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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Sep 1865, p. 2

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il -w 1< s Il r c i t a -t Umm Maky, ppGeo. . MW! r~i ao , *9 toomemi. et**i 4-a good my 153!D# lf lw bý mâl-*sic'eo M & berne W" ieM. Gminspo So f Il oeatmrd ~ heaulms tof r t, vmosfrt Of th patyau 145fl8d~ hgli>' alu msfol- Lp byth Ir 9 != Y' ud leto te %0 . ov c w eare ayo delighted wth ou&"waIbo xwod Io to tat." te Prostt yutevdq awfteraioo tisai cSod r# u aswel as the suparkwtof t"iroad did ever t. urake ue'i lamt z tii. balaffloi»,meansby mue ýby bML Thi rathi ingy aroebé--id abotter isorer hoOreur ci y witb a th.y niake Maay mouuv a. vnugialw tof 'lho eube.-of tin preDmt tb9 -99W lt oeoM E-D. Muer., -uicolin met [J. 14. Ro solde> Wr.. liai, Roborti -BISE- ture s Iies Iwd 1 [Mr Wi the thei AI pr où 'o =pe o.Wis.1 'IM daltow 'sopeetat-; Charl1es M J.. sfl i , pn.cot Msegr; . ilsor darekéxpqllieuý auiKon; Wm. M. Nichoon, »@Dow Bare &»i Qr; . Romaine, Peterboroug Rele'io*; David Mathesan, Quebec Gazette;-1 .D ply CamblWbitby &agette; W. P. Con, ey e- bSignal; A. Qnabam,% Peterboroug , tsr-Examiner ; eary La*sm, de. tdo - J. B. Ab. P SboIt, St. Mryr t.n4t;Ao.J Blh,1 aT.Mary& Argua; JaigsaSaquerrMfe,' Ilundas Ban-E e u-T er; Mackenzuie Boveil, DellehUlie IiteUgetcr,. Mi.r- Oes Vandimen, Oven Bout .corne; -Robert Era;-,. Wll!4.Belleville Iodep.flde1*l;' 4e's J W. G. BoualeStes'a W.I h j mie, do. do.; D. Wylie, B-oekvihle. Recordr; G. .-ýMoullnPiston Amieicas; Geo. W" Verrat, Strathroy Dlsptch; John -Suiiis bftuoe. London Protohyr L;- Luike tav a Vni caté -Wý . K ly; Sime a âd " 0.a Haitu llasiltos Time; J. . Wod, Sarsia Ca- satila; W. Buckiughum, Stratford Beaco>nr J. tM*V5 C. Blackett Robinson, Lli ~Po1; . . H Parnoi P= ngutoa Churdassas; J.- . ueft T Chroulce; A.iXcLachlin, 0t. Tho.- m&cBanald; Jan ýLiudMy do. dÔs.;Robert- k the. pax-" cWhlssie, Woodstatk BeuniÎe; J. W. Gib- son, Brantord Exposibor; J. K. Muson? Belle- - ville ChrSiçle; G. L. Walker, Porth Courer; uoN E XiII )-KNamarra, do. do.; H. C. Kennedy, Mon- is Ildau nlebsrg Ooxire; E. R. Smith" , .JalaniNeyws teý ton-. Thomnasa Stitar, Montaral E01110o- W. E., John:si- tu ,To»naW Globe; J. E., P.' Doyle, Nev York SF -HeàW;, T. Byrue,1 Prumctt.Teeiiiph; W. H. a ter>' -OUveut C-uWaflell olj ;Wm* Grant, Stc imieous (Jthaines Journal.; James Seymosur, St, C&- Uiidr bariueaCoullîtiaal;sem'Amaden, ,Dunu- 1 Udrville Inde udent; IL. Mbheson, Hamilton roùki-'ilo Quarteri>'; Gecr r 1,qcatk, -Clintain u;H s vlied Ilougis, CobourgW -d;T. MoNaughten, Ca- boufg Sun; C.- S.- Joncs, et. Marys ÀArgue,; oei turA. . VcPhersohi Berlin Telegna ph; J. King, lt TM .do. do. 1 R. B. Birbcb, WoodtockTiest;,W. Rbo o Fi7d Cobourg star!; J. il.atndalo sud - . . sisBruatfold Expasilor;- J. Camern *Bioek- LouJon. Âdv.rtlset -E B>R. Devhurst, Wellaud its sais- Tetegraph; R. uLb.ýlàa Ingereli Inqul- M - rr e.R.C rn W"odloc Weeman;., Was By*n4. do.W-,George Tt l-mpa Lsimloft Tio; D Mco4ag&ll, ex-Ptueide0t, Btius; g by rail A. Tyner, Hla ileiTImes; R. ilathieson, il"a y« i atas Champion; .!FmKenjuedty, Napaue - ~ Lodr;Dr. Ardagh, Barrie Auvüce; .. S. 1 Drqp-n, ee%t yar'i sloý g anexcursion ver. atltd a omle& 46 folites T ler.Kingatous by, 1*1 ée steamer onl Tnesds>Trniug hiug mon- wu n tisai at nigitt, and holal thé annà,al dinner rui po tiondat e..i,&and pnp fmeeing of d il& thear t"-..proSotib>' bou QU e4bÇa onwo--duos- '0 'aPe day nigbt, spendcg Thurda'lulipanMq~ atrwedq tL Rewate b a t y W e c« th ex--en ridu> andi Saturda>-t4hOtrip t b b l& 4 .1511 o« Augul andi dnring lii-tail oos touIl- Ltta $udge . iiîrtoi. maglye TuRibetuiatt brnagi s ntelligenc. et ý loi deolh c Jtio lmurtoi, tii. eli-knows