- - ~ - amatjl, ast nd uattO- Pm Oinalbut b v hi itn smto Cemand c.. t Oui Do-'u-à. MW0 %710-t 0 oiIty 0! k at "dsur- Isnb-at icued be - Ll~- u.I ..a£...i. r.A. IaU-ruuiawmwv.sa nu as.nelm a.a. lDue *u mn 297.îf. e d la tIrsts style, id-iters ig llt d eev.ry Couvenl- -~ s- s-jente Wiu i.s Uumn -d (gars of lte beit has opened a a be IAn ettntive ÔtIpr alwats lhi attendance. lni àit!Otl@ i As Lludsye Ueo. 16, 18,64. -2294tf ice AlbetOffie- BIR C ti1 lgmka YEa i Mvr3I. II7uden's (LAT£NQT *~CN * Office. - WLY NS'EJPR HO . RRrSWRB, ATN 8ME T, PRI HPIE, *solicitors la chan" W R Coluodaion ur tmvélir andtsepubIiç, wu xr , greuaeally. lJnder preent nlànagement n i~S.WQR'B, etrîs vill be. parcd Ihat vil!:cOndacé e ethe colnfortof grieàtâ .Ant'i&eyft-taW _U 3The liest of Liquors aniCgr- ce.-1(eesa n'a Brick 247-1r.; -.114-ft ýsterm andi At. la Chsanery, C. &o., Lisi-' ainiihlS neiv IJEA VRMTN. Viit ohalicruber begi lu annuo thi I ha m leassedth le aboyée hoteu, viticit hat been furnli- oui as-ad itteal rp tht-oughotIn the best ofttayle None huti the chiciet Llqrofa sund Cigars ivitl lis kt-pttu t liîe bai,an4 hais al i uîih ed wihu ili e délaie -of lis-eseasun. 17-?' QarotOl andi obliÈiuz s- .tieles ahurnys ipt -iIj an-dWMercantile Inâtirnrie hon -Ms-ie Ier, se lu Ilse lit-Is ant Mrcsof il îmou'emsce- çTt-: L- 'S H f.>- ,tre bds. KIW.Talos-WiliUîl sStrtet, - -JOliS V ioProur. - Le I-l-' initig rttm,.-Ait or- fIl"V 1 X C leaselthe above Weil-kusotvmn cena- s-prywp-î4 fitiit, andis-a gus-d tIanl lot-el for-aitern ut zYÈanut5andi liai'- .-'...---...~-4- sis-te plias rtu icnnlie glatithi a-vv us--cali ><Es- ftga. Den frns-Ltlle trixVrlling -public. TVie laritnî iti. ual-d'd 4s<ntk. G u'- d nitlu lire(bs-at wis-îea, liqrmtidncmsso ignîts: y Uo4s ïts-aneal PIes-st>'of ute 1-! uae- i an oisciuimaurslintsgitnt. * - - 290 dils--r h isrgeot fgoti Hostrsa 78s- Civil Errgt .îLnus4 ?s-,-u4s-icêl UJIGCKEII'I" IOT7] L, VCjl~ Rs-Ss-s-l ~t0tt -(LATIETsLA TS-.'r) mdZî~aw-n-tîa '.vvind y e Ce Li .êbure kIug SIrb0fet ule 1 w --isrd tUns - Ëali- , Ils-s-s- é t ls yelg b--s i sis- leu s-p- Su-i utm ia U uicery id Ius- ue-ri l ~r-uue' trsss ia-uu>sar lch --2 1 - 1 F -4I D tLTfl-E gOIN ,ON Yl 7*11",t-4lf-Wn,- 308-tf s-is-fats-~ llrnras-as-is-A ut Tniti- 'feins--ber of bine- l'ias-tau- sideunt-in rit Mr..hinttIuuus-sî 1aîs, t 1o Ic l-1t-s s-s-,cry atuslaiosher Las-id Mmhta,y I-nrts-Lr; fL cirs-u-Mes-sar tt - it--tc AJtmsut oas-f Siret h IT..5ss-sêhss-an t il l lul os-v-cil j t'ait-i alesi s-mes s- s-.s-s-s.s- t (,.~JtlPppostee ,&-et, Keut Strcét, Llul- î1oehc i ýqro ta a . dake ul G etr- meîîts*lu4hl.atC3t àstyle et id at ver), îasunaiili! HENRY HUGHES, j ~ IONER, Jaiîd, jKent. Strect, Lindsay, lL-orderï le* at thé, îiiec <,f thé aair l'es ttîUreuve zuuPl au£.ntion. -CAMBRAY, C.W. las irspea-u d Iltotel lu Cioa 7ynayiîehy s-accu- Iiieti L'-y in. Mculh ; atnd ami fae iss iatl it .ftir- tmrglitêd nla Sttyhe, viaitona %vill.ititi cvmr - aa- velilanuce. IWiie.;,. 1iquons a t iginra s-t(f lte bMst spaccly. &u atenlive vhuIier -alwatys ini ruW If W. DAVIS, -Prcérieton.ý CAisssbra, Sepît. 18G5. 1- i~j AIES WIN-ERS, lIocse lSigra ainti Orna- mentl Iolainiiter, i* l ,âisninhtrpor langeî, 25ri-nd l lite-wAisher. Ahi orderd.s-is tulîy ilîrd 25trf nmose-ate teri.'Sito;1) on Williamtres-n. luiLindsa-y, (11h Apnil, 1a35 29u- fuly Ï rM10N E Y 'TO LOAN - -- --AT £1011? PEU CEUT. ~oveliej 184. 