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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 22 Sep 1865, p. 1

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-"4 T 4 ~, ;. 8 àm.a pire a 2772 utry pubie k, P. MAtT. uaur 237-tf.- L,.B., Barrialer, C ois,. re>, bas opéedt a Lawn btrt,-in addition te bis -IPrince Albert Offe- Over Mr. Relde'a O ffice. 1BARRISTERS, & AT- JAW, seIcitors ia Ohati- nvey.uiaere, .&c- D 8 A Y. a. Wu.s«os* BLnCS. inTOR C"AMRkgtON. mymnoî, Oc.<ŽgLr-ieeaa'Brlik IKet street, IAdàsay, C.W. ER& kBROTHER,1 Bsristers andi AI- itey3-*--Law, Solicitorg la C hancery. ubIyic, Ccîsveystncutrs, &c. Ac., Lind- e ini Keanan'i hoek, Kent Stret m'R' GOe. J14. WELL5I' Jan. 1862. 13-f FDORIIER, Atirney-at-Law, Soli- iChanery aud lnsolvency, Notury *c Osro, in Mct>oiiiirll-, new oppaîtClrougumll & insoit's. Secp 22, 1864 - -- KE M PT, C. I, G ra dua te of Mi cGi hv-Meaicail Rtiete the [tri -il, frilish gmi-d Meantib' lnsura. - Ofisus ai-Mr. (Ieorgt' Keîsn:r' f.iuday.-23- L.UKIY, Tail-r, WJlu iitri -î y. <lrarnuls mat 'eîsiii i)te he be ai t Iitri owo- living mistu. Ail or- eive proalipt altt!l)tivai, and ai guott i t.WI; E, ~îgotDenu- s 'Ai -DyC.d trcKtn- DY, FINCivil 17 igiln er ani 1 r LIrrL t. .ITAIN-. C.FIM. l., îg-taP;piçlau, and corar-huo. h Es-t Q.,i'hnge neiîl V (Wnî S 4 o. u5 iEENAN'S BOK Dr. FID,LEit, SIIIiEY TQ HI 40sand iIE MsIl WINGIIT, (lI <trnmsuit of tniu t- GJnc'h ait,)Ta a orm'cf(ic Iiiiio- rte nc ýUiwMqt'emu. lisitleuxe nt M~r. IlrîtU)i'Q' t-t sti 'fi'IiîîrtuAy. !1' Agiltent f- IL . $WiVlianis' fnupnoved t-udoss îd Vioetôri:t <rguis. [AMFSGAFA .(N, vlNE vc * tt v, mand Mc-r'im. 'asnroiMcitnu- tz- 4 IA, îri0tusr4,, oruîp.u. - 27 k vi-rmtn t rt, l-,-kt te miît iit ' grt i. (iv (Ions -il-iut4. - - i .- j4t- rcIiitect sand îBiillerý I" t/ionling llitScaieffflIN titt i nliAgu li ,:31 bo) e t'im<i Csupssuy for- t- su- woqtt of Ibue Cona-i, lal «ON, TAILOR., WiIîii uSA' inuktîl for ille lus-mi ond ill Iini fort ii .3 i l t-cvl ami "s~M ýWl i- A.LITERKAR,-, voi vaLM1 0 1l~as 'R UT 8 S 'EET, LI Va Y g ga GodaalIs idd éI eeiiudW, nlaa u i ( he uinal mfru tgse Cams ed Emal Lladeay, Narci loi 13 S192-t1 W tligCeOYftOS legtbc bsu j lii. abeS IJetwett, and a a& b su hadil llted aud fumnils-. e d ia first style,b viitons viI end Aevery conviai- eu Wlne,.MLquors and Cigars of tis, boat nualili. a. ttentive osier lways lna allndanea Lla4.ay, flac. 16, 1804, 22v1-tf * LAT Sit NCTB AMEICAN) WALTY)N STEE T, POR T HOPB. RBEI4T UROIlEProPrieter 1N1,1etely nrenovateti, affrds the lest 1of mc- roarnai'on for travell'W5 . and lie public generally. Utrdr prient' managemient ne rIfortâ unll l bespmued Ibat vil? conduce te tic, comfort.of guesîs- U- The, lest of Lquors mua idCgams. - 247-17: Revere Iouse, BEAVER TMN. Ti(s ubcrier begs te anuouuceýtiàft heIlias -i Mesd lihe above hotu,j which lits bein firnis,-, rýd andi fittîti up îbrottglîor u bIe le.st Of Ityle. .;n N<sni butii cboicest-L*qurusud (3gara wil b. kept latlise bar,1 andl is- fable yil l e furoish- cdw'tis nil the delicacies tof the season. Ij- CanefulanioigugOleslvysu ,tteudtuic. WIN. PÂRKIN, Prepnietor. lieaverteus, Jan. Gî, 81.23 G-orner of Kent and, William Streects, Linds ay. JOHIN 8TkELE., Proprielor. [LAVINO lease 1 the abOve well-k%-nown cen- tral Hotcl fi)r na:'.rm of vea su id hv- aaîg r!cug l &tted- and rc-fturxished e ~wthe prou&,t'3r aube 0uîd tu lia-vt.a Calii l'io. <le truiig public. The Bàriqfnirilsh- et' wità -tLe tstwij: eq, lquors n.nd cigars: plenlv of t4hed ruoW .atid etensive-seblitig u n- ier the cha.rge «o! goi oslers. 278-tf Nels»s .te.f;Toiontoi, Abore Kin±È. SrEet. li '1ESiilsrrib--r bege tp intimnte to bis friends eid nti te îînie, that hn1.Vi;g leaStýd the ïth- relkteçid nd r.ihdtîonhît udh vi *be glad lu lhavé a pal f1-ot-itetra vellincg£0 i- !Lý Exeellent, and eitensi.ve Stabling. "AMS CIOCKEIb Toroto, :îty1867). 