'f bu Oc., Tomom~. i,............ 0 0*J- as ......... 05 r bush ..... 0! Is...... ...... 4 » 5 10 pera......... ..40 os 0 ....0 00 *14 Sr tr ... ...I10 1 4& -0 25 4-000 S..0 40 440 50 SIbo ............ 550' 6 00> th - ficust Important ot mnolera nvrf tandjg the CÂN.ADL&N RCOYPiR. - jY eedicine, it ls wdl andfavot- relieving thollandIs from pains lu k ad Head, Conghs, Colds, Sor ls, BrniseeC romps in the stoma ch, ,us, Dyscntry, Bowcl Uaaupla{nt.s, jjraxî . 1aili Destroyer blas now been blii fo)r a ieugth of tirne, and wher- «ell iiked, never Isilitin1 a sigle ive Permanent relief when tinelv , iawp.neyer kita0wi a Single case etisu-f, wliele the- directions have i- . 4 r'ei iiWth -nt fTjto j isedt-t t - toandtinWW L4i Blik lashH#ts In the Gentlemen'. Dp!tment will b. found subul, la laire Stock of D. THOeMAS. Lliday, Sept. .1865 31- PAUI, E AfF 'Of Weill eitivted Fé.rms IN THE TOàWN.SÈIP 0F EMILY. *ith ils openation and spak in N~IDER Power of Sale,,Defanît havilng beou. ernii of ils Virtues a.nd 'Magcal Umade in the Payment of the -manies, as - Stîptlated, %ecunredunden the -provisions of the fian experic'n' e' in thix matter, Ceýrtain Indientures 'tMotgage fiofowingr lîtiro~:lY1ndtherefore those (Whicli, Mitb Titie Ded3, inlndîng Patents, iifrom *n t the omplint ll bitracte, &c.,w iL rodoced aI lime of sale.) e recariit-enied may depcnd tli>O let- ortgage, date d the 2lth day of Jffl.y, -erigm len~y. & D. 1864 m ade by Elien Fitzgerald, wife of1 Lmbg ellikary f tlitCamdisilPait ThsomasFitzgterald, of the,Tuwnalîip ut miiy,1 eIlingî1s.e discases foi"i hicla il is in ti'- Coinîy oet Victo ria,. yeoman, andthe1 ls nd its woncderil sircc(,S in egb' Raid Thowas Fitzgerald,,cf' tbefet part, and ttiving pa.iî of Rhetuntitni, mind J. T. : . McEý.waiî,,et the City of Glnqgo3w, ini Sevous Afitiieîtitle ilt Oa a Sectl.ntnd;,Eýqîiire, Trmstee for El ize(beth Val&- tuhe i-of reinediles f'r thes'e 'n i ris lngnaiîî, of the gécond irein; for, receiving1 [rs are cîigiifraie 11 i i cfCthse sît c ine lhdred Dollars, and lutereet,_ 1 alaeo teykg s ic lo tera cotîvéýving, with, Pove-r *of Sale, a vli luable e!th tstiliigas ) ti:tinve ja Clcarecd Fammi. favourably aituated i-n bc Tu wu- Lgmve-se. ieertll aship')f Elîiiiy, -in the Coufity of victoria, con-1 aiit Deï etro.yer tee filit imsting co? t *Soîiîh hait f Lot Numben EigIi- te relief. -Ail %Meiciiie -l'eslers teecît, in île 1 levemmýtt Concessiou, cuntainimîg siciîmsor ra duse ýil anc no one Ilulindred Âcre mreorl6 wa WitLiiut atter once tryi&Àg it.