lu- I s- I s i i I & 2LXTER AIT, PI t -o rïwh-ug Conf~r-»rines , '. w0 587 i 'e- 't? bi Lii -a , -ut9,1,6.22 ine JI ; ,u 1 'besutySfVi t »fa iur- p y aim .ueti , tisaIAl e-ias ptb dti Ifevelisd a folu e ls lla the pt ubnieb )X, enerllly Undr p dt, re ent o ltL w 1:7- Thev esc 1, o f iu. a i - 9-t ad- B Ie TN Nm td- - t'iEI faitt ' loil hrüg1n iin hbesuf stey .'m 13-t Zn biet th e hietatedu £ and ('ligharsh'- l t.1z_î eoaeoiodml. R u fer rvl~~sd tepbi Xatar g.e3f- a ailuu1 la Ils,-n;v -a8'en(loncep. d h~ ii aduct ii Bo llevtm, Jai. oh %S (Laie Duleaps) CorertofKkimt anti -llaaUt Streets, 2 L lady JOHN 8s rEEL-E, Pardr AI vp'ým« !lase4the above vel-knovut cen- tri l tîi lotel for a eLerut of' tears, ýnt i hav-, irig. xhoronghly reAtted anti reftlruuîshe.,c .-thme; thei. î glaétluhA ves acru frn.lie tî'v'lIlig pqiblic. the Bri tnîsi u-t vithi the bestt vies. Iîquors anticigars: (ter tht chargre tf goot-Hosîltes. 278-tf (LATE PLATI'S Nl ssu tfeefT o io Aboe ,King Sîreet., fi E Stihceriba--r begu,;toteiaae ta bis fiend-t mani us Publblie, hiaàtavingicaiid the a-, rvriled andi refaiàititôi iuhoitl, sudlie illut be- gladt'a h ave a cal -frnttht tràyvelihg cort- In-ma'>' JMS RCiOKIE R, l'ormito, July 1865. 3~5-tf liPopposîte the Market, Kent Street,,.find- Ssayv. wlieruheis r Pe-ared tu ,iake.",ute Gar- mnelis iii the Ltest sîis-e aud t very reusosud'le cilargeý5> Cultinig dQfne b*ado the si~t e.t ntc ri lA dîeaU;jR(-feree totise Bti- ii M. Gorge Keliptis --239-1tf -<s-. lIn iil rAtOS Ai ii t-îCiî~andsu a gui-i Euat4muetr -.!nut Provincial- mW- Kt- ,: lhgSuor nl, od-r4i -- - <>!ict Olu r. esitl'u and ri-at-Lusw ia uii'trte - s -the b-rroewer j,riieses ýSTt utT, Bar-iers aimît >BF, RlbDF \' \STi iJUN. S. F. DEN.NtSTIUUN. - fuiT ANIIIEM", t1 rAIN' 1iC E NS E 1),AL'-. t>»,1~Ai. -- - - Keiti Street, Lisidsay4 21 LindsyJly l3ul htt8'4. -25t - (La e ~col ~ CAMBRAY, C.Wý. l-I'HE Siîbscriber beýguluu infur-n is fsieat. 3~8-î IlîxtiîleInlete uf ituria uotinit - , tuait lie î. iuu 1ouens.d th(-tutel.ii sCuurzîlraîy lately oucct-ý It I f pt- i e 1 I d iy M r - M c CU .alt n d *a s l e I tu s h glu i t f u r - . 1,e l'sr-I in l irîstyevutrsil iaii-rci- - vsiierîc. iVieutliqllors as icgisrt of -th- ~taiurivei hu miaity. An attenitive losiler-asa1u iai WM. DAVI'S, Propietor. D AVC- Cambra', Seut. 1865. - " 36I 1 ttuýila r at- M. u'eIis? ,&aLOaR, Wlliam kStret, i.1 St'ales l.'taduv., Milita ry 1 jortiCluargy- -r; James Cmens', . ad LDressing (GeoWnesýnd Suie- l'Paitensoti king Uapsmatte up te order. ~i1citel t Ciýttiig deaneti and turneti. Orîers tes- 270 ~pectf-ill- soliliteti. andt.iatiàietion gu6,ra tfed. , Lî idsaty, Jliane 1,10. tlI AT IEIGIIT PER . CPM?. A -PL Soiitr L'uatssay, SFept, 22, 1863 265.lf hsaai Wuri L tllu1 r.- atel ' -w rgeo 94- 'TUE h'10 tri-t Orgtuis. >N, LWîENSEE .o - t' VU' a i île. - - - -a]sig uint and luttd1 ie-qt and t$tiler Il îîg plains aeiî;j 1 Doorftramiesa made~ -embet-, MA3. - 272-ith - 'lll,tatd Agent ;tlso Tibet4PATIOR, O.AKWOCiD, (hpdspiieMt.'A' te Canada Ctrînr o 1 1Caniaerori's l tt tiiStue,) iha-itthl Ain-the ibe- la, (4iaritandti Ouraint t rantrttnage lesiWed on bhilnaftor the hast or %vCýt 0the Cuttrît>' Buiid- 3 %C5t'4, beg~s to sa-v tuai ho le stili îrenatrï1d te - - - - ttr0muîtil' cxe<-aata-al ordem. vti wliî-b hé m>ify _________ lu- fisvolited, ini the lateàst yles and ai tle 1ev- ;ON, TAiLOR, lVtlianiu