5t <.,'IOPo~p4tcth~MaietKeîittSfreQt1 ffl-ml- in'1 Ii il à t~ id at v ý.. reisoiaMe cLmirgi"r. Cu-tlhkg -donc cheapauid on tiie shoert- HENRY 1HUGHýESi 01 FN 8E D -ATC- 'S. jTIO'\FFR, Land, Agen t Ler'.ENCE -- e-rit Sit, iday, rtrrder.- lefl, itthe O"'ce oftheiiiCantzdias FPoat will rceivc Irliulàt attention. ,Lhîdsay, .hîly I.3t.h. 18C.4.. 255-tf Furuiture-Warehouse! -The pîîtsriber lcgs to infrn. tuie lhalitKnt#3 of I1i.ids 111(1 î-nuin En)1nlry tlat lie lns lîîtcly ,o!4Jeî.onui a large anil v-riéed stock olltrntî4 t uoi.îg (las~sg&C.1 ail of wlîicli lie titi s'i at npîrchire rtshn liave hereýtofore.been askedinlLitdiay. - i a.4qrnd Se/li.r e in àr(t. - WM. WTITE, Opposite Cran-n Landtioffice. i Lindat, Feinuiar>',185 284 VI7M. IARiT&lLitu. illiim Strict, I VV Liuuî Afy ilitRsry Unïifiormas, C iengy- m.enu', Olu'-ianfi Dressiang Cownï anadi Smo!- king- Calt3 ad iatitsptucrier. Clstling, iard nitinu.-Ondins reu- 4 Lit4bauy, June 9, 18e15 301-tf o l 0 N Il,'.- ir 0 A IN-__ ___ 23-ftAT ÉIGtIT PER CFNT. -------- - -I'i'Y to G. DORMER,* Tl'rES, bsSigu- andI Orua-'-- L.Sliian1 ainte, Otnzier, Palier flatiget, Lindsai Sep,2,1 265-tf lu. Ail ordu'rs, car'fsull>'fli-u -rnis. Ol 4isp0>Williarnat. WI i,) IGU 11(1M Nl'ys-cuuStrgeons . - MrS. os l3rady-, u10ev ('oitagp, bn'ck ofthe~ J taking pupilziîr e icn esiderucei, Russell pt-o, ~ ~ ~ ~ r ît 1-3 -'Ternis riade.lmnoWU On application. Linst-duy, M I!>' , G5. ERTAKINGO ber Ite R1litea tLzýx- at s VTIOr i.4he.ruhy r-it Iiaf theMA.RKET of LI'ly t EiS t(e -c i (tdIrscted iliethé Lndsay plu(essts'tueît LisI~siy,>tM-rUet-toronrneycisr frrià tlisefinit Moslas>-lu th lre (-3unhidg trI, %)rtrsharA. 1D. - 185. ;.aum ýtise, > BÙPC[IERS'ý atheare Mant truqts ine. IvveS'rALLS luntesatil%ýtai-ket, Wïll te. muid aI iici atten-tion, tO mnit aIa in ag -tis() ov - -lrk' . flfl 24 On Moniday, Qektober the 2nd, Iffl, at the heur cf.l :'în lithe fonenobon,, ag- 'A '11 >E k (JN, reca-l't abI>5isiuuu utfB-aw No. 105. bKWOOl), (slop oppositte M1r. A. - Sgsul .B KiWSN d otd strure,> tua nt'u for the libe- Tô*n.Clenk.. bes4ýwevd un hita forer lîat Towe Cerk's8 Office sp.1,1865, 315-3 a s$&y tisat ie . 18 tiltrepa redto ete uts 611 orders viis wfîiLi*rullia' TfitCANAIAN 1POST hla.àalarget au a the lateut styles ad Al tise 1un'- .sciptiota liaI tIssu lie tva alter papoal t the CenunIr mid 1CALI LY, UC..W., *~ AgrkuUsvat lhat-J (a exacule greal exce Tise Galli ia regard ta lie rems of unakiaI gr Pr lieGal [uriat aild lx and bllera wilî bilsbeai ade aund tii Public of etsabllig bluaef bct mannau mior- -. fai-eed-he has- ýàllte de Vide.laas de la Ibis Province. Jfarebly situa ted: onounced byr judges- led foi tise purposa -1v*li b. let eutet r. Franîcis vItt le a i h leo btained, rougbi>' acquainted n certifying te Mr. 0u bl 4ing abe th .U5V UUU ~ J. F. QIM.SON." "the pictures ta.nlyMr. Francis, of Lind- SAY, 7are> as go.d as 1 have seen froua rnanyopl the best Galleries. Wm. MeDONXELL." Si consider the pkotograplis of.Mr.Franceis as gooéd td as true as a ny 1I have ever seen m' en gland, and 1 bave seen smrn of the finest. - JAMES B. MUIR." Lindsay, April I th1865. 292 IN CIJANERS. V. C. SPRAGGE. Monday the Twesty-uin4h day Of Xftys -n the twentY-cighth.year of the. reigu of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, aud.iii tue yeae, oifour Lûrd, 1865. CHARLES BERTRAM ORDE, ANDe JOHNOWENS tii. yeunger, Defelndaul. (T-~j. IT PO.\- tWeapplication of t1W lt>titfmid au .. lienrîng read tte affidavits of Thomnas- Fi zgc.rAld, liIkaius.CalaghariJam.*OGallon, foLm Clarke, aad ithesaid plaintiff,n. no iUP. pcaringr by the Said affidavifs and depoàlt;J'ùo that asuer due diligence, tise said 41efendan% Johnî Owens Ille yoiuner annut be tfound ta bc servcd witfh au offlea coîpy oft te bill lu tis sui t ïïlaordAred, that, the laid dcefelant,: John Owens Ille Yauger, do, on ou bc-fore the Tkirlaoth day of Septeiber neit,, Ansuwer or demu; to llettcaid bil.