TOWY<8U1P 0F' 0P~ LaL Cou. Tsars taxes Acre.. '58 accrue,! '59, '60 '61 '62 '63 '64. ,,the. 31st day MF * e ~~QWNIJP 0W - r. I 2- 200 ~. 1-2 l 0 W.1- W 610 j. 7 1~ r. X Pt. li ILT tifflitlti « 0 12a 107 17 14 F. 1-2 V. 1-2 the bfa W. pt. e 'Ore. 20 20 80 20 58'5.t 4 4 <. I 4 -4 s '4 * 't -1 4 4 4. f s' s 't 4 .*~' 4. I t g' -4 4 4 .4 4 4; 4' 'E I £ 4~ * <-"-g g q * 4 4 .4 .4. 4 s.- 4 4. '4 I 4'. j. 4 4 '4- 'g' 4' '4 4 4'* t e t 0F'ELXN 4 4 4-' 4 4 4 4 4 ( à 4 4 '4 4 ' 4 ~4 I g' 4 4 4 1.4.' ed laid's. i th e agy h. sam. sfme I ÂmeAdm '36.83. '74 047 111.01 6.21 26.96 16.53 5L87 SOUTII 0F P0I~TÂGE I~0», Il~LD0N~ 4 t 4 I 51 01 ne 69, 4 4 'c 4 44 4 4 4 .* ' c' .4 '.4 4 .4 c 4 4 4 t 4 4 t. g t *. 4 I 40.82 25.82 Ç0wNBIII~ QF ~~IMXL1r~ 4 La advics'Lflm is çor- _ $5.' - 95-tf. it Notice. 1865 inafy on 'iue!uays,'i'xuri- ays st 9.15, calliig i ,enelon .Falls. t.ay.ý Peterboro esc.h mornig 17y. -ticularo as to Frelght, &c., JAS. WA'LLIS IVE» M.UFAIX R S'AL E. BEP cTffrm for' Sale Lot No.'9H ýF'MýARA, CO. ONTARIO itreof ca goot! settlement, and. thin ' miles of. Rp rOUChe 1)y 990d Ras atd th@. n the prernises, bot River, Mare.' 250tf.. & Londa of theUicComrpa.ny, 1,0. ' Prnf relc'ivod by tllis CentJ. tht y~r 86exceed tboqe of Ancy iii Great iritain b>' £2.01000 'o 0N4't t.c-rilptioflof proI*ity- îloz'.vetre4ufrtiv'ae. dimnmeia.'-( Iv pM JMS11?BAP, e;it nîfor Lindstiy a NII? Ba 'iiW l. llait ('f Lot N.i:in the IStb f Mar-ipos, rcctainiing 100 acres, 6ýt ()acres ;are. 'destl d d'un- ont. îiti wClI'ffnneel bs a goot] ,a Frai" I )Wdilitg 1olins, and a and ýStbî hrreon; tbese i3 al- ~urr.v t a.irzwater on tLc lot. 'gm ttîîzr g[t-ster part of tic putIe or prtriculars and- to, ~o th~pran~tu thtle Proprietor, Llndsay Zid cýf MA y , ti Pterboro' îh t....... 2.15. at ......... 4'r.5 a .tS.... ... ... in ~ý.504. SE14: 14 19 j,' 20 14: 21-- u18 25 . 4 50 750 8 100 -9 ý21 9 200 14> 10 4 g 4 4 e t 4 4' 4 c g 4. 4. 24.53 4 .4. I. 11.46 2 1.'8 4. g -,11.36 T0wN~mP 0F FENF~LQN 175 * 4 4 4 W. 1-2 'W.1-2 W. 1-2 W. 4-2 Pt. W. 1-2 L. 1-2 'E I. 1-4 W. 1-2 W.Pt. s.Pt. 17' 25 '7 21 .27. -70' 100 100 100, 1706 100 FFN~EL0N S. of NnIst. "E1-2 4 N.ôf Louisa st N.1-2 a N. of Francia St-, ,Bk. A., W. 1-Q ý5. 4 4 4 ,4 g g 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4. .4 t t 4- g s 4 t 4 g c & 4-. 4 t t 4 E, 4 '4 g g .4. c 4 i £ 4 t 4 .4 39.47' 9.17: 5 14t87 4 2&21 26.29 18.11 c28.4 9 7 . 7.70 10. 9.' 25. 4. 19. .4 4 4 g TOWN' 0F LINDSA.Y.