Aylmaer is 1;utthsur au4 politician. Ale was borts la Nola Vil «ali- So" i i 1796, W«as .dacewwat Kiiscol. X% u larg e inuthet coloay, beoue a lav*Yor and SOas.ueea Ciiletjpatioeo f thesuPis5M- Court ot Nova ne. li rature) end Wrteaunumber of bumouroas t$w boàs works uijamaig the. habita, ma=çse anti &» n amental po"iliitim of bis 0*n uounrymOB, pom" of <th tei uis o msf Ï. Ikitiah, mor dueru i a c-naê" n The.Attaohe, -or li. niSam Sii.i- in glaiide, bie vorks l Par"-. amnt re.J cular viit whýioh -nearly er.ryot la 5More ov ooi.or Ipss acquai "d siare fia iof tisai mmt era i uaist Furitanutoal fiiàUiUtilei bwich-bas de- lit Mae c" 0,householti vord. Jadg. Balibur"ou ___U a la pelluo, wau oe rantiro f tii. mInet- eàt, MOL lai 1801i hoM etot spoid bis de- p~aid Ilei t tu represent Lansssëtoii lai the Ho.u"s of Coin. Auso.atios tn. HOlie ttnot d ius . ia l s8 pr one. oflistilcularly lu the. British Parliameri4, but ai t4 bsr* ta thesaine tiché Sis op*io0s.vere alwq'a uberut of lookedup to..0f tu. moit eniii minuetS moll Hoc». wablt, culturod -ad of A b-sud dispoudlou, lia pae udind~ah villb. assvrslly regrelisdby ai Vlhj,,4 X- Nhoew .vhim pesoaaly or tiiroughbu i&. -tereoiit eg aal iqumgnt kebiofiu elam ~oîsusW Uiss 5iuàcç Cou-~ ~-Tha i 0f ~Ibo I .bucPý sdi. aulema f ah.. -Po mal e mil h mes yoW *as, Tim.. Ray, »d, Robert Réy- mile, Wm- Tom- the. Grand:Jury, large n abér of. t, and te tii. na- do cotumenteti or, Ds ftom th.egPol >P& tiiat the.mut- blakso-if tel wlu a y-might rOat Où bproper .hould .ors. The. Grand Jury thon 'W to theïr mm. The ollwig mefededIssue& were o dispoied of;.ê 1 . k of MobtvW v&Mîtuhe11 et. al.- wio on pwmimoy ao.Verdiot for plain- for $21703 Giomon v.. Roghs t. ol.-Atioa cg emiiry note. Verdict for PIfE. $141 00) udopoth &Martin for lILT ; P. A. liard foi L.. igiht vu. Ifroe.-Atiun ohpronuisorj >t , V.erit for PlJ# 103,90 Hudapet] muailorPlL ; Maàay&Heap for DA Oâtaro,ipkva. c4burn et. il.-Acti« apromauury note. Verdict for P1fK ms2a- Budpth aMartin.forPff. 4à. Dormoe for Dit. 'repham L .t. q wCbaL*bUrnet. aLm-A ba on »rmis.prptnote. Verdict for PIS &2& S& lMadpà #& Marti.for-,Piff ;00. ioraorfor #iL Roberteon Le al~ . &Bown et. al.-Actic 'n pro aaueqry woie. Verdict for Piffs. Il M~5 22. bMaekay &k Np for. Piff.; h imnaford for Dfs. MoCrituanavw. )MKinnpn.,. Âctio* . )romiaory note. Xu4Aic En Plf f. f 114 -60>. A. LaCSrrse fiir Pi.; c. [ellar for:DfL Aptioon osproreisoy inote. Ne' defenc VSSffor PiObi. $719 75. 0.JA Mach wP*~ P. A. Hurd for Dits. W.doday, Sepit l3th,185 Court .peued at 9 a.m. Mio Honor lmd BMTn, presidlsg 1 W.a.Cettinghai, FX& W. L &uaitb, .p,.I1ant . Thoaaas-bM kingi romodmt. .ÀPpeal from the dudocia of E I ris and Sidney Mackerizie, Eut Juitiom of the P. . C:onviction quashi .w.i"hut cos. A. LaCourse for respondel M»sk IT &hesp for appellarnt. The7Queen vo. John, & Francis*àe ,-The."Doodaate, e.iding in thé. townk of Emiiy, wer. oharged with auaauttlingi Edward Faste,, a contable, whiIo lin charge of bit duty. Venliot, John lie gu.iity in the. lat Çoeirt; Franoas: Leary, guilty. Sentuncê-ta e b conýfied i. 00o1mmon gaol ýone month frxi l3tli A. LaCoitrsfer crevi;, Maèkay & ll for Primoer. PatUineRntary, On Friay liadlte lieuse went Ï0 C, gio.ofe Supply co. dis iliiia Est lini a hs Mr. John. A. Macdonaldi aide -a Wogêhy opeeuioS t'ho past and prssait1 ioein of Lthe Militia força in Canada. aid tber e ra enov roilitary chools- es linhed st Québec, Mentreul, Kingon,1 aaio,-Bauiiti&and London; with-thle optiSo of the oueAt Hamilton tuSeWs woald atillbe kept*p. It was pepo. hoAdjutant COeneealt theii.gradi ahnald hoe assoapid during Ibis fal, *eyou be W l»ud lut. a lattalion 1watý ir wof training of' mvery 19 ige should b. tiioeougily tested. Up ! _04 of, Auffsi the vwubir of gr4sa*o lm>. Mr. mdoauvont on to' sul 14ula 4d4i*frnltal gaities f irs&t. abord bea8 *1.sbolhid,lts b-a bavelii ou~ f iagiing out uscaudi fbr the*O iri4iSe siioutes lb-ceeto _ a duire to 9 lin 8the. mil itary pre vas the. of s%»omi.t ÂÀ portion4 milti'a m vt. b là eou~ot xt Yeu fi stitioc.U. v.hulîu, 4rmcg tidE in edlahii umal saebbishau .Iàer i ippdmntaofolrigOce-Mgjor Mofluttt h. mta e waua pIlateaor, aunt o ble oif writing W.o ný=ffl of décent lis-. ess. oleluamnd A.1Mmcl .egotualy ailouq4ce Ra, tewhas. v esaades bate boogm ont diagmacfulý la osof o n ii t aungent1eraaly ýen The débate onte Poglique4Wa drdki dilms.te' efta of thOO0 tisa t.10 a iirlway grante vei tirely, uw variliand tiherail way 0 was 4nuly smotote .saisfaction. Et A nimber of poriae bis vrs tik d hipmof . beAnuguunsiai' hbas bosvtid"wi.'Làs supporter oetam sew and t a n th ly MOUiiMj--Our irchaa a edy inor-pg esivrd. Mr. Gaýliea, tia& Lgumul)> ad Kennedy. (C cp.,t e«w]y inthe. week for Mo %Wire*WMSw ina 5ev day.. lep c *MPW*I ands ,tbat rda- :0 dia forr to tii. ig- .81 th.A The. Iollowing le the. score: PoRT ROPF]L-FIRST IN'NINS SmGHaithG b Gr............ ' J. W War, c i..c,.b..a......... J. Y- Kirchofr,, rua eut....... 54 W yè-8nm t-ic fite>, b (t5CB. .\............ 6 W. lfarahsll, b Onace..............O W. 'ard,c &oIl*bQLay..... LFary e.iave........ ...... i E. Burtoneaan............-.O Total ............... 1- Mfitcffll, b. Seth ................... 1 Dnordb Nelso.............3 O'eryc irchaffer, b e Smith ....... 25 liy nb S. Sith...........6 Thlrellb ~ ....t........... ...... 8 Smith,ùq u ........4........ .. . 10 GraebSitt...... . . Hédopetb, c Marsalal, b Nelson........1 M. O'Leary, bS8 Smith................. 0 Total-,................... ..li l'rtRes................ 118l 114st11y fa.................... ,0 -Suaban k Vo, Pubii»ner, 56LuJgate 11,6ndon. . pressat nuniber of tiis - poula n a~uooonîauiiithefolloving in- -GreatlCrimes .4o a son ý PosPrns -STi.,p- un4 il Br eu.co-.411he et HOrtrat- st-he otiieof j.u-k.cese ib Cwat W.Uh r hiUdrToli W"to utthes I;Ilobsu'- with 'Chrikt -Thi e Ti Koftl ~ gfor e4 Poopie--,A ~ Sia Rah~fer saie ia 4SIsd* y'.*1 svhich*there bas neyer been a lock provided, ontains the pumnp adifieis, anud the pr. .sono ebave accesa ta bath. On the more. iug in question the turike*y lefi the pisoe li theo1yard; aud vent isute .kitchen f. the pgrposeaf bringinrg an dioir soup. Dur i;) hies ubsenceý-a bout 30 isecond--Uth Richardson brefîmers made. their escape bo getting up on top oft he door, fiosu thence tise me. bel ig theoather, it vas an eas matter to get on lte vuil, viien a short ru sud a couple et leas. tanded thons sal outaîde tii. gaol 1lîmnits. W. thiuk no blan csattach to the gaol officers; but tii. doc ààhouid b. movsd, sud w..thmnk if tus voye done tht difficuity wouid b. obviatod. "GUIDE TO Tilt FAIMEIS On VITOMo AWD PICTERnbo' COUNIEnS.)'--This -booki uaw in course of rerton and me expecte ta b. out about the. lai Norember. Mes' .McEVOy & C'Y-., the pasbiishea, haro bu orer ten.yeare' experience in vorks ofit aboYe natture, sud w. bave no dotibitb ii i emrl saliaction. Thse titl the- book expLaini s. snature. It vili m tain the lnuene of, each sud: every faririerJ the. Couaty, giving hise anship, sumbor concession, lot, sud.stating. viiether i are houseboldere or fbolri. Other a I luabie ýinformation viii likevise ho found thse book, and -as th. loypriéeý$l tcifun o.rs) will com-uund for il an extensive ciré l.atia.n:uthe Con.. W. hure no do eui bsiEwowmes flviii tub-e the.ad'vuýteg adrortiging in s pgo,WhiCllb be'd< at rery reasonable prices. Da., Duàx *or. BKAYESi'O."We arm g te, ikoiaesthait tsgentleman vu uer SA1 )oaw uw.reported to, have been