- i 2nd Morgae, datcd flic Fotih iIay of May cents pet te. - -A..18-34, aade"by GustavusWoc.ds, ofthie hojuld lie addresseta - o said 'l'owrîship ot Emily, yeoman. oft1he finit. NoiTHhO A LYMAN, part;a-hne o4,iwt, a paty.thereto C~cst . \W as to Duwer. of the second part, ansd Jdhîî Mc- t Ewan, of the City -of, Giasgow, iii Scotlasî,l lsaY lvC iioi rau10 Equýire, of the third part ; forusiinig the sîtinj atfîMdClHall ; F. A. l,owt-q. cf Four Ilburi.rd DL)llar3, and Interest, cuo&ive-- eo oîlas tanila iAlVytingwiîb 1>lower of Sale, a vaunable Clreàmed Ç1ýichrit at kOsenoiil, ~odil~ Funm favoura bIy iîîated -near Gîneniée, ini the ýbett, Omleusse, and .&Il niedicile im;id 'r-wlî1 o i, and conâisîing, ofthIe ________jWest liat of, 1 t XNumbun TweIve, in thîe qevm- - t'tl± jonce~,cncf <ie Aid Tow1-Simý i cottainw ,_T ENGL1>11 REMEM~. iàg Oue lundred AC",s more or tess. ~ as~nIlak) Under attd by ,inftue cftIrère rspective 1'ow-- ens cf ,îe -itiiîc in fith aid -rggs AT ED FE.MALE P 1L L S iiý -il .r,'M)m, will eve:^!!y bu exilcsed fo r uhi meieiseisiiifaiîi ~ s*e l îL,ci' it-,a t 15"p<siîful a n.l d a îgel;usuaiss> le emalle const'iution. -P e ail excesses and rertioves :01l obpl"r tju or. - .v .' if 1'1 V1 V - sild.lîwll h ariiritite OM Tuesday October I7th 1865, la-lge:iîue iioitnv -euiii îîn egOtt a lie 1-unr i T-welvé ei(,lik jîon îrerisely, CAUIO. tu i , l),-- o,,- for sle At Ille rqaet cl rieS - Tr~- 'l~shol-nutli tein yliv ofiî dees am nom U"P-idu sue said ,.-ot ~ iîïn.n11 i'~ ~ iiet! MJlae - 'iiiiaIîtîc dC si i IRIMÂUi thUe *5AymUUosi~Omis 13oakea Jamen 1iirray william STLR.Browe Francise - on dward-. Cadr Donald I!cCagney XFu lo > , rBacheren James .- $A~E~ Gunu Alez. MOD6Ùal4 Donald GtAâobd John , MECDona1dW¶. il. ~' L i DS QrnÂrch. lCityre Gerge OWNSHIP8 0-F Razelop WIilâi McaeDuncan Rodp'cýi1Ils. Kry M c1iae Donald, mari, .on &.e eI fy 1,i..4&dré,,, McTaggart Robert 2 ofiriJo8utovf LanghlIând Smîth o.H~ f ToDTOîdD K1luworth R. Stoddart j,~ 4"n iwistcted by thé' w.en"hteJame for tale at, PUBLIC L.w'sT-R Ise Rbert àI: yOoa William P '"#o% caîîing f4r ibe ab"* êwiU pleut &ak -M'S llOTFL, for a<ertised e4es of 4 dayP.C EO, .M fEEro Op,0*Âq I f ý wila mwot~;l%. 1 - TR101A8 B.&qNALL, Lot ,1 M Côn. WLI -s Mo~ -TSUB SMRIBER HÂYING CONCLt7DED TO: Retire fioIn Business! wll Seil bhis largc a 'ricd stock af. On Fiday; O.*W ath, 85 O Ii at the hour o T*edve 0'01"koo* freIiy. > r ~I-K > E Q EE the folow4a.g1btnP7 51: j ~--(j AT COST PRICE. .t jet. Two BR ned'1tres of god ïrdwôod . r E MNOTICE that &Il parties indekted ta la-nsdfine vAet soit) in the TOwnship ofyl e- the euiate. of the >te. --eýei-Wato ot n hé Ql ow1 o al s&1teCoswRb ods tnlam, being compoftd of Lot 31 in the 6i. epel an fBatan ho ol owl al 5 f h od wl i ade ConCesai<in ThsLot i.insa aidly improv-~ ,pi~wibwl soihUcbyr igsettleimezat, and. adjoula the learance0 o~ ee adn, and i s atuat~e in the bine.- by Nt. r.o)ç.eut er requestedto alleauJ'-WEB8 E - d&t. iinity Of the ftrm of Job*i Fell, Esq., at' and lIF Y.dJXL Zat! Tie westerly Sixty acres of Lot No. 29), .bfr in the 8th ConceisisbofYeruian',coùsistingtcf- bfr h the farnis of the DavittI&mly' 3rd. ÈLot 24 inbthe bhCOnnesaon of Veru- with JOHIN KE.NNDY,,Esq., MnmrNLind- -el ais a lam, TwoHtrlied.