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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Sep 1865, p. 3

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-)U bave long -=ý venth jeoot iust Wd In de i oni aât wl~aS £14 nm u lcases f ItwIbfei led. Mil & Il mieu oi5 At <leb=irg, ona)[lfa thédubInt &AX &OITv, inant am rsun Vel At Poet Hope, o on adsy auI 1Insat iu, the wlfe of<Mr. Toa Begahi, agmi *LINDSAY KR We hale. ii. vuekia oas agu mncin the prie. 0< salami. As hie* ~ lm.2 %vs paid for fàl! sheat nuThùrad*Y veaiag. Bumtr Lssvne i.11~ 15 snd 17 ete pet lu IToroau4u des<r smatty viesi-vero froua 41.00 Io .05Dand 8SL20 to 81.30 f«r chGicaea te rdes 100 lb..p lb.. uer lk -u.......$1 44t i.................o o ............. Ibo ........00. Pur ai......... .......... .. 0150 [.............es' ........... 25, h.. ........... 8à " o25 0 le *14 ose0 1 4T 0 sôe I60. f Spe cialI-- N otic'es. nery an- irc-. oud, ta king te Le eone sot boutf dollars te 9- uis lie i a lime [le rumeur1 ease, raré * 51 mong the most uimportant cf modern Meiaialdiscomenies tan4ds tL. CANADIAN PA&IN DESTROYER., As a faily 3Meilu, #lt l va-sud favor- aly kuow n, relicvinghUmsandu frein pains1la the Sida, ilsck anal Hasd, Cougis,,Coido, &Se Throat, Sprais, BuiesoCimpa l inte Siensch, Choiera Morbus, Dyse ky,,Bovwel Complainte, Burnas, stma, Frosi-butes , .;'e before lthe public ton a Icgtcf tima, anal vhcr- eer msed la veli lîkad,ûnor filliug inaà single instance tu give permanent relief whim ely ued, and w e have neyer Irnovu a single c a of disse tisfaceion, viiere the diretions hava been proely folwed.î but on the contrany *ail are d1elighted wvitb h soperatilens#,andi &Peak iu tlue higlucît tenais of -1ts Virnuesani Magical * W. spcak front experience lu liii natter, havlng testedi Iltlucroujhly, sn& uhereore those *ho arc aufferiiag fn auy ofthie: oaapliats fer wbicb ii i reoniameaded umay.depe n pcn ah bing a Sovereigu Remedy. The asiculsbing efdeaecy o<ttueCanadisa Pain Destroyer, ln euing the disess e r ich it la recoaumended, sud is vonderful auccesa la sulu- duiag the tortring pains of -Rbeunm*tiau, and. in reieving Nervous ASeÙtonu, entitia hte n luigb rank la lie liaiof remediies ft ie . on- plaints. Orders ar.e, cOminglu rom Vedicine. Deaieru, lu, ail parts efthie .douuhry fer luniluar supplies, and escb tctifyung as té the universal. stisfactioni ilira. ThIe (hmadian Pain Destroyer neyer fals te gie, inuud laie relief . ÀAilMedit-ine fealers keep it. Piysiciani order sud useîtIl aud ne làmily will b. vitheut- aften. once Iryiaug h. Price only 25 cent. per bottie. Ail urdens shouid bo. addresmed te lïNORTRROP kLYMAN, Nýewcaile, C. w. ISl la Lindsày by C. Bit oKow'a Gregory, and ai the Medical Hll; . A. io es, Oakwoe4; Geo. Doulas., banitla; A. Wyai, Caunington; Glîchristiiuenen, Woodvile; tThoma Ratcuht4 Omec ud aIl11anadiciame ra-.uauin- deaiers. 271 Iwit fer cross the. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. a lively Sir J1aumeï Clark's euc ed CEL EBRAT E0 FE M ALE P ILLS tock sai This lval uabla màediiaila unfaiiug lu the it tre cueo aidos anfli it~~~~~~~ aiti uee IlIoeplÇlsd dagerous-diseases aead.- incident te the fanal. constitution.