dm Lgm"usy if sot a&u"y wvounder.by. .the s charge, of a revolVeratClifton, V.Wi Dean hb u~ eu Iuned t. Bevertou hd -iimaafer bUs uacoas.. *appendi4 t*$Wng on l'h. interau - - pi cousins, lu Jiieho . rakea o*o thw~ bo #Agwuns t at will volt beit refiectiôu méat "n IM ' eave WadtissThei. subject inone viiiha% bea uh moussu; bt met thr huvhak bdfrelte notice of the publié mnany tiîames MObILI ho ot cbi.iined of dueu notappu lhte bip gany'-ëaycbékkef" býil t arfiol gb-wwa 1Oé -Port 4mua&s *aae-nd.jd -eultr n ,..h*b. at-utmoun te .onl y tiing vhich viii Prm- blesa.T. al an toauin first. vent, effectually, theo intormarriage a is The'dislayd n '1 kept et kiý~died bl'ond. - Mi.1geGun,*ho hiefor theirvckete up lo a ne, but ere a -,u irof years given -t4isesubject lhie finllydiso~d tf, osMr. Kirchhoffer closot -attention, sud who is daily brougi taok the 'ilue', Wmuid er tiv . a' d ire ute commusn*itca t Gs uslteutob eb- itbyW" got -bs y l u aup a gtis.-in, throvn upon the, charify of tise country, scorela aslaaingWmut. tlo1, -. giving iii far toc, many cases 4y 1h indiacretiou of tii. -inuy eleven pleut o f loater nigther parents, does net hesitate ta say that by for a titne., iOsyW 0 tubeting je veîy a la* probibiting tie narriago of causins»th protly in3eéed, anid w'nIàwha' - adauiréd b-y n7umberef deaf mutes mJgist b. greatly di. ail ru te grcfud krahm jfor iuiàed, prôbably one-bif, pstl ir. -6 anOsd oneio blit o 1, , bo wtfors.îMfi n ted at fr@m 25wte30 lat ettled by ose..! 1k. -GmoV e4oals,per cent.of deaf -mutes ar e UsechiluIren of beiptg1rus n t for the Uamm score of 6t: M. ,ouins-grflan-5 feartut- varning tbit -ta -retirod, tmid gi-est oheï#lagfrm theb. psot- th oso «ha ente itain anotion aoftarmiog s téo, Tise rett olow d u«lIy,àîd thé -union Sf l4is skind., Physiaîans '«ho ,bare lit wicket.fel for ýli usa. Undnrte4.by pad.mucitatnin tsebjetaeedt ti'is Ére scorei, Lini4y 'taok tlise vilbo thetis mpression tisai, although one- marniag an4 coaurmrtot h. o* sof ms on thse: bet à,n- rlations xnay be unattended vuih gr~dmmd. a good %,p» ng ud aseapital à-vil eonmquçnceimmiodiately perceptive, tstand . hrouisoat-eDudsrd sud Mitchell yee it ie very rare tisat tise second or thrd ie Og ifi u iret Io thse b.wgliç ofMoesrs. S. se innocent. iTisere usually arises frons the Smitb sund Nelson. Dunsferd'. vickel fell chilldnon resulting ink suchint5 a tneý for S., bat, Mitchell bY_ very Éood site -play to disordens., tuncetianal or organic, lanttie soon iannp s score Sf 19, *heu ltevacket, nervotas systea, &ud ofthtie nutritive organE was. taionu by Nelson. Mr. Hawvke thon itoiig ilu.tise former case te ursoundness o taok th. bat, sud by -admirable play' i l u md, sd ln tbe latter,*to conditions boier. - viichsh. dissPayâd tise science of «'play- ln; on. ecrofuis on- an ailieti affliction. - Mr iîtÉg" balla lu a very pretty style, adeéti a ýMcqann, cousidets hat Use ;evil should b Nvwell -mode soaf 26 ta garn e e ie i .met- hy s stringent isw- j..sad vomoal cord %'Viokel feul. O'U*ry follow«ed,and by treat- isl egree vith irihl. xr inx ithiràt aise or, two overs with respect,$ get ie eyo well in and coutributeai by aîeady &At Oppositin oura Ypay'23 goëd rmus lte t astincreasitig scr.-Mr. aynouadd gt.er so Ve do et nul .u '«boer te place any ru _ 16- Mt, 1kds4eê, hi aquiet snd effective lance orua piti.flongetmc nwýayy added 12 more. Tiserrest of tise men, '«lice iv e fld uin tise M<rkisam ecwwts bt :h tse 6xcetionof ont ortwoi modea à t~ bautdiy likély thitthUsefew Reforme ery gaod taé'sudexhibitçd a aeodines vito apposeC-ueraiisoe>ont of plai :offww e h obolièv er. bE[even graunai of oxperms, '«iii venfure laelna 0 * pide thern aeo.l .vesa. Tise ëxcoient around thonirmoney in ifO mauipiciolis au onterpri lh tislscring ,stand smong tiespectator as Usai proposeid: ' ite srne as -tiscore, kept ne' ing lte ~Teei oeia ellsnto Th riiiseon1ti. ffr n'a -the part ut the leaing men -opposed to là Tis cnticem outhodifernt atCoetfederationaf-tise Provinces aot the Quelm 51 otvn ut msnsdvsnUeIa asi t 1aatrI nîntdependent daily journal for wieket ,felt--tor- 138 rai, lise çciseerâ'ere tise City ot - Tarontoý.. 