wwwwimièwý gxctnc ý4: (,;DtDEN OPPORTU»n.T-, H(2ý Mit SFIANNON'S SPEECH Al qw-Mw - Taz TôIPNM DINSEIL Wýiýihîi* it --bét4tely usested glial A apt:cial miatiog d djifug a similar period ho on Monday afternelon fusil, thé- doleptes ta Swb #mïm r thé &M lutakil walm PàtbwL 'a vu wd ia îhe coitileil chme« e1d.? &809 Mr M" ,L? Polm gibere-been b ong ýt ta nm* ou V" et Tt*» in Canada, es, don - the lait threés woëlm. 1rom the, Maritime Provinces, wem, »tu- ay »- aoulay OY«4, sept.M . omm*M,00 Swaway %vol* --PM Rov. J. twith 66 X«4 WW :Xot -auly. et. utl fmiiWr, markelà hai thore - tàimd. at adinner w the lqtieeft's botel, Tg- Of presont. f lm 8écirieu iiiiie, ce act it, îc the prodéi trade,, bot in. e Mayor aïd roule, by thé grporation et, that phub"Ipua 4111* Pr*.ç«d6ee, À 111,11anue .4. ldwârCI14 Dr. Fidl«ý UOUWII. »»P.LM9. am trutoét matM'We tu riwhiq& ý a internai andýý evoq lemoteý tuwni tbere, bu d off nue -bu r*OMIY bffl Ume la itit Magnire, Nwihillet. Thirken, .,Vehe Md orwi&- Nearly a'" r Sntain been a very fait baleine« done, Of the bar. oi-ty. Thé affair pâme ç«eftuy, VWY ppop ,)bu. spwS "108 tbe PIOIÈO Of taa.«",M tb» a *eo,'whieh fiey crýýva1uèd à three million dollars and étuverai eloquent apeSlles w0rés ma" lut Ieàwý onte third, ha4 alroît1j 14unà a markef, by HOU. Mesure. and" i- Edmund Boumt, £»qý, au iswag, P~ rly- copmd inte, the Engiîsh -Maielarlanô, L' Wil- Abuat: Roy. Jus. J. Lm»e and M«Klh am èommnw. -apon. n9m tbe" aute- and of wheat,#tîd--oth« gruau as nlùch more. 044e. Ne* tue 01111 viou. io fle be infi»ed mot, George .13ro*ii and others. Thé fël- L. iiodqa and Sct va te bee.qbrouë#t oüý The ailes tout the wb*icg mi; udiMigt in value, bu &c., have, Hou. Mr. 1104, dm catti9l ýý tàlwp, 7 krwitig remarks wereraade by into U40 umaem«t çà -the XW, *nd'the- Wioul*a of t4e km motin WM read, 'fumet. of da2 clair uo«o 1«rý Emerm B«n*tte bas. AWatertn'd carte %Vrh«. àntiàu in, ail -1sectiOnkýèf the niry, sud Shannon of Nov et At avery comer üiM te be.:fom-d -thé ý-it - " y U»rw Noya C" or TUE bom -«Wàg" le Vrite oubwvely fer lie -, M+ 1 dobe- th" -at IO= thf0e- ý the a the situation, of Toicher regalar mmel -ballad aité -th ran'a . lia n 0 Mr. $«Asrux, of-tlalifa ýApplicatim for or braying - lot- illions of rs., have beau malizett by Seotia, was thert called. upo.n, and eau ho 00111108M Rit. 8, dosips 0 ai"ý. iporner boire, fourteen *=didou pffl laid bek« the The BQI& Forriai 3ojý Canadian.farmfflý fer the , products of was sý«ry h la friand au his left (b4r. WJ:elan wilb ýhe t'na Pq« of tb"ew year, aélory une ilà met with'*àonw ombutionat étory of a cereai year. Ever 'article that the. of Prince Edward Island) was compelled by thm wât r« tbMo from *bfflý la we M, 1jooo or %oeq--ppoorditig. te -the tartiner hu'had ta oeil meets with the readi- ùidispositiou ta rerrI13 n i A . t th foie Mèved by Ut. Wood, monded by Mr. ....... aumbom It will probsibil be of the éxaggomtive wmofthe.nanmr-ýýPeý,ian4i*mdetna.nd.an.dastopricestheyhavet§el- fe 11 te his tu in ta say a few , words. Ho al- rit 11118 8 se nijbt et- dolm a. moto sait actorj à fritin Noya Seotîa. but was Dot in lu[ baie sfi ï. E.Verythine socs, Th*ikelli'ttiat thils Board accept the.appliëa- *,ho welà d ii be Kif- «dy seulement of Ken Sa yiolded a good prufit, and ý th me - lion of Mise Hardîe fer the situation of Te&-. batry Sogl, or saine, -i"»tu- Nu Ca o boa- the saine pm't;oýi as Mr. ventw« with ùw 1441aW1W M goMetié of drilling hie YéL te My satisfaction, beau, sert thus fat is remaria.ble Jet the thrae great- was an ièiieilituriz;t, andcout-d go baci to bis Moica, which. wag then enl>Wly WW by 'shown,,to làTe imm-n phm- fileur the City. elorpents, of success,-a 1arge eupply, ai' ai borne with a kno"lédge of the aZi.iciiitural gmwkw MoiedbyMr. Wood, seconded bY Mr- letter fmgù' Cork ý,stam',ý tive dýreaa&p - and a fira mie prime. Surely, productiq ortile province whWi, he (Mr. S.) the Pioneer* of eiyili;Mioq 6f the 49t lundi Lang, that this Boarî Immte w Mut y0- can û rn cotild foi ' au 4pin- bl"yground." 