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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 13 Oct 1865, p. 1

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I 4 t I I go w.UNj Liii ûetate tflO YflM- or tint. e.ttersi 'ed, WulIbe ai.Ur, ,TION t s tke yean ,..o; *- - Robin~soni, M ALITERÂRI, PO LITIGÂ!C EIT(TIOÂk NI) FÂMILY JOIJRNA D vo. .vIL -WIioe'. o 81 LINDSAY C.W , FR-ILLiY, OCToBER 1i3,s6.5-. - .~- - - ___________ .L.2...~ r Caro K.NT-TREET ýrriâters, Attorn1eys, kc.' Guoti stable'and shed.aahdadL p5 .udO'ei'sStý)res,, tive os1ler alwgye ia attendance- lent Street, Lindsay. - col and London Ftir k, Free Omnibus to amd from Mle cars sud Boat&é necry, Ntary Publie 1Lindsay, MarcIs 10, 1 192-t ent caStreet.- I \M- UYNTON begstotainfcimthe in.abi-ý £rc. Unts orthe County.ot Vict.oria.and sur- n (t.farjo rihk. . u Couiies, that lue bas oiene th te c[ Kent treet., Lindsuy Iotel on Wiliaumn Street, iatoiy occu-pieti by P'. 8. à niiJewett, .and as heliae itd It fte nifrlb 1ed inl first style, visitors vill find every cônveàu- c ure. Wnea, Iiquors and Cigare of the bout ha% Opeied a Law _n ntteutive -otIer Falwayfl lu atteuàtace. rt. ils addition t his ILindsay, Dec. 16, 1804. 229-tf O~iPrinre Alber't Office- i 1ver NrHoldesu!s I office- )K,~~~ BAR~NRkAT- -LWVSetil il[ hi anuî- MxI. ilsN$BLOCK. H EC<r4 bR C AM E RO-N, U.A ,f"l ivlf -1¶ -il' 45i 41 - e ;~- - - (' tii, I i MI'lFA5VY"' Ufl(fîlR, Btrratv wl .1At- SuL.,,olcitt,t in .Chricanerv, Caaveyaxce te- &e. m,-Liait-j eeuuium lIokKoiStreet. G so. JAS. M LLtuBl necu'y eaild i i uîy, otri ry 4M'vWE, in i Mç>u nel m Btîr lioughâti & lisouus.. [1>',. C. NI, (Grmkdiiate of cii edalRefeistee ta the Ui- éiisi tmt jrcuiieT>tt&t tIie ia Mr. ueig ît mi rueusia op iib( e besî lIw~ ivilig rtesý7. Al uor- I)rctLuit 4tt-eiit-isu,zid a gant1 J'd~ t~trgeîn ieu- Wl(ice istnt-Ktt - ~i1lEugude :udPrvbi. - - -~ ~ ~ ~.il;:»--çis r )uUN, iîiitis m li'utSr-- , -iu-I-:in, a.m tP\IrlN R (fiEAR, O 'lOW. T/ 1' 1 0 , caln nd Â.yCb rcfie ltt) -a'i S " c ial un ai autO. 3AL à1r, (rtone K'il I '-lîmCu t 1, . ilims - -r ve i.tuiV, V ýM(rii I-i-54. NUR*W<)N 'O TII tit a .nd W ['at i-t utIsy (IAATZ !#ORT3,AMEMilCAN> WAL7TON lITR.E7',PORT HOPE. 01I'lfS arorit intel ltving been lately coin- plmeey renovliteil, ,fford43. the beRti of 1li-- cî,m fito cr tra rllte - itii-the publie generaliy, Under present maînagesaemUn-o. ctl'nrts will hle spared that will condfuce to the Comifort oget r,- The best of Liqiiors and Cigars. Itevere 1IIouse, BEA VERTON. Tlif siýcu4ber hegs to annhlmince that he lias at1 iti fitted up throuoblutifl the best of style ~'nv but tlie icoiccst Liquorq andi Cigrars wil'. he k? lit intte ba r, an&i bis tble wiil be furniâlî ed th ali tue deliesvkis ofthseon ýre CfrcfuI and obliging ¶stiers always -.ir,- nttendance. Wil. PARKIN, Pro7prietor Be avertim, Jasn. cth, 1,Q65. 280 sr ~1, 'S -HO TE L Cerner of Kent and William Streets, Lindsay, JOWVXSEL~ rpitr A AV[N G.lease' the aine well-kno*n cenl Itrali H tel for a terni of. vears, -aÙd lia v,, ng uhrîgbyrfdtted. and refliriiished tii. -;u1 ne, the pro rietor m ill bd glad to havea caill W10 wIll e l'est 1ioes, ilquors andi cigarsý- * V ,~yof !etrîcmadextensive staliiig Un ý(l 0he Charge of gnod liosilers. 27 q-ff NcIspu s4reel Too nio0 Abore 1ing ,Street. lIESubcri~r ieg tojiniate to Il!%sfricimd~ îA t LP plinbiir, tbit liaving ljeaQed the iab- ve ccitra 1 prrmisès for a terni1of yenrs, lie I u-ý;d tu liavce a -11frum the travelling c.. LPi ExceLlen-t andexeie tbhg JAMIES CROCKEII, 'iorotoý, .itly 1865. 1101, op"rosite the Market, Kelnt Street; Lird j ~V lc e i ~C~~prei to make iup )G;tlr- l lieti su i i àted t st !c us:ud alvery réasanalil .î~av4 3i5.280-t f H HENP. Y H U(GHES> 10 . IE 1 ED AITC. ~ Ij TONER, Laudi l<utstreet, Linidsay. (Late McCoi'ls) GAMIBRAYY C.W. ilulTe Pîl bEC (,f Vetidon uonty'tý, tlie1 ha~ oeiued t'el tt-1 in bray .litelv cu J,îîql1;vv Mr. Mca"ll i aud ashp Iîd oi l î ~îi.eî h tiulsty. visitoî s will int ev ery coi,- vcîxenv. Vinsliquors and cgasof ti îu~t 1.ljy.An attentive Hoitier alwà iil WNr. -DAVIS, Proprietor. "a'mbraVy,'Seplle 5.31~1 1 W1NMEUS Biouse, igo ftîd, Orna- Pan-,Glazier, Paper lianget, 1tuî 1Atý hitc-_Wsli.