'We believe 'suet W. tro nd uJlouai, journal wbuld b. weli stsstained throuelic T 'he cricketes then sat uown ta acptlUp Cnd.f scransif sa 1 ap -oulddo imiense good-il 'ould t an cla lurcheon pronided* by. Mr. Cadwell. mouth-piece---anvolie ùf tioat ite ap po fonr fe nifigtevat fts urmn Comî)federation and tht Intercolonial Raiiwe C. -o Hpea- 9 okti iîaatialr, and w'ouid give atfaîrexpresioflof tht vie, four '«icicta lfad fiflen for fôrty,- .o te postinluPalamnt htp itba cosenttis wieetsver.drait, pie sltould have sucis a journal." -t bdbecame 100 dak, te Play vitis any Du Crps. cerltntyi - ud.arrangemenls- could pot bc __ [A rende lu continue h. e snex a.IL Wehaeetsfavoured by C. J. Byd - as iuccordin; ta custom.'dScletiby tfirs rIEsq., «itis a broadeheetut reports upon 1 inningui*Lindaay winning1 by W. ru .. ai atis te crops Ibraugisout -the Prov in'ce Ige, Th .. fielding et -tise, Lndsuy eleven wa--thé . Uttrictâ trav .ersed lthéis Grand Tri 1<PP uat, Érst rate, thotigis. vo believe tisat io uheir Raiivay. Th sm reports are sent, in.£yg *aeakost, point. Tise uudeîarM bowling of tion- n-asîcrs,. auJ eýxhbiîtihecondiion MnT. Gra. wa e ri 'good lndeed. Mn. G. thse..barvest aver neurly 1,3W0 miles of coi H lawle anode üahàe..neup . ofh et iday. -tr W.rmic iaiorapc « it e ohThe felding *on the part -ot Port Hop mit:ûf opy-ing tise document in fu, sd ~"gaod a trbelng vidently . thet an'make a* bnifsuomma'. --The-yield of1 ut;pot; k wou noi-adoubt have. been be erWdll pe aaabcbe bi l~ ~ ut Use baIth. Tiseh baveruge, and a.greai4t-breadula '«ras sown,,; ans ilaciv yun-fll. a Yd o t he rSping Wiseat ducs nol show se good. a are alt atve y.cricket zesadg ehi Rry wok oth,- ttrëdriket-lThe -Ianr - aîatp- !ru, sud, hue béen eomewit tinjured,, b o - i;of Mr. George, Hall '«se inticliadnsîred.lesqail'«ason Bac tn On account oif the disagreeabie:,stato, of tis have -bocn-mosl prufiluble crolis, the lai v 1 ealiser tisane vere but -few ladies on tise known .for yeanai; Ry as gooti; Potai gratin - ;and-as tii. presence ofthlie 4"air"gai lcs'hm u fctdb lite a ecrcket match- maltesteé gain.- anti oa a ei b aet an z Éold mc oeitra%t, itate of telocal*aties '«est oalitiàtin _; thé RoaI C epnch areitroiit e bte ut taeuPoic l we notceti 11e lQueur udgv milis J1-2 -athei t ardui mu;ig %iad" 489. tii.i on s touai am d hins ait " !zGmr mo! 1Inus! vae Xc6&q, th 10tslautt, Dm. Fidier- miàupest t birn'isIsland,'au. o4 f oâe Albwr Clarke, li a ~o in ib » La1ég ôn Suday ma»- fI~pab~LO tfié sevidence, tisat uaoiaod Wb& ut Csiirea au the jrerieui Sduy, in a s 1tio of in texication, aaid lefI .pls su tue - eïenullg in -a amali boat, of vibiskey ; 'heu a rmile o v bbomtuiW l -Seanch -'«as- matie'on tvo foikîng gdays, without success.! 'odu>- moraig a mr rmiugelae id th. body aad cnveyed, ita oshore, 1.11'i i ying ltotre ,sioguarly eneug thlie iae. jug floabet thie sane spot a short eatter,, b.iug hall efptied oftits contente,, eïuel it vas buon tb have been full aI lime of tise *untortunato rMW&'- leavin;- ar he .Icjury found a verdict uf icidenlat deah whisile in a state cf jutai - At," AIhe saine lime, tisey>' wlseelu ors te 't.' 1 in telt Us )oi les 0 th ta. ai eth but -t Cro ln ia anh Fat mli le in &Il lt- 1e- tus e-t es th in 'Ps ~ed -tam f A. IX GRCUTU Ta the &itor of Ile C'wtculi(in Post P' Ita r 11h u .