jet 0 ai lbintop.mber thM.. wih ht ', etiîg,ý b« coeiLïd with ourealolyhuWYt&M Cý«tsftad »eniSSUWb&," doe, »o uh oh Iq ra ut oi wBUIe c bik lsh uýt rsc t -" A q IFreui papere of Queboc e otsir abovut a 10 zE ueohi Ecel nibth o! iho dopa !*t.It ses hot gutisof ithej VinSt ou Jjmwe j dwhigWflom ,citdlan"d1 fd 1R T%< chr prwiof h ortifi ions ; lb.' Mini- alla fPotan àwering witiL fýeAi1 de- -tonions. The gerieial o inor-Generale ýp rnent wll lie f,[, fuiri ug was a SaWe to the tôrGnéi r ~who la k#awu-ý1 bave ,mbarkéd 1Ille hat cf .1 iught; bht Ih.Canadion inita at it wus kWofk a sort of miliay review, that a ni"ht me- hLKB.LIPT3l, ETC prise 1usd been prepated te try the lairieson, cf and see if ait the men wçxe at their Poste atP prardto et. The cannonade, ha.w- fAIIS. ý ever, has givenuIg reat o«ence to, some of the U TItl~IA~FrencOh popu1ationi They compalfl that. Sthey were qui.etly âbeeinxtheïr bdwhen w&o iso Wtba rniagoterror hy suech i, an as ntover toeIc plae, in Qtiebec since the et'- tûre #)f the rity by Wolfe. A great many . ;11 SEERN. j anes of glass wture brokeni,-the* ordnafice S}WEN. redI bewzg of the heaviéât. câ1ibreý 'Vhe frorn -Oshawa Ilave Par'iaasnent buildings lea ago d an. gCî~rup.~hildren shrieked, -làdIe fated awa7j .and lai tL 10 ttanp-i o'ie or two cabes thedotors luad 10 be sent ti Olriq, and t Oas Cd for. To adiLse aia nn bhave therir -~ mu bi nrVous 8systein qieshatteréd an conse- quoiiee ot this awful midýLnight.sur.pie. The r reluag tto'tX, urû -du ~Ca iada is of opinio tat ibis thir ouriey. l h a i meuitte te udicator find !LcuuUtzu eaiTofQuLOe ... dmad n pl MaItla, Cii1iita juy Oth1s piut «cf j.p0fraa ! ngofficers, d tîjeir viOàY iad altoge ihe ,gilidaa oin to m this a meo!<f l i4#4t$it sa re as thc aes ____o-f-- catiîehf~ ~ &ri d W, bave much -pleasutre ili noticviï ta sardereo ne cac -lMr. Charles Curry. ot this village, bas obtained reeognifzO-the sn1lgc thL Mathnatais Mftster@bip in te Peterbor- 4tay, as thte wliteued o-gh GraramarSchool. We -bavé, ne 4oubt.but, forable ehurCdies, its Mr- Curry wl give thle utmoùst, saisfatin- anad oiier fine. build- Oanemee Wurder. 'an AUast !l51f±' iiiieab1~ehtaecvi- ACTons, Làwygpas, uc awui.-o Who lio' haed bY ite depend so much uipon the mulie andl melody of uaaeIY ook.uý2pùa q.ft5saboL Good for coughs- c ls, hoarse- je. lonîg uswd le wat i 'Naituuuiial wheel, thse ail, C nbjuîimpii's { amce ü othe Pnuaiy r- . cotisutitdairSli- Wllilia, ai la' the dis- - toiand 'rO If nu-an- tisitpOôlaîl-is urs bretkfa.,t uIlibe- - r a ILI -niatitted. ssiiOnTilii a.r-S rot ýy '~P-1lie ,Ollh ie TliTora-h. -We -îî.w-rdauSla ia- lié iraientent nrauity hi., arlivaI. Putu rabîbarît, we