el l'y'Ces.. ,cAy, thaakltl foarte l lieral 1 t-'d eut hilm fo> ti'l tgt 14 eAUIn? UU3 19>Ift thutt hli suil>urej-ared <out i 811Mtiut~ alt r(hr.; w hîel ho nia>' ýAE1 TLEand ti a MOD- - lra. Croabte Bra.dy t3t~t, i iaking- plipils-allier residence, Rusasel icI ti03», c. Ternmutimae kuoime.oq Pplication. iBla Cottnze, hoasckof' the Lik4s-l7, May' 3, 1~.261 5 , t5 - 3 14-17A O od F i Po ae Ilt ioaer Sgiuai '>Ttt O BE SOLI1) CitEK<P, the: %fiât half oL-t ter,(zhîzu'r, ~ j14 in bbe 9îlî oliaetntaineti ~~~~~0 Ê toteewh'îeli arixaul - acres arte cleareul is ýs-ihj u - lintroantdsV)n met-esreau.tiyt og.'Tus fan» k vw -itiain - -- - -4j miles o-f 1iutisi.t 144 6miles-front Ometr'neai, a short, distanuce fron i i tilWay. À -go R TAKI~ G. eaudiiig rAad mils in pari tf th: kit. CAIETAERsd T*n.A portion tif -the mn.>'eylown ; and- g. IN-MAE and tnsraeih- .l. hala"in 104 years. For fairher pitrticiîlatu muestnuncea enloh osr s aalupi! to tht. owtetJohnilryiuOpe, or te ai'hiIe-street, Liiuatisay, a- Messr". MAOKAY -& HEAP, u-Nitut Squtare. -ul4iBoiiosLindîa>'.. tarse, simd trusts b>' modera teu --frbcOa aiaFu-teb Drivisêu a chute 0 Uo<bsrbe6rhe -fo - e a oentUlm lu )iher rIte i tâteq ift îsa-ike ou - lw tac'E IrFzlý OA*4 " bo LMiS than 'tesa»k st *hil ' - - tirer, These Déf-is are fittéd -wi* 'oke, Stgndlardir Jrank aud dt oo"p1eaýs. - tVeigt Of seIao 1 d - e UrCost qf lftuiaga- t12 50 50 13"7150. 2(0 22 50-00. '250 « - 24 u 62 50: Ldat of.Ac ad6, $Iae,îmhw&4, F&e-alitrm,ý el VAUos-kRei, wih k ,rttçudar* ad la 27 ?W 69it1 01 70 1275o 4 a- 63(» 45 01 34700u l50 52 4090 b,10,44 1800% Sb i2 40 Wl 2560 W ào-f 600) .58 500 0 63 w 156204 2'50 1 0 - Q 65 - 5oo ..2(A MI0 au000 6 50 00» 83201 - 292 Ou 35)o- 46 87500 87 001 j932-00 640 lot)() 00 10 .Oi 100, 00 4580. 2. j45 t141 13 6001 1013, 5000 7à- 125)>'001.15 01 238()- uarger 8uze-,x .Maas teo oder ual25 ci.perpourd. Quu,& rrstËW-Âi Belis solîl at the gbove ric-s t. wrr.rusaed agtîiust breakage by fait- ringtig,-fort-uelemoaA-f rua tune eo' pur- is"agt, ioulti nue fua il,'ý a nev bill WAAU las -us-s-n b>' rettnriih-g the- brok->,n oas. Orders müu>' li sent thuv-ugh the &ilEiucA*«N Aoii zlaixo AOGnOY, 8.4Broadiray, New ln ce * Bell breaks aller tiie expiratlion 'of the Warranlee+, I shmlow Autf ptsce fi dmhoad: "31'ly.3~sey k4treet, N4 Y. *wzarded Firaf Ps-ixe ai the Agrticul.tral, I ~LO bhior 1~sFiienda un4 ie ub lic i to CxeCillei i lthe .i Juet efeet uMAn1er, àItl or- lerc1 With wlth e .tsi"Ay be f'*V1red-'he. bae malle bhm,3lf thoronghly nequaintéd t#iîball theiLte ifi PrQVemi~lýtSin 51 141art; and beng u plied itii!ihe be'st eitermals, ltnoas& hee hopes to prc4&ce £4. Ci-rie dt Visile ini aà great excelelicu as a.iy"fiade in this.q"proviftS. The Gallery is iaei4)us and (avorablysi*ýâtéd ini regard to ight, anid is ji&od by jgdgee tolberinrhbywl.qt' r thje prpyà ùf mnaki ng cur4&ýt likenewses. r- Po,,itivtIy no pictures will be let out of- the Galèry .tilli pa:id fo)r. sat&iefactians ghwusin cry Case. in.variahl suppiy. F rranels witlh tlie purest adbest clieiiits thât.cau te olitained, ,snd. belleve. hin to ho tborcughly acqltainteï. Witll biis beautit'ul ilrt. " neinuh ptei-sure ini eertify-ing. to Mr.1 Préiancis's abiiity in regard t @b iseîg:able. tï. make-guod lot)gtpbs. ..GISN> ilThe pic t tres ta.kenby Mr. Frnioh Id ~~t reasgod as f bave seen fr'mb ma ny o? thé boat