04.50 à ith Since. the.tëri-à" co.-ýf the Amen Urýfar era.havA thé greatest -cause- for g rati - couidnothave; büt'he. , m ehls" of misconduct ag- war, evtiiir,ýaieuo yod Vecork. ltùdë,'Undour. merlèhints for thankfùlùesg, ioti as t,) the charauter of the e. He 1 Harboux,* .04 ber 4 voyage froni ýýtýat the counlq basbeen gilets ble4sed. liad fontid thè sanie. fille race. -W«9'fâdO. Tan ATLAMW MOMLIt f« 0etob«,._ý- ainst - certain pupili' attending 1heý Union -sornewhat. rem ný,tu - estify Le the- uni!orm kir.d- :o- shores 1 maillot, ariable leature, in N'a* yýtk.t6ýBosto, lie m-ouid aise t some excwingly iîtertki hive been made by one of the mm- ci served thîs oýason'it business, ý has beau thàt the -pess with whieh they riad been treat-týd and akmob*s, make up thés catrent alumb or lersi and thit ho lm found- il neoesmty te Ill thés Re - bliean army, 11F1116 sarryr irevoi ver great blàlk*of the producte operit tiens thug fait, theoueliout -Canad 1 à. * -They hâd to'reburn of this Americau Blukwood.' catit the ineeting ëf titis - pisiolii rL gurés, pititalis and short avrordât, havè beau Io, fili orderai firoin Our. Ametican. their itta.rtieittharik-q tu the people and -Io un ar- aut4pendý Ilium Board trait that the 1 ish.; which they . ý opùnlY'eipm t*a-their parambu- friands.' Thé biglé priffl which have -beau die Présidents and . Directors of the varieue ticle 4howing thas,, motitial aulic»: in abso- »o«d, and lilial plin Irmiy inflicied will be sufficient te lütIOnIwý Ilirougit the citý -d Cork. Those plaid lulivie -tiot -beau the reiult of unwise or rztilways over which fliey liait travelled'; and, -lutely favomble to-phyoidal "duraffl and ment a 'éri- àuicîdil coûtpettition. en the part of our own iii, was sure thev woù Id-cheristi recolieetions murrenoe et »id misconduct, sS ihey.rnéMi boast-. people if tirera- hà beau any spéculation of iliair vis't te Y(,anada. Tiiirty years ago mots wbo haye prevent. a. variation on all wiih whi l"80vity, and ont -14 hâte been fé the briefeqt period; dealers whe:l he %vas atiiiiiited fa. ý ttie - bal- t and the beriaby instruct *.a inâtaier Io ad - iiig of Ille preparations wakip 4, Fan l'rude- G, the ibilo*"b g la America à r . 1 hué! BbdiOI4" Wu tir ibe invasion *oeil airalist au ta idly m they bu by the Feniaa Bt-utherbW p ind 110t rnade a visit. ta Casèàýfa. 1 Trial was iii The 'gre -in ont mit sàïdpupiýi* etrain into the school, upon, loi fixtufyé'delivéry. jàys ofthe oid aïest: tuen a unfrequontly maire sales il icorn, cowducted. by Dou- nie-W. 3. Tbitktll, nitioros himSy, vebether in "1114 cif ýlmàié. rstandingillat a recurrence '. MhIPlé àr The wholte buain'- hatil,.a iliapulation of' the ejçpreà unde Last wMki* twQ o geri, y entered eu thuit fat, bas been aï s. lait, orui.10. ýtom-4. Ber% nge, or literature, ainwit wilh- aq Mmý tlntnahip. éciel railiray ' rlàei borne téw'in* ai froin Côrký d 'l t elactery; and September, 1865, )5 ow Yùu'tiave..' of.any similar. misconduet wili be Wilawàd car, sa til now si eqt!ab. kýWè-A, Çadoite. ont except4oli, have lived lorl«. Franklin, by. éî in'which were seilled t*ù Wim, and tWo. = Indu marked with à white.. atone in the ; magnîticent institution in your tnàveraity ïâmlýu, ittdieu, thé eider pultion. clarried. «amhoi»e-« Boliod. Wâshineon, 3 tatlecnéa. Sa &(Xfflt,.haà théli train atart annals of the Produce Tmd'e. te boast of.. Thun vou have ttiai paradise of -K»wto« à ormmry. Adami, sud Patrick Hëiiry, in terfief, para of therrI: annoance 0y indebied Io lha United lawjýers, le 1flail. (Latighier). - The ai titan one il thit they We élire maii Uigo f&ziftýCh@W#It (!Q, ýod-et-the -yolanver Adaixtal, ç1ayl, Calbôun, :Gtro-çMed ()Ut. utifiopillar inert in tlie wàri offipers in thé FWferai army- diirÏng, the btates.