~ h..' S1m-A brief and.courteout refly frorn me to "A Mber" of t . ieabo'-e ciety y itn nnteri ili t tlit relating to its presletit maniagemnlït, lias eali'ted ŽLrvsMp1te br Il ;, Mr. Jolin Gibi> t0 write a. ktter on i*Ii rolle atrictîtres," labout tbree tiuue-a as 1oîîgaîîd pro-t DEATII.*0F GFENF'RAL- SIR GEORGE lifice" as Mine, And wanderin.-, unfortunotelv BROWN. for, hM, over masy yen rs. 1I1 nust. noti.ee il, for, very tin uékiy for )4r, Ciii, it i.; fu f 1 l t i rap îe dia a ehe c ain the a r- il,ïaccuracies,. -fpositive itivtntions agaiut I , af rt t he doatriof ie IRùzlit. lioi- me, andý woràt ofa911, cIter forgetfulnxess ot lii'torbe u ;oaelo 1(;.L A. own proceeduîîs and handwritiing. llie acçl1seC, oienl~fîeTît-eolR mt me utnxoeing he sciet psyin Iif.,law ust' anad -olone:-ini-t'iiief ut itue K1113 The fa2ts a re,.4uur: tate '1reaurc lia d a dis 1aut d i~j f' Lka a stv transaction wilhtî Mr. Clioate, of Port ho el- i uieiitu cxk* a fore MY bcconiing a itlber of the S.,cieî'ý i fundonjoÎnifl g it wý»4ratlier a ku"tîy _.~ u r~ .teatuv evu~wî iia. tion, sund pructently, I thlik, dectineil t'O ay j itiUe 'a-ii Wur. AI île tx.aauàvllCC M-r. itbs drait as Prcsideuît, ratit lil, was iautîte- Ieat luf Ile t'îirîan ý1r v*er.Bina tiqued by tho lbard, andl lc -e-ven admuits.lie %Vasaappsoaited Io Ile coinli.:taýl if- îe t:g signed il i, regitarty. -Iain acc'used ut'gttinti1ivi.siui. lie \Vas opea of the' t. uavluaU) & tioroughi-bre-dihorse front Eîîglnd of ai.fi ield 'Iaîîd ilie 'tiea, aud ate.i of initie 'ho Owed nie :M. This id A, ptai'e .u.hluirseii ai ztue -bat!e u!, tie Ainla, inîvention. - Wou e lcniatter WS îsusî.. tnlo,t eru.hed b Ille '.eadv v i2hte i' and Mr. Gîb ll I net dcuiiy lie was li favotîr luL5hDieotw-tre ktwcrt- of it,. I uggested thse eiui#loyneut of tte ilaila-lied b). Sir C5ut îG. i , îxho l'l i.f-. il ger ;;f the arrest Joint 'Stock'tr"ediug $aud e-.il a Ile heaki out te ~r1We si-hil>u-.s e. 1l I~uIiîra'. le diiifloto . nie. oe itIIl h .e \d 5i. n ie ji uj o a ' Ile was espeIeially ilistructcd to u trkbuit Ili-> shipin- agent at Liverpool funîd t kdifliculi -leincita, bLd 1-n-leur-'!(et. !10% rlast te do, sa, and,.:unfortîîîately, oîaîiîîî - "ils i'ekiua.,In' rza,.rI i Tlis meuager loist bis moncy, the sociely it;ver o having paid.lhu flicprîce offitli orse ; butoit oisue r ieuubtw-hi il al.V.1iiiwe tI uws of Illtelois arriving, 1 applicti for, audbi aihta Ia i out~ts tr,-rntt Cllui & gos reftunded..from the Moxtîrei Sîe îîsipja ttciii Yva~tnaY u a ie -Companhy, £1.7) sterling, wiiedî '«aïdix- cri-- t o',e et lîî' ilatteutaî,e.rîb a dited.t th.. Socety, a clear pniofthat t1ic 1 orse i lte r dtv alitat v wo -ad tt A yl had heewn uboar-.I aistc-eîuîl gî u eteîbihmnatli vît saav j e ex erk CCl gro m -ver$Z) olut ot nl owtî'aîfier Ilis rtet-,i tu from tueë Cri îI.Ia, Le wtaa p- rpoeket. Did ilt-bethen Vresidlont do as nitteitiii pitd(aînah-Oi tile 'oac a eitier respect 1 And 1uuw furîlier sta'te tiliat w!,ii1) t'o, ie lieh ½'d iup t )ýt w.ia bew thîe ls ofthte boise la tise:more Ibcieregrétw.d lntouaîliîs utof datl. lielias bt-,n allait Lasý bis atrain of hlood bas sioce been lproved tlu I 60sIte limne, I ut liabt wees slefle bc u n su rp u sed fo rsto lutvle s .'A u t d id u bl cred it, be " h t e u w ws t îaI'e1as s î. i t. .t e Î4therefore, ýthet-timanagers .judignent.Wbi, aJ oeswrnetiedtbsruvr. r la &-céordaneWitb one.of' the ObIj2ets of agri- i ad11pes . ho',eveier îhed of'«tir iot îa . )-cutural I ocie ieS. lta obta il for ig n s cd '«lit . o eea'le v r to à.e - *and re-scîl it ta il-s membeLrsI1 recotunîendcd.