1 1ý Il ýý . . . Il 1 1 - 1 . ý ý ý . 1 .- 1. - - 11- ;7 7 , - 1 - ý . 1 ý ý . - ý ý . ý - q 111 ;, ý ý . . . --,ýý ,,,,,, , ,- -_- ý 1 1 - -ý --, . - ; 1 Il- 1 ýý _ ý Il - 1 1 ý ý 11, - . ý- 1 Il .. . ý Il _ ----- -ýý;_ý - ý _ 14, 1ýý1 ý t- , - 41-' .__ e 1 , ,ý ý iî m Il il- 1 - ___ ýý ý l 1 . , 1 l - _ 1 ý - ý ý - - 1 1, 1 ý ý 1 _: ý Il - ., ý 1 1 - - 1 - 1 - 11, 1 .. ,- ."-. - ý ý , - 1, 1 - 1 ý .. 1 - -1 - , l - - ý -.,_ýwýI - ýý Il- 1 ,",:ý.ý, . , - ,-, -,-. - - ' 1 ' ý1w ,= - ý _ ý ý.;ýý__ ____ .. - - ý __ - - - - _. 1 ý ý-,l-,ýf-'11w-fwe"-, ý - . 1 - ieý11 ---""!"M" ---, -_ . - , , --- - - ---- . ý 1 Il- Il à 0-affl- - -m - 1 - r - ý 1 ., - - - - . - 1 ý , ý_ -W 1ý 1 - ý -, ý ,ý ý - - ý_1ýý ý ý ý ý ------ ý 1ý 1 . 1, ý il«I eau damm 4 ry t et, Ir ver - ý . S* 1- illate 1 1 ý,, - CLMYSai4y CAMM7. end«mtW th4t . 1 i t 1 . ý BER- TIRAUÉ. ew"e àZàî2ý - - ' bê "_ tý,r4 tum of. mind reees do in «%W wwastrip ýý - :., ý-, ý,ý,- 1 ýý, ý Il Il ý ýý & ý ý 1 -.ýiý : - 7 ,ý . , . 1 a t»MUA 1 le, thls, munie Il . 1 -ý ý - 1ý, ý -ý . I.., Ion 4ir'-VI ".;ý.1w ýrlFe ý,ý--- # ý ' ý 1 Pu" 1 Colincil ý " ' Ibuai bis.,, ý « 1 ý ý"', 1 ý' ý,., 1 . ý1 ý 7' f* * e 4 kw6ý4 . - ,_1 1 l' ?ý'. ', ý , 1 lüm ý - . h&Wngfmm ý Lake&# ý" )VMWYlng"*%Wwnoament beéu frue, and *, Tir(, net ci, the forest>ýas it ki ý e0ý te FixiZir M&,Gkzvgz for " Of 1» - C41W et _0" 1 , nésa in.this.pl ail 1 - - 1 is'ille lar'X 1,; ýk. -- . ,*W- Ili»" 1 ! ý ' 1ý m > ýý i Pro,, - . 4 1- -, e ' ; ý , -** awutence admitted of ý est in ; 1 , ý 1. ýý. wà»»m4v* ýs 1 bbîim spokS ol " workmanille livery è&ewýkio4 w«14 sied tité iam Claus* et dîmen&ions,ý so, is it .àlr§o the îýieatest ý 041" +! ý , ý i ýL'i ý L' -et - ý'1q" - 1 1 ý 1 , ,ý,4 _ ý ý ý -e rr---- et- ýý , ý, 1 - ý -Wpla- Il be« t%*-f« -trip tu Lit" etwr co"ýý l the peop'.e of Fenelon. ' diau exporte. l'a beariiig up-, I - > publication W the & 00 ri*, ,, ivalue ot Canal paok Yi %Ijqfqw 1 Il .. 1 ' 11 , Mr _ 1 l'itedtliemàelvee :Upc!n ý . i . Act , , * ýý ,ibwbv of thé church d ]Ln" Britain, Oakwood aMJ1ým1f«. Mr. W, ,Crjý m4tht 4re 0 , ý un the ptomperity 01 the countly is, -ttieit-tore - wu «ýp" -ýý - ' ý 1 ' ý, ý ý: ý.. 1 J , t 1 - 1 . 1 1_ , , , ý , - 1-11. ý ý ý l - 4 . . 1! 1 1 1ý 0. ý à Il - itywvoýýthait officiais in ma fi ý le, alid -a-few s*atiz,,tivî% 1 ;. ý _ - ý W 1 t4 *"mon Dagl]29 oftho rst importarir , 1 - ýr1'f7 - 1' 1 ý 1 -'à' à 0 d to by 1 1ý, ' > - 1 , ,ý 1 'W 1 Marly ,of the o4 1 1 tr of âaiatitr W $171. ý , 1(ý1 Il 1 , - ý', ; . .,!, O 4-, A i kii âMOM the buetuýwqf their township;. t ut thé ab" e regarding the Lurnber: a ,à Minter > ade os - *' ,ý 1 ý ."ý,, ,11; 1 . , _ 1 r» n ýrwst. oblighigly ý @cW ý - - ý ý ', .1 ' - ', country, ao haff Idartin DtitisfoSmd f«W i " O a 1 U' îll,ýý im, - - ý Im, la m -- ,,, 1 ý * " . . 11, ', 1 ý horse t"n'd most no bby bffl y 10 file ÜM1190r, tt&nswtiOil titilla the people more forcibly this iocality wiEl -harilly- be L'ýiouý,'lit ont. of ý coitstittiie3 thu làr.,e,;it ý,teLn ý f« dfta.' 1 ý md*rlbwf*l lai ý = qnp 1 wý . 1 oit for tiltie.-,than wôrds how thelir interests. tiave. been - 1 ý 1 61 , ý . , . "M ho ait oncle Ilook the imd, but rH . . ý 1 place as if aiso ýý t:> vtq#ý , - ý : rowing.4uap . ý ý 1 ý a ý ý . abused,- without th ý . 1 this -port. 0 t ', ý an.- Interplmder suit, : latity. ý ýCfiureh Days" ilq atill coi, ý Biïti - .e . . ý . * or corp i . icioil on the' or-fqfjiprneljt,àt. . ý BOY4 va. jreen , -, - - Mr ýW noüW tirait ho made loir - if .- -ý .1 1 1 , un. . , - ý ;, . Q efsty lot th prations. 1 ý Titi toiwti il is pretty well k-nf),Wl ' , ID 190 10 1 . - ý 1 tww V ,aér is esp q el 1popplar Hitîîtory of the ý ii ib ý . ý .ý . ý ý y Verdict f« P#tiut4 ý ý - > . ý . 1 1ý . . ý gr diroo ý 1 - Ratepayers of 1 ô 4 -,vent 9" 1 ý ' l'i4 ý jjo4gay atr#«, ýùd pW eeded -, Il f'tnélonyouliavebeelimý.iinfortýe liozèlesharti-ot that fuild, set a . part licid »)WÙiantille, Md fet. was, Poo, apon ý ý 1 G»Ný 4t%« 44 «ter ý ' ýý'ý'îtp# ý,ISkeIýhè4 in thé Dë"tt" ýýý CÉ16 ' hW4,, le , - ý . 1 nu diât allýW ed lui ý_ - ., , The'oth ' ý 0 . . fur yeariý witiflout inurinui iiig or by " » 1 O&M -et . - . 1 W zig - or tttw ëg eurretit number ire ' - . ' c - ,r ,rient somü ye4r.ý agoi for Mx- () . - rethln,.qtrithoe; you have beeti - li".,iv lk-c . . ]q 19 Y S t pIf ; À LaSüri» W , - - - -,in the ý " ' 1 1 1 ý . ý ý . 1 -the ý,üvp Il ý ., - 1 ý '11 1. ùot'iright, he- siddled a horse with the view , .e lýfU _- Pelliditure ul)ç)ii,,,tork-4 of public . ý àl1ýý f, « . ý . . ý ý <Uli:;Iy 1quell ý 9, -11wow.-ý1tit«Pbad". ý -Our C-ler" -Uub-The Priellit in llown 1 oi-foi, ' ' Ztm and sùffprersýby mal-attmi;ii.stratinii dits 1 )(Mo', &-G.ý ltý is fli)%,v ,îat- of ý . . 1 0 týýp1ausibîf tmr'eller'. 'Oesooz.l. ý ý a-- RiùIrGî lai[ , 1 , , ý y 1- 1 . , iglit-liùil(ltut"-.atiti . ý ANI ONI MS k 4Râg4ý«nt vitheut goiq tg jury) a»d Country- V'ale- 1 Woultin't Matir .& 1 wing 7 , . . 