*. Aniî sl ordered tha, t cop-y of (lits Oetoiceilier uîth the notice reqih-e4 by ~te Ge-cral Urders of, tUlis Court, be poblished inluTas DAXLY Gaamu, oncesa week, snd- ip Tfie C.AAii.VOIýT, -pnb- li8lîri in tht eTou'a of Tidalà thé Cointy of ýVictoria, for thse eighit wecks ieitlpreeeding the saiî-lthirtieth ray of iKepternher next.. - td, il jr. frrtiier ordered, Iliat aet rpy of this orderj, àu Il('1- &iCe Copy atfIlle Raid 1,11, be prred on John Oivens tiieeldci the a tler of thse sa id deltenda nt. A. GRANT, Registrar. JOHN OWENS THE YOUNGER) TAKE NOTICE, liat if you do net auver or dcnîniir ttule Bll, pursutnt to bhe above order,- the Plaintiff ,'av 4obtaiàufin drder ta take the Bili las coîtadainq voyen, and lhe Get uray grant the3 Pltintiff atic relief as he ça bje entitled te on.,his own eiowing, and Yeu wili not ree.ivf sny furtiierouiceeof lie fisture I.roce.edii;asiii ts eaùse. Jp>at'ed thii iTitIs ay of lune, Â.D, 1885, -CAMERR< &à SUART, Toronto. Stret, Toronto; - Plaintisfs olcitoarL Torante, lune 151 1865. 303-Id The stibscrubertiegitu .taifm ' ,ils frisatis mud thé publie tIsai le continues ta keop. lie best horsés, sealeal ad Most confort&bl carages and IsLggie#, een.tantly on lianê for lermsexetrsau4 Ml trots. R- WORKMAN I Faniily Grêceries, &C.91 CADWELVS IAKRIY., fi ONFECTIONEIY, Swaetmçatme, Fruits, l-) Teas, Coffècs, Ofioc 'obaccosind Fanej pipes. Cigars of the e ot Brand. Lb persn indmbted te the Estate of the la luit o h i tl ILindsuzy, l>y Nolaet Hanti o )tok Aceont, are hereby.reqtui;ed te, take Dnot es tIaItbey unhil (mid thefr Notes and. Book'Accounta lu the, bande of P. A. HURD% Soliritor, linds.-y. uWho hautho*rbut aree payments, grant disehages, and Arrange Withi parties geDerSli3. - An immuedial. settlîieut nCIqàeted. -Acting- Executr N.B-The biru ia Jaely caanied On by 1 t» late Mn. Migist, at Ll4adsay, l lan future b.e conducteti b>'Mnrlaisley, hurelaemo Mngs Fonexan in thse '.1 boiiaems f6r tise lmlt ohn 410ît. AÀWUteal Patronaefrmou lt ustmus ers hs .ultoapecieuelit bis bs.iÉ Swui tat-Os 'e Pro. - la uos.hwa vIsse lii. la fad.dg~gjes viii A-L, AND-- FAILI JoUL, 8EPTEMIER2U IS W*.' lare ~ig Iylusg. 'Tii.. I~a. ~ At avé coel ohadeafait Âcres. tii garden vanl, And'o tu le ueteW g ppes to purple ternir g;i WIer. lthe broad hsa'est moon là redly uring. Ah, »onson fi.Id and bll, Ti.wiad ahbi Il wbliaa. chili, Ansd patriarch sw&Uq%,s eaU their fBocks toge- tbee To îiy' ýfrfat and uo, And seek fmr lanads unier bloun Thé faIrer bloomm of a-balmnier weathej. Sore fr b.honey lm. That linger ià (hi last fBavera ed Septembér;1 Whle plaintive tuuurninig dores Co sadly te their-loied 0Of the. d«&ea4 smmer thè ». wviire nmber. Tii. cricket ehfrps al] day. Oi faires.t alummer, stoIy t" Tbu aquirrel eyes askance ti he eaunts brown- ing - The iwild fov fiy afar Aboie tIse arya And haîlten southunard ere tii. skies arefrovu--* - ing. NowvScore iefragrant breete Througii the darlicdr rts And. round &bout rny ternla odl inger, ta genti.playfuluema Like te soft caria Bestowed in happier daya by toving fixgers. 'let thongh aà snsau of gief Cornes with the faU-ing leaf, And rneroy unakos the. summer, doubly; pIea- gant in ail 14Y anturnu dreams A future sumirer glearnai elPaasng-. the. firest glories of th prisent i' TUE ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Fro ii eLone<n T teepap. August 24. One of (hooe intelligent -Arnpricn" %vîn are gode nough te -inspect ouri, ile i.land lei sid te have reaarked that itl wag veiy pretty for ilssie, but that. ho ilid îiat like te ze ouot after dlark for férrot falling off.