(.'L-)iid 'e W lBErS HIS L AST DRTIq DWWHEN E'LL GET 1 recpived fromn Spanglerb le. City', which î v'srt o tire Dry Tortugas. - lu li ner Floridit, bound to te ,e of Drîy Tortugas, Fia. inki.-ig tf aid tintes, auti wisl yor saoon, drinkîng a-ni( y, inistead cLf lu this flitan as'ýt tritik 1I hati wïs in Y( qt p it 1il (11,own in a S ettlt ctic tI.S t for six long Yen] be 1>r40, efre 1 gct ai -rot fôrges TU('r nva ni jty shail swell yosîr lienr inAp to iing wih the.ligi ocf -volrself anft Myforu>l f4r a- 1vmnt n-to cast a lin! h-la à 4compasli feu happin nl ou. Exteti yo who brin.gî lif, thirak of ie a -are tnknown LERA. the, ide, ERaendi 1ud, oqmUhl-S, lTbp>t,3praintBru ,Cruumfl.-ithegtomu*Pp,, ' YD*O Cho leri 1M b Dyetry, È e o mi'I Ç 'iitsil ber Lo 2%4* 8 isCAProt-bites, k.., ke. 1- -  uget.Ils«4 T~he OssnadiSSiPain DestrOfe5 bas nO'v b*eru ait ag prusea is vefl liketi, "ver1 f, b - 1I!WS ý ~(b 'instance 10 gii'e permanent .l1ef vi a"ti.,iM N2I* used, andwevshave never kuova afi g- h eu1e - -1865 of dsati8iketionî -vb.s.the. iretion .&Tel~ '5p 4-10 beentpropor réfll uveti, but on tbhe ntrary et - '- amr diigid vlth its operaielt5s-*Pd .pte a u thse higlîes-*tstasofetls Virtuel 'and NMagcal W EA Tr Wfetspek1o e atù m tt«- haviitg tested t I =Uareugl',anti therefore ith* T %eîI0CEf 11o10 sfe:n froi a 4y of the, comnp1inls AIIEC for vhc hl rêmmendeti tasde.pend ypenFAL tfl it bing aSovereign Remieti!. -iA" The . tstoniaitig effiescy of tintCanadisut Pak j Detroyer, lun<uring t1h. tilseajseilfor vhich 11e-jdelVerd at Mr.' 8- m rtcoamnnded, and ils vonulerfel suco@as In i i. Crê'sHt1 duing- the torturing pains -ut' Rheuutntiot, nti MR.B I iu relieviing Nervous Affecîleas, cuti ie il l is My AgentInLi id higls rtnk lu the liai gf rerniedies for these qrn tcuac IlieS plaints. Ordern are coming in froin Medicine tedan tthSi Dealeri, in ail parts of tise countlry for further supplies, andeesdaleatiefyiflgau lu the unirersal Lindsay,, AagSoth~ satiszfactonh ives. - TIse Canadiasu Paîn Destryer never talls tô i11e rsdate-relief. AilMedicine ieWlers kcVýep it~. PhysicialîS ondes and use ih and ùô . tantily vill ho vithet taften onnce try làg l. WÀKE'NOTICE th . Price oui>' 25 cents per bottle. toeett t XI .11orders should be drtsed te h.sat ft * - . ORRRP. LMA W ILX.. i Subdin aLuinay' by C; gritton-,Knowistpnà; 1"i Gregory, and aai the iXedicalfHaill;S. A. Bovrea, 10 Oakvood ; Geo. Douias, Mniia ; A. Wyatt, [r Cann-ilgton; Giciristk GCatneros, Woodvile; I - Thomias Ma tel1t, Oanelfee, and il Medicine dealers. -Si2l Rel.ief li Ton muites BRRY.ANLS- PIJLMONIC WAFRRSi 1The original Medicti e hliwin î187,and final -article of tiie klati ever introduced i