72-t PPuY G.0. DORMERI -- -7-'APP4Ytodoicito;, &c.ý IC1WLand Ageit;absuiwi)er Liaidsay, Selpt, 22, 1863 the Caîiida 4J'iimp&tiy for the. orî., Mitario anad IDurham,. XXM. IIAtRIUS,_ T&iLCKWitiai Street,l oo4ea f tho cuuîîîli uild- W Lindsa.y. MIjit&ry -Uîirforins, tiergy. mens', College and Dmî'eung Gwnà and Smo-- -. king Caps made up to-order. SON, TÂîu>a, -W1us.s«1 Gothinig cleaned itud ttrred. Orders res- ïD Y, thanul f tur the liberal efîffu ictldg natisfa-ctlon gàarànteedi. reL-~ hù ft l. ast14 Lidsay, J9 1, 1865. 30 114f we hm tt r -te t14 ty te às i haay LuQHO 4.II-ST TL, andi Lt Mou-- 239d-U Crobe Brady1 tIAVING - fnted . IAOis -duoirons of *IIN Ph>-sician,, Surgeon J. takUng pýuPils it ber residence, Rlussel 1file cottage. hoCk ufthe D:7»-Tertna.xtde knQwn on appicéation. ;h~ Welingtu St~Lindsy, May 3, 1865. 2bl fl4IyCHALLINGE AXER~ ACHALIEXGto:any a inthe Con&yý 1 laif mile 'luIa. mile, fur th .of Sàut ~O 1$100, lete tsSOrtitoeOlf COFFINS at onany ground iM. Upuwithin une xnoÊth. 1 Çaiibiidge sr , id am the IoChampion rîrnner ofstaitordshirt, Eng- ýe larkee t ar I and, who never deeaed ieurte, iaad trusts by mn<demîêtwa ut tt(entton Loi merit a& aesof!TUO À BAGqAL, 24 LotO63 Côn. _____________________ iOpa, 30141 A4ust, 1865. L3t tANI >RSON.j TA f4 MWOÜI,@(hop opposite Mr ..4 W U V4 _W RLi~ 4d .iore,> lhajskfui fur the libe.- uteweé on. im ~for ui pasft JBT neceiv.d ai the Medical, Hall a freih: thth diia 011 M»uu peça ~to apply eof CQal 0(li at -45 cen4s Pe'gallon. inAWwden'rwith Whi~eaj . . W ,~I38L ~~~~~~~ ISI4tl a4wh. ~La d. enL2.18 i a. s -. 7 ~8~ lift.J led by tê8 -Oc ütreo kJLG4M BELLSi re hf etezy hurcê, FactorY, or Parm in hmbtoot thet tuitd »Pa&t tainehie qitas-li 1O)ij, &?aaCSGe'; sexes- 0 VMIBsAew, unequal- toure. --8iaeefrei15 P oud, ao bi obc 9framuths. 04hl 'bwI4WOtu La fPriu Far ns àôt --crank andIé 11*1 15 Iis 250 àgAa;ar4Sies ýof e forue. Cost of Bell anad ll*ta co-idete iêlss $75 .-à00 18 -75 -- 1500e 50 00 Ad 5 dt vutrca-mu.. ttaparuiauar ait 46 M Io. 15'n $66 0 $'15 01$Il0 25 l 34 112- u'Où,$25 00,$17 00 3 G 150 0S 0 .30 Oi. 180 0 no0 40 -188 00 35001-220 1000 46' 250 0- 4200 Où20 1200 46 31000- 3-4O 1400() 50 35<0 0 "0 00 400 00 15co 5 2 400 00 84 -06i.454 oë 1800 .5 4500o 60 00, 51000 2C4>Q 58 Mo500 S 63 .O4)5600 25 » 0-GO 625 t10ý 72:t10f) 697-00 3000- -s-r0 -750 0f)ý - 83O01$33500- 35)0 16t; 875 00, 87 f11962 aso - 4»0) li'a 1(»îO -Ion0,0! 100Voo --00oo 7 -1123) OCIfl113 où'!1238VOo -00 i 13590>l lia o00J1375VOo Lisrgar-.~'c«maarJtuo r4ep, alt,3ris. Cponrspurtnî. CU.tASTÙÉ,-Al ICIL 8e1l a t athec aubine îs-rie-3 a-- urncail.atagruinsibra-aît'li ait' rnotiing, for 1-cwt&t 0011hs froa- il of purmoîn chaausing. .Shdo -neé fait, a s-tenu'bell nijl be gi--n b>'retrmrni gt h.br k-en une- Ondlers nuay lie sents.thtcsgl-the Ailsltlcqxn ADYSv.aIUe-é s»Cy, 3819 Bro*day',New Lun case a B1ell bt-cufn-ter ilse cnqr-iioîans-f tia W ts r r a n l c e , Y 1s -i l w u i f p f - s f o r tl e e a JOLI .L tOM-iIs 311-' -- -3u Bn'>'Stre'et, N'. Y, Aeuardmd Finit Pr'ize et the, Ag'riemsuùuu-aI le. K. TIRAN08 1 E(C1W trinus-fit-amlis-utied ausolthae l>tiJir I. ls-t-fs--r'tht- puraspose s-sf etuidhs-litfsih louxceuute, hai-Ils-aniuoat perfiet mnainetr,ilt or- alers s'lti -s-'iith lie