ýjjr. AIl orders carefuily filliti i~ i-l truitotnas. $opon iiaîultre et. Li -a,î~hAprii, 186ï.. 292 guEiOEI'YAN, Arclitect anu uideu,- M1 T'O - O A N. f ,tvr4suîy.- O'IV, Wcirkhug paissetem i A' EIGIîT FER C$'NT.ý ~ù nrçbnr. - - -PPLY ta .DOMR IMdsvy niNvveu-br,î4. - 2 72-4t oiio,&c. Linsay Se t, 22, 1863 2am treet WNAgent for tbç Canadla COuîlpanuorIllu e \ TBITuOWtîs tret tixidrin intl\A . iitary Uttr. nClr Caîulîntè5z, ofVi-ct ria. biiroanti- 1)i-limu. -eg, oficfe---rt itdoor wi1eakt f-tlte Uouuty Balýil1 mens', Caie-g£i anti Ds-esýing (IawnsdSi- - - - kIL' ap-s ilade ut) ta ou-dem. ~t1S. ~ -__ Ct Ilngclü encti ti turneti. Order-4 es- r JîN JO>HNSON, TAILOR, %W'Ilfam eiil -o ueiatistsatangtr î - jSTunagi-, L3xDAi, thankful for le 3'unî Ltds n-9îu5. Sl jiuitrouege btstowt-tt oe hlm forfthc past 141 M Ii .~nSN I G yoars, blegs toa eeythat ho ii stili ireîîamed t M SCflri - mo1fl îecaite all orders w-th b svli- lie niay bit fmvord i tue L'rz8v STYËrs, antia'et D Monm D-s.Crosbe ry KntÂTJiii'uuitutus. -- entei e PIANO 18 sirisc - ~~ - - :I~takiug liapils Ct lier resic, Raei - A.1pERlM AN1 I>htysîiaiut, SurgeoCn Street. -Provincial Lel4t lutte, &v. Pl-Ternis madiekno)wn on appleàtiibe.- Offi(t- hii tht-lelnie Cttge, back af the>- Lind1sa- iMay 3,1.526l st. - s yeuh 1t-aj, 5,irag1 314-1 OOA OIL_45 Cent$,, j UST receuveti at lime'Medical heu a fresb UND>ERTAKIR G. 1 ujptx of Cou(lii aI 45 cents peu- gallon. ANDE-RSON, -CABINETM4ER au-i WJ. THIRKELL. ,jTUwNEi, begs iV> anteousnce tiîat lie buts 'Lindsay, .tpt. 29, 115 1-t in stock tac Opeuastmrtf CO)FFINSi t; h ii t Wi3Srom§,anléhlge strreet1 Liadsay, a Lie ->flette -little Norths of the Market -Sqitare. - TeEAIlLG Le ALÂS3 uC, J ". A. Iteepsà e. itursei-andi trusts 1lytnuderate IX Ut. '3rd, 1'65. Cbergçand trrict uattenttion tant a siare of - Grmichael Dun -JhsunOa --pat G1nejC. - -2 4 Cormîack Alex - lêahar Edward S- CamipbellI ector lMcDougall-M &WD2 ~ -~-~Currie Il M chenus John 3 - IETEB AN 1 " I E ç,( Cunnighem Jaxnes Prk1,)tie T I',tR, OýAICWOoD, (sbop Opposite Mr.A Dony Auîoa>r Pattersou Miâss Mary. ICitroî'ast ste,) thiIkfn u i teL lit e.-Gcen John- Stevens Mary Anus ral patronage bcstewmed on 1dm for idée l ast Harison John WooVilliam. 3 y>er, hegs osay that li as tl prep'ared to - - 1Wiscmner Aaron ý proraptly exectite *11 ordet:s wiîh whik-lîbcie nay- Persans calling fur lte abovo w11 please aik be. f-u v -rd, jnts lateest Yles and at the I<>w- for adrertibed letters, AMALGAM BELILS, AMALGAM BELLS,. AMALGAM BELLS,ý AMALGAM BELL$,' AT prices vwjt>în the réacehof e.ry C hirh, ASehdool, Oeetery, Fattoey, or Ftrm a..i the lan«. Their use dwcamfugmt the United States and Canadas fuir the past x YeRa bas 1 roven them to tombinas mtvainaibe ,qntl1-ý ties. -Aaong wbich are ?ON SflRENGT11, FSONO- otTsnEs, arid nrRÀBILIT OF Y1u1ATION, oneqtal- led by anay tber manafa.ture. $Sizes frorn 15 to 5,0001 be, costing TWO-TH2IDS LEAzI tbitn other metali or 25 Cfts p er pouud, Ct wlich ,prce 1 warran thent twelve morit11s. Oldd.beil- nintal taken in exehauger bwhitght fov cash. 1-3end fora r cireulitr to the matnufactîiter, B. H!~ROBI1NSON, No. 36 g S& R ~Tr, NEW, voR. LWs of Pricea, WetgJtâa and Sizeit of Stop, and Fado"hiBell. These BeIls are fîtted with Tôcke, Standard's tJrank and Blot, completQ for use. we hof neI1 and Diameter Cosi of BIll and M5 ibs nhs 17 50 " 112"15 75 îï$16; ' 18 75 100 « 7 ' 25 00 150 " 2 37 50- 200 22' 5UQoo 250:. 24 620 Luit oJAlcade'ny. Slea mban(, Fr-lr ~.Churc& elis. ï*îils pari ecularj ac.ta Io WeigttMPrce of H&lfs.t fltzi ging c7 48 150 i) 135 . 532 9M 0 450 5 450 Of 2 0 Q 1 - 50 0 12> 0: -6 8 7 .00 [ ,1400 1609 lote> 0Q 4500 7 1 L25 0% 5000 75 icq25 01 t... i - le ~ I -~ ~ t? $15 ou, d 2 2 (W0 -25 01) 30 0m, ý45 0, 4 001 62 1(W 7 113 Doo i-504 a irge-r Sî:ssmail toard, itl25 ris. hei uîa GuÀRNT~E-~--ti -RelI qi t lte ahuvc rics î'îuuuuiftj aguimutt bm'ut; giby ftiit- -ingitg, foir lweh.., nuî/u rom nu liutofI pur- jv(mn1>y rctiurnitg the brok-îî mie. orJrSruîray lie seýint iiitglithte AmFRnîcas An'îtmuNtAr-ExoT, 310 i-nd ,Kwci - ase a Bcll1,raiftér iie expîiratlion cf lue tîarmantce. 1 alisuw hfi o 1r ltetId 311 -ly. -3J Dey lrtt . 