nder n*the natineO t-Il Pulmeie cWafers," lu Ibis or any n ther conulry ail other ?uimonic Walers are r.) counterfeits . The gennuine cen b..kuowa by ire thse naille BRYA-Xbeing,îtarnpedon lthe Wator. it BRYAYS PULMONiC WAFERR of'>R IlievaGColi Sls,Cotd-s,Sm-e Thiosis, Hoarsenese BRIL4S Plfl4MONI0I WAFIgRS &Hejoe SPhîting o? ýBlQodt, Pains ,in lte Citeat. rg DRYANP PLMïONTU CWAFEP-S Relier. Irritationit ftise Uvula tid Tenii Relioe ete abore Gompllaiants, IaTen 1Minutes. by Are ablesfsigioail(jsssad oaitto te ranpe ULOI WFR in, BRYANS lULONiOlWAP"RS SAre ii a simple flirtiasud plesant ta the taste S BRYAN'S PTJLMONTC flWAFERS - h- Are iii a simple t'uin and pitasa ut te tthe lasté Ca--BRYAN'S PULMýONliC WAFEIIS ndStoul.y reliive, but fe. lastingcures. tir 1 UMOT %r Are warraitted (o giv;e.satisfàctioi-te every une No Faiily shoîuid be wthciuta Box uof IYNSPUL[,MONTO CWAFERS. - h.l it elbOuse. 1 Xo Travc1eler 1iionld be ýwi1t.îOut asi uppi'lot îg- RO' PLOI WÂFIERS as luh~pockel.. i '; o persôn.q iliee obet.toj give for Mny DR1YON'S P[TLM-ýONIC WAFER S )ry Twe-nty.f ve Cents. 'ur --BAOES, Sl rpilr o/etr ti .For sa le b>' N-Orrop and Lynian, Newcastle, SC. w, c(hFie ru1Aidget s for thbe Canadas; Solti , 0 to i utd sa Y y G 1(i kito n; k n 6wültd u& G rego r - ivnod Adlanu O o -doauilla; A. Wyatt, T. îlat, ue ace sd Ail other: niedicîne 221-41 FA te -gong% oppositel nialvaya b. là or un lteMarket. Newcastle. ,ht gai prieo iabtod. to ~XIRWINI m rYWIIues td'to cal iJy 'Içvo rIMM cRçmu7 ......... 1I5th D)AY, 0F SEPTEMBER Next, witis jonx4KENNEDY, Epq., lMkucUJT, iti wn' ho la autdtisimto te re'vanid gai ceipta theretor. - Ail-dlaims not paiti Iy liat day vîli b., piacet inlacourt-for clliU.- - - ,- WIN KIVIe, GEO JAMES WELLE, Lindsay, Angnst 29,. l8841 81- Insolvent Act of 18U4 flHE C rediors ofthlie nnderigned are neli- *j lied th met astlbhe Lav Office Of Megssri IIA-4K&Y HE A/s, in, thsetown of Lindsay.-i -in lte Gount y ofVictoria, on Bawirday,IitheIfitis -day uof Septeinher, 1865, utt ie.hour eof Bieven ociuck iii ite forenoon, foc the purpose of re- civing statemOiilý cf bis 'u-Nirsansd cf nsmîng, anu Asigneo to whesp b. may -maIs. &P Asaigu- nient ýuier tise abou'e Act. Distet aIt-ise to-vuof Lindsay, linlteé Oounty- of Victoria, titis -ixlteen1h day et Auguat, now r ésiting ai the viflage eofR*aiskillen, ln-tise Connty of Durhaa, Ilaborer, for- useil>'reBiding ast tse lovsu ufLindlsay', .li tise County of Victoria, suithebn carryiug .on tise business oftînu-eeper. JAMÉeS HIAP, Lirdesay, * olicitor for lusolvent.- Lda>,Aliguat ?etbt 1965. l3-1 STE AMBOAT NOTICE. Daily Communnication The stalinueis Sra-gulng Steamner gjOCHESTIE,l .WJLL LE&YR COLBORNE Erorrnriug at.........