ie-Ly le fav-ored-lan11as-uZ nsade bimsecf tlcarotighIY i qunutotl sm isl-lI the lis-le ipjitn-ieutelhi his at it s-ttI lia- ltic Itolls(,4 israsduse se h re d in a i.clus greut eaeehluucee-sas-sy dte 'ta ieu;îsroybiuce. Tite Gai lhery le î sacios-ii nd f-s uss-at i'us-ntes- iii regai-I lliglit, mtiIis, ptoas-iiaser] > jatLg- tas Leê reins-rrkily iweladsîled fonlpr tcsa- ULP t'usilivaniy nupicstanesiwilhl e lt 'OuI fil hh-c ishryîll -jiait fun. 1vt'e lu nas-i-u-lly sippty NMe. FnrnasneUilli îIls-he vures-t atid.bcat ciienitrars-thiat l usas-. iea-uiuî-t atat i b-ieve hlit le le tiircuîghly-açqîrainhcd witla hi. -beauhifu- arts-.» - K No WLSO N&(itUOt. il~'ave lncui h peaussue inucentify-ig-îluMu-. i'rsuiciW4 abinutinl regard ho alà- eiasg abule ta. msakoe good Fitga~sla "The pie-tu.rea taken hy NMr. Pranei s, pf Lînd- My, are as Rgood as 1 have seen froxum any <> 0 Mma. MeIR}NKLL>Y 1I èOusider the pliotographliw uf Ur. raiicis as gond aMid as trite as any f rv ever secen in England, aud fi ave seen cae uf the,inest. -JAMI;s h.m"IR", Lindsay, April 7tb> 1865. 9 .The suhscriberdsfres to infur.m, LWtsfriends and, the p)Ublic that hae 'Cntinues te keep the best hoQr".i, neittest andni ott confoýrt4-ble carriages -and ýbuggl.s, conitantly op, baud for hire. Tera *u ei.Lm#iNouerai.. ]Pà,mily Groceries, &. Ar C~S ADWL BAKERY, -iONFECTION ERY, Sweetrneata, Fr"uits, 1j Teas, Coffées, Choice TobIIcjos, swl Fa ney Pilles.- Cigprà ofthe1boast is*4. Lindsay,20th October, IU4, 'FuntuÉeWarehue DOWA ,. w ih gAIriesa I The auberiiber bepsta intprm the i4aba bitants of Lindsay And zurroundiali countàrY. that lie bas iately opeae06ut arg an~d vaneed stock et Chairs, l.d St*p4s, Burgaus, DreWoag and, other. stands> Looklag (dijss, &C.,411 of wbichh o w1i1 81oei ucih Iower raies thàn- have hec4trbff ed In inldsay, Chan &»dNot" tMi &ir CIotk. tZl'- ubifId Fuib*. Jobbloiat àn- reive pruimpt attento. WU. WvflTE,. ~ bOfoW4Ir4O Mce LETITcUo n 8SUR on the. towret ifoodth ie Vate, À- black ye W mued the. taguanî air, I peeretiatlhwart lb.e .àuo page,, s-Ad 88W t Ibe au--014 and býe. A eloet(les dws i uafeeî A band of pains«om y bov "ould. altg ,, hes*Zi ktciéeanth shah met 1 tur et andi hum;q* a bitter *mg, Ad bnwu eet in *mrth aînd wrûn~a1rt .W. met, but orIy.met tcs-rI.ý 8h. iAh-tly smiledl, she ha rdI7 îôved; Isaw with haift eosita y 8h. voe.t -ite autours I afrproved. sw 8-epewedthé . tule ivory cliesn 1 Wlth -half a sigis- slîu lîtruekl the ke- ýThen raiseti lir lseud iits-h ,5coipescî jAnti gave anY-letters brck btse. s-~~~ ~ Âud piel- ninketsas-!the ing, My ~ls. itengifa of miue cos-d plense On is dea d. son, 1 loked on;hee Site tub! me aIll lifrisasde hai sitid -1:i raspd agâiàat lh. public lar; 8h. tleti asqîfif nonlOve vas nieadti But lin iy-verswere setsdguf tire. "1N. inersO evéreyoun exiskun, I1 never s'il! le twiçe s-e ceilved ; leneeèfortlItrst Ithie ns-ru tuIons' The vomans-c-anus-oh lie belieeonl. "Tiroigl as tllrméea ct spawn of lien, (A~nd wunnaî'iander sie ue nsr- Aid pu, w-houmonce 1 loves-Is-o wèý fspoke with lies-un a r udenàat ruIfr! ty .1 ilio uk lier braest wiîl -ruseu hîts Like torrentis frbitt s rtirtittairisoturce,. We ruahueti intu t-aci-h ulîer*s anus.