4u'arded F i ri Prize -althtie Agricullurai E.1liibiliwi, Lindgay. I3E ES ta inforn tbs} riertisandtilUt. Public -tliat-for lt i Jiin lose of eisul)uîg" luinusc-f la excecitîe,in te ilu ts i etfet ntaîuite , ail - der$ iiith -iîici.lbc ie Iu ti fî urci-lic 1ls radle huuseif tli-tîuýigikIîlat1rui'tuî-td -uýii1li al ilue laIe intlros-enieilîs ut-ilis art-i uni lbt imug lieu NopesIhoi:ducectie Cuirte uit tile iuu a mreat exceiletuce as iutny maiii utiîls lumviitee. Plie Gm e-yi11ucousaut u oa l ia1c il ireguut-ul te liglit, nuud is liluuîarm-lieet by judgù-r ,1) bu remia nkîublly wcl a l'a teilfo-i.tje Lfpiost, ~ Piusiti o pîly i lo îmica ilnc l- be Jeticuit tif lie Galkmy tilt.pit id fon- Sa&dîsfa clion gireit ievery cse. -e3 ",We invrusialy siifuplv Mr. F.rancis witti te uuuîit--stantibesttetîcieusiiis iha t ca-n ho ýobtuJthi-d, anu heli--te hurt tc bouguata lieuit uet 1 it htis kraulufuil 0-t. I11have mîucb plea-sure lsuriyin lu Mn. Frtînciss iabi iiiy hn regaird to his beirug abtleipu uak'e good ffl ct gra 1)11,. * J. F. GENI 150N" e'The picîlurds luiken Ily Mr. FAtarcis, cf Liiff- sniv ire ats gooid as 1 have sueli fein mlny Di 111 consider the photngrapheý of ~Mr. Fr.ancis- asgood iiiid a$s trité as an~y1~ have eVe r se eru.)t in Englarnd, 1d I ave seeà bmë of tefinelst., 'EJ.~iS B. Mî: Lindsa y, April 7sl, 196&292 The sbeie eie oiaform liisfirindu and the lpublie that lud éOýtites IL) keelu the best hor eneaticst and i moat etiufrtàble - carriages andi buggies,-constantly on haamd for lire. Terna ,extremet.T4Ideraer Framily %ro.eries, &. AT KENVT STPREIJýTL1NDSdYý -1 ONFECTION ERY, Sweet ineatR, Frnits, Pipes. Cigars of lebest Era nm. Cailý at CàdwaU'ià! ýinidqny,2!th October, 1664. Furniture Warehouse!. Down w ifk Iligk Prtces ! The sulbseriber hep ta iaform the iLabbtants' of Lindsay and surronn-dig -cointry that lie bas lately open.ed out a large and va ried stoc k. of Chairs, Bmd Steads,- Bureaus, Dressing andi other standq, Leokitug qas &c., 'ail mof which hc wilI .seil a eft eu iiwer rates tha n have heret ofore been aslced in Lind,ty. Chairs and Sofàs iiiHiir Cloth. n- Famnerais Furai shed. Tobbîng- wil re- relve prompt attention. OPPOsi1 (Crown Land Office. LindayTebnary1865.8 TuIE RIV99o f ni-.ý A *onderfuI treat 18i*0 river of Tinte, As it ruas tbruugh therea1m of~'a, With a fatultiesa-rbymei and a musical chii, Andi a broader sweep*î a surge sub'ime, And bonds with rheOe&n ditears. Tberela 'samuscal isie of tbè:riv*er of Tinte, -Wbere lte:softest airs are plmying; Tbere's ac l-odIééa ,ky and uÀ tropical clige Andi a sOngab &wet Cýs.vesper ebine, And-tbe tones with tbe rose are etrayixug. And the. name of thise 15h 1 Long A go," .And ws. bary our treabuires there-_ Tiiere are brows cf beât. and boaoans of suow, There are triukets a ai trcetou f, bair. Tticrs are fragmerits of?4g thit. néody Sint$ Anti a -part tif an infa nt's pryer ..:. There*s ua lute Uoswept aird a baré withoauî strings,f There are broken vi<xws andi piecca 0fItinga And thse garnuenta alh. used ta weusr. The re ate-bauds that waved wben the fuiry shore Byth th irage.is*Iiftet'dinteair- An ivwe some.iuuîe$ bear tiurotgm ithe turbulent $weet voices we heard in the tiavs gonet before Wheu tewinqI downtflicrivet IS fair, 011t r eiiembered for aye be the blessetisle, A I l e daWy -of life 'tili igbî; Ani otumoys arè closirmg in 41nuntbr awhile àMa -tlte tsltnd ofsouls be tri sght. A'TWILIGHT ý WOOING. lt9s avfitt 1In lose a frieuuti by marriage. To tele him îdrop imita youir rîomus c-asuouaiîý. alivnvs wvilh a.wliite piel uideluis arii, tuteîueof lace anti ribbonm, unsteui "î aviu iirItiutail vourrself. dýav,îla antiod-i kilo 'w titraitrie bbua bucaule mi aîg cigiti avilI imîevitiaby bo a1rbreviated by' " Oh, iriv <rife ivil -I 'nixiomnu if I amn not hume bi i let u'ic,-otell him About thé 'piik blouiuunt-etitu et ili ie sîmuige ye.ierdaýy, ant be geuîerally ctnttmeriial, au, I illen iniut youi- 'um erînstu i.h'uîly palsieI* 1», the couîviclioîî -: rý xvilIl.tIlluhs wi-fe eve.rv ~,riy :;IiVd btuellua iavu-e. iltém-e's 110 use ini îaîk- iig about i:e tihii, iis' tacbnlly unde-scuriba- Dat you suppose Idli'î feel jealaus %*hcitï Jack MayÀ-liif got niarrieti? Do you stpp1osae thmé gr&ev -cved mststcr ditiua( ipreme willi til munt. of u1m.ia-ble-fîreiîgs tovvaril- mulàtt e L'rosi-eyeti benuty ,wliolimati ciut me oI cmp eely? htottk me tmsa in în lu m~tne~>.c~s-I t bb ru ~-state-'of lim. Btiî Wiuen I foiiil t hit fshe tidmîîijr'c lý-ut, ri silg ou Ile baIcohy ant-i imokiîî' vi-lî ~kuathat she actually Iigibmtd oun ci- o'trt tlns amu ttleu bruîughî ht - liffle ftiob.