ne tng cf Iir eûùti. DEÂR Sua-migÉt seem front Mr. Adam's members, but instead o etoahing ilt on cl,à aruith hum to break a tne v:~Va [ut leter tlisIhbe sVery anxions for martyr- imli ian.tities te the members, h.e kept il consent.. As le 'irites ntw 1 do n Ut t,. - J0109 as hoe-an have neotherobject. n tiltiag a prof6und secret and saved il ail for him- a eman wortl o1 fctj-n rat~~ t me eXeept ta prvote me te gibbet bics, self. F or Juin g sa goîîerous an act he O jecI of mymuse. ewih'istnh but lie ueed ael hope fr rmach sympathy tbru' ciely cominited a g tout errtr i n, t appoitî: ta bc taken s an 4natwu.. 1 do t cmpassion, as1Iinted ta lot hundcn easy. in rutùis year. This gentleman lîits ,.ut that ligtt." To cirry ont my id, h,, , He scuse5fie of levity in my lait. pont m ln1. awaysboeeis u careful et the society'8 fonds flot put st.atetncitg in M iy cter 0h.à%1* ir~ does ho suppose that my mmid eoniti be accu- as hie pretonds tu b. aow, and tibis je a-eU find tbere. But ea3 his beiug t, ied'in serious thoiïght w-hile ret'ie*ing a bur- known. Whlen hle a-as appointeti Treasurer nent of Dunk!Ws l iniglil eoîr tj esque upô facta Wrttteu by an indiidual, pos- nir a 80i h rawy htaou style. For instance, 1 saud ncihbbg e,, lesfintive pctéuiîartici ne less udicrus.Cuaetecuiilrait-ýedi ~ha isIiorr cmpsiio r ii dubeseernoti tue b.very tsecýinatiug for bu could cuaeteculi aietdi 'g~Cil raIse positon whicthlhe aspire& ocuy esntlti ee.B tl oher ogt erepct;In nteflanin e aout llei. rf- Wi ILe im n ht if lie W illinglv allow hiinself the dinectors ativiseti ta bave a tberough-bredthran irat agaeaottegaitd tie se ta lauhn tcta anthreipredfo nlu.Tee a rmEdnppointed as or--îwt taf d ofetiu [)tteorseo <,a-<edj lita £1 peney, "a part ouly (,f -ij hkh ý1M.;ý.1 tis jeo -eh thse espctbleanva ytarinosa"Nor vertî, onioy teji as wilas toersetben riend fbsteewo w ht 0,is pald db intelligent ge .ntlemen a-ho' make. a John Doe of and lwouid tb. tooglad tu send ilt n t h the icouneil w-Rh tisee titragecc r, i, James Adami, mirely ta bring their slauders fine it pplication. ,Althougli soute et the ing the exessicred- in 'kîn't-T before the public. I gave NMr: Adamn bis pro- memrbers éritei taineti doubte of the propnielY * letfaliton Dunkin's, llitnitiar iut (,f~ per stand-peint in mY last and he appare ta of doing buiness in thi, a-ay, il a-as ulti- 1 helie;e the Ac t tehb a god, iî >t . have improi'ed, by'the hint, as h. aimita isrnaiely "agreed te and ho -reté e odini'y,. prs - gbancea agaiîîst t!ii-,~ aottihepprper eson tediscuss these mnttens Before wr:tingt ho-«ever, lie. w- à distinctiy having been an applicant fur fat fàYiu-stt a-it> me. Still be continues ten at .&,.Mr. told uart tea[put h Dn.aor hpwihu hi ud.Icnot iberefure i-f-eý 1, Sciub" tle irful Dodger, and spread him- isrî,btIi nttiufl aas entarely l1.0W ta "obiiate"gî*tiC4 ~f aeift hnximh b.hind,whîeh thes i ni ehreoe can.Am preh'.nil what is mnhft hI1..--t..*i tligent and respectable fire off thei pear edhvn.i i ýo i lne, Stýt. wn, e.1h ý well-aimed malie. apae ai inb~ '-eee lnkt"ioa)SO iei," . I av . blr. Adam'@ seo@nd tetter bas appeareti and.hi9 sdbidEsqu1lrn fhi alig irfe, JiOgS- J-aadJ- tUài i yet ne Pr ,oof of bis' allegàtioiio. No prof e anth e menemhad te guesa tho e et. Thi sqii noûne ceû ho obtaitted, aud e'ein if cvidehnce 'blr l. ç ai),fl téScey$O for one etf these gentlemenI. 1 tnii r ., týr- ciul besnbonedthatccud nt proVe an ah- anice litttie. am t pay for diriiection cof scdn a etr u-- i:n¶ ~ surditv. If evidence could h. found it would -dûty.ift aean(l ièetoi. bave beenadvanced lon.g,&go. It wolld havé In, the spring following tnîmtna ct fitounke tay !firc-.c"' tf-..r .uýt.t been by MrÎ. Adanm himself -who is knowvn tealthe Boatd hadta t pay 870 for bis iniemnan- will .lefine Lis puitîon, 'sýt .knw be-r lie an ex penienced practical GROPERw-or -it anra.ent iin the suit of Choai vsr. the Society, me ýn apologist for uv(?oi: oir 1; *îdie w6uld bave been fouIi by the -Irtfuldofgcr, -for sonne clover seed. Thse Troasurer was expen