- 1e eveny IL nioderates al exeesses snd removes al ci- abitually strutions, froua vh'tcvem causae, and a apeedy e o e ecure maybe releda. --TO JLARen »LADIES Hni il lapeuianiy iuited. 1% viii, lu a short imei e1aml brng on tie monthbly pcrlod viii rcgulariiy. umtryman -.CAUTIO>N. Qutcî Thesa Pilla houid net bc tikan, hy tommies, tuhce iai arepregnant, durlag thé FIR$ST TéHRENI ;ubject cf MOT re, .u they ana a-mire te bing ounMimear- gagedt in. niage.; but at evéry.cheiefesd lu every, id coves other eua&SQ, ihey are perfcctiy me. quence 0f lI ail casas et Nervoa*a iid Spinal Affections, (ippears Pain in. hie Baek suad Linibu, Hca'rlaiasu, Ya- ur, they Ligue ons lighi azanhion, Palpita tien ofthée banni poed the Lou'uess ot Spinita, Rysieriics, 'Sck Ie adacle rom imad Wlite, snd ail othen painuf0 disceras occasion- d tenuh- cd k>'a disordered systenuflesa Piliv e i et suit wus a cure vmen ail other means hava *éfniled. e respir- Full directions ln the pmhe roundeahi loie outer package, vbich asbould b.e rétally, pmserved.1 tanc- l A brittle centaiuing -50 aisaud.enefreled' ý 1g m n wit l thle Govern mn at camp of Great Bnitallit caubaPuupoit rse tn sd8postage- le by Northropk Lynman,. Newcastle, eni Agents for -the Caxadog. ' Soid ay.by C. Brition, Knevwlson k Gregory, -he Medic-al Hll; E .Boyaus, Oak- 7eo; Douglas., Mannila; A.-Wyahi, Cane- Giichvist & Camenen, Woodville; T. tOmemne, suad ali eicine dealers. lolief hi Ton Iuts BRYAN'S.PULMONIO WAPERS. D -The original -nedicinýe Estilisbed la 1h3land .firsi artiidle eoffluakinal ever lutnoduced -lnuderl -ithe anme oftIlPuinonieW-aters," lib isor &Dy .other country'; ailchier Pulmonit Waters are coutret. The <nine. ' a b. kaown b>' tirs name BRYAN beiag tanuped on the W06fer. -BRYAN'S PU]LMO xiG WAPIR8 Rclieve Cuhodocho~,Hauns BRYAN'S PULiiOeiO WAFERS. Relieve Spithlag etf lood, Pains lainti Cbeai.ý *-BRYANS PULMNO w4yFRs *Reliera Irritation oeýthie Urûla suàdl Tonis BRYAN'8 PULXONIC WA1"ERS. Relieve the aboie Complaints la Tae n aneu. S RPYAN'S-PJJUMOICI WAFSRB Are a blessing te ail Classes sud constitutions. BRTANS PUL.MNise W.&FERS jAre adapteal for TeesteanadPubliceSpeakers. - BRYAN'S PULMONlo. WAPEES Are luas simuple tenu sudpleaumi.toila lidste. 1 BRYAN'S PULMONIQ WAFEBS ArÂe las a aueple formýan iameaat toe L. last. r JJWIPSPUMOiîoWAZIRS Net -ui>'relev., but affect: 1adtu crs p RYANSPUMONJO WATECRS OUCLLS ll the id X%~tt vif ib O4 Moedy, Ooe~r ihe mmbl ta he pbkm f Bra*Nlr * 0lsued> J. BI.KmIWLM Town TeOlcews 0616,14 Sept. l"105- je. lob.. Criieof thé. iu4ersigms4aam otifid to mmutst i LsIaw OmS. et»mars. Mac- y« a Heap, ln lbe Twnet Lindsay, in lb. IouniyetYI1iýe. I#m300h day oeàtSeiMi- bey 1@i, ~at t ofb I4We,"n e'.Jck la, b. foreoon pSl ofreeitngliste- vm tr.i Wain aff "A ofui .smng an assigne tùl k rbm j sy wke&a the above àsi. sina n Dateil ai i. et inldsay,it tii. .Oonty of, Vctoria,*ibis k*lfhenth, day oft-Aues; - THOMAS MoOn]E, residlSg in lb. Toi mbip of Maniers, JAMES IDRAP, Lw.sar, Insoveit Act of 1864"FM TRI ICreiters of tl noderaigtked A.rc *01- jLfied to metat the Lav Offl. ofFp.,A. EURD, la the lova of Lindsay, la ith. 0ounat 4W Victoria, on Tuaday, the Thlrd day eCtet- baS, 186.