ý n dsireet hic viuhôur ltoc-sssstd bis--' s-Loy liasezri fatîîîetd the behairv uis As hoasneîni,-tnlfroîn tteî'faure-tt h1s-resv. YTsio hery roeinat aîsa-dob suis- i, the "uullatittcUâk-itaiigle-,rongli umber of Ou~r recels-t s-lsiii- (in-e cfthaiir r flu t "-n-, it nr C 1ns nn asmsstdov ls- Tee-ô e.tesoitiair! cf anrrits-ge blis.'> guisiied ti vîsatrs frs-urnthe- -Etsgi, iltariciai d.nner. '£'o rIer-line Nwas ji. bl sar'u - r> si nisqticrs chi-oies, t in enutaI1lasîswhucs-. hilstly wih ixeai-Is fulfaaicyfrbneru iedr fr.01îîr cni d->cU~are k aait nPo( loiiswrly feaa neîuu! th- cntihejrh-~ hU ieiu bs-ery-, ai" s -a ok*'tho -aerauuîers-t psid FIRT "IINGSIN -IITOR~. furaisiuî arernn'utkats-e exatuphe of the seff- %wîcere îliey we-re 1-har-iaî y rcsvX h i- ai-cr- ti s-coa .i(-eîiîrssoss Musee, Ille finsi Ihistlait, i'rs-to abolit t ashe. 'ofSr oro Ptopsuhp teesIdg-neîiîai a-andti lreobscure puarents.~î cr1's-n--t-L' cc-rdn cr BC. 1W. Fron, t rme10 a out cû uiît g îasîshiuiînnbedfics1 Ies ere sosuri seated 1aiounis-]t Î ire s, i: %--o- r. 1 L-' : 'e -a ;heii rus- u tire Ci 40 lt sivjî.1y iti-itedi ns-nIer- cl' ie j -i .1 - ir ,.-îc ns- , 1 he D joc i -ï') rs-i s " n i n ilhe aflernon.. 44Qi the divinei 1tais-early us-e lorhitecelf, and rri.sillas' tte atkti,,s--a ,.îif--a1-r- Ihle ilhe a-.li îI s-soî~ hre i th 'e tp jla Ille so ial seule, iîadoîniah fro nbis seat ilrsîIt~.i li-Oc aTat is-if 'lliet-in was îau eullt-I 1 :!ian t harvtgatne Thie. saieyer r i. h:, c lo asi-Iprs-l-a i-nhas placeti him ci-en, arongiturued %wtin ailr-in ùttherona-n andsathoftsf nctl-.f o reold-i Wl t hi 'e:itameti buo-swad wuîs- ii LUi( ..445), Ils-ss-t i tir Vi, ianaicil Iomirtonce came: ' Xouîist I ntrsa, i-tsold Ps_-rt l v-ued js niad. ~ - ùu ns-ny o. pohaià-aly nm îai iinc-,1ans-ilie ras- duos--ra oanmis- -îuuîr ais"1tîb ýfle-î-tw - tlis coiifuion rose cavali-r i i,ï, flUe 'Orld'ua-iisîe-rianns---viï., by leotsto înnï,eaaub5-ýr c 'i ai'nîb ersntb-elîe-îu and s'auicr.sîur b'a sphers; b -waa matie pubhe. ~~~bos-glito-f 'iibaaty inîLon]s-s-a. Prrnvies- sscîv 'c--i-uo u-ci1'--trIie chu Ûtlkrauw. I1 in' a cIiriQh*lfts -u i--sfi. ti. iyas- 1 'sîîîaîn etrs-,aa jtlhi- TIieýmur ificrati su)lte.ic studeniss rns- IcaI - -sa,-end hWnoîuy, tIe ai e oai h, ad brrât utfential de'un-ten wniaa i îspss-s Sir 3Muyrtoni, s- jusagjnet.. >-s- 1-s~td, whcvii.e ds ate n ît1a-ie '011Y Ouu ur îs-s-i, Sarrah, ivifeuof bra'i assnsins'hu t- lhin sefinii nîai banntoi-a______ - - is distirmchiy îuuhed. Vuiliali'n âge e-e -sru-erepreseaît ihat citV. 'iii s-oai recîroi nitia îLe OU -\'I )t ap i-viot ltalinave busoi a subï-s'tfti lL' -Lfur hiîuembr 0. ie UT.'FiàCr-Z is-N lRit;It-1-r---eŽ- \ -Ss. 5 I li Jir'4haaines eare ai lebre S, ai th e Frs-snaliaîhr iilea-is-bsut nucli n'as tbe.confi-1 Ja1a11 r i csrngr-fu-'ntI c- a -t a st a..oubiac he u-e rou, wosjesi suiakr esn« iiib or iraeatiiiîagof ilseus-i are a!s- q iii thelice tpoealSriIutsatuni pne rmajns lu-v n-u,- rtsntptebîs-dss tsubIlalwn nsî tse s.gS1osr ilhfir lim iuîag linti wontaemai- suilh - lriud-r M-lite ,ciiy Iht hue 'as ' e-il il- - - S-à i -s- 'osia- -xoru e gi-ae u ue h ias-n iIti l.th à 1 Wor a f uie -si b latib n oewcshsun nuj-b. iis-rn11(vrs-gbttr ite rlcr- to acnla otrîîeîai he solrhrr staut, - s-s-i a woîs-!ithvlethth- l' it i y i (sOr f mlail~k ai-i fs t ut na 'iai . ,'71 , aile il lrîs o 1Xrotiil l ssi te Ina tsel -- i jre lis ed. -1l- sn-1 ieas ar- ii-1 - c.