drrvur ou ~ aveu' IXaiibilli uIlie Facts for Advrtlsrs TIUE CANADIAN POST has a Larger -Circulationi thaua any ailier-Nivowpaper in the Cou rty bo Výicteo. The CANAD[AN POST has a Grueîter Cir-- culation in the Cotnty titan tii. ther two papers piiblished k --,Victoria ceron- bined. Tie- CANADIAN POST côptains a lare ri maiber üf boira fide Business- Adver- tisemGmtst ian any allier paper publi- sfhed ina the County. 'The C.ANA DIAN POSTJ"'variably rjectâa Ariven'îsemeats of -an cobseene, susil, cioui or frauda-e-ni char-acter.e riie CANADIAN POST le dietlribuited ta ite. 6e-curban-S, frôe>: ERYPO t OFICE WIITHlN tie'CO!JNTY;, 4 cou- r Io 5y moval Of ttiS AU Tenders viii b rip to Korember1 ther information i , being con- don XII. h, pal4 down ruble in thnee brest. enfo~r the o- -o any fnr- .D, Sec., Douto,'-C. W. SEIMBOAT NOTICE. fly: cin atïo WITII ROCRUSTÉR. The new £ and Ssttpae [UPPRC S Y E AM E R$ white liner 4e p le.4 toler rcgv*ry Op,,et.2,-85 I. t$ ek bçne up. th idiatio011auwlîl ilzre,$l ve*ard. ILPOE Oa have for aile a cQ(!"; eleçtfQu of FleweriI»ls SES, 4c., whicli they efer la iXel pîIU- acs. (CIRY8LEý MAàTRR, Lees NorohShore ports fer Charlotte,ee) jay (Sandays excgptedi) as *qllowst-, COLBORtN, at4 24% p.tMW I WD Sft COBQ1JRI, at2 p.a. ÈZîTRNIXG.-Leaven Charlotte forlorth lx THIE TOW NSIP 0F LB31LY. Siore por a, ev ,tt c earainig, nfyéece td ai .30 tb ~ sj cfj tainfrrn tNDE.W POWER. OF, SA LE. ers10Oual~ SIiii pins iDEVAUT:HAVINQ ».EEN MADE %âtadNorth, ily Rail or Boat, contiect lrithintfe paymeït, of tbe mouajesas -ibis Steamer et Port HROAp. uu4 obourg ,andar i tp-ulated, seeured under the provisions cf the r!v js Rchste l Us II #p#i te~2Fit -Crtilideuture f ortgage folowing, West and South. (kixachi, wïtl Titie Deeds, ineluding Patens Passengerg lt the UJnited Stateq, via Roche!s- Àbsrt,&.ilbepoudu inCoae> tOuconneet by specibi tise vitt' thiisteamer s ;or'g" d dthe 2 1 . day of uy at Charltte; arriving iat Port lhope. afta A.. 864,maee bhy Ellen Fit7geralkl iec swift and, le&sant ride over Laeke Ontario, la ThIomM Fîtzgerald f:eTwsi fsaiy timae.for spkecia! ains te Lindsay sd Peterlioroý, in the Cout)-ty of Victoria, j -"" 1~ - ssd.expeess trainss-Eaàanid Weston lb. Grand said Thioturis Fitzgeral, of the tW;,- 7at,_n Trank Railway, and aloo, fur Royal Mail Line oýf J. T. 11 . MeEwa!n, of the (HtY of GIagli2w,, ýn Steamers. . seotland, ,tar, ntte o lzbetli VatZ~ 'itis swift an4umgei5cen t sttemer bas been re Ingr ain,.