1 tu )ut différent couticils.; yuu- have 41311 iý,faeIof'«I_1 19 1 - 1 louait os -Making - ýyi .>- ý 1 Ù, 1 ài;lt fi,.(- e,: Y,01 4404 tof . ,Zi oýV r onqiiri« tW the - là fi go - 1 ý Or" ei*ppçd .in ,oupinenes8 aed illititr.-ri'.11eti "ixty thuitsand doilâns liorlowed -froin -ilie 1 1 with 10Rýe ta pli4lit - ý Ctrate- W ànd'rin' in London Churohetà d 1 _ od. fo' Bo' mawvilIe,ý ,about your uwit intëresti.. fil 1 you ai î_ - Mullieipa! Lç;aij Fuiid. for *tire intprovernuitt ;Q, MD" ffl icit Il0ilir- ý ai] , buggy wer-e - boü r- W *e btl«ina O%&" 0fý - - __ý - î - d'icty-lýw ice-1- _,fý " - - .Unçw -ý's«Mls tàm -» depe - 1 , 1 ý . ý1 1. 1 ýqf4%"Miî«-Gsý ýq» Tbà Rirdid-HOMO. Mièm and Thoirit àà probabit 1 % and îï-impletoits hy * the verv of thn liai-t-.-.jur'aritt builiýlitig of thd Litidlsay .. behoo-in- * ý' . , , 1 1 - . . .il,,,, ý 1 [à ýI vou liavetruf4ted air(' J-elioseil -colifil ,once and peterborî,1 as been wiscw fgw T> 1 i11ýý . ý ý . ý 'Rai,ü '--'" r. Wo . *. . a ý . fi adeý il «XZUTP ý te itaye bou- ý W94kince-suaday -Eyaiting. , M"F6-ýldotninige#ý,,oebéudtho-otéwmer- -M 1 1ý,-ý ' - #:, 1 1 . . ý in go; long, aud ý0ih of Julie -fi, ô» cm of 1. ý - , - . . k,ý ý thewett & co., of 'turp 1 te,,, will forw*r4ýIhë! ý - 1 eý - ý . ýý 1 yet on ý tire said expi-iileil andis nmvý tiefuliv £-J, p1(l:Yetl ; t i ý 1 camieffl -k Ord,ý,for fil j e. ïLdmâüm 1 ý ri ý râlait et once secured theïse slittee, of Cou--. ha wýieht,â " *Samees-)-6ti-tri ta continue. if ,ý» 1. . ý -. . . . ý ý .ýTtioiJii;1ý tti" vit 1 ýý ý . . ý .1 ý . . ý ý ý t-51 l'esoillees of tite (;4ýUi!trV Magazine to any put of the province ai the 1 el was cauglit. -. or 114>it,,L. of --pý l'stable ý ý ý Iliii. bad bcien ýthe wiIýý c.a."..cif bluirleïin I ... 1 ý; ý ý. . rre l, W N 94 4N D) awl W H. sffl t lit, dit ,4 - .1 ý .Nýtigeýhi)andthëf luvr , .. c 1 ' ý 1. 1 - c tq, 1 ope. ý T i ý : V ., iLIi1r-I;4J.ý ý 1! ý i Viýl- - ý . -. . in lýlatii-e'M ' ý tempted to explain his 1 i-.,., twiq ti.iie-pe.Itit fi) Li ý , ýayI!5iji!,,-.ýllt,,.I'lt- oewo,," III, 1 7ý0w ït" _"fiâ, " &W , ýeý - , loweît ratte. 1,ý , . . ý He ,ai- linça.eaoitj,.thutliad, takeii place in 1'ictiplaii " i ý- . ter 1 . ý ý ,ý > l"41#4 1 , i . 1 1 it Miàtit lia e .Xte tedi btit'oii .W,,.-I-aiiýt-Péterl)4.)Ifj,ý3i) illucs flùiIýl Ilitve V1rý 4111« ýàigouvm T ou ý i . ý_ ý utsbut i -aîndst Ir beetl,#- ,nuit Ut'rs - - . Coimi" .-'rhis wu 414 a ý reasona for changing ÙWio , irlk 1 blivo corde te ligliti althoil -ý great', ' tuàllv ,,ýi;ill-e,,. ýý ', 1 a«Mos' " Q'a . LoxDoN SocisTY.-'ýllit superb périodical 1 ý ý . 1 .. . ý ý Il 411 flot Sb , ,. Ille fiieiliii-I-.,f Ille froffl Io SI) raw , T W 1 - . . aiierictory . ma»nfý-. ý Mr. N . aitowied - f . ý 1 . 1. - ý ý La m - __ 8, Viction of C. ]Knôwlsoù, -p-,,ý0 . - ý ý M ý 1. équally déserving o censure, and it will, oit- 'amy rniies fil t'lu 1*t,;i!" 111(:ý'e;l,ýillIY Illithelise- . - 1 " o*ý for. September is cri out table, more picquant ý ý ý . w 1 %, 1 ' - lkï;ymelkt of $9 19 coye 1 ' b tterorti eiifl'lbrir:4,tht,-tiil,)ei U ,ý i 1, 6« ý ý rý, d' ý - il - .1 _-0-- Conviction qua" d wiiù, outaità, 1 . 1 ý . . - a ma In fore 1,,. týý, 1 q»d-imuaitig than aver if ihat werepoedible-i ý - int. to, go.free 1 - . . ýi'uý'(Ji- fi e '1'*tlýiL i..-ýt,ýi)!i(,s as %%*ecý, 1 1 ý ý ý ý 1 1 1 1 . - ý . . . .. - ý Cam' . ý I de raiepayei sof Feneloti, that Ïkey w4y Vo - lis ofin CO TM N.9 ai 1 . ý . 1 - 1bý tron & Ordo 1lut , , 1 ,ce-14P maga ý zine experrie.à. .ý . .. 1 . .lie !allls,"i over t%ý%,t!iiiýv IIt-IV1;ý -,-WLA 1 ýr aw e .i Ueqrgqý lit Ils ce rtain ly the best in , ý , . ý . 1 1. . ý ý ,--t- . - 1 1 1 , - ý : 1. 1 ý . . 1 _ý 1 able i6 jud;ge whother .the charges, are ,rue .towtisliýt "(JtiLi(-*tï'. T.ý;u Titilier Y - GIMSON'S, Dormet for respondïnt. 1. ,. . . . . - ý -- ,. 1 . -ët"ce. n eý]istofe*ntentaettib - 1 1 . -__ . ý . filles. - ý - ý ý - ý - ý ý 1 ý ps atiil ilfviri) wedw e M ock, EM I M ., ý Tiiu»Dà,,r, 1" Se . ý - exi . races- . . .Lâi)tts in.w ni of ý a , Nevr' Hoop ý ýkirt 1 or. . . ý ý ý i atid L.unibor *lIradâ of il, is mviiiity-(1-at,-ý* il,,r.ýl 1 1 1 1 pWmber,. 1805. 1 . . ý a . ý 1 1 J, 1 . , , _ ,- . ý W heraý blial à4 1 . ý .: Ilie coiiýýtrùcIkî,,n tif t lie.,tc ruad.,'atid iâ ý --ýa:,Iy 1 1 - a a SilkPI IlitýeraFaircY"DIIIelablwilidoi'ý: ' . 1- .1 ý 1 ,x1 ý I -t-iLili i)piýtaijc_ -Li'"Y* The QUetn m ý IDigtý# , Olai-k. '-Lar ý ý 1 *0 Go ? (W 1 twelve illutar. - ý usil 1 . ý ý ý . . 1 1 . .0 ý UrIre c 1 1"rl _,ý - . _ . . où he S,-arbý«ougli Soal. 1 - 1 i . ý 1 v iý.a!Itýýi,,,Lt,, l ý1 .ý 1. , ti .&)-o-ýA.Tale of t %on . _,well to-ýcalI* et ý Tüom ils. : - ý ý . 1 - . ., - pr 1 . ý 1 1 . ý . . . F.Qnelon,.Septe-t.,b£-r.. 19, 1865 ý 1 _ I "- illimi) leef, of sawed fIfflLbý_ýr gonyi On being_ *ùiirtid .ýsoner .1 _. !- ., ý ý 1 i 1 - . . , ý 1 , . ý Id il 'Ve 2 ý __ . 4 .ý F eLe - ý. ý _ __ ----,ý---,ý--.