%5 at thie bourof Twelve o'clock moon, fobr 4ii.purpose e of clvîng statements, et bis 4Eain s *à utnami4ag &0 Agalgnee 40 vhoni bd laby saab an uAgnment under the.. above Omeme..,b.121h clay ofSeptember, 1865. (Slge4) JOHN MeQU4l. .A. 1RURD, Sol ic for nsclvent. 315 - NOTi[CE. Counàty cf Vitoria, XTICE la hereby gi- Te W it: ethat am,'Ad.. jonrned.Court of Quarter Sessions -Of the Peson. in 1and for the Couaty -of Victria, viilb. hot- den at tiieCourt Muent he Town of Lind- At gleien o'cloeh A. M., for ib pirpose of Au., ditiag the Aecounts of 'ouitsbles, and* for lb. ,disclag e on~therr buuihos fiat Éay b. brougbtbe0foreibe court. A. OGURSRI Clerk of tÉç peaeC. V. Lindsay, Sept. 14; 1865.313 THE COMMERtCIALUNO CampOrnons 1odo, 19 Cornhili, X. C. )IMotrel21 2228 St. Psul St,. DEPOSIT FUftD IN CAeAtA $5010"0 -Generai Agents f;r Caad, <1LJDWATSON k&.O Ti .undéraigwted bdving beau appolnted. Agint of the abov i sut casa ERgligh Oonpaby for the. County of Vict6rik, lu prépared téeffect every description of Fire ýand L ite'Insurance ai the low est rates 'consistent witi uecuirity. -Pros- pectues, &c., asy b. bailon applicationite . JAMES REAPI. 31S-l.Aent, Li,44a7. To Lumber Nertchantoo 7f0BE SOL» l13Y O in laCatoher,- r i laPeterboreugh, ube-výhole «-et-t,.TIMBER la iii. Township'of Longford,1 Cennly et Vie-, toila; alse, the Timber onu noceciqad Lots là cneios1, 2, 3,4 and 5 in theTownship Of Dyssrt, Ccunty o<f Ptrborougb.. :The saove will ladivdd i nte blocksi sit purhasrs.The 14cenasrvWl le ud'by Anc. tien, udthe Timber ai Qoyernni.nt priie.. Turne etsale vi» b. gi!en la subufequent ad- Fo frtWihr p$rtl1arispply t., CHAS-J. BLOOMFIELD, Ehq.. Sec.- Canadiau Lsa4 e Fiaigratioti:o, LIST .,F LETTERS AneI7 Amsa, -Lobebu nMichel Brown Wrn . oie .Michael B*mrna tck .*.MoDonald John. -front the entre of Lot No. b l in lob Cork. cossion, on là. Victoria Road,. te th (Ofi »ée 3rd cassion in the. TOWNSIP O F CARDEN, beiveen Lots No. 8 sud 4, a f~UsinMW baS beofflervyed sud lai t y . .Dune- Isr- Provincial Land &re or. aiRu seVenty-f*v. imbuie RIGRRDDtkr Towns4pb4Cardes het. ýý* Ds Frank* Cbu J.oa. Ncbao , P. L.lsoe. 8. a,o ., 'A.bpt sa nsay whâÈ la â.tbodged to us. a lîiïht. 'À.cliéral ' .b« .- N. NOTICI41 book*t.4 ook t.Jn tls:u'l eOt A.eMUR» psyqis grantdiachresanarnhev payrtiooal qn rsfly. te ieae e tie met la Attla Exeutoe - u1duo1idbyme netHaiuhy tLert a i lg a Mtu IR-oA rt fr ll t on ru o utn WIEDWI KEWIN, 010. JAMES WELLKR~ - Soliciler. Llaidsay, Auguat 29,1885. 3134t Izislient 1Act Of .186a IW Me. "mter.of ILAS MMI THw.,f iri- fiem l satit iluat 11h.e undersigoçd, S. C. Wood, cer Town dt Lhusy. havé beenapoitai OYFI- GIAL ASSIGNE cf bla lîtate and Ees, &ad ýtiay are rquircalte produce bie.me F ithîni rom this dahea, thein dlaiMs mpon the. idEs-. tale under oaib, spcrylg thie aaurlty tlay M44d if ar.y, -and the valueo f it; andiIf noue, staiag te act vii Oulaf l Spport of a..ch clii Lladssy~ J;iy 19, 1885. S. C. WOOD, 0>lcial iaspae. ALMALG.AM BELLS, AMALGAM BELLS,: AMALGAM BELLS, AMALGAM BELLS,. A Tpdcs viâlthin b.raciof every church, tlIad. -Theïr mime iurôoutthe niUuted stits &ud canaàda. fur the p%â Mlx yeasm has proven tinite combine mcii raluable'quali- ti.Aoeehcsaevs. TGHmns onîsîs.mi an sd u)vAuuLuT Or Vunnailen, unequal- lsed by sny oilar manufastwre., .SitssMmre 15 le 5,000 Ibm., cstliug ivo-nnnus uff. hian- other matai, cr1ý5 cen ts per pound, ut vhich pric V arrant theni tvalve months. 