- 30a. '.ilî;ne ùConbour-... .....8 Oa0i. ie-ttence amrin e--- stides. Aireadv it has __________ AdPrt oea......30a. MIalta and Marseilleq, zuîd ITEGiSTE GIU E E Y irect for charlotte, eonnecting theru wthaf- ~piaaflc at GibraýLarfd ternoon tre.u for Roeliecteri - Sir J~im~ ChIrk's~RETURNINGI WILL LEAVE d-R.TE )aLv Tlee isevcry rea.isoSr a en:Càkr. LTE ~cuowi i Ivisit Egl Cd, EtEBRAIED FEMA.LE PIILS 0very ightt 2 M.. deC COborle;Cobourg fî1ad %:s ay aclîoai'.hIc AlLui,- and. PorttHope. !t tIt hretowne o-f En- Il , 1iiý;izvtlL f, leicifle1isuflfi!hf ir ki Fr rehtorpsage apply t, J..eler, Col- it!tid ..vey ea~ooiriscure of al % aifa nil cangerous diseas*es borne; Ch4rles Eiliott, Cobourg; A ohae 11 refel.5lce 14) altary rtru- lcdtiote fcma.le consti 1li ltin. Port1Hope, or to ttbuOap.tain on board. ,ho)ovs Ille Caa:ainpuoeopsI tîi rl ilexcessesand rernnvoq ail ohb- Cohourg, August ist, I1861 . l3- tL keiy s5IoQilo is ailc At- rrornwhatover. cuseý, and a spcedy - th~il esiîioit~ îva~s vuc'Ila îhoreliefs P1i. A AG M E e, 1ut Order so jar a'-, TO MAUBIMD LADIES VA G MB L S ~a"!îl atccuIlyVL'jlui or',s ~ it pi- iarv siWt.u. wiil, hi a short tirne KNIALGAM BELLS, 11,18 refa'ut, fh, &* , h .rir.g on tho nimonfiîy perir'd with régularitjy. A A~A BLS cto~îIfrbn fai iôiîît~ u CATI4~N.AMA GAM BELLS, s, atld er1ier 1btlried l 'I 11 . ,lvc dno b aken -by fem[aies M GA .B LS 1 ilî an alrv and eaxPOsed Sun nd r prgnnt, diuriingtia. ,FliRST lTIlRUEE rpîe i.îîî ieralo vr hr je Wu emanttmsrnay be a s i n as thII re sure t.î bring on 'Micar f ool entrFcoy rFr j aineg :lfjeii u înb ng;btu vr te ie n uee the in.Thuir uise throughout the U'nited ~ ar1'."ol hýr e thýey art perfctiy sxf;., -- lju aIl rse o Nevos uSpinal Affettions Stte and Csuiadà3 for the pasI six years ba's Q~~T- 1 1l .-Q1 h 9hjPi ~fi i idIi,ù,lcvne, provelitbemt to coà ihine uost valumbleqa-- e Rner. idowof Mr. 1 t ' i enire onsloetfi rticn aiton 'theea tiee. Among wbich rr OeSTRENGCTII, SOSOR lier I', - 1 c(. , Iib od ý Lwas tSut yter'siic cd cb, UqNESS, andi DbRAffnL4TY 0F %VP.IAT1ONX, tneqtial- îrbs, M tthe advau-cod ae o( i eanl al ot'ner p"iiinfîlldieBsp's occasion-' -yan'î ot er rfnunfactrun. Sizes froin, 15 it aii tta das. D- edbi àdiý,I ('retis3-,o500.lkbS., cos,ýtiUg 'WO-TiiiDS LfSSSthitn t rî'tî~ flr to. dys.D~ d h a io vrd s stm, lws Pus w.!!c CA ther metal, or 25 cerits per potund, at, whichý 2-26 living. descundarits.