- eoiz sah ut towiu beisitlets-tIIab s-ticlatgl-. eti like- a peal of memrybe4lis ai n aeei 't4ha'C-es anid uihm s-t:î e liket hav mecorne t uiime- on Snutays, iluen 1 trio't Jaick'Is w%v asnm't a bailti iuslituuin aiflen ail. Ani oxie day. wlii Nuhabroug-fit -lier îiny- wicker-viurk basket, an-i slood on hip-boe t., .qw the.u loo.ie bimîtuuîs on rumycoal 1I capîtu latet' .0 u t u rrmeî t'j.-' aittI . *4youur wifti - is-well fDot exadly s> ~ugvl' or UI ltoîm'î -bijvein-,ami- ;,els abouf a: Luu:ý-but * lte sweetest lt warnaîîi ever -et ey'ý4 oui1Yoîi henI u JeaN s ii l 'il 'k' 0 J'l' suîuý siitJac. srlhiiîli ueck, su as tli îimîk afttor IV-. iihî 'jsa.pp ai11 ilig igu ne. m l Bit l'il til youi , ele~ th y-U oulih l eci, tu.)15c- lur enougli, li attxiti wo weeks a1 r ivanilsba1, a Icuras e >luie; sweet-mni.arRlnto W_- ed g; itii anudipuuutd tai 1-aok aI ilue etiutsO viàve çîimkjust opelilig Ithein fniligeipeat- tl iiiiVt ltcs ot atmuthien i'uivt* stmuudet oil Lure %vi' 1 Jaek'r aumi mwas tliru(ugtm ille, anîd lut) vwas iîtntucIing me la a dupivabe etim ùuf bis wf-.saJ -ipptaich-eyetî girl iua frilslin, wiith a cor-4l braceti tlieu- arî't. Frt:>n dit li mtiîueuut1wals gi.e--l - mimd mîtut ku- b l'iSat ou ,J;uekt eaj-y cluaiv wotn ibe.top rail of lite fetice-I salit 41 No, I tauîik you," wlien M is. .Jick-asketlnie 1mw I wias. I alntirrnuy eup of' chiocohute wvitil iny kiiuile, uuid -to laput Il te ttbl iîlu rliv pioket mn -od f îuty ha imikerv! jtm,- a ( finaIIy,,d iadeirnyuclIf by dh-pmu , th ie xbun~ anhue rtli ti.iece auid Putuuli th- mateh-[-ox ïn 1lime etadile. OtuCod gracins, Mn. Au-ten, 'exi-laimîtd. Mr. aek "wuaîis thme mahler wilh y.,ii I beilieve-I Iiiîk-ýI've gui a eted il, mv euttî,Ilee 1, lmmctkutig a Hl']tetiuiue au Agnmes, ik4-t wa5 haiwvig wtiien urbrace!et. nuitt )ueentiing lui)tluIug. tJak"salît I tual evemig, us lie ~.m rait tu helime awith MeY." ibtere no.use lry îug tu milice -itîr-fI aîWfMi- Jack, squeéeet rny and 6 heiad beeri t h icg fi1 ihe rMul biniaseif. "Do lvuon Ihimur she cares for me, Jqck ýI* 1 alskëd, piaint.ivelyi about a m onth altuer- wuur-~." I ecire hne 1 y 've lthe gri- -i.ni( untutljurap off tue pier, r.n hlig m - :se:f peacably. Now , wliat d0ào'q site îîueutu Liv Iiiinli-g xi àt nlg-lred-like c ae dh -ccu be merciful, andti ell me whai yen thitk," Pýpar Mayr 1iff Iil was about the thirielm lime 1 bail a.;ket tlle q ueRtioit, wVei, hi>w c-an I tell., .A tu-tir You m g weu iifl ask me u reati the Iimn ia- plih1 to. feipu>r a womarm'sbe'ait., Why douttn WaRk _leier je.nself II l'M us ier;' au.J t he col. chii.îie rail Iluongi ne.'Jak.i (aie not fù4r rny ife 1 - ' <-l~ Icauî'î give auuy betten -alvice41 sait :ho, -'onIuiîy rcnàmbeu-,my boy, lial flteart never worm faim ladly.' I-e turtied atway.an t lefI me -standing- in tlie ainber bus1êh tif iwilight, amotig ilià erlun- son elur3ter ut inamali rvsex, an 1d the tail Carn als.of gscarn.l Irî es. Up lte sky ltme n ew mçulon ulng, a îtrved ltread ofail ver, anmd oaa briglit iaubohre its Farce cf peau-I aoeainulte radiant horizon. I Ioolted ah- iu,ntl p the fair atmosphene, dow n at Ilheë=a .Dm e giu-den f ni roers, thirukinixg iii. niu1 peî-phexýiy,how like the .blue heaven %vas Agutiet3' usyt~ant;i maînà-veliiigrtîtat Ilue pmknit- veme go nparikîn ta Ilbletainty colons that came. ati! went lapon hem aoft oheek. . Beside tte >- lowFrenc'ai iitow timuit Iookel oont upon the piaz7za 1 saw lthe flow of muslin drapery through th. fragrgiî gloom-.-- 6- teeM_ .Ma ---fwa (Tzms: %5O~ In Acivanoe MMey. iilove with your semte--anti-doýn't Iaugh, now- I haven'î the couraW e t teil fp 1 patxsed an instant andti ten went on, 1I1T.INDSAIFRIDÂyiOCTOBEa 3,8 love _her btter titan i-iy life. No-m-that isn - ~ - k not sayiug enough- wonid die la make bern -. happy. Oh, ýNetty! caIru' yeu giverme a .UO WIILted.. a Word of encouragement ?