î--!,Ir-olJ-t: - n1- à , ' u by-~ nubto i l i o fi-tas dent«b cbci(s-,tu ns- r Ju d neCof ril'tny ianCanas-a.tSirMou s- t - i lit Viulc' t eo nng f sr -rndai s I-ir i-sis fer tele- n'le -ea us , b> -tis ir ca nî,jis-f Je v ~ usicu ni- rsîlanyiisrmtlu i hshioe i-k es-. divji-u grly ue- aai-lit. il-a le noiie sostc- ns sei 'sr îî'olJ i a-îsrns- waas ds-a tas ai hilia' e-us- h ave snîut l- a"1urge( oto f i lermtîtlson h-- 1: Pis-0-4aaen11 -cList-e i p e pldrini -I~i ite s--y illmn ô ai f -hv, iivereasIlle r-ed buh-eui>, c -&b, s os dli -r at Jeb . c-iaIie is-l,-iiton ikugtuosis.r lt'lin;tlii i-lr sicîf-os-, uolnreanon-UitsC sat inl.P e îrn-sais îsolen - s-'u-i-nrîîlu~aitia, -n ti lrg u' t ac'n s -re [u 1nittc oss rm heot :I ; snt l-e- kirn. 4itelrs- i n-ioah:;1 i O so crotii* ed ' ue iut. e- Sti- tun s a scn i. iv nckîwwl cg ae nî ilI u- l i t tt ur b(i-O il55la hhws- i , a -a-,? sî s-tn l b the Y s bcatîîa d t wras pfr!ale-ii e-i 1t -uarli d t-' 1--bolt ale h>01- îia ays-s s-s unt tuus- s- î a is- ba - iib ornu s-a t c i-btcuuu trng -tas-iiws-s-rîd -ti> ti pufiles-as-t ut ils-A s-s-pe u- e nliî js> ,- J I f4 alse- lordsn luýtgo iu l o fed;a nt u ri-euus- --it- ji.;j>a 'r]ai lft nilîucaad.Tir i . bef-n;lde îc !eu ei xs s -t - 0i-l h - t - t-la s- 4,- li,. eOlVEý th t h s *,1 1nl eAI> of thei lsJhrukfa- s-l t uý . 'hc 171 l-s-à a -i'sil--s uiin.;C s-ii. e Y1t w ia llae tret sacrificy te ( .t n t1Xu!aîrsiaainly iaag n'-r-- - y rniui ic a ti u deî-ent ; aa f okas- -u ti'i i fuin-aesnsIr- htst i**ISiiif e atj- %Veoîl lu h, be i'swo- as ar os-s-Ied t it i a,1c S-or-tice iu t* *,tthie a:ai n-Ires- i tslss it n. [cuIlinian tens idej s du't creJ t i - i,,1%il i lt ýyo% a l n- s d lt- tirs 'as-ns-rnu it lv A bps-r, dltatçijsi 2hwpral-iu fetrî-îu asmr i Of ruu th aI prc e t oit o f Iuîenenng ml any Is-l.*ut ntas-s-hc elLY s--snsg u ita ia< Lus-i, au un ii. îmsessaa ut ai aî,uîeur-tî rui iillnnrad' i-asy Aieil'-î iteats-ar nia-i ic£-on,-îs-tnoîitbut iîîius-h îucinir-îaV.-îait ns- isli mre cPte. faThe b fert i 0b G ta ue cr-W i ealuiî ngri -euuigiLScou r l ie *im s Ios-rth ,t e r-r er sbut rf riete, e)le it n iif 1 u zi u C is i ", fia-ii~-n piljâtilbcî*a i ill es-t wiîer ciHeius-iowilias- Tn7idlg i ieuss atemuni- ! ysde'oal t t hi:1jy of igues- filutu- e otlaieslack 'iehrî candi 1in , Ie aefClat-nrn1 i e-n.s C ail licr calleti; a ad -4ifso n i ue li.t o crd. o a nirni sCt> if kaii>t à wquiet nîîeIo bu ejîluel Is- -luteas-- leol'k - wý,tnwht hi Laitusn Aiocgarue rta cure, bouti the great aies- w asr-snnnue iihcracuî,rassIlmitt ust i oehp fJnîu ao fu he u s-s-, j nu- i e! u t> nie pet >iiinaof 'flac I pwer fia lotîn ; eulevûe s-the omri oftu lau seizeni îbe Thnein iuîusicai asu -al ]a leaniasutlha ie nstliaIlucrn %Vasr f i oreom byvoguetita lpeis- , tîsae rtui iulsl id'l ina-. u-' a ie à rt a-iela i l ai uc GWIer i ïà pruesîseutoflaati l hveby tni jsue afepil chu. a tral in elne li-Uas-als ro îad pierei-peeiott1.! s-t or us-il'; L , i1'~r lit? ic OX!s--C- îi- LutitteUne i Cia'ofeeins uts- i a je I n e rpî. 