--,ý- __ - ,ý . ý " 0 ýn#Iish Hou"kéepitig --- :Fi Minutési, 1 . .11 __ . . ý ploadod 4 Gul'lty.» ý The Ç>eyý,Att«ùey - ý - 1 . 1 e . ý - ý ý 1 - , 1 , was shippud to Anit,1.î0aýU i)ýl,)It,,:, -ciii, MY lu IM S. . 1 ý ' - ý -B ý Lilite 1 ý ' MIL DEANEIS PU L!C COURSE. , ()swc,ý,, -1 )VýeRT15fflE_1 , - , ý ý ý ý . 1 ._ - ' 1 (illùàt'rated). -Modern S4 4&ý (illus-4 F,4jL GooDs.- Mr.î.ý P. Gimson ils now I ý - ý 1'. llIezt>e:i .ý ý ý moyed for thé oeutonce of the Couot, , 8w.ý ý 1 ., . ý ý . 1, ý ý - , , ý1 . 1 . _le, dinidig Ille piv't Ye. Î. ý . 00 ffe. ý 1 ila in . Ntititreai selectini fut his Dry Gonds ý lie Ca! . vefîan Il#-)ît.- , ý ý il c ý ( & Týanemýh* . . ý ý. ýý -.. . ted)iw-Theý PlaygrofindIs -of ]4u4jýi-pýe- - - ' ý ý Milliolil; of-whi Il was ré cive 1 by Jhe fi, i .r- ', . T» 1 Il e 1I'd i 1 îf) M ý ý " id 1,8 1 - . ý ý ý 1 f lenced Io a monthi.in, thel cý6mr ý ý Il - , f1f ý . . I.hiroý.ail(1 iwenty,-stx m à lu Il Old solill-J. F. Gimeon. . . .ý_ 1 - A ý opýjiîl . et, aide ,iheý'Deet-Rotiiiaiscencs of a ýCWckeýeF f -Establishment. W * féel certain that Ille J SIR ý -Ili U& 'r- il» Raiirt)à(l. . ý ý ý ' 1 ý lb . Jý iive Lit ý iti,ýiy 1 hard lAbour, . . . 1 1 . - . . -. Il . ý ý. , . l . ý ý 1 ý ý, 1 ,your- last, iý.%-,4 -M . -Deai.iaýý ,ýY, ý, 1 ý ý . .4 1L 1 I , ri 4. ta ý My Ddu-litig Dûtvii by the Sea 611 - ý encýces.s - which ha& tio-retufgre * *crowned I faïoured us %v.tii what we inav clin. ler as Th ýe.t,-,,R reedipts 'b tko Liiidýýav ' * or ý . . ,,, . . . e iast we e . J; Thirkell. > Couruý. Couniy- Attiorneyt, « 1 ictoria .ttiWde-eiiet-. -il ifia 1 1 ze', a S a- road illoile. w.t;s 1 33,; 1. Y ý . _ý. I..ý e liant PrWèes 0 î ad 1 Y, tie characteri 1 ,(R)b IL . 1 , . fi thé Fîithftil find l'tue-The'M rc 1 ý *_ -8. & O., Bigolow. - 1 . ' - - . . . . . 1 ý . I bis efforts in plea ,ho l' ies- of, V _ . crown. , : ý e ý . ýý a -- 1 - Will et 1 t ý ý . ý. - ý ý , ý " ý . Exl)t;ilý,.of 1..tln.,bt.ýt, for Ille last tiirt-i-- 1 yeai ý ý ý ' ' ý 1 ý ýý ôt-Zngiauà-Tlie Queens of Come y (illuai, 1 siliý atteint t lo, it(illie.tlit, .1 D,),IIrp,,ý, el ý'I'fiL . .. ci tirse.he lia iisu;iI ut,(-, -f al 1 con i!ii,ý, tlte se-ýt.il,;i tà, ý iil-( -a-W . J. Thirkell. ý , 1 ý "t - ýo1lIfI!h'1nl In, e-utriiig the beAt materii 1. I 1 -s éliomni ïs file 'bi-IiIiiiiiiý, ol ýa 'me - VAt Quien Vit. »ý» 4qn».-ý-L&rCenyt trtted)= W lw Câline' ofrat Codliiigiiürg-lt-e . . . .. f e ý - - 'D - rot,& Ordo. ý 1 l 1 . . ý , - [ý-iLi.latéot Style forhii;FaliSt kf!tept.eàieiýit , f Y" -'ýt,,; oi-Aiiyil-1 la c- el Guilty., Sentenoed to 3 mùW4ý in the come. . ý 1 1 01 oc 1 ý. *offici)(tel-S. %V,, filive-l'I'd pýea il «I )t -1.1ilk - il i year .: _. 1 ri <et'ýridi(.,tltti e piev'l Wil, & . ', 1864-5 C Wo(W. ý 1, . ý . . 1 essrs. W. C. Chewett ý, ý -arge agréat lu" -- 1 J, IllJý Lilital - 1çq;ý ,.) * 3LOI' ý ý gattai(illusttated). M 1 1 -emr. - Mr. 0. . i, -1 ý ý 1 - . 11, ' -1 -1 -dý,,Yi-t-ït - - I_ c". ý , 1 ritends .tu Iay..iù a 1 ý . ý , , ;, .N ,j ,y) féé!, brua ý_ , - ý . & C .jJ Toront , arô the aginits l'or this publi, 1 g iniaillit of abils, -, an . ttertipt to pi.,Jve le, ri * l8t: 1. -23.?5ý 1 ý , !,, ,i) - . 66 tvia. 1 . .. mon jail et hud Ilaticlu.r.. -1 ý 0 0 . ý < ý 1 ý 1 ý dy« . . ý . 1 1. . - ! qualïtjty of oods, and the pricet will'oriaute ý ý ý . , ý zi . ý 1 . ,4 ýt t-C !li),)[- ý> alibi, bill 1RUI b y 1,., sýo60-. ýe A. Lacourue, Couhty Attorney,, or - ' ' ý 1 . - 1 dit atteiniti al , , ,ý;5 ý , ., ý ý 11 t1W Cition) and will 1orward itto auï addresdl %t, id 1 ý ý . . - 1 1 , ýt;:),. 11, 1 ý. ýý ý ý . 1 ý ý . ý ý . . . ý _ ý aNi tooffcr. Hcdi [,I',*St"lt*e 1 - . Tirnb,ýrfli-L' Imbimte-C. 3. Bloomfield. , ý 1 -A r;kvýl ý- 111IL'ew, - 1 ý %i*k)tillf 4,ý ý . -w -nits Iii.s. , ZI)i)i , fjlii.l(! . 1 ý e 1 $a ý HIM ii.--.f,, - . ctown. . .1 .. 1- . 1 - Il thé pu-bl.i4her'a !alos. . -1 1 . .ý i .. .ý . _. ý ý 1 .- ý . . 1 . . . ý. . 1 UV(-:iilier E ý . , o 11 I, ý - ý 1 . ý 1 ý 1 . . 1 1 1 1 . 1 ý 1 . ý -1 . ý in Lnàdt,,aý tiut-iti-g flic inütIths'q' N - - 1 Vie (Jimen against Jameg WaUà on the- -- 1 ý ' ý > 1 1 - fi, AanvàjA.- Nlesare. S . ý 35. i -ubic foet. ,ý Pars ' . & 0. Bigé- -.'nd Deef-ilibel, WILl'ioe aýii')IL;1 Viýàit8,;ý1'a lew ý lsb 5)1 9,715 L . ý . . ý ý ý ý e Il, - 'nd .. . 1 -tober nu 1 . 1 1 1 ý 1 - , ý 1 1-1I; 1. alaau ta n » Ont. Cliarge, of tak- i' 1 pyle FRiiciçD.- 'I'he Of - CIC7 1 , ýý'1-ýs73 iï ý- ,.ûie:i*edlà.,41ff . the .haru of , Tut .. Là - îîn- 1 Invir arq* ýiîow feeeiving their Fait aiA ýWiuter ý-dàYe'aL itittý,iya!,i. 'Tileil lie rot*ëte UF lu -: . ý 1 ý - ý . - 1 - one John Fçrri8Jý "nIý ý w4 p (1w blorée wu ber ofthis ëxcellent magazine opetid.%Yith a I Gl)o(l.s;- -In a fe%ýc d a ys the ý;to(%k ý wili be ý ý , 1 to, , sue Ili')w 110 was en- 1 ý l8_ýà1. -.iýJI91 , ' 1 . .- 1 1 1. , 1 - 1 I..- 1 , ý . . 1 1 . . 1-ýý ý m i:iu tds 0 1, C o illic. ý . . . 1 ý . ý - ý ý acýef ai inal tiiii2. , Tue triii.ula 1 oi' (2.,iiit- ý 1"] il- l'i:ý,iiiýc.