-1,tiare not teli ber et -My love, becausge -uîy heart sbminîks go Parties saýd t t i*uoffice, ciîber for sub tn dreail fu-ainthat, h tle't*urti No! Will site . aipume, b ork or ativertifting speak il, di) you thi&k, Nettie ? W Miha. emsefy ggs etalulno 8 break ni? heart ' I spikewîîtutrembling accents, freshfroia - i et'B 7? uidredis.of our'p lteé detjposî receite of n-y sontl-the very air trons have Bot Y& ýfeund it convenieh u'eered I o tb arotnt iune as l'cuared. Ouue b pay Iheir suabseription,3 for tbhe :g intn isilence, unitfuift pulsiîug frag- n rance kif imid4ltummert*ilight, an( l ten thuire yrad we beg ta inlorrim th *as a flatter of hligîxt azu1tre rob"s, lte. failç .if il wilt be imnposble la conîlutue II4 a fàiryfouoi-sîep. Ene' éi. cîti look npatçofi paper atty longeron i-ucIî tprins. News White ari, gleaming. wi.th the 'clàsp of a paper.jaeootpe ge proverbially, ba rd i blodtiroi cI b-coewatroutid nuy ,necak voil-ie 'adi4 ---e.p'tal e a ob e- of fI us- uestleglin My aj t~a epcal o breR&t aPie) *wbIwooi e a-to wrong aîîy ôo 'Sh ~i no-ale w!lnever e r business mita, do0flot lie>sit.ate a mae 1 ho voice waç that of Agiucs l)uy 1 IlicId re.rit about- cheaîing te priuter cut ihe~~~~~~~~~~~ voCsuîii rm.rl n îa! ears9! st4lbscription, or chislin- « bit] Lie hics been briminin- witli sweets ever .i f -m 0o ajo o1tienk since -, ruany a golden moment tuas pasiseto tla mwfbot b e .Ilg te spiriklè ils chaliee ofjuv rotn ry uo- ent. AiIe 18 ruo stpaasilpase.1 ut the wcur d 4f prite n u ail cases eats ever3- cent h the by-gorie; bu M, Huyeiîiî- hr hrem, auflsltbuprorrupfly PaUL nove cae as~cîmdîir~îihik thît;i Iuit Wehave aj des3ine tu ad i$îthe epe-ie bur plea.lig t'lu Axv-it lie: sorrit Neiil àtasa.ilsrutlliuîg in the bàek-ouid. the reriest 0f collectio aUi ueru ceon -oZuery gle-tmir> 'fmi hon hfazel ey-es,îtugl due this office; but- we giee due noî lb. dimnq!zivér ft.f ,erjiyous lears. toaIl Parties concerneth iai uniess'paj So l'un -erfli have a briter-in-iaw L' mu smteuta slî ~ ~ vau, pent is madete n'es anian -eanly (date cosîs wi ing ;b.lornl 4ut as, *the iciet fauten*ig b ntrei.Best somr.agricui cli-kttiunekJ. Wk'gaUti. ndtI Uicfutry tunal frieids arà, Ibis vea- with bouptii. m unv0 isl cîg avioellinIrg u the plati craps, for whicli lîmey are. rmceivmng pri g-lamirusovyîatlugn 1egL ces unreceeum1ed ditring the past W~ H1alloa t' ýaid Iieni- ng 4.ir-py as or fjve vearm, il îe nelta ui oe) Aggie Inieti vuhi . 1>lu u iny Iet-tn- .pee t ecbatevr niilma îîmg arn. lh, Ise u,! iel! n l yi l1 h aha ndinîlo -ope -1 wor.d-f)r sucx a bastit Ll. mm~gerul ýeinn. ~ ~ ur p.i niî~i <nu'v beuurenarus'yexpeil h'm!Ae- lu time C&NADIAN IPCSu--Wîlen irf cept Muy congruîtulatî.nuis. Arietjîo- suh oiPtian. job vwork onrd-ui ýArtl!uriou-y horie you iImuvnreî Ibis e 1.in' wn. Wed la he we"&c We l ve mever .egretîe.Iil . If. )-u doubt. 6i tts meia Junl my Word ask Mms. ArlturArdciu. etil & ercau o mt ON A BENDR. IWe have before recommîndeilud m -Mr, Jo«*hua Wbemlet-rfom ibiuhmook, w'a in the 1-.by I m vellitim-. iliit1aili(iii a re fcr- ot nthie rmaîmntîîuly of r-il lifte. WvV skaw liân al an eaily haur, slightly liila- iîvuq anti surrounticti bo- a tiroîig of (;ouila1 ooif4îslS.witwloe fientisbip %vuas p:i.ucip- wdy umpns by Itle jiligle of a' liî:e hag, of -silver,viviih, Mr. JsxuaWhe'e vtriî freqiîe-mîîiy flmirr.,Zb abî)ve Itis beati. accora- .pamlum mcii filtluecpi-ce of iiiti t ýt iO i ta lie- il touuk . 1,wllAe !Cain î',îîauri'd Jz nialcil --ts turne. Tite stitlO nrt ivas uc %vî vithm ulue iulmcst cnrîlulity, and, then itte wluole trowd wYNid alk rip and- inko onîbm± hle vq!ivaîentlat o lime littie hiug of silveu-. sit ziauîireiurnate thlimmrti.-irOvokîrt nas- suranuce ta itwsnonie iuler ilatuold ti Jcs bV.livelèr, frora Biimbrook-, auu)ti h t ;0% a ivîmle o- aii iIa re O og [t>fi)atch lis limée. We ,axv hirlitun our later, wiien ther ouects of - ner"tic potat ions uiat sàuneit-latternuged uble eqii]i rium of bhis upper sbýînv ; buit sili ,le mi7nittiuitl Ian tiUleei-;îil p.pcntiicuhuu, tu11i ever ami-i anon- woauht jinîgle fleitlili bag, of-Lsilver. ioxv gi-on-t beautifiaHy lbas, tid. itis-ast, upait lite tigîiy of bis pisitloti a- ah JtîuSl Wtlueeîer, froru Bimulunuais, anciî ilîîok 1 whletelm nuiti a redt tolumatch lis tuc. Aîi hebanre- u -lx-tip- <uîanîotiq Iatig 1er aI this irre-ititble su!lyl -tumu uigaumilute wlio!ecroivti n aulil walk nt -anti somt ik irlrbaug[it ,amiic-sonto lu-k su- tir he-r'n.. It wiA- atuiuit e îsit'ui-ug uoW~ ilua of if he guardiaisof thue upeuce liscotverell. aii jt itiube ujeeî ilposth1fie- %r-l-n iîetiler, im it-tk; t a- -I-luit.ge- iad -courue ver. the sp. . -,tuof lu-trea un -utuce vre -aw Ibiiumu a,4t. No a utt fi!ro iii..Wàg sthere. 