- And truiy vo-are very mail iidèed. -Our rivers., i domparlaçuzwitàh wt~ r *fiodd Of thi. *Wet, ame nothity- baller Ibm <itches-; aur mneadouns wilh their lrim. hedgex, 1cand ou r met rdiedlous.te any ans wh-o bam seen the roliing and. lirhitiesso prhries oaf the lVest. Bxkand bealaty, however, have. n . necet4- gary conneetion ; and Americans of the best ort, men-like -Wamhino-ton Irving and Na-ý chaniel Hawthrne,> bave recognized aýt.pecu-. liar-channm inour moest Acenery.: Tie ' ather or Watetu'ý" they 'say, jq but a fur-t bid current aftur al, and théi'prairie IR net les@ iionoton6iis iamagnifleent. What. jij,ýiniy'charis our friends,, hewever, je that whidit w. ourselves oqght to value very eal, f1h1 güardvery carefully,,thi tradi- tio6 aa nt -rit î a lelernent in ou f sce iiev . They beliold in *te14irdwbat., fior the very nattire of lthe teas.'the>' Canuot %Vi4Iîes u Ille other ide <,>1 li.e AtŽI-t-iOîmýheg<auýd treaotials cd along and -tîu 'h-arît hitory.. Take a lever citize-n of New. Yore t'3M.ar- clietr,- and he- wiil tell you t hat j;Cha,31 Zein qu'ite ns good înaehinerv ti bià..oN7 caunry ; take hlte Warwiek, WindLuor, ort Roohester, amItndyon give hlm -a new minuit- tion-oeo f t boit in (lhe worid. it li$ cil-f ture b. wide-auJ bhis nature gen.ereuR..Ilie is plaéed, se te speais, ,,ttrapport with us, encettors, when ha oes the iort.iliees. and cathed. rais of lie14'oQUI homeo-1" lie Wfeels forl tihi fira tira.te fuit ineanitig of fénttàiîi<m1 enr ino, hé spirit of the inedioevai day), and learno (o comprehond ho* slow and gratIni hua b e hanaîins growtk. No cone can unl adEîgadfrota -nere books, &!one, nor from a hiurried visî t tq her grent ciieg; the o ftudept rmuot go. through a ionisa of insttacitiîî der lhe ehmute pro-, fasara, Canterbury, %Wincheeter, and York, Haàduri. Hatfield, and Durhn ~. Nr na ha confine hitüiîelf te fanions, pintces like.1c Ue;h.muât mie tIse'nid hall that sleeps hifhdî by th& vuodo, with. its fartastie windows iirroed' in the mntaî. thi lîttie chuitih aronget lte fields,, solitary uut ile Sunday rmoritig, when. ale'noe every fait- path, oar ruistio bridge ànd sclii, the. cou 1- py folkcorne traop*ng Io Prayers. lb ,would- b. a sad titingw rere Englighmen ý themselvez ti grnw indiffîreiàîttosud> àcaàn- ed.atious,'ý. AsM-ch m any foanigne. , we eed edcation lun ocwu hIistory; for idie, anti onued. Îvél, vali may îeaeh ý tii~ ~ ~ ~~~h acstrgo te.T Shakepeariaî « ..mon inatoes"are pTeu*thed daiIy -te by eulou bt ù»u hurehwardens. t&siâuile, good sfrvite is deue b>'. thmme 44taiqarIan societies unhici devrote* tem- i4Îctyo the exploration cofi (lipnt. The iL e$; ai thiinlecitrum- ed te b slra utheir 'vwouk sprsatls. thuunb once cr twioe everth- e trinigs. ta cee if ttey -wire ia propéi rdter, and strnok upù nu irtrate ctyle, "ise% Gisj - I lftbeiNud mél The unwonted Aouaud in a raiiway car, rausad thirbte of two staiti sedate citi -ladies seater!ilu front of hlm, who pruteateti vàhemently tate spcnduictor agaimisît tie gra reofsiy "ibid u," sadtlb.coud uctor,, "ihese lad!e ae fendetithat yeu sài1ouId play "Yos," in'trruped oeeof tie Ivu ladies; "ci wkne-w nusa awhat pailad -tii.bolier mmv e ld, and wé ail -bts-lot ichto ise - aàbymu eteternityt- Andi it-ismiu- * "Bg, pardon,'."sa-thie travellar, cutting short t4e »Id ladies' prolixit>', "p'ape tou 'd lite one mat r isrt"-asul hebebgan. 10 pisay Blshioptezmbeî'sMissioriary fHymn: "Prom Geesttrid'És uey nà. muet sma that nois."- .: fPartion eagan," saLi the îra-Vell.er, "use doubt ýthti ladies voulti prefetasu a o , tUWs*' aBretisoenu, conutinue.- hj travail«»."ci in vIsaIpeitokelrat 6f thse dopumetti texilmaybe fomnu; 1 Otmou»W "Y, a thowolebos liq bç Mse qi Kweas - (Terus: *L, in Aavaztce .1 Tlsore is no trayai mmd te lëeming ani scholarship e! au>' kiud can orsI>' be ailaineti by bard,-honest, anti patient work». Nor ia'. deed in it-ffo gneati>' important that the ms oesA c hou Id kuow afl About oge-. indows, cIereatories, orfl4y4, battrems. i. msudy rnigh, h b truel. Uc made intenselyfascinut- uuig by ausy oi ie had bath techaiicai learuuusig-gani a paelic I'esiag for Ibis smb- jet;but its alsruser departimerits mugi AI-1 wavsbu' banîttad ily by tse -pecimi student.i 'the Arc hoeàlogidai Assiociatii)!, a saciety1 whloh las[ deservti el c1 the country, la uîow holdinag ts annual meeting At. Durhm.' No toosuer us lte Londun. se&»en ooa, hi wi l eay c l 1.ie . anisîs, the anliquaries atid themselve. te- 4eîhev imihtly jovial cempauîtionathip. anti yôn behloit-estimable gentlemen, of