Galleries. * Wm.. >DON.NELL." 1 consider the photogrkibs of' Mr. Fianois aq gooýd àad as tre as any 1 have evew' fsee iii Eng and, sud" 1 have aeeom90rSof the finest.1 JA?4IB.MUIR.", lýindsy, April th, 19635.' The subscriber dos*,res to iafr. lis friends and the pubIic that lie co.grwýes to keep the best- horses,, neatest and uiîst'cormflrtýtb1e cariqge> andf buggies, cou*lantiy on band for bite. Teruu etrea INoeratf.. Famdy Grouries, & CATVfEI4'$ SXEftY, KiKNT,8ÉRE-'àl J4NDS/IY. - GONFECTIONER, Swe.imeas& Fruits Teisi Ço&fcg,G OS6 Tubsccos, and Fac7 pipes. Cigars of' tue boat B &. (4u M. O*Aw.U'os Lindav,2<ltliQctober, 1664. Furnititire warh".ul! The subictuber bgstaom thihhabitants oh' Limdma>'sudo uroue x ounîtry that lueël bas lateiy ouened ot alarge and vsriect soéuk of Chairs, hi B eads, 8uelujs, Dreasing antid otitet- stands, Looklog <Basses, &c., -ait oh' vhich le titi s&eU atmich ever ratils thain bave lterêtofùre Ie., aske. inLindsay. - £au-s and Borat ii-Msi* Cloth. 13' Fanertis Furtisie. JeAiuing * vii e -WXL, WRýTz OPP04W co âp Lai l'e:r r utGi.i i u . - Uikfo di,- I"aothtsuk Le té of 4w m. tituade ho shedi -~~~~o anodiubat îvsd dear. Gome, ÀAntuma I with îby frittti-l vale1 4t plenty *ave on e$t.ry breeze, Uet-gong b. hee.rd in ever>r dale, sn aguag the ÂuéiAàtumn trees.. Thrae Uts the ripened grain,- TAdsdoer summner day now gone;' The,iet va rittàs iàthe il se, Aad sngls ht:r h«ppy harv* t sous- Thé sumtmer silence now is gme., A44d natuire now ber tale;would tell; And ird agIn r-evthei og Idb *a eforeriy bld the year f4sorweIi. Oh, ÂAitamn, with thy hirvest store, wbo wotiîdfot visb thy praise 10 slngs* wiht1ilahlee life vould'be po more, Wfth thceswu welcome Na&ture in. In oun dap s the highbom and tieulthy lve 4arnaîl ii,Iùeeit l lia vmoate thé salis- t>' ofeaitilan uthe law. -Hôwover the nerat eîauilOtray bu unfriigéet, Ille cilm-itai me -is rilespel . -hil breelles of' pi vilege dbit-rarituwrsetic Jeliiqtletcy is chiot- ycorpiai, atti iss-i chutiraciter Unt illse se severe.l penelalty inounteti b>'-tée ffel- Thon. are, lîowe-ver, vithut pur oiî t e-- îileiiar, smu elitltty exceptionis 1e le f'In M.-mtt fet s nrr rink il a-Vo 0cca- chI> n-Éeuîteiil :1etfiml*eewai-cuittititia* id as tIcvei-eima iTscista>' tlemaidc te imepartiali bacul' oh juslc.e viited-thse t is %viii galait igaàtud a eveuîhj.. Ohîe iutitiiapjiy cases, onie t-Vil be te-, ve thé rée mii eap tliogimbqa-tu)niapriiush- îrmîet merex - a raî sympaliy-ani lîhiili-, R-litt'iu-o as ai.cuordatl Lise ier if, ilte llthe ,, lea-ncr ethiets iarilîr-d uit ïjustice reaini vcialkebajar %Lexatuder aapol Titis utbifontufiale geWtemfan %VasIllet de- Wrt-ltýLt of' an aiaucisrtt tamit>' in the flic.- nids. Havrut re(noV tc aniray at ami etri> r.., lue ,st'rveîl uudec Sir Raliph -. bercunnbie, i sas .E1yp,) liai pantuu-lanly disli',imi-E t11-sîied iicf.-ile - v sras inatsteiretfî: io i4he -2Iî btmîinh, a. brevet tr.ajtîrity, i i.gsaisi, la t ,vofiut'ee lime seititiit trauiii.tif -ilii i, Cel,imtiitit , thialbewee~n titese Cura tit etidialily exiuteii-Iittle Pallas 01~-îîkîî luciaumala iitual slsie equemîl ai itry aitereatitiis toti.k gplace., lis,' te to-mpas; of t Carepbêhl, uottîîîai-l -airai vu-asraitet u-:tîi ie ùcoolcontra- iCmr ailit-it oh' tuis- wîfuri1uate V it i se T'l'21m negirnsei wa« quaitt;redi New- tg seitù' ut oi-eç blaar CiinijbelI corritcatîs!