'he JaUcr e!o 1a waukeue* iii->ted ase u ch~asadr oîosq ae ra i -lmns-c rîtou î-il- hbr-,lt oIsts-i w'u Gek Ts irodulirujoruWotk'e.o bedlamvinu take Le âto e fli bTaihé wakfoueAus-t SVJairwait itut grsii rt os-'-h-ves-r oîitrm-sefltaniIeas lsIi Pro is e , fw o %ve . a 1t #t H er 1x-, )y I iil h o nîig ap!ou ef ra ou i i fu in er i î u -re sd o an. r t a o h t a n t n î ht t n s i e ;r î ; as J ws c uc ind t e a -lu dwthl lu ents, anud ult ueis-as a, mort.h e$' l-iltuag olkeni asn clet u iu ofiu ed tiijzatj-on.ouwu.gai- u uasnfs:u lna upst lie rstbu-en i e ,et 'sacrilkeptshaep; ut Jaal mis-c brve inuf ali ie îu-d (1ewteltns--as pased of 1Paper, Lot iifr uetibt fraus llo in - ul -n-it ame.A ii, tacodaacbaioe i.ss Il1rnduoeiie ,vem u ie eaitui rtierrsdentns s- teseoadoÇrriuftdbthliaait:y.se-e sh- uevh1g ita hedrvr asiti. CCOf satul., ~~~~~ ~ ~ aiosa andoIs los-t a-s-j0s-1 fjlglMJf uigi ih eeîtd mri'ee'Il-luas;-sr fera 'l'iai, a .I br n r thbi e %o-td as îtu it- ag d en auan luswi hy uS re pei bkirn, ilwtîhb ne ss. T-ïy m'îngis-i-ca-p. W -idiv .'a atiiiii-bHu- catppid wut u re inhie;ftal use nu s -bîit r auIce av fos-; hrlt-s ateti- h,s- i- iny -rui e i u k cdsy tte alirualsr ha s ha dçl u -F o er 1aus-ian-iid o m n-esq ar o ppwle tt" is-ni t uer an. (en. iv, 't1é) Fajun JUee cliasrta, r.du lin. htfengwaiei,.uiadihat ilblidteset draulal oof h;ttlUs--y he c> 'hie-'rIlcu s-s-iuau. t m an i \ot( -nrred b*thbsbycre tawr uiî-.'le Iu isetalai arus rîeiîînondcs beaclum- oar igs; Ils-eta au--e r have nu sce, aIl'i I tara-ue ll unei i fi stofnvtireei rhica tl iesr-l uÇnlm-tra ia 1> 1112 f.t aù. - ucIlnious eoaisequ nices asWaighn ersà' ic. M Itsl l I eir s n Ii-on. I a0d ; t ei l n i rs- w a fi uus- bs puc ijke , zuni (-.r s aad i t eof sieler ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ofTritialeîlîouîo u rsas asoe,O .3 wîî-on th thea nu nd, aper mil - - - ------ ierI tIre ris- takiuor, :eut and arhl ahe lb ul fLso, i.sno eh eoo-niivc. ->ahunonogh tevew gani holI ala mpta lie a ut ther." as due noce oui yos-îrs pitsa tacdther liure- wt-ot SraAiii ta Pnop irt g wiaik e ai y las- be Cinrc h BLASîtîpetl" i r ei>i-j e ee mo rag u yor te l i isas-e ut uhlicaIn ie vli d %a - , 1q0 w nLvbe o; Ifi tg cih Tii.finl opecilhyrnolioaed s apr tie anf. Ml'lie resa urphy." 'e ù,a tis-ey nahueq oratviC ais-] cin e c- l ý er , blita iiibetr ote- schos-tl a qaTe ma eh unots-e no un ii. sesteisada .ato so-d m nnagJ hn" "llet ce ur hns ittlsahee piyrcriecsutisshl AsIof-m ti -ttnha-eesem rfeeiu lur- liei 1 ia m titiole H a prhaies-it palis- )h, etsaldris-e ' a el a i sa monnag i aui, d tiauthe iou grata o t m i. fns Ioan ol h.iga r ans-caiet adlis e unes- avae t i sait:~ t excîe jdgenîIspon at,"~ hs-yan'aulit laneIri veti wid yur fa'%ite>, l otes of thee utail he . aie-aIa -an ir anuud iav en l s-ey weth il, (Judo xv.> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -v rua bu su, a danteannu-m .1mw us--uc l itf attueCo-cv-Iris-J Thé ertc a is-e fthrret vo s f spoec, aI-b, nnisra inninrie aa.Iii issiaia1,-7 their i as-esprts (ofileii bk soan-th'e edes anti l el ckalot dmsa up is- ," n Ileu ed utiiz6g os weaît lite d thoalq aes-,. - _____________e in u b and of vs unies.hadrcteti 5 JiuIIIstrus"Mhsvy pli eri mbel'îy as-kes tibuii u. Wbaea ïf offletee' oi.O e s-olir yats t e . W hv obe rescee îrt un 'a F. G NT tAorlya e ai~~ butwie h wapnsae, hl'aa a islj tgoclwn taIh kaf, Toy, a y S i ephm raien but fsoi, " p-i n emb as-s.