-N0II~ WAIID. 'Street. o P*el St., S'oth aid . . pt. 20 N Iorth ide, W. Pt. 211 Weuington St-, Sont)' ide 9 'Do d 1 DO 13 Do do 16 BonndeSt south »IdIO,., -1-2 - 3 racètN.* aide'1 Bob. div. of Parkaf 8 atkd 9, W.,of Adeaid $tgsd -N. of Kant St., 4 A. l Do Wat f  delaidé St., 4 moe Property,Boc Do BolI r no BlockitT Do 2 44f. froiit ' 4 4. 4 1.2 -ei2. 1-2 2 i1-26 2 an'd 1-06 2 and 1-01 4' -'4 4- 4 - f g' Aint. $53 5 15 8 80 81 211 10 h E 2 'j E 9 E S OUTIl WÂ~> sui). Piv.rkB B. of ÀA>àaid1i t. 8Pt. 3 Do W. .fBay tI Do 'E. ofBay Bt. 3 G I Do W ofAlbart St. 2 Div. W.vkC. -' K. ôf Af1~t8t., N. pt.3 8. Pt. 3 4 5 6 7 Do W.ofDAIOB4. S -4 5 6 'r Bah. Div. cf Park (1 E. cf Dale St, S 4 5.. 6 -7 Do. Vol U.4uIf~ B*.1 I 8- 4 8 t 'e '2 L t.Ario. 26f. fioDý 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1.4 1-4 .1-4 14 ;-4' 1-4 1-4 14 1-4 1- 4 Year t4 164accied.'6 '4 .4 t I.. 4 I * g. 4 '4 'I C 4 4 I * .4 I 4. ' 4 ...~t I t g 4 j' t'*t 4 * t * .4 * I. - 4 4 * f .4 -4 I 4 I I I 4 4 t 4 I t I 4 4 * 4 4 i 4. 4 '.4 g '4 4 -.4 - 6. e--c S z-t - t I' t 4 g .4 t c 4 I. 4 .4' 4- 4 4 1~ £ I 12 28 63 0S 53 due... .24 .54 .98 .86 .99 .40 .z0 .13 .118 .85 1.23 .23 L4î '.84 .83 !.55 r.32 &ut. 6.38 27.1 82 28.69 4 ' 26.2 lui~.7 Do.~ ~5.1. £ 4 S g"." ~4' £ 4 .~ 'i 4 1' ..q'.4 g., '4 4 ~. 1,~A Pts. LV$~1o' IL Pt 28 1 W.J1 l 12W-4 2 -4 Epi7,13f. front' Pt.. 1-4 ' 12 1-4 1-4 1 - 4 Lindey st. . E. ide 2 10t»' front- N. Pi.t . noit N. of 10f. Mil St., Weet ide. S 1-4 9 14 St.Lroneet. W. -aide 8 1-4 .9 14 SimpesS14, W. side4 F.aid., Kin-St.,W. of U.p-o' S.SadI 'l 20 21 23 2 ig t. N. aide 28 13 36 44 425 2 8 lààdm St, . aid ýE . aid e st., ral :814 E.'oie P45 LidaySt. . ee. ide Il f SJeest. W.' bide Pk. 12 E£. aide 2 LoteSt. W. bide 'k Lgedo -o 7 dodo 12 do. .ide 1 do do -14 do do .15 tuéseeli St. E., N. biffe 4 GIeeIgSt.E.,N. idi 7 .Si.Div. Pixk P. S. of Lindbay St-.3 W. f Dake St. E. cf Duke St. i 4. W_ of Wolfe Sv' .3 Suib. div.-of 'ark G. 'B. of Wolfe St. I W. osiofl St .4 :E.of Sioux s. -W.ofSýli*« St * y Park ]qýt. i Park., Su . div. Y PR Sob. div#. Park H 1 Sub. bl.ock. 11 1-4 1-4 1-4. 1-4 1-6- 1-6 1-8 1-4 14., 1-41 1.4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1.4 1-4, 1-4 1-4 1-i 1-4 14 1-4 1.5 Les à.1- 3.0.0 à..0 Co..Acres. 2.2.00 3.3.00 1-4 1-4 1-' 1.4 1à-4 1.4 1-4 1-4 1-4 14. 1-4 1-4 1-2 0.0.36 14 t'-.. * < I * s 4 * 4 4 1'1 4" g 4 4 * .4 4 * 44 i c 4 4 4 4 f I 4 4 ' I 4 t t 4 4. £ I * 4 4 t t I 4 .4 4 q. 44 li~ 160,'610 50, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 E 4 I. 