-a%_cure whenc ail ther niesai.have faited. hprice 1I- v urarýth ?ertwelve months. Old 411, VIl 1ir dîrnions iii the rîtamph1let around cach metal -ain l excbiaige, or bt>ght for cas*h. pack~ew'udshtîld e crefuly reseve1 Send for a circuLtr to the nainifacturer, ,n'ýs op11.nent, Mr. Ilivaiy, A bottle couttinilg:60 îillî, aîîd encircled JOus il. ROBINSON, tW~O cusiuece,-O1u itî) the Goverument stamtp of Greart Bitain, Iluu.tî i Duinmt.n. cn cin, (it po!st treé foi $1 ar, 6- postagel No. 3 1 DctL' S1iIEEcT, NEW YonxI. r ilnid<. seniafve mdi StLfl9S.Liat-of Prices, EVeights, aini Szes of, ~~îual ruînb.r~ f ~ ~ For sale by Nôrthrop k L vina i,Nocte, FrnBe, emrt Slo(hu, lle ho(idmf- of a ile eleci C. W., general Agentsfor fthc Canadas.Sold SSP~Fdr el ned cvly iunie îe r nI1, a ti Hallr ; Eo . u ow &egr,1 k These Be11s are fitte4 with Voke, Standaird's le siti of e whoe rcpreserî ni ioia ia! ._. oeCn Crank and Blt, complete for use. gý-) D)-lass, Mllanilla .-A. Wyatt, ________________________ n igonilechrist. & Canieron, Woodville; T.~Wkio alat isee Ca fBl m t ~ ~ 10 M ithet(j mense, and al medici'ne dealers. flngiîs t1-1ngsumpe ýl at0r twU oh.' 3'onin ii en __15 lbs' -7 luches 37 e, cre co ~uO trcat ~ mi20 ~81 6' 00 ck toe nt d 111c( L T OFLu TTEhr 3.5fro 8 75 i~uru rfct nuîa~ orer 1>EM MINI[N'G an îhLý,ns&Y L'ost.Offce, tb 50 ' 1125 R 00 " 18 .1 2500 id tlict had irtwell tou hi, Ah in at enny Mary -« 75 raktaimctiodealers at j \cry _,%nson Letihan M chael 1520 ~202 37 50 '~os 4t s s ratd tatlii IbronWn aloue Michael 20228sa0 i-.ý;mtq htil-!reeGog, Maher bMichael _____50f______________ lîrmince fit-e hiradreti lIr~ (Ylutd 1 arroli Paùtick- Me-Cabe Mrs HugIt s liave. Caivert Tisomas Wi-ainnW nianl Cockbu rn& iNCMillan2 Plielin Petul Ltof Acade-my, SIeaubaat, Firc-aesr%~ lu te oaiithtota la s-e al thse IDuaaMsoadîPhillips John 2 iat is Stýzis, fohantitu it at 1 ElliFî homasnikRoenld R-obert at-IS~ ~ ~~~~~~~~l posbI o lnigiitsiKts-ions - ,nadRbr eenSae, u hll ile. ex..- Fiý àrc -- -.-IN Rit sm YOUR MORE Y. A.R OSRIID oXINT pwèainu uuoqmeboof temtlï. 1 bu o, Hmving P" hSpdsIisSr1»g for VASI, and àatlme wbeu k< eiea ot Goodu ere :t.At theeIILl or u tltiar omttoti e627 ua; v-orau aftd c u&mt$t tedealtitiI.A b wodlulrt *X tgoode are nov Ieai 1Z a8Pto haiebssi.v e pty u es x.pe perace the folloving PRÏCE LIS1f oU 1W lnig ,rtliitN adthen prononce JlET N:1 lU NE -I-,II'MIITIM Blta. Ge. QO045tt s...rt. pr e4 riaitinus(Iyd. u-îde>from a Od. up ~ Aiton ' * (aceolt)7d.« Flue Chamber rowels for..,'. ., suiv SrpdShirtitg lOti. " SjîitdkdSlàrmmerTweedsfrom.la l1td. up" DEf 0(1Bct 'a elle sde etyle, .utl prite.. -  LOVELY DRESS of 10 yards Benetia CIth bus le. Gd, MJJSLINS uin great varety-, . le b.solti vitheul profit. ÀA crtoon et -. ANT8Sandi BIIÂWLS te b. secrificedi An, immense qugantity- of STRÂW GOQDS), 1rbàansd nUimed1 sheved boff a anyprice the bityer.pleases. Feéit Ilatsk, lmeb.SÙk C andWèie