; *-6 B*ruu1slaf, Attorneys, e Kent sud «Mo Liida y r rficol anud London, Fire' & fice ~Public- W. rIon '1îiidla haucery 's luuk. Rouiittreetï ;' î1c Liv, k, &c. e hdîrw J%tak. kKent sîreot, hindfAsy p.SNI'm&uîrrn ~ lb it r,ld.Io l. oriceAlbvrt Office- uver MN lubdn'5 ýABARRIsRES, ditAT- & , 0, j iors Utn(Chan- triv yaneera, ke, &t. SS A Y. BIES . ORDE, OL '114-ti ilt lTl11R, mirriiles andi At- Ssoliellors lnhi. Itoeery, fli> iseytueis, cnt~ Liu4-L e, tiUO~ JAS.aLO 1au .1el N hslvn>' otar> ~c )n'rslaMononeuuItlb et 1uw, ?Te utuugh f imnOf y. -Vjjd1-t tereeto lhte »ri- nltiusl itrimt Mrçautile Iutiruu.flç Oleein M. Ucorge Keaip',. i3lEY' "alr' Willat.t '$tr, e 1Èn. ' -Ný t71-' ,'i'EStrAti' &cfn j)v,, Co'no n iOitl 1. V-t t' N Suv, Aîî.;.'W2 1' - c l' 's t i v f'& 1 i0Mra T> ý!'r'.""n l ' 1 ,cl t.u i 'I .thu.. t'ru i vit h, mue-r r~su' ti i 'huçî'ir iii' <fi ~5 TAit. ~u~iIltut r I himus' u lit t>l~t' il. nuit unît sel N LITM- VolYL-W M N 1 KENITSTEET, Llt8T Go sable saud edataob.d, -andti antten.- iv always ila .Upadance. phe. omnibus <q and froma he &rid Bonis. hQAisO*ou£ .*8paDa'y; tLATm JZWIC",ISJ VV <suIs en likI JOu t fVictrwaand sur- ron<lng (hunliles, tl t Ih. 'bas OPenéed Ibo liotel on Williamu Street, latetv occupied b>' Jewett, and as ho lias hâd it fiîtýdan(1 f4wAiéh- ..d in h- tst ,yle, i,4ê1rs'wil l devry convel!- euce Wine2, Liquors .ad Ciggart of the be9t quality' , .n attentiveostieralw&ayO n ttondance., Lindsay, Der. 1(;, 16LI' 2291f, (LAT£ NOa= AMtURZCANI WA7*LY2N STIÊEZPORT HOPE, pet.y .eoateda dsd the best of âe<- commodation for nld the puiblic 'guorally. Ut'der Jreint.m ulnhtgperift f *ffotia yl hc pared tbat Witcoud uce In the comfoTl eof giesiS Kr) The best of Liquers sd Cigarà. Reverë: IlI-Oti-sei Th( snau'sriber bega't* sflnonCç that lie lias lessecd the ftbove botel, whicli bas bCen furnish- etd and fitted Uv hagotti l. etor style. ,,t btte boicettIiquors and CIgtrrs wll bit lkept i the bar, andilis tnhie 'çixil h furnidh- ta with ail tbedl e s of te senç' n. Attentnee. - ttli, 8135.280 floavrton, Jan. WM t'LiltN 1865- ~ uu (Lotte -DamheM y's) Clouner of Ket.tanti Willi'îuilu Street'l. bintlsft'. j<'>HN 8 ILEL R, 1Pî'îqrior. .tAVJNO Ieade'ilIt bv etkoncn Itrdilotel furtu lornt of veàret andi bar- ïlig aloogt'utteiund refîurifished the sainue, file pro,)uieîor uilIl e gladt i t hvC a Call frotu. tl ut'av'tllu* publile. T'lar is ftirrtiuh- t-d w\itli b otthenes.ilurc;and cigarsý: der file -chiarge 'of gaid1 ilosîlers. 28t il cudtia- epublie? hit.fiii t bug it"î ïî'tht' îîb- 'v prutra rnisu's fou' a torui f arlie lin 'r l dant -uv rt~i lttiuiîi . tti lie tvîlt ti- gladl.to iare a. cui frur îtîo-î1iîgcr TPExcellent sud cxtvieuu'.t'î Suliîu. g. J AMES C f('ICltlF I, lor sto J tl j8 5, 'ay', liet- tt'14 Ireiured li tf) i ' utfii i') "i't i h'Iri tiÎtI t'e utri t ver ' eu, it hI1' Cirig"4 uliii-ug ianh îlieap anti on thleshort- HENRY -HUGHES,. 1lC1" SSE D A 17'- ',um uit, C.\V. 't'.( r i a lebOfu h'Ii ce of tte ("tno(dio, - suta te u (! -j.111 t ' f V fc- e i i uuuv, i 'silut' opot u s1w suh"t' oi 'l el lui't Xuîsturu v hitîy r-s". I-i s3Mc.t- '~ it il a s1ie 'lsfoiI tutI Ph <un- ;,I i ili ut be- t. I . Y*le iý1 ilt ite e y ý%,- irt, lt iiia' A ,s isd sfgui's sf Io AM ES W! NT 1 IS, 'l1tuî», Sirn aii tlu-uit' uî il ait iuii, Gttuniqr, Pulis- i ir u M N HY "Of L 0A r~Tîr.i'1t à tci;RCSN-r.. lit 1< - l 2. lIÀ11slst, Se, 22, l 8.:ý 215-t 'S ýoI-- usic AND) cL i a ri 4 ,,k A's- rob e rad au ~ ~ ~ ~ -ivn tea the .