&0res. sywh hmth('ised ta receive and-grant ne- -i p re s a d D < ir a 4th. Lot 2 h tht W .goneessi0fl of Venu- :ceiptithe-refor., GENERAL GROCERIES, TEAS, TOBACCOS, -COFEES S UGAR lam,two hundred cesi eCh'ldt 'orn isithof -AI, l aimi ot Paid by that day wili be -WI1 BA DIS R M, 1DTM N11L~AI pood bard -wond land. ;-plactd in. Court for coîiectioe.B !N 5thk.Broken lot 15 in the £th Gonc0ssaî9n. a? EWIN KEWIN, -GINS, CILIPPEIVA MLTOÙRYE, AND Verulami, 143 acres- on -Stireo aknerCoMON WHISKIE,&.&. teVillage of Pobçayvgeon, anidformefiy owned GEO. JA MES WELLER, by T. 1-eed. Eeq, weU atapted for a Gazùng, Farn». as the land i3 lôw, and ïa mml portiont Liiortyion j '1%1835S3 34 t BO.TA LTlE X XN IV N DIPE Jwas eard mas-y yeav% amgo. hu m ..Mgut29,135 334 l6±bh. yTbeit balf oLot 22 leinthe i th "Ca- ai-ssio1n of the To*usiÂilp of Eldori, 1(X) acres ofAMALGAM BEL LS, g4ond bard wood land, fionting o- thée Vioroi- Rod-.aof whi ioi8 20a cres-anc.cleared mant! F AMALGAM IIELLS, sseribers-ire (Ie ter;ui e(1a:, lieOfoî-t' Lo supif' a vn o, Lkwstlfllwng Wild lots in the AMALGANLBELLS, -fuît inii tmi Town, li keping cnstantly on baild the bust brintis of Iljorttcd Wines and 7tbw * hip e xf, r-eî toh1,4sto A A GA E lS, lîiîor7AIes and lPorte, ail ut' which vi illiW EASUuIII¾>f LolO, in th* th; concession> 1W picswithinthie eîch out cvery'Cîitimeli, c tL w~ osbePie o ash acres: - - [3.. cl emetem.yFactory, or Famitin - - -the land. ,Their ise -thnoîîgliotttheVîte ITermes, w/eicA sill be réaacze, made States anil Caxnsdas for the Pa t sixt years s. DOBSON NIBOCK know t une f aie. rove thin t cobine nçst valî,ahls qUn- dsaM. ih A&ny pirty who tan pay a g4oodinistalment iluics- dîxgwihac'o~,CîNTî ooî cash on a î;uçcha,,emay 'e allowed led b-berany ohen manfactitre. ~fr,,ei Vl' 1 EAXE&S' TIMN ho 5,00O Ibs, cisting 7wo-TlnrP4LX9 th thn '( TW T witdn whjeh ta pi..y the balacm'of Purclînse other metal, or 25 cents pez 1'ound, ai T A money. -iiterctthrot eîpaid annual. illr'nce 1 wanî'anWthern îwelve munîlhs. C.bell0 j Ded feofrom inu-inîbran e yle o-mcal taken in cel.nge>Ô ongt r C sh taied y ac- prchaser, an pmrchase nolney Send-u a irtuar ho the manmtacturen,O taie ý V edur pu: 'f Momtgiilg rem ailling * i pai being s r d b ort gae, :fJu n IO I S N x u'& R s ~ ' ' j4 ] J { I ? - - - 0-AMERON LitkofPrice's, Il'eights, and S&.et cf iNli I ii'TFixTPr ae.cftee mod.i,10 0 actosnd Agents for Proprietors. I niloe, Sean i/t 1t.ous,> 1-V - imictlürl t n a - HENI'i UUHES AîîtmonCi' ~ . - Slop. and, jeato- Bell.: LiilaSept. 2Ôý, 1865- 116-4 T Crank sa 1 re . if; ted ,wiih Yolie, stanîa'l oiduM evèt '-X t5 41111 'i Cankandfor- usé. - Wei~m o~ef ud Uameîr ~ f ~-j j iaving b*-ii e is gd;îd- j gf.