midd1l. âge, e(îippi.g away at a r0ckr, or sedatiely ~uraging ais evaiiive bultlrfly with a ucienti- oi net, or euimbig up the shattered tCrs et -smreoidfeudal keelp.,Tisemen of science a'e- not (lit ;-, aeitiier areilbey drèàry. Sweît ta o± ih, u vCii as Il rs liai-nid menais, àli the u-avuury pigeon. ple, -the cetnnilug>-1 eî,mnbieud lob.,tPrsRa&rthîoold sud cream- iîîg chanmpagne. Nor (to mbey fly Ibm pires- cle-meof those geutie beiings vue tend eirsi -luncheon a grace, muid reùoucile main te 'hie ili Ntnii -caai W "more glilant or cotirte-1 ou (han the tone of your true.man t s i- once ;m atd--exquisieproofoutis tiiâble rua-i îue-lheTrill aveu aliosi bis laboura te b. intirrupted wvhen tho intruder is a lady. But- of e-ôurèe, busiieçir lahiis irst considération .aud *6 are sure that the archoeologists wîlt havi enougli (o occupy tbeir tbnughts ilu DtLj:iar. - 'Ihcrî la. foi onei th in-, theo' atm- tiraI pile of St.. C7utlibert, grey vatiitisa huar of ekitt cetituties, anti riuug luinls grand J .3inplicity over the winding drid voodt .Weatr. Tlîoy knet-v where te place titi Chistian temffpleq, thoseoald i uk2itta Vhom tic Owe thjý holy fabriesat t roraendt teeud- ouf Europe are tokene cof ltae balIein the re- surnertioll unto iverlastilig lite', lhat underlay the centuntiorus and thse xviolatce aiid the un- holy wraîh o(if osearsojeut days. Their a spiraiion was te lînk.tise beautifal with (hi sp-rital--to imnport iita.Christian tvurahip th.at profo n id syrnpathy -witit the - graze of nature svhich hall radeemas a titousarsit hea- I1h sti suierstiu'niors ;- anitise tlîey pitchidth ie tant of lie Lord arnit ee-epgirdlidl heighîs. ini thse b9aofouolsaviti<" wood-u, hy tihe houks oif rivera. iisepiaciY uever-entfing. nupple, aseiee a aigli and a symbol ol t1iat eterisity whiéh *gavc solIemnty ta the cailiedral beltl« and the vesper'hymn,.-Sa th~e m3a".]LàOf' St. Cuthbert:haýva .dune ; aud now -iie ir memob- riafi, enriched wiîth e wurk and théI tradil- lioris ofa tiiou-maud -cars, 8stands np lunsans- -pIe majesly, recailingm an earlier rc'la!zatikon, ai altrirsu anrther wor M, amnidti hc bu-ly- Isinmodlemiiîdus-ti-y. Pr;atea sd %va.- na nst, thegot, iegifted, i, d tihe brave. Blîep viithi ,i tisaI olt pile. The iamb .àf the Venir-able Belleelu blere ; amti by thi aide ai te masaive pillea ibat su pport tVie pondernus roof lie thé foi-uS or' atout, kîigitis and -saintS>' bislixpg, r-eting with arme îueekty Infode-J as il t« await tIbat resurrectiu lns tiefaith cf whiî-bi htey died. Outside tir( cathe.Irai ri- mes; ries the grîri ci,!casîle, ket>in iir atcls aid wvai*(- ver ils peace.ful uonýp;îiî-a c-salie icl>i ii caret oak aai tapestry, rnet dieu lu .tiseaiasociations tisat give to tiiose ans- écient piles hlait Ilir value.- Andtihe, sur-, rournin_7district has a place ini hisîory, Ion.- - te tusw e1ii ni uj lte Scot- tîsh cau Id think cif eacht)tlerjdya au rai en'ernieti, the scene that St. Cut!ihert';s overlookàtvar, wasted lunm îua-i abonder fe- i-ay and I irîgiy raid., Noi tbI>'thée-iis oee spot,. marked t-n th is i 'ay by a nsxsiiared cru- ciÉfi aOi c,whicil sentul îlrough Scotlati a nole. uf %vaili1îx; likre that tvhie arase wi'imn lier best andt braives-t lav deati At FlodItten. Tit 1< Neviîle'-, Cross, IvIierati'e Scotch. isudler 1Bi"u.'&S sam. ie utterly ovu!ttlruwn iuytrulriiie rrrny, lediin part by the* Arohbiloù <f-York iitd thi- Bi.&isop ofDur-- bain; ,iZ- tàsee ve-rate diayasvh leu Pralatem 1%vertsmore skilied is: han duiig the spear th.n the pen-itys lun wlichthe tribe of Co- lm 1 '1va8 n, %wh,- en sliait u(> eapacity for ~1jfg anti êpiritrial provoes took a vor Jntri~ faim. This iýstIhe district,- sa- fui=tfatqst- whic'- (oArnhoeelog<ma Aqpcîuay hve- clhe'apn for 'ls't ruina meetig. TLeï cid kihave ý seecetd few places mxore 8 aiua-Icr' teier purpose, evers iu this iland of aure,,. where every r oi I as ishistory-wlsere evaly cournlv lu enriched. whh thse mernorialzi cf a race et'f martyrs muid ARKANSAW TRAVELLEI. -t- '-'t-' t-, 'j- '-'t 't-. 