-q :.*r(- . i.,4,il;%- If."ï , fil . 1 ta vernit, ý poli and 1 . 1 1 Ire , c(it-np*lete, w eir eualcmeis aild tire . . . ý - ý,ý , - 1 Je i)!'(!ýe_!.. le lau . ý , - ý ýî d up op otiïeý 1 dyti ta ý 0. be tiftà steel eligraving, called Il l' 1 ýý ý , lit. ý2> ïgo , lieu 1-6 ', .. ý ý J ,uriùtis 17)Âve. Io io0ý, I'J'r Il -ot , e &a.'od ý, ,,!>,ý.*,J;Ç"i. ,*,ý.Iii (.!'il P%?;!; I .- ýý . 1 . - . . ý ý . ý ý v -i(ý e c il . i .. - . 1 _ý,. RIDAY, SEI>T P 1 . ý 1 ý ,pub- "i 1 ,7 UIL)UId Lo-, . . ý . which %vail ho Walideýerls Rottirn.'-' The seiiiiiii.etit of,;. lie re ý . -id ý bc 1 IlIe-tiiii - 1-I ýIIic;ü ý ý ý: la Cý,: - hid forgoueu W retürn. T _ a invi.tedté exairtiliel. the lai-àest al . lery, zold lie%,I.ý;cïi , 11;t t p u- , iýîiIf)rý) ?e-J l;,ýti; f . t>, ý ý-1 . ,ü; 1: rp ý PU I, . ý . .. ý. . ý . jury W iiiiout guing out ôf the Courifi ' sengravingis very toucllilig- ýiie wal, i ted. lot of g 'da'4veî- bi-ùùçytit ir.to -1, dUceýIt-1le!iI, M r. 1)(.ý-iilt,- izi eizo'-l' Y,ý ra't lit on ý, 1 . - , ( «Lii;',l i 1!';t-,!Cýl :11 I'q ire min- titi - 0 CI . I-7 . be6t selec W, lie ailioLilit tif 1 - 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 . t . >r« ogatioil. . . ý Il ý, IJe_ýýt a i_ r,, - il, ,-ýU!c , i' .14t'lloý--r *J,.-i;i v L, .ià7.!,,ii.,- ý 1 - , ut«, fourni a verdicit, ofic net - 'ity,ý'. dote.rhas colite back- to Ille gcetIots of Iliti. - . . 0 'bei-ii--%-eii your reailer to be .i;j. Il 1 'lill, ý , . ý, . ý glit . . 1 ý - 1 1 . Il Iýtfié Couilty. Their motto.- gé Smail profilI& «ý. ý 1 - . ' - ' , 1 1 1 - ' 1 ý 1 1 . . 1 valices to.111t. tilce.tiiiir in M.% Eii)V.Pl*ýs, %YîikýiI ý liii.1 Uic 1«,tettýýiu-, L 'O pli, ý-, . 1ý Irovin made a capital apelech , 1 ý * . " ý Il al"d' * ' - ' 1. . . . . ý 1 1ý Ut( i ,-,;,u: i i cI Il , , A. IACourse fet týN 0 & %vitli a heill-t full of ernQ.ý 1 i quick rfieurti.1), . . ý 1 . . . . I.. ,ý ý»vjn.; ýCam ton vouth, aud gazeti - .. ý1 ý 1 ý 1 . i ý . ý ý . ztlii)t!icr illý,.*I!iiezuloti Iýi1îes 1)'ikeI. 4.1à , ý for pris 1 toit nit the churr llîldlitliod lit ! . l- - 1 - .ý%li*." iiii.iloi.r ol i'>,-,,t. - . 1 . - . 1 01,10L . ý ... . ý - 1 . . 1 .. ý. e ,Il whert) in cý 1 1 , -ý 1 i * ' ý . ---ttiifilýrl , puli t ý IýlAJýý;ý à Baturday in explatiation af' Oid ý ý . - _ý . ý ý - 1 . ý. 1 . ý ý - . ýý ý Bi'('>ýç,ll (Ai'er(ýd as eýrl,,It-tit-cý. ,;Ili ý 1)!*(ýI',Ilt*d - (-Jiý,- >,t%%ý ifliii in 1.) ) ý verent al - , ]Plturjcssio-màl..ý W e are gýad te noticel, 1.,vu %vi,ýjvý%,_,er,*IIIlt ny vf,ýr,ý-, t) Ir 1-là! týý .,dit iiii!i>ot,.; of' ri ýa(ioveritinetit on the North- , TàeQueeu u8ï.-4k&rtý£'iýitner-..Fôlcibie passed . sa ýinariy pleaeaut and re 1 i - '! . iými f tili'q affý* 1':ýl,, ý Il ', - ut, « lai He et ted that no action au ry atà4 datain L . Vehlîct ý 1, ý ,net, - ý ou tL ý 1 1 . - i ' 1 . ý ý ýý ý . ý. ý . . - ý - i - fi t. . - ý i ý. il . sUVý ý 'y fi r . - 1 ý . ýI ý.ý ,'lui ' %YL)Ul(,- 'lx Illi -V!ltý, ýZt ý!ilLt:lV. k - ý Of the Fa,,Iiioii Plate ut t1ii ut, b - -, tirat Al""N'ICF&(iyé 1, solicito i .&O., ToJ-0III0,ý le, ce Ji ri-li. , a, ., l Liliwe lýý44!cIt Illic. 1 ýL! ;ttelli lt1ilI.e.Io .., t ý 0 . - . uilt . , . - ý P ai, il Fi e l , , , . ý ý . I . . 9 - ý 1 , P t 1 ý i.. ' .. 1 ,- . ' ' 9 y , . ý ý ý 1 ý ý - ý Li;lt iv fetir or tîýt . 1 invalvjn& expçtuIliture Wilicil ý k %V 1 otily say that it «t4 equal ý to ý y t tý ' I - 111 a 1)(,t-illi):l to givic.L& tiýi)"!: .5,-IiJ,)-,J.I. IcýJoI >; . '. inil ls illiti U;at fi iIi f;j" A. LaCourse fer &lie .Croesi ; .Çým r(iliý ý,.- 0 ileei. i ai; 'if > has t)peiiv,ýl a law office in this touni ni,( ër to: flic C,.eatîi f.- fi 1 - _ý .1 - 1 ý 1ý a ;'X u le JiJitý.»,' Vrb, Il 01, live ;làî;:ýI(tï.:ý Lýav1) àýÉ4-zL4àtýY ; iil: cý. 1hi: . ý ý ý ý en-dallt. ., Il 1 - lia ae inIeiit of Nir NùIl Ray. Nir'. _I ý..:t! ts ', ý U.-; of - ý its predecessorâ- Ladies lell uà t hat Ille f-4 1 the i 1 fi . ý litiv È! 1:'e Jt.'l; t'l ..;ý.1IIsý1. Vý il, l' IC Il. 4111l1Y tobtaillied rite exaction of Ordo fur d ý ý . 1 ýýI ý . jt ,s fin ý iiiin iýý--àýý71!!z iïie)ritl'eli-ý' -ý,ý)iIl-,,Ài ,,-ý,,: , . . . . ' - . . , 1 - hq - i ýco - -, ef.,bndedý .f L 1 1 y teudy habit& and. cloà1c apillioati !i to btÀ--i- lit ý ý . . ý ' ItL,11Ii-ý, ;L;J't, CI();;L,..*,Lý,d (ýlý,ýec 14'1,ýtl_'v..l Ii.4.ýU LUI, ïJLU ,ý le went into thp 14iletory of the .,Otà motion 0 r tîjngIîa.n%,ý à «el Io i plates of thi.1; ruii,ý-ýu.iiie ai,- particul: il b li- u,,.-..i-ý--ki, 1 ý 1 1 ý , . - 1 ý - Il ; ý 1 ý - ; in, ý ý ý .1 1 1 1 ý . 1 . 0 tl(ly -I j'. . -1. 1 iéçlIc. ilis - X ý,1 - fine. The inusic alove tif tilts tnag 1. ý is i _ . 1 ý t'ai Jt;i','y ili) t(i 1 . . 1 . : ) 0 ý - 1 ý Mr. Thoriiitill' the, ttýiçttîer, consiiieration ý - 1 ýazîne . à.,s tivill ét,,-;tirt,- ri .là. 0 t . C 1IV:!'t,ýý; (A' iliA, f-vi-, tif I ) -iiI-'ý Ili i, thé tirait agitation of tfle, riglits 4 y 1 Il « ,. le Illost ù- r lut attelitiluil O : z . (L> U., !', t-a.,!u;ýLiJV. ý 1 . _' . ý 1 . ý 1 ý ýlII'1J,-,4fl1ý) 4,5- " Li U f j:k U T 'litt '!'II!:i-ýJýi. i, ;,,,4IY ýIý-,! i-,."