-î, 'A-. ' n-:,.1é1at n ti-4te %ebî the prices cf Goical i'lnnameer. oto I Iui~sum li uea jcrl e g Ilc- -s n rXlw i ,îiol-j c suuti 15 Ibàm.1 7iches .3 75 - a 10 987i 50 il 12 «il 12 5() . b -b ---r-ty' w i yd ~ i rn Ai ti 1W . .5161847. 1àOý 0 -1750 YV'I' i ~y~ ~ ~250 - 24 " -.250 rT r oiî-d'Mi UT If.CUTfl fIfltMt 1WT! IE'flvWhlT Li,9Ci lilcv P. 0 1cannba _- P111111la rin ~isîN 14K. au ty ru t. - tu obring oi ( ,-!l %~LK '~ III~- - * t mw e#,- îiry aro-;, tClv if m t h Ie Farmi o teroWfn iiiforta- - :Thén Lindsay Raes il <one f -~~il ls, - ai- -- - , :-ctîs, tinoieof i'aj hi~î lfik aîl Ltii~. 1,-'. u.-. 1a- C~iEiOMk ODE, O» ,Sq-aInerdiy SEPTEMSfýR 301h ,1863, bc, ite -ia3wghi xIlle'n. ls!w tîmd'ii sile heri. - Whie~ an ~l ,thr afil ii ~wutcasno N ll---lorcasrscfbeahive fanîuniaV,, TiNG PrJRS. eutF2n 3. ,Ll. - ~tly diiîlaud yscî. t,"c-l'iI~ I e2cci f îrytIizk r-e. .-hplk, mnage to 'efM, c t - .1. d- 3. tb r a rCtre wl,cî -Ii l -,fler iiîeali ai - t id. rk UýaîlI)V ay cf M ntiga erapdcii o f - rl îiecl-î 11ti-maîqltaondfc! iePfa o-,o <îeu~*sTjn. j2»uis-TIIOTT[NCI MÀRE Olt GELING:ý jic~ 'u w;ul fî',dbeci~-îl -%nxcd. milnde -beats. BeSI 2 in 3. In liaen- kit-UNi lin, t 0 P. GEDINCI. etni's, Z-i ni.. ~ - ilc h aIs._ licat 2if3. 1In Sadd 1 a. - ar phsN.hîp& ,nn Nwate -wod!1'.n ili & .' W at, (--I; Mdef, <C~-eaa i îicliale tîans. ~y-i .lt i oSeCntnsiRCE.c ulieCut Àz. tTénc .'soth-m s*not î o wre a tri IYNSPULMONIC W.hFTR.11.i~JtA. .iI îri~îia ui-nu1 ie 1,Lî,ihiCdlu 73,îsii ~ '.lP Sî i l) ex w111sootin iwtiin eceijt-of hic r-dt' clof 'wO ill(-kicd tv--r i do! U , deIl F Mat [îc k (tif trîg.u îîialPaient ere T-'. un :inini i-- 4 kîl - îî«n -bY- - l w imakeh OCcflen at oîteî tino 1hIXYÂ N pt,-----------'iLoll t,0t1e ostVomkr ~t~ * Vii- lu - ait,)ks In te Gouty. Sc~ it V: lOlPîiiii ti{ <'Cic l, n- > înwhci~1 i li o ah un handi 'fii'h: wilN be L) wfo r ca&h se~~~ the,,rX i UIt- -îdsuudTonix C -OAL OUJI CA DN 1161A N.~ Pi2Jt Nu AFEiII tTl Pùl-s ofîyeOýj Iîeiisz ftod in lirge ,i herjv- hli nb ,1- n<z Njinitî-e. m iihtiii ~ -, i meii -is flow 1; pul'~A' 'IdNlt XAFl! 1 .mH~g a i~- -rit ai 4) ceut-% lier -41 ii--- . aOj '~ri' i~iti-ii. -gih~u. kiri-,-î-q 1 iîg <ii fil iir.d h t a C VA.f-'E 1 tLifîilV o ya heî-,ai llas 11~fl e~eu.t1ley- ï 1 t aI ttîîifvlai-e. froni 3 ta 5 cout iiV YA N s Ub-NfWi-ls prglos ms uyo -a <ilui c fr-t'îSutplu ilut i, ua as -11VN VM"t WF;i: - tllt î.AlY'sL t rpiati ,>îI~ rIi~eJiit îT-tî I~s~~cirsa c-itan eve' lAt ve u thIair coning out, and rr1- a i Ld tog ivc'm 1i s fa-cii11toi P rfy oi.. giiti sepy of the celebrated Entrance féee: Suibseribeî-s tii.he amount..tf .$3 ,anîd îiiw.rds have ise pivîiýlege of etitering miîe lîrsé frte# S .iecnibera i utder $5to aya tee pen cent ' ie .atiove Raceq to bia rýim e acordinig ta the Rfflîsu ,t the Turf îby--Tîmr - .t1h . - t ~to>h iaf with 'the_Secretary l. 10 Qilcko-tire day of thc liaees. Limîil YsaSept. 