( lie rtuli laCd. th Mi~ ~ pl<y fie t of thé Secretiirica tof the R y . & - i G o Bro wît '«as a sirtldx; ,pn à-. Agricnitural Society o u tgluîxd,-and ofte riant, but ivas aiwavs il y y &ved lyliié raLondon Farmer's Club, could a better selcetct nmn, %Tho kno'« ilira t-iîeI coulaid Ap en, urP bc reconinended? We ôrdered.Siberianwh%-iu.t on his leaalerslh.p anîd 1liait tlîe:iWTat or -and a beatitifal sample ofilieat w-as sentbtee i- etttti auiii ilv1jetc. Ilauan bth Sit did flot suit the clintâte. But '«1y charg EpirLs o4agluî.tuhet!,W 10 am net more reaponsible than any othet i01- l<guile h. oatyu~iintIle paIliof -tIdty WY -rector. I aafCCUSed utf etting Ipriz.e W b a *uU j) .,01Sfl.-iIIaftltSotî ,Sjetztatr. ,e, et the iProvincial Slov ai Hamilton hast yeaî _______ and keeping k a p Ili, dsecret,.*The f i.tt s r.tM sa. Another triple imurdr Sy. ere that Mr. e thera I.thon Proesmat, Un and Myself asDelegates, '«cre entîtled ta Iwo s reported ilu Lotudon (Etigland),il -; perpe- Iybus. of FaIl wht,we Qry prol0ry touk iti aid triaor beinn aoannau-dE.lerLa every expense ourselves, and lie bs shattd'«iîîflu e w euta watlra. ii it k ar- with me the quantity of '«liti wich lie thougîht ket Alie'y. hscn htIe uaadc orwla fair and just. As to diâtributîng*,Ibusheba home front oone of luis letuporary îhau- of u wheat (net tiro pounds ta a nmein 4 5) >setces, ecaused bl is îkenitoiunetib.auJor it àiS imply'absurd; and as regards tle secrcsy, ellteritig, lus- wifZe Càlld out ta- 1rita, -MatIe, have sbown the secd over aud ove again, is tha: you,?", ou Whie ue1, ord., Y~ and expeet Mr. Mcth ereli has done ilierame. ail riéitt." The wile caileti out 1iiiiepiv."-1 UA 1 do net think t illhs paid ui the eust and trou- have done il, -i have killeal îhem atI lasI." jble, but belleict i l the usage for the Delegate' The husband rushed up staitc atnal lond hs te take their t'«obusbele uf wheât, and trust 'is tnigcoi cmts nutkht xlMear.CfnbmanGib'iidsuis anaflie bodJy outhe ekiest chuti litig ann thta fs. >sr. The nexf charge la '«heu 1'«as appoint- ri ed Tflsurer there -was $800)i hnd. Thre fluoron pool of bHoua, andJIlle otier Iw«o l was $83 la cash, andSI$700'«bichM.r. fGîbb'«ell chfilidren- on, the Wc, al -. îhreo.wltiîthLear_ Ih. kuows, but suppressbd, 1 look seccnrity for annd hroats rut. Thehosauil - gave an atarni, te hed m sl e pn u b .l- o it, a d o and sent for. a surgeon, %vho proiriply ai- of wbich 1 bave receVed litii! More than balf, and îended and pronouliceai the -hi.!liren icied. I ftudiagreslu hinking ibis a fascinating He afterwards called ini the aid ut a polir@ 8 perormace, but Mfr. QibWeslopinions and mine constable, te whoin. Ille'«ornail volatri in lare clearly at variance, and i ase aur ideas uofdecared, 4"1î<dit!il it 1h a razor ;" and I '> .-ffuels are tdfrent , 1 MeY. tsome future lime searchîog the y ru ithe coiîsiable disecod- discern*0b.P-sition of "I-. aciety, but if is. a a razor covered '«uth blootl ou thé nmaitel- ey -l&Uth" boerror Io llink tb-*l 1 vautta 9u go0 luseif . There ceoins ta be- little. doult bas ru- London as, àDeegute ; 4-d Icloue a0, the trille that titis dreadfalItr ile murd~er was coin- of $10 we-ild nol have interfered '«ith me. And mteidrn i fîmoayI)tuY uù a1ow liirep] ,t bisIsepursrsp. labrig- csfito t lirsnleof lyiniOXitý In- ing iIh q teions before 11w people hc appears chuelthforthe lI eu taot t e Vtat mi- ta forget, disastrotisl! fr ba, that thereni t urtels fw no ts ,Ujt«ats linlte Bord etAgricuiture, ont senerai of 11mse subjects, -n'long explanatory "How do, you do, Doctor?" Doctor C w3 lof letter ulgned by huituelf aàPresldet, andCaun- ve.uy pulittly Io the ldyInd. duisweri lier l Dmo teraigned by 1fr. . C. Wood, then Secretary, qury .b - aiug ho w s& ve-rV Inhujli r0i,;ble and myself ase Treasurer, in- wbich Several of it a cougi. The la iy say s sc is eturpris Ieepoints ho attacks are, justified, aud lte the doctor- caunot, curý bis cuught, and rceoinl'- Board in lanswer btu Or re"uet ta publiait thom mendsé bxm ta try Br.,,-an's Pî3ltloic IN'C l,,W declined te do ea s th. wver. se compettly saying she awayâ ued them n lber failr, and DC.