- IikýFJ.-% il 1. 1;1 - ' le country, and stated that the at4 disposai of tire accu - - ' 1 .1ý , liorri't, ai II 1 LX(, if. i ý 1 :,;.Li't . . 1 - 1 ý, unts ztgaitistiJle. wortliýu'QJ.e Liian the price of the [J()tik--clid, Itlllniàtter&,eLit.rusl.ed tu Ilit (ýlar6. . . 1 - ý ý - -1 ý 1 . . . . 1 . 1 . ý ,ý.,h7tleIis cileW , -'III-ýý IIl1-ý:i v, i ')O f 1 il; lil %3 V Ii ý "i i- LlILIju -'ic, ,'L'. 1 % !!.' 1, t Jw prokoA@d Io tak'«>the matter C 1 - lied - il Tuesday, the pur f4ir îewders ever cüiliiiýier tilla ? . Thmil ý 1 1 ý .. ý- - ý - 1 . , 'i ý -1 . î - . ý ý - i , , ý . 1 ý ounty vras postpo ui.it.t.,_. 1 . . 1 ý ý , ý"..gitI!,%- ('l'il ts Iv) lteiter tilait Ji" ý"kliý,):i>,,.!'s Il& tIý1-1,l,>ii;,,,, ' fil-- it.-,-,-ý!lýiu-,!;I!ý):t.lt-lý-1,11eeýý kt.týý - i;ýgjj of .ttir.ýes of Flffy dozen.1loqi Skirts al D. Thoiiiaàýà , -I 1 ,4,sýtiri.*; t;,* g.ýi1.11(,., d ýf-"; la. They would &&y te the 3rd day of Odobor 0.1t, lwhoifa apefitLi â«4-ý, we have nuinerout eiýgraV - 1 1 . b!t,,iti ti.! illic iiiiioioiýt" %,iý,tibt ht%î,ýtl-!I,;,,,,iý ci! :TiuIý_ dj i .i I!,ý- ý,_,, ý ý ý ri 1 ý. 1 1 1 ý 1 . - 1 ý .- 1 1 . - ý . 1 1 . I, Keto Strt:et,,Litj(làay. - . ý ý ý :tiî l-ui,!ý,. r,,,t-,%: rL.,ýiiI, iiji. Illo ý,uI:-trlI,ý ali:ý riZýc 4,ý týi;,-, Tilý, .':' !ý, Oompany . Tlie peuplé of-Ca- éioir wili ble boldfor Ihxupuýp9se. -, 1 fiteliion. The lite arý- iiii.ttci (jf,ýiii tiu&nWi, ýý ý I, ý -1 1 1 ý ý IM, . , ý . .1 ý,ý _ __ ý ý ___ , ý e, 1,ii;[-rý. I t I. vwýif;VeýI lit",ý ;ýuýt ,L.,ý»O 12, U ýc, - S - lý:, ý;, ý._ ,. ý , _ ýl -ý,I Itii, 14e.,I)lî.!L!ýc f __ 1 ý . - ,- 1 1 1 .IiU !Iýý. ý! il . ý - i à., _N , , . ý . - . ' "' In tbe position lititherte occu- -, 1 1 3 igitOI)al(lji Mlý1dkJ"1 ".. 'leinory 1ý! e ý , e, . ý . . ý - - . l .Ii . ' l ' » . ý - 1 ý .1, . . -- - ý . 1 ý 7 , Il !, l ý_1: Il ) 17. ;. ,y '! - 2 Ilo 7.1 .ýIJ ) J., -;ý,,, 1 ý - . 1 - . ýý ý ý . 1 ý . , . ý 1 ', , . l'arýl',ý,ILl.ùti Braudhý A,ý,ri(;u!tu.-ýai &ji-it!,,y (itilJ('ý, lit) ý!(,l.;,ý. î,1 .uýýI!,, 1qfe- 1: . c * ' ! ?tl,., v-ý,lý!-:,lIJ . I,_ t., ý1"t Guvertituetit. W e ý . , . ý de Acý'r'ose ilie llklaiti>,"' 14 Cowi itioi, Il iï e 1 u h ýý . - 1 1 ý 1 1 . . ýý i,,,Ia',.,- M1% i@Imiàý;;-*s c;iolýý, iIý. iriý'r.ýi tIUý- .."e, Il ,',u I ý .ýt,:I.ý 1,;,IÀI ii,, ý .-j , .).,- ý .. luiperial iýld4 ý . ý ý . . ý . . L' ý 1 ud 1 Sbow %v . ili -4 .1ield at Wùo 'ý o . 1 »' ý . , !Ivz.,: _10.114 ; * _:.ý ', a 1ThéJ Carditu. OU :M' ý ý . , t4-ilie li Friditi, -'-- - - 1 ý ý 1 . ý ont with you. W è %vant yuti . ý ý . 1 . ý ý by the Sün," ,6 Tiie Land of Dre à . ý . ý ,Il ý,,% suie-wi e-iiri!t- I-j:ýoý%- (-ý,-0 ,: l!.ý- I,;eý!,.2 é; lLc!.l."iý!ý1 ý,_,I- -'.4 Ii4-!-ý,;-ý' ,ýl _'ý j Il ý ' ý . . , -tins,") 1 1 1 . ý C.ti", ZiIi - ý Il 1ý 1 ý - -ý_ 1 ý, -ý 4 1 1 . 1 ý . 1 ý ý . . - . , , - 1 Ille 6th. of oclober. ý 1 ý ý - , il v fil.- ii""R:iý-. ýlý !:i uýdf1 -, o ,; J à vr: t II, t i ! ý;lý a; L ll,;ýý.-t%ý. _AtýýI!if; > --._-zý'!ý:.,i!I elaint and ýo solad in-your À few weekq ago -w.ti- tofiirredta thefor- Dyiil;;ý *Ch1l(!ýâ Ilequc,-t," Iii À-Lul- Carire ý, . . ý . 1 ý. - , 1 1 ý 1 ý ý 1 . 1 :îJý;41 1 ý . .. .., ý ý «i ý . . 1 L _. . ý 1 1 .. i . . , 1 ý 1 ý ý 1 .b c I"li ,- ý " id ;ý !,.ýý ', .. 1 ý . 1 ýý ý ý '. ý ý ý__-__ ý----- ý J; V".,.; r elvail, l! 0 U,: c 1 .à. .: i Iý% li'-i'civ.-d býJ 1 Iiv r,ýft ï ý . - - ý_ .__ ý ,ýc Ili Il,ý III k - 1 iii have it. filoroutzilly - matinn of a cornpaiiy.ta -sink -a test -we) 1 in Teinptati(it%," Editoriais, Recci-pitit ýý rash i ý - , ý1 ý Wili 4i exallit . 1 ý . ý . , 1 P I" 1 'l'iie.liND*à,v Ràca will conte off oit Sa- r L;ýiJJ;Iý.,tlM flic L-1 -! -ý_ýa' itt .il ! tc Iliub; il.;- Jý l'II,,t iii,:,,t,ý 'L'r fLý:,!,Iý Iý ..î 1;a ý'ýfrs _ 1"ý*(.'tý,,.:'t . ý 1 ý ý 1 i ý , ý ý ý 1 . - friew to affecting a î,etti ment the tt)wtlbllip of cardeh., %1ve ilow IllAellm 1 > .. ý . - - - . et u , ; - ', ý Vý'tc !ýi_ýý, a'. e . .., 1 ý _ý jolléi.&C. &C, price $ý,.,ý10 a ý--,,,Ir. NuW le : . ý , ( . 1- - hl .- 'a lý', i'ii.:.Jt,ýl wiiii u1ditit ;ý.i;;l â4ýme!., - lher. Lý o w, lýJ-' '!,iý-_,.. 1 1 - ý ý .1 I', 1 - .. ý . 1 1 , 1 fur Iayý, t 1 lie. 3 1 Otit irist , %vlIcti ùî%viiers il, stal . ,il 1. - . ý ý ý 9 , ý 1 1 . 1 .1 I'Iýýj fi . ý . 1 > ý , . f', ', lit , 'ý.Zýý: , 1 a ,tz, Ilk 1,Iplýt- -ýL!d L_,]ý,v ýi---ý to get Lit) cluble fm. Pý6ý;. À-d'l !;t ,,,'!-Iil Il J) ,il \V i I - . ". - .!ý . .iii L : - ;i!Ilýý-ý l.ý): the GONýerIirnelit would of Ktand tII4 in addition tu tir cotiiiiaiiy fornlil ', , iliti titilL "I"-'ýi-liois tpftrtl«3&,.týlgdiJiii<,i,%vi:'I !ravc , ý i -ýý I , 'I' 'il . 1 -,L'ýi , i , .l "'I t ý,,, 1. Iý ý 1 ýi') 1 :ý l . 1 ý. .ýL)1,1. CI.,, ý ý - ý ý1 . 1 1 ý frofil alliong ire -WeàLltlly frien of tilts Cou,, ty, .