-fot this fivoiqlrable condition of thitll levyers ýwere lire inuýït Webstty, Ubo#teg and Eyelitti 1>",D.g, Proa -ets, arid -ad in. every but now- ttimi they had conqueràd the Thé fit mnem of tho Etiglisib .. Mark yetlhey %vere ta tw fou Il -toi ille prq» un 18ritain here. for airy were neç(*ýksary evit ým. Pctue, Opit. Cori, Cdoppr, and Haw.thôrn'eà iit.liter time'4 Owi g out ad iertîsitig ce" rebréli d ta fron d i rititietit.. They i'thëyhadcbnwovertolroluil toprb-; the large or a 'gave -jampe WatAon. -aie cases in poiiif. - Thèse men did but pelled-to louve, 1 pareýfor its invasio il. They , spoke wilthout 1 produete, has, çodoubt favourably iiýititiezic'e(t ani iliiiiiblers we:eýobiiged"-,a let ttiein in. They grýw sirong by the tu - m'lis this.week, we are Oum lohn Breden. die prernaturaly. tht ahips -are atý ri but without the dëmâýd troui the Anà just tu fiiijik- that die, fu:sds'fiàx suvh a over several editoriais, and a report the ai ty res.erve-iatitý,ouneing a P liffl;, prestent pteparîngýt0 brItlà. 9 Ver, 50,000 wel 1 - Viiited Sta evèr h liagià wetit building hitil. béeli -vol. d by County lýfirieWtutal $eisý toil of the brain. And to.ýdi;-tbe quartçà1te ter; %ve could il ave, expert-, t W j Thirkeil, of Our truest Bryanté V hittior, Lnug- -V"*Wit of the Mayor and, Corporation of Rech, wôtild Ait iifatory a séason. Prires are peuplu in law by the pavnierit es-are N!ith,àýin' the baie ough. Our be met hete by, WQ,« weliý.drillod men, veil muëh higher bette, in proportion, l' of a brnail fee.: lie wo -G H xefveý fe 1 tow, and roi Mte est f te Port Bope and Peterber u [j like, ta "E-ee'tlie Wliow6ulddi thé. Brili& array intû -the alinost every pr6duct we have ta sparts, thati P*e,4" f *f Noya Scutia do.that. H- h ti inity.-;-Johii Hogan. years Ofî green a", »ver moging sweater a eeli adléittaing patrons %'Vould ver mucli OM T rapde alid -tainéi. y *te rft ilieit Stoc4, @cri 9, tiover harring ni- to Etightud, and find visited tri e Loi lits Il,- 1 Ut by ýbringit#g iti i heir fa veut& flot later tha se -aicti ha . Lýeea opelled Nvith tu may Our Pars 'This blicught a amUe:qn. the faces of th--ir mand frotta the Uniteti States is'at prestrit sa: Liticoftiýs liiii Ticktior & Fields blishersi Boston. $3 3 aloi k la wednelliday. great' «d thair iit:çes!àiti that sec là, porrip, b' tilt. Pâ ce Consort ; there a, 1 3 listener's,.untiti)ne of the fellows, to.the lier- the an es sa prese:11 ' )9ý money p«. ýir ýýnabttin (Canadai rur of the lai j),ýùdur-ed front à belt arousid buyers âëetnldetertïaiijoti Io, get liold or, vou cari sec lis l1àeýjudge boxed up and a tew Il e -xitiï the Il a cent buil-, is wanit five barrette tid the. our pr ever coe you have ainagrai prà . Ô4 ti(;E4ow hare noy reçe ived. id revotivéri a Oduce, ai whéit 'and ARmuals Hoý*4i M uàz4xjc:fo Cýctbbàr.---;- 1 of thcii'ý;ew Good bd other draling asideýthé ekirt of fi' lis, comparatively ýteadymarket-fwr ýold,-there, Il -was a wouder to. hilii iliev did 1jot Arge portion 'ai a . WiYs from iheir facilitieis for buyin . elôsed a'>shôjt sworit dangli.ng, at bia si4e.ý hai-beiii liffle Orne ditficulty ill trading bu" iro to s!tce.,ý titere., They had orlon heard [DAY, SEPT'R. 99,1864 This favourite ladies' m Ïié là - a] %,Vol] they 'ie, ho apz After-désorîbto- the efficienry of thé -weam tween, the two 'colantr The airio.ulit of 4, w neaviiy the 1 ple.of Canada xvere lax- %heu assured the auditats-thàt., ital which lias corne iuto tlue et_4'ý,r tiieir ed-Ucittionai welcome at. maliy a firosidé in, the, States cannot be titideî45*1d. Their Gouda ý are ail, , t> sud Canada. Il& high moral toâe> tbe tu- of th n'w t styles and thé,,ir éliisortmont il, country for the moveinent et ilàs producle lla.ý, týtIelf (;overlli-zielit WnL e AdvorUiers a 0 es thous-aids Of îliirbiiar 8ýtur" and revolvers 111nelical, 'c"I' perler chamelier of iis- ligerary- contents, and n disi î1îated ainung the brethrèn thro h 1 couti>e, been very greilit -,' a-.