0<1 ll motei haken la anchange, or Lougit for cash. Bond fo.r s cireulan te Wiu aufacturer, JOHN B. RQBINSON, Ni 8DyBiaum, Niv Tou«. Lise o Prwee, Werghta, and &zea of ÀFatNadeIote4 eauimat, &Aoot A cae, 8A9p, and ad dr e Tics. elis are ftki wtb Yoke, Stsndàard' Crack and *Bot, cmplet fer t use Weltof en Md DImluter cIt:oBell am caýt4tli'l.. aslb- chs 8 7S 1» " 12 "12 50 la " 1,6 ' 18 75 * 00. la 25 00 10 " 20," 37 50, 'M <' 2 50 00 250 U 24 el: 620 <o. We~gA*,Prioe qfB.lLs4 liassgùsg.* .1 22 Ibo. 1450 300. . 800 94 00 lit Co 15000 00 00 tao 00 4es00 75m0 0. 0 .32 40 4W29 6046 Y2 00 *os8 00 800 au 00 M21et Mffl<EY. i -.r.~: ~. ;~ vd lý k fi ô; j *TUA BSUPSORIBER HAVING CONCLUDED TO * vill aslarge sud varied stock of W. AT- COST PRICE. 4ý pieu do val, asieisi ii. &yer i-. DOBSOINI kMLOCK, lmsporters anldeaes1 GENERAL- GROCERIES, TEAS, TOBACCOS,. COFFE ES, SLTGAR WINES, BRANDIES, RkUMS, OL» TOM AND HOLLAND GINS, CHIPPEWA MALT, OLD RYEt AND COMMON WHISKIES, &ce. &C. ITE[iTAM HIE-fi* The subscribers'.are deterrnined as heretofore, to.Supply a want long fait la tbis Tovn, by kacping -cenststutly on. baud fluhe hast brandi of Imported l nsd* Lirjuona, Aies and ýPonton, aIl et wbieh.i viiib. Soldt LoWeit 1Possble Pýrices for.,,C"s. DOBSON &NBOK WHA T 1AIL BOUT,?, 1'l' -AT,_FURORE! ANOST UNPARALELLE D EXCITBEET prevails lanenmequeuýe cf'tii. extrsordiiary 1ev prie. vbch Cotions, andl otier Gooda, are nov dispoàcd'et 9"l uchsdlait goodu s Spnlngfor CASR, sud aa i hu h e i.price.. oreGooda vws ai their loRe i . anoealcd teoSfer sucb. I au r uet nn vr avmnsd cbuld luthe Cone té des! i ii hlhm. At thé vonderful rate vhicih e8goodb are nev ira vintg la expece t thave biW abelvos cmptyinlm es thau a tmnuh. For exaruplo perue thc.follewing PICE LIST cf a tev leadiag articles, saedllie, pronounce your verdict, vhicb vithut doubi yl l e =evyGrey Côtoofr..... Gd. per yard YIsh LiMens Ny. ie foala .up" AitnPriais (fast coloured> 71d. Il Fine Chamber Toveis for.... 6d. [leavy Striped Shirtîng ......le0d. « SpleadidSunumerT"edsfrom lu 10M. up Denimîs (indigobIe. ...Od DRES GOMoDcf evey 1adate, style, aud price. A LOVELY DRFSS of 14 yards Benetta Clotu forla. u. ,: USLNS ln great varlety, tu lue soald'without profit. A cartoon of KANTLES sud SHIAWLS te be sacrificed., An' hnese quaurhity of STRAW GfODS, trimmed snd unirimmaed, shoved off ut amy price fthe buyer pleases. FeU _M181. Flmmels, Silk Ilandker-ief, Coraets Tabe Cloth, Paraais, Hoery, vouea, NmkekTis, hurts, RilMons, Fluwers, iaflu every mhineg yusa"e REU*4RD- ,LEU~ 0F, COST!t NWOTE TRIS FACTI R. viligii.flthe iighest Price for good Butter and Egg u. exobange fer, Goods at the abore ýidsay, Jun. qtb, 1865.. 301-t Jý. COSTELLO &CG.