20, 1865. Im naOIveIt Acto 84 HF ' K(reditona of the ui4rsigned-à.re nolfedJ Io 11 mcci ai thbc Lt% Ofligce of Messrs. Mac-, kry & lk-ip, in th~e 'ro-wn of.Lim.iday, 'in'the liaîîtuy ut Victoria ,an the 'th day of, Oto-l -ha er X a L tise hotu of Eleven o'cicck lu the fo-eniim, ftdr he ptrpose tof necêiî-igSa mienttscfieaffaite, faný of nni iug uasne to s î liotîa hetay nî mkea sîuenud thei sibore ace. Da Dte'l atlhbe Town of bindatty, in thec.ounty of -Victoria, this thirnth al fAgs, netdn n ~~TtWOMAS-MAGER, resdin intheTownshiip of Miinvers, - -- ini the ýoun:y of Durhim. JAiMES IlKA?, LrspIar. I . Saliciter fer, 111sol'vut. 25- arrlilv ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lin ihi1"'ewtlid-a ner~ us i~ os lii ut- itt5e -- orLiver Ciulliiint îieîa1Dyspepia, VIiNI'.-LMi-NC' AFEtS -cou~t~ft1,~ctana sipplied zwitlîDiuga - - anit ilS p«1itie*a 71i<ho.î e-ý wcàcmuni,,ili- t-s-cmr ol'yecýt tlugive for jaîdPsetM icn'î Ù r<o ie. - 98V, Nl,'P~'-rorior, R,;c/rester. A word of adricP en the Fa-rmera Of. the .N TÇE a -~ Nî~tir hti' Linsn N-call< Ou~tJ Victoria N T1 E ý -Vrs At- tf- 11utniect Subiele litm al.gî,mUe tml; csdez- Counîy of Vic.tor'ia, ~OTICE ii hereby -gi-. y , (.lii'-,k:ubiîîA lu-îyami teq ai: u- Iruices ai thic Medical oWt Nýrntsta Àd îeM'di'.l klt A B~Wr' tlî a]. ecipu orcnîoug gLIven gratis. T Wt:-of-- anth a d- î,ihlr - A W'yatt,-jaîtrned Court ofQuatter Setsi nemot the aen n~ & an-nii,~Vio'~iIo rememiben île pipace. iun and for the Countly of Yhcotia, viiil'e bol-, c-î "icne<alîdtIi tUe-r Mtdctl 1h1,ent Si., Lindiay. 1dem et the CuRu e, i - a he Town of Linid- L1n-»v- ept,2,4-1û- - 11VAlJ. TIKL . ýTUESDAV, O ~ ,1865, Lii-at epof, 18646 16Cu IAt Eleven 'clock A. M., for the pnîrposeof Au-' 1804 1h1VIS' ~ T L, lîiting the Aceotutsestof otabieï, and forth ,tller of Silas Srnih afofKirk- (utà c'ul')ibnouitgh~e *yo-r bugieutî.' e dIuI Inaolvent. H.MRv ~ -,~LaORI reditore cf <bi.Int arensiolified .BAY .* WIideSp. elS 1- t a tej'thrg ,f tbe Crcd-týr o tn ii. DE Stibcib?,rI'egs hto if bis i fnds ekc b ec .Y zsnrstOfî othe hvrid-vq t ndfr aud ht4i' l f' Vietîria counti, tlbat Le __________________________14,______ (, ut fit- 'l'ins t thectat-c 4tflr- has$oiiened: itheI îaîGmtubrey lai.ely occu- *ilÂVUTou Tii ir'- etdon't.delay au- -kc toe Pdmy t î ice ouiThtbunday Pied IY -y n cCil- sd ae he lies fiad î fur- alLer qmorment. but. ge aloltt f thi Caa (lity ,1 îk< ler 1 i Gîe 'Ci'iCI< nsie iin t-s3 i*-,itorg wili <lad. every. con. di&Aé1'ainiD tyr" I sà h. ' iceurdndîce ywthlusdwieit tdora!18G4. venitces. Wii.,r 4gsdciaetfth e*«.r l a 'dcgrÉ ftleo rmedicine, andw as naérer loat s. C. MWOOD, best qiaity. -4U ut-Utvec Ilstier nlways îAlchs àdpisar mmdaelysdpt Oficil Àiiaîgke. aeo. ndaiîc..4- WM.nAVIS, by rietoa. the . pnhe place. 