~.l Vlts t" gts.t $. - ti'tit'Ttt' fln- dîs nu tnon t 'lietim icii flu '311làîuiu Stvirs'îe l, 4-a y l'îthe Town s erlî s gy- -e' On STMond'u ite ýtuii Mre 2 lt b 1865,a &]KIaN te tuur cf In uu'cock lni the fore:uloon, ag- lNErMNAiEil ti jreeatliy tlit lwteprisiso ýf B-w No. li05. tltiiuctit h hi'tnt.: (Siglieti *- . t. KNî)wLý(iN. ClIALLENGE la an us a inte Coutat ~ ~I:Bs >. - o VItOtitcfr FI'Ot-iLACfnîcîtu ut1) re, Itanlu kfutli'i 1 lite-n odnIllntfotr 0w IOu .id*,td"î i s i i s .si t"î otyleýà sýd êît hiýtluw.' - t: haît f tuile ta uil tulît, 'ir thé sum uf $0UO t $100, un1 ilt> grminulii i, )ps,-wtltiuuuone -isîuuitiii- atm Gà' ilauuirîmi inute.rof Stiffirds!uire' Eng- I' vv,. tîh.A IAi'<1L - Lot 6 dà Ceii. Outs. 301h Atîgust. I4885.13-ff F110 te execu tey in the rio dora tia hichli le made himocif 4boroi the liale Improvemeïn t4plui e,*th the besl he hope <o produ&c gtOcrlî*nep #ý.e lt O allery la spaetif iii regard t'O ligbt., ail D3 positiveIly no- the Gali"rv 11l.pa id 0::)- sicior ~AL, 1~ L I Out of9tab mdtti li Public bifinxhinîself st, >r &l ~or-, ovd-lue b*g U.;lid boing, ir vies a Led by jtudgea )r lte purpe b. let, ont of ry effle. "lW. Invariably sgppty Mr. Francis tith the. purest and bs'liniast1t,cau -be obtaineti, und e l um t. ba lItorcughlï aicquAinted witLubie beaiuifful ni~.. K~NOWS?<N GREGORY." "Ihavenii piewuure 'ln certifyîng -10 Mu. Fî'ancitss .lility in'regarii lQ bis l'eag able lu make good I 4otgre}ths. J, F. QIMSON'. "The pic bures .taken hiy Mr Frisuicig, cf Lind- say, itre as gud as 1 1bave sein fronu miais>'ut the best (Ualieriirs. 'Wai.McDONNICLe. 11 cnnslier the.photographs af . ë'Frani J14 goond urd lis truc uts oit> 1 have eser scout la Etnglati, anti 1 have sreca saie of thé fiti-sI. -JA.MES B. NIJIR."ý Lir.day, April 7701, .18. IN~~~ OH~ER IX CAi»2tMBItSa. T7ru8er*e~ Dê1ua~Is~ Tbe'asereyn Aa~~ Oiily& bopni i I~mn-sw~ Tvpuulrwud~ ýýî -l4 1 *I3T *~ ~ -4,. WA à-mi m i Y EPTEMJBER29 ~5 THE T COWB. Iot h1em pas§, cedow baà magsbi. i. outLges<go: dwamgoe Oveu bis shotîldu lie Esig bis, pin And . taithily follawed lte foot-path dai-p. Aeroosr the lever and througb the theat, With reaoltite.hearl and purpose-gr im, 1houh t l 9a the det*oun bis hurrying feet. Ând iii.bat's flitrtluugstarlldhlm. Thrlce aminesthea bail th? blntues- been vItil, ÀAadthie Orchardiâ swe6t 'vitliilppll bloom, Andi now, 'when thei cuva came back at uight, 'lhe fiseble tather dro-fe thuem home. For aews- had corne to titxe. louueiy.fà rm SThat tItre. tere lying*irere tro h&dý lain; And te aId ma's trernulout pulsied arm,- Côuld never tan bies en's again.. The snmmer day grew cool uiud la te, Ie 'vent for the cowe whei lte work- was 3ut duvu lte laae ni lie Opentd the gale, [le sawt4thuncoming one lbyane; Brin-dle. Ebauy., Speekle andik.s, Sbaking their horus linlte evenitig wiuid, Croppýing tliebuttercuuisôdt tof the grass; But tho was il follow'ing. Close belind t Loasely sîwung in. ihe.idIe air Thce empty aleeve of arrxuy 4bIle, And 'vomnanad paie, frau lte crlspiug hair, Looketi out a-fisce.te fatiu.r-katws. For Southerii pri4ons will sotnetlýnes ya'vu*, And 7iid Iholu' deadt 10 ifé agaim ; And te day that cous with a; -viuudy dawn, lut golden glbry aI lasI raay vvaue. '~ .The great leas i ptrtng tO Iliir meetini eyeï;, SPAG E¶.For te beart mlà s peak sihen tlIte îips are lyonday the. Twenty-iuntl day o? MaLy, And, under lic, ssuenit eening skies -Tuigether the>' fqouwed tl t a ille home. t lInt îenyeuht yeir of lte reiga of lie r ___ Majsî', ueou içvri, À TRIP IN TIE, BACI< WOODS. ofortrLord, 1lSt;5'. HtttTt'nrX l- Orresn çde- of