(if the second part; for secrring espeilly fitted iup for ibis route, with ail thiethéea fNnoi-nred l).lar, .dIn-ecît modem appliances,. and ber s".ee and etae-i cbnveyiug, Nvit1î Power of Sale, a valuabie raots are egaau ty frn isbd. Clea-ed fsir.fvor¶istatd ateTwn ThseTablb and iBar al vay s spp)lied uw'ith .tl -shi fEnily ina the (3oanty of Victoria. con- Ter y bot. sisting of the. South luaifcf Lot Numnber Eigit- Fare.$g 50; Deck, $2 00, Wevil, in the - 1ieventh Concession, containixag Baggagne at riak of ovuersi unless booked and One Hnîtndred Acres mor" or leàs. paid for.- 2nd Mortgage, dated. the Fi.urth day of Maiy F -or furtiser informatton apply te ibe Capt"i A. l8. 114, imade by (lustavuà Woods, of the oS board, or to M sid Township of Emnily, yeomnan, _of the . firsi X->. BRONVN, part; - eherineMWoods,hiis -wif'ea Party thereto' GeVeral A gent,.'.àitu, Dower, of the seconad part, -anad John Me- 0igtn Oct. 2, I8fO5. Ku gston Ra ýan, cf the City cf Glasgow, lu Seotîatnd, ______________________________ EB__ qùire,, of thetiird part;- for iseeai.riing flice i of Four H1undred Dollars, and lu térest, _ou.vcy- U13T OF ETTEIIS iaagwitîb Power of. Sale, a vluàabie Ciearcd EMAI<fINC. in thé L,NIksÂvPost Oft1CQ, 4thl Furin fivourably situated near Oiiinnee, ha bthe R Oct., 1865. laidTowu-nshtipüf Erniîy, andeonsi:etiug of tire west hait ot Lot Number Twelvei *in the Scv- Biroyn asMe AW .Ker nt Esîbeh .eth Conre s'ion of the saiid Towns.l ip, coirtain- îT Br n M tliyw Kin;oufl lzte in.- <'>aaIliînred Acres more'or lesi;. Buckley Tîïader anndsq'by'ti ûrtue of the respect ivePow.e Clark Anas esu~ aaPatick ss ofSàlc on ained in the tid Mort ga e Cla k ôbei. .7 oo D helthe sai arn eis U 11 severally bcexcpo2ed for - <',iêe. W ,,' .M agah5v Sjemi.-. .î.. r:.-..,.aÀ.1 , , l>w OIIEAPEST' Wineys,(iôc The 3LP$TSwIw tl The 93UESET Shgwlsen»{fauy). The CII APEST Blankefr,' The CHEAPÈST Prin t,(Hovleâ) ARE TO ÊE HAD ONL~ t~ A. I<UIGW1UO2IL'M Hic FaIl ami Wl lIE ub~rii'"~ il - onluirece.1înt cf bis Statonen . 'ira tu. I. -' r Patent., & stodks in tise county. uew on litai4nI rt xj-ei ravltlin n, oid 1l for 'a-si. The~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~Th C~EXETFantalc~r LQprobabilitv of (iil bcing fouiiilarge cüiÀEST .lanet-i ai éblis uantitiesiii ardti.-i t snscriber'is now The CHAPESTNfantll*I, ellincg a good ,irtiçc'u f 011 at 4--Y cents -per The' CHEAPEST Fautir;1j) Parties requiring t_11 will fi sd it te The CHAPESTFurstheir advautage to k.y aÎ the Medica IMfas 8 The CHEAPEST llosiery, bvwî'tai ies save frosa :3 to 5 cents The CHEAPEST Ribbons, A feslu npply f The dHEAPEST RCaps -ade atSozodont, Florida. Water ThedHEPES R~dy-ade andi Mrs. Allen'.s lair Prepa:raiion [C1'tin , rtait prever tative of hair coining out, and The *CHEAPEST -Groüeries r ncreas'il g teeo*lîyh of newhaii! jl A 0go s u ply of the celebrated m DroWn's Bittér,- XW% aeknowld n15rtex lent medicine for Liver èOunlpairit, ll~~,n * ppa crk 1~,atStret.Heartburti, &c. thix-e it a trial. ____coutit r, e r<'/ùnts suppliod i-tth Dru ga, and Paient M d>i(r.