- e st lthaI i--a m.Alleri iiter. -iii tie oi-tetf ctiîve*rsatîni,,apuu uvlfiC itiat Camapbell hli'givers ai ander tîe- tss- 7ctiyý:i, dn~.îte. :A-hot atît lteasing aigu- je-nt resulhet. UnfiUitattely limat uvoii--' he meliut-lmsblu t'à&[ emstit)lsteil for thé, teatre, wbere thue fRt-eurq- liait paiaerised n lay, auJ 1h. tisputarils vure- 141 ftlogeliket t ýa et -imelît uhe î 'a ju'tictuis irueuid muglît iaveet'l eii i~cttlrpu.ha - tirihui, Wiue, ail exa-pdimueti I) 1ta>-wtt e roll, cei-etl a: prifesi<iial u-ulCampblul lelu rie.tlibl.e.haittenoî u id - trtnuusoadin]I hi pisioha, relur-uet, suait for Captait) Btvd ro't hbitebtu ait iiîîîer mcslmorrièd-thélI to, in Witiîootthe pIese-tace (sif tn.ora -i.ite-s diaaleit itasite-at islaitc iciui. Stuoti t'ot>itaei-haigd.amti lu the tir-J fi e 8tyt (ii, mrustumiiy uiîutîîîded. ,Thé d-yita14 mais wt-as romotîveul to uta-i uwk.ttomansiCamp uoit hiusitrmaedtfria thé cense o-t biliot. Th. trin- cf pas-sionm hasat &îlbsiîieîl. a- &iltiie bu>- soir of' tii. wreîýreed touiituiidc was toiture' nuttîtul èhsenzy lie rushedtis la tc hamubel wI2,ere hautis hiil iiInauippartuttlby iaa uit4 r.ùs.teil wifo, tand scunarded ,by his uuifani faiiuly.' - Thirawitgl- iiianaehî iupoti hi kiésîes he suinPieàalu-di aruieti, antiurgeai Belýyd 1u muirit > liai éeuryîlhii as f-air." 'Tit Iyiiiig man, whts@e stilf-trigs vere'unience. oe lse repe.iid etrealies tif lie. oppoitoaîî ýrpiie.(t, t'-Ytu', it wus tain-but, Ça impbeli y'ou rire a bil. mai- f hur-iudm,'ai- mhbrtty afier*atte expircd iii Isis waifouarm$a Wli te è iusiii Ccil WattI comma Caruhel bI tott.N.i lempt watt matI fa gitfaimb, ant ieu righî have- rùmainei an partial iretrirnitt liait be p1easuti . Bt hiis bigha Spirit eau h i îot brook concealmieu a-ii,ý ceii*a -ry to the,'esrteaties etfbis? amilý a f d t ii.oapu tii iutie o ft hi4sp ru lf ssaii n a l ariv iser d le determiuued to nisk las;triali aiin due-tirn surr.utld imsielf, i a1 ho suiant nsizruM -Froua thée maeit lteé urtiienate duelit enterrhe i.priduai1t gîtes, fuis rtiiîhainti g>? tieicatuiy siemne-atiiir wtonîthé Cu>miitit;serttt oh' ail 1 wthirsThe governor, - crîsfi.lemî i îLe buioîtant 6his'pni-msaer, subject leti ita -ne rettr4l>uit. lie tocuplitl hiC agrtimensi îif lteh uet-e rittî'lr tii. buildiniz as pleaxes<i-técaeï hi, titius-held *utnne himimma!d5 iie ti*asis acaptive buti cý ame., 1 "al ner :forgel ithe I3th> off Auru 18043.1 airiveWliit-a.Arrnagiîthe evenuutg ,the Mlajor'. triai, ititv vrhen fen-teu-edIl lusý vt«hiict-îley veUIl pranouone. , TI trial lîsî boira tediotîs, twihight liait falle anti lie bail etimetticia vas rerîdureul loumrlie if posAgiible, irom tIlc Partial g laremîtf-f-r cau ieuace-I miputithe .benoiuvhere J:ul1 :0 th yrsse-u ccp n hillinig frt-uttt 4 -525.amltiau'Icha' of i -ei eI btir-at'aIte-iu. and i tiattlaitinLltk.-r ir;ureururandi fuiawoui ber carniage vîîh - i ti i ime iti--i- .;Liîk --i il vradd W î 1» ~ inh reyes, iitvukitug blesàitîiguson ler ja;ur- Fo IItir b1841 urew c 1ul tiiePranceq' cuti liait1. Thte Yutltllý% iri -, ney tine~~~~~~~a reductitin utfdt-b. i tet' irst 0 i 1 ttittra'i5 , .'Ottii iai s The- commigserationof - ail -elasset vas Aprif, 18,51, il ivas 83S1-2.»ZI5, fiait' SI at. J punflit ~tCr5-m5i, by' th@ le-iglt <if iifti -then <'-ime the Ciirnaa tatiatrua .th 'a.died. between the trial a idi death dut in luidia. Irnatii[tsîuiiy 