threizagersolt* Clronidie- ChUE OETA RDE, Si,-Ilias be oun 0commun loreveryt oniiifuie te inake:thbe publicaware of tteir e.X- AND .urionursand Ia 'ai an teanptedtd w JOHN OVEINS thle yeunger,. write you mn aenîlïiu 'â1uot taur 1 laie]>- 7 fefeidat-took 0o the 46baickecoî's" of C.aaadt. M... Ç "destination being about 100 miles ,north ôf '.Po«t t HGpee, ai course il ws. rîecesar fur - - u~~ne te îuuke thue cars l oouo rmwieh p 0:ç t lu'. appis.t4uof teplaint.iffe nil oi 1 went Ly'the.steamer Magnalt uPuirlle. lu.uit~' tIle 1tfilavi4 of Tltoumu Tt'r euu ipaungrtah .i1itg ncrlit I"i~ye'atL annjt ~~îagtnr. untcit(a l' ioL i-iay ';l ae ul> ain JssrîiClîrk; atiuu~ ei-u ~'laîutffand i it- lin 0Ijmp1 jwrdngtu~ lie I'aid uictILs utti(l dpus)tTiîmuabardaimiter traiun, anîd fuît ie pivleg-e ititut~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~t sîofrdt llguehu ~u dttrdiî iridiuig on aflit car, witlutt <veut ut.seat to, lu'*fi 0u'rvt'sli t u o c.caolt>s-'f t) 1>11 ( i4bitsupotu, I puti dIhe aura of $1.25,1 a distance Afii. h ii olrdetd, iliait thc satdufpndai, u .oî1-tvo mités.- Arrivilîg ut Liiseay, 1. John 4twit"hie yo ungeti, 'luon'uitr before teé-aîtb a fF-eo Atu-r ruttsrltUcsiili 'nli htietfh day of Septebr uext, -* -,u >sCàygebjIaccerding tt ate ue- î tkeîiltia ei1y oftif Ii, or er, îogu'îî't r ilutîsfierent of tîtuC- a1'tutpIy uî hr Ille not'c r-eiit'i lv (ýiuîztal <rtîtràotf watt.rio, boat: titre, w vîa as Ntorse, l110 !hisý cti'i, ie 1ifslii-il ut T[aî Dtu. ( ouknwthnIle i al îbedvie, as the> iliOn' a it îIi.u iri T'C*NAttIANS T, osi',pib- ilil iitt uîtnof titsay, iJrithe Couru>'t. e.roeeîug;ged in towing titiibur, d pii mi victoiaL, forthie ciglit %treks nexi rcediutg beîter rit suuujiiîig for putrsengers. Theyt ile is i'rit-ultt.lu ri , fi volkubutrite t ier tuu d ýîîî m 1.i ouiti have mti iffcuiîl i etn iii aitî ufUît' î'îtîy 't'f -aid i u, 'he aervËrd-on aa n ud tome ane la roWtmeUp thue ri'ver, .~~î'lut b vljîhe î-r, lte-fallier ' te saidiatlhks1 idnvlae uiacîig and funillitl jul.vllae,'nd -o iy tet out oni foot fur Fetelori I'ulls a. di.s- l-utîrtd:taice of 16 miles. In, pas.siug doîvo (ta me), - .GR-ANT. It'-ri~tar. a untt;tn 1I ias sîruek wiluli eobeauuty csf J 1IIN 0W PN.S THE YOIJNGERj a Io vely smua as il leaýiçtioi tstrockta, 'f ~Nt'rl('E, tai.if yi-iou uibt als r o k lâi Iemuuansutai.tence c s"utrkk tIseé111,îursuatutt ite uub4 e dert .îhrêee unîrdfe.1Isatdo :and cquencu- th- l'lthi«, iînuntio1kltiin ator(ler tla tak-0 tue, ed niy.îhi stflre ils itîpidtivaers, and !;ill~r'n ant1Adriu.ls ioi n hIe (Joturt îituIù I aIttere Icatld ual otbut admireiils 'uni gi uai ht IIîîit~'suetu îtieýf utstue mit>' ' 4,titi1tlît t, ou]4iii- 'ultititg.ai yotu beuty .:.ziway.back. in the ousfrfm tu-i utrtorh~~usyf~u.lernoicu,~ ue f tur hut gaze ' 1>11nanéI coirasted, ilt-itî thé-t1 crt' ui-tin 1;_ c1ys.t uAD 85- FalIts of 1Niagara, ane of.the tonders et tise1 c;i, C:. toi hi lîere tiltoisantli go yearly lu featlt 1 CA,\MlIlRoN SMART, ilsiîuul'at rneur, dluun'.- Torctto Strpel, roronîo, pared tiitembaih ta a faim maidien j îst bloom- . - Piaitiffa ssolicitors. iiin mL Womaffiltoout-thte amil streanaithe ý T4,rt)nto, Juine 15, 8. 33-td uinaidîtît, fur aw a> froruthe fa.btioiatule *tond1 living in soini rural rutreat, %witlu rio train of, ~LLJ ~ ~ ~ fshuruulesutor at lier side, Wtt fult af in- - nucelce andt purity.