(it 'lbrômo jprices. , Peiari sulppli. i * ,M i'bi'. E 1 c es, utcr Goods~&c. at a small ~1 t't A.word of ad vift i ot. Fi-r m e r..(fthe r[ ESubscriber, begsto iefotim l us friends n lU pubic generall.y, that lisjuet reeeivedse h urtfroare stock of Full aniV itî inr.~C m ported latci Lindsray. ,The Triloring Departutent 1a enfte ihtîr~urrteuoada he bas secued thc services of first-class workmnen, he fatters hutuscf tiai lie an suit the astes* ot ail wbo nMay favor hiîn w*h their patronage. The finest BEA-VE R, PILOT XND WIIITNEYS on ha*cnd, td1so a fcw pieces of firi4ý;-lafs BUOADCLOTHS, CASSIERE.S, DOESKINS for Dress S.Iits, &C. For Fancy Twe edsi Silk3fixtuire., Ueskins, Bediforrl- Cord, tlare-isno f.ncy Cisfhing staîiish- Ment ina Canada thant las bettergoodi-. (f C4anadtian Tweeds Le lbas a ii iimiense àkwc k, a nd eas they are wll krown for durabiity and finis, he feescofidnt 1huir there wili l;s a greai de- Mnad for them. lon-iade Flitrnels Qmd Fli (bloh f bis Wrn irkià' iays ou ad, Fan cy Flaiai of alt deeriptiola5 vèry cheap, and a good qssortreut of Stable Guots, sucb as Shirt-, - ing, iking, ,L inensi 4&. Now on band ovr 3M0 Udrat......fron ,,4 00 to $11, OÙ 0d Canadian TweedSus 110 (t o: 15 00 00pair Pants. r.. ' fro ni 2 00 tel 6 50 f1000 Shirts and Drttwer*i-from 100 te 3(0 400 Vesta..........ronu1 00 tO 3 50 ,7é bas aise over 4,000 papet Collurs (sizcr fecu -tu116 11) aiid an immecnse nssrtinent, of Cloth and Kid GlyeMil, oks is, Gaps, Braces, Uiaud kerchiefs, &C; lu fact, lie L'as o1a band ove? $10,000 wor.h iof ' Sieriur gÔouda, and is hourd tu seli themr cheap. 0-p,ýf arm ni ade oterder sud a go fit warranrd. A& CADOTTE Enrnh(ui'C IVarelue ' a mthes ruubie of'Victoria COUruVth -le là«gest a ssontmr'nt ol'riurDi.î Hall. Receiplu sfr rr'rr.r. ttcmember the ,Lldn( IIJedical 1l1ý,11 An " Y . f,7doay. Lida, et 2,1e- Long »uiy il IIin'e. FRESH ATTR~ïIO1~S j. NOBL B 13..X N N Eh. 0 ,T i 1 vieNvw Fram lt oild Ikent of 10 a ren thur-ý t'rnru; ii d <idov.uta 1P it l tuIle, tatiisi iafer aeeteusai riuflfl'-Z'-LU"'"- - - Ili&evil a i ta i upïid'raite. li n Ilhluirneroile places -between Que- Peintera4 FMagaluy MWîai - -styesevee- Oh ut tintst.t..'x1îý' a at t'n' arc Piolie ilc Iavuron 'who)e a d W ndo.-Dolton Alfred Morrisoa James B dR ot triué.iY j g JO bec1nd i'TsoI.I11- inited obs )il (lie tnIeet vu'ihte, andîlio :: . rv WmH eG.. e Jasue rdBdIomFurcge nv-oSstls xrbu:tlnoLria. 