- .utigfact*ry. Ilbave l"e ma%, Ihertere, ln the fiv5Xiably with -good Success. Doctor gaji andisetofthe me nb eriupeda y Ii stadpice I sus astunisbd at a lady of your tliti [» fet ncuibUu v,ýbb Wr M. «ibb bas cousti. using a.q(usck. niedicine." "iWby Deefiai' ha- lnted himaslbt lU1meMtiff asnd deMdant, eud- no quack Medicine, ltaiways gieéreblir, an. .4 pet. ismasf on lthe.. b-aum e«si dueuma.. evcry nimber of aur faailtca rry tbei n thor 1o ava, air, your obeaî ihtSr'UWt, - pockets ; they always do gooad, ad 1 kuîOW tW ~ ~ 0- preprier,.andIdon'tt ors a mrintdoubt.that our . ý O ROPýKlNIe Dacier latof-peraps ta sane ie ie Lind"aYr &PL iJi,- -deileis for a boi; pie2 c FAMILY NECESSAIES! G. JVE us A C'ALL!,4-J & 'eat AQp *aiS't-. ]k- e0peestie': dispprobulian aItishepractice -- """ ~ ~ ' ' oStaern-keepeur.oà otiere eupplyiug pet'.-Kn t. ldty asOuS t 'iitoxicatitg laqions '«heu -already -- ilnSeptemaber 15, 1865. initer their influencé. _________________ PxuoNî.-r. . Bgeowaithe11c a "M.IIO11PK NS ADTuE COUNTYAG- S . .Bigelow, Lindsay,ïs now lun- Mont-- LTILSO EY" ros Markels, foec i téiseFali snd Win. att dtro fu auit uE ten trade. In vieciof thlie iiproviediprospectas it-nti aiiseu orppr hr of tise Co6uuy, !a consequence of goati cropa i nippeared a cùimustunica tion agina4t ' -. Hep-. wdt l bigla prIC1es, Meu. Iintendsa making kins, of Linds-ay, lua'«ljielu a ueigbsuonr hab&& bea y urisa es a d le usosu nsaI t :, .Ust ealicd .y atte tion. I _ an alwsys sorey - b«yypombm, ad th cusomemof iti cNhen I1sure a matn 0ofpublic spirit attaeked i l lcug eshablisbed. House mnay rel>' an fiuling -sueli . dastaîrd Y imariner, more especiattr -wherm an elgantsud «tiIassomed sock ronithat mm b las 1roved - hiuaseli a friend ut lb viic ta tsak tieir etîcîlen. -farnîing Int'rtests of thé counfy.. N'>w y k.w whié toiùae teir, s-letios. kIlwnMr. ?lopklin conneýion wtl jagrîcîîltural society for tic last flirte year3, -ST. A uuxv'S ciuasera-CouM5NtoetSEs- und 1 have beeu vere inuîch pleüse4l it-,th 'i tecbbgeaUce nîtil gcie~ olyCoducti~ vicjcz.-The Sacranerit of tie Lôrd's S-up tuJ-ih uIasa fie tla tatU,~ Iper viii be. diapensedl in tie above Church, l a lii u faulis like utlen tnli u ,>.j on Sabbats final, the l7tis instant, wtheîî the opîiau tt isenever beLlisue as ral1eal fb Rer. Mm. Muir wiii b. assisteti by tis ey 1ev 111n. 1 tati il boul adustaratlv and iaitOa Mosans. McMurclY of Eldon, anJ Campbel'l for tuafý retsunt--all Nvho kinî,w-lig .1.1 'i (.ubyî ofB ock . papers we se:te li- ic s er lm i7ei t but lix,- laIe o thinaialjîîpia fiiavuu.r. tuai aai-l ut I.'-' BtheT.ourtcles ht mec-tat of îen- i Nvisa v, hitie L3aani tIll an tu n. a -a '- th issud frecis flTrontoadbys the ice dc aLéti. -<a lfi . Y-t< » n )W-t'.fa il ti-i< it t4e a:-;" v- t f rainaim ao W lid rte b - fu hou h tfe Po ijelo-~t1s ai', - ftr I l -t t-t - *an i--nt,, -uâr yo I -'venor Gehs neaIàias edile: pant Uxtur ix- - -n'.ar- t-aNt',adIt-\ -ar -xmàtoia the Toronto- Milita-ff t:!!ia-.'gatt- d tgîvmng or thebotntep oii 1irlis. iti, aaista,,e-, - n e lrA tuIa--t i'i' -ati e isulcl .pLP zl A nia f tIt- ,uç. t at-.:- r't'l n L&Yt vz-.-r.ila- s auY t M..iL.tn" iis r. t îourler 14n,1- t- FALI,,EMPORTATIONS fi XTOWIOFÉIr iÉ BALANCE lvmt DRR.SS 4'JODS ut test plrice TISSU E MANTLES ni cost prie.- NILLINFR Y GOODS aIt usýt prîce -. -GeÊNTS' HAT" & ùCAýPS a! étsi rc - Jus? TO ........L.?. FAOTOR'Y OTTRNË! vervy good at fi per yuirdý Our.Orostery Departmebt 4W, ioe

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