ý as spotýlems. a!5 AdaMý Tie rîbsrbîr e tra ti nforriluhis friendi trien lue came, from thuanuis of hie Creat .or Iist, iorr.' ,erîttat m's oua"'-lie, nig!ty atm o talte city belle Whui c ris ~5-~ tui h.'gie <ull>tit~$liy o uioin h coîttîls.lier admairera by theicéue; -but '1 titI tur. -pas$ on. Iltraitteti lhe grealer part iolte eraextrect4doituhale. aouta, niwhen 1I-g;t tua-Fenel oinFalls- -'1' WRKM4AN' i asure "u I was ver Wei. Thliy had -~ '"" '~ ~ "~takun di.nthue sioves the day befure 1 gai. Faxn y Gî'~eies,&e., lute, and. aller lia the latilri wuuld have 4/r e goe0 lhe kioluen'slave anti - dry yse! f. C ý1D LLI30 A r. y Sluui'ly theîaiidycame in.tit a.cup antt KIiXI~ ~X/1-LLVi.vi 2 askcedime if I couldt. ell fortuntes. of courW 1 ON "C 1I'ON bRYSweolmeatgsrl. rils, 1I tas inu for a ltie fun, and-. irnmedialelY Cii-sCfeoUoice Tob-fccos, and Faacy îook h .ýiluecp anüd tkld ber fortune. Ai seem- -ed lua6 4 ake, anti gaiot yseit in for a long igars of tîhe beii rand,. job, ttaving ta cxplainlte future,isory aof Gall at Q4dwalI's! lnearlyoelrmy mmertfthe ttousahalt.çNé.xi Lindsuy,2'iuli trae,. onu telnliy ce lusruean'!tod tue îlirey tors 'eaîisfied.I -coWdd tIli:fotue, - -' atnd -W as Quis ,anuol1 shojuld 't.'ull semp- LI, perqusn* itellted ta 'the El >~ of the. îhing about a yoîîingia'dy that Was:boardiirig ri X 'bi iglit' ai Liuudsniy, by Note af tir. îeeappenred to e ornoe pysîuilj- liai <. lîi'< Au-uin, sre tembyrequirefi ta connuecte d wtlllier hiitory,_of thièIt IJ.F usbn'nclcotîe tr' iIî id Itteir Notes and d ti l'ok AccoîuutsiIii tlicr itaiutbtf P.A. IURH' htt iato1aîdm oda il -lup tethe luan' Stuicîuar Lidsuy. vît usautuu-sedto ecever îcan assure You that my repitation ~îanuelsgeniliu'scltutges, anti arrange with patrties genmerIt>'. A nui-etuiate setîîm * ~ià establishedtit.- Fenelon -Falîs as a fortune. bIe.Leavilis# Featelon Fallw I.pasfed SA-'lUIL IGIIT, throehVeri.li md Somervile. The land Acliuug Eecutor. la ttii section is 1prettyleeat em iN.B.The ltmsinssu lately carricd on b>'lte laie Mr . Mig!itt. mitLindsav, vwi'll lafuluirebe erygooýt. îre ycsu, eaugel '51 il;i the . 'eiutIucted by irr 'lisle', itercînfure sacting as grealer pari isaoe, Wirlled of limùestone, Fsem~î su ite5sd Iîs$~titaltést John aîîd in miany..placeothe atonies are piloti up Olaed 1urtui soliiinta hiebhaïf. orer elào lier ibme. or four d eej;t>' t ire Jtit~ 3, I~$. - 354r wha uightb. CalM r.tling seses,smre of à"b. $oav fest iand ùu1xvgis dism*L k a.i les gwNtbf at1i otihbthe, land b"ooes -mmw Muvea f8 oosotê .t quit. mouistainousi yé? v.yigbt .oâ «s1-*stýd ea i.o.the ibelsi in liayî à'wvas .ry .uiglê astik a tpi, sd .v.ry mes1a a so by trade >s the# WV*1t,hem Eate Ki" agytbing fike a OurrémSidmesoliiL Toweringtq>m510moun- ~amuiaoue ao~eautiit, wv pr'ecting out4n lin mls.îvs mudesw;- thon 'recedig book a &b d UPeads an , *pluinover- fmm fg tî asudou'high&s4d onash al beor * ylhe lit p&n asorne 'tkro' it-it. inuat te sen tbeb.believed. . I ;utmsuràd ose of the- rocks inithe wood where the horeS -hatlta Ioravel, amh.ditilwas Siitlv fi'et.' Down some of tihese hulis, ,rnany of them nvery. sleep, the wa-gons ratile downD andi up as if on a pair el smaire. By the way, the. coantryherç is very well .wateredt,. nu- melcua sia.ll pringga mn ont from those rneks and.1tiHal, 6eautifélly el«Îrand Mod; sev'eral tVm-teemed as if mixed wviffh coalt oil and sorne with iron. In faet, I fully be- li'eve there are ýbolli. ,Aout twenly miles north. of Bobesaygeon I 'ciôsed the Btirnt River. Thtis isa verylaige river, navigable le> steamrers ofltolerable capaiv-it deriveq ils naimefrom the colour a1 ils waters. h is the oullet of Lake Kosho .: Elevesn milet; fax iher norîh 1 