-d evéit liaaý and ti;ey had y ty igrgp,,embraçitig nearly a "rytilitig: i w 'a U, - -a iýùttcrrnined ,&N lie out Irelani ha,;iùg boue sent ta ihern,ý listi Markets- %vaiýràtiteti nrices ai) t) uýe thât foi, lje bellefit-et trio people: uiev ST bas a Larger ýits vre,,,_Oxecuged ang!gvingâ, rendu it ai- yý 1 I)g -theDrY.Goodeline., TheirStockisnowt favouréble weývery tnueri.qtàustioit vriiéthe 1 s, 1 tlat ail ttle thari any ottwr Nowepaper traclive te ai 1. T,, rnosi contplete in the *Cou . 1 - 8 thoir Arrierican. friends. - . '. ý1 . 9 - Ir., hýv1 reso1veý to have'iree 4ehort ý 1 iy of Victoria. "ly- Cash buler The Litatiriek Chronicie- saya the faeil-ilies which ütir.ovýn peuple peuple should be edaciitéd. This was a should beýiu Withinthé,:liM -,f4rtùlîht illevezal letiers ed *olùld have been sufficient ta enable thern, gr(-ýut and i,-nili)i'tati*t strýp tri advatice. For chuis, Mdadalphia. $t3,Qýa y re te call. hâve bentectiveil by filtraient. and othère to.handle th, 1 lits urpi)-e iliey hall bol rowed flieir model POST ail a (;restez Cir- e crup, thus far wit1à wi -t-eat ai the County than the ôther Oug Yolusu FOLXS f6r. Octobet.-N'Ve bave7 koir relative%. vantage. Had we been -dePrIved of' uni Ca tada lvt!ét.. Now lit Bhie. Noàýè>s The CoUint' JhOW -irilthe, CouuIyý îpperwryý frein il fr Qf this neat jitue mAg y luing really iiirtiing' in- fillited Siates Markets, our Batiký, vroulit ýd,,i lot -ike to lie. tkix-,jd. They had now ta pUblishod in Victoriliçont. belote sploken azinep là Am&ica, c'élat t * 1 - WHI càme off on the 16th and 17th itW.- -wilig - va ta doubtless haveAon.6 ali in their powertu a,-ý- 4) liad t rnilîee; -towi and May just remark ïhat thé present aura- ence, ifit lis. tu btl-belîéved, relaté fi-hit a-,aitist ttio:se %vit a.. q net. on the, 17th and 18th as provious d- by the siet us ; but the Jack of moilleia'y ric$P01141 u.'155,za;,(mi tiie old bactwors Nviij illid il i 'Care IY ae. the line Of action about te blé purave larger ber keep up with.. il$ in loger- titi y. - One lyo ,N POST goulicad, Seo advertisement. Foitlans in thrtt:lbpu ting mari bît'ity -in the Produce Trade, and t -dbout p.llttIiýg lit, Il hatlk1-ý ilàta, -their iý(jcLets Writesý toï hisý f;ithër inclositig an Order for Qi frt 45 'lu pay lut ine c e or 'tilers ; but -lit-Y 5ma fu14 Butineu- Adver- est. Young people cah parume it with am 'fils, v.ýuuld have preveiited ian any other papa pullii- usement and profit. Tickno.r'k Fiêldâý pub £.10 aud, informe tiîtn that il will'eurer. ka: thu.' whicil, has, aijv3ýdy. tal*eîi tqq ý jýjjjjjoi tu 1-nalLe M»Vzas FALL gnow.-The Brecht -A&- havé'rea cel lâtit: butors hile ýthe don'&) - ar- place,. hati thù Eiiglish M;irke.ts beeii uc.-r tlt.,ixi 1j IL Aiiaýiier iiiiii- thev- liad --býeli Coutity. Imers, Boston. 0 pe! inattiù., î, olfig lit rival'il*à Itélaixl, in coiiort.wiin a lard tliat>-.vas ricullural Society of, the township or Matîý miro- 1.1onlY oÙtlet-.' Never biefore hava, the adv4- f T rouai atid OST ièiyariabl Reciplocity.béèt-it«) apparelit a..3 at t Lî tu., 1 t sý %NýeJ 1 ta tax iiiepre:ýeti: -?en- y zejecw Txz CàNàDtàti QuàiTiaLir 'fers will fiold their animal exhibition iu the bar of ille, deýl iverer* ý of ýthè, il old ouu.titt-y." tagals ai v. ý If wa prusent, and noyer before have, ilie iiiaricet.«i r,,Ll Il' 1 tllo>* wiio xere tu ont& of an obscace, awçi Another ýü ami bWtiarnee,. e village o( tifford, on Tuesday, Octàber'17Ihîý ting man, n proof that Il al l the foëls am iM d"d yet,_" igratad-tothe United States a few ýf the'Uiiiied .4atos beau so.attraeltive iit bu Il t;I,ýV haLt -ijut-secrireti the Uiiver-..ity* Pali-k- C years sinee, protita at the tlici,.iiadi they %vould not have adulent char4wtet.,' au $orne people erroneouslyýsupprise,-we. froln.,Nuvport, ýcounty Tippe- ý1 ble ta our pruducurs and upcra10rSý ,N POST is distribuW ta il& have the edi Il mirât rernen3bereti,, tiovëver, rital i tijljSTICEI) ON THE DuEL-BETWk ta his..moýtier lait sucti à sp;euýi4d