efs,,Corsets, Table C/st/t, Parasol, MHosi cMtoSkNeck7t?5,& lT* bomnsF mwr, infact eoerij-tking 3ày-en ssRD-, NWOTE T IS FACT! lie-g vi l.th lit Prlco e ood Butter and tsins-exebange for Goodi ai lIte aboyaL LUndsay, june 1tbà 108. .31t J*]I COTLO&CLDONSON & NIBLOI Beg îo annnc the Co"peto oftheir Spring Stock, consisting of m rtr aid D al si GENERAL GRO CERIES,- TEAS, TOBACCOS,. COFF] WINES, BRANDIES, RUMS, O0LD TO)M AND H, GINS, CHIPPEWA, MALT, OLD RYF., A - COMMON* WHISKIES, &c.- &c. 4eidymd 'lothiogBoots- and ~I[T ~ITRV&1 Costock of DyGéoas, large and weol1t afrled, anti owing lu tthe great de-cline lu tis prç fCtos .e eulibied tu offer grent inducemneuts 1u purchasera. The subscriberg are determined as heretofore t sïupp In C'adiaotnnd Soc Ted w ae age di y->' -fetit Iià>Towu, hy keeping canstantly, an hand--the bcst branda of In GRCRIES, BOOTS & SHOES, G LOTHINqiJG AND LIQUORS, Lqos isat otr i fwîc iIh as usual, receiveunr attention, aud vo have nô hesitaion un sa. îg 1 ttuo ouse is e tradel Sod a est Possible Prices for cii oru derseli u. Cash la -what wav ant, sl tL% Çt'FOR CAS EQV AAN.~DOBSON - ninspectionzut' ur stock la slvweak The -Gouds and Prîtes viii apcak for theniselvsc. Linudsay, Ma>' Uh, 1865. - rdce b wihth iiet price will be given) takeienl exchatage. - -J. COSTELLO & Co.,$ -'m s Ati Wiiion'ià WLopoie ceiaasHadre Monr, Kent St.,. Linday- The auh criber desîrez 10 CK,: EES, SUGAR IOLLAND ,NJD piy a want long nported Wiu sandi r Cash& & NIBLOC illfcrm the cutunel ti >1 be fultileed itas -g atîifug to 1vtýte Mar Nhaey ar. uîiu ~ . - â tZ ïaWAY IND UU ViJ1 i L ,J£u 4»pJLY~5U .iml have a sovereigu r cicv for FtgrlJon Skse R9a ~IOTC iherevgvn ht.t hnz COTY,ÂNU, IRMLAND, ANO AE-i cramps in thae 3toxuacti, cÈolie, Gîlrnet Wm :ý1ojne Win225 î1 28 in $66 00 $ s Oô$ t- Ou ect4 of the. Municipal Council, of the le tle, mutdaivribdcs 10 its ctrc IAS ruam ii! omlaitsof heli.e ailouThs Stspes eogo275 *12. 690ùQ .18 ou 810s Viited-Townshipft of.000 and fnuryeÏfs tintel,, was 'hd JuIy. fed n noet dicirie Dealers, 25 ets er botule. Kelly John 2 Tao lrd 0 (0Worid vas fÔrmed; shîows 2oo000 ciLles, towns thatt I the undersigned, S. ____________________ ('aheirr Te36 15Th0ns 00 ýQ nauy-awvi180pai 00 vill :llages, mark tplaçes, post ofes, citstles,, Towno Lpy. have beenà Perglons cal'iinir'ftr the aboeWill Plesask 750 40dos18804> &OO225. oa~~ nd 38,000railwavaad raillay s4ations, with (IALÂSGE flis E ifoffor advertised letters. - - 00 14 254> 004,2 0,» * 0 thechSat npand tbey am :.