10 rieSpoFm(inii leu : [mu l!iiwt lu lis nutu naIs'of wil. andti- liath- ness, 11n utile 'b.îg of bSi'vc' was beauil ta jiuî. 21 uî 1pont hic i piroru. Stîtan aval.c:oll -vil- îicif's of bis i.,ilvauel, aru.d iatlc,.t u-idbuOLl e--. ~Jr Jîsiu Weeerwas hnlIleti ofil I: tule st.îiGî, iîihmexiioifSc icatouei 1.1-t s ue s m<m a4l extemîl IlintI lie was ealt)im)urpar i i ii iufô-rraii f hat lia .vas olîl Jvsit(fiue) Wmiee-,I ront (hie) hiunuantd (luit) w1jltui. em(iiu c) ed t Tm.'Vie j) i1iceinam maea ihoueantdalter- Iockimîg elti it. ilmcefrotn 'Bintinik, lui i drau e -b. Ceil iltmj, sIppatrd Ioa have bitlo let. IV, iîtsleisîuiithat, the seau-chii as su:ite beei - melîuuitc, and .1Mn. Juslia aWi-l- us j t sceutinîiigiIhe direolion mîof Binbrook with a iustd but plreii itaf. ailin -1 ion Tines. SA&vc YouR Ammu iuN- .WPýt. cent lutreà ait iis bcolit -r sîteut ta- Ycar àiFI -i 4r tir.o f.-s, eebulet>, ai ni me km-s: nf P,.iwder. W t! t',î , e osavur, the-% klit on it 'aaver m'e îwe.4îy.$"vemu heati ut amlit. day. T'luc-fa r ilmat thm-y dd al' i b i s i n u it u n b h e t oti 'u t h é fo lo -m in g trossîqtîeetiuu I-111W dît -i yî jl il;: ..iot a bîrfàlI oý tuo:I on ouc i-deih, an-' My bit ier Oihlte otlimr.. Brothier fireti lte bail dsIted i mb itte ban-el 'f my rifle. dita nesti lime.ilfired,and broither enngbhi my bail in bis rifle.- We kepi up îb. huntt 1r:-uwelve -unflis.kill.:n-,nea- ly, two9 ltndied Ijufalo'per week,,ani yet broîglt brnelb. sanebell we star-leci Aé stiricial Frenich auuthur sutys :-" Wien. wis aqenleti offered me autother ; but whersI aiMy ito-e ntacee cf temnofferettira ee--.riv ihwih1 to mu ke blui ago1" Wyis a* berrister Iike a ret ail -iiqtuor mieler? ',Becauae b Iis tmssneq depends upun tus sqtanding a& the bar.. Wood aâlhes and commun sïIt, wel wviti water,_ wiIl1 soplté orak of tite steve anti hîi «der.te esioke frein 'esaping.. ite wind is uas"en; but îb cool thtIe bmow -of the ferared one, sweeteuîs titisosmmet aI- mnosphere, audripples te ésurface of the lake iîto elvery spangle 0 of beant .So gomdness cf heant, ouugli-iniiibie tut e mterial eye - unkem ts p"resenm e fet; a"d fre i jUeffeet.4 ci sarroirndmg thuige we a mumd of its -existence- Wamited the toithin gvm wvhou - i.uS1.'p «-pq* hIe m et&* 4e a-: e io h- If hé .e iy. fui Lr luable papen to Ibose of unr neadersi wluo feel uny.inIon-st in lte dtiaestic ews of LlOttit Bitain, of whl-u it gives a. comP1eteý suin uuarir il s çolnurn--,veekly, as weil as a. gouti share af Etlghis!t anti liiteiligemîc Ini~issue ai Satîintay 14st, lihe 701 i mslauuî. a uew story froine eneuof Caplait Jarnte Gýrant, cut.et Second Ici N oue," . -ts carntnemced. We bave reati -te opieingy chapters, anti en - say ibati f lte tterest k-ee,éîs-up thronghoiuî 'vilh. sue àvîgoun, il ýwill le rie of the most enterltiniuy Seri ale. evam 'vrillenr.byil-mat pupular autî11; or. lie Senttish Areican Journal unay bc obtaineti 'fon $2.50 per annmum, andi outu be* ied aI M. 1lay's baoks1ore,> Lindumry. - Conciliation. -Wh'eu Presideit Johnson V-eliemnetly do- clareti that treasun %vas Ilit.e most lueinuruus ff aIl crimes andtisîtaulti lie prtpenly pruuisied, people imagiuîe1 lie.wndso ursl far- mare urumerciful tthle caulquemeti Sanlueru- ers Iluan his uimetiate pnet-ecessor, Lincon. li the iegociationis for tbhe settlement ot lte ilifienliies betîveen >the lxv(Iisections,-Mr . Johtnson lias Ieitlite opliions formeil frunr te. au.sterily ai".bis teneatta u ds,trîhgbb firet few %'e- ka of Lus, ac(,ulancy of the %Wbile l-otse. liseacaiof iuîprisoninc 1:10 r hels lelias pardnitant tern ùn.ui.îtiirl- andi m )t u n etecases lie lias triade lirn- .,;lf very unpopulan i-ibltIllei Republue-ans by u-a tiu bluiih public-,otfices men îvbo iî:.:ve mnadete beves iupoplar by ibeir dicternvuieti Iîastilitv tu the negro ànd lte aboljpîaùàîs. Per-ry andutSbaî-key, bwo nnîo- rions eoppenIeaals, liai? Cb,-euî uppointéd 1Ino1 - vsitiua! Gavernons cf N.1 C'ri-amei Albui imait ta tb. alarit.