310 ]y "è Deadj- -iea A.LY'c/" Ikil, Swaitri;a.r i toI--gîPric of. Rels.4S Ila nilg 21 ' îbLe, 26 i $5 ~ 15 00,$ 71 0I 275' 29- 69 (>0 18 001 87 001 3 75 32 - 94 00 2 00- 1'6 ()0 450 .34 11Il>00 ~25 0jP -137 f00 600, 3M.. 0 O0 31) 0;0, iSti0). V50 14Q 188 01> 35 -0! 2-253 Ad 100'-~ 250 1>00 42 0Oi 292 0a> 1200 48 300 or) 45 0O J 34-àO0() 1400 150 -35000 tOOMO. 400 00" 16 52 4600 o0 54 OO0 454, On 18(00, 55 450 O0 60-00 .510OU w 200 58 b500 oO 61 00 5C2 0o, 25-0 60- - 625 (<i 72 00 697 00 j 300 É3 750 -00 30 S310 35)0- <3 87 0C ~ <<- t2o 4 f ) 9 - 1000 00!-,100 Où il1of).00- 4500 712 112.5 OCl .1301 1238 0 J 5000, i 1250o oi125 0<1 137500 I~~arger Smerinaci -dei. ai 25 rts, jrpuîZ GuÀiu M I s -Eil Rs eoid af the abcuve pries waranedagaosit breaks ge by fair iniigingj üta elva rnoniths from ,htime cf hum.. 'hs n g h o u d n c fa i , a n e w b e 1 1 w ill b .- gi'v' );by-rtring the bokpn ne. -Orders muîy tbe ent through. the &mïtiXcâ. ArvmiîuaA9cyrc;389 Iroadwayv, Ncw - J York. In casffl 'Belt breaks aften tise exîîimaion cof theo warrantée, I allow kaià pitc for ihie oldi metal. - JOHN B. R OB INYS 0N, 311Iy.- 3 Dey Street, N. Y.1 LIST rLT S IP EMAÎNEPG in the L!NDOAY POSt Offie0, Gth Alxnog WM Kenny,-Mary ,Aiery Auson Lenihan M1ichael- Brow» n m aidiieMichael Breene.George mahier Michael. flyrne Patrick McDonîild John .Carroit Pagtricýk, McCabe M tr liîghi C&lvert.Thoma& MeGulion. wm Om;ckburrikMcmilkn2 Plielin Paul »onavanMrsDoranda Phillips John 2 EIlis Th6wmas Reyni1old Robert Fahey Patrick -RouteIj' Wu Fliz Mary Sbavey.,Vn loninora Fitzgerald John Skuse Richard Garuet Wzù .-Sont Win Halànlon Thos 2 Staffles George6 flickey Thomas Steéphens James Kelly John 2 ..--Taylçr Alflred_. TPoriry Catherine - « Trenuuth Thomals PNao à caliing fdr the abo~.ewill pleam.ask for .dVertit5ed letteri. 'T.- R. ADAN, P.M. THE COMMERCLIL UNION IRSUFAff COMP AIT. Ours Orwee Ledol, 1 9 (Jornhîli, S. C. SMte&1,22 & 223 St. Piil St. DEPFOS1T FUNI) L OÂNÀA $50- $0oo ogrier*l Âgntm frCa nada, bAe u4deraîgaéd 'baving been appointed AiiMt of. the eaovy a t-clam English Oompamy tenue Connty of YVictoria, is prepared to effeci ~ ~oipsuie conistnt ithse.curity. pros- t$o :o LI~ ~Z0tt*rS l-1a vvGrcv (0 ttnq t- r ....... r Ir: i i!-qi' -~ m- :ii! -.' ýAshtoii irim'ý (f4t -l-c) -7 .I4- 'i -i -ol r .. <. llîfi v StrL;.cd Slîuîtinz .......1! î1: , .nî--we1 i),rein ls 1Oi]. up "0. O D& rù iie . -t, DRE~ li mi ilSef'c-v-v ..- l-- ts-andl rî A I')VEIV ti!iI'SS cf 1 >var-sîs Be!l'ta IF(S cr'-1 . in- l 1e - Clt tr7-.h. iStI Sinigî-' ic h.lu j oi1r1 hb prit. Auax- t î Aaî' in~, aL , ýV'Ç LES aii-I S'Il UNIS lu h- . ;;trX'- -A :Ilot i -ëaî1,:,tV. f rTUA "f>>,-'n i tnieeti~v -ar-n- -I tnjmn'l~ ntliTi'i'. ii~î¾. -i ~ i.îii ~'- --ix ve îb-î S. *illî,, the la ce. i îl d 4L-c , r0 FeitH.u - - ~ ~Aiîde-/i4..<rs-. 