1-r:sa ouï <'outil vrmý - - Gillogly James KNfcGinno m lU 11111 t1 ; 1ii f,((i ,iiti tomT.Il %I&a). rCeaun rsides t~r V3tCI' otlWALNU T SOFAS- IN 11-AIR CLOTIL, -CANE IJOTTOM CILAIt er ' o i eia iv e i i u h e I I N S A e lin i h a l R o b e rts W m -W O ODsc i ' w n o f L i d s of, heTo.o l;- licke-, MeAs Jas -cSotb Janles A- , i--" SIDE-130ARDS & Dr iingTals, RO rN f oftiefôloini rti - ' Thniriiday, Outober6,185 Jeweli Thog Skeuis ilerîd-' O usa, coe 7b Lsv-inr,<Javkson Ms Elizabeth- stouit S aul' utthere r of Tîelve o'î'I h rrcî nion l - slvSOF A, COTT A " t & CO MILIN JR1 DSTFADS cs i*s-- -oiîug ihîîm~ ad KebeCtiahe TimmermanHllen, n ib pfut P j a-" teýtf tpra 'N LTIEiD ESIUTB.5.&' C lue hoat ; l'o ni ,iaî iýfeîl %ohî,e Sîgît advalive iii the pri 0 of-whea.t; $1.40> « iwlaoy- Jas Ttu,3, Tisi-rf ieaîoat rs ciyev dire Lou Ille saut P A LOR, DINING CHAIRS7 5111à arelooj l e \e 1ig pud - a ~sa pe. ute s Peinsons raiujofr.tie asove Nwill plase ak Martag.îg ge for Prînt-ipal, Lteren rand Costs.- Alodr ýIyatde e ~ .ofn c i ~ u kp esî-tyi tc. < lttt- a - ni,ïi itierond ,n i ie pr ie ennl I2 i. elt fr1avy' - Tqï nasILc-Pctr*Fa i end. IoA c1 tCo ins-teud iir urirs ea tts inlte.. stock- te ~ u t ie me ilt r i utia ig ýu c )we'Ver. of ha'i'i li t Illtet S.ltte f-lv ea f ndL D - y ou si 'lsCAMERON &OUDE, 317 H.________>_________________________________ .lei im.Th apta-ira. was -F ALI, tu nuxurk'eItf1dy.e spny a t uf"t ___EN_____________1,40_______________ nS wa" ouunw t Oa1 int. not In keepilig Nwitii the d la iand bth alf à l y uîibr o rr r ce. - Itrl -7é, of theab ie f aruns may;-I ~ N & I L O . ii~erpirii f te miy i ~~y rdniuu r e, -iringing $1 2.5. TO ACQIJIRE .A.Lra 'WnycfMvg elealiitou cf e e s1: e, 'L.r M.Y ceai-h tle reward - Sr KXnaT.-uuiy a few ads folund abs, lelire irliase Moue n, au Resoniablo e r er nIi'u y- Iaîhînvihg pub-an'. rwzt bt. imarket. We quiotoheu samlesab -Linadsay, Septe.a>her, 21. 31 Cý4f. -Io Liwcpe-t s, No, 1I$'~IoQ bu l.13 y_____________S__________________________SI. stjs uttil Captalu iMayv shlaH l'I'et """ "' -GEE LGRCREE.STO3 CSC F î~îael wlk-votàd doua rii'.........$ 5 to $1 40 a us?1îmaVLÂUr'T A lR' -- XIEBADIES, RIMS, OLI) TOM ANDI) HOl1.ND N'a 12 lla îh -rielier bii........, " E1AND - GIN"sS,?CHIPPEWA MALT, OLi R Y E, A N D \aV'eage, r abw tlai eaepe b0 5.......;o"AN. JýlE IN T.E N DING SETrTLERS. COM-MON WIIISKIES, &c. &C, c a'i ' ge l ttiiida-wth Of COlli 1t:toher isîx.........'NI(t 0 i ( 2 iaid~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cuhetba u3.gllare,îrbs......t5' 1 ,> LESubcriber iiieffer for sale, nts r tfo i l i f ib uuaOra-ug ' Foîar plir n......... . . R0j 5 5) -I b A i- lin rwutis ucmi to hrailirl ............... ý_0 - o ua ' 5ô 4 --. --à SIT U 'ïloî ralî-fis,>i-,elpe r 1.. ...... . 