-j jjtl;àgust of due Uiiauisîs. Mr. obns n uî!ed, sceras ,q) be qnibe opu taiterv aunUiAen ils in- diltieétis tgiviu'lý ig ttp eau-Jy ahlite ativantages -or wbicli Ithe Uion lias àpaiti <a de-aranti -idicli arcnc uw W'lÎitj l na-l.The JMon- tlea ruIW.itruess, iu alluuliiugcit he-etihia- ,ays Ilsat NL- Johmuistuuî is mtha émbeCi- imîict of LordC iregiaften ilime finul ov- ohr.lhmosf Nplu Britain speuit ueanly ilve Ibonsandt aili.on t'dullans iti tte Comi- lest witlii Bon.-panle, andi, heernibl snUce.stui, seuil Casieneaghu t0 th.e eorugmes of kinigs:a ll %it u-ut tuuîte ue 'lsere l'ie iras flatîieed auti cajoieti lui lie ilterrnas, ,lIl ie iqnîeîly'gu p iteanv n, il the ativauituiges (kir wlicmu 3iiltn bt ipaiti s$0 dear, andl wlîielîwere thomnsvitluin hier reaci. Wetbe lim R-jublianswill qi eîly allowv Anmtf v Ylurs9intu go on in Ii -wuuy or tlKe ustitable @Is.tl rk thli tiisappn-batnof lus condu1ta, rernains ta bu seen. Thé Pics-ideuît seerus ta be » Ilut u1ýIabit ai saviuug une Ihiuîg and meatiiný!ratîo- ffuem-, if sve mnay juJ*e by hli .u uîeaue 011 Parsou Bruwiuloi ist fuel bati. Pacte for Advertisers! i'ECANADIAN POST bas a 'L argenr Cirletmation than any' cîher'Néwepeper in.lite Couruîy of Victoria. The CANVIDIAN POST lbas e Greaber Cim- cnlatifîala inte Counîy thanthe cIter t'Ô papers pu blialied ial-Viclaria coni- The CANADIAN- POSTIcoruains a langer number of bouua ide Business Ativer- tisetenta ttân. any chier paper publi- shed inthe Pounty, The CANAIAN POST invariahsly rejecha Ativertisements of an obecenssi clous -or fmaudulerut Chiarater. The CANADIAN POST is disfibted to i sub5crib.rs, fromEVR £0? OFFIOE WITR)IN thseCOLTNTY; wbiîe, -without, -il ojoys a fair Circula- lion in iiumerous places beWemenui- rot £-iriii: TERES OF AD P'ER2781NO. renîîsiodùndem ................ Above ten lines, irfiînsertion, elw ?proesioum' and Busiiies Cardssi.x limas sand 19 06, ~ per annum, *Sfot six mon"h. Ficamàl. 50 tee fin.s, $8 pet annuin.- 13-Meebaul&and cîhers canenatmai elfor a CertâhI same, with the privilège ofha'ing new nitterinsefle ai te end of every three months, en favrable terms._ IKr DsplJd adverisemeflI5 arc e mesd y a maleandebarged seàordingly. §jm'Advertieemat e.mt wilhout Wdtteil jnasrfuua inscrted oti frciiiianlud udeharged ffor11 dîne.,. *% No cestial a&ver Wembents itserted unie&,$ pitifor ii dvance. blercitaits wxu ibe expetted 1 psy qusro tert y.d a% Orurs OdiscomninuinF sdvertisenntm ium bb.in .wrtiig, thurwfscthe't.ihewiI loi e equs- e.C. Blackett Robinaioii, Puhlisher and Proprit tor 'tiJ'ln.-, -&c., - I.iadsay, OA: .- 13i'. O BS ER VER. UNIIAPPY,?iN MO-. M NG~EN 0 F c<c, NI11:s. Thue reo'iuaa i .-emu itb ulomee- tic conufoitlik; per '1 tet .v.a.u 11. Take Danitel the exile. whtî left 1u3 W!s ,ni-ver iig ho see lier mare, take Ta., iiflsu; tbri -e niant el,- bum tuioc-e %eutth mcla Icaunforit PI iut-u. -h h[iu d-icm,î atittie antd co IlVonu c i - Illbe tli rilgr.'~îruu':nrlgcs I -tîiand iufitap;I'V. Theit - ltip, Tiur'î~io- N> ur, CruuY, Srievîî1t, Gray, Akoît-.ude.u.!smuth, Uiilîtg, Cov-, per, allti 1-knoxv not Itt>w ia-unv tome of -ouir bet pueis. J iliWiittf1 wil n w lf.tIoeti, ari- sioui'.ut lien. li is utiui cca j'ta unaik s 1uCul-anile I ii,i lcti ti ui!y4-iui i-m scls-e.s with !.2 uils. r s ri i r:h uiit-a en! littie dîîrini'-tîc iutttt.irui d xufor uts lic Ilvu, certaiu gruavei a-is"iîj- prv.~vof îis puue.Otur mî-upi- 0.-1tans--1 iub'sý, 1oeke, Uit ttnn, litfier- .lae as sz)'iti av as Spi la- ittnul Çiuat. 1Tho céihbale Iith.s phpni.ne ct' -usttcrao the otlieu gu cal t i -turli-t-,uia. Gibbon t;)aof ai leti inrmws -nf Etzi.sh îivhîiity- H-ooker was ca Ïolet i it nit ars-iuuya bltmew. IChilliuigivort', l niurietl, Il urniionýd ilhin.tm- rieti, Leighton tamai ried, Bearalsosiunge. A feir davs simce aI- a - wedtumîg buetkfa-t wa.s given by a s.u-bsItatial fkmuier bles.'j with fine t-auglieu-s, the eldest being it bridte, wbeuu a eigl-bonr, a voung farmer, whio was Nonoured wiîh an invitationi, tîiik- îig, tua doubt, he ottght ta say same:thimtg maert a-ticosnplimentary, oui Ui c vem il, éd- dne.sitig thme biiutýeroin, éaid-' tVVoitj-c-us have g-ut the pick of tbihîiti " iT* uun -U leaances of lte four u * .nfu amsa be it"mi,ïneti, e.re -îv i -HuiJu-tf Couier.