-Dcacoti & Peterion, 319. ýVét'liltilt. ' : Illicil - ý.. 1 1:1,. . ý i 6ýliII :I; ci, ý 1. -iI-'l; i«Ciý,,' . . ý ýý l > - - i ; 01 ý à,:ý_,III.\ il 'l,'ý, i,,. 1. -ý i'. %, c %, ki ýý :, > ', _.. ', ý ý. CI, th*t they made the best bar _IJ . ý ý, _. Stîtei i 'i>î1ýaIIi1I_.ý thm Iri)IIl; i'y crial.- . ý ý ' > . . - . .. . portu l;i1y of 'l ý ý ý ! , ý ý Ieu ý -'; ý ;-,:ý il, . . . ý -1, iý.». % ýL:ýÀl,ý Il. 1 : ; . - 1 . - . _ Î. , ý I.>' l'. - 1 , ,,l ;ý. - ý i, t .. . " ý ý ;ýý4ýz% ,J t, 1, il,) t.-- ilu 1. ! 1 - fur the peop ý sff ail a. a iiunilber of Ainericaris là . rive aloo ùrohased Ptiilàttolpliiu, ý . 1 ý ý lié-ii ut' 1,11éd> ý 1 1 . ý ý . 1 . ý ý ý 1 1 . . ý ý . ý. - . 1 , .1 P ý ý . . . ý ý ý 1 , ir 1, ti,)ide.71,lLýoi)wle bct, âJVLý1_ý . . nýioýià ., .. %_ý 11,;ýl,, .,,ý1.1 ý,ý,%ýo,;.,- L: - _1 C", "i' , ý ., ý - . ý . . 1 ý ,ý 1 1 . - ý . le , ý - - . . _- ý . Il. . ý ýdItiJ 1 I ý,Iý7ýtý:!î,I irtiiý.i;,1,-ý,>A l'i i,;o V, wýL ;>.Ï;t 7 1 ý, - - ý ý the Goyernor Gatieral provote- land, and will ere long, coin mois Cie opiera- 1 1 ý 1 ', 1 _ _ý , . ý . , ý, 1 - , , ý ý. Tilt TURDAT -1 lis .11 -, - ý - ---- ,_ 1 . A '-]* -, ý-î -N ,,« _ J . - ". - 1 I'. .- ZItAI)ILIK. Nu. 3ý of .fi. i 1 --- - - u ( ýýt',11 _ý Il,, ý_:,- - 1 st ýiiüted il ý . 1 i ut Ïile"ý, .J14, .il,(! Il,) eI.sIJ.ý- 'î,ýi t ,1kf;;ý'5# :the Chaniber of the Legisla- tions. Silice W 1 SA fi .. i 1 - . ý . .ý 1 . î -1 - - 'Li a , - 1 - 1 ý property . . . - l ý ý G.89lit ilir - . p- isi.- . 1 . i ý I ý ý ý ý 1 ý i%ààý g Jý l' new. calladiati Iit"ýary j')ýÀI-Ilàà! ýfias,.. beeil re ý wa-ft (if a Goial Suit or a r a ilýt-,e- Iý i. L. I.,ý t, 1 1;, ý ', i w ý , Il 1 !JA2.r,ý1L ý - whicli fiatichan e la:àdti,-'.Ilooàc.rts- wo ý ý I 1 - , . ý . *U. i* Cýrtc'_ý.* ;;i4 I1ýc &ffl i4csd Io a number of ý ý . . 1 1 ,ý ". ý ý -icIiiab1 U e assortinellit a I ý 1 1 . '. - ý ý 1 , ( ý le Ilit vvi.11 find a 1 r- ' - 1 1 .. AtýhVtlf,, il) C>;l ý 1 -eJ,'.Î tiestyllil naine; after whick a eRàe,:Égq.,e.x--Wardëiiýi' 'elved, front the r.4b!isiiet-à,, 'Nýlür..ïrs,.Co,.,:Jier. i ý . . ý il) . . ý , I ,,l ', * !,ý 1;, ;.,Ilý) 4ý.iý,," ., 1_Aý ý - . learn titat Duncan.M., ý - ý . 1 - 1 ý ý Il . . 1 ý . 1 1 . ýlý , . . i ý Wit- fiavo! bef-" S IeVii lev-j(I',,'i lA. .1 i,ýcf ý 1 & Co ýùf Nfolitfcal. It iti a sixteeýn- - r 'CliômÀses. - , 1 1 . ý)I ,q1ýý-,,- iý;,-i a,:dýýI!ic i-l"01, Ili ý * ýi tqit1il 15 a reg on ' the ý bd tiks ý- ý *.t ý, ý ý 1 ýpaIu pý. . . - ý .ý, .ý . - .. ý 1. ý . ý -, ', , ,-.S.!.. .1 L'IIlYý tl!'111.--à 1,I;iil Iý».f _î;-ý, i: !ý_>X ---- - i f.ý"..(,. M '.. ! *,-e ý 1 il.*- , _ý-. ilitary elièech wu made by . nf Victorin, Il à e - . ý IM _ . . - : 1 . . ý . . 1 ý lary Ilitatly got op, and filoin ti, . ý 1 . - ý . .ý . , ;, .1 iIý ilIiiii".ý. ý lle i.sýciut!., , 1 1 . ' 'iiodio4l-, v 'le tý ý . . ý % 1ý t- - .5 * . tii*lrý.ý- , c;l)'ýîr-,.- 3i'l' 1-.',Jz" ýI t ý, 1 ýý ie.ý__ ', 1 ., ý . . ý ý P P ý élitalice , . ý ý .ý *1 rate étfitjt*r-,.,51ý flan i!t-r ont J_ ý,elr1,lillèýIý IT; . .1- 1, - - 1 - . r, and the tourth "ssioti of Ille of the Taibut rivor' : piiIy 4-86 ri di, . 1 - 1 Iruz quemion o'f'si fîtret .- 9 iii - l, I: i 0.rý ý t.; 1, 1 1 ci ý 1 - ') t' il .Ltit,ýii * ý ' ý ', e - 14 . ý ý . 1 Curstory. glarwe we linve tak-cil (Ji ils cýr .. ý 1 11, 1 ý 1 ý 1 ý . ý,I1l e 1'u tl-&(>,L; :il4iJ.iý..ýl,- -l., ý , -, _ý -lia -ont Ili& miilà al B, , tô a «tititlètnar - Itel-1,11M) , ý, , - m - - ý ý - . . Firrliament was bruugtit tu fi Axovert 1 . (J'a 1 'bc Il ! CýIc 'L fil iýIr.ýr1 .1ýýi:tl"tl.w, tier-Y l,ý::, - I., t, 1.1 ý1 - 1. 1ý ý a .i n -1 .betol-etlie:llut.ý< in' coIiIkaýit,-e. ý 1 ý ý -1.- l' 1 1 . ,«ýZý J ', ý,I - ý ilvin clin reec)rnine",ý(1 it to) lIro pâtrkýlja ,O üfour -e - M. ý 1 . ý !7 ý 1 .1 W111t, Xý1Ir.i; 1--;ý;Ii ilitJý-I., ; lIýý là' t, ,. t.,Iýý, 1 . ,.i.;ii!Ii- I.:Ilý>,'ý, tý11ý! lý ý,ý,l7- -1 A ý . 1 ý '11110ao iaztkL"i't ýi,,x ý1 ne.r -VIIiit ý 1 ý. . . - - ... 1-1 ý , ý- ý 1 . ýý . - , :, l. %vllew ail laietit . ý ý . ý , lý-i- .,ýxill;ý!Cc termitiètted perliape ti)e iW i- front Pli Holo, Vt nailge cornity, Pei-n . .1- .-,ý-'. i i 1 i:" Il.;: iI ýl' - l', 1 '. . .1 ré el 1 . A t'Y 1 ý ý . ley, 1 I (>; ',ýý j': V . ý,ý lt!, ., . ý 1 . . ý "' ' , . . 1 'n'Y . - -.id -z i)t)volllI-,IL t(Ill'iiii-Y Io I)tlrý,:,4, ý ý - 1 ý *_ ,lýý.*.:. -Il ;,ý ;." ,:i , iý:". ;, . .1 lit ""ion tiver IwId in Caliada. Valzia. The pui-ellaitILf vilys Mr. NçIlae aýý - ý ý - 1 ý ý *'Ille legiil ratc (if intofe xv ý Ban!is, 'IlýI 1 il ,ýý,-is >t !;: . Z e-.: fi i _:; i ý 1 II v,.ç,1. ý', : ; '! 1 ýý. : .-:.f :ýUL . 'z' t 1 Ji ý,-, e.-UýiL%. ", ". à_ý.r _' -5 .1 ý 1 ý 1 ý ý .1 ý si, e. .fpt ýlur ý 1 1 - I tIIoýeoùlIh.Y ut' lýuýiirt-fI, ý 'is èàtkil IiL-e.ý - ý .1 . - ., 'd 0 1 ý1 - leicui 1 z . ý : ý . - 1 . - L."4ý.X'ýA I)ý -,-,:ý V-býý,f,:,.1 ), 1 U4II, "Z.ýý 0 k, a:b arge iliaju:liy. ! %V a mi; l- J 1 !i"ý,! j'(iý:iIiI *!:,tl:,kli c ý,ý ;';' i al.-I ýl ". logislaïorii vrill bp 0éliveiled haii(l&onie suint ail ý00mà Wolf sAtittiied 1 . ' . 