dilttre for Mai b-a-t :tl î r.f Whoe when st Men above tie visible horizon, rnta. the spring meeting when the Pr- jfol ptting up the ntCS .d' u ,' ~ was button-boling behixîdd 4shîittr solîcititigý sideait. vas ordered te give hi. check fer ttue qured at -a cost of twi ou-),...e .aid for M. Adam to establiqh, bis falseboodi. amount, u nutntely omited te put the faveur appeîinfg g*-i.lé-tit-h r ~i, 1 tell' Mn. Adam that big, state 1mefitS are iniia utof inforoe ateeufhina . &teha-wrIy. a it-1L'- TU-- false, aýud hie virtua!Iy icknowledgces it wben Aîouhi . t as well known te, this lune- Afîer a-e seltJe l- int-,f Mr . ~ he sys inu bis irat lettor ît hehocannot prove Net amean1\s them In is irstlour ho us alis of iuf at uaI~ch a-as thé case, thse doicu-.1 i -"-ýeaD-,,- th m nbsfrs eLrh gave u * vokie te a ho o re .wh n p ee nudl ýýi.iSoL1 on thi' re-jo-'tablii- ilCu .astouding'facts, and lu hie second ho freats în a isoerd he nsn or ty and siabit.ness f the re.U. i -' I us e snnever inentusfiction. As ta m paymecnt, on acaunt -of ths omission.« A net ecnb ctn'u-'r~-~~ ~ provding a "standardb - r"sud nightly -rit wu as ied-, and-hnoîecse.gv uSm r:t~~n- r tsoliciting hie -forgivenesi for sanit -imaginary, 'rýho foilowiiug case show-s couclusiv.y Il hw on-, of OIT..te ill offence, . it le îimply nidirc1ulous. 1 ".s from that toc, înuch deference bas .beeit paidtohisnii3eed s-,)soôn. aud t' c- -. o'- homne tram Mardi utitaiNovenmber iI 8t3, bc- odicirr, amd in am'rost every instance here-. tiie nursuit of kn-eIeuzid"(C'. r [ in u- yfn a few daysa t iàter-val-, tofore the- iSoéiety tas suffereti. Thi-ee ars dinçu:îticsq, j-:t il, in' t iat. ùLisl.~it- >aud any persan & t ait aaitions ta kncw the agoa the Societýv decidetl on, impoting ivresèL!-ry. ;Àe k, s Su :uit' iau t!.î I nmal] Fer linta-ichthe Couneil was engaged bushelI; of w heat, and ti waas proi'seti ltacaissinnŽrvLe ,V; ýi fi-r 5duning ltat lime; e au easilyazeertaitV by con- senti W Edinburgh, Leith or Gagw;but Goii1dor»: NEr '11,'A: tI sult1ng the mistutes;,it ile enougs fur me ta 5II. tiis gentl.eîr.antx houghist he Roylut ni liei s we ll resIUe li t. IL : , ;'z,,r di'- bohre tisat ha fr as 1I are concerrned ih md no cultural Sociey w-as t ise Pr .per place Io get the om. 1ho cinrsi firu iII 0 ref~rc-uC ta themarkot.i. The Board iemed tu be pieased vih 1 tt . Mnn if tit~ .~ . ,'o 1f.Aaiadvances as proof of Ihb charge nho htnlnetaài wl1iA 1p »Iietat that ut a caucus t n.Bown's he igh seunding torons, anif a! iuweed hin tii < mfjto b~ ilmX '.::: bouse, in the summiner of 18e;2, I oflr,-.'ed ta bar- once aiore negoiate, at he caffe ime strict- >IrCturv 111Yf oii t1 ter thè iitests o-f the East Ward for'a consi- .1y him Io gel Sp.-ýi. ghetatci deration . This hie gives' on the authonity. o.t other. At last îl.o s feat came, anti-it M aiposa, Sü-il. 5, 1-S sanie narnele9ss ludividuail, (a-hem, no doubt, was a, royal prie, til o it hvng to p.juv _____ acccirding o %Ir. Ad nIs iden of socTiiscierice, petr 'lushel. Evert thts woulid not Lave a le %,ould ctasS as respectabie.) Thîis 1 shah been -se g' ievou,,-Iiu(I-i.beici te arnii' e f1IR ES. -B AIIN-S Bi -N î- . show to be4i strou -nmalfrmatin, begotten cr1 dfo a er beiîîg so ve l! puitd 9 ft liane lua-whse cà iur %as eve rockt- u iîî i Ib ig a totle iu2 ~ W ere asaetu o ao i- cd ud wlfohas e Co rse lhrough lite has been o ?N,4. sa:nuel Coirièil c'f t l'-ais worty oîher tuelae. t the meeting i5W I feel the responsibi'l frnigseeCfitit aer ce tF~ w.i qulesticti,1 ta mmcii Iwasinvte1 b1rMeDn matters. beforo the public, and I krscw how six< ac7ree oi- Siing whe'ît, tamrnn. uci -i a- s al itfo m e i t ls otje t l 1 j painful 'ih 1a e do sabut thse persi t4>it m ari- ritmn nts , a-as destîOy eï.1 'i l >;,S : Y r gel there7--the cash cftIlle renuired improve- url thdi1.Hpi, oîne o rn ih ls.O anrt op-r mons -a Clclaedan tterae orîncn-slier M-oeie iMr.c temp i diiii-'-oet, lv ia -l a infrt . ()i _ban uyliéîd uv-a sud iùRug und stallseti I ton 'ke - - ,- î-~îcîul~t i -.uen 'î-h.. e v 47o-, 1 «