carre tb Ciul River, a larg- navigable îtrvarr, on tho bankes of whieh h le Village df irulen is built. W would. nul 1w a diffieui mralter to-nmake those waters navi-« gable frorn Bridg-ehorth ,a long wayB nù)rthi of. Minden village; they would have, to -huilti locks ut Funelon Falla and faam Rapi.dL.' They transport flour anud gootis now by Inéans ofrùw boatq, but at Ihose plac es they have tl, portage se; ose. lî seema to me the fariners yl have a bard time for many years. tô corne in this land s. ioltuIt ifho wouk., for I îhink il wouxld t-ake 1 t wice lte labour Io take lte atones off. I should fancy theuly iltinig th atlo' tempt .a uman t'a settie Iliere trotîld eho ie lakes .and rivers-luoey cerîcin>' look roman>- tic and brautîful., I sîayed, three dàtys ai andi utrouati Mintden vllg , ritiuug anud sailing it) Gui Riverj, Bal Lake andi Laket Ku.u4iog. The Canada Compauy and, Govemnment ýare guting ta lay out $6,000O outhe road, be- tween 'Bobcayg-eon autd GulU Rivler, I îîmiî. .nuosti>' for the- beiiefiî aof the elliers, as tltey wjill aliow ànocae se ta wvuil, an tirtere las tio questistii but litey rue tl batt en.cugu. Many of lent really do flot Jinow-vilialt I do tili thpe haîvest e ornes.an. fIcair wthon i was thiie (in: May-). as $3.50 per 100 Ibs., anid park *25 per barre-, besides a grat se arcily of mo'yney. Raîher uan amusing i- cudýieut accurre1 wluen 1 tait relurnirtg frsýrn Gilf River to Bobcayge.on. T' go: a chance. of îL ride inu a lounber svaggon ; we staptd ait a place cal led Silver Lake. Hotilu tofet'î 0.1e horses anti gel di nnei. While îheî'e a v'oupieofmren éamc iitth lt otel, andi ore tif tluem looked vety liard at me, luie 11.e,.n carne torsardt..akitîg off lais hat- very respect- fi'ul]IV, àud aàkeil me if I1"configie 1' work on the'road ?"1I bld hm 1 suipposed lue couli get a job trîten lhey commenoe] u-oark ;,but, tli4 did nol salisi>' h4m, aà lie me' for ilie ýIbass"> or contrartor, antd ini- sîrted i cý'ud give îiîcm svork if I ws.ruîJi. anid su i ,adla t :reitmai once. lIe irai- me.duteiy tumîtedti 101.i .'0o*,rpaniili a -"Bgrr>h, a Iley we't'tu Ji r iut fur co.ur, summer!S twlrn." T'liey'%Nveîe:t ohi'tflmittWO îrork -on the follow0%ing AMotday, but 1, h u1VI, nol beeu back isince to pay thett Arriving ait llobcaygean, I founîil 10 l'e4 a srtirrung uitile. place, tlluîuh il is une solî id of lm toeokl' guP hîgl4 uddy Trlere is a god (1btsiness:dune here iiilitai. baor anti timber, ziîid, ut hi akuo a 2reat pîte'? far fielliuu. Triluep 'op1e were catch latei-iuý -b>' lte barrel auJiatituit tIrera doilt fo thir nwti use, asmeat %vas so ih'r. i1pn luait a day.fizhing %vi:h a party ;ttuey tî{,id liai gi on me, a bagrful if 1 cuthld tv l>reuglil tlom lhome. Il wattîld '.eP tonte * L?.ri~*Loc, i AU I TERMS I.~D-FERTISrNOf. ton ~mean ................ Awoe tea !i.aeî. irsti nsertion, primS I Eao swboquoinse.rtion *~ ~PWonao aIWB~nMU carwfr, sx làtop mue, 5 pr nnM, #*for iii iii.t& rommz t ~~Merchan Ohnd'nhrs pan c<>ariét for a fe.l1 spaço, "iîb th~e priv4teglo of luviflg Ofew kflOUCifld* et lte end of every îhree nioiiirs on f i'rmbICle rm, . ,Displayed adverliseùieifts are nwmared by£ d.YoeIuqi ad. chArgêd sccoegIy. D:Adveriaem. li s.nt without writtekiattUealk inuered sut lforl»i, ondtharged foi fultinte. ** 1ocà&uuW adveymeiïtus in.eteé deepi,i4SB la adïbn6b- meréhoAýl8il h~I e.expocled t etb m .0. Or1dera for disoittinuin- advêriilem? nt-* Ilim 1* in C. Blackett Robinson, stood frtinéuidngs f differeut styles and ýJS1ICAL ACCENTS. -cânotructOb, av stand