çquired to r on the -)h instant, te T. . ÂAMofM 1200 48 SW 0 O-ô, O 35 >0fromite centire utLot No. -b 'ithe 10th cOn- înarled, aud -the oficual namne'and total lengi h withif wMLrChalut,of a son, :'1T. R0 3D OC 5 0X-40(0cgin o b itri od a-lIefrou o each railway in actuel operation ni>te June, - _______________________ s~e 5 40004> 5 00t 54 OSthe rd cocessinlànthe - Î4au, i iven. *The railway stations are nurn- TJ' 1O List ofLett0rs00 60 00- 510TO 00 v .~D~, erically and alphab9ticqlly- arranged. The -from ibsldteirt làu letes 18- 55tale udra tt I~i Sept.ôîb, îs~.2510 4> 25 00 7'2 400 697 GO btveen.Lous No. ad 4 sVt a e hs- it h liueoech in fet, matie front hold if anysd tevleo 'Se t3000186 . 3_ '1 8' 1<> - .04 * 83j 44>b ie b "laid out by - W . 1IL Deane- on metrial survey's by ont o wn engneers, t igtefac; vith voucheià ,INDSAY MARKETS.ý Boakes Jame - Murry William à5U0 68 87b 004 87 04> 962 ý0> sq. provincial Land Survcyor. Sa il RadraughisTnei n u htorpe sent to Eng- sc lma FnIEAxsa;Sept, S. 1865. Brown Fmancis Morison Etiard 4*W 69 100 . 00 l- O 1100 40 --to b. seventy inks vWide. -l and expressIy to inake a auperior niap.of tIsat S.4 . ........ 1 05 t< o,$1 Il3 Covie John McXC-0tai:0rFialey 4500 la >1126 0613 (>0 1238 T001pR AR]PlAN, onty hi whole eegraved on stI, coloured bn~,Jl ............l th Bavz9o6Pet 200Sirs 4#782 5O(h ADalton.ton in c anti jontdand ar ibhd ibit- F0 R SAl ~0ah;e ....,G1nn le - McDa ldDODBiss I 'i >.12M i ý W - - -D Te . .4O*ip clvatai. ise une vth lsîai rbaîsb,5( Gtii lasfrdJoh M Depan na ld -4tra gei>or n s25 c .sro n .. 2 t -e ncîn a to tiais. C*vasers tirougiout ush ............... 0r, 5 (,r Raham Are-h. àMoItyre George -V GUAnATE.-AIl Bel~léod st thse abow. "'ta Cnao, CtpaoFORn SA.t i.,...........- o o'i ~ ~ ~an tprices toarrioted againit bie-akae by Eî.dè, NvBunwc, atan ci -............. .ligit> Australia >nd Caifo~ it pn .1 per~~~Jlu lb...... t 5IoiunMn ay MR.Don' ual44lre cain.Bol.oeti, ia el ii . p make 4fortunevhçlesain shis ald -Frsla x .;r h.... 15 -00 " 0 1 o.drew 3oag; tbrt2,d ve yreturnlng lte br6ked»nou. OHeI.&EGE ta any mant inthe lite tasu'-agnts* ý g, hnx> liba...~~ ~~~ .......u O" dJolinaton Lagl1n sitb >l. R.Of' Toronto Orders iitay be euzt tlfugh the .Axasct,* Pf V1gora, for a F( OT -RACI CC. 5cftifrapi.r on)i o InElg XN po ............ 4 0 sUng oU , 8o*$~h A valsG ee;89.&sdaN~ Aif ttêu mile, forth. sbue of $80 tà$loi 1u4l4regongto pe n lxshovu bylagoreir osnae per q.. ......... 