1o11'wiuî isur -PLin riN eNi', M a r C a u rp b l l. I n , p ris o al - bo r c iv o d c ta u l e u t îe c o s s ty . o f ii e re -te à l e x p !ciiu ;e -- e a iî u r h sl t f a k - fi froarubit,- rientshie mist conistant andt de - )Iàeii-g the.uavy utilulariny i-t Prepara;totîI iît-1 A ptir nP tuak:- le licahe alueutioà - anti ens -lady, lte wif oh' s neial Euruîa)ear witr. Tic Crtnacta a--Irias Ll1,ma 'n l, -ilwo~e-ervplly P-uhr il Capti -,sold ont 1lett him.Site reid Iita atrs havà ljteurCa,5-d îhe deht -iame hai udt fii Vl «wai~vitu-t-t tu-,iÏ r u t to iim, prepareul hi& rneai., citere-d hi@ Ihan alil tu retlictiuta liâicuîhioave Lut'> ie i-vmrd t il ttCtuuî uP > ae l;, spirits e hci ha droopeti, iait pertrmoit inade dua -it<, art> vearsc, ai i ae-tty i t i - vu'ay uaun utt i. --tlutai - - y, tleýue geilî.Is o$nuemî oh' kindiacswhich are uioi b tîv laui-$, ,OO ,îof tif ilauva-mia-r-ta- î ,1-t--t' eI i, sü peculiirly the .province ot voinant."Wltîua ii hit k Coîsis, bouiriît nore t3 Pur i et -Tusl d i Zîebi un ti:àitlA.tuIrie t'iîlelgeus arvéd thal Mercy colti nul b. enî.-mfilnper. -platde -was-abaut to be handeîieîh rw.îd he.- es extended, and-liai the law muît have its - respe<tive pevuîeziV1fV the proacier ma-tie CoUrtle, ïsue bolhypiàmied ant est-spe. from 1Toit mat>' mefl- i, this hor't ail liess tuu the ctungu-eg.îits ei ist prison, bat Cumpýbel!- recoileul from a pro. - tien ltai île ilev. Faîer MusGinua, C.-C. ini 1'From.the .ymnpathy i havii -meseiin n- poeiiorihat wotiîd compromnise loi,4 lituaor - atielltqietit sermnon .on Sionda ia - f, fVrur couilteualtccc, ans! t-he dtr1iattenttti 91n -w;îthetuskeeper. Wist, le ë exeliimeÀl, ':îonmicedlepartieil wgo haiui been the meant o. i-'thave Io-ao)urki-.) wî:. ttiffl i i in when às.uredlimafdolhei-wisieis case was oh eiusraliiu- ir u uueuil-tili itlite - >ae îtiii fam.a fraid i uf'tiiut d'Ui t i ho 4àpeleea,ghallIli break faith wiîh him who mt-%shes oh' Fetuîuti.". n theu 1 1 ueî tuf tte mV ft-el iir!î'iel-i iti e«tu'a m.tcA; nat-v il it tristei inilitf 1 knuîv ni>'fate simd arn pre- Roys. gucnlemildns aiidres,hc 's:ticfhui itii ji.r-ny daiît'>Ioilform Vou, tha t jucheo. thouzh se pareIlt neet it matefuill; bl rnoyer eh-ah)imben infirrned <h'tprt- t d rt i -- lta! soP1et-una, .1110 aayr bd s pri-'w e.r- eil I z de-i.h perigotu wlo confittet-i in>' mitai-tthlie oalh 6f-di.doalty,.-anitIthut if hc uirtnm iere ro'ity ; l lit boueur. - - wotîiiild fiai corne forwarit lie ,i-uli puaithe! aihatunimttlIyvtit 1-Wupot ln Y*iuir umIvi tii Twoeveing bsoreb. uffreu-, rs.officerifoh' ju.ttice upu lui-c îradtc.. Ttis ix adit Inch.Ia uvoril a'uerstuo1, -'.hat- - urgt_;!im earùeclJy la escapeè. The i botldhi, atutial-a ; isbeu flen ust ~mlîîit hpitin-v anvtiîg itfltu tcoe truck t'wolvei and. Campbell liinted IriAh priest basaiàlwaytsbeeru lte fuitlàttlî ji-i-eplatu, wt- cam-it pty MAîà det*îi 1 oh' ish t waa tmeeh ah old rù..As.,>40. hped h i luk niin tieiî-uunîniiui lte - uteetI i na i tai lusaie proiduoed Il lie ai, ho à5Co4ttptttllcd-lir te .gate, send -on authors ofh' utsbnse sas n jeiuiumttV--m-ast oei.uvugoulci qr- erlIeninxthhe seeper'. eouS eym on î~ Ment the Rov. F.îîher NMoGinn h as tip!yî te fatal s &ME"[Ca pluelacet] big fingeran moral <'itirage iian a nble fideluty t-it- NTChi,;Vetenpea îî lu p--o feUe w1 ho esaid in a whigp rtru-ivh1 le. a cnaprciuei îaîo de f' t bi.