magnificetedifices I At a trialli he Court cof King'o Bon forPetrboooq, bt nvermor aothan and twaedledees, as to &n allegeti picy- ziow.' I cami1o lô he town. frein the north ati arrangement- 1of il The OI Engi i h Ge ide, which iâ tâ aigi itminence, aud tak- Ilenian," CoXevas asubpSouae,'l vl a w ing~g~eal~*wyI îbaught of thé, Irishi- less. On, cross exarulinatkon1;y Sir Jatr Man loa'riughIa beleved country. - When Scarlett, tliat lenaiinel dU raflt! :p0a the gr"en iulee was ut.roceding froua view, 1ly aaid: 41No, s r, yuU s tjial 111tt he tuok a last lbd-look, and,-in the i. fuli mélodies areiesun u iffertt. .Wli of his heafrI, . lin-tfd, "FIreland, willu.do you meatu sir ?" 'J1tont piompily answe -a11 thy f*nlts' , I 'l# hea StIÎI.? Frein ed. téI said that Itle rrtes in ihie t. ro cnpi theruoe 1 pmoeext 4 the hoixse wvhere 1 war, are alike bt w:th a dilferetit acceiii*. bon, the Mle a4cvwhere îbe asu e»[ir >au:"Wîlaî i aa usclacn 'p~epng iratm-yes ft tands yet,,anti Cooke: I"My eu reagieaals I taR plean e -10séeeti, 1 assure yon ; then- -Sir." ( ou-auh.Sir Jante (ai I visited i mot rlégrave, situated >in a Irufiled): - Dutu': ,miiî.d.your lerans e. quiet couîtry graweyard, where I used ta gn asic you what- is a mtis;caà accent? t' ta churà when -I was a utIle boy. Theil You see il V"(o::' A u-nrsirïart caiut there was flot liait a Io7zen graves in Pie (Greatlaiaî'). Sir ia:me.t(ver3 nrri place, but -nw il la aeariY full. 'I tank a 'No-v, prat' Sir.;, leat abk..îf ie ,_ view ofhetobastocnegthere. j could !see fbut te il lus Loidý1ip a'.d Uhb ejurvy,wh many nainesi that I knew wellY the inZ~ su:ypi;sed bt -kii .%Vn"!i u.tt alut il, il the olti, and thé midtlle-aged ; and il brouight mearuing of whi t y n ,c- l *Ccért p% to, My me mory lte %ords of lte Poe 1 1Cooke: I"Acceut â i « s a'dee; "Tirne, like au ever-rolliug flood, ulon a patcul± ue syo u, .. Bears ai l her sorts awav;- stress upon any givei word, for tý'epujpc, They fly faorgoîten as a dreai, ' o eî elr uee d fIw; Die. ai tîhe opening-day.l>.~r~t r 18 u A fier seeing everything of-iuterest in the- Yi- s'>' >00 ai e ànasi e nasbtf cinity of my, id homne, 1 pr6ceedeta ill. MIIwere tu say you lire ai-. ass ltests o an brook, the neareet statioi on the Port Hope -r . ,. ot :tl s a ý 1auh and Peterbiorough Railway, by ýwhich 1 >teNll o~î,u f~iteR- vrenî ta Port Hoipe, a town unnequailed ir' yuî'ed, ÎÏ01lowedlu~i.'Pu.:' Canada-fuir piclufeu er.tv heîw erigtli being tjeLord Detînm.t .iqescnr 'h o ndgt±i ie efi. ;vî.ac appears hýike a natinal« amrhitheRtre-ýthe houses rising ýone aboie oinother wiîh the c h tofle ,u~1 r o a môésIpert.et regularity. It cantaituîs a nîin-1 ied, Sir Jamýes?" 8hr Jatieýs, deep r? 1 ter'& y as, had hebonie Sa i ber of fine public buildings and beauliful. villa-like residenres, sarroitrd ietivîh rithmr fi tfeadtiaRef.i.ta rw'Tie wiînc anty go, dovrn.- 11tarul aand .arîificial fshrubtyery. .Lear'in!z Port Hlope 1took the train. on m y way home 'TL OaMTIR t0 Ingerlioll, ýpassiag lhrongli a countiry a-- meady to o ul knewn ta neeed any mention. . I wünder how un îny girls tell their rr. fl' 1. must .ay, Ihat-anyono M"akîng -a lvn i Urlun? Nt hs yoau<- the well-Settled paits of Canada, such as aut c on itndfot~bos.~ own cauUîy,. rould be.cureti of nny desire ta andl exciaiige notes andi carIee du visite w move bock, by taking a tour over the route yoiing mýýi wbo a re pterfect siranffnrs O I îravelled. 