1'd (/-i> P,",us.Jcaîr. lis 0: eeda plerma nelit i ticr in c[.o X>las 1<kTii.1 riiE~~'fs, Fa. i's iiu t ce ry flino-you need REGAIRD- c i i 'e, e a-sier i r > . ht 1 .-. 1; î -ducted b ,lit%iiiithe I anad e, e NOTE HIls FUT ONELL&COM~ Ili wil gire thue 111 heýt Prîc- tocr t- hL-rî ii gs, mn ex cIau ge 0 r IGo ad-aI t ilifi bot l lcaon efineWeni- pric1es. -- - uld -~~~'~rjilnlipes k 1 - v i (jtic n)ro, Lin-uaer. i wàrii ov ; 'eIto zvah e c'f-i o Bt'"1 ô a.' flîtifl e t'c m it)uXforci t ti Sprîn. - o cci , cç'siil <7 f - '(À EXTRACT TEETH.WiTHOUI PAlM. Z~7 Ci"~ ~ ~ PM~R £FE 1; N CIES: J.'-Iruvi , n n r Bea ~ atil M tK~,l.r J'.iof. ! f n c i ~ il,oîf m 1JIa, ,ert ïlli ulol îfe Do ts - Our stock of Dry ttoinN vry lamc a'îI -Il is ,rtel 1- n1 owving ta the gréa t !ediaî!1n tarief oto5weare e'b' 0î!rg*tilc'ncttopurchascrs.. la CandIlan and Séotcli Tweedis we have a large display. GROC ERIES, 1BOOTS &S IOES, UOIIXAN D _LIQEORS ais usn&l, mecciv'c our attention, and we have uhesitation ini saying thatï,no iouse i 014 tra,1 w~il orcainier tIi s aMî s îîîwe want, and * &F011 CASH WV S1 VE »ARVAlS. Anà inspection of our stock is Ù11 wc aïk The (hiods .'nd Prices wiil speak for ilienxQelves. ~ Urodu(fr wlikc. the Iighest pricel, M Lc giv-cu) taken i exclhange. Oposte..-J. COS1,TELLO & (Co-1, M/glair 8a Ick, ieM,1cLeznana lia rdware Store, KentSt., Lns~ ,e-imoud -lut-ito- Ibe îpublic as A De ütsï B.- W. DnýY .D«rn Rcypnerî :-DsFowlen. Stn-îingc Ai a îl', Es ; , Rn-r. J (eol. 1r M r'a.. WelJ. Wfr'. st)llci"rs. l'indeP. 6 -l~ Lîdav, Nov. ll"t1i, lS64 -- - XTOTIC-F Pla btv given that Atthebecci N iie îîmg c ht"ipai Councril of î a B',-Law-will b. passd ta esitabligh, Keeuau'a Blockt Kent Street, Lindsay, thte ird crince'ý4intlu TOWNSIhIP -OF CRDN A SPL NDID STOC 0F B AUTIUL «0 D~. between LotsNa.and 4,. a the ai a - O - rbýecittrveyed aimd.laid o-nt by W. Il. Dean., Just Reéteiveil, a large qiitity of new e.,zesWrtil ?tper, suitable for Dîing Roqmî -ilb-r,-Eq, Pî-o îîci i ndSurvevor. Saiàd PjArlars, aRa; &. al cf wticri>wili be slold at a stîalli advaoce 0e n Cccl 1'en W î.îîiw iih.tds, tru b-e seveutyfive li'nks wide. Locknç Glas, sud Lctoking Glass Plate ÇPiclurxe Framesa anil Marfle (>einn.RtI1i K.D D E..ANY,. CIILDREN.'S*,CABS ,AN D--C A RBE 1A GcES TvsicekCr.&et: tDa*ed ah Carden this I-2 5t'î Auguat, ti865. 834 Engllsh Glué,.Malking. Stic*s, Canes, ke.h________ ____ Tue"Lvea f h-e we. dInsolvent Act of. 186 vil-Sud the. bet Trbîees in grelttvariety; Pipes fromt cent, .and upwvards; Cigars,# the Lest TI!Cro dîbrs o? thé undersigned Ar* ni) brande, end igar Casés ini every. style. -'à - j lie<' te ùelith ~ '~"~ ' - .j-HtRD in Oieîctown of Lnpa! a v r, lie aM 0--' FINE CUT 0CHKWING TB O.9LNI ULT iiT'W.' , en *dàAy, ithe Ti,'iP Ayct isa vili fint! a venii'istock cf Beads, Jraida, Tatig - ,Bel inls ,<Iiemv, fan thse ,roeet t 1 Wtddîng'WtisadcfnnigaîAmsg4 , Rngs,and Falicy Catlerj; D eni»< C 'Ioit ber, 835, P Uic hn' efiand-e t cl'-tkil- tj Large- variety af Git Mobti ligo.