0 ,5(8 0 o rs fnbeA e ud > rea11u .2l t Ib n Lîk's-V r........... ..fi4 ÉO5 - 9-T usctbrslarY eeuistot i n' ie od tLoetPo18e'P6asfr ah ._ b0%tcitie acatebei .dwud p-- ur......idl i 4 Pre-e eLt,1is' w'--DOSO ý13O.K ut' O ,:ie tt u at paveutd ,onc eh.. ......... O2 4r 0 - 'aeafamebidnerce v IN Fr TOoffertue sieai I .LICrFp l atl hrd'andîdritl, i > io',pre 1Po bv -......5 1 û.0 1 cai av - .gl .1 " Twbbh< II ONihrtree't noi at 12 '0 - .k. nil pieuluep1 ie'urt n -. presearc dete'rriiiiie'di'h, "ini'iT are_ ______________ stlsliag -.d. VtidI4flg l'vorngopa AT R..VEIT H'S.IOTL...... Ma0,4tC?185.1 per lb . .. ..... v a r m' Z d noitband thé yie__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Ut»__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vawesurni1a ad ihr e a l- . lra i per Ib... -uta h Capro u t oit sc b.ndr thl 'e e V - n li r iri"fthrîe fr nrao r -. 'tircel..o...... sz il-ýýý efilic'îvi 'i. .....a..ii I25ng ies0 à* s . O Frid, O lornin-2O ftedb Il S l at1865, -î l ý r ce or«C iu, Il iwsw s;Pet ls No__-qu ar g r cfaa e. builadn, situated l St u~ il-uit rail '~a-'îîîneuîrt ugo, f>i d&bîQ igntce-nd oraIboe], and î at T l Phoue cfTw ose r alék oonPrecyE B. V J4 YGOS bu , 4fli '(nIl a i.ulltti '.i n - VilagelfC',nisgtut vaue ai.44 befi lo Inigeli ibelîolC r1rve, ey 1N )1 h" ai-ndlh opfIl'ule iifanar r'u n~nhsr f ntu aî'~unt» itcdUi~cr>isordniea.îfllyeiniihe O ~ '. vs1s4~t ..........rn M-.Petr aWdval-nl . stuubelatir...o.-...P na$elok()e(»Q4p11l .theu 0 lira w i for ar erai îitiiritnens. A n v Bucia iuobd No lesge st- fB a k uo aed daeviiiyc toîu oJ h F ll s. t J .S iID iAA .J IJ tie frie f is fineVilag tf iii flua tAtwitr îià, .aidrit, ...selîe trsd-iae.îrtttd, CQloarirrnd rîpoCa G od A-Mr I For Sale.No..'4-One.Lotge'. valurd a........ -8land (itnrc rudra res,-adin -oto s - ôfj'1'V.L Ci Bôkýadý oey àëhusi No.50 mcaeWgovalued t. ugoardwoin? 6lodl eid'ofLot3 in o he. 'S C BS Ai I AthI~ sI evl-hut ,1cf n ncagtelnt.('agittt-et(leth llg 0Bb4a in a apig1Irmrovoi A t - T e " L y r t ls J e j piÉ_ý ble an ýfJh i- ' l anl e a tem î;ieasdi 'r-ing road meutA i i cf 1tislot. - )ted. o. 8ve.snl -8,Of-Bac on. -11,tVittn a IE U UWn TBoc, XPeDIt QttAeTYWIIT WNVIEAR ~ msiirgrae Srrie bre-i-tlwiirsseiiiuas. Tile ids piatabl . Tbeovpeper.-.I'b.tisoedof ; oodlird'ool-n, eoni.g11a la imisrnefiaey osl e (c WeAiding SoapPorfusflelY - & aWbythe A fadddCaùvvei1sers. iptit A HA, Nou.tise re se f Tam Hwiiib, o ut s NnhWe tst Bely, Large varacreof ofiLotouNdim29 urud ur'ét arýt e-irtyti nu0l tI aad t i...... ý-1 1 rnt'-d'oiao fsurilsî. ?'ito etes$ rtu h uicrte Ag - emwSciiW-ereaic>e 'Psia,4î dLo W s tteJe etIoie maral sea -1sf f or EMa p iNING las Ihe a oaPu fic,.r o e e tl"uthJ. H6lA rne185 110 ailiev On in hs ore Ut. r, S - -? O eset of Meag Harne .'h lr Ë00 baflsWood. of -cqRee ! pas c ay Cha Re hia s eat 0pMe o 14 hashe 5ansy Concesson oedecfe lrg.qini fnws eun."uealoa, asidat........