14YO' 24190A 621,001) 4 1.), G * Pers andICul.. 300< e tlien-Goun tries.. 880,000 Total ....... ' Exporta froni Bostonf........... .40,(0 Plilladelpia.-.1,622,00D' Baltimore. , .39)( " "Portland .......... 10,000 total Experts of tie U. S. 7,6d2,000 ' Tisese figures, howîç-îr, altiiougi large lin tta ax'crigusw n ut.Inc themseliesq, are ver>' fir bOôtlo se. feethe. stvum (;inotr Iu o)aii't-me r ata ti-rt càrre.3pondinig Periori of làst.yiar. Up. bu lut you." is looke t - i ai very qîî'ot!u'. Aug., 186e4,-tii b-Utited States isti exponîcd- antisucd.eily eai,. Il<3et aut, iMi5tif uesrly sixtecu x'illlon gallonîs of Perroleirrn,- bitter thaiin ou.iz!nt feî' The ugl y mutire tian double L'babof 18435. Tise Penusylt- ',-ouuu: tuait"'wilt d ui- W-us Oe of tit vansaoit Wells, appc',r tao hare yieided vcny lirst to reacisth oe - an tc<of-tisé. b3ats. pizicI more lu 1(8i4tlian je 1'4635. la the former dil nae8e-ir year, Piliadtluhla xport(,d foutr andi a liaif . Tiseiudy(?) isacîutuae cjn miion gallons of Pebroleuin white, in the Tutu- a reply ta a geisensus offrrof àaistane, un- tei, -the figure ilu unI>' eean& alisalf millions.t derr ueis circurrmetances, de>erve%: ta have- Iu the year 1863i, Petrialeum w%3sahippesi frui beid1 ieintervrs1vnt:eâoelr the United States tae ie tnt cf nemrlyt-veut>'bayukt i iervrs-estinsoise million gallons. During the. tasttlIno yen-s. than uvas Nasaman -] aècoorting-te tuai figui-es, thse, wiholeexpaofu tIisarticle bas bien fàorty-bhÉee aud. é haIt mil- licil gallons.-Traduî Review. joNi o -orLNov-lecon-tem C ALVI IS M, AS SchaBnA Ne j _ - e C iiiv T aw n of Lii-4 ÇALVNISM AS EEN SYA ENEMY. -coin tram Niagara to su . Calie-iliec4 seerns Ito ho. a wvoak of.cni.errlh'l i cuILl'. Nias Tise Spéelatooneeof tUse- weeklvEusg- by-laws te sacaure tsa: o-aject luave'alreati>' a'it 'enasl-wtc ral nt ant ifuae Proyevîd d-efect'ec, >cmii aîevîw :ae bl -i*liroduceti swboarshiip are"constanîl>' maitifustedb b iîta Puirliamnt le h'jalize tO lut-sb-a in, uhihtneligieus susitectsana ci-tier dis-. passeti tor thatlp..ap âce. b a vu 1:1 'éae dainfixlly neglec 1eti, on treatiti with sal t is e Uppnuci los tt by à aVI) * e of Il t-a 3. Tise phîl.ophcalindiflenîuaoe- visici affects ta Ni'sgarà 31q11tiuereun growuvsJubiiant, andi regrd al ferme of faillh as iiaving soea le- lafrmq ils 5Outdrthti-ei tiei.liewut-vs i-u moris tuf îmîIs, has label>' pi-onotiç,inceimi-et St. CatîsainéAsIlthse wlid.2 Iowts wentinl tientally, a jîdgnseuot 1upoxi Caivinisnn, which lu rnuurning, antid.c io f tise of tise St.ý WO copy, ba isot vu1thotut interoa' t. - b inluCathtarnes Journal and PI'st bieama as thae vtas: -- ,crwt as bas..!buts'rvOen h,îi>'puue. 41Caýlvmrism tas: hait a great, pertapa a Satipd ue!ImUr îas Iegituuiatîiy greal influeince upoflNi wold b>' -vinîie cf ils iran rieiittaaiMttn-ite ATUE aiiWnl-uiiRiIlb réfereutce of mii isuman. ahanges ltiste uu.; is. a ot im ated in aok itlt ' irm-IO changeable wvil'iiiof Got-the cônipleten esea ci-. aourtîaîui a' lu ine tu a r-t yn gii- ofhiti fànecti- 1 ralsdlaIts dViln I«galber, propoirtion if'suni-o f Joad. cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~u' usmuufctosateo>'lsDiieTe itdy Wind.5or aie <of ilspird wîlI Coaseciousily ,and tisIes fm u-Iat nig111ar iestisàsalo f flpiitdl ceeda, for a 0mOMMn t hvutmtg o 1apeue- ýai;-W,,a h -éino l irilotivri (~d' pope or(t asifahe indsr'pdiss et tMadiMsje, viiibecmo ahijti uidncouacflusinstru- M"'et nl ",t'. ~I 40Afor mre isleir 'pu- cgj'kW..has îisxt suunîy fblwcrsaed .1' poe.- Tisere uM'a grandeur.ii Caiinisr' tiise asuofrorn thé. paveuei r 's i lehicistende te ensh uis onesdausb, th.e viole Duth e taf'iI alfii> lieT humnait>' fraol ridary Meus, at tsteel '-No, 'sr: wtuahe ien-te cruely, butl liieb, uoa» iiode sai on"e l&ar ud poernai, ha; elles produceti A 0"big Judelul" et à)-84,avmy frons hia Sthe greateet reset a 1b>' enabling thes, as camipant lolst. Inqusiring the va>' baik. penÏhap.a ne alier systein huedouie, Mta -arsi vaskd,,"1lud ia lestV 1 ý","No" nepild unlIl abs MWts ntiuhesîlaiuud fti_-4 i ile -dioaiufullr,. "'Indian, no. Iluusî; wigwamt a cnd f«~ êer b iftlebdone--but yeam a>'arwasdm V thelb.oramand- Meula vere jefû out sin t*6 -,intu "f ea'nm a ti Tenzr". insthe Wu.