place ta botat of. Now lot ofor at.jeae.e writer ina lion- XN rary)ý sent passage Warrants lier last week la a iettè£ý whiph, t ose ma toey [faý,t tiie -brue es-the lùàýe.4-i.j fram E rEji y poer- descript publication. calied. the Can'adit and ý &et h rketgareai the preseiit inotrit, 4 ý MESSRS. DEANE AND ADAM. . Il. The wiltiest spt:ctf- thu. Ir âccompanies thora lié- entrigals hie mothor t(y an unuqual condifion. celtie Ut' rite City. Now; in- regerd IL i THIN l࣠Co UN 71 y - la pages W* ith, il in the tri iLllIucIaial Quaitutky Reviï'%v, giiiog Up hastëà away with, ait Possible apeed, 'lif ýtiOn prevai a 1 union, ýoîn.- 01 lits irieýý_d6 te -de,. lout, il titijoyit a fair Circula- -Tu the Editbr of the Canadida PW: new.ýÎangled iâterpretitions.of aucieil. pro" alie hàd-the, slightett wish Io silo face, lies. ýWhether il ils. trio reiiuli of itili - abtýiii- p_,jjjjý tu, theré- %va-i nu call.- rierous places betwoeu (kilo- ýDI.CÀ-i SIR-l'lie coUtëýn naw be. dance of paper currency, or wlwthter à la '1,1, GkjVcriý ment at th ti rie Coiti«etierati,)Il phacieii, iihowin,,'hat- Arne the pro- rag'ng as thora- wil.i souri bé hardlirnes in Ireland (3 indà®r. 0 tvveen-iNIr..A(tam and Mr. - Deallet &0 fre9- before une înouth the portti-would be- blockm ëýttlndteiot thd wil., brouL,ýiit Lp, ilad pledlied raised land, &eý' R-t upliolU $IaverY sa a, qtt"ilyfýorced on ihe atteation of your rýèaxkn,,- adoti,.- and lier etiligàtion Wias thén beyond plu iuris o(Ille Wëst,'it L.i itfli)o"iIL'lé. Lu ailhopë.11 WouilàaritaiàdcômMutiicatiort w iti lut-iijiil,, it Ntwe.-A meeting of divine institution, sels' thecoleured--people. has ai leri-th crealéiKt such interest that ira. s but. bdyoild ail dlxibt there lias 1> Va ucla- -the- v»ry be" of the earbli, thîtii -but a cleur solutiotrof thu question Vill 0 recoivei by pepw a noie, avait -iii l'e hi-story. oi lite Pr ýd 4'it.ilal là ieil lilitlu-r! 1 egraph Compart-Y ha on a level wilth f bimilaîr import baie beeti- t1ee But thoý,r- ulve ilatisfaction. to- th» public- Mr. Adam , jààti" , of Limeric - kand- ýlare. Traie, whoti tht; waâ sacli -1e:ýj)ei_ te g vil ed the Vir«tors report, anà and abuffl eveiy $0 ztuthority !il cduada, tlueilctlltÏl Q.wett tu say. itiu ID ('111, -ý-jvzt sc(.Iid %,vn:s iii.lavoul telles positive charges agjiii:st Mr., Deàne a ' Similar alaiernents could . be, gïveri - tu aý bling at4 air the pl*e.--,etjt fac)[ndiii. llictilça-U Il ka ont County éharacter, which Mr. Deane as positively ;giéat> leileil, but, suflicienti îdence hasý prices have -Y Ut tje L. il im, My tidikve City is iiI,1àV0croý netioned file new contrut [mm the GotornQr, -Goberai go ýteuct'ly atlvalit.-ed, until, i1htý gistrates.. in have, relazhed a. point at wi-li-,i l 1 e à4di- it nu iià;)ru taV(1LIrà;.ýrè pioot cati bE dénies. Hote, are two mon, orte a cCnlncil-" >le naît year. The quelàtion -Cowit Judges and Pulice % Ma A beau addUced to isho%"C: filial therè ex 3 d' Illaitig the publia. funlà and fi 'd Atid- týdl voui àe!eý,îý1e: ional capit ng rni,.,citirè -of blasphemy, cant nan- Great Britai-ti ýa reai apprelLensibn, not. te sa), énate traducý etalids iti ---it liIýxA1 tic lecepttu(*t R! was "tponetj marc, diagueti Ife nLy Our assesq- nýèrînz< out- town policy, a cri >Ctiiig thé aime and bo-yers for cUlIýullIpti0lI titid il ý,,t Lèure un Illtýli - way tu Britiii Thý olitig on the 12th of October. and fatseltoûd,4, it has boy r bee ourfortune paille, Pespt Orptilzation - periýaï)i fýr 1-1 ;ý - t s.uppl-ýes, monte afid disburêwments le ý of the yitëtious Feilians. a i Iton by Geo. ).earsý-, the otherý'occüpvieg a, ëdillai Ili f,1vüur,ýol utu ciiitiei -Ille frtajulity ul, illi race Was won by the French, %operuse. ilublialied.at Il m next twenty ýculatGrs, ancithe vazit arlwut 1). Griilùi. Terméi $1 a ee4r-dear at.t4at. position brir lese respuibibl* am, Dé-pulï Post- which they colitiot, has sa étiab;étl: t!ieiii to 'à the 'b, -,he ýwiloý!e ui