ý Beg tb annonice the comnpletion of their Spring Stock, coassting of fleadyégmadeCltigBotan -ýwstockofDyGoods i. very large and veli amsented, sud, owiug te ithe great dccliii. in iii. price f Cette.., v1 e are enabied te ôffer great- induceenents te purcluasers. ll% Canadian snd Scotch Tirceda va have 'a large dispiay. GÎOCER.1£8, BOOTS & SHOES,ý CLOTHING AND LIQUORS, as a«»I, receive Our attention, and ve have ne hesitation in aayiuag uatuno houas mue trada iMl:or caaudaelius&Cash is what vo v*ntad FOR F08CASH W!,.01VEASIN.-0 Ais lapctie of oev ock i. al va ask : The Géodeand. Preim vil speak for ibeniselves. Kr. Produca (for which lbe biglait pricevil la egîven) takea n nxehange.- 31. COSTELLO& Co.,P Wilaom's MloCk, opposie McLesan's Hardisare &or«e, Kemt StiaJry. 1RW- FÂNCY GOODS' 1. GEMSJÂGER'S Keei90,219*1 g ent Street Lindaay. A, PLNDD.TOK F EATI FU L GOOD-S., jugli Waavei a large qmaity of nev uetyles WaU. Paper, muitabia (&m Diuiia Recuis, Bcd Roonus, 1191 AolL., asil cf vuiueb viilb. i@Md ai aimahi adace on'.ecii Paper Wlndow Blinda, Lpkag laa.à sd Loeiag GlasPlaie.; Picture Tramas sud Nantie. Ormuuta.. QEILDR E-N 8C A-BS. AND CAÀRIR I-A G ES mog*siGlu, Wskug SticQCse, Le. Lladuay, Kay 4th, 1815. The DittcIiFI.Ieived M<W 1laTRm TIMLE For SpeeuIatlon! OT WTHSAIiDINýG the bard tes tuer. te sdvantage, sud teos thudersigned ad- dresses bimueif Ïwhen lue informas heun that ha la datannuiued te trc tn e lod c'u nsd' uberfore vushesto dispose eosf i owuuig vml. uabie properiy sluould it bc ais aacrice z- One tue miony brick, sud oee rame bouse,. standing oit oua lot, sue ene two. story large <rame bouse on anciluer lot adjeiig; aIl vel flnished, vitb every accommoda tiou, snd pie&-, nutly situated on- Market Sire.;, direchly ojp.ô posie the new Market bous. AlSontam two strytrme building (Sluop and dvel1ing ) ou KetStrieet, ait prement occupd by . uluadef, a good gren sud ban attathed, viti every ceu!eeneton s business man. And lu Yii et lu ie deterumnatlen, the- sut.'- scien bas eOuuDmeace4 te mli off 'hi entir. stâck cf SHOP GOOD8 ai3 ccii pie- evcrying ehesp-.ani hoprove "he icpublie are reuPectfufly requesied ho valk up te, lb. v-ut end and takea vieetofbus sample viudow, vhere Le bai on exhibition spechtuens et goodi With prices markedla Plain figures, se Ibat ever y eue ms.y,,ssiisfy liteuselves upon the unerita et the article. A mticeu ah business is donc, se pise bringuhe cash witlu you. Unti funiluer notice dme subscniben vill con- tinus te carry on the. Wahehmakink -busiuess as. icretetore, te vhich hc bas addad thc-beau.. titul art et Eugrarinig. -Inscriptions upon Ruupe.Watches, Doorpiates, Cofinlupates. Forks, Spocus, Signets, Newspapet Coe, or B.usines Card Staunps, vil b. cxccuhed to order la su.- perler stylt. G. H.mrp @S. .x Linuy, May 2Srdi 18R, Kent St., West. 65.On Fa*rmers Attendon! Ti. _subscriber-desires té inforin thieu inr of the late firm of Kelis &LOveil, as el 'as the general public that *h. is, no* carrying on tbe Harnes and Sauldiery bugines scleiy on bis own assount, in tie uld stand ad, joiningthue store ort4W. 1B. itchl CO. William Street, Lindsay, vhere Le vill b. gla* to have & risit frein everyone ini vaut of any. thing in bis Ue. Working eliàscly at the business bumself, au_ employin g none but experienced woniieen, arn buying bis aatenial for cash, hé us pIýepared t.i offer the foliowifig 6ce it for the camira hion cf intending purchasers: Good beairShort-mg M arnes, :vith heavy Haines-.................