-dfairceoupanioi, weuld il ccl ble apity mut heartl' adrnire.-Duidalk 'Examniner. of aeiveuu ihe f-illuuwi aig n (o -" Ak id tao t w tîu~dméurb him? Thetu, takîg 1ýytho ktyis mErJohn Caineron, cf Turent>), %V e i', wuil ac sot tup lit- na1 Isype auîd p'akg-li't to gpe sfiîlyfrotn lits table, b. unlocit-k eullbouler Mttintuijoiiber oa L'le S-,ariiah River, Gour- oaoin'ihc'ieeft pe. -t wckt, Càmlpbeil, aid i talady,,it sga~W uuthi h'Mattoui -satti- ii Whste a tadiornciierti of cthke i- .P' si- th scrietip of, yaer d.stuay-tilii i. Lb. sü,)-.arrive 1 ai Qtebuse vîth afilne afî,btîonîwI sptcuipct<iSVilreJte as mul t pe-horses areiratis.,au by Laites Hurot, >Erigi l3,>-tinuanti tae 1 il bc put c1Pcm tîte d 'fitif~aeai ani --Thtecon hvici put bis handu acroas tuer River-Se arnel ubeadaeacso tt tpea Ht.îra1ive p-attry tiil buqr il msuuh-Himh Ih. repiieti, as h4 génÈY tl ehutidreti Miles by vater. HtIVtî »tienl' n 7 .)b à>W% '..Ver. e-i ed- foreed hler eut, vwodud yotw havm e t laîn Jauy 'dhat u ehru'tiiIoe~ufs ens i il 0, a ~P s Pf dit. Mv promuse?1Biddisig bse u, Sd tfigth,l1ëime. There are 170 00fuli talai ai an-tM unt ir theraothin kîieut tItheabdit",,-'l '11 hava pca ài- luakusulthe wicket*careh'oIly, replacu théu. Ivh;i.iis cemràiweà, f rut -I i. li iu i.-n i8 e> agetpa-id thtid M*wup- aend chanibuld wMtout t., CanetnBYatee iodsiluC p< pritiu ptry thal cati bebe a~d barri>vOs leerI, Lit I o-yFthîteo Ove' ls, iniIO-na - I 1 1 1 .4 Î4, _ - uder, 91p.? aimumifh ois Iw5 o"eb.FIMI l I. a"ltihe eud of'try-t,e.Ohf haserted utlfIÙ&Meogf-ullie tz. Nie le ai qo- w wtt.i. i e 0 aU* P te__ tai""ut TH£ IQMAT%'> s FOD 4h..~eute~ma's *er- Is~.Th'tite tiiitô ioii onf , he M'net x i e Ir té m et* i ,4 u h a t' - O t h é i > eiad s d n o v h,> ti tr ' rt p a e Ille (t o mf ? c h i i ts A h l sa è , 1 ~ > eit teel ffe*d o jtt45<~i~I13I. Ii he t W~SId hO >iit I) ~ ~ItJoil , d o - 1lo I ei n 'stetreeite tnd lisi haï.nt41ý tri- ',front of Ibo bar, h 4bitéd Id îdoWp îunatin;,-4-"d oitier - ttyiiig hqurihat awtaitt1ia ,îî unl hepue'iui Jî *id i ý4&I1J1fwovoSahiad bMu*,l, h tIhW.Oi t îdoy ih4e bivoj' 'ial a owi'4 Ir. i -h1ii nea a~ uinr th o wod thst w ould smal' claewtod 1111 y.s, 111ilo Ca mnpbell >elle( t l îîfw lisup rc dtle :ha use o0 er w - hs detiny-isIuîbe and'octuapig fi. 2w ay o irÇlaoý0Ztr&orduîiary 0V0i11 t. :ïits i cI i ttaoelrc <J L ssrs .~ rtt gae bN~1i#atiÀiutecfoImdoe . yenc t a î rr,. T î-,lî~u s~e4.e'u y uaîrd iahila 7,o ¶ iiton p iso oer' ae is lpsa W efda- ' measedatl; 4cIfî4 white 1,16 tî.~.îî;-u-s i, tiy a ; a aiWy w4,naldâao. vue .fil - t aad- t-oriçi4,1 stî,ue b.ulesl ightmt ____________i_ dru olu sio ý p.lhc -pus bV'te eh ju r ino-aition.Wa aih eafàa ihaftil.ïbl ~ ~utwwe' 1ur~ i ~ U 4ed, iSfor t&A W501;W l§ý# ftcin . n is.a he y i. ark c f tuiyo;a a'und0 neîîgtepos croriandUuity a-cIantlyauwerd, ct>nlîeeecuionr, ri1fuiyd-wusCl, tg)- you r r uliec Mt tvtu ouf fcehng. wearl ý msu", wa. iLt ie rave-the prisoerbeof d auulfor ae ic lit. eesfo imtai the e t't.>l l ïulac . sd0e i ie~pet~uy t îl jry-heî, li.lîig e ealmly ducirIled ui p.oeu d. mi akcar yu Via reulct!IÙ asus' îeng* r u farc nipamniedn it fioar, . recmehnafelf u prehat tearneeîdfdal ert hi'uch l ib.d es4lIy lu rttspkt9 y tee 10 icfil eihî,ant p-epredtolisen e s souloak h. ruiitsfroa.1,zot2e-urd WiChil r-_o)-os ,IabIj<dit eDA l u wal i.