- -tau Distrie4t tat lia Joumef ha pue, but 1 serbeliev.d it." TIs oaduct«oneeme imptient,0"Have peu a ticket ?"l Yes. air-e," said the travellir; and Pulling cnt cf bis Peoket a package that ne- amable i.- "ceupous or a -rnliuoure,pris- ented! (liens with great defe-enote the con- dueW. The. latter tere of oeeand rellru- ed the remI. syifg I&Like. ta, have esesl ?M .-" into Zaunercar" Trav.- « No, air.", Con.-,, Wby?"l Trarv.-" Certitida firat cla«apasegr."l Co.-" [Rut yen uMsel go.2> Trar-"- uet!h-Il! 'I nover -hearn thist word 'fore. Luok here, d' y. aie-hic el r" h,-îwing lthe breSb cf a revolver -Ilthis i l"Chat tering Sal ly." whenever. iabs taies part lu a ceuverbation,-ahe's bound te say, sonetlitig."l IlOh, dont r Pray, dent !" oured the ladies. IlNever md,? audt ha tiavisiler, ilne- ver mmid. 1ln tise Arkansasv Tr aveller.- You h c;epltlladies, pibch, iu, but keep y'lur Unle» nl 1 ." Severai OhMY'esa" carne froin thei ladies mad aItihe next station thare- vas a cail tor unaer t0 revive those ladies visa bad fmîeted. ADYICE TO THE FENIANS. A ver>' sensible writîr iu the Chicago 7fflune inditîs sone ,enod. sVordtg1artiei% beluizi!tsg 10Ibis societ>', the ostensible oh- Pet oe' wh c.h is the regreneralien of Irelundt. le puits lie questios-"Il e t hs nsv the- oreticai chîmera? or i.s t a otialîy lmprci cable.schetai M andt ilengoees cae sa "I kàow Irelandiwlat ara inti.n!tîly acquaîîîîed with the views and rentimnentr of tuse peopli.; andi cati,. with trutbfulness as-. sert, that if thie.Fenaiou unerc tolandtither furcers in Mlat counîtry, te>' naulti net obtaitu as marîy ad.heî'ute 10 bleir cause. as they wouild ie loyal me" arme-I to -rîpel themn; aye' sufficiait lia nuisher te exterminaste theim withotmn the afflaaiwe of btse English soidiers. -No doubt (he re fl itat cûtn- y' as wel as ini this, unbers of.wild, ad-, venturous lanatics, whoue itatue anno: î,cf fer frora arty chaige-evî-Yr ready te ernbark iii-any acherne'-whaw~ouideicourage suctsi mu insane atteiupt ois the part of their triends Wu the countzry;- but the influential,, pracé ical andi industrious. masses of tIse people are mùos4tthoroughil'y unitcd.in opposing atiy arin- eti intert'eretîee for the, purposa cùf termiuating grits i ule, There rivér- weremoraeeii- raies tothie Bi itirrh Garrnmerit in iréliud titan in,IA. Wtiueîs îbe' thcir etTirt for freedons, resuitin- iii a ley- stis tb ein-'ised in:a ta. bage gardois aguintA a f ew oît min aut an o Lise re station, andi ye7 Feu labs oner on i. Tie vuiter saysthe cry cf " Irelar utIfr thée '.inslie' i6mie eap-trap 4 anti that the eff6rt, of Iris.hmen on tuis sude of tieAflantie wouid be muet %worthiiy directed- la exteaîding and promoating thechhaine comforts -of theirfil i, w- colin rymen, by. good examples anrl adviw! to foi low the Fpalhsof industry and. frugaiity thereby placing themr tin a position ta liel? thuge of their.îr.eids at luomse who aire d it- eoutreuted wit h their lut lu corne out atid set- dle iii this ce i-trv, where- thern lu ahetys laie rernuneration for hioniot labôurl libe ty ati freedc Om . _V) nt re a1 TraiitorîpL- PETROLEUM. -Tlhis- article is exporteti freintheUnite:l Stà tes te ail pars of tlue civillIzed world- . Thîls yenr. frain irsit rfJaiuary to rit uf mgtU-r were epre Ton 'une . ...........................'. Aise .ten Ues, Sln-tion pn8s . Rocçh subueqsei ianser-tions....... ...... 2 ÈtrPnui<sssasniai R usiness Carda', ux tines M #ài . r meuaa,, #&for six mnus. FrouscizW.- toita lunS Per "mnm. ,WUth pi ii tue et'havîng ne-w aumrioi«td 93,Diila)bdadvrtiemetsarat emmunes hy a U- Advauuiaembn euuî accu iuowrilt.» nicts.sb* iameid utitfortit, and c.auged ffOi ull lime. Ne eaîuat advertisemeÎus îii'enied u ieu if* * a-.Oder. for diseoaîjinxuin adrtimmulo ona mui@5 wmua»,8, uthervt-sa c cPubifsher wiî aa.uic nu ral ua>i- Ç 4. 