~i Long-Tug de do do do 20 0, Hock Harnesa .................... 160O Set cfliught single Ifarnesi, wyuL vsrised traces, round lhues, aud Lap-strap, and fancy Bridle .............. 18,0 A good serviceable double seet oCm- fines, (suible for a buggy et light vorn) viti cruppdr and hip-trape, round Unes sud fancy BrWs...25 .' And everything in proportion. .Repairing exécûted neatly, prombptly sn, Cecply. 'Wbips, Lashe s, Sureingles, BnidIes, Malters Brushes, Coimbs,. &C L., kept conatalntly o& band and sold.very cheap*. Ail kinds cf Carniag e and Cuitter Trîmniint dome ai the loeset prices. U»" À eall isrespectfully sdlicited I JAME~S LQVELL. L.indsay, Decemûber 21, 1864. J. OTDonnuell, De .0 0F PETERBORO', BEGS ho- return lus sincere thanku te theii, , habitants cf L 'indsay and surroundîs- country for the extcnaive patronage wMje Yi iting the place, aad would aise sme that I. bas, opened a permanent office in charge cf IL- C. Èl. Corbet, lafe assistant with Dr. Day, Deu hist, c Kingston. 'The business *will b. cou duched by under the naineamd-style of ODONNELLà& ORBMT. AUl operahions performedon flue laýteut 16. moat scientific principles known te the proM ien, and warranted te give satisfaction. Until further uctice, Ur. Cerbetti MAY found at Mr. Keenan'à office, ini remu ef-1Ur. L Course's office. Mr. O'DenneU. v Il cont in bis visitsas-tusual, viz:. on the f<mut.Thumnds in eaçh unonth and'remamn on4 week, wbcn EXTRCT TTM WIT M PI. Drs. Martin, Andrews, Beuson and Cog-.A M. Dunsford, Solicitor, J7. Gallon, Deputy Sh<. -_ ÏiE; Oe. Kempt, T. Keenan, J. Duadas, J. Les, ban, W. J. Robinson, J. 0. Knowhsen, W. Grat- L. A.ý Cadweli, A. Wright, Esq&-. Mr. Corbeth wauid odur the foliowing let cf recommendatien- frein Dr. Day. 1)entiot, Kingston, aud in addition the. folowinu reft - - ences, "llsvingr a gecd knowlenge of Mr. C.. Cerbett during bis stuidias with mne, 1 eheerful rcommend bin tote apublie as a Dinti both Surgical and Mecluaiinat. B.- W. DAY, M.>., "Dontiat, Kinigstor ElEel -Dre. Fov1er, <Stratnge . a BrvnSir HenrySii, -SheiSCerbett, Jat O'Reily, Eêq.,Rev. J. Geunly,-Revir. fr la:.,. itou, Kingstoný; Mr. LaiCourse, G. Donner as.. G. J. Wèiler, Solicitors, Lindsay-. Lrmy, Nov i Tl tb. 1864.23 STEIBOAT NOTICE. Dafly ,communication WITH ROCIIEsTE1I The staunci Sea-going-Steamàer BtOCH ESTJIR,ý CAPTAIS J A!TY WILL LEAVE COLBORINET .Every menuing'ah......... Ç Csllina (i obourg .......8Oan Ànd Port Hepe at.......9 30a.m. direct fer Charlotte, Cdnafcting tien. vIth k. 0000~~~~l Ott v. 'O5u S pas"aea~i 0J CI5 p, ~ ~ ~ th bnbe sud Clg*vClase ueer>'style rbme o #tu" gin&# f<a twe MM g OU-CII C INO TOACCO.. SPLENDID QÂ.T !ir IEVNGRG vgy eýbyg Beu *oe bfaitadft a anv b o oli eof b~ reuiS~tlb. GB.-Ve~i viiiSeinVarl.ialk of Buas, Bts illa1COUttes re* A Tm,Ja7iqTYE rstApals0<esuea .4m«i80 3T,9 Elow luvVci ilg at er e 1 00 slae h I ~ ~ îte top. of osen e ots hm«bancf.e tm -U. etr la l qrb. viii ~euase. ssàenwt vumnwwY 1 e, asi . 1 1 1. -ý .11,

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