1 . - . 1 -xiýilii,,,] ý Priele $2 , willa çarf c y a 1 1 ý ý . . ý 1 . - 1.ALý0 1!'. ý1 il - IC L L -I, tra!ýii,, alit)ulti b(l tweil Nil, . . , .; L îý,L ;ý! .L,ý%eji.IJk * !iY-ý>, , .1 I- with liie investaient. He déclares th;it me . 1 . ý ý . ý 1 . -----ý _- ý ý -.1 ý 1: &I, 1. litt* ,%,,!ý. itztýý.i-I!zi, lit- :-1ýI-«ie- - ýc .lýil ý 1 ý- ý 1 ý ý ., ý . ý . 1 1 1 . ý t,ýnl, L Iiit eýtý-i, L""* li L,,I,ý,,,%'c L -ý'.! ý I ,&;" year - siligle ù(ipic"'q fivé c',ýnt3, ý - 1 1 ý .- ýl*,'.'- - ýi--ýt. ;ài ýý6'I %.-i> .- , ý 1 ý 1 - lie" Jildications'aréas 490d as anywhere ý'_ ý. 1 , ý. . 1 - . *_ ' . IIýT l-ý1:% ý'.ý,kt.lI i«I I ý t - , . , , . ý -iýý . . . . ", -,V - ý, . ý . . 1 ý ___ - --.,- ___ _ __ --,---. - _ ý 1ý TfiÀ',,,Ks(;iviNG.Diy.ý'V.ari us iiitatellients * :, I - lýLlL4';l;l0l'ýd .%Vtlt," !]Il', &»;.i,-- , 'A " à ý ' ý - - ý . 1 1 . ý . ý- 1 . . - ýý Ilù . . . ý ý tI1iýý!ý!iý;ý;tI.ý ;""!,!, .Lýivl--,,I',ýý,i-ý, I1i,ý î , l'!Iii ie . 1 1 . . . - :ý , 1 1 _- id 'French Ironclada. in Pellitryl ý AIlý4. ý : 1 . - ý t . ý 1 .. hi vu. beeii ýin * . i - 1 1i0ý%, àlizs alyI-ilI-,Iillt>i&t ., ý . t - ktlý ý-- . l . 1 ade as to the day set ettait for ,llIr, MUP ;î,-,t Z'.. 0 t \ ý,î i. t r ; >': 1 ,, ý;, - ;-,,ý ý!,1 1 . , . Thé Provincial Exhibiti l ýL. , - . - .1 .. ý , . - 1 il,. . . i 1 1, 1.1ui !ý,ù' e,ýýst P,ýJ* %,ý,, 171, i,,_ý, Lic. iiIý4I,ý :i.- Sitouitt ilie è terptising igentlemen, whi) - - -eI, vil lit harvest %vitii ýl%.J, P; m i ry !rî-II aâ.ýlc :-J,-!ýI l.ý,if !'l l' e - G., ).!.., ý V li, '_ýIeý,:-_ýý,' ' - ýN t-; 1 , - , "; ; 1ý 1-- ' at London, o» je(I-oti 'I'tiesltv latit', ulidur ý thar ý_ 1 ig for the:.rtýlIuli-t'ta of the prèisentday are Mure ' . j. . . ' ' .ý - ý-. ,-. 13:Lti.- lo oà Il v - fi 1: It Pýýii-%: iti*,,. 1 ,ý.,,..ii- , ý ' ý ý ý .ý ýý ý_ 1 1 ý . - . ý whicli Cuit' da has beeLi b.,e.-ý>@J, Sottie juur- - ti- .I .1 . ý ý LA 1) It,.iit-ý li,)Itj, ir%,,w,,ý>.I!,. ý :i 1 1 are so sanguine aboluttbe matter, fin'd Po- ý 1. a - ý . _ . - v, m ý '. pm essed of greater political , 1 ý ý .ý 1 ', . th-0 tif li-Ipý(.eg. The iltilliber - . - 1 .1 ý 1 ; 1 W'Iif :tvýý:-%;.Il1_1 7lý!. »\'ýk-- , . - - c . 1 - branchl wit favoillable a . l 1 ý , . . ilýitt-; w- 'S chalý,1lI . , 1 . _;mi - oi it, alfil 11ýi:',-,t,-i, : ý, .ý .-...i;ýý -- troleu in tif pay. îng quaritititis, anothei ý . - '11als in itkil-IL4. it, tlle. 12th of 0(:,toýkif, soille. 'lr'lýýe Iliii - of , . . ý. . . . 1)ïiiiicii' v'tie 'tw, S 'wlo 1 Il, - . - a lI-IIýýlJ , ',V lLýi Il tiýl,-;,, ', f the lioli-clad , ý 1 of éittrieill ii very largO, bc'iig au4iiý%%-Itàt tif ; ý - ý . . 1 1 ý 1 a 1 , ý l -ý iý àan the viiiito V..il ý, 1 ý - 1 -, ý - 1 ý1 . , 1 1 q ý . - w 1 I . , 4 !.,, .... . .. ý . ý j of itl(IUP;t --gi i fr an- itriretu.0 tu aýl 1 0't'her ý - . ý 1 1 e ý 1 se, Ili ý:IIo Ille t 1 I e 20t 1 l *' li'n f i O Il ri v rs, t z 1 0 '22ti , l'0.ýVý lit l!ý.li>t!(Iae,îý,J oi 1,ý21t;. (*2,'ýLI:,!o ïîJý'4 IL , 10 illilU, 1éYýii-Il1 ý.! ý- ÎU * I, , iý.e I c ý 1 ý 0 lu . . . . . ý - ý , - ' .1l'P 'l tý o file g-tout [lavai al-iiefials tif Iry M, ý t . . 1-excess oi Ili ,Li ut -1 fýtlýiiiiý'ti' leie, year \'Vlli' 1 . 1 1 1 Nýf. 'IlÉ, - . , 1 branchesý--w.III, bé ýovelicil 111). ; and anljtr'el. , - ý zette of sataîd-ayoilkially ktllet(illil- , fritl"týl (if titis 1)Iii'iý-y. IN -,y (Lýý-ï tl,* t!tl,;llk nec .fýi, ' I 1'lle (le, ý 1 . . , ý . fio ý;. -A t!Ie ,Iièýl,1ýM" lýý,I.; ;i jý, U I.. ', ;, 1, - , ý 1 - rn A - ýl ,. ý.,eýf its cr 1 ýý 1, 1 - ý 1 V,_ ci ,_. avrav. -, -, ;i « «I 11, - 1 : ý the City-its --!r!ltlrl \v, , I P-:,; I1l.t,,,ý ý!c, lAl Ice in was, whelk ILI* ri ttai ileetit L ý cla visiturs f ro rn ý ý - 1 . - - - . - 1 'i..ý tU 1.1ýtI! T1,Iý2inio If) bn 'lié diiv. ,4 vvliý(.11 , ý . - 1. . . 1 1 ý ý . II , , ;ý,,, 1 1,*1,111 , ii., il" 7.,; V ý I.1 ý- .,.: ý . 1. L *ý _,___ý. _r _.ý.ItI, -.1ile.. fil flit4rilli'nartilla ý c"'Il &V feî,ý . ý . I . . - ý . . - l- - _ ý . ,ý 1 ý France and Bûitamn had arfred f ei d1rat-omuinsrie, h r o-00nelss and quality of the goods he o ffers to the Thiree year a ag >the towe l. o e ud as oiio osn . erhere seferai days alre to e wt be used 'ceor -more in a month. uh.wa nù:te mthz l ie &6um obf $40 OUby Lthe* lin rs. . , .la ho inauagement0ofthe ex-Re'evo, whee p)e- yuarc e dy festivitie s, ar tu t o se W e questin g vq!ery 0uch w h e1 hr th is l s dijtction folr'bu nigilim lfOr s m lyer s b a ýk N a n "oe paeaCpburadchgewill.be very acceptableto a -large Tuboa amsDrrz.Hn as been n totlormlas. Thisamount e a ' ajlority of Our Episcopalian friends. As Mes1rs. pope of Prince Ed ward Island. WVil- total'-loss to ti.o muiipani) ty, %iiabout the , Litd say; Set. 2 11 'S' 5 Shsbeen seen and hoard Of the venerable Bishop o Toronto Once rem-arý. mot of New Bi nnswrick, SheaoTNei.vfound- 1hope of- redemrtptioni, an- 1 could haveb eW ei îaltl Isa tatGr Briaià & Jàr -e I ve.cmione o lle te raeravoided if letal and, locautionIal. s te hýt Ar-a ftime %woe n iait., ,t> , ati tes i'ante o paa lea tat ret ritlaisas arke, · I w comeeeto ltr he raerland,. Ritchie of Nova Scotia, anid'alarge beàae t htdt ue-hroe oethan usuial the couuieoq )l o u ast ofP tenn ite t er in Wernaval power, and the îBaook, wh1 ere shall we"stop I?" number of thle members of the lgsaueloe o e:ce esons ai,: h, at pre- te t tnn, .yïa llcart wi'ofl t .