2Iaieaktte o gmen:î.' Ingersoil, June 14, 1865. E. R:ý of you andyvour " pî:cire;" sf'eakun..,itu way that iwc p .nal , orcLo- A GOO0D WHITMWASH it shamne vt'u ýd vou hear it. . This i a subject p pont vhieh our fârrm'-.r.. n roquire "lîne iupon lune and precept upo a vor -, -cox '- c ' t__ jrecepl.eq lWhiîewas!ling i. one of the nousi î tvu cs-i .cnut ,.- e~a. ~u' vaiuable article.î mni the worlil, when proper- Nomtrw:a'c:' rfdo' 3X' ly applied. Il prevenîs flot only'the decav tfwood, but conduicems great!y ta the healîhi. o~ e ot~r lttuiSmt re-es of at l uitdirýs ;.h.iher of %vood or tost, ~ arokweie ~t~ii. Oubuî l1-- and fetices, when flotgilcu e o.Yormrtbg ' pait~d sl.~ud b pled once or tvvice every one ît lv a ra ed xo with a good coat of whitewasti, 'which v,,ra'star.B le euat Alui hopreparedutilte folio engw v ~ery t..iig. Dio:t l he ..t' rýke a cea ,water-tiglt &o her sultable lrestness ou élrit .eart te l rISIe'.rý caký. Mi out int il hait, a Lbushel of lime. u tra . enervreftr't Slack il by pourîtîg %valet, aver it boiliniglhot, 1igt-nt.Ar abolie. ait, te'i 'ouvt ii fi c hient quantîiîy 10 :horougly slack fèe'tt.. .'Pn usu : i,>IVliten Ille slackitig lias. beeri effected, wul crwtresh idtcreîion lu f.t ' tiil ini water, and adit'.l unso it'v iii do Vou no hnrrm Io look, ant r' ~îitae of zir.c, and one of -con) . v sait. Nver bk- tu4amil t> teil lier. Who bý Tltuse will causetIlue wa . t4 là lardJeui, andbe 3'our best frieutti and crttda...i. - plevenîtlie cracking, whuicli cives lu 1i11- d al ~iul feeî. Il us vers' swdt hat so !i. -ei1nly appearautce IQ the work. If diesira- yoi-.ug SZ irlS w*!l tf lunev r%'n b!,., a. bea-utifl crr'amcolor may be cimnu-beo "ro;î'îîîwîujuNrn-tii nicaî .ed tlà Ii e above wash, ly adn tretant. SI.e siol i kio'îv h. 'm s'i pcds ctlq f yellovi ochre, or a good pearl or indtidetien't pcïso:ti sfsiuit l.w it e ab' 10ad roiir. by, the addiution-of lamp, v ine, or. ler 9own fair d Ir'Liih î si iîrt ivorvs' b:ack. For fawyn cDlor, add foilr punds, Fanny Fc,. oli urnber-Turk&-iietor Arneian-(the latter - f lue ceps one, pouid of lIîdian red,j SETTLLNG IN CANADA.. l!rd tne! p u-nd of ccrnmon larnpblac k.. l'or ýcoiuâ.ît istone color,- adi tfour potind. ,t' .rt~ Vi' ' ' 1.v- ilmni'r, an~d îwo,,pouîîd!s l'tnMr.lac ma b . ~hnuu e ap~t ilua commoîtfsi'.at'Oa -n.' . ~ îu:~ ~h ru~hand i itibe fouiidmucl i ~ .~2 ~ p p: .uoirboth in appearatuce and durabiiity, 1lui'oe i'tlie'ttSttteuaÀ'~ f0ciini iandnl htwsh r, nait.& ai'~d r1là:v whi&'î te % îrit'i'1a -re tw:r" eliers u' A Nurw SuI LE OF -FALsuVuNA Bî-ý DEscpaîp- LCýownvnriueain riat'. A correspoudent of tIe New Yurk '1.îdi "Ireê.: lt' N ut o zwli:" t anWl tof -et- lier Y a uo der in id. e r v. us rît' s" t' - n t n'. t "'f 'i I e- 'i~t aur sporlumnen uIke g odal go o t n iuri'-.-.-- %v'hen tue gactalit ; amitherehfîWI wili h -u ut ake ga-oA t.' t nt )ilrlet.- a secton ora sortlime 'lite-e ra uorJe1kîns Il enc. if îitey promnise tiolte ablais antd give itai'fr-i er tv:.s fettu1 tî'enr steamrs mtir. Vngon lteseNîtrluem trutes boui ut.Mr. -'s rest tris ai duîzzlinà ' 'as0 ,!soi 'lilu.flt"erauutIîi'., - oùk passuze on aile cuîleilte O.,emalu 'ereer sualcbti iiîugL"-, anq. , t"i-! l) oiC fnrnmBobceay.'eiu i rig oith, oanau4 hiee n ciIulhv uiles,% lil a' ud Ifor a 'erfsia !Yuu!'th of ikî... a .e beautful oil o niout ungmulicent ~ '~1('. n. ¶ - trre a diarnoud piu,wjich f Ari, 1 w-ou!nl itrivisu't ntiitt"utt nee1ep - . s eaan n Itk' hue ionsl-up iii b(v'auly-wlual ut lacked ini zize 1PesOun Ie-<; aa'îil zit-seli.'1e u"'- arul thats tie ma'thiting'«as the man sais fgcîdc. .e It ~îeradlt samne tour. Ve p:tseed dota lte Bobea 8 revenuie irisiuu.r fiom eiiin tht Saflit woto i, .