ttle cýe -y ir, whieh was alto the winner F E N 1 A N 1 S34 niat4tor>, ilirou-h wilose haitils car Wiùney keep -the market uli, evuil il] týie1 face, Ut s ol tha Pro Tus CAiý nÀ and landý-litl-es,, as well as the sëcsets of Our pfétty'lieavy rLceil)h froln lie, ilitel tur. N'ot vîoée, alid'a. larje portion ai the secula bt spring. Vie London Neiy A 'ý F any of our- ag- business There is crie phqse, of Feniani.etnineîtlen- and aux familieik are hourly, passinst. %Vere lit LIV'ya ime wili be lent in: gi% ing content 1) Utily two paiei ttotake-tli perictii- Id be. %vol riculturtil frienilé! neglec lis tally.brouglit uüip.wýhiéýh it wnU Mr&. Moore, widow If Mr. Peine be such a mari aà; Mr.> Adain thes diealorâ ha-va a deavoured t !ntille',we -et wiy V;e!*d M 11 0 cal, they are t1oingýîhétù4elves and théir la- 11 i,,w, il inat home-woulJ pôn(leè overý suid répresents him, ho @hould recoi va the, ton- aveu Eàsterti markets, and purch&-ei iii New Lan, Were it ,ait oçt,',the poet, à dead. Peý those who contemplate ën>tgiralinw ta t li, milim a p"itive injustie i: ' Publislied élit déranation his untrustwortiiitieiiiq désettres. - z . roui t. - -Liew wlia, a I il riveixe rin, ai 24 9d tu -26 lud for r4ý . a 'te bowt York and other cellttet" ai I)à« à rutt*ý, havc, A Èit-Vý'a;î 1 1. mon y* l1i1ýi y Huit . 1. G. Brown. $1 a year At the game time il i3 a weil-u.iiderstoo>l- United sta P.. ans in New York L'cen étrttc*eÎi ou tlieir ace )illit Toronto b - that thee will inyade Irelanit, anti that -the is uildersttiedy ëv - v;--re lüst ziu w lit the pjýïtioIi ill Avhic and firrniy Princip in aýnd ail free. is a desperaie etiort ta keep iliu linàrkolt Tiiefàc-tisàcktiox- L C iiada: was belote the eèuîllý1i-i!j ale ol"d ai 891 for money. le in lit* Il Exoreas of tile 16th says État countries, i ai ever !nan ta rePoarded. aq a;,,ýtin.,t èirçumstaiteus théât day by lile:l MML Vkil qqftA atrolig ilistittitiblilà - fil c., letfiredýat laM that they cannOt-.ýlirùcure am-, rie vin inti., irom i o oiov& p.fir. t ..... . ... Lait ai ilie Oakwo(A Tovrn ilall blit. W. IJ. TitiRictiýi"g &Ivertioieryiênt in. ý'LiW«&Y, Septiarnber 27, 1S65.1ý p 1 criant lazit ol, ýiiît1 Cia, 6 o S(j THE FENIAN MOVEMENT. E. 'min 9. arh. ti-Il 6 p.in., and en anather c(>Itjriii tvill 1. Hio Ï-4 tiiegràilt k4tiger or a cü!4L1ýse. ý0»,Iu perusa alors sý uui U-,ÇLIiALOý, MAJO4 UE- yEi, MARKET'QUESTIOI l:'rývh the"r ui)liii C()rres iitteace of thé London Po»t. of thé S'iow froin 8 o' i edi-, diali (il-Wi- a vri-,u tijii uci ýcIoük 1-11 Dyè Stul l"4 Toilp-1, M- 1 , . . min Il ý,;,.uid. ba inost ait cineA, &c., are ail fir,-.sL.cla8w. Preffl-iptions The Fenians gro-:Vigilaiitly *àtehed alafé ils the Ljý,)e of a-C Trie 11utieiai in W] for ùw I)ur"e of roceiving et Tbtýe Editor of là# Canadizis poff, and pitiii ils tickets. of ail kinds cûrefally prepareil. A home- traitors ý te . théir uwn wieu ot.the pre8unt ýA_4 1SUJO lxs flic ut vie latu ýNIIti,!î liolalio f:iuýt always like in see, fair plqi and f Po itilheiT Wy. Sciùv prer4uticns have (1t).,tliey will inake a inrztake, ati t ý'fjy De Vt;ret R E., weïe c.aï-ïied ë ut b%, uc mùdé wine, m*anutuéturéd near ýHaffiblton, air play's a jew l", ait Liu , be-4t Tjticx. A mais. whn titres twe 1 tliai 90(Xi:old adage, Il F el beep.taken guffiýieýnt -te- meet the, ýCaàe ai the ofi'y sai. l of whicli Mr. 1. haq a supplyý ilk worthy: ly mind. Th lu-plati wiii- b à [o feal- -kerA a "ýiuus doiz the iS eVer prU4Cnt in Zr uaequai Sent, and gootl»w 1 are fully al» ixe as ra[)Itlýlyý a. Tiley h Vd aa to As'k-eat(,I) en ae invalids. a0vr going On b ween James, Adam attention of rnçdical ni thé ilèressity of wÏ ihing the in fWernent W ith opportuility tu màke inor'ey tiviiiie the excitd- iiitlurilleilt.ili tée anul',nit litinily veuit- peýâ4ýn who chantred to pars, -rT c announce and W. Il. Deane 1 believe in bis contrary iCýL Mit. CADo the, arrival of ii'titrot)x haud, if.nt #!