-alnks & t h rnhw r be et- - - -and Pres1 of the lower provtinces, are4),oit.a sent admûits of but oue tepeatu e it m lmwham ,w e a rve flor.the '.hrala 0o w; "- ee iâ other things besides hoise- BEmnsa 0AUnFaibr LiatD-- st oCnd.Te ar o nbd ,fùowllwing facts will §h, W lion vthl.s eaàmity tý li tish Queen and the R val ( budllre"t. p 2 hao1 not iiarned Loui correct. With Sir WV. Hailtn srnoe oa, sda"ateds heehbto n radbl n oueli but 'iid hw'l si Po l'e- eir go t eo t s. Ifr fariiis and ilargeroxperiencTe hlracnmndatiea arsie'their hloniour is to be given by the ci'tizensof the Peoiple. 1mwe aJd1 mo l. iui dialwh to mei.) th e a asld rtvteuheet le beagr tag fGeautvJOSeph Bnaprte Pme .f M 1inan' th'"ForestCty".About the periodt mentioned above, a i - io,..d de (1 iorhepAetyoR>µ1.l-,wsw ymnaothcrs,.i oh - died at Roine. .The King Of Pruia *5Is 1 to bal a em ntwseie ei- t o lebelotwe n e t tat acestu eery mo)vemtll f h-ler e , e n visit our Queen. eFive of the leaiders in theé m a rsToor.-The lGlobe of i'ee oi enflon, Ops, antd tManîp ea tou \ajesy, whether il 1,à aitact cf. sym-p-a*,hy ie.On ew -Gdavi an art ehe has to centuries - have»theboundary hil e Ltween Feuelu and 10 110por, oo-m;&eceaeet.jt mo>ll K "w cld r0.-omco eses a anLat ea serecenit Feniiandenmntraina lc okMna atg fa egh con o h p uvyd n sabhdb ton a1 o cniltion or f conoe %v .aiJua cims t atuhv sear Dunddk, hav beencmite oti'v isit of qsoeo f the Imembes of the Chicagomnmetwh àage .raiposa.lie - journey hom nLoidon to Osborne- or to. Bal- k 'lue-jei v r.e utoi-Btn ne at he ses, ithut hePr vileýge Of bail. Corporation to Toronto on Saturda. tfore ilh.s g ielimmtary w gntrd imt) ilwas. mlora n oalhai epodwe rb oe"bal-1 rv en:el edi'o n be ao th FdealComisine sa-The Mark Lanle Express fears that tre lemnan on nothelte it meaive(acordiag to tatutonry require- om t neFicesyal, A'e-, AUbit I.i o nte t-edeueu i . rt, "the iron ship huilding re- . - "met) forwa inumber of treeholders oi thle ra KwFd ndfred. e rie ci«id oliAlec -rexd" yi yhài ae . sieo ship-yard on the Thamtes, futeo h nls hateo d rt hwdtpa reignnetevnu opresenit a peuitio)n tothe towiaship coutied dràa knele tinLortý,>n ;treet4t tUsof a motjher; ropotonieshn eiit t of the whoale 'Uad tatesL to be in haI oniioThe cattlepau ingv hmaf ho h iypaigfra survey. Plutno such i action a eaksts to moythers. Albert's beLýved ttuyiM.Bondlntomt i drr oniedisaag.Itis stated to have 1Hall, at which eloquent spceeheà werermade was e ver tak en. Although it was miidispen- thka ahilead y becom eea apy v e.il tdurmn_, the fothe Tir-e r..à.h-r Itas mada werlfee itipoej Made its ap ee in ce Doniega onF iemnSim n lr fCiao able that; a written agre.1eet be d Laiawnup, 0 racious God, have them min hy keepmig ! reoicaover i.;it mna-'Yg t t'i1àhis abW e ny, an a el eleaedper aing the expenses to eh of ithe parties -. 'runto W atchmait. . - |wia es on an ,tesm aowe afgi~~~~an metn fteL lreLnoso h tBodtd 0. Ciao nf rnt, ndaLew pistnitheymd o. e ntefceo.teedeal S«a-ota i i.Acreso-acutotterb!in hugsl<ai t saei. te reighe gamenoe ad Nw Fuereaa-Mr Hotor, te o edto sk he ovenmet fr athoty o fversarever prvalat ustnowm te hecsverlaactithof obbnescomtt-"" " wade al:etxtr a th brve easeonFdonan didlhiadeattr7adl.rmaied eattsluo. n te Suthand.thesenormaus hatthe hae baanc ofttenew colmnsa gvenup t he ia wnt n se te tdum asth efner f redm ale.idord, a-ntdesigstns,*refused to pay.the Qnt rtilof ars e, rélai Exine s ht r. l T*'imes, seu act, the jué,retu ned a ae, d tegalmius looiggass,&. c ogsn ofsedt hëgem ,btde1b e nhn . ar d Hoe Skit tD a orç mat.-Lor*Monk sad twas on:j yigne fomteyh io, ad Fil uznHopSirsatD hoa' ;å .daeagr ass Tomss eare ana ex onayfr ngan hi twahp adbu it itee KntSre epet, Lmd at w io IiIi" r ta eTeEziupiy. cp' ta . e rr, hoe e w ll r m ai o l win er. Th e k be m att te r %t -hm an t hM e ni9FàrtussalA f lAnet, i tt '49,says tha n s bnrc en Sf áá tlpyah dmWd .ah MRRE. rrtexr mf 1 e aott id a t h b r s A e so 0 le e a w n l 1 l c 4 S t r a , o e i i h d i i t a o f t e G v r eM o a v s ondrlA tnL i n d a , O ft e th i ns t . ba y t e R f e . o d y h e egI o . aa a s ecdf o i i n t e s a e s a i g r g e s a % ds før idd‡0 Ìas al us a gi r jot t- m ntaGe Jgche, ho aspasened ei n t o foot 0 iithe J .i r, S . A aseiu vrch.aJe sbal uablf ;i- eb tw c alin ed :s eth ris t W t Ralay e Ca Mew> apirdeteCbievo dgwilb soa at haaaer ie aenan pakEs. &ios, t.is rce1- is-oragmet. esaath li ah ,u ca ra e r