- ' ie , 'oIliidrd crs.l RTANT pki 0ala vItues wh 1ha-voseen in elei ow h l i o n ,lied tia abomlstn sav hé Cemak le Ih0 W---* O ns sqe ok DVan-tOfurBeA0ntJi' 'iVIi ' EAbR ' sU 3i - measeung1oiu - pilmenut are m a bler leevrddu.HaslnonSods mla Iiii)fiillil ood aeu*ed#oactàNo.S1 rpaSaord t e hlm la VeRneNiSCton. n.D j.A jý 1A-G -O n C e tr Tie -coiition ffar-h.-fan iand .. lasportuu andof ii uW -1 h1JRX HJGlSdeitoeeii iuhteeu loli sti u ii e- BE LI) CI! he'nopbtthgeeTYonge -- - .of Lot The ReaErta ofe v ttil i te&g. o i .in Pr' are o tug o rietorl. JAn.ýýtIES WATSON,'kc opdas e t tld a n3 17i4 - orL 11 the wSe~ 0 16L ~ .i.~tied.i OIOtS., ' AI -'Lid ySp 2116. liruIiBrcllliVilaean 14 i te thcocesio o Oeco aied riulurl is&iç ýynth Vlr!ialae f obave1n ad orery. lea wS o id 'adeii a ai1'-' r . a a.te Cu ate- ii s z- s sIjîl tIre dite.' ~ r~ r f f- sniirscriber r agîrîin rcî4i ft I t. 'I' ril a î f î!.'e Sai, r ' n ' - .'ti ( s d to draSO) t!rc' 'tt' lsaad lerty, Sittrtei n tn 0-tkI]cn ts lain iîa(,9tv t ie tws St. rv* t _-. krl-- î ne clvî i - a h 'r,. :Li, w oU fýLI.'SL- lio1i~w Iin n -I-vi: ac- Iani taon ti ýo n t t' nos-tory Fame, lin" (SIIp anS h a n »'Ion,ý) (OOn"îîit'd ut rire- b> humtiefdIrr'î o-inBonshîc~ t It a ngoud g r: 'î .. I nt." .tachrdt., h ex'ery a '! n'- rt,usii'as:z ran. blit o er i ra f . o îgI . àt once LO perrc-rt tu " n:iaed aI.O or.t \ .r'f'~'THSouliitor. W'e have st. - l fron gssfî i at cost, a ft- i-1 i f CGirsware, ('at- 12h5, unrir - rh nP'rtertLex'- Irun-rtint n l don - 'nrn Deta2li.l Cx'- h-r do.a n 1)1 z~ti'îd ntvrlés' c c r t, n i. t n n . i'- r -- o e- c r' v L* A- 'i: h-x~ nflns A~'; i:.t 1 - - 'Îshiàg à rt- ~' Nrur, n n-~ 'n i t-,in , ç n-o % ti dl. U n I "O r C5Q rîcu- tir 111àvterL'vi i , W't i 0IR ECE 1 IFFAAP, nlI.c iti r- M t a.2.î n. - n t at aIE, A p2r r \ Si il~ Si tie fouu', î~t Illn r i ý t t l r r'ituda L Jk.Il MIF i l ffî_ýr Ib(, foAo-'11r.'t, idf. a Gonof lieï,êAttlitoli! jýo< leAP JBanE-ýsS It flook fkî' i'a r n i,- .... n.... ....... try rer -SetofIgIýt rgIA t t z, ih-tisd a nd xvr'Ii Br.n: ti't: 8. A, u-tg nlt riceale doublenI t t Sofi I rje- Cr in ,s 1' suiLiri ablen or a tiggy It'nd nr d aJ jniinI'Ii" t!,.' 'an t lin' .1 d i p t u' (n XV~~~1Le te""n' Ir n r n nn ' neili , ' 1) v n etd tub" andIrb Wr t ~u-~î'iy * a tic entrer u i. îr-l C'lti liain t1 rt"t V tn ' ti'i'i 1 mn b