- luà bilecourse of msif Mumtis te hallin o f m,.nk,autI siX null'ies, 'à NîmP«eaaliue, Te D4eleae prpng:e ~bixitd atm u- ADMINISTATION 0OP JUSTICE IN VICTORIA COUJNTY.: Tît tb*e dUor of tise Caaiimn Pest.. Startling as the floi&wintr annouacement May be, it im an. undebiable fact, that erime- is on the. increase in varioQas parti of the côU11ty, anîd the Ia slr 3 pow.'r!eots teover- take and punialu nffenders. Tbýe-Magistrates' Court, whieh lias been elltzblished ta. We a terror to evil doerq, has ini part become«a nuIIity,-not fr<utn hs inlîeteut weakueqt, but front the pusliicinou.4 and i mserly wuiy ini whielh îhev mnanage îthe auîditing of the ac- coutils in Quarter Ses.rlUný, thereby' dcp-iv- xrug a valuabile c;as of mien of thelr ju4Iimî- in*. Se a1igand. hwhatein is-the ocesipaion et' Constable become, few .ntow wilU act. if an iumort-uaiiouî ta lotgeJ wilh the mangiA-rale, and ipid in the hawl i tis it funîimnr~' smeexcuse ili matie or alck- ness fei-s.ed, b..uau"e peter lime fier ex- plense is pro-periyv ainet, andi if a velie las Ic Ns hui ed I lo )14 l ôta.try, wuli. s genleralv titicas:>. il is ten te olme hi, wilt î1eit lu pay. TIbi.,;lax.îv atiJ- mêa!ineq.4 in Our n:~srt' hïveb'Éme knoxn lW the lawlcs, ,la vari<uii kectiot18 of the court- tyls'l. su ItOU - erptrali1, Outraires are en n.-ittKî m? nif eve'l lite îIac4titvof.fina!es't wo.4'ated witliî infpttt!tly, xwhuie thoît. eco- m;ckt: J. P.'S au-dicu! n2lbtPîoiirty nF deserving rmtn Ilafw ent-e. 1 knqw net %hat îluas of jucice ilh ese gentie.men ontertainconcem-n. gthoir duties lu lm& filo;îînor reipectf.r tue mat îhjnucl-eiort umttlr which 111ev aàýet Bt ihi,î 1 turmaI d~<dîçî5are onil ntr - aniesuial cn. .dge, 'andi no rtedrf-ts cart îthie-u l-bouni mmme.,ottoW li î. v'ý:éIrî's prècinjus, îviIhoîut an equi>v:.' I te eQslIutb,1 inL'îTy.Ibeils u-.I 111;s rnisenlv andtirîe! ecm)nOrmV ar-' I'Su kclpe.1Mt k-arc ie~i Iii. u Say il 1!, .0 Use applyu.gl ri J.11 P. ill the eouuul-y at.y mur--, amu i te bet wv trinJ&. iq Ce take [;,'v~ in their owln hajulS, auJ lynceh a. few of thq> deslteradn es. This stktteofatis --ply te be diplor- ed, both on aceruiual cf Ui lawless roamt au large, andi the coîuilautIar well-dispo.-J peu snnsare liit fîrn htàiiuz aitackN-tl. It is a maîter of de~p regret iit ai a nxn ms 0 pieîîy tmulrl lari:ze btýleeti ihe JUIiC' ,i thein officiais, about grievancPea loo well fouidetî, andI fnom whiclu saulu-d.tl en tl1ow., but sucl i j lime- caize andti hey, ;ire t4n patent tn, admit of dob:Tti les a.ni. cbuaue~~ f th su OtiSo vaci tf tiii- pa.-.4 te 10 e in-.peceitere. and .-l y pr.'uteiy> n- ,I1u-ir slce is talkeuun J hern, a auJ îîouul it for tîurlc mrîtiih longer lu.4oucreevuî py ;iS4 bar k 1uip luin regar(J Uiftimne is s!îarc a!ike %Witil ithu Conistable,!s tfiat:11*ttpnd l hé Cotjuty kunani aluit,,i tllêir paiy is i; - ed -at une dollar pei da. iîtistad et eettlug îvii Iik u t Once, îbey .have Ita- 'ait fruin anti cmrnpiittlove bee-n repeaicd!y Matie- abouttIbis tie]-ay unît diýapwiuîttné *t. and. bili Il- hpe deferl inakeilu the iîeart and 4 i-lC-uuntv Court fuirllv w l- ' el f ton, c0l]:ýtab!e- Uuat cituhi be got t l attend teo ile Jues ofte raid court. If lia cLangle i ruade iiii h.! rtue-nent of IoePublic tf!lcliofltie _< -~v~Of Obi) no Ieticit or fespetabe mai will be on te cxecute the law ; in faci, we h.vebad occular demonnstr.tlàn of iis al1ready lain he case of the two -pi isons-r? who latel- hoke nul oif juil. Hadt {-t-c1aQýs r.nnbeca et- ployed for their rccapîuîe ilt k a nia-imlrir- Iaintv tiev. wýiu'tl liave been cau ýht. But rua unfants b"ilig ai tleir tliîptuu-a!' non Ilile likei;oodof bin~rpaid ruab .-3 t) tera Ihat iiîev d1iiirtit j1Ž.îIf the Jus!icets il etuolî tlotit.'o ethe Fuul.S(etion 12, they xvouidf ijuul ioso ef~,Ul it4u ~u~ t (Illiv te veli paudl, t h eats Il ihat re- wîVars be given f)r ecîlraor1lumýarv îîgy auti exentions, or as a crp:.ai.îfer Iwoutuds or severe il) 1juries recteivi.d, in thIe ppriormlice u thIiulr dou1es4îor as-,up allow- ance Io sûch -of t1Ie:)n.s silail Ni 1 -1eil injuny neceived, or wom ur ot.bw leri;zUui of gen- vice." Tiis Ad Iha-;iievcu [von a'J', t-t andtiif Our mauuzstraes W';u1.t uuiypra-tt- i us sýpIrut, 10 c~c'lueOý cîunp . 0 tuJaris-c ll~e Uceçnslable's tlJ. P.*!, Il;Vie- taria. -fo a- 1 )j

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