01(>05 " 0 00 -J ewiîQ- '-G W l p Raberi .l A aeimim i l oniNCIany ad ay, Xlad n Gpsi witbin ei ns i u - £ hr ge t'lttezX s. T n new m en ov inAppl to 0 s (oLewsy llio br In ue R breaks aiter mthe expi ration of AM it hgq hpi4O.uTflfle t'Sta&«rIhire,Eiig,,j ý"er Tay. Apyt lian verwjs defatéd T.LLOYD, S-~~~ O0 25 Il 0 * Pprsons-calling for theaboée wilpleuesaak metifl. &eiaMpbibr eh.... 0I 15 or aderi- . é jr.,JO", B. RRO8N o ,IW~8s. .. u o, ~us~,nu18, 11865. - (orbtildiring I vF, t are notifloti rec om ite fd b il C. Wud, f ~ bot Surgical a appoinled OFFil- oate-anti F£fects-, - uduce before inc RsFREsNCES. Brown, S;r lien rD5KW~LV O'Reilv, Esq-, JF IV "E WMis ston, Ihingston: 1pou, thc sa ît! Es-,G. J. Weller, 8 iaê secuirît> ttc>' Liadzay,,Nov. il; andi if noue', as.; un support o'f tIR S C. WOOD, rAND cxxx EN&ISN AN L.1.4E! CHPAP s [A~~HINE terses S liCPK1N~, Lintisa>'. 311-41. bis tîîies i in ston.efu g oi thwne pblc a Ia eC.iP rI*:3td ie- Mecha inic , .efu h . t . h 1Dbleab, a D., t aaeài;Kigtn B. r. DFowhr,Jrs) n ry ~4mi'h, Shcice itton- cv. J. lJmiy Rr Ms. Cark ir*'ib LnI'oûirCc ..rer sude F!evr. LiClark. vl.1th, 186i. 23t .R.......... MO AMERC MI- MAAINES t anad stia-zcriL'erz jiron2PtlY fur- SCHOOL BOOKS AND Tu& CÂNizilÂN POST ha. a larges #Ut attiption itl han tliê tvao thar papera -90 Cuuiuti Unitedi i 1FURNITURE! URNU E .1Y c i tt annc rice d astii gener nuli nId baî lie is nov. TUE SUBSCRIIFR OFFERS ;FOR SALE TuIE LARGEST AND BEStIeDt ]à .la-']e o thewttarnsa nd the aid ýttaûd ati ive 'l 1 îauotry, vinrth od v ii b gad. PARLOURI , DINING, A-ýiND:KITCHENiýi CNWI HAR -Fo ~ )E.IaT E W iffaîvinSraee e wl g LOIJRDINING; AND KLTCFHN TABLES, j hinin hiï.lnŽ.- HAI SO ASCOU hES & OU GES SIE-B ARD, XOT TTTSTASDI , ic tur îane tire Vnî,îoa CI, ft tu1 li l itneïs imself an LO es linoe-eril-t ve: enced workuaen, and B R L & CUPBOARDSe -MATRESSES 0F VARIOUS 11N11 must te moniedim i en e-tgh lefiun the iiv L i sureh1a*îiifr Cî-tl L s r ae QUA IES, SFjcountry who ae ilngoiicttheir cai, ti - offr thetfliwu r lc ist fur ta ec c sidera- COMMON EDTuSi eadivaage, a 'a1,lose fthe iude(rsignBDTAuu-n14ed id r t»oofinrt ndînig. puruhlasers. FOOTTOOL, St., &~. -j drsseu bluselfwhenire uttouuisthein Iliat lie (ood laeavy Sàu"t-Tg -.ru es, av i -uleeninnd to returia ta the aid coui'y, atiti lita -sv IT:îiest......... ... $18 00 -Artiele-sof lte.bestitittd neweàl de sig a a ays kcpl on hanti, and i viiibe tieefte shes Ii ùLbe 1 ltlile proitertyshui t iea asafuwig aL.- iu'-u ui 1.,o i~ 2 pcsielieuawlikstts .of ,ailQW orr)tars trela.1"i-rns 0: t.ar< frafe .k t ontlie nie b iid ug(io îî d shi)t rau ' -... d.25.... kgoodc gar-b d itlen ry accri atat i, -acur ea-a~ c ea ls, plofruns-y as $aut'.onvuîi5acd ton a fksie, t ta. chca11ý inex ù1e ý1,r ig rlg CIBIET me.ER And u i-esr . li dî- .1a0na1ouNt1-- sul iViaî;EN'u t7Sr h u idts iate -stock f biling ;ijh,qbaleSutcoL ine-- h n d -iP, i l ýUl rd 25 -Ou Krentree<fii t - t p. - rt i i'i -' rhi idot atLeIus i- - od utami ake s icrl ti-u i t 'fl!i'a jr. es-, . A tal m j 1- &n& i coni nice su akli ui ulil. -~ iî ud.a ett Il ABE NETMASJAW(lfERi3'St- Fu- Hait t îcit tf ie nîite. Astic c f tbries op usnsa ti0 sto d ore f lC11sC bandg '- sis«.u VIr Unt fr ti Icil otic ro';tber1i;e 1-111el A i l idsaori- - - m ute rmnt t hin e ll e a - i sea, *'0 Il e d onting 1.