-àtie ae rrv-d whirie d as almme uts-r in ithe (iarpenlo er u >iny jackete 'flco,*" ihtirée a e t s v t lC çat»'a d a .1ite t nd lto , ugsg i-butIle .xét l'ilman dy e n into r. b e li f fue B ttlon ee ul il ho nc u i jous eth e.d i e ai tre big a c» b oal a -lu e r of b l, Y e s-v e a i ii i;pa fo na ye s -g l y 0"al er a te th e ifdnt t c i lè rengses . IIou e y. e l i . d vii nils l a h e m d tiefte o lsili shn e5 r py,"-bu 4 mphatscal rio't-moewfatlyo u nem - ho nia fo -hr i OW il",] i oeve I Lij Cuope tn, l y , Ald (m c wh vil ais-ni aave .1 G.» TioeV te - rcsst he- ardsteà zi e ffabtrlexiladcwsaee i)o-. lo 'e u-, ke-pig s~bo ehuMhn asJ-aprat!ml ie, nalch iai a.- rii oaacrnir era e as lise ii bnath Q i o bIs--aserafor- .blproably ros-uîmeàIlleaîas-gîo b >' falnietg asita, uîi 1a -)ijj a m rn ig-e oths - gnîn-min o dspe~~. î- ser aca*ti i--'it a m n i %Volis ltsr rend in~ ~~ueue ussýLr en hIt m,i vi us-crullbuhus-1110iftaefetu aor. is- tr 7 fLoýw rd Ehave o u-n .the ,o ta-peu brun ful Coutan 'txgagemest-1 al C.ai, or »abylohB.C. 2'247 pavuineuit. The irepublcýw*loip mntinel was-tu, an wIl a nas reay he tîOnceg,ôitit s -l atdu- Thét luieky fxnnr ha,.teis dowa WteVict< ria- or Sali FranisCO, mand uôsOW hib .9c -boadeast. ,NO ltUXUry i. t0o oôty for hkit POe -extra vazance toe great hi tii. reagnituti ut bus ideas. 1Ria, lovus- QI .fpmry Ile ir int#'a thousanti fol iies,U héjl proclairu hi disregaMd for »»ney1.y~mels s~ lcru..Oné nian who, ïlithecuti of g!1l sesson, founçlti lf emfjsacsetof $30,SX e*40,00, has-vimîàg filled hia pochot. Witt twetny dollar golti pieces * on hi arrivalifi a Vluaproceede t u a '1bar-ruot" and tllet t'eated thé croeWd îuchunpagne. The coin. ýpaZreentbe.ing.uaia4>eltu comsme ai. ike p' keep teaok, ai!gtnte wnîs ohý mcrid frora % ithout, ati the passers-bY corn 'ellei-to orne i l l t he stippiy heldiouI, rîid nol anothler 1' il u oulhi aîy une sirai low. la i li emte.ey the ingefluuus giv- ttr ofIet ie la aorderetievery g!ams beIoliganp to lis ~l~bjah t u be blought -otand. sweep lie knocked the ai-my ' u glasses ofl Ille euaiiur. 0116 harriper of champagne' iuowci-er, yet rennaitied,h.iuîd deiermni:îed nu' 0Q bè beaieîi, hao trdied ti u bcplae. ou ihe flor, àtndjturrîpin)g il) Sîamped the bute1ei ýto pseeii wîiuh iis huavy boot s,. severely eut- tint' lis sahing, it jes aid-, in the iOpeiation. But lithodgb ithe champagne was aI hazst flur- isheti'-ie a a ahandful (t gold-pie-ces todis. ,po,§e of ta 1 walking up *lu a Jarge imu-ro-s Nyorth Sevetai hndreti dollars,,-wlhîch iadori- cri uneuend- of tii, rorn, dut-nier a.shuW'er of h-eavy coinis -. sti,amd sliveret dilt a iec s.hehevôOof lis story rtturni t hIe iu-' in tuiV thouit a cen, nasi asworkjîîg as a coinrrunTrihurer at the li me of Our vi.sit. A fév'îk os-f une of 'Ille filast eucceissfut CUal*iiia"Li;-1ayhe ap- 1 peklded ris a eoînpâlamoîîtu il1tcstouay« imst re- JuuteI. Ihuîiii 14heaiglitt'4 hi gkiry le Wr-, lal htehabit of sn.bsîiuiîang iînlîe bolies-fuîhl ounes. tbu-for Ile. woudela piîi.s iii the l-owling aiy-snnsîxgbîh fe batelu uvithi îfiîî sitfîîo Iiimseif, *trnai theu nîlaüse off liscompanitons raieb baîr- keera. 1-Tlhe Naithwus--î Passai'e by Lai.By Vis. miitouî uati W. B.Cheadle. b-111 101ilON VETO. T1EÉFOOL ANI) HIS MONEY. TERMS0F .ID VERTISING. JTi eand undaià............... . Eacbu...........ro, ...... 2 13Me rc haaîa, an iberia estt com t r r a e.rt ut tielcd uf c very tksa hxnuiaits, cun iavt,.rik!,tL Émi. C~)sçhcdadvenîsemenlo aa rra*4crçd hys de a dil Noa;iRei, t wtiotmlanrren codIs 1tel v. * O--r f. t*3.