ý&ry.. This tin ' s but they wifi have ait. ex tàli 0Vý)ck, the corlit-elic l'ho uwiwr hevi)-ig reluked Io to thë rules uf etiquette0and of atttletc». atil iit ilid large and Varw assortment of Piçjail'elo i mark induces nie tu give a rerrt that is;. celièvt (J(?Pý->e si ji,_h été agailis, one is cowardly in..any tuni(v tu iôssic it, il Iiiey iijki. w4ri dreesed in a cornical a -and ai 1 1 ho -Caàfioasly repéat 1 to otfluiai Circlas in tif is t,ýjéif juif UntjJjjj(j C-eite c aity OL, -éi lu Casgrimereq,, I)oe&kln nd Cariadian Üýh NIr. Adam ft the Ch0- I_ ie,,avýty. 1 e. a, ty, Il ta tu the, effect that, ai a Priýy Qujuk étales ut ot si, Vc Ve Bituï"., %0 _eý thu bu, 1 to tbe hom Fridav file Sth Cit , . 1 eveil is1fiaý rhake, .4e ail î Tweedo,, and . Intteîùen1s,ý undorclothinge letnp ci) -equitable terni-.4 "vo Partio8 Couneil held iti the C,ýt-4t!e ilurilig the-week.' latc ý,ýar -At Lia!t-j)aýf illi I ùte obnoxious auitual- Ensi(ý.11 ge aret at hiti back froin w1born lie gels ail MI illu»011 mort. sdt&siaetoly tilati lai--,e iýl0vU8, hosiery, ý'C0Iwr6 fléeklie.4 -.&c. koi ore talien tu proclaim -eeàaiii -cities WSI oofiplet,-Lf. 1 information, and who are reatIý te end( i $teps ý.w chaitctýI of a tio 1-1je avrilor ured the services; of an tixperien-- and ý tewhil - usider the Crime: Preve lion fafiners ci t:ýe, couriti-7 wili also du io fi car, a -éd lits front of the htýai,ýe uav"lg pec ýanytfji ho aszterts; and wheti bfr. Dý.aiie Lkefutiei.Li oCtitu lait! Sir A1-.brey:-ýpe Ve, Su we are lis- thut trie presma--is goïdeti op c.e(l and fitellionable cutter, itnd a numbet of asks hân tu naine the partieÉt, lie évadés Éie 1 - - eý ý - 1 ed, are etored in these ; I.ýè, --iy h y a, fý.ttýct>0t question or is Filent. N-0-W. Sir, thict dlseuo%-' -police have their portunity jur thern. -Not o. aze ttit: j,ýýoîkmen ho. i deter iued Io raies (;ri Juiy, lZiz15, sUcýL,î%, sight, haL, nul bcoli W teyet; upon the depoist, and whoq file pro ùfltiàëo oýtredliz.ilig, (lil«cýrl.y, iligil _îr i> F -pay elefy àtléflt, ri-to cti«orn workî nit in 'ision ha% b me a publie affair,.and th i moment arrives the lü%vrà wi por ilèb.jet.1 la cantiextou withi a buri 1 iii Ask-t Il be proclaimed ail theti :1, but' suis a cadficel &VICE& AN LSTIV AL. o peo4 1 have gui, 1 tit, se Ille twill be the judges, tiot the éombatarits. toit. bc j-)rùacjjedý in Gratiani's (W. o- may requit .0 a an&I the. loêàl . iteads of: the: moveinent antî not. ILL-ely tu bd repeated for àoine lisIiu to, Neài1y 3jo lar litais on horsebu( Vitez a Cali _q! a i ight to know who, thëg.e men ilwir. military supplie& seized. 1-f 1: were te Sabbatli, October 8th, tires and whether vra can put tiii.simeýder- corné. Evert: in the ordinary, conditions of OPJ4 Olm woli-fittigit garment. lit behitid théiste carne 1 mention, thé tiatne of-ône'cýf-thé citiez wh ik and et-& leeP Once on. their veracity ast Dépaty are_ trade, the repeil of thé Reciprocity Trealy j3rotà4 CLaittnan Paterbor d -Bàid armst arosti ghusild tu gel tiroir iaiiiry, larra labourersi 4Lc', ta the nitrai Il ý,,Ierrmiiied to tel., L jçc..t Tt le il is ired il ýwouI4 StArtie the induCe the -reatest (teiLre e5t rciitnagter,8. GSat developments were ý .1 . . , 1 . à il lea-iu SM,' weai ing White liat-batit Ibo fallowing e*tm-jii à l'ea- ghoj limeài : - publier. promtece tu market àà Yanidiv as jýo.-4Sibie; u i meet the publie-deýffian' d iïthe 4" 1 ni;"d and expecteil wtiel% thia paperwar, prom thon toil6wed the bý1( hold in th* aliýuüclL l'ïcketA which hay - : ý but ývith'" hi-la prices ami active lazt,. hava imeo. ted commenced, but those se.em. 1o lÏe ail cofiýý 1 M, bellinti, a fou,- litie (d-ail deâCIipt1üLIý en. If IR Pot# ÀàtilbOUTAilib CàwàL CoupâNT. w4icil no,%v prevai 1, there is ail a- and idfon hait Pt" -la bu Iwi al in Dreu Go oéalid by lhesse intelligent gejillern 1 . -V . veilietes toli(iwtmt, Ille entird sîrxt%ýijdtng- o, ode, :$haw.li,. Mantles,' Fancy 11L aýtneetiiia (If the Pr.otiijionïl Directurs of Centive lu titis etio, whicit siotiii-.ig bat lait -stote., Lindsa ýtks, wàr îd to be olnndurÏý(1 bÏý biýltttïù actors, urs ci 4 mile . it)witig tu ttit: si Y. Cottoris, Scotc-h and Ca*hadian.Twoodoý 40. - - - b!itl(le",t 101;)-, Should p'reveilL, faraiers frol-11 li-àrer,-quari we and this Company, I*tttid'yiemarday, Mr. Capreol 0 at'wtllou lots £ iLn excellent sitock. . As théirtertns aie. cash and Adatn is tu be the mouihp' foi iov.ilig,.