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 I I * 4 4 4 4 4 I * £ 4 4.' 4 4 .4 4 4 4 'c 4 I 4. 4. 4 .4 . 4 $ I t I '61, '6 q. 4 4 4 4 - 4 ' 4 4 I 4 . c C c 4 4 Year. ta 59, 60~ t 4' 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 C 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 4 £ 4 8 * ' 881 -6< 8.01 7A 1.5 4.90 i G, DiCç 61, t c 4 4 4 4 4 4 C'2, 63, 64. 4' £ 4 4 4 4 4. * 4 4 c 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ~ 4 '4 4 4 t t 4 4 4 I 4 ' 4 4* 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 .4 4 4 t 4 4 4 '4 4.4 4 4 g t 4 4 s 4 4.4 4 4 4 4 4 ,. e , e e e e. e TOWNSIIP FUT.ÂI.'XO SA Coin. 12 ted. froua K. E. go,. cf Lut 15 lu Bih ue. QAKWOD W8~ Ast F £N STREET'. "16 1-7 ' 24.. 17.51 Il 15 6903, 107 1V.5 M. IL tm.ut.1- Of B1-2 14, sO 26 26- 22 22 .3 6 .7 .7 S 9 9 10 10 10 "4 5 '57 40 60 100 20 100' 100 65 100 'ei taxe '5, 6016 acerie '6 '63;64 c -' 4 c r T0WN~IIIP 0F SOMFItVJ LL.V~. 107 4 I !ront rang 107 107 109 137 118 24 200 4 c ~ 4 ' 4 c c 4 ~ t 4 t 4 Arn!. 98If 11.26 26 TOWNSIIIP 0V 'VFU1 TLAA~X. 200 4. c 41) 4 c 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 ,N.E.4 140 1 Cif 100 c ~ c c I t .4 - r., ' 4 s C ' ' c .~ t,- 't 'j s!.', Pris j e i±.tzj NEIL .NcVJUGAU, ~Shui //' et the Co. Iuifùria 7m.7. ' £ ' t7.57 ý 3,02 < 4 24.44, 4 ' ' ,9.09 00.46 6.47 Bn 414. 17' E 3.47.1i 3.62-E. q. 4 ' ~ î.îi . 2.18 -V .4 4 .4 E ' ' 2.07' 1.7-1.78 >'3,'4.1,8A '2.1 39.62 M6 00.41 4.43 4.09 3.-27 1.85 6.17- 4 -64 4 9.4 1;89 2.18 ~' ' ~ 147 4 . 152,7 mken . & TNadd the foli Of~ tht or prnv. serCtot We weve t1ue irzt to inrot-u- ,-21- teeI' '.~..' ,z fr. ùM 50 cents tt, $54 casch. Our A. m. N- - Le t"t - the reputtatior. of heing - ,'riar h7in te durability to a41543 oters. Ti'eý t.x l Fc t'c * i' ' it z z. t mail, (nec, on r-ci)t. of ~r't.T Iz -. .'t..r ~:la'1 FinieAlbum@ al&lic csotIi #e1, M'. C- S - -O 0T . .i, 1. IzSo -i Our cfaltahgrC' niw rnzr~ '~'zJt~z~~t.~ .. tient AmeriCans.,,v. 1<0 Mu-ne~'-, 244:>1n . Offic.ýrs,75 '-Savy Qflc..r"-z '"- u1090 Coieý of Woir:t ci art ,ne D.zc z ictar-s ; um o: t ti)ý i ti 0t- ' ' - 1'It'ogratîhers and C11r~-e r.z. s. 0.. D. wilI l C4s, i 'z4i-c 1it , E; . ,t -et1 z t t * the anîulnt wth their (tril'- n .Tý al q ti !ur. .zv.,fP -DNIor %VFce-.f'lfc, zYn U -lý! C'it SCO 44z 'I'l"z4 tt ":1g z1 qziqrut~ t 7' TLe couzrs., fiarrd tUreîB- ".