~en rve, lte 'tksotthiitii soi'oflis fir6î bals>',whiu'luweghdthrea.potindýs unyre-value (lte tc G eru'nnr'rf ir.n i'î t1i- plaes ar apaenty îmr~ttoeiingani tnd, a quarter. Mn. L-'s liaItas naiofa qeiîiîv f î'i0lauinaet:.tiL.ke ii sbimnguui.er lte ifl<itexp Sliivc anuitrecherc'he ataim-so e ýtlr.1 ts)wenin~~~~ tu~~u iie Linud 1 lvuve cvir sceît ho did l tian t is hia'linratt~<ra la lte hankp.,recetTe bau'k litho aiui u1&'atiis'ri t - stopfuiriterproresu. Tien ~~ ~t-t hrtutfle 'danuce, hietrever, huit put it oui. a.setleretai os the %wŽuî t! cf tus lauui.' t u pi airthe 1 nc -i plheteug îe cîitair. iut',r t-be ulor, iviere, I regret t lcfiuu îite tï'OS ndîtb.iui~ lAt'C l Pieo ak, er brutfucarn tiisan, a t)ati> s.utltioNy'ît on iý ran icrushed il- vàtî:an- T lue fucîst fem- ye.rs ûa I .; liuîsura utn plae ;thsiste os ehbat'u ash n rd if tas stîrpru.sii1z 10 see ho ncoplete a tise bush are aateidesi titi rv - ru'ck, sb ite lue of il, teo, consiieriîug the fil these yea rs lie uued-t ail tîje.moite>' tit.ut placee--basq antd mîîs.qua!onge are found li - ubuidae~ a ls vaers I ~w.so~ f te h;st!e-doWny wuty.iua xvhich. sh!hai.justlite lias .la p l"-)taCrsuwr.ti tu Pr.abbe iîtu llivt. taler i'lu lut îr'uauedsixfet i lngltbeen gain-g trouglu the t ct>r.-.ad go on î%'th'hiS iîuproternîriiand lere Iati IS thcit tn: i*uauli imix, eaT ine let, -)è WIÂT WKRiiCANADA Tif isrL$fini -P'a and1 totgli 1L-ctaliv tere R WjATwFR CxAu. iiIrLS 1, ite herecuamutatistot four lvi di t Icuti go-out-auuttcatch muait fislit henoerr Oit ?-For the tdouble oljeet of -cnlivating uî ojtu îatM.-C utuu-âîha-iu Tchose. Ftim ýPigéon Lake yo apsa mblitte grôu.iifor malsuseuIc ieing f Bueitru uue, be~e'tirouh îta ~man la cuiltivate te grotunti for hîs eta hon- unateti héo told do_--te rnut give the ac- eut-b auis i us iesareanud tuai sellIer a deed ;ri free gift muter h a called the Nalru-q o s b Muid Lake. Tiis urse of l uumanit>', hig.ft or lot, rieh antid uei etnuccaeîhslofuua Llake, dérures ifstnuine 0o, accournl ofils Stual- ponr. The doeepîy perielrahttgl. shouidereti lownsstus he essls ps.~îhro~tu ~ utai aflit Canisiiluitieseacis 11 he tate of nature ta a- stale af cultivatîoîi. Tfîs so-epaYs. tcymke..-waes ut- rolint for lîfe andI growth, 'and bruug te the IV ew has ualo riginateti with Mr. aîu- AI te soth-at coner i tii uuSae uces sive 'easocus, vegelable bam,but if luasforced ilselfupon luiopmoctictul inddy. ,At, the soutthialicoreer ying, enriches the land, mind foyrlrecomfeîtidatiGiu, and utl 1o a ie lako yau caine ta Bidgenoeb, 1- ibotgItI how aiidIhtu's prutpares lte way fôr te'buebanld- ca beautifîtil twould .ho -for a -ap.c-nico mcr-ian. The filer oa ite soiu muqt, thon, bauiuuh whîch lte Depantmnert ho ~k ttucn i sinspnt>; attiif l vs wtbi raîu thte preceding eltuborator, and show, b>' is -s4itfl lindu&try, that hi s worthy ta snèeeed; and, gersli, how quick w. ou vioumselveuasolti i'is villiuuzho oceuy1h at OuR I>-in sa35 rita rtiee i Wlu0 of it, Anti eîjoy ilttc. Froua Bridgenorth 1I rtramwbich -ho see.ks la disposseas-an accu- bol bath, anti ÙSlutu îe iotioue>' If) iV fuIo.u, took ithe tago loto Peterboroug. Sixteen paut apoiuîted by the. CreatornIte hotu tpas- .hohap just tW te- i ilIa leku~ua~ t eas g Ihiedi Iisteu bt ge*tsit until earrhis rigitftul teànuleiinces. etam ut ere a e» -but sffoiuitt rmjetinc Mtuduoil.- up isi ind to selei nother weetlt art, ita lkth anplac e . m ee Cor. Country Gentleman.'le aubtvaeirtt.- -s-i v j os 1.~ 1 it