î,su noxr t i-C r(1u51 s- *C. Blackett Robinson, IROBBING ýA 10 Os . !a wipe bis ieut-nui.L (ow (ay nwas >fi vednd bE ritl> a b1'etr id% 13419 g rEo dir Ti anîk'givi fnîpi é4tc . t4 . rt M Os i e srs' n i îck l tjes ~, m n y -ca l a o. W O t îýd è l ts I 1 h" l v,-eJ ci laie - -V t tilf y m sh lier ln# college, iwîtli thii nctf intélit CfrJ'ro.. (4tino ibut (ic±-ý.e 4d f <lie thv. mi, £tig s>me of ie L)uýr».'a iîufkt 4> ý, i ctI s'fC. I (Jiil evfrvtowi. N effl, It rtediua îree a4yoitclag 'thé il, una We C:ar. Al. y l ape-r- bithe. aWhe reaîy u s±cC' édy p-.j h t<uWui s ct reî-'rfm'md n rîu"iA ~Or hapentitIt l e lrehusêii ireyo h iI-eua-. Uc'-pitnîî ~~~~~~e cut[utt, iitwt the ùrleii-ito' is aui lo :d tetai sr,' w thé. ré reâJ lu V L- securin- the ti. hikn or hicsT1îîîmk7- erg.s-iuf.màJ;-rs btlue thé dtue I ~~ j~1.Thî ~eiirte trt±. of lia!g f~hyiss i~Il . Yn -ei'ng Solli 0 on oipîrihminuat4d i % wth rau1)etterence. (e ie- 1itter wlvitint. ! le'd tt reulive < . irt i lwsar for thu crepî awvay, V:-dhwluît n*ifj iuîlis "il-, j ja!iiO u ie Ib>;.irŽ- ù,'he t)oc ttae tor* xaaîe sîa.en lad, antiIL.nmedmatl' "lChU fîy jt.d C-lUîcepe sUIUtUd froîîî abuve 'a. fulws vthed nu "'s ituncuxîiîn village spuort d "- Xre yoïs rc-ady 1" to Mon A -iwomeîî in tîw PçUîîdand-ra!ýk. 4I hI e, respO1icJed tii ctu ds".,îs'spected wii.rds IdifCr -very.nis blulg his voice ai îxînh s powe. rC -d.sc kiiu î os crtY Th'le. othor j .a ael.îtî Iy ayîii:;hi- ,Ji o oas' t- tc rrvl ha lic- on tie c1d ôeri tî,eïc!Lnand -* sltiat "'o sdisî.ck r ir i"le-rn cars. " lIre'cn~hI're, wil yau h.-.ti-e Lba -. brd ci M r--l el-Iout Lis îws-tley 's-Pai îinns-.na~,"viasth, e s-pey, sIîiw 'tr.,1J and IiOIts Iwuid ai: U vwith ihir Pre 1sais-iU e:u nnd o F" «N'iŽiîed îthe savictMu-nî *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~l 1O1c1;etyco,~abmn i~cniIbu irs-iwei-c ttar spc ,uir ~ a ro«l wil o avelr 1 htr Site.! tu-,CsIerr ta Us-it -a :a les ain r esp îidteDco el ,rècnilitA rteet cfVojeîî atîti Fai 'lfciae's soni John, ieIl y.OL ha ve n um Mt- and Ucisticîn wlîe tèad Pluti- a-id dile- Ilerc's dnughter iSai, laiLe ber M un~i sa lie cr-:s-c Pîachspoty ou M il i he Abi-jonc r tegwma-rv ISwou"bah wd tihe coarspn rs-uctreuil s-kes "ý.u rvith !1w ue or's liiuîîly antid fi kçstb 1u-etl due gi usse>t .Unîrige. 'liey seId 'fii'oi Pnnwalked Avin jeop-e, armns antitress, aîLt! wore. iliir aceres ti-. tienwitùlin hirir, hdlethi tdnt she fO in f fgeur!i sand- gohtilace on their v ;i ! wi l i d wý i th i e p x 'svi ouk, t et' ca k . ln t ti r s sh n lt l tn s a t CGieae. vas hsa Oit3 ft oh s- r Ilie 1A-tun îdv hI ttii. Tny 1wOUi ff! o lis"aJtJ~s Wun tAir he Ilhtinoý t Lcî Ct' ps-s:tueicruihs'lîch cwcal.'ed thé, axry e îck-.,snuI oh. g ý± ': ~ fragmnents of o-id 1' t-ts * tidtli ybtie d, à s-t-yhl!r0 "Y o1ev it uîîsnt %Iîve becil - ta t1le ixo e r-. pirre îor'uu w 'usty.wîthý lixPàluk-ni- e, sa] us-, n erteul per-bad.iri. "'lie c!iiii-Ç h uitsc If niasbot res- an'st i bie r lup tg, mmiiite th, 1 e. - I Vie 'nav flv trtl'n sbLce a ula viefi botlî rercived il p4i aavîta'iuurendezywof dAitI s numjcJl.utee-- I - A 'LPrERÂgI, s- - -- rt.s-'- s- ir. -~ I - Vau1i~; aid te --Obnceitj TIONAL,", ANO FA MI1LJOURNAl. 4Y, OUTOBERfi 6 Tr:l5,i vn .1 1- iý IAL, i "$