«1A-' KeenaD.'s~lock5 Ket Street, dsay. Weshtfoe a t ie îîîrIa.ides .1i, 1i .- A OCalii D iSi - o - titYtI art engnas'iir-.l îapcnîitsv pta0 P 'ER O t, -FIL LucingGlase, ati ookngGlas Pate Pctue Faut- radMannotrieets.- ieu St.,l ANDn0»AcK ù SreL---sy Linea>'. car o th-d luh - CII ('rbe, toe -iltwt A-. yDS as'heretofote,,' hichilié u fi st' I1he coi. Engluat Gin, aartuofStcks, Cnes, c. NO Iii Ib' O FNNL:L & CORBET 9, LEND DS 0C ' F BE UT. F L GOD. uts o Bsie- AI i, oerii nu perfere ild ou te the La T he " overa e t the~ ALp rs ou , s ieb e ute 1ahefbiteantsc sii f ,ii it iesavknd ,to nipr- mie Joh LIi l, i dayb>oe on s io u arîtdh 'esaifci wil fnt tsebel obcco l gea vrîty Pieafren cnt ati'awsds Ciar o Ltebet an rd Book Accaîtul- ae ue ,>' rcqiî'frftered 10 '.trciag wil -budsUè,-cnd CitiargCeses moen>y slyý.ieîkenyicOethatthe Paieii, sndtteireNotr 'Dut! mu fîunalw ucai-ce.Mr. Cor-tll m1 1 p rik A-coilsts in bbclhofndsiof P.lA.b-,IIsolD.aftuantr ail Mr.aKcon 'sst ; l',plrt nn-.ui linr. , ~~ FINE CGTn CENG OACCO.atePLcuENDID QU aLdTY ITle OiE VNEGR oictrLnt-rwhoi aîltrzeta eev ore iu.M'.titnul fcu i Loelkns- viriLS anrie -, sz1 zî -.-r ite f.r. D id payncnts grat dicliagesantiarragef.( - o e iîun e-ekven. Linsav '%a 23.dl-6. incs t ito ttit titi Weddiug REsdFnP,>' C AB; rStD ConsoltoApPRury udfAiO.G re1ese.SAUJcMGlI,- eX v TRAiTeEthè WiTK eofPA 'nglstaing tU"à-kîde~ ngg xei&. Exeuto. -RNERrNCOS4 T T e Z v- Nf'.B.-Thtl9 IL essinessbté t -he ae of 'tuhe Ds. Mîreti, Auidrews, Beno te Cof 2nd Door NVest ot ~lae Mig,h tiat vLiind futue UcM. Dansîbi-ri, Sulit-i toJgalin,-tieut.Sh brads-.ndCia'.(ýasesineFortaemn lathe aidbuins1fa irtea nd o nan, M..Robais t J. . Knil mât W . Lj- INdsRayliito tinsAPril:ize t18ec5. OUT CRÉWING- - Migitt.SALENDIDai patronage front oli custont-Y, . A. Caàw l' A. - n thei, E s t iird __________ - e~ay h ra tisocîtres and arrs eh wt - n abt uudytf- lefieigit a Varie sto o BeadsBraids Tattig Cottn, 'Berin -o.., 'of necomnîctidie geulion 3f.aAnralDr.diDaestDeuenls!, GREn ig;at11Fad ttey;DtsitgCrbTip oaT TPOGrftýr'and iÀLRA0IL- Kingatun, sudiiiadtinucfolwngrf ~1TRof Kirk- "Ilaving 'latély cgoied onknythe D) rsf Yr.tC.iJ î . 1 TIM SUBSCRIBER HAVENG CONCLUDED TO Retire f on. Business! Sil sel bis large and varied stock c -s~AT COST PRICE. 4 1jpeople in a at cof Boots and Shoes would- do well to cail, as ai! the gooda iWill be old Oa prics which wU'ii aon4bh the buyer. W.J.W 8TR j-ý 1 l