~ hit um.S gg tiy Jpue Mynee assé,.curt.d ag.buefuaifpoceib-e 4 ia tew. &-l îir ý u-bud aid uir atl ëlt'be l ± 1i wa.h ie fatal a a tieilgr ave-* fileprr oun-àhiul(t asakehifrio icie"_torat-intao, i lw, eqtneJ tvut «,4, U I i «10~r.în:be cd,i n ti abtlheard lhiesn celiitii. bselauchosy ed 4ntepcd. an d 4-itae cateiî >#u,'icl f11 i d- > llpatle em ir-l- prîst fir'. fante was beiuîg d hird, the si- garrh irieaitond furwn ad"li ere meiîhp. ilr fres-alt yL Ibeuatirt? ewy-i h ite lerhAcf the cout vas b-ere byamoteret-ds hold t a boe 1%Wtan ràt u nt i e %ùid 'lutietif l ai I) itia tt ï alu-toha -u ilit 1s1b; ut . h SI i J und ce aassei andie ef apoei fî-e h lba-l tu ç lt IIuiid >1 ýi - i.yo r l-d w*te-hl. "iel'ar4t ha.a moreily n oor el, e ibutc l wItnstaiierioki iniTdentte-iur. ft otiinttiqa iI c 'ir last Il 4-t t'J rt. k fri lue slîyips ti.hearavis"tte . d iri, alightunderi lî i dat'te -2,1ut t bu pr-s eil Y-urt- ' fel4oiiâi m aepeM' ,e i -a'i- s glatîtIfboorturst rostati. aediirat itI litinohéiiiad erd t isil ion ue, h eyur 'it ol te ft î.aP",ýul ohimn-1.1 n;d prthe Hil fand s -idig *ho .throed the i- eraml, teu iuderi;.and.he - e mlip. Yt>ur stîtîeastViesit auti ue iti m but whetî t heed a wi " ae, , anie sufi«rerfirNtaponed u.tthe fat.l dotr, aiiitfrt'tl tw1i1ie fo-4 ey à. u t-Il' otei4,1a"lîiuîgey onb-,ryed httul I îm ewe rity el h ofauuuish elcd 'm nlTe r .ati Wih pai t~ br iene l mak1 ý»f e ! u., ily (linle ai h îlpeiof hapy eoait[rmr a hi everybayouutivas recpeunou )hiy à r li-t eît.t. ailète hx trati of dhoru us rti .uai. - Candaunpe idreùiii)sci e oýrd.lentIi 'un iii u iime ,ac sin- thredHihan slremik hi, trtidis tlrieten tielicV'.lietyiees-Ila e uit-' utuî-ned i siste lE OLD OAKE2Ille mo E t. keeper'. con1fid-(enee in the honu'ur of the con- ta heav.%n; every clieek vas b -Ith,(li - uted seàoildier. Otthis teIta 10 othe jail. bears; evér'y lp uttered a pray'er ftîr: merey rhe "O'd, Oake, iueketl" v'as rhten aseqrance thet. bus wul ti fit e.cape Waà 1 r-- at the ljudgmfeit seat; and when ithé. boturdI,*by Sainuel B. IlVjàu tht, witle yet iie vWao qiiirutiandi given; and te the liaiCmpbieil -e~eîi-with thîuiîtluritngvioleince, an- a jJ)u>riey;nan i-jiewikîx ta lis etantrtle 1 1 a îîjoy alfgie corniort andti lber- notnced the rnoruttrOff dîselutiolà. tlies fear- ilhe conter of Ctiainther andi CnattîstrvSeet*@, ty tié prisn could, afford.. fui groain that bur*t fruîm the excite.i suîliet> New. York.. T.'ar by un Frantuîi St. id à .méatiune, -.trong exertions were Made ta will noveir bc f4rg'gîeîî. drinkimg house kt-Pt b>' o11, narned-± Mallory Save himn-Petititioiia frein ýthe jury>"- the Afîs.;rbeing su-tpertled onlytHIl lite vas ex- wiîere Wottiwrut au sveral particul*r grand panel of' the* country, and. the inhabi- lini; the body wus pl*Àcedi n a she 1, andi a frieîîtts ured, lu .rti-irh.:. )its after.toiiu lt*. laris of' AmÀ ahl efrvtantéd'tothe Lord ho; a i waitiig, sud dr-uv. iiiliqiiur 1surefexcelloîtt. Tu. p-iit-. jîuînat"làttheé ju(-d--ë4elined l e rpdt.ah roan f ii-xreîl eeieti in%;piruilby il; ifor. fr-akna coammenul the convice, anfoonfeýqiently theeldie e. ovsyd, Soîn--Tîtere drangl, tul, m.ttli iiidi êaat kih(~ovrîuent elnetite iatufer. Athte élan ami -relatives of thée decei-d vr s tkmgti is lc.rdMîlr' ai -rapil, -,howaer, vawu 8,01 Joyu, ta allow waiîing te ar, Pa u tiue tîhi r-d-vie wat, su peor Ioi.nyitting hhWul