3lokt RObiuMarn - i>ubbieu wand.Proprisa( isa faitis whîh paral yzes ad wiIlser the gueuler nurnber of those w.lm> 'ti il ; but those whrim il dois uni. paruttyze, il puasses us witis-anuuisceiquerahu force-. 1î .a Whirlw-xsd, whicis, il dois- notre-ar tiiegail (o tatters, drive« il frward wiltheh.volorrny almnost out h7'ht." These ai- tise vends cf an1 enemy, but of au aîserny vUe sec. daimly the foacit aaxri 1 -ulitiuiis,, of vit lvte a8 tse tLuithiut Goti. But wîîh tha cap cuîy tii sec great ne- ,uits, antd to ineasue, miisolUsa' degmo-e, liii greatiless oftut ilipreccdiilg acxtuas, iotv c!1eari.y defie-lenu.instlmi writer J- ail tlae cora. : ,ehieîsiori of lte five.tem aoi dei.n ae of wiii maspeaki. For Catiriins, if ansyîbiîuî,i ireterent. E-se, its- ees eme buiug jnttges, il is pe-nlectly joineti togettier vatisl 10scat ciasps aisd bands.., Nuw, beiaîg, as a sys- lemi, a uîity-a serbes of doctritaîs well de- fluîed, and set luncrtIer, il, mu *,t neette be-uns lu ils fruits ant in-afluexites, and * rmake ait- stam n utise cisaracter. submited te ifs lu flieences. Just as Pu.se)yisia puotîuces oee type ot religiuini s, anti Unitâri.nism- n sothur, amati swedýnîbo-rgianism -a thirti, s--- doms Cal- vussiuae ius mark uilors tiosu vite euié- ýject thimiselves tu its power. Ai. this it dues axpous ail classor uf tisa-s wio aceePt il-- as thuri scterne of falti. The type -may bu taluter bin 4lrinafy umen," jusi becauâe tue> Jo riat epmnprteleistt the t-ide coi-tapas. ai real groatress o4 tlhe trûthi rhey -pt-vIcs to, believe ; bot il i.-z the sanme i-sn realmy. And a3 l ttise ern.sliiîsgouI ai hliaruity Saunt sncb - mua by the admitteti grandteur et'thesa trutisý, tiuis ls pure and uti.nh-ig4ted lioisePie. Ttie writir nxiIiît.as sveil have aiu-ertel th-s' te. --ande tr 51tUe lips crusisetiouItte hunta aîy of thoso -who dwelr uit tise iîitemvening vales, an.ti look- up taesteu uilt peaka. Thitige truîy grandi u!evate anJ euausbks the .otirei;t souis i!,to wi eh the-- enter -, anti the divine ruts valtii chk..e qbu-lie-tiun Caivinisin taRi ofttn traus!urxted a coarse anti vu'çgar. nature irato a tiili-' tuf 'iii imrirhable voith. andi heauty. 'L,4 -Juhti ,ciisyan b h ie -standing il1u.-tr..t lois of i,', pot-ver. A judgmient of equai vamue is tisaI wiich pronounaîes Calvinîun Lw be à -ttit vtsîcil para!yzes andul vitits-ru dulittrreater part ut those viso Iold i I. %Ve do mit knav whetit un il us a menui, mgaa, or-spirituial parai>'- s1 of wW chti le vieoskront-hether Caivinislain i-pneutne-itou jfC-î tise catine 'mans vis suret a w1lui1-~clqmnbr pover. -Is elulse*r casc mme a-eu-rstiris -'ont trise, Th'iefruits-utf Jaivitui-'tn are b tore tlhe -vorid. .l>rrbalsly il le ut-t f-liv stîl t-unril- al>' acceptad biç thse Fre-e C:al-ncii oif Sot- lard 'as by, a y blidy omstihe <if 411e ear'. Daes État ba-yiy sho.w any svt'n~rins cf par- alysis?, Ila.,et .' ssîi1ivred'J" Ne epergies oI. menx '-îe Dr. Dotf, tir Ca-h ixi. r rof ttiè ajV411ceîunuui id thse k;ri4 ",.n PS1.1'îi- lrc te Ivsuiearp it- in if OieEu-,,i;ii l 'iaci a rdiyze i blit uir iaalhau> 'auin S duc- tu-iies? Are te -An ric'anis î 5Cis -vts ceed" y a beiief an. lis- tv u'it-his fu-(% d'eqpiy etttr et.L'e i ti (4' - t teir Cous- fe-rlil-s an-d Ai-le, >? 11-li ' pro' 'eust ag.tiîaet (fais accusati(sun fie ÇUxurCCSerof Iti-i,ý prsx limt r,-; 11 t C-S li i-a$ il -t laiseIsood ; -rlanutO ttus etP " -'-i.x tise gmtat t'-Mwît-s i o !rt au-J wurh1ipde-out-;Y. :,.il îv--îativs ,Wi!l be fulti tu t-mC-jh-rci ags or ii 'mi wtt )rectizZd luwhist 'Sec-ai:eJ Cl- Vlnî.Sn te pure 11il"C "r3Uq trilot fGid. TilldB WORST -OF IT; - dQ1Do you vant aisy be -e, aia"ai -a lithl boy te ma lady ue nv. 1 rite lad y g saît is ,eu '1Gk sme, at F Ianduth........ Cork ...........2 " Cresta i... .. llraxii.... "%fexico ........ 1

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