~rî.,Iii flil i, -nL- ns'1 Phaopogra ,. SL Tef 7rlttr-,-o and '1 -i.'? P.DA Y, LIýrctcr u it-> - z- .' mercial t'-rresrtondŽu à ttztI * -l . iless c-sto'n- Mr. R. Sv,4vAý~ .A.,!az'rtr.i Telegrapli Com-pa )îV's tl'.Tz'n4tz"r tor in Tc1.4'graphiy. Mr. W. B.Tà,ýrn. , lzmzIrrcittr In jt,~ graphy, - z z t.- '~ z-rt . i. *.*., -' z' z' - .. z 1'- - . 8. 17 the fAowie lgeleîtu 'ti1 . zl-, Alex. Murray, E-t1*c il.U,'4~"' . 'r y 8.60 A. R. Nte:aste',14 ~ - re~~Ui 1.6. George siichIe à czt.. 'rvth4&-0l r 10.76 - Bar ljniversity; . 1L'so 14j'îczm " . . -" :K -W 1 76 Nv.Fitb, Esq1 of I-Izwlan4d 5 uc" i ~04 - 'q.Barristar, [C..jorîsoz0' ' '~ 143 Btichannn, M%. P.P z Il. Jrtz'uz, .:.u (f' 'L4, U1' c( 8.73 Dr. Grcqýn, Xellmigttz, u nar' h.,zt * ~ - z r ý z .., 1*1 -County itoard of plblîe insttctzi,' . L-;a- . z' - 10 91 For tr 1rtâ(isîSrost-paxd (eneIwsb - -tr,-..~ '1z,' I10.7U6 3.32 280 r oco" .'~od'.!7Z/ni VIOl1NLL & UO2i'~Lr 5.98 sSinooe and, Couchichin-.~r-r t " 258__t4___z>v-i- 4 ' . 113'l75IIE Steaeer EIIL .1'laeIti 7k2 wart every ligvfui day ontirearr.' '1zt EXTRACT TEETH. WîT4Mf21ISfIJ ýý 600. tbe Mai Trai fronu Torîinî,ît: rd cazlis t .i" _ 6.0 faverton cvery IMonday, Wdj. rltand FI>-, R", - lt day, at 3 o'clock, p.m., and ex-r i'Obc 'ri-. Mîri:1» i Tbursday, and> Satnrda;- al 12 i o ch-, i M-14ozfor .-t-zz z- returuitgto Bell Ewartin t"ti m t Igi'i jw it ! t'. r ix ý rl . flt ?It 854-the errenit-Dg lt- Tu Aor 14-- 26.85 The .F!tai1 l y ea 11,4 dttl' t "t1J'. :tz s h A ý" - R '. 9. 6 Point,, A lberly, O rillinatîit olh,ri '.e, X : . ~ '~ Wh' re as euaually >stops.. r .!, * s'.z~tn. t,- z ,7,ý 3.63 gers cotake thié steatter inn., t. r the M rk>. Kmrgî~! 4* a ., lu -- - - 3.63 ka settlemen t, and tteSev'r.zhivxer. tlni' "CL. Faremoderate. Mealt.s andi reishments on 363 U s5th, 1965.- 296 r;ct z1ztr-.,.jrri;z -4 &WNEY &TO LOAN -r--- ' 1oe - *.71 AT'S PEU nNElT. Lrom ,~t ,iî g ttSeit z t ' R particalars ap'oly tu t) - ,. t»ý\î iCo v, Fo G. J. Wei 1 1 . e. ~N~Ifton5< LêS i SeLiiorz Inds av. Se,% z . -1th, 1864. r Offitre, Lindsay,?.T.uly V15, In tficturers of Phologroipie..c.'AIr: 50oj BROAD)WAY, N. v.. dition t4) mir nsi tsnr 4iz.t !zhir .Mccn.>,we fare 1z~~t. r Posc O88 md S(ereoscry - r'w ese wtc have an imll4.uset, "zr" i td T.n;ae.(cIzslv 4Aho, F'.<uvirg 3te'.4z1L.zz. ýo aiiy aidress &rec,,t< FALL~ VItJ.~ÀGE. 1. t' t j I J i -t -i ý Do, XS , L U iff et ' ie C é - s î(,il 1,..4,J1ýNj j, .1 - .- j' t tt z.e- re d 1 ý ý ---