- ' -a K4glýlttid. tea( YOl Violini Stringe and Btowg. -op' ma. n stîniL ede h i r ~ a~nwt- Ore?. - - i. mtees, thet 121h day ofSeZleoebn, t,1 2id Duor WVest o tgeje et t. 1-ouses;i è, HIUD. Ui No lx The l :i The Dutçh FagRevive( NOW IS THE '(iMP 1For-.,,4eculation! N 1 WITFISTANDING the ard f;Meu tere 'nust be monied men enougli kif t l conntry Who are willing ta inrest their cal'ital to adra niage, tnd-to thoàe te undpr3ixî(odtd-_ dresses himself when, he. informe thin' thmt ho is deirnined to retnrn ta the aid c Aî'r~,ad therefore ,wieheq to -diiptqe othis lti ivv. ii va- nabie prolierty should4 it be a-s Sîta~ <Une tno< story brick. and l. 'ix- , stawadîng cil one loIt .noore W frame bhou-e on anot'Lot-dj>'ig:. 1Iw. tnsewitb every acccmwodation, a n, I 1Ia- àanlt]Y sitiiated ou nre Street, direetly vp- posite thé nev- Market bouse. AW, ou- V'two @t0x'v fra'ne bulliding-ý(shop. and,. dwcliâ-ig)on Kent-Street, at'present oceîxpied by hiniself, a 1goôd. garden and barn attachbed,ý with every conveniexce loir a, bjusness m~a". And inriew of bis deter , h nte b scriber bas cimrnencêd taoemil off hiie entire stock cf S8110P GOODS at cost t-irice- evrerything çbeap--arnd ta provz luis the pu~blic are respectfully requesie'l té walk. up ta the west end and take a vie* of ha s aapltewindeow, where lit~ has on exl4hýit ion speciniens of gooda witb lyriee znarked iii p'aiin igurrs; mu thai everr ore nay * Qatisfy t tei~n!elves kupon -Ibo mieris of itue articlé. A st. ict cash buâinma jî* düre, so please briiig the cash -with you. enti! fîîrîler nutice the suhicriber w'411 ccon- tiniie ho c-'ry on the Watchmaking business as heretoffore ,ta wbich ho-bai added the heai- tiful art cf. Engraving. -Inscriptirinq *ujiM! Ritngi.Watchts, Doorplates, CotTfinpla tes. Forks; Spoûoný, Signiets, Newàpaper Cuts, or B'îsinfmet ÇCard Stàants, Wili be *xecnted ta order in a- perioir style. G,. M. KEEV1E, Sxx, Kent St., West. Lindsay, May 23rd, 1865. 229-Cmn Farmers Attentilon 1 The. mubacriber tiesires to.inform tb.,customefrs aor the t l trmof Keils &Loveil, as well as tl.e general publile that be-is n' w carrying 'n îhe Iin~ ~' and~lr ~ &I) !v !1 ,0wnlas3lanit, in îhe >ld tind aj jidrg the store ef Wil. . M&diU W'ij'n.treet, Lir.dsça;-. where he wiil Le gla! lu kaVe .1.Vàsit trcn everyotie iniwant of an1r- Sh.giii LMs UneI. I Wojrkii.Jci o.4u.iy at the bùîmine"s htrselt.,uy boy irg Iuiimterial foi-cash, lie Iiiî'repqred tu' off'cr t.fuilwinZ 1î-~i-t.f>ýr -,be cousiüer&- lion nf. iuînt-idiijiz purebazý'rs. î~îyIts~.................$1,8 Lorg-T 11-M 'o d., do do .10 V; 'r, l o.u-id lint-, ard n-tap find frn.v B?-.ýi..... ...........18 ', ~ (~' brfir ýi h.g cr mc 1' 1 ni-yî- i'~e. 2 (: A 1 ilëV,, .g in *Chear1y. JAN1. S L')VEILL.