-Montrùiil Tfade àNi) -Our egteerned foilow- ý -ètgoe, public opinion willd with- --unaittmôasly élected Président, anj Mr. dview. boa Direct ore aie A K40 . -UL)VEI) the tliý-:L.uce frani Carr1àj1iýhaSe to Askeà Dr. Matiîts, intendà ý I«ving they are enabled to offieugréat bargains. S" ôut mugh colsideratiôn. les ut not rek eter, ýF, H.; Medcalf,, Military,-School, Caiiàs iii rrnýat Lapiarie: in' ' trio l' 'et;" d' autumn fur Etigland, whetre h A LL)VER OF FAIR ]PLAYÇ,, A le Iiie- C. hyard until halif-Past two. 1 ]k -Feigùwn, M.- P. P. ; T. 1 D -wriies to our conteraporary in lachrywise incir é-oacheà vrere tttt;à of Sit Aub ran amen a àm-m-Wë Lindsay A.S. Smith ëUmplAint of under the 'guiàti; of te take'a buûôn Sept. e' 7th MýConteïi M P.P. i, . , M.P.P., lyzw HARDWARJ: legTAibLignut DttVt»re, 4arL, Mt. S. Fi.; Po Verte, Capt oituge of Surgoons. ."» will féal gram Pl Thomas Giraliatne, deputy reevei.Vaàihan ýtr military u.ecemity.>, Poor fellow, rie was Williant De Vere, Lrd Moitteagle, atid W@ MY it Ji. and Henry Fôwier* and JP. C. Cap-eoi. the 'ùnable'to soute à un the steainer lion. Rubert: 1 4wre flum hure with the be* Bertiant, tormetly,-of Ptittirborol te our num- Ji it-- ait il l'r NoIr TQ BE in Hamilton #Iuwn and arriv 1 irig . ai. the làüSt be considered tbë- c"st randerfol- wedi- wylei,ôf bfe&@M. C cqjýwortb à Sykes. fýr ý fie aumamo friand& là tow* artil erous ra"MOI - On arrivat ai the W& speak adviseilly whon oh, il it, is cam ly without rouiidý thé co P) %Vas Cunvýyed lu. the boty of tite clau, Cino art? dimieortred, (or Ibo radical cure-, ail. boring4he ridges, was ampt an the. u rters, were te lit à ru We OaY thst Ut, B«tram iiiii-be. an aoqÙi4i- rbe-umatie wýmplaýnti4 eouglis, w1ils, apraIDO. id that the work à te be; Promde, *il -ftitititure, ait the chivalry wetg«eveli obli- We speïk of the Ca»dtïatk Pain where.a wreath of IiUW.ttrs wàà placed -ul fion ta our puahin'«. Mercantile bruiseois &e. ged to &Jeep on straw and prépare iheir.ow-a wje--jýh@ batit baimgint ta .- ý colémuni.ty$ thé iid, and the barial service rent by_ Deîtro fieds. Ah) liitieýdoes the' outside, w,)Oit Rov E. Evecit, in tho abstii.ce frein hvtiji 'Yer; il net M1Y remored 841 pile in 0 know, of the hardships and privatioi tri of fhe, announ,,,,,,dy but oireé4 permauctiticues Sold bjy L es or *u bur- sud tm4t ha' 841 é 1 . "M Sý;.4: roîýciLý_Bry ýtb*« mudu 1 le ;ictùr, the Rèv. Mr. At ày üw lail inm.o W a quart« cites apenins ef a large MSk ëf ail *,Uiiine DeMers, ýw1dîer"s life, and maay an iknxiou-à ittamma4, 1 jeci:le losie théir voit*, a.t tb»«. by colà, -the Conclusion &ho Wy was'.Iakeii -tu tilt gra «Are in tbe premifts mrqër.11 «OuPié,fd:,by K boy of fiCtee uïoîdë U.tiýg ind voice la ofSn parti&Uy dêstreyed. an the réception of tfrie intehigèn Js yard id depossied, iu the family vault, 4»p le ke., du»lod. n latal.ýy emmiýttid a ce, wili be JUr OSoil lioiàptli Bloot fý« et Kaint.êt in London, beuuàe the »rvant-mitid tSk told, eàugh, h"rmatu, or suie Ihrown irita a flutter of gWituitude fur the fgU ýt ai .. ïMed by dpuks blown (mm %j te -4ust resti Theý W'Lttdùw Shut .'away hi* eaudie whâs ho m-as readinig Piok- the", fW et gryan's Puliqjàit Waféri. , ifhor.ýdarli.t chilid,%ýhn'eveti al tfta rftuî,-'-- een,- op la.ail t'te Ili «W pfflaiiàg en 1W DONIT w0têt thé Lîod ick ýp*Ztss- Mi. Di kette ish(mg iglam- Sold t;y Tbiikea iii:ad g»*wIèý.k Grepry. be vergin, oh t-4o attack of, an W in hi& »xtle m wu folly iii urod. Ou A