eUe tus eýcase of h'ie onfortffiate geutîinan ta b. g ritl. lu imne î iibers îhcy, escorteti iasied. stibtritid to*te kinîg. ..the body l t t arnly corneter>', ai1 l in lite 66Nu;" e ait Maliior>, "Yeu are iu*1ffl - 'n.menta ogo~ of Cmpbel's aiacl-poeut'. words, I"they laid tiiin i bis father'ô thfere.watt fite w;:îtthiiW boUl treîO.i> cd e ifvafuria time severe beo lnur rve1 fi r,î.'ed l Iai- aîa tdiiî." ancesbut by -a vondierfal exe-r.ion @ho etro- WA R ONOSWhat u ia t a .kad WV-d -,rlh 'lied suffjic ititit ude ta enabie her l te eldubion4.I> tînut in l f--taon fuir L tu uthraw hemself a ainlub ~tanibe i ,t ni ti ruuug!iît. of'ptire,.free!u. îîprin., W il Iol The enational duebt o-,'drîk iromntu it ull îak-' tl!queea's feut, auîd 4mp o er coei is- e tathe r- 4)deliuaon ii ui .terarîal., Tu cross file Chatînel. before uotheri:iqui-shrnetit of the o'il" -l tiii i-<in f-bùcket tiliat hrutg-j lte %#e Î, atcr ur r«imîrli 4aihall bee-à jitroluceti vas tre<îueltiy irrowinsv theefnr,n mettpjublic tei i-.ftî»:u aorhtcfileua.t:rydys anIwheu hedy'Ch -l-su-nimor." îsdim~ aut? îuuîertaîn, laiy Ciarles 1 bo ritawed larzely fton I iipaili ho teutr-drops glisienti1r martii t-a het-I e-nearest, point of.- embarkatieifrî amnnt.i r er pama<re vas iiiserrtiptcd *, a gale or un-zaus; but ail bis dellîs were extiti z' lied-I Wo,,(Iwortl'uI ye. Il Tii,. irat," bho.ire~ ta-saiiviuienw e vas agitig, aoîd.ever>' pac-ket 6byfle Rev ulutiataii. h watt nalteutier hic s unpace. U oî-sae iteolo ie îesot1Citîrles Il atiJaines Il. îittilite fautjlatit>n larvatrquuddiple- stolIn-staed l t -0oÈte Rie. tiestod Hliflufe liiteiy rélaruis'il- t-be tuîfit" . gî,.p- t unlit teptier i ia clatéIe fuxqitiite vretch- raPraîa îltw» ad~Egaîi ~Iil peu. an:.i!j> hali r- trhe -1 O-i Otuwn u'auîes. he uis e' ltaibeiîgtvîo~nîîeOnthe scîwce.i;sîvau of tVilial laII it ett'bi Rit 'k-t," cîle tu n sIueig 1utîianp).. 1kvett best un earîh wetionanibcu-ed, andtialu s S3-42l3 1 Driu ibt.g. ii ojuuurr ~ie vtre.tdv ai ie- reahuîte eatt- rery va.tub~de!hie syîsein of caeit. was escpan-icd niroug- - î e,în»î iiîe nories u The ktorm %v.aî a! ils.heighth- a anin tain - oui Euruope. A larze p art of lite aiunouai ex- laus sèéa bu-tku il te e'hatbt'ur, whie a P' ltý . h'heGueuîn-u wtstevdsi~ic1tîgte.iott crow d ani.iotmly aîched MIe progress-.1 ~b orniuzmoeyajpe~ loSau ANClIOTE OFLME QVSZel.- ihugboat,- which tunter hIe sea-reets-d tu paV aftnnIaýl îteresît t]t it . -AtIîuan tie-tfithe dm44 uvs Ï8,56-2.19-2. Frot L it-1- ealivas Was Struggling ta beat up ta the ail-tneî i r'stmtt rxecu nioi Whuîste Que'u's father,, thr Dflkae o - las ùde co Pl -diti.H . chKenut, wat io tar, 1tliq, reii ent v:tictt Ticsiuceg c lie til bak as fr1as %var, the large pâ.imuelit luiî ceuvail c f LC-'uiatt .tdu-,lnsiAiii - lie uertii-, The spray fIlcw iii sheels e" oE'q t-atuu,&. - r~ic, :;ibe1u l muttî;lisy hfa-t oie tervauu isovie-4 uver hIe ma-st heai nifrqeui hutlImepat-e, - tt. it v itetï rat- o, iiutr ir t-s ilimuai, tvlu re taVi-icîtu4li iio. -vemu-el front hie vi.ýw of-t1 thleeon tore. But beeliîîav l (u~'aaî-i - 1 . 1?4îî1 %Vt'ei îCle tuk - relu"l;e i1iî'une frt îGî.ara- »~~iaînarî-'hip pruivai ~~~~le kli ier vas weathu mI olaso'lt I-t llu:~ î- ti r. lie t:oîztttscrai yiih-,ai I -tvuJ otuîkaîsr 11;hiult. as- A l-trii tuait portel - - uvtIana.rOa---lsui evrI fC il.i It îdhtilidii iliîtuibra-4u ing